12 MONDAY, v AUGUST 9, 1920. THE OREGON DAILY ' JOTJ RNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON RUMMER RESORTS " MACLEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LARk. .. Cnttmitrm now bain: rented for the MM reached from Oswego station on 4 th st Red Electric Hn. Mac Lean, 14 Lewis bide Phones Main 4272 and Onrw 43. - ATTENTION! HIKERS AND FISHERMEN! Uihlnn Tk I .ck Train Leave Cascade Locks. Huckleberries and BUckberrie ripe. Phone Glover Bros, s ww " ' - - FOR RETT MISCELLANEOUS St jNT1RE second floor at er low not; suit able for lodge meeting place., 133 Front st WANTER TO RENT WANT modern houM in good neighborhood, furnished or unfurnished : responsible people; - win lease, rnuifl iiwr gvi". ; ----- . ELDERLY MAN null on or two housekeeping room', fully or partially furnished, on east - J ... f I I - , trill lew, Phone' Tabor 901O, Mir. ittiu, jnunni. WANTED Small , hoax or bungalow with nice ! yard and shade.! Campbell, 351 K. onsen. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 4S FOB SALE, to Seaside; room modem doom. la rca woodshed- ear, ehlckett boom Price $2r0. Owner. P. O. Box 223. Seaside. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW NORTH MOUNT TABOH 13250 ! 1 Nice o room bungalow, fireplace, electricity, bath,; built-in, cement basement, trays, lares at tic. - 3 bedroom on ground floor; lot 60x100; walks and sewer paid; on East 63d, nVar Glisan; a snap st $3250; sBout $1000 cash and $2$ a montn; pnoto at oar ortiee. GRUSSf at BKNNETT - 818-821 Board of Trade. Main 74 52. Bfcl- THIS 0.i- S02-U I - Onntry borne in the city, grounds 850 feet fey 100 feet, 7 room house, gas, electricity, full cement basement wash trays, house painted in side and outside; has beautiful creek 40 ft. by j uu ft. running through center or property, with trout Dood and 3 artificial Islands: fruit. . berries and a good garden; must be seen to be appreciated. (1250 will handle. Phone owner, iTCIilltTUU O O ' . I , WOODSTOCK SNAPS 4 room modern bungalow, 60x100, fruit garden, chicken house ; a dandy place; .(2200 cam; t.jov terms. 4 veom cottsae. 180x100. fruit, lam. sanl tary barn, macadamized at., cement walk; 12000; terms. i 4 room cottage.' $1200: terms. ' ' 4 room house, big lot. garage. 1 1050; $150 "own, pub nag at. ; wooosioc car. ROSE OTT PARK " For sal by owner, leaving town. New 5 room bungalow, garage. : hardwood floors, furnace, breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays, good lawn, lighting fixtures, window shades and n rapes, inlaid linoienm in kitchen and bathroom; Kit i It-i n K.if 1m i Lvnt. w MHojH.l - $4750; term a. Immediate possession. Marsh ail tud or Aoionine oio-tt. i ouTl like this modern 6 room California bungalow, it has a reception ball, with mir ror door is eeatroom : ' Bring room with fire place; dining room with built . in buffet: full basement, high grade furnace, wash trays, full lot; 3 blocks to car. Call us and we will send an auto to take you out. - 'COMTE.& ROHLMAN. 221 Cham, of Com. Main 6550. $7500 LAUBELHUBST SNAP 17500 3 story, 6 rooms, den and Bleeping porch; full basement, furnace, fine fixtures, hardwood floors, magnificent interior finish : just vacated. If you are contemplating buying a home before the tail ruan, tiers w your opportunity. Bee J. A. McCarthy, K. 3 1Kb and Uliaan. .Tabor S433, evenings Tabor 60571 , FOUR NEW HOUSES. 1 5 rooms and breakfast room, finished In old ivory and white enamel; hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, shsdes, electric fixtures, cement walk and 50x100 ft. lot: 1 block from Hawthorne car, on .74 th at.. 2 blocks south of , in vision; no shark In our tract. Price from 33850 to 34260; term. Owner, Tabor 7930. SEAL direct with owner. A fine, large square modem bourn, 7 rooms and all built-in features, hardwood floors, fireplace, 8x10 bathroom, full basement good furnace; 2 lavatories, fruit trees, lawn and house in splendid condition, near good schools. 657 E. 65th st and Sandy bird. Phone Tabor .334. 1 - . - Two lota, fruit and ahrahherv? nt ft bungalow, good plumbing, cement baaement with floor, sewer; 2 blocks from Montavilla car, 32800; 3500 cash, balance easy. This is hard to beat. 8. P. Osburn. 810 McKay bldg. SPECIAL i . WALKING DISTANCE 7 room house, basement cement floor, lot 83x32. 51 E. 10th st N. near E. Couch. Pries 32850. i J. J. OEDER 4 Grand av. N. near K. Ankeny. East St. r T$1900 CASf " 6-ronra hrue in Laurelburst district, lot 80x 150, fins garden, fruit trees, cow and chicken house, good neighborhood. Montavilla ear to B3d t, 3 blocks south to Devi. Owner. 1429 K Davis t 84200 FOR a fine $ room. 'with sleeping porch. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in - bookcases and bnffet, eon. basement, 2 toilets; on corner - of E. 34th. Phone Marshall 820. . F. L. BLANCHARD. ' 4III-J rJwetland liidg. BARGAIN; owner leaving city, 7 -room modem house with built-in. Dutch kitchen. full basement, laundry trays; lot 100x100; fruit and berriea and garden: chicken bouse; with or with out furniture; 320O0 will handle; 5 block from car. Srllwond 735. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 3900 for fine 5 room, 1 blk. t. of ear; has furnace, buffet and con. basement and at tie; 81400 cash. ' Pbon Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARI). 401-3 6 wetland Bldg. Eur" from owner. Modern 7c R. house, lot 60x 100. street improvements In and paid for. Cash or terms If desired. Take M. A, cars, get 'f t Mn t B0 Albina ave. 1 7 ROOMS, modern. 84300. near Ainu worth and Union ave. N. ; larg porch, hardwood floors, ga. . electric, furnace heat, 75x100. Phone Wdln., 52. 1031 Union av. N. $2600 8600 cash; 60x100 lot; 9 room houe. garage, electric lights, gaa. bath and toilet con nected with- sewer; full basement with laundry iv n . rrwoifc. wain. OtUQ MEST 8IDB bargain. 20O0; 6-room house and lot. 100 ft. on Front St.; cement side walk, full set plumbing; $50O down, $25 month. SHI Front, near Pennoyer. Apply 34 8 College. 8-ROOM house-, sleeping porch, lot 50x100,- 1 i block from St Johns carline, light, water, gas, also garage; 31150; terms. 1585 Westanna t Phone Main 027. j - lRYfNGTONRESrnENCB ' For sale by owner; 8 room house, cloee In; 1 block from echool and carline; lot 50x100: roses and shrubbery; garage. East 2295. - ' LEAVING eity; a real bargain, 32300; 8 room house, bath, full basement; lot 85x185; new ly kalsomined. ready to move in; terms, or make m a cash offer. Owner,, 2 101 Wasco at. BUY OK OWSEBr-I have 2 houses on Mon-" tana at.. 1 on Cleveland. 1 on Height st. 2 In Kenton; J modern; cheap; easy terms. Am leaving the nty. Call 81 W. Wlnchell st. FOR SALE By owner. Rose City Park 8 room modern aemi-bungalow. convenient for two CU Tabor JU56 neisboOThood- ckM9 school. AN IDEAL, home in Piedmont near carline and schools, corner lot 100x100. at. improvements in and paid, garage, fruit, berries, grapes, Eng- lish walnuts. 30000. Owner. Wdln. 360. DA.NDX 6-room house within blocks of city hall, 3 to Lincoln high school; like new. Owner.. Main 6233. ' . S HOUSES; 873 income; walking distance; $5300; terms: one-third cash. Plao will nay balance. Call 104 Stanton. R owner PACKING and crating furniture our specialty; work guaranteed. Pacific Storage Ic Delivery Co.. E. 1st and E. Madison st. East 891. ,R. y.'-SrV" 86 Court 8. K4thTreZ lot 45x80; house, 3 outbuildings; water and iOR SALE by owner. 4 room house, lot 108x 185. fruit and berriea. Sellwood carline, 652 South ave. Phone Sell. 184 3. - T ROOM house. 3 full lots, lots of fruit trees; Street improvements all in. A good home! . Bee owner. 573 Miller ave.. Sellwood. Y OTX ER. 3 room cottagef nnushed ; lot 80it?0V '?"" nernes, nice garden and flow- mn: 3 oloct jxom Wood swri car. Wdln. 3120. BUY .where they have to sell.' not of agents wan tin ir to sell: kftRntl hmw r.. . - ..r. Close-in. east side. Call attorney. sMam 8 199." BARGAIN by owner. 3 rn.. bath, full baaement. ' . brie foundation, f nut and berries and garden; half cash. 310-63. ! FOR i i encea, located near Brooklyn car ahopa. Price 81BO0.. cash and terms. Wellwood 8003. EASY term, ft-room modern house and 2 Iota on good carline. $2800: 3200 caau. balance 820 month. Phone 212-43. nn.ni i, nHi.me TTNnRIt ACTtlAt. rflUT New 6-room modern heme, walking distance. East 8562. forenoons; owner. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence. 724 to' 73S Patton road, to be sold for cash by owner. Phono Bdwy. 405. 247 Ankeny st. - - w " mmMWt . u liuttm iu v (ami lies; nice corner lot. furnace, close la on west - uw umjouc cub loog, KENTON " " 4 room house, very reasonable; 2 blocks ; w arpwa pans. . v OOP lawn 4U38, LADD ADDITION O-roum modern hous an3 FT NE 5 -room bungalow; pric $3000. $700. wua. .mu do xtenry Dlug FOR SALE FIXK MODERN HOME IN ROSE - ' gr. r. I Air Ol. Srtiri. FIVE room bungalow. Box City Park. $2000; ' I easy terms. Tabor -8021. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 RALPH H ARRIS CO. I - I WE SELL HOMES i SEE THESE. TODAY Near- Montgomery Ward bldg. 7 room plai tered cottage. . newly painted and tinted, i in terior in silver and ivory, lovely fireplace, full basement.' Street paved , and paid, koine fruit. Nice lawn, beautiful - roses. 022 Uuimby sL 82750, 81000 cash. ll . . ' ; ' . Close to Piedmont car bams, nice 4 room house, dandy lot - with flowers and a, nice lawn. Close to high school, i grade school and play ground. They will be there when' you need them. Only 31100. Terms. 29 W. . Co if ax. SL John ear.:- :A- i.-- i ' ' . - . ' : - 3 room fumb-hed house in good condition. Cas, electric lighto. Lot 40x100. 100 feet from pavement. 31 800, with very sraali cash payments required. 860 -E. 30th N. Alberta car. 4 room plastered bouse with bath, gas and electric lights. Lot 60x148. Fruit, berries and ehioken hour and run. On carKne. ue will be painted next week. 1 InO : Uladhtone. 32000. 8500 cash. Woodstock car. : ; j ' - ' - 1 : t roon plastered bouse with bath, gaa, else trio! lighv. full cement basement, laundry trays. Good laJ with fruit and berriea, Rni, chicken houe. io and see It yourself, 32500. Terms. 1621 Knowle fit, Johns car. i i . ; " i ! 1 ; ' ': . Woodlawn; : 5 room. :n good condition, fjaa, electric light, bathroom, no tub. Lot lOOxtOO. Lota of fruit, berries and 'garden. Garage, chicken house and runs. No aaements on place. 1452 Fern. Woodiawn ear. $2000. 8400 cash,: , j " - . . i , . ' ! . : Si rooms, 2 plastered, bathroom, no tub. Gas, electcie lights. Full - lot on graded atr. t. 3 blocks from i car. 142 W. Ainsworth. 31200, with, good Urma. St. John car. . RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of i 'ommerre. ! WB WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. i ROSE CITT PARK 87500 HALF CASH 5 'room bungalow, double garage,! hardwood floor in living and dining room, furnace, ! fire place built-in effects, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, -chicken house, fruit and garden, lot lOOx 100 ft, paved street in and a-isid. This i a good ibuy. ,1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. , 8 Chamber of , Commerce .bids. . Main 208. ' I -- !l " - 5 i . - ! ; Alberta I I i -" 34500 : M This double constructed nous of 8 rooms, on full lot. caved street, cannot be 'built today for less than 86300. Full cement "baaement. with toilet I and laundry trays, fireplace. furnace. Dutchi kitchen, built-in buffet. This house i is very attractive and is vacant. An unusual buy. only 3400 down. 1 " Carey4avidge Company 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487. I OPEN ETENINGS. V- -. BARGAINS One- fine home. cost . 822.500: will take two thirds f cost orice. tnei o room nous, on lwuiiuu rot ; worm 80000s will take fox lot and home 87500. Very select home, Laurelhurst; very modern; garag4 Call me about this. na room nome, lot oaiiuu, iiuuu. Fine bungalow, 8 rooms, garage. One ! 7 room home, a-arajre. Splendid 8 room home, garage; best location. Irving ton. East 273. ; t HCHUMAN HOUSE AND LOT $700 CASH 1 2 mora house. 53x106 ft. lot. 2 blocks to Woodstock car. on 85th st.. either house or lot ia worth the price asked for all. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce. Main 210S. -. -1 , , KENTON 6-roam bungalow. 3 bod room. 83150. 4-roqm bungalow, new, improved streets: close to ear. i $3000. ' i ' : I 6-room house on paved street, 1 block from ear. $2600. . New ! 5 -room bungalow,!' vacant. 2 blocks to ear. $8450. - -room modern home. 84000; win take Some trade; terms. , J. K. Lowe, 1785 Derby at. Auto. 8I2681. I . . j 8 BOOM HOUSE And t modem chicken ! house 10x38 feet cement walk ; - electric and gas ; furniture and over SO White Leghorn chickens; 10 minutes walk toi O-W. R. aV N. car shops; 20 minutes walk to Union depot. Four carline are; nearby. 83500. Without furniture and chickens. 33000. 198 Ivj( street. BUT DIRECT FROM OWNER , I Modem bungalow. A-l condition, 6 rooms, sleeping i porch snd bathroom, hsrdwood floors. cement Ibasement. furnace; good garage; street improvements paid: near Walnut Park. Must be seen to i be appreciated. Below "market value. Price only 35600. Terms. owner Marshall 24S6. -1 - ; I , i 82500 : : r ! 6 room house, electric lights, bath, basement, woodltoist, comer lot 45x100, fruit trees. Street Improvement paid. , S. W. comer E. 4 2d and Francis ave. Near car, school snd store. This is one of the best buys on the market. . : H ( !" i J. J. OEDER ; 4 Grand ave. N. near. K. Ankeny.. Kaat 6lJ MOVING to the ranch. Will sell my 5 room bungalow, electricity, gas and full basement; lot 50x114; assorted fruit, berries and gardens; 32550, itrrms. Owner. Tabor 8329. NEAR PENINSULA park, on Mississippi ave. 3 nice lots, with lumber to frame and enclose a 4-room house; price 8775. easy terms. Wdln. 3878. ; . . - -j SIX large rooms, large ball, large front and ' dining room, kitchen, : bath. toilet. wash stand, sink, gas and lights; concrete foundation; 80xl00t lot; woodshed, and shade trees. For appointment call 213-68 Sundays and 8 to 8 GREAT j. BARGAIN For sale or rent 3 room bungalow in good condition, modem, ga rage, chicken houses, fruit trees, berries, two rots 60kl 00; one block . smith from carline; including furniture with piano.' Owner lea-Ing-eity.! Reasonable. 6305 84th st- S. Ew ! j BEST BUY IN PORTLAND T Eight ' room home, full cement basement, fur nace, stationary wash trays. 2 bathrooms. Can easily be arranged for apartments: comer lot; 33250, igzouu, cash. 624 KUUngsworth. Phone Wdln. 94. BARGAIN 83000. 6 rooms and bath, full ed- i ment ibasement. ooxlV" lot, fruit trees, paved street 1 block from lrvington car; $1500 cash, bailance e-O per montn. pnone Owner 315-03. t . j ALL FURNISHED : Nifty 5-room modem house; all first class fur niture; dose in; excellent car service: $3500; H cash, balance fi 5 per month, including in terest East 8088. ' 4 - ROOM house, corner lot; choice location $150. Snap. Hurry, . E. E. Swensen i " Beaverton. Or., Realtrr. NEAT, inew double constructed bungalow. rooms! and bath, cement basement full lot, cor. Simpson and Michigan., near Piedmont ca r- barna. , Owner., Further information same ad dress. - i - -I CLOSE IN BARGAIN T 8 room modem house, sleeping Dorch. e-ara. comer, walking distance. East Side.. Only $4500. I . j. j. utuR - - ; 4 Grand! ave.- N. near K. ; Ankeny. East 6li I $3200 TERMS H 6 nicely arranged rooms, house modern exr cept furnace, 3 , porches, sewer, .gas, cement sidewalks; near ear. . Owner 1 607 E. Pincl isnor n.3. B mm new bungalow, vacant, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, breakfast room, corner lot, finish old, ivory. 1217 Cleveland ave; Wdln. 4173. , f-i LITTLE JIMMY (' HERE J I MMY-MRS BRlGGSj i HrVa JU-l n-K-fStl I -e-r-i ' -iN iA BOWL UP oUviAK i -tflr v vr vi , HURRY OVERTO -- .,-ia HER HOUSE WITH VT l j Vss. mamma! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOCSES 31 LARGEST HOME-SELLERS OS THE, WfW COAST 1 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOB HALE 1 1000 photograph of home for vale. Erery district. Every kind of home, kt PRICES YOU CAN PAY. If neeeiary, we will help you make your DOWN PATMENT. ! , - DON'T MISS SEEING' :- I i" ' I ' FRANK L. MC0UIRE! 1 , ; H Has Your Hokne. - ! A bin zt on bldg. 1 Main 1068. Open Evening and Sundays. I M1"8T SELL my 6 room bungalow, all modern, full cement basement, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in buffet and bookcases, laundry trays, beam ceiling, carpets, linoleum, -window shades and curtain all co: 3 nice bedrooms can be finuhed upstairs. Which really makea this an 8 room boue: two lota 50x100 each; cement aidewalks and choice bearing fruit trees 7 yesrs old, berry vine and chicken house. I bought the lumber and hired carpenters by the dav. was built lor my own Hume. one bloca from Woodiawn car. Take Woodiawn car, get off at 13th ft., walk one block south and t block east. Family troubles caune of selling. Tliii is the place tliat via advertised last Sunday and I thought sold, but) deal did not go through on account party could mot raise money. Call bet. 10 a. m. and 4 D. mi Price 83250. house not 3 years old yet. You can't miss seeing this. A. W. Hawks. i585 Junior st APARTMENT HOUSE DWELLERS ' Why Day excessive rents, when for $300 down and 850 monthly, you can buy a practically new newlyewed apt. house type of bungalow, splendid pergola' entrance, aiurpny disappearing Deo. dressing room, large living room, with fireplace and seats, large bedroom, Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast nook, built-in table and seats, sightly lot. in paved street and on car line? Out where the air is pure, where the sun shines in every room, and where the kiddles can whoop ail they want-. Total price 83200. , 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MOUNT 8COTT DISTRICT Strictly modern 3 room bungalow, lot 40x108, fine garden, bath, toilet. Cement basement, cement walks, 2, blocks to ear. Can't beat it for 31700. 3600 cash. baL like rent. i ' i SAME DISTRICT ! 4 room bungalow, extra fine cement basement, fine hedge fence in front, fins garden, plenty fruit, 2 lots 40x100, 5 blocks ito car. A snap at 32100. 8500 cash, balance like rent RICHARDS V REED 308 McKay Building ' Main 4192 STOP THAT REJsT IT CAN'T RE: DONE?. THEN PAY IT I TO YOURSELF DO IT THIS WAY: Buy this 5 room house . Price $2450 V j : ' f . t '' 8200 DOWN : I ! And the balance can be paid just as you are now paying rent. I NEILAN PARKH1LL I : 210 Lumbermen bldg.. 5tli and Stark-sta. ! NIFTY. CLASSY BUNGALOW $1700 4 rooms, complete plumbing. Ibniltins, climb ing roses, screened porch, lot SOs 1 00. 4 blocks to ear; IZoll cash. v monttuy; pnoto ai office. . ft g ALTO P S 732 Chamber of Commerce Bids. : GROVELAND PARK 5 room : modern bungalow with hard wood! floors, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; buf fet, built-in drawer in bedrooms - and full base ment, laundry trays, lot 50x10(0. east front, on improved street; everything paid. Can be seen evening if desired. Owner! leaving town, 34500. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO SI 2 Railway Exchange Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW New . 7 room bungalow, oak ; floors in all rooms' .- downstair except kitchen ; furnace, fire place, all latest built-in. Dutch kitchen; 2 bed rooms down and 2 upstair-: plats, glass windows, brass hardware; fine home- on East 55th near Broadway. Price $5675, i about $2250 cash, balance monthly at 6 per rent, ' intURSI & BENNETT , 318-321. Board of Trade. Main7452. $4500 MT. TABOR BARGAIN $4500 In a 6 room cottage, located just north of Park f full basement. Fox furnace.; laundry trays, beautiful - light fixtures interior woodwork in pine throughout, lota of etoseta i and built-ins ; nice large screened and latticed porch in back; garage; lot 60x135; hard surface street. If in terested don't delay, as this is a real sacrifice. See J. A. McCarthy. E. 30th and Glisan. Tabor 3433. evenings Tabor 6057. i " "HAWTHORNE BUNGTLOW 33800 i for a fine modem, up-to-date, with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, con. basement, wash trays. H. S. streets, 1 H block from car. This is a snap. . Owner needs cash. Phone Marshall 829. 1 F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. FOB SALE One large 8 room house, 2 large bedrooms down and 3 large finished rooms up: fireplace, hall, front and dining room, kitchen, pantry, elec tric light and gas; large basement; 80x100 lot; near Francis ave. For appointment call 213-68 Sundays and 6 to 8 a. m. HAWTHORNE" RESIDENCE - $6000 for a fine large 0 room, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, ' fireplace and built-in conveniences, H. 8. streets, 1 blk. from csr. This is a fine home, snd the price is right. Seen by appointment. Phone Marshall 829. . F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. $850 $850 $850 . FURNISHED HOUSE BOAT Neat attractive. 5 .rooms, large porches, near river; garden lot. Foot Nevada st, op posite Oaks. ' ! CHAW. BINQLER. 22 5 Henry Bldg FOR SALE Modern bungalow of five rooms and bath, large attic, fireplace and built-ins. Dutch kitchen and . full sized basement; with laundry trays and cooler. Good chicken house, fruit trees. Lot 60x114. For jrwrticulars in quire at 2104 Hassalo st ' - -- ; $4500 lrvington, 6 r. bungalow, modern, fur ' nsce, fireplace, corner 1 lot $7500 Mt. Tabor, weat slope. 87th st. 7 r. modem home. $9000 Laurelhurst, 9 r. and garage. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 223 Henry bldg. . SUNNTSIDE DISTRICT For sale by owner, 7 room bouse, nice ysrrl. with fruit trees; 3 blocks from school: full plumbing: gsrsge in basement; hardwood floors. Price $4750. Tabor 2197. j .$.1000 $400 down and 6 per , cent interest; 6 rooms, partly modem, gaa,! furnace and lights; lot 80x100; paved street all paid. 2 blocks from Alberta car. 966 E. 21st st. N. Terms for cssh. .' . i 6 ROOM bungalow, gas. Bull Run water, elec tricity, ' fruit trees, gsrsge, 100x100 lot $2000. $500 cash. Stanley station., Sellwood 1723 WEST SIDE, no carfare, 7 rooms, bath, 2 -fireplaces, electric light ; gss, i cement : bsse metsr; lot 50x100; 85000; half cash. : See owner evenings, 467 10th st ' - IRVINGTON Furnished or not, immediate pos session, open fire, hardwood floors, garage; must sell. See owner, 433 E. 16tfli st N. , Mar. 1881 or 'East 2153. -- ' - : '- 82600 A BRAND new-. 3 room bungalow breakfast nook, full basement electricity, gaa. 9 bearing fruit trees. lot 60x100; terms. Owner. Tabor 9229. ; v .j I S'-WHY SHr4T OlMMV HALF HOUR- AG-O .ILUPUT OKi MY, HAT AND SEE WHATS BECOME OF HIMI ' l ii ."-. rwr: $" I . i ir . t -."" a wr '.'. s . - i t -t & j. . i rii jivi -' f i REAL ESTATE TOR SALE HOUSES 31 Rose City gsaso - This doable constructed bungalow of 8 rooms is on a full lot, 1 block from car. It has aa many feature aa the average -bungalow, such aa cement basement, lanndry trays, fireplace, built in bnffet. Dutch kitchen. Two additional rooms can be made upstairs, which is plastered. Only 9760 down. . - - -i. ,M Carey-Savidge Company 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 7487.: OPEN EVENINGS. $500 CASH $2850 This 8 room home has Just been newly painted and - tinted. It is a - good boy at $3850. Pay only $500 down and move in tomor row: near Union Avenue car. - - -. i i FOR SALE- LOTS IS $5 DOWN, $5 MONTHLY Fine lot 50x100. all clear, close to paved street, near St. Johns line; price $412. HC.-TQ W3J9 732 Chmbr of Commerce. ALBERTA district. SOxlOO lot, 17th near Ains worth. Will sell cheap and give good terms. Mr. Guetaff. Bdwy. 654 . $50 CASH buys lot on E 23d and Yamhill, easy walking distance; lay fine, all imps, in and paid. Bai. $12.50 mo. i Owner, Main 83. $285 50x1 12ft.Tlot, adjoining Alameda; ce ment walk and curb ; water, gas. electricity. Investigate. Owner.- V-017j Journal. LOT. near San Francisco, near beach. I paid $600 1908; want to trade for Ford and pay difference. 241 Fargo st. I i ACREAGE 67 ' Beaverton ; Property ! Two choice acres abutting the paved highway in town 10 minutes' walk to Elec station; a snap. j - . i . - ! 60 acres. 94 mile from jhighway, 1 mile from town. .1 40 acres adjoining, which all can be sub divided to suit buyer. . E. E. SWENSEN. Beaverton, Or.. Realtor. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ i 3 ON Salem Electric, right at Pine Knot $ station, 1 seres. Must sell, $800, S Terms. Two lets E. Mt. Tsbor $200, Terms. Csll 600 Dekum Bldg.. 11 to 1. I $$$$$$$83$$$$S3$3$ 6 ACRES, located south of Oswego lake; sightly; all in cultivation; cherries, apples, all kinds fruit; 6 room house, i bsm rand outbuildings; electric lights and bath: chickene, cow, horse, equipment; all $6000. ' Take; cash or will trade for larger farm and pay differentia. E. A. Porter.; Phone Oswego 631. j 20 ACRES at Rockwood. 12 minutes' csr ride from Montavilla, 6 minutes from station on both .sides of macadam road; line for acre tracts; good soil; 6 acres clear. This week only 3400 per acre; easy terms. Sellwood 771, owner. i FOR SALE 20 seres of A-J fruit land in the Lle cf Pines, close to Ssnta Fe; 10 acres are eleared. Price- for quick sale $2000. Full partic ulars phone Woodiawn 6389, H. F. Kalse, 1330 Barrage st I 32 ACRES. 12 IN CULTIVATION 13 miles center Portland, on good rock road, 1 4 miles paved highway ; cheap from owner, 34 800; $80O cash, balance to suit, or will di vide. Phone Broadway 1413 business hours. THREE. ACRES $850 Nice, level brash lend, very easily cleared, near S. P. Electric and St Marys station. Beaverton district; 12 mile out; terms. Albert Harala, 703 H Mississippi sre; 6 ACBES. near Columbia highway. 10 miles out; electric station at land; best soil, acre eleared. rest fine grove; a bargain, by owner. Y-62 8,Journal. j HOMESEEKERS' opportunity 1 to 5 acres, easy cleared, close in; $50 down, $5 per month. 834 College st Csll 12 to 3 p. m. TWO lots, on 63d ave. anf"o7tli st Must sell. Price $400, by owner. 7224 05th ave. 8. E. ! STJHTJRBAW HOMER MAKE YOURSELF INDEPENDENT 5 acres 14 mile of Newberg. S seres culti vated, bal. ' stumps. New chocolate loam soil. Lies rolling, none steep. Nd wet land. Spring, well and running stream. 4200 strawberry plsnts. 1 acres loganberries spring planted; 1 H acres, potatoes, good family garden. Fair 3 room house, shsck, barn. Fine chicken house for 200 hens. Immediate possession. $2500; $500 cash, bal. your own terms. O. E. Cranlill. 203 Vt First st Main 4203. j NICE new bungalow of 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch snd basement, modem chicken house, nice bsm. young orchard, berriea and big garden, on 2 lots 110x160. on good rock road near pavement 20 minutes' drive I from courthouse, 6 Vj c fare "via Oregon Electric, fi minutes' walk to school, store snd P. O.. sidewalks snd all city conveniences; bargain at $3500. cash or terms. Main 2138. f i E. R. STROMQUIST. Maplewood. $6250 SEE THIS ONE 36250 Country home in the city, grounds 350 feet by 100 feet 1 rom house, gas. electricity, full cement basement wash trays, house painted in side and outside; has beautiful creek 40 ft by lOO ft running through center of property, with trout ponds and 3 artificial islands; fruit, berries, and a good garden; must be seen to be appreciated. $1250 will handle. Phone owner. Kenwood 388. i BY OWNER 5 teres. 5 room modern bunga low; hot and cold water, bath, toilet, full size cement basement; laundry trays; fine well, tower and tank house: garage, bam. chicken houses; 3 incubators, brooder stove, used one sea son; 200 spring chickens; good cow, pig, all kinds of berriea act out; good! garden; potatoes; corn and kale; 2 miles from city limits, on Gates road, just off Powell Valley. f. D. Hendon. FINK SUBURBAN HOME 8ven rooms and sleeping porch, ivory finish, bungalow style. French doors; fireplace, book cases, window seats, buffet Dutch kitchen, laun dry trays, furnace, massive porch and beautiful lawn with shade trees and shrubs; lot 100X100. 2 blocks Oregon City car;, one mile from Port land ciiy limits, on Pacific highway; Hull Run water. Price $7000. Phone: 201-28. 11 4 . Acre Farm4S27lM5 S miles of Oregon City ; creek, orchard ; 1 1 acres under plow; small buildings, good soil; $1800 down. : ANDBBW C. BAKER, 600 Duane St.. Oregon City. BY OWNER 1 1-3 acrea rich garden land. 5 r. double constructed house, full cement basement. Some f rait. : Two i chicken houses 20x30 snd 14x20. Abo small barn. 82600. on terms. Building alone would cost more to day. 3 blocks south of Pacific highway at Aloha station. S. P. electric. Paul Dudley. ' NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 25 minutes' ride out the highwsy I am of fering more than 14 acre with nearly new modem bungalow, 5 large rooms, electric lights, modem plumbing, full basement, fireplace, good garage, fine fruit and 'garden; good reason for offering at $3500. 8. P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg i i 8UBUKBAN HOME 5 room bungalow on Oregon Clfcy car line, just beyond Milwaukie station; !l4 acre of ground with bearing fruit trees,' garden, ate, $3500; $500 cash. i CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO-i ; -212 Railway Exchange Bldg. SNAP One acre, highly cultivated garden. berries, fruit trees; cherries sold for $200 this year. Pear and apple trees loaded. Three chicken houses.,. Fin 8 room bouse, gas. water, full -cement basement furnace. $7500. Sell. 1835. I FOR SALF. By owner at Ryan Place, on pre ' gaa Electric, a dandy modem 4 room bunga low. For further particular address O. Ro maine. Multnomah, Or. 1 ACRES, near ear .line, city limits; 6 room house, garage, chicken house; fruit trees; all conveniences; gas, water, electricity. By owner. Price $4500. F-159, JournaL (Copyright. 1920. by I y Hankie, .. JWs-w-i -r ' KIDEE-DV.1 UC&& . . J -H - hr;.1 ( r 3G ' S? mud pies amy i 0 REAL ESTATE FOR HALE FAH.MS 17 M i SUMMER HOME M - For sale. 160 a. patented land and timber in mountains. Del Monte Co.,' CaL; email bouse and garden, good water, climate, : fishing and bunting; ideal spot for health recuperation, etc.; rood roads and daily mail; timber cruised 8.00O, 000 feet, Particulars,, price and terms on ap plication. . A tE. F.; RAYMOND WALDO, or; For -Sale or Trade 4000 sere stock farm In famous Flint Creek Valley, on western slope of Koeky mountains; Philipsburg. Mont Modem 8 room house and complete outbuildings. Lots of water. 300 acre irrigated, free water. Complete farming equip ment Will include all or part of 240 head pur blood and registered Hereford. - , If Inter ested write for list and photos. BEVERLY HILLS. STOCK FARM ; ' ' Philipsburg. Mont ' ' ' " AN EXTRA GOOD BUY , 43 acres. In rich Chehalem valley, 1 mile of Newberg; excellent loam soil. Ilea fine, well drained. SO acre -cultivated, ft pasture. 1A tim ber (enough to pay for place) ; running stream, seme beaver dam; 5 room new bungalow (not en tirely finished ) ; good rock road. 1 mile to pave ment. 24 miles to Portland; 39000, $2000 ceh. C. K. Cranfill. room 22, 203 is 1st st Pbon Main 4203. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE I am offering my 1 280 acre stock ranch with considerable im provements, with adjoining grazing privileges in forest reserve, plenty of water and lot, of fenc ing, at wonderfully low price of $8500; might consider some trade for Portland income property. Located in Central Oregon. See Mr. Arnold, my representative, at room 421, Im perial hotel, before 6 p. m. River view, on "Pacific highway; 8 room plastered house, with bath and baaement Good outbuildings. Price $5500. S. O. DILLMA.V , 214 7th St.. Oregon City, Or., near S. P. Depot Phone 427. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. 160 acres level land. 40 acres in crop, balance timber, only 3 blocks from Sifton car line. 6 miles from Vancouver. - paved road to place; (price $65 per acre, half cash, balance 6 per cent. lnis is an extra imsi usissib. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. l3fe 4th st 40 Acre's, 675- ' 1 8 mile from ' Portland, 80 rods from Co lumbia highway, on rock road, fair house, barn, 1 5 acres in cul. ; all kinds f rait and berries : fine springs and creek; Al soil; land lies fine; $2500 cash, balance to suit 618 Chamber of Com- 160 ACRES, $1600; your own terms; black loam soil, 15 acres been sowed to timothy, hay in bam; 2 creeks, 6 springs, orchard, house, bam with stanchions for 85 bead of cattle; have too much land, leaving soon. L. Mann, 283 N. 17th st 40 ACRES, CLARKE COTJNTT, WASH. 10 miles from Vancouver, nesr pavement: has good large buildings, running stream, family orchard: over half eleared, balance unusually easy cleared. Priced for immediate sale; terms given. Owner, Marshall 6883. 157 ACRES FOR SALE Fine dairy ranch. stock and crop coes with it st a bargain at $73 per acre. See owner. Charles Johnson, at Bev erley apts., 183 Park at.. Portland, afternoons snd evenings. 110 ACRES, all tillable; 13 miles Portland; 35 cleared, 2 5 easily eleared; old buildings, good orchard: 1500 cords wood; $90 acre. Wood lawn 2701. 409 Killingsworth. evenings. WRTTE Jamea D. Ogden. Orchards, Wash., for - prices on .14 acres, improved, off -electric line; 15 a. near Proebstel; 40 a. 1 miles east of Proebstel; 160 a. unimproved. 8 miles east of La "enter. - $15 PER-ACRE 160 acres, 30 miles front Portland; accessible to good roadi, school and railroad. This is not -tump land. Good sou. Settled community. . Owner. Z-423. Journal. FARM-land for ssle; buildings, cows; 6 mile west of Kelso. Write J. D. Bush, owner, Kelso. Wssh. FOR SALE 3 acres near Milwaukie. 3 -room bungalow, all eleared: or will exchange for city property. Call Main 5038. FOR RElfT FARMS 14 320 ACRE grain, alfalfa or stock tarm. Choice soil. Near It. It town. Tbomaasen, Portland Y. M. C. A FARMS WAITED- RENT OR BLY M WANT to buy 20 seres or more towards Tuslatin, Oswego lake, or Sunnyside district or Mt Tabor. Want at least 5 room house and bath; family orchard; living spring on place that can be piped or is piped tn house, and some lend that can be cultivated; not particular if most is pasture or eordwood land. Will pay, say, $5500. or. if well suited, will pay more. Can only pay, ssy, $2000 down. Must be good" modem house and basement nnte full par ticulars snd exact location and distance from 6th and Wash., first letter. Will not consider anything over 17 mile from 6th and Wash. Address D. Long. Nob Hill Apartment, 23d and Glisan, Portland, Or. WANTED FARMS We want toj list medium sized Willamette valley farms, 13 to 80 acres. We have daily inquiries from bona fide buyers for small farms, also - have many inquiries for suburban homes. 1 to 6 acres. If you want to sell let us hear from you. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 14 4th St. HAVE client 4rith cash, wanting to rent small farm - or acreage. Near Portland' preferred. Will buy the equipment JOHN FERGUSON, GEKLINGEK BLDO WANTED TO RENT Farm from 40 to 60 acres in cultivation. Will take possession about October 1. E. Hugnenin, It 6, Box 44, Oregon City, Ore. TIMBER 28 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C, July 16. 1920. Notice ia hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the tct of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat.. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on. the following lands will be sold September 10. 1920. at 2 p. m... at publie auction at the United States land office. at Lake- view. Oregon, to the highest bidder at knot less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the seere tsry of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional 'sum of one fifth of ht per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, -otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years.. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the law of flie United States or any stste. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber en any legal sbh vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: i T. 41 8.. R. 8 K. . Sec. 1. N. E. H S. E. H . pine 360 M., fir 130 M.; N. W. 8. E. 14 . pine 400 M.. fir 50 M. ; S. E. 14 S. E. 14 . pine 430 M.. fir 210 M. ; 8. W. 14 S. E. H. pine 375 M fir 190 M. ; N. B 14 8. W. H . pine 800 M.. fir 100 M. ; N. W. 14 8. W. 14. pine 295 M-, fir 140 M ; 8. E. 14 8. W. 14 . pine 340 M.. fir 1 00 M. ; 8. W, 14 S. W. 14, pine 380 M., fir 120 M. : none of the ptne to be sold for less thsn $4 per M., and none of the fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. (Signed.) . CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner, General Land Office. WANTED Timber near railroad suitable for horse logging, 3.000,000 to 10.000,000 feet;1 give full particulars. Box 108, Yscolt, Wash. FOR SALE First class old growth piling, 50 to i 80 feet long, on board the car or track. For information phone . 417, . Forest Grove, Or., or write John Riley. PILING WANTED S. P. AND IN RIVER. O. GAMBLE. Couch bldg.. Portland. International Featara Inc. I REAL ESTATE TIMBER GOOD 20 M - mill a ad planer, contracted log- alnst eosta S7.SO. including stum pare ; bo car trouble; will con-ider aosaU homa. 714 Couch bidg. . --- : -- --. ; EXCHANGE 4 0 acres timber for small donkey engine. Value . 11500. John , Cheldelin, Gresbam. Or. - . :- IRRIOATFlr LANDS 41 JUST placed on market large tract of irncat-d land. $50 per acre. $3 per acre eah, bal. 10 years at 6 per cent intercut Best onion, po tato land in U. S.Can make wages while im proving. It's your opportunity. See J. It Miner. Imperial hotel. Sunday, ' 7 p. m.. or Monday or Tuesday. HOMESTEAD- 47 ; HOMESTEADS Locate en either good farming oe timber tract; claims going fsst See me at once. Hours 8 to 6. Evenings 7:30 to 9. 531 Railway Ex change beldg, Anderson. - , .; FREE HOMESTEADS in Central Oregon. An . opportunity to locate a few more settlers; good soil, good wster, plenty of wood. Write Win. F. Arnold. La Pine. Or. , - - - ; : IRRIGATED government lands open , for settle i ment in California, homestead or desert. $35 water right F-885. Journal or Main 5560. t FOR SALE Oil KXCHANtJE j REAL ESTATE Si 1T80 ACRES of good timber mile of county i mad, 1 mile of It. R, and largest sawmill on roat: trout stream running through. Price $3500. 1 8 room beach hotel in same locality, all fur nished and equipped ; good business winter and summer; now rented: at Halt air station: both in Tillamook county. Exchange either or' both for ranch or house. - Geo. Morse, owsjer. Jennings Lodge. Or. 40 ACRESrf"Und near Kalares. Wash."; will s take good auto in part payment $2000, 160 acre of fir timber land near Hood river; cash $4300; part cash, balance trade. $5000; will take Income property for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage, $7000: will trade tor small ranch and part cash, or will take good land for all. Write to or call J. J. Walker. Lafayette. Or. - . 23 ACRES G miles from Vancouver. Wash., on graveled road. -12 acres partly cleared. Ex change for house. Owner. .1151 E. Lincoln st Tabor ,2225. 4 . ' - : .,--. - - CANADIAN 320-aere, highly improved farm ; ad . joins town; exchange for eity or farm here. Claude Cole. 426 Lumbermen bldg. . SALE OR TRADE 14-r. apt., ! eah and property accepted; Call Mam 1700. finished: part two view lota. EXCHANGE REAT, 'EST ATF ' 24 32 ACRES OF LAND, 14 of which are in cultivation: orchard of all varieties of fruit, small and large, in full bearing. There ia a good, substantial, practically new 6 room house, barn, chicken house, etc. The house is of the bungalow type, ntedernly constructed. The land is of first-class soil, plenty of wood and fuel, the purest and best running water in ffie house. This ilace is located right at the atation. in the center of town; school house only 2 blocks away. The location ia close to the Columbia river and only a short distance from Vancouver, good roads leading to the place. The value of this place is very much more then the owner asks. . He ia willing to exchange it for property, clear of encumbrances, as there is no indebtedness on his place. A house and lot. or other buildings, to the vslue of $7000, will be considered on an even trade. M. J. CLOHESSY, AB1NG TON BLDG. ' SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED - We do not rare how old and dilapidated they are we can sell them if your price is right and your terms are easy ; 6 keen salesmen at your service. RtatToas 732 Chsmber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 acres, all i stocked and improved. Want home in Port- tend or acreage. Close to any good town. Will assume or you can asisume. Address ' owner. DX-74 9. JournaL "-- - - ' ALFALFA. APPLES Excellent place. White Salmon district: take Portland house as pay ment. Georg C. Howard, owner, 683 E. 42d st N. Tsbor 7884. WATfTED REAL ESTATE It j Want 5, 6 or 1 Room jj; Houses Hawthorne. Richmond or Waverleigh Heights. Will "par $1000 cash, real estate mortgage $1800 due in 1923. Douglas county ranch par tially improved, cash value $2400. Must bare possession by the 1 5th of August. A. W. Estes : ! : 003 Chsmber of Commerce. WANT to buy a house. 5 rms. and attic, or ff - rms. ; full plumbing, not over 4 blks. from ear. Will pay $250 cash. $25 a mo. inc. 6 per cent. Give full description, confidential Y-B27. Journal. , AM INTERESTED in purchasing home. Must be modem, complete, and tributary to Jeffer son or Washington high schools. Must have three bed rooms. live ace. location, complete de cryption, terms. S-302. Journal. AM bringing my family to Portland to live. Wi'J arrive about August 13. Wsnt small home that I can handle for $200 cash; any district, but Mt, Scott H-167. Journal. : OWNER "ONLY " ' What have, you for sale in small bustness property, central west side, at a bargain on easy terms. G. W. Bell, general delivery, eity. i 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE In Richmond or Hawthorne district 'Have very desirable lot or commercial stock bearing 8 per cent interest as first payment Sellwood 651 . WILL TUADE 4 0 acres of land in Lincoln coun- ty, clone to railroad, for a Buick car; must be in rond condition. 4 b.I1 An trims tic 225-13. WILL pay cash for your equity in 4 or 5 room bungalow or exchange painting. Woodiawn 534, evenings. GOOD 6 rm. house, walking distance; will con sider lot; some cash; terms. 253 Hancock. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMESTS j AVB HOTELS FOR SALE - 3 i FOR" SALE Apartment hou in Tillamook, Or. Fine house with 8 complete apartments' In the heart of "town. Free from all incumbrances. Elect ric lights, splendid water. A bargain if sold at mice. Owner wants to go south. Address Box 45, Til)amook. Or. , IF I YOU want nice little hotel, furnished from bottom to ten, just ready to step In and make money,- take part trade, part cash. Just the-place for man and wife. Good business. M list be quick. Write box 27, Yscolt, Wash. 251 ROOM hotel, all furnished, only one in town, close to Portland. Will take ranch. Give terms. Box 44. Seio, Or - WANTED Rooming houses; I hsve cash buy ers; 1 ' IO L Garland. 201 3d. rooms. Main 8669. H. W. cor. Taylor. $2600 cash takes 24 room hotel. 911, Broad- way north. Doing $320 a month.- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 2$ FOR SALE Good paying restaurant with year's lease, for sale cheap. Call 853 Yamhill street FOR SALE Small planing mill, making win- dows and doors; doing good -business. B-584. Journal. . FOR SALE BY OWNER Erlekson's " white 8hleld Msteraity Home. 798 E. 72d t North. ATi HALF price if sold " soon. Ji.sls founuin and. candy Jars, at 840 Front t GOOD furniture stock for sale, cheap, if taken at once! 3 84E. Washington. ' - , -TIGHT bakery and lunchfo"r aale at 1611 El 13th st. Sellwood; doing nice business. We'll Have to Look inthe Cook Book" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tt Bakery and Confectionery j Bargain - Account- of" -other ' business will sell going bakery and confectionery; doling $40 per day. an cash and bo delivery, fori $2300. Fine loca tion, best of oven, light grocery, fountain. Will invoice more than price asked. Will - take car or vacant lot part pay. I'hune East 2374 for appointment today. - j :- CORNER GROCERY Good business, ideal corner for cash and carry, doing $2500 monthly; established business; owner compelled to sell;- sect of other mstters, must sell; stork at invoice:-fixtures only- $00; will reduce stock : located on the north east aid. Bee " ;:: Albert Harala 793 H Miasissipiw Ave. WELL eliii(ied, stocked Tor established; good paying cash billiard ball end bowling alleys, in beat town and county in j West. This hu,i neesa is clearing $45 per year, so do not write unless you have the moneyi My w a--n tor selling is that I wsnt to change business. Am intending to go- farming. - This place will rout you $5500 cash. It. P. Sinuwon. leudleton. Or. LIVE SALESMAN TO HANIH.E MAt'HIN - KRT.-POPULAR. LINE. MUST HE FINAN CIALLY RESPONSIBLE. WB i ARK NOT KN.IX TERRITORY. ;OOI MONEY FOR THE MIGHT MAN CAIJ, AND SEE WHAT WB HAVE. 306 CHAMBEU OF COM MERCE BLDG, -OR SALE Blacksmith shop, one of the best -. on the coast, located in southwest corner Pal ace feed barn; plenty of business far 3 men; rea son for selling is that my health is broken down. Come and see this snap or writ to Mr. Le Doty, Jn vs. rrrry hi.. Aiosny. r. THE IUVINGTON PARK JiHOCKUV U for aale. Sales average $5000 per month year round. The b-t location in Portland. Cah deal only at invoice. Fixture nst-siuahle. Best of reasons for wanting to sell. IryinKton Park Uro cery. 1147 K. 30th X. Wdln.' 262H. FOR SALE On aee-unt of poor he 1th, only f rait vegetable, confectionary. Cigar, tobacco, soft drink store if live payroll town. 6000 ; in voice about $4000; $130 cash daily: beat loca tion, cheap rent- long lea.! George Lutu. Bend. Or. j.- j . .-. STOCK and fixtures, consisting I of - new and - used Jewelry; muslisl instruments, suitcases, handbags, trunks and clothing.! This is a splen did opportunity to get into anl- established busi ness for a small capital; good reasons for selling. CU44N.3d . j. , " ; CIGAR and stationery store in-large well lighted build ng. All new fixtures. Mut make quick ale. Will sell cheap.. Easy terms. Sideline pays rent, telephone, gas and water. Inquire Camas Waiting Boom. 801 Washington atreet. V ancouver, M ash. CIGAR, and stationery atote in 'large well lighted building; all new fixtures; must make quick sale; will sell cheap;-easy terms; i sideline pays $100 a month. : Inquire Camas Waiting Room, 801 Washington St.." Vancouver, Wash. LA RGB manufacturing corporation has some good territory in rOegon and Washington, open to the right man. Call or write Associated En gineering, Corporation. 114 1st jst. Portland, Or. MEAT market for sale. Doing jgoud little busi ness. All good fixtures, in a good psyroll town. Good farmer.' trade. Rent only $10 month. Cash. $1100 KX 4 1 W, Journal. . LIVE agent wanted in every Oregon and Waah- ington town for fastest selling pmpnsition on the market. - C. W. Border-,' 9o2 Spalding bldg., Portland, Or -.--) j . WELL established beauty parlors for sale. Good locality. Will sacrifice on account ot health. Investigate. It is worth . youf -while. 8-304, Journal.. ., . - - VULCANIZING-shop, Tully equipped; goodl: cation; low rent, for sale or trad. E-423. Journal. Printing for Less Ryder Pas. Co Mam S.136 I 193 3d t FIRST-CLASS auto repair shop to trsde for good 4 passenger "automobile. j!609 Macadam. Main 9181. j - IN VEST1GATE if you have ! few $; it will Py you to answer tliis ad. Vj-3i7. Journal. UAH H.it tumiture. mirrors and suiiplie at a great sacrifice. 86 6th st. nesr Stsrk. JCOXET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE t7 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or tow improvement purposes. Tbe best snd essVast method of paying loax, Is our monthly payment plan, j - $32.26 per month for 36 month, or 821.24 per month for 60 months, or 315.17 per monthf for 96 months pay loan of $1000 snd interest j Isri of other-amounts. in earn proportion. -Repayment Privilege. j . EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN . - We have $12,000 to loan on -, improved Port land property. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Ccgnmerc. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on -real estatat, 1st and 2d : mortgage, contract, li restock, note, automobiles, etc. F. E. Bowmen A Co.. 210 Chsatber of Commerce. Main $026. NO DELAN6 (DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND UP . We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H, DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN - in - amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. I A. H. BELL. Booms 10 and 11.- Mulkey bldg. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000 and op at lowest rates; quick action. ; Ft- W. Ger man Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY TO LOAN $300. $500. $70O. $1 00O, $lSOO. gZOOO, on city improved property, at 7 per cent. J. !, Wells Oo.. 60$ Pasco Qldg. BUH-pING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. (1. Beck. 215 snd 210 Failing bldg. Main 3407. PRIVATE funds A. K HILU-4 26 Lumbermen bldg. SEE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Cbambercf Com mere. 4 th t SUrk. - MORTGAGE LOANS up to 86000. iaOT. Fred j 8. WiUUma. 606 Psnsma bldg. MOXEI TO loaV CHATTELS, ' SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FTTRNITUR B, PIANO. HOUSEHOLD POODS REAL ESTATE, BONDS Olt ANYTHING Or VALUE. 8-X"URITY USUALLY LEFT IS YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO' SALARY: LOANS TO SALABIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF i YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OB ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACT8 ABE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PA THEM CP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT, , YOUR CONVENIJ-NCK. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO (LICENSED) i 806-307 DEKUM BLDG . 3D ! AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAM ASS N. - i ..- Phone Broadway 10. 894 Stark at-, near 10th Loans on diamonds, watches. Victrolas. piano. kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical iastrumsots ana anything of value.- - j ESTABLISHED BY THf PEOrTJ! Or PORTLAND TO PROTECT TUB BOKROWEB - -t - CARRIE MYERS HERMAN. : Manager. . MOT III LOAN CHATTELS, ' HALAKIFH ,87 SALARY . LOANS CHATTELS WI LOAN MO.B-V on abort notice to salaried or working men on . ,OWB oot- VVkly. saiul moatlily ot monthly payment kwU transaction smctly conftd-ntiaL HLRTtt?i'L - 0 INDORSEE nuo--.v i ci.x HO HECCR1TY also loan on household in.iu.. ni.- etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO (LICENSED) ' 318 FAH.INti Hi.fw. LIVESTOCK, LOANS -Our osn,m, ' loanel on cattle, shawn. bogs. eta. r t,- m . J Co.,; 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main .tu-'a L()AS WANTED WATEI $2250 in first nitgTrXT" SIH-U1 , per cent. VLEVELAND-HEN'OKRHON Co., ' 212 Railway Exchange llltl. " WANTED $MI)0 tuHliO.OOO, ill, 12' iii.mtUa' nni wan house recelTts for wheat. "-Thorn a..' sen. Portland Y. M. C. A. SEE OH EGON INT. A MORTlfAGfe CO.. 23j jChsmbev ot Commerce. 4th at Stark. WANTED I-sn of $5000 on good security CaU at 1117 E Market. FIXAXCIAL I WE BUY first and second mortgai:ea ami rlier' enntrsrts F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chita. her ef Commerce. CASH paid for nmrtssges snd sellers' cmitrscts on real estate in Washington or Oregon H, B. Noble. SIO Lnmberniena Wds QUICK money to salaried people on not j without tndorser or security: Investiiratiun confidential. 316 Chsmber of Commerce b dg. ' HORSKS, VEHICLES. KTC. H FOR SALE 100 hesd of horses 1 li.v. , . io iiuu pouna nnrses. young fins for ranch or delivery; f hesd tfist I li.., taken off a grade that will weigh from 1800 t17nn PoumK These horsea are all out of hanl work from $100 a enan up. I have a few gtsVl sadd! horses, 4 good young miller working In (rrsna TIT7 ff' Nnw' " 1 m closing up my work, will sell or exchange for rattle or other horse., as there are lots nf people thst have horse, that are not mated. I will exchange for any kind of horse or mule that is healthy, Hsve all kinds ,f grading outfit, plows of all kinds, harrows, fresnoa, slips, Kirstin stump puller, practically new, hsve just eleared four sens with it; All -kind of harness. 1 ran sell s man team nd harnea that will go out and do 4 or 6 years' work cheaper than any man in town. Have a 8 H Mitchell wagon, one 3 H . good htsckaraitu outfit tents, second hand lumber, logging tongs, log chains. I -.have light grading plows and , heavy. No reasonable offer wtU be refused, for I am ready to sell. Phil Suetter, 235 Front t. Crown Stables. - NOTICE To anyone who has any mule weighing 1000 lbs. or better from 8 to 10 yesrs old or any big horses, who wishes to exchsnge for good 1100 or 1200 lb. rsnch horses. I hsve a few well matched teams that would make good teams for a email ranch or orchard work. I alo have a good five-year-old Msltetsa Jack for sals or exchange for horses, mules or cattle, l'hil Suetter. 285 Front, Crown stables. . MUST be sold in next 10 dsys. nna good pair of work mules, one odd small mule, one 2X00 lb, pair of geldings, one 2800 lb. pair of mares, 10 other good work teams and single horse, ons fine ssdadls mare, one fine combination stallion, none better. All kinds of wsgons and harness. If in . the -market come and see these, for . they must be sold. 802 Front st. - - I'. 87 STABLES 10 hesd of first clsss hone snd mares, weight 1800 to 1800 pounds, 5 to 7 yesrs old; hesvy boned, block y built; some well mstrhed tram. ; . 4 sats nf heavy work harness. 3H5 Union are So., cor. Stephens st G. D. Williainson & Glass. SPAN of blocky built ordinary mares, suitable for pack animals; some nice saddle and bugey," Ponies, buggies, wagons snd lismes of all kin-UT to be sold cheaD: no re-sonable offer refuVl. Woodyard stables, comer E. 9th snd Hawthorne. Phone East 6106. 2500-POUND learn. 5 and 8 yesrs old; hsrne4 and farm wagon, for ssle chest. Tsk Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 65th are., 1 black west to 71st st. 1'hmie Tabor 0356. LEAVfNG. MUST 8EBL AT ON UK My big. sound tesm that weighs 3200 pounds; with or without my nearly new dump wagin sn-1 harness.- 4908 58th st. S. E. ; Mt. (Vou csr to Myrtle Park." No sensible qffer refused. THE choice of four heslthy light farm horse', one horsebck, for sale or trade for, gird cow and calve. ALL Bergoquist Oregon Cit. ftoute 8. Box 63A. ; - v ALMOST new Stiidebaker buagy for ssle. AL- grain sack". N. McKinley, 3 mihw . t Le ntY Foster road. i S-TEAR-OLtritoi-eT mon. Thi horse is perf-ct snd very gentle; must sell at once. 373 Front st $511 TAK&8 hore, buggy and harness, suitable -for camping, also gaud stock saildle. 387 Water, west side. TEAM rent 3000 lbs.. Woodlswn harness, wagon, for sale or ISO. Call evenings. WANTEI Lieht team, wsgou snd hsmus. L.. Mann. 283 N. 17th st TWO good saddle lainles, fine stsnion: also good team for aale; horses for rent 380 Front st. HORSK8 or n-nt, double snd bingk-. front. $8R-G06D small mare. Main 4388 Pun., day from 11 to 3. SORREL horse for sale. 1100 lbs. cheap. Kapprlcr, Columbia bird, snd 57Ui st DEAD eow. linrs tskm quiefcly. La.sh for dead Phone Tsbor 4 203 TWO heary teams for ssle. Call TatT 84 7. LIVESTO- 83 A BEAUTIFUL, large Guernsey-Jersey. 2 yr-. old, fresh 5 weeks, 8 14 gsL, good milk. Come snd milk her; $185 will Uk her -till' week. 3310 N2d st southeast "corner Powell road and 8 2d t. " ' PUROO JERSEY aow. fresh Sept. 1. weight 500; 1 Berkshire sow, 8 pigs 2 weeks old. weight 400; 9 fat pigs, weight 100 each; 5 pigs. 80 lb, each. 81st and Washington, Mil waukie; inquire for Sellwood s plsce. TOGGENBURG do 2 year old, one ninnie 12 mo. old. both bred; one fine Tog. Due tmm regi.tered atock, 14 mo. old. will sell cheap .;r trsde for a row. Woodstock car to 62d su, tno blocks north. House No. 6759. . lt"R SATE IhUry. 10 cowi 2 imrse, wsgoii. mute, milk bottler and cases, cooler snd set- arator. J. R. Schmeer, 47th and Alberta su Plume Wrwidlawn 5611. 8-YEAU OLI 1400 lb. Ilf lstein. fresh this week, second calf: gave 6 gals, first call. 234 foot Main at : FOR. BAL, Fresh doe, NubUn and Toggen burg and do kid- Will sell separate. E. Beryl. Rex, Oregon. 15 FRESH cows. 3 to 5 gsllons;- first dsns dairy cow. " Tike Vancouver car to Colum-. bla. boulevard, go one block north. GO-ID family cow,- reasonable. t Evening 6 p. m. 771 E. 141b FOR SALE 2 fresh cws. young snd gentls. $50 and $70. 323 Water St. Main 4 01. FINT-rR-lst-ln cow f.nr sole. 4 yea r i.id" inquire 40O4 ftOth st. 8. E. Joseph Blowmer. FOR8ALE -I good family cow arid Urge s-sik of hay Tabor 1237. TWO MALE OATSFOR SALE 1)40 M ACAPAM GOI family cw f"',';.lj 7224 6.'.th are. WANTEI -Beef. vesf s-id JiogS; tsbor 783 2. -POULTRY AND RARHJTS. .-7 i k" nicnl'li n,m-V millets. 2' . to 5 months nld BOc to $1.75 escb; slo fine lot I'.srred n.-k cockerels from fiuc to - earn. - - . . . . . a n .. , . 187 Flske St., 8 blks. north of Lombsrd son YOU-NG White Leghorn ling hros, high class Htiganissd stock, $1.25 each, take as many as you "t J. 4 Mct-ijire, 787 Oregc cor. K. 2.4 th ; , WANTED Pine Andaluslan pullet or yearling' bens. . Tsbor 2946. J. E. M..- 6008 621 ave. 8. K. WHITE L;IIORN hens $1 from 60e to $2 ech ; direct !. e-Srh, pullets 'Tancred trin." Tom Morgan. Beaverton. Or. CRACKED WHEAT lClR!Pr "SCTtATCU $4. Woodiawn 4344. "-"- $4 60. WANTED Any variety of pullets; prefer March and AprP hsteh. -4T, Jouma FOR SALF 6 White Leghorn hens, $1 Phone Tahor i. 50 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, April hatch. No dealers. 424 84th court . K. 140 WHITE LEJHOKN pullets. O. C. atra-a. gl.riO each. 1-oTtund Beed ;. WHITE IKGHORN lien.. $1.5. and we de liver, riiwr njina, ofn n.in St. n. r,. WHITE Leg1-.rnl-year.old laying pullsts. $0- each. wao tiMisslppi ave; Wdln. 828. LAYING hen and young chicken, luguir 6812 60th av 8. E. FOB SALE flood, Jersey m K. 58th .st. N. ikii" cuw st in DOGS. BIRD. PETS. ETC. 46 PET stock tnf suppnea. Vfm r hesdquarters in tb fi. W. lor birds snd eases, -ogs, t, rabbits, eaviee. etc. Food, remedies, eta. Call or writ. Pet stock catalogue on request Root ledge Heed A Floral Co.. 143 2d st.. Port Unit GENUINE Bt Andreaaberg rollers; cabinet trained. Male. $20 op; females. $2 BO up. Mrs. Kessler. Gresham. Or. Phone 4X2. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. T-bor 750-7 $25 I'er-tsn tud: kitten- rnesp: eats rosrnei. CANARY aongbirds for sal. 340 Tillamook st., nesr I ninn ave. - 9-MONTIIH thoroughbred male Scotch Coili. $25. right for training. .-zt nam st. a m,. i?lALE Fox Terrier puppy. CoL 8t$.