'1 THE 4 OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1920. .PACIFIC agency; INCi 814-20 8 WETLAND BLDG. I: Corner till and Washington, Business Opportunities , i i Cafeteria West (ids location, on of th real places i ' of it kind. You eaa make this just a big s ma you car to handle : low rent, lone lease. J centrally located. $6000. : Soma term. . " . - ' . : : . ' -- ' ' . -. ? ' . J Confectionery and i Fruits 1 .-. " .- .. : . .- , ... . - -:- i -.. : , Rant 940; corner location, i Full Una of cigars aud tobacco, ' fruits and confection- ' ary; good fountain and bar. Price $3500. This ta a location you can't keen front asking good in. Confectionery ; . Cigars and Tobacco Light Groceries Fin location: good large living room: Jtnt $22. Prlo $2600. Tbla is one of tit neatest places for sale in Portland. Fine business the year around, long es tablished. Confectionery and : Fruit Stand Price $1700: terms $1100 cash; re Oeipte 0 to $75 per day. Depot location; rrnl $50; sub leas phone space, for $1$. Tola la a, lit tie money maker. Grocery Price $1300; rent $22. BO: one large living room equipped with- gas range. This is a, nice Uule More and doing nice busi- ncas. Has otber - business, cause for sale. - ... - Grocery and Confectionery Bent $25; good lease, 2 i large rooms. Price $3000, lump or , Invoice; receipt fv$-110 to $150 per day. This la a bong .' .. fide proposition and well worth your con ... aide ration. ..... ; Grocery and Confectionery : Rent $27.00; price $18O0; .receipt $50 per day; good corner location; good 4 fountain and futures. Grocery and Confectionery : Rent $20; price $2300; or $075 for fix tures and invoice. Daily receipta $50 and - up; close to school and transfer corner. Grocery and ' f Confectionery Bent $40; price $2000. Average re ceipts $76 per day. Good corner location, . ' on carluie, close to part ; fine futures. Tbia is an exceptional good buy. Grocery and West side location: receipta $40 to $80 per day; 2 rooms in rear could be ued for living rooms. Price $2000. i . r I - Grocery and Confectionery ' it. For $1850; rent $80; nice living . rooms. Doing nice- business; can double toe business in a few weeks, i i Grocery . In on of the beet payroll suburbs in Portland. Price $2800; or fixtures $650 and invoice. Daily receipts $70 cash. flood corner location In best business seo- Grocery and " Confectionery Wsshington at. location;' rent $3 5; re- ' empta $75 and up. Thla ia well located and doing a fin business. Price $3500. Soft Drinks . Cigars and.Tabacco : Card Room v. . . Washington at. location. ' This Is on of , the best corners on Washington si., open front; new fountain; large place. Can be s k Bids1 regular money getter. ''Investigate S r this place at once, -Kent $200; two .year I lease. Price $39410. j -PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG. Grocery and Confectionery ... Loe ,on. a good corner, Kast Side. This place includes full equipment for first class bakery. W make and sell all th pastry and bread we can poauibly bandle. iood opportunity for a man who wants to , continue th Una we are handling or branch into a wholesale business. Also carry a full line of groceriea and confectionery, includ ing large fountain and ic cream business. Pnc for everything. $2500. Will mak terms to responsible party; o will consider ear as part payrarnt. Phone Kast 237 for appointment today.. ;. - Country Store About $4000 Invoice; as iexcellent oppor tunity. Will take some trade, near Portland or Wncouver. Tou can do $100,000 per year; WW nuu 4UCBUOB. L. A. Baker SIT Henry bMg. ABK you looking for an opening where your cervices and money can be used to a a, advan tag to your If you are, answer this ad and we can show you an opportunity to get into a live going manufacturing business that has proven Journal" bi ptotit ahead. 1-644. BTOCK and fixturea. consisting of musical in . Jtrumenti suitcases, handbaigs, trunks and clothing. This is a splendid opportunity to get into as established business for a email caDital good reasons for aelling. Call 44 N. 8i it. AN OKKGOX corporation, increasing its capital baa opening for three or four good men who can take an active interest in the business and invest lent money with their sorvicea. Company headed by prominent Portland boaineM men. otmo to uvestiaation. Jnn. " NEW 2 U .Inn tmrb -J V T - - , ........ uui uam, for . .!. good well established business, on paved ,,; highway; owner has large ranch and cannot j: operate truck; $1500 cash, baL terms. ; Writ . . w.wimvn owtrr, ieer isianu. vr. 'I, FOR SAI.K A harr.ir, ' " j' i- cerv. doing good business. . S Selling on ac . .count of health.. Also four living rooms partly , furnisheACbeap rent. CoL 487. N irOR -SALE A grocery store, doing good bus? v oess; no delivery; clean stock; 4 Hving rooms ; 1? in rear; only store, near school; will leas or -, sell property. Tsbor 8B52. owner. ! - . -BARGAIN Restaurant and! soft drinks, JttOO. worth $800. , Terms. 50 Vont at. T to 10 we. - sa FOR SALE First class cbcf ectionery ; do good wa.,,iwf,, iiacini.iu i'i,v5 in town: am ieavinx ttji. -oi, journal. FOR SALE Small garage and repair' shop". vBn.i v, . 1 . wuiuuer au (u oa trade. s.MFG. A-l patent for sale. Stand closest ln vestigation. , Phone or write, P. - E. W ICE cream, confectionery and light grocery stock and fixtures; expenses only $1 a day. Phone '"' 1281. - , - - - - - ., . ' -- ."ton SALE BY OWNER Grocery store, 8 llv ing rooms; building, stock and fixture. Wend - lawn 4610. Printing for Less Ryder Pag. Co. ' Msin 8531. II 84 at. WHAT hav you to trad for $1700 worth of oil stocks Paued th BLUE SKY LAWS OF OKEUO.i. t2i, jonrnat. c. EESTAURAXT outfit complete, $200 for QHick sal. No dealer. - Pfaon Tabor S800 Sunday . .."or Monday. What hav yon to trade " : FRUIT STAND or bakery ; " have bent public market location. K-684. Journal. . ? TWO-cilAIR bsrbar shop snd confectionery. 1950 H. GlUan. Tabor 9027. - - DANCING school, all ready to start in. R-8, JournsL : 1 MONEY TO XOA5- RE At, ESTATE tl ' cm I.OA5S : no commission On improved property, or for improvement purposes. '-!:..., - -'f-- " :.-!- -Th beet and easiest method of paying s loan is oer monthly payment plan. $S2.2 per month for 86 months, or - $21.24 rjer month ioT tf months, or $15.17 per month for 85 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. - s , Loans of other inottnu- in suns proportion. . r ' Hepsyment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS as LOAM ASSN. -242 sSUrk St., Portland. Or. - SKAL, KSTATB MORTOARE. -AiiOLNTS 230 TO $2500 No waiting, we can generally tell you th firvt Osy whether your wen i aiwpted or not. SMITH-WAGON KB ., STOCK EXOHAXOB , I.lBEnAL LOANS . We loan our ewi money on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes. automobiles, etc Jr. K. iwrain ec Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce, Main S02. . NO DELAr SO DELAT $1000 ' $1500 $2000 $8000 AND UP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H. DESUOX, 15 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY'tO LOAX-$300. $500. $700. $1000, $1500.; $2000, on city improved property, at 7 per cent. J. u. Wells Co., B03 Uaaco Diag. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property ' money advsnced as work progrcavses. W, O. Beck. 21$ and 210 Failing bldg. Main 8407. I HAVE $1000 to loan on improved city or njntmrban security; no agents. 032 Chamber of Commerce. - $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at ' lowest rates; . quick action. rred w. oar man Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONET TO LOAN in amounts of 4100 to t $5000 on city property. A. 1L BELL. Rooms 10 and 11. Mulkcr bldg. MORTCTaGE IXANS up to $6000. 6 andtT Fred S. Williams, 80 Panama bldg. 8EK OREGON INT. h MOHTOAUK CO... 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4 th at Stark. MOKET. TO LOAlf CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? ; ' 1 LOANS MADE - ON- " AUTOMOBILES: FtTRNrrTJRir. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANXTHINO OF VALUE. ' SECURITI USUALLI LEFT IN YOUB POSSESSION. - ALSO ; SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLB ON THEIR NOTKS WITHOUT SECURITY. IF TOUB PAY MENTS TO OTHEtt LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS AUK TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IK NECESSARY; AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS .TO SUIT ; YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEC.AL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND " LOAN CO. r ' (LICENSED) 806-307 DEKUM BLIKi., 3D AND WASH. SALARY r LOANS i CHATTELS J 1 WB LOAN MONEY on ihort notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, ' semi-monthly or monthly paymenta. ' Each transaction strictly confidential, 1 NO MORTGAGE NO INDOBSER. . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan pn ' household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal., - J.. CAIXr AND INVESTIOATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., t (LICENSED) , ... 218 FAILING BLDO. PORTLAND EEMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. j P'hon Broadway 910. 304 Stark at. near 10th. " " Txians on diamonds, watches, Victrolas. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF ' PORTLAND TO PROTECT TUB BORROWER CARRIE MTERS.HERMAN, ' : i . . 1 i Manager. , .. . LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheen, hoes. etc. F. E. Bowman 6c Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8020. 1.0A7T8 WANTED 1. $1500, 3 TEARS, T per cent, 5. Toonx bungalow, 73d ; at-i near Banay Diva. i See Mr, Hickman, with 1 , . - . J. Li. ilAKTMAN CO., -s , 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $600 AT 8. $600 AT S- . $000 AT 8 I Security. 3 lots, in city, eauioped with splen did buildings and used for, -- chicken raising. Owner's value $2000. Fred W. German Co., 7 32 Cham, of Com, bldg. WANTED $3000 from privat party, secured by first mortgage on property worm over $10.000. Vill I'ay 7 per cent. Tabor. 8798. $2-00 wanted from private party. Security, $7000 borne. Se A. K. Hill. 2 Lumber- mens bldg. LOAN of $4000 to $5000 on improved city ! property. East 8016. . - - WANTED $4500 loan from . privat party. i Good security. - East 7504. ' WANTED $800 first mortgage on $2200 city i property. M. R O. , 1 1 1 5 E. 25th N. WANTED $1500 oa house; excellent security. 1 T. M. Walsh. 60S Buchanan bldg. WANTED taan of $5000 on food security. I Call at 1117 E. Market. FI7T AJTCTAL tl WANTED Private party with capital to nnder i write block of stock in going manufacturing corporation; our salesmen will sell this stock for you at our own expense. Her ia a chance to make a good profit on your money. Any amount from $10,000 up. . L-545. JournsL HAVE you money to invest f We can show r you where you can earn a good profit and be perfectly protected. .- A full investigation ia all we ajk.: L-544. Journal WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. BOWMAN te CO. " k ! . 21Q Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' i contract. F. E. Bowman ek Co., 810 Cham ber of Commerce. -- CASH paid- for" mortgages and sellers' contracts I on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Noble, 316 Luroberniena bldg. - QUICK' money to salaried people on note without i tndorsers or security;, investigation confidential. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. IS GOOD big pair of farm mules, wagon and hr- ness; also new potato digger; sold my ranch and have no more us for them. Woodstock car to 54th St., S blocks north to C4th av., house in fi r trees. ' FOR SALE Team mares, 5 and- 7 years old ; ' sound, true to pull and gentle; weight 2500 lbs. ; price $225. Will exchange for big hora. Can be seen at 802 Front St., Columbia Barns. Will sell on week's Ire trial. JUST drove back from Th Dalles. Will sell fat pair of mares with harness. S spring wagon, plow, steel section barrow, double ahovel cultivator. $185. 5 blocks east of L O. O. f. home. 1082 Holgate at. WW car. 4 HEAD of good work horses, weight from 1300 ; to 1600 lbs.. Pric from $55 to $85; also wagon and harness, very cheap. , , Call at 800 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. . 2500-lb. TEAil, 5 and 6 years old, harness and I fsnn wagon, $225. Take Mt. Scott ear to Tremont atation, 4 blocks south to 65th ave.. 1 block west 71st st. Phone Tabor 9356. - - 2600-lb. TEAM m res, harness and 3 -inch wide, tire farm wagon, $2 1 0.; Woodstock car to 52d st,, 2 blocks north. No. 759. ONE team of heavy horses for sale or rent (by ' month) or exchange for dairy cows. Wood Iswn 200. Willi E mare, 10 years old; price $40.' C. O. I : Erkkson, E. 6L Johns, Depot. 400 yards north toward slope. i . i BR6WN mar, 0 yrs. old., just off ranch; gentle. drive single or double. Woodlawn 4334, Sun day. . j , . SOUND, young driving mare, good buggy, break ing cart and harness; ail for $50. Mrs. Wal lac. 4 2d snd Monroe jrtB..Milwanki.Oregnn. GO?I orl1 horse, weight 1200 lbs., for $35. ,Mi .i 57th Te ' we8t blocks to 6716 67th-a-ve, Tabor 6634. - -r ----- FOR SALE Good heavy work team, in good ehan: will sell chun- An -ai .t - 3d St. second honse soirth of 65th v. S. e! xuc. aaaai pony, good blood, -life and stV.e; ; young and sound; gentle; weiglis about 900' also saddle and bridle. Cot; 1170. . HORSES fer tent, doubl and single. " 646 Frotiv " - DEAD horses ' taken fluickly. Can for' dead rimne iioor vzos. FOR SALE or trade-' for family cow. small Shet land pony. ' E. C. Bowen. Milwaukie. Sl.m. FOR SALE 1100 lb. horVc, Plune Ttbot 22T OSJS sorrei nor. 7 years old; weight 1200- : gentle and sound; $75. Main 7811. '. 1200 X1HJND horse, cametback""waeon. bueirr and liarness. !- 211 E. 76th at. JJorth " 3000LB. team, young, sound, well mated ;good workr: guaramevd. 327 Front St. ; 1400. 1 140 Front St. , J 'IS CHEAP - -. " - ' Bay team. S and 8 yrs.. 2300 lbs. E rrsy tosra and 11 yrs., 2400 lb. J doubl j har nnocs; 2 riding snd driving horses. Children s riding and driving pony, $35. Good workers, and serviceably sonnd; fine cow snd calf. 5 days, snd cheap family eow. .National Laundry, E. ta and Hawthorn. Phone Eaai 61 0. : IWRSESlust in from th eoontry. team of mates 2300 pounds, 2400 pound team., on 2900 pound Uam. 1200 pound nngl borne, farm wagon and harness, t 2 lltn St.. corner Columbia at. Koom o TEAM bay mare. 2200 lbs., best ot woraers. with practically new fafja wagon and harness ; all for $17$. Abo top buggy snd harness. Woodstock ear to 64 th t-. blocks north to liooe rn - fir trees. - . ! ' '' " ' '.- '-' ... n . .i , . . . mi r 9 tnitroimA- Se eu harness. . for i sale cheap; also turkers. Ceorg Bushby, Grusars .. Oilbert, K. A, Irf-nls junction. FARM outfit chean. 2700 lb. team, harness, -wagon, plow, cultivator, harrowj 827 Front. 1 j Tuesday Aoeast $1, at Dser Islsnd sts-Uon. 83 miles i. from Portland an lower Columbia river highway. Most all paved. Station ia on the farm; 3 local trains each wa daily. Fiv miles .up the highway from tioble, : 6 miles down highway from &U1 Helena. ' : Sa to oommenc at 11 a. m. r !' - ! ' Sixty head of high grade Guanvaey, Jersey snd Holsteins: 9 bead punebred lio luteins. 4 pure bred Guernseys. Th herd is of th Clover Hill sertified farm and is probably th best in th state of Oregon for milk production and richness of teaL The health and care of the eattl hav been under til supervision snd Inspection of ' the Portland city ; milk bureau, and hav been tuberculin tested ; semi-snnuaily for a number of years. Th production from thes cows has just received th highest score for certified milk in the state. Six purebred Holstcin cows; 2 purebred Hoi stein bullae aga 21 months snd 7 months; 1 heifer, 7 months old; 1- purebred Guernsey l eow,: 1 Guernsey heifer, ago 1 year; 2 Guernsey bulls, 6 and 6 months old ; 60 grade cows. Cowa ara milking from 80 to 73 pounds dally; 45 - head : now fresh or due to freshen by data of sale, 8 grad Guernsey heifers duo to freshen this fall. Lots oi -machinery, etc. - - - i . - . j ; i fihsnnon B. Shaffer, Owner. ' i 1 Coi. W. S. Wood & Sons," Auctioneers. ! -f AUCTION SALE i : Monday, Aug. 30, at 11 'o'clock a. on account of moving away I will sell my personal property at the farm, hi mile east and H mile south of Dismond Hill achoolhonse, 6 miles east of La Center, Wash. ; 2 Jersey cows, 2 Holstcin cows, all giving mllkj 8 Hoktein heifers, 18 months and 4 months old; 1 span horses, wt. 2400, 9 years, good workers and good drivers; 1 colt. -4 years, unbroke. weight 950; 4 shosta, SO to 75 lbs.; 1 registered O. L C. brood sow. 1 registered O. L C. boar; : 30 Whit Leghorn yearling bens, 18 'White S Wyandotte yearling hens. 12 Barred Itock hens;: about 8 tons oats and retch hay. soma kala and root crops in field; machinery, etc.; some household furniture, j ; J , . ; O.' a SERGEANT, Owner. : f ' i C0I,. W. 8. WOOD 4 SONS. Auet, A FINE registered Jersey bull, 22 months, old, 2 dairy cows, from 6 to 6 gal. per day;; 2 amiiy eosrs. X xreso 2 weeks, give 4 gals, tper day. Take Oregon City ear to Osk Grova, I 1 block from sution. Pbon 8-M. - . FOR SALE Young hornless fawn color Togg 1 buck from 4500 registered sire "and Stuart Togg doe, price $15 up: also registered Togg buck for. service. See registered does, $8 grade . 302 Hsmiiton ave. FINE 8 -month-old Durham male calf for sal ! for atock animal, or trade for chickens or pony or small horse. 8310 8 2d St.. cor. Powell Valley rd. - FRESH Jersey-Guernsey cow, xiviag over 3 gals.; '..-- $125. Bucklev ave. and Columbia, highway. south 1 house. E. C. Oiiphant, Bout A, Port land. CHEAP teams. 2200 and 1600 lbs., good rid - ing snd driving hone, wagon, harness, cow snd calf. East 9th and Hawthorn. National Laun dry. East 6106. FINE young Jersey-Durham eow, 3 gals., per , day on half feed; would gv 4 gas. if properly fed. 3310 82d St.. N. E. cor. Powell Valley and 8 2d. Hawthorn car to end of line. JERSEY cow, giving 3 to I 4 gallons. $100. Also on part Jersey at S8n. Can b saen cor. 5th and F, Oswego, Or, , Phone Main 474. Ij. &. nmitn. SERVICE Registered pure Rain en bucks. . Im i ported sires, . Dams. 6 and 8 quarts. ' Tho best bucks in Northwest. Mske i your reserva tion now. J. B. Clark. 049 E. 64th st N. JUST received, 6 fresh cows snd calves. If you you want good cows see Mr. Bruc st the stockysras, . portiana. - 10 FRESH cows, Hohttein-Jersey snd Jersey, 3 1 to 5 gallons. . Tske Vancouver car to i Co lumbia boulevard. Go 1 block north. tL: ' FOR SALE or trade on 3-speed motorcycle, fine Jersey cow. Walker. Hernial! station, rnocaa soutb, 1 West. BROOD sow and 7 pigs. 8H weeka old. Gris- . i wold. TualaUii, ur. ; xst nous on nnerwooa rokd. - , -. I ; ' FINE Guernsey cow for sale, gentle, good milk ; er and coming fresh this fall: fine family eow. 1808 Wabash ave. Columbia 792. 8-YEAR-OLD cow, Hobtein snd .Guernsey, line milker. Call 1032 North Byracus, ou Johns. Phon Columbia 1142. FRESH milch Boats for sale; alsot large, rigorous . 1350 Wilbur Totrgenburr buck for services. St. WoodUwn 4014. SAANEN buck for sale, . Tabor 8933. 94 E. 78th st. - I ' TWO good fresh cows for sale. j. 142 E. Clrt St. N.. Monta villa car. FOR SALE 8 8 -months-old pigs, cheap. . Tabor 0237. 2T4 E. 91st St. iv. FRESH cow and calf; must sell; going away. 729 Liberty St.. Woodlawn ear to 22d st. I FOR SALE 120 good graded goats. Address Edwin Nelson, Cherry ville. , Or. TWO A-1 cows for sale, on with day old calf. 222 E. Olxt St Pi. Tabor 88SS. 2 FIRST-CLASS milch cows at a bargain. . Must sen. out Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Buildings, cow and hay. Tabor 1Z87. FOR SALE Fresh dairy and family cows; take beef cows In exchange. 751 E. Ash st. ' TWO milch goats for sales $25 and $20. each; or MO for th two. 720 K. 40th st. EXTRA good cows for sal. 968 . 32d and Powell sts. - ' ' FIVE family cows for sal cheap at Lenta Junc tion, 1st house soutn oi Junction, across creeg. ONE Jersey-HoUtain, young heifer, fresh, $70. IU Smith, ErTQl station. 431Q Harney. VANTED Beef, veal and bocs.. Tabor 7832. GOAT milk for sale. Automatic 512-85. FOTJLTBT ATD RABBITS 17 WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks from liesvy lay ma Hoa-anised stock. Safe arrival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. . Price' list and interesting literature on application. Th Pioneer rtstcnery, 442 atn St., l'etaluma. Ul. O. B. N. D. AS. A. hold an educaUonal meeting Tuesday. AOS. , 24. at 8 p. m. in tha Story Hour room. Central public library. Fanciers invited to take part Tabor 77 73. MARY I STEVENS, Sec-Treae. ; FEED WHEAT $4TpTpTfv SCRATCH $4.60 . MILL BUN $2.50 H H H till CACKLE MASH 1 WOODL'N 4344 DEVELOPER. ETC. MTTE KILLER 75c. LICE SPRAT. SEE US. 40 YEAR OLD hens 80 O. A.; C.-W. L. and palanca R. a. B- snd Jo. K.; enicken noose lx 20 and 220 feet wire fencing. I Will seil all very cheap. 4585 88th St. S. EL TENDER corn and milk fed fryers for sale, about 2 nounds each. 4 Oo Pound, dressed. Phone usa zsii. 6 HEAVY Barred Rock and 1-year-old Black Minorca bans. S 1 .50 . aach. i Phona .Wood lawn 460. - - -. - FOR SALE 45 4 V, -months-old Whit Leg- horn pullets from 280 laying strain. , Pno $1.75 apl-we. Wdln. 433Z, 50 WHITE Leghorn hens. 40 White Leghorn HUlletii. 25 Barred Rock and RJ I Red millets. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th st S. EL W. L-FYEARLINQ hens, " ... .. - . - llllf D . 1.. K, Scott. 6524 72d st-. lilt rear M., 8. 1..M.. ..Mk cneap. 100 HOOANIZED Vi'tZ 1 tl es aaeh. on n laying bens, 1 snd W.Tl. chi m 7811. I ir. aid. chickens, 8 rn. old. 75c each. Main FOR SALE 3 Flemish does, j X buck, alio FOR SALE Incubator and brooder. 726 Tlet fit T7 st S. K. FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn bens. 1 rooster. Woodlawn 6017. BUFF ORPINGTON pullets. 3 months aid. w i eta.- . imiw vJiunipia li4. BABBITS for sale; bargain. Bdwy. 4358. 667 15 WHITE WYANDOTTE chickens, 3 years ota, iTuiiia laim; as apiece. Tabor 7319. 1 DOZ. year-old Black Minorca hens, $1.60 each. 031O miu h. p. a., t-ortuna. - Mt. Seott car. FOR SALE 4 W. L. hens. 6 W. L. pullets; 12 THOROUGHBRED AnconsT hens, 4l.25 each. Phone Slain iz I. j ... -- i-,. i ,- 90- WHITE LEGHORN pullets. 8 months old ; no dealersv mz MM, Court; St.-8. E. FOR SALE 30 .WTnte Igltorn pullets. 3 months old, reasonsble. . -' 9 7 1 Kaott st - IS WItJTE Leghorn hens, 1 year old,, $1 each. ( all tieil. lro. 8 PT I-LKTS, B. O., & montBs; 7 last year hen. . 12S'.t E. Wash. ,t. - j ' - - - 1 - ARur T in buH of oat and vetch hav in itl I cliesii. -t none hjm; o. 4 trl.EN DID ymi roosters, Tsncred strain. HORMES. TEHICLES. ETC. - ' - : ., ; LIVESTOCK ; ' ' 3S lIIlllSiEB.- POTJXTRT AST RABBITS 7 . - . PULLETS FOB SALE 50O S. C Whit Leghorn. April batched: foundation stock from trapnested birds. These pullets com from breeding i flock that has been bandied as such snd never forced for egg produc tion. They inherit vitality; unimpaired. Their growth has been crpid, but never crowded to mak a showing-. Only first class. birds offered. Wa -do not sell culls. Phone Oak Grove 1-Y. Vineyard station, Oregon City carlin. first bona west. ----- - -r - FOR SALE 130 O. A. ,C. Whit Leghorns 1 year old. 42 xmlleta 8 month old. soma young cockerels, 1 incubator, 1 small brooder. 1 ' oat sprouter ; will sacrifice for quick . sale ; moneymakers, but have' not itim to. tend them. 940 Kirbyst., cor. Prescott. ' ; BARBED BOCKS for sale, 'a 5 liens 1 year old, 4 eorks, 75 pullets and: cockerel. This is prize winning stock, including birds that won in Portland last year; bargains for : lot. - Tabor 5059. - -j '. -. - .- FOR SALE High class White Leghorn cockerel. ' Tsncred strain frran heavy egg laying stock, March hatch. . Also A-No. 1 R. I. Red rooster. 1 year old. Tabor 8909. ' 850 Marguerite ave., near -Harrison. "I ' WE WANT reliable people I to raise furbaaring ' rabbits for us in their backyards spare -time. We furnish stock and pay $8.50 to $7.00 each for all yoo raise. Sunset Fur Co., 506-7-8 Idnkershim bldg., Los Angeles, CaL - - - .: -a rt ; BOOS, BTRiS. Pt:TS, ETC. 4$ PET STOCK and supplies. We are headquarters in the 'N. W. for bird aid cages, dogs, cat, rabbits, envies, etc. . Food, remedies, etc- Call or write. Pet stock catalogue on request. Kotit- ledge" Seed A Floral Co.. 145 2d tit-. Portland. FOR SALE One male Llewellyn setter puppy, J 4 months old; sire Leitrum Sport, dam not pedigreed but good worker, j Price $20. - 1423 Lenora St.. corner Bclleviev sve. GENUINE St. Andressburg rollers; cabinet trained males, $20 up; ifemales, $2:60 up. Mrs. Kessler, Gresham, Or. j FOR SALE Kittens, o ranee, silver and white i Persian; pedigreed. Prices reasonable. Mrs. w. Dobson, 202 No. lawrence, i aroma, wan. PADEUEWSKI Cattery Stttds a service; beau- ' ttful kits for sale. CaU; boarded. Tabor 7773. . . j PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501, 1 2 SO Perdan ntud : kitten jcheap; cata boarded. BEAfJTIFUL PEDIGREED PERSIAN KIT TENS. SELLWOOD 2169. SINGER, for sale, dieap ;if taken . at one. Tsbor 6086. i WILL trade bull pup for Airedale or collie pup. Tabro 7821. ' j FOR SALE 4 male Scotch colli pups, $5 each. 621 E. Polk St., St. Johns. 1-YEAK-0LD toy terrier dog. Call Sellwood 3172. 683 E. 30th st. j SHEPHERD pups, very fine cattle and sheep -dogs. 158 Idaho st. Main 8274. 2 -YEAR-OLD singer, part linnet, part robin; price $15. 106 Whitaket St. WELL bred fox terrier : puppies, exceptionally good ratters. 21 1 K. 7(ith st. N. SNE pair birds $10; young singers, from $5 to $1 0. St. Andreasbnrg. j Tabor 7308. JAPANESE spaniel puppies for sale, pedigreed. Tabor 8476. 314 E. 4Cjth S. FINE looking brindl bull male. Tabor 2920. $40. I FOR SALE Choice canary , birds. : Phona Sell- - wood 1513. 627 Powell. 17 N. Z. rabbits, does, friers, 89. Tabor 694Q. CANARY birds for sale. Tabor 8476. AJfJTjOM OBTLES AND ACCESSORIES 44 1918 BUICK 6. 5 pass., in good condition; 5 cord tires. $1875. East 56L 345 Union ave. N. 1917 FORD roadster, $3S0. Phone 21-014. 371 E 5 2d st- - - i 1918 FORD chaasis, fine Condition, demount able rims. $300 cash. East 112. A CLASSY model 90 Overland, new paint, fin condition. $750; easy terms. Main 780. FORD trailer, like new. exceptionally large box. - at a bargain'. East 56. 84 5 Union ave. N. 3-PASSENGER Scrippa-Booth cheap, on your own terms. Bdwy. 3606j. FORD roadster, electric starter and lights, good tires; $425. Main 780. j 1918 SAXON Six; s good light car chesp; $558, terms. Main 780. j FORD sedan, 1920, run 2000 miles, like new, ; extras, A correct car for this climate. Terms. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. j FORD DELIVERY. GOOD CONDITION AND GOOD TIRES. PRICE $276. 424 BEL- MONT. EAST 191. , 1&15 FORD touring car; good condition; $275'. Trade for bug or roadster. Call evenings. 1137 East 28th north. Wdln. 1067. CHEVROLET Baby Grand, in good condition. - $550. Call Sunday afternoon or evening. 3526 49th st S. E. Mt $cott car, Creston. WANTED High grade used car, " good condt- i tion; will give piano as first payment ' Main 2820. f j '";.-' ' ' ' . ' ' FORD touring; looks like new; fine condtion; ' easy terms. $575. Phone Bdwy. 1454. .Call 351 Burnside. ' j. ' ':'f A DANDY Reo 4. spotlight good tiros, fine : condition. $150 down. Mr, Howard. Bdwy. 1858. t - , BUlCK light 6 roadster, in good condition. This - a dandy car for the price snd cash talks. Wdln. 6311. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. COMPLETELY 1 OVERHAULED, - GOOD TIRES, $550; FORD touring, fine shape, new fenders, $160 - down, $25 per month. Mr. Howard, Bdwy. 1858. - I- . 1919 VELIE Built-Well Six, in excellent condi i tion and appearance: sen I cheap snd take cheaper ear as first payment,,- baL easy terms. Mr. Rallsback, Main 780. j CHANDLER chummy, 1918, i fine condition, 2 spots, bumper and spare tire. A wonderful car. Will take small car as first payment Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. CLOSING out my stock of automobiles ; hava : some good buys. Will take chesp car as first payment, balance easy terms. Phone Bdwy. 1454.- Call 351 Burnside. between Bdwy. snd 8th st . 1 . - " HERE ARE SOMK BARGAINS i 1918 OAKLAND ROADSTER. 1916 OAKLAND 5-PASS. CAR. i 1919 6CRIPPS-BOOTH TOURING. j- CALL EAST 6949 FOR AfPOINTMENT. "ALL ABOARD FOB LOS ANGELES Light Buick 4. ready for amy trip. I This ia one of those reliable cars that never break down. Only $375. $150 down, $22.50 per month. Broadway 8411. 623 Alder st. I IF TOU wsnt real service and comfort fijir s very little, money, don't overlook this. Mitchell 4 5-pass.. in excellent condition, for $300; $100 down, $20 per month. Brosdway 8411. 523 Alder' st. , ' - I .:' - . ' --'--' SPEEDWELL T-PASS. Make fine stage car. Banzairu 430 Bel mont st. cor. 7th st Esst 6057. .. . ! . -I . ! . v T. OVERLAND OVERLAND Overlsnd touring, electric lights snd starter, tires good. You will be surprised when you see this ear. Price $296. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. irand sve. snd Hawthorne. OVERLAND 85-4.1918: mechanically in fin ; order, $450. 630 Alder. 490 CHEVROLET- -Think of buying a 490 i Chevrolet for $375. with but $12. down. balance easy. - This car is perfect mechanically and we just overhauled it completely. 2H N 11th. Jake's Used Car Exchange. Bdwy. 3214 Upen evenings. . RAVE ynn been to the S. W. comer of 15th . and Washington? That's the place th "Big Used Cat Bale" is going on. Big- Bargain - At the TJscd Car Exchange. 15 th and Washing ton; Overland, model 75. at i $325, is juit on of them. .: :,. . ;. j .... :t Don't Miss it- What?'? The used car sale at 15th and Washington, Chev rolet as iow as ma-tvt ' - 1920 .Hudson ! TOTTRINO CAH, 6- CORD TIRES: FINE CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE A NEW CAR:80O DOWN SWILL HANDLE. BEE THIS CAR TODAY. CALL MAIN. 3937. 4- Cfaandler Dispatch '20' Model - ! This car has all the extras yon could get on one looks like it Just left the showroom and runs as near perfect ss one could. We will give liberal terms and take ' ear in trade. For inspection call 60S Alder street Bed Front Used Car Co. - I NATIONAL CLOVER-LEAF - grade! car. - Terms if A resl buy in a high desired. - - -. FIELDS MOTOR CAB CO. 14th and Aider st. ' - .Broadway 240. Ask for Grout ATJTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSOTtlES 44. i-f HIl inH-l.i.l.l Vji., RKfi-t IF you are looking for a. real bsreain in a good Ford del. call Tabor 1496; wry cheap. 1918 DODGE car, been driven 6300 miles, lor $875. Call 248 Yamhill st Hicks. STUTZ Bull lioe, overhauled, new paint, cord tire. Sea this before -buying. Bdwy. 86Q6. 1919 VELIE roadster cheap, on eay terms. Bdwy. 3606 r TH U EE passc-nger Oakland roadster, good con dition. $650. Phon East 426. 1918 MAXWELL touring, looks and runs like new; $650. 900 Sinn tana ave. KING roadster, A-l ahape, all new rubber, very reasonable. Terminal garage. 6th and Hoyt. FORD '18 bug for sale, $300 cash! ToTS In terstate ave. Phone Woodlawn 8974. WANTED -A late model motorcycle as part payment on s Mitchell touring car. Et 2766. 1918 BUICK forrale. $475; good condition. HS.-I Gantenbein. GOISo away, will sell Overland bug cheap. 19 14 K CUy. FOR SALE Pedigreed Airedale puppies. 1423 Milwaukie at - - v - . i BUIKlight 6. '17 model., new paint and top; grriu oonumon; price I'jov. isoor gcoo. SlCDEBAKEtt Six in elegant conditioB; cheap: I'bcral term. Bdwy. 80OB. FOR SAIJi tllawy Maxwell bug, equipped, self starter, 9 4 tires new yed bodyr$600. 309 Clay st. electrically all around. MAXWELL touring, 1918, $500; terroi; runs fine, 5 good tires, good paint'; a bargain. Call 1121 E. Grant st Hawthorne car to 87th st. 1916 BUICK 6 in first class running order. some extras. $750, terms ; will trade for equity . Call-Woodlawn 6897. ' ; PRIVATE owner, for cash, will sacrific lat model six; 6 cord tires, lots of extra equip ment 1326 E. Main. Tabor2928. FORD truck, gear drive, with open and closed bodies: tires almost new; a snap at $700. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. I , 1918 BUICK 6 5 pass., in good condition; 5 cord tires, $1375. East 56. 343 Union sve. ,X. J FOR. SALE Oakland 5 -passenger, 1920 model. run 6000 miles, A-l condition.' Woodlawn 400. , - j FOR SALE 1914 Ford, fine stispe. good tires. seat hinged for camp bed; $200 cash. 1378 E. Giisan st. j FORD 1-ton truck, 1918; truck adjustment, gear drive; tires almost new; real bargain at $800. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside.; 1919 FORD touring, with starter, Pantasote top. good ahape, $650. ,150 Union, corner Belmont I OAKLAND touring, 1919, almost new; will sacrific st $975. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. - I FOR ; SALE Ford touring car, 1918 model, in first class condition; must sell, leaving city. Inquire Hotel Conradine, 10th and Burnside. STEPHENS speedster at a great discount; could use a Ford or Dodge as part payment; terms on balance. Bdwy. 8606. ! I $675 TERMS ! Cole 6-90, 7 passenger: beautiful car; In fine condition. Phone Sellwood 651!. OAKLAND 6; need cash, good as inew, extra tire, bumper, large spotlight. $1250 cash. East 6962. i CHEVROLET touring, 1918. A-l i mechanical condition; must sell; a bargain -at $550; terms if desired. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. a " 1!iiAMEIllCAS AUTO TOP CO. V yjja1 Auto tops, curtains and repair IJbalsw-a&ssU ing. East 364. Union at Pine, MAXWELL touring, 1919, A-l condition; used privately; s snap st $900; soma terms. 30 Grand ave. N-. near Burnside., 1918 STUDEBAKER touring car, in good con dition, real bargain for sal. - Broadway 4200. 289 Burnside st i MAXWELL, 1918, fine condition, good tires"; resl bsreain at $775. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. PAIGE six. 1917 touring: wire wheels, 1 ex tra; real bargain at $1000. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. i 1 PISTONS enlarged 15-1000, guaranteed true, - free from scale. Independent Welding 8hop, Automatic 21406. FORD touring, 1917, best of condition, good tires; real bargain at $450. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. ! FOR SALE Late model Ford, good condition, lot of extras, including 2 sets of : wheels snd hubs; one demountable. 473 Union Sve. N. CHEVROLET shock absorbers $25 for full set Phone Main 4 645. Ask for the garage, after Sunday. . FOR SALE Reo 5 passenger, 1917 model, good shape. $600, less for cash. Call1 Ross. Esst 1088, before 2 p. m. snd after 6 p. m. LIGHT HUDSON "20" bug; for speed, it'a s bear. See it. $300, $100 down, $20 per month. Broadway 8411. 623 Alder st. MITCHELL six. 1917, 7 passenger: owner leav ing town, must sell; a bargain at $750. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. I FOR SALE by owner, new 1920 Ford touring car, will sell chesp for cash. Call 838 Min nesota ave. - -- -- j - -. 1916 FORD, all new inside, good rubber; must sell by Sunday; lots of. extras, $350. Esst 6481. 203 Knott st AUTO TOPS made and repaired at wholesale prices, work guaranteed. Monarch Motor Co., 343 Vancouver ave. STEPHENS Salient Six sedan; factory guaran tee and service; would accept an open car as part payment! terms on - balance. Bdwy. 8606. FOR SALE 2 Ford bugs, overhauled and painted; also Chevrolet body, windshield and fenders. Monarch Motor Co., 343 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE 1918 Ford touring. 3 M inch tires. all new, new top, speedometer, Yale lock, good mechanical condition. Call after 10 a. m, Sun day, 704 E. 26th at., near PowelL OWNER MUST SELL 1917 model N Hup- mobile touring, excellent condition, good tires and paint; a real bargain at i $850. Call Woodlawn 4652. I 1917 STUDEBAKER FOUR touring, 7 pass.. mechanically perfect; good tires, 1 extrs. Price $600, sny reasonable terms, i Phone Tabor 769, or B63 E. 61st st. N. BUICK. 1918, E49, completely overhauled. 6 cord tires, 2 of thrcn brand new; for sale by owner. Will take smaller car in trade. Call East 2627. - $750 TAKES my Dodge car, just overhauled and absolutely in first class condition. 11. F. Kimble, East 2866. j 1918 .BABY GRAND CHEVROLET ! Fine Tunning condition. This is an exceptionally good buy at $600. $200 cash will handle. !' DYE HARDWICK CO,, N, W. cor. E. Yamhill and Water sts. .'18 Chumimy Roadster; At the low price of $725, with1 $250 down, baL; easy; come and take a ride In a regular car- one that Will do the work and not keep you broke buying gas snd tires. We take cars in trade,- and also Liberty bonds, and make the most liberal terms in this city. 605 Alder st. Bed Front Used Csr Co. HEBE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY -s FOR CAB BARGAIN i ' From original owner, no brokerage charges, 191? Maxwell, run only 11,000 miles; has spot light and shock absorbers; newly painted body and wheels; 5 tires, 2 brand new; Universal tire filler in 2 rear tires. Terms if desired. Call Broadway 2882 and make appointment to se this bargain. - . - i FORD TOURING CAR Thoroughly overhauled a short time ago; elec trically equipped ; 4 new best quality - tires, seat covers, a Tale lock Auto-Thief spike, tire chains. This csr is in excellent condition and well equipped; will take $450; will- accept a good piano or Liberty bonds as part payment ; H. L. S TONER, ' 762 Prescott st. or 149 6th st. 1920 STUDEBAKER I Bun leas than 2000 miles, $300 worth of extras; cord tires. Price $1825, cssh or terms. i LESTER HEYM CO. '. 249 Sixth. ' . ,- ' BRISCOE - Most sell my -Briscoe at once. Mechanically perfect and just like new. On account of airknesa I am forced to quit work and cannot afford to own car. Will accept any reasonable offer. Cash or terms. 1 128 N. Broad way, opp. new Pos toff ice. AUTOMOBILES ASH ACCESSOHlES 44 A HUDSON bag. special bailt body, good condi tion. Call Woodlawn 5337. j GOOD 85 Overland touring, fine shape, cheap. Tabor 9087. Easy terms. - i FORD touring car to trads for stock of grocer- iea. F-1C9. Journal. FORD runabout for sale. $223. or will trad lot COWS. 4927 73d St. S. E- tlLASSY" 1919 Cbevroh 'bug; reasonable terms. - Terminal garage. 8th ana Hoyt. DELIVERY body for Ford or. Chevrolet, very reasonable. Terminal garage. 5th and Hoyt 191.7 OAKLAND, worth $600. Will sell for $4 100 cash. 380 Union ave. N. East 4401. OAKLAND roadster, modal 84; good tires- snd paint t Sellwood 3328. - . FLANDERS 20 BUG- FQR SALE Engine in good shape: must sell; com drive It away at your own price. 6Q1 Va Albina ave. FORD light delivery body for sale. $10. Main 7020. $150 DOWN, balance to suit, buys Dodge touring. Bdwy. 3606. , 1920 OLDS, 4 CORD TIRES. BROADWAY 8-1 i fOlO model Cadtllae, good condition. , 6336 87th st Tabor 1392.- $150 DOWN, 1915 Mitchell, fine condition, - Woodlawn 4685. .-.' - - . . f51t SALE Ford sedan. 1919 model. - 854 E. 9th st. North. Phone East 1. FOlt SALE Studehaker touring car, cheap, Can be SA-n st 6O07 H 8 2d st S. . - HUPMOBILE. 1918,, model R. in best possible condition; owner leaving town. Tabor 434 8. FOR SALE Portable garage. 612 E. 2 8th st. N. ReasorMblc. NEW FORD Sedan, owner niunt sell, can use Ford touring in ejehsnge. - Woodlawn 2785. A -.4--. TP Becovenng and repairing rfcUiU . Uj3 at reasonable prtcas. 826 fialmoa at., between-6th and Broadway. FORD chassis: will make a good bug: a real snsp at $230; some terms. 80 Grand av. N., near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, 1917, A-l condition, good tires; real bargain at $150. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. . v - $850 '17 BUICK 6, good ahape. cash or terms; looks good, run good. 5611 Foster road. 216-2S. '- - 1920 BIO SIX, 7-paas. Buick, 5 overalaed cords. spotlight, etc. (Perfect.) $550 discount Brosdway 3411. 523 Alder at 1920 FORD coupe in excellent mechanical con dition ; many extras; $800 for quick sale. Taoor -'. FORD touring, 1916. A-l condition; tires -si-' most new: resl bargain at $385; some terms. 80 Grand ave. near Burnside BUG for sale, $150, first class condition, newly painted, good tires all around. Call East 2123. -' BY OWNER, 1916 Chevrolet good running con dition, fine top, new battery, spotlight. 5 good tires $350. 1112 E. Mill. Phone Tabor 8920. LATE 1918 Ford touring. This is no junk; is in A-l condition snd looks snd runs like, new. Will take terms. Call Tabor 1051. STEPHRNS Salient Six snort modtl: looks snd -.runs like new; owner will sacrifice for a- quick" sale; terms. 'East 7613 FOR SALE 1917 Hnpmobile; fine condition, newly painted. Call East 4200 between 9 and 12 a. m. -. ' $100 CASH for bug, 60 miles to gal. of gas. or 4 -pass. Stoddard-Dayton with delivery body, in running order. ' Main 1891. PAIGE, 1920, Larchmont sport model; extras, spare tire; run 4000 miles, privat use. Bar gain at $1800. .Sellwood 854. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Ante Exchange. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 85Q3. FOR SALE The classiest bug in the city; price , rca enable. Must be seen to be appreciated Call. 567 Mulberry street near Esst 12th snd Market - , LATE model Chevrolet 4-90 touring, thorough ly overhauled, new top, new paint and good tires. Must sell immediately. Can be had on reasonable terms. Call- East 7338. OAKLAND touring ear, in gdbd condition, good tires, new top, bumpers snd wind deflectors, $675. 1480 Macadam st Phone Marshall 8148. LIGHT SIX ROADSTER This car is 1st hot spot. 3-pass. Chalmers, a car that will really perform. Dandy ahape, good tires. Terms. Tabor 7817.- . LIGHT SIX BUICK, $850 This is one of thoeo real good light sixes, runs perfectly, has 6 cord tires, one that has never been used. Call Tabor 7817; terms. BUGS AT $175 1 DYE HARDWICK CO., ... N. W. cor. E. Yamhill and Water sfs. PRIVATELY OWNED 19Tf OLDSXIOBILE LIGHT SIX. just overhauled, tood tires and top; extras; also romplete equipment for-camping. Will take Ford as part payment. Terms.1 Tabor 1487. "V ! STODDARD DAYTON Fine bng material, cheap. 430 Belmont at, cor. 7th st East 6057. - OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY I rOPS .THEM ALL 14th snd Bdwy Couch 4408. -sts. OAKLAND. Looks snd runs fine. Only $750. $250 cssh. DYE HARDWICK CO., N. W. cor. E. Yamhill snd Water sts. CHANDLER, 7 passenger; ' has had good care: run only 24,000 miles. Some bargain, at $800. Phone Marshall 1281. or see csr at 240 Stark st STUDEBAKER 6, starter, lights, etc j Would mske some bug. Only $300, $100 cash. baL 10 mnnths. ; . 1 -DYE HARDWICK CO.. E. Yamhill and Water sts. i TOE FENDER MAN J. E DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while you wait; slso repairs radiators Snd bodies. Broadway 3214, SO N. 11th at., near Burnsid. OVERLAND TOURING Good condition. At a sacrifice. Privat car. 430 Belmont it, cor. 7th st Esst 6057. , 90! Overland Touring I -This Is' th late 1 8 model and will run and look to , pleas you ; has fine oversize tires snd tubes snd has been Tefinished. Low price of $685 with $185 down.'bal.- long easy terras that you can meet, 505 Alder st Red Front Used Csr Co. Chevrolet Touring We have two of these popular cars and they are ready to start to Chicago: full set tools and extrs tires and .looks like new. We can give you your choice of thes cars at the low price of $410, with $175 down, baL monthly. 603 Alder st. Red Front Used Csr Co. OAKLAND TOURING Are yon looking for a real bargain? My slightly u?ed Oakland mnst be sold st once. Lste 1918 modeL Mechanically perfect and five prsc tically new cord tires. Look spy Oakland over st 123 H. Broadway, opp. new Foetoffire.- ' 1 128 NORTH BRQADWAY. ! v j '; j;; ;..:;'y;.;.v5:,;;,i ; WILLYS OVERiJaND PACIFIC I COMPANt , i i USED AUTOMOBILES ' I .'. 1918 Ford Touring -r j 1917 Maxwell Touring . 1918 Maxwell Tourin? ' 1917 Overland ltosdrter j 1918 Overland Club Roadster 1919 Overland Touring.' ' " - 1 Wa have three delivery cars. Will take small car in exchange and giva term to responsible party. You are assured of fsir dealing. VlLLTS OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANT j i BROADWAY 3535. ; BROADWAY AT DAVIS ST. : --; i J ' ' . . '.. AUTOMOBILES ASTI ACCESSORIES 44 DANDY Chnvrolet roadster, with ' extras. " 3 83. 2175 Haasalo st. j ; CHEVROLET, A-l auap. $425; $150 cash, balance $25 monthj 1276 Kelly st. ! 1917 lXilMJK touring, in good shape, $730. Auto Sales Co.. 91-h snd Conch. j 1916 CHEVROLET touriug. new tirs, runs good. Call East 4376. - - .''- j . 1918 BUICK light ais. 5 paasenger, good Con diUon. $750 cash, j Kat 112. - - - - t ' HAVE a -5 iwasenger Maxwell. Will exchanir for a roadster. has- hav youf Tabor 7679. 1914 FORD roadster, with delivery box. in good condition; good rnbber; $300. 16$ E. 0th st Phone East 0091 1918 CHANDLER, 6 wire wheels and tires; splendid condition. 34 N. 11th, Broadway 3247..- j ' .-.-' ' . I CHANDLER 7 pais, i touring car for $sboI Ternit to responsible party. ' A real buy. Talor 6876. - i - - j MR. CAR BUYER on't hny a car withimt first calling Woodlawn 4292. Have bent bug na town: aiwoiutery must De soui touay. 29 H Ft lRD truck., werm drive, in good shape. Will sell for $400 ea'sh, or trade for touriug car. Tabor 6603. 1$83 DUion. FOR SALE 1013TTwln Excelsior, fnlly : eqnipiied and tandem; in best of mechanical condition. . Hutchinson! Gsrsge, Parkros. Ta onj I PP bor 2928. FORTD delivery, with Mien body, flan curtal'iTs" very best of conditipti : must sell; s bsrgain at $475, with terms. 180 Grsnd sve. N., luar Burnside. j OVERLAND delivery.! complete Have absolutely no iise for it. tely overhauled. For 230 it Is yours and will give leasy terms at that price. 523 Alder st. Broadway 3411. i BUICK 6. E-4 9. Al condition in every respect: $1175, $500 downi ha lane 10 months to right fiarty. cau soi luurmuae, neiween isawy. and 8tli st 1019 Tourrhg, best perfori her earljf $1230, Broadway 8247, BUICK i ling Buick In town. Get terma. $4 N. 11th. DANDY Uttle Buick touring, in fine hv; quick; will seU for $375; per month.' 623 Alder must raise some ca-Ji terms $.150 down, $2 at Bdwy. 341 DODGE 5-psssenger, hew top, spotlight, extra tire; lust overhauled S575: part cash bl- a nee easy payments. 1347 Hood st Marshall 2685. M.79 OVERLAND touring, stsrter, engine just OTerlisuled. $275. Be st 299 H Union are.. cor. t lsy, apt 8, between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. o dealers. CHEVROLET" TOURING. 1018: good mechan- idal condition: good tires; must sell; a snap st $475; soma terms. Burnside. B0 Grsnd Av. N., nesr LATE Overlsnd delivery, electric starter, cord tires, sell cheap. Tske piano or good phono graph as part payment) 166 10th at, or phon Main 2S20. I i 1020 FORD touring, starter, $83 top,' good shape. $650. Esst 4376. i I'OIII) sedan, 1919. wire wheels, 1 extra, elect ria starter; will sacrific at $975; will con sider trsde on Ford touring. 80 Grsnd ave. N., nesr Burnside. f - j FORD for $T75. S1K0 down, new fenders, new paint in fine condition; it will not last long at this price, so you had better hurry. Call Mr. Howard, MroauwayisoeJ LATE Overland delivery, electric starter and lights. Sell cheap or swsp. Take -piano, good phonograph or wuatT j 16(1 10th at, or Main 2S20. - - i NATIONAL 12 (CYLINDER CAR Beautiful csr; cordl tires; everything right! leaving Portland, will sell dirt cheap; terms. Sellwood 631, OVERLAND touring, will make a gooxf knock about car, in good (running condition; sacri fice at $125. SO Grand ave. N.. nesr Burn side. 1920 FORD coupe, almost new; driven less than 600 miles. Also 1920 Ford coupe, damaged in- wreck. Will be sold as is. Cash considera tion. 187 2d st I . ELGIN bnCMMT - Must be sold quick. A bargslrf. Owner; 430 Belmont st, coil. 7th st Esst 6057. i. - - i STUDEBAKER j STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER ligh, touring, electric light and i tarter. The bisrgeet bargain in town, $295. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., ' - , E. 8770. Grand sve. snd Hawthorn. STUDEBAKER T-PASS. I Good for stage or pleasure. Cheap. 430 Belmont st, cor. 7tli st Esst 0057. 1020 TEMPLAR Roadster, ssme ss used by Cannon Ball Baker in all record runs; gone) 8000 miles. Sacrifice for $200U. Minoay morning. t r. liui. Broadway 3247. 1918 FORD touring overhauled and r painted; will sell on time, $450. Esst 4376. - . . i .- if FORD roadster, late .'17 or early MS model; looks very good; shock absorbers and nearly new tires. Price $400; $150 down, balance easy. Bdwy. 3214. Jake's Used Csr Ex chsnge. 28 N. 11th. Open evenings. ' CHEVROLET roadster. 1919 model, in A-l con dition, engine in perfect order, new tires sll around. A real automobile and not a Junk pile and a good aa new. $826. CaU owner. East 6217 and Bdwy. 88. MAXWELL 1918 chassis, in fine condition. $375. 630 Alder atl 1 WE HAVE ran. all makes, from $175 to $1000. Come and look them over. DYE HARDWICK CO., j E. Yamhill andj Water sts. WEAVER TIRE COMPANT FEDERAL TIRES i OREGON ! VULCANIZING CO, TIRE BEPAUUNtt 838-835 Burnside st Broadway 1917 FORD touring. This will sure demon strate UP ths hills; shock absorbers, seat rov ers, new top ana gooaipaim; wui w dt,wn nn tbia ear. ha lame easy. 28 N. 150 1th. Jake's ITtmi Car Exchange. Broadway 3 charii 214. Open evenings. No Gas Let's go In my Hudson touring at 31Z50, or Hudson speedster run and look lias new. room 209. at $1875. ilies cars Terms. Call Mar. 1850, HIGH grade used cars greatly sacrificed. "Pack ard Twin Six, like new: Nash 0. 7-pasensr; Chandler. 7 -passenger; JVelie. A-l condition, cheap; Hudson 8uer 6. coupe.- 1920; Moon 6-60, chummy roadster; Republic truck, 2-ton, like new. . 521 Burnside. Portland Motor Csr Co. '28.. Chevrolet Roadster We hav a fin light fokir her that will suit ynn at the low price of $575l with $200 down, baL easy, and car ran be tried out before you 'pay a cent for-it 605 Alder. Red Front Used Car Co. f ; -' '18 Buick Touring At tha low price of $1185 with $45(1 down. baL easy; hss cord tires snd new full leather top, extra tire, and mna fine. We can take light ear in trsds on this one snd give you most liberal terms on the ball " Come and try it at 505 Alder ft Red Front Used Car Co. 1919 FORD roadster with shock absorbers. FIELDS' MOTOR CAR CO. 14th snd Alder at. j Broadway 240. upen evenings i ana eunaays. Leece -:and i . Rowland Bug Bodies $ I 0 Up BEATS COT DOWN FOB CAMP BEC4V lUdialors snd Fenders! Matt aud itepaimib Est 7249 854 E. Burnside. BEAUTIFUL 1st model S-eyllnder. 7 passenger Oldsraobile, 6 cord with terms to suit. tires; bergs in price, ioo FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. ' 14th and Alder t. Open Evenings H roadway zsu, snd Sundays. FORD TRUCK AND! : ' FORD DELIVERY f Both lat 1918 models. Guaranteed mechan ically perfect with 19201 license. Sold my bui ness snd hav no u-w for thesa cars. Make roe an nffer tah Of EC T ID 4. . j - 128 N. Broadway, of-p. new Postoffice, ArTOMOBlLKS A N D ACC tS S O n I K S 4 4 FORD rnadter. 1015, excellent condtl.ml ' never; bven hurt Krnmoi,e. i-nijni . .'i't ai-. in A-l oondition. CaU 6j5r oath st, S. K. , Sum,, ,, m A RI.Yt Jii-t what yoii' a,n ,-, ,!" (,, top .rdnB.ltv.AltS5TJiti""- lT d"Wn' Mf- "ow- 1 Bfi2.B.l.!.K n'w ,in, ,ir"; va.M K ntomob'1: as rl,e.,.r ear as first i sy roentjbBlasyterm. Main 7SO. FORD BUG. DARK GltKENr SWFf lTTcNt Ml KT'lor"' W FOR SALE cheap. Ford r.wdTter ho,lv. Fori generator, siK-edometer, used Kurd' l.atta. Zenith carbureter, windshield East 1 1 1UIU , ' 111.-1- 1, ,1 L'-n n-,., ,. . .- . In excellent shsiw. lias been lneu only by oilier iui pity etret; will sell chesp. Wdln. 1237 or Wdln. 24a. i HERE'S' YOUR CllANCR Model 80 Overland touring, electric liirhts aatsVi starter: well worth $.100 our price for quick rale, $3 75: term if desired. Francis M.itor Cat Co., Hawthorne sv. at Grand. Et 37 70. IT REVOLVES! THE SMITH ROTARY RRUSfT. Wsh your csr with it Main 1184. i I FORD $375 FOR f $375 New hiagnetn, new transmission, new main heariiiBs.i new rings rear end; good a new; car Just painted; upholstering in body new. 5511 Ftnterrad. 210-28. 19.20 CjllE.VHol.ET touring, good condition". :Kelly-$pruntri-ld tires. Alemite oiling sy.tem, large aiHttliuht. motometer. other eslraa; owner mo-'t sell. $700. A sacrifice. Call except Sunday, Main 407. ! -1920' Maxwell TOURING; FINE LITTLE CAH AT A BAR GAIN, PRICE. CALL BROADWAY 8047. BUICK light 6, touring, in fine condition. $!)3f. 630 Aider it . M. B. FI5CH Itsdlaton. fenders, bodies, hoods, tank rrpaj.td and remcdelnt. Auto sheet ietal work a spe cialty. 103-107 N. lfith t Phone, riroadway 2.200. ATJTO SPRIC 16.000 carried in stock. Onr springs sold With written guarantee. Ws givs you service, ' j 34 North Fifteenth street BTicl IinnTva ans ttt Bug Bodies, It diatom. Fenders i - uooas Made ana jivpairea . Tops, Trimming snd Upholstering I UCI1NESS AUTO WORKS I 12th and Everett Sts. ! . I CHEVROLET I AND FORD"OWNERS ' FORD overhauled ................... . . $2 Brsr sxl overhauled ........$ 6 Va'.re ground, carbon removed .......... tS Msgneto recharged ..$ 6 Ws band lap pistons, scrsp barings, etc.. which Insures a perfect running motor, (ienuine Ford parts only used. At! wnrk guaranteed. j THE REASON The Ford engine starts lisrd and tha lights ar dim is becans the MAGNETO is weak. Hav U RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair. sio jerrerson at llaln 7644. -- T VRANRON'S UfiED CAR EYC1I.4NC, V,. - 1015 Ford msdster, tail delivery ... $ 27.1 1915 Ford roadster, dem. wheels.,. 315 1918 Ford .louring, new tires ;tHS 1917 Ford touring, overhauled.... 87.1 1017 Ford touring, repainted 440 1917 Eiird touring, extrss 4.11 ,1918 Ford touring, overhauled.... 44.1 1019 Ford tonring, Haaslnr stocks. . MM1 1920 Ford touring, starter.,.,,.. O.O 1916 Brisco touring ,171 3 017 Overland. A75 . 42,. .1017 Imdg touring, new tires. 7(S(l 1918 Ford slan, orerhatilrd . . . . . . lid'i 1015 Velle touring, merhauled . . . . 325 1914 Hudson 0-54 louring...,,,, 4 i''l 191 H Htudrbaker 6. 7 pass. ....... -7,Mt 1017 Hup sedan, new tires.,,.... 1 I Ml 1917 Velie touring 110't 1917 Htudebsker roa Hater Coo - 1918 Buick light u touring "1050 Open Evenings and Sunday. 150 Union Ave., Cor. Bolmunt - Mere's Your ClhaimcG I K "8" 5 PASSENGER I bought a new vine arid want to sell my guaranteed niechanically perfect King "8 " lie-' painted and five practically new cord tires.. IV III sell for $1200. You can par as low ss $Vto and balance in 8 or lo montlis. Ask for Mr. Brigger. 18 Broadway, opp. new Postoff ice.,- Speed Wagon or Truck; Late ,1918 Mode! V i ' Owing to tha death of my husband I wish to sell my Ho speed truck. Mechanically er fert and tires are alinnet new. Will sell for $750. cash or terms. 128 N. Broadway, opp. new Postofflce. I S A V T I A reduction of $100 on any csr ll'ted below for week commencing Auru t 15, lf20 any car in tilt list 1 fairly priced now and with re duction offered some positJt bariains can h found. Every ear is in giwxl raeclia.ii'-sl rorutl tinn. eotnx bare been repainted and eutlrely re built others completly overhauled with a price raiig fo suit any pocketbook nd ery easy terms, I riLi.vDT.nris- 1918 .-'CHANIiLfcll, 7 passenger, -rebuilt throughout newly painted, good tires, with rt tra We give new car guarantee on this car. Pric $1500. . 191 rilANDLKn CHCMMT. 4 pass, road ster, rebuilt 1 tliroughont, oversize cord tines, ' nearly new; guaranteed same as new csr. 1'rir $1500. : Jlil8 CHANDLER DISPATCH, newly rint d. ftr-t class! mechanical emditl'.n, wire wheels, cord tires with extra; guaranteed same s new csr. Pries $1800. I ' 1917 CHANDLER. 7 pss.. fin mechanical condition. Cord Ursa, newly painted, a resl rup. Pric $1000. Two pass, special built roadster, on 1917 re built Chandler Tthaasis, wire wheels wiih extrs snd 3 cord tires, a powerful snd racy car; mui,t be seen toj be appreclsted. Price $14 50. 1916 B pass. Chandler Six, completely -over-haulcd, good Urea. Price $700. II- I 1918 MITCHELL. 7 pass, touring, good con dition, wir wheels, extrs tires. $7 DO, - 1918 OAKLAND, 6 pass., good conditions, excellent Ural. Price $800. 1 I 191T SAXON Six. A-l condition. $700. i 1918 OVERLAND, 4-90 club roadster, good mechanical condition, wir wheels, good tires, repainted. Price $750. 1916 OVERLAND, 8 pass., first -lass me chanical shape, good tires with extra. I'nca $475. , i v I OPEN SUNDATS Anq evenings, 6 to 8 o'clock. ' i 605 Washlnrton street 1 814 Alder street TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO, I I I 0 -.du escu. sua c. iiu st. a. sou. -04,