"31, : SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920. iTHE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON 13 OBTLE8 AT ACCESSORIES ' CUT PRICES um prices thai are biUh ua sales. , : I . W doi not have a used oar denertment twrgsla r en our aslearoom floor: 1917 Maxwell, fine running small, mod- -i ; aiaiomooiie ...,.,... 429 548 ; 748 1918 Maxwell, great bargain. I 1919 Maxwell, "like Mw" ' ( 1919 Chelators, Hgbt six, fin condition. .r mw Hun . X ay 1180 1919 Ktsex. going throvjgh our .horywin ba lika , anj tame rv1ee and nut rplacqnU of part aa a factory give Jrou on a mw car. .. ,-, ... ''" J. ' HUDSON BARGAINS 1919 Hbdson super six, always In print lira!; ha been all rm ever ln onr shop (lien repainted. Wa aiTa you the . aama awrvi and factory raplacamant of parte iaa on a saw automobile. ....... 11 Hhdaoa super aix. alway waa In prl vate bands; baa been .through our Rnp and is Ilka nw. We Bin you tha aama service and factory replacement of parts u mi i automobile .....,..,.. 143( 1J50 1800 11 a Jfndmnu speedster, always . - In pvt- Tata sands; baa bean tbrouah out ahop and aill con em. thti renainterf W. give .you tha aama service and. factory 'replacement of parte aa on a new sato raoaui 1825 TRUCKS 1S18 Maxwell truck, good need trues.,. 900 New 191. old. fjyle 1 ton tick, bargain on a 915-417 Washington St., . Portland. 1918 HUPMOBTXE, In fine mechanical condi tion, let tra tira : firm. bod, tan in eond shaDe. real buy. only (950. FITln Mrtxon nan rv 14t andUder U. Btosdway 240. Open Evenings and Sundays. TttT7CK8 AJP TRACTORS 83 8 tt TQN Packard truck, fire tin rear end. on extra rearpring.- new rear tirea, coaloii and Presto (lights, spotlight, truck used one year; oo good job. - Price 14500. K. W. J ones. Col. blvdr and Barrage at. Phone Wdln. 3830. 1'ortlanfl. Or. . FOTlSTlelivery, in beat of condition; panel body. KeaifT bargain at 1425. 30 iirandeve. N.. near Pftirnside. FORD I truck" gear drive; good as new; will sacrifice and gia terras. 80 Urand are. north, - t"r Brni'j- - FOItiTtl ton trurk. chain drive. 300. or will trade! for Ford touring of aame value. Phone Main 8246. BA ldX lii in I U -tmi truck for quick sale. N eerily new and in good condition. Soma payment. P-783. Journal. . O. MTlt57TlffCKlor ti'lii t tt-ton. first class condition; 91260. Will take touring ear in trade; term. Tabor 4005. TWO-'fON federal ami 2 ton Mark, aame aa'new, and i good Job; eaay payment. Call Seilwood 1270. j 694 K. 19th st. 1W TjON KEPfBMO truck, body andcabl (tarter: anap, 81100. ISO Union are., corner Belmont. - m - f HTbf hepublic truck. IB 1." electric eUrter" body and cab. 11100. tarma. ISO Union are. cor. iiwy DENBT truck for aala cheap, 30 Urand ave. nortjh. near Burnside, , ,. ' ; ROAPj work, S trucka end dump- bodyTo" months' wort. Call 227 Salmon. Main 8164. tt TCn Vim truck. 1918 body and cab. (450; w-nan. loti Union ava. cor. --Belmont. 1 Tol delivery for ' aala or trade-by" owner. Eaait 3497. . WANTED 1 ton tnldK CaU Col. 990. " iA PTOMOBILKM i WANTED 79 ICE-OlTTlfXDK For a good nsed auto, onojUSta ft. by 5 Vt ft. beam pleasure launch. Port Ortord cedar and oak ribs, 9 in, apart, Launched tha 24th of May. . Value (700. Bog 188, Camas, Waah. . Camas, Waa f"WOiL 1 S acres finely son. Wah, .3 TRADE FOR AUTO . My 8 located ln the town of Wnit 09 Oregon bklg. Bdwy. 1658 K. 2436 eveay. WANTED Ford or other light roadster with - demountable rimst must be A-l mechanically; no bug; (279 down. Box 12B, R. K. 1. Linn ton. tfr. - - . lLLi trade piano In as first payment on Chevrolet roadsUr. Call at 964 E. Grant at attler 4 p. m. ' WE JiRE hi the market tor ued can. Drive hm ln and walk away with tha. money. ' Pscific Auto Co.. 628 Alder st- WANtED 1917 Ford body. Phone Main 8510. Ask for Mr, Pierce, after 5:30 p. m. ATJTO RPPAIR SHOPS 88 FORD OWNERS - FORD! overhauled ...... ...f ......... ,920 Real jaxl overhauled ...... .T . 6 Valve) ground, carbon removed t. ....... 8 Maaneitoa recharged .................... 8 - wej - band-lap piston. - scrap beartnga. etc, shtchi insure a perfect nxnnine motor. Genuine Fb(d ban only used- All work guaca steed. 260 Front at.. Cor. Jefferson. THE Reliable Auto Washing 9c Polialiing Work long esperienced at washine and nolhihinc- Simonizing. aln varnish rubs; motor waahed. ind cualiiona dreaed, ears oiled and greased. ! sniar&nteed. Car called tor nd .t, !iTr1 RELIABLE AUTO WASH1NU POLISUINO WOKKH, , 17th and Alder St., : ' ' Phone Broadway 2296. 12 YjEA rS1 experience in repairing all makes of automobile permits ua to offer vou tha hnt kind Jof work at prlcea no greater than the wverage. - IJCAST IAMHILL AND E. WATER SLPPLE'S DOCK. a. tt CRAMBR9 MAXWELL. ol'EClALIST 75 7 Division. 8iwood 3755. AUTOS FOR HIRE S3 i AUTOS 'FOR HIRE. WITH? OR WITHOUT PI OR NIGHT SERVICE, j COCCHMAN C A RAGE. 19TH AND COUCH. ""REMEMBER OUR NUMBER. BDWT. 8699. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cara Reasonable Rates FEARING at ROBNETT CITT OARAGE -182 12b rt. between Washington and Aider. NEW -AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVEKLAND8 HUDSONS i LOWNSDALE GARAGE BROADWAT 2408. 1STH AND WASH. J. HOUSTON. 90 BBOADWAT. way auto aervice. Jiawx. B94, , Main Pierce-Arrowa, a'acKSraa, wintona. Cars or, day, month. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Irut nxuAtiK an avi) Taylor MAIN) 1687. ALTHOFF BENNETT, Props. ALTOS FOR HIRE WITH OH WITHOut URITERS. I. SULUVAX, FASHION OA. uuig. ai am. 233 i otn at ramnm. a-ius. 7-PASSENGER TOCRINO CARS WITH UAKEFCL DRIVERS. MAIN 134. MOTORCYCLES, B1CTCLES- ti USED MOTORCYCLES OP ALL MAKES " EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CA -; . 44 Grand ava. Ewltlor. Hendereon and Cleveland Agency. LATE" 1818 Electrio equipped Indian, epot light, , rnrrtor. sood condition. For particulars Phonoj Columbia 505 after 5 p. m. Term (200 , aa vg VV1 UU, EXCELSIOR in fine shape with tandem. Presto. . toola,extra tire. 2 carburetors, newly natnted. nrnvn I or c..l. 4901 2d at. S. . Tabor wciiu 15J LECTRIO Inoian. just overhauled, bream iem. Must U a t n-. ' . tandem. Must seU at once. Cheap. Tabor 1919 PllARLEY-DAVlDSON m, 1. ' 1 9 tlARLEY-DAVlnsON 324 Isstl'!0 SUDd" ." w-i. ,r?iiav. fully equipped, tandem, whistle! S2d St Phono Tabor 913. ,rvl'S .i'S,5"-; ?oiT- ir.toiia mi MB.iwiM. i i7 m. j ucfdm. i ni.ii 'i n . til"? ? JT rwiifc room houseboat' with large storeroom in- clufling rowboat and wood for two winters -west jside foot of California street John An derson. .- - LAUNCH Artisan. 12x50 feet, suitable' for'cruu injl .' or paasenser service. Phou Sellwood v 602 1 906 Grand are.. Portland. TWO houseboats, " wood" for 3 yearst 2 row boats, for (3T3; ftof Verrnont at., white bouse boat Take Fulton car. - FouJ SALE1 Motorboat. 22 ft lonit. 7 horse" 4310 U. (5U. ! Foot Main at to the Left A7JTOM! Hih 224. bv Ivl PIANOS, OROAKSMTJRICAl. FKCtiRrrr storage co., ciiOswo out 9760 Stetnway at Bona, upright fine; 9290 cash 9499 Howard, walnut upright 929ft caab 9939 Gray 4t Co. natural roeewood . ' upright . . . .9110 caah Two ' email upright piano ; . 96S aod 979 eaah 9899' Mendenball player piano, nearly -' new ... ............. 9499 caab 91T90 Berrrwood Orcheatrlon, now .9495 caab 910 'Cello, eplendld ton, with bow., 995 caah 9179 KimbaS, large. 9 octaew organ..! AS caah 91S8 Needham. high top oraan, . . . . 928 caah Piano atored 76o monthly, piano bought and aold for caah.. 108 Tenth ai near Waah Ington. SCHWAN PUSO CO" rXrafti8TAIB8 8TORK f ?2f 5t?w,w?-. Son- njahognny... ...8495 J579 Boaart M. Cable, fancy mahogany., 9399 !25S 4u.to" Mnlc Co.. nprignt....91S !vS2fe-5er1' ' mahogany. 9999 5i5S Singer. pUyeg pUno. oak. . i. . , . ,9999 iPOy. Thorapaon player plana, mahogany . .8938 !S?2 MendenbaU player piano, mahogany , 8495 8900 . Tbompeen layer pUno, mahogany. 949S . Ttrwa 915 to (SO eaabT9 to 915 monthly. 8120 Brum wick and Vietrola Phono., each 895 120DouiUe and New Uualkland Phono,. 8soictTo4 'wt! kWdi;: ; . :::8i8 - ' T1' anonthly. 101 Tenth Bt at Waahington and Stark. PIANO BARGAINS . Wa hT tha hast tin In tuA TiiinM inwi inq d ; conTineeo. oaaranteed. given- ' ..... . , v :v. ........ . . . 'II', plem mahogany caae.......i CABLE A SON. a bargain.......... KlNtiSBUKT, oak caae. ......... - - , 1 1 ,v in.uii.u7 V ...... ..w BTCLNWAl i JON. goodi aa new. . . , . . (500 ' ' And other. j SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC OO. ' 1 96-87 4th- Br., bet, Waah. and Aider Bta. PIANOS ' wanted, htaheat CASH paid or TRA 55 FOB NEW VICTItOLA and racorda. fieiber-Hng-Lucaa .alualc Co., 12S-127 tb (U Main 9686. - i .- , - - : - - ;' WOULD lika to - buy aeoond-hand piano of atandard make; must be in good condition and a bargain for eaah; giro full detail ln answer ing! A-7. Journal. BRUNSWICK phonograph.: with records, value (285, now '(200. Like new. Term given. Seiberling-Lacaa alualc (.,' 125 9th at. TAI.K1NO , MACHINE WANTED: PAT CASH , BTATE PART1CCI-AK8. NO' DEALERS AM8WEB E-421. JOUBNAU new cabinet phonograph for anythinc or vaiua. Broadway, CAbYTTTA IDOHTAI I iV-U""n u3 AMa rjt, Mikrv - NEVMAN. MAIN 44WB.' TABOK 78. FOR SALE Story V Oark pUno.V Call Co- lombia 791. - WANTED Rrt used pUno 8128 caeh will buy.. : Marahall 268. . I c .; ' " , BHAND new mahogany nprigbt 8600 piano for za eauB. Act quick, ; S27 6th t WASTE DTo buy good toned piano; give eaah. Ma"rball 6700; no dealer. WE PAT CASH for piano, phonograph, recorda. 254 Marketat.2jMain 8012. Marie atora. ESIETT' piano, in first claaa eondifJon;'pi"ano mr and Jap, rocker. 9801. Footer Hd. FCR " BALE ttprieht piano in first clai Con di U on.. Call Wdln. 2921. MUSIC,!. IHTRtrMEICTS j . ' WANTED 84 WILL. TKADB dlrable lot in Tillamook, eu jpawr treet. for good piano. East 9435. i TYPEWRITERS 77 GlfXRXNTEED rebuat typewrite rt, all makes. (Sold and rented. Eaay terms. Send (or prices. Wholesale Typewriter Cd., 921 Waahington at Main 6681.; ALL5jAKE3" of typewritan rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan Oregon Typewriter. Co.. 94 6th at. Main 8998. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 65 COAL and- .Wood Ranges. r,lflV.W Up mm m Cook i Stoves , 10 DO no . 10.00 up 9.00 up .79 up . 8.00 ap Oaa Stove Gaa Water Heaters Floot Coverings, yard ...... Kitchen Queens .......... Kitchen Cabinet i ... L .... . Dining Room Extension Ta 12.00 np ble 7.00 np L80 np 4.00 up ' 5.00 np 12.09 np 8 00 np 9.00 no VVnln. V .L.l IIVUSI V Ufll 9 m Living Boom Rockers'... Library t Tables ... i ... . 8immon Beds ........ Cotton Felt Mattresses: .. Stl Springs , , Coil Springs .......... Dressers 8.00 np 9.00 np PORTLAND FURNTTTJRE EXCHANGE. 209 First St. - lesf table, 1 Brawl, rue. 30 yards 38i Velvet rug, 10x12. 815: foldine bed is finne rn.. i large oeveied edge mirror, l iron-bed and springs. No call Sunday. 475 Holladay ava. PART of lumdtttr of '6 room flsTlor sale; i flat can be rented If desired; Alcasar range, bdroom carpets and other miscellaneous ar ticlea too numerous to mention. 309 tt 6th st Marshall 28i. i-w. GOING AWAY ! WU1 sen ma range, water heater, drop leaf table, 8 ply spring 4-6. ex. table so.. CaU 409 g. 37th st Automatio 210-07. 7 ROOMS completely furnished, nothing re is'TveJ. good condition.: If taken . at once (750 house to let Bdwy. 3032. fOR SAU-Osk folding" bed, neat design. Call I Tabor 1649; HOUSEHOLD 2014. t FURNITURE. CALL SELL, OAS RANGE in .good condition. Phone Wood- lawn 5595. . ; allNITUBE of rooma.; A piano gnd fine ' MACHHEWT '81 FOR SALE One tt T. F. and V. Bobbins A 1 ityers motor end one 1-8 H. P. Century motor; both for 110 voltaeA-C. Call at 7!8 Missouri srve.' or phone Woodlawn 6209 aftj 5 p. m. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WB trailer, good condition, (4 5 ; East 6561 ilnncl ave. j i EOR SALE MarUn rifle, cal. 25-2'6. first glass condition; (9. &2A and East Hoyt Ij30 MANDOLIN- and case." Tiki "JTo". Wdln, 2184 NEW,, rag rugs 36x72. Wdln, 2184. i can and tnlk it over. 104 af , ' - - - - .j . r CASH PAID FOB ALL KINDS t BRINGING UP FATHER TT OH! tOW OO tOO VOri'T I LOVE TO" NEH Oh: vel-a -iSrt beeim 5.TIJO'rilSivN- TRAVEL" i VrVUZ. A. UITTL.C, r V." .rr- . -II .11 I I P . I I I I I H !'"? Ill I LJXkJJ viSUw r- i 9 n key y, . r7s j t r.i : a - JHL V"-"sr i : v. . g . a- aVSt fcJ" " saswawaa ! Kl Awki iemee,inTtnciiKTnti' Viweri wiiti iayggf mj&yjjjb FOR SALE MIKCeil AEOlT8 19 BURROUGHS ADDING 'MACHINE I ' No. 814-A. 7 eohiran machine, has carriage mounted on low stand; also NO. 8 UNDER WOOD TYPEWRITER with Unlverael OotnlC type. Both machines almost turw and' in per fect condition. A bargain for caab. R-949. journsi.. 8EWTNO MACHINE EMPORIftl New and 2d hand, aold for aaaa; no scents employe. Complete Hoe of nana for all Bakes, aiaehtii repaired and rented. Main 9481. SXWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Third, near Taylor at. - BRTTN8WICK rhonosraBh . . .8.00 - Columbia else, phonograph Sterling piano, fins ton . . . cml fintan .. .--.-.... o.oo ,150jOO . 25;00 Also 2 good bicycles at 25.00 Reliable Furniture Co, - 208 Second St. Neat Tay lor. I SINGER ELECTRIC ' 8EWINO MACHINES . Wa take jour machlas in eacnaOae. balance cash or easy payaaenta. Phone for demonstra tion, -- Mchlnes rested. Expert repairing, any 'MORRISOW IT. 8INOER STORE. ' 'if 8 Aeoraeon. MarsnaU 71. 80 LATE dropbeada; all sakasUlke ssrw. 818 to (36. Lara variety of good nachtnaa. (8 td 310. All Us latest new Bin era caab or payments, a. amine rented. 89 a atontb. .. Srnmr aHors bid.). 199 4th at Mah) 9938. FURNJTUH B repaued. apbolatered. TSeT mattreasea remade, mirrors reauverod, lumt tnra bought, sold gnd exchanged st VVebst-r Furniture Repair Shop, 1(103 - Hawthorne. Tabor 8325. ' -l - Independent Printers W are stlH ' doing promptly "printing I fog less" st 11 No. Sth at. Com monweaiti) Smith, printer. Broadway 2999. Electric Motors Bought, aold, rented and repaired Walker Elactrie Works, 413 Burn tide, corner 10th. Mroadwav 5974. DcesEd" Independent electrician ' wires S rooms for 913. 5 rooms 820. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 8791. -- i CIRCLE EXCHANGE- W buy, sell and exchange ladie and ehfj drsn's clothing. 415 Fleidnsr bldg., 10th Waahington. Bwdy, 220. i , and FRESH EVERT DAT. 8AT,fON, HALIBUT. CRABS AND OTHER-FISH. 1 WESTERN FISH CO., I 126 FTRST. N EAR ALDER j MAR. 9189. FOR SALE -10 new leather bound macbinsi and engineering text books: a I almost (new jbaby sulky. Phone Mr. Jack. Main 8210J be- tween li;su and a o'clock. FUEL prohlem solved with Izard kerosene burner; no wood, coal or ashes ; rmt in rangaa, bast era and furnaces; fivs days' free trial: five year guarante. .7 Grand sve. N. East 6560. L HOT Wit ER TAES 80 gal 37;' 40 gall $!' Tested and gnaranteed stovei and furnace soila, Oaa beaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 303 Adams st. g. gioltt. WELL paying small garage i and repair shop, cash or terms, 9230 will handle. Call Tabor 4800,or Sell. 1028. ; t r j ATTRACTIVE styles in i Isdiies' alightly worn costs, suits, gowns, hat and furs.... 1047 Thurman at Main 9597. . T i BLACKBERRIES 8 eenU A box. pick them yourself; Eaat 72d st. 1st house north of Division. Tabor 1847. i . WE call and gat your veal.! hog and poultry. Best prices paid. Call Main 7892. jEv. nines, ispor oisi, i A SANITARY gas range, double copper Water beater, alo a large aix trunk. E. Broadway. Eaat 4852. j coil 769 i tun ritxs. anplea. sweet cM for : ui. " 8- Haas, E. 60th and EJUlngsworth. Wdln.' Olff, J f-EbR SALE iU. S. repeating! rine.' .32," "shd'4 army blankets. cau svenunga. 93 E. 80th at. .-. i EENTUCKY WONDER "green "bean delivered any place in Peninsula diatTfot. Call I ood- lawn 6383. " t FOR SALE JBa drum 12x30 with rod. atreet and orchestra drums; also i sow traps, f Call 820 E. 41st. Tabor 4478.1 I TIIUNES Italian Prunes. Who will dry them on the shares for Mfs, A. Kathx, 120 Blmp son st, near 4 2d. t . -. : FOR SALE About 10 toAa mixed hay' in shock 3 miles southeast city limita. Wood- ELECTRIO vacuum': cleaning m our 85e a rag. Call 'East 159S. BIO load of box wood-! STB 0" lawn 954. Phone Wood- BIV!??1 ot boxwood. (5.50 par load. Woodlawn 6904, or 1133 Montana ave, i USED electrio waehing machines; some bargains, g' lITT I,Lli.t.TKigCUi, 81 5th ati CASH REGISTER. FLJi'"cA.lESl" ' And other fixturea. 242 Salmon. Main 342 SAFE or tiling cabinet Giir price and aixev r-iow, journal. SEASON ABLE STYLES In ladles" used wee ring fi.' 'i yi.-. mii.iiiy low. JiDor X9XO. SAFES One Urge and on small. K-672, Journat SACRIFICE building, lease and some stock at rlm).. fc. W T, o , o T t SECOND hand tents and covers for aala Tent A Awning, 1 N. lit St Pseifie TENT 12x14, 123 duck, (26. 72d st. at rear. M. S. ear. Scott,; 6524 UNCALLED for .tailor-made suit. (12.50 un. Taylor, the Ta 'ailbr, 288 tt Burnside st GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GETS 'EM 131 Ilth st Msrle bere. Bdy. 4888. VACUUM cleaner, rented, (1 per day. delivered. lacor OTWo evenings; days Main 2010. CEMENT laun'inr trays Factory 814 E. Wash ington at We ship, rail or water. i - VACUUM eleanera for rent. (1 a day; delivered anvwnere. wain. formerly Udwy. sa. WOOD SAW for sale, eheapt and la good con dition, can at 74 tirsnd ave. . FOR SALE OR TRADE rl-ton Ford track, new rubber. 263 Russell st.v East 4 830. INCINERATOR with hot, water coil, used short time. Price reasonable. Tabor 9448. : FOR SALE ADDING MACHINE. (15. 918 Corbett Bldg. Guaranteed. Marshall 957. KENTUCKY WONDERS foy canning, 25 lbs. (1. 8 th and Magnolia. Woodlawn. Moos (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Serrioe, Inc.) i i - i - IT NUOT.Bt VONOERFOll TO I ee rick iite vou bot qqq i . suppose, too Hrvve. to I t T TT n i TUOT ,sNNO TRA.VE.L . , . j ;;' t-; " 1 ) 1 I rj rr : t 1 TBS-BOT 1 VfEr4T . oq6 ' THROUGH MNKHT U ,lT O O sdi r ii rc- True- r-ii a - FAn tT " VOU iT" TO-,TrL.K LIKE OU- toove: been i THROUGH ALGEBRA, M J B - -- FOB 8AI.B inBCBXLAWBOTJrl It Buy, Sell AND XZCHANUK cash regtstsn, showcaaaa. fountain. . scales, atore (Ixturea. - ,- L BOZBR, ' !"' Mar. 2438 119 94 t SEW SEW SEW - SEW , -, PHONE 6EIXWOOD 1071 , NO AGENTS EMPLOYED r Sewing machinaa cleaned, timed, adjusted, repaired, bought, aold, rented. uppbs and, at tachments. Power and manufacturing machines, motors, ahaftinc and table inatailed. Everytliing i needle. - v- - f - PHONE BELLWOOP 1071 1 CEBAR CHESTS Direct frotn factory to yonr home. Tetmo se and Port Ortord oedar-, aolid copper trlga. salBgs, Jstsst Assigns Writ for catalogue. Factory. 1912.19-18 B. Gnsan. ' Tabor .08. f Wt BATE tdtf UunKi i.--- ' Rons wrnng. Bshttng fu tures, electrical repairing up plica. Third Street Elactrw Store; 334 tt Third street, near Salmon. Main 6065. SAES ilr sad bnrglar-psoof aafea, new and secondhand, st right prices, bought, sold sad exchanged. Ea terras tf desired. MORRIS SAFE 4s : LOCK OO.. 109 Second st Phone Main 2049. wky an everlaating aggravation by 'a leaky roof f Wby not a permanent end eevnfort able rooft We repa'r, rubber-bond and re juvenate an kinds of leaky roots. Work cuar anteed Phone Main 9690. PRUNES ! PRUNES! 25-lb. boxes 88, 100 lbs, (11.60, 800's 811.28. 100 lb, peaches 819.80. Order today. Crowley's Grocery, l an sa at FOR SALE Brand new , Todd protectograpb check writer; cost (75,! will sell cheap dor cash. If interested address ' E. F. Lanoe, Bvx 882, west Linn, or. AUTOUOBfLES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate class ificationa. A large Bating will be found tinder tbee different ciaas f lestjons. ; NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honest, conscientious dentistry. i DR. FRED MELLISH 109 tt Fourth, between Washington and Stark:. USED electrio vacuum cleaners, in first clasa mechanical condition, st s big saving. A taw hand vasuura cleaners (1.00 each. SCOTT ELECTRIO CO., 81 Sth at. - to $25 -&SitfU Gusranteed We Rent and Repair . 1T2 3d at. near YamhlU Main 1949. i 1000 80 Govt 'OS cartridges, (S " per 10ol (7-56 Winchester 1889 repesUr (19. Want concrete mixer, block machine, 8x10 astigmat lens. Box 26 i. Seaside, Or. - - . i OOINO AWAY , , Will sen 4t8 focusing plate camera with tri pod and developing pans, cheap, 408 E. 87th. Automatid 210-07. BLACKBERRIES are rip, pick Uiem youraeU and aave, or we WlU pick ; potatoes ny sacs ; Mt Tabor (MT-881 ) acara to end. then 4 blks. north, 1 east 99th and E. Stark. FOR SALE 3 brand new . Buaher saxopAneel, 1 alto, 1 tenor, 1 melody C; will sell reason able. Apply at 170 13th at. room 1. loni-(rS3-y DR. I A. W. K.EBNR. . IJeSltlStry sm Wsshington ati Without Pain. Lateet Nerve Blocking Method. WhtTb bWsTness cards fl y r SU!y ROSE CITY PBINTERY Ton must bring this ad. 120 6th st ' WE WASH your ruga at home with-the Ham. ilton Beach Carpet washer, satisfaction guar anteed. Woodlawn 1259 and East 4049. ; ELECTRIO irons, appliances, door bells, vacuum eleanera, repaired; fixtures rewired: we call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. SAFES New and second band;, some with burglar chests, ax reasonable l -ces. Pacific Scale A Bupply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1988. FOR"SALE Building, containing aboulTo.OOO ft of rough lumber; for parUculars phone Mar. 4830. ' - - ROLL and flat top desks. : rugs, drawing boards, typewriters, adding machine, time docks. D. 0. Wx. 31 N. Sth st Bdwy. 2739. . ! SWAFS 9 WANTED To swap painting, tinting and enameling for anything useful. Call East 8824 after 5 p. m. lTON Ford truck, new rubber all around, for good touring car. gq3 KnaaeU at m. . TRASe Piano for" touring car or roadse Write Z-4 14. Journal. 4 DANDY Wlnton six (coed tiresl lor a dia mond. i Main 8579. : TO EXCHANGE Ford tire tor spotlight Tabor - 8789. i FURNITURE SWAN" TED 74 spot cash roa USED FURNITURE i "h Main 8878 I UNITED FURNITURE STORE i f 173 FIRST STREET. .. - Owl Furniture Co mob'rison We want your used furniture, stoves, esrpets and pis no; we pay the highest cash prices. 166 and 168 -First at j Call Main 4627. BE WIS& CALL MAIN 8061 We Want Your Used Furniture i We Pay the Price : FREEMAN, WOLLF FURNlTURR CO: ' 200 First -st, 8. E. Cor. Taylor. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS. Heaters, eook stove and ranges. NEWMAN. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. I GOOD price paid For good furniture, 522-624 Washington. Broadway 8695, WE BUY used furniture. For best result phone Antomatie 217-71, or East 2405. LET ns give yon an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203-205 2d. Majq 7808. WANTED MTSCET.TjACEO ITf4 i S IWANTED 8naR pUner for aawmill, aUo itsU price end condition of vilaner. Write D.: O. Beers, Reed, Or. SMALt, HONOGRAPH RECORDS WANltb PAY CASH. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798 WANTED Rtflts, shotguns, cameras, lensea. Hochtield. 85 Third rt L Phone Slain 8581. WANT to buy or rent a good small second-hand tent 1603 Division at Tabor 2506. BURROUGHS adding machine, must be ln good - euuuiuou. ijaan. Main Qui 9. By George McManus 'II I iiO mt Jsrrt, rtATOBC- asrWoat.'fkte. WANTED MlSCEtLAITEOrS - S $120 to $25 , For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS , METER THE TAILOR Pars sov for clothing end abases. - We cell day or crentngs, anywhere in the city. Call Mar ahan 1229 or 5( Madison st. near Third at UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITE AND OVERCOATS .We Fay Any Frio for Man's Cletba ' OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d :., N W. Cor Wash. Mala 9144 WANTED 1 80 H. P. engine, heavy aaw arbor - with eluteh; lewtr aaw aboat 59 la.; upper saw 44 or 49: bnak and feed rigs. 19 or 8s 24.4 8. planer., State what yon have got and net price for cash. W. V, Berkey 4k Sob, Husnm. Wash. wiNTkb People of Perils nd to knot that I D V tba liiaha Maa nnr. tor mmiiJ k.miA household sooda. Ne saaeant toe asms eg to asnelL Prompt attention, . -. N. M. SBATER. r- Pnoae East; 9803.- - 143 BBaseU at, 4l0 TO (23 positively paid tor gent Be9 .euit and evereeetst cell any place; get my ffer before ytna aeU; will call any time and Cao. uounaum. tn Tailor. I0T "Ust at orriaon. Main 798. HOTICES 8 i NOTICE OF EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR United State Land Office . 1, J - ' Rose burs. Oregon. July 22. 1920. Notice 1 hereby given that Tha Coo Bay Lumber company. Syndicate Building, Oakland, Alameda county, California, haa filed in thia of fice their application to select, under the pro rn of the Act of Cnagrass. approved May fk1' 140 698). and the regulations thereunder, approved July 17.) 1918 (circular iei JHlowi,l lands: Bee. 19. all See. en n aw at K- u. wu. BV. HW Si SLu SO fVt n , , iSJW, NK14 Sec 6. Ntt NEVi. X.'lWtt Sec 9, NEtt NEtt.NEtt NWtt. See. 18 8WH SEtt 8e. 15. Ett. SEtt 8W tt SS l48w SB Vt . SEtt 8WVi Sec. 23. 2 S S.B H NE U , BE tt 8E Vi See," 25. fSt sJj WW 14 NEtt. SEtt NEtt. Ett SEtt K2t- i". l 2. , 4, 6, 7. SEtt. 8 tt ?- . NEtt4 NWtt. Stt Sec SJNW. NKtt, 8tt Ntt.SEtt.Ntt 8W tt . SEtt SW14 See. 35. T. 80 8., K. 10 W. XEtt ?f 3. Lot 4. Sec. T. NWtt SWtt Bee. II J1?4 . SE NE14', SEtt SWtt See. 7' NWtt SWtt. 8c 29. Ntt. SEtt See. 81. 8 , R- ,11 W., NEtt NBftt. Stt NEtt' sTwtwV.8 BE- 8- 11. "tt NEtt vwu Jl?' 'i.W! See. 13. SWtt NEtt! nWi SWtt. Sec 25, T. 80 8.. R. 12 W. NWtt NEtt. 8Ktt NEtt. SEtt S'v'"1 NH. SEtt See. H. Stt SIS' 5 S N,W Lot 1 Sec t. all Sec. 9. Rtt" SWtt. SEtt. NWtt. Ntt SEtt. 5&u8WvH,.8,e' 17 T- W SEtt y'wt8"' Stt SEtt Beo. 1. Lou I'veu nHSE,4 BKW.BEtt See. 8. SEtt E4. W tt 8EU Rm 7 MRU nku kku BE tt 8ec. d urn vwu.iu. biiu u t -Ett swtt s i7.i J - ' Sec. 19, NWtt NEtt. NEtt NWttf Zl HI5W,4'JfE, 8EH. Stt SEtt Sec. 21, - ,J V" ? f; nE. Mt NWH Bee. 28. SWW J?'oWNWJ BW skh. SWtt Iwaw 2n' KH NEtt. SEtt. NEtt SWtt, B tt SW tt See. 27. S tt N E tt See, 29, Lot vwiu-i1, J2 S tt NW tt, SWtt NWtt. ? 0 W.. SWtt NE IS . WV4 Mec. 1 N A fE.H, NW Wtt NKtt. Ett H.c it ii1VSBii 8Wtt See, 7. aU NeV S5C12- WE tt , NEtt NWtt. su aSSi 8 8 See.. IB.' NWtt SEtt. ? r Sec 21. NWU neu au. vpii NWvT' J&u?- H'aNW NE tt NW5 SW s5 26. SE tt NW tt . NE tt iX,r' 8,4 SWtt See. 27. NEtt NEtt. 8 V 2B NicTOil W,.8B' BE Iwtt So?. v, NE tt, N tt NW tt SW v w ft h 14 k . 88. NE tt NEtt . W IwJ 2Q, 1tT- 18i 1 Sec 13, LoU 1. 2. ( NKtt NWtt. vVtt SEtt. Ett SWtt Sec. S9uL2 82a' 8B" Vvs, NwCseftt: 8.'tS5lEoT, fWtt Sec 29. N NEtt. WVi NWV 8rL.83H'wN SEtt . NEtt 1 "IW tt, Stt BE tt . N tt SW tt.. SEtt Ft Swtt'VEtt2- , " 1 7t dvt x ati tt. BW u. teui'itZ&J1'- N.w.;.tt. ne2 SWtt SEV.'l'irtt? "nWVv,' IN Lizn o 8. E. tt aee. fi- T 9A n w x,, . and 4. a U. N vr n I f "v ." tt 'w. tt id iL"WravSt': &i 3 t w w W' ' ! " 8c- 18; N. E. tt u H8- ,?J W' 8 25. T. 20 8 WWii 8 8- 15 W. B- H . S. E, ft W U ftgas . W. tt N. E. tt. e7 ttN. W tt S W ' Sec 24; N. W. tt N W U a ti W. tt. 8. Wi tt N. R tt. S.W8; tt" W H 8. E. tt, Sec 28; N. W tt 8 w'i ,i lot 6. Sec 86. T. 20 S.. R. 1 0 W - lota 1 6 inclusive. 11 ,od 12, Sec 8; N. E tt Sec 28. T. 21 S.. R. 7 W ; fiT tt S. W 2 r!2" bee. (i, N. K. 14, g. W. tt. 8ee. 18; W. tt 4.HT.R211-..:"W8 HE g 1 2i v.w-wk rA:A HI T n U a mr . ,111 .1' . A , oec ?. 22 8.. R. 8 W. ; lots 11, ij, 18 and 14 2; lota 1, 3 4 and D 8 W. N. "ftt ) H Sec 4; lots 1 to 8 inclusive. Sec 10 "WH 20,i 8B. 2- NWtt?NW W. , tou 4. 5. . 7, Sec 28. T. 22 8. W lota 1 K A u n. t mi o. r. Sec. 2 8. W, JfEtt. Sec. 20: SEtt" SocT ? u ft ffw - Wi1?4, a?' 2' I 8 28 T? 22 8.; 8W.j lou 6 and , Sec -Tw ' E. tt E tt W. H, Bee. 12. t m X 9 W ill -w IB . B8JC A tf ? . Aaf. W "5 Ss m. . KK "at NIT XL , VU7 1 fav.wV E. tt N. E. tt. 8. W. tt ti. W u a - L: 8ee 34. T. 24 S.. R. 9 w.; eT tt See. 6- W. tt. Sec 8 ; N. tt S. E. 14 . STE. tt i R. tt. 8 20; W. tt. Sec, 2?;N. E tt . SeT, 28. T. 26 8.. R. 10 W.; N. tt 8. W. tt 8 W. tt B. -W. tt. Sec b: all Set 6; W & Sec 18, T. 27 S.. R. 7 W.; all Sec 24 T 27 S.. K. 8 W.; N. E. tt S. W ttTstts'.W tt. SEtt St 9: NEtt. See. 1 R Sec' 30; S; V' : NW. tt, S. tt 8. . t oec at t. z i tt., H. 10 W.: W. tt. Sec 14: loU 18 and 14, Sec. 22; N. W 2 . lots8 and 4, Sec 24. T. 27 8., R. 11 W aU Sec 16. W. Sec 20; E. tt N. E. 14 f.r5: 0;. S- 8-.. T. 29 8., R. -10 S, ,5- W" " Sec. 3 -8. W. tt'. Sen. Si all Sec. 10; S. W. tt N. E. tt. lot 2 3 4 N- B- K.Bec .28; lota 1, 6. , f, 8. 9. I2' i6' 24; N, t N. H S. E tt "feel so, i. z .. it n w.; 8. W. 14 8. W. tt Lu ... 7. " . ... a, a. jc. Ti. TiT- JT'..,t.0'....S- tt. Sec 7: N. W. tt. 8- f 8ec"8r.U Sec 16Tn- 2. S." W. tt 8. W. tt 'Sec 17i N. tt N. W. 4 Sec IPi .a--wi.,4 8- 22: sTw. 14 W. tt .Sec 28, T. 81 8., R. 12W, WUL Mer sua sj persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of iuiKw ui id tana, or for) any kh,Tji tfF0iL J Vl. di3'x,,1 to tie applicants ehouid file their aifidavlu of protest ta this o" fiee without delay. W. H., CANON, First day of publication, Aug. 10, flfo"" Last day of publication. Bent 1ST. 102H PROPOSALS FOR UTvri utnunri t. t. . . .. .V. . v... JV V " V.V-" "niuuii, department of the interior; office of Indian affairs. Weaning, ton, D. C. August 6, 1920 Sealed proposal plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en yelope, "Propomls for steel bridge serosa Two Medicine river, Blackfeet reservation." and ad- "Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C," wiU be received at the Indian office until 2 o'clock p. m. of Augmrt 81. 1920. for furnishing Baste rials and labor fur the eonatjuction of a steel bridge , eeroas Two Medicine river oo the Blackfeet reservation, ta strict accordance with tha plans, specification and i irartructiona to bidders which may be ax. amlhed at -th. nfffo. f k. n.- n.-iii io which this- advertisement appears, the United, oism usnss ware nouses at cnicago. Illinois; St. Louis. Uisaouri; Ban Francisco California, and to Builders' Exchange, St Paul. Minne sota, and at the office of the nperitendent of the - Blackfeet reservation. Browning, Montana, tor further information apply . to the. superin tendent - of the Blackfeet reservation. , Cato Sells, coatamtssioner. - 8EALED bid will be received by the elerk of - school 'district No. 40 for the aale of the north room Russellrille achoolhosu Roani nf directors will reserve the right to reject any or ail bids. For further inform tio caU Tabor 304. T PERSONAL tl (1 .;ETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's tha - CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST wbe draan't hrrrt von. 8 s-rs. sin. .Enm im, finh. Theatre bldg . 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 282-. DR. GEORGE-""RUBENSTEIn , ' the ' veteran optician, kt an expert in fitting eysglssses. and charges so very reason b la. Brokea lenses guickly dnplicsted. .228 Morrison at. DO YOUR feet hirtt " See Dr." Ethe!A78icry. pedicuring and manlonnng. 605 Raleigb bide. Marahall. 8378. . - . WANT to adopt a little girl not over! IS years ; old; will sire good education and treat her aa war owe; in Amencan home. A-98. Journal. PATIENTS to take cabinet batba witlTmaa vr nouriy nuriug. Tabor 9172. UODY MASSAUE, ylOLET KA. 10 a n to n p. m. aaiiy. 4 5-Morgan bldg. Alain 7579. I fVtrVf- CvJa.ultatioa FREE. AU cases SWtt, Sec 25, .T. 81 S. R IS W .S 1 ? .4 TTR ACTIVE FARM AND AC RE A GE OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES ACREAGE (7 S8- Per;Acre--$8 - 40 Acres Terms . About 10 miles from Kalsraa. Waah., on county roads tt mile from Kalamav rivr; fine water, creek and spring:- good hunting and fishing: plenty of tillable land; some-timber. Will make a good borne. .. - - A.W.Estes' 905 Cham, of Commerce. " Antomatie 514-68. A REAL BARGAIN i 10 acre prune land, all clear. 8 mile Van couver. Waah., tt mile glectrie line god school, en grave lead road. . tt anil to paved highway. Prio 91200; terms. See RICHARDS A REED. 808 McKay, bldg. . i Main 4192. 87 H ACRES for sale: one of the moat produo tive places in the country. 3tt anile couth. east of Milwaukie; fine road; finest location; aa ideal plaoe, For particulars. Bog SSL, Milwau kie, Or. HOMESEEKERS' OPPORTUNITY One to 5 seres, easily cleared, close In; (50 down, (5 month. 984 College st Call 12 to 8 p. m. - - - - -.' 8375 CASH; owner: no balance; go"25T tt sere, water, gaa available; -building 14x1. fnoloaed. Call Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 605 Stock Exchange. Hansen. : - - STJBf RBAN" HOMES' 7 NICE new bungalow of 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch and basement, modern chicken houaa. nice barn, young orchard, berries and big garden, on 2 lots 110x180, on good rock road near pavement, 20 minutes' drive .from courthouse. Otte fare via Oregon Electric.-S minutes' walk to school, store snd P. O.. sidewslks -and all city eonveniencee; bargain at 88500. cash or terms. Main 3188 , , E. R. STROMQUI8T, Maplewood. HERE is s snap; tt sere, S room house, bam ... and chicken house, bearing fruit trees snd berries.- also atora building and stock of gro ceries; 1 buggy. 1 wagon, 2 seta of harness and small implement ; fin location, 1 tt mil from eny ethr store; good graveled road; city water, ga and telephone; fine income, snd Just think of -it. all for only 83600. Inquire 118 Grand avenue. . FOR SALE By owner, 5 Vs. acre; good mod em house, orchard, good garden, 1 acre in corn, gas, electricity and Bull Run water. Part cash. 36500. Phone Tabor 2207. FOR SALE 1 tt acre at Garden Home. ' 6 block from depot ; fair house gnd good gar- den. Silas Ashley. Garden Home tt ACRE. 4 room house, st Multnomah, at . bargain if aold soon. Main 9217-. Aak for Phillips. FOR RALE FA EMS 17 I H C? . 9 em a . fur or iracie 4000 stock farm In Unions Flint Creek y!1,cr. on western alope of Rocky mountain: Phtlipsburg, , Mont Modern 8 room house and complete outbu.ldir.gg. Lots of water, sou seres irrigated, free water. Complete farming equip ment Will Include all or part of 240 bead pure blood and registered Hereford. If bu tar es ted write for list and photos. : BEVERLY HILLS STOCK FARM ' Philipsburg, Mont " - 24' ACRES - Part in ciilltivatlon, balance timber and pas tare, watered by springs arid well, good family orchard, small house and barn, horse, 2 cow, 50 chickens, 10 tone, hay, some grain, farm implements, fa .good road near school. 33000 tt eab. ' , S. O. D1LLM AN 314 7th St. near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. . Phone 427. r FOR BALE BY OWNER 20 acres, all in cultivation, house, barn and outbuildings; all fenced, good family orchards on main graveled road, 3 miles northwest. of Amity. Price (3500, half cash. i 10 acres close to highway near Cornelius, all in cultivation, good timber orchard, 6 room house, btrn and outbuiktimr, 2 cows. 1 horse and 100 chicken, price (5500. half cash. ' Write owner, P. M. Madden, Box 116, or call at residence 1615 Fir st. Hills ho ro. Or. 20 : ACRES" 16 in crop, good building. Insured for (8500; irl Hfilbboro district Pries (5750, (3000 caah, balance 5 years 6 interest- WW take home in Portland or Salem up to (2000. 8. O. DILLMAN -214 7th St. near 8. P. depot. Oregon. City. ' - Phone 427. S. O. DILLMAN .r. ' ' T acres. ....... .. ..:;-; (1100 " ' 14 acres 2200 14 acres .;. 3300 104 acres ............ 3000 - All close to Oregeon City, pn good road, . 8. O. DILLMAN 21 7th St, near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. ' - Phone 427. 90 acres in cultivation', on Molalls - river, splendid crop, fair buildings, one mile to earilne. Price (20.000 tt cash. " 8. O. DILLMAN 214 7th St, near S. P. Depot. Oregon City. . Phone 427. - 35 ACRES, house, barn, well; 12 acres cleared; . (3750, terms. 80 acres, 24 acre cleared, bouse, barn, .well, (8000, terms. i . , 144 tt seres, 100 acre cleared, 3 houses, large barn, (150 per acre; R. F. V- milk route, school, sre beer these places- J - J. C. Kl'RATLJ, HilLshoro, Or. FOR 8ALE 114 8 acres, about 250 acres creek bottom, balance rolling liilla. fruit and panto r land; fair buildings; rural rente, tele phone, near town; (35 per acre; might, ex change. 54 Park Terrace, Corvallis, -Or. -186 ACRES land. 0 in cultivation, 32 in tim ber. balance in past rase; all good river bottom lrnd, beat cf buildWig, with ssre inoutju hou do to town, st (13,500; an exceptional buy. Addrese Box 129 Amity, Or. j FOR SALE 80 acres. 13 in eulUvstiton; barn, outbuilding and 'orchard, in Clackamas .Boun ty, price (2000; half cash, f Owner, 965 K. 29th st N. Woodlawn 4819. EASY" terms. A good farm . near- school snd - town, good buildings, 'orchard, all necessary tools gnd implements; wagen, buggy and Iota of other articles. Call Wdln. 6369. FOR 8ALE 6 sere fruit snd chicken rsneh. Address Milsksukie. Or., route 1, box 105. Owner will meet you at Courtney Station. Or gon City Electric railroad. ' CANADIAN farm land bought, aold. exchanged. Claude Cole, 426 Lumbermen bldg. - FERSOT7AI tt GLASSES at a earing. I solicit your patronage oa the basis of capable service Thousands of satisfied pa trons.. Chaa W. Goodmaa. optometrlsv, 909 Morrtsoa st Main 2184. SUPERFLUOUS nalr. . moles, warta removed by' 10 needles method: trial free.- Joaie Fldiey. 614 Bush A Lane bldg. Mam 6368. PROFESSIORAi'jAND BARBERS' SUPM.IE9 LEW IS STENGER Barber Supply Co.. loth and -. Morrison sta. Th place 'to boy barber chain and supplies. Stock of furniture always eat band at right price. - DAVIS A HOLM AN, INC. 109 Xd at. blank book maa-Jiacturen. A -8 183. Mais 188 - - , : loos EEW AND USED'bOOE8. ALL SUBJECTS, JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 949 Mais at. bat. 2d and 8L cat awo oo HOsrimt ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. Til E. 7th st ear. Grant. East 1847. B-1962. OARPKT OLKANIeia Carpet Cleaning: -. -Sizing and i Refitting f Fluff and - Rag Rugs . WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL . PORTLAND BOG CO. 1872 R. 17th at eieliwood 962A We Make FLUFF RUOS From VYowr Old Carpets Bag rasa, all sixM Kali ankea xwoaDt. Bugs sad raroeia steam and Arm -i Fbeae er write for price Ett. , ;.,-., ? Northwest Rug Co. 188. E. Eighth St East 868. FJuff Rugs From Old "' Carpets . Rag Bogs, all sixes Msll Order Prompt, v. Send for Booklet . ... 9x12 Bags, Steam or Dry Cleaned. 91.89. FLUFF BUG CO. 84-88 Union-sv. N. - Eaat 8519. Bast 766A ' ' FOR PALE FARMS ' " - 17 CANADIAN PACIFIC HY. LAND. YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Central Alberts and Saskatchewan are: rich park lands, open pralri ready for the plow; interaperaed with tree,, which afford excellent shelter for stork. Her grain growing, dairying sad livestock rat, -tog are being carried on ssvooeaafully. The country la ideal for mixed farming. The Cana dian Pseifie Railway ia offering A large re of thee fertile - lands in Lloydminater snd Battle ford districts. This fertile land will beewme the noma of thonsands of proapsroae farmers. tin similar land Seaser Wheeler a rows the world's Pri-' wht; Near tJoyuminster the world' f rile oat hv been grown, gnd butter of th highest quality ft mad. A man can toon be come independent on a farm ta this diatrict. These lands can be bought new at pricea aver aging about (18 per acre. Yon pay down 10 per cent If land ia purchased under settlw aiaut eaeiditiona, ne further i payment of prin cipal nntU end of fourth year, then 18 annual paymenta Interest ia 6 per i cent Also thou sanda of acres of irrigated lands In Sonthera Alberta at 950 ;r acre, on which the company will loan (2000 for improvement to aimroved purchasers, with 20 - years to-! pey for land and loan. Landseekera' excursion . rty leave Portland, for Calgary. Alberta, on Saturday. August 21. Reduced railway rates. For fur ther particulara see Canadian Paetflo Railway Co.. 208 Railway Kxehans bldg. L. P. Thorn, ton, diatrict representative. i 52 . ACRES 35 ia cultivation, fins ainil: new B me plastered bouse, with basement; barn, granary and chicken bouse, 8 oowsj team, good ma chinery, chickens, watered by well and stream. I i-nce ssaou h easn ACRES ' 20 in cultivation, bouse, barn, team, wagon, buggy, 2 cows, 2 heifers, 14 tona of bay. 88500 part oash. ' 8. O. DILLMAN 214 7th at near S. P. Depot, Oregon City. Or. '. rnoue 4X7 ' . 39 Acre JHlonie -Equipped $4200 : 8 miles from Woodland, Waah., on good coun ty road, 1 8 acre cleared, good 9 room house, barn; good orchard; 80 English walnut trees; fine spring. This is a dandy good ranch with crop, .stock and equipment, including household goods. Ready to mote ia lead make money. (2500 caah. 1- j: A. W.Estes '. j - : BOS Chamber of Commerce. !'.-- ; - '-- '- Auto. 814-68. ; EQUIPMENT AND STOCK i , 200 acre faatn near Lebanon, gravel road, cream, milk, phone and rural route; cow, horses, implements chickens, tnrktys, fgir buildings. A inap st only (65 per acre. ,No trade. 9 - ! i.-.' - Also ) I ' ! 160 acres, box bouse, barn, orehsrd. some in eulUvatlon. sll woven wire fence; 2 million feet timber ; 4 milee from town s good sheep ranch ; Mly 818 an acre; (760 caah. . Com and see me for bargains. i - JOSEPH C. GIBSON "THE LAND MAN" OF1TCE AT HOTEL LEBANON LEBANON. OB. Dairy Ranch Equipped On .'Pacific." Highway- tt mile from WbodUnd.iWaah.-7tt acre all fenced: 60 acres- level bottom land. 3u in cul tivation; 6 room house, bath and toilet; water piped to the bouse. Barn: 70x90 feet. Out buildings, orchard, cgpp. stock snd equipment Price (10.500, with cssh ) (4500, bsUnce 10 years at 8 peg cent. AO exceptional buy. A. W. :Estes ; i: ' 9J.8..-Chnbr of Commerce. Auto. 814-68. i 8 miles of Oregon Cityd creek, -.orchard; 11 acres under plow; small buildings, good, eotl; (1800 down, H ' ANDREW a BAKER. i ' ' 600 Dnane St. Oregon City. ' ' 40 ACRES, ail Jn cultivation, good 5 room heme. : large barn gnd silo, good family orchard, 8 cows, 8 horses, sll farm implements and all crop. This offer for short time only for (11,000, terms half cash. - I WASHINGTON COUNtY REALTY CO. HUHboro. j Or 80 ACRES on Pacific highway, with fine 5 room - bungalow. Rood -barn snd woodshed; well at back door; half mile' from town, school, church; very fine soil; for (450O. j Owner. ' L. Blanchard ' 401-402 SwetUnd bldg.- Phone Marshall 829. FOUR 20-acre tracts. (600 each: nnlmnroved fruit land, near Stevenson, Wash.'; wood, wa ter. Dunlin and rialung close; one third caah. take car. piano, Victrola. lota to help yon on balance, or teruu. Particulars Box 495, Salem, wrgon. i ONE 21-100 acres. new"8 room house, 24x40 - barn, small chicken bouse, good well st the house; Huber sve., Huber, just 3 miles west from Beaverton. Or. All (clear. ' Only (1800. If interested caU at once. E. Sweoaotv Bea verton Realtor. - - -j - - . 60 ACRES of improved farm with all thlsyear'i crop, all the stock, all itb implements, run ning water all the yeer round. - 7 mijea from Beaverton, half mile to rocked road. If you are looking for a anap call on' m for 1 sure have them. E. E. Swenson, the Beaverton Realtor. FOR "SALE - With "equipment, a" sawmill dairy running -12 cows: fin pasture, cheap rent; bringing in from (400 to (450 per month; reasonable, part cash and term; 42 mils from Portland. O. R. Thompson. Prescott Or. FOR SALE SO sere fsr m, 12 acres in cultiva - tion; all kinds of fruit Isnd berries; 6 room plastered bungalow; 10 minutes' walk from Prafal station on Oregon Electric; (0000. . W. F. Prahl, .Aurora. Or.. R. F. D. 8. FOR BENT-j-FABMH . ( WANTED T RENT Farms of 160 to 500 . . acres. We have clients who will pay cash rent and buy personal property, j If you are figuring on leasing your ranch this fall It will be to your advantage to see Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON. SWAN LEE. 3d And Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. - - . - i - FARMS WA5T Elf OH BI T 14 " -. WANT TO RENT " farm of around 40 to 100 acres; Have client waiting to buy personal j property and lease place Quick action assured. -i r " F. L. EDDY, ' y ' RTTTER, IjOWB A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade BMg. WANTED FOR CASH- FROM OWNEIt 1 6-acre farm, close to school and car line. Pbone East 7300: ask for Mr. Cook, or call after t o'clock. at 875 . 15th L N. Professional and BgS.nesa Plreclory ALL elaasea cement work, general building and repair work.' Bate reasonable. PboBe-8'1-29. ONIROPRAtrrOftS) JOH! WESLEY PECK CHIROPRACTOR MacJeaybldg. 4 Ui nrf Wash ington; lady attendant. Auto. 619-48 CHIROPRACTIC, ateam batha and manure. 10th ' floor Broadway bldg. : Marahall 3187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. j tin. McMAHON, 100 chiropractor, Portland ' throne prononnoe treatment best -OOSL AUO WOOD BOXWOOD Tavsrvd Immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam, pbone Main 4178. GOOD 16tN. SLAB WOOD. (4.50 a load., delivered I anywhere; surely a bargain. - CaB me.. Sell. 1769. -UI OCK and slabwood. alw boxwood. ' Special pnrs in . loan iot. t. (, . ,i. v . i. FOR first growth fir cord eood call East 2488, M. .Heard t Fuel Co 997 E. Bornsid. A - oottcmow9 - NETH A CO.. Worcester bids. aTsin 171. Ns . eoUectiona. no ebarsw. Eatablishsd lgOQ. OEHTI9TS Dentistry Witbowt Para. Lata Nerve B larking UsthoA COUOATIONAL OAMOINa TBB Dane Btadw, A09 Dekam bid., Waahlag. ' ton at 3d; strictly privste lessons; naif hour ot boar IssBoast eoarse leiia spaeiaUy prscad. fatly .80 a. as. to 9 p. m. Miss Ireland, EERKELEY Dancins Academy, private Jaaawn. day, evening; latest steps jass ehowa. 139 4th st, Maia 8(1 A Mis. SoramerS. - . WU9IQ 90HOOLS AKa TEACHERS sRS. i. M- LOVEJOY7" lastractor of . popoia ragtime snd ciasate. Tabor 9918. Is CARROLL DAY, teacher of voio sad pasaa, 148 13tb st strcadway 2868. HAT OLKANCR9 AND OVERS ' S I J ' 'i l r .. I". si VO dean, rebloek yowi bat; beet work, rseaoaakta prieaa, pvomsst aervie ; beat equipped bat factory ta caty. Eoyal Hat Works, 328 lag st WANTED Lad is, . know we can clean yowl lute miln or crepe hat. . 6X5 DiTiaion, nOMFSTEAP 4J I HAVE some good homesteadv Can locate you on either farming or tiiabrr ' tract in tin v O. A C. land grant. Anderson, 531 Rail-wsy Exchange bldg. Hour 8:80 to 5. Ertniugs 7 :su to . IIAVE some eood relinnuUhmf.nls for fale close ia, Anderson, 581 Railway Exchange bldg. L TIMBER NOTICE OP ' SALE UK t.OVTffHNMENT TLU- BER, GK.VfcRil, LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. July 16, 1920. Notice la hereby given that, aubjevt to th condition gnd limitation of (he ret of lun 9, 1916 (89 Stat. 218), gnd the instructions of the secretary of the Interior of September 13. 1917, the timber on the following Isuds wiD be aold September In, 1920, at 2 p. m.. at publie auction at the United States land office at Lake view. Oregon, to the highest bidder st not less than tha appraised value aa shown by this ootic. sale to be subject to the approval. of " the secre tary of the interior. Tne porch- prine, with an additional aum of on fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must ba de posited at time of aale. money to be relumed if sal ia not 'approved, otherwise patent will itie for the timber, which must be removed within 10 year. Buia will b received from citisens of the United Ststea, association ot ucb ritissns and oorporationa organised under th laws of tu United State or any atate, territory or diatrict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser th timber on any !e-al ebdmninn will be offered separately before being included In sny offer of a Larger unit: T. 41 8., R. 9 E., Sec 1. N. E. tt 8. E. tt . pt 960 st.. fir 190 M. ; N. W. S. E. tt . pine 400 M.. fir 60 M. : S. E. tt S. E. tt , pine 430 M., fir 31 ll. ft W. tt 8. E. tt, P-ne 375 M , fir M.; N. E 14 8. W. tt, pine 300 M., fir 1M M. ; N. W. tt 8. W. tt. Pine 'JOS M , fir 140 M. : 8. E. tt 8. W. tt. pine 340 M , fir 190 M. 8. W. tt S. W. tt. pin 30 M.. fir 10 M. : none of the pine to be sold for less thsa (4 per M. , and none of the fir to be aold lut ' lea than (1 per M. (Signed.) CLAY TALLMAN. . Commissioner, General Lend Of fir. YOUE CliTSTE sit wilniru HH r, 80 (10 cords ot word ; two miles station, 16 miles Port land; good reads: stnmpa or lump; good iu vestment Box 542, St Helens, Or. 8AI.K OR TRiDE"l66"acrer"tlmr.r, "fjmiiee from Eugene. L, F. ttoln, 150 Union ave. FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE - - HEAT, K8TAT F. 91 TWO small farms, tt mile from highway, mar' Recdsville; crops and equipment lUrry Beal, 431 Lumbar Ex., 2d and Stark. Main 1881. EXCHASOE HKAIi F.ST ATM 21 LINN COUNTY EXCHANGES '.i.-':-:-:'' : ' !' ' NO. si - ! - 860-acre atoek'and dairy ranch. 1R0 level tn cnlti ration. 170 onn pasture snd tillable. 40 tsnber: good 8-roora bouse, 3 terse - barns, new silo aod other bldus., 1 mile to school, 4 to Lebanon. Cheap at 363 an acre. Trade for mailer place in ' Valley to half, so id tim on balance. Also 4f J- """"' '" ,! " ' NO. 17 ' 107-acre dairy or sheep farm, 80 to- 90 Sere In cultivation, 00 acres can he, I now slashed and good pasture,-bsl. timber and rs ture. Fine sprintj, fair building, gravel road. It. F. D. and phone Close to town. (73 per acre, including crop. - Will accept a liouse snv good town, (3000 to, (4000, aom caah and giv time on balance. ' What have you t.iv Uetaila and price in first letter. Or if you want a smaller place to buy nutriaiit. tU ma what you want. Best around Lebanon at low est prices. t JOS. C. GIBSON, 5 'THK LAND MAN." 1 ' OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON, LEBA NON. OIL HAVE (2400 cliattef mortusae to trjde for land on the coast R. K Mm, 6N6 iltn at WANTED. CITY PROPhltTY 87 WANTED A modern 0 room bunitalow in ltiwe City district; will trsd a touring car aa tir.t payment Bdwy, 8606. WArTTED-REAl ESTATE E HACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED We do not care how old and dilapidated tViey are we can asll them if your price ia right and your tarma sre easy; a keen salesman at you aervioa. warn mmms. sn 782 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Want?' 15, 67 Rnm. Houses a WiSiPay Cash and monthly payments. Hawthorne, ' Richmond . or Waverleigh Height preferred. . Buyer now watting. A. W. Este3 905 Cham, of Commerce. Automatic 614-61 WANT about 1 acre. Went Sid preferred. WmiM like bearing fruit trees; can Use without tini c. If hour on place mu.t. be 4 or B rooru buntrs low. Have 1919 Chevrolet, misht cmm.lir trade Stat lowert price and terras in flntt let ter. B-500, Journal 1 WANT A WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. UP TO SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ' Must have 7 room and nWly liK-at-d; will ar rive In thia city Monday the 16th and ready t buy. (live me the data and I will call. 11-74 8, Journal. WANTED To buy one larse or two adiMln. Ing lots ln fully restricted district; terms. B-589, Journal. WILL RUT OS SI07.TNYMotSB"l"cTN j REPAIR AND SELL AT PROFIT. G. C. GOLDKN'BEBO, A bine ton bldg. Msln 4 8f3. WANTED 8 or 7 room motlern hoTiheTj priT not to exceed 85000; to pay (1000 down, balance monthly paymvnta; no agentar deal with owner direct. H-746, Journal. WANT TO R0T mll 3 or 4 room imTrn - bungalow on monthly jrinenL. will assume Vaaand pay (23 er month. -Phone Main 6577. WANT 4 or 5 room modern house, 6oTh0T east aide, not too far out Phone Hell. 2754 after 9 30 evenlnga. WANT From owner, nuxforn 6 or 7 room boue. Tabor 7634. " f5l 2 H"W ;H-GRATE1 5.pas. car. ' (355: X Jl take lot of equal value W-240, Journal. Professional and Business Directory OPTOfMITRIgTg AMD ortiflisa aasasaaaa, EYES SCIENTIFICALLY" "TESTEU aiavr. "i'h modern Inatrumaota; . clii n "ted from (Z.50 np. A E. HPRW1TZ. OptometrisV. 929 let st M liVh-TT1'11'. r-Penng Tntlni-1 54 r--t7ii-,iBI0w-- WoodUwo313 Vn.AiT.nort'sff7't : - FRIWTIWO. KfgORAVtWO. airtOINQ and Oak. Maia 163. 611.6J. aTTSE7iHWW:HOns0"fPANY " ..MT Waabiaaton. - Broadway 44. A-133 tUMBiao AWO msM BUPS-tlga Plumbing . Wr" don quickly ,rl fflcienfij t rvaaoo. able price; new taetsiutloa apecialty; ior KIi9 kfETAL WOBKS " '. THE M, U EUNE-CO-aaTng-arTrd ' TRAW9FKR AWO STQBAOg v Oregon Transfer Co. Eetablished 1870 Transfer and-f-'orwardins Jlsents ' JO?AGE FREE TRUCKA" i. OII'?u.,sd Storage. 474 Uhsan 19tb and fahsaa. roadway 1281. A-1169 ALWAYS PICK THE BEST BOC8FHOLD WOODS SPllALliiT ritorw.kmi ioT" - ping and aaoving; horse and auto vans; special rates to aU potnta. C. O. .Pl(t TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. ' 3d and l ine ata. Broadway 6b6. A-l Sua. Storage and Transfer ..say Morse,. Inc. 13THAND GLI8AN. BROADWAY 9479 - WT rgtlUHT KATES On btvmwbold soods Bhtooed east and sooth. Man. Uag Wareboiwe A Trsnsisr Co.. itth and lioyt. - - PhoTi. Broadway T03 t -- .- UfMOt9TrRIia . RErTlDENCE SEntlCEl'iTijr.STEUf-"" We do all kinds of furniture aad carpet wofaV Just pbone Eaat 7695. CUT FREIGHT RATE, 4 ,;-.