THE OREGON SUNDAY j JOURNAL, PORTLAND,; SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1820 WA Jf TET AOEWTS - IkiTW! iukfna- (4&0O rr r year? If not. w Brill ebow you how.. Fred 'Wolfram m'i 85UOO lt year. E. J. Ooellet HnwM weeklv, IMrs. Walton f Indian make f 250 ' each month selling guaranteed made-to-measure ' Liberty IKomMnation Storm-Auto -and Top ' Cneia. i ft nmnlM to aelect from, - Big cash eommiwActs in advance. No delivering or eol- lectihg, i W furnish complete selling outfit ! (nc Writ t oon for rrtlcuUra. Th Li b- - rrty rUincoat Co.. Dent E-102. Dayton, Ohm. rn icexts win ted W i need few mora substantial, reliable - aali mm. to represent , V B certain desirable ' rwifiintM of this state, with or without ears, fc Liberal eonimtssion contract. Trees ara Jh great ' ?dman4 and capable mas can make Bat money. " Foe particular addrea - TOKBJOM NdHSEKT CO.. I I uwm, Oregon. AGENTsi LARGE MANUFACTURER - wsnU ; agents I to aJl nosiery, . unxierwesr, a""". , dresses, skirt, waiste. shoea. clothing, etc Write - for frtelmrapiea. Madison MUU 603 Broad- ;. way, New York. ' ! - ! BALESM EIC " SALESMEN If you are looking for real op portunlty ' nl ar willing to par Price In Mm land effort, one of the Urgest insurance ' companies in the world win train you in tnaur r. ance salesmanship;: systematic education; per aonal assistance: unlimited opportunities for money traaain. Z-415. Journal. MALEKj BOARD SALESMEN W hare the - mnati attractira tin of prernlura aemrtnienta Von the 'market today. Commiaainna 95 to tZQ per order, with lull repeat eommieaione. : For . a Bra, np-to-date propoaltion. writ today. Can- fifld Mf. . 40O3 Broadway, Chicago. j()0 MONTHLY aellinc new patented fuel port Mir guaranteed to aare Bp an gaao llne; 4l milea per eallon made with Pord. ; Sold on motiey-back sua ranter. One aample free, rltrerwatt Varwrixer Co., 8 fukwana, 8. Dak. LaI'IKS, :atliollo, your opportunity ia bn. We Hare piaaaant ontuoor won a aajnuaous. Rapid idTaneement for those who qualify. Call 6 BO to t:ao a. m., 4 to 0 p. m.. 719 Mililfna- hide. . t JBAt.EftftlEN, Catholic, desirinc permanent good paying positions wltn bouae of national rep utsttoni in field where merit wity aaaure im mediate! advancement. Call 8:80 to 0:30 a. m.. 4 to p. tm. 719 Spalding old I K.NCED MOLlCITOItS PUKKERKED; GOOD MOMET TO HUKTlvERS. CAI1 . BUNPAI A. M. T'STIIj P. M. AT VKNABtB HQ TEU, I AUK FOR MR. IUJTBOX. TAUXlrUNO SALEfiifEX U men'a special ordea eutts-oTercoata. Best ealuea. Iweat price. ' Wane big produaera. Btate experience. Writ I for fall-winter sample line. Wool en j Mills, 2S0 8. Franklin. Cbioago. flARGs manufactarins corporation wants aee- eral aood aalearnen who can furnish reference. Steady unit employment ana e c Da nee tor aansw Call at 114 1st sL. Portland, Or. 8ITCATIOHS .HALB ' Plastering, brick, tile, stone and cement work, remodeling and repairing: no Job too smsU to re . eeie ntir pemrmal attention. Get your fireplaces and chimney fixed now. ftl I Morrison at. Phone llroadway 1846. V'ANTt:i Position around steam plant house. Had 10 years,' experience as oiler? water -." tender land fireman in merchant marine aerrice. . Would like permanent position. R. Looey, Bor ! ing. Orj. It- tt 4, Bos ti. Phone. Damaacua 239. 'AlCMtK. thorona-hly esperienoed sincle man, wan if , steady puaitlon: good with stocky ma chinery . tractors. Prefer dairy farm where little of no milking rerniired. V-919, Journal. CIVIL iwar veteran, eetiae aa man of SO. and married, wnnta light employment, year's epe rlrne tin eoliectina; and soliciting fire lnaur anoe. Waml.all lW.'a. RQOF ATTENTION We (tprriaHr on resbingllng and roof work. WoMllairn ao. CARrENTEB. contracting, general repairs, re- . modeling, ate: renafeM mecnsnie. tJroaa- 1 way a47. i'HIN'TylH of aeTrral yean experience wiahes to locate in s city near Portland aa foreman or. manager. References given. W-2 38, Journal. ilOUT lfT.WRI3TT"frmeFTrp in altranches of th buaineaa. stock, poultry, irrigation and , drainage,' soon open for place. v-l. Journal. HreaT7thi t cr EAN IfAU. PAPER i PO PAISfTINO. TINTINK. TAIIOR 5212. GOOD all around carpenter, works reasonable, by day or contract, in or out of city. B BR5, Jcfamal. . ( i ROOKS' cleaned, repaired and painted. All work guarainteed; reasonable. Tabor 029. RKPAIIUNIi AND KE- MODIKLINU. PHONE TArtOR 284. HARDVVOOD floors, sold. laid, finished com plete, bypert. 288 3d. Main 4444. i "PAINTiNa ANjfv-TINTING , REASONABLE. . VVOOlDLAWN 8826. ' WANTED Dishwasher and kitchen man. 348 AtderJst., upstairs. PAINTINO, tinting, papering; good work; rea sonable. Bell. 1 899. . j ; WIDOW), with boy 15 wanU reepec table place aa housekeeper; city or country. Wdm. 8263. iiftNOt3iR8-I-When you want rashingliBg done call Woodlawn 5206. JlTl'ATi ON wanted, mala.- Sewer connections, septie tsnk.' rcvqool excavating. Tab. 8008. CA RPWS Tfelt and contractor. Jobbing; anything in the building tine. East 8666. ' WITUATIOyX FEMAI.K 4 VOMAn' wits 2-year-old child want bouse kecptng for widower or couple employed; 815 month. Mrs. Hamon. Marshall 3820. ' ' BKLIAIit-K high school girl will care for child . and aaaiat with housework at the-beach for . fare and small wages. Tabor 4518. i crocheting Inc payment for girl's wbrcL Tabor 2062. f . A WIDOW with a little girl wishes a positoin as luiMflekeervr. Telephone Sellwood 3634. . !!' 1870 Crystal Brrringsbrvd. - - g WANTED A bousekee'plBg position by a re fined widow for a gentleman. .Phone Eaat 1911. ij . - . - : - ; ; -. .1 6lTTATliDX WAKTE6In private home, to work lor room and board, by a high school girl. Tabor 1S05. i . r MA RUI KD lady wiAhes rooming boose to manage lor arts, ana soma wages, xaoor B493. " LAbl vi.l take oclers lor horn made ts males. UOH.iN. 8$st. -llAIR1 tlmtl at home, reasonsble, by axperi- enoea stay. main bhtv. - LADT wants washing and ironing by day. CaQ ' morning or evrnlng, Wdln. 854. rAl'Y wtl"1'1 lik dT wark- Phone Tab. 8400. DRESSMAKING 49 - fcYEINOj cleaning, prewina. dremakuig. rcmod ebng. irlining. alteratiuna, pleating, reasonable , prioes. ,Tpho Cabinet Cleaners A Dyers. 424 a. Morrison jBesr 11th. Main 1825. . " ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladie' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. J. Heubini Todies' Tailor, 408 Bash A Lane bldg Kl'RSES CO , rKAC'Tl('AL nurse for confinement case. C S. preferred, but not essentiaL State terms and rfcrnces.j A-89. Journal. - I'RACTII'LVI. uurie -waiita case at once. Phone ' Tabor f9S. ITRMSHER ROOMS MAXWELL IIALI i 207 14th su M, clean, cool and airy; few sin ale close in. feet location in. city; trsn ob hotel ' bills; a horn tway from t n h. k ,aienta : s' ? Duma. I -" COOLBSTi NICEST- RlMf IN -THE CIT V , Every room in Haxel hotel an outaule room. Large, light and airy, nicely furnished, hot and cold ;water all other conveniences,- lovely parlor ' with pianok . If yon are lonesome and honiestuk, . com to: the liaxel, 3d and Montgomery. Mala '5 7094. IT' . - 1 HOTEL BARR l HH N. Birth 3 blocks of depot per day. 98 per week and up f 'Hot and cold water, steam heat. ! I Frsa pbon and hatha. 1 Hotel1 Medfford , : " ' 10 N fith, eor. Gllaan. Steam hst. hot and ' roM wsterj 8 blocks, from Union depot. Private ' baths. From 75e up. 34 week up. t SnToSfAfff&fPortland'a downtown hlgh claxs Ifsmily hotel; rooms en suite or single; with - or! without board. W aire you all the eemforta of a borne. Reasonable rates. Hotel; Ohio. 260 front, 00 a. madison Housekeeping and transient rooms, steam beat. v hot and cold water, aetomstio - elevator; rates 60 centa dsr np; weekly rates. i i V-.' , i . DATTON HOTEL .. . '; " r. "il80H First s.- Corner Taylor. ! Nicely furnished -roams, hot and cold water .and steam heat in each room. - Rates 83 week up. tO.N K laraei nioely fumUhed sleepinc room, l?t . floor.! close in. Boycrast apt-. ITS 12th. car. w' ysmmii. FlUNlSllKD rooms, l.od week up. 224 Clay. .FXIt-NISHED !ROClMH PRl TATI3 i - r--j . FAMILY : - ?8 LAI!(;K comer room with or without breakfast. . 469 J5. Stejihens st. Phone East 8056. 1 "FURNISHED room Jor rent, 385 14 4th st 8. - Main 1973. room in good borne ; gentlemaa . only.- 666 E. Madison st. Auto. 212-96.! wXiEalUBIJi . root with use of kitchen ; auTl . . empioyd, walking: distance Mala 3.018... ? -PKIVATB FURVI8HEO room, modern home, hot wste heat, no other roemesa. Call after 15th. S87 E. 8th at. Seliwood car at Beacon, IS xnin. put. ' ' MCKLT furrtUbed room with pririlegs of bath and panne, walking aJeOmce. west siae, ooi Harrwon at. Phone Main 4559. ' FRONT room, private heme, refined, 4 congenial family, walkixtg distauce. Garage if deaired. MarwhaH 8flg. - - BEAJL'TIFCIJJT ' FCRXISHED ROOM8 KEA- fW!ABrE. CLEAN.., 149 . UU AUTO. B10-4S. i MODERN, exceptionally well furnished room. borne privileges-, reaaoDabl; lady preterrad. Tanetr ogsn. i ; - .- . . TSJSiK. clean front room, all convenienoea walking distance: near 3 csr tinea; suitable for two people employed. - East 11. f A , DAXDY, COOI AND Nlcejy furnished room, close in; private family 455 ! Market. -Sleeping Iporch In connection. LADiT) addition.' Pleasant room, facing central park, for gentleman;! walking distance; home pnvitece; reaaonable. .Kant BS84 ONE large, nicely furnished, airy, front room; afesoiutely clean, everything eoneenit-nt. Walk ing tdiftance. Buyable for Z, 610 yamnill. FORI KENT Kit.Line room bedroom and porch. fireplace an wardrobe, in a beautiful modem nomat I bloelii from lit. Tabor carlme. la. gaaa. pCkASANT room, nicely furnialied, private reei denca, middle aged i working lady preferred; might consider breakfast. Sell. 80S rooms for business people; private lamuy : waijtiug distance. C. 8. preferred. o i a siomaon LARGE, light, airy room, private res., walking distance. Business district. Uentieuian prer. 834 Everett St., eor. ITth. QTE5"E comfortable front room, suitable for 2. walklna distance Nob Hill district. . Main NICE licht and cool room, close in ; nice sur roundings. Call mornincs. East B818. FURNISH EI rooms with breakfsst, free use of telephone and piano.. East 6284. ; FOR" BENT Nicely furnished-S room house. ept. 1. - Tabor 8453. SLEEPLVO room, walking distsnce. west side. Mar. 6167. i SnDEItN, well furnished room, walking dis- tanoe.. Kast 400. SB1 Haaaalo et. BLJEEPINO room for 3 or 4 gentlemen; close to -W, it. tc ti. shops. Phone Auto. a4-7, TWO airy front rooms: home privileges; gentle men preferred. Esst 2482. KliH.M(5llKl room in! privst family, gentlemaa preferred. V2S Barter at. Mar. 88Q3. TERT fine modern furnished room, private fam ily, gentlemen only. 444 8d St. ' ROOf A7TD BOARD 1 i THE MARTHA WASHINGTON :I80 10th at. For business girls aa dests; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BOARD FRIT ATB ! FAMILY 71 WANTED To take in roomers and boarders. Si Toons, airls. preferably high school girls. Thiera ara bo other roomsrs and no children. Tim ngut parties wul hafa s real borne, rnooe 3i99. 878, Taylor at. j i BOOM. ' board.: phone and bath, near 8. P. Shorn. S3H oer month. 60S Hair at., be tween K. 1 5th and 16th. Phone Bell. S46S. WANTED Small children to cara for, 10 Ter week: can eive best of references. Tabor 953. 2 WELIv fumithed moms with good board at 706 Flanders at Phone Main 1853. GOOD home to board girl or e)y. MsrshaU 824. eenool 2 blocks. WATT TED ROOMS AND BOARD St WiSTED To board my 10 year old sob in C. 8. family. Call Wdln. 1035. i HOI SKKEEPISO ROOMS 8 rTJRTSISHFD A?fr UXFrRJIISHBD CLiEAN housekeeping : rooms, kitchen and bed- room, close in; rent 17.00 a week. Marshall 891)0. 873 Taqlor at. i CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooma,' close m. reasonable. 64a 1st at.. Bear HalL ;OOD rooms, eWtric lights, gas, water free. Wdln. 2662. i t rooms, also rooms and kitchenette, hot water always, nnn lanaers st. ! HOrSEKEEPlTO ROOMS 1 FURNISHED AND 17N FURNISHED I PRIVATE FAMILY ( 73 N ICELT furninhed housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 68 N. Otb st.;. very reasonable; west side. CLEAN, front 2 room housekeeping suite, week elaye. , Ceil a. m. or after 6 p. m., 4S1 - Asm nesr 7tn.- Sunday ill flay. A i-ROOM and 8 -room unfurnished apartment. leetrieity. cas and runninc water. 178 B. 7thi cor. Yamhill. ' 2 FURNISHED hounekeeping rooms, walking distance, private entrance: good for working people; adult. 844 E. 2d N. East 1326. 830i, 820 4 and 2 room furnished bousekeep ing flats.? 542 E. 27th st., Richmond car to 37th. 1 block south. i NEATLY furnished room in modern home, rea sonable, near in. 426 E. Harrison st. Phone East 3704. ' TWO fine hemeekeeping rooms to nic people ; private fsralty. 916 East Yamhill FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, 815 a month. 1098 E. .27th N. Wdln. 3535. PLEASANT front housekeeping room, furnished complete, for 1 or 2 men. 451 iota st. B. TWO furnished H. K. rooms on first floor. 2 blocks from Broadway bridav. ' 310 Crosby. THREE nlc housekeeping room and single furnished rooms. 685 E. Bornaide. 5FtNiSHEDH. Krts57bath; eh-p rent, Woodlawn 2283. 983 B. 10th N. FUlOilSHKD sleeping room for rent, with or without board. East' 5764. FOR RENT HOUSES . UNFITRN ISHE11 19 METER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU - Reliable, op to data lists of desirable ' vacant houses, apartments and flat witb definite infor mation pertaining to each. ; - Newcomers to Portland wfll find this burean of meat value ia helping them get properly and quickly located. , EIGHTH! FLOOR 1 DEKUM A JORDAN I i FOR RENT 7 8 room house and large sleeping porch; water, Hthta, toilet, gas,, etc., 1 block to car; rent 818 per month. See it at 1646 Wabash. Tske St. Johns oar, get off at Wabash and go south. 1 DEKUM A JORDAN 323-4 Clttinber of Commerce bldg. 1 4th and Stark ata., - I ; . Main 2233. ' T ' j stg3Taob7 COMMKRnAL AN5 HOUSEHOLD GOODS, I MOVINO, PACKINO. SHIPPING, Reduced freight rtte. For eipert aervic eall Broadway; 703, Manning Warehouse A Trsnsfer Co. 1 . - Furniture Moving. Tim Transfer and Store re. Long distance hauling. 82 Union ava. N. Phone Kast 8484. FOR RENT New 3 room house, shingle cov ered bungalow style 1 will sell for 81850; terms 350 down, 20 a month, or will rent for 818 a month; a year's leas if wanted. 8eIL 8566. EIOHT room hous for rent, 830 a month. 773' 2d st. Call between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., Sunday. j - :.. V r": 1 call bboadwat bso " : , NOBTHWE8TERN ELECTRIC COMPANT, WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. 6-RO0M hoose' clean, near ear. Phone Sell wqnd 1844. " ' ' - ' !' ' j - (FilOOM hous for rentj partly furnished. 238 B-Jd. near Hawthorne. SEE FRANK L. MeGOIRE TO IXSUB1B AGAINST IRS f6r RENT -Four room modem cottage,- $16. 1U4-0 Corbett st, Sunday. IvK iKKNT Frv room hous on west side. imieiv IBQ rteeq sr. FIVE room lmue. neat and clean. 805 2d St., between W hi taker and Gibbs. V - FOR fcENf-eroom hoase. Phone-Tabor 138. 2H0GM hous for rent or aale. Tabor 1116. i FUUXISHEill HOUSES 36 COUPJX wouldlet entire second floor of their residence to right parties.-: Three good -rooms, bath, large sleeping porch ; well located, quiet. near I-aurelhuint; one block from cam.. - 87 East 27th North. Phone Esst 2078. ' 5-BOVfflJ furnUheel house for rent. 215 Port land! boulevard. 'St. Johns car. ' -i FLATS TO RENT. UNFURNISHED 18 FURNISHED apartment for man and wife, no children: rent and wages to wife in exchange for chamber work: man can get work Bear by easily, u B-4 8 1 , Journal. ; i 8 BOOM lower Oat, walking distance. " 804 Eur geisa st. s - - -j iOdil lower flat, 420 Stanton at. Price $18'. FURNISHED FLATS 9 CLEAN 2, 8 and 4-room furnished flats. gr ase.j 854 H First, between Curry and Pen- poyvr. 1 ---.- - , . jCEWLT furnished 8 room flat, light, airyv . larg closets, teachers or women employed Dre ffrred-i 802 Gantenbein. i Wdln. 1285. DESIRABLE, 5 room, completely furninhed Oat, wait aie, Close in; $60, Eaat 2578. !Cfl!ri8HEI ROOM ! FAJjltT . ' aMTBTTISHFT TVAT9 - t FOIL KENT 7 rooms and sleapiug jwrch. saaeV en bungaiow, SO muiutas am Orecosi Cltir cmr. : ie oil m inana fuuon.vaw novae oa ATTRACTIVE furnished 5 room flat with fire- place; desirable dintriet inchiding water, phone ana ugpta. Automatic ai-as. i MUSIC teacher wishes girl employed to sham flat, rent, lessons, piano, reasonable; . walkaBg nwiance; relerenoes. Main SUIS BEAUTIFtrU.T FURNISHED FLAT, CLEAST room bousa for rent, furniture for aale line location, dose m. west aid. 226 14 til. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 4 NICKLES APARTMENTS One 4 and on 5-room beautifuUV furuiebed moaeru sparrmenis, su ana SoO. . Cioaw m. cmsi siue. i none wooaiawn 4VTI. ' THREE room apt.. ' all furnished; everything new, nice dry place for whiter woodhouse. uuucrrn, uiu pun to stana car. 01x2 04 (A Su o. e... ml. ocoit ear. - . JLON x talk about profiteenna) in rent. Here ar nic 4 rooms, up stairs, only 312; water ire. 19 4-. ivia si ... asv car. 1 Dloca sonlh THE i ROVER Nicely furnished i room apart merit. 181 Grorer at. South Portland. Mala THE JEFFERT. 2 room furnixhed it.""lilt close in, corner Bus&eU and iCarby ata. Fban NEW TOBK, apartment. Belmont and 7 th. East ITOMEtt RESORTS TENT CITT AT OCEAN ' VISIT COLUMBIA BEACH th. S' ' Completely furnished box tents in beautiful grove. 310 per week; grocery store, restaurant, dancing; Just the piece to spend, your eaeatfon. JUl.UillA KACii ,'CO.; 1 248-Stark street.- : . ' -1 Msia S429v MACXAN'S TCAliP, OSWEGO LAKET tjouagea now being rented for -the reached fresn Oswego station on 4 th at. Bed Electric line. MacLean, 614 Lewia bldg. Pbonea "in 1 1 a ana jswego 401. ATTENTION r HIKERS AND FISHERMEN I wsntam Las raesr Train Leaves 4 Cascade Locks. Huckleberries and Blackberries "rav. 1 rnimt tilover nros. s store. TWIN BOCKS, 3 room furnished oottsge . for rem lor eeptemDer. Tabor 6750. ' SEA VIEW, Wash., 5-roora modern cottage. tor fjept. vjau boo uekum bldg., 11 to 1. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE with living room above. 610 Alder, cor! 16th; good location. Sea Mr. O'Brien, 283 a. - o ' r. t I iv , cut. WANTED TO RENT CLERGYMAN will leas strictly modern 8 to 7 -room house, bungalow type preferred, un furnished or partly furnished, with carafe, about August 2a; must b good residence section, fsirly close in and near school: family f 8; best possible care guaranteed. Phone, except Sunday. Kast 8034. Hickman. WILL PAY six months' rant in advance on years' lesse of 6 or 7 room dwelling:, located between Fremont and Alberta, Mississippi are. and 15th St. N. Phone at one Mam 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Com mere ' WANTED, to rent or lease. 8 to T room modern bungalow. Bos City district;, occupancy by Sept. 1; would consider option of buying by end of 1st year; no children, C-617 journal. WE ara in touch with several parties wanting to rent farm and buy personal property. Let us know what you hav and wo can snake a quick deal. . STEWART A BUCK. 818 Northwestern Bank bldg. WAN'TED Furbished house by Aug. . 18. suit- abla for children. 6 or more rooms, eaat or west side, close in; will give best of care and pay as high as 840 per month. Call Bdwy. 2675. apt. 15. WANTED To rent or lease by Oct. 1. by re SDomrible eouDle. without children. 3 or 7 room nous in good residence district; Best 01 refer ence. Call East 2882. - SMALL house, furnished or unfurnished, or will buy furniture : man and daughter, prefer northeast Portland. . Mr. Burlingame. Address 618 Mississippi are. - - - WANTED A modern unfurnished house by or before September 1. with garage preferred; WILL LEASE. Phone Tabor 1798 or call at 290 Lincoln at. - --I EXPERIENCED American gardener want to rent farm, best of references. Bosco B. Schoonover, R. 2, B. 431, Hillsdale, Or. WANT to rent small store with rooms over: send description, location, price, to C, 1164 interstate st.' - - - WANTED! to rent by Sept. li modern 6 room bungalow, by two adults : can furnish beat of references. Phone Eat 2143. - ' .t ADULTS want to rent or leas thorouchly mod ern house,- bungalow or flat. Beferenoas. East OHOtl. WANT TO RENT. FURNISHED, a smsll 8 room bungalow or a 3 room apartment. Phone Mam 0077. WANTED -t or 7-roora hous In Irvingtom or otner good residence dirtnct, rent not more than 850. Phone East 1786. 1 WANTED To rent an attractive 5 room bun- ealow in a good residential section. Wood- lawn 2887. BY T ADULTS. 5 to 7 room furnished modern home; permanent; garage. ' East 7860. 1 BY responsible people. 5 room modern cottage or bungalow; will lease. Tabor 8162, REAL ESTATB BEACH PROPERTY 4S TWO lots in Seaside. Phone Wondlawn 2862 or write 907 Kirby St., Portland. BUSINESS PROPERTY WAT BEfOW REAL VALfK WAREHOUSE OR" AUTO SITE 90x100 feet, northeast corner 16th and Northup, three frame buildings, snore than pay all expenses of carrying. Price $12,600, terms to suit SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex. FACTORY site, close in West Side, water front witn trackage, owner. 1241 N-W. Bank bldg. FOB SALE HOUSES ' tlTE room house, attio "with rooms, full bas ment. wash trays, lot 86x110,: fruit, berries, graded street, sidewalk. $3000. Assume eon tract $700. $1000 cash. O. H of strand, 1374 hi reeiey Pt. FOR SALE Equity $575 for $450; balance $920 at $20 par month, 7 per cent, 4 room plastered and furnished house, gas and water, an corner lot. Nic garden. 9859 66U are, 8 . Mt. Bcott car. 1 : FIVE room house, corner 100x156 ft.. 1 block outbid city limit, fruit, garden, lawn, berries, etc Furnished or unfurnished. Gas. city watr. Cerrader good small ear as part payment for ertuity. W-237. Jouinal. - . , . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Beautiful 6 room and sleeping porch, S story bungalow, all modern improvements, refinished throughout. Price 1 $5500. terms. Owner. Sell wood 3740. - HERE is your chance to buy from owner fine new bungalow, just completed ; and ready to step into, 05 E. Rnssett, 1 block from Kenton car, near Uis.-kudrtpi are. Must be seen to be appreciated. $3250 terma. BY OWNER, 2 houses: 1 8-room.. i 7-room'; on fine corner, 0x50, Broadway and Cot lege st.., baths, toilets, ' gas; $8000. Wood lawn 2779. ; ' ALAMEDA IT" "" 6 rooms and attic, new and strictly modern, double constructed. Beady to move into. Wood lawn 334. $3300 Six room house, full basement, bara, 20 fruit trees, berries, 4 lots, Montarula dis trict; $600 cash, balance easy terms. Owner, Mar. 1922. . FOR SALE 4 room furnished cottage at Man hattan beach; price $460, part cash, bal ance easy payments. Sea owner, 6028 41st ara. S.' E. - - : IBVINGTON CENTER T 75x100, beautiful 7 room modern "Los Arst jreles" bungalow. 1 9th. near Thompson. Donald Macleod. 1001-2 Spalding bldg. i RO05lS, modern, lot 40x225;! garden rutt nd-f0?d Plae for chicken. jPric $190a 4202 76th St.. Mr. Joseph. . j 1 i EAT, new, double constructed bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, cement basement, full lot 86 Sunrnoa st Woodlawn 3186. i Call eveninea AM carnpelled to sacrifice my modern home and fivaf lots cheap: fruits, gsrace: cash or oms terms." 4028 E. 76th. Taborl6l4 i TITLE Insnranc is tii modern way of handling title to real estate.. Quicker, costs lea and Piracy, requirco. fitie A Trust ComnanrJ" RT mfvro 1 acre, horre. woodshed, gsrace. lota of nrdevi and fruit. 870570thTe. STE. ? ' srae ATTRACTIVE Portland HelglitT hrlme. 0 rooms! strictly modern: fruit and he i... EVERYTHINO in and paid; snap; terms; finS "-"v. near aaa. lot on 55 fa Berth of Alameda. Btratton. 217 Abinaton bide- FOB SALJs, By owner, 5 room ooUace. fin condition, lot 50x100, rorn for garag. 232 E. 34 th. bet. Salmon and Main. Bargain. - ATTRACTIVE 3 room hom Errol nelgntaL northwest corner 5 2d and Curtis, comer loU fruit trees, berries, tc; 32000. - .. ; FOR SALE 4 room house, 878 Miasiasippi av. Wdln. 597. - ' wppv TEN room hous for aale, furnished, ecrner lot. furnace, went side, good income. Kat 166R. FOR SALE Small, house, 4 lots, fruit, garden; '$825. eJ terms. 4528 94th at 8.E., Lents. 4 ROOil hoiueX1200; half cash; . Wasf BidT; sewer in.- Eaas-7654. I BOOM bungalow, Woodstock. $2250; eaar terms; oonoider lvfht aui. haliwood 3662 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOI SES 1 50 CASH :l . ONLY $2650 . . ' j. 8128 - 42D '. AVE. , ' , NEAR 62D T. PAVED i ram. bung., cottaje. Th finest In dty. Owaer moved on farm; - has elegant plumbing, srpg. pr , buffet, electricity, gas and beat cement bast yon ewer saw, 60x100. 8 fruit tree, plenty of berriea, shade trees, 40 rose bushes, garage; only $850 cash required; no debt; blk. car. Go today and you'll not regret Just like sew from bast; to roof- gnat big value and real home. Cunr. to highscbool. i TAKE "MS" CAR TO 62D STREET I THEN 1 BLOCK NORTH . i 6128 42D AVE. ; main 48oa. . . 4000 IS I THE new price that owner haa I - made for Quick sale of this earner bom ''! .'with 8 rooms and bath; in addition, basement ia finished i into 4 rooms and 1 - rented together with garage at $24 a ' i !. month. Occupy th 6 room yourself -i and have as income of $24 from th basement apartment! It is a 50x100 lot paved street and aewar paid for. Immediate possession. Owner leaving city. Terms. ,-j .--.-.: J. A. Wickmraan Co. I "Shortest Way Home." 864 Stark St Main j 1094 and 583. ' - j';. ! ROSE CITY PARK " 5 BOOM BUNGALOW $3400 Tou would never expect to buy a modern 8 room bungalow in this popular -district for $3400 Out-of-town! owner haa asked us to sell and evidently be doesn't know values. It's a real oo- partunity for someone. Glad to shew you any time, i on, yea, tn bungalow Has a fireplace, full cement pascment, wasn trays, ; etc k. 0. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St near 4 th. I Main 8092. Branafei offioe. COth Sand Kandv. Open 'Sunday between 10 a. jo. and 2 p. m. MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. Dandy new 8 room modem house, - cement basement bath, toilet; lot 40x100; 1 block car. Price $1700; 4M) cash, balance like rent i . ! ALBERTA DISTRICT 5 room bnmrskiw. in fine shaue: coed cement basement; lot 4xlOO; B blocks Alberta ear; a anap. i Jfrtce gzuuu; ioit casn, oau ua a rent MT. SCOTT DISTRICT 4 room bungalow,, almost i new; modern In every way,' fine cement basement, bath, toilet; jot euxioo. Hedge fence in iront; a n loess car. fries $2100; $300 cash, Dal. lite rent RICHARDS & B1SD1) 308 McKay Bldg. i Main 4192 LAURELHURST HOMES $9000 In the best part of Laurelhurst; T rooms and sleeping porch, with fire i places, built-in, gas furnace, hardwood j floors. All assessments paid, $1500 to $2000 cash will handle. Drive by and look it over, 1130 East Gltsan st, then Bee us for appointment to inspect interior. Exclusive agents. J. A. Wickm'an Co. ' 'Shortest Way Home." 264 Stork St Main 1094 and 583 $ 5 1 5 0 ROSE CITY PARK $5 1 5 6 The living room in this handsome a room bungalow extends clear serosa the tfpnt The living and dining rooms are papered with a beautiful tapestry pattern (imported) and fin ished in enamel. There are two bedrooms with large and light closets, with room in attio for two more rooms. A lovely fireplace, bardwood floors. new furnace. Really it'a a wonderful buy. Only $1600 cash for first payment, the balance like rent Move right fn if you like. COMTE A KOHLMAN 228 Ch. of Cora. bldg. i Main 6580, TrEAR 20TH AND EAST MAIN ST3., ; 6 BOOM BUNGALOW $3500 i Walking distsnce: dandy bungalow ' with fire place; lot 50x75; possession Sept 1; very easy terma; Just Z blocks from car. Tula la a real buy let us show you. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stork St near 4tu. Branch Office. 50th Main 3092. land Sandy. Open Sunday between 10 a. m. and U p. GOOD 7-ROOM HOUKK AND 2 LOTS FOR $3000: ON TERMS. Owners of this house have bought a farm and are selling at a sacrifice. Located in 8. E. part of city, sidewalk and curbing in and paid. close to csr. house is well constructed and ia good condition: full cement basement, porcelain oatn, touet and lavatory, ecreened in porch. erucaen nous and run, lots of fruit, good garden, tine place lor a man with family. - ! STEWART To BUCK, 1 SIS Northwestern Bank bldg. $4200- BEAUTIFUL 6 room home, L block off Uivuaon. on a 7th st. Il replace, bookcases and buffet, full cement basement laundry tray, fur nace; Beautiful corner lot wim trees and fruit Considering construction, location, etc.. this place is an excepttionally good buy, $1000 wiu handle, balance eaxy payments. jQraisomDodson Co. 688 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 378T, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK ; i New! modem 5-room bnncalow. hardwood floors, built-in Conveniences, full concrete base ment, garage, lot ooxioo, streets paved. , aACKliriCIS FOK iCASH, I $4750. I RICHARD W. MAST BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3700 THIS is situated on E. WeidJer st. west of 28th., 5 rooms and attic for storage: full basement: furnace; fire place; Dutch kitchen; hardwood floors in living room and- dining room. Macadam street Terms. J. A. Wickman Co. ' "Shortest Way Home.1 264 Stark St Main 1094 and 683. ' j MOUNT SCOTT CARL IN E 31250 I 4 room plastered bungalovr. in good condi tion; electric lights, city water, etc.: fine lot. 9 bearing: fruit trees, also small fruit; stable for cow or can be made into garage; $150 down, balance; monthly. j Let Us Show Too. GEO. T. MOORE CO. I 1007 Teon bide. i A BEAL HOME 1 J UNUSUALLY FINE BUT An 8 -room semi-buno-alow. located tn tm Ington district on 4 lota, frrmtae. of ooo , by 100 ft deep. Very well built house, 8 years oui; x oioca irora scnooi ana -j blocks from the Irvington ear. Price $6000. half cash. See Mr. CampbelL with Frank McCrillia. Jtoa h. bldg. - , Near Walnut Park . . $4500 for a fin modern ua-tuwlat hun.ilm, with fireplace.! furnace and "garage: in fins In. eality; $1500 cash. i F. L. BSanchard 401-402 8 wetland bldg. Phone Marshall 829. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESIDENCES" - ; Ulierea oy owner for sale. - ! No. 724 Patton Road, $6100. ' . No, 726 Patton Road, 36000. - '-No. 730 Patton Road, $7600. One lot No.- 728 Patton ! Road, $1500. For particulars call Broadway 405. Or see owner at No. 247 Ankeny st WALKING DISTANCE I .Near Laxids Addition 2 story, double constructed. & mom rM.nrt. bath, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry "-j-, , m eacepuonany gooa nuy tor only $3200,; first payment $1100, balance on terms. T TTa Hlmw Tmi GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon BMe. NEW Laurelhurst residence, just completed, by owner: larre living room, dinlnv mom hi.Iuk breakfast nook: and wash room on first floor; toe seconu iioor nas a Dod rooms, bath, sleeping porch and sewing room. . All have hardwood floors. - Enamel finiah --walls nnrA - furnace in - baseuuat Commodious saraire. Phone East 2308. i $1000 i FOB A FINE 8 room, with gas. elec liffhtL hot and cold water, built-in mrtiimim with fine hH 60x100. This is a bargain, only 4.U0 cash. I .. f i F. L. Blanchard - 401-403 Bwetland bide, phone Marshall 829 . .. i- $2700 $500 Cash, Balance $20 Monthly Six room house, full basement-: in Rmnklvn district lot 60x100. SEE ! Jrtll rIAxtll W. MAST -i i BITTER, IX)WE A CO. 201-8-57 Board of Trade Bldg. BOOM house, 4 bedrooms, dining room. Br ing room, kitchen, panty. bath, large front porch,, back porch, screened in; full aiz base ment, -wash trays; street paved, sewer; block from car; screens on all windows; lot 75x100, nice lawn, fruit and berries; oiothea closets; terms. owner.: 525 Mslden are., Sellwood car. A BOOM house, gas, bath, basement garage; 2 lots, V bearing I rail trees, perries; line loca tion; 1 block to csr; worth 32500, will take tlSOOt terms.: 8600 will handle this. Take Woodstock car to 46th ave.. go 1 block south and 1 block east 4215 47th ave. S. E. A TITLE insurance Follcy guarantee by a responsible company that yen wiu not suffer kiss on account of the title to- your real estate. When you buy real estate get ia Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required.) Title A Trust company. - -i - - I- - $1650" 4 room house. Union av. :r $200 sh, bal- sacs monthlr. I : WHJtr'B F. JOTJNO, ! '' : Henry Bldg. i A TITLE Insurance Policy u a guarantee of the title to your home.: When you buy your home have the title insured. Better be safe then sorry. Title as Trust company. - . GET Title Insurance instead of an abtract It - ia Quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected against error, TiU A Trust company. WILL, sell cheap or trade Nice 3 room house, lot 50x105; Jot of fruit trees, chicken house, etc 990 Powell Valley road, i SelL 717. $500 DOWN. $35 saonthly buy wonderful tiau Jire4ai' 290$. ,-V- ::L'--- I BEAT. ESTATB FOK 8AI,t HOUSES 41 j 82809 $2800 ' $2800' 1 VACANT You can mere right in. A T jwora house with full basement wash trays, bath,: etn. In very good eonditicn. City Sr?T'mrnU ! sod paid. MAKE TO LB vn.y TEBMS. . . .. - 1 ' $2800 ' ' " $2800 V ii 82S00 , A 9 room ceiled house.' basement bath. te. In good condition. 100x115 ft lot 18 fruit trees, also small fruit, barn for ' ew and chicken house, $509 down, baa , anoe like rent, - . .. ., ., $2500 $2500 $2500 ) A 6 room" house, good basement bath, etc, built-in china closet large pantry, . 60x100 corner on 89th ave. 8, E. $G00 down, balance $20 . per monttl including 6 per eent- inUreat . $2850 $2850 $2850 A 5 room house, basement and bath, ate.. 50x100 Jot On E. 17th at N. $500 down, baL like rent ' $8500 $3500 $3600 to car. Close in. $000 down, baL like rent, bath, tc. 2 fireplaces,, floored attic, 60x 121 ft. lot, aU kinds of fruit trees, 1 block to car. Close in. $600, down, baL lie rent -per cent interest JRumnmell & Rumiiniell ' 274 Btsrk t.' . . Alameda Beautiful Home , STSlfrifh Real borne, -hot water heat. Jyi5UflU art paper, fine Ivory finUh throughout. Velour drape and beautiful curtains; $150 ess range ; water heater; ground perfect; 22 ft -garage. . . -- Irvington Colonial Bungalow ; SefTlfTl Tsl East 18th st north; open pi(UU tod,,. Buy from owner. 6 large rooms; ivory finish, and hdw; floors throughout; full basement; furnace, laun dering traya, 8150 gas range: beautiful drapes; all included. Vacant $1500 han dles. . : Irvington ViewV 'Home; . eoBfli(rh Beautiful throughou.t; just ih POjSiWill home for adults; rooms Urge; ivory and solid mahogany; terraced grounds; cement garage. " . McDonell, East,4i9 $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ it SEE THE DOLLARS $ SAVED ON YOUR HOME $ BUYING DIRECT FROM US. $ OWNERS. ARCHITECTS. Bl4sDEBS. $ SELLERS, COMBINED $ MAXIMUM OF SERVICE FOB TOU, - $ MINIMUM OF COST TO TOU. $ MODERN HOMES $4250 UP $ FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS $ B. F. POND BEALTY CO. $ THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS $ -1230 SANDY BLVI. TABOR 3825. $ OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. 8 $$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ROSE CITY PARK $4500 This home must be sold at once, sow vacant; o rooms and sleeping porch; double construction- with building pa per between: fireplace, buffet: Dutch kitchen; full cement basement: wash trays; furnace; garage; if you hav looked for homes in this desirable sec tion of the city you , will admit that you hare seen nothing like it for the money. If you can make a sub stantial first payment we will submit a lower offer as to price. See this at once. 368 E. 53d st N., or phone us anu ww wiu eau loj you. J". A. Wickman Co.' : "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St Main J094 and 583. $1800 PARKROSE , S ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE r Can move In at once: place is ready to- start housekeeping; gas, electricity and water; only 2 blocks to carline and Sandy blvd. 8 choice fruit trees, excellent garden. This place is located on a graveled street Price includes ranee, dishes. rugs and furniture. An attractive olace (not a Shack). Best terms. $850 cash. Total monthly payments are $29. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208, or PARK- ROSE BRANCH OFFICE al end of PARKROKK CARLINE., t - LAURELHURSTHPt 8 BOOMS AND RLEEPINiJ PORCH . $6300 -Folks. We want tnn tn are till, heantlfnl hom Ideally located. 1 block from car: exeentinnallv large living room, extending entire width of house; iinest graoe oaa iioors, out-of-town owner forced to seR. The price is excsntionallr low for such a quality home. A. Q. Teepe ; Co. 270 Stark St near 4th. Main 8092. Branch -Office. 50th and Rand v. Open Sunday between 10 a, m. and 21 p. an. Bosiifcrrr park $6850 Large livtBg room across entire front; x neo room a ana ostn; nice dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen; fireplace, fumsce. . hdwd. floors, ga rage, large floored attic for 2 fine additional rooms if desired. Completely furnished including piano. Owner leaf ing for Calif omiaj terms. J. A. Wicknnian Co. 'Shortest Way Horn.." 264 Stork st Main 1094 and 583. $3750 BIG BARGAIN Close in. being on E. Da via st. west nf Laurelhurst : 5 rooms, full crmeng basement lot 60x100, 6 fruit trees: 3100O down, balance like rent I J. L. HARTMAN ' COMPANY, 8 Chamber of (Com. Main 208. ! - BEAUTIFUL 5 room Rose City bungalow, lo cated among natural trees. This house is ex-. tra well built and only 1 year old; hardwood floors, fireplace, built in -buffet, with large mir ror; built-in kitchen, with breakfast Book, rooms finished in - old ivory, large attic, cement base ment 50x100 lot 2 blocks to car. Price only $4700, $2000 cash. JotnnonDodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 37R7. $2500- WE have a bungalow of 5 room and bath on corner, 60x100; 1 block from Alberta: newly painted and new roof this spring. ThU U good yalue and we - win ve piewaeu io cui lor you vim auto and show you this and other good buy "in this district Tnns. ; J. A.' Wickman Co. "Shortest Wsy Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1004 and 583. $2500 MODERN 4 room bungalow on Rose lawn ave.. 1 block to ear: walking distance Jefferson high school, all street improvement in; beautiful lot $625 cash, $23 month, including interest. '-'--Jobnsoh-Dodson Co. 633 N-W. Bank bldg. Main 8787, SUNNYSIDE s , $370 O Ml,t..u . . i . a . j , .7 ,v.uc.uv mi , njvuj am snu floorad mHy fin. V.. , V, O 411... O 1 . - - - - . vwivvb, WIIUIIIQ,, built-in buffet fireplace, full basement Uundry trays; 1 block Sunnyside car, west of 88tii .1Tat. c,ose. to torem school and ehurchea; ewv wu uanuie, osiance monuuy. 1 " Let Us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bid. VERY. VEBY'"ReA80Sa5lS ' $2600 .i - ft Tnnm rirrBUa 1i-s4 v lsreKe. a. IW.l.a. T..11 w.s. sWB ffS,ga. UAU1, IUU bftiTint- crnrTs Int 1Cv1aa ehool and itoFas; S. W. corner E. 4 2d tt, And 4 Grand N.. nmir B. AnJiiny. East 1. 2300 ;.. - . . ' ST50 Cub, 2Q Monthly t room honu hut h fnn r Albina. lot 6 Ox 1 00. ' 8EE " 1 RICHABD W. MAST BITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg E. 88TH AND-E. TAYL5S " $4000 - 7 mom. 2 - atorr bouse, fnranc. ... . U- ( - , -... ( IIVWW vacant - -, 4 Grand are.N., hear E. Ankeny TWO story residence and fraction of a "Tot" con vetted into flat on Front aa. V- easy terms. Apply to 8. L. N. iiilrnan. Main 8480, Garden Home.- . - $8500 BUYS 5 room modern bungalow, lot 50x 100. 1 block to Miaaiasime cap I.ff..n high; terms. Inquire at 783 V4 Mississiimi , are. tvoodlawn 1201. -, MODERN, 6 rooms, oak floors, buffet. Urge plate wuxTora. iirvpiac. lull eemant easement wash traya; all improvajpienU paid also some mraiwre. wwr, iwip esanqy Plvgy-- --. C02;Y 5 room coUage, east front, hear Jef feraen high, choiee fruit and gsrase. -iteaaon-able terms. Q-513. Journal. . . .- CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through Title Insurance. Kb abstract required. Title A Trust company. BE AL ESTATE Toil SALE HOUSES I 4750 -HERE is your opportunity to secure a large k)t 100x112 with a variety t fruit; garage; sewer in,' connected with V house; but 1 block from paved street; a 6 rocin strictly modern home, which ' today could not be duplicated for the . price asked, including everything. Hard wood floors, feuilt-ins, furnace,:; fira . place. Full Cement basement, wash .'trays. You , would never-expect to buy - this home for the price. Can make rea sonable terms. Let us shew you. J A. .Wickman Co. . "Shortest Way Home. 264 Stark St Main lvU4 and 583. ' ALAMEDA PARK r l T ROOM HOUSE $6600 - Price haa been reduced from $8000. This la an i exceptionally well-built home; finished in rich old ivory and white throughout; hardwood floors; fireplace, bookcases, buffet! Dutch kltchea, full cement basement etc. Someone ia going to get I a big 'bargain and it migh as well be you. im i i eepe wo. 270 Stark St near 4th. Main. 8092. Branch. offioe. v 50th and Handy. Open Sunday between 10 a. m. aud 2 'p. a. $3350 Let us show you this" bungalow, " only H . blocs: from Alberta cay, on ju. 13th st, 5 rooms and attic: Duton kitchen, all in nice condition; street impovementa are in and paid; you know there are not many bungalows on paved streets to be had at- this price so - don't delay: : " f-. - J. A. Wickm'ah Co : j "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stork St . Main 1094 and 583. ONE of Piedmont's most attractive modern bun galows; street improvements all in and paid; P Ox 100 lot; L. D. K..1 Br. Den, bath down. 8 Br. a up. all of th latest bujuuVins, paneled dming room, 'beautiful buffet air cooler, axtra aood furnace and garage; $5378, $2000 . cash wul handle. . - , ilJohnson-DodsonCo. 'V3- 683i N-W. Bank bldg. f .... Main 8787. j 8UNNYH1DE t ' '! ' $3100 j . - 8 rooms witi sleeping porch,' fine bath, full basement 8 blocks Sunnyotdo school, 2 "blocks car. wet of 30th street; $1100 cash, . balance terms, Sunnyside b one of tlie most accessible districts In th. eitv. hAiiie mi the best car- line. Beautiful Laurelhurst park within S blocks of uus,! nouae. i H It T7 Show Ton. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon .Bldg. I . BOSE CITY PARK $4750 Here is your opportunity to secure 6 room and bats; douei censtructea furnace; -fireplace; built-in features parTO street Only j block froui U. C Jg. ear. Terms. J. A. Wickman . Co. 284 Stark Bt Main 1094 and 583. i BOSK CITY PARK. 1 BUNGALOW i . - " ! S420O Five room modern bouse, hardwood floors, built-ins, pared street corner lot 60x50; $1000 down, balance S30 monthly. SEE RICHARD W. MAST . ! RITTEit LOWE A CO. 1 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 82700 1 8: room cottage in Hawthorne district, house is neat and attractive, full plumbing, concrete foundation, good basement 60x100 lot good lawn, fruit and. berries, sewer aud paved street in and paid. Borne terms.-"- j ! JohnsonDodson Co. 633 ; N-W. Bank bldg. ! Main 8787. LAURELHURST r A Beautiful Home story, double constructed. 7 room boa galow near Laurelhurst park ; practically new, with: all of the latest improvements,- 60x100 lot, with garage. Full price $7500. first pay ment $2400, balance very easy. i Let Ua Show You. " GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg. IBVINGTON BUNGALOW New 8-room bungalow ready: to more into: never been occupied; fireplace, hardwood floors' throughout full basement, garage, cine to ear and school, on Hancock at, near 27 th. Price 7 000; easy terms to responsible party, . l i - STURM-KRFKH. CT. . 214 1 6th st. cor. Salmon, opposite Courthouse. aiam z4o or aiain ubzo. HAVE $1100 equity in modern 1 4 room bunga low. Alberta: full cement basement, laundry trays, bath, etc: old ivory finish, fireplace cobblestone foundation. Will trade for good ainall cir up to $700, balance cash; or will take 81000- cash.- balance 81500 payable at 320 per- month and interest 7 per cent. lt-951, journal. AN abatraet of title Is not a guarantee of your title; it is merely a History of your title. A Title Insurance Policy is a gnsraatae of your title.! Therefore, when you buy property get Title; Insurance Policy, fio abstract required. Title; A Trust company. ! , C B5bMS. modern in every way 2 blocks from Union ave. ear: street liens au paid: beautiful lot; sbuo, 8UU casn, balance easy. I alo!hiiisoiraOodso5i Co.-; 683 N-W. Bink bldg. I Main 8787. E. 25TH, near S. P. shops,-4 room furnished oottsge with gsraze: corner lot. street naved and paid; gas and coal range; fin plumbing: house all in white enamel; $2800. $400 cash. bat monthly. Call East 8225.' Also beautiful u-room bungalow, tumisnea. .. FINE, desirable 6 room bungalow, good waxed . floors, large attic, built-ina. full basement ngnr,- in roicuiie oi o iota; zs rxianng rrnit trees, all kinds small fruit; a beautiful place. 47 K. 87th st. N.; Take MY depot car to 87th. walk: 4 blocks south. i FOR. SALE By owner. It room commodious home, with owner's bath, guest bath and serv ants' bath: beautiful grounds with appropriate flowers and shrubbery; double garsge; .sis of lot ISO by 100. Price reasonable: terms if desired. Address owner. Box 473. Portland, Or. FOB; SALE by owner. My home, consisting of modern 5 room -bungalow on paved street. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, linen closet. Dutch kitchen, full basement furnace and laundry : 2 full lots, fruit ' trees, berries and fine garden. East 3148. 0 BOOM bungalow with full basement -all con- veniences. electric range, gas heater, vacuum cleaner, good carpets on living room floors, lin oleum pn kitchen and bathroom and kitchen ta ble all go with bouse, $7000, $2750 cash, bal- ence'easy terms. G-aOS, Journal. WEST SIDE FLATS Eicht 5-room flats, close in on West side. This : is A-l property and 'worth the money. STUBM-KEFER "CO.. 5 th St.. aror. Salmon, .opposite Courthouse. Main 2458 or Main 6825. 214 INEXPENSIVE HOUSE 3 ROOMS VACANT Neat and clean, full lot street Ifnnts. in' and paidjgood bath. elec. gas, trait, berries, flowers. 1212! Boise sr.; lieou, terms to -suit Owner. Res., i Mam 4Z4o"; office, Bdwy. 6173. SIX ROOM bouse to be sold this week. 605 . E. Madison, near 18th tt., is going to be sold st s j bargain this week. It requires $1500 to swini it the balance like rant Come in the forenoon, Sunday included. $1450 2 ' lots, Urge garden, fruit trees, 3 room house, furniture, bath and gas, 4U block to ear, near Kennedy school. Alberta district, out Ulenn ave.. between Wjgant and vflinf. 5 BOOM house. Urge attic, full -basement, built- fins, fruit cellar, . modern plumbing, Unmlry. ivuiivv; garage, iruit ana garden, gazoo, terms, or big discount for cash. From owner; no agent, van laoor siuu or 'i armr 8442 FOR SALE room modern furnished house! lot 100x100. fruit and berries; close in. In come $68 per month. Price ' $44100, terms. Fori sale by owner. Inquire 1903. H st. Van couver. Wash. i BOOM bouse, basement lights, gss, not and Montavilla, $2800; $500 down, $80 a month. Also 4 room bungalow. $1325; $325 down, $2$ ai montn. k. l,. weoo, 414 K. Btarg at l!oRi 8ALE?)ne new houses. 5 rooms and ona v i room nous, poin in xtenton a mooerrr hiomes south of Piedmont cheap reasonable terms : must sell, leaving the city. W. Wincbell et. Call at 81 6 ROOMS, burnt woodwork finish, hardwood I Qoora, furnaeej full lot. Urge porch,. solid concrete floor; N- ML Tabor. $4350; easy terms. East 6779. - i 224 E. 88D ST. 8 BOOM MANSION MOUNT TABOR Every convenience, 75x100; view; garagef worth $15.000, price $8950; terms. Main- 4803 PERFECTLY new 8 room bungalow. ' finished in; ivory and white, built in breakfast nook, full tot terms. , Woodlawa 2411. 1646 Minne sota v. - . I i . EVERY purchaser of real eatate should have his title Insured. Better be safe than sorry. Title A Trust company. ' ' t - BARGAIN by owner. 5 cms., bath, full base ment brick foundation, fruit and : berriea and garden; half cash, 310-63. " WILL SELL 827 E. 42d N. Fine 7 room nous, now ready for occupancy; easy terms. Owner. Mary A. Robertson. 770 Tlbbeto st. FOR SALE 5 room modern house, everytaiaa' ' np to date. Usrsge; fruit trees; newly psiuted inside and out 1563 E. FUnders. ( WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy, you do not need so abstract of title.! One pre- nhim pays for all time. Title A Trust company. U FOR SALE BY OWNER- " Modern cottage, near Columbia park. $1950. Terms, Call ColumbU 1 1 Od. eveninaa. IRVINGTON By owner, modern S room bun galow. Just computed. 680 E.16tu at. N. Vpen dally, 19 to 4. FOR SALE- Five f room cottageT Call owner, Woodlawn 4864 after 3 p. m. - LOT 51x100 and small house for sal cheap. 1122 E. 21st at N. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 41 Carey-Savidge Company . BIHR-CABEY COMPANY , Main 7487. ( OPEN SUN DAT Our expert appraiser asrures us that w fn. without fear of contraditinn. sdver ' tnsse houses a being of splendid value. -Me have a Urge number of housea in every part of the eity for sal. . They hav been personally inspected, and w can recom mend them. . t RoseCitiy USAn X1- , reti1tectori of this bungalow "Is strikingly distinctive. It ha 0 rooms and . "I corner lot wit paved street. The grounds are ary attractive wiOi rare shrubbery and flowers. There is a Urge living room, built-in buffet 2 large -bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement Unmlry trays,, fireplsce, 1 block from car. This ia an excellent buy. Terms. o lining- ieda Park gallon L .n"s full corner paved pot this house is f.2S00vnnd" '"Ts " i ry snbstan tially built. . being; double i constructed. It ha 8 large bedrooms, with closets, upstairs. iArge living room WiU big fireplace, built in buffet. Dutch kitchen. UuU cement base ment with laundry trsysj toilet and fur nace. This ia a handsome house.; Onlx $450 down,, i , - Rose City $3750 Below the hill, in an exclusive district, en a. full lot. witb pavement and sewer, this 5-room bungalow ia certainly a l'andnene buy. The floor plan is Ideal. ' It has a . large Lv!f-- room, built-in boffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, . furnace, fireplace. You should see this : place. Convenient -terms. . Mod Bungalow .$2900 This bungalow is double constructed." Try, attractive.and only 1 block from the ear. 'The floor plan is excellent, with its large living room, 2 Urge bedrooms, dining .room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement Uundry trays, firepUce, .'Very convenient terms. 1 ; Sunnyside teflon This b another real buy. The" house has . 2 very Urge bedrooms upstairs, a Urge liv ". ing -room across the front of the house, . full aement basement, Uundry trays, fur : BSce, hardwood floors, -t Street improve ' menta are in and paid.' This house U close in. Only $400 down. . - t ----- . ".Bungalow Bargain - $2650 t -This.U a very attractive 5-room bunga low near carline, on full lot with improve ment paid, walking, - distance of higli school: rooms are very i conveniently ar- ; ranged.' consisting of living room, dfning ' room1 with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 2 large bedrooms, f uU cement basement, abundance of fruit. j- . . - Sixtieth Street 96 by 238 - $2000 v 8 bedrooms on the first floor, this 6 room house with - full plumbing, gaa.. and " electricity, is an attractive bargain. - It is- 8 blocki from the csr. There are 10 fine - fruit trees in addition io 2 prune . trees; every kind of small fruit and berry. We can sell this place on very convenient terms. j -' V Sellwood $1700(0 8-room cottage on -tved street with sewer, only 2 blocks from' the carline. This is a sacrifice price. Terms. CareySavidge Company BIHB-CAREY company. Maiu 74H7. . 211 Railway Exchange bldg. .-' Open Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK NEW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED i BUNGAIX)W-r-A GEM $5900 ! Ixok here, folks. B rood to yourself. See thU bungalow compare it with others you have been looking at coating much more. You positive ly couldn't expect to buy a better home for tou money. It'a really the yeryi acme of bungalow perfection. The duality ofi workmanship and materials used speak, for themselves. You will appreciate the extra large living room,, too. Costs nothing to Investigator it may mean a big sav ing to you., jsow ready for pocupancy." i .. A. Q. Teep e Co. - . Z70 Stark st. near 4th. Branch offioe. COth Open Sunday between .10 Main 8092. ! and Sandy. m. and 2 p. m. .$760 DOWN MT. TABOR BUNGALOW . 'Almost new 6 room bungalow, occupied only very short time, beautiful location (fir trees in yard), all room old ivory finished, hardwood floors in the main rooms, fireplace, built-in book case, writing desk and buffet Dutch kitchen with oreaaraei raoie. furnace, fnn cone ret. basement. also stUo. Price only $5730, ThU is. indeed. good buy. Remember Tou won't fcwiv housea tins cnesp go days from now. 1 J. I HABTMAN a Chamber of Com.. bldg. Main 208. ' DIVISION' STREET '. " Ground Hotels 8 rooms with sleetilnir norch. bath nra toilet an isisuirr, omn-m Bnitet, fireplace, rights. sas, mil cement oasement, furnace, - laundry trays, garage, twved street, all improvements paid. An excentionallr well built, doiihlo -..o. at rue ted "residence. - A mansion tluit anyone could be proud of. There ia a morUiu nf $5000 against the rrot,ertv. , 5 i. i. r ct-iii. iiiL-ret; mil pne SIO.OOO. . will accejit dear Portland property for balance of purchase iric. v'wner u a non-resident and U offering an exceptional deal to realise on his proper ty. , Let Us Show You. GEQ. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. Take Notice This bargain. $4250. An 8 rojm house, is ar ranged for two families. Downstairs, 4 and sleeping porch. The upstairs ha a private entrance in front and rear, lias been rented for $30 per month. Has full basement and fur naew. Corner lot garaae, paved street all paid,. This Is th. best bur in Portland. -81000 caah payment i . . . Sunday morning. Maiii 6882. Weekdays. Main 6466. 1123 Gasco bldg. $2400 You would never expect to buy so aub . stantial a bungalow of 5 rooms and sleeping poreh. with bath, gaa and rlec - : trie lights for so liU.1 money. - There . . U a full 50x100 lot with garage; fruit . tree and paved street ,and sewer is ia and included in prioe. Can be had on your own terms. j J. A. Wickman Co. : "Shortest Wsy Home." 264 Stork St Main. 1QH4 and 8S8. - NEWLTWEDS I LITTLE WHITE BUNGALOW i A picturesou little 4-room bungalow, located on paved street 60x100 lot, among the cool fir trees. Interior- flnlahed in old Ivory. it hat a Urge combination living and dining room with fireplac, artistic buffet, 2 Urge: bed ron. swell Dutish kitchen, cement basement, double con structed, and It is new. Yes, it has a garage. COOVEK AJIOLMAN. i"""- . 822-8-4 Failing bldg. ' ? t Mar 8!)8. AN, EXCEPTIONAL buy in IiawiWnr75"F."m bungalow, hardwood floor.- fireplace, built-ia kitchen, large cement basement, with Uundry irays. and furuaee, allarooms are large and light, floored attic, all street lmrrovmnU iu and paid, Price, only $400O, 9V400; cash. JohnsonDodsOn Co. i 683 N-W. Bank bldg. v i Main 3787. NEVTSEVEN ROOM ' - . KEMU1ENCK I To be completed to suit uurnhaser. ThU is B new building nearing coranletinn, can be in spected at once-, a owner is doing all con struction work personally. price $7200. SEE RICHARD W. UAfiT BITTER, . LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. NEAT B room bungalow. firepUce, built-in book- buffet, complete kitchen, nice iswn, soma -fruit end berries, on hard -nurfaced street; all liens paid. Prie $3600, Terms. JohnsonDodsOn Co. C38 N-W. Bank bldg." Main 8787. 8-BOOM house, close ' In on " w" est side. Hot water heat- harawood. floors, garsge. 5 min utes' walk from business district, ) Thu is priced below "actual value and will be sold this week. -. : STURM -KB FEB. CO. 214 Stb-et., eor. Salmon ofiposite Courthouse, ' Main 245W or Main eH2a. ' i 100 CASH $20 PER MONTH ' ' Needs some repairs. 6 rooms, .fine view: 50z 100 kt; whole price $1000. UMlTH-WAUOJitB CW., TWJ. KXCH.-' - FLNE home. 7 rooms, xlern; Jot 100xlOoTT2 bearing fruit tree. aU kind. I besides garden and flowers. Price $3000; terms. J77ta st. and fth ave.. Mr. Joseph. TITLE Iibaranc aaves tun. and. money because bo abstract is required. Title ft Trust com pany. : - - - - ! WHEN you purchase your bgm have the UU insured. Oct a Title Insurance Policy. , TiU REAL ESTATE FOB SALE 11 6 USE X 41., RALPH IfARRIS CO; .-- 1 "E SELL HOMES W are giving you a li,t of horn. today, as Usual with addresses. If you cannot get out to see them come in tomorrow and we wiu bo glad to take you out Phoue ifaiu 6tS24. . WOODSTOCK This Is an exeeptinnally good buy. The lot U 100x1 00. w..h bernc. "ruit snl garden; garage, rhhken house and yard. - - ' ! I'laMierea, tstn. ea and electricitv and n. .. . ' . . .jswiu. X ou should not fail to aee thta. price $"100 terms, 1204 BUth. at s. K. V KRik annnvr.vv Vinno , j. ... - - - w...... ... - uweiiings. B and 7 rooms, tcsted at 745 10th . s F all-70 20th at 8. E. Price for the two' only euuuu, wim (iuu casn, Diiiauce nxe rent Good proposition for ctrpenttr or hamly man. PENfVKUT.a Ki,t.nrfl1 V . u. t' rooms and bath ou first fI7"r: full baneuint with 7 large windows; also Small c.nirnt.-d cellar; good new: cesajiool. near car and park, electrio . 'and . No. A521 Knowlcs st $2500. w V Vfta,t, FAMJ&S- AND' BREAK- t 1 clwtrlo UehU; Ut 60il0f, with iruit. - ii-nu. - . i ..t a . . . . . . Im. . , "" sarnen; gooa rnicseu lTL t,-t? a bargain you will have to No si4U1Ko. luiir $675 cat to hacdle. . 4 4J7 624 ave. 8. E. , 1 E.AJ?fIiTACT1,to rreU ",' 1? Is at 988 rl, ' "- N'h and can be h.ndle.1 for $40 chicken ho.y00" "d, ''r'n Prch. mirage, nta. a very neat attractive place; $250(1. WW ffiA WN-5 room i g condition, lot loo vl on ' btlir""". n tub; ,pl, ndid beVrli. "P"'1 fruit of every kind, n.. 'no'" "rl!""', r'. "h'en house and ., sbesi.mento on pla,-., 1402 Fern cssh1 UrUi car.' $2000. MS 1- -. ' lot 100XHI0 ,om. hf , 8. r"om " with dandy garden 1,, T lr' ""- "d account of AikZZ. 'hLks IT sV "U nesr school. ,. I,;""".to 'sk- Johns car. Burr .V. nrVyluX; V1 m rim 827 CHAMREK (r COM M Flu -V WK WRITE Fl WE IN8I' HA XCK . ' . A TT E N T 16 V ' "' BOSH.CITY PARK BfTTKn.u iuhSZ ny U wrml1 folly tobu7 . TkI.. Wo,1Jd be poor business Judgment I tt. .how ou you wjll be under' nohgau.r, '.!: A. Q. Teepe Co. SRrn h1 4th- siaaa 3092. Branch office, Both and Saadv Ojpegunday betwBen 1Q a. .y' $18005 ROOM cottoge. $S(0 e- month and inwreet a" bfoci iTcarUrTi $215002 atorv 0 emn.. a line; $500 down. $26. mLu? a rlr. Coa7?AS V S .i to '""" J- I- HAUTMAN COalPAN , B Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 20o. ' : -: iiawtlhorne Bungalow ebl"k fram i1"""'"' on 43d irt., living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 aleepina rnTrns and bath below, large flowed aTuo wHA 3 dormer window., full cement blumn tulmri MhiH l".! "7 cfne'""J srranged. newly KrllJ fLA nowted. t front, ahaded by large fruit trees, an especially cot,l place durtr.i tlie summer months; $1000 cash will haodlc eauy tetius on halunce. ' I I M T TIIDPW 610 McKay hldg. Main 622 9 or F...t fiifl iiouax Biwr JiiK f2i(j(i This hou has rty-enflyr been renovated MirouitlMmt. lias Ihitcti kllchen. nice porcelain bath, toilet Uvat.ry and many other mm features; 2 lot. 4o10O ea. h. Sidewalk awl curbing in and pni.t. Large chicken house and run. n take $350 down and $23 'per month ana Interest, or Urgnr paynuuit down and mailer monthly iayuiiits. KTEWAUT A RUCK 815 Northwestern Hank Itldg $31 50 WEKXOVit iThot b"utirw.uld "pM ; , yott to see this at once. 4 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms snd kitchenetio up; newly finished (n rnemrl and tapestry : paper; built In buffet; Initrii kitchen; cement basement: sfr;t imp. iu and paid: near Uawtliorue ae., on 88th st Terms. J. A. Wiclkman Co.. "Shortest Wsy Hm(." 264 Stork St Main 1094 and 6R.1. $6i0 Moome for $403" -A beautiful and especially well eonstruct.-d 8-room hous in excellent condition witb 6 hice Urge rooms and bsth below and 8 large airy sleeping rooms unslalrs, pretty 60x1 Oo cornets lot, desirable district, very best car serrif-e close to. 2 lines, 3 blocks from Jefferson high' Tou will be surprised to see this extraordinary bargsiu. - O. B. BIPPEY. 610 McKsy Mdg. Main 6229 or Esst ?011. Portland He'isrihts 6 room bunaslnw, hardworsi li.Hrs, fir.-ilr. furnace, wash trsys, full bsaement gsrate. itv 75x100, fruit and herriee, paved street This home must be gold at once as the owner wants to go on the farm. Will --sell furniture. This bouse U In very gnod cmiditlim. - D. E. CARIXlCK, lli'B ;acv bldg. - Man 6883 riiinduy mcming. - Main 6456 weekdays. - NEAR FRANKLIN" iUTli 6 Room Homo 8 Dcdrnrrms fl n .1,11. -n . ,n t- lii.i. f cement basement, laundry traya, newly painted outside snd In, beautiful view of Mount -Hood from front norch. street lmirnf,mMiu in snd paid, 1 block to car; only $3C60. first payment $500. It 4'"-Show Tmt. CEO." T.-MOOHK CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. WHY NOT "HAVE YOUR RENT T Buy tills 6 rootu Louse. Full lot It would cost. MOM to reproduce today. YOU1W NOW FUR $24 50. $250 rash. Hal lie l(i;ST. ; NKILAV A I'AKKIMLL. 2 J tl J,umttcrmft Xihta i 2 650 This buys a" well-tin lit attractive hum. of 6 pioffli and bath. One bed room down. 2 and large hall ur: furnace; full basement; wash trays; Dutch kitch en; only 1 hk blocks to rr; convenient to Frarikiin high. Easy ti-rms. ( "J. A- Wickman Co. I "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 688. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW IRVINGTON HEIGHTS (2200 Drrtrn Corner lot 60rluo. paved street hardwood floors, fireplace,- builtiivi, full cement basement funiace, gsrag' l'rt-e (1250. KEE , Kit HAUl) W. MAST HITTER, IOWB A t O. 201 B 5-7 ISoerd of Trade Bldg MORE comfortable than iiaitmcnU, this' tin nunlutn little bunsalow, living and dining room In one, buffet, bkca.-ie, dbiappoaring bed, fire- iace. ciusm. larsa eiwugn i or nreuing room, irei.iace, bnilt-.ins, in kit' tien. modem nlumhine. including laundry tray. 2 -windows in bedroom. . Price only $2150, $650 cash, a dandy buy. - . Johnson-Dodson-Co. 638 N-W. Bank bide. M,in 8787. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE " ; $2000 Down Si room modern bouse, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, corner lut 60x50. Price $4600. SEE TW'UARD W. MAST BITTER, LOWII A CO . 201 .3-6-7 Hoard of Trade BMg . $3150 WEST SIDE, walking duunce, 6 rKm cottoge, newly . papered insula; new iwim, near Multnomah club 1 block from car, baacmctit; tremendous sacrifice. Terms, JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N-W. Bank Mdg. , Slain S77. - - Alberta District : A 8 mom bungalow for the suin of $27.'0 on lot 60x100, nesr Irrineton sn-1 A iborta csr. i. Terms. 11 2 5 Gt-o bldg Wsrkdsys. Main 04fn. BEHIND every policy of Tdie Insurance la a deposit with the state of Oregon to protect you against loss, yet it is cheaper than the abstract method. Title A Trust company CLOSE your real eaisTe deal without annoying detatU by 'using a Titi. Imuranc. Policy. No abstract required. Title A Trut company. WEIAVEaiready examned the title to your property and can issue you a Till. Injurs nee Policy without delay. : Title A Trut company.