FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 192& THIS OREGON DAILY JOTJTKNATJ, FOR1XANP, OREGON in atTTOMOBILES AFP ACCESSORIES 41 cut paicrs . 4 amtr prices that v making as sale W do not have g used est dsprt.rneB7.-tbeee bargains aret on our ulwooa llwr: : tUT Mimll, fiiH nsmni small, mod- ro eutoBbile . 49$ 1918 Mwk.U. great bsrgaia....... ... 648 . alag4lJ, Mt" .......... 745 l18'Chslntrs. light six. fine condition, first claaa shape ,...1150 19 It KaecxJ going through be like new, and same asi our shot), wiu service and same replacement of pert a a factory gives you pa a) new car. . i , 1425 HUDSON BARGAINS ItlS Hudson super six, a,lays in private iif mj. i. - l. all nn. iiifi in nil r "shop (iMit repainted. Wa give jfou the uat a,loe and factory replacement el Parta aa en a sew automooue. 1290 11 8 llndanh super six. always waa ia tni "vate hand; baa been through, our shop and is like new. Wa sire yoa the jam service and factory replacement of parta W on a new automobile ............ 1800 1919 linden speedster, i always in pri , Tata handja ; baa been through our ahop and all gne owr. then: repainted. Ve give you the same service and factory replacement ol parts aa, on a new auto mobile , 1823 TBUCKS 19J8 Maxwell truck, good used track... 880 New 1918. old style 1 ton truck, bargain on a ew truck. C. . BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. IT Washington St. Portland, 615-6 A .HIGH tlRA.DE T'SKD TAR 13 BETTER . THAN A CHEAP NEW ONE " We htvei often mad, this statement and it , Ms never bean So true as now. when small car (re sejlirig at advanced, priynf For' the aama motajnt can sell you Ged cat which i'mn uew can snaay time we price or etieap new i cars. These car,, many of tbem. have keen overhauled and repainted ia our own shop. ; They h.vej Uwiuanili -of miles of sstisfaatory service in libera and are, genuine values at our prices. - ; . , 1817 Hupniobil. 5 pa.; -4 cyl. .... ,81050 overland Mlrxtel 90 .... : - Overland Mbdel 86. 4 cyl, 8 pass. . . . flftO o siicrnen, 7 pas., u cyl 817 Mitchell. S pas.. cyl. . 800 1000 100 191 Mitchell, 1817 Mitchell. 1911 Mitcliell. 6 pas.. : tt cyl ........ 7 pass.. ,1k cyl. ..... . 9 lisaa ' . (I vl . . Stlltl 1100 11 (to 1800 1800 lftj Mitchell. .4 pais. 8 eyl . 1919 Mitchell. 5 uaaa.. 0 cvl. 1919 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 0 cjl,...,.. Jordan Sport Marina Ionian HjllionrtU, 6 pane., 6 gyl a leal auto- , apnniie mf tue ngnt price. Heasonalbks ttnni a brokerage ohargea hsnUle enr own paper. IflTCHKT.ri T.KWI8 i BKOAibWAV A KI.fl T.K STAVKR COMPANY Nl) KVERETT ST8. l'HpXB BHOADWAf 4618.. SALE ON USED CARS Stodebakir. 1818 .S70U 700 , 7SO Olds a Sasoo 6 Maxwell. Peerleas. 11S fina shape 850 8273 to 425 100 130 , 330 Vurlds. frew fevrlena Cbands Btudcbakir bug . Chevrolet, it. LONQ, & -SIl,VA 462 Hawthorne. J920 OBDBVROtET 1 AFAiBAROAIN " & , nal . ilraM wTrsa. la. .1..., a! an wsa I ' aa e VTII IJ ; (all 1UU( I UJsUbO, leok Ilk opw: -U1; U at bra-m. - Ht?w ,4 your c-4jnr day t Mill fir aiiau orw it, KC v neui aHQU- -t'eirkpf gatrani. Owgon City. Or. '.ClhalnTiers JE'OOks likte new, 5 card tires': must be sold by BsKurday. (53 (J Aider i st. U.lwy, 1852. ADTHonizirn btehvtctj station QATESS TIRES cost hatf aa mncb i t VULCANIZING THERMOID . . . . j . TIRES ....MIIXEB ! Hansen fire Berriea. 84TH AXU TUURMi.N MilM 5588 rij. biy TOiriJj boy this If yon want a car. i best, of ajhaiw. st $1250. Elgin Six. THETSEP CAIt EXCHANGE. lata and Vsslitngton Sts. DODGB ROADSTER 1918 nndse madnter at a bargain rail week nays. i.esier neyni tq,t z'.t etii. Main Sft2. OAKLAND touring car. new paint, guqd tire 1 and top, ijmt oTerhanled: this car will be sacrificed at from 1M0 to f.300 under the prearnt ssarket. Sea sua. and this ear at 100 N. Broadyay. Mr. Stanley, Bdwy. 4184. Ill STITDEnAriER touring. rok1 shape and i looka new; $173 down and $23 per month: private party. f j WOODtiWN 27S5 "; : rvio sets goodteab-rliiEar i.i ,,.- , 3Sx4 NEW . - ; i Bor a41e at wholeaale iric. Dana-Fields , Motor Cat Co.. 14th and Alder. Bdwy.. 240. iS'OTt SAliE By owner. 1919 Ford touring, well ' equipped with eitras, A-l ahane. good as new. i omtiner young; jersey cow aa pan payment: O. M. Crow, lia 2t and Main SU.. Newbrrg, Or. PISTONS enlarged 18-1000, guaranteed true. ' free frtom scale. IndeDendent Weidine Rhnn a... ,u aiinl r ' ' Aut 01 Top: Beotenn a a 4 rpiiiiif e rcasnnabl Brleau. B2& Balation CHVROIUT,roadte?,,'l18. Owner must seU. : Bsrasiiji at $375. - 80 tirsnd r. S, neat Bunuida. ! -"-'V, " ' OVERIND touriue. 1915. In good running i ounditian. Will sacrificg at $123. SO GrsnJ are. mear siurnsiue. 1918 STtjnEBAKER touring car, in good eon gition. J real bargain for sale. , Broadway zuu. a Jiurnside st. MAXWEIil, roidstef, 1917; Tery teat of eon, dition. I Ownrr must tell. Real, bargain at 91 a. 80 J rand ate, n. pear Bnmside. touring: overhauled and repainted; Vxtrss; $430. terms. 150 Union, cor. -Bel- aetiit. IU'1 8 Klltin Imirini' fin'.Tnn.iUTrm1' IiA(. ' ing cit, must sell at once. Johnson, 3 blocks vmi m nrnuui ' n uss,. an vps ren sr.. -- r OiklNbtonringrr 1920. used privately: very oeai oi! conaiuon. - i Hicqficg st (lUj OlKI.T3 Ove7hind71in good condition, $473 ; Call at 340 r.ngene at. l'lione East 7043. FORD ttmring. 19i5 fine) mechanicak condi . Hon. srgam at $275. 30 Grand are. -N. tar Burnside. ; 917 STfDEBAKER roadster; OTerhTu"lCv- naintdi- .1,1,, Iftim 150 Union are., cor. Belmont, i - fiA WET-H touring, 1919, very best of condition. Owner jrnust sell., Keal bargain at $8dU, 0 m .a;. . . urn xuruaiae. .V100'1.? 5 Penger automobile $230 U take this weak: balance due $283. payable In 6 monlthly installments Woodlawn 4202. VOU SAI IB 14) Buick UhtiTirSr-i fov'cssrfT.'b yr.01' f rgain VlT! Ti trinni. lQl lt j L ' . . ' - . j . ffTaV'V P-ately. - A W i gain at $$' ar Burisida. 1817 MAXV 1S0 Union. Ba'r Burisidi7 ' ! - "v ELL touring, good ahape. $425. Ii9FOiRD. 6 tires. 3 brand new Thia'ear :: Tunperfeet. $525 cah. Sl FrontT BIB Oakland : roadster Tor good pianoaaa little cash. K-680. Jeurnat V" 1919 FOn touring, "overhauled: loU of tri. 1011 Lumn. eor. Helraont. Pi 111 MAT. -Ford delivaryby ownerT 383 Bel- -l0if .jR!tArHE?.5'. Mrinr SrIa3eT-,i55, . $850. 150 Union, av.. cor. Belmont. B5f OWnER clas-y irord bug w ,h tap" Ci!l at 894 Han Wh wt. N. ,81,3 HLDSON 6-40. good ahape. $400. 130 v nion lave-, cor. oeimoni. V1'! 8 VELJB touring car, good hpg7300. $0 .Vaioa ave.. cor. Belmont. AUTOMOBILES A WD ACCEgwORlE 44 BIG'lEMOVAi SALE IS STILL ON A Few Good Buys Left , : i Our ' i Price. Tear Price. $880 400 n 850 400 80 700 400 969 600 600 Forei. readstar ',.............$460 FonJ roaster, '19 aotof 454 Feng touring. '18 motor ...... 438 ford touring, '17 motor ...... 490 Ford bug, '18 motor .....,'. 450 Chevrolet touring, '19 motor ... 700 Chevrolet touring. '20 motor 750 High gssda roadster, runs great '. 1919 Bcripp Booth 6,' 93 per : ieent sew ...... ...- Franklin touring, new tires . . . Chalmers, Clatter 8ix. iuat per i.v .:- . . ... ... f leer, ., . . ... i Everg car must go Wfore 8ept. 1. We must make room for our new location -at 8ft 10th at., between . ak aad Stark. i lr ' . . ' ' f ' n - CONLET'S USED CAR "CHNTstB. ; 611 Bttmaida st. , Pbona Broadway 1424. ' t ! REAL rSED CAR BARGAINS 1918 CHANDLER 7 pass., rebuilt through : ont, j newly painted, good tires, with ey- ' tra. I: Wa give new car guarantee7 tm this car.i Price'.... ..I .$1500 1918 ? CHANDLER CHUMMT. 4 pass, roadster, rebuilt throughout, overaiza . cord tires, nearly new; guaranteed aama aa new car. I'riea .$1506 19 IK CHANDLER DISPATCH, newly painjtetL. first-class tnecbanicai condition. wi,e rheels, cord tires, with extra; gnatanteed same aa new car. Price. .. $1800 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMT, 4 pass. ; roadster, good mechanical condition, ; wirej wheels; very good tires, with extra. PricjB ..$1275 1917 (L'HANDLER, 7 pass., fine mechan- . ical j condition, wire wheels, cord tires, newly painted. A real snap. Price $1000 1918 OAKLAND, 5 past., good condition, . -xceslent tires. Price ,....$' 809 1817 1SAXON A-l -condition ..$ 700 J818 OVERLAND 4-90 club roadster, good mechanical condition, wire wheels. rock tires, repainted. Price .........8 7SO TheSe cars will all be found as repreaentcd. and very reasonable terms can be arranged. I 6(J5 WASHINGTON STREET '. 1 314 aldeh street Twin states motor cab co. CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS FORD ! evcrbanled .,828 ttntr iili cta.rtiant.4 . . 'Itlll'M" Va: res j ground, carbon uinoved .......... $ 8 Masrieto secharced .......... 8 S i;ii! a We; band-lap pistons, scrape bearings, eta., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine, Ford parts only utd. An work guaraataed. THE REASON Tbe Ford engine tart 3 liard and tba Bghta arc dim is because the MAGNEfO is wssk, Haea it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. i UnivemaS Awto -Repair 230 Jefferson at. Mam 7644. UiSED CH1BVR0LET3 Service Reliability Reputation FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., Chevrolet Agents, 1 and Alder Sts. ' Broadway 249. 14th BTJa BODIES. 896 UP 1 Bug Bodies, Radiators. Fender -I Hood Mad and Repaired Tops, Trimming and U'pholxtering BURSES! AUTO WORKS. ! 12th and Everett Sta. '. 1918 iHTTPMOBILE, jn fine mechanical eondl- tioni extra tire : tires, body, too in good shana. A real) buy. Only $950. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 141th and Alder sts. . Bioadway 246. Open Evenings .and Sundays. LISTEN 1920 Chevrolet touring at $675. uum met s gimg juu a uargauti. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 13th and Washington its. Look and mna like new: - Will be sold to HIGHEST BIDDER. Car can be seen at W. H. Wallingford Co.. 521-523 Washington St.; or eall Mr. Hosigrd. Edison hotel. Phone Main 488. . POWERFUL Thomas 6-cyMnder bng. painted a fine red, in tine running condition. Has a fine whistle, tires in good shape. If you want speed nd power you will pay thi of. Eaiily wprtb f4auv ill sen tor s-iuu casu. . A. Oetzea, 6 th and Giiasn. STUPEBAKE& SIX, ia first-class condition; goad rubber all around: extra tires: brand new too. U Will - demonstrate. Must sell quick so will sacrifice fet $830. 48 Xorta lilst st. Baar v,asningbon. : $190 IHIWN will buy either a good Reo 4, with gofcx tires and spot, or Overland 4 : both cars in fine, shape. You will be pleaed to own one. Call Mrvlloward,, Bdwy 1858. Priced low, long tesms, . - . I- h 'i . " FABJE : T-PASSl , Lata model, condition and appearance almost like maw ; wonderful car equipment; a strictly high-grade Dieco of goods. . Call Mr. Kails back, UA 780. y i ' FOBi SALE by private owner, prant Six tour in$. cat, A-l condition, good spotlight, extra ttre,: snap , at $650; will consider terms. Tsbqr 446. - 1 i DODGE SEDAN Leak cood and runs better: price 81200 $3ftg down and balance easy. Jake's Used Car ticliange, 2s N. 11th st. ; FOH SALE 1920 Ford touring in good con dition, including spotlight, speedometer, ate. Has. place fog self starter; $550. Phone Sell wood 809, or call or address 593 Haig st. i " FORD BUG 1913 model. This is a wonder bug. Prire $409; $150 down, balance easy. 28 N, 11th liJk Used Car Exchange. ;i -C, 5-r.tSS. Ford body. 2 new cushions, wind- shield, new side curtains. See Flinn. 200 2d st 1929 MAXWELlTliko new. for sale bv owner. 8400 will handle it, balance easy terms. 1941 East' Stark at. Phone Taboe S8&S. MAXWELL touring. 1918, new paint and new - urea: nest 01 eonaitioe 1 Bargain at 86115. ti b seen at 858 Union ave. north. Owner. 1917 VELIE touring,, in, the beat condition. ill trade for light ear, balance terms. East 191 T YELlEj 5 oversized. o"l tjres, new paint. Price $o7i; terms or trade. Mr. Raiisback. Main 781. - ' FORD coupe, 1918 model, first class condi . tit,p: part cii-h, balance) on time - Alter 5 p. m-, 41H E, 12th ft, N. Phone East 5329. 192Q FORD OUPE. ia perfect ahape. $140 worth of extras. Owner. 444 $4 st. Main 6483- : j ,; FOR II, goo4 eendition; new tap and paint; shock hnort-r, apesduuieter and spot light; $350. Tsbor lS98. - .-" ' f FORT) touring, late model; mechanically perfect; reeaaintedM ansp. $483.: 50 Union, car. Belmont. IV It SALE By owner, 1918 Chevrolet; shock apjsoroera, cut uoaf .401 uw .uu' oiuer extras. av ' 1 AMERICAN AUTO TOP CO. 7v j VVTI Auta tops, curtains sod repair Qbl ing.. East 984. Union at Pine, 1919 FORD touring, with atarter : overhauled. $6$0i terma or will take older model in Trade- 15t t aiow, cor, Belmont. 17 SAXON 6 touring, good ahape; repainted; . ."v- tjni win sa uaoav 150 ' Union, cor. Belmont. 926 FORD eoupeT Just" like pew; must "sell, FOR) delivery. Panel body, at bargain Is ring FORI"). 1918 touring, all in first-class con5i- iton. ivy uisl vtn St. N. FORD toa truck,; solid Uvea, ararter, body: all same aa new-, a big bargain. Tabor 5199, 01U chassis, will make a good bug. 822? 89 Graad are. K. aear Bunuida. AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCSISOBIS9 44 rEP rORD BARGAINa . 191C iJfbt daUsery. 1011 mator.flBO , 1914 Chassis, with Botch magneto. . 175 " 1918 Cbsjieu. 1918 motor. ... k .... 1 75 1 ; 1917 Light deUvcry ........ I .... 275 1918 Chassis .................. 290, 1913 Touring 250 1917 Roadster. ........... 4 ... 28S 1919 Roadster ............f.... 425 - 1920 Roadster, Ford starter 628 , 1920 Coupe, Ford starter..,.,,... 945 1 920 Sedan, Ford starter. . . . J I . . i. . 950 j 1920 Touring, Ford starter..,,. 650 ! Many other bargains to select f aoov 4- EAST TERMS. ,. - w ;-, Universal Car Exchange . r8feH FOBlkl ECLUSIVELT yrand Ave. and E. TambiiU St. ," Open Kvguln.fl, - j . k LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD FARTS , CHEVROLET touring, 19l5I Good mechanical condition. Will sacrifice at $475 and give, terns. 80 Grand ave. N. near Burnside. TRUCKS ASP TRACTOHS d H7i C ?-. aearly 'Bevy, feent$ Vtlf SJIVA w at 2 $ tka nri of a, aewi maahiaa. P (Tk O r'Worni, drive, to ! A-l nechanical Vlarvy condition, cheap. j (TI M C ton. pneumatic tires, overhaalgd ! HJitaw nothing baa been left undone to make this machine give better serwee. ' FEDERAL VSJt: Wentworth & Irwfn, Inc.1 200 2d st,, cor. Taylor. Snap Buys in; Trucks"! 1 tpa Federal, chain drive, good shape. ' ! ton Gar-Six: this truck ia. Al condition; apewial low price. j 1 H ton Federal; good truck at cut price. 1 ton Maxwell, with cab and body, only $4S0t 1 ton G-M-C at a bargain. " 1 . j EASY TERMS M ' '--I- Wui. L. Hughspn : 60 N Broadway at las vis. Bdwy. 32Li FEDERAL TRt'CK DISTRIBUTORS I ' AUTHOBED FORD DEALERS' i TRAILERS, ' two-ton. feur-wheal. nearly new, one Lee,- one Highway, will sU at any rea sonable figure; Just th thing fog wnegt. cord wood, etc - . . . , . , f WENTWOBTH A IRWt Ins., j. f 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor, HAULINO WOOD 2 ton White, overhauled fa cut shop, aew Giant tins ia rear; for a quick sale will as orifice - TERMS .' V THE WHITE " COMPAMT1 : ' fark and Couch t. :j J. ' ; ' PASSENGEB BUS On a White chassis, in splendid mechanical condition, new tires; owner leaving city, iaa trust ing us to sacrifice for - $2150. ' ' ' ' ' I THE WHITE COMPANY . PARK AND COUCH ONE 2-ton Frdersl truck ; one 1 H-ton Dis mond T truck, both practically -new; two 1-ton chain drive Ford trucks .n good condition ait $225 each. Terms ran ha arranged with re sponsible parties. Call at Oregon Diamond T Truck Co., 85 N. 14th st. Telepli.e Bioadway 4557. - J-TON White, 1in good condition, with new pots trailer ; now operating On logging job not far from Portland; good roads; will be sold at lib eral price, reasonable terms. Tba contract goes wttn truck. ee William ju. uagnaoa o.. 00 North Broadway and Davis. ' v - - 1-TON STUDEBAKER -Exoellent condition mechanically, good body. electno .lights, and starter, new lures. THB WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH 1-TON FORD TRUCK MAKE US AN OFFER THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH " V AND VTOS REPUBLIC TBUCKS Just overhauled: will sacrifice. Better theM bargains. ' ' ' 93 SUKTH CAfta. tl. FORD delivery, in best of condition: panel body. Real bargain, at 4a. au Mrgnq gve. n., near Burnside. " ' I FORD truck, gear drive; good aa new; will .i-rifica and aiva terms. SO Grand ave. north. near Burnside. a ' ; . ; BARGAIN in 3 H -ton truck for quick sale. Nearly new and in good condition. Some payments. P-732, Journal. 1 ;j G. M. C. TRUCK for sale; 1 Ht-ton, first class condition; sijou Will taket touring car , in trade; terms. Tsbor 4095. ! TWO-TON federal and 2 -ton Mack, same as new. and good job; easy payments., 111 bellwooa 1270. 694 E. 19th St. . ; 1 y TON REPUBLIC truck, Ibody and cab; starter; snap, guilt), lau union ave., comer Belmont. . - ' ' : DENBY truck" for sale cheap. ;80 Graad aye. north, pear Burnside. ' 1 1920 FORD truck, hardwood body gad. cab; wjll trade for touring. 150 Union lav. - l BOAD work, 3 trucks and dump body, 5 months' work. Call 227 Salmon. Main 8164. 1 1 TOM delivery for sale 01 trade' by owsar. 1918 TTM"""V-f on "truck," body and cab; snap. $430. 150 Union- ave. I 1 ' ATJTOMOIHLES WAWTKJ ;CASH F0R CfAlRS I will pay cash for a limited1 number of cars, both touring and roadsters of certain makes. They must be in good condition: as 1 do not buy junk and must be late models. If you need money bring your ear to me at 605 Alder St.. Red Front Uaed Car Co. ' -j " FOR SALE OR TRADE For A good used auto. one 25 V4 It. by 5 4 ft- beam, pleasure launch. Port Orford cedar and oak ribs, 6 ins. apart. Launched the 94th of May. : Value $700. Box 1&8, Camas, Wh. ' 1 I ' - : ' j ; !j 1 WILL TVADE FOR! AUTO " ! ' My S acres finely rocated in the town of White Salmon. Wash. 8011 Oregon buig. Bdwy. 1658. E. 2486 eves. J I 'I "WANTED Fordx!r ether light rosdsUr with demountable runs; must be A-l xeeohanieally ; no bug; $275 down. Box 123. R. B. 1, Linn ton, Or. I ' WILL trade piano is) as first payment 1 en Chevrolet roadster. Call at 884 E. Giant st. after 6 p. m. 1 I WE ARE hi the market for insed ears. " Drive them ia and walk away with tbg monsy. Pacific 'Auto Co., 528 Alder St i WANTED-1911 Ford body. Phone Main 8310 Ask (or Mr. Pierce, after 5:80 p.'m. ATjTO REPAIR BHOPS ' j 83 ; ford; owners s FORD overhauled .j. ... 826 Beat file arerhstiled, , 6 Valves ground, carbon removed ......... 8 Usenet) recharged ....... i .-i. .......... 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, eta., which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only aaed. All wash guaranteed. 1 ; GUARANTEE ATJTO REPAIR CO. j 2oQ Front st, Cor, efferson. THE Reliable Auto Washing it Polishing Works is Ions ' experienced at washing and polishing, Simonizing. also varnish - rube; motors washed, tops and cushions dressed, cars 1 oiled and greased. Work guaranteed. Car called far and delivered. RELIABLE AUTO WASHINQ POLlSHDiG. - WORKS. T . i T . . ' I7th and Alder iSt.," ; ' Phone Broadway 2296. ' 12 TEARS' -experience in repairing all makes of automobiles permits us to i offer you the best kind of work at prices no, igreater -than the gvergge. ' j ' EAST YAMHILL AND . WATER I KUPl'LE DOCK. I' E. H, CHAMBERS w 'MAXWELL r SPECIALIST- " SeTlwood 875S. ; i757 DiviirloO. AUTOS FOR HIKE $2 AUTOS FOR HIRE. 1 WITH OB WITrlOIJT DRITBxta DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE. - COUCHMAN GARAGE. ! ' J9TH AND C0CCB, ' I REMEMBEH OUM NUMBER. BDWY. 8696. AUTOS RENTED' WITHOUT DR1TERS I New 1820 Model Cars Untenable Bates -FEARINii A ROBNETT-CITY GABAGB 182 12th st. between Washingtoa sod Aider NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLAND 1 HVDtjONS LOWNSDALK GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 1TH AND WASH ; CARS FOB HIRE WITH&CT DRIVERS ' ARM V GAHAliK, 3D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1BS7 Al.THOFF A BENNETT. Props. ALtOS FOH HIKE WITH OH WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. BULUVAJ.- FASHION iA RAGE. MAR, 232 Oth at I Yamhill. A-123g. T-PASSENOKR TOURING T CA RS WITH WBEFViURlYKBw, AAU IM," AtTOB FOB TTIRK . J. HOUSTON. 90 .BROADWAY. Highway guto " service. Bdwy. $84. - If sta 84, Piaroe-Anewa. gekarda. Win toss. Cars by hour, day, month. MOTORCYCLES, HICTCLES ij EARLY, model Overland car. 1 in good condi tiea: sell lor 9200 cash or tsade fo ssotor- eycle with side ear. 53 Ot4ia at. QtU evenings. t - - U8ED MOTORCYCLES OW ALLT MAJLE3 ' EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE QO, - 44 Graad ave, Kxeelstor, Hendarson and Clevelaad Agaae. EXCELSIOR in fine ahape "with tandem, Preate. teals, extra tire. 2 carbureters, newly painted, bargain for ceV 490, ?d st, g. E. Tabor ton, l Motrin 1J Indian, just overhauled, IJreasa tandem. Must sell at once. Cheap. Tabor 7947. I 1919 BARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, 9240. Call Saturday evening or Sunday morning. 824 East SOtb st, . FOR SALE Indian bicycle, 1" good condition. Woodlawn 4891. B6 W. Jarrett St. LATjyCHES 4KB BOATS) 94 LAUNCH Artisan, 12x50 feet, suitable for cruis ing er pssseager service. , Phase fceiiwood 602. 606 tirand sve.. Fortlgad. TWO houseboats, wood for 2 years, 2 row. wn. eTe. v. . i v. houseboat. Take Fulton car. FOR SALE; Motorboat, 22 ft. long, 7 horse, 430 U. 850. Foot Main at. to the left. ' PlAlfOS, OROAX8,' MTJSICA1. v SEOTHITTTIsTOBAGE CO., CLOSING OUT 8T50 Btemway sV Soaa. upright, fine; 8290 cash 8493 Howard., walnut upright $25 cash $366; Gray as Co. natural xoaewoad upright .$110 cssrj Two small upright pianos.. $65 and $76 cash $830 Mendenhail player piano, nearly new .. 1 .................... $465 cash $1750 - Berrywood Orchestrion, now $495 caah $100 'Cello, splendid tone, with bow.. $6 5 cash $175 Kimball, large, 6 octave organ, . 868 cash $135 Needhsm, high top organ. .. s. $28 cash Pianos stored 75c monthly. Pianos bought gad Boh or cash. 105 Tenth st near Wash ington. , . i BCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS BTORR $900 Stetnway A Sons, mahogany $438 $575 Hobsrt M. Cable, fancy mahogany., $8 98 8050 Aotomatio Music Co., upright. ...... 8165 $550 Ebersole, plain mahogany ......... $366 $1000 Singer, player piano, oak. ....... $635 $900 Thompson player piano, 1 mahogany .. $538 $850 Mendenhail player piano, mahogany . $498 $900 Thompson player piano; mahogany . $496 Terms $15 to $50 cash. $6 to $15 monthly. $120 Brunswick and Victrola Phono., each $96 $120 Domestic and New Musikland Phono., each ; ... i $68 $50 Victrola, $35. $85 Lakeside. ..... .$1$ Terms, $10 cash, $S to '$6 monthly. 101 Tenth St at Washington and Stark. i PIANO BARGAINS ; We have the best buys in : used pianos. Sea tbem and be . convinced. Guaranteed. Terma given: . FISHER, snap ................... ESTEY, plain mahogany case. CABLE 4 SQN. a bargain...;...... KINGSBURY, oak case. ..$165 ..$325 .$185 .$31 15 HARVARD, fine mahogany esse I $275 BTEMWAY SON, good as new. . I . . ! $500 -- And others. SRIBERLTNG-EUCA3 MUSIC CO. 125-27 4th St. bet Wssh. end Alder Sts. .l HAKDMAN 3ABY GBANP PIANOr Kearly new, at a bargain; must be sold at once, as I am leaving the' city. 47 B. 16th st PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADB FOB rEVy VICTBQLA and reoorda. Seiber- ling Micas uusto Uo.. ta st. 8586. WOULD like to buy second-hand pism) f standard make ; must be in good condition- and a bargain for cash; give full details in answer ing. A-97, Journal. 1 BRUNSWICK phonograph, with records, value $285, now $200. Like new. Terma given. Beiberling-Lncas .Music Co.. 125 4th st. TALKING MACHINE WANTED; PAY CASH STATE PARTICULARS. NO DEALERS ANSWER. -21. JOURNAL.' CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS ' PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS NEWMAN, atAlN 4495." TABOR 6788. FOR SALE -Story A Clark piano, lumbie 701. Can Ce WANTED Best "used piano 818S gash, will buy. - Marshall 268. : BRAND new mahogany upright $500 piano fqs $245 cash. Act quick. 227 6th st WANTED To buy good toned piano- give cash. Marshall 5709;: no dealers. ' WE PAT CASH for pianos, phonographs, records, o Aisraei sr. Main OV13. Muate store. FOR SALE Upright piano , in-first-clsas coB dition. Call Wdln. 2821. 1 . MUSICAL IJfSTRUMEJfTS wiwt n fig WILIa TRADE desirable ". lot in Tinamook. on paveo street, ror gooq pisno. t-ssl 04ita. TYPEWRITERS n GUARANTEED rebuflt typewriters, aU makes. ctoia ana rentea. nsy terms, eentf for price. Wholesale Typewriter Co., .821 Msin 6681. Washington a. ALL MAKES of typewriters tented. . repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th at, Main $668. HOFSEHQLT) GOODS FOB SALE 66 PART fef" furniture "pf 6 room flat for sale; flat can be rented If desired; Alcazar range, bedroom carjiets and other miscellaneous ar ticles too numerous to mention. 309 5th at Marshall 2898. - ; FOR SALE, 9 hole " range ' with reservoir and warming closet. A,l condition; must go today, er tomorrow. 410 Bra see. ' BEAUTIFUL and useful household goods of all kinds. Broadway 2295, 8 to 5:30. Na gveninss. 7 ROOMS completely "fur lushed, nothing re served, good condition. ' If taken at once 8760; house to let. Bdwy. 8082. VULCAN gas range, 6 hole wood and coal range; very cneap. sua Kast Market FURNIfURB for sgle; must" self immediately ; party going south, inquire 438 Graham a vs. HOCSKHOLT) goods and piano for sale. CaU aixsi a BIleX n VU6U. GAS RANGE jp good condition. ' Phone Wood lawn 5395. FURNITURE of 6 rooms. A piano and a fine Edison. , Wdln. 3669. BRINGING UP FATHER CwiW "IT mli-i "A ! HOW KN AN-TBOOY Sef e HVa.6MtTH. ') , . ( : -" ; " 1 t " l'"1'l 1 1 i i l 'i i n i. i I. .I, " 5eJfc ,MARR,EC r: -r' - ( THAT6 VHY I A,KEO M Uo5? AlKri.VO(J. S . 1, you u? voud evSr ' ' i , - - ' ' I t iiJ, S"t3 192, Y IWTt Srwa Ssawitw. 8fxU - XV: r V ''--sr r. .". -S- ' uim . tmt gpP8RHOLB GOODS FOR SALB $6 P0AL and Waeaf Baagas...,$lS 86 tra Cook Staves ........... 16.66 up Gsa Stoves ............. . 1.0.00 up Gas Water Heaters ........ ,: S.00 up Floor Coverings. yar4 . :! .75 up Kitchen Queens ' S.OO up - Kitchen Cabinets ......... 12.00 up " Xliaing Boom Extension Ta. ble T.00 wp - 7niBf Ttoova Chstrs 1.50 up Living Room Boekerg ...... 4.06 op Library Table, 5 00 up Simmons Beds . .. . ....... 12.00 up Oottasi Felt Mattresses ,,... 8.00 up Steel 8pring ............ i S.OO up Coil Springs 8.00 up Dresser 8.00 up " POMfLAND FtrRNITtTBE EXCHANGE. . "v SOS First St CARPETS. RUGS. DRESSERS, chiffonier, beds, bedding, desks, bookcases, books, library filing cabinet, ball furniture, buffet, tables, chairs, rockers, sewing machine, typewriter. Hooaier kitehen cabinet, range, wash tubs, cooking uten sils, dishes, lawn mower, hose. At a bargain, if ea v us-lwj, - g AtltU DU KyVUllx. FOR SALE-0-6 h4a range, hot wgter Coils, leaf table, 1 Brussels rug. 86 ysrd. 885: 1 velvet rug, 10x12. 81$; folding bed $6, flour can, 1 large beveled edge Jaiisror, 1 iron bed and springs. No calls Snndsy. , 676 HaUaday ave. sold at once. .47 E. 15th st South. FOR SALE ansCELLAKEOTJS 19 2Q LATJt drophaeds; aU makes dike new. $15 to $$5. Large variety of good machsaeg, $8 to $10. All the latest new 8infe! 97 PkmetlU, Mltfhinel rented. $3 a month. Singer Store i Moose Bldg.). 198 4th at Main 6838, 8AFES Fire and hurglar-protst safes, pew and secondhand, at sight prices, bought, gold. qo4 exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORRI3 SAFE LOCK OO.. $65 Second -et .Phone Main 2048. WRV an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfort able rooff We repaii. rubber-bpnd and rgr juvenate all kinds ef leaky roots. , Work guar snteed. Phone Main 6560. TWO SETS GQODTfCAK TIRES r . ' 88(4 NEW For sale at wliplcsale " price. ! Dana-FIeldg Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 24Q. FOR SALE Brand new Todd protectagratS check writer; cost 875, will sell cheap for cash. If interested addreag E. F, Larios, Box AUTOMOBILES. MOTOBCYCLES. LAUNCHES er boat are separate alassificationB. A large listing will be found under these different elasal. fications. NEW SYSTEM TNEW OFFICE Honest, conscientious dentistry, ' , DR. FRED HELLISH 108 H Fourth, between Washington and Stark. USED elactrio vacuum cleaners, in first ctask tueeaanicst condition, at a big taring. . A few hand vacuum cleaners $1.00 each. ' , . Bfun EL6CTKIO CO., it at 11 6.450 tO 32 eODMAPCLNgs " Gparanteed-nrWe Bent and Repair 172 8d at. near Yamhill Main 184S. FRESH EVERY DAY, SALMON. HALIBUT, CRABS AND OTHER FISH. WESTERN FISH CO., 126 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAR. 6189. FQB SALEr 10 hew leather bound machine and engineering text books; also 1 almost new baby sulky. ". Phone Mr. lack, Main 3210, be tween 1:30 and 2 o'clock. FUEL problem solved with Izard kerosene burner; no wood, osl or ashea;' put in ranges, beat ers and furasces; fiveday' free trial; five year guarantee. 7 Grand ave, N. East 6660". ' HOT WATER TANKS-SO ,,4, $7: 40 gl 9. Tested and guaranteed stove end furnace coils. Gsa heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East" Side Welding Shop, 808 Adams st B. 8316. 1090 30 Govt '06 cartridges, $5 per 100; 87-56 Winchester 1886 repeater $16. Want concrete mixer, block machine. 8x1 6 gaUgmai lens. ox 204, Seaside, UK EJUECTRIC coffee mill, Toledo scale, show- eases ana otner store -fixtures. 1U70 is. 24tn it, 1 block from Alberta, FOR SALE 3 brand new Busher saxophones, 1 gltp. 1 tenor, 1 melody C; will sell reason able. Apply at 170 13th at., room 1. Dentistry 1 Without Fain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. KoscwfBrVqtY Je2iS You must bring this ad. 126 6th at WE WASH your rugs at home with the Ham ilton Beach Carpet was tier, satisfaction guar anteed. Woodlawn 1359 and East 4045. ELECTRIC irons, sppliance. does balls, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixture rewired; we call and deliver, wooaiawp lzon or atast ua. SAFES New and ' second hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable t -ces. Paeifio Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966. ROLL and flat top desks, rugs, drawing boards, typewriters, adding machines, time docks. 1). 0. Wax, 81 N. 6th st Bdwy. 2739. ELECTRIO vacuura cleaning in qut boms. $5o a rug. Call Bast 160S. BIG load of box wood.. $3.50. Phone Wood lawn 854. . BABY basket $4 ings. Tabor 7336. Phone mora ls. GRAVENSTEIN apples, best pies, cFy and butter. 5630 E. 44th st Sell. 1333 BIG "load of rjbSwobd,'"$5.50 "per load. "Woodlawn 5904. or 1188 Montana ave. USED electrlcT waslilng ' machines; some bargains. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 5th t CASH REGISTER, FLOOH CASES -And other" fixtures. 242 Salmon.-- Main 842, SAFE or filing cabinet Give price and aixe, F-160, Journal. SEASONABLE STYLES in Udies used wearing apparel, price surprisingly low. Tabor 2825. SAFES One large and one small. K-fi73. Journal. - SACRIFICE building, lease and some stock at Columbia beach. V-3 1 8, Journal. SECOND hand tents and cover fog sale, Pscifie Tent A Awning. 1 N. 1st st TENT 12x14, 123 duck, $25. J 2d at. at rear. M- 8- car. Scott, 6524 UNCALLED for tailor-made suits, $12,50 up, Tsylor. the' Tailor. 289 to Burnside st GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GETS 'EM 131 11th st Made here. Bdy. 4388. VACUUM cleaner, rented, $1 per day, dtlUerad, Tabor 6786 evenings; days Main 2010. CKMENT laundry trays Factory 814 E. Wash, ington st We ship, rail or water. VACUUM cleaners for rent $1 a day; delivered gnywhere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy. 268. NICE string beans fur sale, 5c lb. Tabor 61 2 FOB gALE-MISCTLLAWEOrS It i. lya-j. i-ujj ,ui Jton.u i i i mil m ' . BTTRRQTJGITS ADPrNQ VACHTNE No. 814-A, T column machine, has carriage mounted on low stand; , also NO. & UNDER. WOOD TYPEWRITER -with Universal . Gothic type. Both machines almost new and in per feet eoitduien. A bargain for eash. K-948, journal. -.'" . V ' , Buy, Sell AND EXCHANUa eash registers, showrsiaa. founUlns. scale, store bxturea, L BOXER. Mar. '488 118 2d rt. SEW FEW SEW . SEW 1 PHONE SET.LWOOD 1071 ' NO AGENTS EMPLOYED1 - Sewing machines 'cleaned, timed, aojusted, repaired, bought, sold, yented. nppaes and at tachments. Power and manufacturing machines, motors, shafting and tables installed. Everything in needles. - : phone sEfjr.woon iot ' SEWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM New sad 2d hand, sold foy less no ageato employed. ' OompIeU ha of parta for all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Msin 9481, SSWINO- MACUIKB EMPORIUM BRUNSWICK phonograph $ JJ Columbia elea. pUanaarapk .?' Sterling piano, fine tone ........... 'AaJ-OO Good argan ................ . ;"!! Also 2 good bicycles at ....... ... , - u,' Reliable Furniture Co. 203 Second Bt Near Tsylor. SINGER . ELECT RIU SEWING MA.CHISE5 We take your machine In exchange, balance) cash or easy payments. . Pbona for demejsst ra tion, - Machines rented. Cxaest repairing, any make, ' ' ! ' , MORRISON ST. SINGER STORK, 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. " CEBAR CHESTS ' Direct from factory to vena name. Tene- see and Port Orford eedar; solid eopper triav mbags. latest designs. Write - for catalogue. Factory, 1912.16-18 E. Glisan. Tabor JOei. WB8AVa iqq MONEY Hense ''wtttBg, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Third Street Eleetrie Store. 824 U Third street, pear Salmon. Main 6056. , THINKING OF TRAPINGDR BUYING" aSHOTQUN OR RIFLE THEN YOU BETTER SEE US. WE BUY, SELL, RENT OB TRADE NEWMAN. 128 First Msin J496. FURNITURE repaired, upholstered, like sew: .mattresses remade, mirrors resilvered, fa rut in re bought, sold and exchanged at Webster's Furniture Repair Shop.,., ,106 Hawthorne, Tsbor 3326. Independent Printers'' We are still doing promptly "printing for less" at 11 No. 6th st. Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986. Electric : Motors Bought, - sold, tented and repaired Walker Electric Works, 418 Bnrn side,' corner 10th. Broadway 6674. "PRT5NEH1 PTttTNES t 25-lb. boxes 88. 100 lbs. .$11.50. SCO's $11.23. 100 lbs. peaohes $16.89, Order todur, Crowley's' Grocery, - 188 Sd st LICENSED : independent electrician wires 3 rooms fog $12, 6. rooms $20. AH new ma terial used and guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 8791. CIRCLE EXCHANGE - " - -' We buy, sell and exchange ladies and chil dren's clothing. ' 415 Fleidner bldg., lQth and Washington. Bwdy. 220. ' .. FOR SALE Building, containing about 80.000 ft of rough lumber; fox particulars pgons Mar. 4830. ATTRACTTVB styles ' in Udies' slightly worn coats, suits, gowns. ' hats end. furs, 1047 Thurmsn st Main 9567. WE call and get your veal, hog and poultry. Best prices paid. Call Main 7362. Cve niags. Tabor 8181. . A - SANITABYga range, double eopper "coil water heater, also a large size trunk. T69 E. Broadway. East 4853. PEACH PLUMS, apples, sweet cider tor sale. S. Hess. E. 60th and. Killingswerth. Wdln. 5072. FOR SALE U. p. repeating rifle... 32, and army blankets. Call evening. 63 E, SOU) t.,. KENTUCKY , WONDER green bean fieri ve red aoy place In Peninsula district' Call Wood- iawn aaa. - . FOR SALE Base drum 12g30 with rod. afreet - and. officer drums; also some traps. Call o -1 b,. ist. aaoor e.o. FOR SALE About" 10" ton ' mixed, hay in shock, 3 miles southeast city limits. Wood- VOOD" 8AW7or "sale".' cheap, 4nd""ingooa coh dition. Call at 746 Grand ave. N. 1 FOR ' SALE Tach plums." 6c "pound. Tabor oo. 40 r.. sin su r.. FOR SALE OR -TRADE 1-ton Ford truck, new rubber. 263 Russell at East 4839, INCINERATOR with hot water coil, used short time, r nee reasonable. Tsbor 9448. FOR SALE ADDING MACHINE. $16. 618 uorpctt xliag. Guaranteed. Marshall BBT- SWAPS 96 WILL exchange Ford touring, '18 model, all in - first clasg condition, for large, team of work norses. t-ast ui and r lander WASiTED-r-To swap painting. tinting ' and enameling for anything useful. Call East alter o p. m. EXCHANGE go acres land near Scappoose for furniture in house or auto, or what have 1-TON Ford truck, new lpibber all around, for good touring ear. -:oa rcusseu st Jv. 4839. TRADE---Piano for touring car or roadster. Write Z.-4 14. Journal. A DANDY "Win-on six (cord tires), for a dia mond, stain 337 9. TO EXCHANGE Ford tire for spotlight Tabor By George McManiis 74 SPOT CASH FOR USED rtTRNXTCRB ' Main 8875 UNITED FURNITUHB 6TOBJI r 173 FIRST STBE1 1.x. t. Owl Furniture Co. MOlJhlSOM Wa west yeuf used furniture, staves, earpetg ana pntsKBi, we pay ate- ausnses vesa 166 and 168 Fin Irst at. Can Msin 4627. BE WISBV-CALL MAIS 8951 Wa Wnt Used Fvrhttura We Pey the Price FREEMAN. WOLLF FURNITURE CO. v gin st., a. a, vat. ssyiar. - " CASHAiJnrbR 111 kinds Hester, cook stoves and raues. NEWMAN. Main 4485. Tabor 6799. GOOD Price paidT fo geod fnmttuxa. ' 622-624 W ashmgton. Broadway 8695. WE BUT used Turn iture," For beat "results phone iiii-u. or gast aguo. - LET ws give you aa estimate on! ywur "furniture. Reliable Furniture Co,. 208-209 2d. Main 7808. -WANTETWMISCELLiKEOTJS S -if I : $t2.m to $25 - i For Second-Hand SUITS OR "OVERCOATS MEYER THE TAILOR ;'-f ':" y-f -Ij - Pn ee fag ehstblag and shaea.. Wa can Say or evenings, anywhere in the dty. Call Mar shall 1 229 er 258 Msdison st. Bear Third st UPTOS3S.1 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS W Pay Any Price for Men's Clothes ' . pREOON CLEANERS e TAILOBS 117 2d sr., N. VT. Oor Waslw Main 9144 WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 , pay the highest ! cash price fog saeaa4 hand household good. No amount too large or toe small. Prompt attention, j - ... ! ' N. M. SKATER,' J - " - - Phone East 2208, I 18 RusseTl st $10 TO $25 positively paid for gent's used suits and overcoats; call any place; get my offer before you aeil; will call any time and place. Goldbsum, the Tailor. A67 Fust, st. near Morrison, Main 788. r t , WANTED Small planer for sawmill, also atate price and condition of planer. Write D, O. Beers. Reed, Or. I - - .. f :: SMALL PHONOGRAPH RECORDS WANTED fi wa at--y e,o. ni Burl g ftf a WANTED Bints, shotguns, cgmeras lenses,' Hochfield. 8$ Third t Phea Main 868l7 SMALL PHONOGRAPH WAKTEP. PAY CASfC r MAIN; 4495. TAB OH 78$jJ3 BURROT7GHA "adding machipa, must B la good conditlan. .. Cask. Main 6978. ' ,g-"!-r "BfOTICES J , , ; DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR . United State Land flffiia' ! w.i ,Bhf. Oregeu. Jujy ?, t880. Notloa U hereby givtn that Th Coo. Bay Lumber company. . Syndicatg Building, Paklaad. AUmeda eoanty. CaUfojnia, has filed in thia of fice their application to seleat, under the pro 'Jiftoy,0l J,hB ct ot Congresa, approvtd bay 81, 1918 (40 SUt. 693), Vod' the regufationg thereunder, approverf July 17,' 191,8 (circular eiiU.-,t Jnawiryi lands: . - St?iz8JwaS 29. ,U Sic.' ICNH, WH dVVU . Sec. 8,.T. 08,, H, v W, W H See. S. SWH NE14 Bed. 6, NH NEA. """eo. J. M!4 WJS14.NE-4 fWs BIT " . , ' , , M . PUS Olid Tl , 27. NWK NE, 8E14 NE4, K HEM. See v 29, Lots X 2, 8, 4, 8i 7. SE?4. 8H NB Sec, 31. NEW. EU NWldf SH See, 83. NW NBk, S2 N to SMU N t4 Sw5r 54 Sec. 8. Lot 4. See. fNWto 8W14 Sec U 2!NE, SEi NE. 8E2 8WH Sec 27. NWU BW14 See 29, Nto. 8EH See. 31, J. 30 8 It. 11 W.. NEk NE. 8H NEH. SSi. iv Wiii & 6?5 It NB4. RJ4- NW Lot i SeeTrllll Bee?. uUH NW', BE NW14. N" SE. ?WoB!iSB 54- 81 SB iA Bee. 1. Lots itx.xi o4 JEhii SItt 8K, Se.,S, SEto SWto See. 8. I.nii 1 -J i. g a 1 ' e u i ! V E 1 U . , , ".I " ' J. Wt " "!.-' SE sw 3. 7 SW 1 Na f a.v n . . ' - usa, y K 7g KIWVm A i Ml Nfil.. RVT, A WV IA Iklir ty mia iT cj-, H', "a,,SB,i B,4 Wt4 Sec 7. aU VEUUB5 iSec 13. NB14. NE!4 NWH. SW 2 frjt NVV, NE, ----- " y pcia. BB.k. SW, Wee. Dec. is. wa keu v-ivu .. aW?o Ba1t- '31 1 1: " W,. Lota'l. ! P" Pi Wdll, EH, NEto NWA Si TW t.tsnrt , - v - u saaM O. As. H M W A m i u-gr' ,7 --f w. hn. e7 V. eT h N7'w;'to. s w to Sec- 24; N MV Itu aj to I.; . S E. - to. Sec 28; iTw t S. Tv'gnd lot 6, Sec 86. T. 20 l. R.n wV'Jf iln.t.. ii j ... - . "1 y " 1 1 ' S. W. M.. Hvc. 4: lots 1 to a :.nrlii-4tr x, Ia! 8 V-s- N- fS- E- to, 8'27;8 L-E? Sec 84, T. 24 81 1L W i It ti See. 6 W. to. Sec. 8; N I E. to. 8 E. H 0 k 14. Sec. 20 W, H, 8ee72;'N E. X Zt 28. T. 26 8 . bJ 10 w!Tn.-to 8. W 'to s! a 8. w- to, sc7'5rer. r,-- W4.' H ITU1 W.lV 'Eto7 t toT.'to' .J' I1 Sec lota all Sec W.: 8. W. H J. W. ti ti. sec i; all Sec 10: S , . "V-i- i i.": to. see si w. to -A. to, lou 2. a. a ' mJ- Bu 1 .a. , T. 26. T. 29 8.. R, 11 W.; 8. W, U'sj, 'Itr fS Sec. 6; 8. to B- W. to. S. H S. E -14 Sec al. .167 xU.teT B t AT 1 "BJ w - r L0fC V 0 a"". 7 .. KB It. T ST. r . SC wj. N. W. hi. 8, H S, E,: 44; Sec XV to 8. B. to 8. W. to i N. E. V 8. t i ft j w i - to, s, w. 20; H. 4, W. to Sea, S$ : 8 W to N W. .Sec it, , T. 81 Z;BTl2 WWiS: 1U,. A.OT SBd all Dsrseni gl.irw.t. l--TV land. rrid of desiring "twTXjge?--Beciie of the mineral harsetey of thai land, oy for sni !L2,te-Tf "id' ' Protest in thiTof fica without ttelay. v.t , W. H, CANOnT " M day PoWica Aug. lt. ftS' r 2 Ku'ws ur 1-AI ACCOUNT In the- Matter ; of the Estatg ef fiopbug P. Hansen, deceased. Notioe is hereby given that the undersigned administrator has filed his final account ia- the Circuit Court of the State of Or,. on frrr u,,i. nomah County, and that Tuesday the 17th day of aVcziut, 11)29, t tiie hour of 9:80 p. ra. on said Owt, and the court mom of Hon. George l azweli, Multnomah County . eoartlious, port. una, Oregon, na seen set as the time and pise for the hearing of objections to aa'd final ac eouat aad the settlement thereof. 'Hie f the first pnbiicatien is July 1, 190. The net o tne last pnblV-a tin n w August IS, 1920. - i. HANSEN, Aaaiaistratur. ; 9ASJRT X RAFFETY. Atterney. . . . " 'a T , S. -r, MWV.- Stan. 11. NKU HEW BeclS.'SWU HP.U R,, ia ifu' auu hvu u vS fe-SWH.;SE,4 SB Sec,' 23, Sec. I- SKU KKiir MTU. eiru ai tZ to See. IS. KMU wu h.. it T 1,. i A? RWli KRU iPii at u or i. m .il 9? l'S,T Wto NWto. Sto Sec i .,W'l.loh : ? . Sec. ill, SE 54 JJEto. Lots 18 17. 18." 19 Bee. 13, Lots 1. 3. 3 NEto NWto. Wto 8RU Via ifiw tS 'mZ.' S9toV58WSxQ WT SW14 SeeVs. TJ 34 S?'r 12 WWlXL 1 2 BB m ii ysx, s Ktwu tm. n vr to. mi N. E. to, 8ec 20: S. W. v . h, q .71. 8 . R. 9 W.r all fT . t-i wr!arTa r. A . , V wr-T i as, - m Maegr lai u A ii ! E. H v . ti. Sec. 14; S. B. to. See. ?a; & A b. A? si 2-r rz. " P. w.s lots IJ, 1,2, 18 .nd 14- " -if . 9C, . sC Z tH w. NW v? "- 7i' lot 4 6 7 28, TZ 22 8 " R. 9 W-; lots 1. 5, . . Sec. f, T. 23 8 B 8 Vf.t lots 6 and 6. Bee. 6; W, H E. H E A W. H. Sec 82. T. 23 8.. ' w ti Sec 6: 8. EL toJ Sac In- u ar is . u 14t lota 18 and 14. Sen. ill 3. W 3' 3 and -4. Sec. 24. T. 27 S. ft. 't, 7! BeC 16. W. U . Mac SfO: K. A V , ' 30: a E. to. Sac. 36. T. 2a a u r T A Hi 11 W.; E. H N. E. to. N. H N. W to S? W, f4 N. W. to, 8. B. " 9 14 j J w' S. B. to. Sec. "as: - W!, TVV. 8, 9 A si., in, ore, eC. rt. mm a, rr. - 9m - JfOTTCFB t W TEBT Cireuit Court of the fitsta of 0reua for Mult noma h County. -fa the kiatl.r ef the EstaU ef Mathilda Thomas, SseaeA Not lee of Adsntnistralor'a rI,. - Notice t hereby given thst the andersirmed. ' ursnsnt to in crder of the Circuit Court ci the SUta ef Oregon, for Multaemah eeunly, Wi4 sell at private sale for cash the following da scribed reel property belonging to said estste, en and after the 18th day of August, la.u, to-wit; , The north one-halt (NH) of the aouthaast quarter (HKto) of the northeast quar-,t NEto of section (even (7), township rna (9)-south, vange tea (10) west of the W u lamette meridian, eontalnlng twenty -(30) acres more or less, in Lincoln County, State of Or,, n. Bids will be received for said property by said, administrator at the oftic of Harry L. Pat re ty. 603 Title and Trust Building, Portland. Oregon, and said property will be sold by sm j administrator on or gtter said date. The adiuia hrtrator reserves th right to reject any md aU bids.'-. The band above deaeribed ia timber lano. The date of the dm publication ot thia no tice is the 16th day of July. 1920. and tiie date of the hut publication thereof will be tue lth day of August 1920. WM. P. THOMAS, Administrator. Harry L. Raffety. Attorney. PERSONAL M GLASSES at a saving, f solicit your patroness ea th basis of capable tervloe, Thousands of satisfied pa. trona. - Chaa W. Uoodiaaa, etnmtrhit, 906 Mevvisoa st Main 2124. $1 t.ETS both feet fixed UI at Dr. Eaton's V. CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPEClALldT wua dnesn't hurt you. 8 yrs. here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg , 11th and Wash. Bdev. 2824- DR. GEO KG Hi RCBES8TE1N. the veLstsa1 onticdan. ia an exiiert ia fiUing eyeglaue. sad ehgrgea so vary reajensbte, Urukcn in auicxiy aupuceteuszB aiorriaoa su . DO' YOUR feet' hurt I Bee Drl Ethal A. Sscry, pedicuring aad maaicunng. 606 lialeigh UOa MajrshaU 8376. . SUPERFLUOUS ttalr, moles, wart removed If 10 needle method; trial free. Josi iuilt-,, . 614 Bosh A Lane bldg. Main 6888. WANT to adopt a little girl not over 13 yca.s eld; will give good education and treat hr as our own; in American home. A-98, Journal. PATIENTS to take cabinet baths with u - sage er hourly nursing. Tabor 81 T2. BODY MAhSACiB, VIOLET .KAY. 10 a. m. e I niinrae Consultation FREE. All cafc-aT sUZaWyer Selling bldg. Main 4A PIOFESSIONAt AHB EUSEflESS WMCTORY - - ' 1 i 1 1 j i i BArtBCItr SUPPLIES LEWIS BT ENyERBri.r Supply Co." 10th ni MorrLoa sts. The place-to buy barber cha. s and supplies. 8 took eg tumiture always oa Vatd at right prices. BtAMK ajoovr SKAKgftB pAVIS A HOLMAN, INa. 109 2d t. blang book manulaetursn. A-S188. Mala la. - - ; BOOKS KBVT. AND USED 'BOOKS. ALL FnBJEvi-v JOHNSON'S BOOK STOR13 $46 Main st, bet. 2d snd 84. ' CAT Af4Q DOB MQ6PITWU feOSB CIT Y ET ER IN AlTT li6PlTAL. 41 f B. Ttb st cor. Grsnt East 1847. B-190X. CARPET OLCANIrlfa Carpet Cleaning: Sfzing and Refitting' Fluff and 'Ra Rugs WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. 678 BL 17th st Benweod 8?. We Make FLUFF RU0S From Your Old Carpets ' Rag rags, all sixes. MsQ erdett prompt Bag and carpets steam and dry else aad, Pkuus ag writa fer price hst Northwest Rug Co. Ifi , Eighth Bt " :. gMt g g in, . Fluff Rugs From Old" . Carpets Bag Saga, gn sisesMaR Ordsrg Prompti - ... 8 "i to Booklet all EugV Stesm er !ry t leaned, tl.B9v FLUFF ECU CO. 84-68 Patow ave. N. Bart 6116. Fart 7651, ' CCWCPIT WORK ALL classes cement work, general building 1 repair work. Hite reasonable. Phone 3 21-21). CHISOPWACTOrTB ChihopbicttoT (team bath and mams ge, 0ia fUme Breadway bldg, Masahail 81t7. Lr. Laura E. Downing. t)B. McMAHON, 100 ctilropractor. PorU.a.1 throngs pTonnunce treatrosnt bet . COAL AND WOOO BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1281 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. ' GOBp 16 IN. SLAB ' WOOOT 84.60 a load, delivered anywhere surely a bargain. Call me. Sea. 1769. plOCh. gnd (labaynod, slio boiwood, fct.J price in s loan jots. vrnm. iiuz. FOR first growth fir corif wood esil East ZTii. U. Heerdt Fuel Co, 967 kj. Burnside - OOILSOTIQBJS- - NET H CO.. Worcester bWg.lfaiB 179. "Ms collection, no charge, Establubed 1904. DEWX18T9 Dentistry DR. A. W. KEI.N E, " " 85114 W'ssbinctoB) st Without Pain. latest Nerve Blocking JyfethsA. BDUOATIoajAL , . . DANOIMQ THE Pane Studio. 64 Pekum blJg Wl.U J.. ton it Sd: (trlctly prtvttg te.wna; half hour it A Boer lessons! course lessons specially priced. Lai v:av a. xe, re p. m. siiss ireisea. m S'EBKELEt Dancing eaa.ruj, prfrst. lal.r day, evening; latest steps )sss aiwwa. 1, 4th st Msin 8318. Mr. Bummer. - ' WW6I0 60HQ0LS AMP T8ACH8R6 MBS. J, M. LOVEJOY. Iwtnictor ef ty.t ragtime and elajnig. Tiber Sa 1 8. L. CARROLXr PAY, teacher of voice and'pisAu, , 148 18th at Broadway 2566. HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS TtXlTXa eleaa. rat lock -,.., P batj heat work, reasonsbi equipped hat factory ia eitr. Royal Hat Works, 213 1st t WANTED Ladier"kDow w can clean yjui whit mflsn or crepe bat 62S liivuioa. OPTOJMKTRirrS AND OPTICIAN jej-sciktiitiCaLly thhi k5 witn modern instrumeatsi g'naief v"li ftttrl from 12 SO nn A. E. BPRWITZ. Optometrist, 22S lt t PAINTIN O. TINTINd, FAPERMA N QINQ sLKlFTON, painting, papering, liatiag. iTJ I'th st, Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2189. DEPENDABLE hoiie Linurig. tir,tim r, harglng. Tabor 6217. PATENT ATTORNEYS COLLI... 7 - Worcester bldg alsin 98'9Tl a, CNORAVtNa, BtNOINa Prlr! rfy r- w- RaLtes A co.. 1.1 itrii: waill and Oak. Main 165. 611-64. irS IHWTN-HODSON COMPAif-r" -'- 887 V sabiagton. Broadway 484, .A-126 PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES Plumbing Work do a quickly and efficiently et reasne. able prices; pew installations specishyt wera xaanship guaranteed, phone Bast 1994. 11 Rnsasll at I MERKO METAX, WORKS J L U M B 1 N O SUPPLIEStWHOLERAXi PRICES. STARK-DAVIS CO.. 188 4th st THB M, L. KLINE CO., 4-86875 9 Front C TRANSPER AND BTORAOS Oregon Transfer Co. , EetsbUshed 1870 fvfer and Forwarding Ages STORAGE FREE TRACKAGB Office and 8 tor are. 474 qhaso ' 18th and Glisan. Brosawar 1281!A-116 ALAtSICiTlikl BEST HOUSEHOrS GOODS BPECIALldf Storage, packing, ahip. pisg and movingi horse and auto vans, atcj rates to all points. tl O. PICK TRANSFER as STORAGE Clu ' 3d and Pine eta. Broedaay 896. A-1996, Storage and Transfer . Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND CLTSAr. BROAPWAT 8479 " CUT FREIGHT RATES On Ikeusehokt good shlpprd esst and soath, ' ung Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 9th gnd L -it. Phone Itrosdwsy 708 UPHOtSTEPINO RESIDENCE SEUVffiE UPHOLSTilEY We da all kinds ef furniture aad carp work, Vll Pljupg. Et 7686, '