THE OREGON 8UNDAY lOURNAI-, PORTLAND. - SUNDAY MORNING. AUQUST IB. :U20. 11 i I BRANDED GOTJNTRY PRODUCE - IS FINDING THE BEST DEMAND IN MARKETS, Fartou. Conditions Abroad to Inj fluence Price Her Net Gains Are '-- Made In Portland Bids. ! Wheat bid showed a ret tjain m Portland for the week despite in lac: that value were: very erratic at times; The result huw for the Uerchant Kkchange : :: ; apt. Mm. Herd white .....! sao aa7 Holt wbit ....... 23tr 26 Whit club.. ...... 3U 225 Hint winter . .... 228 223 Northern urim.,,, 230 , 220 Bad U'alla. . .:. . 22tl 223 Prev. Netl Sat Ueinj. 225 225 22 i2s ; Sis 5 5 ; BO BUTTER MEN TRY TO SAVE SELVES Ad vanea - Product to Make TJp for tosses Forced h BottorfafAVor Weather Affecting Meat Sale, Producers Find Brands ;Aid In Securing Top Quotation jcrratie ton marked tbe treud of Um wheat trade uh ( the Portland Merchant' Kxchaag fof the MX day. : Net Cains of 34 1 to 8c bushel are shown in clewing . ttluM s oow pared with a week .so. but at th end at the period tha market lacked life. The foreign situation t tbe -on big facta that i likely to buii or unmake tola daring, tha remainder erf tit Miaou. - Much sependri upon pesos ions new being negotiated abroad and the proxfwrity t.f .the foreign nations will bar a. direct ; baa ting iiwutla price vt .. . i .' . . . i Kin eliminating tb foreign exchange aituat tion. which weans 'that foreign moawr is worth tnach laas than tha American coin and Ha pur chasing value U Ipw, wheat is proving rrr tha European population at pre vailing value. Oai tha basis of present freight rata, and other ebsngea eliminating foreign tsr ehknge money deterioration-it cost am than 83! a bushel to laudi wheat ia Europe.! t jThee that ar disposed to look far vary hvy adveuea In tha price of wheat ia tli Pacifi Nerthweat hare much to eonuad with, although an aun'i guess regarding tha future pm will probeiy b aa -ond aa tha other fel low's. Tha fact remains that in addition to tbe present charge, still more freight must be pal on (ail shipments whan tbe new schedulea go Into effect. Whether the European markets will co sufficiently high to absorb such adj eamce remains to bo seen. I j The small countries of Europe that ara is matest need of Wheat and breadstuff supplies am very poor and their credit Is not very goo4 AH of Uiu it a factor that will be reflected 1 thw market. j 1 There la to be rare a shert crop of wheat tMrougheut the woild tliis season. Whether Una wU be sufficieat argument to fovea still higher prices, area the leaders et the export trade are willing: ta guaam. iUttle aetlrity Was shown In coarse grains for tiie week. Home galea of sets were reported atj Willametto raJSey points. Barley wsa ak mast inactive, due to tha lack of offerings and th fact that few holdere were willing to acoep the present California basie for their supplies. : IGrsin bass showed further weakness but price changes ware smslH 1.- , j 1KLOUB 8ellln price, mm door: Fatrntt laOSj Montana spring wheat. 1S25; Wilr Unitu valley - brands. fll.iSO; loral straight. (HU SO; bakers' local, tlS.BS 0 4.35; graliami. glO.feO; whole wheat. 111. OA. Price for city $lebfriea Otc eatm: suburbsn. SOa astra. i : 11 AY Buying prloae. nominal: WtUamette timoUis, fancy, : J.60 U8.00 par ton; retebj, t'-iaOO; cheat. 120.00: straw, 110.00; clorei. ITJ.OO; grain. ( ) 1 slfslfa, 124.00 a ton. j i ;iLAIV SAfKi Nominal. New erow deitef en: No. 1 Oakatta. lk?loe; domes Uo, 10 MlI4JiTl-rT''St Mill run at , mil!, sacked fsit Ort 0O.00. ! i I OATS Bar ton, buying pries i reed. $4.O0 nS.OO. ! - i u PAKLrET-r-Buytae prire: Teed. ttfJ OO 6100; milling. $4T.5f ( 6 3 P0: rolled barley, a. 1 linn crice 57.00 6i.0O. . j I' Bk.til Buying price lied closer.: reeleaaed! ase l"er( lb ! , . lercnanta Esobange bleu: i WHKAT - , Hrpt. Hard whlto ? . , J . . . . 20 Unfit white .,....... 230 White club ......... Hand winter 'T. . 22S Nosthern spring ...... 2 JO Bed Walls 22 i'D OAT 3 r Oct. 230 830 23 228 20 22 2S0I o 2S 22a 2301 220 JCo. -3 whit . . .y. I -.; j BABLKT tio. t blue ..; 1'eed , . I j CORN tin. 3 yellow . . f Kan mi corn in bulk: No. a yellow ..L... ...... : JU. '-grain hlus sack bsaia except eora. Aug. 4 son 4UU0 4T50 4(150 6450 8400 Kept 4ftl0i 48001 T ! 48601 4ttO0 045fl i 35q ' The advance in tha price of butter during the wrek; waa the one hi eur prlae ta the trade. The market had been reflecting; only -weafcneea bere. there fore It appeared ovit of the ejueetto" for the market to rhse. ' - On the earfare ft looked quite plainly that there was not the slightest sessoa fas the ed- anra at tMe time maoe, oeeaoao uere w . real sitortae of bnttes. The only expUmjtfctnJ tkirt . eoukl he kaisde appears to be that the creamery InteeeMs whsea . ttad Become iwToievu In tiie reeeat fight for bwUerfat bad bsew bas ing gooney and therefore desired the price of butter higher in erdef . to help them out. - la riew of the fact that a ehange was made In the priref bntterfst at the same time, this explanation is considered the inoat likely. IVeamery ma aiqiear to bo "kidding" tbeas selres into tho behef that the bntierfat war Is ore end that en sraoUuce baa been siswed by the sanous fertkan. This is seareely likely, for that has been no reek thine a harmony among ih. w.i.. mekars krre and the competition is juet as been as ft, has e been. Iflght for control of huttorfat auppHM haa beca fas worm at PojUeiKl than at other l !! and eeeam shippers bare therefur race i ted better returns than has been available abtewbere. price of butter considered. Egg Trade aner Practically no change of moment wsa shown in- the- market for eggs during1 the week. Be ceirits were moderate and tfceee continued a gen erally poor quality, r.-e. a. and seUing price stayed within the former limit. ; Chees Market emer ?neeee ' market continued te. show improve ment ia demsnd for tha week. Tillamook was holding it product firm and reports from there indiratrd that aa early advance ia the price might N eeasisVsred likely, Other districts re. port a better calL - Chicfeea Trad Hole la tha chk-ken . trade pcaeticaTly no. nriea changea were shown for the weak, lightweight hen continued neglected. -. hat. there was no further lowerintl of rahje. Heavy benk eon. tinned ia good call ami the same wsa tra of good broilaia. - Veato Aro Hit Hard . 'Weather .conditions and other factors were against th veal market fur tit week- Prices want from extreme strength to aarere weakness, resulting in a general -lowering of values. Be eeivcrs here advised their shippers to keep off the market until the weather cools, f ressad Me? Held Plrm Country killed hogs hM firm (or tha week with ae change in prices from the preceding pe riod. Receipts weye moderate and all sales were made at former price levels. i Potato Trade Quiet With prices slightly easier, the market for potatoes was extremely ejtrist for the week. Coun try offerings were liberally increased and. while better matured quality came forward, weather conditio had aa adverse effect upon buying and selling. . j Owloa Price Weaken - Further weakening of prices wss shown in the onion trade for the week. Walla Walla stock sold hs low aa $1.50 per cental hers in s general way. but aome were aaid to be offer ing 25c below this. Qualify is very good. ' Hide Market Lower Price of idee shewed a further sharp reduc tion in the local trsde for the week, following a atagnant tone in the East. Calf skins dropped to 25c tar best weight and kipa were down to 15c. Tbeae values are no higher than the nor mal previous , to tha war. - 'Tomato Pi lees glrsak Prices were bee sea la the tomato asarket dur ing the week. 'ot only was there a liberal in crease of offerings from upper Columbia river sections, but esxkad atnff came from the Ya kima aeetioa oa commission. ; The latter de moralised ta trade. palee Sell at Lew Price i :- Vi ' By HrmaaH. Cehea . k $ There ia erreat walua In hnranrta of farm products, and a survey of the market for many yeara clearly show how branding not only benefit, the producer In dollars and cent, but tlo ta an aid to the consumer In Intelligent buying;.'.. - Tillamook some tljne asjo clearly demonstrated the money value of its brand of cheese. For years that noted section has been producing: a super quality cheeae which had reputation all Sta owru , Before It lnaug;urted its present ,, system- of tarnpina; the word "Tillarocok' on every cut of cheese., the organization has been somewhat handfoapped t times by the substitution i at tha nroduct ttt other makers for tha nated ,y& nrndurt. l . " i " I .1 i Since the new system went into effect the demand for a'",-', i Tillamook cheese haa trained widely, Tillamook ha been able , , f to sell its product from 1 te 4c a pound j above what other ; :: , cheetse haa , been aellina". ; simply because the organisation . y J : turned out a quality that1 was super fine and the public has Mi-' learned to call by brand instead of simply asking for "cheese." I Eg? AUa Effect!- . ' -1 A local organisation some time ago adopted a label or v brand fer its best quality eggs. It haa been found that while vi there have been plenty of eggs upon the market, the public more than the mere name. ' In dollars and cents the orran- esation has been the gainer, and the public that wanted a strictly good egg could ti unusr ine Dranq namto. i T . I : Qploa Braad Meaaa Meaey Tears as tbe Confederated Onion drawers aaaoeiatiem of Oreron a.dortted 4ta TT. O. G. A." brand on all the No. 1 oniona that it marketed. But only did It put a name on each sack of No. 1 stock tiu'-t it marketed, but at the same time it gave to each grower f the (organisation the right to use either a stated number or name on each sack. . This placed responsibility upon the grower ta deliver only No. 1 onions in such package, and the reneriU trade has come to rely upon the organization label aa meaning the very best onion quality. WalTn Walla growers some time ago began to brand their onions, and since thorn the organization's product haa commanded; the best price at all times fen the market. Apple Ibei. He, Maea j Hood River. Hosier and other Pacific Northwest nroduclnsr centers have for bo ni time had brands for their apples. -The result is that eaeh section haa built up a reputation that enables! It to secure the best prlca that the market affords. Some of the Hood River association orev.niaationa have several trand, one for each quality! iuu uuk utile nrami i ma mainnna n. mm uih in nrmuB in ootn rea anq otue zor te two leaning qualities, marKeted. Ja Potato Maa Makes Fortsae George Shlma. oftimea called the "Potato Klnsr" o California ' has discoverer. that it not only pays to grow land market rood quality tubers, but it ia a big investment to label the! stock bo that the public knows what H is buying. Shlraa potatoes have a reputation in California that sets that product apart from others, commanding a liberal premium over tbe general market, .- i The Deschutes section of Oregon produces a superfine) potato that commands an extreme price ;'t all times, but If growers there would adopt a uniform label on their best quality it ; would 'add distinction to the product, i 1 9 AT THE OPENING New Tork. Aug. 14. U. P.). The Eve ning Sun financial review today said t Wall street Continued to follow foreign political event today as holding themost Important information of tha fiaancla. markets but business on th stock . change was quiet and generally feature less and trading element adhered to a waiting policy in th expectation that next week's occurrence would throw a cleared light on the situation. Stocks drifted irregularly during th greater part of today's short session but exhib ited a steady undertone, . A few of the all and runner aharea rose a point oV so on limited buying and the raits improved fractionally, but no attempt was made te mark prices up with the idea of attracting-a following, . - w , . ' New York. Aur. (U. .) Prloeg were Irregular at the opening of th New Tork stock exchange today. Open ins price: U. a. Steel, 7H. off t American ' ghlgar, 11SA, unchanged ; Baldwin, r06, off H 1 Mexican Petroleum, 158. up H: U. S. figbber. -ft, tip J Crucible, 134, up i Southern Pacific, S1H..UP 4; Union -Paeifie llTu up Tho better start of the Hat showed . frssn tionai gains at the opening, Sugar atoaka, however, "were aomewbat aoft. Baldwin opened "If H . Mexican Petroleum led tbe oils, -opaa. wc at 158 and advancing to las. The market closed irregular. - There was aa camg ff of prices near tbe ekwe after traders had covered abort eentrscta. . WHk th excep tion of the mora setire high priced iwue the reactions were fractional. i'lo-ing prices: United Stales Steel, 87 ,, off Crucihle. i82. nfl 14; V.nadlnm. 7. up ; Baldwin, 103 H. off 1 : American Law.mctive. b4 Vi . oft 1 Vi I Xexioaa 1'rtroleuia. 11 up t Beading, 017. on -m. 1 - This weak . , . , , Week sea ..... 3 weeks asa ... 4 week saw , , . Tea age ..... T years ago yean ago ... 4 years g . ... Greater fields With Smaller : ' r .1 i ! i . Acreage in ncan Crops The annnal crop forecast of the Continental St. Commercial Nations bank of Chieaen ssys: 1020 Bushels ' Bushel Corn ....... .S.05ii.42T.eA ' 2,ll7.4"iO,fM Oats ....... .1.438,f0T.0 l,24,3l.0fte Winter wheat.. R..H,T91 .1)0(1 731.63,0ia Spring wheU.. 275.9fifi.e0O 2afl,3S1,00O All wheat..... 8S4.747.eeO , 4!rt,9f,7.00O Barley a... 18.41.S0 . lS5.TlS.oon Bye ......... SH.42a.eee. SH.47S.hoa Poutoos 394.si2.eOO 3i7,01.000 Hsy ftons) . . . ft3.20terO ' 91.324.OOft Cotton (bales) . . 13.289.000 , 11,030,000 Orep Miraole ef 12 i Production of important crops will exceed that ef last season, with the exception of wheat; the aggregate production will be In I exeeas of : all donteatie demands. The average yield par acre ia larger than for-com years; tha euslity is excellent,' and the shortage ia tbs acreage hss been more than overcome. In the psst two months there ha been a complete reversal of tbe dismal forebodings that attended tbe plant ings ander climatic restrictions ; ideal weatbsr conditions bars turned th prospect of partial failure into bountiful harvests, and promise of still better return in the crops that come to harvest later in tbe aeaaon. ) I 4 Reduead by UnfovoreMe teaiea Farm operations the country ever begsn this sprins -wnder the worst eenditioaa eaperienred ffn some years. The winter cold prolonged wen into Hsrch. with th gn-unq f roses beyond penetration by plow aaol digo. restrained th early sprins work of aoil' preparation in the northern portion of tha country, while almost continuous rains drenched - tbe southern states. k eyeing tha plantar out of the tieida. Th i Most of th sales of local apples were around " drifting away of th chUl winter was tel J . T . a.i s- a lntarsul kaw vaa W atlrvu Wtf .sMtkatahlnSI awaagl I 111 "WHOLESALE EJUCES IS PORTLAND! I These ara prions eat allure pay wholesalers, ex. apt aa otherwise noted: 1 ' Oalry Peotfuea 1 1 I BUTTEH -ftelliog price, bog lots: t Creamery rrime, parebmsnt wrapped. B9c lb.: prim firsts 7d lb,; firsts, lb.; smaller lot at n sd ivsnlr. Jobbing: price: Cube extras, 4cj !firsa. B2c. - i , - v - I ' ' 1 B UTT s R FA Ti Port Is nd deUvsrj basis. 2e;: eoutitry atalions,' 5T(6So. i ' 1 IJ-OMAnGA-tINE Beat brands, 40ej ardU esitr. 33 He; baAers. 33o; antmargarine, 1-lb.i cartona. 32o pet lb. t'HKEKE Helling price: TUlasuook. freak Oraaon, tanry trinteU. 32 9 83c per lb-; Toon: America. 348iVc. Prices to Jobbers, f. o. a. Tillamook: Triplets. 29c: Voang Amerfcta, 30e. Belling prieaai Cseam brick. 40 42a. .gelling price: Block 8 wise, 48&41e; limburger. 40 ay 42 par lb. I-- KGG8 Baying price: Current I receipt. 47c; eandled. teUing ptiee. 42c; select, pari dose a. 1 LIVK POCTTST Selling price: Heavy bens. 37e: light hens,. IS 18e; heavy springs. 29:: old roosters. 100 per lb.; turkeya, life. ( ) dueka, 2e30i lb- 1 - yrean voaaiaBivv ana rruis ' FRESH FBC1T Oranges. $5.75 7 50 per box; " baaanaa, 11 12c lb.; lemon. 4.f0 85.50 per crate 1 grapefruit. 34.00 W 4.50 : ean-i talenpes. Califoeaia, 35.008.00; Malaga grapes, 84)00 per crate; asedless grspss, 33. SO; CaU fernia peachea, 31.85; Orrgwn.' 1.75 per crate; caach nluraa, ll.ov crair; iran, as.uv ey APPlJ-:i Nw, 31.00 160. i 1K1KD KRUilT late, Uroinedariea. 87.58 m.Zi. 00 net box;, figs. 32.50 fap 6.00 box 1 . fN IONS -Selling price to retailrrs: Newi Wall Walla, $1.50 (i 1.75 : carlie. 2 c per lb. a-raen onions. 25 0 40c dozen . bunches; ouloii SS'S. 1718o a. , - 1 POTAT018-HUing price: Oregon, fancy t3 Vie. -'i BKKKIK3 Strawberries. $8.75 per erste. VKUETABIJC8 Turnips. 83. SO ssck; es4 rets. 8. OO aaefc; beets. 60s doxen (runchea: Irti tac. $1.75 crate: cucumbers. 2a ff Stic osj tematoea. 85c W $1.00; egg - pUau I 10c yes pound; broccoli, t ) : beil peppers. 17V,ei Belay. 31.75 doxen; string been. 3 4o lb. f j '. - MaU and Proilr 1 - i 1 COCreTRi" klEATe) Sellins price;! Country bogs. 24e lb. i lor ttip blockers; heavy, loci veal. 28 23 Vtie; heavy veal, lOe Ha.. breakfast bacon; U y 5ac; picuwa. 20 pet lb. cottage roll. 33e per lb. - ' . LAUD KeUle rendarad. S8c-lb. suudsrd SSIVac; tierce basis, eompouu-i. 21 Vt I . Pish end nllflsit 1 FBESit FISH Salmon, fresh Cbtoook. 17 ft 18 lb.; halibut, fresh. ltajflNc prf lb.. tr: gean. ( ) ; black cud, ".0 911 lb. I kippered salmon, $2.50 per ltl lb. b-iet; kipire.i vk1, 2.35: raaor eiarua. ( ) 1 crsbs,$J-T 4 43 7i aoen; ling, cJ o ta Rc lb. - ' . Qroocries ' I-' BDQAB Norjiins. prices, refinery bss : Cube, $22.1U jfruit and berry. 21.g3 U yal lew. 3a0.t5; igrannlatdd; (21. 2; aslrg $20.80; goidea C. 2.75. v HOSE' -New, 7.oOT.6 rase. ' -iBlLli Japan ile. So. 1, I3e; New Or leans head, ) ; Blue Hose, 14 " ter lb. . iSALT- Cos rue. buU rruand. 100s. tll.'ii per ton; 5lf.. $18i..6; tsbie dairy. Stss. $27.25; bales, $8,30 g 4.00; fanc table u4 dairy i, $I0.50; lanip rock. 828.50 per tiat-j JBEANH Kale by. Joboera. ".mall white), 7 He lb ; large, white, 7c lb.; pink.: 8 Vac lbs Mmsa. 12Vac: bayou. ll"Ac; reus, lOVkr; Oret: auin beans, buying iirii-es, nominal. 5VaC lb. iCANNKl) M1I.K Carnatiun. ..'; Bordeu, $$.oOi Astor. 8u.40; t Eagle, 312.a5; UbUlj. $4.50; Slouut Vernun, a.4U per caso. ' COFi'Eli tloaateu, 3448c ia sack .of , gnims. - . i8tnA CRACKERS In bulk. 20c tier lb. I NUTS W alnuts. 33 & 40c per lb.";" !uiundsi 8e; filberts.. 82c in sack lots; peanuts. 14 Vs i 0115c; pecans. 23e;, Brazils, 35c, j j ' 'i -; ap. Paints, Oil : I : j I BOFE Sisal, dark, 18 Vic; wkita, J0 ls, ' standard Manila. SUVsc , T f ILINSEEII Oil. Ran. bbla.. 81.B9 gal : ; bettle boUed. bbla.. 81. 71;. raw, cases, 81.84; . toiled, caaea, $11.88 gallon. j i, ...... ..IT U -1 . t : . . . f . hj.iu ... 1 ..icr ntura in urn nie : or! iron barrels, I? sUua; vases, 0a Pf : gallon. h UABOLINE Iron barrela, 20 at lie; case. : (I He; engine diaudste. Iran barrels, loc; ease, I WHITE LEAll' Ton U.U, 16cj" 0f- lbi, - 1 3 He per W. . " I ! i JTUMPKNTIItE Tankt. $2.S; eaaas, 33 41; V 10' ease lots. :le lew- . - : 4 j . i T - . . Hap. Weol and Hle j i I HOPS -oa-.insl. 1SII9 erup, lt)t per poand. ItllDES Sail ludei (all weights). ! lie; green birlea (all weighU). feci greea or salt calf (va- detr IS pounds, 20c; green or salt .kip 113 to l. 12ej salt btuls, 9e; greea balls, te; per box during the week, although a fair volume of business was dona aa high as 31.80. Quality ia stul badly mixed. . ' ; . - e . 1 .u- Wheat Starts at Erratic Quotations Chicago, Aug. 14. iTJ. r.l The European military and political sitnstion was generally re. carded by traders today aa mora faerb! and grain pnees saggsd somewhat in the dull mar ket during the abort session. December wheat opened st 241. off He from yesterday's close aa dclosed at 23HT4. Marsh was eff laj0 at 5 the opening, at 243V. eloaia at 241 Vi. September corn, after opening st 144 Vi, a los ofsc aamed Vs. closing at 148 H. Ueoember earn opaaed at 1254, down Vke and cioaed at 124 Vk. September eats opened '9 lower t 7), daaing at 70Tae. Peeember, after opening Vt lower, lost another Vke and closed at liu Ve c. Provisioaa were strong on a hialier hog market. . . 1 Cbrrato. Aua 14.(L IS. X.i Wheat started H 9 lc higher for peeember and 1 Ho lower for March. There were) many email bny ine . aiders for December in I tho pit st the Litart, while offerings were limited. After they arera rilled aa. ine traue anietea aown to nun nmnnrtiflM: t'oru . started Vk e lowe for September gad December, with scattered ; cossmiwon house selling. There was baying en the break. : Oats . opened Va e lower with scsttered commission bouse seUing and little demand. Trade light. ' ' Proaisions started" easier, with only a few tranwctioiia in lard and ribs. Chicago range of prices furnished by United Press: k , WHEAT ; Own. Hull, r Low. Close. 241 242 238 234 24iVi 248 Vk ?4tt 241 Vi CORN r 148H IS 147 148 125. igVa 123 124V OAT 7154 70 T0 704 70 70 6 6 PORK lowed by very slow rising temperatures, gane rally below the seasonable average, the rain area apeead ta the eastern and central states, and further set" back the needed farm work.- Tit planting of - oats and sprins wheat 1 was uni for merly twa te four weeks late. andV corn on the average three weeks Uter over tne whole country. Cotton went in late, and late $ chill, ! wet soil, and averaged a month late throughout the bflt, ( j ; ": , j Aoraaac falls Off necseased acreage was the natural conse quence of the late plantincs and eedin-s.: The acreage of sprint, Wheat fell off 3,851,000; winter wheat ws redooed by th dry late fall aud tte winter kill 14.700,000 acres, making a loss; of 18.500.O00 acres. o 22 per cent, in the main breadstuff swmdy of the country. To this loss wss added 1,500.000 acres less tn osta. I The late seaarae prevented tbe . farmer from making up the teas In wheat and oata by an increase in com the last planted of tin important crops, the gain being only 1,580,000 acres.j Curiously, in the cotton- states, the acre age of that staple was increased 600.000 to the loss of food and feed acreage, the high prices oeing ; relatively ugner ila eetton. , j - Better YieMs Feracait Peapite the shortage of 18,500.000 acres in xne 100a ana feed crota. th prnsiert is for a larger total yield of the harvest fiekls thaa last season There will be a decline in the total wheat : yield, the area loat being tee . great to Overcasne through the iaoreased yield. The feed stuffs, oats and corn, wilt be abundant com pared ! with last season.! The farmer ia still in the making, while oata are safely made and large, ly -harvested. The miracle-working weather com pletely reversed the poo outlook at the at rt of the growing season, i and under tbe stimula tion ef eool weather the plant fruited better than in tlte season when warm ' spring were succeeded by burning June and July day. Th season: hss been somewhat j identical te that pre vailing in weatern Europe,- where yields ar al ways higher titan in this country. The total volume of food and' feed, including; potatoes, which are ayeasured by the bushel, indicated by onr reports for this season, is 087,000, 000, which fat 28 S.OOO.OOO bushels more than the final harvest last aeaaon. On an acreage 8 per cent less. 4 per cent more . product will be se cured. Tbe average yield is 12 per cent better, and equal to th hitfh arcrxges of the pasfi Famished by Overbeck of Trade building: ; M WOltll'TiOX 1 I Ojws ti. Cooke Co., Hoard Iew I Close Compet IVc .. March Sept. , pee. . Sept. , Dec. . SspU Oct. . Sept. Oct. . Kept. Oct 1897 ,. . . . .1827 ... ..1548 1587 LARD 101KN' 1H27 RIBS 1545 150 1897 j 1813 1SST : tiki N o. 2 red. 2530 2800 17 1825 1340 1J35 ISO. Huscow, Idaho, Aug. 14.-Tbat foreign cent-peUtion--iaipoftatiena from China and Japan ia- deotroying the market foe Idaho pea and beana and balding prices ao law that there ia likely to bo a much aau'ler profit to the farmer than in former years, Jm th opinion of Harry Oriaeoll. manager ef the Idaho Bean at Elevatot, eompany, with $ una of elesatora and ws re houses in the Pouatcb and Clearwater dutnetg of Idaho and headquarters at Spokane, j , : Low Price gxtMct ' "I fear to tell what I believe the price of pees and beans will be this year, aaid Mr. IMscalU "Of eoun we cannot expect -way prices, which rather 'spoiled' th farmers, la 19 IT farmers got as high as 11 sad 18 cent a pound for beans. Before the war I raised bean tn this county and w thought we we doing vary well when we got 3 Vi cents for bean, which retailed at 5 cents., or 20 pound for the 'dollar. Qf Coast Bean Growers Fear ition of the Orient course: labor ia higher and land more valuable. and ta east of production has increased. ' OelenUl PHoaa eare ' "But the sees test factor is the Importation of peaa and bean from tbe Orient. Farmers wonld be frightened if they knew tbe prices at wich Japan 1 ad Chines bean nd pea : can be bought by tbe shipload delivered t Seattle of FofUa". j Mr.1 priseoll bag just, returned from a trip through the Clearwater conn try, having visited th bean growing section of Latah, Clearwater and ether ooupUe ef tlu part of th state. He y tha been crop ia much below normal in point of acreage, being not more than 40 pec cent of the avenge for the past few years, while crop eonditiane are hardly up to the average,: although ha regard them aa ''fair la the Clearwatar dis trict, but net so seed in the Petlstch and oa the ridges near Kendrick. which .ha been a great bean district for several year. Lash chest No 1 red Varleti Grnls Market Buenos Aires Wheat eUwed 3 higher; corn 3e higher; oats, unchanged. Inden-t American cliuped eats alused d lower per Quarter. , Antwerp 'American siot cat closed I franc lower. , Plate oaU unchanged) eora, t francs higher. ; - New Orleans $2.T2 bid far September. wheat and $2 78 fer October wheat. Baltimore 4Joed export demand tor all wheat that can be offered. New ioek Wheat No. 3 red. $ 2. 83 c. i. f. Kew York. Aoxt shipmenL Minneapoltv Cash wheat No. 2 dark north ern. $2.70p2.80: No. 2. $2.65 2.75; No. 3. 2.btl( 2.711; No. 1 northern, $2,0512.75: No. 2,, 2.Bt 2.70; No. 8.1 2. 55 (a 2..t ; No! 1 red sj.ring, $2.60; No. 2. $2.55; No. 8, $2.50: No. 1 1 hard Montana. $2.80; No. 2 dark hard Montana, 2.ti5: No. L durum. $2.7 2J(S ; No. 2. $2.85e2.o5; No. a. $2.,35 2.75. t'orn N'a 8 yellow. $1.38 1.88; No. 8 mixed, $1,50 r 1.52, Oat No. 2 white, 70. Bar. ley oiieiee to fancy, $1.81 y 1.08; No. 2 rye. i.iwi.m, J w Chlrafo rotate : Market- Chicago, Aug. 14 I. X. ft. Potatoes, RecripU, 37 ears. WKeonvin, Minaeaotas, Usko. Us and Ohiu. $2.6fk2.75., Hawaii Places a Bar Against' Our Mooted Products Tbe board ot cemmimianer - of - asricultur and forestry ot th territory of Hawaii hereby makes tbe ' following rules and regnlations for th purpose of preventing the introdurtion inte Uiis territory from Pacific coast porta af- the I'nited States of insect pacta and plant disease which may be carried oa potatoes and apples: No shipment f potatoee or apples in the natural or raw slat, whether by freight or ex pres. shall be permitted to be imported into the Territory of Hawaii from porta oa the Pa cific coast of the United! States of America sin less such shipment is aewooinsnied by a certifi cate signed by Qualified officer of tbe eity, county or ' stste from which the shipment, is made, that the shipment ha ; been inspected by him and ia shipped : free from insect pt,-st sad plaof-diseasca. 'j - - The certificate of inspection required by two. trim 1 must give the name of the ahipper. the name of the consignee and the number of sacks, crate or bexea contain ia each shipment of potatoes or apple and lone ropy must be ; t tacbed to a aack. crateL or bog in each ship ment and another ropyf delivered to I the chief j timstom presented to the veool bou, inqraartAP a lit St A SfKl-wtM Tmt tsV 1Sa9 frnf-MR. a "J .a. . . " " " Aotion of Woolen i Oompanv Awaited ; 1 By:Fleece Trade Boston, Aug. ) 4. Msaufaeturen arc not yet ready to make the "big killing" fat the local wool market. Beyond a slight broadening in the inquiry and a moderate increase in the volume of agios' Often at the exptose of values, 1 prevailing actuations are. about th rams now as a week ago. Meat of transactions have been in medium and low wooto, tho superabundance of tbee mak ing thcra paii.!ciirly subject to price, cattiug. No evidence exist, that TnUls n 'getting any TOSzctions for distributors and buyer of a de sire for new goods, ftill a waiting market from retailer to manufacturer and general waiting of each, other i-noted, - ', - . r , Among . the manufacturers . th, waiting ap pease to be to find out what "the American woolen company pmpo-ea to do in rr sard to priooa and styles (or its new spring lines. The! fact that ine pis concern has not paaoe any move Isia disappulntmant to many. Th. fecal woolen trade has been called upon to ennsklcr tli demands of -recently ore nixed union 01 vwi nanaiers. TUe principal Ucioa in th ek- Alaska Gold .... Allis Chalmers . Am, Ar." t'hem . Am. Beet Hutfar Am. Can, e. ... Am. Car Foundry Am. Cotton Oil, , Am. Hide Lea., e. Am. Int'l Oorp'n. . . Am. Unseed.- c. . . . Am. Loco., c. . . . . Am. rlmalter. c , . . Am. Steel Fdy. . . . Am. Hngar, c . . . . . Am. Suju. Tob. . . Am. Tel. &. Tel... Am. Tobacco . . . . . Aen. Woolen, c, . , . Am. Sine ....... Anaconda Mia., c. Atchison, e. , . . . . . Baldwin Loco., o. . , Bait. & Ohio, c . . Bethlehem Steel, B. Brook. Rapid Trail Butte and Buperiori Cwnadian Ferine. . . Central Leather, e. Chandler Motors. . . Chosapesk Ac tlhia. Chgo. Ut. West., e. Chgo.. il. A St. P. Cligo. a North w. . . Chile Copper, , ... . Chine Coptics CoL Ca 4k Elec, . . Colo. Fuel Iron . . Consolidated ties , , Corfl Products, e . . Crucible Mteel, e. . liens. 4k R. c. . Erie, e. ......... (General Cigars . , . . Oenersl Electric , . Uenerai Meters Goodrich Rubber . . Oronby Cans. . . . . Qt. Northern Ore, . Gt. Northern By.. Slreene I'susnea-. . . Ice Securities . . , . Illinei Central . . I nap. Copper Int. Paper ....... Int. Harvester . . . . . Int. Mti. Mar., e. Int. Nickel . . , K. C. Southern, e. Kenneeott Copper Lackawanna Steel l.eliitfh Valley . . Mid. Statea Oil. Met, Petroleum Miami Copper . Midrakt Steel . . Missoari I'aeifie. National Enamel Nation! Lead . Nevada Cons. . . New Haven - . . . N. Y. -Central: . Nor. V Western. Northern Pacific Okla. Ref. a Prod. rare uu . . ... ,i l'an-Am. Petroleum I'ennaytvania ny. peoples Jaa ... Pressed Steel Cr. Ray Cons. Coppe. By. Bteei Springs. Reading, e. . . . . . Royal Dutch . , . nep. . I. S., c. . . Buck Island, c . . . . SluUuok Cssooer. . Sinclair Cons. . . . . Sloss Sheffield. . . . Southern Pacific. .. Moot hern Ry., c... Studebeker, 1 c . . . . . Shell Oil ...... St. L. a 8. F. . Swift A Co. i . , r Tenn. Coracr. . . . . Texa$ Oil -Texas Pacific Trans. Oil . . t'nion Pacific e. U. S. Rubber, c, . V. . Smelt- 4 Ref. TL . Steel. I'Uli Copper . , . . Vanadium Steel , , tir. Cbem.. e..... Wabash ......... Weatern In ion West. Elcctrie Willys Overland . . TS 78 34 78 89 95 55 , 98 ' 115 89 98 109 78 12 81 108 35 74 ; ' 18 118 53 85 55 '83 76 14 53 Tf" 88 184 . 12 22 63 31 73 , 85, 25 19 17 84 44 V 12 158 ti' ie 33 71 " e T4 88 88 40 '95 High 78 74' 89 93 93 8 113 84 98 109 78 12 Si 3 101 58 H 88 65 H ' S3 70 143 24 53 '79" 88 135 12 32 S3 5 55 1 17 4 4i" 13 159 89 25 10 93 71 "74"" 3 88 tea Vs 49 'ia dry hides, 2oc; dry salt hides,. 15c; dryealf (under- 7 lbs. 1 . 25e Th. . ' SALT HORSE HM'ES (l-argel, $4 each salt horse hides fsaedium), $3 each; satt burs hide l,mIll, $2 each. PELTSa.try fine long wwoj pelt. 18c dry medium long wool pelts. 1 Sot dry eoars long Wool pelts, 10c lb. - - .- - SALT 1'Kl.TS Wait King weol pelt, $2.00 w 8 OO eaeb: "alt lamb pelu, STSc each; sen) sheaf Unas, 23 a 5ts each; 'salt clippers. 1 Jay 2$e each, MttllAIN Ina, 25c; short. 1 Iks Da. TALLOW AN1 OKEASE No. 1 tallow, te; ho. . 5c - - ASCAhjt New peel, 10 per lb.; oh tj. h plant inspector or his assistant ' by the person, firm or corporation transporting - auch potatoes or vpidea. upon the arrival of the twpmcai the territory. Ne person, firm or corporation engaged in the transportation of fr-iirht or express p!jckes .be tween the said Pacific coast port aaijShe iiorta of Hawaii, sliall land o cause or allow to be landed in any part or on any wharf in the terri tory of Hawaii, any uri Vviijmiepr. ef potatoes of apple In the natural or raw state withoot first delivering , the certificate of mapeettioti,' proclded for in section' 2 hcraof, to the aaid chief plant insiwetor oy bis ajanstant. i -, Any shipment of potatoes or apples arriving in the territory unsrcominnied try said certifi cate of inflection will he returned to the eouJ signer gbis awn expense. .. j Sab tree aary Statement Sew York, Aug. 14. (L N. S. ) Clearing hwnsc statement: t - . ' Snb ' treaeary - debit. $970,081; exchanges. tDO,.d.,U10, USH1S1S, eOO,S U.O I O. r Vaval Stores Market New Tork, Aug. 14. L N. 8.): Turpen tine Savannah, 138; New Tork, 169. Rosins Sarannah 13UO; New Tork. 1400. Man rraaelseo - Poaltry Market I San Francisco, Aug. 14. (U. P.) Broilers, 38 40c; large bens, 38 3Sc; best ducks. sea are veroe. aUion ef anion, minimum wsgc of 884 per week, all "firing and hiring' to bo dune through mo, union, reduced hours of labor, etc. Ueii srI sentiment of wool houses is unqualified up- poi-iaon to wcpgutioq pf unpm. . KeccipU of the week were domestic, .836.700 pounas; loraign, it),iu poontu. . . ., , ' POTATOES AI.OXO THE COAST SaetU lriit . ' SeaUle. Aog. 14-fL.i P.) Potatoes. Eat Waxhmgtea Netted Uems. (f0 ton, local, 3 c stsiso. j .. t - San Franelece Market San FraacUeo. Aug. 14 (U. P.) Potato Old. 10c: new. 8e lb., 1 Onions Yellow, $1.50 1.75. ' emu pec ' et. ' . .. 'SS VS 78 33 . , . . 73 a 94 if 114 83 90 1U8 78 IS 52 81 103 34 73 18 117 53 83 65 is 70 1444 33 3 79" 88 133 12 LIVESTOCK PRICES GENERALLY LOWER North Portland Off for nogs. Cattle tuvd l m ri-Itrcord Han Shown lit Alleys fdF the Six Pays. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCN - Hoes. Cattle. Calves. 3338 S3f 78 $498 1 8178 184 2911 8887 306 $003 ' 8819 1384 : 291 89 3343 9423 ; 283 2079 " 9239. r 10 7141 188T J Sheep. , 8873 380 H5t 78 57 2878 8875 2149 4102 87 1 88 75c 75 82 82 84 34 91 2 ' T 2t 83 64 47 47 24 24 45 48 34 34 10 10 117 117 8 7 60 80 07 68 "i" 'if T 18 47 10 21 63 si'' ra 3 . at 17 S4 44' 12 158 '89 24 10 33 71 . . . 74 S as 82 40 85 7 75 81 33 ?V' t a a 91 97 8 47 84 1 V e 44 83 10 117 85 87 0 TV4 4t 0 1 BO 78 78 33 133 13 7a 68 94 55 85 114 84 95 108 77 it 81 I 198 34 73 10 18 117 08 83 64 8 82 70 2 It 88 73 88 132 4 12 60 139 3I " 7i-w 28 37 83 4 T7 124 84 19 17 23. 67 , 44. 12 156 18 89 24 53 73 10 33 71 80 73 8 38 82 4 28 96 14 93 87 76 81 33 8 28 80 91 87 3 474 24 . 103 : 44 84 10 OO , 6 7 68 87 n 8 1 8.004 9.00 .7.00 s.t a.aoe 7.00 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 S.00 t.0 y .00 - 200 40U 6.00 w O.oo J.3.oew 7.00 s.oo 11. 50 (18 00 7.00 7.50 6 00 7.04 6.16V t.-i Wethers Ewe t - 1 1 Trtl . I u IQi IAS . V. - - - v ,, . , .,.'.1' ' ' ... Total sales, bonds, $3.8Tl,Ou, ' Total weekly stock sale. 2.887. 698 chares. Total weakly bond sale. 848,713,000, Foreign Bond Market riraished by Overbeck 4 Ceotf Ca, 218 Board of Trad Wds., . ' . Bid. A. V. 8s Oct. taart 90 K- en- 191,,.4,. 9. Itep. France Is 1981.,, . 83 s ana OS utl, leas... 1 litis.-la cwxta. Rnssian - Intl. IHira, 6s Apf. I Him. 6a A or Horn. B Aur. 1926. . Ba lhirn. Canada 6a 1981 64 U, K. 6 1917,,,. t 11 Livestock arrival brok all prevlouf rcoords at North Portland during . the week for regular market shipment with a total of 208 ears, compared with 175 a week ago. 154 two weeks ago. jit four weeks ago, 111 a -rear ago and 108 car thre year ago, Hogs' erg lower cattle lower, lamb lower. With a record braakins run for the market the Xorth Port-and Hveatork trade was wndee rreaaweeJUosa showed a supply ef 8336 head for th truxl- namnared with 1664 a lea aan. The market wa depressed from th start and after selling at (18.73 for Xtfctn top, the o losing wa depressed and : ae .high thaa 31 tor oeat siun. i'Saaatal ass sutket asstY Prime mixed ..,..,.,...... 817.23 4 1 .O0 Medium mixed l.Astf.S Rougb heavy 15014.O Smooth, ieiry (,,.,..,..,.,. 14-00 ja.Ov Piga ...................... H.SO m t . " "' Cattle Under Prmiueo ;,';- ;; . Run of eatUe ia the North PoHhsnd yard for the week totaled 8367 head, e-rnpared with 3178 a week ago and -801 3 head a year ago. While the entire market-IndiaaUd a softer ten during the six days the pressure wsa principally ragfttnst the common to poor stuff stock tlist will hv to, be fattened before avaiianie tor hillcm. flood staff did not come forward very freely, bat even in this e'ess of etuff the market at time showed fractional hisses altliough gen eral tops were about unchanged. ' - t'enrral cattle range: Choice grasa steers .....8 9.00110.00 Oeod to choice steem ........ Medinni to good eteere ....... Fair (o good steers Common to faif steers ....... Choice cows- and hciters ...... flood to choice cow and heifer. Medium to good cows and bei'sre. Cnnrs nulla s-i-ovce aairy onus. ........ Heavy ralves Best light alvf Best feeder Fir to good feeder Cteer, . . , , . alr to anna! Lama Shew Lessee ' ;' Even though good steady: tone ta generally apparent ia the mutton market, lambs were asaia under pressure. Both east of the moun tain and Willumetle valley stock showed price losses foe the period with no anxiety oa the part of killer. a purchase. Surplus holdinas of au'ers are sshi co oe noerai. Uenerai sheep sad lama rsngci East, f mountain temp ......a 9.40 SlOHil YsUcy lsmbs 9.O0 ft.BO Cull Is Bibs 8.00V 7.00 Tearling 6.00 7.0 e.ouw t ail .a5w ti oo OUpealtlon ef Livestock ' , j, Following was the disposition of livestock at North Portland for the week: -' Cattle. Calve. Bogs. 8hep. Adams Pkc. Co. . . Bennett Meat Barton at Co .... . Carstena Pks. Chambers I'fcg, . . . Ray Fairchild .... L. -Otto M. J. QiU Henry Pkg. Co. . . . T, Ii. Howitt . Oberle Nelson . . F. L. Smith . . . . . Schlesser Bros. . . . Sterrett Pkg. . . . . . swift a Co. North . Miscellaneous ..... Through stock . . . Oregon feeder . Washingtug) feeders. a ' -' o . i i. j AMEBIC AH XITESTOCK PIlICEa ..:.,.,. enieaae mo sis.eo , Chicago, Aug. '14. I. ! N. 8.1 Hogs Re eetota 4060: 10 as 15c higher. - Bulk. 814.00 415.80; top. 1 16.90 1 heavyweight, 314.5Wj 15.TO; mecium weignt, 119.10 19 19.90: ngtit weight, $15.35 T 16.90 light light. $15-00( 16.75; heavge packing aowa. smooth, $14.25 W 14.50: packing aowa, reught. $13.76 J 14.25; pigs, 814.00& 15.25. Cattle Beceipta 1669) geewvally BOc higher. Choice nd prime, 25e hisrher; medium and good. 23 0 50 lower; lightweight. 23iOg lower; good and choice, 4050e higher; com mon and medium, 2i (S iOc higher; bulls, steady to 25c higher; veal calves 60e$1.00 lower; atorker steers, 50c higher.- - I -. 8lieep Herein ts 3509; , anehaaged. Iambs, $1.00 1.50 lower: siiring bmlx. 8 1.00 1.25 lower; ewes. 60 (f? 75c ktwcf; feeder lambs, 25 (g 60c higher. 1 Omaha Haas $1 South Omaha. Aug. 14. IL N. K 1 Ifr. - Receipt OS 00 market orx-wlnc siaadv to atime with ye n-rosy aversavo. Uualiiy only fair; aver age cost yexU-rday $14.25. . -j Cattle Keccipts, 850. -i - ' J Sheep lUiceipta, none. '", I , - Kane Olty Ho Kaaaas City. Ma.. Auc. 1. I. N" s i CaUki, 709: ne market. ; snogs iu, strong; sale, f 1 S.PU 9 16.20. Sheep N oat. . No market. Sa,vr Mew. g14) ( Denver. Colo.. Aug. 1. iL'. P.l Cattle Receipt 200: steady Steers, $9.00 011.00: eows and heifers, 88.09 O.OOi stnckera and leeoers, t.uows.o; calves, $7.00 ta 1 1.00 Hogj Beceipta' 800 steady. Top. $10.00; yuis. ets.uv s ts.o. j ' Sheep Receipts 2800; steady. . Lambs. 99.08 & 11.76; ewe, $8.00 6.50. ' - 8ttl au N Nee , Seattle. Aug. 14- (L N. S.I HamHe. osrpts. - none. Market easier. - Prime lights. $18.J5y 18.7: medium to eheiee. $14.15 k ai IU fl'Ho. ben4 ,l8;00 1 8 w ; Mv Cattle Rereints. ' 500. weak. Prima .t..w $10.00 10.50: earbmon to lint BA.kli sr 1 an ' medium to eUascc, $5.23,23: bulls. $8.00 JL "--.. ipvaiius -w.riwirr,; neat cowe snd heifers. " $6.7 4T 7.25 : com mutt tu ..--...-. cajres, f .ouay ae.ov. WaUa Walla Wheat Yielding j 20 to 55 Bushels to the Acre Walla Walla. Ana. 14. Harvcting in the Walla Walla valley i now about half completed, wheat is running between 20 to tho acre In the tight land to 66 buir.rla ta the atlanis. The rsirta of Monday postponsd work I at of the fields until Wedmnday, and la some fields in the Eureka Flat section until Tlmraday. ; Some of tiie fall evtm b already movins to ward the seaboard, hot, this BwwneM haa been hampered by a ear shortage oiall rsMraads. r re queatly rasiuant for ease ia which ta move grain and area onion which: are now being hrttd in urg quanUtie despite th few price realised, am nut tilled for from three day to a week after being placed with the railroads. . ' ltaUrrad offieiala, however, : are ' aunrlng cth fruit growers uf the a Hey that llier will ha am ple oars on hand fur the at-'vement of th prune and apple crops, aa they are bending every pos sible effort to axpedit the movement of per tshabla freight ineloding fruits and auch vege table' aa veouire ref rigvratluB, : Urala and such produeta are given second comideratMin, . ' Some ef th latyar wheat rancher are holding their grain bvcau-e of Jthe drop in price during the past twa weeks, When the harvest began tlte price was. around $2.85 and ou to $2.4. but now tlM nee ra Ulna uricea ara between 82.00 and $2.14. the latter fUiure being for tlte harder grata. - "The rancher who Cimlrtcted hi wht early Ws larky,'' declared State Senator larid Crx a few days ago, "Much of mine went for above $3.80 and now tla sani grades arc brtugins lea than Pear, Contracts at S60 Ton in Idaho ' Moscow, Idaho. Aug. 14. Although it aill be evrl brfor pr ar rfpe, cxtrcis f for th Mb of cmta have already been msde here et $80 per ton. In bulk, the unisir only picking the peers in boxes furnished by the raanery '' and deUvertna there to the railroad. 4," I. Mix. who lias 16 arrrs in peare on Ins farm just north of town, has sold his erp n the JuKartta cannery for that price. La rr Mr. Mix had 35 tons af pears from this ort-hsrd, snd aeya the crop this year is better than lat. Should it lie just as good the returns from the orchard will be $2100. or 210 per arer. practically net, for the cost of jiickiiig - the pear : wt delivering lliein to the railroad is lluhtur' There are a number of fair sised iif orrhtrd tn this sertinn. white lml srery faun nss a few iwar trees. from abicli a few botwi will be sold this year. - Mr.. Mix's orchard it 25 Tears old and hss been bearing for many years and. fur the past. 19 i yrs hat er. missed a crop. i JAPANESE BrT OTTO"l MAIIKET PRICK JiflXEO New Tork- An. 14. (I. N. S.I The cot ton market opened steady with HUle feature. May atarted ' points his her and other aaontlia to 21 points lower. .On tlte tall there was same buying for Japanese account and considerable selling c.f pear options. Soiniloeal coreririg tin took place on further rains Jn the belt. After th sail prior advanced sharply, led by January which sold 83 point over the tuwet in itial leveK :- j - Heavy Wall street aad local selling promoted a weak tana lata ia the morning, parity Hi result of bearish crop afid adVicea from Texas! Tli close wss irregular at a net advance of 25 point to a. decline of 87 points. . dairy rnonrcTH of thk coaut Seattle Mara at Seattle, Aug. 14. (U. P,) Butter, City area me ry. cuhn. 5c; brick.i, i. Kl Freh ranch, 6fe. 1'HlleU. 47c La Anetle Markat ts Angeles. Aug. 44. (L N. S.) Butter, C8r per lb. Egg Fresh,- extras, 5 Ac I a a count, 31c; pullfts 47e; pewe-, 81o. Nu ehang In pouliry. i New Tarh tVool aad Mid New Tork. Ana. 1. (1. N. 8.1 Market weak. THimesUc fleece XX uhlo. aue57i-: Ue pulled scoured, 4Ut$l.l5; do Tes eo tired basis, Ollc f I .Mil. 1 lilies Market dvinaixl tionl. Nati'S etecn. 372ac: brauilcd stcwr. 24 27c. 82 a 263 Rft' ' e a a : j . 837 1 809 214 20 .V. 1590 29 . ,. v.. 180 rS2 . 30 .... ... ... 17 68': 1 23 S44 "93 ... ;. 260 ... 134 ; 79 . 11 ... . i .' -: 87 78 ? 68 - . ., 68 84 ...... 69 . . . ; .. . 83 . 114 505. 281 S87 2484 ... 834 607- ' 107 ... 208 391 V 237 403 .' . . . 691 ' 5 80 800 oe - ; w . , - . Fumlsheel hy Overbeck of Trade building : Month. Open. January .... . .3890 February ..... March ...... ,2865 April : . . May ....... .2837 June , V .... July 30(1 August . . . . . . .3280 Setitember . . , . a 2ft Octnoer 3125 November .... ... Uecember . ... .3112 A Cooke - Co.,: Board lllch. liOwV (lose. 2935 2a00r 2902 . .... 2880 2HO0 2H45 2800 2810 82'0 8223 2855 38oW S835 SSfy 8225 3 1 25 8027 2H0IV 8280 331.1 308 8094 3036 3000 3000 PACIFIC COAST SB ASK STATEMENT 6, 7 41. SI 8. 64 4,913,180.77 - Pertlenel Banks CTearings-r- This Week. Monday . . , .$ Tueidar . . . Wednesday., 6, Thursday .... 8,fiB0.;l'7.78 Friday 0.291,887.28 Saturday ., ,. 5.403,853.72 Tear Ago. T.830,426.14 6.063,033.60 . 8,190.697.51 7,554.472.42 S.271.727.1 4,778.866.89 Wek ,...336.710.150.00 837.883.129.68 .$ 1.815.023.00 446,039.00 T64.748.O0 , 60,475.00 5.933,941 73 1,525,137.07 5 1981.,... 34 ?5Vj.oJ8ed... r, 1931. $8 Ask. 99 96 a 28 aa 8 87 90 66 62 Vi tfaarty Bod Sal Fumtxhed by Overbook 4k Cook Co., Board ef Trade baihlina: ' Open. High. Liberty. 3 ..,'.. BOIO 9040 Liberty, 14 U,,, .... . ... . liberty, 2d 4?.., S4SO 8430 Ubrrty, 1st 8480 640 Liberty. 2d 4 s.. S440 8440 Liberty, 3d 4a,-86J 8208 Liberty. 4th 4 H . 8474 . 84 Victory 4 "a . . 9558 9568 Victory. 3..... 560 5540 1mm. 9918 9 8419 6460 8480 S776 8472 540 55 4'lrs nin 469 8414 8468 8482 : 87 HO 8414 9659 9640 Lo Angeles. Amt. 4 4. I. X. 8.) Poti-toes--Lral Early and White Roar, fsney No. I, mostly 31.25 !.; No. 2. 5S;6a B hie. sacked No. 1, $2.50 2.75; S'tockton, $2.9Uw 3.25 par ck. -; -..i - - I i Dried Fruit apd Bfaa New Tork. Aug. 14.- (L N. S ) Beans Market dull: marrow choice. $11.50; pea choice, $7.75; fed kidney choiev, $18.00. r Dried pruits Market steady. Apricots,' extra choice to fancy, 26 1 875 apple,, evaporated, prim to fancy, 1 ft 18 e; prunes. 80s to 60s, 17tS25e: 60s to loo's, llfic; peschas, eif re-choice to fancy, 19o2l,Vs: eeded rauina. ehuie. ta fancy. 23 a 25a , Jfew Tpr Dairy produce ; New York Aug. 14. (L N. 8.) Butter: Market firm; creamery, extras, 63CsS7c firsts. 5l5cf higher scorioa. 6349c; state dairy, tubs. 45 4 55a. Clmse Market steady, 27 28 He rtate. whole amis si-ecsais. szh Vac: tanry. SS a S9e; Wiacousin. whoja milk, fancy Toon Americas, 1U ( 17 c; state, skims, SPecMis, lsoy Je: enotoe, iztsxc. Ka-as Market firm: nearfe white, faaea. SS 71e; brown, fancy, S0&n2 xtra, 57 53e; firU, 6 U 530. r Poretga Exebaas Market New York. Aug. 14. iV. P.) Foreign ex chanaa wa steady at the apeniag Demand sterling opanee at 863 , off V. Franc wee .0723. unchanged, and Bra .8502, unchanged. Marks, demand, , opened ,6214. ped Caadla dollars .eaio. frmsnd starling closed firm st 884. b Francs held steady at .9726. JJre closed el .04. Canadian duBsrs closed t 381U, Walla V alla Oafoas - Walla WalU. Aug. 14 A total of 281 of onions hs been chipped a of WfJl W1U te ante wn nesson. x-xjecctauocu crap of 700 can, . - - . are fur full Spokane Benk Clearings Satarday . . i . . Balance Saturday .. i ...... .- Taoma Sank Ctearings Saturday.' . , i ....... f Balances Saturday ' ..i SaaUls Banks . Clearing Rstnrrtuy .. i ....... $ Balance Saturday .. J ....... . sen rranciaso aanas , Clearings Saturday ....... $27,400,0004)0 - Les Anoelee atanka Clearing Saturday if . . . $15.868,780.00 New Tork Bank Statenifni New York. Au. 14. (L !. 8.) Bank atatement: Average Loans, decrease. $f,O0t,. OOO) demand deposits.; deeresa. $63.188, 00; Um oeiMwits, increase.) $5,706,000; reserve, do orcase. $S,946.08O, ! Actual Loana. increase. 810.865,900; demand-deposiu. decrease, $40,937,000; time da posits, increase, $6,300,000; reserre, increase. $3,404,810. i FOHEIOJT EXCHAKCI . RATES Corrected daily by foreign exchange depart, inert of the L'nited SUte National bank. ,. Opening nominal rate for bank transactions: !i..f , Check. London Pounds sterling ... $ 8.84 raris Francs . .7.24 Hamburg-Berlin Mark Genua Lire Cpnenltage hroner . , . Clirtnlla iiia Kroner . Stork holm Kroner ... UunKkung Currency , Japan Yen . bhsnghair Taeli . 2.1 4.9 15.20 15.20 20.60 78.75 61.30 Cable Trsnsfers. a a.64 ;';.,,.. t,8.: a.18 ; 4.90 15.80 16.30 20.70 77.35 51-75 1.09 Par Talu. $ 4.8665 ! 19.80 1 2381 I 18.30 ' 26.79 r 26.7 26.79 4 a. 8 4 1.08 s 1 "' '" ' e 1 ."")'. . Chicago Dairy Produce , Chicaao, Aug 1 4.---Ilutter Beccipts, 10.708 rub. Creamery, extraj 42 0 59c; extras, 53 W 5"e: first., 51 62c. ! - - Kze- Receipts. 111,404 esses. Ordinary flrvts. 44s45c: eit-ss, 64 ry 65e: checks, 334c; dirties, $7 49 886. I t.'luex Twins, new. 24 24 Vic: daisies. 24 25c; Yonng A metric.. 25 ei. 28e; Long Horn.. 25f20c; brick, 222c. Live l'uuUry Turkctys, 4 5c; chickens. 29 49 80c; roosters, 8Gc; geese. 20e; duoks, 30. Hw York-London Silver 'i Kew York. Au. 14 (I. N. S.) Bsr silver was quoted: - Iiomestic, unchsnged today, at 99: foreign, unchanged today at 95. London, Aug. 14. (I N. S.I Bar ilver wa d lower today at 69 d. yw York Ragar aad Coffee New York, Aug. 14. I IT. P.) Coff Be. 7 Rio. 9 49 e; No. 4 Santos, 15. - Sugar Weak: refined unsettled; granulated, 17.1O22.,50. j Has FronrUro Grain Market Ssa Francisco, Aug. 34. fH. P.) Bsrley RjKit feed per eenul,i $2.31 0 2.40; ahtppiag. $2.50 ft 2.60. : .-::.: ' ' - . !few Tork Potato Market New York, Aug. . 14. (f. N. 8.1 Potatoes fin bnlk. barrel ar haal Market easyt near by white, $2.60 p4.r.O; aoutberus. $1.004.o0. alfalfa. . fruit, lu.-, cattle and water In aUuntJance have tnenle the Yakima valley the moat pro ductlve anil the weulllitoet auri eultural diatriul in tiie Nortliwoat. The city of - TOPPEMSH by Virtue of it lot-ation, is the central community of this vt trade umpire. There 1 no eomniu. nlty In the Northweal IncreaaVng In wealth anti in- i-upuhttlon aa raphlly as Toppenltih. There are three great sugar refineries at and near ToppenlHh. The new re finery of the l' tab.-Idaho Hugsr Co. at Topponlah coat $1.2jO,im;o. The government has Junt com pleted its canal for irrigating 80.000 acrea of additional lands tributary to Toppeniah. ! Wo own an1 offer auhloct - to prior sale flk.SOft tyty of Toppen. lath 1rr street linprovument bonJ, maturing serially during one to ten years. Price for any maturity par and accrued interest lo yield Wire Order Collect State Maturity Preferred v Sce 1SX3 Maim feo NOrrrrWvT3TER14 BANK BLDS. E-IMANCIAX, Otxr new dLetiottar-y rinaa cdal Term shtmld be ia the hands of rryen who ia. vests ia lUtcd secnritles Tha tenna o -'thei atrcat" are made plain. The words that nay be Greek to ym now air) clearly explained. This useful rrst-pocket die tlonary will be aent prompt ly upon reqneat. KRIEBEL er'CO. 137 So. LaSalle St.- CKicatm0 The House of Many Bonds - .. -. -i ' ' ' ;'-..' OUR latest bulletin No. J84. now U v liable aptly .IHuirtra tea the diversified issues Of bonds which we own and are offering tha Investing public at exceptionally low quotations and remarkably high yields. .- . v .. : i ,i - v : '' . ' -' : On our lists are bond isnuea for every investment and which will net the investor highly satisfactory returns, with safety as an outstanding feature. .,. v . . i - v f. ---'--: :. ;:..-:" ..- ." V...y ' - -j.-7.iV.--. ; ':!-'. -j4:. -: ' Wa maintain a department especially to aist investors In the selection of the particular inveHtipent best aulted to their require ments. This service is available to all who wish it, Thousantis have benefited by it during tbe more than year of our relation ship to tb public, ';:-- :: j. ''-: ,. " ':' '-"'--:.v:. :: ;' '7':- i"':H--'1 ; -C.,t" v '.. ' -: .Tat il nf saaiatanm to VOU in the Dl&cemint of vour Invest. MORRIS BROTHERS,' Inc. . Tke fremler Maalc'pat Bead Hosae Between litabllbed Qsarter of a rentnry ilk gad U Morrl Bldg stark hl street Cajltal Op Million Dollar , Telephoa . Broadway IUI Overbeck & Gcoke Co. I Stocks, Bond3 Cotton, Grain, Ptc. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicauo Board of Correspondents ot Logan Chicago Kew torn Chicago f .i II4-J17 Board Trad Bryan of Trad Balldlagl Attention! It I? the aim of the manijemfnl of The Journal to makehe finan cial department most reliable. With this aim in- view. The Journal has and will coniinu to refuse money of promoters, of wild cat schemes of all varieties. No! advertisenrU.of oil voni panies, mining companies, or olhtr stock or leasing- concerns will be accepted by The Joarnal, unless the corporations sellins: these e curities comply with the laws of the state of Oregon and .have a permit from the commissioner of corporations permittin- them to sell their securities in this state. Genera! Insuraiic ;:b:0'N;,D;S McC&rg-ir, Bates & Live!; Veon BuiidJag Main 163, A-2CZ '.