' v. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON ,i AUTOMOBILES AD ACCESHOBIES 41 . 8 A V A rad taction cat X 1 00 en in car listed belew fnr wk eongwactni Innut IS. 1020. Any ear la thi lat fairly priced new end with re duction offered om positive bargains cm be found. Every ear in good mechanical con- dition; tame ha been repainted and entirely straili, otben completely overhauled. With a price ranee to suit any pocket. book, and very Cy terms, - CHANDLERS 1 t 1018 Chandler, 7 -peas., rebuilt throughout sly painted, good tire wits extra. - We fife hew ear guarantee on this cat. Price $1500. I 1918 Chandler ernrtomy, 4-paas. roadster, re Jbuilt throughout, oversize cord tires, nearly new, hgueranteed sfcme aa a new ear. Price $1300. f 1918 Chandler dispatch, newly painted, lint VCIMV nieCftOICaj 0HKUUOB, " - - lore vnUi wu: guaranteed sam. as nw i Price $1800. 1918 Chandler . chummy. 4-pajuv roaosier. end mechanical condition, wire wheel. , ry geod tiree with eitn. Price $1276. 1B17 Chandler. 7-na., n mechanical con dition, cord urea, newly painted, a real snap. Price $1000. .... ,,- Z-paas. special onut roajau-i. built Chandler chassis, wire wheels with axtra and 8 cord tiree. a powerful end racy ear, moat be teen to be appreciate, i ra ''"- 1916 Spaas. Chandler Six. completely oyer- ! hauled, good Urea. Fno ' .,, ' , 19 is Oakland 5-psss.. good condition, excel lent tiree. Price 800. .,. 117 He Son , J-i crawiuon. rim aiuu. 1918 Overland 4-SO club roadster, good, me chanical condition, wire wheels, good tiree,-; re painted. Price $750. , , 1916 Overland. 5 -pass., first claw mechanical shape, good tire with extra. Price (476. i and Evenings 8 to 8 O'clock; 603 Wsshington it. 614 Alder at. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. WILLYS' OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY . - . ..... : 25 SMAtL CARS 25 ... FORDS -. CH E VROLETS MAXWELL OVERLAND8 ROADSTERS TOURINGS . ' EXPRESS. DELIVERIES Borne are rebuilt, repainted end guar anteed storage batteries. . i Yon are aaaured of fair dealing. j "WILLYS' OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. ' Broadway 3535. Rroadway at Davis it C. Q. Bfeasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE' . All standard make. - Call and look them over and get our proposition. Hake your own terms. FORT) touring ., i ...... i . .': FORD 1 ton truck, worm drive. 450 630 700 800 876 450 850 ' 600 750 650 750 700 700 850 1450 1450 1350 1450 rrt.ij coupe ,........ FORD sedan, wire wheels. OVERLAND touring ... PAIGE 6 cyL 7 pass... MAXWELL touring .... MAXWELL roadster. 1918 OH riV ROLET, 1918 . IIL'K'K lieht four delivery ......... , MAXWKLL. 191 touring OVERLAND, model 90... OVERLAND 86-4 OVERLAND 7-Dasaencer MITCHELL Light 6. chummy, roadster. RUICK light 8. 1918 , .... CHALMERS light i,.. .. ESSEX aa good as new, for quick sale MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. C. Q. Bleasdale 680 Alder at Broadway 1863. 90 Overland Chummy,; This is' the '18 model and these light fours re very popular and will give you fine service, Hsve small tires and large raillage on gas. This one is refiniabed dark maroon and looks very stylish. Come - and try R at the low price of 8685, with 8250 down, balance monthly. 503 AMer st. Red Front Used Xjar Co. Open Sundays. ; ., ... , ,-.v. BEAFTIFITtt late model. 8-cyIinder. 7 passenger Oldsmobile, '. cord tires; bargain price, 81200. with terms to suit. j - FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and AMer sts. Rroadway Open Evening and Sundays. 240. Buick Light Six Touring .at the , low price of 8976. with 1830 down, balance easy monthly payments that win please you. The car is in fine condition And baa fae- ' tory finish on iU Hav always been in private use and will show for itself. Come and try it. at 405 Aider St.. Red Front Used Car Co. OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY ' TOPS THEM A.U. 14th and , 1 Bdwy sts. 4408. THE FENDER; MAN ' J. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out wbile you wait: also repairs radiator and bedie. Broadway 8214. SO N. 11U St., near Bumside. t WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES . 1 " OREGON VCLCANIZ1NO CO. TIRE REPAIRING , 888-8S8 BrrrvKlde st1 Broadway 1 HAVE a dandy 1918 Chandler Chummy road. ster, newly painted, in splendid condition; 2 spotlights, bumper and spare tire-; will take small car as first payment or give terms to suit. If you want a real car aee this! one. Mi. Howard, Broadway 1858. .. ; - DODGE TOURING CAR New top and tires. A bargaini Call at Lester Heym Co.. 249 8th t. Phone Main 7852. 1920 CHEVROLET 490 touring, excellent con dition. Alamlte greasing system, Kelly-Springfield tiree, Isrge spotlight, mo tonne ter .and other i extras; 8725 cash. Owner going east. Main 407.- T. ' HAVE YOU A LATE; FORD in good shape without a starter that you want to trade on a larger car fully equipped, starter; lights, etc Would consider Such a trade. baL either cash or term. Tabor 906 7. : HAVE a splendid Light Six, Just overhauled, ) newly painted, new top: looks and rune at fine: S200 down, balance easy payments or will accept small car aa part payment. Mr. Howards Broadway 1858. . . ' ' I ""HERE'S YOftR CHAN 62 T" " I Model 80 Overland touring, electric lights and Starter: well worth 8500 our price for quick ale. 8376: term if desired. Francis Motor Car Co., Hawthorne ave. at Grand; F.ast 8T70. TTOB SMITH ROTARY BRUSH. Wah your car with R. Main 1184. $1275 NATIONAL TWIN SIX-81275 J A real ear, absolutely Tight; runs and looks like new; 8 cord tires; must raise money. Sell ai HERE IT IS 1918 Chalmers Hot Spot, qual Ity car tlirouhratt- ii to go - and looks like . new : bargain ; teraa. Main 4028 and f ir, 2 fVD. ' i OYERLAN D touring, model 73, a good condC tion; real bargain at 8425. Terms. 80 Grand ave.N. near Burnside. .-J. .f"07' roadster, wire wheels! ' . A,.n ,7 1,ui car- Don't miss this at 8426. 80 Grand ave. N. near Rtrn.u. , i FORD BKUAN. 120. tt'lr. extra, real -sea privately. A bargain at $975. $0 Grand ave w LATE 1917 Paige Tt-rv T. Arg'or'Bdwy-.IlL for terms. Mr. DODGE, '1 8 A-l Condition $900; terms; St. Johns ear. i - I - eonnder Ford. 1T87 Hodge. Main 1021. ESSEX touring, in beat of condition A real bwsin at $1475. WiU raer iradl on euro. uiwiu b.b. r. near Knnmvlii 1 WILL exchange painting, tinting anddecorat-i SI 10 "" f"'' nnk' CASH paid for okr ears. condiUon no obieet; - part for U makes of car. , Oregon Ante Exchanee. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy 8508 MAXWELL tourirg. Hit. (Will sell at $875; , v wauu aivo ? a Aiiuiujae, auto rpaic3 -at your om; tvUable ssev rnoner xaoor axon. AUTO for sale, $200; new tires, t. N. Tabor 5283. Stover. 30 E. 824 FORD chassis, will make a good bug? 89 Grand are, N. near Burnside, - $2367 AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCESSORIES'1 USED CAR BARGAINS I Yon should see tbeee can to appreciate their rsflue: ; i J. ,.-- -- ... - - 1918 Dodge, 6-paea., a bargain. . . , .8 975 118 Ford. S-paaa., good value ..... 475 1919 Chevrolet, 6-pass.. hew tires.... 700 Ills' iiaiwell. 5-paaa., new paint..... 700 119 M:lchli. 5-psss.. nearly new ... . 1800 1917, Oakland sedan, new paint. ...... 950 1918 Brfcco, 5-paaa., a snap .......... 7 1919 Elgin,; 6-pasa.. . like new. ..1000 Abo tons slightly used Oldsmobile ears that we ara prepared to gtra splendid bargains on. t i ' t.--i TBPCKS nic, i -ton v . . Fcrd, 1-ton. ehain drive ........$ 30 row lignt OHiitvery ............... Ferd . light delivery ....... . . ...... (it it. O.. t-ton t T. tiondebaker, self starter ............. Republic, .ton -i . . Panbard, , 1-too .................. Req, -toa ...J , ........ ' 400 250 .... 7 no 860 700 750 550 Oldsmobile Co. i j Broadway and Conch. -A. . j Phone Main 2270. hi HIGH GRADK TTSKD CAR IS BETTER ,M' THAN -At CHEAP NEW ONE -: We have eftem made this statement and it has never been so - true as now, when small car are selling at advanced price. - Fnr the same money we can sell you a need car which when new cost- many times the price of cheap new cam. '. These cars, saany .of them, have been overhauled and repainted in oar own shop. They have thonsanda of miles of satisfactory sea-vice in them and are genuine values at our prices. "" 1 I ' ! .:- 1817 Hupmobile. 5 pass., 4 eyl. ... ..$1050 Overland Model 90 650 Overland Model 85. 4 crt. 5 pass..... 650 1916 Mitcheil. 7 pass.. eyl......... COOol 1917 MitrbeU, 8 pass., 6 cyt.. ....... 1000 1918 Mitchell, 6 pass.. crl ......... 1 1 00 1917 Mitchell. 7 psas.. cyl. 900 1818 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyl,.....,.. 1100 1W18 MitcheH, 4 peas.. 6 cyl......... 1100 1919 Mitchell. 5 paaa., fl cyl. 1600 1910 MitclieU. 7 pass.. 6 cyl... 1800 Jenlsn Sport Marine. ' Jerdan SUbouette, 5 paaa., 6 cyl. a real 'auto- mo Due at uie ngm price. j Resaonsble term-no brokerage charges. We Handle our own paper. Mitchell,' Lewis & ! Staver Co. Broadway and Everett sts. ; Phone Broadway 4675. REMOVALT sale I ! Our high grad4 stock of just new car most be sold before Sept.. 1. Yon will find they are all In first class running condition. i Our atandard guarantee goes with, every car. ( Compare our can. and prices with others. ! - OCR NEW LOCATION I We have taken a five yean' lease on the large builiiing located at 84-80 10th street, between Stark and Oak streets, end will move Sept. 1. Do not mii the Crand Opening. 1820 CHEVROLET, 95 new. ........ 700 1919 CHEVROLET. 95 new........ 650 1918 FORD touring, rebuilt 400 1018 FORD ROADSTER, took like new. 850 1917 HUPMOBILE touring. 95 new..' 1100 1M18 COLE 8, 7 -paaa.. runs very fine... ' 950 1919 REO, 8-pasa.. 98 brand new.... 1400 1919 ESSEX ROADSTER. 6 cord tires.. 1500 11919 GRANT SIX. Just like new...... 900 119 SGRIPl'S-BOOTII SIX. lust about I new 950" PTERCE-ARROW S-Sff rebuilt, new body 1200 -CHALMERS MASTER SIX, 7 -paaa., rood tires .... ...)...... ...j.. 60O It will pay you to give these cars the once-Over. Ve can save you some big money. COXLEY'S I?8E1 UAtv UKSTKK 611 Bumside St., Bet, 14th and 15th. Phone Broadway 1424. CON LEY & ARBUCBXE, Props. SALE ON USED CARS i ' . ' " Stndebaker. 1918 $700 Olds 8 700 Saxon ..................... . 630 Maxwell. 1918 ................ . 750 Peerless, fine shape ............... 850 Fords, from .!...., ........ .$275 to 425 Peerlesg Chassis . . . 100 Studebaker bug . . . . Chevrolet R ....... ... 150 . .. S50 LONQ &"SILVA i 482 Hawthorne. i;17 Chevrolet Touring ' This light ear has been used by private party who we can let you refer to and has had fine osre. Come and try it; we will take 8176 down. balance easy and it has some extras and new tore. Very fine bargain. Open Sundays, at 505 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Co. AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION .GATES IS TIRES . cort half as much , - 1 '! VULCANIZING THERMOID. . '. . . . riRES . . . . .MTXXEB Hsneen Tire Service. 24 TH AND THGRMAN MAIN 5585 T FOR SALE SACRIFICE M Ford touring, overhauled from stem to stern. gpotlieht, speedometer, shock absorbers and other extras, $325. 1 " Buick. 191$. in fine shape. 8175: also a bug body, $26-1 Don't wait, for these won't last sang at these prices. 280 Front sL Ii Chevrolet Roadster; at the low price of $465, with $175 down, balance monthly. Car runs and looks ' fine and will please you. Thi is a good : bargain at the price. Open Sundays, at 505 Alder st. YOUR opportunity for the most economically operated car on the market. Easy on tirea, gas and oil. 191'8 Briscoe Four, new tires, one pare; new top and paint. Looks and runs beau tiful. ;. Small payment down, term to suit, Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. ft- I CHALMERS 1919 HOT SPOT CORD TIRES. BUMPER RUNS AND LOOKS DOWN WILL HANDLE. TOTTRINO CAR. 4 AND SPOTLIGHT: LIKE NEW;) $600 CALL EAST 8075. Do; DGE ROADSTER 1918 Dodee roadter at a bargain. Call week days. Lester Heym Co.. 249 6th. Main 7352. $450 WILL buy you a dandy Reo, $15.0 down, terms, on balance. Has four nearly new tires. spotlight and is in, A-l mechanical condition ; best buy in town. Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. CHALMERS 5 pasa. light 6. late 1918, in good shape; cheap, looks like new car. See ear at garage. Vancouver and Russell, or East 8470.- ; ' - ; ' - . LATE 1918 Willys Knight 8. cost $3165; sac rifioe for $1400. Will take light ear as part payment. Terms. Car in perfect condition. Mr, Argo, Broadway 8281. BCiJJ TO seashore in this 1920 Maxwell. It is waiRnc for you; biggest bargain on market; car like new; 2768. terms. Call Main 4028. Mar. FOR SALE by owner, am leaving city. Over land roadster $300 if sold, this week.' Call Woodlawn 6299. ' . -. , r 1918 STUDEBAKER touring car, in good coa dition. real bargain for aale. Broadway 4200. 289 Burnside St. . : , LATE model Chevrolet, good mechanical condi tionj good tires; price $450; terms, $130 down; map. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. 1919 GRANT "SIX," mechanically perfect, 5 J new tire,: lots of extras; $830 for .Quick aale -terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281. MAXWELL touring. 1919. very best of condition. uwuer mu seu. neat oargam at 8830. Vtt Grand ave. N. near Burnside. ' -: FOR SALE-1919 Buick light aix .touring; run and looks like new; lot of extrls; a bargain tor cash.' Tabor 4695. FORD touring, 1916. used privately. A bac - gain at $873.- Terms. 80 Grand ave. .N. near Burnside. 1920 FORD COUPE, in perfect shape. $140 . worth of , extra. Owner. 444 3d st. Main. 6493. $1660,- i Mr. Senn, East 66. 845 Union avenue north,- " ' - 1919 OLDS touring, mechanically good shanei $1850. ' Mr, : ovaot casv wo. . - union avenue uortli. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. Good mechanical condition. Will sacrifice at 8475 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. FORD touring. 19"1 6. fin mechanical eondi- tion. Bargain near Burnside. at $276. 80 Grand ave. S. WILL trade my automobile for house painting, Broadway 1454. 351 Burnside st. FORD delivery for sale cheap; $350; good con- muun. mit ,B1 UlVlSIOn St. FORD bug. . completely overhauled; 4400. Mr. .Senn. East 6ft. 345 Union avenue north. NATIONAL roadster, A-l shape; $350. MrT Semi. Ka-st 66. 845 Uninn avenue nortli. 1920 FORD COUPE. Lota of extras. A-l me chanically. 8800 cash, og term. Tabor 725, JlTJTOMOBlLFS A?f ACCEHflORIES 44 CHEVROLET i- - ' - . AMU- ' - i- - FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ........ .L L......829 Bear Axle overnanied ................... f V aires gronnd. carbon tensoeed . Magneto recharged ........... We kand-laB pistons, scrape ......... ......... which ensures a perfect running motor. - Uenaine Fetd parte only nel An work guaranteed., .. , 1US REASON i The Ford engine start nsrd and the fight are dim is becatLoe the MAGNETO is weak. liar, it RECHARGED by EXPERTS, i 1 " I Universal Auto Repair 210 Jefferson at. i Main 7844. DID YOU SAY FORD ROADSTER T - Here is a dandy, looks good, too, and wfll go anywhere; cheaper than .walking; $175 down, easy terms 1 on balanoe; no - brokerage Jake's Used Car Etchange. 28 N. 11th. TRUCKS" AND TRACTORS 82 1C?..e Wort drive truck. nearly newe. rui a $7S. QJvleC. I ton, pneumatic tire. . nsarly W. - $1860. . -: H ..j,, ;:T..:.-'.. sfnrflli 1H ton' " tirea, new paint eUSldl and Just overhauled. $1460. VlilUSlr t"11- to lw0. thoroughly W llllte overhauled. $1260. f J ; -. t . . ... ., i K2s$aft ttm' A second look reiien! to teU this track from a new ' : one, and when tiiey staet. that motor. Oh, ' Boyt U you are going to i haul wheat, wood, gravel, etc., thigi is the truck ' for you, away nnderpriced at $2760. , Reo, 2 ton, AA1 condition, powerful chain 'drive and lots of speed. $850. Mflii H ton. electricl Ughbt, starter "n nSI everything. Look good and U good. $950. Wo have been growing tor 16 years. Xbare'a Teesoav .) ; - v- " ; - .. - ! -J ;- Wentworth Irwin, Inc. ; 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR. ; Ask About OurjFree Tria.l on Trucks , We have one of tJho: largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Ortgoh. They are all overhauled and: put in the fineftt possible condition. . j It Will pay you 'to investigate our line, j j SPECIALS THIS! WEEK Ford express delivery ..!....$ S75 . 4 ton Republic . . . .j. . . . . . . . 750 1 ttn Ford worm drirt ...i..i' 850 1919 OlcHmobile Economj truck ... 127 2 ton Reo 600 2 ton. Republic . . . . .j. . . J . . . . 1650 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS. N0 BROKERAGE. Qranning Treece . 542 Alder st., cor. 1 7th. Broadway 1728. COST DISREGARDED - Used Tracks You Mace the ' Terms. 1-Ton Maxwell, expreea i body, cab, tiree, nearly new. 1920 license. I i ) 1-Ton Federal, good tiresi 1820 license. 1 H -Ton White, pneumatic cords, , look like new, 1920 license.. i ; 2-Ton "Yellow. Chassis" truck highest pow- erea unci in town ; w rwai n. 8 H -yard hydraulic dump . truck. These trucks are thoroughly . overhauled. Snaps. i ! '. i ; - AND OTHERS AT ' . MACK INT. MOTOR TRUCK CORP. Bdwy. 690. 10th end Davis sts. DO YOU . wsnt a standard' 3 ton stake body truck for $1600 cash! Mechanical condition very good; new rear tires, i A eery good buy. Look this over before going elsewhere to buy. Fred Leo. M. A.-Kenton car to end of line to Argyle and Columbia blvdj north of railroad track. Or call Wdln. 6248 between 9 a. m. and 12 m. . I FORD worm drive 1 ton. food : 530 Aider st. Bdwy. 1852. $850. WANTED 2-ton truck not over 1 year old and in perfect condition, i Will consider only high grade make. Railway ; Equipment Co., 2d and Btark sts. ; TWO-TON REO new bodv. new tires, thoroughly i overhauled and repainted; will sell cheap tor cash. Sellwood 1421. 1047 E. 34th st- ; 8. , Woodstock car. FORD delivery, in best of condition; panel body. Real bargain at $425. ( 30 Grand eve. N.. near riurnsiae. FORD truck, gesr drivel good as new; will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. north. near Burnside. DENBY truck for sale cheap. $0 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. H TQNVira track.' 118 body and cab, $450 terms. 1 50 Union ave. cor. Belmont. WANf EI1 ton truck. Caff CoL969. A PTOM OBtLEW W ANTED TS ; : ;:, : Cash For Cars ( I want to buy some Buicks, tearing and road run good. If you need money, J bring in your car to 505 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Go'. Open Sundays. - . . . j - - -:- Buicks Wanted ,-. 1 I want to buy some Bnicks, tonrmg and road stem. Will pay cash. Bring your cars to 605 Alder St., Red Front Used iCar iCs. - : FOR SALE OR TRADE-r-For a good used auto, one 25 ft by 6 to ft. beam : pleasure lannch. Port Orford cedar and oak ribs, 6 ins. apart. Launched the 24th of May. Vain $700. Aiox 168, Camas,- Wash. ' j- - - . j WANTED A late model Fond sedan in ax change for a '17 model Ford touring car. Just overhauled and pain tea ; pay aiiierenco. a. weicn, Aioany, r. WANTED Ford or other light roadster with demountable rims; must be A-l mechanically; ho bug; $275 down. Box , 12 B. R. R. 1. Linn ton, Or. i i - i- WILL trade piano in as first payment on Chevrolet' roadster. Call at 904 E. Grant 1 sr. after 4 n. m. WE ARE hi the market foe Used can. Drive them in and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 623 AMer St. - WANT to buy runabout automobile from owner. Call J. F. Canady. SOftt list st. ATJTO BEPAIB SHOPS 81 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Real axle overhauled. ..... ,!. ......... . a Valvea ground, carbon removed ......... 8 Magnetos recharged..................... 6 W hand-lap pistons, acrapo bearings, etsv, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. . All work guaranteed. , - -, .. GUARANTEE AOTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front St., Cor. J.ffe THE" Reliable Auto Washing eV Polishing Works is -long experienced at washing and polishing. Simonizing. also vamish irub motor washed, tops and enshiona areas .ii. icars oiled and greased. Work guaranteed. Cars called for and delivered. BEIJABLK AUTO WASHING 4k POLISHING WORKS, i - ' i " 17ti and Aider;. St. 'f:-f. rnone nroaaway zwo. 12 YEARS' experience in repairing all nukegJ ot automoouea pernum us 10 oiier you tne oest kind of work at price ne greate' than the average. ' EAST YAMHILL And! H. WATER ' SUPPLE'S DOCK. E. H. CHAMBERS MAXWELL. SPECIALIST' Seilwood 8755. 1 1 757 Division. WANTED Aato repairing in private garage. AH work guaranteed. Tabor 8820. 1112 E. MilL AUTOS FOB HIBE St AUTOS FOB HIRE. WITH OB WTTHOOT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT SEBVICB. - COUCHMAN ' GARAGE. ' 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUR NUMBER, BDWY. 8698. ; AUTOS iRENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 120 Model C.mtt rteaeonable Rate - FEARING A ROBNETT-i CITY GARAGE ' 182 1 2th ft. between Washington and Alder. NEW AUTOS. WITHOUT DRIVERS : . OVERLANDS I . HCDSON3 LOWNSDALB GARAGE ... BROADWAY 2408. j 16TH AND WASH. J. HOUSTON. 0 bTROADWAT. Highway auto service. Bdwy; 834, "Main xe. fierce-Arrows, jracxa Packs rda. Wintoaa. Cars py nour. amy, month. CARS ITOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVRKS ARMY GARAGE. 3D iANI TATI.OH- MAIN 1687 AI.THOFF A BENNETT, Prop. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITUOUT IWIVKRR. J. SUM-IVAN." FASHION GA RAGE., MAR. 232. lata -. Yamhilt A-l 13a. t-PAS SENG EB T6"tWGRS "', V WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. - MAIN 184. WOTO RCTCT, B g. B1CTCLKS I 66 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKKST EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. .44 Grand ave. . "ior. Henderson and Clwelsnd Agency. MOTORCYCLE" 1915 Twin Indian. ! need very ntue, gooa repair. : wain. 89x8. r BICYCLE for sale. . 609 Letand ' at. Wood lawn 4384. ' - -; : M0TORCTCLES. Indiana, Harleys and Excel siors; very cheap, on easy term. Bdwy. 1606. - LATJ?TCgg AITP BOATS - f $1 FOUR room houseboat with large storeroom, in cluding rowboat. and wood for two winters; west side foot of California street, r John., Aa derson. '- ; - - ;-, -t ? y . - -1 - -. j LAUNCH Artisan, 14x50 feet, suitable for erubv lng or passenger service. Phono Sellwood 602. 608 Grand ave., Portland. - ' MACsnnEaiY 1 M FOR SALE Holt caterpillar tractor 18-35 in unusually good conditio ; one 5-bottom teol Canton plow. 14-inch. It is a bargain for aay, one needing such aa outfit if taken at onea. J. 8. BealL care Coast Culvert 4s Flume coaa- pny, ruruanq, ur. 1 , x GASOLINE engine, 2 H.. P.; , reasonable, i H. F. Stevenson. Powell Valley road, half mile east of Buckley ave. : i - PIANOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL IlfHTIirMEWTS St SECURITY STORAGE OO.. CLOSING OUT" $750 Steinway t Sons, upright, fine; $290 'cash $495 Howard, walnut - upright. .... $265 eaaa $350 Gray t Co. natural rosewood . uprigbt .....................$110 leash Two small upright pianos. .$65 and $76 cash $060 MsndenbaB player piano, aoarty. ! . new ....,........-.........$465 "cash $1766 Berrywood Orchestrion, now $495 ca.h $100 'Cello, splendid tooe. with bow ..$65 cash $178 Kimball, large, 6 octave organ. . S68 cash $136 Needbsm. high top organ. .... $28 cask Pianoe stered T5w monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash. 105 Tenth st near Wash ington. ' - ; r 1 SCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORE $900 Stemway -it Bona, mahogany. ... ,i$435 $575 H 08 art M! Cable, fancy mahogany. .$393 $6f0 AntomaHo Masis Co.. upright. ..... $165 $560 Ebersole, plain mahogany ......... $365 $1000 Singer, player piano, oak. ...... .8686 $900 Thompson player piano, mahogany. .$538 $860 MendeebaU player piano, mahogany. $498 $900 Thompson player piano, mahogany. $495 Term $15 to $50 cash. $8 to $15 monthly, $120 Brunswick and Vtctrola Phono., each $96 $120 Domeatie and New Mnaiklsnd Phono each , .i,. ...... .1,. .... ..,. . , 1 $68 $50 Vlctrola. $35. $$5 Lakeside. ...... $1$ Terms, $10 cash. $8 to $8 monthly. I 101 Tenth St at Washington and Stark. ' ! PIANO BARGAINS You should see our USED PIANOS are REAL BARGAINS. Terms given. they STERLING, mabg. ease .......,.$215 , FISHER, good value ........... 150 ; HARVARD, plain r.ishg. ease 275 j'STETNWAT Sc SONS,: like new.... 600 ! FISHER SON, mabg.. like new.. 875 KINGSBURY, oak. a snap 318 , ESTET, plain tuahg. I 325 : And others.' I SEIBERLING-LCCAS "MUSIC CO.. 125-27 4th at. bet Wash, and AMer st. FINE upright pianoe. 3126 to $260. FiachenC Cables. Schafer, Emerson. Kimball and Bush A Lane makes, and many others; easy term given. 512 Worcester bldg. PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. Berber Bnc-Locas km, Ox. 126-127 4th st Mala 8686. 1 . . - I TRADE your piano on a Victrola and records. . Get our proposition. Main 8586. i Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st : j -i '- . CASH PAID FOB AlTTkINDS i PHONOGRAPHS AND KECOKD3 1 v NEWMAN, MAIN 4495. TABOU 6798. iiovijfG away and' ha v a perfectly new Colum bia Grafonola for $100. Tabor 5248. morn ings only. HAVE fine piano on easy term, leaving ! city. Phone JSast 1318. . WANTED To buy good toned piano; give cash. Marshall 6709? no dealers. LIKE new, 8150 ColugabU grafolona and $35 worth latest records for 8115. Wdln. 5516. PIANO wanted; highest eaih paid, Seibevling Lucas Music Co.. 128 4th st Main 8686. WE-PAYCASH for pianos, phonographs, record! 254 Market st Main 6012. Muaio store. PIANO wanted! My cash. Main 8588. EXTRA fine Edison and piano. Woodlawn 3869. : MTJSICAT, IN'STBUMEKTS . WANTED ! M WILL TRADE desirable lot in Tillamook, on paved street, for good piano. - East 64SB. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE $ COAL and Wood Range. .. .$15.00 up Cook 8tovea. ........... 10.00 up Gaa Stoves .............. 10.00 up Ges Water Heater 9.00 up Floor Coverings, yard ...... -.76 ue Kitchen Queens .......... S.0O ap Kitchen Cabinets 12.00 up Dining Boom Extension Ta I , bles 7.00 to D-ning Room Chsirs ....... 1.60 up 'Living Room Rockers 4.00 up Library Tables ........... 5.00 op Simmon Beds ........... 12.0O up Cotton Felt Mattresses ..... 800 up Steel Spring ............ 6.00 up Coil Springe ............. 8.00 np Dressers ........ j ... s .. . ! 8.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 80S First St, I ONE davenport, plush; 1 oak bedroom suite, 5 chairs, . 2 rockers, Vulcan sweeper, 1 Singer sewing machine. Leaving city. Call at 18 A. OUTJJ. FURNITURE for sale, nearly new. Genuine leather seated rockers, ruga, Simmons bed, A. B. gas range, sanitary eouch, table and fruit jars. 609 E. 24th, near Tibbets. Woodstock car. GAS range, water heater, heating stove, 1 baby buggy, beds, dressers, chairs, dishes, cooking utensils and fruit jar, very reasonable. 7 Grand ave. N. .- -it. y FOR SALE Combination range, heater. ! bed room set, linoleum, 2 rocking chairs. 488 E. R7(tl a. ...... T. t fln . . r. " ' . mji iuwii. ' lautn 01m. 6 HOLE range for sale cheap. Also high chair. 2151 E. Yamhill. i , ; i NEW Bridge Beach range at big bargain. 1200 E. Harrison at or Tabor 2017. - TOOTS AND CASPER , !JN r tt. jut Ct HELLO PRoFe?soR.y Y0U.o S Hft0T& rMWJ&" t3 xm&R& t ANOTHER. COP pR0F5S5OR--W&D I HATB HtrVS 0eQv GoowSftOM OP OF COFFrTB M BUT t SHOULD LOVE TO HeAIZ. t? THESE .QrrIEM FeCWJfVwWP. CrV3PER-JU9T V MOT vNK ; YQUC lECSefrjN lfCTVJf?S VOs tr i h to keep I ii-' Tins ' ure-irCo t?n3ftr7 ' r-- ':reJTSe5: """ you hcjlont . - . I PRirvK. ; . A . - 71 Y'i rifRJlONT ( ' 00NS - J . MUCH COFFfe! 1 .. . fJ ''"""" y ; r?-J&i I M r - r TJ - 7&rf?f -Tcae-i .. ji.ravuees atrweHraT. ) I .- ' ' - i , ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 85 aXjriPMENT from shipyard inchiding time docks, flat and roll top desks. . typewriters, chair, tables, drawing- boards, ate. Broadway 2789. 'D. C. Wax. 81 N. SUx St. between Barnside and Conch eta. : - GOOD Majestic wood and coal range. Phone East 6789. -rYFBTfBITEBS 77 GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriters, all asakea, Sold and rented. Easy terms. Send for prieea. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 341 Washington at. Main 6681. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold 00 monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 1)4 6th st Main 368. FOB SAXE MISCELLANEOUS 18 ' Dtraat froaa fsctcry "to your home, Ttan. see and Port Orford oedar; solid copper rriaa ssings. latest designs. - Write for eatalogne. Factory. 1912-16-1 E. tilisan. Tabor wx save too Money- House wiring. Bghtlng fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. - Third Street Electric Store. 224 Third street oeag Salmon. Malnr 6056. SiMH Firo and borglar-prooi' safe, aew and .1 secondhand, at right prices, bought, cold and exchanged. Ea,y terms if desired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK tXX. - 105 Second st - Phone Main 2045. PRUNES! DRIED PRUVFJll 25 pound boxes,. $3.00; 100 pounds, $11.50: 300's, $11.25. 500 $11.00 .. Mail Order Solicited COWLEY'S GROCERY, 188 Third PL WHY. aa everlasting aggravation by a leaky 1 roof f Wby not a permanent and comfort, able roof? Wa repair, rubber-bond and re juvenate afi kind of leaky roofs. Work guar- anieea. rnone Main 6660. FOR SALE Complete Rumley thmhing outfit . wna exception 01 artve belt; 80-inch cylinder. 48 -inch aenarator. 16 If P. (Sarr-Hnott tniiiu. good condition: cheap if taken at once. A.-lk- arson. warren, ur. - . $t6:m to BlSPsIs - Guaranteed ' We Rent and Repair 172 3d et. near-TambiU Main 1848. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boat are separate classificationa, A largo listing wilt be found under these different elaeai- ficationa. r - OFFICE furniture of every description from government and shipyard. D. C Wax. 81 N. 6th at., between Bumside and Couch ate. Phone Bdwy. 2739. -. - - MAKE your little boy an overcoat: 20 choice patterns, from $4 to $7 a pattern: wont last long. East 502. Clifford Hotel Tailors. 409 r.. Morrison st. WOOD ' 4 foot cord, 16 Inch block and slab for sale. Broadway 2199. WE call and get your veal, hogs and poultry. Best price paid. Call Main , 7862. Eve nings, Tabor 8181. FOR-SALE- S brand new Rusher saxophones, 1 alto, 1 tenor. 1 melody U; will eeU resaon sble. Apply at 1 70 18th st, room 1. SAFES New and second hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable J. ces. - Pacifla Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front et Bdwy. 1966. 2 ATJTO camp beds, can be taken down and rolled up for carrying in 3 minutes; just too tiling; 18 ea. 106 g. 81st W. s TALUABLE Orientaf rugs from private house. Unique opportunity. CaU Main 30U 4 between 5 and 7 o'clock. ' - FOR SALE: Combination range, heater, bed room set. linoleum, 2 rocking chairs. 438 E. 87th st. near Division. Tabor 613. - . FOR SALE Cheap, or will" trade, 1 Sharpies cream separator, 1 16-inch lathe, 8-foot bed; 1 87 Vs x4 Vsfin stone casing. 805 Gliaan st FOR" SALE Building, containing about 50.000 ft. of rough lumber; fog particulars phone stsr. S3V. CURISS airplane in A-l condition, suitable lor passenger ; sernoe on fair circuit, 81000. Call 812 Board of Trade bldg. SflTlim BUSINESS CARDS 45 fl WW- KOM CITY PRINTERT &l40 You must bring this ad 120 5th (t WE WASH your rugs at home withlhe Ilaio. iltoa Beach Carpet washer, satisfaction guar anteed. Woodlawn IZ30 and East 4049, ELECTRIC iron, appliances, door bells, vacuum cleaners, . repaired; fixtures rewired; we call au nearer, wopohvb iibv or guess eoeo, FOR SALE -or trade, double barrel hammerleae shotgun; 80-30 Wincbesteer takedown rule. Pnone Sell. 814 FOR SALE ADDING MACHINE, $15. 81$ ' utroett mag. uuaranuea. Marabau a 57. ONE trailer, good condition,' $45. East 0661, bs urana ave. GRAVEN8TEIN apples; best for cooking. 6630 East 44ttt St Beu. 1333. . I S.ECTRIO vacuum cleaning la . your home. aoo a rug. cau sax 1009. BUCK range. $15; new fluff rug. $25; good sewing machine. $4. 04 Graham ave. - i BIG load of box wood. $5.50. Phone Wood lawn 954. - USHD electric washing machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 6th st. " CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASES I And other fixtures, 242 Salmon. Main $42. FOR SALE Wood saw. first . class condition. inquire ,iu ax. SAFE or filing cabinet. Give price and sis. F-160. Journal. SEASONABLE STYLES in ladies' used wearing spparsl. price surprisingly low. Tabor 2825. SACRIFICE building, tease , and soma stock at Columbia, beach. V-318, Journal. SECOND hand tents and covers for sale. Pacifio Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st st " - UNCALLED for tailor-made suite. $12.50 op. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 k Burnside st GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GETS 'EM .,. 181 11th at Made here." Bdy. 4888. J VACUUM cleaner, rented. $1 per day, delivered. Tabor 6786 evenings; days Main 2010. CEMENT laundry trays Factory 314 K. Wasbr ington st, ; We ship, rail or water. . - VACUUM cleaners for rent 31 a day: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy. 858. MIMEOGRAPH No. 77 with supplies, vacuum cleaner, over special. Marshall 4182, . ' FOR SAI.K baby iiaasinette, draped in pink. - Tabor 257. - , n lo H. P. vertical boiler, good as new. East Side Boiler Works, foot of E. Main st FURNITURE of 4 rooms. 3175. Tabor 3825. (Copyright, 1920, by International. Feature 8errioe, lac) ,., FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS it Buy, Sell y ' AND EXCHANua . eash regtstera, shoacasse. fountains, scales. . store fixtures. i. BOXER, : Mar. 2438 113 2d et ,. SEW SEW -SEW SEW .' PHONE BELT-WOOD 1071 NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. . - a t -; .laanarl -iwta.-4 mri trtwLaWl r7vTiri UWCUUlBsl VMBIii'x, - e renaired- boneht- sold, rented, supplies and at- tarhments. - Power, and manufacturing machinea. motors, ahsftrna and tables tnatauea. cveryunng in needles. - . ' - . , PHONE SEIXWWJU iwn COMPLETE PIT 8HOW. including brand new khaki top. - 22x60, with striped side walls: monkey, bear. 3 alligators, suakea, etc s new baaaers, rope, poles, tut cloths, etc.; everything complete amPln eood otmditon for faU fait circuit; now playing at Seaside.. $450 J'8". Dosnvbrnnk Faie mitsemnrnt Co.. 812 Board of Trade bHdg. - : -- "' -"' SEWraO MACHINE EMTORIJIM New and 2d band, sold for Most no agent employed. Complete hue of parte for all make. . kUfhmes venaired and tented Main 9481. SIEVING MACHINE EMPORIUM . r... irk.Hl u Tavior at SINGER ELE(iTRIO SEWING HW'; We take your machine to exchang Balance eash ox ea narmeau. Phone lor demonstra- tion. Machines rented. Expert repairing, any snake. "' ' ' ' - MORRISON ST. sISOIK -wss, 382 Morrison. Msnibsll fil. : 20 LATE drop heads: aU makeijlike new $16 to $86. Large earlety of good machines. (!) to $10. Ail the latest new Singers. Cash or payments. Machine . . ...th . - Hineer store .u. s.u. 1,1 4h Main 6833. FURNITURE repaired, apbolstered. ilk new; ... . . . . rl . ,i..ttl. manreeaes rvmaa., eirrai Hire bought sold and exchanged at Webster Wnrnltara Renair. Shm. 1106 Hawthorne. Tabor 8328. - . '-. - - Independent Printers We are atm doing promptly -printing for leas" at 11 No, 6th et. Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printer. Broadway 3988. - - " - Electric Motors Bought sold, 'rented and repaired Walker Electric Wort. 418 Bare, tide, corner 10th. .Broadway 6674. . CIRCLE EXCHANGE We buy. sell and exchange ladies snd chil dren's clothing. 416 Fleidner bldgu. 10 th and Washington, Bwdy. 220. ' : - ' FRESH EVERT'DAY, SALMON., HALIBUT. CRABS AND OTHER FISH. WE8TEBN FISH CO., 126 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAR. 8189. USED electric vacuum eUaner. in first class -mechanical condition, at a big saving. - A fw hand vasuum cleaners $1.00 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO., 81 8th st FUEL problem solved with I sard kerosene burner; no wood, coal or ashes: nut in ranees, heat ers and furnace ; five days' free trial; five year guarantee. I urana ave. 1. cut sosv. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gaL 87: 40 gat 89. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace colla. Gas heaters metalled. Expert plumbing repairing. East Bide Welding Shop. 203 Adam, el E. 8316. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE 'Honest, conscientious dentistry. DR. FRED MELLISH 108 M' Fourth, between Washington and Stark. TENDER, fat broiler. 45e lb., dressed: Kentucky Wonder beans, 25 lbs. for $1. .'Phone Lents ATTRACT IVK styles in Udies' slightly worn coats, suit, gowns, hate and furs. 1047 Thnrman st Main 9667. Dentistry w.S'.l V Without Pain. ' Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FUBN 1TUBE TV ANTED 74 SPOT CASH FOR USED FURNITURE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE -178 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co. MOIUUSON ' We want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos : we pay the Highest eaan pnees. too ana job rirsx sr. jbii main mi. BE WISE CALL-MAIN 861 We Want Your Used Furniture : We Pay the Price ' FREEMAN. WOLLF FURNITURE CO.. 200 First st. 8. E. Cor, Taylor. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS ' Heaters, cook stoves and ranges. NEWMAN. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. GOOD price paid for good furniture. 522-624 OOD price paid tor good lurniti Washington. Broadway 8695. WE BUY used furniture. For best results phone Automatic Z1T-71. or -East 2405. 'LET u gTve" you an estimate on your furniture. Keliable Fnrnitnre Co., 203-203 2d Msin 7808 SVTAFS I WILL exchange painting, tintinst and decorate ing for good small 5-paas, car; no junk. East 11V. 16 IN. elec fan. bicycle', cream freezer., type- -wnier, motorcycle aoa aeiivery aiae car. lIMr DID, WANTED To - swap painting, tinting . and enameling for anything useful. Call . East arter 6 p. m A DANDY Win ton sis' (cord tires) for a dla- mono. Main s7v WHAT have you of equal value to exchange for piano courser Main 8018. : WANT my bouse shingled ; would like to trade geoa auto on job. fhone Bdwy. 1454. : WILL trade my automobile for" house painting, Bdwy. 1454. 331 Burnside st . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ilO TO $25 poslUvely psld tor gent's used - suits and orerooaU; call any place; get my offer before you sell: will call any time and place. Goldbeum, the Tailor. 187 First at, near Morrison, sua ist. WANTED Culled ties for fuel. 218 Common- wealth bldg Phone Broadway 2988. , WOULD like - 35 lbs. of fresh pea. . Phone , Tabor oos. - - WANTED Bid on new foundation. Call after 5 p. m. 734 H Alblna ave. WANTEO Good 0X10 tent Phone Main 6073. By J. E. Murphy vTArfTED MISCELLAJTEOUS ' I SI2.S0 tb:$25.vv ! For Second-fliand 1 SUITS OR OVERCOATS ; . MEYER THE TAILOR f Pay -more for clothing and shoe. - W can day or evenings, anywhere .la Hhe city. Call Msf hall, 1228 or 268 Midirn st. near Third st I UP TO I FOB MEN'S BUTTS AND OVERCOATS ! W Pay Any Price for Men's Clothes OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS i xq s:..-- 3. w. vor. yvan aiain sivi t WANTEll l'eopla ot Portiaad to know that 1 Pay the - his heat eash pries tor second band -wli. toanin atUnUoft. i i .- nf . Eal Rk:lTFlf I Phone East 8208. i 148 Rnesslt si 1? TF.J Rlfte, shotguna. cameras, ienaea. e inirn st ; rnone mm nm i WANT" t? buy or rent a good small second-baud tnt, '" 1 0$JPiviion ti- Tbor 2506, BCR.9?GH8 odlng mschine, must be in good . ... smmiw. I a. - i . KOTlcts 83 j NOTICE OF EXCTIANGE , I -! DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR: 1 '.-. Cm ted States LamT Office t Roeeburg, Oregon, July 22. 1920. I Notice is hereby given it hat The Coos Bay Lumber company. Syndicate Building. Oakland, A tameda county. CaliforniaJ ha filed in thi of fice their application to select, under the pro I n,.l ,tb Act ot Congress, approved My 81. 1918 (40, Stat, 693M. and the regulation T,,BdS Pproi JulyFU. 1918 (circular lib. the following lands': T NEH, Nl5H NWtt. 8 NH, sk fEU. SWH Sec.- 88. T. 80 8.. R. W. wJS S',8W NEH Sec. 6. N H NE14. k!LHqHEcc- NEKjNEKfNEH tW. See.; 18 .8W34 8E H Sec, IsT E V , SE BwS E"S BWJl BE SE4 BWVi Sec. 23. J4'' NK?4, SE SEtt Sea 25 l- Zoi KvW ,NB.JB NEK. EH BK 2e if J2 '.8 N . . SE 14 . N H 8W H . W! 8ee- $5' T. 8(1 8.. U. IO W, NEW S"5 8,'Lot 8m- 7, NW14 8W14 Sec 2T.-NWU 8W Sec, 29.- NH, SS See. 31, wiia0?iBoi,lW'VNE Xtihi. SH NE4. Jf.J 8VV 4 SEH.iSec 11. NH NE4. EE- Nw- Sed-'IS. SWH NEHl t?WA 8W?4 Sec 25. ?. 30 S.. R. 12 W., NWH NEJ BE NE4, BK14 . Lot 1. SHN 41 HE 14 See. 5. SjVs EV4 NW14. Lot i See. 1K all 8ec. j. nS.H6 "W.-SE4i W. 8KH4. S&H,.86' ' T. SI, R. 9 W.. SE14 Wl. -BViSEli, S: SE14 Bee. 1. Lots 2 8E14, BE It SK 14 See. 3, SB V, vw 8,tp-.,S' Jr.ot J- a. i 1. w 8E14 Sec. 7! BE14 NEH. NE14 tw ?. K NKH WH SEli. til. f WH IS, SE H 8 W 14 See. .1 7. Lotol 4. 14 NK 14 gKVii, 81 SE14 See. il. 2 E,'BE, NKH. NEH NWlt Sec. p8. NJ!K,'W NW14,i8Wl4 BEW. NVVW iu tV? ' ' fls siss W, SV 8WH Sec. 27. SVkf.NEVi Sec. 29. Lots NWH 8W, 844 SWHfsec. 83. s!H NKli! BE . N W 44 SW 14 . B 44 8W 44 . Sec. 85. T. 81 K- W SW 44 NK 44 . W 44 Sec - i, N 44 iW.!f'EV KVV44 8ec.:8 SW 44 . NE 44 E44 H.-w",8" NE 44 SW44 8ec?7,4aU teafSi 88H 8eC- . VVH BE44. 2 SBJi BS,e' 1.9' JNE44. 8E44 NW 44. S.t JHBS31, '.;;W4i NE44. 8 44 NE44. J!W? J Sec 23, NW44 NE 44 . NW 44. K f W 14aa8c 25. rBE 44 Nw, NkV ? W 44 , 8 44 SWH Sec. 27, NE44 NE44. 8 44 NEH. NWH.-WH SEH 8EH SW44 $eo. It' Ng';N'WHSWH NW44. 8 44 Set n3, ,N,EHr K?H. WH SW 44 Sec 85. T, 81 8.. X1. Wg -1-0- 3 -. . 1 A.. SE 44 NE44. Lots 16. 17. 18, 19) Sec. 13. Xot 1. S.i 8. NE44 l4W4S. W44 SE4i, K44 8W44 Sec 19. Lot 12 Sec. 25? SK 44 -A W 14 . NW44 'KTV? 8H 8E 44 , E 44 SW 44 Bee. 29 N 44 NH 4i ' .wv " j -v y . 03 SW 44 BE 44 Sec. 11, IK, KE44 N'W 44 , B 44 Urartn1" BW Sec 15, T. 32 8..-Rili ..j ma. -;v . . . " . IN LIEU OF - , : -S. . 44 sec 6. T. 20 S.. R.- T W lota B snd 4. 8. 44 N. W. 44. N. , S W ti w 44 . W. 44 and SE. fsSc 2 lou 3 4" 6. S. 9, 10, N. 44 N. W. k? See 12 Ni W J?. H , Sec 14 ; all Sec Ti j N. j ' ?,..oeo' '! 8. 25, TJ 20 au et. 14. jfi. Sec 14' W W- H N. E. H.-E. H IN. W. S W 4i' Sec .24; N. W. 44 N. W. 44. S.' E. M N VV. 44, a W. H N. E.JH, ST W. 44. VV 44 S. E. 44. Sec 26t N. W. H 8. W and i,". 8.',. 8.0.' T J S.f R. 10 W.j lote ate ms. W s O1 fgjfz K- . E..HW.l44. 8ei. 14; S7 K 44 . Sec 21 0., At, - V W.t W 44 Kec A N. ET 4i N. 'it" 4 M W u "'a A T.. 8i T.2d 8.. R. S W i teu il." 12, IS Tn'c 14. Sec 2; lots 1. 8, 4 and 6s (S. W. , 44 N. w 14 1 N.E ?.', 20i s" ' 8 NWNW! ? "-- t u. I. oec 28, T. 2a 8.. I W.J lot 1. 6, 6, 8, See. 7. T. 28 tL, It 8 W. lot 6 and 6. Sec 6; W. H E. . 3 E H W. H , Sec S2 Tl 23 sT. It. 9 WJ.' iu Sec. 6; 8. E. 44 . Sec lOj S. H N. E. 4 Vh WH SE44. SEH SEH, NW 44 NW44 E. H N. E. H . S. W. H N. W. 44 , 8. K, V t yL; HjS E. (4 , Sec 27: 8 K H. Seo 84. T. 24 S.. R. OjW.j E. 44 Sec 8- 8 W. 44 . Sec 8: N. 44 8.1 E. 44 , S. E. 1 & 44. 8-c 20; W. 44 , Sec 22; N. E. 44 .'Sec 28, T. 26 8.,-B, 10 W.; N. 44 8. W. 4 8 VT. H 8. W. 44. Sec 4; aU Sec 6: wV 44 Sea. IS. T. 27 S.. R. 7 iW.'t sR Sec 24. T. 27 S-. K. W.: N. E. M. S. W u Hi ii H . SE Sec i NE44i Sec 10; aU Sec 2i)'; .. m ' o- t vv. is, n, 44 a. W. 44. Sec 82, T. 27 fl., R. 40 W. W?. H. Sec 14; lots 18 and 14. Sec 22; N. VA 2 1 lots 3 and 4, Sec 24. TT. 27 8.. B. 11 la li- i 20: E- H N. E. 44 Bee 80; S. E. H. Seo 86. T. 2 8., R, id W. : 8. AV. 44 N. W. 4i . W - ti a C. 8. E. 44 8. W. 44, -Sec 2; 8. W. 44. 8ec 8; aU Sec. 10; 8. W. 44 S. K4 H. lot 2. 8, V, S. .H N. W. H; S. W. 44. Sec 11. T. 28 8. K- 11 W.; E. H N. Ej H, N. H N. W. 44 W; H N WV H. 8. IB. H. Sec 14; N. W H It. E. H. Sec 23;slots 1. 5, 6, 7,8, . 12.18. See 24; N. Hi N. H fl. E. 44 Sec E. tm o- FT. TO . o. ym a. Ma. Tk . Bep. 5 N. H. N.E. .H. N. 44 N. W. 44. S k. W.-. 44, 8 4k 8. E.j 44, Sec 7; N. W. 44, rm a. vv. iv. is. n. rj. 14, B. 44 8. E. H3 Sec 8; all Sec. 16; N. W. H. B. W. H 8. W. H See, 17;?N. 4 N. W. H Sec 20; N. H , B. W. H. 8ec 22; S. W. 44 N. W. 44 .Sec ii. T. 31v I H. 12 W., WilL Mer. . Any and all persoas ' claiming adversely -the lands described or desiring to object bees us of the miners! character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to tb applicants should f lie their affidavit Of protest in this of fice without delay. j W. H. CANON, , ; Register. . ' First day of publication, Aug. 10, 1920. Last day of publication. Sept 18, 1920. PROPOSALS FORCONSTRUCTION OF STEEL HIGHWAT BRIIMiE, department of the interior, office of Indian affairs, Washing ton, D. C. August 6, ;120 Sealed proposals plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope.- "Proposal for steel bridge across Two Medicine river, lilackfeet reservation," and ad dressed to the "Commissioner of Indian Affair. Washington. D. C," aiU be received st the Indian office until 2 ' O'clock p. m. of Augtiot 81 1920, for furnishing" materials and labor for the eon traction of a f teel bridge across Two Medicine river en the Blsckfeet reservation, in strict accordance with the plana, specifications and instructions to bidder which may be ex am in ed at the office of j the paper -or periodical in which this advertisement appears, the United State Indian warehouses at Chicago, Illinota; St Louis, Missouri; San Francisco. California, and the Builders' Exchange St - PanJ. . Minne sota, and at the office of the snperitendent of the) Blsckfeet reservation. Browning. Montana. For further information apply to the superin tendent of the Black teet reservation, j Cato Sells, conxnimiooer. '''"' f ""NOTICE-OF SALE 6f IRRIGATION ' ' DISTRICT BONUS I "NOTICE IS HERESY- OIVKN ief : sealed proposals will be received until the 20th, day of September. A. V. 1920,: st the hour of ;? o'clock in the afternoon, for the purchase of Two Hun dred Thousand Dollars: ($200,000 worth of bond of the Lsngell Valley Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oregon, Said bond to draw Interest at the rate of 0 per rent per annum, payable semi-annually an the lit day of Jnly and the 1st day of January of each, yes until the maturity of said bonds. : 1 Said proposals will be received by the board of directors -of said Irrigation District and should be directed to the secretary of the Ingeti Vslley irrigation xnstner, care 'of Ferguson, letclier ex Mifflin. No. 16, Loomts Building, Klanisth Falls,' Oreeon. . . .. . The board of directors reserves the right to re ject any -or all bid offered. - - -! A. L. WISHARD, ' - Secretary of the Beerd of lMrecton of LangeB Valley irrigation Lhstrict SEALED bid will be received by the clerk of school dtatrict No. 40 for the sal: 0t ms north room BussellviUe sehoolbou. - Board of director wilt reserve the right to reject n or all bids. For further information call Tabor 204. PEKS05AL SUPERFLUOUS hair. "jnb.es, wan removed by 10 needle method: ;tni! fre -ie llulty. " " oec. eo, x. ai B., tit. 13 W., Lot 1". 2. 3.: 4. SK 44 Sec 1, N44 NE44. SW 44; N8 44 ! Sec 11. NE44 NE44. BW 4t NWU NEU SEH. aH 8EHrNW448WH. 8E44 S W 44 Bee 13. W44 NE 44 . NW'si't ViS f Z 5 f 8W SS .VH- 8y H. b h ? i-o ?. aK,V .8-ww i'O"! fB$X 7t . 614 Bash At Lane bid. MaU 6368. SI ULASS&S st a sating, t solicit your patronae on th bia of eapsbl service. Tbeuaand of tified pa trons. Chas W. Goodman. optometrist 209 Morrison t Main 2124. - INFORMATION Ask about anything ym wish to know. 1 Have you problem, difficulties, business ventures Tell u about tliera; conli Aential. Mndaiate fees (1 UP). Write W eV- eru Infonnatiou Bureau, 404 44 Washington. sU. Portland." Or. $1 ET8 both feet fixed Tip et Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST ho dresn t hurt you, yrv here. Exsm. free Globe Theatre bldg. 11th nd Wsh. Bdwy. 28j4. DR. G ifORGl Rr B EJfSTlBlN Uie irur.n optician, is an expert in fitting eyegtsaae. and charges so very resjonable. Urokaa- Igiim Quickly duplicated. 2146 Morrison st DO YOUR feet liurtf See Dr. Ethel A. Scry. pedicuring snd manicuring. 05 IIsIkisQ blu. MsrshaU 3376. - RAGTIME piano playing tattglit beginner, in, 20 lenaona, popular songs in 10; guarantocU. Parker School, 314 Eiler bldg. DO TOUR" feet hurt? See Dr.' Etlidi A. Uaciy, pediounng and manicuring. 6U3 Ital.-igU bias. Mar. 8376. - IF YOU ARE Miff, tired snd tore take a mi. 415 Buchsnnan bhlg. Msin 9:3(1 a. m. to v p. m. Munusy oy sppmnrnieni. Lawyer OuR.ultatloo FULE. Ail c--s 612 Helling bldg. Msin 4i4 PATIENTS to take caoinet baths with niaa sage or hourly nursing. Tsbor 8172. BODY MA84AUE, VIOLET KAY, 1 0s. m t 8 p. m. daily 450 Morgan bldg. Main 1S7i. PROFESSroHAL MB BUSINESS DIRECTORY B8WB8H9' 6UPs.Lt8 - LEWIS 8TENUER Barber Supply Co.. 10 th a SI Morri-oa sta. Tba plaee to buy bsrbsr chair and supplies. Stock of furniture alaaj on haaJ st right prices. BLSPJ K BOOK m. K tj8 DAVIS A HOLM AN. iNC, 10 3d L. bi..- book man jlaaiurers. A-8183. Male lei. - - . ' BOOKS ' NEW AND USED "BOOKS. ALL SCliJWi, JOHNSON'S BOOR STORE 243 Msin at., bet 3d and 3d. , C4T AfID POO WOSPIT8V koMU CITY VETEUINARY UOsMXAL, 4 15 B. 7th et. eor. Grant. East 1847. H-19.-. OARFIT OtlAHINa Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and " Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL SIZES "WRITS OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. 1872 B. 17th it Setlwoed 8622. We Make FLUFF-RUOS From Your Old Carpets Rag rug, all slsea. Mail order prompt. Rugs snd carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phase or write for price list. Northwest 'Rug Co. 168 B. Eighth St East 3680. Fluff . Rugs From Old Carpets - Rag Bugs, a". t(s Mall Order Prompt Send for Booklet, til 2 Bug. Hteam or lry Cleaned. $1.58. FLUFF BVa CO. 54-88 rnion ave. N. Kat 6A16. Knt 7AB6 CEMENT WORK ALL clasaes cement work, genetnl hinldinu aid repair work. Hates reasons hie I'liona S5l-'jn OHIROPR8CTOWB JOHN W EH LEY PECK CHIROPRACTOR Maclesy bUlg 4th snd Wsh ington ; lsdy s ttenda n t. Auto. 3l-48. CIIIROPR ACTIO, steam barsndmasuge. lrTth floor Broadway bid. Marahall 81B7. Dr. Laura E, Doaning. DB. WcMAHOnT" 100 chiropractor. Portias! throng pronounce treatment te,t. COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.iaoi Mscsdam. Phone Main 4178. GOOD 16 IN. SLAB WOOD. 84.50 a load, delivered -anywhere; surely a bargain. Can me. Bell. 1 7 6 . BfOCK and jabwood, sli, briixd. tiiri:XiT price In 2 loed lot. Wdln 4 12. BLOCKWOOD and lalwotl mixed in-"?!! lots; special prices. Kat 2041 FDR first growth fir cordvtoixTTsIl Kaat M. Ifesrdt Fuel Co. 907 E Burnside. COLLECTIONS . iETH At CO., Worcester bldg. Mala 17 Bit! Ks collections, no charge. Established 1900 OKR)TI8T8 Dentistry W Without Pain. I-afast Nerve Blocking lleth-xt EOUOATIOHAt OANCINQ THE Dance Studio, 609 Dekara bldg., Wsslilng ton st 3d: Strictly private lessons; half hour ot bour lessons; course lessons speoislly priced, Dsily 18O a. m. to 9 p. m. Ml Ire lend. BERKELEY1 Dsncing A a dsni y. prl v si leesons day. evening; latest steps lass sbowc 119 4th st Msin 8818. Mr. Summsrs N1U3I0 SCHOOLS A WO THCHtHS MRS. J. M. LOVEJOY. instructor of-popular 1 ragtime snd elsasic. Tsbor 8815. L. CARSoLI. DAYT terheT-ofoic"sndin 148 18th st. tirosdwsy 2365. MAT CLEANERS AND DVER8 "XltTX'S elesn. rtblock roor X 7 b,t best work, reseonsble equipped hat factory ia city. Roial Hat Wort. 228 1st st. WANTED Ladies, know we can clesn yoaf white milsn or crepe bet. D'l.t I'ivition. OPTOMtTWISTS AND OPTICIANS gaaw aCilCS SCI E.NTIF1 GALL V TKHUli " ' "h modern instruueuU; giasae wfi vitteq from $2.60 up. A E. HcnWlTZ. Optometrut, 22$ 1st st PAINTS THE grrst roof restorer snd prekerter is the - celebrated WEBFOOT ROOF PAINT Although very low priced there i none be'ier. Agents wanted in every town and city in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California. Portland agents: - 'Sh'a.ML-.,.io,f sinters. Tabor 7Sl4. Nickel Ac Hanken. Tabur 763. 6820rU?1 to : Repair ec Paint Co. Main weodo744 M'thw, Trit. roof rrs. Hell- a?l'CtUlTY -0... Board of Trade Mdg. Min ft7- Res. Main 644 Y ZA,r' WT'Wai' y"rtM N Q INa sLHTtTON, painting, papering, tlnnng. TS4 " " 10 d 4 4 1 4 . Vood liwn Jli'c DEPENtJABl.E house" painting, Uoli'iTsT'lepi'r hanging. Tsbor 62I7. v vtnt ATIHT ATTORWtri iK)l.DBERG7"02tf Wor'ces'teTbldg: Main 3. PRIWTIWO. ENOBAVINO. SINOINQ " snd Oek. Main 13. 411-a.i. THE IRWIN -HOpSOJt COMPANY 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A-128 PUtilMSIMa AND STEAM TuPPTiCs Work don quickly and efficiently t reason, able price; new installations specialty; wrr msnsbip guaraittaed. Phoue East 14A4, lei stuseeU M. MERKO METAL WORKS PLUMB rNG6UPPLIE.WT-WHoOSATS PHICK8. STAhK-DAVIS CO., 18S 4th st. THE M. L. El INK tX., B4-i6-877 B'yroaTliJ TRANSPER SNO STORAOE Oregon Transfer Co. Estabttsbed 1870 Transfer snd Forwaidlng Agent STORAGE FREE TRACK AGiS Office sod Stoiage. 474 GUaan l$th sad Gliaan. Broadway 1281. A llfl ALWaTS PICK til E B ICS T iio L' S E U o 1. ! GOODS SPECIALIST otorage, pocking. ii.. piug and moving; burs Bd auta vans; special rates to ail points. C O. PICK TUANSFER A STORAGE CO, 2d aed Pine sts itrodsy bU. A-la. Storage and 'i'ransfer Clay S. Morse, inc. 12TH ANO OLISAN. BROADWAY $470 CUT FRKIGHT RATES On household good ittiifed ea.t and south. '' -ing Wsrsbouee At 1'ranifer Co.. 0th snd l. . t'bon Broadway 703 uwnnrrsisii fipcmr-v'l' u l-ii v i'fv: nirriI.RTF. r. . ..... ..... . ..v. tVe all kinda nf furniture and carpet Just phon East 7696. PERSONAL