THE -OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL, 'PORTLAND,- OREGON V 13 HIGHER RAISIN . PRICES ASKED ! AS I . SUN IS 'DRYING UP VINES MATERIAL GAINS IN STOCKS Edited bjr WillF. Hcsslaa THURSDAY, AUGUST ' 28, 1 1920. BUTTER PRICES ADVANCED AGAIN Shortage of high grade butter caused another advance of 3 cents In creamery prices Thursday morning-, making a 6 cent : advance thus far for this week. This brinsrs the price on . parchment wrapped butter to 64 cents per pound in the wholesale market. . . - Butterfat'also took 'an advance, but the la rnui was one eent 1m than that on butter. to Uit new freight nte; which must be bore, by 'the daiyrmen. .Th- increae In trotter prim alaojneludea th freight on the finished product. Th. cresmerie hsv Uw rmoneed a wider nun In the price offered for A and B end bulterfat. In order to encourage the (rnirn to prodTir (nod grade of critm. On the Portland delivery bull. . 66 cent will be paid vfor - A grad craara and 68 cant for B trade. The ranee country ataUona la . 86 to 3 cent. ' - .' Cold etons holding of butter at Portland on August 23 were raifh lea than those a ysee ago, according to figure of the bureau of markets. This year there are but 812,836 pound In tnre. a against 1,231,004 for the ' hum dy last .season. - Seattle I also short, hsviitg 1.206,448 potinda In storage aa against 1,051,22$ for but season. The same condi tinru extat at San ITrani-IJwo, where there Is l.H42.)37 pounds in storage against 2.000.148 th aame day last yaar. . The national atone holdings on August 1. m also tar below, that of. Wat season. This year there are 90.896,123 pound in storage, against 123.64S.670 for I art year. Butter is being imported from New Zealand and Denmark' to make tip for th shortage. .More than 1 ,000.000 pounds of butter are on the way to th United States from Denmark, ac cording to a cablegram for the bureau of markets from the American consul general et Copenhagen. - The Frederick V III . sailed on August A with 687.168 pounds; the Dorttntag holm in August 10. carrying 223.760 pound; and the. United States on Augurt 12. with : 39,900 pounds; making a total uf 1.050.888 pound. . Persona desiring special information regarding , any market should writ the market editor. Ore goo Journal, enclosing stamp for reply. . ; EGO MAUKET IX QUEER SHAPE r Rather mixed condition pre rails ' in th egg market, Soma dealers claim ther is a g friers I shortage, while other say User is only short ge of good eggs. Fresh eggs are scarce article in the market and good .hennery stock would bring as high a 64o per doxsn. - There is no. market price on case coast, owing to the poor quality. Most dealers now prefer to buy on the loss off basis. ezs wsrs selling in the market for 60 cents per dozen. .. 3I0B0DY HTJXTIHG FOE VEAL . Uuyen for country killed calves ar not tn evidence. The market is weak. It is probably fortunate Uiat arrivals have been light or- much Tai mlnht be going to warte. The hog market is steady, but far from being active. CHICKEX MART GOOD (?OSDITIOX Heavy hen and spring are very scarce and as a. result the chicken market is very firm. Receipt were not equal to the demand Thurs day and as a -result the light stock commended good prices. Heavy springs lumped to 32 cents. ' .,' i . . - BRIEF 7?0TKS OF PHODt'CE TRADE Oregon Crawford peaches $2 25 ft 2.75; Early XlSls. $2.00 gp 2.29; l.OVelW, S2.OO&2.20. Champion plum ,$1.60; Tragedy, $1.25 1.60: Diamond. 62.60. . - TaUma apricot 12.50 per box. 8t potato, 12 He per pound. ' Yakima cantaloupes moving well at $2.00 'for standards; California stuff a drug on th . market. . Egg plant 8o per lb. In era Us ; 10 in small Jots. Huckleberries 25e per ponnd. lied Astrschan apples, 62.60 per twl; Graren iteins, $2.00. 'TOWATOEA3H-POTATOE8 DOWX Tomato irackywtorik a decided drop to 40 i cents per tx Eewrfjilsy, when it wa found v.he stock -dltf nottiare any keeping quality. Th tail nd : of The Dalles crop is Dow er ,rlring. It seem to be full of best, ks green stuff will ripen evernight and within 24 hours tn ore th fruit is leaking out of th boxes. Vo t tatoe ar .mora plentiful and cheaper. Walls .A' alia onion market la reported slightly firmer. C,TlLLAMOGK CHEESE PRICE IS VP T'ilamook trash.- fancy triplet end Toung ..American advanced on rent per pound Thurs day. This makes th Portland prios on trip let S3&84 cents and on Tuung Americas 85 0 - to cents per pound. t ; WEATrtER NOTICE FOR HITPF4RS Weather bureau ad rises: Protect shinmsnts dnring th next 86 hours against the following - maximum temperatures r Ooing north 70 de- - greesi northeast over th 6.. P. ft 8. It. K. . .88 degress; eaat to Baker, 88 degrees; and - souin to Asnisna, w oegreea. Maximum tem perature at Portland tomorrow about 79 degrees. "WHOLESALE PRICES IJT PORTLAND Thes ar price retails! pay wholesaler, z- eept as otherwise noted: r. Dairy Product X BUTTER- Selling price, box lot: Creamery "prime, parchment wrapped, 84e lb. ; prime, first. . -62c lb.; firnts. Clo lb.; smsFler lou mt sn ad . Tanc. Jobbing price: Cub extras, 50 H e i 67e: ftrsta. B4e. f BUTTERFAT Pcrtland delieery basis, 6e trA grade; 68o B grade; country stations, 68 2c . 5 OLEOMAROARINK Best brands. 40c: ordi ary, S3 He: baker. 83c; nutmargarine. 1-lb. ..s cartons, 82o per lb. CHBKSB Selling price- Tillaiaook.' fresh Oregon fancy triplets. 33 84c per lb.; Toung I- America. 35(36o. Prices to Jobbers, f. o. b. i Tillamook: Triplets, 80c; Toung America, 81c. Belling price: Cream brick. 40 A 42c Belling price: Block Swlas. 4849e; limburger, 400 -42c per lb. EGGS Buying price Current receipts, 4S 60s; candled, selling price, 55 37c; select. 60c i per dosee. LITK POCLTRT -Selling price: Heavy hen. SAc; light bens, 1820c; springs, 27932c; . old roosters, 10c per lb.; turkeys, lir. ( ); : dock. 80 0 85a lb. Fresh Vegetables and Fruit ' r FRESH FRUIT -Oranges, $7.008.50 per bor; banana. 11012c lb.; lemons- $4.60 9 , 6.60 per crate; grapefruit. $5.00 6.00 ; canu- louiies, California Standard. $ 1.75 f 2.23; pony, $1.2601.60; flat, 50 75c; UaUga grapes. $3.268.80 per crate; seedlen grapes, $2.76; .peaches. (2.00 2.26 box; plums, $j. 23 2.25 crate; pears. $2.25 ) 3.79. . .i APPLES Ne. 1.00 ? 2.60.. - DRIED FRUIT Hates, Dromedaries, $7.00 7.50; Fards. $4.00 per box; figs. $2.75 8.00. -' OJflONS Selling price to retttlers: New NVsJl Walla. $1.50 1.75; garlic. 2e per lb.; igwen onions, 23i$40o dosen - bunches; onion sets. 17 J ISo lb. i POTATOK-elling price: Oregon faney. $2.25 p 2.75. , BKKRIES Rlsckberries. $3.60 rste. .1 VEGKTABLE8 Turnips. $3.50 sack; car- ' rots. $2.60 sack; beeU, 60o dosen bunchea; let ltuc."i 31.73 cratet cucumber. 25 ft 50 box: tothatne. 4075c egg plant. 12 He per lb.; iDrwou ; oeu yevimru, A. 71 r, vwierj, $1.23 dozen: string; beans, 6c per lb.; green corn. $l.oori.u sack. .1. Meat end ' Provision I COrxTRT .MEATS SeUing price: Country oiU'-W-io u. for top blockers; naaTy, too; el 22 23e; heavy veal, 16c lh. SMOblEU MKAT.S Ham, 446o per lb.; breakfast bacon. 42 9 5 be; picnic, 25c per lb.; cottaee roU. 83c per lb. LKD Ktttl rendered, 23c lb.; tierce basis, ccmpound. 20c Fish and Shellfish FRESH F1S11 Riimn. rt.ik it 18e lb.; halibut, fresh, 22 24 per lb.;- stur geon (); black cod, 10 11c lb. ; kippered I"0?. 2 ?0 Pr 10-lb. basket; kippera cod, $2.86: raaorclams ); b $2.7.75 Hons; ling cod, 'agio lb. o SrGa.T f P. refiwery basU: ICube. $22.10;. fnut and berry, $21.25 ; D ysl llow, . $20.65; granuUted. $21 25 : eitra tl 1,$2d.R; golden C, $20 75. ""',,nB HOfcET New, $7.00 & T.S0 case. ihesd ( ) ; Blue Rose, 14 1 c per lb. BAI.T C-uerse, half ground, 100a. $lf 23 ner Ico- SOs. $18. 76; Ubl dairy. 60s $27 is )e. $i.804.00: fane, uble and dafar" $34.50; lump rock. $26.50 per ton. . BEANS - Sale by Jobber. Small white. 7 Vie lb.; large white, Te lb.; plnkTsHe lb-' lima. 13 He; bayou. ll4e; reds, lHc- OrV ton beans, buying price, nominal. 5 V ik ' CANNED MILK CamaUon. $6.60; Borden. -16.50; Astor, $4.40; Eagl. $l2.86i Libby; $9.60; Mount Vernon, $6.40 per case. ' COFFElfi Roasted. 84 J 4 So in sack or - Irums. : ! f SOOA CRACKKR9 In bulk. 20o per lb. h NUTS Walnuts, 40c per lb.j almonda, I8e; fUberts, 32o in sack lots; peanuts, 14? 15c; pecan, 25e; Bracila, 35c. - New Tork-Londoa Sliver ! New. Tork. - Aug. 36.- (I. N. S. ) rrnim.r. e,i bar ailver waa today Quoted a follows: la- uncnangca ex wc; foreign, lc bigbse t 8o. . - JMAR-IC'ET, EsASKJET . f orrAiL. dd irr.o - ' ! j i ... y .. .... -; :? : - !t- - Peam for canning trill probably not be eo high this season as they have been ror (several years past, owing fo, the bumper crop which Is about to be picked In almost every section of Oregon and Washington. , Fruit canneries have all the bears bought they can use, and are temporarily out of the market. Pears for canning are expected to be. plentiful in si short time at not to exceed $1.60 per box. -j , r 'j ? Crabapples advanced in price Thurs dayj owing to an apparent shortage. Housewives desiring this fruit should pot delay any: longer in securing their supply,;, V ! . : Keports reaching the wholesale dealer from all sections indicate that a larg4 1 local tomato crop is about of be har vested. Tomatoes will probably be cheap this! season, which means that a large number will be canned in the homes. " The market is well supplied with Plums. All kinds of prices are being asked, depending upon the quality of J the ! fruit. Karly applies ' are scarce and high rriced. Lower priced applies are looked fori as the season advances. lihe prlee.of potatoes is gradually low eriiig as the crop arrives on the market in a more liberal supply. The following price .rule generally in retail sVcpe for good dnallty. ; Some values ar frsc tionaly higher and inferior staff fractionally loner. I Butter1 Best creamery. 8S70e. Eggs Fresh laid. 66e , per dosen; faney trcti, 60c per doacn. , Poultry -Chickens dressed. 30$MOe per lb. o lliih Salmos. 23a per lb.; halibut. 30c lb. Flour Hort local patent. $3.20 9 4.30 per sack: 4 9 lbs. Potatoes Bnrbsnks, 4 Sc. Onion Drier. 8HX4C. r Strawbenie -Oregon, 20c per box. Blsekberri 20c per box Green iwrn, 80e80cper dozen, '; Cash Market Given Redmond Farmers Redmond, Aug. 26 Furnishing a eash mar ket ! for all farm produce mtttt stook from the Ir rigated ranch of Central Oregon, th Farmers' Warehouse A Milling eompeny plan tj open for business in Redmond early in September. Final plan for the incorporation or me company and its ipurohas of a warehouse building for $8000 snd the Redmond flour mill for $4500 were completed at a meeting of stockholders held la Redmond Friday night. Mighty farmer and business men of Redmond hold stock in th nw eoioraaon which I capi talized at $25,000 with about $20,000 sub scribed. I Th officer elected ar : C. F. Honkins of Redmond, president; John Ms run of Tumslo, vie p reei-ient ; M. A. Cunning of Redmond, secretary; WJ M. Wilsoa of Redmond, treasurer, and T. J. Uuigley of Lower Bridge, manager. Oregon Flax Best h Grade, Says Expert Sslem, Aug. 26 Flat grown in the Salem district of the i Willamette valley will compare favorably with that srown In any other section of the United State, according to Lyster U. Dewey, botanist in charge of fibre inspection for the United States department of agriculture who halt been investigating the flax' industry in this aertion this week. The flag Industry, Dewey- predicted St a meeting of the . Rotary club here Wednesday neon, wss detained to take Us place alongside the fruit industry in thie valley. ; AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES - Ohleaeo Hoe S1S.B0 Chicago. Aug. 28. 1 1. X. S.i- Wrais , R- ceipt 13,000: jusrket 15c to 25c higher. Sulk, $13.7315.40; top, $15.50; heavy weight, $14.15 15.26) medium weight, $14.80 15.50J flight weight, $14.75 is. 50 ;i light lighu., $14.2.v 15.3S: heavy packing ' sows, smooth, $1 tf 14.00 ; packing sows, rough. $13.86 18.65: pigs, $18.00 14.90. ! I Cattle Reoelpte. 11,000; market steady to 25c higher. Beef steem: Choice and ' prime, $16.60j 17.65; medium and good. $12.60 10.50;-good sad choice, $14.7517.25: com mon and medium, $0.00 14.50. Butcher cat tle: Heifer. '$6.60 IS. 00; cows, $0.00(4 12.75; bulls, $5.00 11.60. Canners and cut ters: towi and heifers, $4.00 0 6.2 5 ; eanner steers, $4.807.60; veal calves (light and nanaj-weignu. t fio.oo as lT.oo; feeder! steers, $7.50 12.25J itocker steers, $5.50 010.76; stock er cows and heifers, $5.00 dt 0.00. ! i Sheep Ueceipta, 25,000; market strong to higher. Lambs (84 lbs. down), $1.75 14.35; lambs, ' culls and common, $8.00 11.60; yearling wethers, $9.00 10.50 : ewes, $8.25 0 8,00; ewes, culls and common, $3.00 5.73; breeding ewes, $6.00 11.00. . ! ' Denver Hoes $16. BO Denver. Aug. 26. (TJ. P.) Cttl Re ceipts 700, steady, Steers, $8,50 12.00; eows and heifer. $6.26 g 8.50: stackers and feeders, $6.5008.50: calves, $10.00 12.00. I llop Receipt. 11,000; 1625c higher, top. $19.50; bulk, $14.00(914.73. I Sheep Receipt 6000, strong and ' higher. Lamb. $ 11. 80 12.50; ewe,- $6.0096.26; feeder lambs. $1 1.00 11.50. , I Sanaa Olty Hog $18.18 ( J Kansas Olty, Aug. 26. (I. N. S. ) -i-C.l, 8000; market steady to 35c higher; steers, $9.00 l.6o; eows, 6.00p 10.00; stackers and feeders, $6.00 918.00; calves, $9.00 & 13.00. I Hoes 8000; msrket steady to lOe up: bulk, $14.60 ( 16.00; topsi $15.13; heavies, $14.50 15.90: Ughts, $14.80 15.15; medium, $14.7315.10. T I Sheep -14,000; msrkst 25 to 60c higher; lambs, $12.00 013.83. j Omaha Hoe $14.78 I OraaBa, Neb., Aug. 20, (I. N. S.) Hogs Receipt 8000; mostly 102Se higher. Bulk, $18.78914.25; top. $14.75. I Cattle Receipts. 1900; beef and ' batcher steer 23a higher, stackers and (seders 26 9 60c higher. ' bull and veal steady. i I Sheep Receipts, 28,500; killing lambs strong to 25o higher, top $13.23; sheep steady, feeder lambs slow, best sales $12.73. i T Seattle Hoes S17.B0 I Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 26. (L N. 8 ) Hogs J Receipt 70. market, eteady. prime Jigbts. $17.00917.50; medium to .choice. $16,009 17.00; rough heavies,. $14.00 913.00; pigs. JI13.00 14.S0. Cattle Receipts 168, market weskj Prime teers $10,25 10.76 : medium to choice. $9.00 1910.00; common to good, $7.0098.00; best cows ana nsiiers, ii.suiss.vui meanim to Choice, $6.00 9 7.00; common to good, $8.00 16.00. . , Sheep Receipt none. To Ship 1 Cars Fears Roseburg, Aug. 26. Th Bartlott pear seac son is nearlng completion la Douglas county. The greater part of the pears are being han dled by the- Oregon growers. They will ship 10 lean from the valley. The cannery is handling keveral tons of pears and paying a little better than the market price. The Riddle and SuLb isrlia crops wil) be shipped by the Oregon grow ers. "The g rovers' cannery will not ope rate at 8utherlln this year, but all fruit will be shipped by the association and th market price for top grade fruit will be received by the growers, even though outside offer are being made aa a means of detracting., The growers will also ship prune. I - Kw Tork Prodaee Msrket New York. Aug. 26. (I. N. 8.) Batter - Market Quiet, creamery extras, 56 9 69 H el first. 81 57 H c; higher scoring. 67 H 9 60 He; state- dairy tabs, 46957c. I Cheese Market firmer. 28 9 28 e. Whole milk specials. -26 H 9 27 He; fancy. 28 H 9 29 He; fancy Toting America. 16 H 9 IT He; Skims, specials, 19 916c; fair to good, 12 9 14 He. , Eggs Market firm. , Nearby white, fancy. 71973c; brown fancy. 639 67c; extra, 609 61e; firsts, 63956c. i , ...... . . f Dried FrsJt and Beans j New Tork, Aug. 26. (L N. S.) Beans Market steady. Marrow, choice. $11.60: pea, ohoice, $7.60. -Dried Fruit Market quiet Apricots, extra choice to fancy, 26 9 37c; apples,, evaporated, prime to fancy, 18 9 18 e; prunes, $0 to 80s. 17 H 25c; do 60s to 100s. 11 H 9 18 He; peaches, extra choice to fancy, 19 H 921 lis; seeded nisans, choice to fancy, 2846 95o. . Sw Tork Bids Market . Kew Tork, Ang. 26. (L N. S.) Hides Market steady. Native steers, 25 28sf braoded steers, 23 9 25o . 1 RAISINS OFFERED AT HIGHER PRICE Prices still higher , than those asked last season will be asked this year for raisins by the California growers, ac cording to information received in Port land Thursday.-. One merchant who placed a large order was given bu 10 mj B xit wiiku vu viu m wiiusvif VI leave tire raisins alone. He was asked 24H cents per pound tor loose Musca tels, 23 cenets for unbleached Sul tanas, and 23 cents tor dried i black grapes.' ! . j U In a letter to th trade the ratsin company says: "Th nisin crcp will b Teach lea than was expected, owing to th intense heat the past two weeks. In many ease th vine ar turning brown and the gnitea are diying oa the vine much too soon and will therefore be lost. "Under these , eirru instances we j are i not ac cepting any more raisin business atj present, and will not know for a few days what we csa dp. Ther is every prospect that prices will be higher, a Kan tern buyers are willing to take straight carload lota at more advantageous prices to as tnas w are asking our trade." Steady Tone in jHog And Sheep Alleys; Cattle Market Slow PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Thursday ...... Week ago ...... Two weeks ago Four weeks ago . , Year ago ....... Two yean ago . Three yean ago . Four years ago. . 86 520 305 1 118 318 454 887 207 27 102 ' 24 63 180 RUN halves. Sheep. 34 , 697 It 710 ... 900 109 T 2348 22 303 13 ' 74 14 283 wa 12 cam. Overnight run at North Portland Th bog market remained steady, (h yards deal ing mostly in drive-in, which so id around $16.50, It would take carload lots and diversion bogs to bring the market top. j I Genenl bog market nag: - I j : Prime mixed $36.50 917.00 Medium mixed 36.00 918.80 Rough heavy .............. So. 00(313. 00 Smooth heavy 113.069 15.00 Pig 32,60 9 10-00 ' Oattle Markac Slow ;. The eattl market wss slow, but steady. Run was the heaviest Thursday . shipment for Several week past. General cattle range: V Choice grass steers uooa to cuow steera ....... Medium to good . steen Fair to good steen ......... Common to fair steen. ...... Choice cow and heifers Uood to choice eows and heifen. Medium te good cow and beiftn. Canners ................... Bulls Choiee dairy calves. ........ . Heavy ealvea .............. Best light calve Medium light naive Best feeders ..... Fair to good feeder. ......... "' Sheen Market' Steady Prices in th sheep alleys remained unchanged, with a fairly good demand fori choice lambs. Overnight run wa about normal. tieneml sheep and lamb rang: Prime lambe Coll lamb Yearlings . Ewe ................. . Wednesday Afternoon S ales STEERS No. ' Ave. lbs. 9.50910.50 8. n0 9.60 7.50 9 8.50 7.00 W 7.50 6.09 9 7.00 7.28 9 $.00 6.23 9 7 23 8.26 9 6.2S 2.75 9 4.76 6.00 6.00 18.00918.00 7.00 U.OOi 11.00 913.00 9.00 911.00 8.50 9 7.00 8.60 9 6.00 t .00 910,00 6.00 9 7.00 6.25 9 9.50 6.23 9 6.76 2.25 9 e.Otf Not. 5. 3. 2. 1. - 1. 1 . 1. .2. 1. 8. 28. Ave. lbs. Price. . . . 930 8 6.76 . .. M5S 6.00 . .. 970 ...1100 . . .1120 . . . 1080 . . . 960 100 ...1140 V, 050 835 .1003 7.00 9.50 10.25 . 8.50 7.50 7.50 9.50 8.23 8,25 0.8O 5.. 1. . 1. . 1. . 1. . 1 . . 2.. 1., 3.. 1. . 1. . 1. . 2. . 1.. 2. , 1 . 1ft.. 3. , 5. . 6. . 3. . 6. , 6. . 4. , 4. , o 4.' '. 81. . 3. . a. . 8. , .1090 $ 6.26 690 3.50 COWS. 6. . J. 002 4..J. 905 . DOO .1123 . 830 .1170' .1050 . 905 .1112 . 720 . 836 7 2 - 2. , 1. . 2. . .1040 .1360 . 970 .1040 . 070 . 850 . 890 . 520 . 960 . 91 5 .1040 7.25 G.25 6.25 6.25 7.00 7.00 0.25 4.25 c.oo 6. IK) 3.00 CALVES 1 Price, 814 $ 6.75 6.0O -8.00 0.00 10.25 8.50 7.50 8.50 6.60 8.23 7.09 6.S0 .1080 $ 4.8 . 240 $12.50 I 2 BULLS .1185 $ 6.00 I 1 .1310 3.50 1 1 MIXED . 938 $ 8.00 8 833 6.10 I 8 858 6.00 16 re 800 800 1100 990 1000 730 910 950 750 1060 730 , 7.23 6.5 6.26 6.2$ 7.06 7.00 7.00 6.25 6.25 6.00 6.0 r C53 365 $14.50 240 16.50 14 195 182 105 100 219 210 143 103 230 180 4.25 4 HOQS J 9. .j. , 22. J. . 82. .i. . I:::: a . . . . 4..;,. 9 m j 12. . . 29. . , 7. . . 63.. , S3. ., tio... 17. . . 1. . . 2..; 14.50 16.65 16.75 16.50 16.63 16.50 16.50 16-00 13.75 16.50 16.60 . I.AMB3 63 $ 7.50 69 8.00 68 10.00 79 10.00 EW 83 $ 4.60 99 8.50 163 $15.50 .1500 $ 5.58 . 860 6.00 , 7S0 $ 7.10 .731 6.00 . 772 3.00 . 820 4.23 . J72 $18.73 . 850 14.60 185 240 240 845 171 192 550 112 286 167 183 16.73 16.64 16.75 14. &0 16.35 16.60 15.60 18.76 16.60 16.50 16.50 T. 27. J 21, T E3 YEARLINGS 41. 19. 4. J. 102 $ 7.25 110 ' 6. on WETHERS 103 $ 8.50 I BUCKS 150 $ 4.00 J ' .1 Thursday Morning Sale HOGS 97 $ 8.50 77 10.00 68 8.50 I 91 $ 6.23 111 6.00 105 $ 7 0 No.- Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. Jbn. Price. 4 165 $16.25 2.,.. 173 $16.50 13.... 138 15.33 20.,.. 164 16.50 6 253 14.50 .... 204 ; 16.B0 2 820 15.75 5.j.. 188 16.50 1.... 260 16.50 11.... 142 14.75 LAMBS ' 819.... 59 $ 9.00 I 284.,.. 69 $ 9.00 67. . . . 93 0.5O j , . j 12... 138 $ 4.25 I YEARLINGS i i s 11 125 $ 5.00 J ! ' BUCKS j 137 $ 4.00 I -'- 1 t H "i ' " CALVES ' 1.... 280 $13.75 I 29.... 196 $13.75 2..,. 210 8.00 I ; COWS I' 6....1051 $ 7.00 I 2..., 990 $ j00 .1.... 440 8.00 1 4.... 987 7j00 4. . . . 850 0.00 - . j;- - :: . . POTATOES ALOBTG THE COAST; Los aneeles Market Los Angeles. Aug. 26. L N. S.) Pota toesLocal Earlv and White Rose, fancy So. 1, mostly $1.35 9150; No. 2. 76c 9 $1.00 per lug; sacxea -no. l. is.onsi,v; : sucnog fancy Burbaaks. $3.60 98.78. j San Francisco Mark at San Franciaoo, Aug. 26. U. P.I Potatae Old River W hite, 82.79 93.0V; sweets, ?tt 98e per pound, - i , . Onions-iYelTow, $1.50 l.T i ? Australian brown. $1.60 91.75. i i yield peea, Se per ponnd. i 4 . . Seaatle Market i '" - t L: Seattle. Aug. 26. (L N. S.) Potato Kennewick 2 H et local white, 2 H 92 C4 DAIRT PRODUCTS OF THE COAST - Sari Franolsoe Market - i : San Francisco, Aug.- 28. (U. P.) Butter Extras, 68 He; prime firsts, 8e. i Eggs Extra, 64c; extra tint, 68c; first. 62c; seconds, 46e; dirtiea. No. 1, 54e; extra pallets, 67e- undersized pullets, 86 He. - Chseae California flats, fancy. 31e; fintz. 28 He : - " Posjttls Market ' -- SeatUe, Wash., Aug. 26. (L K. S.) Eggs -Select ranch, 58c .-, :. i . 1 i - Butter City creamery extras, I 061cJ Cheese Oregon tripleU, 30 9 32c; Young Lea anawtaa ; t tm Angeles, .Aug. 2 6. (L N. I B-- -B utter. Caarara Ttnrk x4m a 1 - .--.. AU . Wl.WI Jot tf? brk edvanced. He In Portland on AVcdneedsy. New peel l.?bPort- l Luudoe. Aug. 38. (I. N. S. Bar silrer wu i7rf t. . Hew P1 P"- h(L hiioer today at OlHd. r WM' . Mxi and old peel "gga Fresh extras. 60c: case: count. 6Se: pullets, 50c; peewees, 85c. Live Poultry Hens, 23 932c; bfoiters, SI 84c: fryers, 82c . ; , ., I , , i. , I r ... ----- i i i i i mt -7j I,' -Vl"''':.' New Tork Sigar and ; Coffee I New York. Aug. 26. (V. P. ) Coffee No. T Rio. SHc; No. 4 Santos. 14 4 9 16 He. I Sugar Raw. dull, $11. 00 12.04 ; refined, doll; granuteU, $17. 00& 17.10. ! j BEAR RAID SENDS RAILS DOWNWARD New Verk, Suf. (I. M. S.) The stock market closed strjoog today. Advance ef from 1 to S point were made In the- flaaf tredlne tn the face of as fdvsnee tn the call money rate per cent. Steel eemmeo reso 1 H te S0H. closing ex SO'Al Saldwio loornotlve rVe S point to 10S. - a ov sen men - bond unohanoed; , railway and ether bend sirens. Total sales were 481,000 i share; bonds. B,M1,000. ! Nevrv Tork. Ag. 26. (U. P.) Prices were generally Irregular at the opening iof " the stock market today. United States Steel was unchanged at 89 s Mexican Petrbleum 162, up 1 ; Cana dian .'i Pacific Motors 6H 89. 87H. 119V4. up A : Bethlehem off lVi ; Texas cornpaViy up ; General Motors 21, off : Reading 91, tup ; BalUmore at Ohio up a Pan-American Petroleum off Studebaker 82. un changed; Soiuthern Railway 27, off ; Union pacific 118,. unchanged; Crucible 137, up . i ; The market dlrplyed a firm tone In early trading. Southern Pacific advanced to 96 H , a net gaia of 1 .' Reading touched 11, Shortly . after these best figures were reached, a bee raid waa started with pneusn on industrials, r This carried all mils downward and Southern (Pacif io lost all it early galas. Mexican Petroleum was forced below. 180. Rails developed strong in the early afternoon trading, lower priced non-dividend paring jssu holding tli larger interest. Even klrie atarted on the move upward with Chicago and Great Western, eSeaboard and 8t. Louis and South western issue. This was the first time in sev en! yean any attempt has been made to make a market- for Krie stock. Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.. Board of Trad building: f Opea Hlgn DESCRIPTION: Ajax Rubber. Alaika Oald AUia Alloy Chalmer ateel. Am. Am. Am. Am, Am. Paul. Iron Am. Agr. Chem . . , Am. j Beet Sugar. , Am. Can. e. . j . . . Am. - Car Foundry Am. Cotton Am. H. U, Am. Int. Am. Linseed. Am. Loccv. ej. Am. Ship A Com Am. Smelter, Am, Steel Kdry. .. sugar, e . . . . Sum. Tobacco, T. A Tel.... Tobacco i . . . . Woolen, a. . . . Anaconda M. Co.. Atchison, c. . mi, Atlsntic C- A W. I. Baldwin Loco., c. . BaJti. A Ohio, e. . BeBilehem Steel. B. Itosch Macaeto . . B'lyn Rapid Transit. nutte at superior Cel. Packers' Assn. Csl. Petruleum. e do. - pfd, .. . . . Canadian Pacifio Cen. Leather,! c. . Cerro de Pasoo . . Chandler Motors . Ches. A Ohioi O. O. W., e. do pfd- . . C, M. A St. C as N Chino , Coppee Cold. Fuel eel Consolidated (fas ( on Products, e Omelbl Steel, c. Col. Onphopohone Cuban Am. ;jugar Cuban Can Bugar D. A R. G.. e. . . . do. pfd. J . . . . Erie, c. ...1.... Krie, jlst p. J . . . . Fiske Tire . . . . Gaston Williams . General Cigam . . . Genenl Klecttric . . tJenenl Motors... Goodrich Rubber . Great North.! Ore. GUI Nor.By. (..... Greene Cananea . . Ice Beeuritiee- ... Illinois Central . . Ind. Alcohol! . Inspiration Copper. IntJ Paper C . . . , . Int.1 Harvester . . Int.1 Iero. Mar., c . Intj Mero. Mar., p. Intj Nickel L . . . . km. City Soi, c. ., Kelly Springfield.. Keanecott Copper. . M j .win ,U . , . , Lackawanna Steel Leakey Fam. Players benign v sney . , . . Maxwell Motors ... Middle States Oil.. Mex. Petroleum... Miami Copper. ... . Midvele Steel . . , . . Mo. Paclfio, e. . . . do. pfd. j. National , Enamel... National Lead Nevada Con. . ... . New Haven J ..... . N. Y. Air Brake. . . N. I Y. Central .... Norfolk A V..... Northern Picifie... Okie, Ref. A Prod. Pun Oil ..... i. . Pas Am. Pet-, e. . . Penn. Railway ..... People Jas -. Pierce Arrow., r... Pierce Oil ....... Pittsburg Coal, e. . P. Steel Caf, e...i Pullman ..!,..... Ray Cons. popper. . Ry, Steel Springs.. Reading, e .1 . , . . . . Rovai Dutch......' Rep, L Steel, a t:etu istores..... Rock Island! c . . . . Rock Is., pfd. A.., d pfd. El Sloe lain Con. . ... Sloss Sheffield. . , . . South. lciftc. .... Southern Rt., c... Stromberg Motor. . . Studebaker, ...... SheU . i ..... . St. L. A S.!F.... Swift . Col Tennessee Qopper . Texas OU. ...... Texas Pacif ie. . . . . Tobacco Product. . Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific, c . . do pfd...... TTnlon Oil Of Del. . United Food Prod. U S. Rubber, c. U. S. Steelj e. . . . . "do pfdl rttab. Copper Vanadium Steel.... Wabash . . L . . . . AVabash, A . . . . . . Wabash. It Western Union .... Westingheune Else. . White Motors ... , Willy Overland. . . . Worth ington PumO Money 81 . 1H "31 7W 784 84 H 133 H 74 H 74- 70 H 94 H 21H 63H 87H 114 86H 88H 79 H 62 81H 187 H 108 V 89H 77H 86 H 814 20 119H 54 88H 86 57 23H 84 TO H 26 80 H 137 28 40 85 6 10 13H 20 H 26 H 9H 8 21 H 56 81 H 72 H 23H 88H 88 84 U 48H 7 25 W 76 H 20H 17 78 24 17H 8H 70 H 44 11 ilk 162 89H 25H 44 69 10 33 H 72 02 -74 3 88 87h; 41 29 86 13 81 ! 112 14 6i" SO H 84 67 35 75 H 65 27 68 95 27 75 62 51 25 107 ' WH 47 85 65 0 118 64 27 68 85 89 106 61 71 8 25 47 47 15 61 1 31 76 73 35 134 75 74 70 7 21 66 37 114 87 96 80 53 82 187 109 39 77 86 10 20 .20 54 38 87 68 25 93 71 27 90 138 23 40 S3 H 5 10 13 21 28 9 84 21 66 81 73 25 H 38 86 85 46 80 23 7 20 19 79 24- 18 69 70 44 11 11 162 89 26 45 69 10 34 73" 4 74 3 38 88 41 29 89 13 61 112 15 93 81 83 69 35 75 63 28 68 86 27 75 3 51 se 107 47 38 l 19 120 64 27 58 80 90 106 62 .71 8 25 47 47 16 , a 9 low" "60" 1 81 '76 78 84 183 73 73 69 94 21 56 37 113 86 96 70 62 81 133 107 88 76 86 10 119 54 88 88 57 8 22 84 70 26 89 135 23 89 84 4 10 12 20 26 9 63 'H ' '55 31 72 26 38 86 84 46 78 24 76 18 17 78 US 68 69 44 9 11 169 86 25 44 69 i6 38 72 91 73 3 38 86f87 41 29 37 12 61 112 14 90 80 84 66 85 75 65 27 7 96 27 72 61 51 25 . 107 91 48 85 65 9 118 64 27 68 84 88 106 . 61 -69 8 25 " AT 46 15 Close ""So" I 1 31 89 76 ?8 34 184 25 14 I ' 74 74 69 96 21 55 87 114 87 96 111 70 62 82 180 109 39 77 83 9 19 68 27 69 120 64 38 87 58 - 24 34 71 27 83 78 90 137 23 40 83 . 4 10 13 21 26 9 64 142 21 56 81 72 25 38 86 85 46 80 122 24 76 20 19 79 24 18 68 70 44 10 11 162 19 39 25 44 59 74 10 84 96 72 74 8 38 in 28 38 12 81 95 111 15 ! 94 . 98 81 86 8 85 75 65 28 68 96 C7 74 63 50 26 , Ll07 9 47 86 65 9 H 119 64 27 9 85 J4 90 106 61' 70 8 23 16 82 47. 46 15 60 - j Total sales, stocks. 452,000 share. T Total' sales, bonds,. $9,541,000. " " ' : - Foreigs Bond market I Furnished by Overbeck A Cook Co.. Board or -irane Duuaing. - 1 Kid. Al F. 6s Oct, 1920... ...... 99 U. K. 3 Nov. 1921....... 96 Rep. France 5s . 1 931 ....... . 60 Paris 6s Oct. 1921......... 90 Russia ErtO. 6s 1921.. . . . 23 RtCuian Intl. 5s 1926..... 20 Doom. 6 Apr. 1921....;.... 98 r Horn. 6 Apr. 1931.......... 84 UDora, 6s Apr. 1926 . 87 Dom. Canada 54 193T. . . . ' 84 U. K, 5 s 1937. ......... - 81 ' - Ask "99 97 62 91 27 25 08 86 . 88 86 -81 I liberty Boad Sale$ r (Furnished r by Overbeck A Cooke eompasy. Board of Trad buikUng Ooen IJberty. SH. ...'8993 I.ihertr. First 4s.- 8474 Labertr. 24 4s. .. 8434 Llbeerty, 1st 4 8486 Liberty. 2d 4 8454 Uberty. 84 4g. 8778 Liberty. 4th 4i. 8482 Victory, 4s .... 9548 Victory. 3 K. . . . 44 t Chloseo. No. 1. red Hich 8994 8474 8449 8490 8458 8778 .8490 9550 560 Low 8986 8470 8434 6480 Close 8986 8460 8430 , S480 8440 - 8448 8738 8758 8474 8480 9536 9540 9584 9534 Chicago Cask Grata Aug. 26. T P.) CssM wheat $2.a9S2.66H ; No. 3, red, 12.52; DEMAND FOR HAY SLIGHTLY BETTER HOW WHEAT RTJLKD Bid Hard whit ........ .......liJJ Soft white s.81 White elab 2J8 Hard winter 2J1 Northern sprina ........... 81 Bed Walla .................. SJ9 Gain : 8e NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Can - Portland. Than. . 80 1 ear ago 1 5 Seaaon to date. . 21 81 Year ago . . . . ..1161 Tacoma, W ed . . . -. 7 , Tear ago 1 0 Season to data.. 420 Yaar ago 623 Seattle, Wed. . 1 8 Year ago ...... 88 Season to date.. 240 Tear ago ...... 460 Wheat Barley- Floor. Oats. Hay. 18 89 : 12 42 i 62 60 4 9 12T 202 169 "l , 5 69 . 7T 8 80 156 11 85 1 99 8 2 a 1 lij 173 1' T 316 288 Demand for hay is slightly improved. owing-to the dry condition of much pas ture land. Farmers are being 1 paia around 322023 for clover hay, $2425 for grain hay, and $2S29 for timothy nay. Dealers are asking z.& xor urst crop alfalfa hay I' There is very little demand for. any kind of grain. Oats, is only being bought where it Is actuallv needed -Th. are being of fered $46 per ton for gny and $48 for white oat. never! dairymen have lan in a aaoau supply of oats and are feeding crushed eat la preference to the high priced millrun. I ' - ' Gnin bags were cheaper on : the Portland market Thursday, bags being offered at 12 cents to Aue-ust buvers. Price for nt Jute an about 4 per cent lea than last year, ac cording to information received by the ' United States department of agriculture from India sad Bengal. ,. t The American Steel tt Win company crop re port say: Spring wheat ha been a distinct dis appointment aa a result ot aroutn ana ran. Corn, ssved fmm serious dam bv the rain of last week, is in excellent shape sow, but will need man rain. 0u continue to yield heav ily everywhere, 40 to 60 bushela per acre be ing reported from some parts of the Middle West. Winter wheat has yielded heavily in Kansas and Nebraska and fairly well in Illinois. i'LOUK Selling prices, mill door: Patent, $12.05; Montana spring wheat. $18.85, Wil lamette valley brands, $11.20: local straight. $10.80; baken' local, $12.9591-3; graham, $10.80; whole wheat, $11.05. Prior fcr city deliveries lCc extra ;. suburban, 20a extra HAY Buying price, nominal t - Willamette timothy; fancy, $28.00 9 29.00 per ton; vetch, 823.00 ;,'fheat, $29.00; straw. $10.00; etover, $22.00928.00; gnin. $24.00 9 23.00; alfalfa, $24.00 9 26.00 per ton - i GBA1W SACKS Nominal. New crop deliv ery; No. 1 Calcutta. U91Se; domestic, 1 2 a in car lots ; less amount nigner. M1LLSTUFF8 Mill run at milL $50.00 9 60.00. - OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed, 9 48.00. BARLEY Buying price!" Feed, $47 509 $48.00; millinc, $48.00 947.00; rolled barley, sellina nriee. S57.00 m 68.00. - SEED Buying price : Bed clover, reclesaed. a 00 per in. Merchant Exchange bids: WHEAT . Sept. Bid. Hard Whits .... 283 Heft White ............ 231 White Club ........... 282 Hard Winter 231 Northern Spring ........ ' 231 Red Welle ............ 229 FEED OATS : Aug. jiooo 4500 BARLET Sacked, $46.00 No. 2 whit . . No. 3 gny ... Brewing Standard feed . No. 3 yellow .. No. 3 eastern bulk. ...... CORN . . ...6400 . 6400 Oct! Nov, Bid. . Bid. 230 229 , 229 227 229 227 229 227 229 227 229. 228 Sept. Oct. 4750 4750 4500 ; 4460 4500 4450 4750 4750 6350 6250 6300 6200 Chicago Wheat and ' Corn Off; Oats Up Chicago, Aug. 28. -(L N. 8.) Grain fu tures held within a comparatively narrow rang, all grains closing lower exeept December rye. Trade was nervous throughout the session and fluctuation were rapid. !-.- December wheat finished unchanged while March futures closed 2 Ho olf. September corn wa 1 9 1 e of f at the finish, December lower, snd May 9 e down. September oat closed 9 e lower, December . off and May 9 e lower. . Provision avenged higher for the day in sympathy with higher Bos values. Feature of the wheat trade .was heavy selling of March against purchase of December by hentes with eastern connections. ' Cora futures bulged early doe to short cov ering principally when oat snd provision were higher, but prices broke sharply carrying the whole list down when . bouses with eastern eott- ittetiona were reported to be selling heavily. May corn at this point went to a new low level on the crop. - - Oats showed independent strength early 1 00 buying by eash house with offer small, but with the break in corn oat tumbled. I Provision trade wa moderately active, closing higher for th day, due to good buying eaoaur- agea by the strength In Bogs, Chicago. Aug. 26. (L N. 8, ) Pressnr In wheat was lea ksereesive early todav and this commodity opened e to le lower for December and, Je lower for March. The merk steadied Corn orjened 9 He lower for - Seotember : 9 e off for December Snd 9 e lower for May.- Cash- honees were the best Seller snd shorts th best buyer. r - - Offerings in oats wet light snd there was little tmyutg. The - market opened 1 9 He higher for September sod He tugber for December and May. - 1 Provisions opened higher on short covering UKiuceo, vr an aavance in nog. Range of Chicago prices famished by the unitea rrsss: .:r.- - t . . - WHEAT :-; : '---V : -.- Open. High. ' Low. Close. December 288 235 282 288 March ........ 229 280 '226 228 CORN September ..... 148 143 142 143 December .....119 119 117 119 .. OATS ' - - September ...r. 67 67 66 66 December ..... 67 67 66 66 , pork: . September ..... 2480 2490 ' 24 60 October- . ..... .2660 2583 2560 ---- LARI 1 September .... ,1825 183T T 1835 October , T860 1878 I860 - RIBS i I September .....1480 1602 1480 October 1630 1647 : 1680 2475 ' 2370, 1825 1862 1492 ' 1540 Rail and Grain Men ! Conference Failure - Chicago, Aug. 26. (L N. S.) Having failed to reach-any definite eeaclasJonv grain men who were in conference with the Illinois public utili ties commission over freight rate nave Oeparteo from Chicago. Consequently, the Dlinol situ ationthe. most complicated in tb whole country ha been passad up to the interstate commerce commission ma ting her September 8. Boards of trade, market mea and carriers want the state rate iad eaual to in interstate. Fanners have objected, causing a deadlock oa th Subject. ; - -, Bar Prices Dwi - Ontario. Aug. 28. Th Irrigated lands ef the Snak 'river and other snd other valleys, of Maihenr county an yielding large erope of alfalfa and grain. The latter find a ready market. Th tonnage of alfalfa ia aa larse it not larger than usual, and the farmer find no market so far for hi hay, which - hat been produced M a high aspens. Many farmers an planning to feed their hay to cattle or sheep of their own which thev. exsect to Scauire at soins orieea. There -will be two and possibly three alfalfa meal auiia-, inmaueo in uua vauey, one near Kyssa by RsndaU Sac and oas near Ontario by George Boa. ' -..., i Chicago Prod see Ukrkrv Chicago, Ang. . 2 fL N.- S.) Bttttef extra f lists, 54e; packing stock, 88 9 40 He. ibgg iveceipw, a2 oeainary ureas, easy 43c: extra. 67 9 58a; checks. 83 983c; dirtiea. 178C. - f : , " J- - - Cheese Twins New. 2J 25 e: dafcwes, 369 26 He; Toting Amerioan. 27e; Long Horns, 3ie; Dnoa, zw,c, Live poultry Turkeys, 4 5c : chicken.. 80c: Seringa, so ucks, 88e ring, 86c; rooster. 24c; seee. -22j3 23c; Fotatoee Recefots. 91 cars: Jerwv enbblera. 83.25 9 8.40: Eastern cobblers, $5,25: Miime- WALL STREET SAYS DEMOCRATS ORRY By BroadarJ Wall ; New Yorky. Aug. 26. Call mency at 8 per cent upset the calculation Wednesday of , the .bull leaders in Wall street. In the morning the mar ket was strong with ' nearly, every Issue showing - material gains. - It seemed, howevea, that the short traders had been eliminated almost completely. ( Early in the day It became apparent that : money was going to be tight in the afternoon and the professionals be gan selling freely. - When the receiver ship i of Bethienem Motors waa an nounced the whole market became -weak and continued so through to the close. Final prices were about the lowest of the day. Net losses were not large because the early advance had .: been rather sharp. A few stocks made ma terial net gain, notably. Consolidated Cigars, Iron Products, General Electric. May Department Stores and American Sumatra. The speculative leaders were the largest losers because professionals attacked them with concentrated selling. In spite of the weakness of the mar ket, ther is no change in the sentiment of leading bankers regarding the near future of prices.. They have turned def initely bullish. "' ,;-.- .-, The presidential election is worrying the Democrats. They imagine they see a conspiracy on the part of the banks to ruin business and blame it on the Democrats. v . ,... .; $15,000,000 Loan of Morris & Company Is Floated Locally The new' $16,000,000 loan ef Morris & company, nationally known meat pack ers, was announced tms morntngf witn several Portland bond and Investment houses handling the issue locally. . Th issue is of 10-year 7 per cent gold notes which are selling at 98.25 to net investors 7 per cent. , ' -r- Among the local dealers handling the Issue are Freeman, Smith & Camp Co.. Blyth, Witter company, Carstens A Karlea, Lumbermen Trust company. Ladd. & Tilton and E-. L. Devereaux &Co. .a, . . , -;. v l SHORT TERM H0TF.S Quotations furnished by Clark-Kendall Co., I no. Security '"o. Am. Cotton Oil 6 9. 9,1924 - 89 Am. T. A T. 6.. 10. 1,1933 98 Am. T. A T. 6tv. .2, 1,1924 92 Am. Thresd 6s.. 13. 1.1928 92 4m. Too. 7.... 11, 1.1920 99 Am. Tob. 7s.... 11. 1,1921 99 Am. Tob. U ... 11. 1.1922 99 Am. Too. It ... 11. 1.1928 09 An.-Am. OU 7a 4. 1.1926 98 Armour Coov. 7 7.16,1980 96 Kelgian Gov. 7Hs . 1.1945 97 Belgian Gov. 6, 1, 1,1021 98 Belgian Gov. 6si 1, 1,1928 ;. 91 Beth. Steel 7sA 7.16.1922 98 Beth. Steel 7s.. 7.16.1928 96 British Gov. 5s 11. 1.1921 9 U.,.K K U. . 11 1 1191 Sill Can. Gov. BHs... . 8. 1.1921 - 97 '. 98 8. 1,1929 91 VI 7.15.1023 0, 1.1921 7.10.1926, 8. 1.1930. Asked. 90 94 92 95 100 99 99 99 98 96 47 9 91 98 97 90 91 Can. Gov. 5Hs. Cudahy Pkg. 7. (nU T. "B 7. , . lap. Uov, 4s. . kven'not, Coo. Ts . Lig.-Myen Tob 6 12. 1.1W21 Molin Plow 7s.. 9. 1.1920 Molln Plow ?. ; 9. 1,1921 Mollne Plow 7.. : 9, 1,1922 Moline Plow 7. - 9, el.1928 Moline Plow 7s. 9. 1.1924 N. P. Eop. Tr. 7s S.16.1922 Pac. Gas, Elee. 7 6, 1.1026 Swift 6 ..1... 8,15,1921 U. & Bob. 7s... 12 l;192S 97 50 10 91 97 ft9 9 '. 94 -91 90 99 98 97 97 FOBEIG2V JEXCHA3IQE RATES 97 , 61 71 9T 100 99 88 94 64 loo 06 99 - 98 : Corrected dally by foreign exchange depart ment of the United State National bank. , Onenine nominal nte for bank traasaetleoat - Dnft - . Cheek. London Pounds . . sterling ...... 8.87 Paris Franc. . , 6.98 Hamburg- Bremen -Marks.....'., 2.00 . Genoa Lire. . 4.63 Copenhagen . Kroner .... 14.10 Chris tiahia - . Kroner .... ,14.10 Stockholm-- Kroner '..i 80.80 -Hongkong Currency ... 79.00 Japan Yen ., 61.78 Shanghai. . , Tael . . i , . i.ll Cable Par Transfsra : ,, Talae. I 8.58 $ 4.868 6.94 . 19.80 " 2.0 : 28.81 4.84 19.80 1 4.18 - 26.79 15.15 26.79 20.88 36.18- 79.60 ; ' ' . . 63.00 49.64 1.11 ' ' Fortlga Exchange Market s : Nw-Tork, Aug. 26. (U. F.) All qaoU Uons except franc were slightly higher at th opening of th foreign exchange market todav. Sterling opened at 3.67; franca, .0702, off .0002; lire, .04(13. np .0001: marks, .0206, np .0004; Canadian dollar, .8850. - , - Further weakness oarrted th exchange on Buenos Aire down to ,8420 for demand. De mand sterling closed t 3:68; fnncs, .0710; Ure, .0418; mark; ,0212; guilder. 8166. San FraneUee Orals Market San Frxneiseo. Aug, 2. V. P.I Barter Spot feed par cental, , $2.33 9 2.35; shipping, $2.5092.55. Efficiency sod Low Cost F.W.Baltes &CoiTiiany ' asasssk as M Frmtcrs First and Oak Streets Mais US Aflt$IIMI Stocks, Beads, 7 Cottoa, Grals, ' Ete. 16 817 . Board - at, Trad fianaiag OverbecK&Gooke DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXHANGES Kembcr Chicago Board f Trad ComipoadtBts CaJeago sVogas Brysa 3lsw Tr- - tJ J y.evjwo.vv7Te .vw. W s;v.a( api.asis .. w- v . -vaovs. as uwwirre, N. 2. hari, $2.54 2.55; No. 3, hard, $2.5 T. sot. Early Ohiua, $2.90 $.00, Miller & Tracey Adult Catket $30 to $1C00 Main 2691 57S-S3 (Furnished by Herrln A Rhodes) The terms of new plan for the financ ing of Maxwell company have been offi cially announced but it is understood there Is to be a new issue of A" stock at par erith a bonus of around three for on . ln.;"B stoclc This stock ought to have substantial value, it is. said, be cause of the earnings ot Maxwell group in the year ended July 81 were not far from $6, 50,000. The Chalmers business will - probably be retained in the new organisation. . i Railroad stocks soon should get a start that should carry them throush such selling spoils as yesterday afternoon la me industrials. Buying ; of bonds has directed attention to the whole railroad position Vand the market seems to be merely waiting for the news of arrange menta of, certain no w4oans and financ ing arrangements.- V--.v:;:" 1 It is said by counsel for both creditors and the corporation that Beth Motors is solvent, having assets of $4,900,000 and liabilities amounting to $2,000,000. About $1,700,000 is owed to banks including In stitutions In New Tork, Boston and Chi cago of which 81.SU0.000 is practically unsecured. . A receiver has been ap pointed. I (Furnished by Overbeck fc Cooke Co.) Bank of England unchanged. - ' "I .. i I. Minnesota railroads asked -court for permanent Injunctions to prevent state commission from enforcing return to a cent farej ; . , . Federal reserve board finds peak of Inflation passed with slight Increase in unemployment in July due to cancella tion of orders and poor transportation facilities.! : : . . : Stock exchange .governors vote next week on petition to declare holiday Sat urday, September 4. President Eaunders of American Manu facturers t Export association finds in dustrial conditions greatly Improved over those of rw months ago and brighter outlook for foreign trad. ',' There" is a good deal of talk of manipu lation in-sterling exchange by British interests;;: Recoveries seem to restore confidence to some extent - Wall Street Journal. Administration woolen profiteering charged responsible foe closing American . Woolen mills through cancellation of 1200.000,000 of orders. ,i . . a. WEAK CARLES AND IMPROVED -: LEATHER AFFECT C0TT0X MART ' Nw York, Aug. 26. (I. N. 8.) Th eot ton market opened barely stesdy todsy, 5 to 20 points lower. , Jt wa affected by weak cable-, selling br the Booth, Improved weather In the belt and i. eiUng by WaU street houses that had sold yesterday. -Ther eil little uiiort In evi dence exeept by 'pot Interests round$'i5.3.1 for Ieainber. This eventually - rallied th lut abont 20 point or rinse to last night's finals. The close was steady at a net advene of 80 In 70 points. Spot cotton wa. quist and unchanged' today at 83, No- asles.. Furnished by Ovrbeck A Cooke Co., Boar oi iraut ouuuing, - i Open, Jsnoary ....... 249 February i March ......... 2430 May 2443 a o a ea t 0 . July 2410 September ...... .... October ........ 2710 November ...... , ... December ...... 234 H'gh. 2550 Low. 2473 2A23 2443 2305 2423 Clo. ;: 23 13 25011 24 .1 2470 - 2406 24"K , . , , . . 2311 3803 2690 2778 . . . . .... 270O 2630 28S5 2000 Nw York spot market 8360, quiet. Liverpool Cottoa slow Liverpool, Ang. 26.1II N. S.l 8rt cwt ton waa slow t the opening today, with prire easier. Sales, 80U0. American middling fair, 27.47; good middling,; 24.72: fully middling. 28.22; middling, 21.07: low middling. 18, lit good ordinary, 14.72: ordinary, 13.72. Future opeswd quiet. ' Cottoa Export Annoasred " Wsshirigton. Aug.. 28. ft, N. S.) OoftAa s-ort from tli Cnlud State during July, 1?20, were 211,841 bales, or 107.444.32J pounds, valued at $44,161,827. the dererUnent of commerce announnsd this afternoon. -X-oort during July, 1919, wsn 628. 9U2 bales. FACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Persians Sank This Wtek. .1 6.883.706.02 8.748.482.12 4.900,020.74 . 8.642.600.66 Tear Ago. $ 6. 808.431. 8T 8.094,44 0 6,041, Or.5. 07 4,828,129.01 , Clearing , , , . eiunuay , ... , Tuesdsy . , . Wednesday . . . Thursday , . . eekan Sank Clearings, Thursdsy 1,488.320.00 Balances, Thurgdav 4 ...... . .496.150.00 eatti Benks ' , Clearings, "Thuvrtay .t. $ 6,893.4 87.0( Balaaoe. ThurwUy . ... . .... . 1.401,439 00 San Franolsoe Banks Clesrings, Thursday . j ... $2a.400,O00.0O Le Alig! Banks Clearings. Thanday ........ . $IS.180.S75.00 Moaey and Exehsage New Tork. Aug. 26. (L N. B.V Call money on the floor ef the New Tork stock, esohange to day ruled at T psr cent high, 7 per cant; low. ' Tlme'moaey wa firm, lute were: Bitty day. 9 per cent. The msrkst for prime mercantile paper w aksady. Call money ia London today waa 5 H per oent. Sterling etchange was ateady. with business in bsnkcrsr bill at $3.69 tor demand. . I II ... M' l, V New Article Filed Articles of Incorporation filed with the Multnomah county clerk i Hydraulic Machinery company, Portland. $260,000; inoorporators. F. IC. Kenney, Carl Knut sen and Bamuel Oieon. The M. J. Wax company. Inc., Portland, $20,000 ; incor porators, M. J. Wax, O. II. Down and Wilbur Henderson. $25,000 : 6 Cold Bonds General Obligration CITY of SElillORHC . - PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Yield 9 93.22 Exempt From All Dominion GovcrrlmentTaxation Dated February 1, 180. Due rebruary 1, 192. Oenerelnatlon 81000. Principal end semi-annual Interest (February 1 and August 1) payable la gold cola of th United States in New Tork city or at the (office of Morri Bro., Inc. PINAMfitAL STATEMENT' Assessed vlue for taxation. . I ;...... i . . . ... $?.IB?.?" Kiemption not Included above.............. -,oi Genenl debenture debt 186.617.00 Isa sinking fund ............... $23,4 78.00 Waterworks debenture , ............. 77j.839.0O Light and powr dbenture. .......... 17,644.00 122.861.00 Net debentars debt .............. . . ........$ 68.256.00 JaN IXCtmONAlLr HIOH INTIREIT TIELb IN r BONDS, BSOKCD 1 BV A PROSPEROU MANUMCTURINQ CITY, ; RICH IN OIVERSIFIEO I INDUSTRIES, IS OFFERED IN TM1 lUE. ' ' i Selkirk is situated at the southern end of Ltk Winnipeg. 2? ralle north of the City ot Winnipeg. It i th marketing point for th Lk Winnipeg fishing j industry, 7,000,000 -pound being handled per atinum. its Industries includ ' j hipyard, drydock, saw and planing mill, bos factory, Iron roiling mill, elertrie i steel foundry, etc., add it ia surrounded by so excellent grieultural sod fruit " : growing district, . , ' Letailtr wrovd by Pltbtedo A Hosklns, Attorrieyi. Wlnnieee," Manltoaa, - j :,. Telephone er Tclsgroph Oreers at Our E spent. - , I MQRRIS BROTHERS j Inc. Between ' The Premise Municipal one' House Ui an Ui gftabllehee Qsavtav of s Oentwry. Aarveu Morel aids., 800-11 Stark St. Ospltm One Million aVoller. Teiepbene B roadway 2161 INVEST $781.60 GET BACK $1631.68 BUY ! . ,10-Year First Mortgage 5 Gold Bonds I i :' 'i ' - J -- - .',,-,".. J- I-,'':": I, ."- . :, . Pacific Pover & Lignt Co. Price 78. 1 6 Yield S.2S Here is what it will do: V i $1000 bond cosU. ...... ..... . .$ -781. CO- i $50 interest compoimded at 5 for ten year, amounts to .$ C31.C3 . Value of bond nt maturity. ..... .51000X0 Total ...... ......... . . . . . . . $1631.68 - . j,;.;-1 ' These bonds re prior liens on ALL the immense properties owned by the corporation and take precedence over its general morttaje bonds. ' ' , -l '; 1 1 i,-wirtMi WaliitaCiELI-'f tlp-i 1 exn(ZfmOvc?3H. tCaiE-mdL- De?ae3UL OIDS.TRUSTS--ACCEPTArCES ' LumbeiTnens Building -' i ' O