The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 15, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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i . -
Republican Nominee Says Europe
Will Strive to 'Regain Trade
With America as Best Buyer
' (felted
inaymond Clapper
Iim Staff fferraaindatl
Marlon. DMo, Aug. 14. A predle
tion that ihe tariff Will be on of
the for emotet issues of the-campaign
Waa made by Senator Warren G.
Harding h ra tonight. T
i Merk my word, this will be aft Issue.
tie said, dli cussing the tariff question.
"People car smile now, but you- wiil
iear a lot of shouting about the tariff
before the campaign i over."
Harding officially announced hla ac
ceptance of an invitation to apeak at
the Minnesota State fair at the Twin
Cities Wednesday". September S. A La
bor day speech had been requested, but
Harding want to discuss agricultural
issues at th State fair and will make
a Labor day) speech from the front porch
here. He wjiU travel to Minnesota in a
tegular sleeping car. , .
. .. T..t,.. hrnVn un Hard-
inga plana for a golf game at Mans
field today. ' ,,w
'- He conferral several hours with ex
fienator John W. Weeks of Massachu
setts. Congressman Nicholas Loogwortn
and hla wife Alice Roosevelt Long worth,
apent last night at tha Harding home.
Elaborating on his forecast that the
tariff Is destined to be a leading Issue,
Harding continued :
. -How can. it be otherwise? . Europe la
bound to make every, possible effort to
rehabilitate jlfor trade. There la only
one way shi can do this. We are the
best buyers. America is the chief na
t ion that offers attractive markets out
aide of . Japan and Spain. Japan, with
her Imitative nese. produces for herself.
I don't knoW about Spain.
r. "I do not Itnow whether t am m agree-,
ment with others In this, but I f avoi
a tariff commission. : No congress can
have all the (Information necessary as to
differentials land rates. X regard a tariff
commission as a -necessary adjunct to
protective policies.
"1 do not) mean an old time prohlbl-
i uve lami. pui a lariit wmcn proiecis
American interests." 1 : i
"Do you i Regard " the present tariff
commission as Inefficient?" Harding was
asked. ,
"I won't say inefficient,: he replied,
"It is not functioning."
siirifht nF nnx taik
m .0 WiBBiS . W s w . . mm a
Cenlrmed From Pass h.l ,
and now w intend to establish protec
tion against another mnace,h$ said,
after declaring that tKe.;lublfcnf"'
have failed to present any, concrete plan
for permanent peace, '-.v.- . ,
The address tonight, delivered before
a large crowd at the river front park,
' probably . was the most, vigorous and
direct the nominee sfcaa flung at the
He publican (party .since his nomination.
His address this . afternoon before, the
Democratic Btate convention often waa
- Interrupted.' by demonstrations of 'ap
proval. . ; -
"I was not nominated by a senatorial
ring nor "any kind of a ring.'" Cox
said tonlghjt. "I decline to be tied to
-my front pbrch by a senatorial ring. I
deny it the iright to hold me there, mm
sled. In thei.faco of grave public emer
gency, and! when I am elected, I don't
-intend that) a senatorial ring nor any
other kind of ring, shall own me."
Mention of President Wilson's name
by Cox at ! the convention drew a big
demonstration. :. . , - ::
"The outstanding Impression of my
. visit to the Whiu House, Cox said,
"was thlsij
Tha president -gave a promise to the
.mothers of j the country . when he asked
for their sans and he wants to live long
enough tb pee that pledge, fulfilled."
The greatest applause came when Cox
shouted to the Democratic delegation:
- "Senator Harding -will not make a
peace with (Germany because he will not
be given an opportunity. There will
not 4e a separate peace because I will
not make it
tCeotJmMd FVms Pis OmI .
support lof prohibition and the Volsted
enforcement law. - v
The nomination and second, through
several ; addresses, followed, and the
career off Dr. Lovejoy waa reviewed.
"We have had a woman in congress
who simply Wept when matters of grave
Importance Were before that body. In
Dr. Lovejoy- w will have a representa
tive of Multnomah county with 'an in ten
national reputation, and who will work
and not; weep : at Important momenta, '
said -one! speaker. Others reviewed her
30 years of public . life, during all of
which time she was an ardent supporter
of equal! suffrage. m- J..- '
It was announced that a public re
ception in honor of Dr. Lovejoy will be
held on the lawn at the residence of
Dr. Mae Card well. 181 Bancroft street,
next Friday evening. f
"The Volstead act hua not to have
more teeth in It or it isn't worth a
whoop. ; i
Such waa the declaration made by
Prohibition Director Johnson S. Smith
before ' the mass - convention of the
Prohibition party Saturday afternoon. In
which he gave some Interesting Informa
tion regarding the work of enforcement
under the Volstead law la Portland and
vicinity. 1 . ; . . ,
The Volstead law is a step, but It must
"We've got to have more . power in
the section governing search," continued
Smith. fThe old revenue law on search
was much broader. At present It is
very ; hard to gel evidence ; requl red be
fore we can search premises, although
we may I be morally certain that illegal
operations are carried, on in certain
places. J , . S : i . . " ;
: The Volsted law la a step, but It must
be improved if . there Is to be rigid en
forcement of prohibition. ! ? ..,$. .
Tha class of people generally engaged
In the violation of the prohibition law
is disclosed by the names of those who
have been Indicted or found guilty, he
said. Ha then read 'list of names un
mistakably middle European in : their
character, and declared that a majority
of these never ; were and never Intended
to become American cltisens.
. "Austrians are maklnff ftinnrv nut r
the moonshine business taking it away
from Americans : and -sending if to the
Old Country," ; he declared. :
.Numerous pertinent ' questions were
propounded to Smith by his auditors.
The3 comjpiaint about free sale of liquor
at Salens during the Elks convention
waa discussed, and Smith said th Out
come of this was the uncovering of one
oi me Jiargest stills yet found in the
state.' i;: -p t-y ; :
Someone wanted to know how nhnut
the free dispensing of liquors in Port-
ourjing the Hlirlne conclave.
i thiak the Shrinera Jtathtrlmr was
very clean, considering Us else." re-
sponaed ) smith. ' "I ihlnk ; the amount
of liquors sold has been, grossly exag
gerated, ifor the Very reason that I know
liquor was sola at from 125 to 130 a
quart, jlf t had been plentiful such
prices could -not ' have been obtained."
He pleaded for the necessity of oreat
lng a Sustaining sentiment In everv
district for the enforcement of the pro
motion law, ana cited certain instances
where federal officers were: morally cer
tain that practically the ! entire i com
munity knew i of gross violations, but
refrained from aiding tha officers of
the government in unearthing the plague
apot.-." (;;.'"fc- ;4 'A K;.: .:;-VJ'i.
L'-'.-.i'.. ' " 1 ; . .... ' ' - f" r '- '-: ;-,,L - ' ' "i '
S: ; . '"(. : i.' 1
Christensen Fails to Get G. 0, P.
Leader's Help in Fight : on
Government's Russian Policy.
Chicago, Au. s 14.(TJ. T.) Sen
ator Warren Q. Harding; declined the
request of. Parley JP. Christensen,
Farmer-Labor candidate 4 for - the
presidency, that he demandbfull pub
licity Trom tha Democratic adminis
tration on Its alleged financial sup
port "of Poland's war on soviet Rus
sia, in a telegram made public here
tonig t. : . . . -j. " ; : - '
" The inforroation is Interesting to any
American cititen. and I will probably
discuss such phases of our foreign policy
as I may becomingly do at the fitting
time," Haf din wired. Hi 'I'.-'S ''
"I dd not understand that my can
didacy Justifies detailed- discussion o
administrative acts, concerning whieh
there Is no official information!. . The Re
publican concern is for our republic and
Us freedom from that involvement which
is tha, cherished Inheritance of our poo
pie." . " .rl . f
The telegram was in reply to a mes
sage Christensen sent to Harding on
July 14, lit . which the former charged
the administration with having "secretly
provided the Polish government with at
least 1 ?0,000,000 in armaments. .. food
stuffs and cash with which to carry on
the offensive against Russia on Russian
Soil." r i H
- When Christensen made public Hard
ing's reply tonight, he declared Jie could
not -"reconcile Senator Harding s aesire
to Iceep the repufslio f ree from involve
ment i with his decieion to-remain sueni
While the administration Involves the
republic itself, and probably 1100,000,800
of the republic's money. In the fate of a
foreian government that : gambles lite.
away on the slim chance of a military
victory' over Russia." V
"The administration's secret purpose In
financing the Polish attempt; to annex
a- large and valuable portion of Russia,
territory was the destruction of the Rus
sian soviet government," ? Christensen
said. ..." : H v ' .
"Senator' Harding, on March C. 1920,
rsald that It is no business of: ours what
form -of government the Russian people
choose' and that the allied : Invasion of
Russia was one of the worst blunders
the present generation of statesmen ever
committed. ' His ' silence at this time
while President Wilson commits this
nation to a policy of slaughter and star
vation of the Russian people and finan
cial support of Polish imperialism is
tantamount to approval of that policy."
tion for the naming of a candidate for
congress. I Because there, was no. Pro
hibition party nominee for congress'
from this jdlstrlct at the last election it
became necessary, in ; conformity with
the electiofn laws, to have 100 persons
signed up on the roll of the mass .con
vention. ,; ' .
One by
lone signatures were secured,
after various appeals, but finally It was
announced that only 99 names bad been
obtained. Then John W. Kelly, political
writer on f a Republican paper, ' stepped
into the breach and signed his own name
as the one hundredth person, amidst ap
plause and laughter.
In discussing the purpose of the con
vention one of .the speakers said:
"We make no secret of it that it is
our intention to put over one of the old
party candidates by throwing to her the
support of the Prohibition party, Mult
nomah county is for prohibition, and it
has been misrepresented in congress by
Pat MeArithur. Dr. Esther Pohl Love-;
joy Is unequivocally committed to the
djtnce tu3U In K 8-hour leaton& ladin S3
ffntiemea it D Honey's beautiful aeadeoiy'
23d and Washington! Cle Tunday ((4
Thnndar ernliiff. 8 to 11 :80. Plraty of 4.
nrabl Mtneta aiM pnetiec r atnbamasment.
This suaraote term 1 Worth SIS. gcilra ymu
xka at one, lot this is positively th but
fi f this low Mimaicr rate, lev nn nrrrt
brcoia S Sancrr in priraU Irsaoaa from' infciiot
tMchmi jatt aft har practice. - Leant is tha
my nmi aceeol in PorUand (nm a public danea
hall). i Ounclusea art ittrz- anU select, ami tha
aortal- feaiata alotia ta worth doubt tha prices
PriTata iMna etna ail hours fur this, special
rut rat. U aura to caU tbia week. Phone
aUia JSS6.1 .:.-:.. , ,
jr MiilUpHed.Enjoyment Witli
' Tr.Wa-gim-M- "'y r:-
NEW NO. 110
The : model i illustrated below with " eight : double faced
. . i necoroa (sixteen selections) of your own choice.
10 inch
1S MedlamTone
. ji Treedles '
109 I'oad-Toae Hesdlss
4 Oae Jewel Poiat 1
r Two Happhlres
One Eeror Alsam
Battle of Teas Clear t
Oil Caa aad Oil i -Record
-A yoars for .....
. --.i-V.t J
: Waxed Oak
Fumed Oak. or
I Mahogany -
f FBEFCat ,
! Hear your favorite ree
rd , on the Brunswick
(through . the '- new Oval
Horn, j : - ' -.. " ' , ; -
y . . 1 j
The all .wood' Oval Horn," tapering into a perfectly
as added that fuller : find better "ROUND TO'l
round throat.
ES" wouldl be
To Us Person Who Will Saggest the Best Hame for This Haw
Laborless, Odor
less. Smokeless,
- JPipeless, Sanitary
and Economical
Ventilator Fur
nace Edwards
Will Give $50D0
Pamphlets describing"
construction and opera
tion - of this "New-Oaa-Burning
Pipeleas Fur- -.
' nace" will be mailed to
you upon request. I They
also contain suggestions
' 2 lhe kind of a name '
desired. There are a
' quantity of - them: in a
, bo near the Fifth Btreet
door (outside).- When
passing take one. H . . ; : :
- No I employe or relative
of employe will receive
this money. Name of
winner will ., be eub.
- 11 1 lished In our Sunday
soon aa possible after Sept, 1. when name will be selected. ,
' ads, as
A Good Place To 52- - "k
'. - i ' : - - - , . 5 A -
"" .Will be fivan the person suggesting tha best nama. for
Edwards' New v '-Liborless-Odorless-Sraokeless-Plpefess-Stnitary
and Economical Gas-Burning Ventilator - ,FurnaeeJ,V;,,f'hont
write or call for pamphlet which Illustrates tha furnace anJ
gives suggestions as to the kind of n Artie preferred-.
' IPBBB . ' aiaaMfilsasfattlattflatflataWfc
A Good PUceTbTradj fZy
)mS: -1 ft. ' jS r-T-71-1-
t r . " " . ' j ii i - -.. . .' ' ;--rir' '-iit--'jT-'rfcs.J :
of Chaining; Wicker Is ; Beyoild; Your Goriception 1
rS surprising what wonders a jew piece of this exquisite wicker will dnyotifj koine. Tht
are Suitable hieces for livintf room, sunroom. veranda and bedroom. Yes, dainty bre a kl
t r sets and novelties such as tabourettes, jugs, toot stools ana paper pasieis, too, u
V Apartments, wlth'living and dininf roomx combined, are strikingly .
clever ' if furnished: completelyi.with ' wicker. For..-your . convenience , .
; i: , J to inspect, a special display Khas b sen arranged in they Fifth street
, -' ' window. - . ' ' V. ' . !"-. ' - " -' : 1
Easy Tei.No Interest, at Edwards the Year Roiind-Sale or No Sale Whether You Select One Single Piece or a Housefull
home. There
Artistic Fern Stands
$19.85 and $25.50
Both are finished in toned -brown
lustered old Ivory enamel.
The one at 119.85 is similar to
Illustration, but has bow-shaped
connected braces underneath. In
stead of straight, as ehown. The
other has wrier- panel ends and
hand grip at each end. Both have'
removeable trays.
Clever. Arm Rockers
$16.75 to $39.80
Among thase you'll find the
most unique creations ; . straight.
- bowed rtnd rounded backs, ; with
broad, flat and gracefully curved
arms. Yes. some even have Mis
reading pockets aa the illustra
tion above shows. - Old Ivory,
baronia! and frosted brown: fin
ishes. Upholstered with tapestry
and cretonne. : - n .
. ; ..... . v -.. , .- - - ... ,
j -v Comfy, '
, Chaise - Lounges - :
$32 and $69
These exquisite' pieces command
tha attention of all comfort-aaek-'era.
For library sun-room or ve
rrnda,: Chaise Lounges are tin
aurpasaed. : The one, at 52 li if',
ished in baronial brown, t At S69
you may have-either old ivory or
baronial brown
.y,t Chairs-; j :-.
to Match Rockers
$19.40 to $38.60
---An Cssortment that It will be
next to impossible tor anyone not
to find the style of chairs liked,
and even at the price that will be
pleasing. - Sure, there are all - fin
ishes--and the
match those on
upholstering -.will
Day-Beds at $79.50
Tha one in old Ivory finish is
upholstered with cretonne, while
that one in baronial brown is up
holstered with heavy tapestry.
As mentioned above for your
convenience to Inspect a special
display of Wicker has been ar-
rangea in ine jruin-si. winaow.
Model Illustrated
- es, Edwards' De Luxe
3-R6om Outf it
Also Offered at Sale Prices
Living Room Quartered Oak
Pieces are all more elaborate nnd massive than the
illustration shows. Table has 28x44 plank. top. Arm
Chair and Arm Rockers have genuine leather auto
cushion seats. Rocker on the left haa been replaced
with a Higher-Backed Opera-Seated Rocker. Four
pieces aa mentioned , .
Beautiful Golden Waxed Oak Frame, upholstered ' with
genuine Craftsman leatherette. The Bed Spring Is con
structed entirely independent of the seat. A separate and
entirely different set of springs are used for the seat. 1
Steel link spring is braced at the ends (not oh the sides)
in "Nufold" Davenports. Two persons, regardless of
weight, . will find this "Nufold" Bed always even no more
rolling to the center.. Tou have full use of the full-width
of the bed at all times, too. r
. i -j. , ,!..., ... f '"" - .:' . ! '. if .. . .v '', '
Dining Room Quartered Oak
.$ t A D;70
Finished to match harmoniously with1 living room. . ;
.Table has 48-inoh plank top, opena to six feet. Six
of the best Solid Oak Full Box-Seat Chairs (much "
better looking than these Illustrated). Buffet is of
quartered oak also. This Is truly a very genuine value
at the special price. ...
s. "
Lustered Old Ivory Bedroom
This suite is quite Identical with illustration. Notice
the comer posta on the bed they match perfectly with
the others. Then, too, notice the neatly cut panels
broad enameled side rails are not visible In illustration.
, Sure, it's full sise. The otber pieces-are full sire, too.
Five pieces
. Arranged la the Flfth-Street Wladow Today.
Easy Terms 'o Interest at Edwards Always, .
. Bale or Uo Hale.
Iha rnrkrrl. ino.
, 1 , - I
iQOD mmiu. h Tin
Wilton. Axminster and Brussels
Easy Terms, No Interest, Arranged to Fit Your
' Requirements . '
9xH Fine Wool Wilton Hugs ... 8118.75
9x12 High-Grade Worsted Wilton
Rugs 8167.50
9x12 Beautiful Wilton Velvet RUgs. . 3.75
9x11 Axminster in variety of pat- .
, terns 4.,..,.... 8.72.65
9x12 Seamed and Shamless Brussels
. Rugs ...... ..7.. ,o..VtJ.. ..-. 49.50
, 9x12 Safiadorn Grass Rugs... 8 18.75
9x12 Japaavtfse MatUng Rugs. 8 - 9.75
9x12 Congoleum Gold Seal Art Rugs. .819.85 .
-,6x9 Genuine Linoleum Rutrs., ....... 81 JB. 75
Armstrong B Grade Inlaid Linoleum
per square yard .8 2.85"
Armstrong C Orade Xslaid Linoleum,
per square -yard- . ... .k .....8 2.25
Genuine Burlap-Bock Print' Una- .
leum, per squcre yard 8 1.45
." Floortex. Feltex and Pabeolin, per -
square yard 89e -
1 ' ;
Hammocks at $3.98 and $4.65
4 Gibson Refrigerators
? : Garden Hose. Lawn Mowers;
25 Off
Guaranteed to Please
Gas Range and Kitchen Heater
Set Up and Connected Ready for Use, Including Hot
. Water Coilsl on the Terms of
$20 Casli $3 Week
No Interest
TPOP of the two-lid kitchen heater lifts up and catches you get the free use
1 of both hands. Burns wood, coal and kitchen refuse is equipped with gas
. lighter no kindling needed at any time; '
TOF lids are polished fno blacking)." Body of entire range Is of ruHt-relnting
1 , polished steel built In cast frame, Oven and broiler doors, aa well aa back
and oven side of burners, are of white porcelain. Notice the convenient warming
ciosei aDove ine gas oven.
". mm' 1 -rtirtaavujae"1" eaasaiBaaWaiBfllraasr .
pv II 1 r I
JTy w7 0af I ED I m 1
wA$W :,im-, limpl
sas.sMiis.sisasssaas.ssMsasaaassaassaaassasaBassssaa i tMas ,1 v , , , tmmttHm--m-am-t--- a ' l ... P ?-J
ikaasia issm-,---i---!---m-' '"-T " rr""5 1 " in" 77' ?' ft"1 ' 1 11 1