THE OREGON SUNDAY .JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST- 15, 1920. 7 A HEAL ESTATE FOU HALE FAKMS 17 EST; FARM BUYS. 20 ACRES ' ' ,' All fiail clav laem land, all well feneed and eraaa-f nceft . a irrM in cultivation. halni nitiiMt w- nnA ft non house. (rood, large barni well and all ontbmld Inga; rood orchaid of assorted fruits, bar giea. etc.. j located on good main road, near Igood town, IS miles from Vancouver. IJfric 3.7UU. erv easy terms. ; All level. xtra fin soil, all well f nce and cross-fenced 40 aerea In cultivation. balanc pasture ana vry essur -'"- good 7 mora bouse, fine large barn, bog bouse, chicken bouse, silo, well ana stream, personal property eonsaU of 3 eowa. 2 beifeu, 1 horse, 1 mule, 3 box. chickens. . mower, wagon, plow, barrow, hack, feed cutter, root cutter, cream sep arator, and all tools: located on main roa.i. 1 mile from good town, on paved bighwsy to Portland. 16 mil.!m V,D rourar. A teal bsrgein at $7800; good SUACRES. (STOCKED AND EQUIPPED All excellent clay loam land; 25 acres in rultivation. balance good pastor and easily cleared; all well fenced and cross-, fenced; eood orchard of assorted- fruits; good 4 room hooM, good barn 40x54. chicken house, boghouae and woodhouae. silo, etc; 2 good wells. 4 acres potatoea, 2 aere rem. Personal property consists of tits following-: 6 excellent cows. 2 heifers, fine team, harness and wagon. 4 hogs. 30 chickens, hack, mower, rake, disk i harrow, plow, cream separator arid dairy equipment and all kinds of small tools; located close to a good town, on main road, with all rural convenience. 10 miles from Vancouver. Price $7000. Good terms. SUBURBAN ORCHARD HOME 11 acrea excellent soil, all In cultiva tion 6 acres in bearing prune -orchard, with! vry heavy crop, which should pro duca $4000: 2H acrea of loganberries, balance in beana, etc. ; extra good 1 story 7 room bungalow, fine barn 45x50, woodshed, garage, smokehouse, .chicken bouse, bog bouses; 1 good horse, waeon, harness, 1 cow. 1 hog, tools and imple ments. Just outside of Vancouver, on pared highway. This is a fine home and . bargain at $1 2.000. Cood terma. I m ACRES All excellent, level land, well fenced and cross-fenced; 45 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture; good orchard of assorted fruits: ;fine new 8 room bunga low, fine new barn 80x80, concrete pota to and f nuthouse, chicken house, bog bouse, wells, stream and outbuildings; 6 fine cows. 0 bogs, chickens, mower, rake, harrow, plow. 2 sets harness, buggy, driv ing bone, about 25 tone of hay, grain, etc. ; ail other tools and implements. Lo cated on main road, near fine small town. 15 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway. Price $15,000; $5000 cash, balance easy terms. TUB K, 8. THOMPSON CO MP AMI, 410 Washington St, Vancouver, Wash. COLTON DISTRICT In Clackamas county. 2 a miles southeast from Portland. In the district is a sawmill, planing m)U. electrio light plant, several grade and a high school, blacksmith shoo, garage, genersil stare, church ami . postoffice. The r roads are geiierally graveled and macadamized. ! The land issdspted to general farming, dairying and fruia raising. Following are a few of the many good BUT 3 we have in this locality: I 140 acres, 6 room unfinished bungalow, bant. an fenced, some in cult tiood well and $2000. $500 cash. 40 acres, full set of cood buildings: coo orf hard, stock and implements; also household oids. $4500, $2500 cash, j 80 acres, unimproved; good .creek. ' On eouni. ty road. , Some Umber, $2200, 8200 cash. W 11 take Portland property on part . j 80 acres, 8 room house, good barn and other buddings, all fenced. Fine orchard. Plenty of waiter. $5000, $3700 cash. I 1 112o acres, full set of bulldlnas. 25 seres ih. 1 emt.. creek, well and springs. Good road, $050(4, . $1500 cash. . i ' 1122 acres, 7 room house, large barn, all first 4 Class. 40 acres In cult. Creek ' and wells; pa macauam roaa. iiu.uav, iduuv casn. Photagraphs at our office. FTg ALTQ Mb. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bld. NEA.Il SHKHVVOOD ! acres, lucated 8 miles from Sher 1 H miles from Oregon Electric de pot, on fine macadamized road : all can pe cultivated, 1 0 acres- under; eulti jvstion; assorted- bearing, orchard.' woven As ire fencing, 1 mile to school; good, at tractive 6-room house in good condition, jbarn, chicken house; with this place go QH acres potatoes, $150 hay, cow, chick ens, hog; price $5000, $2800 cash; in Sneoted by Mamters,: with i UUHN FERO LitSON, GKRLINGER BLDO. tijis n,ACB vf ir.r. t-lease, no mattei: , WOW PARTICULAR you ark I $2 acres, 3 miles from Oregon City, on goot grstveled road ; 2 5 in crop, wheat oats. an vetrh, cabbage, corn and good family garden fcuft and berries for home use; all fenced; sev posts ail around this year; good 6 room house barb, silo, 2 . double-deck Chicken houses, wil , a . n t n i . i . i . v ; JU crops, 650 hens, good team, cow, all imple lehta, tools, etc everything for $10,000, half hi STEWART St BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldgi I 100 acres, near Tillamook, on tiaved hiehwav terstticslly all tillable, fair buildings. ' silo: 22 ihesil dairy stock, good team, hogs and chickens. j pome lumiuire. au necewarr Isrm tools. I'nce $2-4.750. Will take $4500 down, or win con sidtsr small fsrtu as part pay, balance A per cent. Jong time. - i Ltueddcnmann I 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. f CAN BY DISTRICT I 44 acres. 80 acres in cron. 14 acre, nf timber and pasture: splendid trout stream, good family ' orchard, fair buildings, all farming implements, together with some registered .cpws and good team included in price of j200; some terms; this is the kind of a place you hare been looking for; personally inspected by Msritars. with i JOHN FERGUSON, GBRLINGER BLDG. : 414 ACRES, located northeast of Oregon j I City; 16 miles from center of Portland, : on a good road that is being graveled; all i can be cultivated ; nice lying land ; 15 ' acres under cultivation, srane bottom land; Uood well: 4 mile to school; small barn; price $4000 clear; will .consider Portland hotise; might assume some if well located. JOHN FERGUSON. GERL1NGEU BLDG", 52 ACRES. 17 MILE 3 FROM Portland; 7 room house, barn, outbuildings, spring water and running water; 12 acres in cul tivation; 20 acrrs nearly cleared, all level; land around here sells for $30u an acre and un. Price for tnis 62 acres only cauuv; sitoO casn will handle- it i STEWART BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 00; ACRES. 5 4 miles out on hJChwav. 70 acrea in evil tivatson, well improved; $26,000, V cash and cxchaiiga, ' . . i C. A. aEUrrLe,, I and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. th M;94-W0ACEES 3 in eultivatiirtn. lulinm n,rnr. siiirins. sr. ebsfld. 8 room ihou.e, barn 30x40 ; other out buildings. 2 mi to station and town. $9360. A- J- Bockhsld. with A. J. HOWLAND. ethi and Main Nr., ,if- Cir- 8 AN AC KB 519 acres, one of the beat wnm m uie vailey. nearly all under cultiva tion): good set ot farm bldgs.; family orchard; viemy o wsicr; located on good graveled road, b miles out Terms, 6. i JWILl-AMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., ; "3 lirst National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Or. 0M ACRE 200 irrn n... . Hi.. . 17 acr under cultivation, plenty of! fruit for ian)y use: fair et of farm buildiugi.;! close to .. - . mi. mis is aome Duy. Terms. r ini. jaiwmi nana mag.. Albaay. Or. 2o0 ACRE stock ranch for aaUK 5 milt from . town, 85 acres in cuftlvaUon. fair buildings, good spnnjs. oJchard, garden, potatoes,! H acre tunaips. 25 tons' good hay. $3700. Could be handled with $1250 cash. Box 66. Sweet 1 FOR, SALE T" : 859 acres near CreswelL Willamett- I about ou acres swale, balance rolling ; 110 acre j in cultivation, 2 creeks, and school house on ! plane. You can get a real bargain here. Phone East 250 or call at 450 East 27th St north. i 4TH ACRES, 44 acrea in crops, balance pas ture, with running water: good 8 room hm. fine barn, family orchard; part of Crop goes with place.' Price $13,700; terms.! c Sturm- jieiier Co.. 21 rmo si., opposite courthouse. ' Mam 2458 or Main 6825. ' FOR SALE 5 " acre fruit and chicken ranch. Address Milwaukie. Or., route 1. box 195. : Owner will meet you at Courtney Station. Ora- i : t , lo ot Electme railroaa -TV , rv. ! ' 20 i Wood. REAL. ESTATE FOR 8ALK FARMS T5 Newberg Properties ; FOR SALE BY " W. K. WHTTB CO. t 150 Cash and $20 per month bays a new 6-room house. Completed about on week ago. Owner will sacrifice for 1850 on account ot going to Cali fornia, t 6000 Burs 6 acres close to Kewberg. . 2 SO prune trues. 1 acta berries.' -room bouse, bam. chicken house, well, water piped to bouse, cow and other Personal property goee at the price. $3300 cash, time on balance. The .income from the placwtljis year was . 11000. : $11,000 Buy. the best 22 acre farm in Yam hill county. Good improvements and ( ; one of the beet kept-np farms we - ; know of. This is a Place we are proud sto show you. None better and mighty ;few its equal. MoUy berries, good f road and not far from paved higb - iwsy. Near Kewberg.- -" $ 4500 -Buys T acrea with '8 acres to' cultivation, 5 room home, barn, 5 hen house and incubator; cellar, 22 apple trees, well, H . aeie late pota toes, cow, wagon, 2 tons hay and some poultry go with the deal. (2500 handle tii BmrwwiHnn 1200 f-Ruyn 10 room bouse, not far from ousinea district or Kewberg. Might I be able to get terms. 9 1000--Buys 4-room house close in. line kv I ctti -n, terms, t 8100 j-Bnys a mighty .rsd 5 -acre ranch j with house and barn and soma logan- berries and other fruit -$ 4800 Buyv 10 acres, cioes to Kewberg, j good Improvement. r t 2200-r-Buy 7-room plastered house and one acre JiL'.t outside city limits. Boms fruit FOR SALE BY W. B. WHITE A CO., Kewberg, Or. 1 4 ACRES A REAL HOME ThU Uy right at the station ;: aft the finest of land, with fine spring, water, nice grove of trees for shade; just as nature left it; good barn, fine lot of fruit about 1 acre of grapes, all kinds of shrubbery, beautiful ornamental shade trees all over the place, large lawn, nice hedge, large 2 story house, with 7 rooms, -plastered, large rooms, water in house.' large basement, about 85x50 ft, with furnace; lighting system, wssh trays; the basement is about 8 H ft in the clear; P6 better bouse in the country; built to stay; all double constructed, fine garden ground; place has lily pond, bath in house; the buildings and hrubbery. could not be put on the place short of $10,000 today; the ground is worth better than $2000 per acre; has about 500 ft frontage on the carUne. with good rraveled road on 2 aides. This is an estate and has to be sold to settle Tfi'?,1!?--' Several years ago the owner refused $20,000 for the place; it is an ready to step right into and make it your borne. We believe that -it is one of the most beautiful places on the carline; it would take years to get It up in shape like it is now. Just the place for some business man living in Portland or a retired business msn or farmer, who wishea a fine home. Will take $13,000 for it most all cash. That is little over half its value. Act Quick if you want te get in oq this. m E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON, .7th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Or. : n ; 10 ACRES A REAL HOME An in high state of cult, fine soil, all new land, good 6 room bungalow, good barn, good henhouse, fine concrete cellar with granary above, good woodhouae, 2 fine wells of water, one drilled well at house, tine w&ter. fine lot ef fruit Place is on main road 3 miles of Oregon City. Ocod garage on place, Nice location. If you want a fine little home come and see this pisce, only $4600. $2500 down, baL,at 6. This is just what you have been looking for, come and see it 9 K. P. ELLIOTT SON, 7th and Main 8tn.t Oregon City, Or. "ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY South of Salem, 1 Vi miles from small town: over 86 acres of good land, all can be cultivated; 20 acres under cultivation, balance in timber; nice creek, Well and pump; 6-room ceiled and papered house, bsrn, chicken boute, woodshed, granary, good bearing orchard of large variety of fruit: with the place go team. 2 good cows, ' 2 heifer calves. 1 sew, 6 pigs, 45 chick ens, a wagons, hack, plow, cultivators, cream separator, tools, 8 acres wheat, 6 acres oats, 5 acres potato; 8 cords wood and fruit; price 85000; $3500 cash, or will consider 6 pr 7 room house near school for part ' JOHN FERG-TJSON, GERLCJGER BLDGv Best Buy, Barring None NOT the BEST ORCHARD. bt the BEST BUY in anjorehard in the Willamette valleys BARRING NONE. Such is any judgment from knowledge of it and its record. But it takes $10,000 cash- down. Balance (same amount) 6 per cent The place has already produced this season from logsn snd cherries (23 tons) $6240. And there are 20 seres of full bearing prunes and 12 acres Rome Beauties and, Jonathan apples (bearing) and some English walnuts snd pears to be cropped yet and receipts added. For further information on this write promptly to William Fleming. 841 State atreet Salem, Or. 6? ACRES 83 in cultivation, all 1st class land, 2 houses and large barn, other outbuildings, nice orchard, fenced and cross fenced. good well, runninc water; crop, stock and implements; 4H miles from Oregon City on main macadam road and 4 mile from Beaver Creek stores in A ahio- ping point Price $8500. Parties must sell at once as man is unaoie to (arm and wife ia in the hospital and in need of money. W- r- SCHOOLKY. J 612 Main st Oregon City, Or. 20 Acres, Beaverton Dist. This 20 acrea is near station on Red Electrio line, is all in crop, all level, no rock or gravel: has 5 room house, with water tioeri to it; ml t-barn and other buildings: will include 5 cows. 2 neiiers ana 3 aox. chickens.- Price $7000. Will consider 6 to 8 room house up to $4000, bal ncv o per cent. ; Lueddemann Company 1 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TlheBest Buy in i" f Washington County 80 acres fine soil. 8 acres cleared, 40 acres nearly cleared, very little rough land. Small house, spring at house, large creek and beaver dam land. $25 per acre. Will bear investigation. i t : A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce. Automatic 814-63. . ; 120 ACRES, west of , McMlnnvfller 88 sores of crops, 75 acres can be culti vated; god soil; ereek and spring;- county road; 4-room house, barn, chicken house; complete line of machinery all the hay: 12 milch cows. 1 bull. 6 head of young stock. liarnesB and everything for $6500; $4000 cash; a good stock and dairy ranch; 1 H miles to school. ' - JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 1-2 ACRES AH clear and in cultivation, all fenced, good well. 2 small houses, 17 cherry trees, 7 apple wee, t jiwir trees, small trait; nam;. mile from grade school and stores. 1 H miles from Oregon City; 1 cow. 1 dot chickens, crop, small tools and some house furniture. Price $2250. W. F. SCHOOLEY. 612 Msin st Oregon City, Or. 60 - ACRES" SO in cultivstion, 7 acres timber, 8 acres orchard, good wells, 6 room house, barn 82x60 8 miles to town; $11,000; will sell all stock and tools. - A. J. BECKHOLD. with A. C HOWLAND. 8th and Main sts. Oregon Citv Or 90 ACRES bottom- in the great Cowlitx valley. Improvements worth $10,000. Price $15,000. Terms, t ! ' 88 ACRES dike land, 6 room noose, good barn. iTloe $13.95Terms. McDERMOTT A WALLACE. " . I : . KEF.SO, - .. ! , WASH. - - . r .50: ACRES - All in cultivation, good house and hern with silo, all fenced and cross fenced with woven' wire, ismiiy orcnara. good wait 2 H mile from Oregon City. $11,600.- - A. J. BOCKHOLD, with A. O. HOWLAND. 8th and Main sta, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE 167 acres atock and dairy ranch. or also 140 acres and 20 acres fruit and chicken ranch for sale just as yon want Will sell all io one for $6000 or the 140 for $4500. 12 head of good dairy -stock goes with it if sold soon. ; Come and see it ' Only one mile from town. : j '3. X ZILLIQ. Kalama, Wash. ' FOR RENT by owner. 84 acres, dairy ranch, all equipped with stock, crop and farm machinery. I will give, a 3 year lease. Would like to sell crop and equipment and will give possession at once. If yon have the cash come and see what 1 have to offer. Addnss W. A. Goodman. Gaston E. 2. Box 95. - , REAL E STATS FOR. SALE -FAR Wfc 17 Small : Chicken 'Ranch 10 acres; all taiabls, 2 tt .acres cul tivation, assorted orchard in bearing, 2 -room house, good chloken : houses, woodshed timber for - dotneetic use. well improved district, 2 miles frrgn electric line, 2 miles to high school and large general store. Bargain at $1800. EXTRA GOOD BUY 15 acres; best of loam soil, 8 acre in high state of cultivation, balance slashed, burned and seeded, fenced and , cross fenced ; 5-room, house, good barn, woodshed, chicken house, bog house and lot, family orchard of as sorted fruits, 1 acre ot 'strawberries, email fruits of all kinds, on good auto ' road, adjoining extra fine farms, 2 mile from railroad station and large general tore; 8 mile from Van couver, price $2750. Liberal terms, 10 ACRES. FULLY EQUIPPED All in cultivation, rich black inam soil, tile drained, exceptionally well fenced, fine water, young family; or chard full bearing, small traits and ; berries of all kinds, good 4-room i house new barn, fully equipped, mod- - ' ern chicken bouse and park, hog : house and lot new garage. 8 fine Jersey cows, good farm team. - hogs, plow, harrow, 2 wagons, 2 sets har ness, cultivator and all small tools, including all crops now on the place; i only half mile from small town. 2 miles from electric carline, on good automobile road, 1 0 miles from Van couver. Price $4000.; BEAUTIFUL 40 ACRES I' . ON PAVED HIGHWAY I 40 acres; very best of soil, sill tfll- " able, lays excellent. 80 acres in ; high state of cultivation, all feneed I and cross fenced, fine first growth timber on back side of place, excellent water, 2 acres of assorted orchard full hear ing, berries and small fruits of all kinds,' 6-room house, good new barn, all necessary outbuildings, school wagon Flicks up pupils at door, only 2 mile mm good railroad town, in thickly settled and highly improved commu nity, short distance f msn Pacific nigh way, on paved road. Price 87600; H $2000 TJNDEtt YALTJB ' MUST BE SOLD 1 80 acres, all tillable, best of ! loam soil; 85 acres in high state of cultiva tion. & acres in commercial orchard; all fenced and emes-feoced ; fine sprng, can be piped to buildings; good 6-room house, elevated building site; extra good dairy barn, wellbouse. woodahed, chicken house and park; large double walled cellar; timber tor domes tie use; all in crop; buildings all painted: in center of one of best farming sec tions in Clarke county, adjoining highly improved farms; dose to school, on main county road, with all rural ad vantages; only 8 miles from Fscifio highwsy town. Price $8000; 81000 cash, balance 9 per cent Very homey place. Photographs at our office. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY AND HOG RANCH ON PAVED HIGHWAY 110 acres, very be?t loam soil, half river bottom, about 4 5: acres in cultiva tion, fine trout stream through place, family orchard of assorted fruits in full besting, 4-room bouse, large bsrn, gsrage, blacksmith shop, chicken house and peek, bog house Bind lot together with good tesm of young mules, 1 horse, new harness, 2 dairy cows, 4 yearlings, heifers; 3 dozen laying hens, 1 00 chickens, 4 pigs, plow, 2 harrows, 2 cultivators, new i iron wheeled farm wagon, spring wagon, buggy, mower, rake, blacksmith's tools, all small farm tools, timber for do mestic use, most of pasture seeded down, picnic park an farm. Ideal home and money maker. Only! 7 M miles from Vancouver, 8 of which -is paved, with all rural advantages. Price $10,500, $5000 cash, balance to suit j MODERN DAIRY 1 AND PBCNB i FARM. STOCKED 83 acres of the best Felida I loam soil, no rock or gravel; 35 acres be ing farmed, SO screa cleared oil rich river bottom used for pasture, abun dance of timber for domestic use; : exceptionally well fenced, -15 acres of Italian prunes from 5 to 7 yesra old in excellent condition, good- crop this year, 2 acres assorted orchard, berries and small fruits of all kinds; good 6-room house, extra good dairy barn, fully equipped, new garage. ' large concrete cellar: granary, j con crete dairy, large implement I shed, modern chicken houses, hog houses, 6 acres fenced with woven wire, I with living water tor hog pasture; excep tionally large spring, piped to all buildings, concrete walks, imported roses, large grape arbors, togetherl with 7 good dairy cows, good farm team, 15 hogs, 2 doxen chickens, 85 tons hay, 8 acres potatoes, 3 wagons, 3 sets harness, mower, rake, manure spreader, 8 plows, 2 i harrows, a cul tivstors, spray outfit and hose, disk, cream separator, scales, prune: and apple boxes, cider mill, all small tools necessary to run a farm; household furniture, kitchen range, cabinet, heat Ing stove, dining table, sewing mschine, couch, center table, dining chairs and rockers, 2 bedroom suites, rugsj car pets and linoleum, cooking utensile, adjoining prune orchard worth $1000 per acre. There is at least $8500 wnith of prunes and $400 worth of other fruit; fine trout stream and excellent soring stream through place. Only 20 minutes drive frvm Vancouver on . paved highway. Price $26,000. Might consider $2500 to $3000 house - and lot THOMPSON, SWAN Js LEE, Sd and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. ACRES I 2V2 MILES OUT All level, ao in cult, 1 baL some timber and bal. stump pasture. Good 6 room house, well painted, with fireplace, good well at bouse, good fruit of all kinds, all out house, barn, team, 2 cows, hogs, chickens, wagon, buggi, mower. rake, plow, harrow, culti disc, all other tools. Land all in ctod. School right at the place. sidewalk to town, good road, dally mail, cream route, phone in bouse. Here is a dandy home. Price for all is 811.500: possession tat once. If yon want a nice close in borne yon cannot beat this. All ready to move into, too. Fart casn, bat at 6 per rent. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON I 7th and Main sts., Oregon City. Ore. TILLAMOOK COUNTY RANCH 178. acres at Cloverdale. 160 acres can. be cultivated; good graveled road, 13 acres trader cultivation, 60 acres in meadow grass, creek and spring; large bearing or chard, 8-room house, bam, garage; ! 8000 feet of manufactured lumber on the place; IS cows, 1 registered Jersey bull, 1 heavy team, harness, wagon and all necessary ma-: chinery; this ranch can be made toi carry 76 cows; convenient to the cheese factory i and high and grade school; price for (every- tiling, 1),500; $5000 cash; might con sider small place near Portland for parti JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 10 ACRES, 8 cleared. ; all fenced nicely; lays oeiween wresnaro ana nanay on gooa roaa suu ft from where the cement road will be laid: land lies nicely; finest of location; good new 5 room house, barn, woodhouse, chicken bouse, ! 3 good cows. 1 heifer, 1 calf, horse, wagon, buggy, cart harness, 2 hogs. 30 chickens, plows, har row, cultivator, separator, hay fork, rake. 12 tons hay. one acre potatoes, H - acre kale, 20 ricks wood, loo posts, all kinda fruit, grapesi berries, $4000, H cash. 6 S4 on balance. Confectionery to sell at bargain, doing good business, $125 monthly. Job goes Good stock, good location; sickness is the causes. $1600 casn. I wm put yon next if you will listen. . GEORGE BEEKa, Bandy, Or. Phone 67. 40 ACRES - 30 acre in cult, baLi in timber andi pasture, Urine water, fine fruit good 6 room bouse, fine basement barn, good wood house, cellar, place on main road, Z muea of store and carline. 8 mile of Oregon City, i Price $6000; $4000 down, baL at 6 per cent This ia good rolling land: can farm any time of the year. Why pay $10,000 for a 40 acre place? thia will produce yon a mncn. - K. P. ELLIOTT & SON I ' 7th and Main sta., Oregon City, re. 1 ON HIGHWAY NEAR TIGARD 35 acres, 22 cultivated; all can be cul tivated; black loam soil; 10 acrea timber; - 5-room plastered bnngalow, with plumbing. :. water system; electric i light being pat in; ; woven wire fencing; barn, garage, chicken : house; fine orchard, ever $1000 worth of : potatoes: all the other crops, complete line ; of machinery and stock included; $5000 - cash, balance long time. per cent In- nected by Nelson, with ; JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG., FOR SALE By owner; 208 acres ia Lincofn eoonty, near Tillamook county; beautifully situated on fresh water lake. 1 H miles from ocean, between Sileta bay and Balmon river, 1 2 acres cleared.' 60 acrea open land.-82 acres-rich bottom land; 2 small houses, barni outbuildings and some fencing : -bearing orchard and logan berry patch t near school and proposed Roosevelt nignway. Cood boating, f istang and i Hunting. Can be developed into ideal stock and dairy ranch. $5200, easy terms. Will sell 72 seres of this tract, also bordering on lake. wMt nousc, orchard and berries, $1400. ... i .. - j 975 . Stark at, Portland. Or. . : REAL ESTATE FOR KALE-FARMS 17 i 64 ACRES ! AT MOLALLA ; AB level, moat all bottom land: ST acre in cult, more not hard to clear; good 2 story 8 room house, apod barn eud outhouses, family fruit, living water; place on graveled road, 2 Vt mile to Molalla. , good town and shintunc point and 2 j railroads. Price for place aiojis $7800; uvu! Gown ; sun a norees. X cows, brooa sow, 5 nig, chickens. 6 sheen. 2 waeona. 2 nlows. 2 cultivators, mower. - rake, harrow, disc, cider press, i fanning mill, buggy, corn aheller, hay, oats, wheat, everything complete price is $10.- eio; eeovu a own, oat. at e per cent. Ttiis is fine corn, potato, oat, wheat and clover land. A dandy dairy ranch, s m. ! Hi. V. btiUUXT sow. . 7th and Main Bta. r Oregon City. Or. Overlooking Cd!aimMa River-V'; I 20 acres, about 1 miles Washou gal, about 5 acres in cultivation. Mare 1 can be cultivated. Land ateep. roll ing. Good farm house. Very good barn; fine waer. Also lease on 40 i acre alongside of this place, II r Wanted, with 'Ji acres in cultivstion. . ' i Price for all $2250. Cash down- $1150. Reason for selling, owner physically unable to run the place. : McClure & Schmatich Co, 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. -ACME - Oregon City Carline All in cult, fine soil, iust 2l-blocks of car- Una and station. 6 room house; plastered and papered over, basement under boose, fine well of- water, good garage, hen house, all kind of fruit house hss lights, ga in st in front ef housei. large porch on the front of the house andtall around one aide of the house, making a fine sleeping porch screened in. Thia is a good buy at $4000; H Cash, bal. at 6 per cent No better buys on ithe line. . See us for good buys; farms and acreage are our specialty.; E. P. ELLIOTT Sc 60N 7th and Main sts. Oregon Cit, Ore. HERE IS. YOUR CHANCB 48 ACRES. 8 MILES FROM WOODLAND, ON OOD MAIN COUNTY ROAD, NEAR SCHOOL. DAILY MAIL. NEAR COUNTRY STORE, LARGE NEIGHBORHOOD HALL ON PLACE, FAIR 5 ROOM HOUSE, ABOUT 5 ACRES CLEARED, FINE LOT PILING ON PLACE. PLACE LOCATED ON LEWIS RIVER: PILING EASY, TO GET INTO RIVER. THIS IS A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR SOJU2 ONE WITH SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY. PRICE OF PLACE ONLY $2200. TERMS $700 CASH, BALANCE 3 YEARS. 6, I : ! 1 LEWIS RIVER LAND COMPANY. WOODLAND, WASH. 0 ACRE RANCH WITH 55 HEAD OF GOOD SHORTHORN CATTLE FOR $&500 45 acres in cultivation, balance timber. 2tt acres spuds. 40 acres clover, timothy and grain. 50 tons hay in barn, good 6 room house, water piped in, big bara 0iU5 with 57 stanchions, i fine chicken house, 2 hog houses, one registered bull. 6 or 7 steers worth S12U each. 25 ; cows. balance good cattle, 2 hones, all 'necessary farm implements, mis Font auto. House tioia lurm ture, 7000 acres of outrange, family orchard, lots of berries, fences are hog tight Only $8500. 8 miles from Pacific highway. 52 miles from Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg,. ground iioor. : 12 1-2 ACRES Oregon City Carline All good land. 10 in' cultivation ; good 4 room house, good barn, root house, chicken house. good drilled well, with water system; place all fenced. This is located about mile off the Oregon City carline between Portland and Ore gon City. Price $500 per acre, or $6250 for the place; $1000 down, bal. long time. Land all along the . carline; sella from $1000 per acre ana up. this is a nargain. E. P. ELLIOTT it SON. 7th and Main SM., Oregon City, Or. For - Sale; or, Trade 4000 acre stock farm in famous Flint Creek Valley, on western slope oft Kocky mountains: Philipsbnrg. Mont Modern 8 room bouse and eomplete outbuildings. Lots ef water. 800 acre irrigated, free witer. (Complete farming equip ment Will include all or part ot 240 head pure blood and registered Hereford. If inter- estea wnte lor list and photos. BEVERLY HILLS STOCK FARM I Philipsburs, Mont 4 ACRES Part in eulltivation. I balance timber and pas ture, watered by springs and Well, good Family orchsrd, small bouse and barn, horse, 2 cows, 60 chickens, 10 tons bsy, some grain, farm impiem-nis, on gooa roaa near school. $3000 H cash, i S. O. DILLMAN 214 7th St. near S. P. Depot. Oregon City, i Phone 427. I; It 1-2! ACRES j. 15 in cultivation, 400 cords of wood: 25 acres seeded to nastnre. 1 . acre orchard : 8 room house, barn 22x34 with 14 foot shed on both sides; running water and well; 2 cows, 3 heifers,:. 6 bogs, 251 chicken; - harrow, diao harrow; ploy, hack, cultivator, mower, lake drill. interest in Dinaer, luu; terms. A. J. Borkhold. with A C. HOWLAND. 8th snd Main. t - Oregon City, Or. 20 ACRES on good road. 1 V, mile from good town, all under plow, -well fenced. j New bungalow, 5 I rooms, barn, eta. Price $8600.) Mort $2800, bal. cash or clear ex- coange. 10 acres, one mile from station, eood land. 8 room house, barn, chicken coop, all new ; 3 acres Denies, ; z year old. prioe $2600. Mort $800. baL cash. j Writs to J. N. HATJGEN. WOODBURN, OR., XOX I DO. I k FOR SALE BY OWNER 20 acres, all in cultivation, house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced, good family orchard, on mam graveiea roaa, 3 miles northwest of Amity, Price $3500. half cash. 10 acres close to highway near Cornelius, all in cultivation, good timber orchard, 6 room house, bsrn and outbuildings '2 cows, 1 horse and 100 ahickens. Price -85500. hslf cash. Writ owner, P. M4 Madden. Box 1 16, or call at remence 101a fir st, mils poro. or. 40 ACRES, 7 miles east of Oregon City; good county road; clay loam soil; 80 cres can be cultivated. 10 acres under cultivation: hi mile to school; 2 acre orchard; 5-room house, several outbuild ings;! some timber;! telephone; some equip- ' ment; price $3675, $1375 cash, balanc 5 years at 6 per cent i JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 20; ACRES 16 in crop, good building, insured for $8500; in Hfllsboro district jPrice $6750, $3000 cash, balance! 5 years 6 j interest Will take home in s'oruana or asirm up to gzooo. - 8. O. : DILLMAN 214 7th st, near S. P. depot. Oregon City, t Phone 427. S. O. DILLMAN. ''f acres . . . - Tl a,.nM ....$1100 J 4 acrea 8500 , 2ZUV . Y acres ZUVtt An close to Oregson City, on good road. ... . . S. O. DILLMAN , . 214 7th St.. near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. 1 Phone 427. 160;! ACRES SOacre in cultivation, on Molalla river. Vr i r ouuaings, one mils to carline. . . ! 8. O. ! DILLMAN 214 7th St. near 8. P. Depot. Oregon City, 1 Phone 427. COOS CTJUNTY LANDS are beat tat dairying berry raising and general farming. Buy now before prices shoot skyward!' Best cleared river bottom land from $200 to $4 no an acre. Other improved lands from $23 to S10O an acre. Pro duces twice aa much as Willamette valley land. Write for farm lists and prices. Coo and Curry Land Co.. Myrtle Foint; Oregon. 25 ACRES, house, barn, well; 12 acre cleared; . lso, terms, i - ,S0 acres, 21 acre cleared, house, barn, weR, 38000 J terms. . 1 144 H acre. 100 acre cleared. 2 houses. large barn. $iao per acre: K. jr. !.. milk route. senooi, : are near tnese piacea- !J. C KURATLI, HillaboTO, Or. ' - FOR SALE 1148 acres, about 250 seres ereek bottom, balance rolling hill, fruit and pasture land; fair buildings; rural route, tele phone, near town; sa per acrer might ex change.; 54 Park Terrace, Corvallia. Or. 108 ACRES. 6 m. 1 from St Helens. B room house, not finished inside; small barn; a few acres cleared; good spring zoo ft from house. $3500. $2000 down, bat terms, 6. Come and see ms at 548 Bidweil ave.; SeUwood. 135 ACRE3 land. So m cultivation. 32 in rim- ber, balanc in pasture; all good river bottom I-no. beat 01 Duildang with large modern htnke, doee to town, at $13,600; an exceptional buy Addres Box 129 Amity, Or ' 1 SEAL ESTATE FOK SAI.I5 FAKMS .17 BENTON COUNTY Heart of the Willamette Valley. " RIVER BOTTOM FARM 181 Acres, all choice Willamette River Bottom Land. 73 acres in cultivation, balanoe pasture and1 timber; lmprovementa good 8 room bouse, with pressure water system, bath and toilet; all wen feneed; good barn, alio. 12x35: other outbuildings. All per stmal property goes -with place. ' including 28 good cows, 1 bull. 1 brood sow and pigs and all machinery, tools and equip ment on place. Price $26,000. STOCK RANCH 860 Acres, 3 miles from railroad station: 30 acrea in cultivation, balance timber and pasture. Enough good merchantable tim ber on place to pay for it . Improvements are good; 7 room plastered house, with bathroom; on barn 34x46, one barn 82x , 44, goatshed 20x40, henhouse 14x40. smokehouse and other outbuildings. Water - piped to boose and place well watered with numerous springs. :- Price $10,000; will ell on any term to rait purchaser; small payment Thia is your opportunity to get a farm. ' WHEAT RANCH FOB TRADE r 1288 Acre located in the best wheat belt in , Eastern Washington; all in cultivation; 640 acres in wheat this year and 640 acrea summer fallow. This farm cornea under new irrigation project Land -all lays practically level and can be all farmed with tractor; no waste land. Place well improved; good 6 room house, barn with room tor 86 horses. 80 tons bay, cow stable. to.y good well water, with wind mill, cistern, good cement stock tank. - : Pries of this place is $40 per acre, and owner- win take good income property up to full value in Portland; or will take good stock ranch or eood well improved farm in Willamette valley ui to full value. What have yon to 6fferT Mr. Burnap will be in Portland all day Monday, and can be found at the office of Pacific Agency, 614 Swet land building. If yon have anything to offer, call on him. . ! FOR PARTICULARS WRITE I BURNAP A BLAKELY. " Corvallis. Oregon. "Home of the Oregon Agricultural College." . : riviiitiM nifTE-ifr bv T.svrT "YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Central Alberts and Saskatchewan are rich park lands. open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent ahelter for stork. Her grain growing, dairying and livestock rais ing are being carried on successfully. The country is ideal for mixed farming. The Cana dian pacific Railway is offering a large area 01 these fertile lands in Ltoyaminster and Battle ford districts. This fertile land will become the home of thousands of prosperous farmers. 0 similar land Seager Wheeler grows the world's prize wheat Near Lloydminster the world' prise oat have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon be come independent on a farm in this district These lends can be bought now at prices aver aging about .$18 per acre. You pay down 10 per cent If land is purchased Under settle ment conditions, no further payment of prin cipal until end of fourth year, then 16 annual payments. Interest is 6 per cent Ako thou sands of acre of irrigated landa in Southern Alberta at-$50 per acre, on which the company will loan $2000 for improvement to approved purchasers, with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Landseekera' excursion party , leave Portland, for Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, August 21. Reduced railway rates. For fur ther particular see Canadian Pacific Railway Co., 208 Railway Exchange bldg. UP. Thorn ton, district representative. . ' 1 HIGH CLASS. WELL LOCATED FARM 65 acres, black loam soil, at Red Electric ' station, on good road, h mile from Pa- 1 cifie highway - M mile from church, school. store and elevator; woven wire fencing; all i under cultivation; wheat, clover, oats, corn. potaties; modern 0-room attractive bun- i galow, full cement basement laundry trays, j best white enamel plumbing, fireplace, den, Dutch kitchen, lighting system: east facing; large modern barn with tTater and lights; . modern chicken houses with runways, one over 100 feet by 16; hog house and other buildings; small ereek through one corner of place; with the ranch go 4 fine horses, ' 3 cows, heifer. 8 Chester White brood 1 sows, 15 shoats. 140 hens. 300 chickens. 1 narneea, wagon, mower, rake, leed grinder,' harrows, discs, wood saw; 2 gas engines, etc. ; the buildings on the place are worth eer $10,000, all in fine shape; offered at a bargain; $5000 cash, balance for 10 year at 5 per cent; inspected by Brooks, photos of buildings and stock st office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. The Best Buy "Within 20 Miles of Portland; 157 acres. $35 per acre. Fair hou.-. -barn, fenced, 12 acres has been in cul tivation. Lots of hard vm1 timber. , an good land, lie nearly level, drains " well, un gravel road, i iuilt from paved Pacific hiahway. 1 mils from school. This ia an opportunity you sel dom have; the owner is a non-resident and must selL 40 scree within two milea of the abova described tract. $8600; all in cultivation, good buildings, fenced and csosa fenced, good gravel road, 1 mile from school, 1 mile from pared Pa cific highway. ATKINSON A PORTER, If 2 6th st, Vancouver, Wash. 2 ACRES $5 in cultivation, fine soil, new 8 room plastered house, with basement: bam, granary and chicken house, 8 cows, team, good ma chinery, chickens, watered by well and stream. a-nce saouu cssn. 40. ACRES- 20 in cultivation, house, bam. team, wagon. J, . cows, a neiiers, 1 tons 01 nay. 1 $3500 part cash. " . S. O. DILLMAN I 214 7th It near S. P. Depot, Oregon Cur, Or. Phone 427. I 39 Acre Home 8 miles from Woodland, Wash., on good coun ty roaa. 19 acre cleared, good 3 room faouge, bam: good orchard: 80 English- walnut trees: fine apring. Thia ia a dandy good- ranch with crop, atock and equipment including household goods. Ready to move in and make money. iavg casn. A. W Estes 803 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. EQUIPMENT AND STOCK i 200 acres farm near Lebanon, gravel road, cream, milk, phone and rural route; cows, horses, implements chickens, turkeys,- fair buildings. A snap at only $65 per sere. Mo trade, - ' Also ' ' - 1,' j 160 acres, box house, bam, orchard, some in ultivaUon, all woven wire fence; 2 million feet timber; 4 mile from town cood sheep ranch; mly $18 an acre; $750 cash. Come and ee me fox bargains. - Joseph c. Gibson . "THE LAND MAN" OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON LEBANON, OR. Dairy Ranch Equipped On Pacific. Highway mile from Woodland.' Wash., 70 acres all fenced; 50 acre level bottom land. -80 in cul tivation ; 5 room house, bath and toilet; water piped to .the house. - Barn 70x90 feet Out buildings, orchard, crop, stock and equipment Price $16,600, with cash $4500. balance 10 Tear at 6 her cent An exceptional buy, : - A. W. Estes ' 805 Chamfer of Commerce. Anto. 514-63. 40 ACRES, Lane county, 7 milea from Creswell; good graveled toad by place; red shot soil ; 30 acrea can be cultivated; 5 acres under cultivstion. 10 acres timber; 4 mile to school. 8 springs, small creek; 4 -room, cottage, barm chicken house; price $1700,: $000 cash, balance r, years, 6 pet JOHN FERGUSON,- GERLINGER BLDG. 14 Acre Farm$2700' 8 miles of Oregon City; creek, orchard; 11 acre under plow; small buildings, good soli; $1800 down. - 1 ANDREW a BASER, 600 Due no St, Oregon City. ' 40 ACRES, all in cultivation, good 5 room house, - large barn and silo, good family orchard, 8 eowa, 3 horses, all farm implements and all crop. This offer foe short time only for , $11,000. terms half cash. '- - i WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY CO. Hni-bcro, Or. 80 ACRES on Pacific highway, with fine 6 room bungalow, good barn and woodshed ; wen at back door; half mile from town, school, church; very fine soil; for $4500. i. Owner. F. L. Blanchard 1 401-402 Swetland bldg. Phone Marshall 820. FOUR 20-eere tracts, $600 each; . unimproved - fruit land, near Stevenson, Wash.; wood, wa ter, hunting and fishing close; on third cash, take car. piano, Victrola, lot to help yon on balance, or terms. Particulars Box 495, Salem, Oregon. ' - ONE 21-100 acres, new. 5 room house, .24x40 barn, small chicken bouse, good well at the house; Huber are., . Huber, iust 2 miles wet from Beaverton, Or. . All clear. Only 31800. If interested call at one. E. E. SwensonV Bea verton Realtor. '- .. 1 . 80 ACRES ot improved farm with an thia" year's crop, all the stock, all the implements,! run ninc water all the year round. 7 miWm from Beaverton, half mile to rocked road. If yon are looking for a snap csH urn me for 1 sure j have them. . E. Swenson, the Beavertoa Realtor. SEAL E8TATK FOR SALE FARMS 17 Dairy Ranch at a Bargain ' 224 A., 80 A. in higb state eultt- vation. Very good 7 room house. , large bam with all first das dairy equipment dry houee, all other nec essary outbuildings. 6 A. prunea, all in bearing, family orchard of assorted -fruit, all -in bearing. Place com-., pletely equipped end stocked, stock including 18 finest kind of cows, 1 buU. 4 horses, ail chicken, hogs, eta., all kind farming tools, implements.. Everything ' necessary to run a ranch, of thia kind goes with the place everything in first das condition. Place beautifully located on big Wash- ongal river, 8 milea from town of Washougal, good road. For a quick sale, priced at only $17.000, , one third cash, balanc 5 ft interest. SUBURBAN HOME FRUrr RANCH 1 A., excellent oiL 7 A. Italian prunes, bearing; S A. in fruit of all kinds and berries. Beautiful 5 room modem bungalow, .sleeping porch, hot and cold water, fireplace, all conveni ences city home, good bam and chick en house, good ddlled well, some , stock, including cow, horse, chickens, . tools and implement, paved road, 44 -mile streetcar. A bargain at $5000. A 10" ACRE BARGAIN 10 A., all in high state cultivation. . well fenced and erosa fenced. Ex cellent 7 room house, good bam. chicken bouse, hog bouse, good well with windmill, storage tank, water piped to house and yard, family or- -chard assorted fruits, berries, , etc. line crop. Soil is excellent and will produce anything: 10 tons ' oat hay, 1 A. potatoes. 23 bo. rye, 2 5 bu. oats, excellent garden; all stock and equipment, 3 good cow. 7 hogs, 60 chicken, team, eta. ; convenient to -streetcar; good road; all rural advaa Uzea. $5000. swank coffield 212 Main t. Vancouver,- Wash. 820 ACRES, located 9 miles from Molalla; the best of soil, 39 miles from Portland; fenced with wire; 295 acres can be culti vated. 80 acres Timber, fine creek through the place, several springs, orchard; - over -100 acres under cultivstion and in crop; 7 -room house, large bant with stanchion for 22 cows; the place is - stocked snd equipped from cresm sen a ra tor to ' self binder; there will be over 2000 bushels of wheat; price $16 000 for ranch, atock. equipment and half the crop; $6000 cash; will consider Portland property up to $7000; the ranch ia elear. . JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. CANADIAN farm land bought, sold, exchanged, Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen bldg. FOlt BEKJ1 FARMS 14 Large Dairy Ranch ; FOR RENT ' 450 acres river bottom dairy ranch for rent Personal property for sale, which consists of 53 good milch eowa, 2 bulls, one registered; 15 heifers, S .heifer calves. 4 horse. 2 sets harness, : 2 wagons, 1 saddle, mower, rake, 1 plow, harrow, riding cultivator, :orn binder, ensilage cutter. 8 horse gas en gine, one 1 hk' horse ga engine, milk ing machine complete. 100 chickens, 3 shoats, 60 10 gaL milk cans, 6 gal. milk cans, 1 large cooler and milk pails, bay rope,' carrier, slings and , hay fork, . drag saw, (hovels, barn brooms and numerous small tools, sbout 30 tons of grain bay now in the barn, also 8 acrea of good com growing to fill silo. This place is located 8 mile from Vancouver, Vi mile from It R. - station. Leas on place ia $100 per month. Daily truck service, right to door. Must- sell at onoe on .account of tcknew. Price $11,500. Good ten THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington t 220 ACRES, rent $100 per month. 84 high grde milch cows, 1 registered Holstein bull. 3 head of- good work hones, harnesses, wagon, discs; plows, harrows, ensilage cutter and blower, 75 to 1O0 tons of hay; enough corn in to till the sUot all small tools and dairy equipment Price $8500, $3000 cash, balance good terma. Toi place is a money maker and the personal prop erty is sll the very best SEE MR. BLAIR WITH THOMPSON, SWAN 4e LEE', . Sd and Main U , Vancottver,' Wash. 13 ft ACRES to rent Dersonal Property for W This place ia right at Scholia, about 20 miles out on good road; personal consists of 10 good cows. 3 norses, w nogs ana pigs, ion ciucsens, gasoline drsgsaw, 1H H. P. engine. Ford-truck. aU machinery, tools, crops, etc.; large bonis, 2 , . . , ii , . Darn ana au sinus oi ouiouiiuiiiga, ro uuen, everything, for only $3200; will invoice a gnat deal more. STEWART BUCK". 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEARLY 8 ACRES, on good mad, close to Oregon Electrio. Bearing fruit; 3 acres elover. Lota of berries. Good (mail house; other building. Bent $800 year. Horse, cow, chickens . to buy. ' Inspected by Brooks: photo at office. I JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINQEB BLDG. 480 ACRE wheat ranch ih Gilliam county, $13 tier acre, stocked and eouinoed: Part of crop, 150 turkeys. 100 chickens. 6 sheep, 1 pig, 2 cow 1 ealf. 1 3 horses. 1 drill, gang plow, walk' ing plow, 2 header boxes, 0 seta of harness, 80 ft harrow, threshing machine, 14 ft header and all small tools; buildings fair; 2 H mile from town. Will consider, some traae. uau kmi. osu. WANTED TO RENT Farina of 160 to 600 ' acre. W have client who wUl pay cash rent and buy personal property. If yon are figuring on leasing your ranch, thia fall it will be to your . . i . ... r,.,,. ... ..... ... advantage so see sar. siair, wiin inuarsu.i, SWAN LEE, 3d and Main ate,, Vancouver, Wash. 600 ACRES, 850 av in cultivation, in Marion county. Share rent, crop, stock and equip ment ' $1400, cash. Wilbur F. Jmuoo, Henry bldg. GO arf9Xa an U M,lii,.(lnn Cn.Iit, MHIlt. Rent $125. Crop, -stock snd equipment $4000; term. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 80 ACRES, 25 a. in cultivation, Clark county. Stock, crop and equipment $1600. Wilbur F. Jounoi Henry bldg. 40 ACRES, 14 a. in cultivation, near Oregon . City. Good house. Kent including crop, ajioo. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry Brag. 1300 ACRES, 400 a. summer fsllow. Equip ment , furnlahed. It rat 84000. Wilbur F. Jen no, Henry bldg. 60-ACRE ranch; stock, feed and equipmenC"fo FARMS WANTEIM OR B1.Y 34 " FARMS WANTED We are turning CASH buyer for farm and acreage away from our office every day because we eannot supply their wante. Why not let n sell YOUR farm and screee tor you. We are the oldest and one of the most reliable firms in Portlnd. See SAM HEWEY at J. U HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor. : ' , ' ' ' V " WANTED TO RENT -Farm of 160 to 600 acres. W have client who will pay cash rent and buy personal property. If you are- figuring on- leasing your ranch this fall it will be to your advantage to see Mr. Blair, with THMPSON, SWAN LEE. 3d and Main Ma., Vancouver, Wash. ' ' ' WANT TO RENT : farm of around 40 to 100 acres; have client waiting to buy personal property and lease place. Quick action assnrea. , --.'. F. U EDDY, ' - " ,vf BITTER, LOWE CO.. " g01-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' PARTY from East want to buy small ' farm. from 10 to 40 acres, near Portland; state price and term. Chaa. Heikklnen, 658 Borth- wick St. WANTED FOR ' CASH FROM OWNER ' 1 6 -acre farm, close to school and carlin. Phone East 7300; ask for Mr. Cook, or call after 5 o'clock at 873 E. 15th at N. HOMF.STEADS 47 RELINQUISHMENT for sale. 120 acres; 80 can be put under plow. 2 acres stumps out acr fenced and broke; good garden, good soil: 2 springs, fin grazing; ail easily fenced ; good house; -good suto road to door; 45 mil from Portland; 8650, eaay term,: Addrw. W. H. 8., box 21, Scott aliiia, ev-. 1 HAVE some good homesteads. Can locate yon en either farming . or timber tract to the O. ek C land grant Anderson. 531 RaDway Exchange tide Hours 8:30 to 5. nVwiins 1 : to I HAVE soma good relinquishment for al close in. Anderson. 681 Biiwy Exchange bldg. '- - . - ' : -- YOUR CHANCE-SUnding timber. 5000 eords ot weed; two miles ststion.' 18 mile Port land ; good roads; stnmpege or lump; gooa in vestment Bo 842, St Helen. Or. 80 ACRES rirat growth long, straight fir piling; seU on stump; on R, R and Columbia river; easy to get out O. V. Turner. WyeXh, Or. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE REAL KSTATB ' 81 17. ACRES, 6 mile -from Nenberg. 8S acre in cultivation. ! all feneed and tma fenced; 7 acsee prunea; also 60 plumbs, 12 apples, 7 peach, 6 pears r all kinds of berries : house, barn, ether buildings; team of mares, 2 eowa, wagon, buggy, hogs, chickens, machinery, etc: a good coins Place: value 810.000: take alt or part in Portland property. What can you oner. Also o acre, wen improved, near Portland, 83600: exehanee for a turns, half va nn. .rr. improved, where can reach high school. Give or take difference: several other piece of land acnange toc riry property. v. t w r.Htl. East Btr-t 160 acres, stock or dsirr ranch: some Im provement, good soil. ; good water, near coast, dose to salmon fishing. Price 61800. Will consider -suburban acreage or city property up to 81500. 4 th at electric to 3d and MUla st CaU at store evening or Sunday. - TVtO amsll farms, V mil from highway, near Keedsville; crop and equipment Harry VSi; 41 lamher Ex., 2d and Stark. Main ga. - j .- . ... - TW 5m?,U "n. half mile from highway, near Keedytlle; crop, stork and equipment See S'llsSl' Sl Lumber Ex.. 2d and Starl MODERN 8 room house for sal at reasonable price, or exenange for acreage. East 8815. KXCHANGP, REAL KSf ATE ft EIGHT ACRES oj the richest Und. aU in cultivation, close to the paved high way, only nine miles straight east from the business center of the city, on the carline and right at the station; a very cogy 6 room cottage, .small cement base ment, garage, barn, silo, chicken house, with cement floors; fruit of all kinds In fuU bearing of the best quality Until you cannot rest The owner' price ia $6500, and it ia cheap at that: but he will take for exchange a house, a lot in the city to the amount of $4000. Here ia your chance to provide yourself with aa in dependent living and money beside ia any kind of times; and you get for this aU his chickens, horse, wagons, imple ments and tools, i M. J. CLOHESSY. ABLNGTON BUILDING. ' THIRTY-TWO ACRES of land a abort distance from - Vancouver; 14 arree . cleared, in cultivation; location two. block from the depot cm the , North Bank R. It. two blocks from a big school; in fact right in town. . Buildings are all new. Classy 6 room bungslow. a pretty place. His price is $7000. Will exebsnge it for property of a like value in the city: a house or other property. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABLNGTON BUILD ING. - . " - - LINN COUNTY EXCHANGES NO. 81 880-aer stock and dairy ranch. 160 level In cultivation, 170 open pasture and tillable, 40 timber; good 8-room house. 2 large barns, new silo and other bldgs., 1 mil to school, 4 to Lebanon. Cheap at $05 an acre. Trade for smsller place in valley to half, good time on balance. Also " ' f -'" ' ' NO. IT ' - " 1 97-ore dairy or sheen farm. 80 to 90 ere in cultivation, $0 acre can be, is now slashed end good pasture, baL timber and pas ture. Fin springs, fair buildings, gravel road. R. F. D. and phone; i Close to town, $75 per acre, including crop, i Will accept a bonse any good town, $8000 to $4000, soma eaah and give time on balance. What have you F Give detail and prio iB first letter. Or if yon want smaller place ; to buy outright, tell me what yon want . Bast around Lebanon at low est price. - - )' j JOS. 0i GIBSON, ! . "THE LAND MAN." ' OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON. LEBANON. OIL EXCHANGE 1 EXCHANGE I EXCHANGE! Apt bouse, ($8S00) for farm SO to 10 acres, will assume; player piano $530) tor mall boms Alberta, will assume; 143-cr fsrm ($85 per acre) for close-in suburbsn borne; stock ranch, 160 acre ($4000), for city prop erty to $2000; 21-eere fruit ' farm ($8500) for Portland. property to $5000. These are Just a few of the hundreds of exchange on out list Bee Mr. Stephens f 18 2 Chamber of Conunere Bldg .-Trade fori City Home 10 acre at Jennings Lodge. 1 V acre cleared and -under cultivation, balance easy to clear; sub irrigated. This is one of the most beautiful homesitas in this district The best of soiL Sum small oaks and second growth fir. Party haa other buaineea and can not devote time to thia place so will sell st this figure, which is much under value. $3000. $800 cash, balanc long time. See Mr. Vail with - A. W. Estes 805 Chamber of Commerce. AuternarJe 614-68. Improved Canadian - Farm ; v; 820 acre in Saskatchewan district; all level, tillable land; new buildlnga, 3 good wells; will include 4 home and all machinery. Price $30 an acre. WUl consider small place around 29 acre near Portland in axchanc. Lueddemann Company " 813 Chamber of Com mare Bldg. "MUNf a1N RANCHlTiOO . Ill acre logged off land and 5 room bunga low, S mile from Klickitat Wash, boil prin cipally adapted to fruit raising. Will tak small home here to same value or sell, easy monthly payment. ' - i 111? iVV ii. 7S3 Ot Com. Blflf ' . - J 25 Acres : Stocked and Equipped . 23 cleared, fine stream en plsoe, on county road, fair buildings, located in Clackamas coun ty, IB miles out; price: $5000; mort $1800; will take hone and lot op to $3000, om eaah. .See Albert Herala, 788 H Mississippi ave. 1 : i -;v. . , :.: - -,, WB HAVE stock ranches, wheat ranches and Irrigated land in South ern Idaho to trade for Willamette Val ley farm Write to if Interested, , . ATKINSON PORTkU, 112 W. 6th St. 1 Yanoonvr, Wash, WB hav placed J. R ! Stephen In charge of our exchange dept. and invite you to bring your exchanges to w. We hav a large list and render real value and service in connection, with every aeat i -.-;---'. 783 Cham, of Com. Bldg. 25 Acres Near City ' All good land, 1-8 in cul., 2 acre grove, balance esaily cleared ; west side, on main county road, only 45 minutes ride from city; price 84000, or will exenange for residence. S. P, Ostium, 610 McKay blug. 1 60 A., $550, Exchange 7-8 acre culti rated. :geoa nonse. barn, part very easily cleared; near.eonnty road, 7 Vi mile from Woodland, Wash-3 2 cows, 85 eblekens, otn farm toels; price $5500, $1800 federal loan: will take houe and tot with some eaah for equity. Albert Harsls, 7 3 Mississippi tr Phon Woodhiwn 1201. " . r FOR-TRADB for city property, 12V acres, 4 miles from city hmiu; 8 acre cleared, 4 ere all chopped and logged off; 6 aeres of good timber, H mile from carline, close to Baa Lin road. Will give good trade. Property must be elear. O. P. Potts. l8tt E. Stark at Phone Tabor 800 WANT IMPROVED, FARM in exchange for $50,000 worth of Portland: property; prefer ffewberc or W liiamett valley district . ' ' - " . - . RITTER ' LOWE CO..' 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED "Shack or lot"to" build on. Will ex ehange planet - North Bend lot; 10 acrea. Eastern Oregon, or H acr on highway, a 1st payment East 8102. 20 ACREsTiEAR WHITE SALMON Andwsom cash; torn in house in Portland; district make rto difference. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. STOCK ranch, 640 acrea. Central Oregon, near railroad, for land near Gobi or other land. Is-640, JoumsL STLDEBAKER truck to trade for house and lot or acreage, clo in, CaU at ftbo l'owcll Talley Road. 6a 717. : WII.L TRADE . choice j suEurbaa acres for a home. Main 1846. A NICE suburban acreage home a first pay ment on a good ranch. B-687, Journal. HAVE $2400ehattel i mortgage to trad for Und on th coast R. E. Moe, 688 Glisan t TfAirTED HEAL ESTATE tl WANTED To boy modern flat, good location, if bargain, Marshall 5708, REAL EKTATfS WANTKH REAL FSTATH 17 I Over $2,000,000 wmlh of HOMES SOLD !1 .. ! Since January 1. 1D20, by i; ! Frank L. McQuire, LARGEST HOM BEI.I.F.K ON TUB PACIFIC COAST Hsrs yon a horn to sell! Try the McGulre System, which bs won an internstinnsl recitation- and established a national record for Home Selling because it is -the OUIGINAL SU PERIOR, 8CUCNT1FIC. MODERN method of Hume Selling. OUR RECORD 869 Homes soki last year. 110 Homes sold in Msy. -9 Homes sold on 1 uly 1 3. T04 Home sold to date this yesr. Tonr house is sold if listed with us. WB NEED IT TODAY! Wtth'n 24 hours sitcr 1 i - tor w PERSONALLY APPRAISE. I.VSPE 'T AND PHOTOGRAPH IT. We 11 dUplajr the photograph vf yoor home in our GHE.AT SHOWROOM, which Is continually thronged with EARNEST HOME RUYKUSl If you can t come, telephone. Our only charges r the standard rat of 5 per cent commiaaion in the event of a satisfactory sale. 1( experienced saltn-n with automobile to work on th sal ot XOUil bom. Se . j Frank L. McQuire, - i To Sell Your Home ' Abfngton Bldg. Main 106S. 160 H 8d st between Washington and Btark. Homes $5000 to SIO.COQ" IrvinBton.- Alameda.' Laurelhttrst, Rose City Park. We need them desperately tor top buyers waiting. Phone me to see your home tor sale. R. T. Street - Good Home Realtor. " SHACKS AND SMALL II0MES WANTED We do not oare whsrs they are or how dilapidated, w can sell them if your., pnov Is right and terma eaay. 6 keen saic.iueii at your service. M3BI15W BKBaija C? -JUMP III ,L7'3Ht' 782 Chmm. ef Onm. Bklf. , 62 SALES IN 11 DAV8 Frank L. McQuire Is going to establish another home-selling rec ord during August, Just think 62 psIp.i frnrn August 1 to 1114 houses sold lsst Wnlnedsy. IS sshrruen at work on your houae. Your hou- ia sold if listed with . ? . Frank Le McQuire, Abington bldg. Main 10H. Want -5, 6, 7 Run. - Wil! Pay SI 000 Cash and monthly payments. Hawthorn. Richmond or Waverleigh Heighia prsferred. Buyet now waiting. -, . A. W. Estes "805 Cham, of Commerce. Automatic Ml Hi KM ALL HOUSES We r eTling a great many small houses to the wag earner and w are liavinir rills evrry day for home running $1000 to $'-'000. Any one having a how for sale will find It to thiir advantage to telephone li. or call at the office. Telefihnne Main 80 J. GEO. T. MOOUB CO. 1007 Teon Wdg. WANT about 1 acre. West Side preferred. Wouij like peering fruit trees; can use wiUiout houae. If house on lilac must be 4 Or 6 room bunga low. Have 1619 ChevKilet. might coti.uU r trade. Stale lowest price and terms in firnt let- -ter. B-SB0, Jmimal. 1 WANT A WILLAMETTE liKH'.UTS UUiiJ UP TO SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS Must have 7 rooms and nicely located; will ar-. rlv in (lit eity Monday the lth and rss'ly to buy. Give me the data and I will csft, 117 is. Journal. ' We want closf in farms and acreage If yon really want to sell. It coats nothing to let us know. Personal inspection and individual attention. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 80B-6-7 Lewla Bldg. VANTED To buy on large or two adjoin ing lot in fully restricted district; terra. B-58B, Journal. I SPECIALIZE in Ksnton and Psninsula Iioumo; phone m your listings; sold vea less tlisn 4 week. O. A. PEARCE 815 Chamber of Commerce. M'n rVil.f, Bt,Y ON 8iHT AN f ll'itMi i tA.t' REPAIR AND SELL AT PR FIT. - O. C. GOLDENBEltO, Abmgton bldg. Main 4fi3. WANTED 8 or 7 room modern hTie: pr'n " not to exceed $5000; to pay $1000 down, balance monthly payments; no agents; deal with owner direct H-746. Journal. WANT MEblUTTphlCED HOl,fE Will give 10 acres of fin land oa Mt. Scott as part payment. 1. C. CORBIN CO., 80B-6-7 tw). nuig. I WILL pay owner half cash and $3R ir niti i) for a 5 or 8 room bungalow, modern, in rt irbl location; price to be $2500 to $3500. A J. M KEK. 1800 K. Stark at. 1 WANT a buhsaluw of 6 or 7 rwm, 1 or 2 story. Rose City or other good dtitrict. Will pay from $4500 to $5500 cath, Addreis II 170, Journal. : - . WANTED A eotug of 4 or 5 rooma. Y i be in good repair, not to exceed I'JL'OU, txoii -cash; good monthly payment. Sunnjuid diatrirt preferred. No geuts. . Wlln. 1T0O. WANT TO ' BUY smsll 8 or 4 room mwiiro bnngalow on monthly imrtnonu; will siim losn and pay $23 par month. I'hoos Alaia 6577. . - ' W A NT 4 or 6 room modern bouse," '60x1 00 lot! east side, not too far out Phone S4 2754 after 6:80 evening. 1 WANT a bargain to a (raetional kit with ot ' without houae. south ef Mnrtgnnery street between 8th. "d 30th t H-T. Jrwimsl. WANTEI A 4 or 5 mora house or bungalow on Improved street not to exceed $2000, half eaah. Phone Woodlswn 6805. I WAN? horns, hv nlc suburban acres to ea- ehsngw. Main 1846. TO BUY improved 40 acr on terms, C 614, Journal. WAN T From owner, ' modern 6 or 7 room houae. Tabor 7004. 1? 1 "Jf": HIOlf-GRAr"K6 ear.' $3 Ku". W DJ W-240. Journal. take lot of equal vslu. MTASTEB, felTT PROPKHTT 1 WANT ED 4 or 6 : room houae with 2 lota or I more, small payment down, monthly after wards, near ear and good neighborhood. ;ive foil rrtelars. fir-t letter. F-1B4. Joiirrnl WANTEll A modern 6 rem huDiiaTow in jT, City district; will trsde a touring ear as iltvt payment Bdwy. 3606. BOOMINO iIOUSFS, AFAHTSI enth AND HOTELS FOR WALK . S3 BOOMS, It. K. apartmenta and alerp rooms, in od fsctory dintrkt; good ' furniture; always full. All room on one ! floor. Net over $150. Price $17S(); I eay term. See' Mr. Allsiicli, withy ! JOHN FERGUSON, CKKLIN-Elt l'.LUi. $12SfFVYli - II ROOMS CliOriH IN ALL II. K, J $K(( CA8H. fiOOD FURN. 1. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PAHIC. j HAV E rash buyer for first-daita rooming U house in good residence district Must ' be , nest, - clean and thoroughly modern. - gee Mrs. Albsiigh.. ' - - JOHN FERUUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. BAROAINhunteniri 8 rooms7brtckbing. rent only $23 mouth. Will sacrifice for tiie bet Offer I can get this rwvck snd take very eay term: aim 26 rooms on Washington st, only $1600, terms, $400 will handle, i'sters, 13 . 6th st - ' "EXCEPTIONALLY W E LI. furnished, homelike place of 10 nwitri; famace, sleeping porch; beautiful home, el'- in. wt side; lease, low rental fog Una. Pnce $2UUU, with $1200 down. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 20 1 W. PA HK. f,ORDrALE by owner, a lg!n; 11 lnuki ing room'", well. furnished, Al condition, room always filled: will gusrsnte a good incom.; west side, nesr shopping snd tlifatre diint Pnce $1400 cstih. Marahsll 8390. 37$ Tavl.r t- ' ' 22 ROOMS 2 ! i $2250 ' , ' ' Well furnlahed. clean, part transient. H. K., fireproof bids.. elo i". west svle. tuv J. EUGENE UEIKJES, 201 W. PA UK. ,. 23 BOOMs 23 j' ' $2150 AD honsekeeplng, nesr Auditorium; 'low rent; big money maker.- Let me show you. , J. KUCEN K HEDGES. 201 W. PA I:K. 6 "ROOMS, nicely furnished, walking d;.uw.! very favorable proposition, and price is cot,, riderabl below vlu. 806 V Park at Hr. 1076. HKKtORT HOTEL FOR SACK ' Th building and ftimtahlngs of the Manas n!t Beach hotel,-near Nelslm, Or. For parUiuii call Mr. Brown. Mstn 8061, 2T2 Stark AFARTMKNT HOUSE ! Thte atory brvtk, op-to-dat omier, close i-; consider some exehenge. See Hsrry Bsll. 4Ji Lumber-Excharige, 2d and Btark. Main 1MI. CANDY room and bofd,rig boue, 15, to i.j boarders, only 6478. East 3151. 1 HAVE eaah buvers waiting for rooming hrni. Phone Main 8rt. H. W. Garland, 201 :