L i f i t r , : i. MONDAY, AUGUST 9. 1920. THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 13 AUTOMOBILES ANT ACCESSORIES it . Quality Counts In used cam In other Things, i quality counts. We here used car . i ; of quality, many of there overhauled , and repainted, all of them having thou- and of mile of satisfactory service : still in them. Compare oar ear and , our price" with other and you will be wisdom of trading with us. OVERLA VD. model 9o. ehtb roadster, j wm win wAeel. wind deflector, 2 Iw turners, spotlight, (pare tire; U Jed'.-L for the road; pickup at ........ $700 I tl MITCHELL, pa., club roadster, j 1T HUPMOBILE, 5 pas.. 4 cyL j ltl MITCHELL. 7 pass-. cly. ' k i 7 MITCHELL. 5 pa,, eyl. 1118 MITCHELL, 8 !-. Jill MITCHELL. 7 P., cyl. 1919 MITCHELL, 5 pea., 6 cyL , j 1919 MITCHELL. T pas.. cyL ; IBIS WILLYS KNIGHT. 7 paaa,, 4 cyl. j-j JORDAN SPORT MARINE,' 4 pan.. 6 cyl. JORDAN SUBURBAN. 7 VMM., 0 eyt OVERLAn'd; model 85. 5 pan., 4 cyt MANY OTHERS. BOTH LARGE A.M SMALL .prices 500 and up . I .j - M BROKERAGE CHARGES . : -I --: ' ,:: - . WE CARRT OUR OWN NOTES Mitchell, Lewis Staver Co. 'BROADWAY AND EVERETT Phone Broadway 4073. V C. Q. Bleasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE ! All standard makes. Call and look than) over ad get our proposition. t Make your own terms. FORD TOURING 1918 ..... 475 PAIGE, 0 CYL. 7-PASS . ...$ 450 MAXWELL TOURING ..,...$ 500 MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1018 ....... 650 CHEVROLET. 1918 t 7 SO BUICK LIGHT 4 DELIVERY.... 650 MAXWELL. 1918 TOURING' ....... .t 750 OVERLAND, MODEL 00 .. . .$ 700 OVE RIBAND, 5-4 ' i 70O OVERLAND 7-PARSENGER ; NEW $ 850 MITCHELL. LIGHT SIX ....... i 1 250 -a l ill-lia , , c , V Kh lUAUUbOO LiUn A O ....... . til U. V UAIII UTHKK VAKS K I HWISt HUH. V TERMS NO BROKERAGE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENING 8 Bill Airier St Rrn.Iuiv IRS?. C. O. Bleasdale' SALE ON USED CARS i Stndebaker. 1018 Olds 8 .....,,-. Saxon 4 ......... Maxwell. 1919 .. .. Peerless, fine shape, Eorda. from ...... Peerless Chassis . . . Ktudebaker bug . . . Chevrolet B ..... , ,$700 ,i 700 , 650 , 750 830 .$275 to 425 .... 100 . . 150 ... 350 LONG & SILVA ' 462' Hawthorne. DELIVERIES AND EXPRESS We hare several express and panel deliveries at exceptionally low prires. Some are rebuilt and hare self starters, with guaranteed batteries; l0 tr $200odown will get you a good service able delirery. Call and see Broadway at Liar is Sts. .Broadway 3535.. M. B. FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodies, hoods, tsnks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a spe cialty. G05 Burnside street, . Phone Broadway 2299. AUTHOR 17. ED SETtYICTB STATION GATES TIRES cost half as much 1 TCLC4NIZINQ THERMOID .IRES MOXEB - Hansen ' Tire Service. 4TH AND THURMAN MAIN BBSS OREGON ACTO ,TOP COMPANY TOPS TUM.H AU, 14 th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 4 408. ' BU1CK ROADSTER 1917 . Good tires, good condition, spare tire, new; Sits of extras; muat sell at once. - Lester Hej-m Co . 24 9 th at. j DODGE TOURING CAB ,i r81 at - cai at Lester Heym-Co.. : 349 Stfi. Msin 7352. 0 ERLAND Country Club This popular model: five wire wheeh and four good tires. Motor- in good mechanical oonditibn. A bar sain at $000. Must sell at once. ' U-934. Jcumal. BY OWNER Dort. 5 pass., good Urw new top, looks and runs like new and ready for ne without extra ! expense. $530 ch. Broed way 1089. I ; 1919 OVERLAND, good as new. $75(T T 1917 WiUya Knight roadster, fine shape. $550, terms.. ' 380 Union sve. N East 4 481. 1915 FORD touring. Just overhsuled; new pis! ton. etc Price $350. $125 down, balance 10 months. Jake's Used Car Exchange 8 North 11th sr. " 7 CORD TIRE8 " 2 Firestone and 2 Goodrich Silvertown cord tiren. brand new, for lose than wholesale. Autot. imstie 814-01. ' ! j LATE 1918 Ford touring. Has 4 new tires run fine, new ton; good mechanical shape.' Price $450, $200 down, balance 10 months. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 North 11th st. MUST sell my baby grand Chevrolet by Monday, going away; car has new paint; new battery and vacuum feed. ' Call Hansen. Main 8113. A PRIVATELY owned 1918 sTudebaker. in fifU class condition, with good tires, only $673. Phone Tabor 7886, - - MUST sell my model 79 Overland, good con dition. Come and" see ft and make an offer. 120 Florida st. Msin 1139. . BKi. roomy, 3 passenger roadster, cord tires all around; can' be seen any time after Aug. 9. Call owner Tabor 2171. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in the best of con dition; good tires. - Will sacrifice at $373. Terms. 80 Grand are. N.. near Burmlde. j MAXWELL roadster, 1917, very beet of con dition. Owner must sell. Real bargain at " 3500.00. 30 Grand Ave. North, near Bnrnside. OVERLAND 4. 1918. A-l condition; It's worth (.TOO. I'll let it go for $600 cash.-, 605 K. Msll st. ; . . - 5-PASSENGER car in good condition. Good rubber. Cash or. terms, A. J. , Warner. Mar.. 8410. J . , ' . MAXW ELL toiifing. 191 8, good Uresi will sacrifice at $500.00 and give terms. 30 vrana atc, ortfi, near Burnude, FORD D touring for sale. 1917 model; motor just erhauled. good tires, $375. 372 E. 37th ore t Tabor 8838. PISTONS enUrged 13-1000. ' guaranteed trne. Af ".;.' ov.T.T- lnupenaenl vreMing Shop. Aitn Tn Recovenne and repairing 1? UH t res.bl. -pria. - . . . v onaoi prices. xe oaiiDou sr., Between Btb and Bnn. $700 COLE TOTJRIXG8T00 Beautiful car, 7-paso., tine condition. Good wmuwmin. oeu. 651 FORD touring. 1915, fine mechanical condition. Bantam at $300.00. 30 Grand Ave., North. 1817 OAKLAND sem,ible ",'' worth $B00 t will aeD for $400 cash; mast be sold at one. 380 Union are. - East 4481. . . $150 DOWN, balance to suit, buys a Dodge FOR SALE Yord car. 1915. $300. 847 E. " nth t. North. . . MAXWELL touring. 1017. Will sell at $300.7$' 30 Grand Ave. North, near Burnside. FORD chassis, will make a good bug. $250.00. 30 Grand Ave. North, near Burnside. $100 DOWN, balance 10 tuontiu. buys a Ford . roadnter.- Bdwy. 3600. , BT Ott NER -claro-y Ford bug with top. Cll : '' at 994 Eat 8th st. N. 1919 CHEVROLET, bargain, easy term 648 - Broadway, near Lincoln. . APTOMOBTrEI AKl ACCESgOIE 44 REAL CSED CAB BARGAINS 191 CHANDLER 7 paaa.. rebuilt through eat. newly painted, good Urea, with ex tra. We give new car guarantee on this ear.,' Price .1500 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY, 4 paaa. . i roadster, rebuilt throughout, orersise ; . cord tire, nearly new ; guaranteed same r as new car. Price. .... . ........ .$1500 1818 CHANDLER - rI8PATCH, newly i . painted, first-clasa mechentcal condition,; wire wheeb, cord tires, with extra; guaranteed same me new ear. Price . . .$1800 1918 CUANDLF.it CHUMMY, 4 paaa. ! Toadster. good mechanical condition, ; wire' wheels: vanr aood tires, with extra. 1 " Price . ..$127 1917 CHANDLER. 7 pas., fine meehsn- j iceJs condition, wire wheels, cord tires,: " newly painterl. A real snap. Priee. . .(1000 1918 OAKLAND. 5 nana., aood condition. excellent tires. Price t 4 800 I19 CHEVROLET, first -class, condition. good tires . . ...... "650 191 OVERLAND 4-90 club roadster,, i eooel meehaniral mndftinn. wire wheels.- good tire, repainted. - Price...... 8 750 - These car will all be found a represented, and eery reasonable terms can be arranged. h ; t j 805 WASHINf;TON STREET, I 1 '514 ALDER STREET j 1 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO. WITiLYS-OVERIND PACIFIC COMPANY TTfKr aitxomorii.es . OrrERS SO, MUCH MORE FOB SO MUCH 3918 Ford Touring Car. ' 917 Maxwell Touring Car. j 1918 Maxwell Touring Car. - 1918 f'heTrolet Touring Car. : ij 4 1918 Orer lend Conntry Clttb roadster. 11918 Owerland Touring Car. - j 11919 Overland Touring Car. , 1 !" 1920 Overland Roadster. ,1820 Overland Touring. . - 1920 Overland Sedan., ' SMALL STANDARD AUTOMOBILES ' $100 to $350 Cash. Balance Monthly Account, , j Payable at Our Office.. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway at Da via Sts. Broadway 3535. $ome "ReaH Snaps t92 FORD Coupe, wire ' wheel. . . .( 850 BCICK. 5 paxs.. 6 tires H. . 900 1019 MAXWELL, "'w tires 850 1-918 ELGIN 6, good condition.... 1000 1918 KRIHIJUK touring nio 1917 EORI touring 47S 1919 CHEVROLET,' new tires.', j 700 1319 CHEVROLET.. 5 new tires... 750 OLDSMOBILE "COMPANY OF OREGON Broadway and Couch, - Bdwy. 2370. USED CHEVROLETS "i : ' " i Service Reliability Reputation ; FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., Chevrolet. Agents. 14th and Alder 8ta. Broadway 34ft. BARGAIN BRAN NEW 1920 HUDSON SUPER SIX. FULLY EQUIPPED. WITH FOUR COHD TIRES, SIDE GLASSES, SHOCK ABSORB ERS. ETC. - CALL 269 FIRST ST. BEATTIFUL late model 8-cylinder, 7 passenger OUsmobile, 5 coreT tires; bargain " price, $1200. with terms-to suit. . V FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO. 14th and .Alder sts. Broadway 210. ' Open Erening and Sundays. ; 1 K An 4 .sV sTWass u4sas anMIrl witb a written ruarntp. We giv yoit Mfric. j. BUICK ROADSTER. 1917. j G6od tir.4. good cohrtition, upare f.w tire, lutu jof extras; must sell mt once. Call week day Ijester Heym Co., 249 6th t. THE! FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while you wait; also repairs radiator and bodies. Broadway 82144) 30 K. 11th St., near Burnside. 3D0DGB ROADSTER 1918 Dottge roadster at a bargain. Call wedays. I.ester Heym Co., 249 6th. Main 7352. I "EAST SIDE AUTO PAINT CO. Alt work guaranteed. Let us give you. an estimate. 150 Union ave., cor. Belmont. CHEVROLET BfG This is not an ordinary bug. Has 5 wire wheels. Bearcat body. Plate glass Curtains. Must be seen to be appreciated. See it at 84 Ni. 11th. Bdwy. 3247. ' , 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING ; Best of care, driven only on paved street! in private ue. .Will sell cheap. Wdln. 243 or wain. izst. MITCHELL 6 FOR SALE rr All "; new tires, lsoks as good as new; runs as good las new. Will sell cheap, leaving town. Terrosi. Call Marshall 8175. 1919 MITCHELL ROADSTER 1 Almost new, run less than 500 miles. H. F. Kimbte. East 2866. CHEAP FOR CASH Late model touring. Am lea Ting city; would take diamond as part payment. Tabor 6408. - BUICK ROADSTER, $1040 $300 rash, bak easy terms .Call days. Tabor 8163. FOR i SALE One Maxwell. 1917: t,ne Ford. 1918; one Overland 7o; term a. Fred Day - Motor t To.. Kst 7 th and . A n kgny sts. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. Owner must selL Bargain at $400.00. 30 Grand Ave. North, netr Burnside. - . ' OVERLAND touring. 1915, in good running condition. Will .sacrifice at $150.00. 30 Grand Ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET 4 90. perfect condition throughout: four good tires, one extra, $000. Owner, Main 4602. FORD TOURING. 1916. used privately. A bar gain at $400.00. Terms. 80 Grand Are., North, near Burnside. : ' : FOR SALE Cheap, Ford Express. Phone Col. 172. Sunday, or evenings or 75 N. OVERLAND touring car. 85-B. as good as new; is in first class condition. Call at - Army Garage. FRANKLIN,: 5 pass.. 6 cyl.; cylinders regronnd; : new top; going East, will sacrifice. 297 . 37th st. South. - . CHEVROLET Baby Grand roadster, wire wheels, A nobby little car. Don't miss this at $430.00. 80 tirand Ave. North, near Burnside. MAXWELL touring. 1919. very best of con dition. Owner must sell. Real bargain at 8875.00. 30 Grand Ave. Nbrth, near Burnside. CASH paid for clx cars, condition no object; parts for -all makes of cars. Oregon Anto Exchange. 448 nanaers, nrr 11th. Bdwy. 3503, $1101 TWO or four pass! auto in running order, one mues. one ou roues to gal. of gas, j 1269 Hood. Furton car to Sweeny st. OVERLAND touring, 75. in the best of condi tion, good tiret. : A snap st $475. Terms. 30 Grand ave. X.. near Burnside. I FOR SALE 1 915 Ford touring, Just over hauled: price 3375. Ant. 319-71. DEAD storage space, 12 cars. 787 Washington. Main 8652. YOUR auto repaired at your home; reliable aerv-;- Phone Tabor 1296. $100 DOWN, balance 10 months, will buy a Ford roadster. Broadway 8BO0 MAXWELL touring car. good slmor. snap $223 cash. Call week days. 773 Williams -are. CHEVROLET touring, A-l condition, for sal cheap or trade for piano. 'Call Kast 7508. 191R FORD Call Sunday, all day. evenings after- 5. 602 K. 18th S. 1916 DOIXiE roadster first class condition, for quick- sale.. 8650. Call Ant. 822-2 l.u 1920 MODEL Fnrd touring, electric starter and extras, $50. Tabor 8338. ( ; ESSEX 1919. by owner, driven 6500 miles, rprd ures; stsuo. some termi. Broadway 6777. 1919 VELIE Tosdster. in excellent condition. coesp; rerms n qesired. Bdwy. 3606. 1920 FORDswUsi whit wire heels, all exUaa, TIRES Slightly uied, $3 to $13 each. Expert FOR. 8AIJC Dodge light delivery, commercial car. $923. ...331 First U , AtTTOMOBILEaj AWT ACCESSORIES 44 f ; CUT PRICES ! Summer price that ar making a sales. , We do sot have a sed car deps rtme nt these Bargains ar on our salesroom floor: 1917 Maxwell, fine running small, mod em automootie ....... ...4. ......3 za 1913 Max weTL great bargain. S4S mt Maxwell, "Hk new" .4....... 745 1918 Chalmers. light six. line ! condition. first: dsss shape I ...... . 1150 1919 Essex, going through our shop, will be like new. end same service and same replacements of parts as a factory gives -. you on a new car. ....... ...... . 1425 HUDSON BARGAINS " li I 1916 Hudson super six, always !ln private 1 !&: lias been all . gone ovinr in our ! shop ken repainted. We give yon the ' same service and factory replacement of parts as on a new automobile,. . , 1250 1918 Hudson super six, alway waa ia prf- 1 rate hands; baa been through oar shop'. i . and ia like new. W give yon the same ! service snd factory replacement of parts as on a new sutomobiie . . . . j. . 1800 1919 Hudson speedster, always in pri- - , . ate liands; ha been through our shop and all gone over, then repainted. We give yon the same service snd factor? replacement 01 narts aa on a i new auto mobile . . . . L....... 1825 -. - . TRUCKS 1918 Maxwell truck, good fused! track... 950 -( New 1918. old style 1 ton new truck. truck. bargain oa C. -L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. . VBlvsnvs T-ar.n fllB vvrHATUGR. FORDS OF ALL KINDS I 1914 Ford touring, good slaape ,..$250 1917 Ford touring.' good shape, re painted I. ...... 425 118 Ford touring, like new , 450 1915 Ford roadster, extras .1 425 1918 Ford sedan, extra ; .j. . . . t . . 600 1919 Ford touring. Hastier i shock ... 600 1919 FonL roadster, like nevf 623 1019 Ford touring, starter, extras .. 650 1920 Ford 1 ton track bod? and cab 850 1918 Sterling roadster, good .shape . $ 230 1916 Overland panel delrvee-y ... 350 1916 Briscoe touring, starter ..... 400 1919 Hudson H-34 touring, good shape 400 1917 Maxwell touring, good (shape. . 450 1917 Overland, model 90. tenring . 450 1917 Overland, model 83, touring . 600 1919 Chevrolet touring, new tires . . C50 1916 Chalmers touring . 650 . 1017 Studebaker road.vter, repainted 550 1918 Studebaker 6. 7 pas. nepainttd 7.'i0 1917 Buick little 4, roadster ..... 500 1917 Script Booth roadster; wire wheels .'. , . .j 575 1916 Dodge touring, new tires ... 750 1918 Buick light 6. touring j 1050 1917 Velie touring, like new! , llOO 1917 Hupmobile sedan, new tires . 120O ; loo Limon ave., cor. iBeimont. -i- CHEVROLET FORD OWNERS FORD overhanledr .J. ...... Rear axle overhauled ....... . ..... . Valve ground, carbon removed ...,. Magneto recharsed .$26 .8 6 .s a 9 We band-lap pistons, scraps bearings, ate., which Insures a perfect running ' motor. Genuine Ford parts only ued. Alt work guaranteed. ; THE REASON I The Ford engine starts hard end the Bght ar dim is because the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS, j Universal. Auto Repair 210 Jefferson at. Msin 7644. BUG BODIES. $99 UP Bug Bodies, Radiators. ! Fenders .t Hoods Msde and Repaired BCHXES3 AUTO A BODY WORKS ! 1 15th and Alder sts. ' 1918 HUPMOBILE. in fine tion. extra tire: tires, body. mechanical condi tio in good shape. A real buy, only $950. FIELDS SIOTOR CAR CO. 14th snd Alder sts. Broadway 240. - Open Evenings and Sundays. SUCCESSFUL TIKE REPAIR1NO Requires a full knowledge of Itire construction and proper equipment for eaehi repair; we have boto.1 Bring us that tire or tube and ws will fix fit right; prices reasonable; new snd used tires for less; liberal allowances on old tin. Vulcan Tire Shoo. 41 Grand lave., near Pine. Phone East .4896. ) 1920 .FORD touring, only tun about 1600 miles, $25 worth of extrssi including 1920 license; price $675 cash, or will, take $700 worth of Victory bonds: car i first class con dition. Call afternoons and evenings. Tele phone Auto. 219-29. Residence 7325 64th ave. . is. WEAVER TtRE COMPANY : . FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VTJLCiANIZINO CSKl TIRE REPAIRING j ntwmiH, at ftm4ws DIFFERENT kinds of hand-made Ford delivery bodies carried in stock. Why buy Eastern, when you can get a hand-made body for same , : ; . money, or jess : v ' CARL PETERSON. 121 Grand Ave. ' N. ' VULCANIZING guaranteed toi last as long a the rest of your tire; top prices paid for your old tires; rebuilt tires, all sixes isnd prices; 4000 mile retresds. ! j GRAND AVE. TIRE SHOP 42 N. Grand are. MAXWELL car for sale, good condition, new batteries, 5 new tires; needs paint; model 1918; $600. terms, no - interest on balance of money, by owner. Call after 5 I. m.,; 705 Savier street. ! IT REYQIYES! THE SMITH ROTARY BRUSH. Wash your car with it. Mam 1184. AUTO mechanic. Ford and Chevrolet expert. will repair yonr car, nigrtts. at your own home; satisfaction guaranteed; references. Phone Seilwood 2189. Ask for Johnson. . 1 ID 17 MAXWELL, good mechanical condition ; new top. good urea; a real our at stou cash; car st 825 Salmon st, or phone evening. Kast 4 94. STEPHENS Salient six. looks snd runs like new. at a great aiscount; ' can ! use a torn or Hodge aa part payment; balance terms. Bdwy. 8606. -v ' r MAXWELL S passenger car, good condition, good . tires. saou. siza aown, 4 . per monin. Call evenings. 516 Market st- I OVEKI-AND touring, late 1918 model. Perfuct condition. win sacntic at sou ana sirs terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. - - AMERICAN: AUTO TOP CO. ZTTeVj Ante tops, enrtains and repair !fcvL 1T11 r tna. East S4. Union at Pine. CHEVROLET touring, 1918. A real bargain at $500.00. 30 Grxwd Are. North, nesr Bum- side. In A-l condition, $65.0. Telephone East S 6. 34 5 Union are. N. HUPMOBILE BARGAIN Leaving, will tell my Hup dirt cheap. Good car. Term. Sell. 651. FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell, good condition. $600. 653 Mississippi ave.; ' 1 FOR-SALE by wner.1920Hudion Super Six", ' CaU WoonUwa 1628. - TRUCKS AND TRACTORS St ONE 2 -ton Federal truck: one 1 H -ton mond T track, both practically nsw; two. 1-ton chain drive ottr tracks, ji good condition at $225 each. Terms can be arranged with re sponsible parties. Call at Oregon Diamond ; T Truck Co., 83 N. 14th tt. TeleplH;r.a Broadway 4:107. -- ' ; ; GRAVEL truck, thoroughly overhauled and in good condition; 2 000; truck earning $80 to $85 per day; about 8 montlia' work yet this Ian. will glTe some ' terms. Bdwy. 4379. Campbell. - t ,-.,.! - - 1 FORD truck, gear drive; good as new; will - sacrifice and sir terms.' 30 Grand are. N., near xiurnaiae. - 1 FORD delivery, in best of condition: panel body; - rest Dargain as seou. ou urana ave. ti., near Burnside. ! ' DKNBY troefc, for sale cheep. 80 Grand ave. n7, : near Burnside. .: ' ; t. . 1 TONdehvery , for . sale or trade ' by owner. East 34 9 ;...,-'..,.vtvV FORI trtuaV. 1919. used but little;' platform body; bargain. Columbia 579. , . j WRECKS AW) TRACTORg r 82 irOR .SMALL payment down u insure good faith, manufseturing concern will givs ; yon prosesaion of fins big track; can pat you in touch with jobs, yon paying as as work pays tn, but not a cent should track be idle. Hon esty and - willingness mutt be shown. Wdln. 1498 after 6:3 p. ra. ; ' FORD 1-ton track, chain drire, good mechanical condition. $300 cash. Mala 524. " AUTOMOBILES VTANTEP T FOR SALE OR TRADE For a good used auto, one 25 hk ft. by 5 tt ft. beam pleasure launch. Port Orford cedar and oak ribs. 6 ins. apart. Launched the 24th of May. Value $700. Box 158. Camas, Wash.' - 1 - -- -1 FIRST-CLASS auto -repair shop to trade for good 3 passenger automobile. 1809 lflain, Main 9181. : --- 1 . - WE ARE in the market for need cars. Drive them in and walk away- with than, xaoney. Pscific Ante Co.. 523 Alder st. T . GOOD LIGHT IT PASS. , t for high grade industrial stock; fins Paying fn ture. or bargain, cash. 608 McKay bldg. 1 WANTED Ford, Chevrolet; or Dodge a part payment on new 1920 Briscoe. Mar. 825. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 8$ FORD OWNERS h FORD overhauled t ...... J ............ $20 Real axle overhauled. .............. 6 Valves ground.' carbon removed . ........ 8 Msgnetos recharged .................... 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrspe bearings, etc., which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. . , GUARANTEE ACTO REPAIR CO. 1 2b0 Front t.. Corj Jefferson 12 YEARS' experience in repairing all makes of automobiles permits us to offer you the best kind ' of work at prices no greater than the average. i' EAST YAMHILL AND E. WATER SUPPLE'S DOCK. ATJTOS FOR HIRE 3 AUTOS FOR HIRE, WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE, j COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUR NUMBER. BDWY. 8696. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars txteasonable Rates, FEARING A ROBNETT-t CITY. GARAGE 182 12th st. between Washington snd Alder. NEW AUTOS WITHQ0T DRIVERS OVERLANDS. ! t HUDSOXS LOWNSDALE (tARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. i. HOUSTON, 90 BROADWAY. Highway auto service. 1 Bdwy. 334, Main 224. Pierre-Arrows, Packard, Wintoas. Cars by hour. dsy. month. j ONE heavy 1 ton truck chassis, a-ood tires all around, will make excellent trailer; make me an oner. Mr. X aw,! Bdwy J 4379. iota and Davis. j '. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF' BENNETT. Prop: AUTOS FOB HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. t SULLIVAN, FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th st Yamhill. A-l 236. MOTORCYCLES. (BICYCLES SS EARLY model Overland cer, in good condi tion: sell for $200 cash lor trade for motor cycle, with side car. 853; Oberlin st. Call evenings. i USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. EXCELSIOR in fine shape with tandem. Presto, tools, extra tire, 2 carburetors, newly painted, bargain for cash. 4901 6 2d st 8. E. Tabor 6X15. . 1 - $50 CASH takes 1914 Twin Indian, equipped with Bosch magneto. Schebler carburetor and Prestolite. Call after Sunday, bet. 5 and 7 p. m. Marshall 2093. i INDIAN motorcycle. No. 70H683, will be sold for storage and repair charges. Owner, G. Chapman. Indian Motorcycle 3c Borycle Co., .wi oa sr. o. FOR SALE 1919 EXCELSIOR", spotlight, tan dem : a good buy. . Apply 1st and GUsau, evenings. -' ; i 1919 INDIAN motorcycle, sidecar and tandem, electrically equipped. This ' machine ia a bargain. Eart 2X00. ; H. F. Kimble. WE have a number of used , motorcycles that we are going to sen cheaD on; easy terms. Broad. way oouo. FOR SAI.E 1019 Harley Davidson, apot light. generator and trkle car lite new, $373; term. Call Auto. 52931. FOR SALE- Motorcycle with aide car; Indian, late rondel, a speed: bargain, Call East 5370 t-r 412. E. 7th N. ! i BICYCLE IoifWe bar, in fine condition. itano tires, sa. Tabor 14!. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 4 Several, Good ' : Bargainsl Left ' Tow boats, fish boats.' pleasure boats, from $200 up. See ns at foot 1 of E. Morrison at. W. H. A E. von deT Worth. East 1781. MACHfJCERT 81 TWO Moline tractors at bargain prices. , East 1703 or 404 E. Morrison St. PIANOS, ORCIASS, MTJSICAI INSTRUMENTS TALKING MACHINE WANTED; PAY CASH STATE PARTICULARS. NO DEALERS ANSWER. E-421, JOURNAL. SWAP new cabinet phonograph for anything of value. CaU and talk it over. - 164 East Broadway. BRUNSWICK phonograph. with records, : value 8285. now $200. Like new. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. BRUNSWICK rhonograph, ilarge size, with 40 records. Bargatn. 3S5 Montgomery St. I 1 FINE mahogany piano for sale, 4 price., 247 DUi St. ; I 1 $45 BEAUTIFUL organ for sale. 254 Msr- ket Nt Music Store, opposite The Auditorium. WANTED Bargain in good toned piano. Give $950 Mason A Hamlin piano, upright, mahog any, only $300, terms. 812 Worcester bldg. $650 Emerson upright piano only $150. 10 others around $200. 312i Worcester blot;. ; BRINGING UP FATHER XOO 0 Fl-bHir- WITH 1 AbK ME VIFE- ' Zm ah corner: r I hit vuz. v YiW ' rr i pitaar- u 5 mn l-j a ,j 1 ""'"" . . ItlO rr tsiTt, rTar) SWavteg.. Isre. ' ' ' - . - '- v , : , . . . - - v ;l'IA2rOS, ORGA3T 9. MUSICAI. i IJfSTRCMETTTS 8 BECURITY STORAGE CO., CLOSING OCT $750 Stemwey A Sons, upright, tips; $290 cash $495 Howard, walnut upright. .... $265 cash 3350 Gray A Co. natural rosewood upright ......... i . ......... .$110 cash Two small upright pianos. . $65 and $75 cash $850 MerjdetthaU player piano, nearly new ....................... $485 cash 81750 Bei 1 j wood Orchestrion, now $495 cash 810O 'Cello, splendid tons, with bow. .$65 cash $175 Kimball, large, 6 octavo orgaa..$68 cash $135 Needham, high top organ. .... $28 cash Pisno stored' 75e monthly. Pianos bought sod sold for cash, 109 Tenth St. near Wash ington. SCHWAW PIANO CO. DOWKSTAIES. STORE $900 Steinwsy cV Sons, mahogany. ..... $435 $575 Hobart M. Cable, fancy mahogany. . $395 $650 Automatic Music Co.. upright. ... , .$165 $550 Eberaole, plain mahogany......:.. $365 $1000. Smger. player piano, oak. ...... .5635 $900 Thompson player piano, mahogany ..$535 $850 Meadsnhall player piano, mahogany. $495 $900 Thompson player piano. - mahogany . $495 Terms $15 to $50 cash. $8 to $15 monthly. $120 Brunswick and Victrols Phono., each $85 $120 Domestic and New Uusikiand Phono., each ...1,,i,.i.W..... .... $88 $50 VictroU. $85. $35 Lakeside $18 Terms, $10 cash, $3 to $ monthly. 101 Tenth St. at Washington snd Btark. a PIANO BARGAINS-- We bare tha beet buys in used pianos. See them and be convinced. Guaranteed. Terms given; . FISHER, snap i ... v i. r. ,$165 ESTEY, plain mahogany ease. ......... 25 CABLE A SON, a bargain ............ $185 KINGSBURY, oak case .$315 HARVARD, fins mahogany case. ....... ,$275 STEIN WAY A SON, good as nsw .$500 : And others. SETBERLINO-LCCAS MUSIC CO. 125-27 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder Sts. USED PHONOGRAPHS THAT SATISFY $ 75.00 Columbia (like new) .....$ 63.00 J 25.00 Brunswick (un to dte) ..... 1OO.O0 150 00 Paramount tidesl machine) .. . 140.00 HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Ysmhfll St. PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and records. .Seiber-ltng-Lucss Masks Co.. 125-127 4th St. Main 8586. PIANO wanted. Pay cash. Msin 8588. TYPEWRITERS GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriters, all makes. Sold and rented. Easy terms. Send for price. Wholesale Typewriter Co., $21 Washington at. Main 5681. LIKE new. No. 6 Underwood. $80. $15 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. - ALL MAKES of typewriter rented, repaired snd sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.,' 94 5th st- Msin 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ti COAL and Wood Ranges. ., .$15.00 hp Cook Stores ........... 10.00 up Gas Stoves 10.00 up Gss Wster Heaters ........ t.00 np Floor Coverings, yard ...... .73 up Kitchen Queens........... 8.00 up Kitchen Cabinets 12.00 up - Dining Room Extension Ta- ble ....-....' 7.00 up Dining Room Chairs 1.60 up Living Room Rockers 4.00 up - Library Tables 6.00 up Simmons Bed 12.00 up' Cotton Felt Msttresses 8.00 up Steel Springs ............ 5,00 up Coil Springs .. ...... 8.00 up Dressers 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. SOS First St. , FURNITURE sale, leaving city, new ivory dres ser, $37 value for $27; new ivory chiffonier. $35 value at $25; Occidental range. $40 value at $20; good Iron beds, $3.50 up; good combina tion mattresses, $2.60 and $8.50; spring. $1.50 up; chairs; $1.50 up; 510 baby carriage. $6.50. 384 E. Washington. OAK ROCKERS. $5; leather hair. $10; bassi nette, $2.50: gas range, $35; card table, $3.50; library table, $25; bookcase, writing desk. $15; 6x9 rug, $15; bookcase, $10; bed and spring, $4.50; boiler, $2.50; phonograph and stand, $15: -mattress,$15i Free delivery, .Tabor BEAUTIFUL mahogany 4 -poster bed, full sixe, with Che vol dresser and 2 chairs; Jacobean dining table, 6 chair and buffet, davenport, library table. All high class goods. 49 Trinity place spts.. apt. 7. Mar. 633. HEATING tove, fir condition, with pipes, board and wall protector, cheap if taken - at once. 1111 Woodward ave., cor. 37th. Phone Seilwood 1697. PACKING and Yrating furniture our specialty, work guaranteed. Pacific Storage and Delivery company. East 1st and Madison. East 891. SWELL mahogany parlor suite, honestly best bargain in town. Other furniture at sacrifice. 869 E. Wash. IXIR SALE Cheap, Buck range, 2 rugs, kitchen table, garden tools, incubator and brooder. Call after 6 p. m.. 5726 71st st RANGE Complete" wood or coal. 2187 E. Conch. Take M. A Depot car. get off 87th, then south to Couch. FOR- SALE Cheap, 6 hole Buck steel range; slso gs range. 1452 Fern st. FURNITURE of 6 rooms. A piano and a fine Edison. Wdln. 8669. - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WE call and get your veal, hogs and poultry. Beat prices paid. Call Main 7362, Eve nings, Tabor 8181. r. ' ROLL. and flat top desks, rugs, drawing boards, typewriters, adding machines, time clocks. D. C. Wax. 81 N. Bthjt. Bdwy. 2739. CUCUMBERS -Orders taken, dill size 75c per 100. A. E. Christ of sr. 6631 88th ave. 8. E.. Tabor 84 2 7 . FOR SALE. 1 full dress suit, size 37, white text, shirt, collar, tie; a bargain at $50. Main 4 524. BIG load of boxwood. $5.50 per load. Woodlawn 5904. or 1133 Montana ave. - USED electric wahing machines; some bargain SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 6th st. ' CASH REGISTER, FLOOR CASES And other fixture. 242 Salmon. . Main 843. SCOND'hand tent and eoversTfor saleT l'acifie Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. " - GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GETS 'EM 181 11th et Made here. Bdy. 4388. SXIK SALE ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 Corbett Bids. Guaranteed. Marsha II 557. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your bom. 85o a rug. Call East 1508. SAFE or filing cabinet. Give price and size. F-160, Journal. . . ' (Copyright, 1920. by International Feature Service, Inc.) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE cash registers, shiiwi.sias. fountains. scalea, store (ixtures. -v,- L BOXER. Mir. 2488 113 2d st. SEWINO ; MACHTNB ' EMPOR' A - New and 2d band. Sold . for fc .. so agents employed. Complete bne " of parts for all makes. klscblnes : repaired and rented. Main 9431. fiiwlNa MACHINE EMPORIUM inn Third, nesr Tsrlor St. SINGER "ELECTRIC SEWEiO MACHINES We take your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy psyments. Prions for demonstra tion, af achines rented. Expert repainnav. any L MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE. ' 382 Morrison. - Marshall 721. 20 LATE drop heads; all makes Jik new, $15 to $35. Later variety of good machines, '$8 to $10 All ths istest new Singers. Cash or payments. Machinal rented. S3 a month. Singer titer (Moose bldg.), 198 4th t- Mia 6833. FURNITURE repaired, upholstered. , oka now; - mattresses remade,, mirrors restive red, furni ture bought, oid snd exchanged at Webster's Furniture Repair shop. 1103 Hawthorn. Tabor 8325. '...-;- SAFES Fire and burglar-prooT safe, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. Eany terms . if desired. NORR13 SAFE A LOCK fJO., 105 Second t fhons Msin 2045. GARLAND range. Eclicpe range, Jewel gss range. Opal beater, child's cribs, rockine horse, table with boards, table with bins for kitchen. icebox, meat safe. Wheeler It Wilson machine, dress forms, sixe 38 and 86. 721 E. Burnside. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Wby not a permanent and comfort able roof? We repair, rubber-bond and re juvenate n kinds of lesky -roofs. Work roar anteea. fnone Main 686O. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats ar separate eiaacificstions. A large lis ting will be found under thaw dill rant classi fications. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honest, conscientious dentistry. . DR. FRED M ELLIS H 108 4 Fourth, between Washington and Bhxrk. USED electric vacuum cleaners, in first claas . . mechanical condition, at a big saving. A fw hand vasnnm cleaner $1.00 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 6th st $16.50 to $25 semSs Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 3d t,, near Tmhill. Main 1845. FUEL problem solved with Ixard kerosene burner; no wood, coal-or ashes; put in ranges, hest ers and furnaces; five days free trial; five year -guarantee. 7 Grand are. N. East 6560. LICENSED independent electrician ' wire 8 room for $12, 5 room $20. All new ma terial used and guaranteed to pasa inspection- Wood lawn 37 91 CIRCLE EXCHANGE We buy. sell and exchange ladies' snd chil dren's clothing. 415 Fleidner bldg., 10th and Wsshiagton. Bwdyi 220. . FRESHEYERYDAY, SALOMON, HALIBUT. CRABS AND OTHER FISH. WESTERN FISH CO.. 126 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAR. 6189. 'BARBER chairs, mirrors, vibrators, electric hair cutting machines, ( and supplies st ft, great sacrifice. Portland Cutlery A Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th t- ' ' . ' HOT WATER TANKS 30 gaL 87; 40 gaL $9. Tested snd guaranteed stove snd furnace coils. Gas beaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adam st. E. 6516. ALASKA refrigerator, 6 compartmenU, for res taursnt, delicatessen or grocery; good aa new. Call Tabor 3513 week days. GASOLINE worxlsaw tor aals or trade for light car. 1686 E. 17th st. Seilwood car. Sell wood 3117. Dentistry gfBit. Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ISlfMH BUSINESS CARDS Sj yWJ ROSE CITY PRINTERY fl ,& Tou must pnng rms.so. k qui WE WASH your rugs .at home with the Ham ilton Beach Carpet wssher, satisfaction guar- anteed. Woodlawn 1259 and East 4045. VOH SALE 2 room tenthotise. bsrn and gsr age, with 2 years' lease, on 100x100 ground. Tabor -1237. ' - ELECTRIC irons, appliances, door bells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures rewired; we call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. BUY your coal from tne Central Fuel..Co 249 : 2nd St.: deliveries to all parts of city; no extra charges for suburban deliveries oh west side. SAFES New and second hand; 10m with burglar chests,' at reasonable t uses. Pacific Scale A Supply Co,. 48 Front st Bdwy, 1966. HONEY for sale. Tabor 9273. 310 K. 76th st south. FOR SALE Prestolite storage, battery,, in good condition. Phone Columbia 1132. GOOD steel -range for sale, $15. 234 E. 79th st. C. L. Cooper. . ' ' HUNGARIAN, Bradsbew plums, 8c .a pound. 9 E. 27th. Phone E, 1841. - SEASONABLE STYLES in ladies' nsed wearing apparel, price surprisingly low. Tabor 2825. iUFESr:::;On large and ons small. K-672, ;. Jocmal. JELLY glasses. 10 cents per doaeu; also fruit jars. 323 Water st SACRIFICE building, lease and some stock st Columbia besch. : Y--3 18, Journal. UNCALLED for tailor-mads uit. $12.50 up. j Taylor, the Tailor. 289 tt Burnside t FOR SALE Bargain, fishing rod. 425 tt Mor : riaon st, room V. .WOOD ranee with roil, gas plate, piano box, cheap. Woodlawn 8134. - 12 DOZEN fsuit jars st 80e dos. ; lswn 2323. 1689 Mississippi- a1 CaU Wood- VACUUM rirsner, rented," $1 per dsy. delivered. Tabor. 5786 evenings; days Main 2010. CEMENT launrf-v t . Factory 814 E. Wash ington :t Wa ship, rail or water. VACUUM cleaners for rent, $1 a day; delivered - anywliere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy. 258. TOLEDO range with coil. $20; 2 pairs 14-ft . stepladder. 284 E. 6th st N. East 715Q. 'FOU"SAi-E One Indian bicycle. CaU at630 Cottage pbice. near Shaver school. TWIN sulky, $5. Tabor 800. PEACH PLUMS 148 E. 79th N, near Glian. By George McManua I "aassSxxESEBMiaiasasaaB tr"v t . - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS It - BEW RKW SKWi SEW PHONE SELLWOODllOTl NO AGENTS EMPLOYED Sewing machines cleaned, timed, adjusted, repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies snd at tachments, vl'ower snd manufacturing machine, motors, sJiafbng and table installed. Everything in . needles. ' " i- PHONE HELLWOOD? 1 07 1 Direct from factory to your) fcoeae. Trnno ee snd Port Orford cedar; solid copper tnm mlnga, latent design. Write ,f . catalogue. Factory, 1912-19-1 B. Glisanl Tsbor , WE SAVK XOU MONlCY Houss wiring. Minting I flx ' tares, electrical repairing sup plies. Third i Street Elect rio ; Store. 224 tt Third street, tnar salmon, vita ouoa - 'THINKING- OF TRADING 'OR BUYINft SHOTGUN ORj RIFLE THEN YOU BETTER SEE US. '- v WE BUY, HELL, RENT iOR TRADE NEWMAN. 128 First. I Main 4495. i Independent Printers Ws ar still doing promptly -printing for less" at 11 No. 6th st, Commonwaaith bid. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986. Electric! Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired, Walker Elect rio Work. 418 Burn- siae, corner loth.) .Broadway 6674 S 11 3 fglffc Tlf J . drophead laswlng macnloe PM6.i5Wjth atteebmentk. AO are ia very good eonditien. Sewing mschin rented st $3 per month. Phono East 2369. E. at Bteen. 152 Grand sve.. nesr rtelmont A VERY fine wardrobe trunk, male of 3-ply veneered- wood snd fiber, covering. Very roomy; slso a esbinet sewing machine, of tuk. Very reasonable. CaU Mar. j 1009 or 2Sttt Park. j BLACKBERRIES and looanberriea are ripe; pick them yourself and save, or we will pick. Mt Tabor I M. T. 88) cars to ead of line, then 4 blocks north, 1 east. . 89th and E. Stark ta. EOR SALE or trade, gas range, wood range and baby buggy. I want is kitchea cabinet and linoleum. O-820, Jnumsl. FURNITURE WASTED 74 SPOT -CASH FOR USED FURNITURE Main 8878 ': UNITED FURNITURE STORE ; 178 FIRST STREET, Owl Furniture Co. MOBJUSON - We want your used furniture, stoves. . csrpeu and pianos; we- py tha highest cash price. 18 and 168 First st Call Msin 46S7. BE WISE CALL MAIN 8951 W Wnt Your Uedi Furnitur I - ' ; We Pay the Price FREEMAN. WDLLF FURNITURE CO., f""irsi st, a. is, uor. 'isylor. $900 CASH for. 1918 model cylinder. 7 pssa7 Bcnaeeaaer; line conditio a. I Phone East 6940 for appointment to inspect; no dealers. -GOOD price paid for good furniture. 622-524 ! Washington. Broadway 8895.. WE BUY used furniture. Fori best result phon ! Automatic 217-71. or Esst 2405. LET us give ;you sn eiitimsU on your furnitnre. r RelUble FnTnltnresOo.. 203-205 2d. Main 7808. SWAPS GOOD ctereopticon, $25; spe. ts peedomete r. $5: 6ttx camera and lens, rifle or bicycle. Will exchang . for automatic ' i . r r, , i.uur mvw. WILL TRADE building, lease and som. .toC Columbia "Beach. What hiv you - V-819. Journal. , - i m WILL exchange phonograph tor printing, ruling preferred. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 50 Alder. - j , WII-I," trade small huildin with Imi. m .ennnH Columbia Beach;' containing ; block. What have your y-azx. journal. WANTED To trad a flrst-elas good automo bile for milk cows. Phon Broadway 1464. yrrne v.. n. waiiingiorq. sal nurnsta et WANTED MISCELLANEOUS - $0.50 to iS25 . ; V For Secod4rfand . SUITS OR OVERCOATS 7 MEYER THE TAILOR Pay more for clotbrn and' shoes. W. rati day or, evenlnas, anywherw in. the- city. Call Mar. hn 1229 or 253 Madison U near Third t UP TO $35. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS 'We Pay Any Price for Men's Clothe OREGON CLEANERS V TAILORS 117 2d.,N. W. Cor Wsh;Mair 9144 WANTED People of Portland to know that' , Py the highest cash price for second hand household gooda No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. , I N. M. BEATER, 7 Phone Eart 2203. , 18 Russell st $10 TO $25 pouUvaly paid for gent' tuea mut!.-?n o'"; call any plsc; get my offer before you sell; will call any Urns snd MnMn"?. ?T WANTEJAJ1 kirwtt twenai hna (iATDltur SMALL PHONOGRAPH RCOIIDS-IvaIvTEB PAY CASH. MAIN 4495. j TABOR 6798 'TED Rlflts, shotguns, cameras, lenae. no i mm st none Msin 868' WANTED 1- used "bath tub; and toilet auB wash basin. Phone Main 4344. ' WANTED Light Journal. launch Jar cash. V-915, .' j (y.V, by small private garage or lumber to build. Give pnee and location! X-S81, Journal NOTICES 8$ NOTICE OF Kfritivce DEPARTMENT OF THE i INTERIOR United Btate. Und ? Office Rosebnrg, Oregon, July 22 1920 to hereby given that The 'Coo Bay Lumber, company. Syndicate Building, O.klani Alameda county, CaUfornia. haa f Urd in this of. floe their application to elecU under the pnU 81, 1918, (40 Stat-.- 693), and the regulaUons thereunder, approved , July 17,i 1918. Icircul.r 611). the following Unds: ", circular NEH NEtt. NEtt NWVi s Nli IU rW. 19. aU Bee. 29. aU Sec, 8 1 N 14 ' W 2 BE. SW4i Sec. 88. T. 80S.. Hi 9 W W tt 8W14 Sec. 8. SWtt NE14 Sec 6 Ntt'S'EiA Ntt.NEtt. SKtt NEtt. SEfe J3E V bee aft" Ktt. Stt NWtt. NE4 SWtt, Stt SWtt See 27 NWtt NE tt. SEtt- NEtt. Ett S E tt Sec 29, Lots 1, 2, 8. 4. 6, 7, SEtt. Stt NEtt" Sec 81, NEtt. Ett NWtt, Stt Set 33, NWtt NEtt. Stt Ntt.SKtt.Ntt SWtt SEtt SWtt Sec 83, T. 80 .. IL'IOW. NEtt 8Ett Sec 8. Lot 4 Sec. 7, NWtt SWtt HeoL 11. Ntt NEtt. SEtt NEtt. BE tt SWtt hec 27. NWtt SWtt See. 29, Ntt. SHtt Sec. 81. T. $0 S.. R. ll.W.. NEtt NEtt, Stt NEtt. .--ti os t . a tw t -ax. in , Dec. XI, Pt fai W . .. 5,H - Lot 1 7, ell Sic. 9, NEtt. Ntt NWtt, SEtt NWtt. Ntt BR tt . Stt SWtt See. 17. T. 31. K 9 wL SKtt NWtt. NEtt SBtt. Stt 8tt Seel. Lots l,-2. Ntt SEtt. SEtt SEtt Sec 8. SEtt SWtt Sec. 5. Lot 1, 2. 8. 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, . 1, NEtt, WV4 BEtt.Sec 7. SEtt NEtt. NEtt SBtt', Sec 9. SEtt NEtt. Wtt oE tt . Stt SWtt . Sec 1 8, SB tt 8W Si See. 1 7, Lot, - 7 5, 7,-8. 9 Sec 19, NWtt NEtt, NEtt NWttl SWtt-SWtt. NEtt" 8E i Stt SEtt Bee. 21, Stt NE tt . SE tt NE tt . NE tt NWtt Sec 23 Ntt NEtt, Wtt NWtt. SWtt SEtt, NWtt BW tt Sec 25. E tt NE tt , BE tt . NEtt SW tt Stt SWtt Sec 27. Btt NEtt Sec 29. Lot 8. 11 Sec. 81. Ett. Ntt NWtt, SWtt .NWtt. NWtt SWtt. Stt SWtt Sec 83, Ett NEtt! SEtt. NWtt 8Wtt, Stt 8Wtt,8ec 85, T. si S. It. 10 W,t SWtt NEtt. WV Sec. 1, N tt NWtt, SEtt NWtt See. 8, SWtt NEtt, Ett NWtt' NWtt SEtt, NEtt" SWtt Sec 7, stt Sec li. NH Ntt Sec. 1 3.1f E tt. NEtt NWtt. NEtt SEtt, Stt SH Sec 15. NWtt SEtt. Stt SEtt Bee 19, Stt NEtt, BE tt NWtt' Stt Stt Sec 21. NWtt NEtt. Stt NEtt! NWtt. Stt Sec 28, NWtt' NEtt. NWtt! NWtt SW.tt &e. 23. BE tt N W tt . N Ett SWtt, Stt SWtt See 37. NEtt NEtt. Stt NEtt. NWtt, Wtt SEtt. SEtt SWtt Sec. 29, NEtt Ntt NWtt, SWtt. NWtt. Stt Sec' 83. NEtt NEtt. W.tt SWtt Sec . 1. 31ST! It. 11 W.. Lot 2. 3, Sec 11, SEtt NEtt. Lets 16, 17. 18, lt'rlS.'Lots 1 2. 3! NEtt NWtt. Wtt SEtt, Ett SWtt, Sec! 19. Lot 12 Sec 26, SEtt NWtt, NWtt SEtt. Stt SEtt. Ett SWtt Sec 29, N14 NKtt! NEtt NWtt Sec 83, Ntt NBtt. SEtt NEtt! Wtt NWtt, Stt SEtt. N!4 SWtt. SEtt SWtt Sec 85, T. $1 S.. R. 12 W.. Lot-l, 2. 8. 4. SEtt Sec. 1. Ntt NEtt. SWtt SK, Sec 11, NEtt KEA4. SWtt NWttNBtt SEtt, tt SEtt. NWtt SWtt. SEtt- SWtt Sec 18, Wtt NEtt. NWtt. BE tt NEtt SWtt. Stt SWtt Sec 23. SWtt SEtt. Stt SV?tt Sec 25. T. 81 S., R. 18 W.. Lots 1. 2. ?,.10, NWtt SEtt. SWtt Sec 1. Lot 1. 8, 9) 10, 11. 15, 16, SEtt. NEtt SWtt. Sec 8. SEtt NEtt. NWtt NWtt. NEtt SEtt. SW54 SEtt Sec. 11. Ett. NEtt NWtt. Stt N W tt , NE tt SW tt Sec 15. T. 82 8.. li 11 V. Win. Sler. . , - . i Any and H - person claiming adversely the lands described or dedring to object because of the mineral character of the ; land or for any other reason, to the dtiposal to the applicants, sHoUd Me their affidavit of protest in thi oiitce without delay. . , . ; . i - W. IL CANON, RertiUr. - First day of publication. July 29. 1920. Last day of publication, September 1, 1920.. Ntt'sk h ,e tt s"wtt . ne tt se 2 : Sec 18 SWH SEtt Sec. 15, 4. 8Stt SWtt Sec. 21. SWtt 8E: 8Risvru 2- .? aw -m .- c. t , ,iir ea, 19 oWtt-NEtt. NWJ 8E tt,' N tt 8W tt , Sec 25, T. 80 S., R li !"W, XWtt NEtt. SEtt NEtt. SEtt Sec. 3. Lot 1. Stt Ntt. SRU s K w ft GLASSES at a sarin. I solicit your patronage oa the basts of capable service. Thousand of satisfied p trans. Chs W. Goodman, optometrist, 309 Morrison st Msin 2124. $1 GETS both feet fixed np t Dr. Eston' ths CH1BOPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST who doesn't hnrt you. 8 yra. here. Exam, free tilobe Theatre bldg.. 11th nd Wsh. BJwy. 2824. DR. ! GEORGE BUBENSTKlN. ths . veteraa opt ids n. is an sxpert in ritung eyeglasses, and charge so very reasonable. Broken lenses quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison st DO YOUR feet hurt! Se Dr. Ethel A. Bsery, -pedicuring snd manicuring. ti05 lUleigh bltig. MarshaU 3376. DO YOUR feet hurt? 8ee Dr. Ethel A. Barry, pedicuring and manicuring. 605 Raleigh bklg. Marshall 88 76. - SUPERFLUOUS hair, manicuring, face snd scaip. Mar. 1191. Apt 313. Royal Aa. nex bldg GUAN 8IGUAR CIMENES MIGUEL SEGURA IXMINGl ES. Write your father at bO Sec ond st, Portland, Or.. HAVE you any private business to Chicago to transect; trustworthy college man going mid dle September. N-2U8, Journal. SUPERFLUOUS tistr. moles. warU removed by 10 needle method; trial free. Josi 1 inlay, 614 Bush A Lne bldg'.'- Msin 6868. BATHS, violet ray, massage. Dr. Elna Sorensen, 608 Pansma bldg. Main 6086. ETHEL M COY, chiropodist 0 ' Buchsnsa bldg., Wash. St., bet 4th ami 5th. Main r076. CAN take two passenger in auto to Southern California starting about 15Ui. Tsbor 2585. PATIENTS to Uke cabinet bath, with mas sag or hourly nursing. Talwr 8172. Body massage, violet ray. 8 p. m. dsily. 450 Morgan bklg. 10 a. m. to Main 7679. MYKT1.K Cl.AlUv'S ntauicuriiig and beauty shop, 788 Morgan bl.lg. Manhall -86. Lawyer TiT Selling bldg. Msin 4WA PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY BARBERS' SUPPLIES LEWIS 8TENGER Barber Supply Co., 10th and MorrLon st. Ths place to buy barber chair snd Supptie. Stock of furnitur slwsyb en hand at right price. " town book wAmwa - Davis' a holman. iNa. id9"2d t. bunt book msnAlacturera. A-8183. Main 18. ' - - BOOKS NEW AND USED BOOK S. ALL 8UBJLc! xX j JOHNSON'S BOOK 8TORB - 348 Main st. bet 2d and 3d. C8T MD DO HOtPITIl BOSM C1T X VETERINARY " HOSPITAL. 41$ E. Ttb st cor. Grant. East 1847. B-1962. CARPKT fiLKANIrlw Caroet Cleaninsr KSizing and j Reffittlns Jhluff and Rag: Rugs i WOVEN ALL SIZES 1 WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND BUG CO. 1672 B. 17th at Seilwood 8628. We Make FLUFF RUGS From Your Old Carpets Rag rug, all sire. Mall order prompt. Rug and carpau steam snd dry cleaned, l'boaa or write for prio list Northwest Rug- Co. 188 B. Eighth St East 8380; Fluff Rugs From Old,.. : -j .- Carpets Bag Rags, n staes-MsU Orders Prompts Head for Booklet, tilt Bftgs. Steem or Dry Clesnd. $1.00. FLUFF RUG CO. 84-83 Union ve. N. East 6516. Esst 7888. ' CgMEWT WORK . ALL classes cement woik. genera.1 buihimii nd repair work. Rates ressonsble I'bone B M ?B. " 1 : '"' ' ' ' - OHIWOSQpT vl " t)R. B. LOU 18 E COX. Chirc-podi-t 10 a. "" m. to P. m. 438 Morcsn Bide. Main 4fH. OHINOPSAOTOflt . CHIROPR 4CTIC, stesm bsths snd massace, lOth floor Broadway bldg. Marshall 8187. Dr." Lawra E. Downing. DR. McMAHON, 1 0 0 k eh I ropra rtor. PerUani throng pronounce treatment best : c ' OOAt AND WOOD I -BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. GOOD 16 IN. SLAB VVOOdT $4.50 a Iod.-delivered anywhere; tursjy a bargain. - Call me. Well. J769. I BIXXTK and slabwood. alo boxw(Kxl. Special price in 2 load lota. Wdln. 4 10-J. OR first growth fir cora wSotTTa 1"Esj524 5 87 M. Heardt Fuel Co. 867 E. Burnside. ': , OOLLEOTION NETH A CO.. WofcHter bldg. Msin 1796! N collection, no charge. Estabushad 1900. PCWTI8T8 - Dp-rBll'itirv R. a. w. keene; UGilLZ31iry 851 tt Washington st Without Pain. Latest Nerv Blocking Method. EDUCATIONAL DANCINQ THE Dane Studio, 609 Deknra bldg., Washing. ton at 3d; strictly private lessons; half hour or boar lessons; oours lesson pecilly priced. Dally 9:80 c m. to 9 p. ra. Miss Inland. K RKELEf-Dsncln Acadamy. private lessonv day, evening; latest step jass shown. 129 4th st Msin 8318. Mrs. Summars. WU8IO 60HOOL8 AND TEA0HEW8 kfia i. M. IjOTEJOY, instrnctor of popuia ragtlm and classic Tabor 8818. L. CaIRROLL DAY. teaoherofvcic and piaaoT 148 18th t Brodwy 2655. HAT CtE AN ERS AND OVERS LET US clean, rsfclock yout btt; best work, reaaonabl prices, promsst servirs; beet equipped bat factory ia city. Royal Hat U'nrk. S?I 1 Wanted i atdie, know w csn clean you white milsn or crepe hst 625 Dtvuion. - KEWPIE DOLLA "COfX-llBIA 8fAlTARrCd WW"-'-' a t u 1 a 1 t a 11 $ 368-870 HAWTHORNE AVE EAST 123. OPTOMCTRIST AND OWTIOIAMa -Jjir SCIENTIFICALLY TESTEU siZ? witn modem tnstrumsnts; g'laaji fitted from $2C50 up. . A. E. HURW1TZ. Optomstrist. 225 1st st J!!"lljrtTilia, APEWHANOIwa TrHTcOFtON pointing, papering, tinting. 154 ""t uroaqw.y 4 1 4. WoodUwn 2 1 3 V r,rr..iiii.r. nouse painting, tinUiig. -.papr hanging. Tsbor 6217. vvt JTENTATTORNEyi Pi:figEIt(;'" Worcester bldg. fcf.m 2637 PRINTINQ, ENORAVINaT TlMcilMa E. W. BALTEiA coTTS and Osk. Mala 183. 411-61. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY 687 Whixton. Broadway 484, A-l 33 Ptvaiaiwa and steam uppciea Plumbing Work -dine auiekly snd ifi,,.ni at bl prices; new installations pecllfy; work- naiuuip guaranteed. ' ruoue ust 19a. 161 Rusaeil at - ' MERKO METAL WORKS ?L UMBTN G SUPPLIE.'TAfWfl'orjE.sALI PBICES 8TAHK-DlSCO..18i 4th . THE" Ml L. BLI.Vg CO., 84-86 87-7 9 FTooe'it TBANSfEft AND STORAOE Qregon Transfer Co. ' f -'Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agent .1 STORAGE FREE TRACK AGS Office and Storaea, 474 OUus 18th and GRsan. Broadway 121. A-llet r ALWAVS PICK THEBFtaol;Ss.luJjf5 . GOODS SPECIALIST btorat. packing, amp. ptng sod moving; bora and auto van; pciJ rate to all points. .1 C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. -- 2d and Pin at. Brodwy 696. A-199V.. a Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc e 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAT 8470 CUT FREIGHT RATE3 On household goods shuiped east end south. Mis, viag Warehouse & Transfer Co.. 9ta and Loyb t pfcten Broadway 708 UPHOLSTER! WQ KESIDKN'"E SF.HMt E UPHOLSTEHT v ' ,. furnitur and carpet work, aawc.eaoM East 7583. PERSONAL