V TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 13 t NEW PARKE COMMUNITY UNIT GROUND BROKEN Crounl was broken' Saturday night for the erection of . the new Psfk Rose community House, td be built on a 100 by 100 foot tract on the east slJe of Craisr road one block soi th of Sandy boulevard. The , eve nt was marked with -appropriate ceremonies and a banquet , was eei-fed By the ladles auxiliary com mittee of the club. Simuet C. Lancaster, builder of the .Columbia river highway, ' delivered an . address on community building1: and turned : the. first earth for the founda-' tions of the club house, using the spade which performed a similar service at-4 Crown ' : Point for ; the Vista . House ploijieer memorial. Lancaster was as sisted by Shirley Stafford and Aenes Kendrlck. two little misses who held silk flagrs over the circle which marked the center of the basement. , Members of the committee In charge of; the entertainment were Mrs. A. O. Stafford, chairman; Mrs. T. Ken- drlk, Mrs. A. K. Baty and Mrs. Lucia wrazsau. - Solos were sun by Mrs. Tieitha Fowler Miller and Alexander Dupres. Officers of the club are : Tracy X fWood, president ; Charles King and i.aye noDerison, vice presidents ; uor doij J. Hull, secretary ; A. O. Stafford, treasurer; W. E. Conklinr chairman building and maintenance committee ; Eugene F. Rice, chairman entertain ment and membership committee ; A. E. Bajty, chairman light, transportation and welter committee ; R. W. Peterson, chair man road and sidewalk committee. Plans for the new community' dub hoose prepared by Lewis Irvine Thomp son, call for a one story frame building of colonial type. 40 by 80 feet in di megislona. Construction work will besrin Man in Clutches Of Mob Is Spared ByHis Fervid Plea Thorold. Ont, Aug. 17. (U. P.) TDavta McNeal owes bis life today to his pever as an - orator. Last night a mob set fire to the town hall where he was locked up on a charge of murdering Margaret Boucock, 4 years old, dragged bim to an improvised gallows- and pre pared a noose for his neck. . fMcNsai, facing the rumbling mob, made an eloquent appeal for his life. Blood streaming down his face, he cried : f'Men, I appeal to you in. the name of the man who was crucified, was put tc death without a fair trial, to give me the trial that -was denied him." Aa he finished a half hour speech, the crowd, calmed, quietly permitted him to be taken away by the police. TltAXSPORTATlOV i B. B. "OITY Of TePKKA" Palls 9 P. M., Anonst 19, for Coos Bay, pureka and Sas Fnneisea, connecting wtUi StetmeFs to Los Ancelea and San Diego, IPASSKXOER AND FREIGHT BERVIC15 TO MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICAN PORTS. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. VIA S. S. "CURACAO," ACGCST 28. - TIOKST OFFIOK 101 THIRD ST. Freight Offleg Munioipel Deck No. a. Phone Main SCSI. Pacific' Steamship Company Hurra im nsni y ss i sua NEW YORK-r-HAVRE LSrAVETTS ....... Sua. STISapt. tSIOet. CS LA SAVOIK . Sspt. 8; Oct. 1 Oet. SO IRANOE Sept.. S Oct. S Mov. S UA TOUR AIKIS ...... Sept. 14!Ot)t. 12Nev. SO ILA COftRAINC .....Aug. 20!Sept. 1 TjOet. 1 S KPCHAMBKAU ...... Aug. 21 Sept. 28 OoU SS Faoazl Bree Pecltle Ooeet A genu, 10S Oherry streat, seeaiie, ss any keoai agent. AUSTRALIA IIKW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via TaMtl and Nsnrtoeiga. MaH ang Pa is nj si Service from Bern Feanrlaoe Bvary SB Days. UNION SS. OO. OF NEW ZEALAND. . ISO Ceilfornls SL, San Franelaea. Or Local Staamahlg and RaJIrsad Aaancaa. ASTORIA AND WAV POINTS STR. GEORGIAN A Round THp Oslly (Kicept Sunday) Lanrag Portland 7:10 a m,' Aider St, Dock. LEAVES ASTORIA S P. MU PLAVEL DOOK PARK SI .SB EACH WAY. : Dwwbt Oonnaotlon for SewUt Beaohea. ' Night Bee Daily, S p. m. Every Day Sioapt Sunday - J MSA 14SS, S41-22 Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" :30 3P. M. I AIL, Y except Thursday FARE 81.65, including- tax . Morrlson-St. Seek Phoaeat 'Mala 808 411-48 KEW TODAT HIGH-CLASS Suburban Home PRICE $15,000 $5,000 CASH CUssy, 6-room Bungalow with 3 sleepinjt porches, on 2 acres of rround. Fins shrubbery, Finest view sround Portland. Located in the most classy suburban neigh borhood around Portland. House is modern to the minute, and a real sacrifice it this price. Call Marshall; ia65 and ask. for .Mr. Fulton. KKTT TODAT -V9 g Houses' ivd Garages " ERECTED IN POIlTt. A NO-S HIPPED ANYWHERE IN BUILT 4-T. SEC TION READY AND f w"iTe -4A-.A EASY TO PWT ETHER A tltst ms anas ew sans oirtet frost J tha tsevery t t wKlUl aAVUsw. krsi say a ausfllesMa srotn. writs lev! MBlMABI BVILOlM OOSIANy EM AMventit mnt Stan , ' M Mswtnern. fna sasa S11 Ptnuat, O i.seks rs TOtrn old cabfets I iWa ;Oall and Deliver) Did Run iid Woonn OlotMns Mrs Matt Haversioiw, nn-wvetf FLUFF RUGS fton, stats Fluff Reef Weven $17.50 Ras Shise WnN Am Slsee etethee CMsenw anS Oyg Dip. Melt Oesert, Sand foe atcwaloi' Slallreeaoa Renovates. Maes Over, Mad la OrSar 2 Fsstssr RcsoTstsd Carp. ClMBlajr : HE Rugsj Steamed Clean. I1J9 WESTERN riUff RUSj CO. 484 Union Aa. N. East Bie. er Cast VSBS EBBBsSkaS WE CALL. TOH TOVS OLa : . -i uAKrETS Bags ana Wvelsa Clothls FLUFF RUGS All Werk Tamed Oat Prom stir. Bag Bags Were All glass Mall Orders Read for Boo. 1st Carpets Cieaaea. !l Laid asd Befittsd NORTHWEST RUG CO. IBS BART EIGHTH STREET , FHOHE BAST Its. ' w Call aad Deliver Old Carpets aad .Bags Mads late FLUFF RUGS Kag Ruga. ' Carpet Cleaning and Refitting. Mall orders. Mend. ' i i i for Booklet. i j I L -'. Oregon Fluff Rug Co. 1184 Bast Stark Tabor TS14 AFCTTOir SALES TOMOBBQtT AT ACCTlO.t HUCkL IBsTTi tD 8T. 8 A LB AT IS A. M. af EKTIXO KfYTICKK 41 IVA.VHOE HOMESTEAD. , No. BOSS, Brotherhood of American Tsomen. will meet Wednesday tha 18th, at 8:18 p. m.. In Women of Woodcraft lull. 894 Taylor it. This la the regular business jneet Itif. - whieh all awtmlwM. m requested to attand. Befresbmenta will be served. VUiting Xeomsn always welcome. Mrs. E. Earl Feike. Cor. Main 1020. COSMOPOLITAN LODGE No. ,! 100. Knightu of Pythias, meets every Wednesday evening, in the I hm. rwParV 't-ILFKASK-Rodoiph FrankTOydi-hotal. Ang. 14. iting Knight always welcome. . - - - - . FRED O. K ESTER, ' ! K. of It. and S- Braadwav. ' 378 H Qyj CAMP meeta every Tfed- T.r, I arwsy evening ta W. O. H. 11 . .aw v.u . a ... . t ' 9 'il "tJ I :1 "tana. I19 1IU at I F tAMP l An ambn rvanested u it r tAfn. ' !i,,B vwton weieoma, .W-O.W4A h. . Drew, c c t-tr-J,; uaaMAi aCHADE. Clerk COtHt lit. Hood Na, 1, Forestari of America, caeeta every Tnee aij night at rorester hall, 129 ii !i-JIn,fi50" meeting, card party and dance fourth aet " ch month. All Foresters ia vitea. . ., AlSERiA'LlIHJE N6. 172. A. .,?"; M- Special eomranni- npnfrk. Vt-& Or rhXM brtthr W'lOTm- FRED W. NICHOLS. See'y. WATERLY Lt5tK3B V7 DTATr-. M. Special communica tion Wednesday ersning. August IS. w22. V10' . fe8th nd Clinton. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. - L H- S" Jlg-BIXPEB. See. PALESTINE Ige"No7"l4i7AF" and A. M.. Arleta Suted com' muhication Wednesday evening. 8 pi m. VWtors welcome. I W. F. TOWNSEND. Secy, i OBKGON - ELECTRIC COUNOiL. ' ,tl2IA ARCANUM, will meet this f Masonio Temple. All members la- EMMLKM JEWELBT a tpeeultyt buttons, pins, ctianra- Jseger Brov.. 131-188 6th at XJital Statistics tnrriges. Btrtbs. Death. i HABRIAOE LICENSES Frederick Webb. 40. 188 18th at., and Julia Boepling. 28, Ansonia hotsL tS?n,.J S-,1' 1121 Arnold at, and Tlolet &tes Baker, legal. B58 H E. Ankeny it. . P- ? Holsheimer. legal. Beaverton. Or., aad Anna Sooboda. legal, 12 th and E. Ash ata. Lee Hojmana 25. 7 K .Webster at., and Hnlda C. SJoblom, 18, 7 E. Weboter gt. - Hang Peter Williamson. 34. 699 B. 44lb at. N., sod Saiea Anna Cowl, 28. 699 E. 64th at. N. . ' George M. Mover, legal. King Albert apta., and Maria Shellenbereer, legal, KJng Albert apta. Audrey A. Logan, 17. 129 Detroit at. Chariiea Toung 28, ClSth ave. and 72d at. S-JBVind "l KUU Crifnta. 18. S5th ave. ana 7SA at, S. JC v . . .. ' aaftsa- ' ?higMrI? KRAZY 'KAT ' - s .. - .1 ; ;j u: ' , ' i n- ' tcio!-iwt i ' , ; ' i j, riii Hra.ma: , , -I 1 Service. Inc.) . . ' u . OV AlCTrilTlcin : I ' ! r j, in -"SSSSL I m& TRgt??? : r ?AfeKEfe LJ-J Slf (WATCH JjtJ - ZttJ JSLJSa ' ' ' " .1 " "su ' - i 'uti... ' Jin' ' ..'.. ilL. ' '' ' 1 St wv , aevwa aaawvss. Wes. tKfil A l $-if- ' HAM.ABE LICKKRga 13. 0'SaItlTB. legal. If ultnomah (td, and Emma K. Singleton. Icaal, Multnomah farm. Charlea Sundland. 3. Cbehalu, Wah., and Jaanatte Rutha Has be, 29. Inpcriai hotel. Clyda P. Hinctrtarry, 82. Orvaoa City. Or., nd Mabal Terte Montaa. 20. 1785 C 11th at. Knnlh- Foater, 21, 263 K. lTtn at., and Josle Bradley. 1. 258 K. 17th at. Ixraia Swank. 22, St. UaUas, Or., sad Karl Martin. It. Aider hoteL j - . Lnria Romner Gonninr, 23. !Tha 'Dallef, Or., and Estalla Crofton, 2S. Imperial hotel. Anton Olaen. 29. 9S8 . 25th at. N.. sad Muriel Esther Myera. 10. lilt Holcete at. Keuben W. Ooquillette. 21, Atori, Or., and Myrtle CUire IHrrce. 21. Imperial hotel.- i. A. Boas, lesal. 181 Market at., and Bads I Fereaaon, legal. 4620 7th at. 8. B. . . Dean A. Donason, lecal, 821) Marshall at., and Anna M. Hartnno. fecal. 431 H 22d at. Alfred Kenneth Crawford, legal, Troy. Mont., and Helena Durertlna, legal, 85 Woodward are. William A. Kaaaebattm, legal. 1 05 1 Commer cial at. and Ethel L. Lena, legal, 680 Carlton at, David U Wallare, 23. Zlllah. i Waab,, and Francea rttzgerald. 22. 1728 Ffa'at. WUllana 8t. Oura. legal. Trtmtdale, Or . and HoMa U Wilson, legal, Trontdaie. Or, liana Robert Wyttenberg, 2ft, Jennings ledge. Or., and Henrietta Troge, 21, tireeham. Or. : John S. ftcranton, leiial, K2Si llidwell are., and Sadie Ziegler, legal, 270 8th at. Harrey Earle Da via, 82, Alttmont apta., and Mr. K. Bennett, 26. 400 Clay at. j ' . BIBTHS 'i f 'i - ' To Mr. and Sirs. A. A. Tobey. 4i K ah at. S . Ana 4. a nan. FELT To Mr. Und lira. G.j H. TiVt, 70S Lombard. Ang. r arm. " . -v ' V, CANC11XA To Mr. and Mr. Joe baacilla. 4Q8 . K. 8th St.. Aug. 12. a eon. ! - ! BAKEU To Mr. aad Mr. J. ID. Baker, 43 E. 11th at., Aug. 8, arm. i ; BECKUAB To Mr. and Bra 3. B. Beckham, Tigard, Or., Aug. 3. a can. i i - LUKIK To Mr. and Mrs. Oacai Lnrle, 545 InTeloy at-, Aug. A, a son. tt r ! - COC SIX To Mr. and Mrai BJ' F. Conaiaa. 6012 6t!i ate. S. R.."An. 7, a danghter. BRAS TtA CUT To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hrantlarht, 127 Beech St.. Aug. 11. eon. Dt BOIoli To Mr. and Mr. L. J. DuBoise, 8SS Tale kt.. Aug. 11, a danghter. BEI KRH To Mr. and Mraa. J. ! Becker. 1088 K. 12th at. N Ang. 13. a Oauatiter. JTONES To Mr. and Mrs. Nhmii,fi Ant. A a inn. A I. Jooea, 1000 CHMSTKN'SEN To Mr. ind !Knl VTi C Chria- t en sen. Wheeler, Or., Aug. 4r S arm. . TAN A HA To Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1 T snake, 847 Oak at-r Aeg. r; a son. f - 1I!ATH A5P rrrrBRALw ? i&RIFFITH -At the family reeidence, 4808 88d it. 8 E.i Swan A. Orlffith, beloved mother of Frank E. tirifma. - . Fnnenal sereinee will be held Wedneaday, Aagnat 18j at; 2:89 p. m.. from the funeral iwrlors of A Dj Kenwortby St. Co., 6802-04 82d at. 8. E.j inllanta. luter ment Mt. Scott cemetery. ; ' r . . THOMAS - to this city, Auguet 16. Peter - Tnomaa, age 65 year, belored brother of ElUabeth Thoma tinela of Hue Kathsrina and Joe Kemper of California. - Bemaina at the resi dential parlors of Miller At Tracey. Funeral notice later. - -j ' t '- BABNAKD - At Proper, Wan., August 11, Charlea A. Barnard, aged $5 yean. The fu neral serricee will be held at the Portland cre matorium at 10 a. m. Wednesday (tomorrow). Friends melted. Serrtoee wl . be in charge of Portland Lodge of vlka. ' j : BOTKK At Saiem, Or., Aua. 1. B. S. Boyer, : aged 87 yean. The remains are at the eon (erratnry chapel of the East Sidei Funeral 1M rec tors. East eth and East Aldet sin. Notice of fu neral in a later iastie.. McELUANEt In this city. August IS, Roy Me Elhaney, aged 8 years, sn of Mrs. Bonnie McElhaney of 888 Montcomeryl at. The re mains are at Finley'a, Moatgomary At Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter, j J ' klLBEKO August 12. William Kilberg. ated 34 rears, son of Ola Kilberg ft this city. The remains are at Finley's, Uontgoery at Fif ih. N oltvje. of funeral hereafter. j " ROBINSON At tna residence, I SR47 9Sd sL S. E-, Aotrtrat 1, l20.l'aal L. Robinaon. Remains at Holmaa'a funeral parlors. Third' and Salmon ata. Notice of funanri later. WLNSOR At her late rextdcoce, 6S20 81st ave. 8. - E., , Louisa Wineor. i as 88 yean. Remains at P. L Larch loners parlors. East 11th and Clay. Funeral notice later. LAVAOETTO In tola city, i August 1, 1920. : Virginia bsvaeetto. Kemaina at Molman g fu neral parlors. Third and Salmon j ata. Notice of funeral later. j j KARRT MifeTL Kerry. 4816 Soth at. S. ET, Ang. 12, 82 years; acute : endooarditis. . HARMON-" Mary Audry Harmon,' 8D3S 8 2d st. 8. E.. Ang. 14. 18 years; meningitis. MAX UK Mike Manuk. Emanuel hospital. Ang. IS, 36 years; broncho pneumonia. NORTHROP Nellie Northrop. 1008 E. Sher man, Aug. IS. 61 years; spoplety. SCHMICK Conrad Schmick. 896 E. 10th st N., Ang. 13, 39 years; cancer. WALKER Harmon Walkert! NiaCieth sanitarium, ' Ang.15, 61 years; eancet. LEWIS Clifford A. Lewis, 810 Kelly St., Aug. 14, 75 years; arterto aehleroai i PALLAT Ben Pallay. 10T8 OOsaa St.. Aug. . 15, SS years; general paralysis. RANDOLPH Martha Randolph, j 04 H 6ta at... Aug. 13. 73 years; senility. I ; M'INNKS Mary Mclnnea, 829 Broadway, Aug. u years; pemtcioua auoMs. aw aa vssmi m t ia WERT George Sylvester Wart.) 91 E. 9th gt N., 81 years, Aug. 14: Bright's disease. B08CHLIN Ueorge Boschlin, 847 Fremont St., Aug. 14, 78 years; carcinoma, i - FTJWEKAL DIKECTOAS Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS Now Heated In their newt residential funeral home, Morrison at IStb, West Side. Phone Broadway 430. Automatio !6 18-88. THiS FUNERAL LOME OF REFINEMENT AND DISTINCT1YS BEHY1CB Ifote We have no braBches oor any connactloQs wnatever wna any ether maxiertaklng firm. Edward lioiman & Son : ' ; Funeral Directors THUtD AND SALMON BTBEETS Mala 607. A-1S1L : " - - Lady Aaastant i - 'jr.nNLET&SOR.vi FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN . MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH F. S. DUNNING; INC. THE GOLDEN BULK I UNDERTAKERS 414 E Aider ft. Pboeea Bast 83. B-6226. A; D.-Ken worthy ! &: Co. 6802-6804 92D ST. B. E.' LENTS Pheae Tabor 626T. i Home Pbone D-81. CHAHBERSi CO. Funeral Directora, - - ' i All tbe Convenience of m Roma ' Woodlawn-SSOS. 248-SA0 KUlincvworrh ave. East 781 P-D 'I SatirlUi Mrs. Lerch. UND4SRTAKERS. i - ! aaSBIBUIll ttth and Biwtborat R. T. BYRNES! ZLT nuuinn .to. wooaiawa zzu MILLER. TRACEY. udepaadent funeral direo: .tora. Prices as low aa 820. 840. 369, Wsahmgttm ,t Pia. Main 2691 A-rsSs! arj&rTEE A K1LEUS. funeral parlors wita aS .ths privacy of a home. lth and EvereU sta Pnoaea. Broadway 2188. Heme A-2H8. . s- , B. W. GABLE A CO. T ' Bin i saauia to W. H BinMna 19TS SI QUsaa. Pbone Tabor SSI a DOWNING A. Vf'vfrVf Alt, sueceasors to WUsoS I si Eaat 7th. Irviaxtaai A Roes, Multnomah ostnet. asset 64. BreezeJgnooRgggfg A.R.ZelIer Co. SSSSTi-iSSt 3Hrfe.aree UNDERTAKING CO. Mala 4162 w wc A-8821. Cor. Third and Clay. MOytTMEyTS LAt5lM(j GRAfliTH Co UtOr-MEWTR PortSand Marble Works 28B 4th t.; op. City BaO. Men Rroa. i - FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop VMUnr, ft.i W4m1 Portland"! ; Piugrelre florist.' rioeren. for AU Oreadoaa. : I Mala TZIB. X. U. LCKK. Mgr. th and AUer. Geo. Betz & Son . Blaoe 1S8S FRESH IXOWCR1 FOB FTJIOCRAUI I and U oeeavlona. S87 Wllliaroa aea. Jnat sail woocuawn is is. Joeepe jfeta. alanager. LUBLIN ER . TWO STORES i Hi atrlea to claeae. S4S Marries, he. Rdwy. and Park. Marah, 257 828 Morrison. Portland Hotel. - Marehall 788 MABTTN A F6SJf:s"CO., flortrtv 854 Waah Inrtoa," Bain 269. A-l 26B. Flower lor all oeeaaiona artistically arranged. CltRK BROS-, lorlste. Morrisna St.. bet. 4th aad 8th, Phooe Mala . 7709 Fine flowwrs aad floral designs. Wo branch etoega.. TONSETHFIX)RATErCO., 28TWaahlngtoa gt'. bet. 4th and 5th. Mais 5101, A-1101. i "I f ! X.OHT A51) FOl'SB ; tt THKfoIlowlng articles wereT found on ear of the .P. L. A P. Co,: -i - 'i- Aug. 14 3 purse, pen top. 3 keys, bnnch of keys, card, pair of gloves. 2 books. 2 furs, 1 scarf, cap, S paclragei. basket, S market baa, 2 ranch boxei. iron handle, shovel and rope, board, siutu steering wheal, 2 coats, cane. S umbrellas, a aait- Aug, 13 Card ease. 2 keys, pin. match case, 1 glove, book, scarf, bathing snit, atrip, boa. T packages, fishing basket, 4 lunch boxes, 4 salt-ca-MK. oil stove. : ! Owners may obtain property at First and AMer sts. - . ' - ? " - ) LOST Black wallet rtAmned with rams Avert II. Lerrabee, in vicinity of - Mock's bottom beach, Sunday. Finder may keep onrrrncy tf other rontenM are returned Intact to Boyer Ptg Co.. BS 8th st. j 11 LOST About noon yesterday, at fruit , stand N. K. comer of 4 th and YamhinT a small black pons containing 830 in currency and 84 in Hirer. Prnk return to SIS 8d corner 3d andj Clay, fikcwei rndertakina Co.' Pward LOST Wallet atamnad with same Ayera H. Larrabee In vicinity sf Mock 'a Bottom beach Sunday. ' Finder may keep currency If other eon tents are retained Intact to Boyer Printing JJo., 85 Fifth sfc ' - - . ; lady who took bag containing 3 ' pairs i shoes from gtnrlit.g bakery, Aug. C, please rrtnrn, as rhe w recognized t Call Seilwood aozs c-r leave at bakery. LOST Black bricdle female English bulldoc, with black face and- protruding undershot ; at tha time when lost wearing light harness. Return to 27TayhT fct. and receive reward ! LOST Lady'i nurse, containing money. Elk's ' card and key; on Mt. Scott car or Bear car- nne, L.aii enwgs, asehtt vvio FOUND Lady's nurse, about Aug! S. Owner i may have same by identifying and paying! for ad. Call Main 7814. : ' . . 1 LOST Small blsck purse containing three 1 00 . bills and one 82 bill; also some Valuable re ceipt. , Retnm to Journal office. Reward.-1 LOST Between 15 Ha and 17th, on Washington St., lady's gold watch. No. 8298247.. Pboae Bmedway 2201. Reward. '" j LOST On 21t St. near Flanders, 820 bill Mon day morning. Finder : pleas call Broadway 833. Reward. ; ; LOST Cray suedn purse, last nicht. on 8:30 train from Corrallb, ' containing m on fey. Plcag call EaH 4 303. Oftheroue reward, i liOST Part noble grand pin, between White Tcmnle and Washington st. , Leave at Joar nal office and receive rewrd. I LOST 320 bill, aiw 81.. Demon -tra tor Fire. lme Qnoker.. Old-, Wertman A King. j BOY cap, S2d and Powell Valley road. Finder Please call Automatio 324-85. " ; LOST Fraternity pin sat with pearls. . call Main 1654. Reward. j LOST Poeketbook. 3156; dental student. 'I ?I C. Race, yhone Ka.it 7639. Liberal reward. LOST July 30. probably on Yamhill, , gold chatelaine pin. Marshall 60, after 6 p. an. HELP WAICTED MALE . wanted' "" I-a borers, teemten, plow : Solders, Freeno loaden and dnmpem. bridge carpenter for rail road construction on the W 11 lamina at rand Bende Ry. Co. i Batea A Rogers Construction Co. . AND - - V ; ... J. w. Sweeney Coiurractloa Co., Wlllemina, Or. THE Meier A Frank Company requires the serv ices of an experienced, candy maker. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth floor, Meier A Frank Company. THE Meier St Frank Company noutrea Uui serv ices oi xwo exnertenoea boys' clothing ! salea- meti. Apply Employment Bureau, 1 sixth floor. Meier trans Co, .. . ' MEN WANTED ' First else automobile mechanic. ! Free Employment Bureau, , PORTLAND GARAGE A REPAIR MEN'S , ASSOCIATION. 601 Artisani' (Beck) Bldg. Broadway and Oak Sta. ! WANTED First-eUaa Modsoa and Butch auto mobile mechanic ; most be No. t man ; work 12 months in tbe year., Eastern Oregoa Auto v;o., vsie. ur, i'OCNO man In commission brokerage office; knowledge of shorthand necessary: references renuired. Martin Brokeraga Co., 201 Washing ton, ev. r-none main zvsi WANTED Men or boya over 16 for work eve- aiinr un.Kn: v aw m. ana o1 p. m. to Mr. Shepherd, circulation department Tbe Journal, Broadway and Yamhill. i LABORERS wanted, street paring; 83, 8 hours; corner Union are. and Bryant sta. , Take Wood- mw,. car. EXPERIENCED men to bwd nursery i Benedict Nursery Co.. 135 87th St. N. Tabor 481. stock. Phone YOCNO man for automobile accessory store; must be familiar with automobile parts; refer ences requirea. Appiy eio Bumside, MAN WANTED to, do light work on chicken farm. 343 month, board and laundry.; 8upt.. Portland Open Air Sanitarinm. MUwankie, Ore. WANTED An experienced real estate salesman; mnsi nave own car; food ground floor location. uau Mir nail 1898, -I . ) i Experienced in budding roses; steady position for single men. Apply Tabor 121. ; WANTED Landscape gardeners. Apply Knight nqffcapg o. , lo Fi. I OZ.lt n. WANTED Man to do table work. CaB at E. f in ana urant sts. WANTED Boy for baker's helper; no night work. Apply 697 E. 11th at. HELP WANTED FKM ALB WANT a bonaekeenar. middle need widow "or lady; full charge. Peur EaQner. : MtJ'AagaL Or. t WANTED Experienced , girl for laundry work; also one with no. experience. At the Cooaol- tdated laundry. 1258 Haleey. Tabor 7700. NEAT, reliable, single woman or rirl to keen. WOMEN to work In fioiahing room. Apply ' 632. 2d St. WANT. aM'tani dietitian. Portland Centals eence Hospital. Fnone Mar. 2RS3. MUSIC course exchanged for a few hours' house work and laundry, t Main 801S. ' FEMALE attendant in local aospital, experienc hot neceMry. Call Tabor 8802. 5lRL wanted. Apply at once. Portland Broom Co.. 84 s gandy bird. Phone East 4890, SCHOOLGIRL to exchange aervlcss for room, board and email wages; good home. Tat 4105. HAND ironera wanted, j Portland Laundry, cor! uuius aua sun. : . - HELT WATEJr-? FEMALE Wanted . .. TOCNG GBILS ' ' ' For bag manufscturing: good wages with large bonuses paid; Saturday afternoon off. Apply AmeHarrisNevil!e - Bag Co, 15th and Hoyt. Take N. 8. or lBUv at. cat. EXPERIENCED millinery saleswomen. Apply to Mr. Dolan. third floor. - v : LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO,r ! HOf'SKKEEPEK for light Louse keeping by elderly gentleman. - Must be neat and good plain eook. One that would rat her hare an easy plica and food treatment" than big wagaa preferred. State age and wages wanted, and give addreas for Interview. No phooe address considered. 0-S36, Journal. - . . .: HELP' WANTED, wjth o without kperienee. PaUc Laundry.K. 10th and Everett. . WANTED 2 strong girls. 34o par hour. 3 hourj per day; ' no- experience neeeaaary. Crystal Laundry, E. 2 las and Bandy. Rose City .wa fstatswst sniiaa. EXPERUNCEDaateslady to sell ladiea' -ready to wear; permanent position. Apply Lavltt'g tore,4th and Washington. . ; : STENOSRApaEH Opportunity for Jood be ginner. Give gge, ezverienos and homo addreas. v-ova, journal. STeNOGRAI'UER Good salary and good fu - tare. But. experience sad pbons number. O 371, JonraaL - . "WOMEN ' to sort newpapers and magaaines. Northweet Vvte a Cotton Co., 32 Front St. HELP WANTED -M ALB . A7JT FEMALE WANTED i PrlnoJpsl fw Coberg school, sad to tekch mathematics and science and annertntend grade work; will ask applicant to furnish quail ieattons sad references; must be good. Apply in person if possible; either lady or gentlemen. ' Clerk School District No. 48, Lane County. HOP pickers wanted. Families preferred. Large yard Sear Newberg on Willamette river. Ex cellent picking, good accommodations, good water, store on place. . -A. J. RAT A SON. S80 Sherlnnk bids. , Main 842. 600 BOP PICKERS wanted. Apply Bishop Bros.. 124 N. 6th St. BERRT pickers,' Sept. 1 to Oct. 1: good houses with cots, running water, fine camp grounds, free milk and fruit. Writ Louis Nielsen, Cor- oett. Or. WANTED- 2 good pressers to handle steam J press. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Bell Dye tt Cleaning Worfcg. Vancouver. Wash, i WANTED Bookkeeper and office clerk, mala or female. Must writ plain and legible. Ad dress A-660, Journal. - - - ' HELP WASTES-MtC. 4 CLERKS over 17, for postal mail service, 8 IBS month; examinations August; experience un necessary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former civil service examioat). 998 Equitable bldg., Washington. D. U t fEACHERS REOISTER FREE; MA NT CALL Westmore Teachers' Agency, Spokane. Wash. BFStXESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS t BUSINESS COLLBOS . Largest In ths Wast ASSUBES EVERY GRAD0ATE A POSITION. Enroll any time of year. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL . Pbons, call e write fog Ires sueusss . eatalog. - . SpQciab'p'jig in, N SfcRETAKIALSaEKCE 'nfcmd Nonresident Instruction A Position for Each Graduatav AL1SKT BUILDING. LEARN a trad- now and pay later.. Are yoS mechanically 'inclined f If so, investigate HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE A GAS TRAC TOR SCHOOL st 707 Hawthorne sts.. cor L 20th. where you can learn in six weeks to op erate and repair an makes or autos and tractor 6' MALLET dancing school teaches yoa eor rectly and quickly aU the latest ballroom dances, stags dancing; day and eight classes. Private lesson daily Studio C10 Ell era bids. 287 Washington st. WANTED Men and women to leara the barber trade: receive some pay wail learning; poaS ttoaa secured : Oregon aa aeivlca men, tha aoavaa at free to real call or write for partieulara aad catalogue. MOLEB BARBED COLLKUK, 284 Burnaida at. - . - '" -- ' - - . 1 ; BUSINESS MEN VH If your need is trained, efficient offies help, call Broadway 4499. Clerical Help Service. 628 Artisans tHecKl Huuams. LEARN TELEGRAPHY ' ' j Toung men and - women wanteds call 434 Railway Exchange bldg. ; errteadid dpportnnlty to leara s well paid profession. Railway Tele graph institute. - . i PORTLAND Barber College teacbee the barber trade ia eight weeks ; pay while learning; good set of tools given; posititoaa Secured ; tui tion reduced. 88 N. Second St. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Slimmer tcarasg bookkeeping, stenography, civil servlee, aecretsrisL special conrsea. Expert teachers, day snd night. Enroll now. Broadway 608 A MEN to train for firemen or brakemen, f 226 to 8230 monthly. Railway association. FX 158. Journal. : " EAiTTTDi" COMMERCIAL' SCHOOL " Miss Begina Buckel'a prlvata school; Individual instraetiaa. - 122 Grand are. East 427. - i MEN. WOMEN learn barber trades wages while learning; positiona guaranteed. Ugr. 23 years' experience). Oregon Barber College. 833 Madison. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Karon - , free. 1 Frank K. WeUee, former aasiataat state anpt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 8276. WHAT havs yoa to exchange lot- music scans of value? Main 8018. 8ALE8MES WASTED SS SALESMEN TP TOU ABE LOOKTNO FOB A REAL OPPORTUNITY AND ARE WILLDfO TO PAY, THE PRICE IN TIME AND EFFORT ONE OF THE LARGEST INSURANCE COM PANIES IN THE WORLD WILL TRAIN YOU IN INSURANCE SALESMANSHIP. SYS TEMATIC EDUCATION. , PERSONAL AJ 8ISTANCE. -UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES FOR -MONEY MAKING. ' 2-415. J0UENAL. i SALESMEN, Catholic, desiring permanent good paying positiona with bouse et national rep utation, in field where merit will assure Im mediate advancement. CaU 8:80 to 9:30 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. - 719 Bpaldlng bldg. lelliltlari Ulllllsff U mim- S tJtDIES, Catholic, your opportunity in hr. Wa i have pleasant outdoor work aa ealetdadiea. itamd sdrancemeat for those who analify. Call 8 :80 t U i. a, 4 to 0 p. m.. 719 Snaldins bldg. - - . WANTE1 AGE3TTS "AGENTS WANTEfT i Wa need a few mora substantial, reliable aalemea to represent as la certain desirable Ertiona of this state, with er without ears, beral eommissioa contract. -Trees are m great demand and a -capable saaa eaa asako big mooey. For" particulars address . . , OREOON NOR8ERT CO.. Oreaeo, Oregoa. SITUATIONS M ALB T JAT THE JOBBER I Plastering, brick, rile, stone and cement work, remodeling and repairing; no Job too small to re ceive oar personal attention. Get yoor fireplace and chimney fixed now. 511 Morrison at Phone Jtroadway 1846. Wan TED Position around steam plant house. 1 Had 10 years' experience aa oilef. -water tender and fireman la merchant marine aervioe. Would like nermnnent position. . R. Loney. Bor l"g. Or., R. R. 4. Box 28. Phorte Damaecus 230. CIVIL war. veteran,' active as man of 50, and married, wants light employment, year's expe rience , in collecting and soliciting lire insur- Marsrtaii isl'x. HOTEL cook wishes a pealtl hi either in the city or .country country -, preferred; rood pastry man, Arthur Benedict. Martin House, phone Broadway 893. - : - ' WANTED By middle aged man, aa inpector, watchman or general repair , man. Addresa g43Q. Journal. : .. :- ' RELIABLE man able to do light Jan'tor work, desirea petrnanant position aa aightwatchman, CaUEaat 1826. VV - : CARPENTER, contracting, ganeral repairs, re modenng. gtcj reliabk mecbaaio. Broad way VANTKI Contract hauling, piling iocs or lum ber; 8 H ton track; 6 ton trailer. P-S24, JonrnaL : - . READ THIS T CT.EAK WALL PAPER; DO PAINTING, TINT! NO. TABOR IJ212. . WANTED Permanent Job with 1 H -ton Ford truck; state wages by hour when calling. K. G. Brown, MaiajB700. Auto.SSSl. Main 182Q. r: . SITUATION wanted, male. Sewer connections, aepaerA. oeoapool exosvsUng.. .Tab. .BOOB. ROOFS cleaned, repaired and painted. All work guaranteed; reasonable. Tabor 029. tVInTED General interior' houas flniahiiic enameling. TeL East 1974. CARPENTERING. REPAIRING AND RE MODELINQ. PHONK TAPOB 2S4, CEMENfvwork of . alfk'CTdi. CI1 Ksmsa. Ta bor 6970. ' - -- HARDW06d floors, sold, laid, finished aom- piete, ey experts. 383 3d. Main 4444. BOOMS tinted. 38," 84; outside painting and pen ring. Bdwy. 8523. PAINTING AND TINTING REASONABLE! PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; tea : sonshle. Sell. 1899. . . CARPENTER and contractor, lobbing; anything In the building tine. Ea.t 8656. - BlTUATIOyw FEMALE ri'OMAN wants washing and ironing by the hour. Call after 9 in the morning and before 1 p. m. . Call Ha Simpson, East 3064. GOOD laundresa wants - washing and cleaning. 6 or S hours. Call evenings. East 7741. IwtDY wanu washing and ironing 'by day. Call morning or- evening, W'dln.' 884. DBESSMAKINO 46 DYEING, cleaning, pressing, dressmaking re civil ellng. relining, alterations, pleating, reasonable pneee. 1 ne oablnet Cleaners m. Dyers, 424 Morrison near 11th. Main 1828. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. J.Renbfn. Ladies' Tailor, 408 Buvh A Lane bldg, DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. Price resv aonable. 811 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 8408. IfTJItSES SS PRACTICAL nuiie now ready for rases; lad lei and children. Phone Marshall 059. FrRXISHED ROOMS S COOLKST. NICES'f 'ROOMS I.N til K clti Every mom In Hasel hotel an ontslde room. Large, light and airy, nicety furnished, hot and eold water, all other convenience,, lovely parlor with piano. If you are lonesome and homesick, come to tha Hazel, 3d and -Montgomery. Mais 7094. - . - - HOTEL BARR 112 H. Sixth 2 blocks of depot 1 per day, $3 per week aad na - Mat and cold water, steam heat. - Free pbone and baths Hotel Medford 120 74. Sth. eor. OHma. Steam heat, hot and eold water, 2 blocks from Union depot, Prirate hatha Front 75e ap. 34 week np. - N0RT0NIA HOTELTportland's downtown biglw elaea family hotel: tosses sa salts st- single; with or without board We give yoa all the cosBiorta or a nam.. Reasonable- rata. HOTEL OHIO. 26S FRONT, COR, MADISON Housekeeping sad transient rooms, eteam heat, hot and cold witet, automitia eUvgtor; rates su cents asy vp; weexiy rates. ONE large 2-rfxrn suite suitable for 2 or 8 gentlemen, 816 per month; 1 single room fur nished for housekeeping, ready Wednesday morn ing. 203 Stanton at. . Wdln. 4086. ' DAYTON HOTEL 190 H First st Corner Taylar, ' i Nicely fnrniahed rooms, bet and eold water and eteag heat to each room. Rates 38 week an. 31 DAT78X56 week up; clean, bTth!Tfre Hotel Cadillac, Third at., near Jef feraon. Ft7RNISIlFJ rooms. 31. 80week np. gj4 Clay! PCIllSHlSD ROOMS PBIVArB r a si i li ;a FURNISHED room, modern home, hot water heat, no other roomers. CaU after 15th. 687 m. . 9th St., Seilwood car at Beacon. 16 min. SECOND and third floor apt.. lovely home, fur-niahed.for- light hotuekeentng, . for business 1rl or jroaag oopIe. Adulta, East 2548. 711 East Ankeny. : .. ONE large, nicely firnUhed, airy, front roorai absolutely dean, everything convenient. Walk Ins difance. Suitable for 2. 516 Y.mhm FOR RENT Sitting room, bedroom and porch! fireplace and wardrobe, ia a beautiful modern home 1 block from Mt. Tabor cariina, Ta. 88ttt SKioT tlta lor 1 or 2 gendemen, 21st and Hawthorne; garage If desired. Call Eaat 86. , LARGE furnished room to rent. West side: walking distance. Phone Mar. 1793. ! FURNISHED room for girl employed, veaaonabfeT ' walking distance. 494 Jefferson. Mar. 2524. FURNISHED room lor rent, 885 H 4th at, S. Uaia 1973. DESIRABLE room with dm of kitchen : sir wmpioysa, waiamg aistancev stain SOls LARGE front room suitable for 2. 128 U 12th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy, 8624. 1 MODERN, well furnished room, walking " dig. 3FC jma -jvve. oea xiaeBKio ax. RN1SHKD mora in nrivata famlW. ..niUmm preferred. - ' 828 Sevier St. Mar. 8665. ROOMS Aim BOABD 18 THE MARTHA WA8HTNOTON" S80 10th at. For bnirtnass girls aad Sta dents; reasonable rate. ' Marahall 12BL BOOMS AJTS BOARD FSIYATK ; - FAMILY -; - 79 PLEASANT front room and good board la pri - vats family; all. horns privileges; eloaa ia east aide. Tabor 5188. . ROOM, board, , phone . and bath, near 8. P. shops. ; 338 per month. 605 Haig st., be tween E. 1 5th and 1 6th. - Phone Sell. 8466. GOOD home to board girl or boy. Marshall 824. Bcnoaj z Dtocxa, BALK8HF5 1TAKTED KorREKKErtjro noois s rrifsisHED asr rFiTRNisHKr THRKkl rooms, furnirhed tor ha lit hotmkrepiiig. ; two blocks to' Jefferxoa .high; suitable fur two girls or tcaebsrs; uaej of piano. F-165, JcnrnaL i 82.76 WEEK a, completely furnished house keeping rooms, absolutely: clean, hot water at all hours, every oonvenienoe ; suites, $5 week. The Cadillac. 3d. near Jeffer-on. . -ONE boaeekeeping room with small kitchenette'. One hoaeekeepint rooavJwiUt sleeping porch. tatn list. 1 WO and 8 taige It K. room, clean and well tureUfaed, suitable for 8 or 4; no children nnder 9 years old; -clove in. 63 N. 20th st, THREE furnished hceuekeetiina rooms lot - rent 2 at 260jarman. Phone Matn8g9H. . HorauKEEmo ROOMS I FCR5 18HKD AND UN FU HN IHET PRIVATE PAMILx fl NICELY furnb-hed housekeeping and sleeping reoms. 3 jn. ULO St.; fsry nasonable; vast aide. WALKTnTj ' tmTtiKTMmC'$i0 mo. ii ncimont st. H. K.ROOMS"for1renC tweea 14th and 15th. Bast 1207. 492Maetat7b:- TWO fine housekeeping rooms 'to nice people; P rival, family. 916 East Yamhill. PLEASANT front housekrepirtg room, furnished complete, for 1 or 2 men. 451 10th st. 8. TWO slngl. housekeeping rooms upstairs. Bdwy. 4018 or- 655 Washington, . , roxr e en t -houses. 13 . drfi uywmiii . " iZli.t,- COMMERCIAL . ANli HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MOVINO, PACKING. SHIPFINO. ' Reduced Ireigbt rates. 1 For expert aervioe call . Broadway 703. Manning .Warehouse A Transfer Co. -w; j .. Fu r n i tu re ! Mov 1 n g Tim Transfer and Storage. Long distanea bsuHng. 82 Colon are I. Phooe East 6434. CALL UiADW"AYA86 EORTHWESTERN ELBOTHIC VIMPAJT, WABH1NOTON AT TENTH STREET. FOR BEXT Modern 5 room house, 4 Buchtcl ave.. bet. Ankeny and jUurnsHle ata., west of Laureinurst; auuiu on:y. i SMALL CfttUge In South Portia nd. Inyulre 512 K. 2tl at. N. I 8 EE "FRANK li McOUIRB TO INSURE AGAINST FIRB ' yt'KyisHP.nj iiorHES s rOR, ENT7ronrn hoit. c furnShed. or will store my furniture and call it - a S-ror-ra house; 885 and 840; water, electric light v tel ephone, gas burners, stove beat and coal-wood range; bath, toilet; So children. 1493 E. Pine. Tsbor 2626.- . . FLATS TO BENT, tlXPUgIjHjy tj 6 ROOM lower flat. 420 Sunton SU Price ; prnsisHgn plat - c CLEAN 2, A and 4 -room fumlohed llati, gsr age, 1 864 Pirrt, between Carry and Pan peyer. 1 ' - j ' " , ' W A N TKD-R enter for 6 room flat who will paper same; labor toj be applied . on , rent Vain 5412. - j' , : 1 MCSIOl teacher Wishes girt employed to share - flat, j rent, lessons, piano, reasonable walking distance; references. - Main 3018. DESIRABLE, 6 room; completely furnished flat, west! side, close rn; 0. East 2878. i APAIIT5I ETJTiA FOR HE?JT 43 NICKLES APARTMENTS One 4 and one 6-roora beautifully furnished modern apartmentr, 810 and 650. . Close in. Hart side. Phone Wooaiawa 4971. THE ;UOVli"n-Slctiy furnislied 2 room apnrt . ment. 181 Graver st.. South PorUaad. Main 9088. i ' -,v - '; . , . ;.- - . THBTEFFERY. 2 room furnished apta., 315; close In, corner BusaoU aad Karby ata. Pbona Bast 1594.- I ' - - NEwTORK apartment., Belmont and 7th. East - 288L - .....,(.. SUMMER ? RESORTS ; TENT CITTTaT OCEAN VISIT COLUMBIA BEACH "By th Sea" Completely furnished i box tenu ia bekntifttl grove, 1610 prf week; groeerf store, resUurant, dancing; just th piece ; to spend your vacatloa. ! . COLUMBIA jBEACH CO., 248 Stark street. j Main 6429. ATTENTION 1 HIKERS AND FISHERMEnT I Wahtum Lake Pack Train Leavee Cascade Locks. Huckleberries and Blackberries ripe. Phone Glover Bro.'e store. ' 8EAVIEW, Wash., 5-room modern cottage, ;JorJBept CaU00DekuniJldg.ltodJL WAJfTEDTO RE5T Tlra7AND"MRS.7nOU8B OWNER Ws are needing rent houses moat awfully bad. Many : calls every day e cannot take car of. Let us have your house and save yoa all tbe trouble. Good tenants! good rents. i "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMTTH-WAUO.NERH.'O., 8TOCK EKCtL ADULTS want to rent 'or lease thoroughly mod ern house, tmngslowior flat. Reference. East 6800i- - r I WORKINGMAn wants s clean housekeeping room; place wh-re be can feel at home; have reference. M -o 17, journal. WANTED 4 cr 6 room mod. house; permanent. Marshall 2569. evenings... 3 OR 4 room god bath,, eloag to Hawthorne school. 652 E. Stars. CSSSt.. comfortable front room; walking dis tance. NobHill district. Main 0465 REAL' ESTATE BUSINESS n onrnTV aa FACTORY gil. ekis In West Side. wafefTront with trackage, owner. 1241 H-w, Bans oing. . POB SALE MOUSES ! rfvcH li vk rm k'hiim svZ-3 1 1 SS" ft AQ tn cultivation; i 82 large bearing fruit trees,; 3-rotan sliaek eofitaga, good double garage. $87 -cash, 616 monthly. - -v t - ' -r-w ., yayro, , Jy 732 CSamher, of Qommerc bldg. $20001500 CASH, balance like rent, S room hotue. on paved street and car line; has bath. basement, aom built-in. . - Johnson-Oodson Co 688 If. W, Bank Bldg.r Main 8787 BARGAIN - Splendid 7 room home, large sleeping porch, attic, large living, dining, .kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine basement. 60x109 lot: beat location Irv- ington, block to sat, school, cheap. East 273, rteraman. ; STOOM house, gas. Sath, basement, garage; 2 lota, 9 bearing fruit trees, berries; fine loc. Hem; 1 block to car:: worth g25O0. will tske SI 900: terms. 8SOO i will handle this. Take Woodstock car to 46th ave., go i block south and 1 block east. 4218 47th are. 8. B. rdBSALiTBYdWNER SAVE"COMMtSSloN 4 classy, new' homes; just completed; 4 rooms and breakfast nook; Others run from 6 to 7 rooms: all finished in ivory; easy term. Finer ek West. Fin Mom Buildu. Call Woodlawn 6300 to make sppointmcnta. - ' AN abstract of title 1 not a guarantee of your tttle; it M merely a oinory i your siii. a TIUs Inturane Policy: Is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, whea yoa hoy property, get S Titl Iasuraao Policy. Ms abstract required. Title Trust company. FINE deeirabl 6-room bungalow, good waxed floors, larg attic, i built-in, full basement, right in middle of S lota, 23 bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit: a beautiful place: half baa not been told; 47 E. 87th St., N., take MV-Depot car to 87th, walk 4 Mocks soutn. ' 31200 3TttOOMrBUNAr-Ofl300 Nie, homey place,! lot 6Vxl00, s few fruit trees, garac., t2lV (Sun, oaiance gin aad per cent a month. ' I BuiTii.uiifinxcn co. STOCic trrrrff FIVE room house sTvfwntture, lot 80xJ io", with fruit tea. 42000. 4500 down, tulanea like rent, or will MCrific for cuh, aa -party at teavtng city. wws raw so uar- moant are., 18t& and, uexum. . REAL rsTATF- Toh SALE Mi)LE! I CAREY-SAVIDOE CO. Bthr-Cerey Cominy i Main 7487. We haw a carefully cltosen Kt of houses in every part of Uie cWj. We can wewi mend the following aa bviiig of good faiu. ; Rose City , . 63850 ,- ' . 1 - ' This modern, double-eonructed burrs low eva imveii at, with sewer, ail improve ment paid, la a genuine map at this prw-e. This bungalow Is below the bill and has an excellent interior -, arrattBtment. tVment baoement Ihitcli attclicit, b mil in huilet, laundry trava, furnace, fireplace. Mouthiy payment are inuch lute tlian rent. " , East YamhEll Street 82000 8300 down takes this substantial luni-e, close In on street with all Improvemei.ta ,. paid. Two very large bwiroom iii.Uir, large living room acrnn entire front of ; house, full rement huwnint, lunlrv tro", furnace, hardwood floors. Tliia houte is wocth 83500. 1 Bungalow BargaSai 828DO. ' , This very attractive bnnxnlnw U double eon , strueted on a 'full lot. I block Imra car; large living mom, 2 well arrans-l bed rooms, built-in buffet, Dutch kitrhun, ment basement, lnutitlrv travs, Tireiilace. This bunnlow could not be built tmlny (or lea than 63SOO. Very oonreiiiciit toruu. Dts3llex; House'-7 1350 will buy tV well eoni.tnirted. it tractlvs dnplex or double bottle. Ksch liti haa 6 room. 8 of them being lerae up stairs bedrooms, living room, liming room, Kuuh kitchen, cement basement, parrd street, sewer in and iid, on csrlUie, fnli lot Either lion- rtntii for tso per montli. Tlia til prke is $5100, . Modern Bungalow .. 32650. . .. On full lot with improvements nalil, ner csriine. walking dltAiice of high rcliool; tills very nub Untlnl 6 room biin.-slow ha . built-in bufiet, Iutch kitchen, living on, 2 Bice bedroom, cement basement. TUia la an excellent buy try eay termv .'Hawthorne Car '. " .1 ; . ' 32200 "' Thh substantial story and a-half of 6 roonn, 2 uf tliem being uiwuiira bedmomv is within walking dUUuce of high school ; it is 4 years old, has an abundance f r't.. now rltiiiig; gss,- electricity, lull plumbing, fre-hly painted and tintmL Ttil place ia dirt die-,.. Vacant. Very reason able down payment. CARE Y-SAVI DOE CO ' Rihr Carey Company. 211 llailway Kxchaiige iililg, ' Main 74 87. Open Erenings, . 83800 LET me t?ll yon, this sure is a renl buy. 6 rooms and slee;iing ixirch firt ' floor, with one room fimMied in sttu:. The built ins era beautiful; buffet, Itr-li kitchen, bookrnx, built-in Uresncra and . writing denk; newly painted ouUUIe and tuiteil within; full haiwment. An sdili. .,- tional- lot for 8.10O adjniniiiii. Terms. J. Wickmnian Co. - , "Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark St. Main 51 and 1004, NEW Itt'NOATiOW BEAUTIFUL HOl'TH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT Fi rooms, bath, vestibuln, bsaement, hard wood fhmrs, mirrored door, huilt-iu buffet, IhjU h kitchen, white and ivory linlb; choice, neat, de sirable; on Hawthorne earllne at 27tli are.; terms, reasonable. By owner. Tabor 3552. - BEAUMONT SACRIFIfK A B room, strictly modem (Jueen Anne binre- ivw, luirac, u replace, mramma noors, an rtiillt- Ins, full cement basement, wash trays, 2 sleeping ttorebes; everything in fine condition; 501 in. mt; city improvements tn and paid; eastfrnnt f-iiiC1 jyt,,f. 4BM0. Teriiia. LEAVING CITY; ronst sell. t , .. ,.RusTameBS & RummelS - ' ' ' 274 Stark St. NEAR 20TH AND E. MA IN STS. ? i 6 ROOM nr.NOALOW 3500 Walking distance; dandy bungalow witfr fire place; it 50x78; preweminn Heptcmber 1; very scy term; Jtwt 3 blocks from car. TUi U s real boy let show you, - A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 suri at . n.ar ail. Slain 3092. d Sandy. Branch Office. 50f) anil ..: S6i50CashS65(D . Iler is your chance to-get. a 0 rm. modern home; nice lot; paved sts.. close In, on K. 7th St. Just the place for ennserrstlre buyers. a' Wonderful vslue. 38000. Main 4M03. Ge C. QoSdenberg Ablftgton Bldg. 33 Yearn in Portlsnd." ALBERTAf hii. pretty fittie liome ia'itTSS 20th t. North, and can he handled for 2 ca"! 4 moms end sleeping porch, gsrsge. chicken bouse, some fine fruit trnes end berries; a very nest, attractive place; 82500. v.- -Ralph Harris Co. ' 827 CHAMHER ip I "OMMER IT,. WE WIUTE FIRE INSUHANTK 62700 S room cottage In Hswtbome district: hotie is neat and a uracil re; full plumbing, concrete foundation; good ' basement. 60x100 lot; go.,d lawn, fruit snd berries; aewer and ted street ia snd paid. Soma terms. '. Jobnspn-Dodson Co. 838 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 877. 5-KOOM!PNOALOV. 33050 Finished in white enamel througliout ; French doors bet. I r. and d. r. ; fireplm-e, hoica.e, buffet, Dutch kitchen, with painted wall, floored attic, cement basement, waih troys, paved u. and sewers paid : a cheerful, clean home in a good rttsTrtct ; 61250 rath, bal. leas than rent. Only 63 3 month, fne. interest. - CLEVELAND-BKNDEU80V CO., 212 Railway Keh. Hide. Main t',752. KENTON'DISTRICT " Coey S room bunjalow; fireplace, gas and eieotrie lights, nice lawn, fir trees, MUJO0 lot, on hard surfaced street, all Hen paid, 1 bUxi. from car. Pric 18300, 650 icaah. Jo2insonDodson Co. W,'J?,nJLp't'- Main 3787. CHOICE ji""'"boat. eitr.rn.ly well" fi,rni.lil". "Bht for winter, and In perfect con ditlon, with Urge float in front; moored at Ore gpa Jfacht club; 12000 cash;. 2M0 frma. . ILK loeterman, 8 1 2 Board of Trade tMg, WA.N.T x? rTm b.mwrTl" 2 ft Fr"nT,Tn .-"V plumbing in; s snsp at ti50. wnti S70O cash; balance on time. Take It. M. car to K. 89th St.; go ft blocks south. Csil"Tshor 1207. 1 ACRES, well Improved, modern buiUinits" " "nring on pUce, adjoining Beed eollege. ertra suitable for duck ranch; -will sell or leaM. tiO per month. 19 Front st- WEST SIDlC no carfare, rooms, bstS, 2 fire . m: iV0 J1- eement besement: lot 60x100; 85000; half cash. See owner e.e ninga. 467 10 th st. $8300 Six room home, ?uTl lT77u7r7t" bstnT 20 frnlt trees berries, 4 lots, Muntavllla di tc.; 8SO0 caab, balance easy Urma. Owner. Msr. 1922. - BEHIND every policy of Title ln.ur.nc. i, a -deposit with the state of Oregon to protect yoa against loss, yet it is cheaper than tus . . .. uwf.b . i i.i. cc i run ccixipsey CLOSE your real e.tat. acal without soooimg details by using a Title In-.ursnce Policy. i. ,r-uiinj. c j rust compsnv. TITLE insurance xtu t ones an.1 mmu'i. t:iu4 ha ... I .1 n. . - ... . v nrimicu. iitie st jrtut com- 160xl66 'CORNER' 2 room half "hnwe"," DliTrh kitchen, fruit trees, berri ami potatoes, tlti E. 74th st. N- or ron .112-ii WHEN you purcha. your home'' hav. th. Ulm A Truat com pi nr. . BEST buy advertued; 8 lots, mixiern 8-rocm"; from nvnr KunnwM. IHU1- K inutia Main 8 1 6. ' WETlAVE aires? exsmined the trtie to your Mennv, nA n 4un -. a -41 I .-. y- J V . . . U W 1. w I m i L1. ,11.11. .'IV.. Policy without delay. Titl St 1 rest einir.anr. FOR SALE 5 room modern hoiue, ertrytiiiug up to date. Garage; fruit trees; newly psia;e4 fnnid. and out 1 &H3 F. Klan4ra TITLE Insurance ie tlie modern wsy of hsndlirx titiea to real estate. Quicker, costs le-j snd so abstract required. Title A Trust coniparr. ATTRACTIVE 8 ro-.ru home. Errol Heig" Z northwest corner 52d and Curtin, corner I t, fruit trees, berrie. etc.: g2(M)0 KellwoeKl 21c t GET Title Insurance instead of n abtract. li is Quicker and cheaper snd you r sb.i.lnie jr protected against error. Title & Trust romp n . COSYSoom cottage, es-t frnnt, nir Jt ienon high, choice fruit snd ssra2r. Rcas n- auie lermv u-oia, journal. (tiiwn"od a feiiowlnt r!