.; ( THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING; AUGUST 15, 1920. 5 BE AL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 Largest home sellers on; THE PACIFIC COAST 10 OO Photographs of Hoinea for Sale. Biesnse ft Is the ORIGINAL SUPER IOR,; SCIENTIFIC, MODERN method of honj eltinff. Tbe MetHIRE SYSTEM, hu won, an international reputation and esteb lishfd a national) record. The System of Kf-all Herrire, We protest your in inur- et. V eliminate your every nouvs imnuni i.r, k'c.r, nrt nut iron in immediate touch j witi the' home of your requirements. Every onef or eur ivov uumn n iaviwtjf ., n4tj.d ind troni-f J. Our IS auto and niukmni, experienced salesmen constantly Smir service. " ! Ll'BN EVENINGS r AND SUNDAYS i 15 00 A np LOVELT IA.URELHTJRST that's never been occupied-; S rooms; low, sweeping CALIFOR NIA line.; superior construction and material; fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen. j cen tral hall with; linen clowts, hard wood floors, ivory finish. E. 4 4th. You can smell the refreshing, fragrant pines of DELIGHTFUL ULKEUiUKST PARK. i I "4 ."0 West Piedmont; one of Portland' tnont attractive bungalow homes; low rambling lines, full width front poi&t with munire concrete columns, large living room j with fireplace . pretty dining room I with mavive ; built-in buffet; whito Ihi'tch kitchen, hardwood floor. J . airy ibe'drooim: white enamel plumbing; only one-half block to 'car. Could not replace thia i prop erty fori $6000. ,- A homes with character. , j ' 4 10 -A DREAM ROSE CITY, masuve pillared jfcont and side porch: o r4nis; H'clous, airv; WHITE I hitch kitchen; HARDWOOD KM MIRK THROUGHOUT; I c!oe to rr; YOU'LL LOVE THIS AR TISTIC LITTLE HOME; a ma chine will take you out today. : Thia is below the hill. $31990 Hawthorne bungalow with typical California buncaiow lines; attrac tive living room, pretty dining room with ma wive built-in huffet, ideal white Dutch kitchen with breakfast alcove, hardwood floors, woodwork finished in old j ivory: t,vr airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, paved street, liens paid. Terma. . E. 80th at, $1250 Located on Bevyle Terrace, over looking Eaft Portland, w this very distinctive modem bungalow, unusually attractive lines; 7 rooms, living room with fireplace and huiH-in bookcases, - rnuic room, solid panel dining room with mas iv built-in buffet, wonderful white butch kitchen; 3 airy bed rooms, sleeping porch, bent white enamel . plumbing, electric lighu and ess; large lot. Close to car. Terms. - (1150 Jut east of Piedmont cn Ains- worth ave, on a full corner lot, ,U- this 7-room double-constructed very substantial modem home; 2 bathrooms, fireplace, built-ins, paved street: wortlf$4500. We can't duplicate this wonderful bargain. ' - p 1800 -It's no use to debate about value) . when you've seen this WONDER- 1 : FUL HOME HAKOAIN. because your point is 100 per cent won. On E. Madwn near 4 2d, on a full- lot. with fruit, is ittiw typi cal 5-room modern bungalow; t white enaml plumbing, electricity, . -'gs: 1 block to car; term. DON'T EAir. TO SEE THIS BEFORE IOC BUT. ' j$2750 AN ALBERTA BUNGALOW: S rooms; ideal floor plan; prae , ticaliy riew; very attractive, mod - ern and a bargain that you could not- duplicate. On E. 2Hth at.. -near Going; terms. Thia is a better bargain than any Alberta home you have looked at. ' Let m prove 5U We'll send one of . our machinea right out for you, : - and we have dcaena of other j! Alberta homes that yon may in- - apect at the eame time. ' j S25S0 A MT ST - RE - SOLD MONTA- vrrLA RUNGAIOW BEADTI FI'Ij -5 rooms, cheery fireplace, bookcases, buffet, white Dutch kitchen. 2 lic'it, airy bedrooms: , chicken houe: E. 73d N.- THIS 18 SPTJKNIHD VALUE. . A ma chine will take you out tojday. 11000 ALBERTA; 1IOME BARGAIN- 7 roonU ; modern ; 4 bedrooms : , white enamel plumbing; gas; ; pared treet ' SEE THIS TO DAY. TERMS. $2950 rT.OSFJ TO VANCOUVER CARS. ! OX RUSSETT ST.. Inxt 2 blocks off Union are., among the cool fir trees, is thia very artistic, typi cal bungalow; large Tine-covered front porch ; attractive living room witli cheery fireplace; dining' room with massive b'iffet; white Hutch kitchen; white enamel , plu-nbing; electricity md giw; full lot wit a wilderness, of berries an I flowers. TERMS. This u AN UNDISPUTED BARGAIN. S850 INCOME and a HOME; erery one of these 14 moms can be kept constantly filled, j as this x property is located only 1 block from the BHlwood car barns. On nearly one-fourth Mock is this 1 a room BUNGALOW with- furnsce and fireplace and 13 sleeping rooms; ideally located among the cool .fir trees with an unob structed view of the river Total price only $3650. TERMS. $57S0 A ROSE CITY BUNGALOW with chaiacter: massive control c col- L umns support persola trch; very rrr.ctical floor plan: fireplace; hariwood floors; all of the built in conveniencea; just like new. Below hiil. i Terms 3200 UNUSUAL V A LITE Easy Terms. tt-rocm. rrsetimllv Maw . w. tial modern home; 3 fiilit, airyj oro rooms, sleeping pon-h. white enamel plumbing, electricity, irss. full lot Ton could not build ! this home tooav foe ItKnn Gantetibein, near Failing, close to car. $4500-r-Beautiful Piedmont $0ft down, easy paymrnts: substantial, at tractive, mrwteffi fi.tiMtiii hnM - aoliti panel dining rrx-.m. conve-l nicnt white Dutch kitchen, 3 airyj bedrooms, sleeping porch, full ce- mena Fttsemen with fnrn.M Uw lot with fruit, nut and beautiful snane trees; newjy renovated; ra-i . cant. ' Convenient to ! Jefferson high school and library, i $3780 This 4s an UNUSUAL, DISTINCT IVE. TYPICAL CALIFORNIA biinealPw. on 100x100 corner;; new and modern : massive col-i --timned front porch; living mom with fireplace: Dofch kitchen;' ennny breskf, nook; 2 airy: T.drooms, bardwid floors, cement , basement; abundsnce of fruit;) close u, car. TERMS.; Adjohu I-aurclhurst. i $2200 ADJOINING LAUR EI.HUR ST out f the wut, n a CORNER ;LOT.' tr, t -!itrert Men P'd. is Uifsj ?inC :t'Te,.b"ealow: rery artistic ,,V TE?M48 r0m t: n a-room bnngalow-l ryss '23? vsn Hois whV, l& Jt?. -?d urgesE oispiay room in the United Stsf-T L where ever 1000 photographs of arWiltd f homes are dimUryed. each m it. district Under every picture is full infor4 ;ation regarding the home rt TepWntaJ -A FEW UBCTH M hKSS office will accomplish as much as week of aimless snapping. i : . SEE i '' ' I ; .."Frank L. :McQuire; I To Buy Your Home. I hi Abingtou blrls. Matn 106g 106 hi 3d st bet Wash, and Stark. I REAL ESTATE j 'FOR SALE HOUSE ! STARS HALL 1898 j : $5Q0 . Down DUPLEX HOUSE ,1 :i t LOTt 100X100 No. 188 Two 4 room bouses, C each living and dining room nantrv. two bedrooms- bouse consists of combined, kitchen, good plumbing, electric lights and gas fix tures right on the carline. dose to grade ' and nigh school, This is income property; live in ene apartment tad rent the other. Lot 100x100. Paved street, sewer and Cement sidewalk In and paid for. Price only $4500. $BO0 cash, balance $5 per month. Remember, you can make the rent from one flat pay a big part of the purchase price. Better hurry. Mr. Snap Uu'r- i .;.:(: ":,. .; i i Hawthorne ' $1000 CASH No. 1C7 Very; pretty new 3 room, bun galow, hardwood i floor. fireplace, good plumbing, light fixture, gas, baseraent with lauudry trays, close to school and carline, lot 604100. . Price $4250, $1000 cash, balance to suit j !''! : j -52000 Down MUST SELL t No. 152 Owner instructs us that we must sell this . beautiful home. Descrip tion: 3 .rooom buncaiow. hardwood floors, fireplacue, good basement and furnace, : paved street ami; cement sidewalk; dandy buy at $5250. $2000 cash, balance $25 per month and 6W interest. Lot COxlOO. Rose City; $1:000 No. 4 4 -6 room modern bnncalow, fire place, furnace, fine lijht fixtures, pretty buiit-in good basement, paved street, lot 50x100. Just think, the price of this place la only $4230. $2000 cash, balance term to suit Better hurry. TOTAL PRICE $3500 No. 159 Extra good 5 room bungalow in the best parti of Alberta district; has pretty fireplace, hot water heating sys tem, electric lighU, gas, screens, shades, good basement, graded streets, cement side walks; big lot. 80x100; total price $3500. $1700 cash, balance terms. I Special Notice OPETSUNDAY Call at our office any day and see the many photos of homes which we are offer ing for sale. j LAWYERS TITLE & TRUST CO.. 285 Stark st, near 4th. Marshall 1803. OEKl'M A, JORDAN HOUSES SEE THEM ! $7000 H rnom Sort .i.ri(na r.nMK V i . .. dining room. deu. kitchen and hmlfnt -r..im 14 bedrooms and fcleentnip niwh hiiwuul tlnnn fflreplace, r buffet ! furnace, cement basement luuaem m every respect. Lot 75x100. Garage, fruit trees and berries. Splendid location with wonderful view. Easy terms. ! $3500 - 6 room bungalow, full attic floored, full ce ment basement. Jaundry trays, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, i $500 cash, balance monthly. I $210O " 4 room Plastered hou.se. bath, toilet, lights hot and cold water, gas, full basement, close to car, paved street, all improvements in and paid for. $500 cash. ; DEKCM tc JORDAN, 823-4 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main 2233. NOW VACANT $3750 FAKKKOISK BUNGALOW ACKK TRACT : For sale on account of closing "an estate, here is a house that you could not duplicate for the price asked tor both the bouse and ground. The ktaining and tinting will make an excellent look ing home. This is on a Parkrose acre tract; ground all cleared; there is also a cow shed. The bungalow contains 5 good rooms with fireplace, hardwood floors in the main rooms, Dutch kitchen and a very large floored attic, good cellar.- This place is located on Prescott st, near Craig road. Price $3750, $1750 cash, balance 3 years from date of sale. J. L. BART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. bide. Main 208. or PAHKKOSU IrRANCH OFFICK at end of Parkrose carline. J ! $3850 Good, substantial, well built 7 room house, near Union and Alberta, lot 100x100, some fruit chicken bouse and run, good plumbing, wash trays, large basement, everything ia good condition. $1000 will handle. Dandy little 5 room bungalow and 1 1-3 acres, close in near Gilbert station, 1 1 fruit trees, barn and chicken house and run; & good buy. See Mr. Libby. Beautiful Irvirjgton home. 8 large airy rooms, hardwood floors, above and below; full sized lot, fine garage; everything that 'goes with a first class home. All in the very best of condi tion; a better house than is being built today; price is riKht ! See Mr. Libby. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Broadway 6043, 410 Henry bldg. LAURELHURST NEW.I NIFTY BUNGALOW i $6050 Here you are. folks here is that real nifty, double constructed bungalow with lots of class and distinction.! The real structural quality of this fine home will make its appeal. -The interior arrangement is the very height ; of perfection. You, yourself, couldn't plan it better. Then, too, it has one of those new bungalow exteriors with large cement : porch. This is complete to the last detail; near car; reasonable terms. It'll be a downright pleasure to show you. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark st near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 50 th and Sandy. Open- Sunday between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. 1 WHY $25 Month Rent WHEN $25 Month Rent Will Buy . Home? We have a number of well constructed 3 and 4 room bungalows in first class locations that must be; sold account of owners having taken Jobs in other cities. They are real snaps; can be bought as low as xiuoo on very easy terms. Why pay rent to the landlord when tbe same amount of money will buy a home of your own? Our salesman will be pleased to show you any of them.: Autos at Your Service. GEO. T. MOOKE CO. 1007 Teon bldg. WOODSTOCK SNAPS 4 room modern bungalow, 50x100, fruit, gar den. $2200 cash. $2350 terms. , ( 1 : ' 4 room cottage, fuU basement 80x120, fruit garden, $1200.: $400 down. 1 ; 4 room house, bis lot, garage. $1050. $150 down. 1 - 5 room shack. 3 lots, fruit $900, half cash. 1 ; - Lots, lots almost given a wa y. I 6128 52D' ST. WOODSTOCK CAR. : TWO ; BUNGALOWS CHEAP 5 rooms in Hawthorne. Corner lot $3200. Terms. Corner in Alberta. Good house on carline. , 1 Owner must sell. : I $3500. j ! Terms. NEILAND Av PARKJIILL, 2 111 l.umoermens bldg. LAURELHURST HOMES $7500 Buys i0 rooms, strictly modern, large I bedrooms, the one bedroom extending , across' the entire width of the house. I Beautiful built-in. St Imps. paid. . '. Garage. j J. 4A.! Wickman Co. .4 i "Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark St Main 1004 and 583. NIFTY CLASSY BUNGALOW $1700 4 room, complete plumbing, built-ins. climb ing roses, screened porch, lot 50x100, 4 blocks to car;; $250 cash, $15 monthly. Photo at office, i ! i' . ; RgALTOBS . 732 Cli amber of Commerce bids. : 1 LAURELHURST HOMES $5000 Buys a bungalow of 5 rooms and bath I down, 2 and sleeping porch up. Buffet i Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, full 1 cement basement wash trays, tmpr. . paid. I f ;- J. A.: Wickman Co. ! "Shortest Way Home." . 264Stark St ; V Alain 1094 nd 683. " HOME FOR -A FAMILY , $2000 '.''.! MOVE IN TOMORROW '.1 - 1, uwui wui , ui. (kc., corner lot 2 blocks east of Union ave., near Killings worth. 'Owner. Res.. Main 4246; week dan. Bdwy. 6178. . 6 ROOM house. Union ave., $1850; 250 ca.h. tel. , monthly. Wilbur F. Jouno. Heuu bid. ": -- I r1.; I : : K': 1 s .;;4i.5' :i- -.i-'-'i : ; ;. ';:; -:: 'iy.r. --'i J- REAL ESTATE 'FOR 8 A LK HOUSES 11 ONLY $3500, and this walking distance, close in on Kast Pine at-, in tbe heart of tbe center of the close in East Shde district, not as far out a 13 th st So you see, this is getting it pretty close in. for the price. You get a good substantial 5 room house with a full lot with all atreet and other improvements made and paid for. As an investment for the price, it cape the climax aa an tnaida borne doing away with . streetcar fare and puts you os the top shelf. Half cash is all you need. 1L J. CLOHESSY, AJ3INGTON J1LDG..; j ONLY $6500. in the Nob Hill center, on the West Side elose to Washington st, walking distance, op carfare to pay. not as far out as 25th at Here is one of those substantial and modern residences in tbe right koeatioa where you haven't been able- to buy before, a real pretty home good enough for any famUyi and has a full cement basement with concrete walks, furnace, sleeping porch, nice lawn and shrub bery. It is a bargain aodi provides yom .with an inside city home forever.! The price is con siderably leas than the value of the property. Half each will consummate this transection. U- J,; CLOHESSY, AJUXGTON BLDG. IN LAURELHURST. in this swell part. swell drive, is a most modern T room bun galow. hardwood oak floors! downstairs, a full cement basement with fine furnace, all the sleeping - rooms you might say are Seeping porches. There is a full lot with a nice; lawn, shrubbery, pared street, and cement sidewalks In froVit and around the house, every improve ment made and paid for, and you can buy all of this for 750. About $2000 cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, AB1.NGTON liLLMj. - -' ' ; '' :- F : ' f ONLY $1SOO will buy this 18 room' housei mod ern. with corner lot. gaiatee and etc. 1 This p'ace is on the Mt. Scott carline, about 86th st. This house with a corner lo( for the price beats anything we know of, as it should cost to build the house alone from the looks of it with all of the modern conveniences in ! it, at least $2500. Now. the comer lot is worth something, and whether it is or not. you lean have it all for $1800. $1000 eash Willi make a noise aa M. J. CLOHESSY, thoueh you meant business. AB1NGTON BLDG. ONLY $3000 buys a good 5 room house on taut Bumside at, 4 bloeka from either car line, Mt. Tabor or MontavUla, The house has full basement with con ere tie walls, all of the plumbing in. and with this house we will! throw in a half acre of land with fruit large and small in full bearinj. This is cheaper than aeything offered in this section of the city. M. Ji CLO HESSY, AUINGTON BLDG. A SUBURBAN HOME 1 In That BeautifuU Residence District MULTNOMAH I Strictly modern, practieally new. 5j room bungalow, bath. Dutch kitchen, fireplace.: lietits. gas, city water, full cement basement laundry trays, garage, 3 large chicken houses, beautiful half acre of ground, hard surface road. (1 blks. school, 4 blks. Multnomah j station, for the ex ceedingly low price of $6000. Pay $25010 cash, we can arrange balance. Furnished with beau tiful mahogany furniture, iacluding piano, whicr can be bought at less than half value. Bealll a beautiful home and excellent bargain. i-et Is Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO 1007 Yeon bldg. ONE OF THE REST HOUSES IN nimuwu e'OK TILE MONEY Located on comer of 12th and Mason. 2 lota 60x100, lots of garden and; berries. This house alone could not be duplicated today for $5000, Has 7 large' rooms, hardwood floors down and polished above. Nice fireplace, lots ofl closets and built-in features. Bnua hardware, fine light fixture., piped throughout "for furnace. : Street improvements are all in ami paid. Where can ryou find another bargain like this for; $5000. on good term ? STEWART A;-BUCK j 315 Northwestern 1 Bank Bldg. ! TYPICAL colonial. $7500. ' The nret tiest in Rose City. 1 A jewel com pared with tome at this price. You'll want for nothing in 1 this home. I 7 large rooms, up to the minute, built just short time. Owner leaving, i G. C. OOLDEXPEUO, ' ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. in Portland-T Main 4S03. ' ' ' ! NEW BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL SOUTH 'MOUNT TABOB DISTRICT . i Five rooms, bath, vestibule, basement hard r Jn- mirrored door, -built-in buf fjet, Dutch kitchen, white and ivory finish; choice, neat de sirable; on Hawthorne . carline at 2Tth ave. ; terms, reasonable. By owner. Tabor 3552 $700 1 PUTS YOU rS" possEssmv Of attractive 5 room, modern home;- fireplace." ensmet wooaworx, ; large, light, cheerful rooms; desirable close in location; paved streets; close to beautiful Laurelhurst park; convenient to Sunnyside car. It will pay you to look this up at once. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen building. i iOR SALE or trade, large 8 room house, concrete basement, paved st. and sidewalk all paid; some fruit trees. 2 large cherry trees. I' rice $3600; $1500 mortcage. due in 3 years; house is rented for $25 , per tnontji. Located on E. 28th st.. about S blocks from E. Ankeny car barns. Will take an auto arid some cash. tn arrange time on balance. 617 N. Jersey st, St Johns, owner. Phone Columbia 411. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY $5250 I A well built 9 -room honse, easily divided into 3 apartments. Located at 534 Mill st. near 17th. Lot 35x110. ; Fred W. Gorman Co. nriFTOnd 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE 3 room blaatered louse, "con structed to build into 7 rooms; small sleep ing porch, dirt basement, garage, large chicken house; 10 fruit trees; 2 full lota, 50x105; berries, flowers. "Owner nee4s ittie money, will sell for $1150. 7029 85th st and. 70th ave. S. E. H cash. Owner, j. Warden Route 8. Estacada, Or. ! j 1 MT. SCOTT CAR , e 7 Rooms $2250 t 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet Dutch kitchen, full cement basement 80x100 lot fine garden, nlottm in. 1imi1 ...... .4 V. - . " - ., u(vi 11 , cvum De usea as garage; $600 cash will handle, balance monthly. uev is ouow xoUi ; GEO. T. MOORE CO. j 10071 Yeon bldg. $10 DOWN and $10 per month forSO months, without interest, will buy you a fine building site 15 minutes' ride on O. E., one minute's wal from station; not over $250 ; will build you livable 4 room home; will show you sam ple house. This offer for short time; only. Get busy and be your own landlord. 1 J. R. WOLFF. 419 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK HOME " ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOMS A-l location, corner lot two feet; high; nice shrubbery on lot and parking; all street improve f?'"."11 paid; built; for a home. Price -.. . .y , o lvfjiv. IX. FOR SALE BY OWNER SAVE CaMMISSION 4 classy, new homes, just completed; 4 rooms and breakfast nook; others run from 5 to 7 rooms; allfuushed in ivory; easy terms. Finer Bwi' JI" Uome Builders. Call Woodlawn JiLEGANT 8 room buncaiow. hardwood floors. . " " . . . iiuj najer. easement ; paved street paid ; fine lawn, rosea, double garage, fruit; place in best of condition, ' Price 85250; rea sonable terms. CUMain?l 68 for auto to call. .'. PORTLAND HEIGHTS" Artistic, D-room bungalow, modern,, except fur nace; 3 doors from carline; newly decorated, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, garage- only $4500; on terms; $2400 cash. Marshall 1318. $1400 COTTAG&BI'GAIxJwiTiOO 6 coxy rooms, 50x150 lot fruits, garden, near car; half down. C. M. Thomason (except Sun day). 6248 Foster road. jTake Mt Scott car to FIVE, room, house and furniture, lot 60x100 with fruit trees, $2000, $500 down, balance like rent or will sacrifice for cash, aa party is leaving city. Woodlawn car to 484 Ciare mount ave., 13th and Deknm. " ROSS CITY-pXrK, $57!)0 " xtaaisHflll fi rwtm ItniiiMlniw A -v. .u.u wuueusjw. Oil A1UDCOI TriT4 . With all Vtnif t.snei 1 , wm fire place ia den, hdw. floors, cement baserant. .uiiiaLp, . J i'" ami tintea. m aoor l u 0 7. ONE-HALF ACRE HOME 1150 All in eultrration; 32 Urge bearing fruit trees, 3 -room aliack cottage, good double cans a. $375 cah, $15 monthly.j i vnampcr ot Commerce lkldt WANT 5 room bungalow i at 1127 E. Franklin str No plmnbing in; m snap at $1850, with $700 cash; balance on time. Take H. 34. car to " s'swvav gwtiw. V-A A tlMjr iQ I . 2 ACRES, well improTed, medent bnildinjra, spring on place adjoining Beed college, extra wv vu ireVM, TU via. wv v i ark x.a a. - iwuieu muucm noice, . lots, Irrnc, berries and lawn. Immediate 'poaaeasion. Owner. XI Si AX 9A1 A. - - O "" - Jt:r mT" - - 1 WEST SDDE-. no carfare, 7 rooms, bath, 2 fire- ov.tiv uim, aaa, ccmrat . oasemeni; lot 50x100; $5000; halt cash. See owner eve- AtiT 1 O.l. ATTKNT ION New 4 -room. 100x100. lota ot .. i . t'lthll . . 1 ... ... . .'. w, i.n, ii'i wi inn uiuwi car as part iayment. 000 Chamber ot Commerce. GOOD stock of furniture of between $T500 to 'X OI)(l duck' uKrifij., Cor tllnn it . I at once. 8(4 E. Washington. I . j . FOR SALE 3 room house. SOxSOO lot; 10 large fruit trees; $1100. Phone Wdln. 1800. HEAL ESTATE FOE 8AI.F. HOfSEH 1 i FIXE MT. TABOB BUNGALOW 1 IS 65 East Taylor st, ' nearly new, with all up-to-date convenience and ail built-ins; hard wood , floors, fireplace, built-in -bookcaoee, fur nace, electric ranae : evervthirtM f mt. el.na and 'tjfltit of finish. I Terms. L. K. Ateinmetz. Man .6091 or Tabor ,3224. Key at 1520 East Tay- tor. ua. us snow uus U you want otuetbing good. 1 - .. i j .. ECNGALOW WITH 2 LOTS , $1000 CASH. BAL. TERMS Modem 5 room, on ieomer tor ri?ivtOO t block from Willamette blvd.. ; block from car, Dernes ami iruit; price . $4000. See- RICHARD W. MAST. 201-3-0-7 Board iof Trade Bldgi 1 FOR SALE 4 room house, 2 lots, 100x100; sidewalks, street graded and graveled, electric lights and toilet in house; 3 good cherry trees. 2 blocks to carline; all: clear of incumbrance; $500 down, $35 pee month. 6 per cent inter est Monta villa, j price $1600. Q. P. Potts, 198Q E. Stark, j Phone Tabor 300. SIX room, rtrijtly modern, story and half ; lot 50x100, Hawthorne addition. Owner. Tabor 350. ) i li $4500 IRVgN-GTON BUNGALOW $4500 Corner lot, paved eta.. 2 bed r., sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace. I CHAS. BINGLER Sc. CjO.. 225 Henry bldg. A SNAP-My ieiuity ini 1 acre. 6 room house modern conveniences , paved street, fruit, berries, garden, chicken house, 30th near Powell Valley; $800 cash, balance $2780 at 5 with 11 years to pay it in, if you like figure it out for yourself. Phone Main 1274. 0 ROOMS, modern, close to large school, streets paved; i $420O ; Sunnyside. 6 rooms, 1 acre, near Tremont, Ibearing fruit berries, all in gar den. 2 rooms, 3 acres,! acre in bearing fruit; will trade equity on small house. Fisher, Tabor 82. ' 4 - . , BARGAIN Splendid 1 room home, large sleeping porch, attic, h nee living, dining, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine basement, 50x100 ilot; beet location Irv ington, block to car, school, cheap. Jast 273, Herdman. ! I : $850 $850 r$850 $850 Furnished heuseboat D r- neat comfortable, ready to move in : nice garden lot, near river; ft Nevada st, city water, electric lights,! easy C. RINGLER, 225 Henry bide. 4 ROOM modern house (in St Johns. $1200. Phone Columbia 430. ! FOB SALE LOTS 1$ I BUSINESS I-OT I KOSE CITY PARK Unrestricted 1 1 lot in the heart of residence section, triangular lot, all sides lave street front age. io see it the triangular lot. south side of Sandy blvd.i between! 4 0th and 50th st In cluding ; all pavement and sewer improvements paid in! full, a snap at; $3250. J. U liAKT MAN COMPANY.. S Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. i ! ! i I ROSE CITY I PARK CAR 2 TRACTS OK 11 FULL LOTS I ! . i Dandy bargain, 2 tracts on 70th st, over looking; country club (recently bought for city park) ; j above tracts adjoining, one a corner, fine opportunity for someone. Come in and let us teh you about them. Price only $2650. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 203. $475 ROSE i CITY PARK 50x100 FT. CORNER LOT i Musk be sold and sale cloned bv 3 o. m.. Monday, N. W. corner; of 59th and Siskiyou sts.. lot free and clear I of incumbrance. This is indeed a great big bargain. J. L. Hart man Company, 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. I BEACH RESORT FOR SALE All the remaining unsold lots at Manzanita Beach, near Nehalcm, Or., consisting of i about 340 lots. lhere are many choice lots, and ere all 50x100 feet or larger; and alo an 80-acro platted tract, with mile of beach. Fine pro tecting seawall; mild 'climate and delightful beach.. Price only 20,0O. for farther details call Mr. Brown. Main 8051. 2 72 Stark st. WHY PAY high rent in hot stuffy flat or apart ment, when you can live in the shade of beautiful native trees, 18 minutes by streetcar to Washington land Broadway, 50x100 lot, $500, $50 c-h. $10 mauthly;j near Park and Jefferson uitta ?ciiooi. i Co. 633 N-W. Bank bids. ! Main 3787. 1 ee Street's Column of Best Buys in Irrington in New Today : columns j ajdjoining. TWO LOTS Jn good location; can be bought for $350; also two lots, $500; all lots 50x 100 eafch. Will consider trade on city property. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber of Commerce HOME BUILDERS. ATTENTION Look at 50x100 lotion E. 7th N., between Prescott and , Going st: any reasonable; offer considered. Address 612 E. 52d st '.' $50& EACHj number of fine building lots. Clinton, near 43d, Richmond dist. Terms rr Liberty bonds. J. II- McMahon, 2606 Kast 43d st Tabor 5301. I LOTS for sale; near beautiful park. Price $230 and up. Will furnish money to build. 104 Mississippi avei i - " LOT for aaler 40x100, with A-l garage with pit and driveway. See double drive. ! 820 E. 4 1st Tafcor 4478. $285 50x112 lot adjoining Alameda . park. cement walk and curb, water, gas, electricity. iuip.uEie. vjwner. jit3o4. Journal. BEST vacant lot on Market st drive, look it Up. L' d B It T . t r 2 LOTS for sale by cwner. on 63d ave. and 67th st., $400.1:all 7224 65th ave. S. E. 1 ACREAGE 57 PRUNE RANCH 10 acrea. located: u mile from T?. Electric station, Yamhill county, at Cove Orchard; all set to prunes, 3 years old; in good prune I district; this orchard has been given the kest of attention; price $2000, $1500 cash or Willi exchange for Portland house. j J - JOHN FERGUSON,'! GERLLNGER BLDQY NEARLY 4 acres, located on graveled road, : 2 miles northeast of Oregon City, 1 mile from Oregon City car at Green Point ; 3 acres under) cultivation, fruit trees. Nice 3 room bouse, barn, i chicken house and brooder house. 4 incubators, furniture' and tools. Price for everything $2000, $500 cash. Inspected by Brooks, photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. XVs ACRES, 2 blocks from Aloha station. Red Eleetrio, 1 block from paved road, acre potatoes.' 2 -room house, city water, ras in street; price $1500. $200 cash. Can buy 1H acres, same yicinity, for $750, with 1 acre in potatoes; ! $150 cash. See Al bangh, with i JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG, ;-; ' . I ( ; ' i 11 H ' ACRES under cultivation one mile ' from Bull Run, irood soil. Small prune 6r ' chard and seme other fruit on the place. Over $80 worth of 'prunes sold last year. S-raom house. Price $2000. $1000 cash JOHN FERGUSON,; GERLINGER BLDG. CLOSE IN! ACREAGE ' We have over 500 small places close to Portland, some on i paved roads clou to electric line; all hare been inspected, photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDQ.' A REAL BARGAIN " ' 10 acres prune land, all clear, 6 miles Van couver, Wash., mile electric line and school, on graveleed road. i mile to paved highway. Price $1200; terms. 'See . ' RICHARDS & BEED, ' 308 McKay bldg. i Main' 4192. $12.50: Per Acre IRA aUr4 tinimmKAari A tl r li-tr. . land. Wash.; lota of timber and water; bargain.; J. R. WOLFF.! 4 19 'Henry Bldg. IOR SALE 40 acnes unimproved land.' About 2000 cords of woo4 on place, mostly second growth fir, 5 miles ifrom i Columbia, highway, daily mail, trout stream through place, fine soil. $1500. Address Charles Grant B. F. D. Box 74, FOR SALE 30 acres of good level land. Enough wood on place to pay for place. On good paved road, close-in. . Call Monday at 532 Wash, at 17th at I .V- ; s HOMES EE KERS' OPPORTUNITY ' " One to 5 acres, easily cleared, close in; $50 down, $5 month. 334 College st . Call 12 to 3 p. m. ; - - .- . j - . r. $375 CASH; owner;! no balance; $525. acre Trater. - gas ataOable; buildine 14x14, Inclosed. Call Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 9v owes Ejzicnange. ; Hansen. $2400 12 acres level lanaV-beet soil, 4 acres cultivated, close in, Eext Side, no ' grave Gravel road, near paved road. No trade Challter FOR SALE 10 acre of apple land U iiils i From Underwood. VVash. ; or trade for Ohio rrmiwrt, V. V r t , K t , r'-j J- ' - . - A uuTevwa avenue, Lakewoed. Cleveland. O. HEAL ESTATK ACREAGE Back to the Soil ; 4 ACRES AT TIGARD ! All In ! culuvation, loam soil. 1-aere or-L' chard, 2 wells, 3 -room house, barn, chicken j and milkhouse: ravel road, not far. from 'Oregon Elect. 11 miles from. Portland; price a $4000. $2000 cash. r 5 ACRES NEAR HTLLSBORO J AH tillable. 4 & in cultivation, good creek, i family orchard, small house and barn, best I of soil; $2000. $1000 cash. j T ACRES AT METZGER ( 1 AH level and in cultivation, , niaca loam oil, , good well, 5 -room house with base ment. large barn, ichicken house, etc. : right at station on Oregon Electric; price $4500, $2000 cash. ' . , . 10 ACRES NEAR GASTOV ' All tillable and fenced 8 acres In cultiva tion, family orchard, spring, small house and ibarn, on gravel road, 1 mile from station: 'price $1400, $700 cash. 732 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Only $10 Per Acre R aver EJbttom Lrasid Partially . Improved 147 acres, 100 tillable; 35 river bottom, about 7 acres cleared, balance bench laud; lies well and easy cleared. Several springs and creek that will irriRitte several acres; some fine pasture land, unlimited outrange. 5 room, house cheaply constructed but comfortable. Very good barn, vjellar, fruit dryer, .' woodslwd. cliieken bouse, some good timber and can be logged into Lewis river. County road through place. Stage and mail route on opposite side of river; short dis tance to store and postoffice; near school and neighbors. The best buy within 45 miles of Portland. 14 miles from Woodland, Wash. $1000 caiih. ' ' ! - '!!'' iTi. v v . ILt 0.10 005 Chamber of Commerce. Automatic 514-83. Mr. Jack ; Off Pleasant Hosme averaged $1000" per acre, from his ttrawberries. Here are 5 4 acres, the same soil and location, that you can buy for $1460 with a payment of $150 cash and $20 per month. It is all under fence and 3 acres ready to plow and plant. On good road and but short distance to Electric station. See Mr. Boehm. Maclranes & Pratt 209-10 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1638. 8 Acres, 3 -Miles Outs! All under cultivation, best of soil, just the place to raise berries. 1 acres in strawberries, 2 acres in loganberries, besides has family or chard, bal. in corn; clover, etc., 5-room cottage, barn and other outbuildings. Personal: 1 cow. 1 horse, 5 tone of hay, 000 chickens, duck, geese, electricity available, located on good gravel road, between 2 paved (Powell -valley and Foster) roads, between-Gresham and Portland, 3 miles east of city limits; price i000; terms. What say you, retired farmer! ALBEKA HARALA. ii. 793 H Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 120 45 MINl'TES OUT OX NEWBERO HIGH WAY TO THIS 7 ACRE COUNTRY j j HOME AND CHICKEN RAXCH. s Good 5-room house. 3 new chicken houses, new incubator, new brooder, hauls 500 chickH, poultry yards, woodshed, barn, plenty of water, 50 White Leghorn millets, good Jersey cow, me oats, vetch and iotatoes. family orchard, fine soil, good berry land, fences woven wire, : mile from good town, school, electric station. price $4500. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Ground Floor. . , NEAR MILWATJKIB. "" ! 3 Acres located close to the Milwaukif Road. 7c car fare, all under cultivation. City water in the street Good graveled road in front of the property. No gravel or wute land. Other city conveniences there. This is close in property. Less than 6 miles from the center of Portland. Cot tage 16x24. Telephone available. Price $2400,1 small payment down. ; , JOHN 'FERGUSON.. GERLINGER BLDG.! A TWO ACRE HOME '. " TT 2 acres, practically all cultivated, 4 mile, to Huber station ou county road,- all kinds of bear ing fruit and berries, good well (can have city water). A 5 room bungalow, double construct ed, all bnilt-ins, fireplace, paneled dining room, etc. Good shed, chicken house and runs. Ga rage. PRICE ONLY $4200. Easiest kind; of -L. term., - Rtunmnrsieli & Rommell 274 Stark ft. POULTRY RANCH j 1 0 acres, located 2 hi miles northeast iof Oregon City on good road, 4i hi acres under cultivation, OO fruit trees, 4 -room house,1 chicken houses 14x100 and 14x38, ! 2 brooder houses 16x32, incubators, stove and tank: 'i imiie to school: about 300 chickens with the' place; price $4450, $2600 cash.! Inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDO. ON CAPITOL HIGHWAY. I One acre, with store building and living rooms. At station. 2 blocks to school, this side of Newberg. Under cultivation, water piped to house. Chicken house, etc. A fine place for filling? station and general mer chandise business. Price $1650, half cash. Personally inspected by Nelson, with I JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDU, WHY LIVE IN THE CITYt 1 hi Acres about hi acre cleared, new 4 room house, city water, gas in the street Two blocks of red electric depot 35 minutes out. Strawberries, garden. Good soiL Price $1250, - $450 . cash. Inspected by Da? is with ! JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG, $30 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY Splendid 20 acre tract good soil, some timber, some cleared; 12 miles from Oregon City,' 27 miles t mm Portland, lotai price $900. REALTORS 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Acres Beaverton VgsT-w" hasaf rf attil linimnMmuv U...A ! r A cords wood. Lot cabin, $150 per acre, Ixaif caiu oe jur. vail witn A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce. Automatic 514-63. $50 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. I 5 Acres on he iaved Powell Valley Road. Close to city limits. All under cultivation, exeept some shade trees for building place. Inspected by Marsters, with j JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDOi TWO ACRES ON POWELL VALLEY R6AD EAST OF THE CITT LIMITS j f Gas, city phone and electricity available; low , . . -I A A 1 f ... 'i . j " " uwii, waiaiHre amau xuontniy Dar R. IL CONFREY, '' liTPTFP TiU-L' M- rr 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg IMPROVED 5 ACRE RANCH AT TIGARD, ,10 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE, i i .All in cultivation, rich soil, fenced with woven wire, house, gtara, chicken house, plenty of Bopd water, price only $2750, for quick sale. ! i See SAM HEWEY at J. Lv HARTMAN (CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Ground FlloOr. 7 Acres Near Tigard " 7 acres. 1 cleared, ba!.' -very easy cleared, nice level land with good spring of water. Just 0 miles out; price $2000. $500 cash, bal. 6. Albert Harala. 793 hi : Mississippi ave, Phone Woodlawn 1201. - " , OVER 2 acres, located near "Garden Home, under cultivation, nice small house aad ehlcten house, nexrot soil. Creek through place. Price $1900, $250 cash. T JJOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ACREAGE AT CITY'S DOOR. ' I .:- f NEARLY ACRES. - L j Rhrht at station on electric. .' Paved road. iias nees neia at itowu. f2vuu now, - NEILAN PARKHILI. 219 Inmbermerw Building. 10 ACRES, NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY "" 19 miles out on graveled road; large stream ; bout 7 acres cleared, bearing orchard, small house, chicken house, barn; $260O; reasonable .terms, 0 per cent. - t .. j - i f'nontv :- mw am i ... , j I - 87 H ACRES for sale; one of the most produc- " A"-'- vvuuui, mun son in- east of Mil wank le; fine road; finest location; an ideal place. For particuUra, Box 381, Jdiwan FOR SALE 80 acre, 2 miles from station" - highway, just right Walnut, prone orchard. Chicken rung. Small dairy. Z-438. JournaL IMPROVED acre at Lenta for Ford"Truck. '' si's day at, Marshall 432. . , 3 REAL ESTATE ACREAGE $8Per Acre$8 40 AcresTerinris .About 10 milea from Kalama, Wash., on county road: hi mile from Kalama nver; fine water, creek and springs; good hunting and fishing; plenty of tillable land; some timber. Will make a good home. . A. W. Estes 90S Cham, of Commerce. Automatic 614-63. NEAR TUALATIN. 1 0 acrea, half mile from flag station, near . Tualatin. Ail nan be cultivated, 8 acres , under cultivation. SO fruit tree ' in fine ; ahape. - All bearing. mile from graveled road. 8000 bearing strawberry plants. Land. , not under cultivation ia in timber. 4 mil to school. Small house, fine garden: Price $3000, about $600 nasb. Inspected by An derson, with , JOHN FERGUSON. GERHNGER BLDU, SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 Loganberries Are King 20 acrea deep- black, rich soil, all in cult, fenced, on good road. 1000 ft from O. E.. sta tion, 39 miles from Portland;. $125 per acre takes it; worth double; worth investigating. J. B. WOLFF. 419 Henry Bldg. $1:200 Neat new 4-roora bunalow, pantry. frostproof cooler, natural grove, garden, 1 1-3 acres. Good auto road. CourtneyS ta tion. Ijenna, owner. C-B12. Journal. -1 , FOR SALE 3 acres on O. W. P. line, near car. Lies beautifully, must sell to close eetato. Will sell on part cash . payment - Box 364, Beaverton, Or ' SUBTJRBATr HOMES 7t MULTNOMAH'S BEST ; Three beautiful lota, one f Mock from sta tion, on highway. Story and halt bungalow with bath and cement basement- Bearing fruit trees . of all kinds. $4500, terms. , , Nearly one acre and new 3 room unfinished bungalow, ail kinds of bearing fruit. $2150; terms. Beautiful M acre and modern 4 room bun galow, full cement basement, gas, lights and watr, orchard of bearing i -fruit, barn, hen nova, and other buildings. . This ia a dandy buy. Terms. NED BURKE, Multnomah. Main ,1903. $530 PER ACRF PARKROSE 4 ACRES In the diking and drainage district ground nearly alt cleared, excellent garden soil.- very easy terms, monthly or semi-annual payments. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY-, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. or PARKROSE BRANCH OFFICE at end of PARKROSE car tine. : . OREGON CITY LINE " : Nearly 3 acres, located 4 mile from Courtney station. Under; cultivation. 80 fruit trees. 4 room cottage with bath, fruit cellar, ' garage, good barn. Fine road. Price $3000. with 50 chickens. ' good Jersey cow, farming tools. $1000 cash. i JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ' MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW 5 acres, near , Garden Home, in good . graveled road, close to the highway ; plast ered bungalow, with best of white . enamel plumbing, full cement basement furnace; . convenient to xhe station; price . $5900. ' $2000 cash; no apologies to offer on this place; photo at office, : Inspected by .Nel son, with ' JOHN FERGUSON,- GERLINGER BLDG. 6 ACRE BARGAIN 9 room double constructed two story house with furnace, -y fireplace, hot and cold water; beautiful riew. A bargain at $8000; abundance of fruit and berries. East of the city limits. . Ideal soil, Marsters, with . JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDO. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME. - This lovely placo con-is ta of one-half acre o' fine land with abundance of well-kept fruit trees, berries, grapes and i aa fine a garden a you could wfch for. The 7 room plastered cot tage has bath, electric lights, gas, city water. New garage. Clone to river and'Obwego Laka, $3500; one-halt cash. j RALPH HARRIS CO., ' R27 Chamber of Comm.ree.T ; : : : , m g ACRES, located on high, sightly ground hi mile from station, Oregon City line, near Oak Grove. 1 hi acres cultivated, all can be cultivated; lots of fruit Good S room house, chicken house, 1 cow; 60 chickens. Price $2600. $500 cash. In- ' spected by Marsters,' with .' JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDO.' IN MTLWAUKIE OREGON CITY LINE Nearly 3 lots in Milwaukie, 8 kinds of bearing fruit trees, berries, grapes, rose hedge' and shrubbery; 7-room house, city water, gas, electric lights; garage; chicken house; graveled street ; this place is in fine condi tion, with good income from the fruit; price $2500, $1000 cash; photo, at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDO. NICE new bungalow of 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch and basement modern chicken house, nice barn, young orchard, berries and big garden, on 2 lota 110x160, on good rock road near pavement, 20 minutes' drive from courthouse, 6 Vic fare via Oregon-Electric. 6 minutes' walk to school, store and P. O.. sidewalka and all city conveniences; bargain at $3500, cash or terms. Main 2188 E. R. BTROMQU1ST. Maplewood. HERE is a snap; M acre, 3 room house, barn and chicken bouse, bearing fruit trees and berries, also store building and stock of gro ceries; 1 buggy, 1 wagon, 2 sets of harness and email implements; fine location, 1 milea from any other store; good graveled road: city water, gas and telephone; fine income, and just think of it, all for only $8500, Inquire 113 Grand avenue. ON COLUMBIA BTVEB HIGHWAY S acrea near Troutdale. 2hi cultivated, large orchard; 6 -room house' and outbuild ings; spring water can b. piped to the I house: fine chicken location; price $3000, $1000 cash, balanee 5 years at 6 ft. Mar sters. with I JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDO. IN TIGARD - 1 1-S acres, located 1 block from "high way. 3 blocks from station, all under culti vation, the best of soil; nice 4 -room cot tage; this is close to high or grade school, nd is the finest kind t soil; price $2000. $1000 essh. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLLNGER BLDO. - DEKUM & JORDAN. " WANTED. , S to 10. acres improved suburban home. Must hare modern house with lights, bath, toilet, gas, etc. Wil pay cash. See . DEKUM & JORDAN, 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4tb and Stark St., Main 2233.' ' LARGE GROUNDS S BOOM MODERN HOUSE Lota of fruit and berries, all city conven iences; located, on 97th at Price $8000; easy terms. 1 - - R. H. CONFREY. ' BITTER. LOWE ee CO.," 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Park, and Bungalow 3 acres, near CoL ' highway, right at electric ata. 1 acre in cuL, - balance beautiful park; rustle bungalow with large party hall; this must be seen to be appreciated; terms. 8. P. Osburo. 610 McKay bldg. - Shi ACRES NEAR 8IFTON. WASIL All under cultivation,' family orchard: good 5 room house, $2700; $140O cash. R. IL CONFREY, " BITTER. LOWE ec CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTRACnVE ACRE FOR HOME-" Shade trees, on main road, 3 blocks from station and lake, : Water, light at Lake Grove, $900. part cash, easy payment Owner, phone Oswego 701 $15.60 Furnished 4 room bungalow, chicken house Urge lot. gas. water, lights,, 1 miles Portland, 10 minutes -car line. Must sen. For particulars phone- Main 9414. POSmVELY the moat beautiful homesite in Multnomah. Almost one third acre. Close to station. All utilities. Easy terms. Apply owner, R. J. r Chapman. Multnomah. ' WELL built modern, seven-room homse. . a. e. light one acre, fruit garden, flowers, all for price cost of house. ; 1st house west of Ru pert station. Oregon City car, nr agents. IN- ECONOMICAL Multnomah. 4 mom bnn- Calow, - on beautifully flowered and wooded lot Close to car. Owner It J. Chapman, block south, half block wet from station. $2650. FOR SALE- By owner. 6 acres; good mod era house, orchard, good garden, 1 acre in corn, gas, electricity and Bull Run water. Part eash, $6500. Phone Tabor 2207. . FOR SALE 1 hi acres at Garden Home, blocks from depot; fair bouse .and good gar den. Silas Ashley. Garden Home. ; H ACRE, 4 room bouse, at Multnomah, at a bargain It sold soon. Main 9217. Ask for Phillips. -- - ' - - ' - FOR SALE Small house, 4 k-fs fruit garden, ' 825. terma. 4528 94th st 8. E. Lenta. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HOMES 79 trS A RIVER FRONT HOME. Another one of those west aide jewels on the rarhne and right st the station, and say. all that we are going to ask for thia place is $6000, and please kindly pay attention to what we are forcing upon you for this small dab of money. Two big acres of land, - improved in such a manner Uist even-the poets would rave over. One ot those restful places with nothing to dUturb your slumbers but the placid water . of the Willamette river. - It ia such a place as you can rest in serene confidence tliat the moment you have pnrrhaaed itjSt our price of $6000 you have doubled your money. And this is no vision which will appear to you in your dream. Even though thia place to be properly desig nated should be . called the dreamland In the paradise spot on tbe river: front' To view this bungalow, which is rustically planned -and laid out with taste of high order. -should be satis faction enough for any person who craves some thing out of the common. To view .the atone fireplace will cause you to remark. This bun galow has all of the modern conveniences, in cluding a sleeping porch looking out into the river.- -The ground are ornamented with shady nooks provided with rustici seats bete and there and to sit under one of those rare ewe trees on one of these torrid days 'is worth your while. There are six rooms in this buna-slow, with a fine large cement - basement; about $3000 in cash will put you Into possession to enjoy the good features of this place. M. J. . CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. SAY, THIS IS IN MULTNOMAH, THE ELITE, high clase. . popular and progressive district on the west Me, on, the Capitol highway, close to the car hue and 'station, clo.ie to the city, school - You i hare all of the city conveniences. Including city water, (Bull Run). Here are ten big beautiful acres of land prac tically in the center of this fast developing high class suburb where there' has been more fine bungalows and residences built in the past year than sny other section surrounding Portland or. In fact, all of the. other sections combined. This land is in closein district to the bitumens center, being' only 20 minutes' ride, with fine ear service and 6c carfare. You driv. to it over the Terwilliger boulevard and Capitol high way. This land is now all in a beautiful grove. No views around Multnomah are comparable to it In its present state lit Is as you want it. with trees, of which you can retain such as you want before destruction. jAt tlie price this land is being offered, it meant that any person in this district can sell one half of it for as mneh as he is required to payifor all of it. $7500 buys and pays in full for this exceptional ten acres of . land and the Iterms of payment, in order to. give you a , chance to double your money, -we will make very low.-hot to exceed $1500 down and the balance as you want to pay it ( M. J. CLOHESSY, 1ABINGTON BLDO. THIS IS RIVER FRONT on' the west side In the high class river i front district, close to the bu.sins.se center, on llim Red carline. You step from the station into the rear of the prop erty; private boulevard i on the proierty, and Una place should suit iany person desiring a riverfront home with tots of land, soil of the best and well improved.! Family orchard com ing- Into full bearing, of an assorted variety of the best quality of fruit, holly trees and other tine shrubbery. The river front upon which this very attractive, substantial, modern to the last word bungalow looks out upon is, without cavil or question, the best in the Riverdale- district An attractive firenlace.T full cement basement. furnace, in fact, this bungalow contains every convenience to be found in an up-to-date city home with all ef the iova and pleasures of living where there ia nothing between - you and the east aid but water. $0500 is the price and we will stake our reputation for the truth that no nerson can build the bungalow alone for $7500, and if. this big acre of (land, highly-improved as it is. in this location, i i- not worth 15000 it should not have sny lvalue. There are eight lam- beautiful rooms in this bungalow. $0500 is all we ask for everything; $3000 cash will handle it Conservatively speaking, this la be stowing a gift upon some person ; for a little money M. J. CLOHESSYJ ABINGTON BLDO. A RIVER FRONT HOME, and when we say river front home, , we mean 255 feet of river frontage. On the west side.' on the carline and right at the station. With this river tront home there are fonr big acres of land- in park and lawn. All of the native trees and shrubbery is left erowina. which greatly adds to its sin gular beauty -and to fascinate the passerby wittoJ a desire to linger longer in apeeciueaa amaze ment of admiration for nature's setting, i This is such a place aa will furnish inspiration to the artist to paint a picture, where dull cares, worry, insomnia and melancholy are non-existant In describing the bungalow will simply ssy - thst all you could expect in a modern bungalow con structed with taste tills house contains; every city convenience enjoyed in a perfect home it suDPlies: its eonstruettoa today would mean an investment of more money than all of ihM valuable property can be bought for. Although the .bungalow is new in years, it contains seven rooms. Every . room is la we, plastered and nicely tinted. ; There is another bungalow. smaller and less expensive, on the land front ing on the river, which we will throw In with out extra charge. Now to - ask $25,000 for 'this place with its" present and future prospects is not too much; but we are not standing on the question of its ' value, nor one half its value, therefore we will aell you everything, water front, four big! acres of land, two bunga lows, and its location all for tbe small turn of $0000. Float around to this office with $5000 cash and grab this place. There ia a' private boulevard which forms the back boundary to tbe property, wmcn we also uirow in. M. J, CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH THIS for only $4800 at Lake -Grove station, near, tut celebrated Summer resort, Oswego Lake. Here is one big acre of land, highly improved. It is fronting the main highway; all varieties of fruit in full bearing of the best quality;' nice little grove on part - of the land, and with this one big acre of land ia a modern- five room bungalow, practically new; has all of the city conveniences and is up-to-date in every re vpect It would cost: the price we ask to repro duce the building alone. Half cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. ;: ' i ' ONLY $3650 buys this half acre of land prac tically on the . Capitol highway. With the land you get a brand new 6 room bungalow, full cement basement, garage. This bungalow is modem, has all of the city convenience., includ- clty . water (Bull Ban, close to city schools. close .to carline and station with 6a carfare. It is all ready to move: into. $500 in cash, with $25 a month payment on ' the balance takes everything. i M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. ONLY $2650 boy this: A very attractive 8 room bunealow. full ieement basement fireplace. has all of the city conveniences including city water. The location is on Capitol Hill, clone enough to carline station and only a lew blocks from the eity school. Where can you beat it? $650 will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. r ONLY $2500 TAKES THIS: A full half acre of land, all in : garden, some fruit in full bearing ; more berries than a dosen families could use. With the land you get a very sub stantial house, - looks brand new, eight ' rooms, plastered, - newly tinted house, painted inside and outside: ha all of the city conveniences, including city water;! only five blocks from car line and station with 6c carfare: same distance from, city school, and has a barn, chicken house and woodshed. The buildings alone could not be replaced today for $400O. say nothing of the land, which is all in garden. - $-2500 buys and pays tq full for everything. $1300 cash, the balance a long time.. Don't overlook this if you want to bny a fine home and have large family, as r nothing like it will ever be offered again for such a price. T: . M, 1. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. NEAR THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY at Cor bett station. No view on the Columbia river surpasses this. There sre seven sig acres of land, nearly all of it orchard in fuU bear ing and 4rTe crops of fruit of all varieties ef the best qualities is such aa to jnake it an Income producer as Well a.; having one of the excep tional viewpoints on the Columbia- nver. A sweep up and down and serosa tbe river to the Washington shore presents . a . panorama, which would- be hard to match la this Pacific North west. The land which is not in orchard la cultivated and the soil is the bent With the land yon get a modern 6 room noose with run ning ' water of the purest; - fireplace, bath and other conveniences barn., chicken botvw. garage and stable. The road leading to this place from the Columbia highway h a first class rock road and la only three fourths of a mile from the highway." To be brief, this place has won derful possibilities and no person can estimate the profit to be obtained from thia Investment say nothing of its biiiur the grandest bom. on the grandest river which" flows to the sea, in tbe : United , States, j In the course of a few yean if this places was sold -for $40,000, it would be no great surprise. Anyhow, the owner does not want $40,000 and ig -willing to sacrifice and-ia determined to do ao. and will sell without reserve to the lint purchaser who presents himself, for the insignificant inconse quential sum of $8600, ami if you have only siooo la casa ana want years to pay the balance In,' this favor will be granted; or If yon haven't got any cash and have a bouse or other property it will be considered in excluinge for a large, pert of the purchase price. Take it from us, the perxon who buys this place for $6500 i buying $lO gold pieces for 60 cent on the dollar. The owner is leaving the state; he's in very poor, health. "Too much for him to manage, and that is the reason, and the wliole reason: that'. .11. u j CLOHESSY. ABINU- ION BLDU.. . - j REAL ESTATE" SUBURBAN HOMES RIVER VILLA ACRES. On the at iida, at Courtney station, paved street front and river frontage. , This tract lias beeenP laid out by us in response to demand for large noine xites in the most beautiful suburban dutrict to be found on the river and elte to the Orreon City carline, and for that reason we have tried to provide large liomesites- in this suburban dis trict -within the reach of people of moderate means. Therefore, we are in a pneiUon to offer now these large homesitr at $R00 each. Anything in the vicinity of Itivrr Villa Acres rannct be bought, the same sir.e, for a less price than twice what we a-k. and not then so favorably located aa Hirer Villa Acres, We can satisfy the jierson who- want, rirer f rontaee or the person who prefers paved street lrrntage on the river highway. The person who desires rich garden ipet between the paved street front and river front, we have that also for them, and the price from $(JOO up will provide you with one of these hemesttr-a. Now if yoif- act quickly.- before they are all gone. We have only so many of them for sale, and when they are -. .... umi, vi itit-TO an oe nan in mils cnoic. l-cation for any euch price again. R-memb-r. that between the busiue. col.Ur of this city and River - Villa Acres there i no opportunity to buy homeeites as large as these for any price. ltier Villa Acre has just been placed upon the market so if you want one of these sut.nr- "es, come running. , We are also deter mined to make -the Uun easy for ever yperson, therefure all we atk in cash payment down u one quarter of tlio price, and the balance may be paid in es.y monthly psyment. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. or;i-n;oN city carline ".-Well improved five acre In. me. Good rwm hou-e and otttbuildinsv Fumily orchard. Abundant water supply. Near carline. Heat of soil. $4250. Pretty,' modern, 3 room btinsalnw. -Water sysU-m. ficpLee and bath. "Choice acre. Plenty hearing fruit Near aUUou and river, $4500. Terms. Highly imt'roved 2 hi acre home. Neat four room hou, well built. I run henhouse; good soil and well Including crop and chickens, $3000. Five room house, close to statlnn.. Two big lots, on Improved street. Two blocks to car, fine locUm ' Lights and gas. Good well. $2500. Hare several nice planes Mo 1-sse Furnished and unfurniheil. Near car. - Phone 113 W. - C E. APPLE, OAK GROVE. ORE. OVER 18 acres In fine bearing orchard: 10 acres of apple, of best commercial varieties, some peaches and cherries; all 12 years old; in finest kind of (.hape. Giaveled road. (loud 0 room house; gsavity water system, packing house, gr age; tool houke. Some water for irri gallon. Barn and chicken hou.e. This ranch is on a good paying basts, over $2500 Income per year cl"r. Price $7500, Will consider Portland home to full value. Muraters, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDO. FOB S A LF: F ARMS 17 PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. SI 4-20 SWETLAND 11L1XJ. ryrnen, Attention-" 800 acres right at the door of the city; boat and rail transportation; hard surfaced road to rity: iml 1 : room : house; plenty of fruits; fully equipped ! for dairy. $100 -per acre. j Personal effects consist of 20 cows, j 2 heifers, 1 bull, 1 heavy team, In fact,. pface is fully equipped. $6000 for per- ! sons! effects. ! This price is $100 per sere cheaper j than sny other ranch In this coin- 1 munity. A" regular birthday present. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. , 614-20 SWETLAND BLDG. i' Completely Stocked With 7 milk cows. 2 young horse., all nraesaary machinery and : equipment; crop; ao acres, sliout Si acres in cultivation. The land Is rolling and overlooks the Columbia , Mrer; fair farm house. Good barn. . Tine water. Also lease ou 40 acre, alongside of this place with about ,,S X acres i cultivation. I.ieoiue from nnlk about $100 per month. Owner 1 had accident, cannot run the p!c. 1 Trice for all only $37r0, $2500 i cash, the rest . terms to suit. Has macadamised road in front and is not over lhi mile, from WashougaL This is a positive bar gain. McCSure s Scfamaticlh Co. 4 808 Railway Exchange Bid 40 Acres . Stock and Equipment- 40 acres near station, all fine, no rocks or gravel, good buildings, on R. F, D., milk route and telephone line; will include 6 cows, 2 heif ers, big team, 20 tons hay, all farm tools. Everything for $7500. Lueddeinniann Company , 013 Chamber cf Commerce Hlilu. I Washington CoisntjA 4 '40 Acres $550.- - About 6 milm from Gaston. Humed over land easy cleared; fine soil; lies' well. Spring water. A bargain. 4 A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce. Automatic 51 15 ACRES, 5 room bungalow and ""other Dulld Ings. in fair condition; a good well, a few fruit tree, and some small fruit: .11 hav. I.- n,,.. rrultivation; on a mail, rsesm and truck route: o minutes- wslk from electric car depot and paved road; 10 minutes walk to Orchards and Sifton, Wash.; also to church, school and stores; can be bought $."iG0 or more down and the balance your own time at' 6 per cent JOHN JOY, 1005 Grand Ave. N Portlsnd. CLARKE COUNTY FARM - 60 acres, 40 in cultivation, 0 room boose, fine barn. Three cows and two helf.rs. 'two colts, 1 end 3 years old. Howe hsy. fxx-.ted 1 hi miles from paved road and good -town with high school. Free bus to school. A real buy st $7000. Terms. 8TURM-KEEFEU CO.. 214 Fifth st., cor. Salmon, Ow. Courthouse. Main 245H or Main 6825. . FOR EXCHANGE Equity $4000 51 acres, crop, stock, tools and furniture. Equity $7500 in 200 errs. " Eauity $4000 25 acres, all equipnifnU A - C. A. KEOITI.E. 0th and Main sts, (iton city. Or. 640 ACRE RANCH for sale in the best'whut growing section of Southern Alberta, Canada. About 1O0 mite t of CaiKary. 1C.9 aer-s ond.r cultivation, 185 seres wheat, 80 seres oats, over 80 seres nmmer fallow. 4 miles fmm It R. station. Plenty of water on land. ' The bet rtiirk and grain proposition in that section. Will sell with or without crop. Good- buildings. Stock and farm machinery. K-95 2, Journal. 40. -'ACRES 27 acres In cultivation, some timber, family Orchard, 7 room house with bath, hot and cold watr; barn 84x8: clix-kcn fiou. wwl-h,,, smoke house, 1i miles to town, SHOOO; terms. A. J. Hockhold, with A. C. IIOWLAND, Bth and Main Hf. On-twi City, ill. 80 ACRES. 11 miles from Junrtton-CitrT2fi acres in cultivation. 50 acres can be cultivated, balance in pasture. There is pletity of outside ranee. In fact it Is unlimited, with plenty of grass. This is on. of tbe best '! k i-rijsvl-tion. in the country, and can be haudied with part payment, balance on easy terms. Economy Realty Co., 243 4th. Marshal) 342. , UAiiOAIV. 44 a., 22 a. In' cultivation, nee.r HiTI-hom, good bigs., crop etock and equipment $7000, $3500 cash, balanee f suit WILBUR F. JOUNO' - ' '-'' Henry HWg. ' - FOR SALE With equipment, a sawmill dai'T running 12 cows; fin. pasture, cheap rent; bringing in from $400 to (450 per month; reasonable, part cash and terms; 4 2 miles from Port land. O.-R. Thorn pson. Prescott, Or. r0RSALE 30 acre Una, 12 scre. in cultiva tion; all kinds of fruit and berries; 6 mum plastered buticakrw; 10 minute.' wslk from Trslil station on Orevon El.-ctric; $6000. W. k: Prahl. Aurora. Or.. R. F. D. 3. -" riRAIN OR FRUIT LAND 20 or 40 acres, cleared and fenced. In Tim- hill county, near Amity. $100 per acre; terms. H-8S6. journal. ' FOR HJtt.y. &0 a;rs. 13 in cultivatiton ; bsrn. ' outbuilthntrs and orchard, in Ciackama ojiin ty: price 200;hlf resh. Owner, 605 E. 29th St. N. Wrvidlann 410. EAST terms. A good farm near school sn 1 .town, good -buildingi, orchard, all necesarv tools and implements; wggon, bugey and lots a! other eruclea. CaU Wdln. 6399.