? THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15, 1920.' . a- 1 i t :; THE DALLES PUTS I: Though! Season's Cherry Output . j Was less, Financial Returns i For Fruit Greater. i The , bailee, 14. Although thla year's crop was 40 per cent lower! tjan normal, local orchardlsts have irejcelved more for their prod ucts . anjd made larger profits than ever before, according to final state ments df the (Jherry Growers union. There f were -50 orchardit , In the union.: Tlie union sold, 10 cars of cher ries la the eastern market, or a total of 11.606 boxes, few . a net return i, of J22.2S8.84. an averagt of $2 per box. The flrsj; car of 1121) boxes brought the top prlcjs of the season, J6485. The; entire return In money to or rhardlsts In the union -for this season was $$1,384.71, - local canneries taking Koyal Anne cherries . at. 15 cents a pound tp tfle amount of $65,097.85, and net returns from the ten. cars shipped east be ng $22,288.86. . Local market cherries topped the eastern the entire season, and were constantly in demand in preference to fruit from other localities. The BSng OUT 0 .'f variety brought the highest price. 16 cents pound, with Lamberts fcelpr.g for 11 dents and "Way-Backs" 9 cents. One Of More Week Bible School m Gladstone Park Oreertn Citv. Aiier: 15. The final week of the- summer Bible school, being held at Gladstone park by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, will open Monday George K. Guille and Dr. B. is. SutcHffe, rboth of the extension' depart ment i of the Moody Institute, In charge classes. : Dr. W. P. white, re gional director of the institute work for the Paeiflc coast and roruiwest, win also assist with the work of the closing week, jrfee ..session, which has served as a training school and intensive Bible study; cjourse for those attending, has attracted, a large : number of church leaders from all parts of the state and has proved a success. Dr. IL A. Iron sides,!' pastor of the First Presbyterian church jat Victoria. B. C, will be! an additional speaker on Monday. August 22, the jlast day of the session, will be devoted) to a young people's program, with ithja Christian i Endeavor and Bj, Y. P. V'i ihembers in charge. Dr. W.j B. Hinsonjof Portland will speak. The; in stitute (officials have decided to make the acttool an : annual feature at I the Chautauqua grounds and are highly gratified with the success of this year's session - Plans for a Hbrairy benefit. In thej na ture lofj a lawn social and dance in: the library park on the evening of August "i 27, are maturing, and the committee " fn chaijge is busy with preliminary! ar rangements. The money will go toward the general library; expenses and furnish funds tor repairs to the building. I Mrs. Jessie Ross and Vernon EL Swift, fcoth off Gladstone : Ethel M. Tanner of Vancpulver. B. C. and Chester A. Dailey ,of Portland ; Edith I. Perry and Theo , dore j Aj. Reld. both of Estacada, were , ' granted marriage licenses by the county : clerk, here Saturday. ! Art ecer ntlonal run of real estate busl- ness I in the last 10i days has been noted. accord One to S. O. Dillman. realty dealer of th iB city. Dillman has recently opened a new. off ice in lower Seventh street knd in the flrst si days inj his new location he closed six: deals lnvolv- ing 15i 000. In the laat 10 days Dlllman has completed nine deals, with a total consideration of $19,700. i Brazilian Studies, Spraying .of -Trees H6od River, Aug. 14. Professor .Emtllo Schenkl of the Institute Borges da Me- deiros, Port Alegre. Brazil who nas been here stuydlng orchard conditions, has: taken especial interest in spraying for jinsisct pests. He says that in Brazil there ijaA been a strong effort to make a sucdess of 1 fruit growing, - especially of apples and pears, but while the trees gavie every promise of good crops Insect pests have worked such havoc, before ! harvest time as to render the crop use- . ! lesS foi- commercial purposes. He mar- veiled lat the! clean fruit on the trees here, ajnd while at first he was inclined to issme that the cost of application of jat lleast five sprays a year would make the price prohibitive, he was easily persuaded that It was profitable when he waS shown figure on returns of prdperljy sprayed and Indifferently eon trolled I fruit. He says he will return to Rrkiil and inaugurate an active cam paign tin the interest of spraying of fruit trees. : : . : f?vr sirs Take $400 From Woman; one i . i . . . Gets It Back Again --,: . i khiKtl Wash'. AUff 14. A gypsy cafavaik this morning held up Mrs. ,Roy Ddricaii on a farm near here, lorping her to Surrender $400. The cara,van( es caped by a road which led into a quag mire. The gypsies , were forced to re turn past the "Duncan house. With a .30-.30 jcalibre rifle Mrs. Duncan imet them and compelled the thieves to give MP thej stolen 'money Jail and Fine for Dalles Moonshiner ffhe Dtilles, Aug. il4. Irving A. De- bells, arrested Thursday morning! by Sheriff Chrisman for operating a "moon- shine" Dutch stm of large capacity on, his Flat ranch, was arraigned before W. Allen. Friday morning. Justice and ' and jail. pSeaded guilty. , He was fined $500 sentenced to 30 days in the county J i Mrs. ScSunidt Burled Vhiw Salmon, Wash., Aug. 14.-i-The funeral of Mrs.; Fred Schmidt of Trout dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jennings of this city, was held from tbfe fajmily home at 11 o'clock Friday morning. Mrs,. Schmidt died in a Portland hospital : after:! an Illness of two months. She leaves a husband and a! baby daughter. Interment i was lni thei'I. O. O. F. cemetery here. Hot ' Lako Guests . . . i - - Hot fLake. Aug. 12. Arrivals: W. It. Eythlaon, Boise, - Idaho J. D. Stewart . Alalia t Walla, Wash. ; Myles Morarty, Bolsej Idaho ; Max M. Meacham, Boise, Idaho ; William A, Hallead, Kellogg. Idahoj; C. IS. Ha! lead. St. Maries, Idaho ; A. J. (Mplntyre, .WestDn, Or. ; Dr. A. A. Dresser-; Boise, Idaho: Mrs. ; C. 1 C. Utsinger and Miss May Utzinger, As toria R. H. Lane, Lexington; Mrs. J. F. Deos, Heppner Junction; D. H. Si pes and. wife, Lewiston, Idaho. Departures: Mrs.. .Eliza j Tobin, Union ; Mrs. James Russell. La Grande; J. A. Rosendale, Astona ; W. F. Maxfield, Joseph 7 Miss x-.iwv can f rater, renuicwn , c auicr O'Connor, Spokane. Wash. . KEW TODAY ' ESTABLISHED 1892. ON TUESDAY NEXT ; Ati the BA.TCER AUCTIOTf HOUSE WK HAVE RECEIVED FOB - THIS SALE SEVEHAI CHOICE PIECES OF xPRSITI'RE EQFAL -TO KEW. IF FfRSISHISO TOU "WXI.1, BE "WErLlBEPAlD BT AT- TENDING THIS IAUCTIOX. ! FOI. LOWIJfO IS A PARTIAL LIST OF WHAT WE SHALL HAVE TO OFFER: ' , ; : ' Genuine Mahogany Library Ta ' blie. also Ouarter-SaWed OaJt Li brary Table, genuine Leather Turk ! !sh Rocker, Karpen Easy Chairs. . Rattan . Settee, Chairs and Rock , ens, very costly Tapestry Portieres. Sundour . Drapes I in browns and greens, -Combination Library and Game Table, Electric Table Lamps. Mirror. Ilctures. Morris Chair, Ori . ental design Couch Cover, Library : Rockers.- Ivory Bedroom Suite com plete, viz : Bedstead; Dresser and ' Chiffonier, nearly 'new Brass Bed. i Enameled Iron Beds, best : steel Springs, Silk Floes and Felt Mat tresses, Pillows, Birdseye Maple and Quarter-Sawed and Oak Dressers, Chiffonier, Wilton and Axminster Rugs in good designs and colors, ' BE AT7TIFTTL BIITI50 HOQM SUITE IT? WALNUT, 'QUEEN' ANNE STYLE, I AS FOLLOWS: DINING TABLE AND SET -OF , CHAIRS WITH BLUE LEATHER i SEATS, INCLUDING ARM CHAIR, , also William and Mary Buffet in Jacobean finish. The above Dining Room Furniture ' Is equal to new. Also another Pedestal Dining Table aftd set of Chairs in wax finish. Gas Rang Breakfast Table, Refrigera- tor, eta. f OFFICE FURNITURE - We shall also sell the following: Derby Roll Top Sanitary j Desk, ' "Swivel Chair, Arm Chairs, ; Type writer Desk. Underwood Typewrit-'. ; ers. Files, Check Proteetor, Brass ; Diesk Set, etc.,1 efc. I j ; AUCTIONEER'S NOTE Parties furnishing should not over- ; look this Auction. " Tomorrow 'you. ; may call and look over the full list ' of goods to be 'sold. 'AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT,' AT 19 A. M..?:-;;' ; j . . ' .' 1 ON WEDNESDA Y NEXT fTTxri.' ivnn n en i nn it.k . Aii tub .irvsiiriiDTU nnrir vn ' i THE. O.W.! B. A N. ?0. TRUNKS, SUITCASES, VALISES, tl i BUNDLES,: ETC., 'j (RALE STARTS AT 19 A. M. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT AT THE AINSWORTH DOCK. ; I By order J. H. REGAL, 1 General Baggage Agent. Dated July 9th, 1920. 4 ON THURSDAY NEXT WE SHALL. SELL FURNITURE BUGS, ETC' SALE AT 19 A.' M. : WE BUT HOUSEHOLD ' GOODS FOR CASH. PHONE MAIN S339. JW. C. BAKER and W, H. DEAN Auctioneers i Pythian Building Yamhill and West Park Streets (FORMERLY '-MASONIC TEMPLE j ; BUILDING) WEST SIDE FLATS Elcht 5 room flaU. close In on West Bids. Tjhis ia A-l property and worth the money. 1RVINGT0N BUNGALOW $7500 $7500 New 8 room bunialow. mdi to nm into. Jterer been occupied. Fireplace, hardwood (toorn thronsbout. full basement, earaffe. On pared sWet, cloae to cart and achouL Ban eaek, near 27 th. Easy term to responsible party. ; j HOUSES LOTS FARMS CLARKE ECOUNTY FARM KA a A O In MiMnHnn A Kama fine barn aood outbuildinara. 3 cow and i heifen, 2 eolta. 1 and 3 yeara old;: some hay; located 1 H miles from paved road and food town with high school, in Clarke county, Washington. A- real buy at 37000, terma. STURM-KEFER CO. ji 814 Fifth St, Cor. Salmon Opp. Cenrthoase. 1 Mala 245S or j ; Main 6S25. -t, BRICK BUILDING . SUITABLE FOR: " WHOLESALE CONCERN i! I j 50x00 FOUR STORIESi AND BA8EMENT j; . FREIGHT ELEVATOR . -If SIDEWALK ELEVATOR "NORTHWESTERN STEAM HEAT i! i -. ETC. . ' -' ' ' .VERY CLOSE IN j: RENT REASONABLE TWELFTH ; FLOOR YEONBLDG. WE CALL FOR TOUR OLD , i - - CARPETS ji Rsrs aad Woolaa Clotniiy FLUFF RUGS (Alt Wor Tarried Oat Promptly Kar Ruga WTti All Kle ! Han Order Sead for Book . . . let Carpet i Cleaasd, 1 i Laid mm Railttad ' NCrjHWEST RUG CO. 188 EAST EIHHTII MTKEE f . PHONE EAHT 888 LI t For liease ! NEW TODAY AuciionSales AT WILSON'S THREE BIG SALES THIS WEEK n J. " i Monday : Wednesday Friday j EACH DAY AT II A. For Monday's sale we have a good assortment of furniture for all parts of the home. Including Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Brass, and Iron Beds, massive Black Walnut Bedroom Set. with large plate' mirrors; ' new - and used Mattresses. . - Gas and Steel . Ranges; Chairs. Rockers, Dishes, Utensils and many, other lots. . COME AND SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. OTHER GOOD LOTS FOR WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. FURNITURE AT PRIVATE SALE Alt kinds- of furnitura for all ! parts of the house sold at pri- vate' skle every day in the week. Let us how you our line before purchasing..., .,, m . When you wish to i sell your , furniture phone Main 1 1626. WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE . HI.-1U W SW- Near: Morrlsom. J. T. WILSON, Prop. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN IN , SEASIDE LOTS 50 Cut in Prices BUY NOW AND BUILD YOUR SUMMER HOME LATER I The owners of the Carrwright Park, Seaside, Oregon,, authorize, until Oc tober 1, a flat: reduction in prices of 50 per cent , . i . , Prices heretofore have been from 75.00 to 4700. Now the same lots can be secured at a price of from $37.50 to $"350, including lota on the Necan icum river,- lots in Spruce Grove, lots on. Boardwalk and lots facing mead ow, which adjoins' Seaside House. The"; purpose of ? this .reduction In price ts to- encourage btrying, so that If sufficient sales are' made the own ers will be enabled to make certain improvements that wiU, benefit the whola .tract. i -This .offer only good until October V For further particulars, Inquire WHITMER-KELLY COMPANY, ; '414 Plttock Block, and . F. M. COLE, Seaside, Oregon. ' For Sale $4500 A real home, with' larae lot.' Absolutely mod ern and complete in erery detail, consulting of a large baxement, 23x35, with- 5 Inch concrete floor, built in wah trays and ' Tery best pipelest furnace builL First floor consist of reception hall, tittine room with builtin bookcases, open fireplace, French doors between reception hall and dinins room, breakfast room, large builtin sideboard, all inch oak floors, nice ktahen and large pantry with all modern conrenieaces and ' builtins. Upstairs has two large bedrooms with extra large bathroom; Tery massWe beauti ful electric fixtures. This boune ia only 4 years old. has nice large lawn. 6 young fruit trees. plenty of space for large regetable garden. Slse of lot is 150x82 feet. gktewalks and sewers In; only 4 blocks from Crescent school and easy walking distance from Franklin higb. This is close in on 39th are. Apply to owner on premises. 4410 30th are. 8. K. Three short blocks from Woodstock ear in IdeaMew addition. $2750 A SUBURBAN HOME AT A BARGAIN j '$2750 . An acre, with fine 8 room house, barn and chicken houses, fruit trees In full bearing, located on the "BASE LINE" ROAD, hard surface, and you couldn't build the barn for the price I am asking for the entire property. i . Thftrs 1 a mnrf era rrr 1 flflfl nn .1. A Daiance of J1750 must be CASH. H-747, JOURNAL. MONEY To Loaii on Improvied TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS . (Wt Can and DellTer) ; ' Old Bugs and Woolen Clothing Wa NUka Rsvenibia. Hand-Woven I FLUFF RUGS Room Slxe FlufT Ruos Weran S470 'flag Rugs Wowi Ai. Slxss Cfothea , Cleaning, and. Dyeing Dept. MH . Orders, Send far Booklet MUrmn :-i Renovated, Mada Over. Made to Order Feathers Renovated :, Carpet Cleaning I , 8H2 Ruos, Stesmsd Claaned, WESTERN FLUFsri RUd CO. M Union Ave. N. Cast 6518, r East 7SSS LARGE STORE FOR RENT lie st location on First street, modern buUding 3 or 5 years', lease given, $600 month. r-Gs6, Journa1. 1 . j NEW TODAY EiS T ' H " I ' twT " Msa ' IN IRVINGTON Office Open Today 10 to 5 v. Above Beautiful Colonial - 534 Braxee, Unlocked .Today, 2:30 to 5 P. Af . Beautiful corner; " near-new, semi English COLONIAL;! ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout ; beautifully tapered ;: four rooms on first floor, three; and sleeping porch room on-2d. Plate-glass win dows .and" -spruce . siding. Costly lightings and plumbing fixtures. Most beautiful tile bath and kitch en. .Double garage, i 110,500. See this -today, sure. UNLOCKED TOI?AY. ' Splendid modern i corner home, costly hardwood finished first floor, With Lirge liv- room ; pleasant bedrooms In .e, i one is very fl large , Deautnu. y paperea. price $9600. Near 16th and Brazee. An inspection and comparison of values Is solicited." . ( icnb ' UBloeked Today No. 775 Knott St., N. W. corner ofi 24th. Center entrance; all ivory! fjnish except solid mahogany dinirigr room ; beau tifully papered ; oak floors tbrong-h-out; very large living room; three or four bedrooms j and sleeping poreh on second r (large billiard roommaid's room and bath on 3d ; HOT WATER ' MEAT. 13.000. Knott-st. corners are; scarce. Hot-water-heated, homes ieost money to balld. i beautifully papered, thoroughly modern, good billiard room, 60x100. These and Other Good Listings Office Open Today, 10 to 5 R. T. STREET "GOOD HOMES REALTOR E Jith and Broadway. East 894 RIVER FRONT! riyerdalWriverwood COME AND LITE! WHERE YOU CAN TAKE A " SWIM BEFORE DINNER AND A CANOE RIDE AFTER (DINNER, WITH PLENTY I OF TREES TO SIT UNDER I ; j Only 29 minutes out, sonth of town; paved road, opposite WATEELY OOLF CLUB; good ear service, 148,000 school, all city conveniences. I Houses $4500, 13009, $5500, 914,000, 115,000, $25,000 and oa up. I BUILDING SITES DUNTHORPE PALATINE HILL WONDERFUL PLACES FOR THE NEW HOME THAT YOTJ ARE GOING TO BUILD A LITTLE LATER. INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN : - i - ' '" ' i -" .:, 1 Mrs. Helen S. Turner 1008 SPALDING BLDG. Main 808 . Main 7271 Rose City Bungalow With "Class", and a Bargain READ THIS DESCRIPTION Lot 50x100. faces least, on 49th St., block and one half from the carline ; all improvements in and paid. The house is of S rooms, all fin ished in old ivory, ' with - sleeping porch,! sun room, living room, dining, room, 2 beautiful sleeping rooms with large closets, kitchen in white enamel, also breakfast nook, cooler ; full basement, wash tubs, fruit closet, fine furnace. ' All ; hardwood floors, fireplace, a-lass in French plate and beveled: beautiful, shrubbery at its best at present, and this is the greatest bar gain we ever handled for J6000 ; good terms; , j'- "' " '! & Gustafson 906 YEONi BLDG. ;:v. i CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I Have a Number of Mortgaged Lots for. Sale Cheap, All Parts of the i , City. Special 3argains In 'r ; : : - , r HoIIaday, Bean- City' F ark. Arbor most, Richmond, Lodge, Jonesmore Hawthorne, Rosa Waverlelgh. - i. ;--- ; -i' -r -A-.. Will Loan Money on All of These Lots 'j; ' . -toTf Building Purposes. A FINE; IMPROVED LOT 50X100 . j IN BEAUMONT I ON EAST 49TH NEAR KLICKITAT 1 STREET IMPROVED AND PAID ! COSTOWNER 91500) MUST SELL j WILLIAM G. BECK -215 FAILING BLDG. - NEW TODAY u Houses Garages tt 1 '--aiats- J- V-" ' ERECTED IN " I : PORTLAND SHIPPES) I 3 ElTf3f F- - 1NTWHEM - It I' ; I IN BUILT 4-FT. SEO- I h ! L. TIONS READY AND " h - !i fl a TO RUT TO-j y jfjf ' I , QETHER II I A rimiaas aoosa or gsrsge direct froes I ft tbo taetory at a uKJfiAi bAVIAU. arq In oay no aaioalaaaeaa protib Write (oiLn , II jsuioriia. - i - . It I RCOlMADE BUILOINC COMPANV ; 1 East Aieverwi en- wVarset . II in ' '2 B.rcss ouwi ei Hawtnerna, , 1T pnm Eait ilt4 Pomano, Otwt Ws Call and DellTsr Old Carpets and Rags Mad If ta FLUFF RUGS Kag Rugs, Carpet Cleaning and Refitting. Mall, orders. Send : for Booklet, Oregon Fluff Rug o. 1984 Eaat Stark Tabor 7S14 MEETING ITOTICE! 41 HOMESTEAD NO. 42 BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN invite you to go with us on THE" BLUEBIRD SUNDAY, AUG. 115 All-day excursion, picnic dinner in the woods, special features, leveral double high dives ofi the wing of the , Blue . Bird, -relay twimming races acroa the Wil amerte and back, boom fights, teiect reading races, prize waltz, fileaant nrizea. . (m, and hrins your friends and enjoy the day with us. Boat leaves west approach of Morrison bridge at a. m.. returning at 7 p. m. Yetta Haines, cor reapondent. 205 Alisky bide. Phone Main 635S. AI K-VDEK TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. A moonlight lancing party will he given on the pleasure boat "Bluebird," on Monday night. August 10. Boat leavea west approach to Morri son street bridge at 8:15 p. m. Tickets are T5 cents each and may be purchased at Brady At Oliver's. Venn hniMinir Tikra are limited and none but Shriners and tbeir la dies will be admitted. No ticket will be sold after capacity of boat is sold out. First come, first served, will be strictly observed. Buy your wacv at docs. wear yowr lea. HUGH 3. BOTTJ, Recorder. DANCE Monday evening, August 16, Kant Side W. O. V. hall. East 6th and 41der. by Eureka Council 204, 8. B. A. Fine union music, large well-ventilated hall. lanclng, 8 :30 p. m. Ad- mMSioaf JSC, Including war tax. Members notified to at tend a basket picnic Sunday. Auguat 1 5, Berkeley station. Coffee and ice cream furnished members free of charge. Take Kitacada. G res ham or Bull Run tear at 1st and Alder. 9:45 a. m., or erery hour buereaicer; cariare. oc M. - It. JOHNSOX. SfCJ. KLRKTATRICK Council No. 2227, Security Benefit as sociation, will meet in regular) closed session in their couneu chambers at the Swisa hah. Sd and Jefferson streets, on Friday next, August 20.. at 8 o'clock. All members should endeavor to be there with an application. Talk insurance to your friend. ATTENTION Members . of Anchor' Council N tx 746. al former Portland Council members. Bring your candi dates for initiation, Tuesday, August 17. Important busi ness. Big rally. Refreshments and entertainment. Visiting members welcome. ITANHOE HOMESTEAD. No. 6038, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, will meet Wednesday the 18th. at 8:15 p. m.. in Women of Woodcraft hall. 894 Taylor st This is the regular business meet ing, which all member are requested to attend. Refreshmenta will be served. Visiting Yeomen always welcome. Mrs. E Earl Feike. Cor. Main 1020. MOOSE band and degree team PICNIC at Crystal Lake Park, on Sunday. August 15. There will be races. - game, swimming. bowling, - boating, concert by th Moose bsnd and dancing afternoon and evening. Prof. Praap'a Moose orchestra : Something good every minute. Everybody Invited. EAST GATE LODGE NO. 189. A F. AND A M. Eaat 80th and Glisan- streeta. Stated com munication' Monday, 7:30 p., m. Work F. C. degree. , Visitor wel come. By order W. M. . . CHAS. P. NELSON. Sec ' M. W. A. During month of August Rose City camp will meet ONLY the last Monday in each month. H. J. WHIPPLE, Consul. , j . J. W. SIMMONS. Clerkv- i 818 Yeon bldg. AMERICAN LEGION, Portland Tost No. 1, reg ular meeting Monday evening, August ' IS. 1920. at the Central library. Tenth and Ym hill, at 8 p. m. All member urgently requested to attend. J . EMBLEM JEWELBY epecialty; buttons, pins. - eharrrs. Jaeaer Bros.. 181-188 6th st. " i DEATHS AND FTTNERALS 7J LEPPERE -Ia this city. Abbie Leppere, ag 37 yesrg. late of 2074 E. Schuyler C, be loved wife of Ji F. Leppere, mother of Fred, Leppere. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of KW. Gable A Co., 1973 K. GUsan, on. Monday, -Aug. -16, at 10 a. ra. Frienda In vited. Interment Mt. Soott Park cemetery. BARNARD At Preiser, Wash.. Aug: 11. 'Charles A. Barnard, aged 55 years. Funeral services win be held at the Portland Crema, torhim, August 18th at 10 a. m. Arrange ments in charge of East Side Funeral Director, 414 East Alder. Friends invited -to attend,- Picas omit flowers. ; ' ' " , - . HARMON -At the family residence, 3933 62nd st. S. E., Mary Andy Harmon,-ace 13 years, beloved wife of Gilbert Harmon. Funeral serv ice will be held Monday, Aug. 18, at lO . m. from the funeral parlors of A. D- Kenworthy A Co.... S80S-04 92nd at 8. E., ia Lents. , .In terment Multnomah cemetery. "".'' . KARKY Atthe" family reidence. 4615 60th st. S. E.. Michael H. Karry, age 32 yean, beloved husband of Beasi Karry. The funeral, wrrten wilt be held Monday. Ana. IS. at Is. m fwm the funeral parlor of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.; 6802-04 2nd at. 8. E-, In.- Lenta. . Jntec mrt Mt. Scott cemetery. . ' SCHWAB Aug. 4. 1920, at Camp Humphreys, Vs., by accidental drowning. Conrad Schwab Jr., age 21 years 1 . month IS, days, beloved son of Mr. and Mr. Conrad Schwab of 672 Sailing street. Remaifrs in care of the Pearson Undertaking Co., Rnsxll st. and Union ave. ' NORTHROP The - funeral service of the late Nellie Northrop, aged 61 years, will be held at the Portland . Crematorrora Monday at 1:89 p. C m. Friend invited. Remains at P. L Lerch Undertaking parlont. East 11th at Haw thorne. ,. - ' ' -. .-; ; MANUK In tb city, Aug. 13. 1920, Mike Maouk. age 36 years. Funeral ervicea will be conducted Monday. Aug. 13, at 10 a. m., from Pearson Undertaking Parlors, Russell st t Vnion are. rTiends invited. CHILBURN At Cochran. Or.. August 12, Ben - Chilhurn, sged 33 years. Remains are at the residential - funeral parlors of Dunning & Mc- En tee, Morriaoa street at 12th. Funeral notice M'lNNEB At , her resideoee. 329 Broadway, ; August 14, Mia' Mary Mclnne. aged 69 years. Remain at new residential funeral par lors of Dunning it McEntee, Murrison street at lith. Funeral notice later. . ' CORAK At the family residence, 3921 Seventy. flrrt etreet 8. E-. Louis Corak, age 45 yearci Remain are- at th funeral parlor of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 5802-04 8 2nd st 8. E. in Lauta. Notice of funeral lsAer. y -. - - .. . . . . c DEATHS AND FUNERALS t ESTES In this city, at the residence, 684 Uantenoeia are., Mrs. buxabetti r. te. aged 88 i yeara.. beloved wife of John D. Estea and mother of Grace Rorick. Deceased waa a snetnr beriof Acme Rebekah lodge No. 82. 1. O. O. K. Servteea wiU be held at the new residential fu neral parlors of Dunning: Ac McEntee, Morruoa street st 1 2th. at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Monday, August 18). Interment Bos City 'cemetery. Friends invited to attend. - - RANDOLPH At the family residence, 847 H : th st.,- August 12. Martha Randolph, -arC 78 t years, mother of Mrs. T. F. Uahoney. Mrs. Blanche R. Johnson of Portland; Mrs, IL A. Btiiea of Lo Angeles, Cat : Jobs 8. of Mew Jersey and George B. Randolph p Minneapolis The funeral services) will be held Monday. August IS at 2;30 o'clock p. as., at Finley'a, Montgom eryat 5th. . Friends Invited. - Interment. Uiver view cemetery. BLACKBURN The funeral service of Oral Mae Blackburn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George A. Blackbara. wiU be held Monday. August J O. at 20 o'clock p. m . st the Pert land Crematorium, 14 th and Bybee sts. Friends uTiieu. f. miey oon, directors. BOSCHLIV Aug. 14, at 347 Fremont street. : George. Bochlin. am ,78 yeara. Funeral an nouncement later. Krmains - st A. K. ZelUr o-:s parlors. - 692 William4 avenue. FPlf ERAt DIRECTORS Dunnins: McEiitee . f - rrrvB-n if. nrnwrnmiJ f : few located .in their - new .rwsidenHal funeral borne.' Morrison at IStb. West Side. Phone Broadway 4SO Auroras tie SI -6! r THjt FUNERAL LOME OF KErlNKMErT " r aad wsracTiva saiiricg toe AVe have no braarhea nor any oanneettons t whatever with any other undertaking firm. Edward : Ho3niann;;Son i Funeral' Directors V ; .. . THIRD AND SALMON STREETS .. " ' ;i - . ' Main 507. A-161i.. . v ,-J-1i.-" ' Lady Aasiatanw J.PaFINtEY& SOH FUNERAL; -DIRECTORS Hid . - MONTGOMERY AT FIPTH f -F.: S. DUNN INQ, "t INC. -."THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder st. Phones East 32. B 5225 A. D.- Keai worthy .& Co. i B802-5S04 82D 8T. 8. B., LENTS i pbon Tabor 6267 . Hom. Phone D-Sl. CHAMBERS Co" j " ' Funeral Director. ' - i . f An the Conveniences of a Home. ' Wpodlawn SSOS. 248-250 Klllineswnrth av. UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th snA n.Jrh.- S?.T. RV!?NPS New rideac. "7" " " " Zr tabhahmeafc, , 801 MILLER Ar TKACET, independent funeral' dlred to"-i; Pr4c" tow f. 40, $60. Washington t Elia. Main 2S91. A-7886 M "EN TEE A BILERS, funeral parlors' with"alj (th privacy of a horus, 16th and Everett si. Phoney-Broadway 8188. Home A-2189. K. W. GABLE At OU. Sncreasor to W. H. Hamilton 197S E. GUsan. Phone Tabor 4818. DOWNLNU A. M'NEMAK successors to Wibon V Ran UnlfnnniAk a.i XT'.. - fU : . dlstricL ifesst 64. Breezea&Snook ?r 12J t? A.R.Zeller Co. Eart is8mc-i.oli ve. 0H8 IrAlvPC UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4162 A.;i2i Cor. Third and Clay. MONUMENTS Portland Marble i Works a lth st.. op. City Hsu. Neu Bro. , IKBUCSIMQ GRAflJTE Co L 17-30 ST AT MADlSOM i I FLORISTS 'Smith's Flower Shop . Portlsnd' Progressive Florist." . Flowers for All Oceaaiona. Main 7215. T. C LUKE. Mgr.. 6th and Alder. Geo. Betz & Son Since ' 1885 FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS end .11 occasions, 6T Williams eve. Just eail WoodlawB 1812. Joseph Bet. Msnsger. LUBLINER -gSL- 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Msrsh. 257 828 Morrison. Portlsnd HoteL - Marshall 768 MARTIN Sc. FORBES CO.. florist, 854Wash l ington. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. . CLARK BROS., lorists, Morrison St.. bet. 4th j and 6th. Phone Main 7709. Fin flower and f tors I design. No branch store. TONSETH FXiORAL CO.. 287 Wshfnton. t. i bet. 4th snd 6th.- Main 5102. A-l 101. Chappell's N. W. Bank bid. Main 6116 811 Morrison at LOST AND FOUND tl THE following article were, found on cars of the P. R.. L. A P. Co., Aug. 13: 8 purses, pin. barette. watch, 8 pairs glasses, comb. 1 pair gloves, flashlight cap, 5 keys, lO package, kodak, .overalls, 4 lunch boxes, 3 suitcases. 1 arnbrella, -Owners may obtain property at "1st nd Alder streets. ' - ESTRAT from Portlsnd Cnlon station' since i July 81, Jiug dog, light yellow, black Yac. black chin with great deal of gray, weight 20 lbs., curly tail, 11 years old: answers-to name Schnicklefrita: liberal reward. Phone Broad way 4900. House104. ' ' ': LOST On beach at Seaside, Friday morning, Aug. 1 8, two wrist watches, one silver and one gold, snd two rings, one old silver . with garnet Setting, other gold band - with coat of iarms carved. Please return to Soldier and Sailor Club and claim reward. LOST On streetcar arriving at Kenton at 7:10 p. m. last Saturday night, a card board box, containing a Seneca camera and some fancy work. Owner's name on outside of- box. - Finder. phone Wdln. 2846 snd obtain suitable reward. WILL th person who found beaver neck, piece between Uilwaukie and , Oregon City on or about August 1 pleas return to owner, car of this office. Reward. LOST On Mount Hood road between Lumber . men'a Cimn and Oaveniment damn Ammit A fishing basket containing rod, reds, khakiakirtr reward. I'none isdot salt, - LOST- Toy Colli dog. black nose, bob -tall. ginger brown, white feet; 9 months old; li cense 8381. . Liberal reward by owner. 674 E. 25th st LOST Black brindle female Englixh bulldog, with black face and protruding undershot; st the time when lost wearing light harness. Return to Z7 6 Taylor st and receive reward. LOST Ladp purse, containing money, -Elk's card and key; on Mt Scott car or near car- line. Call evenings. Tabor 9475 FOUND Lady' purse, about Aug. 6. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad. Call Main 7314. j LOST Geld almond locket containing for-get-me-not, small diamond in on side; reward for recovery. Phone Tabor 6410. - : LOST Pocketboek. containing 5 bills and some checks, in Lux market 2d at. ; reward. Alex Craib. 823 E. Washington st East 8554. LOST - Return ticket to Leavenworth. Kan., signed Mrs. J. P. Watson. .Finder phone Marie Jttchiffgen. Broadway 2994. receive reward. LOST Cabin sample grip at 8th andHoyt sts. Call Broadway 1703 or Marshall ,5732, Re ward. LOST Lady'a watch and clasp. Hampton work. bet Lovejoy at and 2 lat or 2U U risen and er.r- flinders. Ca'l lldvrv. 3JOO. GLASSES-fiheU ran and bow in leather ease, bttween E. d ai.it .u.u M . . , MW car. Aut. 31S-78. -, . -. LOST Collie dog;-white ring around neck. 4 white feet; answer' to the i nam. "Mac." Phone Broadway 2189. J - ; r , , LOST Bunch of key on ring, between Monta villa and Kenton. Nam on i tag, Geo. Mc- Brkie. Call Tabor 2387. Reward. - - . LOST Brown fur neck piece between ' Jeffer son and Washington, an Park st, or en Park blocks. Call Bdwy. 2817. ISt Thur-day eve.. Aug. 12. lady . Elgin engraved .watch. Keepsake. Return to 912 LOST Wrist watch, grlld eswe.: initials N. H? on paca. vau aoa aiectrlc bldg. FOUND July 22. auto wheSlX complete; sise .83x4. Apply Mr, y. Baldwin. Oswego. LOST Thurs. by elderly woraingladynew P. R.. L.f A P. ticket book. Tabor1455. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Experienced men to : run steam rock - drill at Cabbage HiU; steady work, f 8 a day. J. - Lv Mara, La Grande. Or.. - - . MAN . WANTED . to do hght work on chicken farm. . 345 month, board and laundry. &opt. Portland Open Air Sanitarium, Milwaukee, ore. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wanted. G-400. WAXTEIT--Carpntr to work in exchange for a lot in quvneas qisinca. jaii 2- PAINTERS; miut.be A No.j L 4331 323 . 8. K. - - - - - ..I--' - - FLRST-CI ABS shoe repair man vrvnU-d at once. V. B. Slater. HarrWmrg. or. BOY, ever 13 years old, for-office work. RT. ply In own handwriting. Y-637, Journal. UBOBERS in steel foundry. ; Columbia Steel Irva., 10th and Johnson sta. - k- - ' HELP WANTED MALE DID TOTT EVER HEAR OF ANXTltLN'U LIKE ITT CTjKAN. EFFICIENT. SMOKELESS,! onom,HS8, economical, a s BURNING. riTELF.SS FIKNACE V have it and are otiering ISO reward for 'the best name suggested. Winner to be announced as soon after September 1 as possible, when ham is to be derided on. I Phone, write or call for pamphlet giv-i ing suggestions aa to th kind of nam desired. . t i EDWARDS CO I . Fifth aad Oak bta 'ME1KR FRAXK : ! COMPANY ... 1 ... ' ; Require the services of an ' experienced : - FCB CCTTEIl ; ' j ' Permanent poiUon. " Best wage. Apply or writs to employment bureau. aUlk floor, Meier A Frank Co. , . MR. EX-8KIIVICEMAN . - Art you hnnling a Job or seeking career , Hav you discovered where you fit" In 7 : Would you like to Ulk over your problem, confidentially, witn a man of wide esperienc who will .take - a personal Interest in youf The -T. . M. C A Advisory a nd Employment Pept ran ansLit you in cboosina, and esc help ymi find-the puce for which you are best fitted. This servic in absolutely free to ex-service men. Seaone af the tecretarie. Itoom 807. TUAFFIC JIA-S W want a keen, ambitious man between i he age f 24 and 32 who is now or has- in ; the past handled rates, clsmifi csrtoha, - tracing, claims and general local rail road office werk.: This is a rare opportunity to build )rour- future with a targe national corporation.- Salary- between f 160 and 8200 : per month, but' tha real value lie in future opportunities.- - State experience, sgs and where now .employed. Allre., N-274. Journal. 1 ' borers, teamsters, plow p lwlders. Ffesn loaders and dumpers, bridge carpenter for railroad- construction on th WUlamia A Grand Itonde Jly. Co. - '.. - Bates A Rogers Construction Co. ' AND i . '. -. 1 ' . . J. V.- Sweeney Construction Co., ' Willamina, Or. 1 3 PER MONTH the yea.- around, the sver rtrnings last year of a number of our slemra ever 45 years,'-. Thia year. will b th biggest ytt No ex: -tienc necessary; weekly eeh advance; outfit furnkhed. Big aMwrtment euarsnteed tress, shrubbery and vines.-. You cam do what other in experienced men have dene. i Washington Nur wry Co.. -' TofrwiIsh. Wash. !- j f HOflOEGHLY expefienccd alr-man'; Is rnted top nnteher; competent to handle and produce results with any line of merit Want! to make trip to Texas snd 'other MintlMjartern states and will cover all towns on route. gelt. to deal ers onjy. Will consider salary and expeussai or liberal communion. 1-63H, Journal. HELP WANTED, MALE: Young man, 16 to t-: 20 years' old, of neat ' appearance, who is willing to begin as junior clerk in an office,: with excellent chances for advancement Hut. age. experience and salary, expect edj C-51A. Journal. WANTED Salesman who can qualify to earn 8100 per week or mora. -Steady work here in city. No. lias been or advance men wanted. If you are talesman and ran deliver, com see n; w need yon. ril4 Swetland bldg. j VANfEi5Woman capable ofTtakTngluirchar of family of 5 during first! 3 weeks of Sept Mother to be confined. Nurse will come one hour every day. Wages reasonable. ' 2048 ii. jarniiiu ar. jaonr rius. -VVAN1' a. live uuu acguauiLed with logging to take good job and 3 ton White truck and trailer off our bands; good roada and long job; terms reasonable. See William L. Hughson Co., oi .-v. Broauway, lo-XEAR-OLD boy. with BRAINS to learn well paying profession ; good wages ; no schoolboy' wanted. Anply 8 a. m. Monday Union Sign Co.. 7 West Park st .. f WANTED Boy 16 or orer for store work. ' Steady job and good wags with chance to learn the business. Railway Equipment. Co., 2d and Stark eta. i 1 FURNISHED apartment for man and wife, no children; rent and wages to wife in exchange for chamber-work; man can get work near by easily. R-481, Journal. WANT a man with a drag aaw to saw 200 or 300 cords 4 -ft wood. I pay 81 a cord. Take the Bull Run car to Pleasant Home. C L Williams. r WANTED First-class Hudson and Bulck t auto mobile mechanic : must be No. 1 man: work 12 months in the year. Eastern Oregon Auto uo., ie, or. . , ST'TiBrnvirpw -Experleaeed in budding roser steady . posi tion ror.singi men. Apply isbor WANTED Two carpenter for Job, inside fin- on is story nous, utii Tabor Sunday until 10 m. or Monday. WANTED experienced furnithr salesman. If not experienced, need not apply. Owl Furni ture Co.. 180 lit (t AUTO top man -wanted. Good a U-around - man. Columbia Auto Top Co., 357 Burnside. Broad way 24 70. WAN TED lit clasa wood worker for reoair- irig shop. . Must be fast and good man. Call A BOY wanted for service work in vulcanizing shop; must b willing to work. 84 N. Broadway. . . - WANTED General office man; must be good at figure. Axply J. U. Maokic, 411 Cor be tt Din., alter o p. m. EXPERIENCED foundry helpers win ted. Ap ply Commercial . Iron Work, E. 7 th and sisaison. . i HELP WAXTED-iFEMALE THE Meier A Frank Company require the serv ice of girl between the asea at 18 and 23 fer positions in the . soda fountain and dairy lunch departments. - . Apply Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier a rranx vompany. I EXPERIENCED ladles' neckwtsr saleswoman. Apply Kmpluyment . Bureau before 10:30. Lipman, Wolf V Co. ' . f. ' -'" - - -: .--:' i '-':- HOUSEKEEPER for light ! housekeeping by elderly gentleman. Must be nest and good plain cook. On that would rather hav an easy place and, good treatment than big wage preferred. - State, age and wages wanted, and give address for interview. No phone address eoasiacrea. . u-j, jtrurnsi. WANTED Two women to wash dishes, salary 370 morith and board, for might work as late a 12 o'clock.' and 306 month and board for day -work; 6 days per week. Apply to chef, BROADWAY HAZELWOOD, : ' 127 Broadway, after 9 a. in. : DEPENTABLEldy, fond ef children, to do liaut honsewora: reference Oestreo. Call Sunday or evening, 621 Glenwood ave., Sellwdod car. . ''"!.' WA NT ED An experienced bookkeeper and sienogrmpner anu win, can; ium w lire , in surance business. - Thompson, Swan . A Lee, 84 ana- sism st.. Vancouver, vaB. FURNISHED apartnwnt for man and wife, no children: rent and wage to wif in axchang - or chamber work ; man can get work near by easily. R-481, Journal. - ' ANTED Woman "or reliable girl to car for boy of 4 while parent are at work; "room and board and some wages. Arply 1617 E. 18th St.. or phone Automatic 218-B9. j, - . GIRL WANTED to aasfct in general housework. Apply Monday morning. Box Alder t cor, in - v mm, WILL GIVE room in beautiful horn in .x- changs. for . help - morning; wgv: Tabor 3929. . : : . "-.'-- . -).' ?- ... WANTED Elderly Isdy to Care for children; . girl 1 Vk years sod boy 4. -i tall 983 K. -21st t N.n Tske Albert- car. ; HOUSEKEEPER wntd in amU family. Hirld work, colored - lady preferred. Addree 111 J, P., Box 178, Cascade Locks, Or. WANTED- A young lady -experienced in hair - dressing and manicuring. Prefer Marineflo graduate. Marin I lo Shop, 210 Central bldg. WANT nousekespar, - middle aged widow or laoy; iuu eusrge. . J eter tenner. Alt Angel, Or. COMPETENT office girl who can do stenogra " pbie work: .state experience. . sefcrence and phone nnmbert-- R-850. Journal. ' . -POWER.; machine ' bpcrator,: tteady job, good ware i. CulomW Auto Too- tJo.. 357 Born- side. Bdwy. 24 70. -' POVVER mschiiie operator,1 study job. good wages. Coliimhia Auto Top Co., 357 Burn ride. Bdwy. 2470. - ' i . .- . - . - WANTED Good . ll-arvun4 - blacksmith to do ' general renainng. -;aR a 133 DtrWon. - GIRLS wanted. . American laund'ry,-' 140. E - 3d ss, N. ' . - -.'-'. WANTED Wonvsn to take care ef sick ladyT'do own eoosine, no, washing, i tail "la cor uv. WANT as4.-iUnt Ueitian..; i Portland Convales cence Hospital. Phone Mar. 2893. GIRL wanted for general housework, family - : adults; no washing. JCt JJ897. MUSIC course exchanged for, 'a few hour' bouse- - von IM lsuoory. - si sin ui. WANTED Iady or Ctrl to cook, for xoan and boy at beach, Ji-SfcoV JonrnaC - WOMEN rUi sort new"paiers and raisines. Kortliwa. Waste A Cvttun Co., 33s Front st HELP WAXTFP FEW ALE .. Wanted ' ' YOUNG GRILS For bag uannfacturing; good wge with Urge bonuses paid; Saturday afternoon off. Apply .-Ames-Harris-Ncville ' ' Bag- Co. .. 18th and Hoyt' Tak N. tt S. or 18th st car. GIRLS between the of 1 0 and 18 for work in wrspping and marking departments. F.xiK-rience not necessary. As these positions are itermanenk Birl, who Intend to return to schiHil rsnnot he considered. Apply suiierintendent's ofuce before 10. at. Lll'MAN. WOLFE & CO. THE Meier A Frank Company requires thsserv- tee of girls between the ars of IS and in for our wrapping and offirtr departments. Only those who are not to tvtutn to school will be considered for the position. Apply Kmnlnym.nt Httrcau, Sixth floor, sieier A Frank Company. ; THE Meier A Frank Company bss varancies in several deisirtmetits for experieneed - sslesreo ple. Theae ar. permanent poiutiima and o(ffr splendid opportunitie for thos. SVho desir d vaneemrnt. Amly Employment Bureau, Sixth Floor, Meier A Frank Company. ' - THE Meter A Frank Company requires th serv ice of so experienced liniiulttclier. Apply Mrs. Fisher, hemstitching ih-tiartnieDt, Second Floor, Meier A Frank Company. . HELP Mr..VTEn MALE AND FEW A I.E. HflP pickeri wan tod. Familici mferreiL I-sru yard near Newb?rg on Willam.-tte river. I.x- freilent taking. irixwl accuiniuodationa, .xl water, store on place. . A. J. HAY & RON. - 836 Sherlock bMg. Main 842 600 HOP PICKERS Wanted. Apply BUhop Bro.. 124 N. 6th st WANTED Bookkeeper and office clerk, mal or femnle. Mil t write plain and lesllilo. Ad drets A-00. Journal. HKIP WANTED MIRC 49 CLERKS (women) over 17. for ik.11 vnafl aerviee. $135 month; examinations Angus!; exiierienre unneceaiuiry. For free partteular write J. Leonard (former civil servn-e etsminer), 998 Equitablebk1g., Wsshington. I. C. CLERKS over 17." for "postal msll servire. $iaS month; exsminstions Atiuiiht; exiwrietio. un-. neresssry. For free psrtiriilars, write J. lonsrd (former civil service exsnhner) , 9U8 Eiiultabl bldg., Wsshington, I). C. TEACHERa REGISTER FREE; MAN yTTaTXs" Westmnre Teachers' Aeency, Hpok'sne, W h. BUSINESS; AND TItADF. SCHOOLS ARK YOU MECIUNICALTT"I NClTlN ED 1 It o, get Into ttie bext psjina luiness today. Earn tiriO-f300 a month. Ix!arn by prac. tical method -on up-to-date equipment. 'e help student esrn room and board. Practical courses in AUTO MECHANICS : TRACTOR ENGINEERI-NO VUMANIZLN(J ! ADVANCED IGNITION MACHINE SHOP WORK Writ today for FREE 72 PAGE CATALOG. , NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL . 804 8. Figueroa st. Los Angeles, CL Largest in the West A8S0KKU EVERY GRADUATE j A POSITION. : ' Enroll ny time of ysir. ' ; DAY SCHOOL . NIGHT CBO0Ii T - Pbon.' call or writ for fra aucce catalog. SbQcializiTTSl iru N IiesidantondNon-fhsident 663VeidIgrStn tot3and,0reon. A Position for Esch Graduate. ALISKY BU1LMNO. LEARN trsds now snd psy lsUr. Are yon mechanically hiclinrdf If so, 4fnvtlat HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE A GA3 THA' -TOH SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorn v., cor 1. 20th, where you can learn in sis weeks to ou erste snd repsir sll mnkes of suto. arid t rsrtor O' WALLET dancing school tecbes you cor rectly end quickly all th latest ballroom dance, stag dancing; day and night clisasa. Privste lessons daily. Studio 310 auilar bid. sai tvasningion st WsNTEIl Mn and woman In ... v.. ..... trade; receive some pay while learning; por tions secured; Oregon s-ervice men, th. course to free to you; call or writ for partieuUr sol ratalogna. MOLEB BARBEB COLLEGE, 284 Burnsida st .... j BUSINESS MEN If your need is trsined. efficient offic. help, gall Ilroadwsy 4499. Clerical Help Service. 629 Artisans (Berk! Bulldin. 3 , LEARN TELEGRAPHY " Young men and women wsnted; rail 484 Jlsilwsr Exchcng bid.; splendid opportunity to lesrn a well paid profession. Usllwsy Tsl graph lnstftote. PORTLAND-Barber Colfeu. trsche thinbsrher trade in eight weeks; psys- while lesrning; good set of tool given; pnaitlton secured; tui tion reduced. 88 N. Second st LINKS BCSINE88COLLEOE ' SiimroTr course bookkeeping. Menography, rirll servlre. Secret a rtsl. special ) arses. Expert teacher, day and night Enroll now. Broadway 6083. STEEN SEWING 8CHiwl1Bek sy-letn7Tf . ladies' tailoring and dressmsking tsnght; pt, tern cut to measure. Phone Est 2359, H-330 152 Cnrnd sre nesr Belmont. MEN to trsin for firemen or brskemen. 22T to 3250 monthly. Railway asaooatiort. FX 158. Journal. '- - EAST sTdE 'COiirERClAL SCHOOL " Mis Begin BtirkeC privst school; individnal irwrtruction, 1 22 H Oraod eve. East 427. MEN, WOMEN learn barber trsde; wages wbiie learnings positions guartntearL Mgr. 23 years' experience. Oregon Barber Oillege. 233 Madlaon. BTjiCKY iiOUNTAfjr TeacbeV Aroey" Enroll free. Frrik K. Welles, former easiaisnt stst sunt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bsnk bklg Pbon. Main 8276. WHAT hav. you to ex-har-ge for music course - of vslnef Msin 8018.- ' - WANTED AGENTS 3 THE auto owner has the moi-y; we have what - he needs. The MULTI-MIX Kit iis ttxulcd great m-chanical engineers; vsporues erery (article of gasoline b-(ore entering motor; re moves eaiban; increases mihare up Xn 50 per rent; sold on money-bark fiusrantt. Dept 67, Hudson Product. Co.. 153 Grand av., Port land, or. FOUR lady agenta who are willing to work. and who xpect big pay for what they no. Tlii is no fake, but sn honest to goodnes opportunity to make your earnings as'-large ss your effort. Call at Jloosi 803, Srsilin b'dg., from 8 a. m. to h p. m., Monday or Tm-sdsy. (i UTHIDE'8 Iron Rust Sitap ., 4 0".4 Lan- , caster a.. Phila.. - Fa., mfrs. of the only original iron rust soap, wants s rents. ' Trsfi. -mark, print and copyright re!sterel In U. f, patent office. This swap removes iron rust. Ink and unwasbabhi stsfns from clothing. triarbK etc.. like magic. 2fc tube. Big profits. AGENTS 8100 'Ee"KLY. automobile, ownrra : rrerywbere wild ,ttb' etithuma-'m. Msrvtlmi trrvetition drtrtiltw power, m'lesge,. ef licitnry. Pvs its cost first day. Ber.'.tional sales ever-w:ier-. Territory'-going like wild Ire; 326 sample out.'.t and Ford rar f re,- Vrito quick. Ore Co.,; Dept. fl7ft. Louisville-.' Kr. MATEUlAL. WAGES liinn; . buy diraA: com. " plete line ssnitary linwbej, 'mopi and dnsters. Phila. Brush Co.. 1232 N. Lawrrnes, plnla- delplila-' ' AGENTS .coin money r'tl;ng ItrusMi Fihr Broom.- Tripie vslu corn broom. fSnmpi postpaid gt.17. Also Cramer Sanitary Brushes. Cramer Mfg. , Cn.s Wirhita. Kan. - SEND for free toilet soap saw pi. and 310 04 cash refund offer. Lri Co., Dept. iJ, gt -Loaia, Ma- - llafwSi tilllYfirN (JHIIIKlW MHIHSii i