The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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Store-Wide August Sales in Progress . . . and Wednesday Is
I -" .rfTT r"W 1 1 . ! .'i - .,. "
jjv :;:!'
S7& Blouses S1.95
Nearly 200 to be hurried out Wednesday regardless of former
prices. A miscellaneous collection of GEORGETTE crepe and striped
tub silk waists. Mostly white and flesh, some suit shades. Long
and short sleeves. Low neck styles for summer wear. Sizes 36 to 50.
i . ... .i Meier & Frank's : if'ourth Floor.
Women 's Hose 59c
Standard 75c and 85c grades. Fine Jot of more than 1200 pairs
of these mercerized; lis
legs, double garter top
in black, white, gray,.
Broken lines grouped for clearaway,
in this opportunity lot.
j I
White Jersey Suits
Women and misses will be keenly alert to the possibilities
of this opportunity sale of WHITE jersey suits in the new
tucked and plain models. I. ' j ! v
Were $32.50, now $22.50 were j $45 to $47.50, now
$27.50 were $65, nowj$39.50. I V ,' I '
Sports Coats $15
, Regularly $25 to $35.- Opportunity clearaway of women's
fiber silk tricolette sportscoats in white, flesh, tan, taupe
and black. . j 4-Meler ft Frank's; Fourth Floor.
e hose, iney nave seamiess ieci, iniuneu
Light weight stockings for summer wear
navy and some drop-stitch styles in white.
Some Heavier weignt nose also
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
: Fiber, Wool Sweaters $8.95
Some are close to .half what they were made to sell for originally.
Clearaway of women's fiber silk and wool sweaters all oddments in i
stock and embracing practically all sizes. Styles, for summer and i
fall wear.
Meier & Frank's : Third Floor.-
Women's Gloves $1.13
Opportunity particularly advantageous for the anticipation of
autumn 'glove requirements. Washable cape, French suede and
mocha gloves of excellent " quality in this assortment, but lines are
incomplete, l and 2-clasp styles. Pearl ivory, gray, dark gray,
Newport and brown in the- lot. t 500 pairs at! ft. 13 pair while any
No approvals, C.
O. D.'s or exchanges
Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Pearl Beads $9
A real opportunity in these imitation pearl j beads that were $14
until now. They closely simulate the oriental and are in graduated
strands of 28-inch length. h f l. j -
I ! Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
4 Notion Specials
Regular to 50c icottbn belting,
extra fine grade, Vx to 4 inches
including some, widths in black
but mostly white! 500 "I Ap
yards special at yard.'. . JLvFC
Regular 10c sphagnum moss
sanitary napkins, large! size, each
In envelope with two Safety pins
attached, 1800 specialfat
Regular '20c hairpins, DeLong,
crimped, black and bronze, as
sorted sizes in box, spe- "J A A
cial at pkg ' A"v
: Charter Oak thread, best grade
6-cord, 100-yard spools, odd lot
of black and white mostly in
coarse sizes at 7 spools for JT
25c or spool. ; iv
. .Meier & Frank's : Main Floor,
Sealpdx Union Suits $1.39 I
Remarkable opportunity special on the famous Sealpax athletic
underwear for women. Of fine light weight fabric in pink and
white. Athletic style union suits in sizes 36 to 40. ! Certainly a
wonderful value.
Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Leather Bags $2.49
Regularly $3.50 and excellent values at that price now. a dollar
less for Opportunity Day. The pieces are of real leather. Bags in
all styles, including the new Kodak shape, and all fitted with coin
purse and mirror. Also leather purses in top! strap and back strap
styles with mirror included in this sale at $2.4-9.1-
y .j ;. r Meier & Frank's : Main-Floor.-
Sale of Corsets $1
A dollar for corsets of standard make. Opportunity . surely for
those who come early enough. Back-lace and front-luce models in
the sale, mostly small sizes up to '22. Good styles but broken lines
in this clearaway, irrespective of former selling price. '
1; Meier & Frank's : Third Floor.
Center Aisle Bargain Square
10,000 Yards of White Goods 38c
In the regular way would sell up to 75c yard. Mill
lengths of 2 to 10 yards each and some of the merchandise
is sub-standard. (Many yard wide. Assortment! comprises
nainsook, madras, voile, long cloth, poplin, beach cloth, t
cambric, pique. JFor
Opportunity ; Day only' 38c yard.
Meier & Frank's ; Main Floor.
Smart Vestees $1.89
Regularly $2.50. All new models fn this assortment. Vestees of
washable net with roll collars and cuffs to match, finished with frills
of French val., filet, maltese and imitation Irish llces. To be worn
with sweaters and suits. n ! i
- I ! Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Summer Dresses $3.95
The Third Floor Section of women's garments offers this assort
ment of dresses that formerly sold from $5 toi $10 some now. less
than HALF. Dresses for street, porch and afternoon wear in the
home. Of fine cotton voiles. lawns, ginghams, percales. Sizes 36 to
44 but broken lines. $3.95 while any remain tomorrow.
Meier & Frank's : Third Floor.
Women 's Shoes $2. 95
Were $5 to $8.50. Many are less than half. 270 pairs of white
high shoes of nubuck. reignskin and canvas. High, medium and low
heels. Welt soles of leather and rubber.; All sizes in the lot. "
None on approval.
Meier & Frank's : Third Floor.
Middy3Blouses $1.98 ; ;
Regular to $3.50 fvaluis. i Also regular to $4.50 values at 2.9ft.
Clearaway of many! oddi lines of middy blouses of such standard
makes as Jack Tar. Bob Evans. Kaynee, etc. Wool flannel and serge I
all regular sizes. ! j
i - Meier & Frank's : Second Floor, i
middies, including nearly
All-Wool "Middies $5.95
Sizes from 6 to 12 yars'in this sale of all wool flannel middies
that were $9.50 and $10 some now close to half- price! Navy blue
wnn regulation inmsmmf
Limited number.
Meier & Frank's :
Second Floor.
Children's Sweaters $3.95
Some half price. ? Children's wool-mixed tuxedo sweaters in wanted
shades. These pretty little models will be fine for school wear.
! 1 ' , Meier k Frank s : Second Floor.
Women s Handkerchiefs
Reeularly 6 for $1 now
mercerized finish kerchiefs.
white lawn
lie each. Women's plain;
J4-inch hemstitched hems, i
j Meier & Frank's : Main-Floor.
iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK Dfss Goods i Remnants 12
! Hundreds of wool dress goods remnants embracing materia
I Men's Belts Special at 25c ' .
E Regularly sold to 75c. 5oJdozen belts in all regular sizes.
2-Colors black, tan and gray. Substantial buckles. :-t ' 5
Boy' Corduroy Suits $2.95
E Half price and less 'for 35 corduroy-suits ; in belted style. Full E
E knicker pants and regular number of pockets. , Color golden E
E brown. Sizes 4 and 5 only. 1,1" E
Hundreds of wool dress roods remnants embracing material for
almost every purpose. All good desirable lengths, patterns and
colorings. The announcement will be sure to pack our" Second Floor
uress uooas beciion. so wise shoppers will be on hand early.
. ; j i I i Meier & Frank's : Second
Second Floor.
New Crepe de Cliine $1.49
: Formerly sold at $2.25 yard.i " 3000 yards of standard grade
shades as well as plenty of flesh and white. -
Imported Shantung! Pongee 89c E '
2000 yards imported Shantung pongee,! regular width, go?3 E
medium weight. Splendid for dresses, -waists, snirts, underwear, E '
etc. Yard 89c: ;: I "
27-Inch Ginghams 1 Special 23c ; i
Worth 3 Sc yard. 1000 yards 27-inch cineham in mill lengths.
Good quality. Mostly stripes. Also 32-inch romper cloth in mill
lengths. Very special at. yard 23c. 1 - r- S
: Bleached Muslin, ( Yard '25c " r
S 1 5 00 yards good quality bleached muslin suitable for . under-
E wear, pillow cases, etc. About present cost at, yard 25c.. E
- Linen Finish Crash 13c
E , Regular 20c gradej 2000 yards "Dundee" linen finish crash S
E toweling with colored border. .16 inches wide. ,
" i." -'S ' ) - ' ----- - ' " i ? : Y A- " 1 7 ' ' ; ; mm
Center Aisle Bargain Square
Yards Fine Silks
$1.98 !'
Formerly Priced $3 Yard !
. r ; 'r :VV M-', v - J"' V:-: ll- - ' t ; ;- f
All we have to do to convince women of the extraordinary charac
ter of this opportunity is to recite the bare facts as follows: All the
silks in this sale are 36-inch width all silk satin of excellent quality
-and splendid fir.ish; The following colors ivory, pink taupe,' peach,
copen, gold, cardinal, orchid, sapphire. Russian, American Beauty,
African brown, Belgian; navy and black; Choice of' this splendid
assortment at $1.98 yard. - Also included at this price is i good
assortment, of high-grade taffeta silk. . - - - -
. ' -i , . i ' Meter & Frank'B : Main Floor.
, Stamped Aprons 69c v
A very special price for 400 of these fudge aprons in dainty. French
knot pattern on 20-inch crash. ... ,
; . , v . j Meier Frank's: Second Floor.
Outing Flannel 19c -
Grade that has long been standard at 25c and worth more on ,
today's market. 3 000 yards of this plain white outing flannel on
sale at this remarkable price. Medium weight. 27 inches wide, i
-Ribbon Remnants 20c
20c each or 3 remnants for 50c. Hundreds of remnants in this lot
representing some of the mpst desirable grades fiom our own stocks,
accumulations of the past few weeks ifl this busy section, i -v--
. r . Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Knitting Yarns 63c
Less than present wholesale cost for hundreds of hanks of this fine
knitting yarn, including AJlied, Fleishers Natural and Bucilla Lady
Down. Especially good colors tor. sweaters.- t -
y . , T Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Stamped Needlework 19c
We offer for Opportunity Day at a fraction of the regular pride
MANY pieces of stamped needlework, mostly 1 or 2 of a kind, for
clearaway at 19c each. ' , i , '
J ... , . i Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Children's Stamped Dresses 89c
Children's dresses stamped for embroidery on white lawn and . col
ored chambray;
i Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Mexican Pinoche 44c
Regular 65 c-quality Mexican walnut cream pinoche, made in our
Daylight Candy Factory. Packed in pound boxes. No deliveries.
, , Meier Frank's: Main and Ninth Floors.
Net Flouncing $1.49 '
Regularly $2.25 to $3.75 yard 36-inch net flouncing for women's
and misses' summer party, and afternoon dresses. All white with
clusters of tucks, pleated, and fluted ruffles, also white with blue and
pink ribbon trimmings. Short lengths of 36-inch organdie dress
flouncing with pleated and fluted ruffles in white and colors also at
$1 49 vard 1
J - ! Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
$25 White Voiles $1
': For Opportunity Day we offer all fancy voiles of standard $1.25.
grade at $t yard. Stripes, checks and figured designs.'
. , Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
$1 Voiles 50c
Half price while the quantity lasts for these good 3 6-inch? fancy
voiles in light and dark colorings. i
. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
$1-$1.25 Voiles 75c
36-lnch fancy voiles in medium and : dark colorings at 75c yard
while any remain tomorrow. i
. ' . Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Lunch Sets $1
Regularly $1.75. Japanese 13-piece lunch sets of 24-inch' round
center piece, six 6-inch and six 10-inch doilies. Attractive blue and
white designs.
. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
Plated Trays $2. 69
1 50 silver-plated bread and roll trays in plain designs for Oppor
tunity Day at $2.69 each.
-,' . I Meier & Frank's : Main Floor.
Refrigerators $19.95
A limited number of these practical refrigerators at this opportunity
price.. Hardwood cases in golden oak finish. White enameled lined
food compartment and tinned wire shelves. Refrigerators measure
39 inches high, 2Yz inches wide and 14 inches deep. v
i Meier & Frank's : Sixth Floor.
Cut Glass Sets $2.49
Regularly $4. We have just loo of these cut glass water sets to
sell at $2.49.on this Opportunity Day. Set consists of 54 -gallon pitch
er in tankard shape and 6 glasses. Dainty cutting in floral design.
Meier & Frank's : Basement..
Hurt Screen Doors
Regularly $2.75 to $3.10 for. $1.59; regularly 4.25 to $4,75 for
$1.99. ; 4
First lot plain and second lot fancy screen doors, 120 in all. Four
standard sizes. 2 6 in. by 6 ft. 6 In,, 2 ft.8 in. by 6 ft. 8 in., 2
ft. 10 in. by 6 ft. 10 in. and 3 by 7. Complete with necessary hard
ware for hanging. Measure doors before Ordering.' No phone orders.
' : " ,s Meier tc. Frank's : Basement.
25c Talcum Powder 14c
1 The well known Samurai Corylopsis talcum powder in large 11
ounce cans for Opportunity Day at 14c can.
..j'" . i Meier ft Frank's : Main Floor.
Hair Brushes 29c
. Big opportunity while the quantity lasts to get hair brushes in this
assortment selling regularly from 50c to $1.75, now at 29c each
while the quantity lasts. i. i r
'. :.. ' Meier ft Frank's: Main. Floor.
Cushions, Pads 50c
While the quantity lasts tomorrow we will sell 350 chairfpads and
cushions at 50c each.. Filled with cotton felt and covered with good
cretonnes. Ideal for summer furniture.
? ; Meier Frank's : Seventh Floor.
200 Picnic Harris, pound ....... . . . ..... . . . .25
150 25-pound Sacks Cape Sugar.. ........... ...5.49'
' 50 Cases Holly Milk, 48 cans to case. $5.65
200 Cans Jewel Shortening, 8-pound size .$2.10
. Meier ft Frank's : Ninth Floor.
i $1.50 Stationery 69c
Large assortment of colors one color to box. 24 sheets and 24
envelopes to match in jbox. With each box sold there is a quill pen
to match the stationery.
Other specials in this section. Morgan Crown linen pound paper' '
regularly 3v5c, at 28c and envelopes to match at package 10c.
i . , I .1 Meter ft Frank's: Main Floor.
! Madras, Yard 57c
' 1 - - - - - '' ' : ' '' - (- '
Regularly 70c to 90c yard. , 600 yar&s of colored washable madras
suitable for bedroom curtains and beach1 cottages.
- 4 Meier & Frank's : Seventh Floor.
- I
Just 300 yards of this good quality
portunity Day at 39c yard. "
for 39c
3 6-inch fiber matting for Op-
Meier ft Frank's : Seventh Floor.
I 3 Rag Rugs $1.89
- More than a dollar saving on 3x6 ft. hit-and-miss rag rugs, while the
100 last. - ! '
; ,r . J-Meler ft Frank's : Seventh Floor.
$6.50 Blankets for $5
' Heavy 5-Ib. single blankets in tan color. Good strong weave
will -stand a lot of hard use. : Fine for clamp.
j -t-Meler ft Frank's : Second Floor.
I - ' :.!-- I J
I $1,50 Comforters $1
Camp comforters in 'size about 45x72 inches for a sinele or three-
quarter bed, cots, etc. i Plain material on one side, the other covered
with dark figured material.
' - ' ' '- 1".
4-MeIer ft Frank's : Second Floor.
Boys' Suits A
Regularly $15.00. Boys' knicker suits in sizes 8. 9,. 10 and 11
years.; Well made suits! in neat patterns, good dark colors. Fine for
school wear. Half price while any remain.
i - i Meier ft Frank's: Third Floor.
at $7.50
: I Books on Sate at 15c
Opportunity extraordinary!. Final clearaway of odds and ends of
good books. . Novels include-"A Bachelor's Comedy," by Buckrose;
"Jim," by J. J. Belli "Lady of Rome," $y Marion Crawford; "Priscil
lasSpies." by Birmingham. Many others. War books also in this
sale at 15c each. i .
-Meier & Frank's : Firth Floor.
Indian Robes
at $9.45
Rerularlv $11.50 to !$i5 only 75 in this Opportunity Sale at
$9.45 each. All perfect quality genuine Oregon City Indian robes
and fringed auto robes. Regular size. I
i . . Meier ft Frank s : Sixth Floor.
; ! Ouija Boards $1
Opportunity Day only! we offer 'a limited number of -the original
ouija boards at $1 each while any remain.
i r I Meier ft Frank's : Fifth Floor.
I : Leggings, Pair 49c
Originally to 1.50. Only 200 pairs of these military leggings for
wear with men's and women's outing suits. .
I - I I Meier ft Frank's : Sixth Floor.
Men's Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25c
Regularly I7c, -20c-and 25c each. Men's white and colored plain
and! initial lawn handkerchiefs. Initials; are hand-loom embroidered
in various styles of blockiletters. Fancy colored prints also included.
y ana inch hems.
merer r ranK ; mainriwr.
Dent's Gloves $1. 95
A special purchase of 1020 pairs of these famous gloves newly
received kinds that would sell regularly for $3.50 and $4.00.
Of suede and capeskin with spearpoint backs. Sizes from 7 to 10
cadet sizes included. l will pay to buy for fall.
. Bathing Suits $485
Famous J. J. Pfister bathing suits that sell from 6.00 to $7.50
in regular stock. . One-piece style with skirt attached. Good pat
terns plain effects with contrasting stripes. Sizes 36 to 46 in
cluded. Only 78 in this Opportunity
... i
Mercerized Sox 45c
-Special -6 pairs for. $2. 50 less than
of the best wearing sox to be had. with
double soles. Black and white.-- Sizes 914 to 11 JJ.
Wash Ties, 3
's wholesale cost. One
triple toes and heels and
for 55c
Specfal 6 for $1. Standardise wash' ties reduced for Oppor
tunity Day. Four-in-hand; styles in neat patterns and colorings.
: Lisle Union Suits $1.95
Standard make selling for $3.50 in regular stock. Particularly
fine garments arc these full fashioned form-fitting lisle union suits.
Short sleeve, ankle length; short sleeve, three-quarter length;
long sleeve, ankle length. Sizes 34 to 4J(.
Lisle Shirts, Drawers, Ea. $1
Regular $2.00 garments. Men's fancy cool summer shirts and
drawers. Splendid wearing quality. Long sleeves and ankle length
Style. Sizes 32 to 46Mer ft Frank'a : The Store for Men, Main Floor.