,9 " 1 ----- Va THE OREGON DAILY J JOU RNAL, P.ORTLAND. OREGON TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1020. INCREASED FREIGHT RATES NOW AFFECTING THE HAY TRADE XS-. NEW FINANCING- PLAN PROPOSED Edited by WMF. Hessian STRONGER MARKET IS SHOWN FOR EGGS ' : Market for egos, while continuing of nominal character in the local trade, la nevertheless shotvirtg strength. Re ceipts remain very limited'wlth scarcely . - -.'sufficient to take care of borne require menu at the moment. . i v As high as- 48e a doaen was paid for enr - - rest receipt 4n tba country bi Portland de li eery., during the last 2v4 hours. Selling price oo select is aa nira as &S a doses. - v So-called tr -freak '- exs - arc being r ceired hare, bat the trad doubt their character, an it port tire V know chat tba market ia the East ia tull , taking-4 fremh egg from th Coast, therefor btpmef from that direction C would scarcely be j voiiteUie at thia time. - j Truth of tba natter appear to be that the Kaat U quite ansioq ta unload aoma of its hot weather, ahort-beld ' etotsga eggs upon the Coast trade while purctisud ng tbe beat stock bera for shipment to tbe Atlantic coast. y . Those desiring speciiU information retarding any market should write the market editor Oregon Journal, enclosing" stamp for reply. . BTJTTEB MAMET-' HOLDS STEADY , Market for batter k Wing steady. Precti " eslly all 'Offerings ere now' finding a morement . t and so aurplua ia ahown ana rally. Price were unchanged for tba day. CH1CKE3T DEMAND HTJLE GOOD ' 1 ' -.Demand for keary bent a ad auitabla aiaea of springs ia holding well along "the wboleeale way. Prices reflect no change. "While, lightweight bena are alow, price are maaitalned generally. STILL TALK OF SVGA K DECLINE ; t With, tba recent serious wesikness and price lou to anger In tbe JEast. tbaeoaat trade con tinues to talk of prospective decline bar. Tba situation la weak everywhere. . CANTALOUPES A ICE DEMOBAXIZED Demoralisation eontiman in the market for , cantaloupes bare, with standards aelllng down to $1.50 for good stuff, although moat of tba . trade ta aaklng $1.75 and even more for fancy - offerings. , Watermelon ere ateady around 2 U.4 3 e generally. . POTATO PBICE IS KAasTjra- OFF Further easing of price ia shown in potatoes. Pnrchaaea of goor atock from grower azw ahown down to Slit a pound, white aaJea to retailer - are generally no higher than 20 for beat. BRIEF KOTES OF FBODPCE TBADE Country killed Teal era. roe; market nominally eteedy. V Itreaaed hog are eaaier. hilt prieee riold. -Sharidan-Beckley company- report in firat Ore gon grape from The Dallea. Kgg plant in liberal anpply iaronnd 7 for best. Peacheere scarce and firmer at S 2. 00 2.28 a boa. . . . ( WEATHER' ITOTICH FOB 8HIPPEB8 Weather bureau edvtaea: 1'roteet ahipments. dtiring th next 86 hours egaiisrt tbe following " luaximam temperature: Going north, 78 de ' grae; nortbeaat oeer P. . S. B. B.. 88 de grees; eaut to Baker. 8H degrees and sonth to : Ashland, 94 degrees. Mazimnm temperature at , Portland Wednesday about 84 decrsea. . WliOLES ALE PRICES IX PORTLAND - Thsae are price' retailea pay . wholesaler, ex cept aa otherwise noted : - r Dairy Froaiuote - BUTTKR Selling price, bo lota: Creamery ' prime, parrhment wrapped, B9e fb. ; prima first. 67c lb.; firsts, 6 So lb.; smaller lot at aa ad vanre. Jobbing prica: Cube extra, 64c; tints 52c. BOTTERFAT Portland dcUrery baii. 62e; ; country station. B7t8B8c. . OLEOMARGAKINE Bet brand. 40e.; ordi nary, 83 He: bafear. 33c; nctmargarine, 1-lb. carton 82c per lb. L CHTifKSE Selling pricef Tillamook fresh Oregon, fancy triplets. 32 83c per lb. ; Tourtg : America, Hftthc Price to jobber f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 20c: Toung America, 30c Helling prices: Cream brick. 40 0 4 2c. Selling i price: Block Swiss, 48(S 40Ci limburger, 40 ' 42c per lb. x;r,S Ruring price: Current receipt. 4748c: candled, selling price, S2B3c; se lect. 54 fGC' per doaen. lJVE IHJUL'fKY-4-Selling priest Heary hens. 27c; litht hent. IS 10c heavy springs, 29c; old roosters, 1 Oc per lb. ; turkeys, lire. ( ) ; ducks, 2330e lb. Fresh Vegetable and Feutt FRESH FRUIT Oranges, 85.7507.50 per . box; banana., lit? 12c lb.; lemon. 84.50 f. 50 per crate: grapefruit, $5.00.; cantaloupe. California Standard, f 1.50 1.75, pony, 81.25 e 1.30. flat. 75c: Malaga grape. 84?O0 per crite; seedless grapes, 83.50; peaches, 82.00(3 2 25 box; peach plums, (1.00 & 1.60 crate; pears. 84.50 9 3.00. , APPKKS New, 81.0001.50. DRIED FRUIT Date. Dromedaries, 87. B0; Frds, 84.00 , per box; figs, 82.50 6.00 box. " ONIONS Selling price to retailer: New Walla Walla; fl 50$1.75t garlic. 2 Be per lb. ; greea onion v 25 &40e doaen bunches; onkm setv 17tflfce lb.' POTATOKS Selling price; - Oregon fancy. 82.73 3.00. . , ' HKKRIKS strawberries, 3.75 per crate. VKtETABLKS Turnips. 83.60 sack; car rot, 8 00 sack; beets, 00c doaen bunches; let tuce, 8I.7H crate; cucumbers, ' 25 60c box; tomatoes, 05c (6f 1.23; egg plant, 7e per pound: broccoli, f ); bell peppers, .12 He: celery. 51.25(s' 1.50 doaen; string bean. So lb. Meats and Frevlsiona OOUKTRY MEATS Selling price: Country bog. 2324e lb. for top blocker; heary, 18c: eal. 24e23He: heary real. lc lb. SMOKED MEATS Ham. 41 46o per lb.; V breakfast bacon. 33fiSc; picnics. 25e per In; - couage roll. 38c per lb. " I-K1 Kettle rendered, 26c lb. ; standard, '( 23 H 4; tierce basis, compound. CI He. I FWi and ShaltflsTi FRESH FISH Samson, freett Chinook. 17 IRe IK; halibut, fresh. 15 18c per lb.; stur . . awon, )( )r black end, 10 11c lb.1 kippered snlmofi. 82.50 per 10 -in. basket; kippered cod, 82.35; rasor clams, f ); crabs. 82.73 0 8.75 dozenl ling cod, 8s lb. mm MAR.K.ET BASKET Tha t marlteta ara todaT well auppUed with crabapplel. Siberians have reached tha market. Aa yet there haa been prac tically) no aala for these auppliea. Tha housewife, despite all -warnings, appear to have forgotten thia fruit- Crab apples are today selling; about aa cheap ly aa j durinr normal tlmea, therefor thera is no excuse) for waitinc Home grown egg-plant la reaching the trade n abundance and prices are dropping- faaf. The quality of The , Dallea offerings is ttnuaually good. Ilowlintr , Mob corn, - one of the beat epecfea known here, reached the -wholesale trade1 durlne; the day and will re tail around 50c a dozen. Potatoes ara now eood enough and cheap enough to buy more liberally, but It ia not yet advisable to stock up. Cantaloupes are selling it such low price that everyone can afford them. They're' of very good quality, too. - Tbe following - prices sre s-eerags ones em ramera ars expected to pay retail stores. Quel ity Qiiofrd is Terage, fancy atuff being lightly lugher-iand inferior stuff fractionally lower: Butter Beat creamery, S466c.: ; . Eggs Frab . kid, 80c dozen; fancy fresh, 65c per doaen. Poultir Chicken, 1 dressed. 80 9 40e per lb. Fish Salmon. 23c per lb.; halibut. 80 lb. ' Flour Best local patent, 13.20 4.30 per sack. 48 lba. i , , Potatoes BarbanksL 48e. ' i Onions Dried, 8 4c - Strawberries Oregon, 20c per box, i Kaspberrie Local, 20e per bos. : , I.oeanberrie -Ksncy, 15c. Blackberries 16c per box. Wheat Closes at n Advance in The Chicago Pit Chicago, Aug. ! 17. (I. N. S.) All grains reacted from an oversold condi tion iat the outset thi morning and sharp rallies in wheat, corn and oats were In curred which was induced by shorts cov ering In corn and a good deal of com mission house buying in wheat because ot a reported good export demand. At the Close December! wheat was 2c higher. March 2b up. September corn finished S Vic. advanced : December 2c up and May delivery 22c higher. , Osta displayed more resistance, especially th September future which was sold bearily by a houae with Northwest and seaboard connections. September oats closed unchanged, December op He and Hay up He. , Rye future in sympathy with tbe strength in other grains, together with reports for export, led tn commission house buying in this market. Provisions market firmed somewhat. . Btock jards intarerta and shorts bought. Chicago, Aug. 17. (I. N. 8.) Wheat stsrted easy with scattered selling by locals. Opening prices were steady for December and ateady to le higher for March. . Because of lack of senilis pressure. : corn started ateady but sold higher. Prices were i cent higher ; for September, ateady for De cember and He biahet for Mar. Oata opened easy on eelling by a bouse, with Northwest con nections. He off for September and ateady for December. - . ProTiaions started lower en selling of lard be cause of tbe bearish th owing of tbe semi-monthly report of stocks. On th decline there was buy ing by stockyards interests and short which forced a reecrery. ' Prices were generally un changed. -, . . Chicago range by United Press : WUKAT 23SH 239 238 ...... 237 240 H 87 ' COR MS 148H 145H ...... 123 H 125H 123 H i . .. - OATS n ! 69 H Mi 6S14 69 H 68 H ! ; BARLEY ...... 104 105H 103 H i . ) PORK , 2500 2480 Dec. Men. Sept Dec Sept. Dee. Sept. Rent. !. 249S Oct. ....... .... 288 H 240 H 148H 125 H 69 M, 69 105 H 2490 2386 LARD 187S 1872 1915 1003 RIBS 1320 1515 1565 1560 Cssh Wheat No. 1 red. 82.37: No. 2 red. 82.5402.55; No. 8 red. 82.62 H 2 53 ; No. 2 bard, 82.54 H 2.53 H ; No. 3. hard. 82.30 2.33. Sept. !, 1875 Oct. !,..... 1905 i! Sept. .1515 Oct. .....1663 1875 1907 1520 1563 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES t SC6 AH Nominal - price, refinery basis: Cnba. 822J0; fruit and berry. 321.25; D yel low. (820.85; granulated, 321.25;' extra C. 320 M; golden C, 320.75. HOjNEY New. 37.00 7.50 ease. - RICK Japan style. No. 1, lie; New Orleans ueaa ft ; Blue nose, I4ie per lb. BAtT Coarse, half ground. 100s, 317.25 per mm, pun, in o i taow aairy, sua, 827.25: balesi 83 30 0 4.00; fancy table and dairy, 3811. SO; lump rock, 826.50 per ton. BRANS Sales by Jobbers, Small white, 7 He jib, r large white, 7 Ho lb. pink. 8 He lb.; limasj 12He; bayou. 11 He; rede, JOHc; On gon Man buying prices, nominal, 5 He lb. ; CAiNNED MILK Carnation, 36.50; Borden. 86.30; Astor. 86.40; Eagle, 312.35; Libby $3. VI: Motint Vernon. 36.40 per case. COFFEE , Boasted. 34 4 So in sacks ot drum. . , rod. nurrcnsT. I...1V . . MjTS Walnuts, 8540c per lb.; almonds. 3Sc: i filberts, 32e in ck lots: peanuts 14 015c; pecans, 2 5e; Brazils, 85c. a . - i ' Rope, Faint. Oils - . PT!1' iy?-' 18 He; white. 20e lb.: standard Manila, 26 He. I.ISEF.I OIL. Raw. bbla.. 31.69 gal.: kettle, boiled, bbl.. 31.71 raw, cases. 31?84: boile cases. 81.86 gallon. - ' CtAL OIL Peart or water white in drams or iron barrel, 17 He gafloni cases. aOc per gallon: -. tlABQUNE Iron barrels. 29 9 30 H e; eases, 41 He; engine distillate, iron barrel. ltc; cases, WHITE LEAD Ton lot. 15c; S00 fta, 13 H f per lb . - ' ,nTULPwTI,;'BrZ"ks' 2 2: 52.41; 10 case lots, le leas. ; i I" ; Hops, Wool and Hides HOPS Nominal. 1919 crop, 70e pound. . i?!?-"8? ll J?itl "U ieht.). lie; green hides Jt ail weights), 9c; green or aalt calf (un der IS pounds). 20 22c; green or aalt kip (15 to 30i.be.). 12S15c; salt bulla. Oc; greenbulls. 7c- H hides, 20c: dry salt hides. 13c; dry calf (under 7 lbs,), 25e lb. salt berss hides (medium), 83 each: salt hone hides small). 62 each. - PE5CTS Dry fine Ions wool pelts, 15c: dry medium long wool pelts, 12c; dry coarse long Wool Brits, 1 Oc lb. SAX.T PELTS Salt long woo! pelts, 32.00 A S.OO each; salt lamb pelts, 50 75a each; salt . shesxhngv 23 50c each; aalt clipper. 15 0 25c each.' MOHAIR Long. 25c; short, 15c B. , TALLOW AND GREASE No. J taUew, 7e; VSAA ?ABK New peel. 8 He lb.; oW peel, ltoc per lb.- . . Liverpool Cotton Easier . Liverpool, Aim. 1 T. ( L N. S.) Cotton: Spot opened dull; prices easier: sale. 4000 bale. American. mid., fair. 32.18; good mid.; 2S53 fully tii&., 27.78: mid.. 20.03; low '22 23 good ordinary. 18.78; ordinary, 17.70; fataresl barely ateady, . . ' i Omaha Moaa aiS.AO South Omaha. Aug. 17. (I. N. IM Hogs ReceipU 6500, generally 10 0 25c higher. Bulk. 314.33. 14.85; top. 315.40. Cattle Receipts 64 0O. Fed cattle strong; top fed yearlings, 315.78: grass steers, and she stock steady to , 25c lower; reals lower; bulls, ateady ; stocker s sod feeders firm. 8hep Receipts 81,000. Lamb steady to 25c lower; sheep and feeders, steady; best early "ale fat lambs, 312; ewes, 36.23; feeder lambs 812. tl I--,-,' U Chlcaow Hoq 916.10 ' Chicago, Aug. 17. '-Hogs Receipts. 20.000. 10 & ISO higher: Bulk, 814.40 16.00: tops. 818.10; hesryweight. 814.75 15.73; medium weight, 815.25 16.00; lightweight. 315.40 16.00;: light Ughts, 815.15 015.00: heary packing- lows, smooth. $14.80 914.00; packing sows, rough, $14.00 16.40. CaUle Receipts, 10,000. steady. Beet steers--Medinra j and hearyweight. $16.25 17.50: choice ( and prime. 312.25 16.25 ; medium and good. $10.00S12.25. Lightweight 114.75 17j25; common and medium, $9.00 014.90. Bntfher catUe Heifers, $6.00 15; cows, si $5.00 1? 12.50; bulls. - $5.00 11.75. Canners and eftters Cows and heifers. 84.00 6.25; icanner steers, 34.80 7.00. Vest calrea (Ughtiend haedyweight) , 814.00 15.00; feed er tears, 87.60 12.25; stocker steers, 35.50 10.75 j stacker cosra and betters, 85.00 0 9.00. Sheep Receipts. 19,000, steady to lower; lambs 84 lba. down), 310.50 13.10; lambs, eulla, snd common, 87.00 (10.80: yearling wetbera, 88.OO.09.75; ewes. 36.767.B0; ewe, cull and eoramsn. 82.50 8.50: breeding ewes, $6,00411.00; feeder lamb. $10.75012.50. Kansas Cltr Hag $1S.6S ' Kanas Cttyi Aug. 17. (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipts. 14.900. irreeular; steers, $8,00 0 16.85; cows and heifers, $6.0009.50; stock era and feeders, $6.00 013.00; calrea, $9,00 0 13.50.ii i Hogs Receipts, 6000. 10 To 15c up. Bulk, $13.00013.60; tope. 813.65: heariea, $14.75 015.40; Ught.$15.2O015.6O; medium. $15.10 015.60. -1 Sheep Receipts, 6500, steady; lamb. $11.60 012.00. , . ..). - Seattle Hogs, S18.2S 8eatle. Aug.' 17. (L N. S.) Hog Re ceipts. j 488; steady. . Prime light. $17,73 0 18.25;! rough hea ries, $15.23 016.25; msdiiun to choice. 816.75017.75; pis. $13.50 0 16.00. Cattle Receipt. 169. steady. Prime steers. $10.00010.50; common to good, -88.6007.50; medium to choice, $3.2606.25; bulls, 35.000 6.00; j medium to choice. 38.60 0 8.90;. best V. J:. " neHers. o. ( o i.zo; common to good. 34.23 & 5.25; salTee, 87.00014.00. , Sheep Receipts, 768, weak. 'Tearlinea. 86.60 0 7.00; ewes, $5.00 06.00; valley tombs! $9.00(ft 9 50; wethers, $5.8006.00; Eastern prime, lamb. $10.00 019.60. v i HAY MARKET HAS ABETTER HOW WHEAT BtTtED Bid. Bis. JJ Se 141 le z le 2f le 29 le . tn : le Hard whit) :..'....,....,. Soft white White elab atVawew - I si . Iiai 8. Wf ixaiyagfr .,, y . ortbern spring' , . , . . . . m Bed W4UU ..w.s.sva. .... .. .. LOOK NORTHWEST GRAIN RFJCEIPTg Portland Tues. . 17 ... . (4 2 Year aso..... 22 S 12 5 Season to date.. 1690 ' 16 164 ' 41 Year ago 846 76 119 106 Tacoma Moa . . . 1 1 .... S" J.. Tear ao.., . . SS ' 1 . j . 2 Season to date.. "S18 l. 11 134 7 Year 'ago..... 840 SO .. 29 Seattle Moa.... 5 ... 12 . . Year ago. . ... 22 3 . i . 1 Season to data.. 135 82 4.1 1 Year ago..... 183 66 88, 69 170 246 . t e 87 113 12 14 281 118 Stronger demand for hay !ia ahown In the local trade. : Dealers appear to be much more anxious for supplies, es pecially In view of the substantial in crease in freight rates whiqh goes Into effect the latter part ot the) month. - "" Demand is epeeiaDy good la ialfalfa at the moment with bids here to shippers around" $24 0 26 s ton, Portland -delivery basis) i "Demand has been suddenly t awakened by the fact that freight i rates will increase tba 25th. say Julius Ltnaeh ef Lenach Bros., wholesaler, "end thia ; has therefore j stiffened the price somewhat in aoma lines. " i Much of the Willamette valley timothy has been bleached by . the rains and awed staff hard to obtain. ' Best ia finding buyers as high as $29 a ton, bat some of the blescbed stock is quoted as low as $23. The same ait ution is ahown in grain bays and little ot th bleached stock is wanted. Quotations on grain hays, oat and retch, are around 828 a ton. Little demand . la showing for ietorer at tbe moment and th buying price is around $22 ta a nominal way. ? i j FLOUB Selling nrtees, mill door: I Patent, $12.95; Montana sifting wheat, $18.25: Wil lamette ralley brand. $11.20; local j straight, $10.80: bakers local, $12.95 0 18.26;; graham, $10.80; whole wheat, 811.05. Price for city delirerie 15e extra; suburban, 20a extra. ' HAY Buying prices, nominal! "- Wills matt timothy, fancy, $28 00 29.00 per toa; vetch, $23.00; cheat, $29; straw, $t0.00 clorer, 822.00; grain $23.00; alfalfa. $24.00025.00 a ton. ' . I . - GRAIN SACKS Nominal New crop deliv ery: No. 1 Calcutta. 15 016c: domestic, 16 H 017e in car lota; lea amount higher. MILLSTFTS Mill run at jnullJ tacked, $39.00 0 60.00. I I OATS Par ton, buying pries: iFeed. $48.00 082.00. i B ABLET Buying price: Feed. $46,00 0 51.00; milling. $47.50052.00; (rolled barley, selling price. $67.00 0 68.00. ! ' 1 SEED Buying price: Bed clover, recleaaed. 0 9O per id. Merchant Exchange Mds: .. WHEAT Sept. ........ 230 ........ 229 22R . 228 ........ 22 227 FEED OATS - Aug. .......... 4800 . ,4609 BARLEY ,...4700 ......... .4600 CORN (bulk) .. . ..6400 (bulk) .... .. 6430 nrd whit. . . . , Soft white . . . , Whit club . . . , Hard winter . . i Northern spring Bed Walla .... No. S whit. . Gray Feed lu ' " ' No. S yellow Eastern com Oct.! t 230 229 1 22ft J ': 228 I 229 I 227 I Not. 230 228 228 228 229 22T Sept.! ! Oct. 480O J 4800 4800 : 4600 4700 4600 4760 4600 6860 6400 6300 6800 Canners Pay $85 for Baiftletts Roseburr, Aug. IT. The 1820 ! Bartlett pear crop ia now being harvested in Douglas county. Tbe A. Rupert cannery of this city -4 handling moat ot the fruit, v Grower will receive 4 H per pound, or 385 a toa at tbe cannery, This is considered a, better price than i to pack ant hip tbe fruit, considering the cost of packing and the price of paper and boxes, - I j - Two of the finest pear orchards) in the state are located at Winaton, two 10-acre orchard belonging, to W. C. Harding- and George A. Bradburn. The trees are over 30 yean oW, and kept . in a high state of cultivation, without irrigation. They produce a fine crop each sea son. , This yeas the Bartletta acei exceptionally fine, and over 1000 boxes have ibeen brought to tbe cannery from tba Harding orchard al ready. ; . .. , ;. i , 'Growers of Sutherlia will dispose of their pears to the Oregon Growers" association. The Rrain cannery will operate this I season under the able management of K. J. Norton who ha taken over the cannery and mow baa ii rcaay lor--trie laU run on sU whit. 60 0 Xew Terk Batter and Ea New York, Aug, 17.4 (L . S. Butter. Market firmer.: Creamery extras, 65 58c; eremry firsts, 510 56c: creamery higher scor ing. 66 0 59 H; aut dsiry tub. 46 0 65 He. C,b?,"Mr 0.ait. SUte, whole milk apeclate. 27 H 28 H c; i whole milk fancy, 25H ( 2 8 He; Wuccnsin whole milk, fancy Tonng fnriea 28 H 0 2e; state skims, specials, 10H 017Hei sklma, hc4c. 14016c; aood, . M, irregular. Nearby fancy,,. 70 0 72e : nearby brown fancy, 65c; extra. 57 0 58c; firsts. 49 0 53c. - (j- ' . : Ji Chleaga Dairy Prodace ChteaAug 17 L N. 8.) Butter Re ceipts., 12,300, tubs. Creamery, extra. 84 H 0 040 Hef1! 48.3c: Packing, stock. 85 Aml1!1 Me WiaceUaneoua. 1-StSva"!? f..41H 042Hc: firsts. 4o.147e;r.cfcck 83"'c: dirtiea, ti 088c .,nese Twins, new. 24(3:24 Vic daisies. 24 H 0 25c; Toung Americaa. 2 5 H 0 2 6c; tons JTt-?,llt!Tu,'k,), 6c- chickens. 80 0 IbZ JIl!r33 IJ-nn- 22 0 j ; ,. - I j !- - .if -$ i i i'ii"' " i'ii ',4.' -''-';- ,L Saa Franelseo i Poaltry Market - ! Raa Francisco Grain Market eJl"i,r7J,cico' An 7" P-) Barley $5ot6o?r "BU1, - t! Aflaa'eapolls Jlax Market and blackberries. kind of fruit COTTOJT PRICES ARE MIXEDl I BETTER BASIS IS SHOW2C New York. Aug. 17. (L N. &) The cot ton maaket opened steady today 1 seven i points sower to 19 points higher. The i stability was due to firmer spot basis, unfavorable weather in the belt and firmness in securities. ,, - 1 Baying by th trad was in evideace, and there was also pec illative short corertng, 1 Cables from Liverpool were not favorable. -. Dnrina the first IS minutes the market ruled ateady. all months making moderate gains. The South and aoma Wall street concerns sold., There was a sharp break in the cotton mar ket in tbe last hour today, bat prices i rallied about 20 points. . , I .The close was very steady st a net decline of 17 point to an advance of 5 point. : Open. .2787, High. 2833 Low. 2772 ,.2782 ; 2813 , 2745 Month. January , .. February . . March .... April ..... May 2750 2785 SS735 tai . e. 4 July August . , . October November . . December .2739 2789 2720 ,.. .2904 .2850 3008 2920 2008 2940 2"900 2835 New York stock market, 3600, 5-0 up. 4 1 Close. ! 2793 i 2780 ! 2763 I 2700 ! 2953 I 2753 1 2725 ! 3040 I 2958 I 2900 2862 FOBDS PRAIRIE CROPS ABE I " CONSIDERED VEBY! LIBERAL JentraUa, Waalu. Aug. 17. Fords Prairie crops thia year have been unexcelled ,ln many years, according to reports coming from; nearly every farmer in thia district.- This week the prairie presents a busy scene. . For; a district so closely settled and cut op into such small farms, there is an unusually large acre ire iof grain, and threshing machines and mowers are Ibusy harvest ing the crop. Rye, oata. barley, wheat and some field corn comprise the variety of grains sowed, and in almost every case th grain stands ahonl- der high, unless it baa fallen on account of its unusual tniekness. A larger. -percentage of th acreage ia in oats than any other grain, with rye taxing second place. un account) of splendid weather for grains, they have ripened well, and there ia no loas in weight after threshing on ao count oc soft aamela. ' ' j . r . DAIBT PRODUCTS OF THE COAST San Francisco. Ana. 17. (U. P.) Bntter Extras, 61 He. . -! , - ' i.- EggiwExtraa, 68e: dirties No. 1L 82 He; ex- 1 pu'iets, o:nc; andtrsised pullets. 38c. BaChees California fist, fancy. ! 82e; flrsta, 8e,.v ""v.?- r1 - ----- - - -. t p , -L-4 . -' ... ' ' - . eattle Market r',':iU? Seattle. Aug. 17. (U. P. ) Butter -City creamery cubes 6 8c; bricks, 69c, Eaas Fresh ranch 6 HC; mile t -47c Los Angeles. Aug. 17. (L N. a) Butter. Egr--Fre aras. 56e; case i count," 5 le; . Live poultry Hens. 23 0 82c; broilers, 81" 34e: fryers, 82e. , Xew Terk Wool andHldesl ' New Tork. Aug. 17. (L . S) Wool Market weak, nominal. : Domestic fleece XX Ohio, . 86 0 57c: domestic pulled scoured basis. 40 0 81.16; domesnc Texas scoured baaU, soa H id iw Market dull; nativ ateeta. 23 0 28e branded steer. 24 027c , . -, fr. .. -r i mu New Tork MeUl Market !';. ' New York. Anz. 17. (L N. B.) IW dull; spot and August, offered. 19; September ana ucwoer, oiiereu. iv n, - t 1 Lead Firm: spot to September, offered. Bv Spelter Firm; spot ta September! 790 0 815: f L 1 AAA A OOK " . ucwdce, ovv ey o . - : 1 , . . . 1 ' 1 -v ; Salem FieklBf Fears Salem. Or.. Au. IT. Th pear harvest in thia section began Monday. Th crop in thia section of th vauejr Is estimated at approx imately 400 toaa. - ( . 1 SUBSTANTIAL GAIN N EARLY TRADING New Tork. Aug. 17. (L. N. S.) There was a general demand for stocks in the early trading today - with leading is sues moving up from fractions to over 2 points in the first 15 minutes, j Mew Verfe. Ana. 17. (L. H. S.) Th stack market closed hy today. United Suns Start dropped to 86 and Republic ta 80 H and ae wln ta 102. AUantle Outf dreppse) TVi t 12av and Marin Frefsrrad yleioed ever a awlnte to 71 H. tteaains rail vrom ss ra s mnien Fetroleusn f err nearly 7 eolnta t 161 Vs and Fan. American Petroleum siren pad 4 H to 79. The Motors were weak and fall genaratty about paint. evanunent bonds unchanged; railway and ether bona, steady. - . - f United State Steel was advanced H to 87 H and Baldwin and Bethlehem Steel both moved up close to 1 point on fairly Urge trading. . Kepuoue opened down 't to but, ana men advanced to 81 H. Royal Dutch and Shell Transport again mad further substantial gains and Pan-American moved np over 1 point to 83. - Keaaing aovancea to as. A leacure -was tha atrena-th i of American Shin ex Commerce which advanced over 2 points to 23 H. j Fnrniabed by Orerbeck A Cook Co.. Board of Trade building: DESCRIPTION: t Open i High I Low Alii Chalmers. . . . . Auoy eieei ....... Am. Agr. cnera... Am. Beet Sugar... Am. Can. c. . . . . . Am. Car Fdy.... Am. Cotton Oil. . . Am. R. Loath., a Am. lot Corn. . . . Americaa Linseed, c Am. Loco.. j c , . Am. Ship eV Com. Ass, Smelter, c . . . American Steel Fdy aa sugar c. . . . Am. Tel. as Tel... Am. Tobacco Am. Woolen, .... Am Zinc ......... Anaconda IL Co. . accntson. e., . . . . . Baldwin Loco,, e. , . Bait, efc Ohio, c. . . Bethlehem Steel, B. Br. Rapid Transit. . Canadian Pkeifie Cent. Leather, e. . . t-nancuer Motors . . . Che, as Ohio Ch. A Gt Wast., e. u.. at. ox St. P. rii a. ar n SV ... T. . . untie copper . . . . . Chino Copper Colo. Fuel Iron.. Con. Gaa : Corn Products, e. .. Crucible Steel, c . . D. T B- U., e. . .. Erie; e... ....... Gen. , Electric. . ... . Gen. Motor Goodrich Rubber. . Granhy Cons . . . . . Gt. Northern Ore., Gt. Northern By. . . Greene Cananea . . . Gulf States Steel.. Illinois Central. . Indus, i Alcohol . , . . Inspiration ; Copper. Int. Paper. ....... Int. Harvester. . . . Int. Mer. Marine, e int. ntcKUi . . . . . . K. C Southern, c. Kennecott Copper.. Lackawanna Steel. . Lehigh Valley . Middle States. Oil.. Mexican Petroleum. Miami Copper . . . . . Midvale Steel ..... Missouri Pacific e. National Lead . . , . Nevada Cons. ... New Haven ...... N. T. Central.,... Norfolk Ac W. . . , . . Northern Pacific . . Oklk. Ref. fc Prod. Pure Oil ........ Pan-Am. Pete., e. . Penn. Ry. ....... People's Gaa ..... Pierce Oil ....... Pittsburg Coal. c. . Pressed S. Car. e . . Ray Cons. Copper. . Ry. 8teel Springs. . Reading, c ...... Royal Dutch ..... Rep. L 4c S-. e. . . Retail Stores . . . . . Rock Island, e . . . . Shattuck Copper... Sinclair Cons. . ... Sloes Sheffield .... Southern Pacific . . . Southern Ry., e. . . Rtudebaker, c . . . . . Swift tc. Co St. L. tc S. F. . . . . Shell i Tenn. Copper .... Texas Oii Texas Pacific.... Tobacco Producta, . Transcontinental Oil t.nion Pacific, c. Cnion Oil of Del. U. S. Rubber, e. IT. S. Smelt. As Ref. C. S. Steel. C. Utah Copper- . ; Vanadium Steel Vir. Chemical, e Wabaah , . . , . Western Dnion Westingh'se Electric IOH 89H 76 76 H 8SH 184 , 25 H 75 67 4H 24 H 65 H 85H 114 H x6 a 76 H 11H 60 H 80 H 1044 9 78 118 H 04 83 65 H aa" 69 '25H 87 189 ii H "ziVi" 62 'ii" 78 H 24 60 -84-81H 45H n 'in M 10 H 28H "l2H 156 89 M 25 I 82H 71 -. 'ii 88 t 82 40 12H 59 95H 14 93 87 79 H 81 64 83 26 H 63 91 26 62 24 H 49 H 45 34 60 10 H 117H 27 83 86 60 67 46 iOH 89 76 76 88 186 25 IS 72 6TH 64 H 22 H 56 H 85 H 114 ut , . . . 77 11H II io 85H 74 119 64 64 56 "83 69 e . . . . ,26 1.4.. ; . . 87 186 12 5J 62 81 78 24 - 50 84 82 45 77 '24 19 '28 12 167 89 29 38" 71 "ii 8 88 S3 40 "12 39 95 14 93 88 81 81 84 H 83 "26 63 91 27H 62 24 60 '45 34 60 H 10H 117H 85 H 87 60 67 47! 29 89 76 74 88 181 25 13 67 66 92 20 64 85 118 93 75 11 60 H 80 H 102 H 84 70 117 80 65 '82' 69 25 H 86 181 "l2" '20' 61 'io' 72 24 49 84 80 45 74 '82 18 "ii' 12 160 . 4 e 89 24 82 70 !i 8 88 78 40 12 58 94 14 91 86 78 H 794 62 83 26 62 90 H 26 H 59 24' 48 e 44 82 59 10 H 116H 2 7 1 82 H 85 69 64 46 Close "2T" 89 75 79 as . 182 - 24 13 68 i 66 2 21 H 64 84 at 118 95V. 108 75 H 11 50 H 80 t 102 H it 1 fit 117 61 SO 65 8 82 69 18 25 81 78 86 1$1 4H ,1a 189 20 52 81 80 72H 23H 49H 82 80 45 74 vt 120 23 18 17 23 63 iV4 151 1 89 24 72 10 82 70 89 73 . 88 79 40H 27H 12 58 94 14 90 86 79 79 62 38 8 26 62 90 2H 60 'A 104 24 48 9 44 82 59 10 u 116 27 ii 83 50 86 59 64 63 7 82 46 Total sale, etocki, 440,500 shares. Total tales, bonds, $9,921,000. Cranberry Crops Likely to Show a, ' Very Good Total The. Pacific Cranberry exchange, which Is composed of the cranberry growers or both Oregon and Washington along the lower river, has signed up a market ing contract with L. a Martin of this city-who will have exclusive charge of the berries this season. -: , ! : The exchange has signed bp all but 10 acres o' tl'e cranberries of this section and the mar keting will be done through the Portland office of Mr. Martin, a local broker. 1 The present prospect is for not only extremely good quality berries but the outlook is for a yield of between 25,000 and 30,000 boxes com- naml wftl. -1 . . m AiA i - w.m. awiu, x .w v. nun a year ago. AVith no Iroat Uiis season this is expected" to i'recicu in me nest, cranberries the North west has produced. .-.-. f ! POTATOES ALOXG THE COAST ' . - Market Seattle. Ana- 1Tm la 1 t-,, Wi"toH Netted Geati, per lb,, 3c; local. " 19 Of 4Us . " an Franalsco Market , 8an Francisco. Aug. 17 (U, P.) Potatoes, new. 608o: old. 10c. ' - ftaions Yellow. $1.75 2. 00 i Field peas 5c Lot Aneelaa Market Lo Angeles, Ang. 17.- (I. N. S. ) Potatoes Lccal eartj jmd - white Rose, fancy No.: 1. i.ovi no. r. z.i 6O0 75e lug; Y?k!2iS:J' a-ea-7S: Btoektons, mostly - Foreign Exchange Market - I New TorV. An. 1 7 . t TT t if z change quotations continued easy st the open- ins uiusy.. xjemana iterung opened at $3.63, np H : franca. .0729. off onoo. u ao off .0005; marks, .0213, off .0001; Canadian Foreiffn exchanse rlnwuff mtmmA ' - . re:-Sterlin-demand. $3.68 ; franca, .0730; sww.wnr, sva, ,VA, - 't -v- ;l '-" ' CkliTA 'PntfttA f tar-frak : - flilMfn. in 1 T - I T Ttf al i raA " " . f Till HOC!-'" RtfhfaanrB 1 KO FSFS Verniaa Mhkl. e a? aa A u vvuvirjig, f a(VV W 5-30 bbt; Jera cobbler. (3.10A8.S,; Min- wsaviM tiiiv ikUiJ UU1U8, -'tU 9 7.7V f'ltew Tork Sagar and Coffee New Tork, Aug. 17. (U. P.) Coffee: No. T Rio. 9 09e: Santos, No. 4. 13013c Sugar Dsll; raw. $13.04; granulated. 17.10 0 22.50. . 1 COMMISSION RATE 1 ON STOCK HOLDS PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hoas. Cattle. Calves. Toeaday Week ago.. Two weeks ago. . , Four weeks ago. . . Year aa-o . Two years see.. ..476 Three years ago. . . 133 Font years ago. .-. 148 248 84 82 25 206 83 101 80 857 113 146 s 20 16 "2 Sheen. 484 219 217 454 - 750 213 2 28 TTew Tork Potato Market .New York.Aug. 17. (I, N. S) Potatoes fin .barret or bag) Market, easier. Near by white, $1.76 03.50; Southerns. $1.00 03.23. Xaval Stores Market New Tork, Aug. IT. (L N. S.) Turpen tine, Savannah, $1.66; New York. 31.62. Boaia Savannah, $18.00; New York. $14.00. ' Portland livestock commission mer chants ara again determined to take no advantage of the livestock shippers. A Short time ago they went on record as directly opposed to ' any change in the present system of quoting In order that shippers would know, exactly what their stock sells at. Now they have refused to ask for an increase in commission chargea, such as has been noted in soma of the-leading markets of the country. Indicating that th Portland livestock oora mlssion interests were absolutely fair in thia mat ter tbe report that earn front Washington daring tbe day. stating that the ' secretary of agriculture bad ordered various stockyards to dis continue the new schedules of higher commis sions, some of which were boosted as hick a 25 par cent. . ' Only Drive In Mt t ! Only a few drive in hogs were offered ta tha North Portland alleys for th Toeaday trad, not a tingle - carload bain available. Th market fet general was considered steady trtrond previous values. J General hoc tnarkat range: - - m Prim, mixed ............,...$17.06 017.80 Medium mixed ............. . 16.60017.00 Rough heavy 11.00018.50 Smooth heavy .............. 18.60 15. 60 Pica 12.60015.00 I - Catu are uncnangea ' Just a small ran of cattle were shown for th Tuesday morning trad at North Portland. Mar ket conditions war generally steady at Monday's rang. i--- -- . ' . 1 General cattle rang: Cl'oio grass (teers ........ ...f Good to choice steers ......... Medium to good steers ........ Fair to good steers ........... Common to fair ateera ......... Choice cdws and heifers ....... Good to choice cows and heifers. Medium to good cows and heifers, Cannet ................... tiuiis ...................... Choice dairy eattl .......... Heavy calves ................ r.est light calves ............. Best feeders ................. Fair to good feeder steer.. ..... Fair to aood . . . . Lamo maraat waaa In tb lamb division th market continues weak. Th trad, haa discontinued Quoting east of the mountains and valley atock, and tbe beat ia now known aa prima lambs, which rang at $8 0 9. This is folly 60e lower ail around. General (been ami Iamb ranee: Prime lambs ...............$ 8.000 Cull lambs .......V 6.00 0 Yearlings . . . 6.00 0 Wethers, ................... 6.000 Ewes .................. . ... 2.250 Y Monday Afternoon Sale 8.60 7.60 7.00 7.50 7.25 6.25 4.76 6.00 9.50 010.00 8.600 9.50 7.60 0 7.00 0 .6.000 7.25 0 6.25 0 5.25 0 2.76 0 6.00 0 18.O0 015.00 7.000 9.00 11.5O018.OO 7.000 7.60 6.OO0 7.00 6.78 0 7.25 9.00 7.00 7.25 6.50 6.00 No. At. Ib. Price. No. Ave. lb. Price. 13.,.. 993 $ 7.75 7.... 982 $ 6.60 , 3.... 866 6.00 12.... 106 6.78 2.,.. 750 6.60 - 2.... 965 8.50 8;... 913 5.60 4. ...1050 7.25 26,.. .1185- 10.50 27.... 1023 10.00 27.... 1090 9.50 25.... 1055 1O.0O 27. .. .1095 - 10.85 ; 2. , . . 945 7.50 9.... 983 , 8.00 ' 2..., 890 8.00 15... 956 8.25 23.... 729 6.75 29.,.. 1054 , 7.00 24... .1187 8.75 "2.-.. 960 6.50. 8.,.. 828 6.75 28. ...1126 10.50 26.... 878 . 7.85 10.... 952 - 7.00 8. ...1136 6.60 T....1002 . 9.00 .... .!J COWS 2.... 755 $ 7.00 5. . . . -828 $ S.76 3... .1080 6.50 7.... 891. 6.00 .... 918 6.00 6..., 1026- 5.75 4. ...1025 5.75 8.... 923 4.00 4.... 930 6.00 18. ...1006 6.75 15. ...1107 7.50 8. ...1166 -6.50 25.... 859 7.00 29.... 943 7.73 8..-. 050 6.00 2.... 880 . 6.60 "2.,.. 880 6.60 16... 760 .25 8... .1032 6.50 8. ...1113 6.60 2. ...1085 6.60 2. ...1185' 6.60 17.... 851 6.76 9.... 883 6.75 61.... 980 7.00 7. ... 984 6.50 19.... 950 7.00 2.... 1025 6.60 2.,.. 930 . 6.00 4.... 787 4.00 14.... 940 5.50 3.... 653 6.60 15. ...1128 6,75 5... i 1206 6.75 8.,.. 910 6.75 23.... -780 6.00 28.... 887 5.50 2 1153 6.50 17.... 802 6.00 4 . 937 6.75 a. .. . 9i 7.00 CALVES 2....'S10 $10.00 8... 285 8.25 2.... 230 9.50 '. .,. 185 18.50 1 210 14M) 1... 160 10.00 2.... 190 14.00 1.... 100 15.0O 4 113 14.60 11.... 131 14.50 2.... 340 7.00 . , BULLS -1... .1160 $ 5.00 l"..!lil0 $ 5.00 2 .... 1320 6.00 c 1 .V' ' 1300 6 00 1....1390 5.0(1 t' 1....U10 . 5.00 1 1490 5.0V ' 29.... 903 $ 6.50 I 25.... 636 $ 5.75 8.... 850 4.50 I 86 560 4.50 11.... 893 6.60 I 43.... 506 .S0 17 675 0.25 I HOGS 14 223 $17.25 40 194 $17.00 2.... 360 15.00 17.... 280 17.00 15.... 140 15.25 2.... 865 15.00 20.... 205 16.90 77 210 17.25 -9 207 17.25 1.... 210 16.25 ' 2 280 10 25 4. ... 147 15.75 j 96.... 180 17.35 8.... 206 .17.23 1 15 200 17.00 43.... 209 17.23 ! 21.... 200 17.23 22.... 181 17.00 11.... 251 15.00 135 197 17.00 16.... 75 14.25 5.... 198 17.25 2.... 180 17.25 13... 134 14.75 28... . 145 14.60 82.... 81 18.00 18.... 235 16.60 11.... 233 17.60 2.... 875 14.00 3.... 186 , 17.00 LAMB3 . 275.... 55 $ 7.00 131.... 67 $ 8.60 286 61 7.0O 44.... 84 0.00 81.... 82' 8.75 196.... 78 9.00 11. ... 90 8.73 f . ' EWES 147.... Ill $ 6.00 I 21.... 131 $ 4.50 9 118 3.00 I YEARLINGS 82...- 71 $ 6.75 I v BUCKS : 1.... 490 $ 4-00 1 . , Tuesday Morning Sales HOOS No. '9... ... 1. .'. 17. . . 14... 14... 2... 2... 83. j. 6. .. 14... Are. lbs. , .. 181 . . 148 -. . 260 , . . ' 197 .. 198 . . 245 . . . 155 . . 280 94 144 82 Price. $17.50 17.25 15.75 16.50 17.00 16.00 16.75 14.00 EWES $ 6.00 I 17.50 1 LAMBS $ 8.60 I , No. 6 . . . . 10. .i . 15 2.... 1 . . . . 16.... 12.... Ave. lbs. 170 198 183 180 880 200 209 Prica $17.25 17.00 16.75 16.00 15.90 17.00 "18.76 Congressman Burton L French 1 of Idaho "Outlines Idea for Helping Farmer. Moscow. Idaho, Aug. 17. 'Burton Tj. French, congressman for the first Idaho district, spoke at' Genesee, Fri day night, at the request of farmers and business men of that place, on his proposed plan for having tbe fed eral reserve banks finance the mar keting of the wheat crop by redls countlng the "wheat paper" 'every 9 0 j days, with, the proviso that at least 25 per cent of it must be taken rip each quarter,- thus permitting, the farmers to carry their wheat and sta bilize prices, by not forcinsT more than 26 per cent on the market dur ing any quarter of the year. 'k There was a large crowd and keen interest was i shown. Following the address, resolutions were passed, aaking the united action of eongreaxnen. United Statea senators. Commercial clubs and - other, organisa tions of the Northwest in presenting the matter to the federal reserve bank board, with an urgent demand that the plan be adopted. - - Congressman French said that he had been asked if the federal reserve banks were capable of handling the vast sum necessary to carry the wheat crop in this way, and stated that since the ques tion was asked by a banker and farmer several days ago, he had learned that the funds at the disposal of the federal reserve banks total S2,00,000,000 and that This would buy the entire wheat crop of the United States at a uniform price cf $2.60 per bushel and leave plenty of money after the purchase was made, so there is no fear of not having sufficient funds to carry the loans." He pointed out that many farmers would not need help, but the small farmer who needed It most la the one who would "dump his wheat on the market and depress the price." V; ; ., ., FOREIGN' EXCHAITOE BATES Corrected daily by foreign exchange depart ment of tn united state inatioaai nana. Opening nominal rates for bank transactions : Draft Cheeks. London -Pounds starling ...$ 8.63 Paris Francs.. 7.29 Hamburg-Berlin Marks 2.18 - Genoa Llr... 4.91 '? 15.16 Cbriatiania- Kroner ... 15.20 Stockholm Kroner... , 20.65 Hongkong .-.' Currency. ., 78.00 Japan Yen.. 81.50 Shanghai - Tack..... 1.14 Cable Transfers. Par Veins. $ 8.64 $ 4.8665 7.80 19.80 2.1 28.81 4.92 .c 19.30 15.20 26.79 16.25 26.79 20.70 , 28.79 78.80 61.75 49.84 i.i5 WHEAT FINANCE IS SUBJECT OF TALK WALL STREET IS . -' i ' MATi 'LUMP 111 l-y Broadan Wall New Ycft-k.-Aug.. lT.-4-Most of the active stO(A:s.were net jjower at the end of trad tag Monday. The news was no mops disheartening -than for some days abut there was persistent liquidation, that enabled the profes sionals to cover where ihey cared to do ao. ,Busi3aea was light, as most traders seemeki to wand the final re sults from "Wnirsaw before taking' a decided stand., Cotton! broke t badly and did not reaxiver. I Money renewed and remained all day at 7 per cent, IThere was one rather weak spell, and a .rally, but the day was dull and the closet was without' definite trend. Bethlehem .Motors was the only atock to show. an:r particular weakneaa and It broke poirtf s on the forced liqui dation of a few ftuindred shares. Hu mors were current ,of a change .of con" troL :'' - i - - -I .- :- -. Announcement vtvs made that the American Can comininy land tha Chase securities company sereiback of m now automobile body mtpariy. r Even the strongest c-otnpanies seem to be needing money, an 0' ao the street re ceived without aurprik-e. a report that the AUantic. Oulf 4c -vest Indies would borrow several minions.! The money Is supposed to be needed .see the oil busi ness. The 'stock was heavy. Further evidence that the oil boom is over waa found in a report that, in addition to distribution at a atock divi dend, the Standard Oil company of New Jersey would reduce the taw value of Its shares to $25, ao that tbe public could afford to buy them. f .Market operators are wkuhlng the call money . market, with the s intention of selling at the first show of a further advance in the rate. " - . . , : . 1 -i- 1 Trip Wag a SBcctfis 'Nicely tanned and with mtaecles much harder, E. C.: Sammona. :aeslstnt cash ier of the United States National bank, returned Monday from a two weeks' out Irur . wltft tha Masamaa, The peak of Mount Baker was the destination of the mountain climber a this year, and the summit was reached by every member of the party. I "The party this year " 7 Stated Stmmoni. "was not aa large as in previous years, but the trip waa the most successful one that tha club has ever had. Advancements Announced The board of .director of the CattVa, Loan company of North Portland are nounce the election of II. A. Ebling and iL B. Duff, formerly treasurer and as sistant secretary, respectively, to vice presidents of the company, and the ad vancement of F. O. White from assist ant secretary to the office of treasurer. Incorporations Articles filed: Monarch Fire Clay company, Portland, $100,000; Incorpor atora, Blaine R. Smith. Iilaine R. Smith Jr., Arthur jC Emmons. Chevalley Cream Cocoa ! company. Portland, $25.-, 000; incorporators, Leon Chevalley Jr.. J. E, Dunne and George W. Burt, ismiNVEsn:;a Thia book eonLmee with thm optauopecaf tbe lsarUng flssat- trial editors ihm eiperte-ove of ISO mvMtora. It ia jot what its rjame iarplsea tbe "Tlerr3rt and tbe "Practice of Strccesaw fo Irrv eating. Yo-a abould read this rewAaxsutbU book- Si U ajrsiqwe. It is fcfereri from u?rytbwjg bei etof ore pwlileihW , en Ua asalriect of earing aad Sesad for H today. KRIEBEL Cr CO! .-INVESTMENT BANKERS ' 137 So. LftSallg St. Chicttf;0 PACIFIC COAST BAWK STATEMENT SHORT-TERM VOTES Quotation furnished by Clark, Kendall Co.. Inc. . 1 Security Maturity. Am. Cot n Oil . .. 4. 2.1924 Am. T. A T. 6s.... 10. 1.1922 Am. T. T. 6s..., 2. 1.1924 Am. Thread 6s..... 12, 1,1928 Am. Tob. 7... ....11. 1,1920 Am. Tob. 7. .......11, 1.1921 Am. Tob. 7. .....11, 1.1922 Am. Tob. 7. . . ... .11. 1,1923 Anglo Am. Oil 7H. 4, 1.1935 Armour Conv. 7.. 7.15,1 93t Belgian Gov. 7 Ha.. 6, 1,194 5 Belgian Oov. 6a.... 1. 1,1921 Belgian Gov. 6a... 1, 1J925 Bethl'm Steel 7a. . .. 7.1&.1923 Bethl'm Steel 7s. . . . 7.15,1923 British Gov. 6HS...11, 1.1921 - t British Gov. 6H-..H. 1.1922- Canadian Gov. SHa. 8, 1,1921 Canadian Gov.: Sal 8. 1,1929 Cudahy Packg. 7... 7.15,1923 Inter B. Ti 7..... 9, 1.1921 Japanese Gov. 4 Ha. 7.10.1925. Kennecott Cop 7a... 2. 1,1930 Ligg. sfyera Tob. 6a. 12. 1,1921 Molina Plow 7s . . - 9. 1.1920 Molin Plow ?.... 9, 1.1921 Molina Plow 7.... 9, 1,1923 Mohne Plow 7s.... 9,' 1,1923 Molina Plow 7s.... 9. 1.1924 N. P. Eap.Tr. 7s.. 9, 1.1922 Pacific Gaa Klec 7a. 6, 1,1925 Swift 6 .......... 8,15,1 92 1 U. 8- Rubber 7. .. .12. 1,1923 Bid. 89 Si 93 92- 93 99 99 99 H 99 98 96 97 H 984 91 98 96 96 M o 97 89 ,97 68 7tt 91 H 97 K 8 96 95 94 94 99 ,4 97, 97 Asked. 90 93 93 96 V 100 100 99 99 98 96 99 98 92 98 97- 96 90 98 90 97 62 71 z 97 100 99 -98 : 98 97 100 97 97 8 Miller & Tracey Adult Casket $30 to $1000 Main 2691 578-85 "".V'-' 1 Portland Banks Clesrings This Week. Monday ..,.$ 7.157.879.79 8 Taeaday .... - 6.715,275.08 i - ' Taoema Bankt Clearing Taeaday ......... .t Balance Tuaaday .......... i Seattle Bank Clearing Tueedsy ....... ...8 Balance Taesday ........... San Franclace Bsnki Cleariagi Taesday Lo Angel Banks Clearings Tnesday . . . . ... $13,993,838.00 . Tear Ago. T.948.971.7S 5.880.808.83 1.037.348.00 160.624.4)0 6,876.858.00 1.41.0,768.00 .$30,600,000 --' 1 Forelfta Bond Market Furnished by Orerbeck Sc. Cooke Co. of Trade building. A. F. 5a Oct 1920. ; , .... V. K. 5a Nov. 1921..., Rep. France 6s 1931...., Paris 1 6s Oct. 1921. , Russia Extn. 6a 1921.., Russian InU. 5 s 1926 . . Pom. 5s Apr. 1P21. ...... Dora. 5s Apr. 1931....... Don. Si Apr. 1926..:..., TV J . - , Board U. K. 6 a 1931,, Bid. Ask. 99 . 99 96 96 63 65 91 91 24 . 28 29 - 32 97 98 84 86 8R 89 83 .... 81 82 Liberty Bond Sales (Purntshed by Overbeck Cooke Co.) Low! descrSption" liberty 3s liberty 1st 4s.. Liberty 2d 4s. ...... Liberty 1st 4s.. liberty 2d 4 a. . . . . Liberty 3d 4Ha..i.. liberty 4th 4 Ha, . .. Victory 4 a ...... . Victory S ....... (Open t Hi gh (Low J Close 901410914 900019000 84708470 8470 842084208414 848684868464 843218486 8476184781 9556 9556 9556 9556 8414 8772 8450 9550 9548 8460 8414 8460 8426 8784 8460 9530 9550 Money and Exchange New Tork, July IT. (L N. 8.) Call money on the floor of the New York atock exchange today ruled at 7 per cent; high 8 per cent; low 7 per cent, Tim money waa firm. Kates were S J 9 per cent. The market for prim mercantile paper was steady. Sterling exchange was steady with business in bankers' bills at $3.63. for demand.' " j jrew TorkEodon Silver ' New Ttrk. Ana. 17. (L N. 8.) Commer cial bar a-lver: Domestic unchanged today at 99e; foreign. 1 higher, at 97 . London. Aug. 17. (I. N. 8.) Bar silver waa d biher today at 59L Legal Leases Bind Owner and v Tenant Elqually PROPERTY owners should, make cer tain that every point is covered And abso lutely clear to both parties. We have made a thor-: ough study of condi tions land, can suggest many practical points that should bd includ ed in every lease..: . I?L aprpet. fa 1 W B B VII w ), arsai i vtAMoarjoagftt otm faatC yonwH , Btoeka, Boaaa, Cettem 42rala. Bta ; 818-217 J5as et Trade IttUlaisg Overbeck&CooieCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES Tt ALL EXCHANGES - Me at bera Cfcleage Beard ef TErade Cerrerpenaamta ef Ltrts -fkrti . Chlcag - Aew Teak 7 YIELD TAX EXEMPT R These are ".special assetsmeat boads, were bonght as sseh aad are ofl'ered for tale at SBth. $60,000 City of ' -I - r. - I Idalio Bonds TO Sidewalk 7 Gold Dated Aaffaat IS 1I- Tiae Aissit It, 1121. TreaaminaUon 6169. Price 106 to yield 77c. Principal aad Kami. Annual Interest Parable atr Unas of Morris .Brothers, Iae, i a Ttew Terk of 1 Tn the immediate vlclnlty of Rert heat at 60 bushels per acre is a common yield. The water euppty ia ample and the aoll very fertile, v Rnpert haa property connervatively estimated to be worth $1,200,000. Rupert 1 a modern municipality, with a very rich agricultural country backing it. ) ' I - Telegraph or Telephone Orders at Our .Expense. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Between 6th and tk Streets The) Premier Municipal Bond Hoase Established )aartr'nf a Ccatary j Morris Bldg $0.1I Stark St ' i Capital One MllUoa Dollars. Telepboaa Broadway tlil The Money Goes TTa ' - 1 ' r I ? ' V t' jDacK rorimD rovements Air increase of 61 in population and an addition of 53 in the number of consumers during 10 years indicates partially the jsteady growth of this great company and the reason for this issue of lO Year 8 First Lien and General Mortgage GOLD BONDS . - ' . Pacific Power & Light Company It serves 65 cities and communities in Oregon and Washington, and enjoys a profitable, non competitive business. 1 I PRICE 98J, YIELD 8 vV"Cr-1 af-l f w 7 I Uxrk?afsprii Bonda---Trustv- Acceptance Lumbermensj BIdg. 7.W 7 Province of British Columbia 1 Five-Year 6 Gold Bond. ' Denomimtions $500 $1000 , I ' Our original allotment havlne been over- I subscribed, we have obtained an additional I block of these bonds, which we offer st 98.25 and accrued interest, yielding 7 . i - Wire orders "eellect" 1 Freeman smith & Camp Cc SKCOrCO WVDCm VOirTVNtESTOKH BANK BUILXXZTS MAIN4, n i -