THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, r SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST ' 15, 1920. I rkliros, onoATfu. mcricai, CA8lfPAIDT FOR .ALI- iitrtfi 1 All' . rv . . . MtAviuMiiillia tVTk un'OhlUI f NEWMAN, MAIN 4415. TABOlt7S. -. T j - WANTF-H '"WILL TJlsDE desirable Jot in Tills mook. en paved MRft, fnr good pisno. East 6435. TTFF, WRITERS 77 cTXiBTfEED "bujit jnrit i) , Bala flu rinira. xmmj . " i, Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 3J1 Washington rt Mi tn 6,61. " - l; " -- - - ' 1 ' ti.AJLL "MAKES of typewriters rentad. repaired i.- - and wU on' month It payment pln Oregon ss i... m Kth a Main SS8S. : ' Wn,LMbange new talking machine nd ree- T ... i.niritu lvarf. Tulkinc Ms- i ehtn. C!a. 830 A Her. ("SPLENDIP Ohver typewriter, 140: $15 down. SO anollUliy.: Sljrai ..llua, W'm 5Q Aider. UI3EHOLP POOPS rOB SALE $5 Gerartz Fenitoe Co. THE: BIO STOBB ALL t-VPFR 1 ROOF NO BRANCH BTOKES 163 FIRST BT. REMEMBER 2 DOORS FROM YAMHILL Hast tebms wt charge no i have the largest stock of used goods obi th. Pacific coast. Here are a few sample USED ALL-FUEL" COMBINATION RANG E Complete ; witl hot-water coil and all connection , .,119.50 USED ECLIPSE KANGK, Complete -with good hot-water, coil, act up and con- , necteo: . , ., . . sao.uu 1'SED A. H. OAS BANGS with elevated Wb T-n and bwUer;. the small iiz for small kftchen 929.00 used 3-burner jewel gas KA-VOlt, good as new. ....... . .122.80 TOED NEW METHOD GAS RANGE ....... ........$15.00 And.! hnndreds-Pt other, nsed Mange and fia Ilanm t pick from. And, don't flnrset. all are g-uaranteed to be in (Dd tDdition I and sire eUiifation. 'T EaJty Term-i Nre lntert 1 HfNDRKIW OF ! USED BEDS TO PICK FHOM. SOM1B AS LOW AS $2.50 .fliOOD I'HED HPfZE riAN'O In wal nut case and In first claaa condition, ' $230. ( Eaay term. , T -KJIITI.T I'SED PARLOR SET IS M.tlKHiANY. npholstered In wonderful genuine; blue leather. This aet is jnat. like new. Uonsiita of big, mautve settee, rocker and . chair to match and eoat a lot of ihoney. We will aell thu beautiful we (04 $i2S.0O and tWe very easy term and a year t pay lor It. rrwn h;:hikia taifNA euectrkj "TABtll lAiil'S, aennine Cbineee. at a Tery 'li price, $40.00 for the pair. Easy terras, no inteiert. TRKf) Bin MAHtKJANT CABINET . "PHONOORAl'ir. thn $2(10.00 i. Jot' like new, with 20 elecHona, This ptao... nograpii plays : angr; make dl"o record wiuhoutl change of attachment and U ' Just like 'new. W will aell the com plete outfit for $149.50. Easy terms, W'i rhiirge nt Interest. I'SKD OVERSTUFFED TAPESTKT -DAVKSPORT that sells new fo $107.60. - InJfirst cUua conditipn for $57.50. Eur term. I - .j - J i ' ! , . , Lrsedl General Electric company's Elec triet rahge. In first clam order ..$47.50 USED DUDLEY VACUUM CLEAN EH The $125.00 aUe, suitable for lane hoae br hotel. la - tint class condi tion .1 (..;,.. (43. UO . BLIOHTLT USED1 WALNUT DIN-, TNle K0OU SKT In. th beautiful Queen Arms dlesign. Tais set comist of a fin 4-incW dfnlng" table !nl 4 chairs .to match, njiholstercd in genuine leather. The set sells fbr $193.00 snd waa out of ionr jstors only a few days: now yon cB hajre it for $183.00. Easy terms. Noi Interest. - We ack carefnUsi and delirer to boat Hading j oi depot free of charge. IbEEMBER 2' DOORS FROM YA11II1LL ST. :185 FIBST STS ALL TTNIER 1 R0OF NO BRANCH I , TOKES-THE BIO. STOKE I -r-v-Arvj 1 Jj: Ftitrpsture Specials " V ' ; iPBttPARE JXR HOT WEATHER L . We hf a' large aelention'of used gas raBgea, -all sis apde oens, low oven. eleTsted orens ; - price randa from $12,304 we guarantee entire , atlif action, . I i r : ( k A 'hirge Iselection of used 9x12 rugs. ! Axnins Iter,' BrusselU ; and Wilton;! also carpets in large Yoom slsealat low Jirice. I. 'f i -iCLOSEOOX PRICES ! Dtlt 1ool Fiber Bugs in different pattern. Jfee left ati $14.50., , , Large site Library 'Table with magazine , rocket. 9 lil.flO, and it Is a brrain. ' Library iTable with Writing Desk combined. SSOUU OSK, BJ.nI. .41 r: - w a it tuia nail ikiua a w SKI.L8 FOR LESS x 1H8-1H8 FIRST ST. 713 Feet South! of Morrison. OW1 Furniture Co. SELLS FOB LESS "Iron beds I ..... . $1.75 1.25 2.50 8.00 2.75 1.50 7.50 2.30 4.00 4.50 12.50 9.00 6. SO 17.60 JThalre i . . ? blockers . JjTook stoe i . i . . . i . . f ti i i . . . 4 " iiuin 4 ed springs- ." Extension table Mattreases Kitchen treksure .. i ... L . . ;SoUd oak. ilestber seat, dining chairs. . . -burner gas itots ........ A 4JHotel dresser, iTOry. .. ; Hmalf aise library table . . . . , aCoal or -wood range J8xl3 grass rug ..................... :2l . .Owl Furniture Co. 6.00 laa.-iaa ivi a . 75 Feet South of Morrlsno. , SOI,ID Quarter aawed oak chain, genuine - leather seats, $4. I I . . '!( - " i . I Bo-lid Quarter sawed oak rockers with gen nine leather seals, $8. ' SpeJial nargaln in oak buffet. $35. Portland Furniture : Exchange i' SOS-210 1'IKST ST. : TBEBS8 -BEDS1 FB0M BENSON HOTEL TJsed Only Four Days During Shrin. Week A few left, 2-inch continuous post steel beds. Just a ! good as new. $14.50, regular $22.50; Xytr1-Ovl Furniture Co. 1 : S-i. . . I I ' SELLS FOR LESS ' -. -1 mln-lS First fit.. 75 Feet South of Morrison. led . FURNITURE . BAROAIN . i , Ivory i pearoom set, piras, . lumicr 7 tS;'V, WKIX IW - ... . . . . .... mmririni, rf MimTW , tools. 5 Itables, chair, oaf fee nm. iS showcases. ST yards linoleuiu.1 12 large 1-arra cafeteria "cnairs. - meavy ni, kjui, . ujum. $225. --H294 Belmont. -. m-r lia. secured a few new light waxed oak library tables and will sell them while they last as 9iD,0u, iiu weuia wu vv i ant wneleasilia cost, ... . S$ar- Furniture Co. . 180-162 First St. Corner Morrison St. , r'BUT your furniture at People Furniture Store. , iou wiu.aavo money. .PeopleV Furniture Store V -. -- SS5 First St, Corner Many iBEAUTlFUL Ivory Dreaiin Table with triple . ' mirrora, slightly marred in shipment; special 'price 22.50... ;-iStar' Furniture Coy. 'h !. V? 1 80-1 62 First St Corner , Morrison St 'rnil SALE hoi ran ires, hot water colli! I ! ! lesf table.- 1 Bnrel m. 80 . yardl $85: ,.1 velvet rug. 10x12. $1$: folding bed $9 floor j can, 1 large beveled edge mirror. 1 iron Den ana f-apring. ' No calls 8nnday. 475 Holladay ave. i, HANDSOME new light oak rolltop desk, large .a, Siae; will seu tptj Kvaavfiaoij. - Star Furniture Co. 180-1(52 First St. Comer Morrison St. -FOR SALE Oak folding bed. neat design. Call Tsbor: 1840 IOi:skllOlUJ FURNITCEE, CALL SELL. :' 2014.1 OAS ImInok la good condition, Pkdne Wood , k ,ak .. ... - - ian. STEElTTrange. 0 hole, $20. Main 3879. IRON bed complete. 1078E. 25th st N. 1 liEDHOOM act for .sal. Main 4249, HOrSFHOLD GOODS FOB SALE teat leiicfloi iiifflk ' Fisriltiire . i Sale ! THEFELBSTEIH . FOMfTOffiC: Bought a large . quantity of DAVENPORTS AND UPOOLSTERED COUCHES ;: other'furniture from the We will pi ace them on sale, -beginning i NEXT TOESBAY AUG. IT, 9 A. M. At ja price that wiSlj defy any competition 'in the city. I All Davenports land othjer furniture are majrlked in plain figures, and by -giving us a call you'll 'be sure of getting onej off them. ij'hey are Oak and Ma hoganyi finish, covered with Tapestry, Leather Craft' and Genuine Leather. i- The FeMstein Furniture Co. offers for Monday only: . . One Wm. and Mary Oak Dining Table. 4 S inch top : 6 chairs to match, sests cot - eredl with genuine couch leather. Take it . for Monday, i $99.00. This is sure a sac- riiioe price, i Feldstein Furniture 'Co. v174j FIRST ST.. N. E. COR. TAMHILL I ; ' , 1- : Specials For ! This Week Coat or wood range in good condition. 14-inch oven. $18: St. Clair coal or wood range, practi cally as good a new, $84: Elite coal or wood range, 20-inch oven, with reservoir, in fine con dition,! for only 270; Champion combination ooal, wood or gas range, bakes with gas, $47.50; Kadderly malleable, 10-inch oven, polished top, $48; Champion coal or wood range, 6 lids, 20 inch oiTen, in fine condition, $28.50. t)wl Furniture Co. i PELLS FOR LESS 1 fl9-l 68 EIRST ST.. NEAR MORRISON. A DALNTT model fancy mahogany, genuine bungalow player piano, not to be told from brand new. vritli 118 re 11 of latest popular and claseieaU music: alao very fine music cabinet and bench. together with latest mode Victrola. This represent an investment of over $1200. Owner going away; will sacrifice for what it will bring cash or easy payments plus 8 interest; no reasonable offer refused. Will sell as whole or in pars. Can be seen by appointment only. Call or telephone) Main, 1123. OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Seven I floors ' devoted to muic and musicians. Entrance in elevator. 287 H Washington st 209-211 2d St. Between Taylor and Salmon sta. r SPECIAL . Ffbr This Week Only Champion combination, ooal. wood or aas. 4 gas burners, bake with gas; water coil connected to ga ana water lank, lor $48.30, and it is a bargain. i Owl Furniture Co. - I 1 - i 8ella For Lees ' 16$-18 First St.- 75 Feet South of Morrfeon. THREE burner gu stoves with orens for Portland ' Furniture Exchange s 20S-210 FIRST ST. A BIT marred in transit but very fine. Two elegant $150 modern Victrola type genuine mahqgany phonographs to be sokl on R. R. com panyts account for $70 each. This is a regular windfall; no such offer will ever again be possible. Instnnments play perfectly and mars on oaae can be polished out.' Guaranteed. See phonograph headquarters, OREGON ETLEBS MUSIO HOUSE. Up tain. Washington St. Bet 4 th and 5 th -- - . a i v'ivi uuiuHii "c..v.,mh uwacase, ljlron bed, springs and mattress, 14 iron bed, i springs and mattress, 8 -burner ga range, wood heating stove, folding breakfast table, sewing table, ironing board, clothes wringer, oak nmbrella stand, fluff rug 8x12. 260 Monroe ;gar wuiiams ave. QUARTER-SAWED oak settee, with genuine leather detachable spring seat, suitable for either office or . a home; special price $34.50. . Stair Furniture Co. B 60-1 82 First St Corner Morrison St VULCAN gaa range with aide oven and broiler, 4 burners nd a ssnmarer; special price, de livered and connected for $29.50.' i Star Furniture Co. - Jl CO-16 2 First St Corner Morrison 8t MA3TLE folding bed and mattress, 4 cane aeat chairs., oak rocker, 2 stands, drop leaf kitchen table, breakfast table, cook stove, heating stove, kitchen cabinet, gaa stove, sanitary conch. Phone CLOSING out refrigerator u low ss $7.50; sil Star Furniture Co." k 60-1 62 First St Corner Mnrm f FINK oak bed complete, for $12.50; 3 -burner gaa plate. $4i.Orland gas range. $20: copper Mnl iga. water heater. $18. k new. .709 E. Broadway. - East- 4m 5 2. - . ' . FuiNITCRE ' for sal, nearlii , new. Genuine leather seated rockers,- rugs,: Simmons bed. A. J. gaa range, sanitary couch, table and jarsj 609 E. 24th, near Tib bets. Woodstock car. WALNUT dining table. 4 ehairs, birdseye in- pie dresser, bed,, mattrew, A. B. gas range. ex, anenen lanie, etc. aewlere. ilar. 35. N'W Bridge Beach range at big bargain. 1200 E. Harrison st or Tsbor 2017. GOOD Mssue wood and coal range. Phone .East 0789. j , ... HOtNEHOlD GOOBS FOB SALB $5 MONDAY LAUNCHES "AUGUST FURNITURE : ,r SALE : In the face of a high market, we hay. been able to aemble yaluee that remind you of bygone days. We are going to make fhU usually ' doll month a busy one. . ri . ' Compare, Our Prices They Tell the Story $373 orerstuffed davenport anlte in bin Telour, reduced to. ........ $275 00 $85 bed darenport reduced to. .$69.75' 48 inch library table, with magazine racks, solid quarter-cawed oak, .cut from $43.50 to. ..... $35.00 48 inch. early English library table, re- . duced to $7.50 ;i . . : ; , . -t . 45 inch royal oak library table, colonial design; a great bareain. ..... $2-4.75 $20.00 solid osk library tables cut to .....$14.75 $65.00 Badger' mahogany library table, Adam design, now .......... $12.50 48 inch mahogany finished library table, with magazine rack. ........ $32.50 Dining Tables Greatly 10'to 30 Per Cent Off - - -, i $105.00 54 inch -solid mahogany dining table In Queen Anne design, reduced 4 to 0. . ....... y. ..... j. . .$05.00 48 inch solid watnnt dining tablet,, Wil liam and Mary and Queen Anne de signs; regular $90 value, now $76.50 $70.00 54 inch colonial dining table in quarter-Hawed oak. now ...... $49 00 $00.00 48 inch quartered oak dining .table, with large pedestal; reduced to . -. . $39.00 42 inch solid, oak tables cut to.. 321. 75 J . $350 Victrola, with a big bunch of rec ords i.. 9245.00 " 975.00 Victrola and 925 worth of rec ords ....j... j...$05.00 $65. OO Cremona phonograph and $15 worth of records, all for . jj . . . 47.50 $120 Grafonola. used not over two months, now 4- $100. 00 Brass bed', steel spring ani spotlessly clean Felt Mattress, worth $75 new. for 4.50 347.50 brass bed for .i. . . S-'O.OO Another brass bed .. . . $18.30 llxl2 Axminster rng7 newj bnt slight ly damaged, $97.50 value, Sfor $72.50 imxl2 Brussels ms, damaaed in tran- it, reduced to ,i. .. $42.50 9x12 high-grade body Brussels rue; a big snap at... $42.50 0x14 Wilton rug. in good shape, $35.00 0x12 Brussels rug; a good buy at $18,50 8Hx8K Axminster rng. ,. .,. .. $28.50 6x19 body Brussels rug, just like new, and only j..; $75.00 Side Oven Cadillac Gas range, with automatic lighter and modern in every way; very slightly used ; .1. ..$47.60 $61.00 Vnlcan gas range, used a couple of months . .i. . .$45.00 Sooth Bend malleable range, good as new. for almost half . -j. .. $65.00 Other steel and gas ranges low) as $15.00 Our Easy Credit Plan Make th Pay ment an Easy Mstter. j WE CHARGE NO INTEREST MISI FORfOTORE CO 188-190 First St n PAYS TO KEEP: IN todch: with 0ur Exchange - BEPARTMEl WM. GAOSBY a'SONS jl. n ir it 5. a.: irarsi. ana w sasiraiis gtoo 1, ' Streets. 'A Better Place to. Trade! Refrigerators, family size, good $14.85 $2 1.85 $15.7 $21.73 $37.75 $6.35 $24.50 $ ; 7.35 : .95 $27.50 $19.50 $23.75 $29.50 condition i. Family Writing Desk, solid oak, for ;. Good Rocker, Craft leather, spring seat . j. Combination Bookcase and Desk, good as new Solid Oak Dining Table, pedestal base , , I Massive Oak Buffet, heavy plate mirror . , -L Child's - Oriole Cart, a bargain at . . . i. Birdseye Maple Dressing Table, with- heavy mirror Birdseye Maple Chair to match above . . . . , . . l Good quality Inlaid Linoleum, per yard . . . i Body Brussells Rng, 9x12, value $85.00 . ,,i Liberty Spiral Bed Spring, good as new Reliable Gas Water Heater, guar anteed ......... .......... 4-Burner Ga Range, in good ordes, for ....i. - ' . , . - j Your Credit Is Good - GADSBY & SONS First and Washington - Streets . , REAL ; BARGAIN )- Walnut bedroom set includfng bed, dress er, chiffonier, dressing table and 3 chairs; only $265; former price $400. Portland Furniture '(. Exchange' f 208 210 FIRST St. Morris chair, oak frame, spring seat, imita tion leather cushions, $9.50. TJiis is a real comfortable chair for a very small; price. i wnung aesa. ivory, tor only $12.50 v Owl Furniture Co. PKI.LS FOR LESS j--!. 166-168 First St 5 LARGE selection of high grade used rot. Ox 12 and 8"3"xl0-6". in beautiful up-to-date uesiau, as luw s 11,00. ,1- .. Star . Furniture Co. 160-182 First St Corner Morrison St ELITE 6-lid coal and wood range, in good con dition; special price $16.50. 1 ' ' I . Star Furniture Co. 160-162 Firrt St Comer Morrison St BEAUTIFUL buffet, leaded ghbia oWr: a oaudy - wood and coal heater, used 1 , winter; also lady" custom made tailored suit Worn 3 times. At a bargain. East 1017. - 1 ECTIONAL bookcase, kitchen cabinet, electric lamp. ' 1740 Stanton st, - 2 . blocks South Sandy. - , ' U 9 HOI range for nale cheap. Also high chair. 2151 E. YamhUl. . ' - - f. COOK stove, good as new, $10, bakes Cna. 6133 85th st Mt. Scott car. I ,t FURNITURE for sale. 1729 K. 9th. SeTlwood. LEAVING city, sacrifice furniture, r Tabor 8325. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 5 ,; VERY SPECIAL 1 . ; . , . i . - Overstuffed tapestry davenports. Beantiful tapestry and velour, 8250 'at special price of 9183.75. $260 davenports, special st $189.50. $275 davenports at $197.50. These are all a comber one quality, guaranteed. . ' ' -j PIFER JOHNSON FURNITURE CO., 88-00 Grand ave. East 7766. COAL and Wood Ranges Cook Stoves. ....... Ga Stove ..$15.00 ton . . 10 00 nr . . 10.00 np Gas Water Heaters . V.00 up .75 np S.OO up 12.00 np r tool Coverings, yard ...;.. Kitchen Queens .,..,. Kitchen Cabinets ......... Xinina Room Extension iTa- - bles . 7.00 in Tuning Room Chairs ....... 1.60 no . Living Bocnt Rocker 4.00 np Library Tsbles ........... S.OO np Summons Beds ........... 12.00 np Cotton Felt Mattresses . . . .. 8 00 np 6teei Spring ............ '6 00 np Coil Springs 8.00 np Dressers 9 00 np PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. - 208 rirst Bt GOING AWAY Win sell gas range, water! heater, ' drop leaf table' 3 ply spring 4-6, ex.-table sq. Call 408 E. 37th st. Automatic 210-07. . 7 ROOMS completely furnished, nothing re setred, good condition,, If taken at once $750; house to let. Bdwy. 3032. FOR SALE MlwrEtI AyF.QlT9 1 ies I BATHROOM OUTFITS ! COMPLETE i , AT SPECIAL LOV PRICES BATH TUBS' LOW-DOWN TOILETS CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS (complete) PIPE AND FITTINUS Get out prices before yon let your con- i tract W also have some slightly demaged goods. . j ; A. L. Howard ' 230 3d Sti FJNE Edison diamond dif-c machine, almost brand new, mahogany; cost $295;; atao 17 records. This represents extraordinary opportunity for well-to-do home appreciating the best of music. Will: send on trial if wanted and will close out cash or payments for $95 actual discount Call Oregon Eilers- Music bide, phonograph head quarters. Elevator 287 Vi Washington st Tele phone Main 1123. 1 BEAUTIFUL oak Grafonola left on sale, just like new: cash or Liberty bonds: 66 Victrola and Colombia records included. Any offer bet ter than half value secure. . this fine musical equipment. ' OREGON FILERS MUSIC nOUSE i NEW PERIOD MODELS See the new period - models in Edison, Bruns wick' and Columbia phonographs. Priced from $350 to $750. Special terms.- Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. FOR SALE -Hemstitching and picoting at tachment, works on all sewing machines, doe fine work, price $2.50, with free instructions and sample of work. Acme Novelty Co., Box 342, Fort Smith. Ark. I - COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA BARGAIN Fine Columbia Grafonola, like new, and $50 worth fine records; cost $175 down, balance easy. Hyatt price $135: $25 Talking Machine Co., 3 do Alder. St II. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR; HAT CUTTER; Chinese sedan CHAIR, with poles. 18 foot BOBSLED, for coasrinjt; 100 wooden decoy DUCKS : 7 decoy SWAN. 825 Hawthorne avenue. Phone East 6773. M.,. v viugii, svil, ITUIS cau UO done after hours. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. o."v Aiuei. FlItST-CLASS Edison home phonograph; plays 2 snd 4 sninnte records, and 10O records, only: $18.50; $7.50 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. CORD WOOD for sale 5 cords second growth, 2 miles south of Baker's bridge; is a good road to Portland. Oreiron Citv Clari'sion. I. O. Nealigh. Oregon City. R. 2. Box 55 D. ; FURS FURS modeling and to order. THE FUR SHOP. 606 S wetland ibldg. j 5th at Wash. n itn ?-S PSED DROPHEAD h W &iy SEWING MACHINES 1 Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 3d at, near Vam hill i Main 1843., I GOING AWAY Will sell 4x5 focusing plate camera with tri pod and developing pans, cheap. 408 E. 37th. -Automatic 210-07, AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are: sepsrste classifications. A large listing will be found under these uitferent claaai ficatjona - ! I NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE " Honest, conscientious dentistry. DR. FRED MELLISH 108 H Fourth.: between Washington and 8tarkv BLACKBERRIES are ripe, pick them yourself . and sate, or we will pick ; ; potatoes by sack ; Mt Tabor (MT-88)) cars to end, then blks. north.'. 1 east 89th and E. Stark. FOR -SALE 3 brand new Busher- aaxophonea. 1 alto, 1 tenor. 1 melody C; will sell reason able. ! Apply at 170 13th St., i room 1. ' Dentistry ?Rf Wlthont Pain. I Latest , Nerv Blocking Method. IfTvni BUSINE8S CARDS C fl yHUl ROSE CITY PHINTERY J' Yon must : bring this ad. i 120 Sth st WE WASH your rugs st home with th Ham ilton Beach Carpet washer. 1 satisfaction guar anteed. Woodlawn 1259 and East 4045. ELECTRIC irons, appliances, door Delia, vacnoa cleaners, repaired; fixtures ! rewired; w.'eail , 1 1 i .1. , 1 . ., ko I.-. . o . S ana oeuTtr. wot, .u A o m iv.w. SAFES New and second hand; some with burglar chest, at reasonable 1 -ees. raciiio Scale Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1968. FOR SALE-- Building, containing about 50.000 ft of rough lumber; fox particulars phon. Mar. 4830. SAMPLE FREE to first lady needleworker ap plying from, each town. Western Designers, on oik piog., ; opoKane. v aan. BUY your coal from tb Central Fuel Co., 249 2nd st; dehveries to all parts of city; no extra cbargea for .suburban deliveries on west side. WOULD like to exchange new talking machine and records for first class typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. - GRAFONOLA. E-2, and 950 worth fine rec ords, cost $175. price $133; 825 down, bal ance easy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WILL exchange phonograph for 16 inch D. C oscilating fan. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st WILL exchange talking machine for or 1-6 h.p. A. C. . motor. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. . - - 1 . BALL hearing washing machine $5; Jaeger vacuum cleaner $2, first j class condition. Bell wood 854. FOLDING spring cot, 2 pairs (men's) tan shoes comparatively new; 2 do, new band towels. Broadway 2582. i FOR SALE- Jaeger vacuum carpet sweeper, al most new; 3 pairs of net curtains. Main 6886. j FOR SALE or trade, double barrel hammerless shotgun; 30-30 Wincbesteer takedown rifle. Phone Sell. 314. VULCAN gas range, side' oven, lighter, $25. 6 hole Stewart steel range, water coil. $t20. 503 East Market ' j , ELECTRIC washer, used 1 month, cost $148"; have paid: $100. will sell my equity for $75. Am moving tocountry. , 8721 53d. ave. S. E. DIAMONIJ ring, "about- Tiffany "platinum setting, fine for engagement ring, a bargain. V-920, Journal i . FOR SALE Collapsible Sturgesa. go-cart, slight ly used, cost $23.50, price $8. 656 Powell st. near E. 18th. i i, . ' SPLENDID Oliver typewriter, $40; $15 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. i - - ' MASON fruit Jar for sale, 60c per dosen. 4927 73d st 8. E. W ILL exchsnge .new . phonograph for printing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Baby bassinette, ; draped in pink. Tabor 237. V FURNITURE tor sale cheap: house can be rented - also rabbits for sale. 692 :Tacoma ave. PRACTICALLY new hot water .heater for sale cheap. Tabor 7088. BOX top Davis sewing machine $10. ' 353 Van cbuver ave. near Broadway, j 10 H. P. vertical boiler, good aa new.- East Side Boiler Works, foot of E. Main t FOR SALE Small .house, 4 lots, fruit garden,, ao. easy term. .00 mts iloe.. Amenta. 4-TON Packard, good shape, easy terms. 1303 E. 13th st N. I TWO crosscut saws and other woodcutter' tool. CalL Tabor -406. - i . - FRUIT jars, 2 gross halt gallons; and others. Main 4529. j Ball Mason WICKER baby carriage for sale, $16. East 7943. '-349 Eugene st - - - - i- FARMERS---l can save you j money on new Moline tractor. L-539, Joornal. ' GQODbiocie, 23 inch frame. Tabor 1305. MANDOLIN for sale. Price $9. Tabor T122 CHILD'S go-cart for jale. 122 N. 18th st ONE man stump puller for sal, ; Tabor 611$. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 GENUINE. U. S. ARMY G00BS': New 9x9 U. 8. nary 12 0. tents with pole and hardwood stick. $27.- Fly for above tent. 10 ox. canvas, with ropes, 1 . complete, ,$12. V. IL ARMY ! Blanket from $4 to $8. V. 8. ARMY ! Coite or breeches, wool. $1 to 95. - V. 8. ARMY Coat or breeches, cotton. $1 to $1.50. V. S. ARMY ! Shirts, wool, -D, $1.60 to $3. ; V. Tents. 8. ARMY 16x16, $35. V. a. ABMY Steel coU $4.50. : V. 8. ARMY , Spiral puttees, $1 to $1.50. V. S. ARMY Belts 25c. V. 8. ARMY ' OvercoaU 90 to 912. V. 8. ARMY Trunks. $2 to $5. V. a. ARMY Shelter half tents. $1.50 to $2.50 New coverall $4.00 ''New socks, wool, 75c U. S. Army hats 60 cents. Canvas legging. AND COMPLETE LINE OF NEW AND . RECLAIMED ARMY GOODS - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LARGEST DEALERS IN ARMY GOODS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. Hbrenstein Mesher 250 SECOND. NEARMADISON. AHENTION TO TIE PUD GOfEMIEHT JIEMANBISE AT BARQAIN PRICES GBNUINE WOOL KHAKI BLANKETS ARMY SHOES ABMY LEGGINGS . ABMY IACE-BOTTOM PANTS ARMY SHIRTS KNAPSACKS COVERALLS FOR AUTOISTS LOGGERS' HIGH TOP SHOES UNDERWEAR OF ALL KINDS BATHING SUITS; VALUES TO 94, NOW 91.45. THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. THESE GOODS ARE ALT. NEW AND THE BEST GRADE. Retail and Wholesale Army and Navy Store ' ' 100 SECOND ST.. COR. STARS: 1 BLOCK NORTH OF WASHINGTON ST. U. S. ARMY STORE GOODS - 194 THIRD ST. WILL CONTINUE SELLING Army Fancy Bacon 12-lb. cans $4.10 Shipping weight for parcel post shipment. 14 lbs. Case lots, 0 cans ...$24.00 Cartage .50 ' Army Standard" Bacon 12-lb. cans . .$3.60 Shipping weight for parcel post shipment 14 lbs. Case lots, 9 cans ...$21.60 Csrtaf - .60o Army Roast Beef (Cooked) 2 -lb. cans $ .50 s Shipping weight, parcel post 3 lbs. Case lots, 24 cans 10.70 Cartage .50 Shipping weight 69 lbs. MAKE REMITTANCE TO J.T.CONWAY,' 19A Third St. Portland. Or. Northwestern Pipe Co. 187 Front at. bet Yamhill and Taylor at. W were fortunate to secure a lot of plumbing outfit from, the government and we place them on sale for all the week at a great saving to the boune outfitters, and w invite the public to call a early aa - possible and get your - want as our stock is now large snd complete, so you can take advantage of our great -bargain. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE The Northwestern . .Pipe Co. 187 Front at. bet Yamhill and Taylor' sta, v ; CEM1C1ESTS Direct from factory to your borne, Tenne see and Port Orford cedar; soUd copper trim mings, latest design. Writ. - for catalogue. Factory, 1912-16-18 B. Gliaan. Tabor -. " WE SAVE YOU MONK! " Hons wiring, nghfrn flx tnrea. electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Electric Store. 224 H Third street Mt Salmon. Main eosa. SAFES Fire and bar g la r-proof safes, new and secondhand, at right prices,, bought, sold and exchanged. Eay terms if desiwd. NOBBIS SAFE, LOCK fXX. - 1Q. Second st Phon Mils 2041. V X aa evrlating aggravarton by leaky roof? Wby not a permanent and comfort able roofT W. repair, rubber-bond and re juvenate an kind of leaky roofs. Work coar anteed . . Phone Main ftA - ' , PBUNESTTPRT-NESt . ,. 23-ib. boxes $3. 100 lbs $11.50. -800 $11.25. 10O lbs, peaches $10,50. . Order today. Crowley' Grocery. 188 3d st. FOR SALE Brsnd new Todd protectogrsph check writer; cost $75, will sell cheap for cash. If interested address E. F. Larios. Box 282. West .Linn, Or. : -- ' - GALV. iron hot water cauwer, win hold 2 do. ' qtL.' $3, cost 31S.50 to make. Ca'l Monday. $87 E. 9Ut st Sellwood car at Beacon at ruK 8ALK ADDING MACHINE. $13. 61$ Corbctt Bldg. - Cnaxanteed, Marshall 6S7. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 $35 GET OUT OF APARTMENTS FOB 955 New nickeled two burner gaa plate.. Vemia-Martin finish bedstead. Pair of good springs. , Good mattress. Good trunk. Kitchen table. . : . 2 kitchen chsirs. - I Pair of good feather pillows. Navajo blanket - Galvanised wash boiler. Granite coffee pot 3 granite cooking pan and Jlus, 3 cake pan. - . can early sunnay at 87 MILES 8T., FULTON NATIONAL cuh registers, from le to $999. . Adding machine. , - Check writers. . Typewriter. ; Cheat of steel boxes. Safe. . , :.- A lot of showcases: Soda fountains. . - Dishes for re tanranta. 1 HOCHFIELD BROS., " 43 Firjt St , , BUB ROUGHS ADDING MACHINE ' No. 314-A. 7 column machine, ha carriage mounted on low stand; lso NO. 1 5 UNDER WOOD TYPEWRITER wiih ITniversal. Uauiire type. , Both machine, almost new and; in lr fect condition. A bargain far cash. U-940. Journal. A BIT marred in tranat but very fine- Two elegant $150 modern Victrola type genuine mahogany phonographs to be sold on It. It. com pany's account for $70 each. This, is a renlr windfall; no such offer will ever again be possible. Instruments play perfectly and mars on case tan le polihed out Guaranteed. See phonocrapb Leadqiiarters, i OREGON EICEBS MUSIC HOUSE. Upstairs. WahingUin Kt. Bi-t 4th and 5th COMPLETE PIT SHOW, including brand new khaki top. 200. with, striped side rwalU; monkey, bear, 3 alligators, snakes, etc.; new banners, ropes, poles, 1'tt cloths, etr. I" everything complete and in good condition for fall fail circuit: now .laying at Seaside. $4 50 cash. Donnybrock Fair Amuaemeent Co., 812 Board of Trade blldg. ' --' SEWING MACHINE EMPOK1T New and- 2d hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete no. of parts for all make. Machine repaired and rented Mam 948J, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 100 Third, near Tsvlor st - BRUNSWICK phouogrsph ..... Columbia elec. phonogTaiih , . Sterling piano, fine tone ...... Good organ ................ A lo 2 wood Kievcl. at ....... . , ,$85.CO . , . .90.00 . . .150.00 2 3. Ot 25.00 Reliable Furniture Co. 203 Second St. Near Taylor. AN ELEGANT Soluner upright piano, just like new; the kind that clU nowaday for 'I00 WUl sacrifice $320 for immediate sale. H vM ara looking for an unuiually fine piano, don t fail to see thi at OIIEGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. Entrance in elevator 8 7 Vi Washington st SINGER """ELECTRIC 8EWINU MACHINE . We take your1- machine in exchange. balance eh or eay payments. Phon. tor temo Mira tion. Machine rented. Expert repairing, any mak. - - - MORRISON ST. SINGER STORK, 882 Morrison. Marshall 71. T hive t, n an KilLson laboratory model Phonograph, finest mahogany case, perfect as any new one in the stores; o 01 oca Edison records included; also attachment to play Victrola record Leaving town, will sell on pay ments to responsible family, but prefer cash. Addres Z-600, Journal. ' .-' . " ' 20 LATX dropheads; aU makeaaik. new. $15 to $35. Lars, variety of good machines. to $10. All the latest nmm Sinner. Cash or navments. Machine rented. $3 a month. Singer Star (Moo bldg.), 193 4tb t Min 6838. HONEY Fones" Mountain Horn honvy, abso- , lutely pure, in 5 gal. cans, 00 pounds eacn, z tb the case, or in 1 gaL friction top pails. 10 lbs. each. C to the case. 22c per lb. f. o. b. Portland. Check or , money order must .accom pany orders, L. C. Fones, Grand View, Idaho, FURNITURE repaired, upholstered, like new; . .. .4 Mkiwnn Mailrl f 11 mi in . , U. . . . V .. -. . tare bought sold ' and exchanged at - Webster Furniture Kepair tinop, llOJ nisuwnia, Tabor 3325. ' - . - Independent Printers W. are still doing promptly -"printing for Jess" at IX No. nth St.- commaBwsna oiog- 8mitn. printers. Broadway 29B. - - - Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented ' and repaired Walker Electric Works, 41 S Burn aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6874. FOB SALE New Emerson electric fan. rotary" three speed; $15. Also set of Ford shock absorbers, $7 . E, F. SCHULTZ. Box 142. Tillamook, Oregon. CHERRIES. B. R, 2c: pie, 3c; R. Af. 6c Apples, pears, egir: also cow and horse. 1 DOUGLASS FARRAR. Half Mile South Trontdale. GIRL'S BICYCLE, 18 Inch frame; also boy's bicycle, medium size; both fine condition; reasonable. 852 Chapman, near Mill, west side. Irvington-Chapman car. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 6 rooms $20. AH new ma terial need and. guaranteed to pas inspection. Woodlawn 3791. 7 CIRCLE EXCHANGE W buy, sell .and exchange ladies' and children- clothing. 415 Fleidner bldg.. 10th and Washington. Bwdy. 220. FRESH EVERY " DA T. StSionI HAOBUT, CRABS AND OTHER FISH. WESTERN FISH CO., 126 FIBST. NEAR ALDER. MAR. 5189. FOR SALE 10 new leather bound machine and engineering text books: also 1 almost new baby sulky. Phone Mr. Jack: Main 3210. be tween 12:30 and 2 o'clock. - - LSED- electric - vacuum cleaners, in first class ' mechanical condition, at a big saving. A few hand vasntlm cleaners $1.00 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 Bth t FUEL problem solved with Izard kerosene burner; no wood, coal or ashes: put in rsnges.- beat ers and -furnaces; fiv days' free trial; five year guarantee. 7 Grand ave. N. East 6360. , i HOT WATER TANKS 30 gaL $7; 40,gaL $9. Tested and guaranteed stove and 'furnace coils, Gss heaters installed. Expert. plumbing repairing. East Side Welding-Shop. 208 Adams st E 851(1, WELL paying small garage and repair shop. cash or terms. $250 will handle. CaU Tabor 4890,or SeU. 1028. i j ATTRACTIVE styles in ladies' slightly worn coats, 'nits, gowns, hats and , furs. . 1047 Thurmsn st Main 9367. BLACKBERRIES 8 cent a box, pick them yourself; East 72d st. 1st bouse north of ii vision. ; ISDOr 184 7. WE call and get your veal, hogs and poultry. Best prices paid, CaU Main 7862. , Eve nings, Tsbor 8181. ; ,. I KENTUCKY WONDER green beans "delivered , ' any J'V" in Peninsula, district CiU Wood- FOB SALE Basa dram l?i3n iih .1 . Bo?.Bdt. orjhetra druma; also some traps,' CaU " -" p. tibl i aoor e i . - TBUNES Italian Prunes. Who .ill W the on the shares for Mrs. A. Ksthx, 12b0 Simp- son w., near -u. . 7 5 . f HI5iA closet solid oval glass. 5 shelves, 885. Combination bookcase and writing desk, $14. 892 E. 10th 8. 800 GRAIN sacks, all .good. What am I offered for them r M. Barron. Multnomah. Or. 2 4 - J1; L IuiD Pullets. March hatch. 6133 85th Ft S. E.. Mount Scott car. SAFE Fireproof safe in good"ordeH! Wlllejl ""sy fcaaeu. at once, journal. ONE trailer, good condition, $45. East C361. o srana ave. EI.F.CTRIO vacuum cleaning in our horn. 5 s rog Call East 1 508 BIG, load of box wood,, $3.60 Phone Wood- lawn 954. USED electric washing machines; some baigaina o'.wii r.i-r.i. i nit; jiy.. n i ntn su CASH REGISTER. ELOOK CASES And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 842, SAFE or filing cabinet F-160.f JoornaL, Giv pries and size, SEASONABLE 8TTLES in ladies' used wering apparel, price sniprWnglylow;JTsbor 282 5. SACRIFICE building, lease end some uic'kat loimnoii neacn. V-SI8, Journal. SECOND hand tenu and cover for sal Pseifie - " "FT 1 11. 1. 1ST. ST TENT 1 3x 1 4 1 2"3 duck, . $25. 72d st. at rear. M. 8. car. Scott. . 6324 UNCALLED for tailor-made suite. $12. 5& up Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Vfr Bumside at GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GETS 'EM 1 !TI 1 1 th st Made here. Bdv. 4388. VACUUM cleaner, rented, 81 per day delivered. ' Tabor 6786 evenings; day Mahi 2019. CEMENT isun-iry trays Factory 814 E. Wash ington it We (hip, rail or water. VACUUM cleaners for rent'$l a day: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8495. formerly Bdwy. 258 WOOD SAW for sale, cheap, avid in good con dition. Call t 746 Grand are. N. FOB SALE or exchange, fine pair Hack pumps; worn twice; medium sise. Phone Main -4064. FOR SALE OR TRADE1 1 -ton Eord truck. rubber. -203 Ku'-seil st - East .4839. MIMEOGRAPH No. 77 with supplies cleaner, over DeciL Marshall 4132. vacuum FURNITURE of 4 rooms, 8175. ; Tabor- $329. FOR SALE 'MISCELLANEOUS 19 PLUMBING SUPPL1 ES -1 . 1 - We hare aevoral cars of bath tubs w. will all at a anap. I i 6 ft bath toh at....,...$$2.00 54 ft bath tub at. . ...... .$40. 0O TOILETS T11II.FTH i . TOIIJCTS fuw tank copper lined toilets complete st $30.00 "l.tVPl SINKS i- J BINKS 18t3t 20x30 at ". . ,.4 .. ... i ...... . .$8.00 WATER BOILERS i WATER BOILERS SO. cat Range boiler. . j i .V . .... $17.00 Dbi. coil gas i wster he rem. .1. i $19 ' fcstimates Given Free. Mail Orders. Filled Ptpmptly. ' ' MesherPlunibing Supply . Co. 28 THIRD 8T. i j MAIN 5277 BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON Buy, Sell AND EX CHANG si cash, register, showcases, fountain! 'scales. store fixtures. 'i i 1.1 BOXER, slar. 248H 118. 2d st SEW SEW SKWj SEW 'PHONE SEI.t.WOorr 1071 NO AGENT EMPLOYED t Rrsrtne machine cleaned, timed, adjusted. repaired, nouaht. -sold, il.nted. ispilie and at tachments fovrr ana mrniuHcmnna 'i . motors, shafting knd table tnstaaed. Everything in needles.' -1 - 1 PITOVE SELt.WOOW 1071 FOR SALE -Tvu iron beds, eoniplete. for $15; ..!....! .n .1 .IlKl. - Kl It r. .1 . FOR SALE Wiod saw. first j class condition. Inquire 575 41h at.: FUnXlTUREJjTATKP 'SPOT CASiTHFORUSED t'CRSITUHE- -Main 8878 I UNITED v FURNITURE ! STOPS .! 178 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co. MOIUUSON W. want yntir used furnltnr. stoves, earpets and piano: we pay th. highest can prtcsa. 16o snd 108 First st t all sssin osi. "BE "WISE CALl7MAiN 8051 . We ,Wsnf Yoor I'sed Furniture . ; We Psy 1 th . Price .1 FREEMAN. WOLLF FTJRNITURE CO., ' 2U0 First tj.S. E. Cor. Taylor. ; CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS i Heaters, cook stoves and ranges. NEWMAN,- Main 4405, Tabor 708. GOOD price paid for good furniture. . 622-524 Washington. Rrosdwsy . 8695. . WE BUY used furniture. For best result phone Automatic 217-71. or East 2403. LET us give you an estimate oh your furniture. Reliable. Furniture Co.; 203-205 2d Main 7808. SWAPS I WHAT have you to trade tor a 4 0 aero relin nulnlimrnt' 805 mi ft. timber. A-l. Just the place for the kiddies, close to good standard school. Mill runs the I year round; good work. Going to Dt-nter. Will trade for Ford btig or used car around 8800. I Call at 208 E. Bdwy., or write owner. P. O. Bex 107-j j FIVE room house, corner. 10O5O foot. 1 block outsid. city limits; fruit, garden, lawn, berries, etc.:. furnished or unfurnished,; gas. city water; consider . good small car as : part payment for equity. ' W-286, Journal i WILL exchange new phonograph for carpenter, contracting or cement work : work can be don. after hours. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. - I 1 ' . 1 1 WILL exchange talking machine for or 1-6 Hyatt Talking Maclisp -. h.p. A. .Ct motor. Co.. 350 Alder. t FLORENCE water heater, burn coal oil. will sell or trade for bicycle, i salutary .couch or what ONE lot in Roosevelt "w ash., iand fine aet en . gineer's books for combination or gas range. East 112. I ' i nave-your aiain xva 4.-T0N Reo trock, also! 5 h..p.i gas engine, good I or wooosaw. .srs sinnion n.x(vrcB uwu, uvu and Irving, or call Broadway 8284. 16 IN. elec. fahTbicycle. cream freeler, type writer, motorcycle and delivery side car. i a nor aio FOR SALE or trade, electrie sewing machine and 1 - Saxon roadster; win trade ifor 5 passenger Msxwell or Ford.. 392 Grand . W WAXTF.n -To swsd I naintinc. tinting and enameline fnr ' anvthing Useful. Call East 3824- after D p. m. STUDEBAKER truck to trad for house and lot or acreage, close in.: tan at uwu p'oi Valley Koon. sen. Til 1-TON Ford truck, new robber alt around, for , . : .09 T, 11 -. ST lUlfl. goOQ lovnni car.- wyw - - - K DANbYWtnton six ' (cord tires) for a dis- mond. Main 8579. ' - 1 BNDON town lot snd Nehslem besch lot for piano or phonogrsph.iYj.6j6,onrnsl. UeOclE wanted, Bftist be i good instrument snd priced right Tsbor QTua. WHAT have you of equal valuoj to exchange for piano course? Main 30T8. j EXC"HANGE carpentry, painting, tinting for auto, building material, beach kit East 8368. WAITED MISCELLANEOUS DID YOU EVER' HEAR OF ANYTHING LIKE) ITf - CLEAN. EFFICIENT. SMOKELESS, OPORI JOSS! ECONOMICAL. OA S BURNING, PTPELESS FURNACE -We have it and are offering $50 reward for the best name suggested. Winner to be announced as soon fter September 1 aa possible, when name is to be decided on. I ! . I'hone, write- or ell for pamphlet giv ing suggestion aa to the kind of .nam desired. j EDWARDS COi. Fifth and Oak Sta. . ' , $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TALOR Fay. mor for clothing sod shoes. W en dky or evenings, nywbere in the j city. Call Mar shall 1229 or 258 Madison stj near Third t I IP TO S3S FOB MEN'S SUITS! AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any ft'ce ior wen -" !in,;;.oS ffl If I Vf V S TIIIOIIH 117 2d s .. N W. Cor Wsh. Msin 9144 WANTED 1 50 IL P. engine, heavy saw arbor with dutch: lower saw about 58 inj. upper saw 44 or 48: liU'k and feed ng; 1 6 or 8x 24.4 8. planer. Stat, what fon have got and net 'price for cash. W. Dj Berkey it Son. nusnm. wasn. WANTED People of Portland to know that I . pay tne nigtiest - cssn i pri-wi mr mwuv u.m household- goods. No amonnti too large or too mall. Prompt attention; J . . . . -.'- N. M. BEATER. '" Phon. East 2208. ! " j 148 ntncerl st. $10 TO $25 positively paid for geot'a nsad suits and overcoats; esll any pise ; get my offer before you seU; will call any time and place. Goldbaum, the Tailor. -167 First at, Mar Morrison, n sin 139. - ' KESPON S IliLE party want baby girl 2 years or younger for adoption; sole, to give loving home ana good eaueauon ; can give good rel erencea N-272, Journal. WANTED- lou gallon gasonne drum, cone shape bottom preferred. 'Economy' Cleaner A Dyers, Tulsmoost, or. WANTED S man planer for 'sawmill, also state price snd condition of pis net. Write D. O. Beers, Been, or. WANTED -Good duck lake nvar Portland and easily accemrible. State price, locatioti, etc. Y-638. Journal. ' . I - , ' FORD TOURING. BODY wanted. 1917 or later. Phone East 471 or iTsbor 5702. Ad dress 185 Grand ave. ( TO BUY or exchange, a set) of wooden wheels for a set of wire wheel ifor 1918 iiuuson Speedster. Call 869, Vancouver, Wasn. WASjTtmftlfu, ' stiota-uns.l camera, le" Hoch field. 85 Third st Pbcn. Msin nam WANT to buy or rent a good smsll serood-hsud tent 1603 Division st TsDorzown.: B"t$RROlMHS7dding"'inachins!. must be in good condition. Cah: Main 6973. . ' WANTED CulW tie for fuel. .218 Common- wealtll bldg. i PhonBrodwy286. WOULD-Hke, 33 lbs. of fresh peas Phone - -Tabor 505. . .- " . ! -' ' JJ. llARGE sixe wardrobe tnihk. Phone Sell 712. PERSON At, 29 WANT to adopt a little girl not ovr 18 years old; will giv food education and treat nr as our" own; in American i home. A-98. Journal. RAGTIME puino-playing taught beirlnneri in 20 lessons, popular songs tn 10; guaranteed. r-i iinhnrJ. Ml V.ilers hMsr ' DO" TOUR'feet hnrt'f See Dr. EtheTA. Sacry, pedicuring and manicuring, j 803 Raleigh bldg. star. ooio. IF YOU ABBtiff, tired and sore take a massage. 415 Buehannan btilii. Main XS6H. 9:80 a. to 9 P. m. Sunday by appointment. 1 PATIENTS, to take caoinet hatha with Hi, or mm i ij samiiB. - body masaoe. violet hay lit a. m. ta Main 7579 8 p. ra daily 430 Morgan nldg. Lawyer 512 Selling bldg. Mala 4993 T"5 n7. FFRSOyAl, GLASSES st a saving. I solicit your pstrorisg. on th. basis of capable scrvic. Thousand of satisfied pa Irons. Chas W Goodmsa, eptometrlat 209 Morrison st ' Msln 21 24. INFORMATION Ask about aiiyUiing you wih to know. Have ynu probLrms. dif I acuities, business venture 1 Tell us about them; couti dential. Modara feea ($1 op). Writ. WeiJe ern Information Bureau. 404 H Waahingtou su, Portland. Or. - . - $1 ;ET8 'both feet fixed on st Dr. Eaton- The CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST who itcn't hurt ou. rr. I rr. Exsm free Globe Theatre bldg . llthsnd Wash. Bdwy. 2824- fluT" LAST-of-" March I aold to .a man 1 II iet hena, 1 brown. 1 yellow, 2 white. 12 Ply mouth Rock, also 1 P. R- r ter Will jwy anvotie " tjr tliat nianWi a(lTess. 40 N. lith. DIL gE0'Bb"K BUBEnItEInT- the trter.n. cpticiau is an expert in fitting eytilos. and charges so very reasonable. Broken ieua quickly duplicated. 220 Morrison st DO YOUR feet hurtV See Dr Ethel A. Harry, pedicuring snd inanicunog. 005 Raleigh bid. Marshall 3376. . . NOTICES a$ EAI;i bd will be receUtd by th. cierk of school district No. 40 for the sale of the north room Ruaaellville si hoolhotte. Busrd of directors will reserve the right to reject sny or sli bids. For farther information rsll Tsbor 201. PROFESSIONAL - A KB BUSINESS DIRECTORY wH BARBCRS' SUPPLICS LEWIS STENUEIt Barber Supply Co., 10th snd Moin os ata. Tlie plae. to buy barber chair and supplies. Stock of furnitur. slwas on band at right price. 'BL BOOK MAKCRB DAVIS HuLifXN. lNC.. TtU 2d at. blank book man .laeturers A-S1N3 II ata 18$. BOOK NEW AND USED B0oK9rX" SUBJEOTi' JtlHNSON'S IK K)K STOltK 248 Main t.. bet. 2d an.i il CT IO DOO HOSPITAX. ROSE Cl'lk' VETERINARY HoSlirA!.; 416 .i E. 7th st. cor. Grant. . East 184 7 H-1VHJ. CARPET ctKAMINO r Carpet Cleaning Sizing, and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs- j WOVEN ALL SIZES ' WRITE OR CALL ! PORTLAND RUG CO. 1672 E. 17th at ScGwnod 3623. We Make FLUFF RUGS From Your Old Carpets I Bag ran, all sixes. Mall order prnmpL KOsb and carpet. and dry aleanad. Puna, oi write for price list I Northwest Rug Co. Irs k. tisntn Ht Fast Xo,0. Fluff Rugs From " Carpets 'Big Rng. ill ires Mail Order -Prompt Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs, Strsm or Dry Cleaned. $1.60. ' I FLUFF BUG CO 64-88 Union ave. N. Knst 5i, Et 7655. i 1 CHWBWT WORK ALL classes cefnent work, general hmliling sml rspair work. Rstes reasonable 1'ln.ns 821-29. sJMIrtOPOOIST DR. B. LOUISE COX. ChirojKKlj.t IO a. to p. m. 4X8 Morgan 111. Is. Main AU'.IH. OHIROPR ACTOBS JOHN WESI.ET I'Kt K CHIROPRACTOR Moclesy bl.lg 4 th and Wa.h ington; lady attendant. Auto. 510-48: CHIROPRACTIC, steam bth'nllmair:e7roth floor Brnsdwsy bldg. t Marshall 3167. In. Laura E. Downing. DIt. McMAHONr100 ctilropraclorT PcJTiiinJ throng iieonoune treatment best OOAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD IVllverelNmmediatflv by Ejilton Wood Co., 1281 stacsasm. ynone aiin 4173 GOOD 16 IN. SLAB WOOD. $4.50. load, delivered anywhere; surely hsrgain. Call m.. Sell. 1 760. Bf Oi'K and KhibBood. af-o boiw,KHi. riievwi price tn 2 load lots. Wd'n. 4 1(12 FOR first growth fir cord wood rsll East. 2456. U. Heerdt Fuel Co. 067 E Burnsi.i. OOtLECTIOflS NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1794 N. collections, no chars. Etatlih.d iOna I DKNTI8T9 Dentistry Without Pain. Lstest Nerv. Blocking M.thi COUOATIONAL OANCINQ THE Dane Studio, 509 Dekum bldg , WsiblngJ 1 tonal 3d; strictly private lessons; bslf hour or boor lessons: eourse lasso ns specially priced. Daily 9:80 a. . to 9 p. re. Miss Irslsnd BEBKEI-E? Dancing Academy, pnvat. lesson . j day. evening: latest steps jsss shown. 12 9 4 it st Msin 881 8. Mr. Summsrs. I : MU8IO SCHOOLS AND TKACHCRS MRS. J. M. LOVEJOT. Instructor of popular, I ragtime nd classic. Tabor 6916. L. CARROLL DAY. teacher of voice and piano, 14 lata at mosawey ansa. - MAT CLEANERS AND DYIRB LET US dean, reblock yoc hat; best work, reasonable frice. , promst service; bent equipped hat factory in city. -r- Royal Hat Works. 22$ 1st t. W A N TEIJ-Ladies, know w ran rlesn -your Iwblte milsn or crepe nst 625 D'nion. 1 , OrTOM$STBI.Tw AND OPTICIaj -BSSBW "EYES SCIENTIFICAliV TESTED ; . with modern instruments; glasa. ' rittad from $2.50 up. . A. E. HUBWIT2, Optometriit, 223 1st st. PAINTS THE great root restorer and preserver is tie celebrated WEB FOOT BOOF PAINT - Although very low priced there is hone better. Agent wanted In every town snd city in Dra gon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California, Portland agents: K. A H. Roof Painters. Tsbor 7314. Nickel St Henken. Tabor 763. Portland Rof Kepair It, Paint Co, Main 8320. Aaqulth, Mathews & Trite, roofers. Hi II wood 8744. Reference Hundreds of satisfied customer RfXrF SECURITY CU, Board of Trade Hldg. Main 37L i e. Main 5044. AINTINa. TINTINO, PAPCRHANOINQ CLIFTON, painting, ptperuig, tinting f54 N. 17th st Broadway 4414 Wooalawn 2 1 26. DEPENDABLE tioii-e pauiUng. tinung, pjpif hanging. Tsbor 5217. : FATCNT ATTORNE V8 GOLIBERG. 620""Vrwter'bid 1 Main 25'ix; PRINTINO, KNQWAVIWO, BINOIWQ Printi rao F- w- baltes""aco :. in nd Osk. Msin 165. ill-di. THK IRWIN-UOjlWV OOAlPA.vr 8 8 7 Washington. Broadway 484. A-12J P-LUIWBIWO AND $TEAHlTuPPLIt6 ' i -' Plumbing Work don quickly .and efficiently st reason able price ; new liitli.tion speclslty; wors asnabip guarsntcsKL 1'huu. East Iktii. 11 llusssli t MER.KO METAL WORKS P L l M B"l N O SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALji PRICES. STARK-DAVIS CO.. 188 sth rt. THE M L. KLINE CO.. 84 -86 -8 77 9""Froor.r TRANSFER AND ITORAOC Oregon Transfer Co. E4blihd 1870 Trsnsfer snd Forwsrding Ant STORAGE FREE THACKAiiB Office and Storas. 474 Ghaan l$tb.nd Hlsn Broadway 1281 A 11R ALWA Vaj pltai THlii BEST HiiC'HEHoLD GOODS SPECIALIST htorstis. packing, hip ping and moving; horse and utu van; special rate to all points. CO. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 24 and Pin ct. Broadway 696. A-l 90S. Storage, and f ransier Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY $479 CUT FREIGHT RATES On household goods shipted east and aouth. Man Bins VV'svebnua. w Transfer Co.. 9tb end Hurt -1 Phon Broadway 709 : CUT-PRICE f.of. pscsmg. etc. Edwsrds . rnrniturv- to. aism m. 1. .a-ioio, oixir 6U1 snd Oak. UPHOL8TERINO tEKIDENCE 8EUVICE UPHfTTSTEBT" W de U kinds of furoitur and carpet wort. Juiit phon. East 7695. . j i '1'