12 THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL. PORTLAND. OREGON MONDAY AUGUST: 1, 182u. FLATS TO RETTY, TTfTFCRNTSHEP II 6 BOOM lover flat, walking distanced 804 l gene St. aTTtOOM lowrr flat, 4 20 8tntonst. Trice 118. FT'RXISHFT FLATS c$ i'I.VAV 2. I ml 4-rtxm furnished llatn. car . 854 s4 First, between Carry and Pen- ATTRACTIVE furnished 9 room Oat with fire place; desirable dt'trict including water, I one MUSIC teacher wishes girl employed to abare flat, rent lessons, piano, reasonable; walking i . , af q lit ti qpuik: reirrevjcv. r'r l r DESIRABLE, S room, completely fnrnihed flat. t tide, done Id; . fcasl zots- APARTMENTS FOR RFXT 4 XICKL.ES apartments - On 4 and one S-roora beaut if oily famiahad modern apartment. 1 and : - mose in. Kat able. Phone Woodlawn. 497 1. I THE GBOVER Nicely furnished 2 room apart meat, 181 Grover at. South Portland. Main 9058. - THE JEFFERY. 3 room furnished ants.. . 818 close in, comer Russell and Kerb U. Phone East io. - -i NEW TORS apartment. Belmont and 7th 288. - East irMJfER SKKORTit TEXT CITY AT OCEAN" VISIT COLUMBIA BEACH "Bi the Sea' Completely furnished box tent in beantifnl grove, $10 per week ; grocery store, restaurant lancing; Jut the place to spend your vacation. COLUMBIA BEACH CO., 248gtrfc street.. - Main 6429 ATTENTION I HIKETtS AND FISHERMEN! : Wahtnm Lake Pack Train Leave Cascade Lock. Huckleberries and Blackberries rip, rnone Glover Bros. atore. SEA VIEW, Wa., 5- room modern cottage, lor Sept. Call tiOO Dekum bide, 11 to 1. STORES AND OFFICES It STOnB wittTliving room above. 310Alder. rori 18th; good location. Bee Mr. O'Brien, 28 stars, pot. za. WANTED TO REST WANTED, to rent or lease. 5 to 7 room modern bancs low. Roe City district; 'occupancy by Sept. 1 ; would consider option of ! buying by and of 1st year; no children.. C-3I7, Journal. WANTED To rent or lee by'Oet 1. by re apoifible couple, without children. 6 or 7 room house in goes! residence district; best of refer ences. Call East -3S-. SMALL boose, furnished or unfurnished, or will bny furniture; man and daughter.- prefer northeast ' Portland. ..- Mr. Burlingame. Address 18 Mississippi are. WANTED A modern unfurnished house by or 'before September 1. with garage, preferred; WILL LEASE. Phone Tabor. 1703 or call at 800 Lincoln at ; - HA.vr to rent small store with rooms over send deacriDtion. location, price, fb C. 1164 Interstate at. ADULTS want to rent or lease thoroughly mod' ern house, bungalow or flat. References, East : VJISMI. - ' WANT TO RENT. FCRNISHED. a small 3 room bungs low or a 3 room, apartment. Phone saain Dan. - 4. . . BY ADULTS, 5 to house; permanent; 7 room furnished modern garage. East 7860.. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY 6$ FACTORY eite. close in West Side. Water front wmi trackage, owner. 1241 N-W. Bank bldg i FOR HALE -HOUSES WEST RiiE """INCOME PROPERTY $5250 A well built 0-room borne, easily divided into 8 apartment. I-ocated at 334 Mill t-. near 17th. Lot 35x110. .' . ! g Re AuoaS 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. - iVancouver, Wash. -.000 CASH $50O , i We hare a 4 room cottage on G at mar 10th. on SOxlOO lot. It ydii want to g-t out of paying rent call n Hind ask about this place It is surely; a mouey saver, rhone Marshall 1265. ? f ONE-HALF ACRE HOME $1150 All in cultivation; 32 large bearing fruit trees,; 8-rocen shack cottage, good double garage. $375 eash, 15 monthly. I ' 9 782 Chamber of Commerce bkfe. 'F0R SAI.K 1 room house. 2 lots; 100x100; sidewalks, street graded and grareled, electric : light and toilet in house; 3 good cherry trees, - blocks to rarline; all clear of incumbrance; . $500 down. 325 per month, 6 pee cent inter est. Montavilla price l0rt. P. potta, 1H0 E. SUrk. Phone Tabor 800. i BARGAIN -... Splendid 7 room liome, large sleeping porch, attic, "large Hring. dining, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine basement, SOxieO lot; best location lr ineton. block to cs r, school, clieap. Kast 273, Herdmanu I 6 ROOM bunealow with full basement, all con veniences, electric range, gas heater, vacuum cleaner, good carpets on liring room floors, lin oleuni oo kitchen and baihrnom and kitchen I ta-bh- all ao with bouse, 70(H., 2750 cash, bai .snce rasy terms. t;-39S. Journal. FOR .SALE by owner. My home, .Consisting of ' modern S room bungalow on, pared street, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, linen closet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace and laundry; 2 full lott.'i fruit trees, bfjriea and fine garden. East 314$, ' SIX ROOM house to be Bold thTsj week. : 565 E; Madison, near 13th st., is going to be sold as bargain this week. . It requires $1500 to awing it, the balance like rent. Come, in the fort-noon, Sunday included. - $14602 lots, large garden, fruit treesT"! '"" uoiise, turn .ore bsti ami ... a it blocks to car, ! near Kennedy schnnl. Ath.r. district 008 CiJenn st between iWygant and xorng. l(iUM hoiuo. brae attic full lns.- fruit Cffllar m.h . .! .. i.; . ' , lOOilOO; I garage, fruit and garden. $3200. terms, or big discount for cash. From owner; nojgent; Call Tabor STOP or Tabor 5442. FOR SALE On new houses. S rooms and on room house, both in Kenton: 2 modern lwmea aonth of Piedmont. cheap; reasonable terms ; must aelU learine the city, f Call at 81 w , 1 ? iiii'itrii 5, 1'.lf1oSA,;,'ryquity 575 for 450; t.al-nc .,2a at 2 r,er month. 7 per cent. 4 room iM.nj im iurnriij notrse. gas and water on cornel- lot Nice garden. 0850 5th sre. s' E. 'Mt.' Scott ear.- , .' OOING EAST ! " Must mcrifieemy new 6 room modern bnn ealow tot 60x100. unsurpassed view mounUin and highway, close to school and earline. F-166 Journal. i iiiJwn. IZ """t. eardfu- chicken house.; rscsJl ww. -3 room. sleer.ine porch, bun KlT' . rPl' bookcases. Dutch kitchen. 3 bkwka to M. V. car, $1500; $500:cah. Tabor .- fcOSE CITT PARK $4250 take . eotUge S fctv,' "owers and shrubbery, street paved, paid; mi ,49th at below hiH. No agent need apply. Call evenings. Tabor 6441. "'' FIVE room house and furniture,! lot 50x100" wnh frait trees. $200O. $500 down, balance like rent, .or will sacrifice for cash, as party fe-leaving city. -. Woodlawn car to 4 84 Clare moont ave.. 13th and Dekum. j 'WANT 5 room bungalow at 1127E." Franklin -iV N? Plomhtng in, a, anar at $1850. with t .o.?rili balance on time. Take R. M. car to fc. 3 9th st; go 6btocks soutbCall Tabor 1267. 2 ACRES, well improved. , modern buildinssl spring on place, adjoining- Reed coUeg extra suitable for duck ranch; will aU or lease, $50 Ier- month. 1 6 Front" st. i . FlttE-lNseiUNCfn "? .NOTARY BONDS REAL ESTATE BONDS . IF IT LS INSURANCE. WE WRITE IT - SMITHWAGONERjaTOCKEXCH. WEST SIDE, no carfare. 7 rooms,, bath. 2fire placea, electric light, gaa. cement basement -lot 50x100: $5000; half cash. Se wnSvil nings, 467 10th st BX.OWSiER, 2 houses; 1 8-roora, 1 7-room-on fine corner, 50x5O, Broadway and Col lage, sts.. batha. toilets, gas; $3900. Wood lawn 2779. , ALAMEDA . . rooms and attic, new and strictly modern, double constructed, Ready to move into. Wood lawn 334. - i - $33 00 Six room house, full basement, barn, 20 fruit tree berries. 4 lots, Montavilla dis trict; $00 cash: balance eaax terms. Owner. Mar. 1822. 6 ROOMS, burnt, woodwork finish, hardwood floors, furnace, full lot, large porch, solid concrete floor : N. ML Tabor. , $4350: easy terms. East 6779. GO LOOK 224 E. BSD's'tT ' ' 8 ROOM MANSION MOUNT TABOR Every convenience, 75x100; - view; garage; worth $16.000. price $8950; terms. Main 4803. -. - A REAL BARGAIN 4 rootastcotta cc. water,- lu and electridty in, almost 2 Ibts. $1300. Come and see what you get for yonr money. 1217 Tibbita st ' . PERFECTLT new 3 room bungalow, finished in ivory and white, built in breakfast nook. fun lot terms. " t 1648 Uinne- aot ave, REAL ESTATE FOll HALF HOI St.sk I PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. I ! 1114-20 SwetUnd bldg. 1 Marshall 3089 or Marshall 1265. No. 874 Rose City PRICE $6300 $2500 CASH Tills fat a modern 7-room house, located on K. SOU at N , near TUlamook. 3 nic sleeping rooms and a sleeping porch on the second floor, full concrete basement, hard : wood floors, 1 block from the ear line, SOxlOO lot, everything ia excellent oondi ; tion. ; . ... ...... ; . . I So. 891 , i Ladd Addition PRICE $7400 ONE HALF CASH i W are here offering yon a splendid buy in this exclusive district of a modern 7. ; room borne with all the convenience to b : found in an up-to-date place, 3 nice sleep ing rooms an da sleeping porch, splendid bath, hardwood floors, on paved street; also a good garage. , This la a real buy in -good location. ; , . f '..-v '"! !': "v. No. 603 ; i 5-1 Eadd Addition . PRICE $6000 HALF CASH ThU i a new modern 6-room home, nice large front porch, large living room, dining . room, beautitful French doors, lots of built in, oak floors. 8 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch, hard surface street and cor ner tot This b an excellent buy. ; No. 607 ' ;- - Beaumont u PRICE $5700 CA8H $1200 This is a modern a.rmn hnnMbni fiw bhed in old ivory, lots of built-in in the jwary oi mi tret and Dutch kitchen, plate : glass mirror mantle, hardwood floors, I bard surface street, full concrete basement, .Dot air furnace, 50x100 lot We will be giaa to show you this place at your eoo- ; venietiee. 1 ' No. 599 i ' Fulton District PRICE S4000-WAKH 7flO !' We are here offering a nifty modern beautifully finished 4 -room bungalow with lovely bath, fine, basement, on a hard sur-. ace street, good sized lot, new and every thing in first class shape. See that one. ': ' No.'bo ' : I Hawthorne i PRICE $5000 ONE HALF CASH On K. 54th St.. ner Crant w. h... tliis 7-roCro bungalow tyle, with : 3 nice large sleeping rooms, fine basement, on the earline. good garage, 1.0x112 lot This is well located and Is a very good bay. Call up lor appointment to see. . No. 600 if 1 MunnvfiiilA U PMCB $8600 $700 CASH This is a 7-room serai-modern house on E. amhUl st, pear 87th. with the usual ' arrangemeiit dowtistairs and 3 nice sleeping rooms and a sleeping porch on the second floor; bard surface street, on earline, 60x 100 lot lota of fruit and shrubbery. ft ; i t --' : I - : No. 614 ,; ! East Side f v PRICE $4200 CASH $1000 ir This is a modern 6-roora Queen Ann . I3!! ,hot"' bont years old; has ' nice v full -front porch, 3 nice sleeping: rocra. hot air furnace, -hard surface streets, some fruit and shrubbery, in good condition. f -I : - - i - : " i . . .'-" :i 1 ! " f NortH Irvingtoh . ; PRICE $2100- CASH $1800 ri This place is close In and whoever buys - it(i will surely get their money'a worth. It is a furnished 5-room cottage, on a 60x100 lot, hard surface street, and everything in fine condition;. This is surely a bargain. , ' 'it . i ' . i No. 650 f ! 5 t, 80x100 Lot f PRICE $3700 I This is one of the best we hsve had- in a long time. I.arge 5 room bungalow, large lrtt. chicken house to house about 500 chickens; all kinds of fruit .Look . this up utjuu wsm. 10 raue cnicxena. f Rose City . . . l -j uwucr, room Lrnicn colonial, one of the best double construct ed; home in the city, not quite finished and wiill paper and tint to suit; 50x100 lot; Price $6000; cash $2000. U yon want to tee this, ctU ms up. Marshall 1265. PACIFIC AGENCY! INC. BJS-L'O Swetland Bldg. i I Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. J MODERN 8 ROOMS $4750 !' ' 4 Large Bedrooms i Best gradw heavy oak floors: the woodwork. panneling. bookcases, buffet are exceptionally finejl full cement basement furnace,; washtrays, beveled plate mirror doors, every conceivable bnilt in convenience; corner lot with all street improvements, in and paid, 1 block to car. Only cs.su , required. A 86900 1 home for II . CLKVKLAKD-HENDERSON CO. 12-ltailwsy Exchange Bldg. Main 6752, 1 Kenton si i "- 81 N0O - ' J 73IIOO lot with 5 room hniuu. a kWlu irons earline,. 2 bedroom living room, dining- room, aiicnen; trait and. berries ; ; very easy T'-rvns. , : CareySavidge Company , .11 i Railway Exchange bldg. i Main 7487. I Open Evenings. ! i ROOM COTTAGE 50x100 COR. $3000 Ocsori room cottage, electricity, gas, bath, basement all on one floor i 8 bed rooms, fine corner lot 50x10.0, paved st and all improvements paid; some fruit, lots of flowers and shrubbery, close in on Cleve Ismd ave. ;. price a snap $3090; about $600 cash, $25 a month, 6 peri oent no. mortgaxe to assume. . Shown by appoint ment only. i ' i y.. , 1 ORCSSI t BENNETT, i 81R-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. , il NEAR 20TH AND Fi. MAIN STS. , i 8 ROOM BUNGALOWS T ' 4 $3500 ! Walking distancee: dandy bunxalow with fire place; lot SOx73; posseaskm September 1; very a.iy terms; just 2 blocks from oar. This is a real, buy lei us show yon. fli :. A. G. Teepe Co.. ' ;;270 stark st . near 4th. .'Main 8002. ii Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. SIX ROOM BCNOALOW FRUIT $3500 ; Nice 6 room bungalow; fireplace, some . tmiltins, electricity, bath, cement basement, Itatch kitchen, trays, French doors, kit BOilOO; 19 large bearing fruit trees; half block to Olisan st oar. on East 79th st; $750 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent; photo at our office. j . .. ORUSSI BENNETT,' 818-821 Board of Trade. . Main 7452. 6 BOOM house, (u, bath, basement garage; 2 , lots, 9 bearing fruit trees, berries; fine loca tion: 1 block to ear; worth $2500, will take $1900; terms, $600 wiQ handle this. Take Woodstock car to 46th ave., go 1; block south and 1 block east.; - 4215 47th ave. 8. E. FOR, SALE Bt0WNEB SATE COMMISSION 4 classy, new homes, just completed; 4 rooms and : breakfast nook; others run from 8 to 7 rooms; all finished in ivory; easy terms. Finer A West Fine Home Builders. Call Woodlawn oaim to make appointment. i FINE desirable 5-room bungalow good wssed floors, large attic, built-in, full basement, right in middle of 3 lots. 23 bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit; a beautiful. place; half has not been told; 47 fcV87th at.. N. take MV-Depot car t 87th. walk 4 blocka sooth. f $4150 TAKES "5 room bungalow, cement bastv ment fine fireplace, laundry trays, all large rooms, in good condition, large floored attic, lo cated on 41st ft near 63d ave. S. E. Call ere lungs," Tabor 6441. ' ' .Li PORTLAND HEIGHTS ; Artistic, 5-room bungalow, modern, except fur nace; 3 doors from earline; newly decorated, "t'fil lawn and shrubbery, garage; only $450o.LQUerine $2400 cash. Marshall 1S18. BARGAIN, by owner, 6 rma, bath, fUH base-' mentiteriek foundation, fruit and berries and garrlen: naif -cash. 810-63. WlsA. SELL 527 E. 4 2d N. Fin. 7 nuuse, now- ready for occupancy : easy tersaa. Owner,. Mary Robertson 77 Tftihs mt Jiir,.room odex bouse, everything "f t-. fruit trees; newly pkutea '"ie and out 1563 E. Flanders, i sm"w ATTitACTIVE 3 roomhome.s ErrcJ H.i.h.- frbe'.t"S.Ji: . r oeiisrooq Xlatf. nnna oouasa .... Vm. -. . f arson high, choice fntii si. .r. i-Kt9 tt:: , aaoB ' v iv, VfUTQalg, AM compelled to sacrifice my modern beAeaad five lots cheap; fruits, gara iaahTJSr terms. 402S E. T$th, Tahjyni?f " OBW FOR RAT.K UV Iwuse. woodshed, garaee lota a ma and ifrnit 870570Ui ave. sTe.' ; - -"WII-jL. sell cheap or traded-9 i etc 99Q Powell VaUeyced?"''?" furnace, went aide, roori c. . . $500 DOWN. $35sn7rlT-v:.-rr-ri-rrr-. - - - - "Jr. caJl S004Si. home.. Call Broadway 2903. " m",UJ REAL ESTATE FOK HAUHOUSEH CI 4 PACIFIC AOtNCT. INC , '' 61 4-20 Swetland bldg. 1 ' Marshall 8089 or MstshaU 1268. 1 No. 605 1 ' I i, I ' HOLLA DAT ADDITION i PRICK SOOO ONE HALF CASH ' This t a fin 2 story 7 goom home within walking distance oa the east .side, strictly mod ern and evervrMna- to fiirst iclaas condition; 4 delightful sleeping rooms and sleeping porch on the second floor. Concrete basement, hot air furnace This p'ac . is completely furnished. res ay to move into. -. Tula include a . neavy. solid oak dining room set Chat could not. be duplicated today for leas than $600. ( If you are looking tt-r a famished home; we would suggest that yon be sure and see this 1 one. ; . : . - No. 861 ! , . U - IRVINGTON ' ' I PRICE $5506 ONE HALF CASH This is a fine two story 6 room home in the heart of Irvington ; nearly aB of the i furniture goes with this place: fine concrete basement splendid fireplace, a 60x109 lot, lota. of fruit and shrubbery. We would adtise thak yon make an appointment to see this place, lit will, be worth your time. j ,i - No. 863 Oi i - RO8E CITT PARK PRICE $4500 $1000 CASH This fully modern 6 roomj cottage is splen didly located on East 69th st North, three blocks from the earline. convenient to graded school, . nice hardwood floors, white rnamel fin ish; one of the finest furnaces: one of the moat easily heated home in Koae City. , For appoint ment 10 see, phone. 4 No. 502 .1 FRANKLIN t PRICE $2500 CASH $500 m This Utile 4 room bungalow is on East 85th st near 31st ave.. convenient to school ana tar. : tms place is about 4 years old. wry nice utue Borne for tne money. s i No. 58 HAWTHORNE PRICE 85000 ONE HALF- CASH On East 34th st, near Grant, we have this 7 room bungalow type of a house; 31 nice deep ing rooms, upstairs, good basement fireplace. nunary trays, a -good gurage. en the earline and a S0xll2 lot ' This is surely good buy and ; sua location. 1 ; No. 893 -i EAST SIDE! PRICE 3xoo gtnnn rwitvv , .Tuis, brand new 5 room bungalow with lots ut built-ins, nice buffet dining , room. 2 nice sleeping rooms, everything on one floor. Phone in for sppviotraent to see this nice new Bome wunin walking diUnce., r 4 - No. 865 i i ; EAST SIDE' 'J. PRICE ; $2625 CASH $583 . '" i"e on r-aat riasaalo st. and Is a ucusuuui 0 room bungalow and very nice . r t If .I.H. .a . . . ! . .. ; -, - - ..... ma scsiooi, on ouiius lot; lota of fruit and shrubbery. This place is -to reaay to move rtito; linoleum and shades remain in the house. ! Callr early, for these; vacant houses don't taji vacant long. I i '. ' No. 60S . : . LADD ADDITION ': : PRICE $6000 ONE HALF tASn This is a nica i..... .v. tt , ; w.u. w iuuu awl a sleeping norch Th. .u . 1 . . .. . . . " ST . . . . . 11U .11. srid delightfully arranged: nice French doors. ' line oak r mm 1 1 . . . . . fin. luruwie, caeryuiing ia . -.-uu.iiuii, on corner lot. j PACIFIC AGENCY! INC 314-2(1 ftia.ll.n :.-j. Marshall 3989 or Marslull' 285 i.J RfSE CITT PA3RK" NEW DOUBLE CONSTHrtCTVD HINOAUlW A GEM $5000 .,;,. bere 'oiks; be good to yourself. 8ee jnis bnnc.low compare it with others you have peen looking al casting much snore, j You pol tiveiy couldn't expect to bny at better home for this rnoney. It really the vctw acme of bunira low perfection. The quality s of workmanship and materials ued speak for ithemselves. You will a.preciate the extra Urge living room, too. Co -re nothing to investigate iti may mesa a big saving to you. Now ready for occupancy. 1 ? A. G. Teepe: Cb.i 2708tark t. Bear 4th. ; 'Main 13002. Branch Office, Both and Sandy. v Hawthorne Carlihe ' $2200 1 i ThitJut' l balf house his 0 rooms. 2 of them being uiwtaira bedrooms and I7 down- 1st' t of plumbing, newly iaihted and kinttd This house is 4 years old and in vetw wi l.nHifi. Several I, trees loaded with fni.t; Walking -diT v-1 r iu $111.11 ''f-Ilfy'fl ! TnCinr ! 'fMN in.(i g-UM.. CareySavidge Cornpany 'v " Open Eveningst ' $750 DOWN MT. TABOR BUNGALOW Almost new 6 room bungalow, fx copied only very ahort time, beautiful location ! fir trees in yard), all rooms old ivorv fiaiahx i h.i..i floors in the main rooms fireplace, built-in book- i V. " no "U"t Dutch kitchen with breakfast table, furnace, fnll concrete I basement, also attic. Price only $5750. i Thia ia. indeed. no buy. Remember you Won't buy houses "..'iil'ftP3? .riya fron ""w- J. Is. I HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. " Sell wood: furnished ! ! $1700 1 i To buy this furnished 5 room house on full lot with pavement and sewer. 3 '. blocks from car line, on terms le: than rent I certainly ia preferable to paying rent : . CareySavidge Company -11 uairwsay r.xcnange ulug. Main - 74 87. ' Open EveningsJ !- NEW BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR I -. IIISTIIK'T (' . . Five rooms, bath, vestibule, i basement, liard wood floors, mirrored door, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white and ivory finish; choice, neat de- ". n xiawmorne canine at s7tn ave.; muu, icHUDsuic. nj owner, ivaoor 3D3Z. a N IFTY CLASSY BUNGALOWS $1 700 4 rooms, complete plumbing., built-ins. climb ing roses, screened porch, lot SOxlOO. 4 blocks to car; .$250 cash, $15 monthly, j photo at utiitjn. .1 1 A- 732 Cliamber of Commerce I bldg. 7. ROOM house. 4 bed rooms, dining room liv ing room, kitchen, penty. kathj Urge front porrh. back iorch, screened Irs; fnll aize base ment, wash trays; street paved. Sewer: block from car; screens on all windows; lot 75x100 nice lawn.-fruit and berries; clothes closets- terms' owner. 625 Maiden ave.. SeUwood; ear. t1- INDOOR SPORTS l - , '' j' : ' Ml '. : - ' 7e tfvVWts Oy9R- uvofO -I. ? -. : ' H l I 1 .! .' ' ' ' -I ii"' . ! - -I'll- SymSc m" ' 1 I"; i HP fs X' Ti'mM : 11 : i'f . ? . - rnn ,ri H II I. niiinmiini 1111 l: 2-.. i mihkii i 4l LADOlCiAjCf WOIZ 3yPPTV1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 NOW VACANT $8780 FARKROSE BUNGALOW . AC1E TRACT .,- - ' ; S !.. For sale en account -of closing an estate, here is a house that you could not duplicate for the price asked tor both the bouse and ground. The staining and tinting will make an excellent look ing home. This is on s Parkrose acre tract ; ground all cleared; there is also a cow shed.' The bungalow contains 8 good rooms with fireplace, hardwood floors in - the main rooms.' Dutch kitchen and a 'very' large floored attic, good cellar. Thia place is located on Preaeott at, near Craig road. Price $3780.-$1750 cash, balance 3 years from date of sale. 3. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. nldg. Main 208. or PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of Parkrose earline, . . : ATTENTION I ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS -We are the leaders ia sales in the Rose City rark district We maintain a branch office there at 60th and Sandy blvd. We are-better equipped than anyone else to handle property in that dis trict nuxt of onr sate -men live there, we know nearly every, hoose in the section and those who want to selphata rally come to as with their Rose City Park property. Doesn't it stand to reason that we can serve you be-tf At any rate it would be folly to buy without first seeing our H-tingi. This much ii sure it would be poor business Judgment Let us show you yon-will be 'tinder no oblijrstirms. . A. G. Teepe Co. 270 SUrk st. near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy.: North of Piedmont -. $3700 : :.--..! This modern bungalow fa in a restricted Pa triot near Peninsula Perk.; within walking dis tance of Jefferson high school; tpur bedrooms 3 of them being up tains living room with fire place, built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen ; cement basement; garage. : This is a very attractive l;nme. Convenient terms, i Carey-Savidge Company 211 Railway Exeliange bldg. , Mam 7487. : Open Evenings. " West Side PRICE $S00 CASH $2300 This is an 11 room i house located in high class west vide district and is effered for sale at a remarkably low price. The roomi are large, light anJ airy and well arranged. There is no inflation of this price and you are getting more than! 100 cents on the dollar value. . If it is a wet eido '.property you are -looking for. cloie in. , For appointment to see phone Star shall 1265. i $1800 PARKROSE 3 ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE Can move in at once: place is readv in start housekeeping: gas. electricity and water: onlv i blocks to earline and Sandy blvd. 8 choice fruit trees, excellent garden. This place is located on a graveled street Price includes range.; dishes, rugs and furniture. An attractive place (not a aback). Best terms. $850 cash.' Total monthly payments are $29. J. L. 1 HARTMAN -CO.. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208, or PARK- ROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE CA1UJNE. ! $1800 5 ROOM cottage, $300 down,: $25 a moDtn ana interest, -j. s diocks to earline. $2506--2 story. 9 room'. 5 rooms ; on the 1 st floor. This place could be rented to 2 fam ilies: it is now renting for $23 a month; some fruit trees and berries, 60x100 ft lot; on car line; $500 down, $25 a month and interest i $3200 Excellent 6 room house, full: cement basement lot 60x125 ft, 4 cherry trees and berries. $750 cash, balance $25 a month, and interest. 2 blocks to earline. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8-Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. A Big Bargain, 3450 Her is a fine big house of 7 rooms and sleeping porch that is positively the biggest bar gain in Portland: There are 8 rooms, besides reception' hall and pantry, on ' lower, and 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on upper floor. Extra toilet and lavatory on lower floor; big full cement basement high-grade furnace, wash trays, garage. 50x100 corner lot You couldn't build the house now for $5000. Owner must hsve $2200 cash. , . v : Comte & Kohlman 228 Chamber of Commeree. ' Mar. 6550 $3760 BIG BARGAIN Close in, being on E. Davis st, west of Iurelhorst 6 rooms, full cement basement lot 50x100, 5 fruit trees: 8100O down, balance like rent J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Main 208. i , NEWLYWEDS LITTLE WHITE BUNGALOW ! A picturesque little 4 -room bungalow, located on paved street 50x100 lot among the cool fir trees, interior finished in old ivory.! It has a large combination living and dining room with fireplace, artistic buffet, 2 large bedrorgns, swell Dutch kitchen, cement bssement, double con structed, and it is new. Yes, it has a garage. COOVER &. HOLMAN, 322-3-4 Failing bldg. Mar. 8993. Portland Heights 5 room bungalow, hardwood tioor. fireplace, furnace, wash trays, full basement, garage, lot 75x100, fruit and berries, paved street. Thia home must be sold at once as the owner wants to go on the farm. Will sell furniture. This house is in very good condition. D. E. CARLOCK. 1125 Gasco bldg. Main 6882 Shnday morning, i Main 8456 -weekdays. f PORTLAND HEIGHTS "RESmENCES Offered by owner for sale. No. 724 Patton Road. $6100. l No. 726 Patton Road, $00O. , No. 730 Patton Road, $7500. One lot. No. 728 Patton Road. $1800. For particulars can Broadway 408. Or see owner at No. 247 Ankeny st FOR SAI.E4l.OT8 1$ HOME BUILDERS. . ATTENTION Look! at 50x100 lot on E. 7th N.. between Prescott and Going sts; any reasonable offer considered. Address 612 E. 82d st ; N. BEST vacant lot on Market at drive, look it up. 0.-WOO, 4uuniai. i ( Copyright. 1920. by Service. - ' ': Ovvte :- --k:--- - ; REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E-LOTS 1$ ROSE CITY PARK CAR . . 2 TRACTS OK 11 FULL LOTS Dandy bargain, S tracts on 70th sr.. ver looklng country club (recently bought for city park); above tract adjoining: one a corner, fine opportunity for someone. Come in and let n tell yon about them. Price only $2650: J. L. HAUTMAN COMPANY. Chamber of Com merce Wdg. Main 208. BEACH RESORT FOB SALE An the- remaining unsold ,lot at Mnxanita Beach,, near Nehalem. Or., consisting of about 340 lot. There are many choice lota, and are all fiOxlOO feet or larger; and al-o an HO-aere Platted tract, with A mile of belch. Fine pro tecting seawall; mild climate and delightxnl beach. Price only $20,000. For further details eall Mr. Brown. Maip 8051. 272 Stark at TWO IXTS in goodlocation; can be bought Jr $350; also two lots, $501; all lots 60x 100 each. Will consider trade on city-property. 1 RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commeree LOTS for sale, near beautiful park. Price $350 and on. Will furnish money to build. 1643 Mississippi ave. ft 2 LOTS for sale by owner, on 63d ave. and"7th st, $400. Call 7224 65th ave. S. E. ACREAGE 87 $5 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY Mnl.tlftfl OA. ...m vu1 .r.4 1 . 1 j m K.. some cleared; 13 miles from Oregon City, 27 miles from Portland. Total price $900. is.- tnimm or ommerce Bids. FOR SALE 80 acre of good level land. Enough wood on place to pay for place. On mod paved road, close in. Call Monday at 632 Wash, at 1 7th st. HOMESEEKER8' OPPORTUNITY One to 5 acre, easilv elearad. doca in? X.IO down. $5 month. 334 College st Call 12" to 8 p. m. r $2400 12 acre level land, be t soil. 4 acres cultivated, close in. Ea-t Side, ho grave L Gravel road, near paved road. No tiade. Chalker. 4709 E. 61st ft FOR SALE 10 acrc of apple land V nils From Underwood. Wash. : or trade for Ohio property. L. P. M. 1614 Olivewocd avenu, Lakcwood. Cleveland, O. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 $200 Neat new 4-ruora bungalow, pantry, frostproof cooler, natural grove, rarden, 11-3 acres. Good auto road. Courtney Station. Terms, owner. C-512. Jonrnal. FOR SALE 3 acres on O. W. V. line, near car. Lies beautifully, must se)l to close estate Will sell on part cash payment Box 364. Beaverton. Or. SUHURBAN HOMES 7$ $550 PER ACRE PARKROSE 4 ACRES In the diking and drainage district ground nearly all cleared, excellent gxrden ecil. very easy term", monthly or semi-annual payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamtwr o Com. Bldg. or PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE car line. NICE new bungalow of 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch -and basement modern chicken house, nice barn, young orchard, berries and big garden, op 2 lots 110x160, on good rock road near pavement. 20 minute' drive from courthouse. 6 He fare via Oregon Electric, 6 minutes' walk to school, store snd P. O:. sidewalks and all city conveniences; bargain at $3500, cash or terms. Main 2188 E. R. S3TROMQU1ST, Maplewood. HERE is a snap; M acre. 3 room house, barn and chicken house, bearing fruit trees and berries, also atore building and stock of gro ceries; 1 buggy. 1 wagon, 2 sets of harness snd small implements; fine location, 1 milea from any other store; good graveled road; city water, gas and telephone; fine income, and Just think of iU ail tor only $3500, Inquire 113 Grand avenue. , . 84 ACRES NEAR SIFTON, WASH. All under cultivation, family orchard; good 5 room house. $2700; $140t cash. R. H. , CONFREY. -RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. ATTRACTIVE ACRE FOR HOME Shade trees, on main road. 3- blocks from station and lake. Water, light, at lake Grove, $900, part cash, easy payment Owner, phone Oswego 701. . FOR' SALE By owner, 5 tt acres; -good mod- i em uouae, orcnara, gooa garden, 1 acre in tw.rn, gas, electricity and, Bull Run water.. Part cash, $6500. Phone Tabor 2207. H ACRE, 4 room house, at Mnltnomsh. at a bargain if Bold soon. Main 9217. Ask for Phillips. FOR SALE FARMS 17 For Sale or Trade 4000 acre stock farm in famoua Flint Creek Valley, cn western slope of Rocky mountains; Philipsburg. Mont Modern S room - bouse and complete outbuildings. Lota of water. 800 acres irrigated, iree water. complete fanning equip ment Will include all or part of 240 head -pure blood and registered Hereford. - If inter ested write for list and photos. BEVERLY HILLS STOCK FARM Phiiipsburg. Mont Fine 65 Acre Ranch A fine ranch, stock, fixtures, all equipment crop; line K room house, barns, all ftneed. good road, fitw water in yard; all in cult: $14,000, $."'000 cash. bal. long time. Will consider ems", acreage n-ar Portland. L. A. Baker 317 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4897. FOR-'SALE 359 acres near Creswell, Willamette valley ; a boot 50 acres swale, balance rolling: 110 acres in cultivation, 2 creeks, and -school house on place. You can get a reel bargain here. Phone East 250 or call at 450 East 27th it Bortb, after 6 p. m. FOR SALE 1148 acres, about 2 50 acres creek bottom, balance rolling hill, fruit ami pasture land; fair buildings; rural route, tele phone, near town; $33 per acre; might ex change. 54 Park Terrace. Corvallis, Or. 108 ACRES, 6 m. from St Helens. 5 room house, not finished inside; small barn; a few acres cleared; good spring 200 ft. from house. $3500. $2000 down. bal. term. Come ana see me at a mo well ve., Sellwood. FOR SALE: 80 acres. 13 in cultivation ; barn, outbuildings and orchard, in Clackamas conn. ty; price $2000; half cash. Owner. 905 tn st. n. v ooaiawn 4619. I International reatar Inc.) REAL ESTATR FOR SALE FARMS 17 The Best Buy Within 20 miles of Portland . 1 87 acres, $35 per acre. Fair turn , barn, fenced, 1 J acres lis been in cul tivation. Lot't of hard wo. si timlxf, aB good land. He nearly level, drains well, on gravel mud. 3 milft trum paved Pacific highway. 1 mile from chocL This is an opportonfty yon sel dom bare ; tK- owner is a non-rwaidsmt and must sell 40 acre within two miles of the . above de-eribed tract. $8600; all- in cultivation, good buildings, fenced and cross fenced, good gravel road. 1 mile from school, 1 mile from paved. Pa-, cific highsvay. ATKINSON V PORTER. ' 112 6 til st, Vancouver. Wash FOR SALE S acre fruit and chicken ranch. AdJreas Milwaukie. Or., route 1. bog 195. Owner will meet you at Courtney Station, .Ore gon City Electric railroad. . - . ! FOR REST FARMS 14 WANTEDTO rknt- Farms of 160 to 800 - acres. We nave clients who win pay easn rent and buy personal property. If you are figuring on leasing your ranch this fall it will be to your advantage to eee Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN aV LEE. 3d and Main kits., Vancouver. Wash. - . , ;- . ' 0-ACRE ranch; stock, feed and equipment, for sale. 810 McKay bldg. FARMS WATKU- MENTOR Ml V 84 WANTED TO BENT Farms of 160 to BOO acres. We have clients, who will pay cash rent and bny personal property. If yon are figuring on leasing your ranch this fall it will be to your advantage to see Mr. Blair, with THMPSON. SWAN at LEE, 3d and ' Main eta.. Vancouver, Wash. PARTY from East wants to buy small fa. m. from 10 to 40 acres, nesr Portlsnd; slate price and terms. Cbaa. Heikkineh. 839 Bortb wick at. TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM i BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE . I Washington. D. C, July 16. 1920. Notice ia hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the ret of lune 0, 1916 (39 Stat.. 218), and the instructions of the secretsry of the interior of September 16, 1917. the timber on the following lends will be sold September 10. 1920, at 2 p. m., at public auction at the United State land office at Lake view. Oregon, to the highest .bidder at not leas than the appraised value as shown by this nottoe, sale tr be subject to the approval of th secre tary of the interior. The pnrchase price, with an additional aum of one fifth of 1 pet cent thereof, being commissions allowed must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will isatte for th timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citlsens of th United States, sssocistions of such citisens snd eorjio rations organised under the laws of the United States or any stste. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in sny offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8.. R. 6 E.. Sec. 1. N. E. H B E. H . pine 360 M.. fir 130 M.; N. W. 8. E. H . pine 400 M., fir 50 M. : S. E. S. E. H, , pine 430 M.. firl to M. : S. W. tt S. E. tt . pine 875 M , fir 190 M.s N. E tt 8. W. tt. pine 80O M., fir 100 M-; N. W. tt 8 W. tt. pine 295 M. fir 140 M-; S. E. tt 8. W. tt. pine 840 M.. fir 190 M. ; 8. W. tt S. W. tt. Pine 360 M,. fir 120 M.; none of the pin to be sold for less than $4 per M.. and none of the fir to be sold for less thsn $1 per M. - (Signed.) t IAT TALI, M A.N. Commissioner, General Land Office. FOR 8A4.E OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S3, 40 ACRES of land near Kalama, Wash. ; will ! take good auto in part payment. $2O00, 160 acres" of fir timber land near Hood River, cash $4500. part cash, balance trade, $5000; will take income property for part. 10 room strictly modern residence. 2 lots, garage, $7000; will trade for small ranch and art cash or will take good land for all. Write to or call Jj i. Walker. Lafayette. Or. - . TWO small farms, half mile from highway, near i Reed ville ; crop, stock and equipment See Harry Ball, 431 Lumber Ex., fid and SUrk. Main 1 86L: , MODERN 8 room house for sale at reasonable I price, or exchange for erreaee. ' Fast AM15. EXCH SG K.R E A L EST A TP. 4 WE HAVE " stock ranches, wheat ranches and irrigated Is nil in South- . ern Iditho to trade, for Willamette Vsl- " ley farm. Write ui if Inlere-tcd. ATKINSON it PORTER, .112 W. 6th St., Vancouver. Wash. WE have placed J. It Stephens in charge- of our exchange dept. and' invite you to bring your exchanges to .. We have a lartre -list and render real value and service in connection with every deal. ..' . A. HE UTtJ W V 732 Cham-, of Com. Bldg. FOR TRADE for city property. 12 tt acres. 4 !. miles from city limits; 8 acre cleared. 4 acres all chopped and logged off; 6 acres of good timber, tt mile from earline, close to Base IJu. road. Will give good' trade. Property must be clear. O. P. Potts, 1980 E. Stark st- Phone Tabor 300. 10 ACRES of richest land hi mile sooth of ! Hubbard, all in crop, on Pacific highway; $2500; will take lot in on it some, cauh and terms, .labor zei. WASTED Shack or lot to build on.. Will ex- ' . change piano. North Bend lot; 10 acres, Eastern Oregon, or tt acre on highway, as 1st payment cast S102. - STUDEBAKKR truck to trade for. ltou.se and lot- or acreage, close -in. Call at 90O Powell Valley Road S. 717. " : - WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANT TO BUY small "S or 4 room modern ! bungalbw on monthly laayments: will assume loan and pay $25 . per month. ' Phone Main 6577. WANT 4 or 5 room modern bouse, 80x100 lot. I east side, not mo lar out. moot bell. 2754 after 6:30 evenings. WANT a 5 or 6-room modern bungalow in good ' district; prefer Piedmont. Kobe City or Wal nut Part. P-oZo. Journal. WANT From owner, modern 6 or 7 i house. Tabor 7654. . room .1912 HIGH-GRADE 5 -pass. csr. $J5r). .Will , take lot of eoual value. W-240. Journal. By Tad ' real estate IFXkted real estXtk CI The Harris Method WE SELL HOMES That the public is constantly watching our method of advertising the addresses of our list ings ia proven by the amazing number of bouses sold by us each week. If yen have a moderately priced home which yon can self" with reasonable first payment, phone Main 5624 at once. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 CHAMBER QF COMMERCE WANT about 1 acre. West Side preferred. Would like bearing fruit trees; can as. without houe. If hosts os place ant b. 4 or 3 room bunga lc.w. Have 1919 Chevrolet might eonskltr trade. State low t price and terms In first let ter. B-B90, Journal i WASTED. CITT PROPERTT 7 WANTED A modern 6 room bungalow in Roee City district; will trade a touring car as tirst payment' Bdwy. 8606. - - ROOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS AXT HOTELS FOR SALE E3 APARTMENT HOUSE - Three story brick, up-to-dat corner, clone in; consider some exeliange.' See Harry Ball. 431 Lumber Exchange. 2d snd Stark. Main 1861. ROOMING houe 14 rooms,! fine location, rooms always rented, housekeeping, rent $33, lea e; well furni-hed. clean; snap,. $1200; terms. Garland. 201 8d. - - ' ' DANDY room and boarding bouse, 15 to 20 boarders, only $473. East 3651. I HAVE cash buvers waiting for rooming houje. Phone Matn 36K0. It. W. Garland, 201 3d. WANTED Tor buy tmdern flat gJod. location, if bargain. Mar. hall 5709. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $ TO LEASE. NEW HOTEL, MORO. OREGON A splendid 3-story hotel with full basement constructed of cement and hollow -til and having 50 rooms; will be completed and ready fur occupancy about 8rt.' 1 5. The board of directors for the Moro Hotel! Co. desire to leas the building unfurnished, toi a first class hotel man. a Ion lease, baaed on a reasonable rate of interest, will be given. Here is an opnortuni:y for the right person. If Interested, write or phone at once to the Moro Hotel Co.. Moro, Or. FOR-SALE A newly qutmed billiard, cigars and con fectionery room located about 150 miles from Portland in center of wheat industry with a gnod trade. For information see Mr. M. B. Macklinj Mgr. Henry Weinbard plant, Port land. Or. i FOR SALE Jackson county agency for lee Lese refrigerator. Fine opening for man or woman who ran give the business moat of their time. Owner lias other business now demand ing all his time. Address ! IL L. Hathaway, 876 E. Main st; apt. B. Ashland. Or. WE ARE in touch with , several parties wsnting to rent farms and buy personal property. Let ns know what you have and. we -can make a quick deal. v i . - 8TEWART A BUCK 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. DEATH of 'owner is reason if or ssle of general store in Willamette valley town. .Invoice about $8500. Will sell or rent building, with dwell ing planned for hotel use. attached.- , BX-591, Journal. j , , : , Corner Grocery - . Good dean stock and good business; sell fix tures for only $200, stock at invoice. See Al bert Harala. 7B8 tt Miaissippi ,. : : - DELICATESSEN AND HOME" BAKERY-" Good location, cheap rent j living rooms; do ing a swell business and rasking money. Suit able for. man and wife. $1350 cash, and it iff a real buy. C-515.- Journal.! -v FOR SALE Short order restaurant, doing an extra good business, in a good, live town in Eastern Oregon. The only reason fur sell ing poor health. Address C. 1 Hetxler, W rreuon. Llk'E agent wanted in every! Or a on and Wash ington town tr fastest selling proposition on the market O. W. Borders. iil02 Spalding bldg., Portland, Or. - ! - 1 GRAVEL truck, thoroughly overhauled and work ' ing now - on long job,, making $40 per day. Price $2000. WO! give .iterma.; Campbell, Bdwy. 4370, N. W. cor. 10th and Davla. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, etc., best loca tion in city, good 1 man or lady place; snap, .8650.. Garland. 201 8d. i -. $t."0 'BUYS half interest in good soft drink place on transfer comer. For particulars phone East .602. j." GOOD stock of furniture of i bet ween $1500 to -$2000 stock; sacrifice for $1100 if taken at once.' "88.4 E. Washington. FOR SALE 2 chair barber (shop, bat lis in con nection. Write Ed Miles. Box 851, Her mis ton, or. !j - . - j - : WANTED-Tb find" auto painter who wants to take tt interest in auto paint shop. Small amount of cash required. Locke. 265 Salmon st ESTABLISHED beauty parlor for sale; good locality; will sacrifice on account of health. Please investigate. O-B0, Journal. - OLD established millinery store for sale; lo cated in payroll town. Muller ae Itass Co., Royal bids. j FOR SALE BY OWNER Grocery store, 3" liv ing rooms; building, stock Sod fixtures. Wood' lswn'4619. MFO. A-l . patent for sale, j Stand closest in- vestigation. Phone or Write. . P. E. W., Holbrook. Or. Printing for Less Ryder Pag 'Co Main ft. . 1 92 8d st FOR SALE Good paying restaurant, with year's lease, tor saie cneep.- v.aii ootf i amniu street r ICE CREAM, conrectionery and light grocery FTora ana nxrrures; expense only $1 a day. t-none r.ssr izai. i r BARBER ahop. 2 chairs and bath, in good town ooing au to a ween;-also building wanted. Address Clem Brown. Yoncalla, Or. MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE t7 CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for - improvement irarposea. ' ( The beat and easiest method of paying a Boat vniuij pSJDWDl plan. ' $32.26 per saonth for 86 months, or $21.24 -per month for 60 months, or loan of $1000 and interest - toana of. other amounts in same proportloav Repayment Privilege. EQUITABLE SAVINGS as IXiAN ASSW. 243 Stark St. Portlsnd. Or. ; MONEY. TO 1iAN , W 12.000 to loaam improved Port- usa -property. - ! , RALPH HARRIS CO.. - 827 Chamber of Commerce. LIBERAL LOANS - W logo onr own money on real estste. 1st tv) 2d mortgsge. contract, livestock, notes. automobiles, etc. W. E. Bowman Co.. 3lu CTa tuber of Commerce. Main 3026. NO DELAT ' NO DELAY $10OO $15O0 $2000 f $3000 AND CP We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. P. H.-DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. iiONET TO LOAN $300. $500. $700. $1000. $1500. $2000, oa city improved property, at T per cent i. U Well Co., 608 Geaeo bide. tsUILDINQ loans on city snd suburban property money advanced a work oroer W. u. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg.. Mate 8407. MONEY TO LOAN la sasasis ef $100 ta f BOOO on dry propel ty. ( . -. A. H. BELL. Room 10 and! 11. MnTkey bldg. $300. $400. $500. $780, $ltf00"and no at lowest rates; quick actioaui kred W. Gee- man Co., 7S2 Chamber of Osaswres bldg SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.223 t,naroper or uimmcna, etn at etarm. MORTGAr5ELOANSn to $ 6000T6anl 1 Fred 8. WlHUma. 606 Panama bide. MONET TO LOAN" CHATTELS. AALAJlIEHj 87 DO YOU NEED MONEY? . LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES - F-TTP VITrTT4r V. min Riingmriin onnna REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING) OF VAIA7E. SECURITY USUALLY LaJfT IN VOUit POSfiFUKIflsl - , ALSO? SALARY! LbaANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT 8KCUKITY. ' IF YOUR PAI MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARB TOO LABOR. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOO MOBE MONK! IF NECESSARY. AND! YOU CAN REPAI US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES. ) NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. . (LICENSED)' $06-807 DEKUM HLDO. If) AND WASH. j SALARY , LOANS I I CUATTELS .WE LOAN MONEY en abort aratie to salaried or working men ew their own - ootaa. Weekly, e mi -monthly ot monthly paymeDta , Kaegt Uaaaactioa suictly coisfidential. : j NO MORTGAGE SO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We alas loan an bona hold f anutsra. pjaeea. ' etc. wtthont removal. 1 - 1 CA1.L AfJU INvESTTOATBt ' COLUMBIA DISCOUNT - CO (LICENSED! ; 2l FAILING BLDG. ' . LIVESTOCK LOANS On f own ttisiney loaned ' ass cftl. ah..w. ainM .t. i V ST. Rm..n a ICo.. 310 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. MOXET TO LOAN CHATTELS. ' Sl. ARIES 67 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway W10. r'k St.. nesr 10th. Ians on diamonds, wstehe. Virtrolas. frlanoa.' daka. shotguns, furnitur, masical instruuients and anything of valua ESTABLISHED BT THE pfiori.ei or PORTLAND TO PROTECT Tlli?rWKROVEB CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. : Manager.. LOANS WANTED SA WANTED Ixan of $3000 on goodsecuTTT Call st 1117 E Market eecuiu, , FINANCIAL il M"K RUT first and second uiortgaers ani srllars ' contract F. IS. Bowman at t o., 210 thain ber cf Commerce. i CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' eomracts en real estate in Washington or Oregon H. R Noble. 816 l.nmhe miens M,tg QUICK money to salaried people ns nots" without Indorsers or security: 1nvetisstion confidential. 816 Lhamber of Commeree. bids. IIORssF." VFHtCI.F.. KT. r" NOTICE To anyone who has any mules welcli'nir inlin Jba. or better from 8 to 10 y-sr old or any " b g norses, who wi-hes to eichsnae lr go. d 1100 or 1200 Ih. ranch hor-ies. I have ." well matched teams that would mssr g-.d Jcnmi for a small rsnch or orcr.srd Work. I' sin lave a good five-year-old Msltene- Jnck for sl or exchange for horses, mulen nr cattle. I'lnl Buetler. 285 Front. Crown sts Mrs JUST moved into Tremnnt di trict, 715 fl7th ave.; have j.alr of marr', wricht 2"O0 lhs ; al-4 good farm wagon wide tired I snd harness for 32KB; also have . hay rake snd lluckrve mower. 'fake; Mt Scott car to 57lli ave.. go west 4 blocks. ; 2400 IOUNDi team, harness and farm wg"n. - $135 takes! it as I have no use for th. m; also top hiiffgy and harness snd tirw iKitsto plow. Woodstock csr to 4."Sfh st.. It ld.-ks' north to 4 5th ave., little tionse among f-.r trees. 2600-I.K, tram of unr.si. ii rnc and stagjnT $185. Jake Wo.xi4tock car to B2d t. 2 blocks Jiorth to 575!. TEAM horseB. weight 2S0OhTrnes7 wsgonT "" $183. Must be sold Sunday. 633 iliur msn st " i 3 GOOD work hr.rw. wt-ight nil rrnnm! 1400 lbs., one 1200 lb. hor Itaricss. I.iicev and cart. $85 Call at ftno I-o.-ll Vsllev r.ssd ron SALE One tesm. well tnatchrd. 6 years old, weight 2800; sound snd true. 226 Russell st. 8000 LB. TEAM, young, iKund. true aiid-g-n-tle; well mated. Atlas Woodjard, J -7 Front st . FINK mare, surrey, . 2 buggies. 2 sets haTness and turkeys for sale. G. Itushby. Guunrss road.- Gilbert road. Lent Junction. GOOD work team nd harness, weight 2flon ; very cheap, also tip warmi and 2 single harnesses. 6647 65th st S. E. Woodstock cur. FOR SALE Team and wagon; will t'raja "for automobile. Call Tabor 5875. GOOD saddle ponies, fine team for sale; aMI and work horses for rent. 3 HO Front rt. WANTED Light delivery wagon forgrocery , atore. Wdln. 19. HORSES for rent double and single. Front 546 DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead rows. Phone Tahor 4 203. ' $50 TAKES horse, buggy and harness. SS7 Water, west side. ALL kinds of horses from $30 up; also horses and wagons for hire, j 387 Wster. west side. 2200 "l'OUNI)pafr of "cTiunkaT msre "and horse '; also Jhamess. 3 87 Wster. went side. LIVESTO CHANGE ol residence compels to sell fin Jersey-Durham milch cow. giving 8tt gala, very rich milk; age 6 years; fine disposition. Use! to staking. Can be seen st Polo barns, Knight sts.. Oregon City car, irom 6 to 8 a in. snd from 6 to 9 p. m. ; . . - TWO fresh cows, young and gentle, rich milker. Come at 7 and see them milk; 1 Welch "ponv, gentle for boy or girl; i 1 nlock south S. I', depot, Milwsukie. Henry Smith, Oregon City 10 GOOD fresh dairy cows, fine young Durhsms Holsteins and Jerseys, heavy milkers, 4 and ."! gallon cows; young, gentle family cow and calf, 845. 751 E. Ah st j, JERSEY cow and calf, week old. Also white Leghorn pullets (April! hatch). I'.'hii Simp son St., near 42d., east of Alberta earline, Mrs. Kathr. ' '-''', : . JERSEY COW Fresh, eligible to trgihiry, splm did milker, tests better than 8 per cnt. $200. Parman pi.. South Wichita school. Phone Mil waukie 05-R. ; . ; i2. ' '" ' YOCNGfamiry Jersey and week old "calf, cii. sr for. cash, or trade for tesm of horses. 5tM F.st IxVmbard, take Woodlawn car. Phone Wdln. 807. ' IIAVBfor sale several good frrs-h milch cowi with their calves, sll Itibercular lnspect-d. See Mr. Bruce at Portland Union Ruickyard , North Portland. " ' ! FOR SALE ' or trade lor (amiiy' cow, -".m ill Shetland pony. Phone E. C. ilowcn. Mil waukie, Bl-M. . h TRADE cow and yearling heifer for go'd.mU'ii cow giving 5 'gals, or more. ft. 3, llos' r9tl," Gilbert roadi-"!"-'fjhor ' K 15 FRKHI1 cows. 3 ; -to 6 gallons'; lloh-. n" end Aa-rahire and Jersey snd Ihirhsm. T k M . Tabor car to Bandy hlvd.j station, go 1 hl n k N. HKHE'S your chance to ibov a cmmI fr.- Ii in1! cow clieap. Must sell. 9H1 ttnruum sir ear Hnseel! I - - FRESH family Jersey cow. $65. 3K7 Water, west side. j - COW for sale: gives about 8 fl.t,. daily. Calj " 610 South Princeton 1st. St. Jol'n-. MIIsCH cow for sale, Jersey-Guernsey. 1000 lbs.. Main 6191. ' FOR SALE Jersey OurTiam cow, giving rich mUk. Tabor 6068. j TOGGENBURG milch goats, 8"does, 2 bucks.' Wellbred $100.3 889 N. 1 9th. FINE young fresh cow "for-sale st barga.n. I.'honi Sell. 2905, evenings, j .. YOUNG Toggenbtirg' mlich goat nice pet. for, $2Q. or will trade. Tabor 7364. 2 JtJOOD dairy" cows, and 1 family cow just fresh. 968 E. 82d amLj'owKell st THREE exceptionally finfrcs!i cows; li'eary, rich milkera Call Marshall 3277. TEN fine dairy cows. Hillsdale. Or'.', ltoute 2. Box 600. 3 W EEKS good fresh family cow. gives 3 tt gaL; reasonable. (all 771 K. 14th st. N. SIX RIG fine young cows for $600. Main 1319. WANTED -Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7832. POULTRY AND RABBITS 87 GOING AWAf For sale. II hens. 'It Silverlsced and W hite Wyandotte and White Leghorn chickens: March nd April hatch. 408 E. 37th. Auto 21U-07. THE last of March I sold to a man 10 l-t hens. 1 brown. 1 yellow. 2 white. 12 I'lv- moutll Rocks; also 1 P. K. rooster; will pay anyone $5 for that man's address. 246 N 17th. 33 WHITE LEGHORN" 1 -year-old b.ns. $1 each: som milieu 60a each: also hrribou.. t 1168 Montana ave. LAYING young White Leghorn hens, $1.25 each. Guaranteed -heavy Moe-anlzed stock. 7. B. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon st.. nesr E 24. 1HO ROUGH B It EI O. A O. trin White Leg .horn pullet. East 404. - 100 CHICKENS, Barred Rock and White In born. 8 months old. 50c each. Main 7 "11. CRACKED WHEAT fC fT? IC3 ID. SCRATCH $4. Woodlawn 4344. a iUlL-aH-' $4 50. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS. VTV. 48 FOR SALE 2 male. 1 female canaries; 2 bird cages, sll lor $10.; Four buildimr lots. good street, walks, lights, i near Hawthorn, car. tt cap for caah, bv owner. 8820 67th at. 8. K. TOUNG sincers for ssle or trsdfor cook stcTve. box wood beater or cylinder records. 447 E. 9th st. PORTLAND CAT ItENNELsT Tsboi 750 L 3250 Persian used; kittens clienp; cats tmsnted. CLOSING out my stock of St. Andreaaburg birds. Tsbor 6782. Monday. TWO pairs at $10 ier tasir: young sinera in.m $5 to $12.50. Tabor 7388. FOX 'TERRIER for sale. CoirSrSST- PAfR mated yellow csnariea. Phone Est 417$. AUTOMOBILES t ACCESSORIES 41 OVERLAND turning. 1013. In good running condition. ul sacrific at $126. 30 Grand sv. N. Dear ii urn aid. VELIE toadster; cheap; on easy terms. Bdwy. boob. - 91: FORD touring car. good condition, $285, 1187 K, 28th N. Wdln. J9B7. I FORD. 8 tires. 2 brand new. This car runs perfect $525 cash. 281 Front FOR SALE B. 87 Buick bug. 631 E. Odth at. r.. 2 block oft Sandy. 920 FORD touring, starter and extras, $62$. Tsbor B33B. FORD delivery, panel body, at bargain; leaving town. Main 77 18. BUICK ' 4. in good condition ; terma if desired. Call Wain 6892, or 1444 Macadam st. '0RD 1-ton truck, late 1919, pneumatic tires. pisuorm oony, no. jdii i. nion see. ION Packard, good . shape, Ivasy Urms. 1308 F- 13th st V. WINTON SIX. eord tires, $750. Main $878. (Continued en Following P)) St