RE At. ESTATE FOK HAKE HOUSES t NOW VACANT ' $3730 PARK ROSE BUNGALOW ... ACRE THACT For sals m umnt of cbwfn an estate, her it boaw tliat yml eoold not duplicate for tla lee asked for both the bouse and ground. The staining and tinting will make an excellent look ing home. Thi in on 1'srkros. acre tract; ground all deared; there is abo cow (bed. Th btWslow contain 6 good room with ftwplitt, lrdwood floor In the main rooms, Dutch kitchen . and ' a very large floored attie. good cellar, i Thla place hi located on Prfcott at., mar Crstg road. Peine $8750. $1750feah. balance S yean front data of sale. J. U. HAR r MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. hid. Main 208, or PARK ROSE BRANCH OFF1CJB at end of Pi rk rose csrlme. if ROSE CITY PARK ' NEW ItOUBLK CONSTRUCTED BUNGALOW A OKI! $5900 - I Ijonk bare, folks; be good to yourself. See tfcl bungalow compere, it with other you hare even looking at eoating much more. 'You ! twety couldn't expect to boy a better home for this money. U' really the very acme of bunga low." perfection. The ouaiity of worknuns hip Md' material wed sfieak for thewseive. .Yoa Will ajiprrciate the extra law living room. too. Cut nothing to lnvetite- it may mean a big taring to yoo. Now ready for occupancy. , A. G. Teepe Co. 270 Stark sr. near 4th. Main 8092. ' Branch Office. 50th and Bandy. West Side PniCE $SO00 CASH $2500 r " Thhi i an 11 - room house located in hr-h. elaa we,t ride district ami is effered for aale at a remarkably low price. The rm.m are large, light atiJ airy and well, arranged.' There- ,' no inflation of the price and yoa are setting more Uian 1 00 cent on the dollar value. If it tt a west ride . .property you are looking for, close iti. For appointment to see phone Mar. hall 1205. -' risoo PARKROHE , 8 BOOM FURNISHED COTTAGE i Cm nini in at once; place in ready Ja start housekeeping: S. electricity and water; only 2 block to car line and Handy bird. 8 choice fruit trees, excellent, garden. : Thia place ia located on a; graveled street. I rice include range. dishes, rug and furniture. An attract ire place (not a shack). Best term--, $850 ca-h. Total monthly payment are -$2U. 4. I- HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Com. bids. Main 208. or FARK KtiHK BRANCH OFFICE at end of PAllKUUSE CARLINE. , 5 TV . : ; ' , ,-; t fllOO YOU would i.i-y $3500 for' this aijd I think you were getting a harusin, firwiy j f finished In enamel throuRliout; . botfet. ' i 1 utrh kitchen: 4 rooms and bath down. A: near Hawthorne are., on JO. 38tli St. Terms. J A. Wickmah Co. "Shortest Wty Home." ! i04 SUrk St. Main 5S3 and 1094. "Tn f FTYCTJ4SSY RI'NGALOW $ 1700 f4 rooms complete pliimbinsr. bnilt-ins, climb ing rose, screened porch, lot S Ox 100, 4 blocks tot car; $'JS0 cash, $15 monthly, i Photo at office, i IV. R e uToafc 782 rharaber of Commerce Mdg. $3750 BIO BARGAIN 'fCloMt in, being on .E. Davis st.i west of LAurelhunt, 5 . rooms, full cement t basement. lrt BtlxlOO, 6 fruit trees: XI 000 down, balance like rent. J. , L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Com. Main WklTS SII)K INCOME PRO'PEUTT $5250 1A well built P-room Irouae, racily divided into S apartments. Located at S34 Mill St., near 17th.- Lot 35x110. ste ALTO S s V 32 Chamber of f Commerce bklg. I j NEAR LACRELIILR8T PARK '0 roomed house on 5 II i HO ft. lot, with im Pfoved street and sewrii in and raid for; full basement, hot and cold witer, bath, large ra ctrpnon hall, Uring- and dining room, kitchen, built .in ;ntry with cooling closet for only $2300. $0l0 cash will handle. - - I -i Johr.soiiiDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. t .jVancoiaveiv Wash. 1 $0U CASH $500 We hsva a 4 room cottage on V, st mar 1 9th, on 50x1(10 lot. It you want to get out of paying rent : call up i and ask S-about .this place. It is surely a money saver. Phone Marshall 1265. . $3300$650 Cash ' Close in. ldth and E. Alder.' O r. Queen Anne, elegant home, modern. Main 4S03. Q. C. Abington Bldg. ; "83 Years in Portland.' I HAWTHORNE 6 ItOOSI HOUSE r Nice, largo 0 room house, electric, panel din lag room, nice- bath, cement basement, 3 ni bedroom, garage, city, liens paid. East 34th at. Price $3500; reasonable terms. Shown by ap pointment- only. rnoto at mir otfice, 4 1 ORU8SI JiENNETT. "f 318-821 Board of Trade Bid;. Main 7452. T i $52S ""$'3250 I A 0-rooiii strictly modern bungalow, new anil nifty i hardsurface tt. and sewer in and paid. It's Sj beauty? and ioration can't be beat. ' Terms easy. ItOHE CITY Park, . . - j, Rurc.inr.eSS 'RummeU ' Jl :J : 374 Stark Wt. . $12500 M5dEHN 4 rwirn bungalow on Hoi t lawn.ave., 1 block to car, walking distance, Jefferson high school: all street improvements in; beautiful lot, $825 cash, $25 a month including interest, . j ' t JolhinonDodsoini!Co. 633 IN. W. Bank Bldg. " Main 3787. 4 TITLE Insurance Policy u a guarantee by a I responsible company that you will not suffer lo oa account of the title to your rtai estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Pulley. o abstract- required. . Title 4k Trust JT ; iOOINTECST ' ' r Must sacrifice my new tj room modern bun galow, lot 00x100, uusunassed view mountains and highway, close to school and carline. E-100 Journal.' . ABOUT H acre fruit garden, chicken house. I practically new, 3 room, sleeping .porch, bun galow, fireplace, bookcases, Ihiteli 'kitchen, 3 ' E? ,0 V- cr. $1300; $500 cash. Tabor "- PORTLAND HEIGHTS '- ' 1 ArtisHe, S-raera bungalow, modern, except fiir- tiaoe ; S door from carline ; newly - decorated, ." beautiful " lawn and shrubbery,, garage; only $460O; on terms; $2400 cash. - Marshall 131 W. $14 150 TAKE35 room bungalow, cement baie i I ment, fnrtiace, i firilace, laundry trays, alt ; targa rooau, in good condition, large floored sia.c.j located on 41st st near S3d are. S. E. Call eveBings. Tabor 64n. BY OWNER. 2 houses 1 8-room. 1 7 -room; I on fine corner, SOxaO, Broadivay and Col lege ts., baths, toilets, ' gaa; $30o. . Woou i 1n 2779. - I - ALAMEDA i 16 rooms and attic,, new and rtrtctly modem, double eonttructed. .Ready,,, to m -te into. Wood- iftwn ;aat.- - : . - - , , . A TITLE Insurance feoiicy la a guarantee of the - j title tu your borne. When you buy: your bom nave the title insured. .Better b sate then sorry. 1 ttle tt Trust compsnyi : I CO LOOK 224 E. 531 ST.' !8 ROOM MAN IS ION MOUNT TA BOM t Every convenience, 73x100; view; garage; worth $15.0Q0. price $8950; terms. Main 4803 ON Mason between ' Union and" Wilnams aveC. . $250O. $500 cash, balance monthly; take - neat home, 0 room and bath, cement basc ment, 1 street paved, paid. Tabor- 6441. -1 LACRELCHHST PARK s T room bnngalow. fireplace, buiit-ins. psved, frtiit. berries, , This Is a hargain at $42ttl: $200Q cash. -Marshall 3352.or Tabor 3090. T "AliEAL BARGAIN " I 4 room eotUae. wnter.-gas and electricity In. - abnoet 2 lota. $ 1 S00. ft ni srul see what you 1 get for your money- 1217 Tiboitif st.i EVrfRTpurchassr of real estate shuuld bar hi 1 title insured. ' Better be sate than sorry.: . Title &i -l ra-t eomiMiny. et t m-t eomiisny.. - y - . . ... .-i. ; . .. . AM compelled to acrifica my modern borne and five- lots cheap; fruits, garage; cash or some terms. 4028 E. 78tb. Tabor 1014. , I c--. "t T? T V f- , 1 -. '"V . 1 1 . fua iai. ssx UH.Kit !l acre, bouse, woodxned, garage, lot of garden and fruit. 8705 70th ave. S. E. - HUES' roa ret a. Title Insurance Policy, yoa 4s not need an .abstract of title. One pre anmm pay for all time. Title A Trut company. WILL sell cheap or tr'sda Nice 8 room hofbie, lot 50x105; lots of fruit trees, chicken house, ete, - 000 PoweU Vslley road. SeU. 717. cf)SE your real estate deal quickly - through , Title Insurance. .. No abstract required . Title tt Tru?.t comiiany. -.- . , TEN room hou-e for sale, furnished, corner lot. furnace, west aide. good, inoome. East 1008, REAL ESTATE FOK HALK HOUSE"!" CI $325 i tviuriYnQvn ir -wonderful bargain I - 6 KM. ALBERTA BUNGALOW . . t . . , 1034 EAST 2oTH N. " t : ; $4750 IOB 3'2S0 AU on one floor, S large bedroom. reception ball, built-in seats, panel din. no., elegant fire place, beat porcelain plumbing. French mirror mantle, folding door, Dutch kitchen, aereened porch, cement bas't.. 80x100 lot; alley; fruit chicken run. NOW-VACANT; must he sold. Just like new ifuida and out. See today. It win gov quickly, t ' - .i'" -J AHUUT lizao ltr.vv ixjci'. 1034 E.;i25th" North -'ALBERTA CAR TO 25TH ST. BLOCK SOUTH. MAIN 4803. . 1 1 ATTENTION i ROSE CITY PARK BITTERS W are the leader to aale In the Row Ity rark district. VV mair.uin a branch office thtra al liOth aad Sandy bird. Wa are better equiprd than anyone else to handle property in that U trie. mot of oar raie-raen lire there, we know nearly erery bouxe in tha section and those who waat to eil naturally come to us with their Bona t'itr Tark property. Doesn't it stand to rearon that we can serve you betl At any rat it woald be folly to buy without first seeing our luting.. This much is sure tt would be poor biutnes judgment. Let us show you you will be under no ohHoation. A; Q. Teepe Co. . 1270 Stark rt, near 4 to. Main 8092.. P Branch Office, 80tU and Sandy. - f 750 DOWN MT. TABOR BCNCALOW t : .. - .. - . -.. s. .. Almost new 8 room bungalow, occupied only very sltort time, beantiful location (fir trees in yard).' all rooms old ivory finished, hardwood Honrs in the main ronm, fireplace, built-in book cass, writing desk and buffet, Dutch kitchen with bruakfaxt table, furnace, ful! concrete basement, sLm attic Price only $57 50. This is, indeed, a gnod boy. Remember you won't buy houses this ehean 80 days from now. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bids. Main 208. i r BEACTirrr- walnut park , . , : ii ; ' ; - . BI-NOALOW ..'. -i ij ' COMPLETELY FURNISHED Nine mora 4, strictly modern, - especially de signed for peojile of refinement and fine tastes; two bathroom complete, hot .water beating sys tem; which ost over: $1500; paved streets and alley exceptionally choke furniture, cost over $4000, mostly solidoak. For appointment call Mr. Lucius, Tabor 3089, except Sunday. Price for ithis beautiful home only $8760. Terms, U LACHELHCRSiT NEW BUNGALOW Brand new 0 room bungalow, just 5 being completed, strictly modern and tip to the min nte; garace; oak floors, all built-in. Dwell kitchen, breakfast nook, cooler, old Ivory finish throughout, good floored attic, fine, cement base men ; lot ftOxlOO. -all lien in and paid; re strioted district; 1 block to ear, IS minutes' ride to west tide; will be resdy to ceopy in about two. weeks, j.. Price $6950; $2000 r mora cash. Known by appointment only. GHUSSI A BENNETT. 318 321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. :', j NEWLYWEIW .' LITTLE WRITE BUNGALOW A picturesque little 4 -room bungs low, located on paved street, 50x100 lot, among the coot fir trees, interior finished in okl ivory. It has a large combination .living and dining room with firrpdaee. artistic buffet, 2 large bedrocan. swell 1 niton kitchen, cement . basement, double con structed, and It is new. Yes, it has a garage. i COOYEIi St HOLMAN, 822-8-4 Failing bldg. Mar. 3003. v Port Sand ; Heights 6 room bungalow, hardwood rtjjor-, fireplace, furnace, wash trsjrs, fnll basement, garage. lot ?rxii0. fruit, and; berries, paved street. Thia liouis i mu t be sold at once a the owner wants to gu on the; farm. Will sell furniture. This Itcu' Is in tery good condition. .- ,.i ; D. E. CARI OCK, 1 125 Jaro bldg.. -. Main 6882 Sunday morning. Main $450 weekdays. . H WEST MXiPE MOUNT TABOR 4 BUNGALOW-OAUAGE $525 rooms., with sleeniiur norch and braakfaat nook i' large siring -room across front of. house: full cement basement, furnace, wash traya, large ceiled . attic. . oversized lot. with fine shrubbery and bearing fruit; a real garage with full cement driveway ; reasonable terms. ; - Immediate posse-, uon. i 1 ' i . M Cs.EYELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 21:2 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. " i ' i ' j 1 70O ' . ' ' l! : I ! cites Yon - . t" I QUICK POSSESSION 5 room, modern home; fireplace, fur nace, i enamel woodwork, large, light, cheerful room; dusirahle elnne-in location; paved street; close 1 to , beautiful - Laurelhurst park ; - convenient to Sminjside car. , Be- sure to see this at' once. You rnajr phone me: evenings at Tabor 51C9; or see A.i K. HILL. 428 Lumbermens bldg. ' " ii i $3500 RQSE'CITY SNAP A Q room house, glassed-in .sleeping porch, full remeat basement, wash traya, all built-ins, fur nace.IIhjtch kitchen, etc.; in the. VERY BEST OK CONDITION; pOxlOO lot. east front, fina lawn iand several large cherry tree; city improve ment" in and paid. i. Terms. . x Ran-meli Ruinniinr.eSS 274 Stark St. A GENUINE OPPOBTCNITT East i46th, near Belmont, 6 rooms, full ce ment basement, furnace, In good condition ; SOz 100 tnt.i naved atreet. 2 block best ear service. 3 block school, near Laurelhurst park. $3650; 3 blocks liens all I750C paid; terms. . ; J. CJ CORBIN CO., 805-6-7 Lewi Bldg. 00 LACREUICRST SNAP-$7500 If :yo are looking for a real bargain in a 2 story i house by ! all means let ma show you this plane- Built : a bout 5H years. ' 0 rooms, den and; sleeping norch, close to park and car. For irtieulr see J. A. McCarty. 270 ft Stare t, Mafca 1700. eve. Taper 9057. j FOR"i8AI 1 room bouss, 2 lota, 100x"l00 sidewalk, street graded and graveled, electric lights; and toilet in. house; 3 good cherry trees, 2 blacks to carline ; all clear of incumbrance; $500 i down, $25 per month, 6 per cent inter-e-t. Montavilla. price $1000. O. P. Potts, 1980 E.i SUrk. Phone Tabor 300. " A BARGAIN S room modem bungalow, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, linen closet, full base ment, laundry trays; lot 50x114; chicken house, garden; only $2700; owner leaving city. : I fw l-vft iKitvitcvnrrjcnv f 212 Railway Exrh. Bldg. Main 0752. f5h SALE By owner, large 7-foom house, 2 large lots, basement, bath, toilet and gas in the hnu; 2 outbuildings. 13 fruit trees, 2 large EnglWbr walnut trees, large lawn; all fenced; cement sidewalk in front of house; $3200 cash, $3404 time. 748 Tenino are. Sellwood car. 5 ROOM hou-e, large attic, full bssement. built in. 1 fruit cellar, modern plombing, laundry, 100x100; garage.! fruit and garden. $3200. terms.:! or big dieunt for cash. - From owner; no agent. - Call Tabor 87QO or Taaor Q44Z FOR SALE Equity $575 for $450; balance $020 at $20 per montn, 7 per cent. room plastesed and furnished house, gas and water, on corneri lot Nice garden. 9859 tiOth are. 8. E. Mt. Scott ear. ii FOR! SALE tOTS 1$ s rose City park car , 1 2 TRACTS. OR 11 FULL. LOTS - v Dandy bargain. '2 tracts on 70th at, over looking country club (recently bought for city psra) k above tracts adjoining, one a corner, fine opportunity for someone. Come in and let us tell yon about them. Fmco only $2050. J. U HARTMAN t'OMPANY. i 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. ' ' 3 TWO 1 LOTS in gooJ location: can be bouglit for! $350; also two lots. $500: all lots 6 Ox 100 each. Will consider. trade on city property. i RALPH HARRIS CO. ? 827 Chamber of Commerce LOTSi for sale, near" beautiful park. Price $250 and, up. Will furnish money to build. 1045 Mt.Kisrippi ave. i- . 1 . . . ' TWO tots in University Tark, block from St. rfuuiw ear; cms. to eciiool. oiuniu to.' BES'lt vacant lot on. Market et. drive, look It up. K-$80, Journal. 1 2 I.tMTS for sale by owner, on 63r ave. and 87th st.J $400. Call 7224 65th ave. S. E. ACREAGE S7 Y CLO8E IN ACREAGE 'Ve have over . 500 small place close to Portland. Home en paved roads, close to -electric line AU have been Inspected. Photos at. office. . - JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. L FOR 8ALE 80 acres of good level land. Enough wood on place to pay for place. On good paved road, cloe in.,. Call Monday at 532 Wash. t 1 7th at i - -"- .. . HOMESEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY One to 6 acres, easily cleared, close inj $50 down, $5 month. 334 College t Call 12 to 3 p.I nx, $249012 acres level land, best soil. 4 acre cultivated, close ia. East Side, no gravel. V-f1 J2'. p,Ted road- No Uade. Chalker. FOH SALL 10 acre- of apple land V. mils rrora . Underwood.- Wash. ; or trade tor Ohia property. L. P. M. 1 5 1 4 OHvewood avenue iAk,fwnod, Ch-veland, O. IIAi. trade 120 acres good laBd, Polk county. fnr acreage near .Portland; sawm'll near fcy that will boy timber. Z-429. Journal." lVi ACHES. 4. blocks lo parTVooilUwnSricT; tnitabie for cluckeB ranch. - 645 Buffalo at John Kubik. ,,.,- , v KtTAL ESTATE ACREAGE 67 OFFERINGS!! NO. 1 x tyi: ""- ' ' r ; " HO acres. 40 acre in - cultivation, !. SO acres , fn paiture, 10 acres heavy umber, 1 acre grow ling kale, 4 mere toganbemesa 6 room house, i granary, chicken house, ranning water all ta t year; bam room for 10 head pf cows and aix horses; 1 set beavy harness. 1 harness, 1 good team. 1 0 head of first class milcu cows, 2 calveu. 80 chickens. $300. - tirain in granary, sv tons hay in barn; all tba farming implements neces sary to run the farm, all for ,$10.000.. or ws will Sell 50 acres with the improvement oa tor 1200 per acre, without the stock. . no. 2 I ; 1 20 acre, just outside the town : limits, ' all improved, ' S room house, barn, chicken bouse, 2 doc. chickens, well and city water. 1 good team, 3 milch cows, 2 wagons, I buggy, 4 head of slioats; implements and garden tool,. $12,000. H terms. Can be appreciated by seeing it only. NO. 3 ' ' ' ' ' '! "! M! Two acre inside city limit, adjoining highway. Finest building spot in the world, $2000; terms to suit purchaser. . NO. 4- ..'' - 1 ONE S roVm house in center of town, corner lot, $1500, $800 cash, balance terms.: . E. E. SWENSON " Beaverton Realtor . - $50 TJO WN. $15 MONTHLY :. Splendid 20 acre tract, good soil, come timber, some cleared ; 12 miles from Oregon. City, 27 nulea from Portland. - Total price $900. - 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 850 CASH. $20 MoNTITT.V : Bnya half acre; 87x250.1 with ' water- piped; gaa and electricity available j 1 room iiniinUhed house with lumber to doraplete, same. iotat price .023; near Uell stauon. nee -i r. larsiern, JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 26 ACRES all in cultivation, fine 8-room house. bam and outbuildings, all fenced, good fam ily orchard; 20 miles from Vancouver, near Battleground lake; will take house as part pay ment; take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd., go 1 block north. - i SUBCHBAS ACHltAO' u TWO ACRES IMPROVED Located in Rock wood Acres.5 adjoining Mil waukie. This is a beautiful, sightly tract, high ly improved with two houses; i light and city water.t Apply to owner. 207 Northwestern Bank building. ' i i FOR SALE 3 acres on O. wt Pr J line, near car. Lies beautifully., must set to close estate. Will sell i on part cash . payment. - Box 364. Beaverton. Or. i V- : . STJBUKBA7T HOWES' 7t STOCK. CROPS AND FURNITURE Nearly 7 res, located west of Gres-' ham, 1 .mile from Linneman Junction. All under cultivation, 1 acres i strawberries, M. acre raspberries, 85 pluuf and cherry trees, lots of grapes and other If rait, 4 -room bungalow,5 2 -room paneled, ham, chicken house, 2 seres potatoes, H j corn, 1500 cabbages, 4 tons hay, 1500! lbs.(- grapes. Complete line of mission furniture, tools, xnschinery, fine cow, horse, chickens ; price $4500, $1500 cash. Inspected by Brooks, with ' 1 JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. , . , - i - - NICE new bungalow of 0 roomsi bath, sleeping porch and basement, modern f chicken house, nice barn, young orchard, berries land big garden, on 2 Jots 110x160, on good rock i road near pavement, ; 20 minutes' drive fnom icourtbotue, 8 He fare via Oregon Electric, 9 minutes' walk to school, store and P. O., sidewalks and all city conveniences; bargain at $3500. cash or terms. Main 2138 i ; . i . K. B. STROM QUIST, Maplewood. , ATTRACTIVE ACRE FOR BOMB, : Shade trees, on main road, 34 block from station and lake. Water, light, at Lake Grove. $900, part cash, easy payment Owner, phone Oswego 701. - - - . 3 I , FOR SALE -By owner, 6V4 acres j, j good mod- - era; iioue, orcnara, . gona gareen, 1 acre in corn, gas, electricity and Bull Run Water, i Part iami, aoooo, ; rnone aoor ao 2f iV&M - - ' FOB 8A1E-FAKM8I T7 20 ACRES, 2-3 in cultivation, best of soil, some very nice timber, live stream oa place, 2 miles from pavement, in Washington cpunty, 10 min ntes walk to electric station: gasi city water and lights available; fair buildings, j small orchard. rice euiiuu. HESGARD, Coe'A. McKenn Co. 82 Fourth St NEARLY 50 acres, 43 acre ii crops, now being harvested. Located 3 miles from Oregon City. Close to station. , Good buildings. Stotck and equipment and all the crops. Offered at a "bargain. In spected by Nelson, with i i ; i JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. A SNAP 129 teres fine land, located 10 miles from Eugene, or 110 acres clear; good farm house. running water and wells ; good i orchard of all kinds fruit; near chool, on good road; i price $8000; $4000 cash, balance time to suit RICHARDS A. REED. I 308 McKay Bldg. Main 4192. 40 ACRES j ; $1350 -About 1 0 acre creek bottom!. balance good upland. 4 -room house, barn, wire fences, etc Close to school, store and Ry. station; on conn ty road, only 27 " miles from city. Cash and Quick action talks. . See me at once A. K. HILL. 426 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE T ( 359 acres near Creswell, Willamette valley: about 50 acres swale, balance rolling; 110 acre in cultivation, 2 creeks, and school house on place. You can get a real bargain here. Phone East 250 or call at 450 East 27th t north. afterjl p. m. V - - ; 108 ACRES, 6 m. from St. Helens. 3 ! room house, not finished inside : small barn; a few acres cleared: good spring 200 ft from house. $3500. - $2000 down. - bal. terms, " . , Come and see me at 548 Bidwell ave., gellwood. ' FOR SALE 80 acre. 13 in cultivatitoo; barn. - outbuildings ana orenara. tn Ulackamas coun ty: price $2000 ; half rash. 0wuer, 965 E. 2tn St.. . . wooaiawn sola, i . i INDOOR SPORTS a &. I : - tfSS i . . I ! t i at esew JC Jt 1 ' 1 TVtC FACT THAT OU JUSr SA fXC Cashier tpkc A LlrrVn-Vers- REAL ESTATE FOK SALE FARMS The Best .Buy. .Within 20 Miles off Portland 157 acres, $35 per are. Fair taou e, 1 barn, fenced, 12 acres laas been in cui- f ti ration. Lota of hard: wood timber, all good land, lies nearly level, drains wctt, on gravel road, mile , trout ' ) paved Pacific highway,. 1 mile from I whocL'This is an opportunity you eel-, j ana have ; the owner ts a noa-resaent end mast sell, t 40 acres within two miles of the above' described tract, $8500;' all in cultivation, good buildings, fenced and cross fenced, good gravel road. 1 mile frnra scltooL 1 mile from paved pa- , cifin highway. - ! ATKINSON A PORTER. i I 112 tb st Vancouwsr, Wash i 1 .'.:' . " . . :-''. !" ' . ! , I. $400 EQUITY in 40 acre for $200, the amount of my first payment, if taken at once. This -tract ia located in Cowlita county, Wash ington. 1 i mile to good school and logging railroad. This ia logged off land, about can tM cultivated, none cleared. Small creek through place runs year round; new box house. 18x24. not entirely finished inside. I have just made $50 payment on thi plaef. I' paymenta 'are $90 quarterly, at 0 per cent All taxes are paid for tin year. : Balance due on place ia $830. i Any one buying this place can work in woods aad stay borne night. I have' taken O. and C homestead and am not able to handle both places. For particulars write: to J. VL Probaaoot Box 432, Oregon City, Or. -i NEAR SHERWOOD 20 acrss , located 3 miles from Sher- . wood, 1 H mile from ( Oregon Electric depot, : on " fine macadamized road. 1 All : can be cultivated; 10 acres under culti vation. Assorted bearing 1 orchard, woven wire fencing, one m-le to school, good, attractive 6-room house, j in good condi tion, barn, chicken house. 1 With this place - MO 2V acre potatoes, $150 hay, cow, chickens, hog. Price $5000. $2800 cash. Inspected by Ma esters, with JOHN GERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. " TTNABLEt6D6 WORKON PLACET" ' Must sell 20-cre farm lor may exchange for i acre: near city limit or for house and lot in town; 12V acres under cultivation, splendid soil; 100 prune trees. 8 years old. "promising crop of $500 for this year: ;. 0O trees of other fruits, -also berries; 7 room: house, good barn, woodihed, . garage, chicken houses; 2 wells; 4 mil northeast of Vancouver, on. good graveled road. 1 miles to electric station, less than H mile to school. Price $0500; term; farm machinery and some stock included, . Write box 250. Rt 0. Vancouver. Wash. For Sale ;or Trade . 4000 acre stock farm in famous Flint Creek Valley, on western slope of , Kocky mountains!; Philipsburg, Mont Modern 8 room house and complete outbuildirs. Lots of water. 800 acres irrigated, free water. Complete fanning equip ment Will include all or rparl of 240 bead pure blood and registered Hereford. If iller- Lested write for list and photos. ' , j HE V Clll. 1 HIL.I.O siuta lAIUi Philipsburg, Mont I 40 ACRE farm for sale or .trade; 15 acres in grain and garden; grain is, ready to thresh: 5 acres heavy timber, balance fenced and pasture; also good spring water. We also have 20 acre rented adjoining with good farmhouse and outs buildings, orchard, stock and farm machinery; S acres cleared ; mail route and one mil from Cot lumbia highway, on gravel road; also school adr joining place; 30 miles west 01 1'ortiana. MRS, F. M. LINK. GoHe. Or.! ! Fine 65 Acre Ranch A fin ranch, stock, fixtures, all equipment. crops; line n room borae, j barns, all ftneed. good road, -fine water in yard; all in cult i $14,000, $5000 cash, bal. i long time, Wi'4 con kit; r smsll acreage near Portland, j i . : .. L. A.' Baker i . I 817 Henry bldg. i Bdwy. 48974 FOB, HE5T-FAEM8 1 1270 ACRES on the Shutler Flats, Gilliam county; 1100 acres tinder plow, about 400 now in snmmer: fallow; 4 miles from elevator; Holt caterpillar and full equipment; rent, $4300. ' - '.';. HKHGARD., . ..' - Coe A. McKenna & Co. : i 82 Fourth St. ' ' 60-ACRB ranch; stock, feed and equipment, fos sale. 510 McKay bldg. FARMS WASTEIl- EKT OR 8. V WANTED TO RENT Farm of 160 to 6001 acres. We have clients who will pay cash rent and buy personal property. If you are figuring on leasing yeur ranch this fall it will be to your advantage to see Mr. Blair,; with THMI'SO.V. SWAN &. LEE, 3d and Main sta., Vancouver. Wash, r ; . . - " PARTY from East wants to buy small farm.. from lO to 40 acres, near Portland: state: price and terms. Chas. Heikkinen, 659 Berth-: wick st. WANTED To rent farm, by experienced valley ts-nr, lor term ot years; large -or small. F. E. Wayj Salem, Or., Bt. 8. WANTED To buy 40 or more acres Improved on payments. r3l. Journal. TIMBER 38 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. July 16. 1920. Notice is hereby given that, subject to the condition and limitations of the tct of lune 9. 1916 (39 Stat, 218). and the Instructions of the secretary of the interior i of September 13, 1917, the timber on the following land will be sold September 10. 1920, at 12 p. m , at public auction at the United State land office at Lake view, Oregon, to the highest 'bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale tc be subject to the approval of the secre tary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional nun of on fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commission allowed, mutt be de posited at time ef sale, moneys to be returned if aale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for ' the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids win be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the law of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 S., R. 6 E., Sec 1. N. E. H S. E. . pine 360 M . fir 130 M. ; N. W. S. E. pine 400 M.. fir 50 M. ; 8. K. i S. E. pine 430 31.. fir 210 M. ; S. We 14 8. E. hi. pine 375 M. fir 190 M.i N. E 14 8. W. pine 300 M.. fir 100 M.; N. W. 14 S. W. 4. pine 295 M-.j fir 140 1L;H. E. 14 8. W. 14. pine 340 M., fir 190 M. ; 8. W. 14 S. W. 14 . pin 380 M.. fir 120 M. ; none of the pine to be sold for lea than, $4 per M.. and none of the fir to be said for leas than $1 per M. (Signed.) - CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner, General Land Office. - (Copyright,; 1920, by - Semce. Loo KIAJ Qr- DAr fOrVSs i SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 83 40 ACRES-of land near Kalama, Wash.; will take good - auto fn part payment, $2000. 100 acres of fir timber land near Hood River, rash $4500. part cash, balance trade, 85O0O; will take income property for part. lo room strictly modern residence. 2 lots, garage, $7000; will trade for small ranch and jiart cash or will take good land for all. Write to or call 1. J. Walker, Lafayette, Or. : FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 7 acre south Oswego lake, all in cut. 9 room house, electric light and hath; large barn and outbuildings. Cherrie, apples, pear, atr wher ries. - Fine eoiL- Will sell cheap or exchange for 40 or 50 acre improved. ami eatiipped, airi pay cash, difference. 0 aerea equipped. . Mrs. E. A. Porter, 031. Oswego, Or. ' ' " . , FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acres, stock or dairy -ranch; aome im provements, good soil, good water, near coast close to salmon fishing. Price $1800. Will consider suburban acreage or city property up to $1500. 4 th st. electric ta 8d and Mile St. Call at store evenings or Sunday. MODERXnTc5mhouse for sal at reasonable price, pr exchange for acreage. East el6. EXCHANGK BEA1- ESTATE - ft WE HAVE stock ranclies. wheat . ranches and irrigated lnnd m South ern Idaho to trade for Willamette Val- ley farms. Write us If interested, ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 : 6th St, Vancouver. Wash. WE have placed 3. R. Stephen m charge of our exchange dept. and invite you to bring yonr exchanges to w. We have a large lit an4 render real value and service in connection with every. "deal." . ;. . '"..; t 732 Cham, of Cony' Bldg. FOR TRADE for city property. 12 J4 acres, 4 . miles from city limits; 3 acre- cleared. 4 acre all chopped and logged off; 5 acre of good timber,- mile from carline, elose to Base Line road. . Will give good trade. Property must be clear. O. P. Pott. IPSO JE. Stark t Phone Tabor 800.'- - " - '" ' ' " " " " ' ' ' . 10 ACRES of 'richest land mile south of Hubbard. aH in crop, on Pacific highway : $2500; will take lot in an it, wrae cash and terms. Tabor 261. 20"ACRES NEAR WHITE8ALMON And some cash, to turn in en house in Port land; district make no difference. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCH. WANTED Shack or lot to build on. 'WiU'ex- change piano. 1 North Bend lot; 10 acres. Eastern Oregon, or , acre on higuwy, 1st payment- East 8102. WILL sell or trade for acreage 1 Maxwell 5 y passenger car. 1 H -ton truck with body, - ton truck cnassis. j. i- .imris, ovo uuu lot or-acreage. cloe In. . Call at 900 I'owell Valley Rod. Sell 717. i " ' yt AITTETJ BE Ali ESTATE CI The Harris Method WE SEIX HOMES That - the pubhc i constantly watching our metltod of advertising the addresses of our list ings is proven by the amazing number of houses old by us each week. If you have a moderately priced home which you can sell with reasonable first payment, phone Main 5B24 at once. RALPH HARRIS CO. - 827 CHAMBER Off WMMEKt-ti CASH for 5. room bungalow. Piedmont district; must have right price, cement basement, ga rage, east or north front, near pavement. Send detailed description first letter. J. A. Waters, . . a ,i-:ii.. . '- WANT 4 or 5 room modern house. 50x100 lot, east side, not too far out : Phone, Sell. 2754 after 6:80 evenings. J WANT a bargain in a fractional lot. -with oa without bouse, south of Slortgomery street between flth nd 20th ts. H;7B. loornaL LAUREI.HURST HOME wanted. 6 or , rooms and be up to date and location good. - . Will go to $10.000. Mean bnsiness. Q-49. Journal. HAVE' piano worth $206 and little cash a initial payment on small home outside city limits or Ht Johnag district ai-ozn, journal. WANT a 6 or 6-room modern bungalow In good district; prefer Piedmont, Rose City or Wal nut I'srk. P-828 Journal. . HAVE $200 to pay down on 4 or 5 room mod. ern bungalow' or cottage. Mar. 2589, eve. BOOMING HOUSES, APABIMESTS ATTT) HOTELS FOR SALE " S 22 ROOMS, all H. K.. rent $80; some apt. have running water; clears $220;' location good: price $3000, 14 cash. 12- rooms, mostly sleeping, rent $60, elec., furnace, running water, gross income , $184; price $1500 cash. 13 rooms, mostly' H. K., rent $75, clears about $90, elec, furnace, good furniture, good rugs, very clean, most desirable; price $1550, part terms. 21 rooms, all H. K., rent $90, 3 years lease, gross income $300; price $2500. part terms. 29 rooms, rent $75. downtown, clears $200; price $2500. 29 rooms, all H. K., rent very reasonable, clears about $275; price $4200. THOMPSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. ROOMING bouse 14 rooms, fine location, rooms always rented, housekeeping, rent $33. lease; well furnished, clean; snap. ; $1200; terms. Garland, 201 3d. - ". - - - FOR, SALE Small -east side apartment bouse and stores. A winner. Some trade and cub, G-400, Journal. ' - " " - FOR SALE ORTRADE 14 room apt, H. K. Can Main 1 79 0; . ; I HAVE cash buyers waiting for rooming house. Phone Main 8669. H.- W.- Garland, 201 3d. WANTED To buy modern flat, good location, if bargain. Marshall 5709. BUSINESS OFPORTF7I1T1E8 , 29 Printing for Less tTvdcr Pag. Co Mam 3586 192 3d st ICE CREAM, conrectionery and light grocery stock and fixttures; expenses only $1 a day. Phone East 1251. HAVE 2.000.000 feet lumber. 2-mile haul, close in. plank road. $2 per M; $1000 will handle. See Hyland. 815 H Front rt. FOR SALE- Confectionery store located near ferry landing St Johns, Or.; 3 living rooms. Phone Columbia S23. FOR SALE Truck with milk and freight haul. $2100 cash to handle, balance on time. Call 810-10. - BARBER shop, 2 chairs and bath, in good town, doing $50 to $65 a week; also- building if wanted. Addrejs Clem Brown, Yonealla, Or. International Feature Inc. , , P7NK-T Fore vmK -' i cuovoerUST - use p-CCAPti aaOrVsl iW " - 1TIi LA JSj : V Ut. W wgaf a i; t M f r I V . BtSIXESS OPPOBTl'SITIES - toTEkapk. NEW- HOTEL. MORO. ORK(W A splendid 3 -story hotel with full -basement constructed of cement and hollow tile - ami having 80 rooms; will be completed and ready for occupancy about Sept 15. The board of directors for the Moro Hotel Co. desire to lease the building unfurnished, to a first class hotel man. a long tease, baaed on reasonable rate of Interest wUl be given. Here is an -opportunity for the right person. If interested, write or I-lione at once to the Moro Hotel Co.t Moro. Or. FOR SALE A . newly equipped billiard, cigar, and conr fnctionery room located about 160 mile from Portland In renter of wheat Industry with a mu traito. K,r Information, see Mr. M. B. Macklin. Mgr. Henry Weinhard plant. . Port-.l kv " - - . 1 FOR SALE Jackson county agency - for loe - Lees refrigerator. Fine opening for man or woman who can give the business most .of their time. Owner ha other business now demand ing all his time.: - Address H. L. Hathaway. 310 K. Main st. apt. B, Ahland. Or. " FOR S.iLE-T Short order retaurnt, doing n extra good, business, in a , good, lira town in Eastern Oregon. The only reason for sell ing iwor health.. Address . L. Hetzler, Wascor Oregon. GRAVEL truck, thoronghly overhauled and work ing'' now on long job. making $40 per day. Price $2000. 1 AVfll give terms. CampbeU, Bdwy. 4379. N. W. cor. 10th and Davis. FOK SALE Or will trade for city property,. . 160 acres, 3 million feet crude tnnber aud some small, near Koseburg; price $2750. East 8038. . " : . $050 BUYS half interest -iu good Soft drink place on transfer comer. For particular phone Kast Q"- GOOD stock of furniture of between $1500 to $2000 stork ; sacrifice for $1100 if taken at once. 384 K. Washington. FOR SALE 2 chair barber shop, belli in con- nertiun. Write Ed Miles. Bos 551; Hermis tbn. Ot, - - m - - '" ".'' ESTABLISHED - beauty parlor for sale : gixi Kicalit)-; will sacrifice on account of health. Please investigate. - Main 407. - OLD established millinery store for sale; lo cated in payroll towu. . Muller St Uasa. Co., Royal bldg. . . " FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery store, 8. liv ing rooms ; building, stock and fixture. Wood lawn 4619. - , . .MONEY TO I.OA1SUEAI, ESTATE 87 I ' CITY LOANS ' NO COMMISSKiN On improved property, or- for Improvement punxne. ' - The beat and easiest method of paying a toai, is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 88 month, or . . $21.24 per month for 60 months, er $15.17 per monthf for 90 month pay a loan of $1000 and interest - Loan of other amounts in same proportion. : Repayment Privilege. - EQUITABLE SAVINGS eV LOAN ASS'N. ; 242 SUrk St.. Portland. t. i MONEY TO LOAN We have $12,000 to loan on improved Port land property. . i RALPH HARRIS CO.. - 827 Chamber of Commerce. - ' LIBERAL LOANS . We loan 'our own money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgagee, contracts, livestock,, note, automobiles, etc F. K. Bowman A Co.. 21 0 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE AMOUNTS $50 TO -No waiting, we can generally tell you the first day whether your loan is accepted or not 8MITH-WAGONER CO., 8TOCK KXCH. "NO delay NO DELAY $1000 $1600 $2000 $8000 AND CP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. T. H. DESHON, 15 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN $300. $500. $700. $1000. $1500. $2000, on city improved property, at 7 per cent J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Gaaco bldg. BUILDING loans ou city and suburban property; money advanced e work progresses. W. ii. Beck. 21S and 216 Failing bldg . Main 3407. MONEY TO LOAN in s mounts of $100 to . $S0OO on city property. A. H- BELL, Rooms 10 and 11. Mnlkey bldg. $$067$4'007300. $750. $1000 and upTit lowest rates; quick action. Feed W. Gr man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg . EE1T OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce. 4th at Stark. UOK TOAGELO AN S up to $6000," 6 and 7 . Fred 8. William. 606 Panama bldg. LOANS WASTED SO WANTED Loan of $5000 on good wcui.o Call at 1117 E. Market 1 FiyAXCfAL 61 WE BUY first and second mortgages' and sellers i contract F. K. Bowman at Co.. 210 Cham ber cf Commerce. ' '' " - CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts i on real estate in Waahinston or Oregon. ii. & Noble, a 16 1-umbermens bldg. QUICK money to salaried people, on note without inaorsers or security; investigation tummcu. 316 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' - MONK V - TO LOAN CHATTELS. . 9 AL ABIES ' 1 DO YOU NEED MONEY? j LOANS MADE ON r : AUTOMOBILES prmvTTrnir PUNns HOUSEHOLD OOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY i USUALLY LJC.T IN TOUn POSSESSION. : ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF ' YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TR ACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN REPAY (Ug IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT i ' YOUR CONVENIENCE. i LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. -I BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 306-807 DEKUM BLHG.. 3D AND WASH 8ALART IXANS . CHATTELS - WE LOAN MONEY on short' notice to salaried or working men on their own note. Weekly, eml-niouthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. , NO MORTGAGE ' NO lNIHlRSaJB V! ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY 1 We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. ... T ' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. . . t LICENSED) 21S FAILING BLDG. By Tad oi mra. - pVcS . ., . .rllll . ft;- GC rw mi MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, 1 . ! SALARIES PORTLAND REMEDIAL. LOAN ASS'S). Phone Broadway' 10. , - own sc. - sa,r ivrn. Odaka. eiiotnina ffnmli.iM. !,. I m nant and anything of' Salu. I k " .! - i .. : ." '( ' ' , "'. . FORI LAND TO PROTECT TH BOBB0WEB CARHiK myers German. i , ' Manager, i - LIVESTOCK Iaja.N'SOq, own money toauad S!1- hep. hogs, ate. j . . Bowman A Co.. 3 IP Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. HORSES. 'VEHICLES. ETC. It -f' :, -r : ' NOTICE' ': .''' -Tn aavnn. h. K. . , i. , IM. or better from 3 to JOj years old or any r wie. 10. firnsnge lor good n " JA00 """" Ifnrses.'I b.v. . lew ' .,..4 innn mat woum max. gooa teams f. or a small .ranch or orchard work. I lo - wu 1 1 vr-oia siuiese aaca lor sal. or exchange for horses, mules or cattle. Phil Suetter,! 28ft Front. Crown stable. ories Jtl FOR RALE 50 head of horses I net out of hard work.; a few well mchodi teams: harness of all kinds;- grading -outfit; Frenos. 2-horse and 4.-horses plows, shovels,, 2 5 wheelers, same as new; drill -steel, logging tongs, pes vies, tents, di-hes, 'lanterns for a 35i,mrn camp. Phil Suctter.i 2S5 Front St.. Crowh subie. JUST moved into Tremnnt district 6715 67th ave.; , have pair ef mares, weight 2H0O lb; sl-o good farm wagon (wide tired) and harness for $2 $5; also have hay fake and Buckeye innwer. J Take Mt Scott call to 67 th ave., go west 4 blocks.- I 600-1. It- team f mares, hsrnesa end wagon. $185i Take WocsLtock rr to 5 2d st, 2 blocks north .to 5750, . -1- 3,COO work hordes, weight all around 1400 - - lbs., ione 1200 lb. horse. Hariess, buggy and cart $'15 C.tII st 990 Powrill Ysllev rosd. $185 FARM outfit small team, sound aud true; hameKs, wagon, cultivator, i harrow and plow. 827 Front , ' , , - j 8000 LB. TEAM, young, sound, true and gen tle; well -mated. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front at ' -'-'! TOr.VG team weighing 2760 :pouitds with nearly new :breching harness, chesp. Call at E. 9th and Flanders. i FOR SALE- 3 head of work horses, 2 sets of double harness. Call transfer stable, E. Oth and Flanders. j GOOD work team -and harness, weight 2900; very : cheap. ah"o top wagon and 2 single harnesses 6647 6Htb st. S. K. Woodstock car. s. FOR SALE Tram and wagbn: will trad for automobile. Call Tabor 5875. S 300 -LB. ttiam, good workersi harries and farm wagon cheap. Atlas- Woodyard, 827 Front HORSKS for reut 'double land single. . 54$ Front ' - ' ' DEAD horses taken quickly, Cash for dead rows.: Phone Thor 4208. ! ' 'yt:v '':l '"' ; LITE8TO'i" ;'.', SJ 10 GOD-fresh dairy cows, fine young Durham. HoLitein and Jersey, hesvy milkers, 4 and 5 gallon cows; young, gentle family eow and calf, $45. 751 E. Ash jst - ' JERSEY COW Fresh, eligible to registry, splen - did milker, tests better thanj 5 per oent $200. Parman: pt. South - Wichita school. Phone Mil waukie :95-R. ' . j " v 15 FRESH cows,. 8 to A gallons, Holstein. Ayr shire; Jersey. Take Vancouver car. to Colum bia blvd., go 1 block north, j HERE'S your chance to buy good fresh mil cow cheap. Must sell. 001 Vancouver ave. iiar Rsuwell, ' j . FINE Guernsey eow for ssle, .gentle, good milk er and coming fresh this fal); fine family cow. 1808 Wabash ave. Columbia j792. COW tor- sale; gives about qts. dally. Call 510 South Princeton St.. Bt( Johns. MILCH: cow for ale, Jerjeyrtiuernsey, 1000 lb. Main 6191. r j FOR SAUE One barn- 20x30. 760 Rodney ave. phone -Woodlawn 145. j FOR SALE- Buildings, cow and . hay. Tabor 11237, 2 GOOD dairy cows, and 1 i family cow . just fresh. VOW E. 8d nd Powwell st TEN fine dairy cows, Hillsdale, Or., Rout 2. Box boo, 5 WEEKS good fresh family cow. give 3 , gal ; ; reasonable. Call 771 E. 14th t. N. FOR'SALEExcellent black JScney-Holstein milk cow. Call Sell. 2999. j ' J S"ix"'BW? fineVonng cows for $600. Msin"l819. WANTED Beef, .veal and hogs. -Tabor 7882. (poultry and Rabbits $7 THE last of March I sold t a -man 16 pet hens, 1 brown, I yellow. S white. 12 Ply mouth Rocks; also 1 P. ' R. irooster ; will p.y anyone ; $5 for that nian'e address 246 N. 17th. 5 W'tilfE LEGHORN" 1-year-old hens, $1 each:; aome puileU 60c each-; also henhouse, at 1163 Mbntana ave. ' -, TtARCAIN in some thoroughbred R. L Bed baby chick-, hatching today. I furnish mother hen. Call A. J. Raney. Main 6921. LAYING young White lgnern ihena. $1.23 each, Gnaranteed heavy Hoaanlxed stock. i J. R. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon st, nr E. 24thi "UIOROUGHBRED O. A. C. strain White Leg . borni pullet. East 404. fc j 100 CHICKENS. Barred Rock and White Leg- horn. 3 months old, SOe each. " Main 7811). CRACKED"" WHEAT TRIP IP 1Tb SCRATCH 14.--. Won.vTit'4S44. r ClqU $4.80. J. JDOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7501. $250 I'ersisn stnd: kittens cheap; eats boarded. TWO jsir t $10 per pair: young ainger from , $a to 'labor 7euo. PAIR mated yellow canaries. Phone East 4173. AUTOMOBILES ASI ACCESSORIES 44 15.000 carried In stock. Our springs eol$ wiui a wruten guaranre. wei give yon, seme i 34 North Fifteenth street ARE you looking for a Ford,, bug? See thi : one, t good tires, Atwfer-Keut ignition, tight ... .4 -.. ... mnA ' tmAH nn h ifvi.ll. wlnilshlellf. tools, etc.: $100 down, $80 ) per month; no brokerage. Jake Used Car Exchange, 28 11th st. - - " ' ! HUDSON HUDSON " an Ihanest-to-aoodnesa "automobile. ster. eord tires -'neverythinai same service and replacement as - factory j gives on new car: will- demonstrate; terms Phone Male ll-8 M.r 2766 i -f- '; " BCICK ROADSTER. 191T. ! jGood) tires. good condition, spare new Urej lot of extras; mut sell at eree. Call weekJ davs. lister Harm Cos, 249 .ftth t ' IIF.UR is one of those classy Chevrolet road-! - iters -: almost new; looks fine and win rarely surprise you - in performance; area new, riecnaa paid; extras ; $250 down, balance easy; no brokerage. Jake'a Used Car Exchange. 28 N.: 11 til St; , - '. , - TIRE BARGAIN We have soma 80x3 Vi tires which mast be turned to cash, lint quality guaranteed eouo miles. Regular prise 823.15. $18.50.1 Vulcan Tire Shop. East 4896. While they last, 41 Grand ave. MODElT"1920 Overland demonstrator. In"first-1 cls.4s condition, would pas : for brand new; $350 cash, $573 in small monthly installment; g snap, .don't mixa lt Phone 'Tabor a a 50. t'l'ASSTCHANDLER, newly refirrished 'and over hauled. 41400; terms; will take light car as part payment "See this. Mr.j Argo, Broadway 3281.- - ..,-"- I ; FORD fpr $375, $"160 down, M fenders, new paint: in fine condition; tt will not test long t tltis price.' so you had- better hurry. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1868. j . 102 VELIE 1920 " This is a quality ear, run only 2000 mile; if you are looking for a srgf thi t it. terms. Phone Main 4028, Mar. 27 $700 COLE TOUBINtJ $700 Really a beautiful ear. 1st; cl condition; fin family or , for-hi re: termsi ,,- Northwest Im porting, Bdwy. 1967. ' '" MAXWELL roadster, 1917; very best ef con dition. Owner must sell, j Real bargain at $475; SO Grand ave. Ngypeer! Bnrnside. ; 1920MAXWELU Use new, for aaWby owner, $40O will handle it, balance easy terms. 1641 East Stark St. Phone Tabor 53. - 1 . - MAXWELL" touring. 1918, new paint and new tire; best of condition; bargain at $825. Can be seen at Bio union ave. aorta. vw-r, - . . . - j,-.,i: ,.,"- MAXWELL touring, l6l8: good tire, will ecrt- Aaaeat .1 1 a m ; ml wm anew as araSj lice at ut N near Burhsid.-- -. : ' t " : ': , PISTONS enlarged 15-1000. j guaranUed true, free from scale, lode pendent Welding Shop. Aninwiatic 21406. i ' a ..a. J T Recovering and repairing AUIU lUpS at reawm.bU price. Salmoej at., tevMi 6th -and Brodwv AMERICAN) AUTO TOP CO. Aute top, enrtains end repair log East $64. t-otow'et Pine. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. i Owner most sell. Bargain at $875. 30 Grand ave. N, Bear BurniWe. -' ' - I FOR 'BALE Owner leaving, will sacrifice 1917 Chevrolet for $370. r Terms. 8820 . 9 2d st S. E. Phone Antomstic ItnU 2011. MUST sell Ford touring car $"250! Call Auto matic Lest 2011. 6820 9 2d st 8. E. AUTOMOBILES AWlt ACCESSORIES 44 WE ARE NOT GOING TO MOVC. We are, not going out of business. But w are going to sell you a carl Call It a- - ..SPECIAL SALE CUT. PRICE SALE W don t ear what if called. We are hav ing sale that spell ' - - You r Oppo rt isn i ty . Just to give you an idea of our price liatea: ; '. 1918 Chevrolet In fine condition, at $575. Ouesa that's get- img (nam at your own price I 19119 Max well Tho car thwt'n Imrnvri as v i n r milM la tKan Ulon, at 790. Think at tt t 1 . ;. : Elgin Six On ef thnsa Wnrld'n i 'l,.n.....n, tK0 Thi can't be beat at the price. ' Oakland Six 1918 Iiirht Hi aWSiti rit H.,jr..M tTftal Rhu1 it tvgain! Franklin Touring ,no uu get a chance at a Franklin. It'a only $1800. PanAmierican 19 10 touring, best of shape T' only 81800. " Don't pass it up. - .. 490 model Chevrolet touring, $47K. Maxwell ' touring. 1917, $485. F0BDS AT $328 TO $478. sK'9 AND WASHIN6T' VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANOE 191$ Ford .rodsler, Uil del ........... $ 275 1916 Ford- touring, new tire 37 5. 1917 Ford touring, overhauled 435 1917 Ford touring, extras, 8 wheels.. 4 85 19)8 Ford touring, overhauled.....,. 4 4 A 1918 Ford roadster, good buy 425 1918 Ford sedsn. everhsuled ........ . 6no 1919 Ford touring. ' extra 500 1919 Ford touring, -starter. fl.0 1919 Ford 1-ton truck...... 675 1920 Ford 1-ton truck, new R.v 1918 Van H -ton truck, body and cab.. 4-tn 1915 Velie touring, starter... 8iO 1914 Hudson 6-54, starter........... 4 no 1917 Overland '90. touring .... 435 1917 Saxon 6, touring ............ 4 50 1916 Briscoe touring, starter... 400 1917 Maxwell touring 425 1916 Dodge touring, new tire,...... 77 5 1918 Overland 88, touring-. MOO 191H Studebaker 6, 7 passenger 7.0 1017 Velie 6. touring , J10O 1917 Hup big 4, sedsn : .1150 Open Evenings and Sunday. 150 Union are., cor. Belmont USED CffiEVROLETS Service Reliability Reputation FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO, CueeroUt Agents. 14th and Alder Bt. Broadway S 4ft. 1918 HUPMOBILE, In fin. mechanical Condi tion, extra tire; tire, body, top in guod shape. A . real buy, only $950, FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. ' v'-l 4th and Alder st. Hroadway 240 ' Open .Evening and Sunday. IA. B.'FISCH. Radiators, fenders, bodies. . hoods. fpe- iitlMaa ' ,.iltv N I .th t l'hone Bfiisdwsy I9, 1919 FORD roadster with shock absorbers.' FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO,. 14th and Alder t. Bdwy. 240, s ' Open Evenings and Sunday. FORD sedan, 1018, B wire wheels, 5 tires, self starter, bumper. This car is as good as new, $800. 580 Alder at7. Bdwy. 1852. HERE' you have the most reliable car made. late model Ford touring; looks like new; tires, top, eat cover, shock absorbers snd license paid; $178 down, blnce rany; no brokerage. Jams' Used Car Exchange, 29 N. 11th at - I .ATE HUDSON This ear run very little snd ha been stored for quite a while. Speedometer shows something like 1200 miles. This car 1 really very good and can not be told from new. Cfch or terms. Tbor 9067. ; " 1918 HUDSON SPEEDSTER REPAINTED, CORD TIRES, 2 EXTRA TIRES. DO DAYS' SERVICE AND GUARAN TEE; A REAL BUY. kaht ao7i, tm mmi. f"i 1 WANT to find someone who wants a prsc tically new. light 20 Maxwell touring. This I my demonstrator, lias never been off paved streets. WUl give a guarantee of 90 day Good tires. Thi ear perfect In every detail. Caah or term. Tabor 7817. ' HERE IS REAL AUTOMOBILE VALUE. 1919 CHANDLER COUPE; 1920 CHEVROLET: BOTH IN GOOD ORDER AND RUN LIKE NEW. MUST BE SOLD QUICK. SEE ME AT ONCE. EA8T 694 9. DODGE TOURING CAB New top and tire. A bargain. Call at, T .eater Heym Co., Z4Q titn st. 1'tione Msm isa. 1920 PAIGE Larcbmont sport model, new, run only 1500 miles, worth $3100; owner has left city; -sacrifice for' $2400; term. Mr. Argn, Broedwy 3281. THE best buy in town today, a dandy Chevrolet touring, runs fine, good tires and license paid: $125 down, balance $30 per month: no broker age. Jke' Jsed Car Exctmng. 28 N. 11th. 5WNER leaving city, must sacrifice my brand new Stephens Salient Six; ha traveled H00 mile; runs and look like new. Call Mr. An drews, Breedway 89. OAKLAND touring, 192f. used privately: very best of coodltlon. U .11 sacrifice at 1075. 80 Grand ave, N. near Bumsid. , jTYWN KU. 1 9 1 0 Chevrolet, guod running con dition, fine ton. new battery, potliglit. 5 Sxl Urea. $350. 1112 K. Mill. Phone Tabor -l20 dHANDLER chummy, newly refinlshed" ami oer hauled: price $1800. Will Uke list car a part payment. Mrl Argo, Broadway 328 1. CHANDLER chummy, newly refiimbed and over hauled; price- $1300. i W ill uke lit t car as part payment Mr. Argo, Broadway 32H1. 1918 PAIGE light six, 5-paa... newly refnUh'd and overhauled, cord tires: owner mu- sell; , 'Iflll - ,.,M. Vf, , mn. UmHvII 'I'-'HI. a If IB kJKl i r3 z icsinnj is g'l, .i in- , ,. , " - - -iHHim KmM S V! Itio Thilrsdsv. Aug. 19, between 10 s.m. and p. m.t. JBraly Aulo Co. OVERLAND t. -tiring. 1015, In good"", running - eondiUon. Will senile st lzo- " bve. N. pr Bunnide. 1915 FORD touring car. good cmdition, $28j. 1187 K. 28th N. Wdln. lw. FOR S. f st N 919 F 8 ALE -Porta bl. garage. "612 E. 28th Keaaonabw. FORD. tires, 2 brsod new. ThU ear mm nerfeet. S5US cash. 81 ron t - "toBO delivery. Panel body, at bargain; Us nog I town. Main 77 IS. QUICK 4. ia good condition; term if desired. i Ca Call Main 8892, or 1444 Msodam t. -TON Packard, good 1308 K. 18th st N. hap. Kaay terms. IF INTON SIX. eord tires, 8760. Main 3579. (Continued en Following tte) OH i