THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, t 1920. THE OREGON DAILY . JOU RNAL, ' PORTLAND, OREGON 15 ' i f LOST AND FOUND i St ANTBODY knowing" th whereabouts of iT'C. McKdwsrd will do a favor by communicating with !. J. IViem, 653 Insley eve. KELP WANTED MALE THR Meier A Frank Company require fba iser - ices of an experienctd candy maker. Apply Employment Bureau, gUtto floor. Meier Frank Loi hauling contract, S million fact at $4.d per 10OO. 50.000 tin at 10 eenta aach. 4 ail haal; can work all winfwr; good rosds: i will unicn tola contract to purchaser of J"" , erv1e truck and trailers. CU227rWanon. ' WAITED Kxrrienrd trocarjrman "non other need apply ; prefer man who haa had recent experiew In city trade. Fountain Grocery. 7U0 , Washington at. ' YftCXtl MAS usder 25 yearn, with good edu- ne.tir.n tjv teaseL Nalarv add aspen. :- No experience required. Apply room 4, HoUl i Multnornah, between 11 a. m. ana p. m. AUTOMOBILE salesmen to work line -of two welt known cam and 2 trucka In Vancouver and Clarke county; good proposition for lira - man. - 104-M, Journal. Ysneoovcr. wain,- A icv.w nun wanted for steady work by Port land (iaa A Coke Co.. at plant on Linntoa road. Take free bus at 23d and 8a Tier ate-, at 7:13 a. m. IvAVf ilO Bor with wheal to deliver telegram. , Good aalary. Hurt be at leant IS years of sge. ' Apply room 801 Telephone building. Park and ia streets. WASTED At grocery clerk, also- delivery man. Call between 8 and 10 a. m. 647 Missis sippi are., corner B barer, FORD mechanic wsnted:--must b A-l mot or- man z no others need apply. Call Tabor 399 after fl !. m. and Sundays.. llABOKLKS wanted for street narine. 85 for 8 hours. Cor. E. llto and Albert sta, Take A lk.,t . ear YOUNG, man to oierate box tying machine; also boys for factory work. American Box A Crate Mfg. Co, i MAN with ton truck to haul a lab wood. Wdln. 19SO. TWO men to cut 800 cords of wood, $2.7i cord.; -Pragaaw furnished. Biggs. Troutdale. lXHi hauling contracts, 16 per '1000; all win- ter a wora. t-au in Kalmon at. ' WANTED Watchmaker. BUplea The Jeweler, zoo LMomeon. FINISHERS in furniture factory. Apply 652 2d afc, ' .ItELl IfATfTED PEMAIE ! "h JIWElRESTillG ;l WOMI-WHILE WORK "i YOUNG WOMEN - TELEPHONE ' ; OPERATORS ! j EARN $?60 FIRST MONTH $9m FIRST YEAR ItAPID ADVANCEMENT LFNCH BOOMS WITH MEALS AT COST APPLY NOW ROOM HOI, TH FIXOR TELEPHONE BUn.IHNO PARK AND OAK STREETS ' THE PAPIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. APrBESTICXS for selling positiona tn aerersj de ' pa rtneota. Apply employmant bureau before 10 80. ' LIPMAN, WOLFE A COMPANY.' MODKI for la4W ready to wear denartment. Apply employment bureau before 10:80 .; LIPMAN. WOLFE A COMPANY. . f Woman Solicitor For particular line of aaleework by ona of tha largest firms fn the city. Salary and bonus. Total earnings about SIB to $20 a week. Must be pleasant, rwraiste-nt and a result getter, i Not orer 80 years of age ami unmarried- Qira full details, including age and phone number. Ad dress O-l0a, Journal I " ' I ' !" ' y EXPERIENCED salespeople for all department. Apply employment bureau before 10:30. j LIPMAN, WOLFE A COMPANY, j EIPER r EN CV D millinery laleswoinin. . - Apply Mr. Tolsn. third floor. 4 LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. HOt SKKEKPKR for fight housekeeping by elderly gentleman. Must be neat and good plain, cook. Ona that would rather hare an easy place and good treatment than big wages I preferred. - State age and Wages wanted and .; fire, address for tnUrrtew No phone address i considered. t-36. Journal. . ., . ! WAJfTED 2 neat"Treir1uf attractlTa girinSf j. wtitresse. Salary 60 par mo. and board I first month and 70 per mo. and board second .month. Good chance for further advancement for girl who apply themselves. Experience no ; necessary.1 Apply The Haaelwood. 888 Wash i ington st. after 9 a. m. EXPERIENCED hair cutter. Apply employ, j . - ment bureau. 6th floor. Meier A Frank Uo. avi taoy who some snow tea gs ol piano or Tionn to tax enarg of studio; give age, with description and extent of education. Address H- bzj; journal. NEAT reliable girl of age or single womaa to keep house and help in store; experience not S IT""- Gd plac. with reasonabl wage. HOLBKKEEPlin, by bachelor, .40. Woman employed to cook 9 meals day for board snd room, light housekeeping. No phone d-?Ify!fip.fe'l- 1-841. Journal. , nted (or general housework. Apply neThT Sh 8u,.' 2a: "'apptV riCKINO CHtCKkNS. FORTAnSThtT A? SWIFT A CO.a aPJV- bsxheior. 40, working : v-rywie. avow, journal. 1 SO H JtK Exnencun'n nVr.ioTorr":11,0 h" Prt- ir arTUTsWn APPl L-""'. .tor.. 4U. WANTED A girl for marking and .ortin. u u, ii?a layy SlHL or middle-aged woman for general . workt amaU fsmily. Tabor B17t! i"ANTED Experienced nTangie girls ii. Uonal Laundry Co., East 8th and ciay WANTED Waitress. Royal Bakery. 844 Mor nson st. WAN TED Assistant diecUUan. Portland CoC , Tslescent hospital. Phone Mar. 2893. SCHOOLGIRL for general " housework. sma3 , fsmily. Wdln. 6075. mornings : "u GIRLS WANTED Oregon Paper Box Factory .1U lt.rk at. esctory, GOOD home and wages for competent maid fn general npnarwori. iiror oeo. ; WOMEN wanted for steady inside work.' We? ern Oregon Handle Co., 038 Sand hied EXI'EHIliN'CES girt; general housework; no . cooking. 735 Irving st. near 23d. MAID for general honsework and cook ins i Sin family. 155 N. 22d rt. ' . GIRL to help in grocery store, experience not FINISHEBS U furnltur factory. Apply t5 HELP WASTED FESAtE WANTED t 1$ POWER MACHINE QFEB- V ATOBS: GIRLS MUST NOT BE OVER 25 TEARS OB CNpEB ie TEARS OF AGE. . WORK IIS PLEASANT iND ' EAST "TO LEARN WITH , GOOD SALARY;- ALSO LARGE BONUS PAID. SATURDAY FTEBNOON OFF. ' ! APPLY AMES, BABRIS. NEVILLE BAO CO. '. j I 1ITH AND UpTT 8T8. " TAKE N0UTU A SOUTH Oil 10TII ST. CAB. EXPERIENCED sa-Ieswomen for chins wsre and lump departmento. Apply employment b- reau oeiore 10:30. - LIPMAN, WOUE A CO. ! -r :. ...-. i. : EXPERIENCED saleswomen for ladies' ready to wear ifprtment. Arply employment bureau oetore j:ou. . I LIPMAN. WOLFE A COMPANY. ! HELP WASTED MALE ASH FEMALE et I "."I."- i i. i.-. ; ; : I " . - EXPERIENCED WEAVER8, STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. APPLY EUREKA WOOL EN MILLS, ECUKKA. CAL. . ! CLERKS ' ( women f. over 17. tor postal mail service; $185 month. Kxsminstions Sep tember. , Exparieoce emnecessary. For free particular, writ J. Leonard (former I civil service examiner J. vvs Jjmiabl blag., Wash, ington, I. O. i HOP PICKERS WANTED i 60 -sere yard of fine hops; will pay $1.50 per hundred ; tents, wood, water and straw fur nished. Call 84 2d st. to sign up. . HOP PICKERS wsnted 00 seres at Simon landing, near , Wheatland: 70e per box. or $1.60 hundred. ' Starting Sept. 8. Good camp a on swimming piacii lurnnn water and ! wood. negiscrr mi am rt. org sx.. roniano, ur. HOP PICKERS wsnted for my yard at Hop mere. $1.60 per hundred, shacks fret; will be at St. Charles hotel , Aug. 25-26. Homer Oonley. - ' - ! . ' " i HOP pickers : wsnted; good sccoa mods tiona. Can Wdln. $254. ! HELP WASTED-MI8C. 4 CLKHK8, over 17. for postal mail service; $185 month. Examinations September. Experienc unnecessary. For free particulars, writ 3. Leonard (former civil service sMininer) , 8 Eqnftable blrlg., Washington. D. O. TEACHERS REGISTER FSEEl MANY CALL Westmore Teachers Agency. Spokane, i Wash. BTJBISES8 ASP TRADE SCHOOLS $0 I BUSINESS CpLLEGB , . . . r Largeet tn the West. ' - ASSTJBES EVERY QBADUATB ' ' - 1 - A POSITION. I Enroll any time of year. . DAT SCHOOL --' MIGHT SCHOOL Phone, caU at- writ foe free succiss eataloc t Sbocializmsf in SECRETAF.LUSaEHCC Non-Qpsideirt -ucGons 1 b.V;--' y b Wfjd?r K)rtidJid,Urpgan.: A Poaitun for Each' Graduate,, SLXvIOaVX SV1LU1AU. WANTED Mea and wome to tears the barbsr trade; receive some pay while learning; poex- Hona sects red: Ore con ex-aorvksai enem tha enairsa ts free to you; call or writ for particulars and catalogue, MOLEB BARBER COLLKUEL S84 jsnrnaiae St. ;BUSINESS MEN ; If your Deed is trained, efficient of fiaa kwte. call Broadway 4489. Clerical lleip Service. 829 Artisans (Berk) Building. LEARN TKL;RafH " ' Young men and wontea wanted! can 434 Railway. Bsebange bid.; sptendld opportunity to lean a well paid profession. - RsUway Tel grspb institute. - , . LINK'S "BUSINESS' COLLEGS nSOTmer coursM bookkeeping, stenography, drtl service, ecretariaL apecial eoTSaa. Expert teaeneis. slay and sight. Enroll now. Broadway 8068. PORTLiKl Barber CoUege"7eaches tbbarbar trad la eight weeks; pays while learning; good set of too la given; posititon secured; tui tion reduced. 88 N. Second st. - t EAST SIDtS COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Begin Bucket's privets school; individual fnrt ruction. 12$ H Oread ae. East 437. MEN. WOMEN leara barber trade, wage while learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 13 years' experiences Oregon Barber Collet. 2$$ Madison, ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teach era' Agency. Enrol free. Frank K, Welles, forme assistant state opt.. Mgr.. K. W. Bank bid, poos Main 8376. WASTED AGESTS i(!vt tcivtrn T - - i . mmm .... s.t. t : salesmen to ' reptesent us In certain detirsble portion of this state, with or without cars. Libers) communion contract. Trees srs In great demand ad capable man can snake big money. Uetg.liU.'V NUKSEKX CO.. Orenco, Oregon. ' SALESMES WASTED 8S SALESMEN for liv sanitary line. Beery bus iness a prospect. Liberal commission with repeat business. Local representative wanted. Re Be Company. 108 E. Sixteenth street. New Trk. i , . . i t .... 7 .i , . SITUATIOSS MALE - spARPEVTER, contracting, general . repairs, rs modeling. , etc; taliabie mechanic , Broad way XHT. ALL kinds house repair work and painting; hav your roofs looked after, work guaranteed. Sellwood 182. EXPERIENCED truck driver wishes position. Can keep truck in repair. Fj A. Smith, Bdwy. 1854. ' - PAINT1M and tinting-. Price reasons Die. Work guaranteed. Tabor 8077. SEWER connections, aeptia tanks, cesspool. CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing; anything - in the building Mne. East 8686. 1-. JANITOR work from late afternoon till tntd night. ZV4$5 or Main 1S20 ifdOFS cleaned, repaired and painted1. Ail work aurmeeq; reasonaple. Tabor 928. WINDOW cleaner, handyman, wUhe work; hour or dey. Msin 2802. . CARPENTERING, Den . m.,n . . . nilr.L.i.i. inuas 1 A Mil K 234. ROOMS Unted. $3 to $4 apartments' and "fUte cleaned up reasonably. Broadway $52$, BOOKS reahingled a specially, f hone East li6i" KRAZY KAT 1 r-w , , , : 'j i r r , . -! x - e - a a . . . . . x s a ii -i mm l ' - ...... ,'.' w t : . , . ITT ; ' !. I " ' .'1.5.,'. " -.1 ... ' .'i :, ' . I ... !:. II ' . . '.V , , .. ' . .. '1 '. x " I v.r . -'- w , , - v nn rryr J -sr-6. ! h i ..') - istr I i : .' .... 7- . " . ! ! 1 1 " t - !-!. . .' ... .." . . V ' . .- . ...... .... ' ". . ' '. , !..:'. . i i .. n .. -f . .. ... . ... ...r . . I ;- - . ? SITUATION S M AIR. JAY THE JOBBER; i Plastering, brick, tile, stoa and: eeaacait work, remodeling nel repairing; no Job tew small to re ceive our personal attention. Get your fireplace and chimney fixed sow. 811 Morrison st. g'Boxt Broadway 1846. i --I SAWYER, wkltes employment on aingli or double cut bend : good reputatioa. In Ur. quire at siimMi Kaw boos or L, tiswyer, 10M7 MissHnipfii are write to SITUATION f4 FEMALE 4 EXPERIENCED eor.k wishes pesition private family cooking only. Call Mis Wells, Motel Barr. 6th and Glisan aU. j COLORED woman wanu day work. Phone Wood lawn MRS. C. i. ADAMS would lik day work. Ta- bor 0034. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE AS D FEMALE it MAN and wife would work on Journal. rpDcbj. : 2-434, DBESSMAKISCJ 4$ ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garment, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. 3. Reabin. Indies' Tailor. 408 Btedi A Lane Hdg WANTED Sewing hats, coats or dresses. Willi go out. Tabor $428. EXPERIENCED LRESWAKErT TABOR 7855. srnsES i 60 PRACTICAL nurse wants case at once. Tabor 868S. FCRSIRHED BOOMS t Hotel Medfford lit TI. 6th, cor. GHsan. 8 test beat, hot and old water, 1 block from Union i depot. . Private hatha. From -7 Be up. $4 week upi HOTEL OHIO, 206 FRONT, COB. MADISON Housekeepatg and transient rooms, steam beat, hot and cold water, automatia j elevator; rates 60 cents day up weekly rates, 1 ! . ' DATTON HOTEL ! 190H First st. Corner Taylor. ; ' Klcely torniahed rooms, hot and cold water end steam beet in each room. - Bsttes $8 week up. FOR BENT Sunny ' front- room, nice for teacher or mnaicisn; piano; ) hot and cold water; on block to Jefferson bifch school. ; 150 E. Webster. i $1 ' DAT, $2.50 week up; clean, beths free. Hotel Cadillac, Third st.. Bear Jefferson. FLHNKSHED rooms. .U vttt op. 224 CUy. FURNISHED BOOMS PRIVATE i FAMILY ! 70 ONE room wttn : sleeping porco. nousexeeptng with ; sleeping porch. privileges, suitable - for 2 people employed ; alsu single room ; modern west wcie flat. Main 5118. Hoyt St., peer 21st St. FURNISHED room for rent for .two young ment rooming together. Musical entironment. 107(1 E. 18th N. 1 ' NICE Clean basement room, close in. 112 N. 23d. Phone Main 8610. - PLKA8ANT front eleeping room.! furnished com plete. ftentlemen. $12 monta. 4 51 10 til S. CLEAN ITOOM. walking distance: dinner u iOM. desired. Mdwy. 1895. 29 .isveretu- - . MODERN well furnished room, walking tance. S31 Hassalo st. Esst 4007. dis- ROOM8 AND BOARD - THE MARTHA WASHINGTON 880 10th at. For businesei girls and tu-; dents; rssjsonsble rates. Msrsball 1251. 1 ROOMS ASB " BOARD PRIVATE i ' FAMILY 1 '78 BOOM and board, close in, west aid: hot snd cold water in room; working : man only. Broadway 8764. - 1 j. j BOOM and board in private home; prefer mid? die-aged person, employed. Tkborll898. il GOOD horn to board girl or boy. Marshall 821 School 2 blocks. WASTED ROOMS AST) BOARD 89 BOARD and room wanted in private family -Sisby student, in return for 8 hours' work daily and all day Saturday, begirining Saptsmber L li-018, Journal. LADY want room and board ior winter, east aid suburbs. Sell. 1717. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . FURSISHED AND UNFURNISHED CITT VIEW- HOTEL, 29S H Union ave., 1 block south of Hawthorne. 2 2-room suite foe housekeeping j nice and clean, j $18 month. Also sleeping rooms. ' . - ' -- 2 HOUSEKEEPING ' rooms for rent; also I sleeping room. 293 WekJJer. East $331; working people preferred. j - - ij TWO rooms, gas range, electric lights, bath, phone, couple $20. 300 Vi 4th. H 2 NICE sleeping rooms, housekeeping privilege, girls employed. 47 E. 87th. Tabor 258. HOCSEKEEPING ROOMS II FURSISHED AND USFURSISHEIl ' PRIVATE FAMILY - 7 THREE furnished II. K. rooms, prlvste bsth, piano; walking distance; $3.0. Esst 2162. E. 12th and Belmont. ... u NEATLY furnished housekeeping j looms; also innlc room. 6$a Williams ave. j FOUR rooms, furnished housekeeping, gas. Woodlawn 1JW2. ,1 ROOMS WASTED 86 HOUSEKEEPING looms for couple, -permanent. - central and close in east aid; must be res sonablc price. Q-324, Journal.' - i WANT 12 or IS unfurnished room, reaaoaabss rent; lease. CaU Esst 6388. FOR REST HOUSES UNFURNIMHED i IS MEIER A FRANK S ' INFORM ATIOW AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable. in to date list of desirable vacant beusee, apartmenta and flat with definite infor mation pertaining to each. "I . Npwccmers to Portland Wirt- find this bureau of great value fax helping them get properly ead Quicsuy .socaiep. . EIGHTH FLOOR . - BTG3AGB COMMERCIAL AN1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. Seduced freight rates. Ft expert ser call Broadway 70S. Meaning Warabcms Transfer Cow ' Furniture Moving Tim .Transfer and Storage. Long distance hauling. 3 3 Union ave. N. Prions East $ 4 84. FOR RENT 6 r. hosue with water and electric lights. 409 North 16th st, between river and railroad track. $13.60 per mo. i. Call Broad way 975. 1 1 CALL BBOADWAT 680 1 " ' ' KORTITWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY; , WASHINGTON AT TENTH 8TBEET. T FOR RENT Modern 4 room cottage, just rieht for 2 people. No chickens or dogs. . 42 1 SLXROOM house, 7114 K. 44th av.; MS; car. Inquire G. P. Int, OoTbett bklg. SEE FRANK Ij. sreOOIRI TO INSURE AGAINST FIRB HOUSES FOR REST FURNITURE FOR SALE i 32 8-ROOM modern housex garage, i clou in, to leas 1 or 2 years, $75 mouth: furniture lor aale. East 3888. I ! FURNITCRE for sal; four large airy rooms for rent; ground floor; large yard; quiet loca tion. 229 Beech St. , t i. FURNISHED tout room bouse, furniture for sale and hous tor rent. 1129 E. 32nd at.. N. Phone; Automatic 821-44. - . !; HOUSE of 7 room for rent, furniture for tale, all in good condition. Bdwy. 8083. H FURSISHED JTDrSES 8$ IGANTLY furnished house, fruit : also cot Tta. tages, flats, furnished. unfurnished : reason able. 252 Gibbsw - i , .1 i rsrs I S)p:T II : L SPrP T I? $6 COM PLETELY furnished horn in best west side residence district: 10 rooms and -garage. Available t unui May IS., next, at $2(H pee mOBUL - i WHITMER-KELLY COMPANY I - 414 Pittock Block FLATS TO RES. USFURSISHE Dlt $10.60 Clean 4-roosC ujfnmilil Hat. 672 W Mississippi ave. ; nam, separate entrance. Two- nice outside room, gas, electricity, heat and water free. 1 Tabor 2518. FURNISHED FLATS $0 MODKRN 4 room flat, mo-tly furnished. $227 Montavin ear. 68 V 80th at APARTXESTS FOR REST 4 Ta? tJIswtJ. eseaarew " at i-L'A """ '- THE JEFFEBT, 2 room famished spts.. $1$; doe in. corner BusseU and Kerby sta. Phone East 1594. - .- ; " - ' 2 ROOM" apt-. forii"red. ajt 545 H . Washing- ton st. Phone' Broadway 148. 3 ROOM furnished apartment or flat. Tabor 17 2. . " ' Phone SUMMER 4 RESORTS SO ATTENTION I HIKERS AND FISHERMEN! WantumLake Pack Train Leaves Cascade Locks. Huckleberries snd Black berries ripe. Phone Glover Bros. store, s STORES AND OFFICES It ONE corner of basement, suitable for shop.- 214 12th st Main 7925. WAWTEI TO REST WANTED TO LEASE for 6 months or a year, modern five or six room bungalow, either furnished, partially furnished or unfurnished. Will guarantee perfect care, JSent $50 to $75. Telephone C S. Eastman. Broadway 1091 or East 7707. WANTED To rent, a five - room furnished bouse near school, by Septelmber 7. A-l II. Journal. . AJ)lLTS want to rent a house, bungalow, cot tsee or unfuriiished apartment; references. Woodlawn 14 7 9. between 8 and 4. WANTED Furnished house, ,7 cr more. room, near Franklin high. Call Sell. 3717 after 6 p. m. - - ' '" - ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $i rose cmr DUTCH COLONIAL No. -154 Large 7 sworn Dutch colonial hone, 1 bedroom downstairs, den. living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, extra good plumbing. furnace. fireplace, basement, screen-, and shades; lot 50x100. This is a very pretty horn and the price is only $7500; $3500 cash, balance to suit. Mlrshall 1S98. MARSHALL 1898. JEFFERSON HIGH district. 7 room and bath; newly decorated throughout; rooms good sis and pleasantly arranged; vacant. Price $2900, $300 .cash. . Minnesota ave, near Pretcott. !"' O. A. PEARCE. 815 Chamber of Commerce. , Main 3638. HAWTHORNE $410.0 for this fine iious ' cf 5 rooms down snd apartments upstairs. 4 rooms and bath- has on main floor, hardwocd floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet; tul cement basement, ;n tut resurfaced street, si liens pa'd. JohnsonDodson, Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. TRVINGTON -8 room colonial, very modern, must be sold. See me st once. C. M. Derr. COE A. M'KENNA A CO.. 82 Frouth Street. j Main 4522. MODERN, artiaHc bungalow of 6 rooms and re ception hall, living room, dining room, music room and reception hall have beautiful hardwood floors. Massive fireplace, attractive buffet, Dutch kitchen. built-in refrigerator. large attic. screen ed-in back -porch, full conevets basement. fine furnace, garage, unproved street paid. 1 nee $5500, $1000 will handle; terms. O. W. Bryan, 609 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. BARGAIN. 5 rooms, .1 blocks Al berta rar. Owner must sell, $2275. ' $700 cssh, balance easy term. Wood lawn 6260. j 43200 LET US SHOW yon this . 5 room - . . - and attic, built-ins, firepisoe, full ce ment basement, wash trays, st- Imp. in and paid. Cloat to Union ave. Terms, J. A. Wickman Co. "8borter Wsy Home." 264 SUrk St. Main 1094 and 688. : LAUREEHtfRST ' 7 $3000 ' No. 142 9. room bouse, aet on spacioru grounds, 175-foot frontage by 100 deep, hard wood floors, fireplace, basement and furnace; in fact, a very substantial and beautiful home. Shown - by appointment only. . Price $"9000, $30Q0 cah,-baJnce terms. Marshall 1898. A REAL BARGAIN , , $3700 sr- $1700 CASH 5 room, hardwood floors, furnace, fltw plaoe; 4 fruit trees; full cement basement. E. D. SCHOMACKER " . Main -1088. or Evening Main 4408. Price $3500Terms t Trr e iinnvuw ia Tt a r rwtr i 12 BEARING FRUIT TREES Vyf Z JbJL TXIA TO!, LiUTS ' . Fin garden, chicken hotue; only reason for selling, leaving the city. 1982 E. YAMHILL MT.TAB0B CAB. $1800 r "LOOKr '"T " $1800 4 room house Alberta district, en 1 6th. 8 room plastered. 60x100 lot, sidewalk and curb lng,' gas, bath, toilet; $500 cash get deed, balance long time mortgage. : See MR. VAIL. 908 Cham, of Com.' $5650 TERMS Completely furnished modern bangakrw, ele gant ground, fum., firepL, hdwd. fir., buffet; lik new; all modern conveniences. Should be worth $8000 today. Near Laurelburst. Main 4X08. j A TITLE Insurance' Policy ss a guarante by a responsible company that you will not suffer fclos oa account of the title ts yonr reel estate. When yon buy real estate get a nil Insursae Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. - - . " ' $ 4 200 NOW building. 0 r. bungalow, $ large bedrooms. firepL, buffet, : very modem, double const 'd; built by father and son. You pay for labor only. 50x100; bik. car. Irviagton Park. $1000 fash. Worth $6000. Ready soon. Ar range, now for decorations, etc. Main 4803. 6 ROOMS. -newly painted and papered, lot 50x 100 with alley, 746 Michigan ave.. H' block to ' Missivippi car, walking distane Albina shops; '$2760,- easy terms.- Take automobile part payment t 18TH ST. SACRIFICE,' CLOSE-W " ' Modern 6 room house, excellent eondlUont furnaoe, fireplace. Owner leaving. ' ' Will sell furniture: some terms. See it; walking distance. Immediate possession. Mar. 1023. WESTMORELAND, BEAUTIFUL WEST- L MORELAND - i. i Owner leaving city; 5-room modern bungalow, east front, fireplace, large attic, gar;; $3760, some terms. Marshall 1022. , SELLWOODSNAP. 100x100. $4000 ' , 0-room modem bouse, full basement, double Constructed ; corner lot, paved street alii paid; place worth $6600. Owner must sell; soma terms. Marshall 1022. . .-. . i : BEHIND every policy of Title Insurance b a deposit with th tate of Oregon to protect yon against loss, yet it is cheaper than th abstract method. Title A Trust company. K08B CITY PARK. 48th st N,. 6-room bunga low, new, modem to, the minute, ivory throughout, garage, rags., drapes, linoleum, gas rang included; $7550. net. AuU $12-48. FURSISHED. HOUSES (CcpyrUht, 1820, by International Featarg Servioe, IncJ REAL ESTATE FOR MALE HOUSES 1000 Photographs of Homes Fur Hal LARGEST HOME SELLERS ON i THE PACIFIC COAST 4 Because it ts the ORIGINAL. SUPER IOR, SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of horn seHin. the MeGUIRE SYSTEM ha won an international reputation, and es tablished a national record. The system of " Beei Service. We protect your every Inter est. W' eliminate your every houae-hunU in problem and put you In immediate touch with the horn of your requirements. Every one of our 1000 homes ia personally in spected and avmraised. Our 13 autoa and courteous, experienced salesmen constantly , at your service. . i . OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS I WE HAVE 100 HAWTHORN ES Her Ar a Few SNAPS -.-....t;.-;;.. $2100 $600 DOWN I $2100 THIS BIOVALUB HAWTHORN B ia worth . the ' saonayt AuracUv bnngalow oottage.' ALL PAVED STHEET LIENS PAID. Clone to S. - S. car and school. E. Taylor. ' BUT TOUR HOME NOW -: Get settled before school (tarts $3990 Ideal HAWTHtfftXE BUNGA LOW wfth 6 large; airy, made-tali ve-hx rooms; tnamive built-in buffet: , model white Dutch kitchen i with sunny hreakfast, alcove; HARDWOOD FLOORS (sanitary and beautiful) woodwork In old ivory; full basement, laundry -trays; garage; K. 80th, near Division. Hawthorrlbs like this; dont last long at all and th only way to be secure is to look t it early. $2050 On R. 84th St., close to the S. S. and ML T. cars, you'll find this 5 room ; modern bungalow cottage; ''ONLY' $500 down, balance I easier ' than rent! raved street lien pakL AN ACTUAL HOME BARGAIN. Bnt one out of mora than 100 UAW THORNERS. I $2500 a room substantia! BUNGALOW COTTAGE; full basement; best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas; just 1 block: to S. S. car and fchooL" TERMS. . E. 35th, near Belmont, - BEAUTIFUL' WAVERLY RICHMOND ' $4100 A. WAVERLY RICHMOND., bean-, tifut both insida and out; 6 rooms; happiness surrounds you her in th evening by your crackling fireplace, the hours pass pleasantly; there's book eases for your "treasares'; pan eled dining room with massive buf fet; ideally clean whit I Dutch . kitchen; SPLENDID PIPELE83 , FURNACE. (It lovely in summer time; flower,' berries, lota of fruit. . We'd like to tell you mor about it : today. Won't you come inf ' E. ; 30tb, near Gladstone, half block tn oar. close to school. ALL JUXNS raiu. on out or ivuu. $3250 EASY TERMS $3250 A 100x100- 6 room ALBERTA: 14 htioiou fruit tree; model white i xucnen, etc. is. loth, near Sumner. . XSAUUAIN. -. ' $1200 $850 DOWN $1200 $359 down: cosy S room ALBER TA; patent toilet, electricity, gas; . frttit EASIEST MONTHLY; PAY ' MENT8. E. 32d. Your $350 dawn will do wooden for you here I j $2950 In wilderness of berries and flowers. Surrounded with cool fir. trees is this splendid bungalow at- ' tractive living room with cheery fire place; raasKir buffet, white Dutch ; , kitchen. It's so easy to keep! 'clean; whit enamel . plumbing, electricity, " . gas; full lot; Buell st, close to Union. Tlirs IS A BARGAIN THAT TOlT CAN'T DUPLICATE ' ANY WHERK TODAY I QUICK AC-. TIONI BESULTI The best buy i in th city ia yonr! - - $400 J0OWN REATJ THIS $400 DOWN $2750 $400 down; OWNER LEAVING CITY. Admirable 5 room I modern - - bungalow at SACRIFICE. Surround . d by- fragrant tree. Living room haa artWie fireplace: neneled dintna room with built-in buffet; such a cosy white Dutch kitchen. K. 7Un 1 blk. ' to wooniswn car. lou 11 nav no VAIN REGRETS IF YOU BUY . TlllS. . T PENINSULA SNAP $300 DOWN $800 DOWN ' $1905 $300 down. BALANCE EASIER THAN - RENT. Artistic 8 room i modern bungalow; best whftel enamel : plumbing, electricity, gas; full 50xJ', lOO lot with plenty of fruit and beef ties. W. Emerson. 60 homes In ' this district. , ONE MAT BE TOURS 1 WOODLAWN " 1 $9050 Just $850 down buy this ftrr t- . tractive - bungalow ; 6 moms; A.IKB NEW whit enamel plumbing eleo- tricity. gss; close to ear. Morgan, near 15th. "In Woodlawn we hav many moderately pnoed i homes. WHY 'NOT ARRANGE TO LOOK AT THEM TODAY t , THE GBEATB8T tariety and the widest . seleotioa ,of MODERATE PRICED Home are your wbeif you BUT TOUH BOMB through the McQUIRB sSTSTEM. Every horn carefully appraised - and inspected. Every kind of home in evOry district in th ' city ia offered for your consideration.' W make homo hunting a pleasure. Buy yonr horn ' now and get settled before . th fall rush begins. . SEE :-. - . Frank LMcQui re, . To Buy Tour Home. 1' ' Abingtoii Bldg. , - : Main 108. 10C H Sd st, bet. Wash, and Stark. -. - MARSHALL 189$. I . ,J'.::T Rose city v; : - . ' ' ' ''- ' $2000 Noi .44--0 teota modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace, fin light fixtures, pretty built-ins, good basement, paved sta.. lot 60x100. Just thtnb, the prlc of this phc is r-mv $4250; $2000 cash, balance term to suit Better hurry. LAWYERS TITLE A TRUST CO. 233 Stark St.. near Fourth.' v Marshall 1898.- i Montavilla- $2000: $SOO cash, balance easy.: 6 rooms and bath, basenMat, hemisurfaosd xtrewV and en car'ine. Johnson-Dodson Co e$S N. W. Usnk-bldf Main STSt. BOSE CITY PARK ' 49th 'Near Sandy... -!'' '. -i 1 6 room strictly Dodern ; hardwoor floors; basement, range, $5250. $1600 . down. E. D. SCHOMACKEtt J , Main 1038. or Evening Main 4408. H A TITLE Inturanc PoHcy t a guarante of th - title to your home. - When yon buy your home hive the title insured. Better be safe then sorry. Title A Trust company. WEST SIDE BAt?OAIN-e-6 room modem cot tage, lot 23x100: Sherman st., near Bread way; $600 cash, balance monthly. Taggart Broe., 1102 Spalding bklg. , t : BARGAIN HUNTERS 6-room hous. cement basement. Kuttt Irvincton .cars 1 mr m..m.. tm paid; $2250, $$60 eaab. balanc $26 month. Owner 41 Henry bldg, - - t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 THE HARRIS METHOD - SELLS HOMES -: t . - . - . 1 HARDWOOD FTOOBS. DUTOH KITCHKN. FT7I.L CEMENT BASEMENT. : these are a few of toe characteristic of s this unusnallT attractive 4 room plastered bungalow. Beautiful lot on pgved street. . Sc Mrs. Pearson at one at S76 East Sum near atreet. Pric $3000, $800 cash. " r T T T MONT HOME ON PAVED STREET, a fin buy. $ rooms and sleep ing porch, fi sjement basement ' with fur nace and laundry tray. Lovelr large lot. Located at 1816 Rodaey av. N. $454)0, $1000 cash. FURNISHED HOME AT REASONABLE PRICE, 6 room modern home in good con ' dttlon, on paved street I-ot 50x104. with gwd lawn and garden. Very good fumi- ture. Pric $2450, -$R0 cash, or, un furnished for $2300. $050 cash. 821 East Stark at. - i FURNISHED HOME IN ALBERTA, ThU Is a dandy buy in aaodern S room bungalow, ; with best qnaHty of furniture, piano in cluded. Everything in the hous goes ex cept linen and silverware. Very artistic lot with flowers, lawn and garden. Pnre only $3000, cash. 871 East 26th W N. k PENINSULA. Splendid 7 room bunga low, 4 room and bath on first floor, full basement with T large windows, also small Cnend cellar. Good new cesspool, electrio . light, gas. No. 1621 Kaowle st. $2500. ' WOODSTOCK, ViCANT. T room and leeping porch, nice built-ins; full base ment, laundry trays, woodlift, gang .with . cement floor. Full lot, fruit, berries, chirk en hous and run. Sea thi at 834 K. 52!;" block "from car. . Pric only $3650. $650. ! WOODLAWN. at 1462 Fern ave., neat Woodlawn car, we hav this wonderfully fin 100x100 with garden. Lot of berriea. and fruit eaoueh for a doeen families. n room cousge. Chicken house. Price $2000 with $400 cash. ' SEE THIS PRETTY HOME, walking distance, on West Side, with large fife- . place full basement, th entire hous at trsctivebr decorated: street is paved and paid. Located at C22 Quimby st ! CLOSE TO PIEDMONT CAR BARNS. Just right for young couple, nice 4 room house, dandy lot, with flowers and a nice ; lawn, close to high school, grade school and playgrounds. They will be there when youneed them. Only $1100. good terms. ,29 Wast Colfax, 8W Johns, car. I. W hav some excellent buys in Wood . stock Upper Albina, South Portland and " elsewhere. It you prefer looking them up yourself, com in snd get the adrireaa of as many a you. like or w will gladly show them to you. Phone Main 6624. I RALPH HARRIS CO. i 827 Chamber of Commerce. - ROSE cm PARK i NEW. NIFTY BUNGALOW $5900 'Here, folks, is a real for sure bungalow. Lot of class and distinction. You will appreciate the real Value. This ia tar superior to anything you hav been kmkng at around thi price. Really, we marvel at th builder being able to sell at this pric. ' You Just couldn't ask for anything better. And modern to the last. detail, too. He It and b convinced. Glad to show you any time. You're under no obligation. ! j , A. G. TEKPB COi 270 SUrk St.. near 4th.- Math 8092. r Branch Office, SOth and. Sandy. TWO FAMILT HOUSB $4100 - Located on the west aid, near 14th and Columbia sta., 1 1-rooia 2-faraily bouse, 2 complete set of plumbing, lot 37)4x100. income $44 monthly; $1000 cash. A real value. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 14 Room Bungalow I Why remain in that stuffy apartment when you can get a new 4 mora bungalow, finished In old ivory with fireplace, very attractive buffet, Dutch kitchen, nice light airy bedroom, ce ment porch, lot 46x100. for only $27601 A $500 cash payment will taka this cozy little liome; clue to school and ear. In good residence oisuict. J. A. Hutibe.I 1689 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8892. ROSS CITY PARK $5260 Ton can t help but admire thi tiw i - bungalow home;" 6 .rooms and attic, I hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet. ' Imtch i kitchen and breakfast nook. Large bath- 1 room t st. imp. in and paid. Term. 1 J. A. Wickman- Co. ! t ' "Shortest Way Home." 364 Stark St Main 1094 and 583. CALL Woodlawn 6035,. 9 to B; 6 -room modern house, built-ins, cement basement, furnace; B2HX100. east front; fruit, gsrsge; paved treat. - block Alberta Car; $3600. i 6-room modern house, cement basement, fur nace; corner. 50x100, east front, paved street. 5 -room - modem house, 50x100 corner lot, paved street, (Brass, fruit . 5-room modern hous, cement easement ; 50x100 kit, gsrsge. fruit ' ' i T-IjAUBELHURST"HOMBf BEAUTDJCC t $7860 Let Ua sUow you this attractive, home! 6 room and den, breakfast rodm and sleeping porch,' strictly modem,- hdwd. floors, furnace, firepisoe. . St, . Imp. all - in and paid. j J. A. Wickman Co. "Shortest Way, Home;" 364 Stark St - . Main 1094 and 6i. SEW CLOSE K BUNGALOW " 6 rooms and attic. 50x100 lot, eemt -basement, improved street, breakfast nook. -living r. and dining . in front; Complete) modern. 89$ Wsidler, between 28th snd.; 29th, 1 block south of broad wsy. . E. Waller, owner and builder. 212 Cham, of Com. East 0873 of Main 403. . A QUICK MO VE"" GETS THIS SNAP ' S-roont' home all newly tinted, fall cement basement 60x100 lot, fruit trees, clou to ear; rdy $2500, liberal terms. B. F. .POND REALTY CO., OWNERS THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS 1280 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 8825. " " SN'AF" QUICK POSSESSION 5 room modem borne; Jlreplso. fnmsrs-, enamel woodwork, etc.;. a delightful, well built home;- desirable, close-in location; paved streets, near Laurelhuntt Park snd Snnnyskie car. Only $8780: terms. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber mens bldg., or evenings phone Tabor 6169. AN abstract of title t not gnarante of your title; it i merely history oi your title. a Title inruranc Policy I a guarante f your title.- ' Therefor, when you buy property get Title Insurance Policy. , Na abstract required. Tltl A Trust eompsny. ' . " TAKB IRVINGTON CAR 1 " Brand new 6-room bungalow, strletly mod em, hardwood floors, furnace end built-ins; all t. impta. paid; $930 cash will handle. Go see it today. 821 East 16th st N. - Paon owner, lonv, " 89000 COLONIAL HOME IflOOO ' " ' Located . just east of Laurelhurst Park, " fin ished this spring, built by day labor, best of material used. Can be purchased on very easy term. Res J. A. MrCarty, 270 H Stark st Main 1700. Tabor 5057. evenings. . y 5ROOM modern bungalow, 1 block to csr, . full lot; Mount Tabor district; sbrribs, fruit and I lowers, evenings, fnon rast 8779 purcba. your doom bav th til - insured. Get a Title Insurance Policy. eV Trust compsaa., . tiu ... . rasrua sssnet, st REXL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES 61 II H H H li H U U II H U Ull U It H H H 11 H 11 II H H II H H II H H H H H H If H 11 H H H H H H II . H, H H - 11 - H H H H If II U H H H . H If H , $5000 PABKROSB HOME BARGAIN Fruit Tree and Berriea . 200x100 ft Ground Six H H H H A well bo lit house, 6 lsre rooms and bsth. Lara Mvtng and dining room with hardwood floors and built-in .ill effects. Fireplace and full cement base- H H meat Electricity and gss. As owner H lis - other ' arrangements -a desire to H H H H ! H H sell immediately, but If not sold in next: It few dsys. his plans wiU hi void and H plac taken off-market. H v ."' (:. .. ; . . .':: H .... .:' ... Term Half Cash. H H H H II H It II H H H H H H 11 f. L.' HARTMAN C0MPANT 8 Chsmber tf Commerce Bldg. - Main SOS. H H H H It H H H H H H H H H H H SELLWOOn FURNISHED $2000 On full paved lot, on block from car, a 5 room - furnished bungalow with aewer. This is an excellent buy and may be had for small down payment --. -1 ,, "-l Bihr-Carey Company I ' CAREY -SAVIIWJE CO., 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main T487. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS $5500 ROSE CITY PARK $5500 " Immediate pawtasstou. of this fin 3 story home on 45th st; sun room, dining room, kitx-!nj reception room, 8 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, full cone arte basement, furnace, fruit room, wash -" trays, fine garage With heavy cement run--: way; Street lien paid. Pay $1600 cash, . balance $25 monthly and interest. Thi home i in splendid condition and a mighty I good bay. - I COMTB A KOHLMAN ' , - 208 Chamber Commerce Bide. Main 6550. .1- $230 DOWN - For . six-room house, lorsted at 898 'Lombard st- Price $2760. Her is a fine chanc to Own a substantial horn In good district. Three bed rooms. Newly decorated and finished maid and out -Call Mr. Manoney ' COE A M'KENNA A TO. -83 4ttl St Main 4523. . ! Evenings, Columbia 80(4. HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION -Do you remember Hose City Park when ther were only 2 house east of the railroad? When Sandy ayed was a sea of mud from fall to late spring? We do. and hav been aelOng property in thi desirable section ever sine. Know the district lik a book. Let a help yon to select your home. Autos at your service. It plane yo under no obligation. JJ A. Wickman Co. - I "Shortest-Way Home.' ' " -264 Stark St. Main 1004 and 888. RODNEY AVE., FINE B it HOME. $5000 Nice 0 room house in pink of condition; elec tricity, .gas, furnace, bath, full cement basement, trsvs, buffet whit enamel and mahogany wood work; 8 bedroomsFrench floor in living room; fine lot, 60x100. all Uty work in and paid; about 1 3 r tin full bearing fruit tree, loaded with fruit; - fin chicken run with three smsll house, lot of choio roses, on Rodney ave. near Jefferson: high school, clos in; pric $3000, some" terras. Shown by appointment only. . t . . . UiiUHoI A UHASlill, 818-821 Board of Trade.; Main 7452. ATTRACTIVE yVAVERLEKJH BUNGALOW. . I "V- 33000 ITanasotn tKf. bungalow on beautiful cor ner - let, improvement all in and piid; leasing interior finish with U built-in; ira ! rooms, . cement basement and fur- , nsce, I $1000 rash, balanoe easy' terms. . ' It, f. FEEMSTKB, 417 Abiugton bldg.- , 00 ON AtTTO OR STREETCAR And See owner's comfortable, pleasant, well located real bom.' ' 7 tinted - rooms, sleeping porch, bathroom ; swell electric light fixture! plumbing) 4 larg letai garaeas; fruit cardea, shad trees; ao. auto hlsheray near good city schools, icoiieg. and . streetcars; early possession; $4600. ! Taka Wotslrtocll joar to 53d av., east to KO. 41, 'WAT-KINO DISTANCi: 8 ROOMS. 8 block .from Broadway bridge; splen did location, exceptional value. Thi large, modern horn Is in perfect condition; ha Rector (gas) heating system, double plumb ing, large cement basement and- laundry; tot 60x100. Pric only $6500. t . ft. F."EEM8TER.417 Abington bldg. . " ' BOSB CITY PARR CAB , . 6 Room RungHow, lOOxloO. i . - Furnished $3000. Face new park. . Of 'course, thi bungalow isn't real modern; but Just think of being able ta buy a furnished bnngslww of S room and 100X100 lot for $3000! Easy terras, too. . -I A. G. TEKPE CO.. ? 270 Wkrh St.; near 4th. Main 3092. ' Branch Office; 80th and Bsndy. - - TWO LAfREi:iIUUsf BABGAINS ' .! $4(00 and $4T50 Located 2 H blocks from "Sandy boulevard, room In each ; to be newly painted, both Inside and out, also kalsomtned, in tsct they will be nut like new. If .interested, don't delsy these will be quirk , sale. Se J. A. Me- Carty, 270 H Stark, st Mala 1700. Evening. Tsbor 6057. : NEAR Iurelhurt; good substantial 2 story . - 7 room - residescer gas, electricity- end - full plumbing, located on 8 very choio. lot; fruit, shrubbery and berries ; high and sightly; pric for immediate sale, $5000; very easy terms may b had. .... ,: . v .. " ' Johnsoh-Dodson Co. r. 688 N; W. Btnk b'dg. 1 Msin 87$. WHtDELAfT 8 room brmse. an 16Ut in Alberta; flrenlac. gss, bsth, toilet, ftdewslk and curbing. 8 lota, abeolut sscrlfice t $lT60; '$800 easb, bal anc $20 per month, including interest. Se MR. VAlL.,905 t hsm, f Cora. "."" "" aWtASH $T6TfONtHLT " "' New plastered eottsse; , corner lot; yatved' street 1 All improvement paid. Near Sunnsine car. Walking distane, Prio , $1860. . See Marstees. - 1 . r- . - ' JOHN FERGUSON. CgnLiyOKIt BLDG. 4i86-2 lots, large garden, fruit trees, grapes 6-roora bouse, bath, gas. fumJWre. Ka en CUmbraac! $500 down, bslsnr tenca 99$ Glenn ave., between Wygant and Going. .!$ 276 O""N"EW"fjATlFOBNIA"B0NG A Ei6w" ' Furnishad or unfumishedi Richmond, half block from car, beautifui . modem little ho ate; leaving- Portland. Term. Sell wood. 66 1. TITLE) Insurance safe tiara and money because no abstract 1 required. Tits A Trust cunv pany- ; .; - " ... -" SNAP, by owner. 5 roont bnngalow. Mt Tsbor district, comer lot, 45x100; $2000, terms; $1900 cash. Seilwood 799. Call after 8 p. av By H crriman - " - . -- aPAsfAfj . HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOI KI M II JEFFERSON HIGH, a good home of T . moms and hath, bssrment, not a new house, but a good home; walking distsnc to high school. This home is newly m. twred and decorated, vacant' and resdv to move in. -4 rooms and hath on first floor, 8 rooms on second floor. 50 by 100 lot with some fruit, Minnesota eve., near Preeott. Price $2900. Ouly $800 cash. Must be cold thi week. ; 7 Jetfebson Hiarr, 8 room bungalow, lik hew. double eotiM rut-ted. full concret banetnent furaare, 60 by 100 lot one f'k. to Willamette bird.;' 10 minutes to high school. $8500, sil cash, KENTON, T mora snd sleeping porch, lH-story bnntialnw, built-in butfet and botikcasea, white enamel Jnttch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath first floor, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch second floor, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, 6010(1 Jot; gsrsge.,, paved at, sewer all paid. If the appearance of this place Interest you, phone me for appointment to in.-pect The number is 78 Scolield tt, near KUhj prtc $3800. half cash. " t KENTON." 4 rooms and bath, a cosy llttl. bnme for two, bice lot. to rsr; No., Ill ll.iii.od st Don't duturb ten ant; pric $2400. ,;H cash. KENTON. 5 rooms and bsth. bedrooms and bath oa second floor. This home is tn first clsss i condition, 2 blocks south of isninsuia rsr on Albina are.; rered. sew. cr pa Hi, iOUUU, tlliru caall. Shown by appoiutment. Oj A. PEARCE - 815 Cliatuber of Commerce. Mailt 3638. . ROSE 4'tTY - ' ' -,''"" I ' , 34200 ...... i . . ThU particular bungalow is trir0y mod- em in architecture sn4 sppoinimeuts. H is on pared slreet, nne block from th csr. It liss a built-in bufffet, Dutch kitch en, eeinent baenieut. laundry trsy, fire place, hardwood floors..; It U in A-l con dition and. in a rl buy. "Bihr-Carey Company f CAREY-SAVIDC.K CIIMPA.W, 211j Ratlwayi Exchange Bldg. Msin 748T. - OPEN EVENXUS AND SUNDAYS. BB.VUTIFHL BUNGALOW 6 rooms and slsetdng porch enclosed. Israe living anil dining rooms with msny built-in features exipiimUr Vitcii- en. la rife fireplace. lisniwoiKi flinirs. . big rloneta, concrete baxnient, JUilllll . bit msny fruit trees, big garden; lt ested in Portland on St. John Car . line. , Price $4730, ' . Cl! Mr. Mshoney f'OK A, MKENNA A -fit,. 62 4th St. j Main 4IV22. Evenings, Columbia 638. "V - OVER TWO ACRES $4300 -AH ia cultivation. 2 very nest tottsges. I of 8 rooms, 1 i of 4. the latte being plastered, both In splendid condition, clo. to school, I in city limits bet. MV snd ltd can This Is a vsry decided snsp. $1000 cash, bat monthly, i 8 733 Chsmber of Coramsre. qrovesJand park Was $6000Now"5500 Beautiful -room home;- $ Isrr bedrooms, pipeleas furnace, 50x90 lot. east facing. - nn imrae at a pickup, j Some terms. Call Morrin. Msrshan $0o9. Evenings, AutomaUg . i ROSE ciTtTpark $3700 Let u show you this sttrsctiva bnnis low near Handy blvd., clous in, mi Rose t'ity I'grk cr; 0 hmis and bsth, strictly Btnderq, wltli tiasc. furnace, --fireplace, hardwood -floors; usual built ins gsrsge, at Imp. in snd istul. Terms. J. A. WickmaTi Co. V i"8bortet Way Horn." 264 SUrk St. Main 1004 and 58. Phimelrfsrshsll 18. AIAMEDA DRIVE MXTltA HPKCIAI. . No. 1314 Owner ts ( and ws Ixed to sell at a sacrifice. Bungalow constats of 0 rooms, pretty breskfsKt nook, flooreil attic, cement basement, 'furnace, flrrplar. pretty bullt Ins, hardwood floors, 'Dutch kitchen, fine plumb ing 1 H blocks to lose City csr. Jut think, new - bungslow near.' Alamwla driire snd Sandy boulevard for only 8&500; $S8oO cash, balance 8-esr mortgsge. MarhaU 1 rljiH. ' - I B ARt; a Tss - ' Magnificent 9-rovirn home, Irvlngtin; lot lOOt 100; gang; cost $22,000. wiU Lake 815. 000. rterms. ! - i , - Splendid B room bungalow, lot 50x100, dou ble garage ;.bt new furniture, new auto; ready to move Into. $7000. Fin new 5 room bungalow, fully eouipped; garage; bejt construction: IrvingLoo Utlghu; rbesp. Esst 278. Hrrdman. 6 ROOM lfo'i:SK?0'x200 Ulfll'ToiT Good 0 rom bouse, electricity, gas, tlrcplace, bnokcaaes, buffet, cement bsxeiaetit, bsth, garage; lota of ground, over 8 lots; -cement walks and grading paid; 4 blocs to car, bandy to school, near.E. 2d and Glisn; price, a snap, IS'idii, sbont $1000 cash and $3o per month, - includ ing iatcresti Shown by smioiiitioeot utdv. GltUKSl A BENNETT. 8M-831 TttsiPl of Trade. Msin 7452. "SL'NN'X ciOIrUKiiN ItiHtrASD' 3250 4 6 ROOM AUTISTIC BUNGALOW Sleeping porch, firvfilsce, buiit-ln features, ce ment banemrnt, enamel iililrabing, nice lot, gar age; 8 blocks to ear; aesr Corbel t St., Vet SiJ; si out $1000 csb, bal. A p-r eerit This is Al property. I'bone lin 40. -;- Q. C. Oo.tlenlbern Abingum bWg. "3S Team In Portland" nrfixGT6NfAirif.i3( room bungalow, fciith, huilt-uis, Cifcisnl baaemrnt, Isundry room, fruit room, fuH lot, only 8 blocks to csr. Jonnson-Dodson Co., 6S3 N. W. Bsnk bldg. - Miln 377. . . FROM OWNER All fumisbed complete, 4 -mora modem hnnae vrlth gsrage, rinse to Kos fMty ear: immediate possession ; rash or terms. Kant KOS. V ACA N Til AVTll?)RXX?,LO S EI NTH olfrt - Modem,' 45th at.., fiOtlOO; lot of fruit and berries; excellent condition. Owner non-resident Hurry. Marshall 1022. 12800 FOR SAltTbT owner, 4 rtm hous In good condition: lot 2.il20, on JrWIUtam '. Owner, 831 Height are. Wdln. 1331. 4 ROOM bouft., gss, wster berrlr, lnuu, .tui cash, balance terms; alo 5 riicm p!tiered hous,.. semi-modern, for $280 ca-nh, balance term Inquire 6102 5h st S. K BOSECITT prRBThon for eale. 13$XTC ' mda drive. Phone Tsbor ooi'l, b'X rwnni, hall, sleepisg porch, floored attic, full basement; a good buy. Foe famaoe. IU.'iOO. WHEN you get Tltl Insurance Policy, yoq do not need SB abstract of title. One prs- I SACRIFICE Nice 8 room home for sale, cheap; lot 80x200. Call after 7 p. m or sit dsy fcuruley. 6443 91st st. 8- E., comer 65th s R6ECITY PARK $"4250Ul.eTT" room 1'tin saiow on 4 6th i .. near Handr road: nica !awnnd lireltfyi Tshor B44I. iltOOMS, 2to"ta7"l0miJ!. car; tint xol'CnT. but good home 3 $1200; $100 down. Mr. Brand, 420 Henry Hdg. - - . ' - CLOSE your reai etst fl'al without annoying details by Using a Title Insnranc. roltcy. (s abstract required. Title A Trut company. 4Sxl00, I'sUforrua, btinrlow $1750, son terms, bybwner. st, near I'enineula ave. 204 West. Fsrnu-ut IRVINGTON llOairl From 8650O to $50,000, McXkinell. East 4t. i - ; -; , ; . - - BOOM howe. loit 60xi72; fruit. b-rrlea, fr den in, $400down, rest easy term. Call pen wood 4 on. JROOM , bungalow, large lot,-fruit. berne and . j .W . . , . W .. X V ear: $1580; $980 equity tn cash. Tsbor 2034. 0NHMA80rbetween Union an.i' U'U;,"r7iS .. $2"0O takes nest home, 5 rooms snd bath, cement basement street paved, "fisid. Tor 64 1. Fl00 8 ROOM, modern,. $300 eh. b7snr $0 par month and ititrre-t. Csli at S44 S2d st n. E. Plion Tar77i EVEllYljurehsser Vf "real ett aboukl hsv t:s ' tuie insured. Belter be asi than sorry. T.-.e gs Tmst eotniistiy,' 4-RO('M ', iniHjKrn hr i-e. corner I' t ''; comer o let and iialiey sts. Ixbor 4cjii. $ 2 100, - - TITLE Insurance is ths modern way of Lu .. tts to res! estate. (Juicker, coats 1m and a abstnet reqmred. Title A -Trust em I'OSlEprtii!rty. six flats7ci(j'-e in, v.'- $71'0O, one tidrd cash; property wi.l ur bsjsnce. Main 8?T. 4 ROOM cottage, ail futr:., ,ci, cbcup. I ) K. 4 1-t st. W. - FOIt SAI.K Neve 1905 H St., Vsncooe-r, .- i " : ; - ' : n i; ::-" y-:j::yyXX:-r'' Xc)- IU; X:X-y-XX, A Js ':r-:y:X:x, X-XxyyXX .Xy,::,:::: -