12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND OREGON (WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18, 1920. i !1 $626,280 WHEAT CARGO CLEARS FOR UNITED Kl! . Clearing with 6140 tons (Ions) wheat ; for, tha United Kingdom the steamship West Kader got away at - noon Wednesday. The cereal was shipped by the Portlands Flouring Mills" company and is valued at $626280. She is the fourth big; cargo to1 be 'dispatched for the month of August. 1420, and stands in a fair way to be a record breaker, as have the months of June and July.! "V Following the Weit Kader :wlll be the steamship Mount Etna, which will take julo to S00O tons at Portland and finish at Astoria with 1500 tons, f The steam ships West Togus and Steel jTrader will not come to Portland for cargo. -but will take flour and general, respectively, at Astoria. " ' y . - r ! r I ' ' 1 The West 1 Togus, Seattle for New York, Will finish at Astoria with 2000 tons of flour; Salmon, lumber wool and general plunder will finish oat the cargo of, the Steel Trader.: Wheat shipments from Astoria are increasing, ia.nd an esti mate of the superintendent of public : docks at the port by tha sea is the hand : ling of 5.000,000 bushels of grain through - the elevators during the season, j New ; charters announced Wednesday are the steamship Pilar de taf rinaga . (British), to load wheat at Portland for the United Kingdom early in September. The vessel left August 16 for the Co lumbia river, end will be due September 2. The barkentlne Lahanla,! Levuka for San Francisco, was reported off Point Reyes Tuesday night. She will proceed direct to Portland and loads lumber for Callao. Lumber rates to th west -coast are now Quoted at 132.50. She Is in to W. It. irace & Co. I I PERMISSION IS GRANTED TO , CHANGE PIER HEAD MNES Upon recommendation of Colonel Slat tery U. S. engineers, the war depart ment has granted authority to make cer tain changes in the pierhead line on the north side of Youngs bay be(owr Astoria. Colonel Slattery has addressed ,the fol lowing 1 communication "to those; inter ested: i '. - I 'Whereas the Port of -Astoria, Or., made application to the secretary of war for permission to make certain 'changes-! In the pierhead line on the nortn sicie oi Youngs bay ; . I- ' S - "And whereas, a hearing oh this mat ter Was held at the Chamber of Com merce. Astoria. Or., at 1 p. m., Monday; April 12, 1920. at which all Interested parties were given an opportunity to ahow any reason why permission should not have been granted for the change as requested. ' j : . ; j -, ' "Now, therefore, this is to iglve notice thuct recommendation was made j to the secretary of war that tljie desired changes be made arid that the secretary , of war approved the changes iunder date of July 31, 1920. A map, with a descrip tion of the modifications, may be In spected on application at tliisj office." MEXICAN CONSUIj ISSlJ-pS i OILERS COVERING CUSTOMS i Following receipt of vinforirjation that the border and maritime ports .'of the northern district of Lower California have . been declared formally closed to international traffic In view of the rebel attitude toward the federal gov ernment there assumed by Colonel Kstaban Cantu, A. K. Vejar.j consul of Mexico; has Issued this notice to Port land shippers: I j "The payment of custom house duties and other taxes will be only acknowl edged by the legitimate constituted gov ernments authorities, this beSng able to assure that, guarantees' will be given to .foreiirn; interests indemnifying only those involuntary damages." COODS HASTENED NORTH. TO BEAT FREIGHT RISE Space for salt and sugar) on north bound steam schooners Is rapidly being taken up by local dealers lri an effort to avoid the rise in rates that is sure to go into effect before the end of the present month. All water lines are keep ing up with the railroad parade and an nouncements of a 20 per cent advance are looked lor any day. ) i Announcement has been made that six of the-Transpacific companies operating, out of San Francisco would advance tates,' both passenger and freight, Sep--tember 1. Agents of the several coast- injr companies admit that an advance will be made, but have set no date. MOTORSHIP-ASTORIA SIGHTED NEAR MOUTH OP ' COLUMBIA - W. J. Jones, acting as agent j for the McCormlck motorshlp Astoria, how out S3 days from San Francisco for; the Co lumbia river,: left Wednesday morning for Astoria to look after the affairs of the vessel. She was reported j off the ; mouth 15 miles at 4 -.43 Tuesdky levcnlng, and a tug was ordered for daylight this morning. She is coming north light, to load .timber for the Atlantic) side. . Positions of Vessels -Radio reports from North Head give the positions of the following- vessels at 8 p. m'.. August 16 : j Buck, Portland for Monterely, !S0 miles from Portland; Rose City. Portland for San Francisco, seven miles south of Co lumbia river: Porter. Kverett. bound south, SfiO miles from Kverett i West NI vari. Portland for Tsinctau.i 136 miles from Columbia river lightship, i . . . r -! ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamship City of Topeka. ' San Francisco via ureka artd-Cpos, is due iiv Portland early Thursday1 morning. She brinprs passengers and freight for the Admiral line. ! :- The steamer' Daisy Freeman sailed from San Francisco for the; Columbia river Tuesday night. She brings freight ,for the Parr-McCormlck company. v The steamer j Willamette of the Mc Cormlck fleet will sail lightffor Gravs Harbor Wednesday afternoon, she will load at Aberdeen for San Pedro. ! DAILY R.IYEU READINGS . ' W a. m.. Pacific Time. NGDII si :i : r 25 8.7 2 O .S 20 -1.8 12 1.0 is a. - 3 SI STATIONS fmsUUa . . , Albany , : 8alem . v. . Oregon City Portland .. . . 0.06 o.oo o.oo 0.00 e.oe v-, RIVER FORECAST Tha WOlaniette Titer at Portland "will fall dunca the neit threw day. AT JfEIOHBORIXO PORTS' .Port Townsend. Aus. 17 (t xjs.l Passed out: 8. gAkane. for Southeastern Alaska , 1 :20 ix ns.; Admiral Schley, for San. Ditto, via Han Francisco. 3 p. to. , .- , . Tacoroa. -Aug. 18. ft. X, 8.) Arrived: 8. S. Quadra, from Brittania Beacfa. at 7 a. m hailed: Admiral Xtewey. for Seattle, iroom Auc 17. arriTe.1: H. 8. Northwestern, from Seattle: S. 8. Admiral Dewey, from Seattle -kverett, from Ban I'edro. ria gan iFraneuco H a. m- Sailed: Tacht Aatiilla. foi Seattle-Tjj-m tru. for Meattle; JEvereth for Puaet HJlid. B p. si.; lied Hook, for Seattle. 6pm t'ordoTa, Aug. IT. (L N. s.) Sailed-' 8. 8. AUnural WatsoD, lontlibouui, 8 p. m. rdney. Aug.' 14. ft " B. Arrid: 8. S. Niacsra, from Vancooter. . . ; Honolulu. " Aug. lT.--(l. N.T '8.) Sailed: Mairy E. Foster, for Puset Sonnd. S-ietorla. Aug. 17. il S. s:-Arriei1: S. i H. ..TahJU. , from i. Bydneyi baraeotine Ait floated into drydoek. ( tUiiedr K. 8- Jtnpre-a of Japan, for Honskonc Puget .feound; Canadian Krapreaa. for Sydney. Union Bay. Auc. tl.- t N. 8.1 ned: a. H. Canadian Exporter. - for Sydney. ti ArrtTed JSth: 8. S. Baxter, from ban Pedro BeatUe, Aaf. 18. (I. K. B.) ArriTd 18tH: TT.i H. U T. Heather, from cruise. 3:40 a. m. Ar.il7, arrlred. Anyox, towiny barge ralmyra, from Gypom, Alaekaj Boon: Ked Hook, .from T.eoma, 8 p. m. : Tajima Mara, from Taeom, 7 :SO p. m. : U, 8. U T. Boe, from sea duty, noon, flailed, ISthflSS. Oedney. Houtheatern Alaska, via XiBairao,': . m-; l,.B. . ew Mnwo, for HoboMIU, at o a. m.; V-. , ' Heather, for cne. i An. 17, uea. westers, for Taeoma, m : v- ". Vanooarer. S n. m : Spokane, for Son Uwa tern Alatka, i a. m,; Admiral Sctaley. for Ma mego. Tia ai t'ranctoeo. noon. fcal&s. A. 5 1 7. ( I. J S. 8. ) Sailed t B. Alameda, wetboond,. 7 i. m. Aug. IS, aailed: B& Admiral t.nna, weaiooana, i :vo i. m. IBan, rraDCao, aoi. xb. vi. . o. i- rived Aug. 17 1 Badger. San Diego. 2:SU p. RTISTIC ings Association are the function of ways in which t . . i IW ii a-I, -wir'iBi ' ' " "i i.i.uvi muna.'i -naaiM.ua . n mi I L nrrrr ,,, , rir" " -n-'iaKrainiT- f " - " j ... 1 ; . ;. ' - . - . . - i i - - , I ,.! ' ' ' : ' , . ttf :'! a. M .-. : ;!.;v...-- ! .. : - ; ;!v--v .,...,-..),.... : Ji ll 111 i ; 4 - ' I II I li Y fflll ' 1 ; i P " ' : I -1' ' I . j ' I ' ' . ; U : 1 a THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK il' Si ' j 1 - ; -il - i. i t, . A Corn? A com today if needless, and millions of people know it. . - , i ' f Years ago nearly every woman had i tKem. : Now women who know Blue-jay never suffer corns. ; i ' " .... '-r'-T - - vT K' v.;v f" ; Ask your own friends. '; j . t Blue-jay comes in liquid form or plas s ter. One applies it in a jury by a touch. 'The pain stops. In a little time the ' whole corn loosens and comes out. j" - The BAUER A BLACK Cbicag-o m. ; Uoqniam Grays Harbor, p. n-i Fair- haren. Balboa, 7 p. tn.; lUttia Lnckenbsck. New York, 9:45 p. m.; Jacob Jones, baa Diego. 9:10 p. tn. ; Labaona, Let oka, 10f40 pj m. Sailed Aon. 17: Governor, BeaUIe, 11:29 a. m. : Preident. Lo ABseles. (11:20 a. m.: Navigator. Oualala, lt:S5 a., nv; Iaiay Put nam. Cotnabia river. 3 :35 p. t&; TeilowBton. t!ooe Bay, Q :05 p. . m. ; Phoente. Greenwood. Bi2U p. ra. ; Hntnboldt, Loa Angelea.j S:2a. p. m. ; Johamia Smith, Coo Bay, i 6:4(1 p. bl.; 1'atadena. AJtriui, 7:10 p. m. j . Girl Is Injured in Attempted Flight From State School Salem, Aug. IS. Rosella jSliller,; com mitted to the state girls' industrial school i from Multnomah county 1a year ago. Is in a hospital here recovering from Injuries received In attempting: to and of much' practical the booklet we have just issued. -The draw-1 - -.11 M ' " : ' . i- i" by Harry Wentz of the beautifully executed. - The text outlines i each of our departments and points the; you can use them. OF PORTLAND OREGON THE FIRST NATIONAlJl- dANK WEST OF THE ROCKY FOUNTAINS. MEMBER AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION Why, a touch Will end ft . The proof is everywhere. Tens of millions of corns have been ended in this simple, easy way ! j - : This ! is the scientific . method the modern way of dealing with a corn. It was created by this world-famed labora tory, whichevery physician respects. -.;.-; J!" : i . ' i, .r 7 ift j.,-...5 ' One test will solve all your corn prob lems.' Make it tonight Buy Blue-jay from your druggist. - i Tiki I3iuejay Plaster; otLiquid Scientific: Corn Ender Nw York , Toronto Makess " SteriU escape from : the Institution Sunday night. : .'" -s Prylnff the -wire nettinf off her win dow, on the third floor of the school, the Miller girl is said f to have started her descent by means of a rope im provised out of bed clotbe. i The rope gave way letting her fall 40 -feet te the ground. A broken leg and severe bruises about the face resulted and it is feaed that she may also be. internally injured. : VT Sandy Short on Gas . Sandy. Or., Aug. II. The 'gas situa tion is serious here and business is al most stopped .. because , of the shortage, with no immediate relief in sight. Much dissatisfaction with the oil companies la expressed. The recent collapse of a wooden bridge In Pennsylvania under a heavy motor truck .was attributed to the-fact that the lower timbers i of the bridge bad been sheathed in tin which pre vented their decay from being seen. benefit, ' too, isi Portland Art I it! Suraieal Dra..;. .W AlKevJ PveWs Oat Hostelrieis Ask . ..'Increase in Price For Boarding Pets M-e-o-w! M-e-o-w! 1 That isn't the raucous voice of a hun gry alley cat. nor the daylight complaint of a lovelorn Tom. ; -r ; ' The elite of the cat family la malting the complaint. , They have been ejected from the cat boarding house for failure to meet the board bill.' t Believe It or not, but the ' fact still stands that the high' cost of living has fastened its grip n the cat boarding house and board for cats has shot up ward, yea. even doubled. i Time was when a first-class-cat could get first-class board for jl a week. To day the, lowest quotaUoh is $2 for ordi nary cats. Por the long-haired variety, such as .milady loves to stroke, the price is $9 a month straight i ' Why shouldn't the cat chorus swell In protest? i TRANSPORTATION SanFrancisco S. S. ROSE CITY ' DKPARTS 1O:00 A. ML Thursday, August 26 rROM AINSWORTH DOCK FARC INCLUDES BERTH AMD MEAL. CITY TICKET Of riCE, SD ARO WASH. PHONE MAIM IBM FREIGHT OrriOC. AINSWORTH DOCK PHONK IROXOWAT C6S THE BAN S-RANblSOO - A "PORTLAND . . . OOMPAN Y. i ASTORIA AND WAV POINTS STR. GEORGIAN A Round Trip Daily (EScept unsay) Leavaa Portland 7:10 a. m. A Mar St. Dnck. LEAVES ASTORIA S P. M. FLAVEL DOCK FARE S1.SS CAOH WAT. Dh-aet Coanaotlon for SnoUt achaa. Nlaht Boet Daily, S p. m, Kvcry Day Caonpt Sunday . Main 1422, Ml -22 . i Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" 2:30 -P. M. DAILY -except Thursday . . FARE $1.65, including tax Morrlon-St. Dock ' Pboaesi Mala 89i 611-4 FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS RAINIER NATIONAL PARK Call on or Writ Our Special Bepreaentatlve DOR8EV B. SMITH, Manager. . Journal Travel Bureau. . , 180 Broadway ' Phone Marshall 107S Portland. Orsoon Astoria and. NorthBekch Steamer Service OF THE Union Pacific System OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. . : From Portland oTery Amy except Sunday , From Astoria orery day except Saturday . :. ' - : : ' .' : . . Direct connectiona at Astoria to and from North Beach "Harvest Queen" From Portland Alpsworth Dock, 8:00 P. M. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. From Atoria-0-W. R. & N. Dock, 7:00 Pj M. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. FARES : Between-;1. Portland and Astoria $1.65 " War Tax Included Ticket' aud Reservations, Broadway 268, or Consolidated Ticket Office Third and Washington Streets Main 3530 Receiving- or Delirerin Freight, Call Broadway 172 - . Wm, McMurray, .General Passenger Agent - ' SUMMER VACATION EXCURSION FARES ' i ' TO OCEAN RESORTS . :- y - ,. !: ' - - ' . ' , Season tickets are on sale ; daily, g'ood to return until October 31, and allow stop-overs., , Week-end tickets are on sale Saturdays and Sundays, limited to return following Mondays. j ' Clatsop Beaclhi GEARHART AND SEASIDE 7 NORTH BEACH POINTS Fast trains fcarrying observation' parlor cars and coaches . leave North Bank Station 8:30 A. M., 6:20 P. M. daily, ; and 2:00 P. M:. Saturday. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFKICE. THIRD AND WA8H1NOTOJI STS.' NORTH; BANK STATION. TENTH AND idOYT STS. . f - - BUItDlSO PERMITS Gnorga " W. Foremaa. rantdence, 127 Farra ruett steMf betwee Miasiaippt arcnue sad Al blna, Tnne. Jot 9-10, block 4; boUder the aaaac; coat 92500. llUlmad Coaatrnetloa Co., 4 teaidane. S29 Hollaad between ICallary and Kodney. lot 10. block 10. Lore; builder. Fred -Aldrick; eoM 91000. . ' Un. A. N'eylon. reeklenen, 1510 Eajt Kiglith between Bnttale and Morcan, lot 15;17. block 2: builder tho mm; eoat flOOO, . - - G. V. atc-Neal. residence. 01S Flfty-tHth avenue between Sixtieth and 8ixty-tirst. lot- HH. block 17. Fremont Place; builder tha aam; eoat 91000. ' " j'-:f Ai Uaneen. residence, 1275 Minnesota are nue between Ainawortk and Holman, lot M H o E of lot 2, block 6. principle t builder the same; 92500. J .. J " Frederick Huater, reeidence. 527 Forty-aeo-oad (treat betwera . Thompson nd Braaea,- lot 1. block 15: builder the tame: coat 94500. B. Campbell, residence. ,1714 Inter tate be tween Wtw and Wincbell atreets, lot 1. block 40: builder the came; coat 92400. - .. Ralph Ooan, build addiUcm. 586 Kat Sev enteenth etreet between Knott and SUnten, -lot 1. a 17. block 40; bntider li. Uordon; coat 91000. . - . HEW TODAY SEND TJS TOUR OLD CAEPETS lVe Call and DallTer) - Old Ruat and Woolen Otolnlng We talis Ravenlble, Haod-Wean . FLUFF RUGS Roam Six Fluff Ruga Ween S17.SS Raa fua Woven Ai, suae Olothee . ; r Cleaning and Oyetn Dept. -Mail i Oroera, Send for Booklet Mattreaeee i Renovated, Made Over. Made to OrtrV Feathers HesoTated -Carpet Claaalag , Silt Rust. Steamed Cleaned, U -WESTERN FLUFF RUB CO, B4 Union Ave, N. East SSI S. e Cast 7SSS WE CALL TOR 70UB 0L CAKPETB : Bags aa W wale a CtoUla v: FLUFF RUGS All Wr Tsraos Ost Promptly . Bag sags Wotss All Slsss -v Mall Orders Sea for Book lac Carpets Clensad. . Laid ssA BaXltUA NORTHWEST RUG CO. T 1SS BART EIGHTH 9TREBT i : i BHOHK BABT SMS 9 taUosrsoms Wsst Par sad TsmkU At 10 A. M. Tomorrow TRANSPORTATION "Hassalo" From Portland Ainsworth Dock, I 8:00 P.. M. Tuesdays andThurs j days; 10:00 P. M. Saturdays., From Aatoria O-W. F. & N. j Dock, 7:00 'Pv M. Mondays." .( Wednesdays and Fridays. North Beach Resorts Round-Trip From Portland Week-End , Season $4.50 $5.50 War Tax to Be Added Round Trips $4.50 Week-Ends $5.50 Season ' 8 War Tax Additional' KKW TODAY EXTRAORDINARY . BARGAIN IN - , SEASIDE LOTS 50! Cut in Prices BUY NOW AND BUILD YOUR SUMMER HOME LATER ... i-1 i ..... . . . - j . . .. . . The owTiera o( the CartwHaht Park. Seaside, Oregon, authorise, until Oc tober 1, a flat reduction in prices of 60; per cent on all lots, west of the Ntcanicum. Prices heretofore have been from $75.00 to $700. Now the same lots can be secured at a price; of from $37.50 toi $250, Including lota on the Necan Icum river, lots in Spruce Grove, lota on Boardwalk and lots facing- mead-ow,-which adjoins Seaside House. . The purpose of this reduction in price is to encourage buying, so that if sufficient-sales are! made the own ers will be enabled to make certain Improvements that U1 benent the whole tract. 4 v- tThia offef onlv endd "Until October 1. L. For further , particulars, inquire WHITMR-K LIT ; COM PAS Tf 4U Plttock .Block, and F. M. COLE, 8eaid, Oregoa. ' ' Houses aiGARAGES CRKOTCO If PORTLANO-SHie'PIO ANVWHERB in built -rr. ce. j TIONS READY AND CAVi TO PUT TO-. v- ' 1 alTHIn A nravctaaa Ooaaa or aarag inreet freaal Ibe teetorr at a MUKAl aaVlM. teal par ee mmoleiaea praiii. M rtta lor L saUlodM. j REOIMADI aUILOIIIO COM AN F Eeat atevenui anc ataraea S Biocka aouwi t Hewtnarna. Sttane East . iferwane. Oreeoa HIGH-CLASS ; Home PRICE $15,000 $5,000 CASH Class v 6-room BuWalow with 2 sleepinc porches, jn 2 acres of ground. Fine shrubbery. v Finest view around Portland. Located in the most classy Suburban neigh borhood around Portland. House isj modern to the minute, and a real sacrifice at this price, . Call Marshall 1265 . and j ask for Mr. Fulton, -. ' - RsrvT I Wo Call and TJellTer -Old Carpets and Bar Had lata FLUFF RUGS Kar Kuss, Carpet Cleaning; and Kenttinff. Mail crdera. Bond . t j lor Booklet. Oregon Fluff; Rug Co. 19S4 Bait BUrk ' - Tabor 7314 Suburban liuiii i' i ..l. tnr , 1 i1 1 riiiissvK I ' ; . IVA.VHOK HOMESTEAli. No. " 5038, Brotherhood of American Ten men. will meet Wednesday the lHth. at S:lt p. in., in Women of Woodcraft hall. 334 Taylor st. This is the regular bosineaa meet ing, whien i all members . are requested to attend. Hefrtauitnenta will be served. Visiting; -Yeomen always welcome. Mrs. K. Ear teike. Cor. Main 1U2U. ( I ' BE(JUI.All meeting toroormw JC. evening at 7:30 o'clock. Be- bin aves. I Becond degTee will be conferred. Visitors alwaya wetrome. K. t;. BROTHERS. N. O. . Ki WITOX. Bec'y. 4 - arsrr f B KrO U t A R meeting this - Wednesday) evening at 8 &C3? o'clock. East Sixth and Alder SsS5TiS' ' "treeta. , Hojouming brothers , HO.If cordially welcomed. - I . K. C. VAfi NATTA, N. O. - ft. A. STARR, Bec'y. i- JOttf.f SAMARITAN L4DGE NO. 2, I. O. 'jSTTT&l- O. F. Meets every Wednesday VTrr evening at 8 ' oarlock. Odd Fellows' i i Temple, 226 llder SU Visiting brothers alwsjs welcome, j JESSE T. JONES. Sec yl U, IK. SILUtA.1, i. J. j srxNTsiiJE ixm;E no. i3, a. F. & A. Mj Sjieciai communi cation August 19. at 7 P. m., tem ple, 3 Hawthorne. WVk K A. degree. -Visitors welcome. -By order W. M, j JAMES S.I PAY JR., Sec'y. "rOUTLAXD LOfKgNO. 58. A. K. AND Ai M.- Sfstclal com munication Uii (Wednesday) eve ning, 7 o'clocsi, Masonic temple; work in F. p. degree. - Visiting brethren welcome By order W. H. -J.' HOUGHTON. Sec. - COLUMBIA LOIHJK NO. 114, A. Y. AND A. M. Special com. munication tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7 d clock,; labor in the F. O. degre; visiting - brethren always vseh-ome. By order of KB Elf L. OLSON. Sec. .! KENTON LOIKiE NO. 14fl. A. jr. AND A; M. stated com jnunication Thurisy. August 10, at -.7:SO p." ni. - Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. - , - Y, ROBIN80V, 8ec. MT. HOOI circle. Neighbors of Woodcraft, to give a benefit dance Thursday evening, Aug. 10. on the 8wn. - IJarby's orchestra. .Boat leaves foot iof Jefferson at ft , go. 'Tickets 55c WOMEN OF MOSETiEAKT LE:iowlirhol."4 ia sprctal meeting Thursday evening, Aug. IS, it 8 o'clock.- i THE MACCABEES t Portland Tent, No. 1 tegular iv-rnnr every Thursday' evening, at ltall. 400 Alder st. All members nrged to be present. VLdting Sir KnighU alwaya vwlonaie. ' GEO, n. BAKER. N. It- G07.DEN RULE review, jto. 17, the Maeca.- I belM. will hold a picnic in Peninsula Park, on Thursday, 1 9th. The committee will serve lea cream. All Maccabeee are welcome. EMBLEM JEWELflT tpecislty ; Tnittons. pine. I cbarrra. Jseaer Brei: lSI-IO rlth at irtarriges. Birtbs. Deaths. iWaclaw Ziomko. legal. Clackamas, Or., and Sophi Aolecka, legal. Grand avenue and Ash treet.- ' ' '. K'i Csorn Alfred Scbretber. legal. 74 S Missouri avenue, and Mary M. Mck)n. legal. 760 Missouri tmnv.- i . IB. M- Crommelin, S3. I'eMleton, ur., gna Myrtle V. Roes. 24, Benson hotel. i Frank Monahan. 89, Kenton. WssK. and Mary Olive Mullin. 88, Multaoman hotel. i Ueonre W. Smith. 23. Chetotlis. Wash., and Addie M. trreecher. 22, Savon hotel. I Ridsrey K. Powell, legal. 452 Morrison Street. gad Liella Daaaer, legal. Iiantlura apartmeata. M.! . ' ' 1 wj M. . ' I . i i . I MAllRIAtiK L1CKS8KS Joha A. Trout, lral, 70trt SerntyriitiU treet. and Uilun ll. Wriglit, ItguL, JSJ tat Beventy-fifta atreet. , Iuie V Simoiueii, 2T. 1014 Kaat Tamhtll '.S.1 L1 SI. SSO Tenth atreeC w "Ul T. Montsotnvrv, K-l, MounUin Home, Idaho,- and Amelia K. Blujik. legal, 4 si iJlia li ma n atreeU Walter W. Markhaai. legal. SiMAane. Waao,. andZoe B. Armatroui. lral, Impenal boioL HuTUim Kwj legal. 755 Harold avenue, and Mary Alerle Lnalejr. legal, at lamaiU ' BIRTHS McINTTEE io Mr. and llr. tuwan A ' Me" lnty. 00 E. 40U. N.. Aug. 1 li daughter FBOSKER To Mr.- anl llr o. iw, ,Si K. Main, Ant. 6. a daughter. ' Ko!?Jill7 J" ?r- mni 41 m 1(vh Ko.,rt. 1552 Jordan, Aug. 6, a daughter. Broil To Mr. and Mr. 1. MathuuTHpor. MU- vr., Aug. iv, a aaucnter. ROYAL To Mr. and Mm. K.lwartl N. Royal 8a 75th NV, Aug. 8. a daughter. VAIl. To Mr. and Mra. Kkuer Marian VaiL 1'89 K. -I2d, Aug. B, a wc BKi.t'HEH To Mr. and Mrs. W tUiam T.v rclclir, 405 Myrtle. Aug. 7, a ion, ., . JtOMM To Mr. and Mm. Klijah Hoss, 4i'2 41at Ailar: 4. a ft.m-ht.p 3Ai 1 mm . To Mr. ami M. A rin ' Jacobaon. 0U3 K. 8th. Aug. 13, a daughur. DICK KN 8 To Mr. and Mra. Cbarlca Pickens, li7 Campbell, Aug. It. a aon. WHITK To Mr. and Mr. OUer Gu. White. i-JO-J 117th. July 20. a ion. FOUNTAIN A IK K To Mr. ami Mrs. AI IVun ,!,.nl.re; 4nts' ''rk. Aug. 3, a dmightor. ROSKNMKKC. To Mr. and Mn J. John llc..n- berg. ai45 E. Ullnan. Aug. ft.' a inn DEATHS AKD FP5EnAI,S 7i LAVA;KTT0 In this city, Aug. 'i'u" llijo", Virtrirria Lavagrtto, aged Ou fun, ' (h (.iwd wife of . Ivagvtto and mother f citlo Iju getto. Funeral cort-K will leare liolmaH'a liineral parlors, 8d and Salmon sn.,' tnmurrow ITbursday). Aug. 1 1. Iftao. u 1 Sii ,, m tlranra to St Mi-hael'x ehurt:h -tur arrvieea rom inencinr at 2 p. in. Friends invited, rntrnueut Roaa Citr cemetery. - OVERHOLT8 At the resilience, 1 1 S3MToTTr. avenue, Tuewlay. August 10. Lurlll Klli-a. aee 4 years, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. I Hoy Overholts. sister of Krra Willard and' Marian. Friend are invited to attend funeral wnim.it - :80 u, m. tomorrow (Thunulay) at the chapel of Chambers Co., 24R SO Kiliingswortli avenue near Williams. Interment Hose ntr eemeterv. IrKIKrbliJ At th fsniily rKiideuce, 4h03 63d it 8. K.. Susan A. UriffeUi, belmcd mntlier of .Frank K. Uriffetli. Funi ml serviont will be held Wednesday, Aug. IS. at 2:30 p m . from tho funeral !arlo of A. It. Kenworthy A Co.. 5K02-O4 82d st. S. E.. in Lenta, lnier ment Mt Hcott cemetery , LO;KI.EY la U.is city. Aug. 17, lO'O, Hope Lock ley. aged 4 years H monlin 'J dayr. be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lesley. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Uolmsn's funeral parlors, 8d and Salmon sta., at 2:30 P. m. tomorrow (Thurndsy). Aug. 1 8, 1020. Incineration Portland Cremstoriuin, IlAlrO At the residence, 435 E. I'i ne"sCT A ug" 17. 1020, Albert A. Hmig, aged flu yrarH. beloved husband of Kmma H. Ifaug. Frieniin in vited to attend the funeral services at llnlntsn's funeral pkrlora, 3d and- Halmon sis., at 3:,1u p. m. tomorrow (Thursday), Aug. 10, llriO. In terment Hivervlew cemtery. TlFMA8-'mieral erTi-eor the laterete r Thomas will be held Kii'Uy morning, August 20. from the residence, 1 1 5 Fa.st Herenty-fmirtli street, at W HO. Ascension church, 0 a. m , where requiem nigh mass will be offered. lnLeruient Mount Calvary cemetery.- Miller & Tracey, di rectors. Wl.VHOH At her late residw.ee. jRflliO Fittr- first avenue 8. K., Louisa Winsor, age e.1 years. Funeral services will be held at I'. L. Irnh Undertaking parlors. F.ast Eleventh and Hawthorne, this evening at 8:30 p. m. Friende invited. - FONVfLUJ At Chehalfii, Wask, August 1 fl". William J. Fonville. aged 4H years, husband of Ida Fonrille if 620 Northrup street. -The remains are at Finley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. - Nl'NN On August IB. 102"(, Ir. Richard Nunn. The funeral will be at his former res idence, T77 ITandera street, on Thursday, Au gust 19. at 2 p. m. Ilia friends are rmiueeted not to send flowers. KILBKIU; The funeral servires of the Isle William Kiiberg will be held Friday. Aug: 2". at 2:80 o'clock p. m., at. Mule y's. MonUrnm ry at filh. Friend Invited. Interment, MU Bcott crmcteryv HALL Aftiie family resil.moe. 4tll0 WoM stock ave., Aug. JK, Fleet Hall, aged 7 7 years. The rem sins are at Finley'a, Montgom ery at 6th. Notice of funeralheresfler. AtTK'tjicada. dr.. Aug. 17, 1020, Xlich ard K. Nunn, aged 80 years. Item sins at Holman's funeral parlors. 3d and Salmon sts. -Notice of funeral later. '! DAILY In thte city, August 17. Oliver Psilv. !- ns vears. i'unersl services will he h-M Thursday it 2 li tn.. from the parlors of Miller & Tracey. Interment Rivervlew cemetery.- SiiiTu Klward Smith, WlllsmetU river. j years, Aug. 13; suicidal drowning. MERWEATHER Hobert Merwesthev. Good SamariUn bospiul, Ang. 14, 3tt years; bi-, chloride of mercury rxiisnning. -ESTE8 Mr. J. T. Estes, 84 Gantenbein ave., Aug. 18. 63 years; ptil. tnbereulnsis. BOBINSON Paul Iorel lUihinson, 547-B3d, 18 years, Aug. 16; pul. tuberculosis. AUSTIN Mrs. Emma Almeda Austin. Emsnuel hospiUl. Aug. 19, 55 years; peine, sb-e. FfKETtAr. TJIRF.CTOnS Dunning: McEntee FUNEKAL DIRECTORS Mow located In their new residential funeral home, Morrison at 12th. West Side. Fhone Brnedwiy 480. Antomatio 616-58. ' THB FUNERAL LOME OF REFINEMENT AND DISTINCTIVE BEBVICU Hots We bare no branches nor any connections - whatever with any other undertaking firm. Edward lioiman & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 607. A-161L Lady Assistsot. J. P. FIHLEY & SOU. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ILL IN t. , MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH P.-S. -DUNNING, INC. THB OOLDEI RULJ! CNDERTAKFRS 414 E. Alder St. phones Esst 2. B-622B. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. B802-6804 2D ST. S. E., LENTS pbotn Tabor 6267. Home Phone D-fll, . ' CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors. ' An the Conveniences of a Home. vToodlawn 83Q6. 248-X'iO KilltngsworKi ave. Bet T81 O B f -lU Mra LeShT" B-188 luinviv.. Assistant imDBBTAKER-. E. Uth and Hawthorne R.T. BYRNES uSnt"- WUHtnntvs. Woodlawn 220. MILLER sV TRACEY, Independent funeral direc tor. Prices as low as fJO. 840. SAO. Washington at Eli. lfn 269 1-785 M 'EM TEE Js E ILEUS, fuinersl ps'rlors with ail the privacy of a home, lth and Everett sta. Phones. Broadway 2138. Home A-2138 B. W. GABLE CO. Borceasora to W. li. Hamilton 1P73 g. OUsan. Phone Tabor 4818. DTiWNINU sV M NEW All, tuccessors. to Wilson A Boas, Multnomah at East 7th. Irving ton -district. East 64. A.R.ZeilerCo. 5Rs-fV" rNt.ERTAKLNO CO. Main 415 j 31ftGWeS a-2321. Cor Third snd Clsy.. Portland MarbSe Works 26 4th rrt.. op. City HsP. Wen Bros. RfBLACSlIiQ GRAflrTEI FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist." Flowers for All Occasions. Main 7216. T. O. LUKE. Mgr. 6th and A Her. Geo. Betz & Son Bine 1888 FRESH 1XOWERS FOR rtrWERALS snd all occasions. 697 Williams are. Just call Woodiawn 1612. Joseph Beta. Manager. . LUBLIN ER :S$Z2JL ' 846 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Marsh. 2 ST 828 Morrison. Portlsnd Hotel. Msrshsll 753 MARTIN It FORBES CO.. florists, 854 Wssh- ington. Ms in 289, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. . - COURKBBOB.. ncTrfsT'Morrison st.. bet. 4th and 6th. Phone Main 7709. Fine (lowers and floral designs. No branch stotee. TON8ETH FTX3RALCO., 287 Washington st.. bet. 4th and Eth. Main 511)2, A-1101. Chappell's N. W. Bank bldg. Main 6116 811 Morrison St. LONT AKP Forr II LOST Pockethook, 6150; d-nUI student. W. O. Ksee. Phone Kt 731. Liberal rews rd. LOST Last week, lady's gold, clone.1 face watch, with ciisp. Call Broadway t'aoa. " (Continued on Following Pitge)