SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON it . TENT CITT AT OCEAN 4 VISIT COLUMBIA BEACH ''By the See." Completely famliM box tents in beautiful inn, 10 per wMki grocery store, restaurant, daecing; jut the plsca to spend your vacation. 1 COLUMBIA BEACH CO.. 24 Stark Street. Main 829; "ATTENTION 1 HIKERS AND FISHERMEN I ; Wiahtux Lake Hack Train Leaves Cai-cade Locks. Hock leberriea and Blackberries rip. Phone (?kiwr Bwii.'i store. FOB BUNT Right en the beach. furnUhei cottsire-tents, well wster, $10 to $20 week. J HJWanJtfain 7293. - i stores Awrt offices ; i STORE with living room above. 50 Alder, cor. lflth: fcwwt location. Sea Mr. O Bnen, 23 . Stark, "eori. 24. 1 I wanted to niT CLF.RGTilAN will leas strictly modevw S to frnomi bouse, bungalow W P'".,"": fun.fc.hed or partly funiished. with garaehout Anguat Stti must l good fairly eloae to and near .school; family "J: best possible ear guaranteed. Phone, except Sunday,, nuoe. iiicssna-.. 1 . WANTEnl, to rent or lea. 6 to 7 room modern bungalow, nose juiry oisincii . Sept. 1 ; I would ee-rodder option of buying by ml of 1st ysat. no children. C-817, Journal. WE are 9n touch with several parties wanting la rent! farm and buy personal property. I-t Us know (what you bar and we can enake -quick deal..;. . v ' '...' , 8TI IIS Nt ... WANTEI To J pon-lhie eoupl BTEWAHT nu n., : tortiiwestern nana Drag. ... - i- - i , , i . hv re - I O jell. ' J -- - - i . 1.1 . 1,1. A nr 9 room ponine couni-, ..iwm-ji. ,.......;.., - , house in jgood residence district; best ot reter- eneen. tjii cw ao. - .... gMALXThouse, furnished or unfurntled, or will bur furniture; man end daughter, I"'" , northeast Portland. Mr. Burlingsme. Address 618 Miaassrippi ave. , WASTE13 A modem unfurnished houiia by or before )Rrmber 1. with garage preferred; WIU LEASE. Phone Tabor 1703, or call at : uncoin f WANT to relit small tre wttli room ofer! end deseriiiuon. locaUon, price, to t, UM Interna t I at. WANT 6 BKNT. FfllNISHED. a mal 3 room bttngalow or a 3 room apartment, l'ljone Main I7. ' ' ' . WANT taTrent. Sept. 1. fire or all room house - ia deaftabta neighborhood, by reliable couple. for one ot two yeara. jTbor 2835. , " WANTEIit-r 7 -room hou-w in Irrington or other good reifdene di'trict. rent not more than 0i Phone East 1T. ' ' PXfHNlSHjED rooms for biulnea people; prirate family; Iwalkina diaUnce; C. 8. preferred. 078 t,. Mnrrlxin t. . ' ; WANTKIH To rent an attrartjre 5 room bun galow ifti good reaideotial aeetton. Wood lin 2R81. : 'l - " ' BT ADt'liTS. n to 7 room furnlahrd modern house ; permanent; garage. Kant 7860. BTrriWbie pemla. 5 room modern cottage or bunejalow; will leaae. Tabor VI 82. REAL ESTATE BEACH PMOPKHTY YOU KALE, in gralde: H room modern home. 2 tt laflte woodnhed. garage, ehtrken hone PHce t55IIH , Owner. P. O BoT 22S, Bealo. TWO lot fin Heaeida. ' Phone" WoodlawS2d02 or wrltej 007 Kirhy at.. I'ortland. TJipsiNESS PROPEBTY FAOTOBTi ite. c)om In" Wet" BWr, "water front with traiikeae. Owner. 1241 N-W. Bank bldg. irOR SALE HOUSES GKOVKLANI) l'AKK 520 TEltMS O roomffi thoroughly modern, hardwood floors. .2 bedroom, den ann eleeinng porcn. Inrnare. cement fuir in baaement. laundry tray; AOx 100 lot; H blork to car. For appointment rail Tafonr 30H9. , RAVE 1 1 1100 equity In modern 4 room bungt low, Alhlerta; full cement baaement, laundry tray a. bath), etc.; old irory fmlata. fireplace; cobblestotie jfonndationi Will trade for good email car up tot g700. balance caah; or will take 1000 eanh. balance $1500 payable at 2U per month 1 and intern 7 per cent. B-051, Journal. - ! : E. 25TH. near 8. P. shop,. ,4 room furnished . cottage aritb garage: corner lot, street pared and said; tua and coal range: fine plumbing; bouse all i white enamel: 280t. (400. canb. bal. monthly. Call liut 3223. Also beautilui 6-room bungalow, furniahed. tIN BT" deaitrable 8 room bungalow, good waxed floors, i large attic, built-ins, full basement, right in middle of 3 Inta; 23 bearing fruit trees, all (tinus small fruit; a beautiful place. 47 E. 8 7 til st. N. ; Take MV depot car to 87th, walk pioraa smim. 1'Olt 8AI.K By owner, 12 room commodious home, with owner' bath, guest bath and serv ants' bathi beautiful grounds with appropriate flowers an shrubbery: double garage ; aiae of lot 130 bif 100. . Price reasonable; terms if desired. AtMreaa owner. Bo 4 73, Portland. Or. FUIt BALE MiKlem bungalow of fire rooms and bath, large attic, fireplace and built-in, tnitch kitdhen and i full slued basement with laundry tratys and cooler. Good chicken boue. I fruit tree.' Lot 60x114. for particulars in Iqtiire at 2tl4 flaasato st. " - - b'OB SALE1 by owner. My home, consisting of modern IB room bungalow on pared street, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, linen closet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace anal laundry; 2 full lot, fnitt trees, berrias ami; fine garden. East 3148. 6 ROOM. unHJi)w with full basement, all con cnlvncetfl electric range, gas heater, racuum cleaner, good cannits on li ring room floors, lin oleum otv kiltohen and ba-throom and kitchen ta We all go With boose, 7,000, 32750 casta, bal- ' snce easy tfrmv -89, JournaL . SIX JlOONi house to be sold this week. SCI K. Madison, near 18th St.; ia going to be sold at a ba realm this week. It requires $1500 to awing it, 1 the balance like rent. Coma in the . forenoon. ! Bhnday included. it 4802 I lots, Sriie garden, fniit trees! 8 room holme, furn'.ture, bath and gas 4H clocks to Ira r, near Kennedy school. Alberta district. 90S (Jleno arc, between Wygant and Ooing. 1 f t T TTportOnii HEuaiTS " Artistic IS room bungalow and garage, Port land Heightii, 8 duort from carline. newly deco rated, beautiful lawn and shrubbery 35000; some term-i,; Marshall 1318. 8 ROOM houi-e, large attic, full basement, built ins, fruit cellar, ; modern plumbing, laundry, 100x100; igarage, fruit and garden. $3200; terms, or big discount for ea.ih. From owner; no agent, tall Tabor 8700 or Tabor S442. .FOrTsaTk 8 room modern furnished house. lot 100x1.00, fruit and berries; close in. In come 30H 1 ier month. Price 34000, terms. For sale bjl owner. ; Inquire 1903 11 at.. Van couver. Willi, 0 ItOOM house, basement, lights, gas, hot ami cold water, bath; near business center of Moots rilra. $2300; $5041 down, 330 a month. A Wo 4 room bungalow, $iav!5; $A2ft dtwn, $25 a month. Li. L. Webb; 414 K. Stark at. 4 HOOM lhou, corner lut; choice kcatton; 1504. I Sum Hurry. .' E. E. Swensen I Bearerton, Or , Hesltcr. FC4t SALti One new houses. 5 rooms and one 6 room ! house, both in Kenton ; 2 modern homes south of . Piedmont, cheap; reasonable terma: must sell, leering the city. Call at 81 W. Wincheill at. t ROOM bungalow, gas. BuU Bun water, elec tricity, fruit trees, - garage, 100x100 lot, 12000, 13100 cash. . SUnrey sUUon. Sellwood , 17S8. ! I 6 ROOMRL burnt woodwork finish, hardwood floors, . f furnace, full lot, large porch, solid conrrete floor-. N. Mt. Tabor $4350; easy terms. East 5779. GO UOOK. 224 E. 53D STT : ROOM MANSION MOUNT TABOU "? Every emnvemence, 75x100; view; garage; worth 815.000. price $8950; term Main 4803 PERFECTLY new 3 room bungalow, finished in ivory land white built in breakfast nook, full lot, terms. Woodlawn 2411. 1646 Minne sota ave. AN IllEAU home in rWmmil near carline and : K-nnQs, ron" "--v ,w.rji i. iiRprovemenia in and imii). garatre. fruit, berries, grsiiea. Kng lish ealnnts. $000. Owner. Wdln. 8609. ; . . 1 Kawthorxe district" . . 5 room 1 modern bungalow, all built-ins, fur nace, space for garage, close to school. 1184 BAIUIAIN I by owner. 5 rat, . bath, futl base- mciit, ones lounoation. rruis ana eerrtes and garden; hallf cash. 81Q-63. DANDY tilircom lum-e within 6 blocks of city hall. 3 I to Lincoln high tchool; like new. Owner,. Main 6233. $2350 PLASTERED 4 r. ' house, double con structioni. good location, soil ; term1. M. V car. 88 g. 80th St. N. WILL SELL 527 E. 42d N. Fine 7 room nouse. now ready for occupancy ; easy terms O sTxTlfCN Dii eiTi iorJjiRsTiows and balssHre on easy terms will buy a good 'ft room housa. jKise jn. Apply at 47 E. 1 5th st. 8. FOR SALE 6 room modern house, everything up to dalte. Garage; trot, trees; newly pamteu inxide sad out. 1663 K. Flanders. - , jFOR SALE BY OWNER T . - Modern ir-ottaire. near Columbia park. $1950, Terms, Call Columbia 1108. evenings. , IBVINGTON By owner, modern 6 room bun j galow, jut completed. 680 E. 15th at. N. Open daily. 10 to 4. . FOR SALK Five room cottage. Call owner,' ' VVooswn 4864 after 3 p. my'- LOT 31 1 too and small house for sale cheap. . 1122 Ej 2 1st at.N. 4-POtiM bungalow, larje lot, terms; consider light auto part-. ScU. 0. ' SrMMEK RESORTS REAL ESTATE FOIl SALE MOfRES 1 APARTMENT HOUSE DWETLERS . Wfcy pay exceiiaiw rents, when for $300 down and 850 monthly, you can buy a practically new newly-wed apt. bouse type of bungalow, aplendUl pergola , entrance. Murphy disappearing beo, dressing roam, la raw living room, with fireplace and seats, large bedroom, Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast nor, built-in Ublo and seats, sight! lot, in payed atreet and on carline? Out wlara tha air is imre. where the sun shines in erery room, and where the klddiea can whoop aU they iwant. Total price $3200- . i a z v namoer m v,vm LiJl. " 50 CASH ( ONLT 82850 128 42I AVE. KKAH 2D ST. PAVED 8 (rra. bring, cottage. The finest in city. Ownet mored on farm ; baa elegant plumbing, lpg. pr . bmfet; electricity, gas and beat cement bast, jyoa e eaw, 60x100. trwt trees, plenty nf Iwn-ruw . shade trees. 40 rose bushes, garage: only $850 cash required; bo debt; blk. car. Ho todayi ana you li 001 regret, jusi u, new i beat, to roof ; great big value and a real borne. ConrJ to highsrbooi. . . ' tA&K 'M8" CAR TO 62D HTKEET I THEN 1 BLOCK NORTH 12 421) AVE, - t - " ' ' "' MAIN 4803. f MT. SCOTT IlISTRICT. Tandy new 3 room modern house, cement basement, bath, toilet; kit 40x100; 1 block car. Pricet $1700; $400 cash, balance like rent. , ALBERTA IHSTRICT 8 Iroom bungalow, in fine shape: good cement basement; lot 84x100: 3 blocks Alberta .car; a snap. Price $2000; $500 cash. bal. 'like rant. -. I MT. SCOTT IHSTRICT - 4 room bungalow, almost new ; modern In ererV way. fine cement baaement, bath, toilet; lot 0xl6o. hedge fence in front 6 btocM car. Price $2100; $S00 cash, bal. like rent. 1 k 11 h Aiwa as n.Mi 808 Mr-Kay Bldg. Main 4192. -rr Ijiisv. CITT ; 6-room modern hmue, corner lot 50x100. fine Bawn and roses, beat district and close to car; since tAAOO; term. . . RESERVOIR PARK ADD. 8 room modern house, lot 80x100, fruit and berries, only $4600. 5-ronm house, lot 40x100. fruit and berries; price- $2000; terms. - 6 room house on Brooklyn at., lot 60x100; 200U; terms, t 1 i MAGESKE aV CARSON. Main! 48. i 924 Chaen. of Com. ( After 6:30 call Col ; 1115. "' NIFTY, CLAWiHBlTNOALOW -$1700 4 Irooms. complete plumbing, builtmi, climb ing rosea, screened porch, lot 60x100. A blocks to car; $250 t cash. $13 monthly; photo at ufflce, , 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR iSALETiy owner, 6 room house with full cement basement, fronts 105 feet on bard surface boulevard. 15 minutes' ride from cen ter ot city. l-arge living room with fireplace, dining: room, kitchen, large pantry,, bed room large bath room with latest fixture; t closetX electric lights. Bull Run water. Price ! $2900: terms. 610 Lumber Exchange bldg. i Telephone 642-33. " A REAL HOME I CNCHUALLY FIXE, BUY An '8 room semi-bungalow. located in the Irv ingtoni district, on 4 lots, frontage of 200 ft. by 100 ft. deep. Very well huilt house, 8 years old; II block from school and 2 blocks from the Irvingtbn car. Irice 000, half cash. See Mr. Campbell, with Frank McCrillis. 824: Henry bldgr l . Near; Walnut Park . $45ff0 for a fine modem ni-t-date bonafalow with fireplace, furnace and garage; in fine lo cality; $1 500 cash, i i ' I F. L. Blanchard 401-4(j)2 Swetlandbldg. Phone Marshall BJ9. "TORTUND HEIGHTS RESIDENCES! i i Offered by owner for sale. 1 ! 1 No. 724 Patton Itoad. tOO. j No. 726 Patton Road, $6000. ! t No. 730 Patton Road, $7500. 1 i One! lot. No, 728 Patton Road, $1500. For particulars call Broadway 405. 1 Or see owner at No. 247 Ankeny St. j NEW jLaurelhurst residence, Just completed! by owner ; large bring room, dining room, kitohen, breakfast nook and wash room on first floor: the second floor has 3 bod rooms, bath, sleeping porch aand sewing room. All have hardwood floors. I Enamel finish ; walla papered and at gaa furnace in basement. Commodious garage. Phone i East 2308. 1 ' 1 ; I . . 7 8 BOOM HOUSE i And! modern chicken house 10x38 feet: cement walk: electric and gas; furniture land over 80 White Leghorn chickens; 10 minutes walk te O-W. R. , N. car shops: 20 minutes walk t Union depot. Four carline are nearby. S3fi00j Without furniture and chickens, 300. 193lry atreet. .:. . . s . !: , IOOoTFOR A FINE 3 room, with gas. plec lighti hot and cold water built-in convenience, may. -S.- in fiOilOO. This is a bargain, only $400 oa.h. j : F. L. 401-4012 Swetland hldB- Phone .Marshall 829. .- . -r: ,7500 PIEDMONT" HOME ; Large living i room, runs across entire front of house, large attic, , French doors, hardwood floor, (fireplace, hot water heat, buff eV gatage; 60x100. Only ? $2000 cash. Main 4803.; 1 U. C. GOLDENBEBIJ. , . Abiiiigton Bldg.-"35 Years in Portland 7 ROOM house, 4 bedrooms, dining room. liv ing iroom, kitchen, panty. bath, large front porch, fback porch, screened m; full size base ment, (wash trays; street ed, w'TJKJVZf from car; screens on all windows; lot 76x100. nice lawn, fruit and berries; clothes cloaeta; terms, owner. I 525 Mslden are.. Hellwood car. Sni'tOOM house, gas. bath, basement, garage; 2 lots.1 9 bearing fruit trees, hemes: fine loca tion: t block to car: worth $2500. will take $19001 terms. $800 will handle th. Take Woodstock car to 46th are., go 1 block aoutli and 1 Iblock eMt.jJJ15jJ7thTe.S WEStTsidE. no cgrfare, 7,r rooms, bath, 2 fireplaces, electric right, gaa, cement base ment: lot 60x100: $5000; i half cash. See owpnr eveningao? r $500 TlJOWN. $35 monthly buys wonderful ' home. Call Broadway 2903. j fou Sale lots 18 I $5 bOWS, $5 MONTHLT Final lot 50x100, all clear, close to paved atreet,.near St. Johns line; price $412. 732 Cliamber of Commerce. HOME Bl'lLDERS. ATTENTION Look at 60x100 lot on K, 7th N.; between l'rescott and Going sti; sny reasonable offer considered. Address 612 E. 1 52d t. t N. LOT for sale 40x100, with A-l garage with pit knd driveway.' See -double drive. 820 E. . 41sV ' .Tabor :. 4478. " ' ' ROOMING HOrSES. APARTMENTS AWD HOTELS FOR SALE f-3 APARTMENT HOUSE Three story brick, up-to-date comer.close in: coiuider some exchange. See Harry Ball, 431 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. Mam 1861. DANDY room . and boarding house, 15 to 2V boarders, only $473. East 3681. HrSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES 80 MEAT i market for rale. Doing good little busi ness All good fixtures, in a good payroll town Good farmers" trade. Kenfr only $10 month i Cab. $1 1 OO. EX-416. Journal. WANTED Partner with $2000, choice business corner, sawmill town,? county seat: products from ranch Mrs. Mary Day, 419 E. 31st st. Sellwood 3457. " ! ' S1SOO BI'VS 19 room apt,, clone in east side; rent. $5, income $200. See BROWN' & BIDDLE. 334 RAILWAY EX j CHANGE BLDG,, Msr. 8331, LIVE agent wanted in rvery Oregon and Wasb- ingttin town for .fastest selling proposition on the inairket, C. W. Borders, 902 Spalding bldg.. Portland, Or. - - " SAI.E-i Shoe repair shop, good location and cheap rent: will sell at bargain if taken this week, I All cash or will take; $75 cash, bal. to suR-' 1557 Union ave. :. ' 'v: 1 ' - FOR SALE 2 chair barber shop, baths in eon- neetnon. Write Ed Miles, Box 851. Hermis ton. Or. i . " - W KLT pacing' small garage and repair shop, cash or terms, $250 will handle. Call Tabor 4890, or Sell. 1028. .j WANTED To find auto painter who wants to Uike H interest in auto paint shop. Small amount, of cash required. Locke, 265 Salmon st. ESTABLISHED beauty paTTorsfor sale ; giwxl locality: will sacrifice on account tot health. Please ; investigate. G-399, Journal. " . FOR SALE BY OWNERGroeery store. 3 liv ing rooms; building, stock and futures. Wood lawn 4619.: ' ' -. .- . . . . ... ... MIX3. i A-l patent for sale, i Stand closest in- Horo": Fhoa r writa- f- E: w ; Printing: for Less Ryder Pc Co Mam 8586 193 8d at. ' I . .. FOR SAT.W FOR BALE Woodsaw. auto attachment, cheap: 686 Front street south. ! , ICE CREAM,; confectiouery : and light grocery . . stock snd fixtturet; exiwnsea only $1 a day Phone: East 1251. KOAI WORK. 8 trucks snd dump body 5 months' work. Call .227. Salmon. Main 8154. B17SIXKSS orrORTFTrTTIEW t LIVE SALESMAN TO riANDI-E MACHIN ERY. IOPCLAR I.INE. MI'ST BB ltAV CI A LI,Y RESPONSIBLE. WE I ABE NOT BELLINC TERRITORY. OOD MONEY J OR THE RKiHT MAN. CALL AND SEE W"'? WE HAVE- - 308 CHAMBER Ok tOM MERCE BI.rfJ. ; FOB SALE . ; A newly equipped billiard, trlga re and con fectionery room located about 150 mde from Portland in center of wheat . Indnistry with a good trade. For information ee Mr, M. a. Macklin, Mgr. Henry Weinhard plant. Port- land. Or. ! - WE ARE in touch with several parties wanting to rent farms and buy personal property. lt us know what you bare and we ean, mae a Quick deal.;: ' 1 1 .. ..- BTEWIBT Jk RITCK 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. - CIOAR snd ststionery store in large well lighted building. All new fixtures. Must make qtiie sale. Will sell cheap. Easy terras. . Sideline pays rent, telephone, ga and water. triue Camas Waiting Room, 801 Waabingtoo street. Vancouver, Wash.' DEATH of owner ia reason tor sate 01 gei.. store in Willamette valley town M Invoice about 83500. Will sell or rent building with dwell ing planned for hotel use, attached. BX-391, Journal. ' , ON account of the increased demand for tieir whole grain product, the Old Fashion Cereal mills desire from $5000 Xa $10,000 for ex lanMon imrposes. For psrticular address Old Faxlnon Cereal mills. 241 Holladsyi ave. Corner Qrpcery Good elean stock and good buiiinesa; sell fix tures for only $200. stock at invoice. , See Al bert Harala. 793 Miairissippi are. ! DELICATESSEN AND HOMKTbAKERY I Good location, cheap rent; living rooms: do ing a swell business and making money. Suit able for man and wife. $1590 cash.-and it js a real buy. C-515, Journal. - VOVt BALK Transfer and storage business, 1-ton truck snd large storeroom full of stow age: doing good business; storeroom for rent; best location in tlie city. 1 block from Union station. Apply-828 Irving st. Bdwy. 894. AX HALF v rice if sold soon. Sods . fountain and candy Jars, at 340 Front j st. - j SIONEY TO LOAN REAL 8CSTATE 87 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION ! On improved property, or forj Improvement purposes.' ! . i i The best snd easiest method of paying a loas, is our monthly psyment plan. 1 , $32.26 per month for 80 anon the, er $21.24 per month for 60 months, or : $15.17 per montbf for 98 months pays ; loan of $1000 snd interest. ' Loans of other amounts in ssmsi proportion. ; Repayment Privilegeai I EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASS'N. ! 242 -SUrk St., Portia nd. j Otc . MONEY TO LOAN t n We have $12,000 to loan on improved Port land property. - ! ' RALPH HARRIS CO.. $27 Chamber of CcsnmeTce. I LIBERAL LOANS I We loan our own money on real estate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc. W. E. Bowman A Co.. l Chamber of Commerce. Main 8038. T " NO DELAY NO DELAY ' glOOO - $1500 $2000 93D00 AND CP We Loan Our Money on Real Batata. ' , P. a. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN $300. $500. $700. $1000, $1600. $2000. on city improved property, , t 7 per cent J. L Wells Co.. 608 Gasco bldg. FXR.M loans without red tape, delay or publio- ity; amounts to suit. Willamette ; Valley Mortgage I-oan -comiiany, Aurora, (Or. L BUILDING loans ou city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W Beck. 215 snd 218siling bldg. I Main 3407; "MONET TO IX) AN in amounts j or $100 to $5000 on city property.. i A- H. BELU Rooms 10 n 11.1 Mulkey blda $3007"$407$500r"$78O, $1000 and up at lowest tstes; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' PRIVATE - FUNDS I t A. K. mi A.. 42 l,unibermetis bWj- r SEE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO. 223 Chamber of Commerce, 4th at iQtara. ; aTOKTCXGE" LOANS "up to $6000, 6 and 7 Fred B. Williams, 500 Pansmsi bldg. 1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, j SM.AHIKS I 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON I FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD OOOM REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE . SECURITY USUALLY LEFT INI YOUR POSSESSION. I . ALSO SALARY . LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF fOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON-n-o ro irtu-. Ton r.ARJiK WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES. NO,DJF.IfiI BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN ' CO. (LICENSED) :l , 06-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ABS'N. ..... .... ...j. 1 Phone Broad my S)10t 394 Btark at., near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watches, Vletrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instrument and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE; BORROWER CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN, Manager. ;:-;! SALARY LOANS, ! CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notea. Weekly, semi-monthly or nuinrhiv navmenta Each trausactioo atnetly confidential. : NO MORTGAGE NOINDOHSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY . We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., srithout removal. . CAlOi AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT: CO.. (LICENSED) ' ! 218 FAILING BLDO. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs, etc F. E. Bowmen A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026. INDOOR SPORTS I ,lf7,Mj mwi, mil nw u II ...'.1 - f VWP KeVtVfOr mDMT" 3VL-f TO 5TrV-T WfTr-4 sou S8 WANTED Loan of $6000 on good aeeumj 1 Call at 1117 E. Market, FIHAirCIAXV 1 WE BUY f lrt and second mortgages and sellers' i . contracts. F. E. Bowman aV Co.. 31 Chaos- ber cf Commerce. CASH paid for snortgagee and sellers' contracts on real estate la Wash In stem or Oregon. H. B. Noble, 810 Lombermens bldg. - " QUICK money to salaried people on not, without indorse rs or: security;' investigation, couffdentlal. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HORSES. TEniCLEf. ETC. 18 (FOR SALE lor exchange. .75 head of horses, weighing from 1100 to 1700 lbs., from 5 to 10 years old. A few well matched teams. : A few teams of 1100 to 1200 lb. borsea, make good ranch horses. 'Will .exchange 'tor .bigger horses or cattle or mules; 40 head of these horses just came off a grading: Job. Also have 2 horse fresooe and 4 horse, 2 none plows and 4 horse plows, logging tongs, falling saws, drill steel, tents, picks and shovels, second-hand lumber, harness. All this stuff is far sals or exchange for horses, xnulef or cattle. Liberty bonds accepted and all stock ia guaranteed as represented. We have some awful good work teams from $150 a spsn up. Horses that are right out of i hard work. Phil Suetter. 285 Front St., Crown Stables. NOTICE To anyone -who has any mule weighing 1000 rba. or better from 8 to 10 years old or any big Horses, who wishes to exchange for good 110O or 1200 lb. ranch horses, 1 flare a few well matched teams that would make good teams for . small ranch or orchard work. - 1 also have good five-year-old Maltese Jack for ssle or exchange for horses, mules: or cattle. Phil Suetter, 285 Front. Crown stables. " M CRT be sold in next 10 days,! one good pair o work mule, one odd small mnle. one- 2SOO lb. pair of geldings, one 2800 lb. pair of mares. 10 other good work teams and single horse, one fine ssddle mare, one fine combination stallion. better. : All kinds of wagons and harness. If in the market come and see: these, for, they must be sold, '302 Front st. i . , .- - COUNTRY horsee for, sale, one team 2900 i pounds: one i 2300-puund . team, one 2400 pound team, one single borne, harnessand farm wagon. Will sell reasonable. ; 295 17th st. corner Columbia rt., room 6. : THREE big young work teems, sound and good workers. Car see them working on Kellog St., St. Johns, i Must be sold st once. 415 Syracuse st. St.' Johns. - 2500 POUND tesm. 5 and 6 years, harness and farm wagon. cheap; take Mt. - Scott car to Tremont station. 4 blocks south to 55th ave., 1 block west tft ,71 st st. - Phone Tabor 8 56. FIXE"mar, surrey, 2 buzgiea. 2 sets .harness snd turkeys: for sale. G. Bushby, Guisness road. Gilbert road, Lents Junction. - HORSES to hire by the day, ! week or month, with hsmess, to responsible people. Phil Suetter. 285 Front st- Crown i Stables. TEAM horses,: weight 2800, i harness, wagon. $185. Must be sold Sunday. 635 Thur- msn st. , : . - - - - --- - :-1 i FOB SALE 1 " T One team, well matched, 6 years old. ' weight 280(1; sound and true. 226 Russell st. GOOD saddle ponies, fine team for sale; saddle and work-horses for rent. 380 Front st. WANTED Light delivery wagon fog grocery store. Wdln. 19. 900 POUND mare, good single driver and sad dler. 887 Water St., west side; reasonable. . HORSES Front. for rent, double, and single. 546 DEAD horses cows. Phone taken quickly. Tabor 4203- Cash for dead LIYESTO 38 NEW bunch of cows, all just fresh; 1 regis tered Jersey; 5 gals., 6 ir cent butterfat test : 1 thoroughbred Jersey, 2 years old, with heifer calf. $70, balance are large dairy cows, 4 to 5 gaj. milkers. Will take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam St., South Portland car to end of line. 1 block aouth. 1 block east. OIAXGErresidence compels i to sell fine Jersey-Durham milch cow, giving 3 H gals, very rich milk; age i 6 years; fine disposition. Used to staking. Can be seen at Polo barns. Knight sta., Oregon City car. from 6 to S a. m. and from 6. to 9 p- m- . ' i" TWO fresh cows, young and gentle, rich milker. Come st 7 and aee them milk; 1 Welch pony, gentle for boy or girl; 1 block south S. P. depot, Milwaukie. Henry Smith, Oregon "City ear. - i - "- - j - ' . . 2400 POUND team, harness snd farm wagon", $135 takes 'it as I have no use for them; also top buggy and harness and new potato plow. Woodstock car to 45th St., 5 blocks north to 45th ave., little house among fir trees. JERSEY cow and calf, week old. Also. white Leghorn pullets (April hatch). 1280 Simp pon st., near 42d., east of Alberta carline, Mrs. Kathz. -; ...:.. . YOUNG family Jersey and week old calf, cheap for cash, or trade for team: of horses. 649 Esit Lombard, take . Woodlawn car. Phone Wdln. 867. ; ' : FOR SALE 12 head extra fine Holstein cows. . I'hone 738-J. Vancouver, , between 6 and U o clock, mornings. TRXDE cow and yearling heifer for good milch cow giving 5: gala, or more, i It. 3, Box 592. Gilbert road. Lents. Tabor 8118. FOR SALE 1 cow and 1 young heifer with calf by side, both gentle;- easy milkass. Nort Johnston, cor. Bayard and Houghton jsts. FOR SALE 6 weeks:oldpisS "cheap If taken at once. Phone Tabor 1822, or see C. F. Zinser. H mile: above Mt. Scott cemetery. TWO-young cows, blsck Jersey, giving 5 gals, -rich milk, Jerscy-Holstein fresh in a few days. 1621 Westsnna st. Phone Col. 786. 15 FRESH cows, 3 to 6 gallons; Holstein and Ayrshire and Jersey and Durham. Take Mt. Tabor car to Sandy blvd. station, go 1 block N. FRESH family Jersey cow, $65. 387 Water. west side. - . ' '" - .; - j-- : YOUNG fresh cow for sale; Monuvilla car. 142 . E. 81st St. N. ;': - ' MII-CH cow for sale, Jersey-Guernsey. -1000 "lbs. Main 6191. FOR SALE Jersey-Durham cow, giving rich milk. Tsbor 6058. A DANDY young family cow; will take good boggy or hone in exchange; 302 Front st. FOU SALE Good Jersey milcb cows st 171 K. :"th st. N. ' ! '. " TOGGENBURO milch goats. 3 does, 2 bucks. Well bred, $100. 889 N. 19th. . , FINE "young fresh cow for sale" at bargain. Phone Sell. 2905, ! evenings. : - j : . TOUN3Toggenburg milcb goat, nice pet, for $20. or will trade. Tabor 7364. 220O POUND pair of chunks, mare and horse; also harness. , 387 Water, west side. ALL kinds of horses from $30 up; also horses and wagons for hire. 387 Water, west side. $50 TAKES horse, buggy snd harness. Water, west side. .387 FOR S ALE Fne" young dairy icwTabor2870'. FOR - SALE A fresh Nubian doe. Tabor 2989. WANTED Beef, veal awl hogs. ' Tsbor 7832. LOAKS WA1fTEl .(Copyright," 1920. by International Feature Service. Inc.) . --v. . I tT.TVtr 1 A VrJOU-D fOR-i . S7 FOR SALE or trade for Ford ear. 20O fin - "laying White Leghorn hens. 1 year old. $1.25 each: 148 pullets,.. will lay next month. $2 each. These are all from fine saying strain ; none better. G. E. Thompson. 4111 66th are, 8. E. Sellwood '1969 - - - . - . 100 THOROUGHBRED R, L R. and WhiU Leghorns.- yearling la ring hens and cockerels; gentle 1 riding and driving ' horse, light hack, single and double harness, cheap. -1918 E. SUrk and 75th at. M-V Stark car. J i. GOING A WAT '.,' r For sale. 11 hens. 27 Bilveriaced end White Wyandotte end White Leghorn chickens: March ana April batch. s 408 E. 37th. Auto am-ei. LAYING young White Leghorn hens. $1.25 each, j Guaranteed heavy Hoganised stock. 1. R. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon St.. near B. 24th. 33 WHITE LEGHORN I -year-old hens $1 - each; some pullets 60s' each; also henhouse, at 1163 Montana ave..' ' ::-: " THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. strain White Leg .u horn puUeta. East 4040. , ' : RABB4TS -Flemish Giants, and baby chicks. A- 8010 88th ave. S. K. near 80th. . CRACKED WHEAT $4. Woodlawn 4344. FEED SCRATCH $4.60. BOGS? BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 48 FOR SALE 2 male. 1 female canaries; . ! bird cages, all for $10. reor suiuiin, . good street, walks, lights, near Hawthorne ear. cheap for cash. bywner3a2967sLB. YOUNG singenTfor sale or trade tor cook stove. T box wood heater or cylinder records.. 44 7 9th st. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS.' Tabor iSOl. i $250 Persian stud: kittens cheap: cats ooaraea. FOR SALE! Airedale dog, 5 months old. Call I ain R ait Tabor 4.478. ' - ristvri ,t mv stock of St, Andreasburg birds. Tabor 6782. Monday oiras. now -no. , . i,.. BEAUTIFUL singers'"for sale- Call Main 48. FOX TERRIER for sale. C0I. S66. ATrrnMoniLES ANl ACCESjiRiEj44 OAKLAND touring, $700. ThU ear has new I eloOW ell worth" the money, i llbr Orertand.' $850. A genuine bargain. ! Dodge Sedan. $1400. like new. WlflLIAMS AVE. GARAGE, 480 Williams Ave. . Phone Esst 283. ' THE FENDER MAN . n, nnnmM vhn takea the Urdu out while you LL ,rPfS SlUh and bodfes. Broadway 8214. 80 N. llt St.. near Burnside. DBEGON AUTO iur t.a.i ni L' f COMPANY rOPS THEM 1 rx-rav rarOAIN ! -or. liv some 80x3 Vs tires which must be turned to cash. First quality, s",0. pmiii orice $23.15. While tbey las. $18.50. Vulcan Tire Shop, Grand ave. East 4896. i-wr.II3r IIir.HWAT SIX 1 ' t . ffVi. A-naaa... 4-door tonr WT? is."K.,V -;iSc: chains, soring $1900. ottered ' miles. The ressleys. 4Qi mornsoii. BCICK ROADSTER, 1917. ' i Good tires, good condition. rparenew tire. trg!stU .t nce. Call week days. Lester Hcym Co. 246tht ! This will sure eat up the hills; At?1-" Jgnlrion; very good tires. Price $395. lh . insurance and brokerage. ery easy JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 28N. 11th . .MrT"rrTtlifNO. MODEL 75B I v "vTr.UW Tnew! WU1 be wold to mrHEST BrDDER. . Car can be seen at w. H WaUingford $, 521-025V Washington St. ; OT call Mrf Horrard, Edison hotel. ; Phone Main 488 STUDLBAAta .." ,,,, . ra tires: brand new inn wTu dmonlt rite. Must sell quick so IS?,- ...WfTc- for $850.. 46 North 21st St. near WashiPgtqp. vTatflE T-PASS. Late model, condition and appearance lrnt like new: wonderful jr wuniment: f,.tnctJy high-grade piece of goods, wau air. Main too. ..'Vipririrr'rrTTRING CAR This ear haa all new tire, new too. upholster, il."?. i fact she look new. Price IDS " ' jIkE's'uSEdTaR EXCHANGE. 28 N. 11th. (Tt-v-urir T-T1 lm 1917. brand new : Overhauled, in fine shape; good tires "$550. Mr. Gilberteon. 283 13th st Phone Mar-haM nj -tttstb roT-"rorirt n ROADSTER ! Tires almost new. shock absorbers; run fine. MODEL 1920 Overland demonstrator, in first I class condition,' sswuid , pass-. K brand new: $35 cash. $575 in small monthly instilments; a snap, dont miss it. Phone Tabor830. M0DEL83 Overland, $475 f" in A-l condition; d rubber all arounu. a "". "- sale. Call at 485 Unwn ave. N Phone Esst 3969. CORD TIRES Two Firestone. 2 Silvertown, 82x4. than wholesale; brand new; guarantee. Ias Auto- matic 314-01. 490 CHEVBOLET This car has been overhauled throughout. Price $375. $150 down, balance $25 per month. JIkVs USED CAR EXCHANGE. 28 N. lltli. 'NEW Ford sedan: sell cheap, or take Ford tour : ing in exchange. Must have-touring for my WOrk' . W00DLAWN 2785 FORD touring. 1917 modeL'"good tires, good condition, $350. Will give terms. 872 E. 37th. Tsbor 8338. -' WELL paying small garage and repair snop, cash or terms, $250 will handle. Call Tabor 4890, orSelL 1028. 1920 MAXWELL like new, for sale by owner, $400 will handle it, balance eay terms. 1641 East Stark sL Phone Tabor 5856. MAXWELL touring. '1018, new paint and "new Urea; best of condition; bargain at $623. Can be seen at 858 Union ave. north.' Owner. 1917 VELIE touring, irf the best condition. Will trade for light car, balance ..terms. East 5552. - 1917 VELIE, 5 oversized cord tires, new paint. Price $873; terms or trade. Mr. Railsback. Main 781. t - - - FORD coupe, 1918 model, first class condi tion; part cash, balance on time. After 5 p. m.. 418 E. 12th st. N. Phone East 5329, AMERICAN AUTO TOP CO Auto tops, curtains and repair ing Kant 864. Union at Pine. FORD chassis, will make good bug, $2237 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside.-: FOUXTRT AXD RABBITS fri Nr$ rn t-Jgf f 14th and Couch ata. ! " 1 1 . Bdwy 4408. AUTOMOBILES Alf T ACCESSORIES 44 USED CARS NOT USED UP CARS rtt nrm that mar be purchased with -the assurance that the purchaser gets unusual value because the large factor or depreciation haa been absorbed by the first owner, whHe the in trinsic value of the car itt possibilities for long and satisfactory service have not been im pairedcars that, iustify tne pnae 01 owner ship, which is one of the chief - elements of sat isfaction in the purchase of av new car. For months are have been taking in only the pick of the used cars offered us in trade, at prices which allow the second purchaser splendid value for every dollar invested. Tneae car nave been overhauled and . in many cases refinlnhed and supplied with new top. . - That ia why our used car business continues good in spite of all handicaps. - DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CABS 1918 Touring . . , 7B .. 925 1917 Touring ... 1918 Touring ... 750 750 1918 Roadster 4, Truck.' 2 ton. new attachment. Cadillae ' motor, a dandy, only 14oo 1914 OVERLAND delivery , . . . . !. . . . 350 1917 MAXWELL delivery ,......!.... 460 1920 FOKD sedan, practically new.' wire . wheels, extra tire and other accessories, cost over $1300, for sale by owner. - . . 11 00 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter.. . . 778 1917 FORD touring..... .... 425 1018 OVERLAND 90. a remarkable buy. 70O 1SI7 MAXWELL touring , ....... 475 1917 KEG roadster, good shape...:.;.', 800 1 914 REO touring 600 1916 BUICK touring, rebuilt. ....... 1050 1912 CADILLAC, good service car..... 400 1911 BUICK . fine shape . d.i.. 1250 1918 CHANDLER touring ....... 1400 1820 CHANDLER DISPATCH, wire wheels, nearly new .............. . 2330 1916 COLE 8, a beauty... .....1100 1918' 8TUDEBAKER 6. good shape, new top, new paint ........ 1 ... J .... . 1000 1919 HAYNES 6- touring, in perfect .shape, a beautiful ear and priced at ordv i . . . . 1500 1 920 Buick coupe, nearly new 2000 FRANKLIN touring, series 9-B. cord tires 2250 CADILLACS The remarkable condition in which' you find the used, rebuilt snd refinisbed Cadillacs we are offering at this time can be traced to the years of experience we have acquired in trying to outao eaca tonner enorv f .i . We. Are Open Sunday. 1 .:' :.k . '. - : ' - :- ' . .j.' -' : : -. '' COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St,. M 21st. Main 6244. ; C. G. Bleasdale ; TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard makes. Call and look t heart over ana get our proposition. Make your own terms. MAXW'KLI TOURING ..............$ 860 FORD ROAIWTER $450 FORD TOURING. 1918 .....$ 475 MAXWELL 1918 ROADSTER ........ $ 450 PAIGE. 6 CTL. 7-PASS.. ........... .$ 450 MAXWELL TOURING BOO MAXWELL ROADSTER, 1918 $ 650 CHEVROLET. 1919 u , 7 50 BUICK LIGHT 4 DELIVERY ........$ 650 FORD COUPE " ........$ 700 MAXWELL, 1918 TOURINO ........$ T60 OVERIJVND. MODEL 90 .....$ 700 OVERLAND. 86-4 .....$ 700 OVERLAND 7-FASSENOIB; NEW.;..$ 850 MITCHELLs LIGHT SIX 1 1260 WILLYS KNIGHT- . ... .81450 ESSEX TOURING . ; .-. . . . .1450 CHALMERS LIGHT 6. . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. ; - TERMS NO BROKERAGE OPEN SUNDAYS -AND EVENINGS ' 680 Alder St. Broadway 1852. . C. O. Bleasdale SALE ON USED CARS Studebaker. 19 IS - Olds 8 Saxon 0 ..... .a,. Maxwell, 1919 .. . . Peerless, fine shape Fords, from ....... Pee rlesa Chassis , . . Studebaker bug . . . Chevrolet B ,..........$7011 .......... 700 ........... 660 ............ 750 . ... . 350 . ....$276 to 425 , , . 100 ........... 150 , , 360 LONG & SILVA 482 Hawthorne. 15.000 carried in stock. Ou springs, sold with a written guarantee We give you service 34 North Fifteenth street. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO TIRE REPAIRING 883-335 BnnxHl- f Rrrwrlwav VULCANIZING guaranued - to last as long as the rest of your tire: top prices psid for your old tires; rebuilt tires, all sixes and prices; 4000 mile retreads. - " Hi BAND AVE. TIRE SHOP 42 N. Grand ave. DODGE TOURINO CAR New top and tires. A bargain. Call at Lester Heym Co., 249 6th St. Phone Mai 7352. 1910 VELIE 1919 5-rs-"., maroon limb: tlre n new: me chanically first-class. A high-grade car. cheap. rice $1800. 588 E. 50th sU N. Tsbor 8645. - - 1919 DODGE TOURING, 81100 Half cash,, balance monthly payments. This car haa cord tires and equipment.: Call Tabor 25 62. . 1 1 FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet touring: must be sold at $400. 1916 Ford tnunng. . $876. 1915 Ford touring, $275. Eagle Garage center of Lents. - Tel. Auto. Lents 2011. By Tarl D AUTOMOBILES Ayr ACCESSORIES 4 WE ARE NOT GONG TO MOVE. Ws are not going out of business. - .. ... , ....... V, v . But we are going to sell you a eart Call it a ' s - SPECIAL SALE CUT PRICE SALE We don't rare .what it's called. ' Wa are hav ing a sale that spells .1 - Your Opportunity Just to give you an idea of our prices- listen : -1920 Chevrolet In fine condition, at" $675. : Guess that's get ting taem at your own pneel ; 1191 9 Maxwell The car that's known as more , miles to the gallon, at 3790. Think of itl t Elgin Six One of those World's Champion, at $1250 This can't be beat at the price, . . Oakland Six 1918 Light Six. Full of satisfaction, $750 Read it again!. i ': .' ..'Ml ': . Franklin Touring It'a not often you get a chance at a Franklin. it a oniy gisoo. PanAmierican 1919 touring, ' best of shape; only $1300. Don't pass it up. " 490 model Chevrolet touring, $475. Maxwell touring, 1917. $485. FORDS AT $325 TO $476.' , tSTS ANO WASHIN6TC t ?T REAL USED CAR BARGAINS 1918 CHANDLER 7 pass., rebuilt through . out.- newly painted, good tires, with ex tra. We sive new car auarantee on this - ear. , Price . . .-. . t, .$1600 JB1M CHANDLER ' CHUMiiTj 4 pass. , roadster, rebuilt throughout, oversize . - cord tires, nearly new: guaranteed urn aa new ear. Price. ....... L ...... .$1500 1918 CHANDLER DISPATCH, newly painted, first-claaa mechanical condition, wire whaela. conl fires.' with extra: guaranteed same aa new car. 1 Price. . .$1800 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMYij 4 pass. . roadster, good mechanical ; condition, wire wheels: vers cnod.tirea. With extra. Price i. .$1275 1917 CHANDLER. 7 pus, fine mechan ical condition, wire wheels, eord tiree. newly painted. A real snap, j Price. . .$1000 1918 OAKLAND. 6 rmas.. good condition. excellent tiies. Price. ..... I .... $00 1917 SAXON , A-l conditioii. ,. 700 , l OVERLAND 4-90 club: roadster, eood mechanical condition, wire wheela. good tires, repainted. Price. - ...... .$ 760 These cars will all. he found mm represented, and very reasonable terms can be arranseu. 605 WASHINGTON STREET. 614 ALDEK STREET 1 TWLN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET ' : I - . .- AND i : FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ........... 1 .. y. .... . $36 Bear axle overhauled ........ 1. ...$ Vses ground, carbon rernpved .........$ Magneto recharged .......... j ......... $ We . hand-lap pistons, aerape bearings, ate.. which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford ptrta only ued. Ail work: guaranteed. - THE REASON: The Ford engine starti hard and the DgbU are dim is becsa.e the MAGNETO i Weak. Here U RECHARGED by EXPERTS. : ! Universal Auto Repair 210 Jefferson St. Main T644. Me. Be FISCH Radiators, fender, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty. 105-107i N. 15th st. Plmne Broadway 2299. AUTHORIZED SERYICTS STATION GATES "hole TIRES : cost half as mneb I . VULCANIZING I THERMOID. .... . riRES , . J . . .MUXES Hansen Tire Service. 24TH AND THURMAN - j MAIN B6S8 TWrO DODGES, both newly painted, moinrs in good running order. Either one g-ensp at $700. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY. Broadway at Flanders. Phone Broadway 4184. ONE Maxwell car, looks, run like new; got to sell by Monday; 5 Urea, like new. See this bf-rore buying; private; no dealer; no reason able offer refused; 1 block aouth 8. P.. de pot. : MUwaukie, Oregon City car, Henry Smith. FOR SALE by private - owner. Grant Six tour ing car. A-l condition, good spotlight, sxtra tire, a snap, at $650; will consider terms. Tsbor 446. ' F DODGE SEDAN j Looks . good and runs better? price $1200: $500 down and balance easy. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th st. i FOR SALE 1 920 Ford touring In good con dition, -including spotlight, speedometer, etc. Has place for self starter; $560. Phone Sell wood 309, or call or address 698 Haig st. . : ...1919BCICK"T Must sell at once, my 1919 Biiirk, cheap for cash; Make me an offer. Auto. 314-01. FORDtonri"ng, 1018, good condition ; guol ' tires. Owner leaving, must sell; quickly. 1847 Portsmouth ave. BUY FROM OWNER 1915 Mitchell touring. $450; good condition. i Phone Woodlawn 4 71 3. MAweOT touring, 1918; good tires, wilt sacr fice at $475 and give terms. 30 Grand are. N. near Burnside. i : STUDEBAKER" SIX, 7 -pass., 19 f8 model; new ' ly painted ; new top. Good condition. Call Bdwy. so. White Garage, Sunday. 1918 FORD runabout. 8 H -In. Miller Urea all around. A bargain for quick . sale. Main 3889. f ' - , j ' 191$ MAXWELL touring, looks; and rung like new. wm accept cord wood in 'payment. Ta bor 725. -- ' - - PEERLESS 8, 2wo power ranee. 4 -paaa. road ater. This is not a second-hand car. It is new, but I must sell.' Main 780 er litis 1302. PISTONS enlarged 15-1000. guaranteed true, free from scale. Independent Welding Shop, Automatic 21400. Alffs Tntna Recowrm and repeiruig I UHS ,t reasonable prices. Sslmoo St., between 6th and Brosvtway. CHEVROLET roadster. I91S." Owner must selL Bargain at $375. SO Grand are, S.. near Burnside. ..- -. j - CHEVROLET touring." 1918. G oo1 sire han lea I condition. Will sacrifice st $475 snd give terms. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnstde. MODEL 83 Overland, in good condition, $475; good tire all around, v A snsp for quick sale. Call at 849 Eugene st. Phone Esst 7943. FORD touring. 1915, fine nwehanieaj condi- tion. Bargain at $275. SO Grand are. N. near Burnside. . ', 1920 FORD COUPE, in perfect shape, $140 worth of extras. Owner. 444:3d st. Mala 6493.' -; -. - . - -t'-- r - OVERLAND touring. ' 1915, In j good runntng condition. Will esertnee at $125. 0 Grand eve. N. near Burnside. I$r8 STUDEBAKER touring csr, ia good con dition, real bargain tor aaie. oroauwey 4200, 289 Burnside st. i MAXWELL roadster, 1917; very best of con dition. Owner must selL Real bargain at $475. .30 Grand ave. N. -near Barnside. OAKLAND touring. l520, used-privately : ver - best of condition. Will sseriflce at . $107 5. 30 Grand evN-near Burnside. - t 1919 FORD, tires, t brand new. This ear - runs perfect. .8525 cash. 281 Front. BY OWNER -ia-y. rord bug w Ui top. CsJJ mt sat KMt urn st. r. - -1 FOR SALE B. 37 Buick bug. 1 631 E. 66U at.1 N.. 2 bluoks off - gsndry.- v t - 1920 FORD touring, starter and: extras,' $625. ... n .i. Bane .. 1...... 192-iilRD" coupe, just like wj must selL . r - FORD delivery, panel body, at bargain; leaving town. Main 7718. J " WlNTON SIX, cord tires. $750.1 .Alain "8579. i "o"'" ATjTOMOBIT.ES AlfP ACCESSORIES 4 used mm 1918 1917 191T 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1917 1916 1916 1916 1918 1018 1917 1018 1918 1919 1020 1919 Touring :. . .'. Roadster Light delivery ....... Ijght delivery Touring .......... Touring chassis ... . ., Worm truck ..:. . ... . Roadster ........... IJght delivery- ...... laght delivery ....... Roadster .......... Light delivery ...... Touring . . . . Touring, new rubber . Touring ehaasia . . . . . Roaditer delivery . . . . Tearing ..,,; . Touring, Ford starter Coupe, Ford starter . Sedan, Ford starter ., ,$296 .25 .265 .$275 $2t5 .$'-110 .S50 -5 .S95 . tso .$3H ..J75 . .8H5 ,.275 . .$295 ,;$323 , .S3II0 . .$625 ,:.H45 . .$950 awfaHkV attial kg rsWB n lias Ktsk In nil ilstrse sUKk of itxcd Kurds cxcluaiTely. EASY TEEMS .' Universal Car. Exchange ! USED FORDS' 1 EXCLUSIVELY '.:..'.; . : r i ..... j . Grand 1 ave. and E. Yamhill st j Open Bundsy. Open Evenings. I LARGE STOCK GENUINE i FORD PARTS A: HIGH GRADE -'8ET CAR IB BETTER j THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE I We have often made this statement and it haa never been so true as now. when small ears are selling at advanced prices. ' For the same money we can sell you a used car whirh when new Cost many times the price of cheap new cars. These cars, msny of them, hate been overhauled and repainted In our own shop. They have thousands of utiles of sstisfsctory service in them and are genuine values at our prices. 1817 Hupmobile. 5 pass., 4 cyl $inrQ Overland Model OO RMI aarr fiOO looo lino !nn Itno 1 100 lfio 1800 Overland Model 85, 4 cyl., S pass.. 1916 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cyl..... 1017 Mitchell. B pass.. 6 cyl.,... 1918 Mitchell, 6 Pass., 6 cyl..... 1917 Mitchell. 7 pass., 6 cyl...,. 1918 Mitchell. .7 paaa., cyl..... 1918 Mitchell. 4 pasa eyl..... 1 ai ,.k.n . a . 1919 Mitchell, 7 pass., g c,i ornan .nport. Msnne. i Jordan)- Silhouette. 6 pass., 8 eyl a real suto mnblle at the right price. Reasonable terms no brokerage charges .We handle our own paper. MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAVER COMPANT BROADWAY AND EVERETT 8TS. PHONE BROADWAY 4675. 1 VBANS0N S USED CAB EXCHANGE 1915 Ford rodster. Uil del. .$ 275 191$ Ford touring, new tires, 875 1917 Ford touring, orerbsuled , . 435 1917 Ford touring, extras, 3 wheels.. 4,1!k 1918 Ford touring, overhauled . . . . i . . . 44 5 1918 Ford roadster, good buy. ....... 4 US 1018 Ford sedan, overhauled......... son 1919 Ford touring, extras. ......... , twin 1919 Ford touring, starter........... 650 1919 Ford 1-ton truck,. .... 675 1920 Ford 1-ton trunk, new..... 850 101 Van -ton truck, body and cab.. 450 1916 Velie touring, starter. .... 800 1914 Hudson 6-64, starter. ......... . 40O ; 1917 Overland 90, touring 45 1917 Raj on 6, touring 450 1916 Briscoe touring, starter........ 400 1017 Maxwall touring 425 1B-16 Dodge touring, new tires... I... 775 1916 Overlsnd 83. touring.......... rioo 1918 Studebaker fl, 7 passenger...... 750 1917 Velie 6. touring lloo 1917 Hup big 4. srdan 1160 ; Open Erenings and Sunday, . j 160 Union are., eor. Belmont. I - . i :;.:.: ' . - - . - BEATTTHTL late modrl 8 -cylinder. 7 laaaenitf : 6 cord tires; bargain price, $12O0, with terms to -suit. j FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. ! 14th and Alder st. Brnsdwsy 240. - I Open Evenings and Sundays. c I AT A BARGAIN ! 5 new tires, the car only run short time, looks like new; will sell at a bargain. Here Is your chance. Come snd aee it. See Kent Mon day at Miller-Parker garage, Oregon City, Or. .n REVOLVES!. THE SMITH ROTARY BRUSH. Wash your car with It. Main 1184. FOR BALE 1917 Super Hudnon touring car. "j A-l mechanical (condition; good top and tire; mu-t be seen to be appreciated: terms sre csh; mske me an offer. James Chtckoa, Main St. Garage. 2d and Main. Main 3055. 1915 STUDEBAKER touring, good ahspe and i looks new; $173 down and $25 per month; private party. WUUULkAWt ZTHS tXR SALE By o wner. 1919Ford touring, well ! eqnipped with extras, A-l shape, good as new. Consider young Jersey cow aa part payment. ". M. Crow, 113 2d and Main sis.. Newberg. Or. "i LTTE 17, FORD TOUR TNG 1 Shock sbsorber. seat covers, new top: rtiM better than a new car; easy terms. JAKE'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 28 N. 11th. OVERLAND touring, model 75, ia good condi i Uon; real bargain at $425. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. $110 TWX or four I pass! auto in running order, one 22 miles, one 60 miles to gsL of gas. 1269 Hood.: Fuiton car to Sweeny sU CIIEVROLET""Baby Grind roedater, wire wbeelsZ A nobby Itttle car. Don't mUs Uus at $426. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. ESSEX touring, 1919, in best of condition. A real bargain at. $1475. Will consider trade on Ford. 80 Grand ave. Ni near Burnside. tXRDBEDAN, 1920. Wire wheels, 1 extra. ! Electrio etsrter.: Used privately. A real bargain at $976. 80 Grand ave. N. 1618 CHEVROLET 490, perfect condition throughout: four good tires, one extrs, $600. Owner. Main 4602. , CASH paid for old cars, condition no object; : part for all maies of cart. AoU vKlT d Flanders, nr. llh. Bdwy. 8603. MAXWELL tourins1919. very be.t of condition, "owner must sell. Real bargain at $50. 8t Grand are, y. war jnrana. Mf$T00 eanityTn 5""pine-r sutomobil $250 If Uken this week; balance due $285, payable In 6 monthly Installment. Woodlawn 4292, kflORALB--! 9 1 9 ".Ralck light six touring; runs land looks nae new. ' .K Tabor 4696. FOBD'toarini, 181. usedprivaily. A balf: igain at $873. Terms. 80 Grsnd ave. N. ...a Rnrtukie. GOODbsrn to let Would mske good repair shop. Holds 12 auto. Division and both. Tabor 3643. . r. a c Ford body, 2 new cushions, rind. i shield, new side : curtains. See Flinn. 200 2d st. ' . . ' ' , ' ' , SACRIFICE Dodg touring, a ra leaving town; lust overhauled. Phone E. 6833 before (1:1(1 l. m. : FORD touring, electric starter, new tires, car perfect condition, $550; term, phone $13-92. : FORD 1-ton truck late 1919, pneumatic tires, 1 platform body, $676. 160 I nion ave. VELIE touring car. starter, good tires; mut sell. $300. 150 Union ae., cor. Belmont. fSlH FORD touriiw$400rsnap;leavingclty! Johnson, Main 5190. . 1616 FRANKLIN 6 passenger, new tires, on extra; sacrifice. Tabor 2639. 208 E. 36th. FORD delivery- for aaie cheap; $350; good con dition. Call 966 Division st. MAXWELL touring, 1917. Will sell st 375. $0 Grand ave. N, near Burnside. YOUR auto repaired at your nowe; reliable aorv : ire. Vhorx Tabor 1296. ; ' 1920 FORDi'OItPE. Loti of extrs. A-l mt- ehanicaUy. $800 cash, or terms. .Tsbor 725. PEERLESS r1-VV.. fin fanillyear. 1920 model. Will consider trade. Main 1302. CBETROXeT touring, L91K. A res I bargain at $476. 86 Grand ave. N. near Burnsuls. 1918' K0RD "touring car,"A-1" eondi tlon," $ 5 2 V; terms. . 440 E. Burnside. Auto. 213-32. FOR 8ALEHy owner. 1920 Super SU Httf son. Call Wdln. 1626. (Continued n Following Pas