THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15. 1920. 7 : : i y 1 ,,'v ' v'-i Grab Hupting Is MtachEnjoyed by Okean Park Girls "eCEAN PARK. Awr. I.. Twenty-Ova Blrls of Camp WUlapa caught 30 crabs last Monday on tna Dacn ner. Tha feat of catching-io many at ona timalls not very often equaled oy ex peiieineed fishermen atjthla time of year, much less by ulrls. nne of them over ir years and many of then ha vine never caught a crab before.! Men the entire lenjrtih of the beach are talking: of the "catdh." Ocean Park early risers saw . the Tcatch." - - - On Tuesday the artrls started on their hike to North Head to visit thellght houss. '' the rocks and : Baird'a hollow. Tuesday nlrht was spent at Sea view. They: were gone from the cmp three days land thoroughly enjoyed the tramp. Blsjhop W, J). Ehepard preached the sermon in the Methodist church here last Sunday in honor of its sixth an niversary. 'Th sermon was greatly en Joyed " . 1 . -.: r An entertainment was g-iven in the churdh hall Thursday evening, August 5, byj the Ladies Aid. Every seat was taken! and standing; room was at a pre mium. The program was thoroughly en Joyed.. i ; Mrs. A. ' French, Deede French and i i Wnwm II l II .MMMMHMMll .lll.l lining fmr Jf, ' " , "2' i a vi 1 t.'- ..-e-fr: v " i -f jnm"Tmi i in jBDHIH WJ!a)iJW,IWKIUi""' lllll, U I L II I III IKi.i; .1; it; 5 f , f i e 1 & H 4 , t . j- ' - - r tl i m. i n i 'IM i -ir- i mi rir- ii i m m n - ats mi im n mmmiiii i "Ta ii i hi ! Mill TKiiiiiiMMa'nfcMaanMWnlwntfYrTTTTrtM w . . :j ... . . Cave Point, near Bayocesuo, ' in Tillamook county Photo Rocks way Studio." Lila Murden form a merry party at Curran t camp. i Mr. and Mrs. E. Drake and daughter. Laura, are domiciled In a cottage for the rest of the season. ' ' IJIHe Virginia Vol helm invited four of her girl friends to spend the afternoon with , her last Friday. The girls had a good time and a wonderful lunch was served W the little hostesa. Ruth Van Schoonhoven, Ruth Pepper, Ruth Ringer and Miss Jerry Helth formed the happy Uttle crowd. - : - , " n - - Mrs.4 Fwderlck K. Judd and Mrs. John Ross - Dickson . have returned to . Port land, having Spent a few day at the eummer home . of Mrs. James D. Hart, Oeeanside. - . State Senator Robert C. Farrell. with Mrs. Farrell and son,,Robert junior, motored over and - spent Sunday, at the beach ; visiting f rienda at each station and returned to Astoria and Seaside the same day. , ' " . Mrs. Abby Lambersoa left: for Port land during . the week. 1 ' ; Mrs. F. S. Akin and. daughter are at the Park. " .' . ' . Mr. and Mrs; A- Van Schoonhoven ar rived at the Park Tuesday. Mrs. Nettie Greer Taylor left the Park, having spent i three weeks : with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lively and children have taken the Mann cottage. . Mr and Mrs. J. P. Breckel are visiting Mrs. O. W. Weatherly. ! r Mrs, Fred Kribs (Frances Haseltlne) arrived at the Park. 4 i . Mr. and MraJ Thomas Foster Metcalf and little--eon are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Seeley Parsons. ' Mr. and Mra T. M. Allen have opened their cottage. . - ! ;': ' Th Rose . cottage contains Mr, and Mra. George Byrnes, Mrs. Anderson. Al Burgason and ( Ixiyd Boyle. ' On Thursday evening ' Mrs. H. A. Haseltlne gave a fancy dress dance at her home. A large crowd attended. i Mr. and Mrs. - Bergh are vacationing in the IX E. Beechey bungalow. Edgar J. Daly is a Taylor hotel guest. Mrs. J, W. Taylor and. sons art visit ing Mrs, W. U Bentley. , Mr. and . Mrs." F. H. Cooney-and chil dren of Missoula. Mont., .have taken the Porter cottage. K Mr. Cooney la candidate for lieutenant-srovernor of Montana. . Cordon Marsh spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. George Marsh. f Mr 8. Frank Osborn and Miss Frances Oaborn are vacationing here for a few weeks. . " - Mr, and Mrs. F. Glenn are guests at Hotel Clark.'. Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert' W. Smith of Rldgefield and guest have arrived at the Smith cottage. . . A.-HL Devens' returned to Portland, having spent 10 days In his Oceanside home. i- ' Marie Brost is spending a few days with Miss Ethel Bond. - Miss Eloise Pennell and Miss Rome Whitehead spent the week end at the Clarke. - Mrs. Rogers and family have opened their cottage. J. D. Hart was a week end visitor with his family at Oceanside. ' Mrs. O. W. Weatherly. with Clayton and -Isabel Weatherly. will remain in their cottage until September. Mrs. W. P. Mulchay is visiting her mother. Mrs. James Maney. Mrs. Nat Smith arrived at the A. G. Churchley home to be their guest for" the rest of the season. ; Mrs. Frank Sealy and Mrs. Henry Winch are guests at the Sealy home. Mr. and Mrs. William Woods motored to Beach Center. Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stolte and one-will remain at the beach until September. Mrs. George Rich with son, George F. Jr., are beach visitors. Miss Sophia Fiss, Kuna, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mickel; Mrs. M- Gay and children, and the Beufer family of Welsor. Idaho, are -additional Sunset hotel guests. . Mrs. T. M. Dillon opened their cottage. The birthday ' of James Manner was vacation sum me susscniesas - Wham foine er ferjthe mmimt o on tnar vsestion. Kbt Tbc Journal follow yon st i the ree-uiar rate, or tbs (ollowini sataU will upt'J roe it rsfular ttj ratset - Barriew, Or. W. A. BlppaH. Jr. Bay City. Or Mr, f. A. Olllen. . CannoB Bacb Erola. Or. H. U Hartta Canon, Wash. -Carl B Hnnith. aaM bhip tMtrd'a Bprinc. :: I GanbaMi, Or. O. a W ! nearbart. Or. W. 1 i Roblnso. Lobs Beaeh, Wash. Stranoal A Co. ' . klanhattan Rearb Mr. O. I. Buntosv - Maaaantta IWarh lLmil O. Karda " , Ncah-Kab-Ni. Or. A. C. Andenoa. NahaWoi, Or. Nabalia Drue CoinpaBJ. Naurta. Or. Mrs. U. r. Croaa, Nawnort. Or. M. fl. Riwt. Paeine City O. H. Wari . . - ! Ooaaa Park. Waah. Gm. H. Kramat. Horseway Baarh. Or. IT. P. Millar. Saaakle. Or Jaaoa McCuna, ttotb Cms etoia. . - . j i : Saavtam. Waah.Oao.iU Pntaaat. L ' - TJlanrooB. Or. r. U Ebannan. t Twi Rorka. Or. a J. Van Scyoo. . WUUoit 8pruica T: W.. UcUraa. i ' celebrated at Beach Center , as usual. Mrs. J. Kerr and Arthur Manner came from Portland to be with their father on his birthday. , Mr. and Mrs. Wrf R.j Bridges and chil dren have . opened their cottage. -Mrs. Ray Gollings and son. Merle, are Ocean Side viistors. j. . . Mrs. James Meade lis a - guest at the home of Mrs. Wtlllani Campbell, Ocean Side. - .. . i ... . Rev. C. J. Lodln Is a Clarke hotel guest. -." -: i '' ,: -. . , . i - Mrs. Phillips of Astoria Is visiting her slater, Mrs. L. B. Sterna - Scott - Neal of Boise, Idaho, Is spending a few days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McCann are regis tered at the. Clarke, j , Mrs. John Proctor land Mrs. Celeste Stackpole are visiting airs. Harry Haael ttne. i ,.- v Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, with daughter. Nan. are spending the month of August in the Baillle cottage. Judge McMasters came to the Park on Saturday to remain a week. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Worden gave an old fashioned house warming in their new home nn Thursday cvtentng. "The Webber home at Ocean Side" is open. A very enjoyable evening was Kpent at the home of the Rev. and Ms. TJoudinot Seeley on last Wednesday. Games of all kinds were played and delicious re freshments were served. Mra Jane OolllnRs is spending a fort night as guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Devens. Ocean Side. Miss Caroline Friendly Is visiting Elsie Clair. W. B. Dubois spends each. week end with his family at the Park. Mra A. Barboun and family, with Nellie Murphy as guest, are spending a few weeks at Curran camp. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Brix are sum mering In their beautiful home which they recently purchased. The Eyrie White Salmon, Wash., Aug. 14. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Bruere were visitors at the Eyrie recently. Mr. and Mra F. A. Nitchy and Mas ter NHchy are enjoying un outing at this resort. Mr. and Mrs. Alma D. Kats are taking a vacation at the Eyrie. Kata Is head of the Oregon Dairymen's league. Mrs. Hy Everdlng of Portland Is rej- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pattullo are among the well known -Pomanders sojourning here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dant and, MIbs Dorothy are guests at the-Eyrie. Additional resort newa on Tage S. TfterG&tNorthvGst jmoricas Natural f R.asrt Section. WHERE AND HOW TO GO WHERE TO STAY- COIiUMBIA raonwAY FREE INFORMATION REGARDING ANY RESORT ADVERTISED HERE MAY BE SECURED FROM THE JOURNAL INFORMATION AND TRAVEL BUREAU -WHAT TO SEE 'The Summit" i On Colombia River Hlarhwar Smokes. Soda Water. Ice Cream, Candy. Stop at "PAT'S PLACE" to secure a light lunch of gas and oil for your auto. "Filling station." O. K. PATTERSOW, Prop. Corbett P. O., Oregon. miles! MAFFET VILLA ibla Opposite Latourelle Falls, on Col i invar ni(i;. i : Hera you will find real food and plenty of it, jsklllfully prepared and well served. Wonderful scenery, two ana one nan Dinners. from Crown Point Xunches and MR. AJfD MRS. H. W. MAFFET Xatoarelle. Oregon. I the JMJ or thi i BRIDGE OF THE GODS j CASCADE LOCKS, ORKOOP1 ! A owlet, homelike place, on the Colombia River Hurhnay. wacre the tourist will enjoy home cookins. In homelike aurroundinca. lndlrijtial aerTlce. pcnonal attention. In our cafe adjoininf la aerel only riuality food, prepared under the auprrrtsioo of Mm. Madden. The famous Caaeade Vock ( are juat 1 00 yards from this hotel, and Uie raipliU in plain view. m Ha n JKMNIB MADDKN Chanticleer Inn ox A Gorge Piowe MBS COLUMBIA KIVEB HIOHWAT ' Superb view of the Columbia River ana nnu ttooa is weu worm toni- ajcross the continent to ee. - ! Eggs, vegetables. Chickens and rs. ail raisea on our own rancn. Phone or write Owner and Manager . MAB.IE A. MORGAN, Corbett, Or. TYRRELL TAVERN BONNEVILLE, OREGON Nar Entrance of Oregon's World I Famous IHH HATCHKET-SAlMOlf j SIN 1 i NEBS OF SPECIALTY i Breakfasts and Lunches also. Special nervice) for Dinner Parties. Phone long distance, MRS. N. E. TYRRELL, Prop, j i Boanerille. Oregon. : MONTROSE PARK i NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC i ! j Ideal Camping; Grounds Bathing and Dancing ! SUNDAY AFTERNOON i GENERAL ADMISSION 10c I PACK YOUR LUNCH BASKET t AND COME OUT FOB THE DAY j Pacific City Beach TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON A unique combination of ocean, bay and river. iThe nearest ocean re aort. via McMinnville by auto to Port land and Willamette Valley pointa. Trout, salmon, mussels, . oysters, clams, crabs, shrimps, flounder and deep sea fish In abundance. -Good accommodations. Write T F, B. SEALS, IJlllamook, Or. ! NEHALEM RIVER TRANSFER CO. ; NCHALKM. ORKOOrl - In soiaw ao atannaita ' Beah or Neah-kah-nle ha aura to buy yoqr tickets to Wheeler.- Our launch, the Junets, tneeta all trains. Faro to Nehalem 50 cents. , We opreata an auto bus to nearby reaora. fare 50 cents. Boats for rent. Autoa for hire lUliable service. ; ANOKRSON MROS.. Netialem, Oregon : MOUNTAIN RESORTS The Jack o' Lantern HORSETAIL FALLS, CbLUXBIA HIGHWAY i Dainty, delicious and appetizing, light lunches served. Come once you'll, oome again, and keep coming. - ' i R8. WILLIAM OEBOTT, Prop. Bridal veu P. Oregon, i 1 CROWN POINT CHALET 1000 feet 'above the Colombia river. This ivaataffe point commands a view of the river for 165 miilea. Prom ita wide veranda ran be aeen Table I Mountain, Lone Bock. Gape Horn, Silver Ktar and Booster lioc. At tbelr feet the broad fxpanae of the majestic river spreads its waters. Crown Point Chalet has a kind of hospitality that wine and bolda the friendship of every feat, and the chicken dinners are unsurpassed- Slake reservations by eallinf Mr. Ueodenoo, , Ions distance, tbmntb Corbett. . T5J 1ST FALLS LODGE "The House by the Side of the Road" T COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, i aBreakfaats, Lanebes and Afternoon Teas at All Hoars Dinaers (on order) '! Oregon Products Featured, i ,We Can Accommodate a Limited Number for Week-End Parties - Formerly Multnomah Lodge - Lonsj Distance Phone Mist Falls Ledge -MOUNTAIN RESORTS t r Take Two Days for Your COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY TRIP I : and see the - LA 01 IRS Of MOUNT HOOD opandlno the Night Mount Hood Lodge OR Cloud Cap Inn Fall information. Shepard't AuU But Line or Am Mr. Foster Service, or any Portland Hotai, or direct from He mar A, Rooer, Mart aoae, P. O.. Para dale, Oregon. Phooei Odell, S14, via Hooat River. t Trout Lake Resort ! Spend your vacation at Hotel Gnlaar, at Trout Lake. Fine trout fishinc in Trout tjake and Whit Salmon river. Mountain cbmbinx. lava nd ioa eaves. Auto road to basa of Mt. Adams, 18 milea distant. Listen, I Toariirti: We have plenty of saaoUoa.: Hotel rata. a day. 16 a week, j ; j j-. : .... j W 4,..-- , va MOM TheCapiialCitvof Briiih Columbia' n I - I B TRANSPORTATION tfilnnrWWi'Hl"W -11. a ... - --n.! bid ,iW&catibii Midsr the Charm at t - pia world. Character in NewvPicturesqu Environmertr DAYS ARE COOL NlCMTS HmH MOT I VICTORIA 6 ISLAND Q&ElOPtmiT ASST. GARAGES .- "1 B.8. "CITY OF TOPCKA" Safla 00 P. M., AnyuU 18. for Coos Bay, Eureka and Sao Francisco, coanectinf with steamer to Los An-ales and San Diego. PASSENGER AND 'FREIGHT SERVICE TO MEXICO AND CENTRAL. AMERICAN POUTS FKOM AN FBANOSOO. VIA S.&. -jCCKACAO." AUGUST 88. TICK IT OFFlOg 101 THIRD T. Freight Office Municipal Peck No. 2. ' -. . - Fhene Main ,' Pacific Steamship Company r - i ... - - c : - - " TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Leava K0TTTI.EDG1? SEED FLORAL CO.. 145 SECOND ST.. phones -Main 172. A-8811. for Arrab Wannah. Walcbea, Taw neya and Rhododendron. . Owned and oper ated by Irvlngton Garage A Auto Co., I no. J. L. 8. Snead. Prea.-alsr. ; Phones E. 135. C-S162. . E. 14th and Broadway. . "Make raaarvaUetM In advanas. . . 4. E. REYNOLDS. Prop. : Guise. Wash. ARRAH WANNA HOTEI In that Mt. Hood District Fine mountain hotel in the heart of the M c Bood foothills oa the Salmon river. Beautiful trees and foiiasa. Splendid accom modations in hotel or bunealowa. Rates I 84 per day, $20 per week, two people 845. Send for folder. Daily Ante staffe for Arrah Wanna leava Irvlncton G a rata, K. 15th and Broad, way. phone East 1SS or to by private auto. Geow S. Spencer, Arrah Wanna, via Cherry, villa P. a. invttias to taatea. Send; LMUKtncted atone . Knee moat men and women of refined foe Jllustruated Booklet i MRS. O. W. 4. RECKKRS WrtlU Salmon, Wash. Phono 78-Yk j TAWNEY'S MOUNTAIN HOME Ov the Salmon river, near Mount Hood: noma cooking, pleasant surrounding. - Fried chicken on Sunday. An ideal place for your vacation. Large individual bungalows for those who prefer tli fro. Daily auto stage. . Phonea East 185 and Miin 173. i . - ' F. H. TAWRIY, Prow. J; ' ' Welches FV O.' Oregon. RHODODENDRON Or INN, MT. HOOD ireaon'a i most H.Hfi,i mMint.iw m. M isaat; river, in eversreen forest near base "of Mt Hood. Real meala. well cooked and well served. large swimming pool, dancing hall, saddle horses, eroqoet, fishing. Ratea 8 per day, 821 to 825 ??r, TS! For uUl suga call East 188 or aCain 1T8. I MRS, CMIL FRANZ ETTI. Prop. Rhododendron. Or gen. Highway Garage! . FOREST GROVE, OR. .s Modern, fireproof garage. Rest room for ladles. Oil, saa. aervioe, i storage. Skilled! me chanic la rppair department. Automobile acoeaaorles. We will bei glad to aerve ; you. f TALL MAN 4k LHOTT. j : WHITE SALMON, WN. Come up and see the picturesque Whits Salmon Country. Visit Mt. Adams, the lava eaves and the Ice fcavea. Fine fishing and hunting. Stop over night with n. we will furnish you on, gas. service, storage, accessories sad expert repairs. .. , SORTER'S GARAGE, White Sainton. Wash. The Dalles Garage Co., Inc. THE DALLES.! OREGON. I - Distributors Motor Oars and Trucks. ! Modem Fireproof Garage, Ion block from Hotel Dalles. We are here to serve the needs ef auto tourists. , It will be our pleasure to furnish real SeTess that ..serves." j f t Phons Main 471, "That Oallaa, -r- Hood River Garage Hood Elver's leading : Oarage, fireproof. Storage, aerrice, oil, gas, aeceesories, repairs by expert workmen. Accurate information ta to road conditions cheerfully furnished. Good, servic end courteous treatment. I HOOD RIVER GARAGE. Hood Rlrsrj Or. SUNSET GARAGE 4 -vi TILLAMOOK,"OR : j ; , j I Modern, fireproof garage. Service. Storage. Expert mechanics for repair work. Good semes and a square deal is onr constant endeavor. Make our garage our beadquartere while ' you : SUNSET GARAGE; Tillamook. Of. I TOURS Japan China Visiting- Japan, Korea, Manchuria, The Philippines and Java. October to December. Around the World Six tours to the principal Countries of the World. Independent Tears to fit any pocket ; book Write for details. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. EARL J. WALKER, D. P. JU, 5 Corner 6th and Oak 8ts Portland, Or. Pkons U roadway 6060-1604. : WILLAMETTE VALLEY SGOTHERN - RAILWAY! COMPANY i Take the P. B.. U V P. Co. ear ta Orsgoa City to connect with the W. V. 8. Ry. Co. for Mulino. Uoialla, Monitor and Mt. AngeL Good fishing on this line. Next time yoq go 'on a nicnic take a trip on this line. For ratea and time card inquire First, and Alder, or at General Office Oregon City. , AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti ana Raratonsa. Mall and Passenger Service from San Francises Every EE Days. - UNION SB. GO. OF NEW ZEALAND. 230 California Et, tan Franclsoa. Or Local Steamship and Railroad Agendo. FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS - RAINIER NATIONAL PARK Call on or Writ Our Special Representative DORSET B. SMITH, Manager. Journal Travel Bureau. ISO Broadway ' Pnene Manhall 1878 Portland, Oregon , Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" I JO P. M. DA1L.Y sxcept Thursday PARE S1.6&. inciudln tav Morrison-St. Dock Phones Mam swsa ; all4 SUMMER VACATION EXCURSION FARES TO OCEAN RESORTS Season tickets are on sale dailya god to return until October 31, and allow stopovers. Week-end tickets are on sale Saturdays and Sundays, limited to return following Mondays. . - ' .; Glatsop Beacji GEARHART AND SEASIDE NORTH BEACH POINTS Round Trips $4.50 Week-Ends $5.50 Season 8 War Tax Additional Fast trains carrying observation parlor cars and coaches leave North Bank Station,! 8 :30 A. M., 6:20 P. M. daily, and 2 :00 P. M. Saturday. . 1 ' ' " - CONSOL.rtATKD TICICET OFFICE, THIRD AND WASHINGTON 8TS. NORTH BANK STATION, TENTH AND HOYT STS. TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Columbia River Trip Tourists who come delif for Astoria and way points from DtctureanriA anil i board the Steamer to Portland wiu miss one of the most ;rhtr hi trina in the West unless thev take the triD a bo; Geere-lana from Portland to Astoria, wnere connections are made with auto bus One to Seaside. The river trip affords a wonderful and ever changing wimnnramth. nt aranio rhartn. Ton ran make tne trin in aaretv anl mmfnrf mt a minimum Cf expense seeing Oregon's snow-capped sentinel peaks as well as ths historic ana scenic spots along tne lower uoiumpia. The Steamer Georsiana makes a round trip daily, except on "Friday,, leaving me atoar oirrei vock. at iiw a. m. Alder Street Pock at JilO Leaves Astoria 2 P. M. from Flavrl Dock. PARE OSIY tl.ti. excellent a la carte dining service. Direct connection with the South Beaches. Night Boat Daily. THE HARKINS TRANSPORTATION CO, Phone Main Uti. Ul-tt. Fortlasd, Oregoi HSCO S. S. ROSE CITY DEPARTS 10:00 A. M. . Tuesday, August 17 FROM AINBWORTH DOCK ' , 1 FARK INOLUOKS BERTH AND WEALS. OITY TICKET OFFICE. SD AND WASH, PHONE MAIN SB30 . t FREIGHT OFFICE, AlNSWORTH DOCK FH0NE BROADWAY 2S '. THE SAN FRANCISCO at PORTLAND ' S, B. OOMFANY. TOYO KISEN, KAISHA DIRECT PASSETTOER 8ERTICE POBTLAKD to JAPAJT and CHI.VA S. S. "SEIYO MARU" Freight and passenger steamer. 14,- 000 tona Balls "from Portland September 19 for Yokohama. Kobe, Moji and Hongkong. For rates, fares, space or inrorma l : tion, aadress ... OREGON-PACinC COMPANY General Agents Wilcox Bldg. , - i ; Main 4566 -AstQria and North Beacli Steamer Service OF THE llTO 1 1Lar Union Pacific! Systeiii! OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. ; -. , From Portland avery dajr aaeept Sunday . From Astoria every day aacept Saturday Direct connections at Astoria to and from North Beach "Harvest Queen" From Portland Alnsworth Dock, 8 :00 P. M. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. From Astoria O-W. R. & N. Dock, 7:00 P. M. Sundays,' Tuesdays -tnd Thursdays. vHasalo,, e e ..1 1 llM.rAvrf( L- .- t 8:00 P. M. Tuesdays and Thurs dayni 10:00 P. M. Saturdays. From Astoria--0-W. R. & N. Dock.1 7:00 P. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ' Between Portland and Astoria $1.65 War Tax Included FARES 1 North Beach Resorts Round-Trip From Portland Week'End Season $4e50 $5e50 War Tax fe Be Added Ticket? ai.d Reserrations, Broadway 268, or Consolidated Ticket Office Third nd Washington Streets Main 3530 Receiving or Delivering Freight, Call Broadway 172 Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent Lake Windermere ' Camra The aew roatle eabin ninnn resort in the Canadian Pactf io Roeklea, en the aarulv beaehae ef Iake Windermere, the loveliest warm water mountain lake - ' in BritLtta Colambia. Cains via . vaoeaaver yen can stoy off at Glacier. See Beautiful Banff and Lovely Lake Louise Rail tickets MaVLaka WiDfrrtnere can be amnced te take In lovely lka Ixmiae and beautiful Banff on ths earns trip at small additional cxpenee. Tben enjov bath in, boettn. riding rm mountain ponies to great canvona and (lacier, fnlf, autoniobillnc, fishing and bnntinf in September. Camp opened Joljr 1. KrenrUiinr new. Vom anonitv hall for dancing and aocial recreation. Ameriean plan ratea 44.50 per rlar with 60c reduction for those who eta? a week ov tnore. ! f'liilcirvn under 11 halt price. Apply to fatermere Hotel Co., Lake WinderrrMre, erttrih Ooiumbla, or thla af float ' I " ..i.- ' - : - - 4 E. E. Penn, Cen. Agent Pass.C Dept., CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 55 Third Portland, i Ore. SEE COUU MBm;MEK HIGHWAY aWrf 'S " AUTO IlLINE ALL ABOARD FOR HOOD RIVER ; QUR commodious and comfortable Auto. -, Stae leaves twice daily, at 9:45 a. mi and 4:00 p. m. for Hood River and all way points.- This trip Is said to be "the finest . auto trip in Oregon. The Auto Stage follows the picturesque Columbia river V over the matchless Columbia River High-1 way for the entire distance. ' i ' At Hood : River arrangements ! can be made to go to Mt. Hood with its match less, mountain climbing, fuhirig. berry picking and camping. Speed, safety and service at low cost. ! . i r I ALL 0RS LEAVE FROM ST. CHARLES HOTEL, 204 MORRISON ST. FROM PORTLAND TO ST. HELENS Stage Leaves Twice Each Day at j 10 A. Af . and 4 P. M. . . j . . - .. .. t , -.-.(...,,. Tourists who make this trip will have a chance to see something oi the quiet and pastoral beauty of the Lower Columbia river country with its vernal beauty and fertile farming qountry. The road is as smooth as a Satin ribbon and the trip is one you will long remember. " i .srr- -rrrrr --jr,rr - " "-to' " t ' " avS3 ' .'' ' r ' - z?v--' Jt -v.- " L,y.. . -r;-yA iv : -j PHONE MARSHALL 4381 FROM PORTLAND TO THE SEA t THE Shepard Auto Stage leaves for A toria and Seaside twice each day, at to a, m. and 1:30 p. m.: Thistrip is a kaleidoscopic, panorama of ; beauty with' its ever-changing views of Jhev. Cojumbia. river, of forest and rugged" mountain scenery. The stage stops at Inspiration Point to give passengers, a view of Tinas Nlllihee Island far below and of the Ma jestic Columbia.' . The loop by which the 1 coast ranf re crossed are picturesque in the extreme. Powerful machines and careful drivers add to the pleasure of the trip. - ' I Special service between Astoria and Seaside, to cars each way daily. Our cars meet Steamers Georgian a and Astorian. going-direct to Seaside and leave : Seaside to connect with Portland boats. SEE THE FAR FAMED & MAJESTIC COLUMBIA THE Tyrrell Trips Company cars leave from 125 Sixth street to a. - m. and 4 p. m., also from St. Charles Hotel for i the trip over the Columbia River Highway. Yon can take either the" trip to Multno mah Fails or to Cascade Locks at your pleasure. Stops made, at all the beauty spots along the Hishway. From the Vista House you have a view up and down the Columbia river of over 50 miles. From Crown Point on there is a constant suc ' cession of scenic charm. LatoureUe FHs, l-Shepard's Dell, Bridal Veil Falls. Waukxena Falls. Multnomah Falls, Oneonta Gorge, Horsetail Falls. Bonneville and Eagle Cieek. Sightseeing cars leave at'9:30 a. ro. and 2 p. m. for Highway trip. j. Arrangements can be made for special cars for special parties.