-4m THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, OREGON. it 13 SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1920. orman Johnson, JJlehns E SEEKS TO (LEARN REAL NEED, THEN ATTAIN GOAL! J Norman F.' Johnson, associate ' secretary ot.:the Pennsylvania i Sab bath School association, has ' been elected general secretary of the .Ofregrort Sunday School association, and has . accepted the position, ac cording to an announcement made bjr the state executive committee. H will arrive in Portland Septem--ber 8 and will at once assume con trol of the Oregon work, which has been 'without a - general secretary since Harold F. Humbert left on Jitne 4. Jbhnson comes highly recommended to Oijeron by officers of the International Sunday School association. He has been interested . In work among- children all his life, and for 10 years donated his services -to the Pennsylvania association. H$ has worked every step of the way .in Sunday school work from a local Sunday school ii superintendent to the state office. " j fb Pennsylvania association Is con sidered the greatest Sunday school oir arilsatlon in the world, and Ore-r!n workers feel as though! they are getting a valuable man by securing the first assistant field worker of that . state. Tijei knowledge gained by Johnson Hn - his Pennsylvania work will help in put ting Oregon Sunday school work on the map. .fohnson 'took preparatory! work ; for cofletre at Mount Hermon, Mass., a school founded by li.i Moody. He attended Bethany, W. Va.,' college, a school .of the Disciples of 1 Christ. I On leading college he served 1 a pastorate of three years In Pittsburg,' Pa.,' after wtfich he served a small community for eight years, where a community church t was organized. During this time he affiliated actively with . Sunday ..school work. , r - ') 1 , i , ' The new general secretaryi is a firm believer in the new training: school plan, and ! says that Sunday school teachers should be trained for their work, the ' same as the public school i teacher. He predicts that these schools if properly handled will solve the problem of lead ership now confronting n tne ichurch. When asked for a statement as to his policy in Sunday school ; work, John-i eo$ ! answered a local officer by mail : "Itj has always been ray policy In all my work to find the real meed, and then1 try and meet it. It is hard to say Juslj what the details of our program ; (in; 0regon will be. but I am sure that :' this! general' policy of work will ; lead Jus' to the right program."' .' firs. Johnson t Is busy looking after three fine youngesters, a boy of 5, a girl! of .3 and baby girl of 4 months, r the week following the arrival of the ; newt, general secretary will be devoted ".to:;a series of rallies in several of. the ; East Side churches, at which Johnson t iJU-i u ... ' " -hi. 1 .".!- M Have YOU F fid v ;i EVANGELIST Louis K. Dickson In The Big Tent Pavilion 1 Cor. 13th and Morrison i Startling ( Forceful Entertaining Lightning Flashes of Biblt Truth evealinjf Satan's Stronsholds of f j- - -Deception A Great Bible Sermon Every Night Subjects for the Week " TONIGHT j "TURKEY The International, i Barometer," . SUNDAY NIGHT . r ' "ARMAGEDDON" "Can th League or a League ; Change the Prophecy" MONDAY NIGHT ' '"SPRINKLING VERSUS BAPTISM." ' i TUESDAY NIGHT . !"THE SIN OF REBELLION" WEDNESDAY NIGHT RELIGIOUS PICKPOCKETS" , . THURSDAY NIGHT "THE NEW COVENANT - RELATIONSHIP," . . FRIDAY NIGHT ! VPRESENT-DAY PROPHETS," f -i - True and False SATURDAY NIGHT ' . "PAGAN LOANS." , : f SUNDAY NIGHT. SEPT. 5 'CHURCHES AS UIRD CAGES.' THE MUSIC A SPECIAL ' FEA - TURE OF EVERY, SERVICE ' Everybody Sinjra When i v . COLCORD LEADS ; - Regular 'f'r.Xs'ervices,.-: Resumed SEPTEMBER 5th p BIBLE SCHOOL AS. t. 11 A. M-SpL a, 12 s 10 ::.e.h. fe::ce, pasto.i GUI j$5ew 1 un. )cKool Secretary (Sleeted ij i t 5 Nonuan V, Johnson, associate secre tary of the Pennsylvania Sabbath i; School association, who will arrive here September 8 to ake charae" of Oregon work.' win h thA main sneaker. - If Ar ranee ments for these rallies are j in charge of Harley K. Hallgren, county vice president, i The state committee appointed "to se lect the new. secretary are EHton Shaw, A. A. Morse and the Rev. S. Earl Pu Bois. ; i If t, , , , s 1 - DIRECTORY Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sunday School Lessons : Golden Text "Solomon Made King." I King-i 3:4-15. ' Solomon Made Kings." I Kings 3:4-15. . i: GoMen Teit-"And unto man ; he said, is wt'dem; and to depart from evil is understand ing." Job a8:28. Young People's Topics ' , ' liapti.t Union Christian Centers." . Rev, 5:7-10. . i st Christian' Endeavor s- "The Beauties and Womlsrs of od-a World." Ps. 65.1-13. Kpworth League "The Beauties and Wonders of Uod'a World."i ! Ps. 65:1-13. j 1 ' ', ! Baptlrt -l First - White Temple, 12th and Taylor, breaching by Hey- J. Wliitcomb Brougbf r. 1 1, "Are Yiju a riiristian or Only Religious?" -8, Hornets or Stung Are Men - or i Women the Higcer Fools t" ! Kant Side K. 20th and Salmon. ; Bev. W. B. Hinson. Iter. H. T. Cash. Preaching by Pr. S. 1. Ilcid. i 11J "Tlio lireatest Thing in the World": 7:45, "A Strange Journey.?' Tlurd VsnoouTer and Knott. Bev. B. K. Close. 11. 8. Arista- E. 64th and 48th ava. . Bev. Owes T. Day. II. 7:30. i Calvary EL Hth and Grant. Sv. . 3. B. Thoman. 11, 8.' , " Glencoe K. 45th and Main. Preaching by Ber. W. T. fciprigga of Medford, at 11 and 7:45. ScUwood Bethany -Kev. , W.. I. ."errts. X, T:45. Grar E. 76tB and. Ash, Bev. ; F. W. Star ing. 11 "The Unseen Captain'; ft, "Where Ig norance u Not a Virtue," followed by baptism. University Parfc Bev.- 8. i Lawrence Black, tl. 8. Swedish 15th and Hoyt. Bev. T. G. Sjolaa- der. 1 30. 7:30. -'. St. i Johns Chicago and Leonard 7 -.SO. j! HiglUand E. 6th and Alberta. Bev. Walter L. Uiley 11. S. ' Mtj Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett, Bev. J. W.i Anderson, ill, 8.;; ." Elim Swedish Msllory and Skidmora Bev. A', ti. Sandhtom. 2:30, 8:80. .. Lents 8Sth St. and 60th are. Bev. E. A. Smith. 11. 8. ' - Second (German)- Rodney and Harris, , Bev. r. Hoffman. 11, 7:80. ! fJathollo Pro-Csthedral 15th and Davis. 6. T-1B. 8:30,! 0.45. .11.'. St. : Peters Lenta -Bev. P.' Bentgea. - s. 10:30, 7:30. , St. fcswrenc- 3d snd Sherman Rev. J. O. HuElieH. I 6, 8:30,. 10:30. 7 :0. ! , St. : Francis E. 12th and Pine Bev. J. B. Black. 6. 8. 0. 10:80, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Usry Williams and Stanton-H-Uev. W. A. Usly. , 8, . 11. T:80. i Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. . S. Olson. 6, 7. 8. 9, 11. 7:80. , St. Uose E. 63d and Alstneda- Bev. f. O'Farrell. .8. 10:30, 4. F I! R S T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 12TH AND AI.PER STREETS Rev. John Gibeon Inkster tVictoela. B. O.) WILL PREACH AT BOTH . SERVICES , ' ' 10:30 A. M. "Jonah! and the Gourd" 7:46 P. St. f "The ' Menace of the Con- duct of Christian." : FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK A2TD MAtlfSOX 8TKEETS Broadway Car to Half Block of Charcb. ' , DR. WM, T. McELYEEN, FH..D, ' ' 1 PASTOR. ' ll! A. M. " "SO BB1TSSTI.T MIODLJIMEJT ': j SEEPED" ' 7:4. P. M. "DE5IE5TKD DIPLOTACT ' .40 FREE SEATS WESTMINSTER AT, vlvania (fcxvertM j - important Jjewnj The last open-air service to be conducted by the City Federation of Churches will be held Sunday at 3:50 o'clock in Peninsula park. Dr. William T. McElveen. ; pastor of the ! 'First Congregational , church, will i preach the sermon. 1 L i The wefl known G. A. B- quartet, com S. posed of veterans of the Civil war. will ! sing several numbers. 'The combined Jages of the members of this quartet total ' nearly 300 years. The quartet consists of J. G Chambers of the fourth Indiana reelment : J. a. "Mammon.! "'""s" cavalryman ; F. M. Earner; of the Twenty-sixth Ohio regiment, and Philip Paul son of the Twenty-fifth Ohio. rr. J. Francis Morgan, pastor or Pied mont Presbyterian church, will preside: Guy E. Curtis, choir director at Wood- J lawn Christian church, i will lead the singing; a J. Siefarth of Ockley Green United Evangelical church will play the cornet : Dr. George N. Taylor, pastor of Kenton United Presbyterian church, wUl offer prayer, and Dr. J. Ti AbbetC supply of the Woodlawn Methodist church, will pronounce the benediction.. .!;. ,; , !i . j BAPTIST l " ! " Dr.' J, Whitcomb -Brougher, pastor of ' the Temple Baptist church of Xxw An ' geles, preaches at the i White Temple again on Sunday. - Dr. Brougher's popu larity in Portland is evidenced by the ; crowds which filled the: church to its capacity during ute last lew weexs tnai he has filled this pulpifc. This will be his last Sunday in the city: and a cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at both services. Walter Jenkins will conduct the congregational : singing at the evening service and will render a solo, v Mrs. Alice Case Vann will also sing at both services. , - '? i In the East Side Baptist ehoroh Sunday morning Dr. 8. J. Beid, stata sranreliat, mil conclude hia month' anpply in the pulpit. Fol lowing the state Baptist eonrentioa at Corralhs. September 8 to 1 0. Dr. Beid will commence hia cTanceliatie work in the southern part of the otate. : His first -csampafgn will be at Klamath Falls. Or. W. B. Hinson and the Bev. H. T. Cah, pastors, will be in the pelpit the- first Sun day In September. The Sunday school and younc people's societies meet aa usual. t I A nine months' leare of absence has been rrntrd the Rev. S. J. Sjoiander by the First Swedish Baptist church, in older that be miiht OF CHURCH St. Andrews R th and: Alberta Bev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:80, 7:30. . i ' 1 The Madeleine B. 24th and- Siskiyou Bev. George F. Thompson. 7 :30. 8,11. Ascension EL 76th snd TasahiU Franciscan Fathers. 8, 10:30. 7:30. I i Blessed Sacriment Maryland ' gad Blsadena Rev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin 14t. C. Baymond. 8. 10.30. 7:0. St. IgnaUns 8220 4Sd st , 8. X. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:80, . i I j St. Stephens XL 4 2d and Taylor Bar. War ren A. Waitt. 6, 8:80, 10:80.1 17:80. I I , Holy Redeems r Portland blvd. and Tancon vsr ava Bev. William J. Diriaaie. 8. 10 40. 7 :80. - ,-., St Phillip Nerl (Paulist Fathers) B. 16th and Hickory Bev. M. L Ferry. 7 40. . 10:80. 7:80. I St Clements S. Smith ava and Newton Servita Fathers. 8. 8. 10:80. TiSO. I Sacred Heart E. 11th and Csater Bar. O. Bob. 8. 10 40, 7:80, St. Agatha K. 18th and Killer Bev. 3. Comnusky. 8, 10:30. 7:80. i :v i St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and Fafl bsg Bsv. F. Matthew. 8. lO :&0. 7 :80. St. Joseph iUerman) lBth gad Couel) Bev. B. Borrer. 8, 10:80. 7:30. ' St Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Bev. 1L Balestra. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. . I I St. Claires Capitol Hill Father AJoystas. 0. F. M. 7:80. 8:20. , . St Charles B. 83d and t albert Bar. 7. P O'FIyna. 8. 10:80. - All Sainta JE. 80th and Glisan Bsv. Father William Croaia. 8. 10:80. I Bt Patricks 10th and Ssvier Bev. Charles W. Smith. Masses 640. , :ll, 1040. 1 At. - Christian . i v First Park and Colombia.. Bev. Harold H. Oriffis. 11, "Freedom by the Truth"s I 7:45 loe Myth ol Personaj inaependenee." . i r East Side K. 12tb and Taylor- Bev. B. H. Sawyer. 11. "The Two Ways": 8. "The King dom at Hand." Bodney Avenue Bodney and Knott. Bev. S. Earl Childera. 11, 8. Monta villa E. 76th and Glisan Bev. Car roll C. Boberta. 11. 7:80. I I Woodlawn K. 7th and LIbertv Bev. Joseph XX Boyd. 1L 8. - - t ' T - Kern Park Bev. T. H. Ghormley. - 11, "Hid- oen roveee. .."v i . i; .. i Taeernaole B. 38th and Alberta Be. B Tibbs Maxsy. H. 7:80. i St Johns Central and Oswego. : 11 I 7:80. V ' -Christian Selene . 1 , ison mibiect: "Christ lesns.? j I First 19th and Everett 11. ' Second Hi 8th and Holladay. 11. ! , I Third B. 12th and Salmon. 11. j; Fourth Vancouver and Bmrnemon. 11. r Fifth 62d and 42d ava & B. I 11. !, . Sixth Masonic temple, 868 TsmhilL 11, S. ' Seventh Smith ava. and New lork. 1L .. '. AU ehnrck ''Wednesday, 9- , . , . Congraoallwtiat f First Park and Madison. . Xht. W. T. McEl veen. 11. "The Growth and the Changes in the Idea That All Men Are Equal in tha Mind of Uod '; 7:45. "Dementia Diptomauca. '-; ' Snnsyside E. 82d and Taylor. - Bar.! J. J. JSUnb. 11, "The Final Rule in Christian Ser vice"; 7 ;45, mniom services, preaching by Bev. E It. Martin. i Atkinson Memorial E. 2 tth land 1 Everett Rev. E. E. Flint til. - Highland E. -8th and Presoottj Bev. Edward Constant- - 11. . - t - . r Wsverlelgh Heights E. 82d and Woodward. Kev. Oliver P. Avery. 8:45, 11. f 1 I Laurelwood 4 Btb ava,: and 65th at S- E. Mrs. Alice M. Hahdaaker. 11. 7 .30. ' Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver, j 11. Ber. A. F, Myers. . - : ' if - - i L'niversity Park Haven and Lombard. ; Bev. C II. Jnhnoton. 10:30. 7 :30. , Finnish Mason and AJbtna. - :l scev. A. A. Sana. : ' and 8 p. m. 4 - 8L i Johns i BV - Ivanhee and Bichmond Bev. W. L. Cpshaw. 11, 740. ' , Dsninh-Norwegisn E. 2 3d and Bnmner Rev. Ol Torgessen. 11, 74C. First German E. 7th and Stanton Bev. George Zoefaer. 11, 7:80. M - i Seaoad Uenosa B.- ath and gilrirlniore Ew. Htrrr Hrten. 11. T :SO. ; - Zion German K. 9th and Fremont' 1 .. Bev. 3. H. Hoop. 11. 7:80. ! S I - Ounhtrt , j I -Chnreb of Se Brethren Bortbwick aad Brat card- -Kev. George iX Cart. .11. S. 1 -' j Episcopal "! -1 : I ' Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen 18th and Clay. Kt Bev.' Walter Taylor 6nm:ner, bishop; Very Rev. B. T. T. Hicks, dean. - 7:48. Holy Com munions 11,? sermon. -i . r ' Trinity--10th and Everett r BeV. A. Al Mor rison, rector.- Services 8 a. mi. 11 and 8 p. m. St. David's E. 12th and Belmont. I Bev. Tboma Jenkins, rector. 7 :8, i:S0, 11,17:30. St Mark's 21st arid Marian, j 1 Bev. J. U. Hetton, rector. Preaching by Bevi F. K. How 7:45 p. m. ; ard. 7:3". 11, "Faith and Works" oaiiy,- T.no a-'Bs.- """ . r s i ir . St. Philro's 242 Basselt ; 10. 11. , I Arch deacon Chambers in charge. ' '- ' ' ; . 1 ' ' St Andrew's Hereford st, Portsmeatn. 10, 11. Archdfaeon in charge. ' i -Grace Memorial . 17th : and Weidler. : 8, Jl. Rev. Oswald W, Taylor, viea& i I Good Shepherd Vancouver and : Graham, 11, 8.'. Bev. John Dawson.-.' - r St. Michael and Ait Aimli' & 43l anit Broadway, Bev. F. T, Bowes, vicar. 8, 10 aad 1. - Church of Oar Ssriont 60th ' ave. aad 4 1st st S. E, Bev. E. H. Clark. . vicar. 7 .30 and 11 a. m. t Bishop Mom " Memorial Good ' Samaritan 1 . t V V T t m , a acjMMbei. jihv. r.. a. auwifuk ana w:ev a. m. tst Panl's, Wixxlmere Bev. Oswald W. Tay lor. 4. All Stints' 25th and 8a Tier. 1 Bev. Fred eric .. Howard.. -10 aad 11 U :-. . , SL John'a Memorial E, 15th 'and Harney. Bev. E. I. Clark in charge. 11. ' St if tthew'a Corbett . and Bancroft' I Bev. W. A. AL- Brack, vicar. 10 and 11. , BvaiNjalloal i First E. 6th and Market i Bar. Xara Maurer. - 11. 7:80. 1 Clay Street 10th and Clay. ! Bar: Jacob Storker. 10:48, "Poverty of Spirit, What Is It?"; , "God's Revelation In Natare." I Swrdish Tabernacle N. 17th I and Glisan. Bev. J. C. Ledin. 11 Swedish),! "A Page in the Iliitory of the Martyrs"; 7:30 (English). "Joseph as Type of canst.", . Lents F. B. Culver. 11, 8. FrMst tNtrUrOdtst Fi5t E. 9th and MiB ' Bev. Wi 3. Johnston. 11. 7:4S Central E. SStb and Flaadera. Bwv. JL L Haningtca. 11, 7 40. j of Portland's Churches and ?oung return to Sweden and preach in the same terri tory formerly eorered by his father and grand fa tber, who were both ministers before their death. . Mrs. Rjolander and the three children .have been Tisitinc in Sweden for several months. The Rev. Mr. 8jolander sails September 16. He has left Portland already to .attend the annual Swedish Baptist conference in session at Worces ter, Mass. . While in Sweden the minister will conduct a series of .evangelistic services. The Bev. W. T. Spriggs of Motif ord will preach Sunday at Gleneoa Baptist church.- . CHRISTIAN f i'" ' ' i The futility of force., law, or mere cul ture to make men free will be presented by the Bev. Harold H. Griff is in his Sun day morning sermon at the First Chris tian church. In the evening he will dis cuss the menace of partisan politics to true Americanism. Mrs. J. R. Thiehoff. contralto, will sing at both' services. The church quartet WUl begin its work the first Sunday in September. The three members who return are: Mrs. O. B. Biddle. soprano; Guy Mannan, baritone, and John Deegan, tenor. For the contralto part the church is making an exchange with tha First Congregational church. Miss Nina Dreasel will go to the Congregational church and Mus Beatrice Palmer to the Chris ban church.' .-!' CONGREGATIONAL The Sunday program of the First Con gregational church includes four services. At 5:45 a. m.. Professor David Brace, for four years a resident of China, will give a. stereopticon lecture on "The People and Important Places of China." Dr. W. T. McElveen will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. At 6 :30 p. m. Harold Mc Ewen speaks to the Christian Endeavor on the contributions of Immigrants to America, , - The last of a aeries of union meetings for the Sunnyside district will be held Sunday eve ning at the Sunnyside Congregational church. The Bev. E. R. Martin will preach. Dr. J. J. Staub will occupy his puht in the morning. EPISCOPAL The hymn drama written by Mtb. W. R. Powell around the story of the trans figuration has been noticed in church papers. This drama was presented at the ML Tabor Episcopal mission on the eve of the feast of the transfiguration. If ew church buildings have been completed at Seaside under the supervision of Archdeacon Chambers. The group of buildings form a quadrangle. Bishop Sumner will confirm a class ot men there on September 5. Services will be held at St. Stephen's Pro- SERVICES IN Alberta E. 30th and Wygaat - Rev. 8. L Born 11, 7:45. I St JJin K. Bmhmond and Hudson Kev. B. ii. Blackman. 11. 7;30. Lents Bev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor 840. 8 40. . . ,: :" ;', ' Friends ":. - First E. , 88th and Main Kev. Homer U Cox. 11, 7:45, .union service at Sunnyside con gregational church. i Second K. fd and 61st ava Kev. Luran U. TevrelL 11, 7. ' l West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Bee. Carey Jaasapn, . 11, 8. ir 'Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12tb and Main Babbi Jonah B. Wise, Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p.. m., Saturday 1030 a. m. Cvngregatioa Ahavai Sholom Park and Clay its. Babbl B. Abrahamson. Friday, 8 p. at; ftaturdur. 8 :30 a. m. Congregation Novab Zedek Talmud Torah 6th and Hall Bev. Abraha'm L BosenCranta Friday, 6 p. m.; Saturday. 9 a.,m.; Sunday, 10 a. m. Religious school. .attar Day Saint : - Church of Jesus Christ of letter Day Saints E. 2 Sthi, and - Madison Heber C. Iversoa. siwioa president. 10. 6:30. Reorganized Church E. 76th and Irving Rev. C. ,E. Jones. 11. 8. ":: . , Lutheran . St James W. Park and Jaffatman Kw William K. Brinkman. ll. 740. St Pauls K. 12 th and Clinton. Rev. A. Klaus,. ! 10, (English) ; 11. (German). Trinity (Missouri Synod) Rodney and Ivy Bev. J. A. Rimbach. 10 (German), preaching oy ev, vesieraamp; 2 (Kngnsni, preartnng oy rtev. o. reader; 4, organ recital by Professor U. Becker: 8. sermon by Rev. G. W. Gaertner. Church for Deaf Rodney and Ivy 8, sermon oy Mev. u. w. ertner oi Beattle. Our Saviors . E. 10th and 'Grant Rev. M. A. Christensen. 11 (Norwegian). "The Good oamantanf" Bethlehem Norwegian 14th aad Deris Rev. WOhelm Pettersen. 11. 8. Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Free) W gaat and Bodney Bev. B. A. Borrevikv 11 7:46.. Grace fEneHahl-ie 24th anif Bmadwa Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 11, "How May a Christian VDiam certainty 'ihat He Is Saved r" Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ns Rev. L. P. Ejoiler. 11. 7:30. St Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Bev. L Ludwig. 10:48. 7:30. Swedish Augustan Stanton ' and Rodney Bev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45. Immsanel-18th and Irvmg Bev. A. V. An derson.., .11, 8. II: Portsmouth Lavely snd Fortune Re V. S. O. B. Knutsen. 11. 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap-' man anq salmon Kev. a. U. Koppeimann. 11. 8. , Immannel (Mo. Synod) E. 15th aad Leo - Bev. H. C. Ebeling. 9:30, 10:30. German. . EvaojieUcal Church of the Redeemer 15th aao Vygant 10, 11. Ji , ' Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Salminen. 10 Sandsy sebool 7. " . St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) MaBory aad Buamore-j Kev. jf. Hioderer. 10:30. , "' .1 ' tMcthodm Cnlsoopal "': Carton - Heights Rev. G. S. Brown. 10, 11. 7. - Centenary E. 0th and Pine Rev. Frank L Wemett 11. 740. Central -Vancouver and Fareo Bev. A. H. Maclean, 11, preaching by Dr. W. W. Toungson. 8. Mace, i 11, "The Greatest But Least Used Force in Life and Business. 'Clintooi Kelly E. 40th and Powell. Bev. E. S. Mac, i 11, preaching by Dr. W. W. Young son; 2:30, platform meeting; 7:45. Dr. E. C. Hichman. i ,.....,,- Epworth 2flti and Saviev Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11. "The Fruits of the Spirit"; 8, "The S. O. S. Answered. I First -12th and Taylor, t Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30. ."Faith As t Factor in Life"; 8, "Impossibilities Human and Ihvine.' t First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, "Making Good in the Battle ol Life"; 7:49, "Brand Ideals of Future Life.'-.' ii Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. : Bev. A, C Brakenbury. 11, 7:80. Lnt 86U and 68th tTa, Ber. T. JL Sibley. U. 7:45. . Lincoln E. 52d aad Lincoln. Bsv. F. A. Ginn. 11. 7:80. l MonUvflla E. 80th ana Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11, 7:80. I Mt. Tabor E. 61st and 8Urk. Ber. S. G. Decker. 11, 8. . . Pstton Alberta and Jllchlgan Rev. G sorts H. Bennett 11. 7:80. Bos City Park E. 58th and Sandy Rev. D. Letter1 Fields. 10:30, 1 7:30. , Sellwcod E. 15th and Tacoma. Bev. W. 8 Gordon. 11. 8. -. " Sunnyside E. 35 th and TamhilL Rev. W. F. Imeraon. 11, "The Kingdom ot (iod." St Johns W. Lesvitt and Syracuse Bv. W. E. Klostcr. 11. 7:30. I : Swedish Beech and Borthwick Bev, Abel Eklund. 11. 8. ; . University Park-Flake and Lombard Bev. H. T. Atkinson.. 11. 7:80. Tsneonver Ave. Norwegian-Danish. Skidmora and Vancouver, Rev. A- Christensen. 11, i'are treil sermon. Weateyan E. 63d aad Glisan Bv.D. B. Bampe. 11, 7 :45. - Westmoreland Milwaukie and Midway Rev. E. H. Mace. 8. : Wilbnr Multnomsh hotel Bev E O. flick man. 10:30, "'The Marks of a Chriatian." Wooditock-'44th and Woodstock & E. Bar. L. C. Poor. 11. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland. Rev. j; H. Irvine. - .11. 7:30. District staperintendent Bev. William Wallace Xenngsoa. ,D. !., 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790. M. C. South lint ' TJnkw and Multnomah. ; Rev. J. W, ByrtL vll, 8. TTTi mI fr : v nh mA - - A. M. Bowers VI ..::,., ' Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane. Rev. J. G, Bringedahl.- 11, 7 40. Brentwood 6R til in. etwf ITM, O. V. Fowier. 11, 7 40. Highland Park E. 14th and Jarrett Rev. W. P. Keebaagh. 11, 8. ' Scsndmaviaa H . Garfield Rev. Daniel HaUatrem. 11. 7:80. Prwabytarlan - First 12th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman. Preaching by . Rev. J. G. Iokster. 11, ''Jonah and the Gourd"; 140, "The Menace of the Conduct of Christians." ' Westminster Rear 1 Tth aiwt B.v.n.L u Edward E. Pence. 11. Bible achooL ' - Control ssumes ( Cathedral Sunday as follows: Holy eon at 7:4ft s. m. ; morning 'prayer at 11. and young people's service at :30 p. m. Ieen R. T. T. Hicks will preach and Miss Myla Chambers will lead the young people's meeting. LTJTHEBAW The membership of the deaf-mute con gregation have been invited to use the new church to be dedicated Sunday by Trinity Lutheran church at Rodney Ave nue and Ivy street. The customary afternoon service will be omitted this week, and the members will meet with the regular congregation of Trinity Church at 8 p. m., when the Rev. George W. Gaertner of Seattle will preach to the combined congregations. He . will speak and use the sign language simul taneously. Miss Hulda Isaacson will give a visual presentation of the hymn, "Christ, Thou Art the Sure Foundation." Mrs. G. W. . Kreldt and Miss Selma Hagen will render a duet in signs. Great Is the Lord, Our God." Beginning September 5, services will be held in this church each Sunday at 3 p. m., to which all the deaf of Portland are invited. The Rev. J. A. C. Beyer is directing the work. Tb9 Bev. C. H. Bern hard wilt preach Sunday morning at Grace English Lutheran church. . In the afternoon the congregation will unite in the festival service at Trinity Lutheran church.' METHODIST "Faith as a Factor in Life'- will be the subject of Dr. Joshua Stansfield's ser mon at the First Methodist church, Sun day morning. In the evening the ser mon' is to be on "Impossiblllties-t-Human and Divine." Central Methodist church will havw Rev. W. W. Youncson for its preacher Sunday morning. The congregation will join in the union open air service in Peninsula park at 1:30 p. m,r and dispense with the evening service. , The Kev.i A. Christensen, pastor , of Van eouvRr Avenue Norwegian-Danish Mrthoiiist church, will preach his farewell sermon Sunday. He has been transferred by Bishop W O. Sbep ard to the Danish conference. Before leaving this country he will visit his. former charges aa a guest of the local congregation. They are Oaklend. Cel. I Fremont. Neb.; Humboldt and Des Moines, Iowa. The Rev. E. Sutton Mace will tell his congre gation at Clinton Kelly Methodist church Sunday morning what he believes to be the greatest but least used force in life and business. He will preach Sunday evening at the . Westmoreland fire halL The annual Sunday school picnic for the chil dren of Laurelwood Methodist church will be held at the Kenilworth parte-on Labor day, beginning at 10 a. m. Friends and former members of PORTLAND Harry Nugent 11. i Calvary --11th' aad Clay. Rev. L. Bowring Quick. 11,. preaching by Bev. H. Brierley. Mt. Tabor E. 55th aad Benaoot Bev. Ward Mac Hen nr. 11, 8. Vernon1 19th and Wygant 11, 8. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrstt Rev. J. Francis Morgan. 11. Fourth First and Glbbs. Rev. Monroe O. Everett 11. "Prayer and Progress." Kenilworth iC 84th and Gladstone. Bev. L. K. Grimes. 11. . I Hope 78th and Everett Rev, H. E. Giles. Rose City Rev. Donald W. M. MscClusr. 11. . Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Rev. Ward WiUfa Ixmg. 11. "A Keynote Mesaage"; 8, "Weighed in the Balance." i Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bar. Theo dore P. Smith. 11. 8. , Anabel Rev. t. H. MixaelL 11.8. Millard Avenue 63th eve. and 70th st 11, 8, preaching by Rev. W. F. Pottamith. Marshall Street 17U and MarshaU Bar. A. J. Hanna. 11. Miipah E. 19th and Division. Bsv. D. A. Threnpson. 11. ,. . Unity E. 7 lt and Sandy. Bar. . 8. W. See man. 11, 7:30. . Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Bar. Alex ander R. Evans. 11,8. Holt Chinee 133V& First Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. as. school; 8, 8 young peopla Reformee) Evangelical First 12th and Clajr Rev. G. Hafnar. 10:45. 8. Reformed Presbyter Ian First Minnesota aad Ainsworth Bv F. D. rraxer. 11, 7:80. , ' 6vnth Day Advcntlste ' Note Regular services of this dsnomiaaUoa tr held on 8atuday. Central T.. 11th aad Everett L. K. Dick ton, pastor. 10, 11:15. ' ' . Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit, minister. 10. 11. t MonUvUla B. 80th and Everett J. A, Gr bart 10. 11. Lents 94th st and 58th ava. W. D. Hunt ington. 10. 11. St Johns antral ava ana (nansston A. R. Fr-Uenbera. 10. 11. AlbiMs Skidmor and Mallory Elder H. H. Wentlsnd. 10. 11. Scandinavian 62d at aad 89th ava. Elder O. 8. Le. 10. 11. r 'Salvation' Army ' ? : Corps No. 1 243 Ash at AdJnUnt Henry St Uoaena. 11. 8:15. 8. Corps No. 4 128 ft 1st Ensign Jessie Miliar and JLnvoy Airs. Upton. - 11. 1 :3u, s. o. 8. Unitarian Church of Oar Father Broadway and Tam hilL i Thomas L. Eliot. D. D., pastor emeritus. Rev. William G. Eliot Jr.. pastor. 11, "The One Sinner That Repentetb." Unit) BrUirn i Conferane superintendenittev. G. K. Me Donald. " , First E. 16 th and Morrison. Bev. Byrsa 3. Clark. 11. "Creed or Deed"; 8, "The Hearing Ear." .'.'..: ..' Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev Ira Hawley. 11. "We Have Found th Christ"; 7:30, "No Mon Condemnation." Third 67th st. and 82d ava 8. X. Rev. . O. Shepherd. 11. 8. Foerth Tremont Bev. C. P. Blanchard. 11, 8. Preaching by Miss , Lucky of New Mexico. ' Cloverdale 446 Jessup. Bar. Walter Reyn olds. 10. 640, 740. ; United Evanflgtleaf .' ( First E. 16th and "Poplar. Bev. J. A. Goode. 11. 8. Ockley Green Willamette blvtL-aad Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11, 8. St Johns Kev A. P. Layton, 11, 7 40. ' . United Presbyterian First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H. T. Given. ' 11, 7:45, union service at Snnnyiid Congregational church. Church of the Strangers Grand aad Waaea. Ber. S. Earl Iu Boia- 10:SO, 8. Kentoa 120 W. Lombard. Bev. George M. Taylor. 11, S. MlaoatlanavU Christian and Missionary Alliance E. Otb and Clay. Rev. John E. Fee. 10, 11, 7 40. Bcalisatio Laagne 148 18th. Rev. Edward Mills. 11. "The Unlimited Source of . Umrermal Perfection." by Mre. Bruce. Christadelphia-r -621 E. Washington. 1040. Church of God 863 Failing Harry Neai. 11. 740. Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11, 7:8C Meu's Besort 4th -and Burasid Bev. Levi Johnson, superintendent 8. Divine Science Portland hotel. T, M. Minard. .- II.- - Pentecostal First and Washington Bev Win C. Trotter. Daily camp meeting at B. 90th -and Taylor sta. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H tat 2. 3. 7:30. Pentecostal -147 First , George B Far- Penteeoa'tal 210 TaatUU 3 40, 740 gaily. 7:80. i ,, Christian Assembly E. 20th gad Aakeny Pastor. A. W. Smith. 11. 2:45, 748. , Volunteers ot America-224 Borttside. Kven tnga except Monday at 8: Sunday. S. 8. Portland Ecclesia (Chnstadelphiaa) 157 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Mission 266 H Alder. -4. 8: daily, 8. Church of Christ E.'79th and Glisan. n. 1 First Spiritual Science 129 4th st, ' Bv. Max Hofimsn. , 8, 8. International' Bible Students W. O. W. temple, llth and Aider. 8. H.i Church of Christ Ja. &2d aad 60tb v. 11 11 7 :80- ' V. M-. C. A- Sixth and Taylor. 8. Church of Divia Truth- 418 Central B-gUd-ing. Netti Taylor Ktob. 'How to Be Healthy and happy." by H. B.i Hobba Church of Modem Spuituslism 409 Alder. S, 7:45. TheosopMcal Society 801 Central bldf. Christian Worker Bible Institute Ce at ral Ubrary. 2:8U. Miller & Tracey Adult Caskets $30 to $t000 Main 2691 - 578-85 ot regon ffieoplcY Societies the school sre Uvited by Mrs. M. M. Bead, apermtandent. - - . .. I T & ( j PBESBTTERIAir - Tha Rev. John Gibson Inkatr of . Vic toria, B. C, will occupy tha pulpit ot tha Flrat Preubterian church Sunday lor the fourth time during- the absence of the pastor from the city. Ur. Inkster la preachingr two aeriea of aermona. During the vacation of the quartet and organist the music is in chargre of K. Maldwyn Evan a, who einga a baritone solo at each aervice. I J. MacMillan Muir presides at the organ and gives a recital before the evening i service. The Sunday school ia having lantern slides illustrating the fospel of St. Luke. The primary pic urea this week will illustrate the cruci fixion and senior pictures the resurrec tion. Miss Ruth SlauRoii will explain the pictures to the children, and James F. Ewlng to the adults. The two young people's societies are holding Joint meet ings during August in room. H. Regular' services will be resumed st West minster Presbyterian church on - September 5. Dr. IE. H.i Ptne will return from Neah-Kah-Nie beach about September 8. The Bible school meet at 11 a. in. during the summer. Th Rev. Monro G. Everett returned this week from his vacation trip . to California and. will occupy th pulpit Sunday at Fourth Presby terian church. Evening services will b re sumed in September. i The pulpit of Millard -Avenue Presbyterian church will be occupied twice Sunday by th Bev. W. F. Pottamith. .-. . Th Bev. Ward Willis Long, pastor ot Forbes Presbyterian church, who baa been absent for fiv Sundays , on hi vacation, will again i occupy hi ' pulpit Sunday morning and evening. . The evening service will be strictly evangelistic - ' ' ' ' tmiTED BRETHBEJ ' The Oregon branch of the Christian Endeavorers of the United Brethren church will hold their annual session at the First United Brethren church on September 14 and 15. Mrs. E. O. Shep herd of Portland is acting president An excellent program has Deen arranged. Dr. D. W. Ferguson of. Philomath and the Rev. i I. V. Hawjey of Portland are the main speakers. ' ' i Mr. CJ P. Blanchard, pastor of tha i Fourth United Brethren church, is still unable tot occupy her pulpit owing to illness. The Bev. Miss L. M. Lucky twill speak both morning and evening. Fruitful Pastorate Ends; Rev. Starring Leaves for Denver The pastor of Grace Baptist church, the Revi F. W. , Starring; will i leave ' Portland I for Denver, Colo., Immediately following! the first Sunday in September. Mrs. Starring and son, Paul,: have been in Denver for almost three months, i The termination of the pastoral re lation ' here ia due to the advice of physicians that Ira. Starring must find a dryer climate.- Mr. Starring is now considering a unanimous call from the First Baptist church at Wenatchee, Wash., but has not arrived at a decision. The minister plans to spend two or three months In Denver doing special work. '')-- .'... '- : -'--r ' j-. The Rev. Mr. Starring has been pas tor of Grace church for one year; dur ing which time the church has had a steady growth: The Bible school mem bership has increased, church property Improved and the congregation reported the . largest percentage of - increase of baptisms I among churches in thej Wil lamette association of the denomination. A successful daily vacation Bible school was also i conducted during the summer. The paster will "preach twice Sunday. i . - " .- i ' vpr ."'v- .SEATTIyir; i-'fSW jTJ I tjiJSlSjl -p 'Alt 'I ! SB ' Mm tacqma ; . KpT" PORTLAND " T V'-!ISJI ' - Bagy!!,Hjnw'w'f BANK Sunday H Recently! Called to urcn i.lMllHB. II I II' I 8WwH5K!W M BPS-W-JSS. W P . vJ- i ?.:. The Rev. Donald VV. M. riacCIucr, for merly 'of SI. louis, who aecepted the cafl to thp pastorale of Hose City Park Presbyterian church re cently. Trinity Lutheran Church Opens Doors ...:.-'. ' '. " 1 '-:'. M. : Trinity 'Lutheran congregation will move into and dedicate .the new! 840,000 church at Rodney! avenue and Ivy, street on Sunday- At 10 a. m. the doors will bo opened with appropriate ceremonies, in which-the entire' congregation will take part; AfteiHthe people enter the church, the Rev. J. A. Rimbach, i pastor, will read the scripture and offer the dedicatory prayerj The new pipe organ will furnish the rhuslc and Mrs. i Valen tine will sing. The Rev. Mr. Wester hamp of Sherwood will preach in Ger man. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock an English service will be, held, Jhe Rev. Oscar Fedder of Seattle preaching. Special music will be furnished by the choir. At ' 4 p. m. Professor iLuclen Becker will give ah organ recital, and at 8 p. m. the Rev. Ji. A. C. Beyer of Port land and Rev. Wlliam -Gaertner: of Se attle will conduct a simultaneous service for the deaf and those who hear. E The pastoral conferenca of the Northwest dis trict started in this church Friday and lasts over Tuesday. Several , visiting clergymen will be present. Overflow meetings may be held in the basement, as the church is expected to be crowded. The church is built on the Gothic style, veneered with red i brick and white brick trimmings. Klabofate art glass windows have been purchased by the members. Designing and building of the church was by Ed win Ltalgeman, a member of the congregational who accepted only daily wages f or hlfl work. A large num ber of members donated labor and ma terial. ill - - " : - - , V j'n nM -v .. -:'yJ til; K tL ' " W i ;-;f,Tip tit'-" Jv -' X t FINANCIAL PORTS OF CALL ON THE PACIFIC COAST" RATCCISCO r VPe cordially invite u nferencc on any financial matters OF CAI11FDRNIA..KA A NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM chools MONDAY EVENING SEES OPENING OF ENDEAVOR MEETING - The Oregon Chrtt-tlan .Kodeavor union will open Its 'summer confer ence at Forest Grove next Monday evening with an interesting a d In spirational program" that will he but a small sample of the many "treats" scheduled to occur during the eight days that Oregon Kndeavorera will convene at Taclfic university. Paul Brown, California field secretary, will deliver the opening1 acldrpMH. which will pe followed by a reception and social"- in Herrlck's hall, with Forest Grove's young people ns hosts. . ' Class work will, begin Tuesday morn ing under the direction of a well known and caoabla faciiltv. rtiv . Wor w Long of the Forbes Presbyterian church will lead the Presbyterian young people in their denominational study. Rev. "John H. Mathews of Seattle will be present to lead the Congregational young people. Ralph McAfee, secretary of the Federa tion of Portland Churches, will not only conduct classes, but Is also scheduled to give several of the main addresses. Others who will contribute to the re ligious program are: S. Karl DuBois, Church of the Stranger. Portland ; Rev, H. II. Griffls. First Christian church. Portland; Rev. George U Clark, former student pastor Oregon Agricultural col lege ; F. J. Myers, Portland Y. M. C; A. secretary, and Pr. Kstella Ford Warner, an oversea-a Y. W. C. A. worker. The recreational program has not been slighted. Three swimming hole will draw their crowd; a five mile hike to Gall's Peak with dinner and evenln-r service right on the pinnacle is one of the many attractions. Karl Felke and G.. Everett Baker, attorneys, are plan ning a mock trial that will be both inter esting and Instructive ; the Forest Orove Commercial club will entertain the con ference crowd with a Labor day plcnlo at Rippling "Waters. A few of those responsible for the suc cess of the conference are Miss Annabe Taylor, chairman ; Kaye AJ-Steinmetr. president Oregon Christian ISndeavor union; Lloyd JI. Carrlck, Oregon field secretary; Walter Ij. Myers, state edu cational superintendent. Rev. Kllot to Preach -The Rev, William G. Eliot. Jr.. pastor of the Church of Our Father, will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "The One Sinner That Repentetb." The offer tory solo will be sung by Walter Hard wick. Evening services are discontinued until October. - '- Swedish Church Service At the Swedish Tabernacle, Glisan and North Seventeenth streets, Rev. C. J. Ledin will preach Sunday, at ill o'clock a. m., on the subject: "A Page-In the History of the Martyrs." The evening service will be In EngtlHh, when hn will speak on "Joseph as a Type ot Christ." THE ECONOMIC development of the j Pacific Coast is a fundamental consid eration of the Bank of California. For many years,- in con- , junction with our branches, we have ex tended over a wide territory constructive banking co-operation. We have never lost sight of the problems and the possibilities of the Pacific Coast arid have fitted our selves to contribute financial service com mensurate with the needs of western en terprise. . We serve as financial ports of call along the Pacific Coast. vW . 13th aad Piaa, Rev. Walter