The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 15, 1920, Page 33, Image 33

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    Luxitethe Hosiery Luxurious
i Daily in the Electric House, Seventh Floor. The Eden washes your clothes without
waste of time, without jsapping your vitality, and. requires' practically no attention or
I supervision on your part. : '
Free Trial -Convenient Terms of Payment
! I ! ti -Electric House, Seventh Floor.
Special showing-, of new numbers in silk, silk-plated and lisle Luxite Hose,
..... Ui ,
including clocked effects.
ftTMercliandise of cJ Merit Only
For Men and Women
Street Floor.
'300 Children
Are Going to the t
John Robinson Circus
On Tuesday Afternon as the Guests of
x ' aiWtM i-
Lipman, Wolfe
& Co.
The" average boy or
girl is sufficiently re-
sourceful'to get to the
circus one way or an
other. The wards of
our institutions, how
ever, would not find it
possible to earn enough"
money for their admis
sion, so we have invited
three hundred little girls
and boys from the fol
lowing institutions:
1 Boys'i and Girls' Aid Society
Children's Home j Frazeri Home Oddfellows' Home
Volunteers of America Day Nursery
Salvation Army Jewish Shelter' Home Haviland Home
j Day Nursery, Fruit and Flower Mission
New Tailored Hats
Have Come From the Celebrated
HERE is an adjunct to the tailored-woman's costume.
Amd if the tailored woman would really be faultlessly
attired, (one of these Joseph tailored hats is not an adjunct,
but a necessity. ; . . ' . . ;
Showing new fall models 'of silk-beaver with rolling
brirns, slightly droop and straight mannish sailors.
Choose from black, brown and navy some with con
trasting facings. Price $22.50. j j
i Third Floor, lipman, i Wolfe A. Co.
Many Are Taking Advantage of Our Aug fist
Special Pricing on Beautiful
Wilton Rugs
to Put the Home in Order for Fall
There is a definite, tangible and actual money-saving on
any Wilton Rug you select here in August. The price schedule
on three popular sizes is as , follows:
size 6x9 ft ...
T-rSiize 8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6jin.
-Size 9xt2 ft.
4 $67,50 and $ 74.75
. .$95.00 and $107.50
$99.75 and $112.50
Conne in oriental patterns i in mulberry and blue, rose and
blue, taupe and blue- all with fringed ends.
Carpet Sweepers $1.95 i; ' Rag Rugs $6.50 Up
Good quality Carpet
Sweepiers, hit metal, mahog
any fj i n i s h a n d I nickel
trimmed. Special for Mon
day $1.95. No ! phone
orders. . . i
-For ths beach, cottage
and t bedrooms. . In large
sizes, 6x9 feet, 7 ft. 6 in. x
t6 ft. 6, in. and 9xt2 ft.,
$6.50 to $13.00-
Ruffled Curtains Are Very Popular .
--And w have Just received shipment wf Embroidered Mar
quisette, Dotted Voile and Swiss ? Some with picot edge in
pink and blue -2 yaro lonjg. Priced $5,5o to $7.45.
' Fifth Floor, Lfenian, , Wolfe & Co.
Our Own Importation Fr6m Belgium
of the World Famous
, "Every Bag a Masterpiece" .
A Rainbow of Beads
Broader Variety and a Sale Price
as to greatly enhance the interest
in this remarkable event
175 Bags,
Your Choice Special
$25.00 !
:( r
Exquisite bags in novel shapes-' worked ini
artistic designs and color harmonie;s by deft
and nimble fingers.
There is a story full of human interest that
goes with thes bags. At the time of the inva-'
sion of Belgium there was a colony of bead
workers located in a -small villagej who for
generations .made beaded bags arid beaded
trimming's. The war forced these bead work
ers to Paris, where, with the assistance of
their former employer and the Red Cross, they
were able in a' very small way to continue their
work. With the termination of war they Ye- -turned
to Belgium, resumed the beaci industry;
and this hipmjent is one of the first to come
to America. See the magnificent display in
our Fifth Street window.
-Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe &
This Is Special NOTICE
Planned to Reach a Number of Women
Who WHl Be Very Glad
to Buy
Fine Quality Tricolette Bloyses
At a Price That Makes of This Event
An Unusual Value-giving Occasion
THE mere fact that we have received more than one hundred Tricolette Blouses
will be of interest to many Portland women,
That they are different in style from any of the Tricolette Blouses we have pre
viously shown is also an interesting feature of this announcement. . i
But the point that we wish to drive home
most emphatically is that these Blouses are
of , very superior quality Tricolette finer
quality than in any of our Tricolette Blouse
sales of the past, at any price. j
Made with fancy belts others with fringe on
sleeves 'and on bottom of waiststill others are em
broidered with flowers, etc. ; ' , j
Fashionable colors, such as rose, pink, burnt
orange, navy, taupe, jade. Choice, $8.50.
Another Shipment
f Best Quality j
Crepe De Chin
Burlingame, Blouses
Limited Quantity
Alao Twenty1 Model
$3.50 $4.00 $5.00
Third . Floor, Lipman, Wolf & Co.
900 Yards of Soft' Satin Gharmeuse Sale-Priced Unusually Low Monday
The woman who is analvzinp- buvinf conditions as thev '.exist todav will instantlv realize that this is an'unusual offer
ing. It was merely by a stroke of good fortune that we secured this small lot of Satin Charmeuse to sell at such a price.
wr, course mere win De no more except, at nearly douoie tne price alter tms jot is exnaustea.
Has a soft suede finish; is forty inches wide, and comes in the following
very popular colors: Navy, Taupe, Seal, Belgian Blue, Midnight and Black
Second Floor, Lipman, Wlfe Ac Co.
i . . I ,
i : i
A Very Important Sale of Fiber and i
Fabnkoid Suitcases $2.95, $5.95, $7,95
A. special purchase of these Fiber Suitcases and Cases of Fabrikoid enables us to
quote phenomenally low prices at the very time when hundreds of-people are call
ing for these cases. i--- ; ' ' ..
: 'X: There are just two hundred and ififty in the entire purchase-i-the -bestj
workmanship enters into their make-up; 21 and. 26-inch
cases, reinforced steel i frame, metal and heavy leather rein
forced corners ; all half-strapped and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
" Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
Sale of omens Lawn Kerchiefs, 35c Three for $1.00
j . j Many of Them Are, Hand-embroidered
A COLLECTION that presents numerous attractive patterns some with -colored
xlace edges others with colored borders, white lace edge, and still others with
i satin stripe with colored hemstitching. And then there are Kerchiefs with wide tape
borders and ihand-embroidered designs. Some have little narrow hems with white
and coloredi hand-embroidered j corners. . : Still others are plain white with real
; Madeira scalloped edge. . " ; " j ! I . i .
In fact, it is a wonderful assortment of designs, and the values are
just as ; worthy of mention. Choose at 35c three for $1.00.
Street Floor, Lipman, Wolf ' eV Co. '
OCT yiiy
White Petticoats in a Sale
- ' . ' . - i - -
WE have featured extraordinary values in lingerie: throughout this month
and have noted an unusual demand for White Muslin Tetticoats.
We have therefore regrouped our entirej stock of these very necessary
garments wirn a view to concenira.iing m i scwut stuuig evem ui iunuiv.
The folio wing offerings will be cm sale :
White Petticoats
Extra Special, $1.65
Petticoats of excellent quality longcloth.
with deep ruffles of fine embroidery ; in
dotted and flowered patterns. -
White Petticoats
Very Special, $1J5
Choice of longcloth and sateen petti
coats with floances of lace or embroidery,
also plain hemstitched and - scalloped
edges. -Some have rows of tiny tucks,
with double, panel front.
White Petticoats
at $2.50
Of splendid quality longcloth with deep
flounces "of exquisite embroidery com
bined - with Insertions ' of lace, with or
4 without dust ruffle.
- White Petticoats Priced
$2.95 $3.95 $4.95
Wonderful Valuest- Made in lace, em
broidery " trimmed and tailored styles.
'Many have beautiful imported ruffles
: others are combined with insertions and
have dainty lace edges.
Fourth Floor, Lipman,. Wolfe & Co.