' t : i 8 ":'- THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY - MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1920. r - B00MT6 HorSES. AFARTMK3TS AND! HOTEL FOB SALE 784 ROOM HOTEL 7 Th location nnot b beat: beeuti ' ful corner brick b-iildinc. modern is every rexpeet. elegant :. lobby, every room completely and well turn-bed. city heati good lea, and very ' hotel to manage. It require $15,0UU. (39 ROOM 39 AH first daw carpet and furniture, hot and water, ateam beet in each , room, many private baths, rent with Itm, $S per room, located in wt side bu-iae-a dtrtet Price $7600 58 ROOM APARTMENT JKH B Beautiful little brick building, mostly tbr room apartrnn;good for $8001 net profit each month. Close in on weat $7000 will do bu- Boj ROOM HOTEL50 AH very nicely furnished for steady nsimtn lend boarders, nice kitchen. dining room end lobby; knur lease with rent at 100 per month. This . is lo cated in Tone of Portland' bent Indus trial distorts, and ia airways loll. Pric (3500, n terms if neee-wary. l,ARilK APARTMENT HOUSE rt j apeTmen, ana a ., lir FHin vj iv " ern and itos in; very best of furnisli- fnim'. a t A f I It rr month. r'nr Tric tad farther particular cau at WFlieJ 1 r. rikrdon HItTTEB. UJWE & CO., ; '01!.V7 Board of Trade bids. We Writ all Kinds of Insnranc PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. : St4-20 gwethuad Bids. ;- Marshall 8989 or Marshall 1265. - Abstrtmehi House : r ..i . ..It.tt,. .1 - Inratinn Terr i i uu . . , true direct from owners 15 lorely apart- menu, completely furnished, netting $400 monthly. About half cash will handle thia place. Price $10,500. Hotel' With Dining Room a This is la Tery nomeyv awracu i cloee in; desirable location : 4 2 rooms with running water in each; cstra good furnirnr ' and small dvcrhead expense. Just the place . you want. Price 19000; 0000 cash. -PACIF C AGENCY, INC. Marshall a8 or luiauau ii. coon HOME WITH INCOME room, close in residence ee- 16 H. " tion: runni pt water in most of the apart- mrnta. N $135 with; pleasant z room suite for bee Mrs. wnr. Very reaaooaDie price. . iAIbaiurh, wirh JOHN FKIlUL'SO:, r 80 ROOM . . location Washington worklncmen'1 hotel in cood for transient 1 trade north of at. Not entirely modern but maker as it net $300. 8c . cood mime . Mrs. A!hai.'h. with ' JOHN 1-KHGUSON GEKLINGEE BLDG. mi . . $105 -10- -ROOM3 Ll. hoi;skkeilvg Whit Tmpl e dUtrict. sound furnitare, honest rentsL nso ea sh lets Ton in. i. . ECU EN K HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. ; T.A KrMRER f cood buys in roomiric and apart- Jti mrnt hme from. lu rooms Up to So rooms. I -Feommy Iteelty Co., 248 4.111. Maranall 384 3. BrSIlESS OPPORTTJK1TIE8 LARGE manufacturing corporation want cspo- ble men Ui ooen branch office and manac ralemn; $300 to $2000 necessary; handle your rv.own money; exclnsir nenta; patented arxicie y .money-mskincj possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to llaltinior if you qualify. Address ;vlir. C'lemuier.iaales manacer, 603 K. EuUw St., lir. Clemuirr.ji Hsltimore. Mdi . Wit. HCSINIJS Isa BITTER, her ia an omr- M T mnitv to aken into a cood established busi- 1 ! Bess, stock and fixture invoice about $17,600; located in a larce territory; practically no oppni '''aiUon; located! on S. P. Cot. and P. A. & P. U. It., now bnildins: aales arae $7500 per j.1 month; $12.00)0 to $15,000 will handle deal; no i 'trades. Kaipri iisnnsn, naaton. ur, '' tTVE SALESMAN TO rlANDtJO MACHIN ' 1 ERT. POPIIAR LINE. MUST BE KIN AN CIAI.LT RESPONSIBLE. WE ARE NOT ' SELLING TEiRRITORY. GOOD MONET FOR ..THE RIGHT I MAN. CALL AND SEE WHAT '; HAVE. I 300 CHAMBER OF COM i 'MKRCE BI-DfJ. i ' : . FOR SALE - - " A newly uipped billiard, clear and eon !; feolionery room located about 150 mile from i Portland In center of wheat industry with a (-food trade. iFor information e Mr. M. B. ' Msckiln. Mgrj Henry Weinhard plant, i Port- !. land. Or. j 1 WE ARE in touch with tcrrrml parties wanting to rent farms and buy personal properly. lt us know whati you bar and we can make a Quick deal. - 1 STEWART BUCK 1 815 pJorthwe-itcrn Bank bldyr. f ! DEATH of owner ia reason for sale' of general -tor In Willamette) ralley town. Invoice about V $3500. Will i sell or ient building, with dwell-"-in planned fr hotel use. attached. BX-S81, "Journal. ) SOFT-DRINK ' parlor, on First St., doing A good business. Must be sold as owner has pur chased a fsnni Price $1200. MKTZGKO-PARKER-KERGCS0S CO.. T 269 Oak, St. " ON account of the increased demand for their -' i whole grain I products, the Old Fashion Cereal "' mills- desires from $5000 to $10,000 for ex pension purpose. For particular address Old Fashicn Cereal mills, 241 Holladay are. Corner Grocery Good clean stock and good business ; sell fix. .turea toy only! $200, stock at Inroic. . I 1 fell. 1 1 X, : J See Al t'! DELTCATSSSEN AND HOME BAKER ' "" Good location, cheap rent living rooms; do ling well business and making money. Sult able for man land wife. : $1550 cash, and it is "a. real buy, t p-515. Journal. - - BUTCHERS filer is your: chance, 1-ton ice machine with ammonia, 8x12 ice box; 10-ft. i counter, 2 bOflb. scales ; 2 meat blocks, sauaag j.-mill and other necessary tools. Price $850. " fl! Gantenbein are. ; . f - lXIt 8aT.E ) Trsn-fer and storage biiainess, 1-ton truckl and large storeroom full of ator i ge; doing good business; storeroom for rent; ,c best location iin th city, 1 block from Union elation. Apply 828 Irririg at Bdwy. 394. Foil SAiEf Short order nestaursnt, doing an I extra good! buaioess. in a good, lire town i ian Eastern trtgan. The only reason for sell '. ing poor bealtih. Addrasa G. L. Hetxler, Wasco, ".Brecon. t, UARAGE and machine shop for sale ; cood "V business aadi no. opposition; shop ia wall ,-; equipped; get lots of sawmill repair work as well as csr repair work. Gray Bros.. Philomath Oarage. Philojmathi Or. TvXNi Party with capital, or manufactory to msnufaturei mv natent. : Hadtet WuIim ah 'royalty. This washer will be m demand where - pipe or bolts Are used. For particular. G-W35, Journal. ' Volt SALE (or trade by owner, good business property ; op main street of Molalla, Or., for - good auto, residence or suburban acres?. J. R, Wolff. 419 Henry Mdg. vWANTKi A-i batuii-y and vulcanising man in growing bu-ineu. On who can invest from - 18000 to S4000 will be civea preference. O "'34 7, Journal - . - r t. WANTED Fartner with $2000, ehoic business corner, sawmill town, county seat: 'products from ranch. Mrs. Man Dev. 419 K. aist t i ' ''fllwoo- $47. - ; ... j JJV E agent Hantad in every Oregon and Wash ; ington towjn for fastest selling propoaitioii on , the market, GL V. Borders, 902 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. ? - i'Olt SALE 1-3 chair barber shon. baths in con- section. ; Write Ed Miles. Box 551. Hermia . -ton. Or. ilu t AVELL paying mll gara-ie and repair shop. ' rash or terms. Jo will Handle. Call Tabor SflO. or Selll. 1028. j WANTED- io find suto painter who wants ' to take interest in aulto paint shop. Small amount ofjoMh required. Locke. 203 Salmon at. ESTABLl$lifcD beauty parlors for sale; good tocsin; win aacmice an account of health. -owwM aoumai. FOR SALE pt OWNER -Grocery store, 3 lie: . ting roortu;; building, stock and fixtures. Woott .Jawn 4619. ; " . MFG. A-1 patent for sale. Stand closest in write. p. . w.. vesugauoo.i . Phon . or HcJbrook. r. Printing for Less Byder;Ps4. Co. Main Bit.' 188 d st." . - : FOR SALE . " ' Good paying restaurant, with year leas, fog ale cheap; Call 853 Iambi! street. ICE CRRAMl confectionery and light grocery "J - stock and mttures; expenses only $1 a day. 'Phone East 1251. j , . rrr t i drug store A gyring ed growing suburban (tor. . Call owner. Main S4BW. - - - . 'SHARKER shoo. 2 chain and bath, in cood town. . doing $50 :to $05 week; also huilding if wanted. Aaaress uiem Mrown. yoncaila. Or. J L" ST the plc for man adwifo : Confectionery, oft drinks.! htnche and canned goad. Big -oanrain. gooa socauon. o-u, journal. . F0K SALE Grocery tore.' For particulars call at vis first st. 1 BXAD W O RK. S trucks and dump body. 5 month' work. Call 227 Salmon. Main 8154. niRIHES OPrOBTTTTfTTlES PACIFIC AGENCY, ! I INC.,'. B 1 4-20 B WETLAND BLDG. . I - Business Opportunities Confectionery an '' f , ; Lunch Jnat the nine for two ladies: located near t&m dental eollege and manufacturing plant.! Rent 130. Receipt $45 and up. Price $1650. j , Grocery Thlai store is located near a larse school and good neiehborhood ; 4 nice modem lin ing ronim; on a food corner. Rent $30. Price $1800. , ; Confectionery ..i i ... . .' f . Thli i a very attrsctire placo; equipped to make all kind of candies. If you want food! little business, come in and look ttia orar.. Bent $25. Price $2500. t Confectionery If ynu want a real store, ran this on week; if as repreaented, you can buy. Daily treceipts, $S0 and better. Rent fJJ.Sa with lease. Ton are bnjlni no cood will beret Price 26O0; inToice or lump. Bakery Tliis bakery H fully equipped either to retail or wholesale; running aa retail bak ery atltliu time; good corner location; also -good fountain. Rent $30 with lease. Price $25001 or invoice. ' v Grocery Did! you say Grocery Store? Do you real location in one of the choicest districdsT Rent $40: on large tiring room. 2000 Daily receipt, $50 and up. Price Grocery Suburban location; 6 modern living irooms;! corner location. Rent $30. Daily : receipt $125 and up; some delivery. $65001 or invoice. This is a canti business. If youl want to handle credit. Can double daily seceipta. j - PACIFIC: AGENCY, , f , : 514-20 8 WETLAND BLDD. GROCERY SNAP ery flotag; strictly i cash and I cany business; $2500 for all Will ta- olce more. Come tooK it i ovcrJ Guoi east sidle cor ner, !Will' take 'car- or as mrtrav. iin; V : JRtoie East 2374 : r f -v. 1 . - ! T GROCERY 8TOHH First class west side location, old and well i established business. Owner ia quitting business and will sell at in voice' and put fair price on fixtures. WUlilnvolee about $3500. . I SUBURBAN GBOCERT I Brffck building, rent only $25; stock and .fixture $4 700. or will invoice, i' GREEN HOUSE . Well astablished business, located on east side. Will sell large ground. SOx 180 r green houe and small residence for $16000. which is less than buildings cost, .and will give soma terms. I i GARAGE - Best buy in Portland. large floor paceL brick ' building, - well equipped with machinery, wash racks, etc Leas at $75 per month. Price $4500. 4 GEXERAL STORE Nd competition, about 25 miles from Portland, on hard surfaced highway, doing good business, and ha nice, clean tocfc, of about $4000. Ground nd buildings are about asm value. For further particulars call at my office. j, F. RIERDON. ! ! RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Rnsrrt nf Tt-mAm M. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. IS YOUR BUSINESS MAKING YOU FROM , . $5$ TO $t5M$ A MONTH NET? ( HERE'S ONE - J I'THATWILU j An VrArif.tfsk riTsn-rlfs ' a , "ViJ?"-!'' b"d- rolto- P-". P" tries th Electnk-Maid -way; everyone who eats is a customer.,. Profits start the first day. We fur nish all equipment and information. We put - s ouBines-t ticiusire ter ritory. V f: ' :" ! ' r i Write or Wire Tdiav for full knformaUon. Se Electrik-Maid Bake shops in ) operation. Ask about our doughnut proposition. A good money maker on small capital. , Act now before some other enternrisine business man selects th very territory you r figurine n. i EJectrikMaid Bake Shops Dakota bldC ' ' RL Pant. If inn TO LEASE. NEW HOTEL. MORO. OREGON A splendid 3 -story hotel with full basement constructed of cement and hollow trie and having 50 rooms; will be completed and ready for occupancy about Sept. 15. Th board of directors (for the Moro Hotel Co. desire to lease the building unfurnished, to a first clas fcotrl man. a tong lease, based on a reasonable rate of interest, mil b given. Here is an opportunity for the right person. If tntereted, writ or phone at once to the Moro Hotel Co.. Moro. Or. : ORGANIZE BUSINESS UNDER " i DECLARATION TRU8T Save excess taxes, feea, penalties, reports and g'ue -ky tpermita. ( Legal in all states, ffo stork liability. I V prepare bond issue, prospectuses, furnish salesmen and trustee. Expert advice and lit. free. . National Organization Co... 123 FOR SALE Jackami maRrff a at rf . . fn. T . Lea sefrigerator. Fine opening for man or woman who can give th business most of their tim& i Owner has other business now demand Jhi tiroes Address H. L. Hathaway. s ' LAy'" t-. pt. B. Ashland. Or. FOR SALE Confectionery and soft , drinks and pool Uble; building and lease on ground J I? years On Mt. Hood road at Sandy Lum Lf" f4-?: To. old for th business. M. T. A LARi;K enrnnhiin. - a . , . " vai .j an js-a painter who can take full chare of shop. -Will be stock1 Tjil ba """" - GRAVEftruck, thoroughly overhauled and work t f i ?5 V 01 .,tr" ' term. - Campbell. Bdwy. 4 J7. N. W. eoY. loth and Davia, NICE lunch wagon. : Buy thia and start a buainea that will iiwf ,a tt-i thaS wages, $100; half cash takea'if ouict JT Hwigea. 301 W. parte L " "uc; ttphUBlonS tranafeeat,rWt 10 t0od ri rTt 2?at' cora-'- articular. lKAno0ijfi.,!,utu"r u.f between $1500 to at '-nr i 8T4'-eT Waon '"0 " MONET TO tOAIT-REAL ESTA'TeT BUU LU loan on city and tuburbu pror-rtr' money -dtanced as work "pro-reae. l" Beck, 21$ and 216 Failing btdaT.i. tt0J- $6000 km eaty property. " A. H. BELL, liooros 10 and 11. Mnlkey bldg: ,a2ii400- 500' 5T$rdo9-Mrcs-iit i Stmi ""ic ction. Fred W Ger casm Co,i73t Chamber of Commm, bid. ' li v -. r v.- STOWEY TO LOA35 RTAl. f.TATB tl CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, tnr for. isaprovaasenl Tbibe-rt and caaieet snetnod of paying iota. Is oetr monthly payment plan. $82.26 per month fog 86 montha. or "i - . $21.24 per month for 60 month, or $15.17 per xaonthf for 96 month pays a Joan of $1000 and interest. : Ioa-is of other amount in earn prupui Horn. Repayment Privilegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN AS87f. 22 Stark Kb, PortlMid. Or. i:- MONET TO LOAN! We have $13,000 to loan on improved Port land property. r I - : RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Clumber of Ccsnmeree. r.rRimAT. tj-ianbT W fcen our own . money on real estate, 1st and 2d mor gagas, contract; livestock, suite, automobile, etc. W. E. Bowman A Oo. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 80S. NO rEl-AT "NO D2LAT $X0OO $1500 $2000 $8000 AND VP .tt t n. Um. mm R. I Vtl ta P. H. DESHON. 616 CHAM. OF COM. Sonet to loan $soo. $500, $700. $1000. $1500. $2000. on city improved property, st T peri cent. J- Lt Wells Co- 60$ Gaaco bklg. KARii loans without red tape, delsy or public ity; amounts to' suit. Wfllametts ' Valley Mortgage Lcnympany Aurora. Or. ' SEE sOKKGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber' cf Commerce. 4th at Stark. IlOTfTGAGB LOANSsp to $6000., 6 and 7 Fred B. Williams. 506 Panama bide. ' MOJTEY TO LOAX CHAtTBLS, ' , SALARIES ! 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADB ON AUTOMOBILES! FTTINITURE PIANOS, HOUSEHOI.D GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANJTHINO OF VALUa SECURITY USUALLY UTT U YOUB POSSESSION. j ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WElWlLh PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CANJtEPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVEN1ENCEJ LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOaAN CO. (LICENSED) i 806-807 DEKUM BLlHt.. 8D AND WASH. PORTLAN'D REMEDIAL LOAN A8S"N. Phon Broadway 10. j 804 Stark et. near 10h. Losns on diamonds, watches. Victrola. plgooa, kodaks, shotguns, fnrnituxe, muiicali instrument and anything of value. "L ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORTLAND TO PROTECT THB BORROWER CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. : , . Manager. ; I - 8ALART LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONYTY r on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly. e mi -monthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. j NO MORTOAfJE NO TNTKRSEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. : CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. ; (LICENSED) ! 818FA II.INO BLDO. LIVESTOCK. IXiAN S Our own-money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs, etc F. K. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. LOAIfS WA5TED no WANT $1400 on modern 5 -room bnnga low on 50x100; walks, sewer paid. East 29th st. near Broadway. $300O value. i - JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGEB, BLDG. 10 PER CENT ( A large financial institution, here in Port land, of many years' standing, will pay you 10 per cent per annum on your savings. To get ahead you must save and make your savings earn the greatest possible return. ; Investigate. N-270. Journal. ' REAL ESTATE MORTOAT.E AMOUNTS $250 TO $2500 No waiting we can generally tell you the firt day whether your loan is accepted or not. SMITH- WAGONER CO.. STOCK. EXCH. $500 LOAN wanted for on year from private party at 10 per cent int. A-l security. W 239, Journal. . : . ' WANTED Loan of $5000 on 1 good Call at 1117 E. Market. ; ecurity. FIXAXCIAT. SI . ,1 ' i WANTED A high class man who can make an organization or has con nections to handle a block of the highest interest paying security, or want to hear from investors. Estab lished 10 dividends, and assurance of far greater profits in extra cash and stock dividends and benefits from expanion of concern. Will : stand any acid business or financial test. Liberal contract can be made with a man capable of producing results. All Bales subject to complete examination. Banking references of the moet con vincing hind. Profits are a demon st ratable mathematical problem with . no chance for . any loss. No specu- ' lation 1 or . "ifs" - as to the future. Do not answer unless you re a hustler. For complete information write Box 575, Portland. ,1 10 PER CENT A larse :i financial institution, hero In Port land, of many years' standing, will pay you 10 per cent per annum on your laving. To get ahead, you must save and make your savings earn the greatest possible return, j Investigate. X-585, Journal. - ' WANTEr Financial backing . in buying and stocking ''40 acres or more near Gresham. C-5 13, Journal. ' . WE BUY first and second mortgages and seller' contract. F. E. Bowman Ac Co.. 210 Cham ber ef Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contract on real estate in Washington or Oregon. , H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen bldg. QUICK money to salaried people on note without . indorse rs or security ; investigation confidential. 816 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 2400 POUND team, harness and farm wagon. $135 takes it as I have no use for them; also too buciry and harness and uw . notato I plow. Woodstock ear " to 45th st-. 5 blocks north to 45th ave.. little house among fir trees. COUNTRY . horses for sale, one team 2900 pounds; one 2800-pound team, one 2400 pound team, one single horse, harness snd farm wagon. Will sell reasonable. 295 17th St.. corner Columbia st.,- room 5. FOR SALE -1 team, S and 9 years old. 2700 lbs. Well matched, gentle and guaranteed, harness and wagon if desired, 816 N. Edison, St. Johns, or phone Columbia 869. ' HORSES to hire by the day, week or month. with harness, to responsible people. . Phil Suetter. 285 Front St., Crown Stables. 2600-LB. team of mares, harness and wagon. $185. Take Woodstock csr to 5 2d st, 2 blocks tuirth to 5750. ! TEAM bones, weight 2800. harness, wagon. $185. Must be sold Sunday. 635 ; Thur man (t. ' . s -.- 8 GOOD work hores, weight all around 1400 : lbs., one 1200 lb. horse. Hariesn,i buggy and cart. $85. Call at 890 Powell Vullev Toed. r FOR SALE One team, well matched. 6 years old. weight """. inu m 1 111 true xy ltnseu St. 8000 LB. TEAM, young, sound, true and tren- tie; well mated. Atlas , Woodyard. ,827 Front st. -' .-v-- jsy . , s ,-. 7 . , GOOD work team and harness, weight 2900; very cheap, also - top wagon and 2 ' single name . 1 00m tx. g. k. Woodstock car. FOR SALE -Team and wagon : will trad .'for WANTED To buy a hone, weight1 1450 lbs. Tabor 6286. - " WANTED Small horse, harness . and . light wagon, not over $50. K-685, Journal. FOR SALE Big team, harness and wagon. CaU Tabor 406. GOOD saddle ponies, fine team for sale; saddle and work horses for rent. 380 Front st- . WANTED Light delivery wagon for grocery store, wain, . 900 POUND mare, good single driver and sad dler. 387 W'ater St.. west aide; reasonable. HOUSES for rent, double and single- 4Q Front . . . DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Phone Tabor 4203. $50 TAKES horse, buggy and harness. . 387 Wster. west side. ; . ALL kinds of horses from (30 up; also horses snd wagons for hire. 887 Water, west aide. 2200 POUND pair of chunks, mare snd horse; also harness. 387 Water, west side. . IS IFOR SAIJe or exchange, 75 head of horses, 1 weighing from 110O to 1706 lb., from 5 to lO years okL . A few well matched teams. A few teams of 1100 to 120O lb. bor-oa. make mod ranch hone. Will ashange for biccer horse or cattle or mule; 40 head of these horses Just cams off a gradinc Job. Also have 2 nor fresco and 4 horse, i 2 bone plows and 4 horse plows. logginc tone, falling sswa, drill steel, tents, picks snd shovels, second-hand lumber, harness, i All this stuff is for sale or exchange for horses." mule or cattle. Liberty bonds accepted and all atock is guaranteed aa represented. We- hare soma . awful good work tram from glfto a span up. Horse that are right out of hard work. Phil Suctter. 283 Front t.. Crown (Stables. i ' - NOTICE j I To anyone who has any mule weighing 1000 lb, or better from 3 to 10 yeari eld or ny big horses, who wishes to exchange for good 1100 or 1200 lb. ranch horse. I have a few well matched teams that would make cood team for a small ranch or orchard I work. 1 slso have a good five-year-old Maltese Jack for sal or exchange for horses, mules lor cattle. Phil Suetter, 288 Front. Crown stable. MUST b sold in next 10 days, one good pair of work ! mules, one odd small mule, one 2t00 lb. pair of celdings, one 2800 lb. pair of mares, 10 other cood work teams and single bone, one ff'ne saddle mare, ' one fine combination stallion. n.ne better. All kinds of wagons and harnesa. tf in the market I come and see j these, for they mtt't be; sold, 302 Front t. ) JUST moved into, Treuiont district, 6715 67th I are.; have pair of mares, weight 2800 lbs.; also good farm, wagon (wide-tired) and harness for $285 ; also have bar rake and Buckeye mower. Take WS car to 57th ave.. go west 4 blocks, i - i I I ' .- 2500 POUND team, 6 and 6 years, harness and ! farm ; wagon, cheap; take Sit. Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 55th sve.. 1 block west to 7l3t st. Phone Tabor 9356. FINE mare, surrey, 2 buggies, ; 2 sets harness i and turkey for sale. i. Bushby, OuUnes road, Gilbert road. Lent Junction. JrVESTO-j 9i AUCTION SALE Tuesday. August 31. at Deeri Island station. 3 3 miles from Portland on lower Columbia River highway. Meet all paved. I Station is on (the farm; 3 local trains each way dally. Five mile up the highway from Goble. 6 miles down highway from St- Helens. Sale to commence at 1 1 o'clock a. in. I - Sixty head of Thigh grade Gnern-ey, Jersey and Hoi-Aeins; 9 I head pure bred HoUtelns, 4 pure bred Guernseys. The herd is of the Clover Hill certified farm and is probably the bent in the state of Oregon for milk production and richness of test. The health and care of these cattle have been under the ! supervision and Inspection of the Portland city milk bureau, and have been tuberculin tested semi-annually for a number of! years. The production from these cows has just received the highest score for certified milk; in the state. 1 Six pure bred Holstein cows ; 2 pure bred Holxtein bulls age 2 1 mouths and 7 months; 1 heifer, ' 7 months aid; 1 pure bred Guernsey cow, 1 Guernsey Beifer, gge 1 yeaf: 2 Guernsey bulla. 5 and 6 months old; 60 grade cows. Cows are milking from 36 to 75 ! pounds daily; I 45 head now fresh or due to freshen by dste of sale, S grade ;uerney heifers due to freshen this fall. Lou Of machinery, etc. Shannon Ji- onarrer, owner. CoL W. S. ; Wood & Sons, Auctioneers. NEW bunch of cows, all just jfresh; 1 regis 1 tered Jersey, 5 gals., 6 peri cent butterfat test : 1 thoroughbred Jersey, 2 years old, with heifer calf. $70. : balance are large dairy cows. 4 to 5 gal. milkers. Will take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 i Macadam St., South .Portland car to end of line, 1 block south, 1 block east. SERVICE Registered pure Saanen bucks fhorn- 1 less) ; best in, the Pacific Northwest, from im ported sires, 6 H and 8 qt damsi Come and see tiiirv. linnrain. young Toggenberg-Nubian doe, milking, fresh again December 20, J. B. Clark, 949 East 64th St. north. . CHANGE of residence compel to sell fine Jer i sey-Iurham milch cow. giving i 3 gals, very rich milk; age 6 I years; fine disposition. Used t staking. Cn be seen at Polo barns. Knight sta., Oregon City car, trom 6 to 8 a. m. and Prom 6 to 9 p. m - ! ' TWO fresh cows, young and gentle, rich milker. T Come at 7 and aee them milk ; ! 1 Welch pony, gentle for boy or girl: 1 block south S. P. depot, MUwa.uk ie. ( Henry Smith, Oregon City 10 GOOD fresh dairy cows, fine young Durham, i HoL'U-ins and Jerseys, heavy milkers, 4 and 5 eallon cows; young, gentle family cow and calf, $45. 751 E. Ash st. j JERSEY cow and calf, week old. Also white I Leghorn pullets? (April hatch)! .1280 Simp mn sc., near 42d.. east of Alberts carline, Mrs, Kaths. ii I JOTRREY COW Fresh, eligible to renistry. SDlen- f did milker, test better than 5 per cent, $200. Firman pi.. South Wichita scnoot. fnone mu waukie 05-R. t YOUNG family Jersey and week Sold calf, cheap i for cash, or trade for team ..of horse. 549 Eat Iximbard. take WoodlaWa car. Phon Wdln. 867.' j HAVU for sale several good fresh milch cow ! with their calves, all tubercular inspected. See Mr. Bruce at Portland Union Stockyards, North Portland. U ' FIVE 6 weeks old pics for -alfej very cheap; 2 ! registered brood sows, will ' farrow soon, to trade for a fresh cow. Phone Tabor 5636. FOR SALE or trade for family cow. small 1 Shetland pony. Phone E. C. Bowen, Mil waukie, 51-M. " j FOR SALE 14 : brood sows, some will farrow soon. iWm.; E. Sorensen. H m. west of Buckley ave. on Section Line road. Tabor 4793. FOR SALE 12 head extra fine HoUtein cows! ; Phone 75S-J. Vancouver, between 6 and 9 o'clock, mornings.! i '- TRADE cow and yearling heifer for good milch i cow giving 6 gals, or more. B, 8, Bo 592, (Gilbert rosd, Lents. Tabor 6118. TWO JERSEY milk cows, very gentle, 4 -gallon 1 cows. M. Barron, Multnomah. Or.. 1 block north of Lovejoy's store. f 2 EXTRA good family cows, 1 of the finest Jerseys in town. Must. sell. Call at 900 Pow ell Valley road. FOR. SALE: Milk goats snd several does, and 1 registered Nubian buck. ; Henry Lander, Gresham. Or., Route 4, 2 miles 8. E. Linneman. 2 GOOD family cows; will sell cheap: 1 give 10 I quarts, and 1 give quarts, j 870 E. 14th St. N. Irvington car to Mason si TRADE Year-old femsle coat for 2 good, clean ! stands bees, free from disease, i H. J. Mc Mahon. 1293 E. 16th st N. I OR SALE 1 cow and 1 young heifer with calf br: aide, both gentle : easv milkers. Nort bhnston, cor. Bayard and Houghton sis. FOR SALE 6 weeks-old pigs." "cheap if taken i at once. more Taoor I8ZZ4 or see C. F. Zinser, H mile above Mt. Scott cemetery. TWO young cows, black Jersey, giving 5 gals. I rich milk, Jersey-Holstein fresh! in a few days. 10.1 ivestanna st. rnom col. 15 FRESH cows, 3 to 6 gsllona; Holstein and ' Ayrshire and Jersey and Durham. Take Mt Tabor car to Sands bird, station, go 1 block N. $-WEEKS-OLD pigs and brood i sow for sale. ! u. li. I'eterson, Inquire Burlington store, St Helens road. j j ' ilERE'S your chsnco to buy a good fresh milk i cow cheap. Most sell. 501 Vancouver ave., hear Russell. ; ) 1WO Jersey cows, must be sold this week. 2 I miles ea"t of Lents on Foster Road. Box 408. t"KESH family . Jersey cow, $65j 3Water, es( Blue. - XOUNG fresh cow for sale; Montavilla car. 142 i E. 81st st N. COW for sale ; gives about 8 qts. dilly. Call ! 51Q South Princeton st, St Johrw. MILCH cow for sale. Jersey-Guernsey. 1000 lbs. ! Msin 6191. ( FOR SALE Jersey-Durham cow, airing rich U1 milk. Tabor 6058. f TOGGEXBURG milch goats, S does, 2 bucks. 1 Well bred. $100. 889 N. 19th. FINE young fresh cow for sale at bargain. Phon 1 BeU' 2905- evenings. - 1 YOI'NG Toggenburg milch got.! nic 'pet. for e-u. or wm iraae. Aaoor 7B04. 'OR SALE A beautiful Jersey cow; Just fresh. AO. . oun si. n. siv. aepot car. j'HESH cow and; calf for sale. 574 Lexicon ave., Sellwood. ' COWS; one just fresh; must b sold. Call Sunday. 106 , lth st Nj GOOD! dairy oows, and 1 family cow just fresh. " -K8 1 Jt 'rJ i Pn ell W'O GOOD fresh milch cows for sal. E. H. wuis, u ucKenns ave, ga; ressonapie. uan 77 A HI. 14th at N. RESH COW with calf; pnee reasonable; going away. ' 729 liberty at Wdln. car t SIX BIG fine yojung cows for 8600. Main 1319. run, a A irasn jsnbian doe Tabor 293 9. WT ANTED Beef, veal and hogs. 1 Tabor 7832. POtLTBY Af P RABBITS $7 $00 PURE bred: White Leghorn pullets. 3 i months, from trapnested stock.j $2 each. G. M. Linbhole, Forest Grove, Or. I 50 WHITE Leghorn pullets, March hatched, no i dealers. 6424 :84th Court st S. E., bet. i ini n .mi s. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. strain White Leg- i ,.- . Ci !' . U li c rini iv A BBIT S- Flc mish Giants. d baby chick j016 68th ave. 8. E.. near 80th. CRACKED WHEAT $4. ' Woodlawn 4344. FEED SCRATCH $4.50. ' 100 CHICKENS. Barred Rock and White LeC ! horn. 3 months old. 50c each. Main 7811. ELEVEN th oroushbred R. I. R. chix. 3- -aonths iota; cneap. CaU Tabor 990 Monday. FO SALE -7 White" Leghorn hens. $1 tacb. num. a - A. . HORKEA. TFniCtEf. KTC. POULTRY A5D BABBITS 17 FOR SALE or trade for Ford car. - 200 fin laying White Leghora hens. I year old. $1.25 each: 145 pullets, will lay next ssonth. $2 each. These are all from fine layins strain; none better. J. K. Thompson. 4111.56th ave. S. E. Sell wood 1969. 100 THOROUGHBRED R. L B. snd Whit : Leghorns, yearling laying hens and cockerels; genii, riding and , drivinc bora, light hack, ingle and doubl. harness, cheap.- 1918 K. Stark and 75th st. M-V Stark car. -:--- WHITB I,EUHOKN baby chicks from heavy . i laying Uoganized stock. Safe arrival of full count lire, strong chicks guaranteed. Pries list and interesting literature on application. Th Pioneer Hatchery. 44. 6th St.. Petaruma. Cal- - GOING AWAl' ... For sale. 11 hens. 27 SUvarlsced and Whit Wysndott and White Leghorn chickens; Marca nd April hatch. 408 H. 87th. Auto 210-07. FOR SALE 50 S. U. W. L. chickens, all high ' egg producers, from hens with records of 205 eggs in 10 months. Tsnered nd D. W. Young stock. $1. 2each. Rn.r of 1441 Macadam. CRACKED WHEAT ! '-'-1 $4.00 FEED : Beat their game. Cackling mash. ; chick de vcloper, growing f fjod. milk. Woodlawu 484 FLEMISH. Zealand, Belgian . rabbits for . sale ; does, bucks, frya. 75c to $5. 70 E. 18th t- N. East 5799. i LAYINf young Whit l eghorn hen. $1.23 each. : Guaranteed heavy Hoganlxed stock. 3MAOUIRg. 787 Oregon at., nesr.E. 24th. 35 WHITE LEGHORN 1 -year-old hens, $1 each; some pullet 00c each; also henhouse. aiAioa aiontana ave. FLEMISH r.iAVT rahMta for aale. chean 1 buck. doe and 9 young ones, 8 mo. old,; $15 takes sii. Call Main 8188. RABRIT8 FOR SALE, CITEAP Flemish. New Zealand and Belgians; young and old. Wdln. 1845 or 1481 Height ave. FOR SAI.K 10 Barred Rock bens and roosters. (20. These are dandy; just through moult ing. . Tabor 9289. - 7 YOUNG Belgian rabita for sale. Wdln. 1616. POOS. B1R11S, PETS. ETC. 4j iSE.CITY.CinEIY y- Four Registered! Studs --?: Service. J'tTi vVf SUNBURST (orange) Ufii " rf. DAVLlfiHT (silver) T'C?iV';, JACK FROST (white) SAk: RONNIE PRINCE (black) Two beautiful black kit- jMaK;S. .2 ten and one beautiful blue "j..-.: -mV..-. kitten kitten for immediate de- A 1248 E. MorriBon. Tabor 7274. PET STOCK and supplies. We are headquarter in "the N. W. for birds nd cages, dogs, eats, rabbits, caries, etc. Food, remedies, etc. Call or write. Pet stock catalogue on request. Rout ledgeSeed & Floral Co., 145 2d sV. Portland. FOR SALE 2 male. 1 female canariea: 2 bird cages, all for $10. Four building lots, good street, walks, lighu, near Hawthorne car. cheap for cash, by owner. 3629 67th st. 8. GENUINE 7 St Andreasburg rollers; cabinet trained male. $20 up; females, - oo up. Mrs. Keasler, Gresham. Or. YOUNG singers" for sale or trade for cook store, box wood heater, or cylinder records. 4472 9th st. AN ENGLISH BULL PUPPY S0".!!,' - BEAUTIFULLY MABKE. PEDIGREE. MAR. 2326. TEI.mV roller canaries from registereA im 20 H StJ aton. Dorted stock; reasonable. 4 East 4320 1 Llewellyn Setter female puppy. 4 months old. for sale very cheap. A Aouor si., Belleview ave.; Wood. awn car. ' JAPANESE spaniel puppies for sale, pedigreed. beautiful, nicely marked. Tabor , 8470. 314 E. 40th st FOR SALE Canary birds cheap. Tabor 8470. 314 E. 40th 8. ST. ANDREASBURG rollers. East 660. 225 E. 2d N. FINE looking brindla bull, cood watchdog. Tabor 2020. FOX TERRIER, pup for aale. Inquire 345 E. Glisan. MALE Airedale pups. 4 montlia old, pedigreed. 795 Kenilworth ave. Sellwood 1812. FOR SALE Thorcm ghhred Scotch terrier, male. 6 months old. Columbia 5 66 or 560 Dupauw. FOR SALE 2 tine young Walker hounds, fin lookers. . W. 8. Gate. Lacomb. Or. ST. ANDREASBERO roller and females,, won derful birds. 574 Spruce st ' Sellwood 9,38. WANTED----Boston male or female; must b cheap and have papers. W-235, Journal. PORTLAND"-CAT KENNELS, Tabor 7501", $250 Persian stud; kittens cheap; cats boarded FOR SALE Airedale dog, 5 months old. Call 320 E. 41st. Tabor 4478. . CLOSING out my stock of St Andreasburg birds. Tabor 6782, Monday. WHITE Persian male kitten, 3 month old. Good hearing. Auto. 318-24. - BEAUTIFUL ringers for sale. CaU Main 468. FOX TERRIER for sale. Col. 866. PAIR mated yellow canariea. Phon East 4 1 75. AUTOMOBILES A1VD ACf!KSMH1KS 44 WILTON SIX, cord tire. $750. Main 3579. VELIE touring car, starter, good tires ; must sell, $300. loo union ave., cor, neiinont. LOIS-FORD touring $400; snap; leaving city. Johnson. Main 5199. - - $295 8TUDEBAKER light touring, new paint, good tire and license. 424 Belmont 1916 FRANKLIN. S passenger, new tires, on extra; sacrifice. Tabor 2539. 268 E. 86th- ClIEVItOLET touring, new paint, good tires, $450; terms. 424 Belmont FORD bus. dark green; a swell runner; good looker, $395. 424 Belmont FORD delivery for sale cheap; $350' cood con- dition. Call 966 Division st MAXWELL touring. 1917. WiU sell at $375. 30. Grand ave- N.ear Burnside. YOUR auto repaired at your borne; reUabla erv ice. hbne Tbor 1296. FORD bug. completely overhauled; $400. Mr. Senn. East 56. 345 Union avenue north. 1918 FORD chassis, rebuilt, run fin, $250 cashs East 112. NATIONAL roadster. A-l shape; $330. Mr. Senn, East 66. 345 Union avenue north, 1920 FORD COUPE. Lots of extras, A-l rrie chanicaUy, $800 cash, or terms. Tabor 725. PEERLESS 8. 7-pss., fine family csr, 1920 modal. Will consider trade. Main 1302. 1918-FORD touring car, A-l conditJonT$525 ; terms. 440 E. Burnside. Auto. 313-82. 1913FORD roadster, in pink of condition, from owner, "j Call Olumbia 794. FOR SALE By owner, 1920 Super Six Hud son. Ckll Wdln. 1626. OVERLAND touring, model 75, in cood condi tion; rest bargain st $425. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside: ' 1917 DODGE roadster, wire wheels, 6 good tires, 5770. w. . uuenson o. Broadway and Davis. Bdwy.321. - CHEVROLET" Baby Grand roadster, wire wheels. A nobby little csr. Don't mus this at $425. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. FORD SEDAN, 1920. Wire wheels, 1 extra. Electric 'starter. Used privately, i A real bargain at $975. 80 rand ave. W. - CASH paid for olrr cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of csr. Oregon Ant Exchange, 448 Flanders, nr. lltb Bdwy. 8503. MAXWELL touring, 1919, very best of condition. Owner must sell. Reel bargain at $850. Hit Grand ave. N. near Burnside. '16 FORD, good condition; must sell; very cheap; easy terms. Call 1031 E. 32d N. Alberta ear to 80th. MY $500 equity in 5 passenger automobile $250 if taken this week; balance due $285, parable in 6 monthly installments. Woodlawn 4292. FOR SALE 1919 Buick light six touring; run and looks like new; lot ot extra; a bargain for cash. Tabor 4695. FORD touring, 1916.- used privately. A bar gain at $375. . Term. 30 Grand are. . near Burnside. 2 FORD bugs, overhauled and newly painted; also 1 Ford chassis. Monarch Motor Car Co., 348 Vancouver ave. GOOD bam to let Would make good repair shop. Holds ' 12 sutos. Division and 6ttt . Tabor 8643. 1918 NATIONAL chummy roer. like new; $1500. Mr. Senn. East 66. 345 Union avenue north. 1920 FORD touring with starter; run less than 90 days: $625 cash. . Call Apt. 24. Mar. 260.- r .;- - ; ,. STEPHENS Salient Six sedan at a great reduc tion; would consider an open "car as part payment; terms on balance. . Bdwy. 8606. 1919 OLDS touring, mechanically good shape; $1850. Mr. Senn. East 56. 345 Union avenue north. 5-PASS. . Ford body, 2 new cushions, wind shield, new (ids curtain. See Flu in. 20O 2d st SACRIFICE Dodge touring, am leaving town; Just overhauled. . Phone E. 6835 befor 11:30 a. ra. - - . FORD touring, electric starter, new tires, car perfect .condition,. $550; terms. Phone 313-92. - 8 : FORD light delivery can, all ia good condi ! tion. can be had on terms at $850 each. Northwest Auto Co., Alder at 18th. . GASOLINE COUPONS Will sea 100 gallon coupon book on Standard Oil Co. for $40. V-235. Journal. 1918 PAIGE light six. 5 pas., newly refini-hed and over ha Hied, cord tires; owner must aeil . $1200; terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. av v . . . . . , il "i" i . Auin, n 4000 miles, good oemditkm. $1800 cash. 1 Sewood 834.. ; . . .. I r . T . ' L" ,.!.... D . , . .1 . 1 AfTOMOBILES A1CD ACCESSORIES 44 1.1- rJlU touring car, good condiUon, $2So. 1187 K. 28th N. Wdm- 1967. DODGE TOURING CAR j New top and tires. A bargain. Call at Lester Heym Co.. 249 6th at. Phone Msin 7852. 17 FORD TOURING 1917 Ford ton ring In the best of mechanical eondion. all good tire, and will serve you good ss new car: price only $425. easy term. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. I 625 ALDER ST. - m -; - Buick Light Six Touring at th low pri of $975. with $350 down, balance eaty monthly payments that will please you. J The car is in fin condition and baa fac tory finish on it Has always- been in private use and will show for itself. Come and try ft, at 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co, r ; : XDR.A0ID SPRING 15.000 carried ra stock, ' Our' springs told with a written guarantee. We give yott servic. I 84 North Fifteenth . street WILLYS' OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY 25 SMALL CARS 25 FORDS ROADSTERS t'HEVHOLETS TOURINGS MAXWELL EXPRESS OVKRLANDS ' DELIVERIES . Some are rebuilt repainted and guar anteed storage batteries. 1 You are assured of fair dealing. WILLYS' OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. Broadway 3535. Broadway at Davis. .WHAT' YOU W'ANT IN USED CARS 4 paas. Anniversary Apperson, run 8500 mile, j If yon want quality and claj, se this on at $3500. 1 . ' . ' One chummy and one 7 psss. Chandler, both 1920 : models. Prices -reaaouable. j x I 7 pass. King 8. Run 3400 miles, $1950. " 1919 Jordan, wire wheels, cord i tires, 2 bnmpen, wine, spotlight, motor meter, new paint A real dandy for $2000. Lex sedan, run 1800 miles, wire wheels, cord tires. Just like new. $2040. 1019 Franklin, cord tires, new paint Thia is a 911 model. $2000. Apperson chummy roadster, new paint, 'cord tires, perfect running order, ' $1800. . I APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway 14 90. . 60. Broadway. OPEN DAY K MAN LEY AUTO CO. t.'SED CAR DEPT.j 11T1I ST. AT BURNSIDE i 1919 five paas. Hupp. 1918 fir- pass. Hupp. , ' 1917 five ps. Hupp. This is the famous Model N. , i - 1918 Five pass. Dodge. . 1017 Dodge. 1919 Overland. Model 90. 1919 Maxwell; 6 tires; low price; $700. 1919 Dort 1920 New Ford roadster. 1018 Ford Coupe 1916 Studebaker, 7-pass, good tire, new 'top, repainted. - Very low price on this car. 1917 Buick Six Roadster. 1918 Three psss. Maxwell Roadster. 1920 Overland, the new Light Four. i Our 'prices on any of these can are lower than elsewhere. See Mn Mountain Phone Broadway 217 REMOVALSALE V. Here! is a list of cars that are just about new. We can save you several hundred dollars on every cr. : . I. - ' Why pay $2000, when you can buy one of the same make that we guarantee from 90 to 93 per cent new for $800 to $900 less than the new price f Let na convince you of this fact We are an old reliable firm and mean just what we advertise. Compare our cars and prices with others. ; i ' Our'- Tour I . ! ' price. price. 1920 Chevrolet $ 750 $ 700 1919 Chevrolet , 700 G.'.O 1918 Ford touring 450 400 1018 Ford roadster 400 850 1017 Hupmobile 1200 -U 00 1916 Cole 8. 7 pass. ......... 1 100 O.'iO 1019 Reo. 6 pass 1500 - 1400 1910 Essex roadster, 5 cord tires 1.000 1500 1919 -rant Six 1000 : 000 1919 Scripps-Booth .... .,. 1000 050 Pierce-Arrow, newly rebuilt. .... 1500 1200 Chalmers Master Six, rebuilt.... 60t) Franklin Six. new tires -500 Remember every car we advertise here has been overhauled or rebuilt and newly painted, if needed. Do not fail to give these the once-over. CONLEY'S U8ED CAR CENTER, 611 Burnside St. between 14th and 15th. t'hone roaaway ai. Con ley A Arbuckle, Prop, C. Q. BleasdaSe. " TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD touring, foot t tarter, good fl A ff1 shock absorbers..,. bi?V tire. FORD tJ? !?.c'. .d.ri7!'. f: $ 650 most FORD toadster, looks like new; good -4 P '(fj tires, demountable rims vJ'ij i ' " ...-- FORD touring, 1918, in fine shape, good tires and spotlight; tool tj 45 OVERLAND touring, good tires, ffi 17 er 1916 model. This csr runs fine. . ?.. I ' -PAIGE, 6 cyL T pass.; good tiros; refinisbed; for' cash. ......... 5;f4150 MAXWELL touring, fin mechanical condition, refimshed MAXWELL touring, - 1917; good tires, self-starter. Must be sold by Tuesday . . ; 1. 5 375 MAXWELL roadster. 1918; good ? A B?f fires, fin mechanical condition -.' 1 - CHEVROLET, 1918, good Hrea, al 7? $ 75 most new ........ BUICK' 111 .... 5 6S0 light, 4 delivery. a MAXWELL, 1018 touring; this ear is like new. OVERHAND, model 00, motor thor- - i.hd rr s 700 OVERLAND tires; for 85-4; refini-hed; 5 700' CHALMERS, 1018. refinishedj 5 . . cord tire. Tbis car looks like JJ new OVERLAND 7-Dsenger. looks lik LAND 7-Dsenger. looks lik Q ef tfn ; Just the csr for rental. , O 5 new MITCHELL tight six rhummy roadster. 5 good tire. This car Is in perfect condition ........ $1 250 BUICK ' light 6. condition . . . CHALMERS light 6. cannot be told from new. for quick sal..,,.. '" ' ' . " ES8KX. as good as new, for quick $1750 Si 450 asl ................. MANT OTTTER CARS TO CHOOSE- FROM r I TERMS NO BROKER AOE " OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS' i . 7; vi ' C. Q. Bleasdale 830 Alder SL Broedwrr 182. AUTOMOBILES AST) ACCESSORIES 41 USED Ford parts cheap for cash,, or will trad. . East 112. - - - ' t- - . FOR SALE i IT Chevrolet touring: imit be snk) at $400. 1916 Ford touring, $375. 1915 : Ford touring. $275. Eagle Garage, center of Lenta. Tel. Auto. LenU 2011. WEAVER TIBE COMPANT : FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VU7.CANIINO: CO, TIRE REPA1E1NU 8SS-S35 Burnside at Broad v Chevrolet Roadster. . at th 'low price of $463. with $175 down, balance, monthly. Car runs and look fin. and will please you. This ia a good bargain at tu price. Open Sundays, at 505 Alder st 1. CUT PRICES . Summer pric that are making us tales W do not bars' a used car department these bargains ax on our salesroom floor: 1917 Maxwell, fin running smaU mod ern automobiM ............ j . $ 423 1018 Maxwell, great bargain. ......... 543 1919 Maxwell, "like new" ......... . 745 . I 1918 Chalmers, right aix, fine condition. first claaa ahap. ................ . 1150 1919 Essex, going through our shdn, will be like new. and asm service and tame replacement of part as a factory .give , you'bn a new car. ...... v. . j ..... 1423 HUDSON BARGAINS - --- -- j 1916 Hudson super six, always In 'private -li."r-V; has bei-n sli gone over jin onr shop 11. r repainted. W civ you th same teirice and factory replacement of parts as on a new automobile....... 1250 198 Hudson super six. always was tn pri vt. hands; has been through oer shop and is like new. We give you the same ervic and factory replacement Of parts at on a new automobile . .... , 4 .... . 1800 1919 Hudson speedster, always In pri vate hands; has been through our shop nd alt gone over, then rniairrtcif We -give you the same servic and factory : replacement of arta as on a new auto ' mobile. ..i..... 1823 TRUCKS 1918 Maxwell truck; good used truck.. 60 New 1018. old (tyle 1 ton truck, bargsln on a new truck. t C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBIL8 CO.. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. - VfE ARE K0T GONO TO MOVa W are not going out of buainesa. But we are going to sell you ai car I Call it a ! . SPECIAL SALE. CUT1 PRICE-SALE We don't care what it's, called, ing a sale that spell We are hav- . Your Opportunity Just to civ you an idea of our price listen: ; " 11926 Chevrolet In fine condition, at $075. Guess that's ct' ting them at your own price 1 j 1919 Maxwell The car that's known ss more! miles to th gallon, at $790. Think of it I Elgin Six One of those World' Champions, at $1250 This can't be beat at the price. Oakland Six - 1918 Light Six. Full of satisfaction. $750. Read it again! . I Franklin Touring . It's hot often you get a chance st a Franklin. It's only $1800. j PanAerican 1919 'touring, best of thp; only $1300. Don't pass it up. " 400 model Chevrolet touring, $475, . Maxwell touring. 1017. $485. . FORDS AT $323 TO$475. USED CARS NOT USED UP CARS - ' - "'- .'. '!'' But cars, that may be purchased with th assurance that the purchaser getsiunususi value because the large "factor of depreciation has been absorbed by the first owner, while the in triruiie Value of the csr its possibilities for long and aatiafactorv service have nut been lm paired car that Justify th prida ef owner ship, which is on of th chief element of sat lilacUon in the purchase of a new car. - t For months we havl been taking In only th pick of th -used csr offered " in trade, at prices wnicn allow the second purchaser aplendid value for every dollar invested. These cars have been overhauled and in many cases refinished and supplied with new ton. t ,Tnt i why our nsed csr business continues goou in spit ot tu nandicapa. ? ' - DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS I18 Touring i . . a 975 i.Tourr::;;;:::::t:::-r---:; ? 1916 Roadster ...... 760 , 1 Truck. 2 ton, new attachment, motor, a dandy, only . . . ... . lillse. . . . . . A4UV 1914 OVERLAND delivery' L 1917 Mirwrn. ,i: -.- 850 450 1920 FORD sedan, practically" new! "wira wheels, extra tire and otter accessories. 1918 FORD sedan, electric alerter. 1917 FORD tctrinc -. . . , ,....1 , . I ,15 iViF.D 0' ark.br buy. ySy':hh Un"l'"t ....4.-'. ltl .ro1t-. d shp.3...... 1814 RkO touring , ..,.. 1 2 ' CAin A.?urin reboilt ' ' -' ' i... AIILAC, good erv ice car..... ?,' BCICK l fine shape......... 1 918 CHANDLR tourings . '..A..... 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH. 1 w i r , 7!J;U '' ' 1016 UOLB 8. a beauty ....... .t. .... . 1918 STUDEBAKER 6.ood shape, new top,- new iint ............. t ... , 1919 1IAYNES touring. In perfect shape, a beautiful ear and priced at - only ............. l ... , 1920 Buick coupe, nearly new . . . . I . i . . FRANKLIN touring, series 9-B, cord tires 1100 77$ 425 700 475 800 600 1050 400 la-vi 1400 2330 1100 1000 1500 2000 2250 CADILLACS Th remarkable condition in which yon find th used, rebuilt and refinisbed Cadillac we a re offering at th time can be traced to th .yean ef experience we have acquired in trying to outdo each former effort I We Ar.-Opea Sunday. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington 8t, at 21t, . Mala 6244. I: IS AMD WASH1NSTON . f - AUTOMOBILES AM ACCESSORIES 44 " -CHEVROLET -' FORD OWMPP FORD overhauled ' ... Rear axl ov-rnaulrd J a Vslres ground. carb,,n rvinove'd". '' '. '. ' '. ' ' t 3 Magneto recharged I U' hand-Up pisiona. "aVran.' 'bVerm's.' eta. Z " t rt vnnir.rm..,..r en'ma "T?, w'ir guaranteed. - r r.ASU.H Tn rord engine Hart, bard and th. liehtt art trim K.n I. , . . . . v 1 1 . . . k . VTAUUED b,EXPKT- " "'"' "" " UniversaS Auto Repair l!Li?l?.'J1- Xfain 7044. PanAcr!in." ' ! My 1919 -Pan-American with fuiiiiiu Reuttenberg motor, mu-ti be sifr tinljy This car Is in wonderful condition . It wt 83IM10. Will -ncrilice for less than ..,. ..-.in UJ U,R ueain or niv; hii.lisiid I am uiiahle to own car. I Cadi t,r u tm,' a. a in. Broadway, opp, new lv,tr,iii,-n V RANSOVS l-HFIi rlt IB! 5 huh 1DI 7 1917 1918 IUIK 1U1M 1010 lnift 1019 1920 1918 1915 1914 1917 1917 1916 1917 1016 1910 1918 1917 1917 hord rod-tier, tall J,l EXi'll tvi;f- . r orii lourtiti?. ir 7t 7 5 F'oni Kurd Ford Ford touring, overhaul. touring, extras. 8 't tounng, .verliuulmj roa.lt.r. g,-.d b, seilaii nnl..iil...1 4.8- 4 1 4:'. r,ui r on B.MI 17A S.M1 4.M XlMI 41X1 4J5 4. ,11 4(i'' 4 J 5 7 7 t.'Hl 7 t mo ' 1 1 :. wheels. . Ford rnrti timm.i. . . Kird : touring;' starter .'! ". J-ord 1-tuD truck, .. ,j. . Ford 1-t.iu truik, newi v n . -tr n truck. t.,Hy' elie touiins, ktarter and cah .- . liunson 64. -starter Overland Bit. tmirin. Sax 011 a, toiuiug Bri-uoe touring. -tartVr''" " " " -' Maxwell tuning . . . 4 . Itodgo'. t,iuring, n. tire Overlsml HA. tourin-.. Stmlebaker . 7 is.rjig.r" ' ' " Velie 6, touring . . . j . . . ' ' ' Hup big 4. Nedan Open Evenings and Hmidav'." 1-0 Union ave., cor. Iteliuout. USED: CAR BARGAINS - You should tee tlieae carj to appmclats tlieir value; 1 91 8 Dodsre, 5-psa.. a bargain 1918 Ford, 5-paaa., good value.... 1919 Chevrolet, 5-pass., new tirea 1919 Maxwell, 5 pa-., like new.. 1918 Maxwell, 6-pas-., new paint.. 1019 Mitchell, 6-puss., nearly new 1917 Oakland sedan, new paint... 1918 Brisco, 5-paxa., a map , 1919 Elgin. 5-pass.. like new $ 97.-. . . . . 4 7. . Ton , ... s.-.o 7"o . ... J.'tim , . . . !".( . . . . ; 7 . . . . 1 (Mill rara Unit 1111. on. $ ;il ... r. r. 11 ... 41111 . .. 2 so ... 7'H -. .. fc.Ml . . . in ... 7r.( . . . tr.u- TRUCKS Buick. 1-ton ., ....... Ford. 1-ton, chain driv ... Ford light delivery ....... Ford light delivery , , G. M. C, 1-ton Studebaker. self starter . . . , , Republic, 1-ton ..,,,.,., Paiihard, 1-ton Reu, 1-ton Oldsnjobile Co. i Broadway and Ciwioh. ! I'hone Miu 70. USEB JFOKB I - i - lARGAIffS - 108 Touring ......... i ,, . ... J"!5 1917 Itoad-tcr ,j -.5 1917 Light delirery 1917 Light deUvery , .$ JT5 1917 Touring 2.1 JJ5 7anriu ehi ...tt!i . 1918 Worm truck SM.Iil 1918 Hrjid-tj.r ..... (.-, 1017 Light delivery !:t!i. 1918 I.ight delivery ......... x:ir,u 191 RoaiUti-r SSi. 1910 Light delivery . . i.7.'. 1918 Touring r.i'ir, !?. Turinif. new rubber 7S . Jour'" cha-sia y.tir, 1918 Roadster delivery ............ firj.'i JI l0""" 1919 Tounng, Ford UrUr 2-. 1920 Coupe. Ford starter '.M.'. 1919 Sedan, Ford starter 'JiU Many other bargain- srailtMe In -our large stock of used Fords exclusively. Universal Car Exchan USED FORDS . EXCLUSIVELY Grand are. and E. Yamhill el. Olien Rundar. Open Evenln:;-. LARGE STOCK -.'ENUINE FORD PARTS j OPEN EVENINGS W. II. WALLINGF0RD CO. UNDER. NEW MANAGEMENT U POSITTVELT : j SACRIFICING UPUD CAH3 Rhlpmects of Liberty nd Ttri o automobile- demand every Inch ft ro.na In our big new building. We rn i-f clear our floors. Used car are being lit erally i CROWDED INTO TnE 8TREETS We MUST move these er; w WILL mov them regardle-a of profit or even Iom, Cttnn and drive away your choice from , the few really excellent machine' remaining. If yuu ver expect to own a car . : 1 . . , NCyV.Ia YOUR CHANCE ' You pick (be car; we'll make the PRICE and TERMS suit YOU. FORD BUG j ! . BRISCO DELIVEHT OVERLAND TOURING ; -, CHEVROLET TOUBINO -CHEVROLET Br - LIBERTY SEDAN - ; NATIONAL TOURING LIBERTY TOURING j DENBT TRUCK ' MACK TRUCK ! OPEN EVENINGS OPEN SUNDATS W. W. WAIXINOFORD CO. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 15th and Washington. Phone Bdwy. 262$.