THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,- AUGUST .8, 1920. o REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 ''!., THB ' GEO. T. MOORE CO. Yeon hide. -Uav exelutdv list of beautiful homes lot Ut, occupied by the owners, most of whom sr moving to other ettiee. There are no eigne 11 boot nd w cbb only show by ppoint nsent Blow w. giv a list of Mil excep tionally floe buy : 'a- NO. 40 " ! UAIMJ8 AtrDITION - Beautiful IV. story 0 room lmng with 'seplng porch, strictly modern with , built-in " tmffet hardwood floor. fireplace full cement basement, excellent lunuw, This lot is 40 128. with paved Uy; ill street Improvement, i-aid! Full price only $700O. 2SOO or even 1 a will handle thi proposition, balance easy terms: walking distance to center of city. i . . NO. 47 ; UDM ADDITION i S story. 7 -room end sleeping porch, strict ly modern, from hardwood .floors and fireplece f beautiful fall eeraent basement and furnace; rise garage: lot 40x128, with pared alley. J rice $7400, half cash. Walking distance, - SO. 272 , LADD3 ADDITION ; 2 etory, double , constructed 7 rooms with (!n and sleeping poreb, large attic, bath, and 2 pelsu; built-in , buffet, hardwood f loo re, f.are placa, and other conveniences tbat co to Brake strictly modern borne; lot 43x116, on paved I (ley; full price for few day. only (8000. It itU tali $40001 cash to handle. Owner would t .ae a modern 6 room bungalow in as part laymenk as it ia too large for present family. .- No. 440 LAUBELHCRST 3 story, double constructed 7 rooms with leeping porch and large attio, strictly modern, ia a 60x100 kit; all street improvement "paid. ITice only 86500. It will take 84100 to l.indle. Well worth investigating. Shown by yuuwtment only. ' NO. 486 7 . : LAURELHt'BST 1 tt story, double constructed 7 room bun ralow aesr Laurelhurst park, ail of the latest nproveinents; 60x100 lot, with garage. Full (rio $7 600: first payment 82400.' balance . ry easy. This place is practically new. NO. 482 '' LACRELHCRST - 2 story, double constructed, 7 rooms with i leeping porch, beautiful, Ursa airy rooms, whit enameled and mahogany finished. Price 9000. oa terms. , , ! NO. 478 . LATJBKLHL'RST 2 story, double constructed 8 rooms with sleeping porch - and attic, strictly modern with ouUt-m buffet, 50x110 lot with garage: clou to crn. Price 812.000, first payment 840OQ. ! LET'S CO Every one of the above are good honest buys and would be pleased to show them at any time. 1 Autos at Tour Service. UeO. T. MuuitE CO. - 1007 Teon bid. 1 RALPH HARRIS CO: - WE SELL UOMS " SEE THESE TODAY -; Near Montgomery Ward bldg. 8 room plas tered cottage, newly painted and tinted, in t -tenor in silver and Ivory, lovely fireplace, full basement Street paved and paid. Some fruit. - .Vice lawn, beautiful roses. 622 (luiiaby t 82790. 81000 cash. . - , Close to Piedmont car bams, nice 4 room bouse, dandy lot with flowers and a nice lawn. Clone to high school, grade school ami j-lajr-gruund. They will be there when you need 'them. Only 81100. Terms. 2tf W, Colfax, at Johns--car. . , 3 roont furnished house in good condition. Gas. electric light. Lot 40x100. 100 feet ' front pavement. - 81800. with very small cash . payment required. 9U0 J. 80th N. AlberU car. i 4 room plastered housa with bath, gas and - electno light. Lot &0xl48. Fruit, berries and ehlcken , houe and run. On carline.. will be painted next - week. It HO Gladstone. 82000. 8500 cab. Woodstock car. 7 room plaxtered hon4 with bath,' gas, elec tric light, full cement basement, laundry trays, liond lot with fruit and berriea. Garae, chicken -hmi. i;o. and see it yourself. 82500. Terms. . 1821 Knowlea St John car, - Woodlawn. 5 rooms. In good condition. Oas, electric light, bathroom, no tub. Lot 100x100. - Lots of fruit, berries and garden. Garage, chicken . house, end runs. No uwxmrnu (n plane 1422 Fern. Woodlawn car. 82000. 8400 cash. 3 room. 2 plastered, bathroom, no tnb. Gas, . - electric lights. Full lot on graded street A . blocks from ear. 142 W. Ainsworth. 81200, with good terms, St, Johns car.: TtALPff HARRIS CO.. '. '. 827 Chamber of iVrrtroorre. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. ' . ; ' 1 11 t - ' - ' ' ; ONLT $100 for a good 1-room house, nod em, with corner lot. Tha house has full . cment basement with concrete walls, bath and tot let, garage; 81000 cah is all you need. This place i on the Mt Scott car line. M. 1. Clobesay, Abington bldg. : i ONf.T 81700 for a 5-emm coftage on Brook Ira t. on the car line; 83011 will handle U. M, J. Clohasty. Abington bldg. . ( a rrrtfijirRST- swell home, in awH locslitVT on a swell drive, and the price ia I ,B 1 mlv 87B0 It is a mwt modern 7-room bouse with every moderM appointment and equipment to be deired. . It has hardwood oak floors down stairs, fine- fixture. It is now ready for occu pancy. Ton can move In the moment yon pnt "art a deposit. Everything roe with the hon-e. auch as expensive shades, new linoleum on the hath room and kitchen. There is no rise in T.anrelhurst for 820O0 more that eoriaW this fctiy. It mnt ha sold right awav. The owner has left the city. Ton tost look at It Tt is Nv 1181 Royal Court. M. J. Cloheeay, Abington bldg. O'CLT 83500. close In, - on 'the east id, en Et Pine street twt as tag out 43th St A B-voom house, modern enotigh for snv person. . This is a positive bargsin, and w will ell for a payment ? down of half cash. The balance to suit M. 3. Clohassy. Abington bldg. 1 . WHT: KEEP -A LANDTXTDT For vroall pavment down nd 820 a month with 8 per cent interest, you can buy a strictly modem 7 room boose 20 mini tea nut In excel lent nrHehborhood. This will rent for much more than the tnonthjv payment r 8 sleep iswns. reception ' ball. Dutch kit-Sen, huilr-ia bnffet boolrrase. hall mirror, etc Furnace, fir plsee, cement bssement walks, retaining wall, p. : street it and pM. AH newlv tinted. -Nver rented. Wake up. Stop Payine rent. Deal with owner. 821 Marguerite ave. No agents. i VOTING to . the rancK "Will sell mv R room bnnrslow. eiectriritv. rss and full basement: W ".-0x114: assorted fruit, tarries and gardens; .'Rsn. t-TT,. Owner. TsW 9229. t . NEAR PENINSFLA park, on Mississippi ave.j 2 nice lots, with mmbee - to . frame and en-lo a 4 -room house; price $775, easy terms. Wdln. $ 8 7 8. . . 1- DEAt, direct with owner. Aflne, large sonars wnn1 hons. 7 rm and all Miflt-in featnn-. yiardwood floors, fireplace. 8x10 bathroom, full basement good furnace: 2 lvtorie. fruit trees. lawn and b"" in sTiieodij condition, near enod school. 8 7 E. 65th st and Sandy bird. . Phnne Tahor 9354. ' - - 1 x GREAT RARGAtS For set or w.t B roo-n 4 - bungslow In anod condition, modem, ga rage, 'hirswit bonnes. fntit trees, btrrlea. two Vts ROxlrVO; one Work sonth from earline: nern,ng , erTlrns wits . rnano Owner leav ing city. TtessnrisMf. 830s 041 t S. E. ' BEST Rt'Trr" PORTLA Xrf" ! Eight room home, fntl eement bssement, fir nare. stations rr wash trays, 2 tutthrooms. Can 'nHlt be srrnged for anertmenb: corner lot; ?0, tSOOO cash. 824 KUlingsworth. Phone ' Wdln. 8849. - .- . : $85 "sno S5o T. ?. ' FfTrNTSHEn HOrsE BOAT J Nest. sttrsctive, B ; rooms, lawr pnrcbea. .1 1 rtessr river; garden lot; Foot Nevada xt, op " poeite Oak. - -' ' ; CHAW. RTVOT-ER. 22! Henfr Bldg- ' ' , SMALT, Hew bunsslow; bnflt by owner; strictly modem: resembles snsrtment: large lot: H Nock from car. SS7S0. $800 cash handles deal. Automatic 827-45,Woodlswn 1405. : - ROSE-CtTT DISTRICT ' " Two room cottage, tnrnished : move Tight tn. -'-rtouse. fumitore, ieverth1ng. 8T?5 ; dnn't de lsy. it's a bargain; 882 East 75th north.5 ! 1-P(V)M nndern bungalow, on WebW at. near J Misst-sliipi ave.. and Jefferson nigh sphooL Trr S"!f0. 31SOO cash. Albert Harala. . 73 H Mtssisslprsl. Phone Woodlawn 1201. ! DESIRABLE six room honse. N. A S. oar to thhs, west 2 blocks, up the steps, or auto "avrwmrt Whitsrer . ROS. 2d 'rt. 1: A POnTIJtND HEIGHTS residence. 724 to 730 Pstton road, to; be sold for cash by owner. t2 Phone Bdwy. 405J 247 Ankeny st ij 10 ROOM bouse for sale, fnmished for 4 fami lies: nice comer lot. fumece, close in on west v aide: good Income. East 1668. ' '. KENTON" , . - 4 room house, -very reasonable: 2 blocks west 'of Kenton bsnk. Woodhrwn 4038. TITLE Insurance saves time end money because no sbstrsct ts. required Title A Trust com ' psny. - - ' --j-'.. "' ' $2773, TERMS; elnssy 5 room bnnealpw. builC ins, , fnrnace , and garage. - 6012 5Sth , st Tsbor 8480 A 8. 4 OR ' room bungalow, easy terms. Owner, Tsbor 2058. ; ; .; LADD ADDITION- "T-room modem houge snd gsrage. East 3718. i 4 ROOM house, 878 Mississippi sve. Wdln. 597. BEAL ESTATE FOR KALE HOrSES 81 Home BuyerSaAttention! HUvo you been toid that yoa can't, buy th kind of a home yoa want with 8S00 csjT Well yoa can. Wa bavsi them. . While some of our homes have been rednoed to. an. especially low price for a largo initial ' payment yet a great number of our attracuva bimgalow homes can be secured on terms to gult, ;"-.- ' " ;- ' , Come In. Look over our display df tha beat homa buys in the different districts. -' Saileamen wrth auto at yonr service; It places yoa under no obligations. . A . ' 81830 This home has been reduced td this i; . low f lira re for sn immediate sale. ! 4 room and bath with Dutch i . kitchen, full cement basement, '" l ; street Improiemeni in and paid, near Union -.ava. cars; terms. r 82300 Buy 8 rooms and bath on full 60s j " 100 lot; some fmit, street fust " . paved, assessment to be assumed by : purchaser; terms. 83350 Buys 6-room home, newly finished i, throushout in white enamel; but 1 fat. Dutch kitchen,, 4 room and I r bath down, 2 rooms up, full cement basement, street improvement paid; i terms. . This is eloa to Hawthjoro arc, west of 89ta at. 1 ROSE CITY PARK 84S00 Let us show you this doubly con- I strurted home of 8 rooms and : t sleeping porch, full cement base- . ' : ,! i ment, wsh trays, furnace, fire plaoa. Dutch kitchen, gtrss. Thi home is B years old, but in fin : condition; terms. ; 859.00 ll?re is another dandy buy; 5 fooni and bath with Pullman i kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, ; beautiful built-in buffet; new and , never occupied; terms to suit, 83&O0 la Rose City Park below tha bin. ', . i Large living room and dining room ' acrosa the front 2 bedrooms, bath T and Pullman kitchen. Ton can't ' f.i help but admire this attractive home; the workmanship and ma , . terial used ia first class and so evident that yon can't overlook it. : Ftiraaoe, fireplace, built-ina, fine " 1 ouarter sawed oak floors, ahsdea . and fixtures also included in price. ! Requires 82000 cash. We have 60 attractive homes in this desirable section. I UURELHCRST HOMES 85000 Hiiys a bungalow of 5 rooms and i bath down, 2 and sleeping porch 1 up. Buffet Dutch kitchen, fire- I t place, furnace, full cement base- ; ! ment., wash trays., Impr. : paid. 87300 8 rooms, with music room, break- ! fat room and sleeping porch in t ! . addition. Strictly modern. Large I ; i aiwciuu rooms, xmpa. pau. lerms. A $7500 Buys rooms, strictly modern, .j ; j large bedrooms, the one bedroom I I extending across the entire j : width of the house. Beautiful ! : built-ins. St imps, paid. Garage. 89000 In the best part of Laurelhurst; I . 7 rooms and sleeping porch, with i 2 fireplaces, built-ins, gas fur- II - nace, hardwood floors. All assess 1! Clients paid. . 81500 to i $2000 h icSSi will handle. - Drive by and 1 I i look it over, 1130 East (rlisan st. I r Then see us for appointment to I , inspect interior. Exclusive agents. . J. AL W2ckman Co. ' ! "SHORTEST WAY HOME" 384 Stark St. Main 1094 and 883. I Sunday Call Auto 324-14. . i , DEKUM A JORDAN 1 ! REAL - j 1 HOME BARGAINS $7000 MT. ! TABOR. 8 room and sleeping : porch; Urge living room, with fireplace and bookcases; dining room with buffet, ; den,- hardwood. Doors, 4 bedrooms, full r cement basement. Fox furnace, laundry trays. Ground 75x100 ft., garage, fine iruic trees ana perries, lawn ana roses. $20007 room house within 2 blocks of An I keny car barns. 60x100 lot; all tha I 'ruit, berries and grapes any family 1 , could use. Can be bought on good terms. Vacant. $18004 room bungalow, bath and toilet 100 1.1 150 corner lot. Close to car and i i school. All kinds of fruit. Garage. 4 chicken house. Good terms $16008 room bunsralow, hot and cold water. tuuet, 9UI1VU ' lot, on naru surface streets. All '- Improvements paid for. See this. -4 room cottage, all nicely papered and pain ted i 100x100 corner lot: fruit and I $125 I f berries. Any terms. . I DEKCM Ac JORDAN ; 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. j ,! 4th and Stark fits. ' I 1 T - ain 2283. ' - : alUST SELL my 5 room bungalow, all modern, f "11 cement basement, hardwood-' floors, fire place, built-in butfet and bookcases, ' laundry trays, beam ceilings, carpets, linoleum, window shades and curtains all go; 3 nice bedrooms can b finished upstairs, which really makea this sin 8 room house: two lota ROxlOA i-h- cement sidewslks and choice- bearing fruit trees 7 yeairs old, berry vines and chicken house. I oougnt tne lumber ana Clreo. carpenters by the day, waa built for my own home. One block from fWoodlawn car. Tak Woodlawn car, get off at) 13th st, walk one block south and H block 1 east. Family troubles cause of sellin. This lis the - place that was advertised last Sundafy nd I thought sold, but deal did not go through on account party could not raise money. Call bet. 10 a. m. and 4 p. ui. .Price 83250. house not 8 years old yet. You can't misa seeing this. A. W. Hawks, 585 Junior st. ' ! ' ROSE CITY PARK 1 FIVE ROOMS GARAGE $0500 Here, : folks, is one of the finest : bungalows In silj of Rose City Park. You just couldn't imagine a better planned or better built bunga low. The . quality of material and the high character of workmanship speak for themselves. You would be more than delighted with this splendid home, located on the southwestern corner of East 48U st and Siskiyou. Just drive Tby and see for yourself, but do not dis turb the tenant The Interior will be shown by Appointment only. : ; i.iA.!G.Feepe Co. 270 Stark St. Near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office frOth and Sandy. Open Sunday. t . . ' . - - WHY $23 MONTH BENT WHEN - 1 $23 Month Will Buy a Hornet We have a number of well constructed 3 and $ room bungalows in first class locations' that must be 'sold on account of owners having taken jobs ia ether cities. They are real snap. Can be bought as low as $1000 on very av terms. Why pay rent to the landlord when the ssme amount oT money will buy a home of your own 7 Our salesmen, will be pleased to show yoa any of them.1 i -. AUTOS 'AT TOUB CONVENIENCE GEO. T. MOORE CO. - - - 1007 'Yeon bldg. . ..!. , ; .. , BUY TODAY" -., , " ' - !"-'' ROSI3 CITY PARK f ';''-. . CLOSE IN" VACANT !. 7 rooms -and large sleeping porch. Bungalow type; a DELIGHTFUL, MODERN HOME in HIGH i CLASS LOCATION. Hardwood fleors and every tiling; NEWLY DECORATED; choice corner grounds. Real bargain for i about Vi cash, I If yoa really want a real home, don't lose this , unusasl opportunity. Bring your ebeckbeok, I mean business. Immediate posses sioirF iConvenient to 2 csrlines. No. 432 N. 4 1st: morth of Rose City car. Open today, 19 :80 to 2. ; Oyer, Tabor 8169. No agent. ROSE CITY PARK $7500 HALF CASH - 6 room bungalow, doable garage, hardwood floors in living end dining room, f urna"e, fire place, built-in effects, beautiful lawn and shrub bery. Chicken nouns, fruit and garden, lot 1 OOx 100 ft. paved street in snd paid This. b a good buy. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. $4850 7 ROOMS, MODERN $4650 . t 1 SEE IT TODAY. 2 TO 8 "Delightful location, cor. East Stark and 71st. lit. Tabor, 1 rooms first floor, with extra toilet and lsvatory, 8 bedrooms, .bath, room and real sleeping porch second floor, , Has fnrnsee. fireplsce, hardwood floors, all built-in and garage. ' A real home, ready . to move into, with a won derful inspiring view .of mountains. Call East! 2436,- but coma see it STOP THAT RENT i , IT f'AN'T BE DONE! , THEN PAY IT . ! 1 TO YOURSELF! i tX TT THI wiVt . ' Buy this $ room house-. j 1 - . Price $2450.: ... 1 ' - $20 DOWN ' ! . , And the balance can be paid just as yoa er now paling rent. ; . . 1 NEILAN A PARKHILL. ! ' 219 iLnmbermen Bid., 6th and Stark Sts. A 1 4 ROOM BUNGALOW , . - Completely Furnished ' ' Two j bedroom, bath, lot 63x100, 12 fruit trees, 3 blka. ear; owner - tearing city, will sell tor $1960. Terms can be arranged. Thia i one of ) those bargains we told you about. Autos to show you, T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon bldg $2000 SNAP, 4 room house and bath. In good REAL ESTATE FOH SALE HOUSES 81 " EASTPAY5fENT HOMES 150 MUwaukie eve.. 8 room. 60x100; no Dens, $2750. :-. i- . - " , 1816 East Salmon it. rooms, overslx tot, near 45th st; no lien, $2600. . ! - i:is Missouri ave., as i-oxiuo wiun, w rooms, furnace; no yen, 8320. . . 1241 Missonrf are.. 35 1-3x100; rooass; fornaee, 82900; Be liens. 1251 Missouri ave.. 80x100; roams frf nace, 82500; no Hens, t - , Near Capitol HiU station, west side, new mod em bungalow and acre, $8850. Trm to suit .. '. i . '; ' 1 ' J. C. CORBIN CO., 30B-Q-T iwia mag. ROSE CITY PARK . , J 81800 - CASH ' 1H itory 8 room bungalow, 1 large bedroom downstairs, large living room with fireplace, bailtin buffet and bookcaaea, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, full cement basement, excellent furnace, laundry trays; street improvement are paid for; 8 fruit trees. This ptaoe can be bought at the exceptionally low price of 34880, with only $1600 down, balance easy,. It Is 1 block front Rose City Psrk cr.; - i t LET C8 SHOW YOH i GEO. T. MOORE CO. ; 1007 Teon bid. BEAUTIFUL Irvine ton home., splendid corner. lOOxlOO; every modern convenience, hot water besting System, double garage; exceptionally fin basement and laundry, with extra, large new Tbor wishing machine and -mangle; extra large living room, dining room, music room and library; elegant J new carpet all over -.lower-floor and stain; splendid kitchen with new 200 com bination wood and gas range; second floor, S or 8 bedrooms, 2 tiled bathrooms, sleeping porch; third floor, completely finished; French glas doors, hdt and cold water, heat Am leaving city. Easy term, il taken at once. Sell. 2633. i WOODSTOCK SNAPS - 4 room modern bungalow. 60x100. fruit, garden, chicken house; a dandy place; '$2200 cash;- $2860 term. 4 room cottage. 150x100. fruit, large, sani tary barn, macadamized St., cement walk; $2000; term. . 4 room cottage, $1200; terms. . ' ' 4 room house, big lot, garage, $1050; $130 down. 0128 62d st; Woodstock car. - MOUNT SCOTT CAB ' -.. . " 7 ROOMS, $2250 ' Three bedrooms, bath and toilet, Dutch kit chen, foil cement basement, 80x100 lot. fin garden, close to school; good barn; could be used as garage; souv ease, will nancue, osams monthly. . ' , Autos st your convenience. " ! GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg: HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 8 room residence, hsrdwood floors, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet cement bssement and fur nace; lot 60x100; flowers and shrubbery: sewer and pavement In and paid for; close to school: bargain at $4800. If you have 31400. balance could be paid monthly. Autos at Your Convenience, GEO. T. MOORB CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ! Youll like this, modern 5 room California bungalow. It ' has a reception halt with mir ror door in eoatroom ; living room .with fire place; dining room with built in buffet; full basement, high grade furnace, waan trays, iuu lot; 8 blocks to car. Call us and we will send an auto to take yoa out j COMTE ROHLMAN. 228 Cham, of Com. Main 8550. I ROSE CITY DISTRICT 8 room, modern bungalow type residence, ab r type solutely modern; nothing needed, only move in; near, fine school, well worth the 86500. After pricing ether placea similar, would be pleased to nave yoa see wis at 102 a. sea st, corner Hancock. and make n an offer, open after 4 p. m. Saturday and all day Sunday and Monday p. m. ; . - BEAUTIFUL 8 room Irvington home, especially well-built lighted and heated, ail large rooms, all woodwork just refinished in old ivory, halls, living room and dining room tapestry papered. Dutch kitchen and bathroom painted, hardwood J iioors Downstairs; gramea oax upstairs; lurnace, fireplace, 2 toilets, garage; with or without fur niture. 632 E. lUi N. Owner. BEAUTIFUL LAUKKLHURST HOME ; $9000 - . t Corner lot 60x100, 8 J rooms, bedrooms fin ished in ivory. 2 fireplaces, built-in features, hardwood floors, basement garage. See Mr. Mast - - 1 . RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. g BOOM HOUSE And modern chicken house 10x38 feet: cement walk; electric and gas; furniture and over 80 White Leghorn chickens; 10 minutes walk to O-W. R. 8c N. ear shock; 20 minutes walk to Union depot. Four carluiies are nearby. S8S00. Without furniture and chickens. 83000. 198 Ivy street v - BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER Modem bungalow, A-l condition, 8 rooms, sleeping porch and bathroom, hsrdwood floors, cement basement furnace; good garage: street improvements paid: near Walnut Park. Must be seen to be appreciated. xtelow msrstet vaiue. Price only $5600. " Terms, vuwner "aaranau 2486. - " HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6 ROOMS. $3500 Don't law about high cost of living. If yon pas this up I Terms? Yes, EA8Y TERMS, if you are responsible. . j NBILAN PARKHILL. 219 Inmbermens Bldg., 3th snd Stark St. FOR SALE One large S room house, 2 large . bedroom down snd 3 large finished rooms up; fireplace. ball, front and dining room, kitchen, pantry, elec tric light and ess; larg basement; sUxloo lot; near Francis ave. For appointment call 213-08 Sundays and 6 to 8 a. m. 4 ROOM house, corner lot; choice location; $150. ! Snap Hurry. ; 'j 'J IE. Ea'SweraseiT i ! Beaverton,, Or., Realtor. TABOR 7126 . A real baraain. Good 8 room house, gas. electric lights, shades, stationary tubs, psved street: fruit: close to school,.; on best canine. close in. ! Owner leaving city. OH SALE LOTS " 1$ $3 DOWN, $5 MONTHLY Fine lot 50x100. all clear, close to paved street neat ot stonna line; price 841Z. RIAITOSS 782 "Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lot near Jefferson hieh school and Peninsula -park, 03x240 feet the equsl of three standard city iota in size. Price $1275. Also 60x100, $500, $50 down and sio a month. i JOHNSONDODSON CO. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. i 50x100 LOTnorth of Peninsrur park, no bnild- lng restrictions! $300, $30 easb, $8 monthly, or can give you larger amounts st same rate. JOHiNSONDODSON CO. . 633 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 3787. FINE Rose City comer, $1000; street paid. ..-Terms. -- i " JOIiNSONDODSON CO. 883 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park 108x100 .comer. best part of section; street paid: special for qmcc sate sznsu. Terms u you wish. JOHNSON-OOOSON CO. .633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 50x190 LOT near Peninsula park, 8500, $30, iv montEny; street assessments paid, j JOfiNSON-DODSON CO. 63$ N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. ALAMEDA PARK. 50x100 comer, streets paid. Viuuo. A snap. JOHNSON CO. 6 3 3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALBERTA district 50x100 lot, l?th near Ainsl worth; Will sell cheap and give good termsi Mr. Oastaff. Bdwy. 554 9., I 1 BY OWN ER 4 3 X 1 07 , Ainsworth near Urrion; 50x118, Alameda Park. 2d and Mason; improvements paid. East 839. $50 CASH buys lot on K. 2Sdr7TrdYsmhinI . easy walking distance; lays fine, all imps, in and paid. Bat $12.50 mo. Owner, Main tSl. $285 50xll2"ft"toCadjoTnmJAtamedaf cet ment walk and curb;, water, gas, electricity. investigate, uwnsr. v-lT, Journal.' t LOT. ritr Kan Wsnton 1 T-K T : oou -t; want to trade for Ford and pay dlffeience. 241 Fargo st - 1 -. ALAMEDA PARK, 100x100 S. 1. corner 28th- , 7, pmveo, paiu. laooi 64 11' . ' - -" ' I ''-' w. j BY OWNER Uncompleted buifding on lot 30 J 85. close in. Union are. i-fi lnnm,i nwvrn k' . . 534 and Hancock., 81000. Wdln. 8080. ACKf.AGE 37 PRUNE RANCH -10 acres, located H mile from Red Elec tric station. Yamhill, county, at Cove Or-, - chard; all set to prunes. 3 years old; In a good prune district; this orchard has been " given the best of attention; price $2000 $1500 cash, or will exchange for Portland house. v - JOHN FERGUSON. GEHLINGEB BLDG. ELDERLY COUPLES' OPPORTUNITY . ' tt acre. 10 bearing fmit tree, small f raits, deep rich soil, free of rock or gravel. All in garden, cottage, bam. chicken honse aad store building with stock of goods. Ha furnished good living for present owner lor 12 years. Illness crapea sain. - But Bun water. Gas and electricity siesr. $8250. J. C CORBIN CO., 308-6-7 Xarwis Bldg. 6 ACRES, near Columbia highway, 10 mile out; electric station at land; best will, acre cleared, rest fin grove; v bargain, by owner. y-62 8. Journal. , - 1 BEAL EST ATB i ACREAGE 87 Back to the Soil . 4 ACRES AT; TIGARD ' " ATI in enltivatum. loam aoiL 1-siere or chard. 2 wells. 8-rBom bouse, bam. chicken and milk house; gravel road, not far from Oregon Elect.. 11 miles from Portland; price UUU, 3200U cash. . ; 5 ACRES NEAR HTLLSBOBO i ATI tillable. 4 i in cultivation, good creek. family orchard, small house and. barn, best oi sou; 20tu. xuuu caan. T ACRES AT METZGER i All level and in cultivation, black loam oil, good well, 6 -room house with base ment, large barn, chicken nous, ens.; ngns at station on Oregon Electric; price $4500, $2000 cash. , - 1 '" j 10 ACRES NEAR GASTON i I All tillabl and fenced. 8 acres in enlii -ration, family orchard, spring, small house and batn. on gravel road, - 1 mil from ststion ; price-$1400, $700 cash. f . r ,,- . . i ( " - "1 792 Chamber of Commerce Bids. g A TVn ADHVII I IP : J a"ls. gvxsxa' iuuu , v 6 '1-3-A. REEDVILLE I fl acres, all under cultivation, best strawberry land in the stale, 2 acre in strawberries pro duced in 1910 1942 crate, told for $5990.15. 19210 crop was 1168 orates, realised $4686.86. Besides has 60 fruit tree. $00 chickens. 1 cow, incubator 2500 cap., and farm tools, including H. H. furniture, 'small house, barn 22x34, lo cated 2 miles from Tigardvillc, just off the Highway, It mile ont Price $5000; term. ALSO 6 1-3 acres, all under cultivation, and crop, oats, potatoes, kale and. corn. Nice 4 room modtsrn bungalow, gas for lights, heat and cook ing. New bam. new chicken house and brooder house, 1 cow, 500 chickens, all tools, H. H. furniture. Price $8500; terms. Located 12 miles oat, H mil from S. P. Elec and paved highway, near Aloha and! ReedviUe. Albert Harala, 793 Mississippi ave. - Three Good Buys 10 acre good berry and fruit land near Vancouver. $1000. Easy terms. 21.4 acres with clearing, small bouse, good soil. $2600. 21.4 acres uncleared land, near Vancouver. $1750. 1. . N. W. Merrifield. 810 Wsshington St., ; Vancouver, Wash. . 24.ACRBS--S1550 s-' OA M S.I.mI SZ mtlA from station and P. O. ; good 2 room house; 2 acres cleared, about 15 acres good plow landi balance pasture, spring; headquarter for large logging company &, mile away affords steady work for settlers at good wages. . Price 31550; terms 8550 cash, balance easy monthly payments. - Lueddemmsinn Company ON CAPITOL HIGHWAY One acre, with store building and 6 living rooms. At station, 2 blocks to school, this ride of Newberg. Under cnlti-vation.-water pined to house. Chicken house, etc. A fine place for filling station and general merchandise i business. Pi ice $1650, half cash. Personally inspected by Nelisan, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLXN3ER BLDG. 10 ACRES AT STATION . MT. HOOD ELECTRIC DON'T TAKE ANYBODY'S WORD FOR IT , J TAKE A LOOK ' - FOR YOURSELF ALL IN CULTIVATION SOME TN BERRIES PRICE CUT tt TAKE A LOOK NEILAN PARKHILL 9 LomperinAs bldg.. 5th snd Stark sts. $54 Locates ,You on 2 Acres - Right at electric station, east side, near Basej Line road; lie fine, nice grove timber. Tout chance to get a piece $f acreage right $900; terms $50 cash, $10 monthly. Liieddennann Company S19 OF UOMVEnUg. NEARLY 4 acres, located on graveled road, 12 miles northeast of Oregon Cty, 1 mile frhm Oregon City car at Green Point 3 aarea under cultivation, fmit trees. Dice 8 room l oose, barn, chicken Louse and brooder house," 4 incubators, furniture and tools. Price for everything $2000. $500 cash. Inspected by Broods, phito at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERL1NGER BLDG. I 5 AiCRES. less - than tt" mile from Standifer shipyard, aty in high state: of cultivation, lots or iruii, extra tine nomeaite. ; tsaouu, on terms. 1$ acres. -16 acres in high state of cultiva tion J good 'new bungalow, fair bam; plenty of good! water, lota of fruit; mile from paved Pacific highway; extra - fine view of Colombia river. 34600; term can. be arranged.1 ATKINSON & PORTER, 112 W. 6th t. Vancouver. Wash. OREGON CITY LTNE Nearly 8 acres, located V mil. front Courtney station: under cultivation, ao frtiit trees, 4-room cottage with bath, fruit Hilar, gsrsge, good bam; fine road: price $8000 with 60 chickens, good Jersey cow, farming tools; floOo cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLXNGEB BI4DG. 10 ACRES, located close to Scappooae, on good county road. Best of aoiL. AH Tinder cultivation. 400 bearing fmit trees, every kind. 4 room ceiled house, chicken house, bam, 2 springs. Price 41800, $600 cash, tt mil to station, H mile to school. JOHN FERGUSON, GEELINGER BLDG. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.$$$ I I--'.-- C U.N aalem Klectrio. -right at Pine Knot $ station. 1 acres. Must sell. 8800. $ $ fterms. Tw lots E. Mt. Tabor 8200. Terms. CaU 600 Dekum Bldg., 11 to 1. $ $ $ $! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $2700 27 acres. Sky Line blvd., 12 miles foruand, - small house, nam, -- springs, creek. ' . - 1 $2500 10 acre. Beedsville. cultivated. $2000 6 acre. Base Line rd.. near car. $3000 5 acre. Powell Valley rd., cultivated. Lsirge listings acreage, farms. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 225 Henry Bldg. - 1 -CLOSE-IN ACREAGE" W have over 600 small nieces, close ta Portland; some on paved I Toads close to f electric line: all have been inspected; pho tos st office. 1 JjOHN FERGUSON. CEBLINOER BLDG. ! eACi ACRES, located south ot Oswego lake: sightly: su in cultivation : enema, apples, an kinds fmit; 6 , room , house, ham : and oatbuildings; electtrie light and bath ; chickena, cow, horse, equipment: all $6000, Take cash or will trade for larger farm and pay difference. . E. A. Porter. Phone Oswego 631. - -1 I . SMALL HOME feet station. In crop. $ room house, chicken house, lumber for barn. Paid share Bull Run water. Crop on 7 additional acres, cow, bees. chicken. 2n0ii. J. . CORBINCO. 805-8-7 Lewi Bldg. 20 ACRES at Rockwood. 12 minutes car ride , from Montavilla, 6 minutes from station on both, aide of macadam road; fin for acre tracts: good soil:.- 6 acre clear. This week only $400 per acre; eaay terms. Sell wood 771, owner. 37 tt ACRES for sale: one of the most produc tive- place in the country, 2 miles south east of MUwaukie; fine road; finest location; as ideal place. For particular. Box 881, Milwau- kieJ or. FOR SALE 20 acres ofA-1 fruit bind in the Isle of Pines, close to Santa Fe: 10 acres are cleared. Price for quick sale $2000. Full partic ulars phone Woodlawn. 6389, H. F. avals, 1330 Brrazst . r , - - J82 ACRES. 12 IN CULTIVATION" T" 1 8 miles center Portland, on good rock road. 1 4 miles raved highway ; cheap from owner, $4 $00; $800 cash, balance to suit or will di vide. Phone Broadwajr 1413 business hours. 81 ACRES of splendid dirt, IS acre plowed, an tillable, some open and slashed; has no rock; no building, on county road; good spring gravity to buildings spot: price only $1800? some terms given. Rainier. Or. - - : 1 v - ,- - 1 THREE ACRES $850 ' ' Nice, level brush land, very easily cleared, near S. P. Electric and St Marys station, Beaverton district; 12 miles eat; term. Albert Haral. 793 tt Mississippi ave, . HOMESEEKERS' opportunity 1 to $ acres, easy cleared, close in; $50 down. $5 per IO 1JCK farm,,- 5 mile east of Vancouver. ' value 83200. WUI exchanaw for hrnu. ia pnrHand with clear title. Call owner. 8elL 177. TWO lots, on 63d ave. and '67th at Must sen. i-nc aiuu, by owner. 7224 65th are. HEAL ESTATB ACREAGE T? OVER 18 acre in fin bearing orchard : - . 10 acre of apple of best commercial varieties, some peaches and ebarriea, all 12 years oki, in finest kind of ahape. Gravd road. Good room bone, grav ity water system, packing hwsne, garage. to4 boose, -some water for irrigation. Bam and chicken boos. " This ranch oa a good paying baai. over $2500 income pet year. Clear. Price $7500; will consider Portland boms to fun value. Marsters, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERL1NGEB BLDG. Beaverton Property Two choice acres ehnttin tha naMd hichwar ia town 10 minute walk to Else station: a an!X. .: . . --: .. ,. 60 acres..V n!1a frnm hiehwrnv. 1 at mil from town. . v . 40 acres adlninine whth aTt en tie snhe divided to suit buyer. ' E. E. SWENSEN. Beaverton. Or., Realtor: AT SALEM. OREGON 10 acre, located 6 tt mile from Salem, i mile from Eiaotrie depot Graveled road. 9 acre under cultivation, 1 sere in ' timber, good well, 4 mUe to school, 1 tt acre strawberries, some kMtan and evergreen berries, 6 room house, bam 20x30. ehieken hooe. Priee $2300. $1600 cash. Bara full of hay tnct ided ' JOHN FERGUSON. GEELINGER BLDG. NEAR TUALATIN 10 acre, tt mile from flag station, near Tualatin; all can be cultivated; 6 acre under cultivation, 60 fmit tree in fine ahape, all bearing: tt mile. from graveled road; 8000 bearing strawberry plants; land not under cultivation is in timber: 4 mile to school; small house, fine garden: price $8000; about $600 cash. Inspected by Anderson, with, . ' JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ONLY $500 CASH ' 10 acres, located tt mil from Electric station; 11 miles from center of Portland by automobile; all under cultivation, good plastered house, smalt orchard, chicken house, barn, good well; city conveniences can be bad: $300 cash and large monthly payments: good automobile road ail tha way. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 11 tt ACRES, under cultivation, 1 mil from Bull Run.1 good soil, small prune . orchard and some other fruit on the place, over $80 worth of prunes sold last year, 6 room house. Price $2000, $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 8TJBTJBBAN- HOMES 7 ONLY $5500 BUYS and pays' ia fun . for this, on the Oregon City ear line, at Lakewood station; is a snodern 7-room bungalow style, new house of a very substantial and classy appearance. The honsj is vacant ready to move into, will not be rented, and it con struction is such as to meet the ap proval of people of taste. It has a full concrete' basement with fine turn- . ace, very attractive fireplace, the most expensive plumbing to be obtained, newly stinted -nn the inside and newly painted on the outside. With the house you get more than a half acre of land, of which part of it is in orchard of an varieties of fmit com ing into fall bearing, and the balance . left with .native tree and shrubbery. This is such a bargain as you will not find soon again. It would coat mora . than $1000 to replace thia new bunga low,, to say nothing ot its location on the street car line, and right at the station, and in the high elasa Lake wood suburban district The house baa every ' convenience, city water (Bull Run), electric lights and gas. Half cash will handle it. M. J. Clo hessy, Abington bldg. ",6REGON CtTY CARllNE ait' modern 7 room bungalow, basement farnsce, Creplsce, water system. Facing on hia-hwa. two blocks to ststion. : : Choice acre. abundant fruit 87000; terms. Three acre home, fine location, gooa 1 room house and outbuildings; plenty fruit good soil, near car. Price $6250. . Acre and house. $4500. 3tt acre home, 4 room bonse, large hen house, aood Well: crop. Price $3000. includ ing 100 chickens; 1 1-3 acres, improved, $2400. 8500 cash, 1 tt acre home, facing on highway. Good 6 room house, semi-modem: plenty fmit good soil, rear station. Only $8500, $650 cash. easy terms. Highly improved 6 acre home; good 6 room house and outbuildings. Plenty fmit Urge spring ; piped, near station, $4250; reasonable terms. ' i 1 tt acre home facing on earline. Good plas tered house; outbuildings; plnty fnlit good soil, running water; fine location; . $3500; reasonable terms. - Phone 113W. C. E. APPLE. OAK GROVE, OR. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME On Oregon Electric Railway ltt story, double constructed. 6 large airy rooms, also den, large bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet - fireplace, . gas, . electricity, city water, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. Located on a beautiful 1 acre tract, over looking the surrounding country, close to Ryan Place station, only 4 blocks to school. There is also a first class garage and large chicken house and run, bearing trait trees. This prop erty waa built by the present owner S years ago, Has never been on. the . matSet and probably never would be bat for the fact that owner sr obliged to more east We ean ' recommend thia as an exceptionally fine buy. All the com forte of a home, in the best residence district of the city, plus pure fresh country surronndinK. $7500 full price, $$000 cash will handle, and the balance at 7 per cent without monthly pay ments. Shown by appointment only. Main 802. Sundays. Main 7618. We Have Others. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg A SUBURBAN HOME In That Beautiful Residence District MULTNOMAH ' Strictly modem 6 room bungalow, bath. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, lirbt, gas, city water, full cement basement laundry trsvs, only built I year. Garage, 8 large chicken bouse, beautiful tt acre of ground, hard surfaced road, 6 blocks school, 4 blocks Multnomah station, for the ex ceedingly low price $60O4). Pay $2500 cash; we can arrange balance. Furnished with beautiful mahogany furniture, including piano, which can' be, bought at leaa : than half . value. Heslly a beautiful borne arid excellent bargain. . Phone us for appointment to show. Main 802. Sunday. Main 761S. We Have Others. -GEO. T; MOORE CO.. . 1007 Yeon bldg. PARK ROSE BARGAIN 1 acre on good graveled road. 4 block fram Sandy blvd. ; . everything ia the way of fruit; 27 of them, bearing; good 6 room bungalow with sleeping porch, fire place, best of plumbing city water, gaa, electric lights, full cement basement laun dry trays, furnace; a very complete home, with garage, chicken house and lots of ber ries: offered at a bargain for a short time. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 280 SEE THI8 ONE $6250 Country home ia the city, grounds 850 feet by J 00 feet 7 room honee, gas, elect rknty. fnll cement basement wash trays, house painted in side and outside; has beautiful creek 40 ft by 100 ft running through center of property, with trout ponds and 8 artificial islands; fruit berries and a good garden ; must be seen to be appreciated. $1250 will handle; -Phone owner, Sellwood.' 888. ' ' 14 tt ACRES, located on a good road near Clackamas; only 10 miles from the cen ter of Portland; clos to station: the road wll be paved; all nnder cultivation; a nice home site; price $4500 clear; will con aider well located horn in Portland; will assume some cn good 5-room pise. JOHN FERGUSON,, GERLINGER. BLDG. ON THE PAVED HIGHWAY At Alhoe station, 2.65 under cultiva tion: some strawberries, kogsnberTie and black berries; small cherry trees; new small . bouse. 20x34; garage; city water, gas maia by the place; price $2100; $1300 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 5 ROOM HOUSE, 3 acres, at Orenco, all in crop, small fmtt and berries, bare, 2 poultry houses; good well, pump on perch; city water, gas and electricity available. 10 minute to station. - $2200. $626 caah. term on bal. : consider The Dalles property. L. B, Day, 620 E. 3rd at. The Dalles, Or. . BY OWNER 1 1-3 acres rich garden land. 6 r. double constructed boose, full cement basement Some fruit Two chicken bouse 20x30 and-14x20, . Also email bam. $2600, on terms. Building alone would cost more to day. 8 locks south of Pacific highway at Aloha stattosx ' B. P. electric Panl Dudley. FOR SALE By ownert'RysnPlaee. on Ore gon Electric, a dandy modem 4 room bunga low. . For further particular address O. Ro maln. Multnomah. Or. V A. WITH fruit, good bides., at Multnomah. SI 800: 8800 cash. baL monthly. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 4 a J i.Diy . U 1 .... I, S. i..,M a..S AVW, W 1U. H,- MVUVS. VS. ' V ,11, ,,. walk to station, good water. $2000: r00 eah, baL easy terms. W. Kragrr. Tigard.Ore. 4 ROOM, new- bungalow,- bath, basement gas rag ia basemeat with tt acre near station, $300 will hanril. . Ned Burke. Multnomah sta. SEAL ESTATK SUBURBAN HOMES 79 D0XT FAIL TO SEE THIS PROPERTY. Oo ' today and see River Villa Acres, river front age, as well as psved street front Thi is v new tract, jnst placed on tne niarzec ana in large home sites are being offered for sale for a least half of the price of land on either aide or across the street .can, be bong lit for, for the rea son that all of thia tract must be closed out at the quickest possible data. The waterfront site r the best on th Willamette river, close ia to the bus! new center of the city. The paved high way frontage ia only 2 blocks from the station avid ear line at Courtney station on the Oregon City car line. It i the only vacant tract be tween thi city and it Now Js the time to make your selections. These home site consist of half sores snd more and the prices range from $60U and up. It ia the best investment offered today lor speculation, outsid of a beautiful home kit for suburban residence. If yoa did not ear to build right away, the thing to do la to secure one of these home site bow at th low pries they re being offered for. as th location is th best to be found on th Oregon City oar Una and river. - CaU at th Office and lst a show yoa this property. x - 1 - . M. J. OLOHES3T. ABINGTON BLDG. j ONLT $2650 BUYS AND PAYS FOR in fun. ) new 6 room bungalow with basement of concrete . wall. Thi bungalow : is located on Capitol bill close to the earline and station; baa eity - water in the' house, bath, toilet fire place; very substantially built bunsslow. every room plastered, newly tinted, painted Inaid apd outside; a very pretty place with a view unex celled, clot to CkoitOl hiahwar. Thia is a great bargain. Terms, $630 cash, balance $23 per month. 6e car far. 1 U, J. CL0HSST. ABINGTON BLTXi. i -J '': 'V..f'-i. :''.';"'f. ;,'"-'t ONLY $7500 BUYS TEN BIG ACRES of .land,-all in grove, ia the center of the. progres sive high-class. Multnomah district, on the Cap itol highway. Thia land baa th advantages of city water (Bull Bun, and all other , city con venience. Thar is big money in subdividing thia into small tracts. One-half ot the land can be sold for the price now asked for all of it Another feature - is for any person desiring a close-in suburban home with lots of land, close to the earline and station, with 8c car fare, close to the city school, and 00. the Capitol , highway. Thia is an opportunity rare one, as there are no large tract left bat this one. The view on all side from thia tract of land eclipses anything to be found so close ia to ths business center; only 20 minute ride. Half oasn wui nanaie it. . - . M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2500 BUYS AND PATS in fall for this, a very substantial 8 room house: every room plastered, newly tinted ; house painted in side and outside, and ha the appearance of be ing a new house. The bouse carta inly 'cannot bo replaced today for a less sum than $4000. It baa all the city conveniences, : including city water,' earline and station. 6 blocks away, city school about the same distance : 60 car fare. With thia yon get a half acre of land, rich soil, bam, chicken boose, 15 minutes' ride from the business center. $1300 will handle it . M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. A RIVER FRONT HOME on th west ide out luverdale way. Remember there is only lust so much of this riverfront property to be had and no more to be made ; hence the .value will be constantly on the increase every year 'from now on. Hre are 4 big acres of land all in park and lawn -on the Red Carline, right at the station with the best car service in and out - of Port land. On this land is a very classy modem up-to-date 7 room- bungalow, facing the river; eery attractive firenlac. This buncalow is mastered. tinted, beam ceilings, large living room, every city convenience to be found in this bungalow. Them is also another bungalow which goes with the property. W are new offering this valuable place for hair of it real value. $90O0 take the whole thing. About $5000 will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDU. - ; ONLY $6500 .FOB THIS -RIVERFRONT HOME. Two big acres of land, a beautiful place on the earline and right at the station, in tne Kiverdole district on the west aide. With thisi land von set a vers siiHsvanrla! 6 room flung alow, a ston fireplace which will bharm you; full basement cement floor. Th bonse ha all of th city convenience-slacks nothing and if you "want a riverfront home, thia enoaia piease you. lasvu caan 1 all you need. I M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. j I ONLY $5250 BUYS THIS very charming suV Urban home. The location - Is in Capital Hilt, and the view is simply unsurpassed. The house contains 7 large, light airy rooms, well. planned and laid oat with full concrete and cement base ment This hi practically a new house, , modem and very substantially constructed, fireplace, large front porch, close to the boulevard which lead to the Capitol highway. With the house you get a large- plot of ground. : To build thi house new today, would cost at least $7 SOU, The grounds are well improved with trait flow ers and shrubbery. It is a anan. and it reouirea ail eaaa 10 nanaie 11. I At J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. I ONLY 83600 BUYS AND PAY". tVlTt tn full. ' A half acre of land, practically on the eouievara wnicn leaas to tne Uapitoi nigttway. With the land you get a brand new 5 room bun-' gslow just finished never having beeix occupied, Thia bungalow ha such convenience as city water, bath, toilet, full basement with garage. aavu caso wui Handle it M. J., CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. '- 6 acres, near Garden Home, on good graveled road. Closes to the higbwsy. Plastered bungalow, with best of. white enamel plumbine. full cement basement 's f urnace. Convenient- to the station. Price aowuu. 9Z00O cash.; No apologies to offer on this place. Photo at office. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG'. ; IN " MILWAUKIE. OREGON CITY LINE si , nearly o 101s in atuwauKie. ginaa of bearine fruit true. barrtea arranjsi ma , hedge and shrubbery. ' 7 room house, city water, m electric ugnts. uarage. (Jhickeo i house. Graveled street This place isv in fine condition, with good income front the fruit Price $2500. $1000 cash. Photo at office. I JOHN FERGU8ON. GERLTNGEB BLDG. - CLOSE IN ACRE t V ' - .Nearly an acre oa Mt Tabor car, at j 82nd st. with fralt trees. - Modern 6 room bouse, with sleeping porch, full cement base ; ment all city convenience. Small barn, chicken bouse, so chicken with th place. Will . consider small 3 or 4 room house as part payment ; JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. MCE new -bungalow of 6 rooms, bsth, sleeping porch and basement . modern chicken house, nice bam. young orchard, berriea and lii. eni.n on 2 lots 110x160, on good rock road near pavement, zu minutes drive from courthouse, 6tte far via Oregon Electric fi nww iw to school, store snd p. O, sidewalks and all city cuBiwumnj oargain as souuu, caan or terms. Main 2188. ; E. R. 8TROMQUIST. MsplewoodL in TIGARD 1 1-3 acres, located 1 block from high way, 8 blocks from station, all under culti vation; the best of soli. Nice 4 room cot tage. This is close to hieh or grade school end th finest kind of soil. Price $2000. $1000 cash. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. BY OWNER 5 acres, B room modem bunga low; hot and cold water, bath, toilet, full size cement basement; laundry trays; fine well, tower and . tank house; garage, bam, chicken house: 3 incubators, brooder stove,' used one sea son; 200 spring chickens; good cow, pig, all kind of berries set out; good garden; potatoes; com snd kale; 2 mile from city limits, on Gate roaa. jus oil s-owau yauey.- j. I. Hendoa. 1 ACRE on Red 'Electric, with some-fmit . - ; trees; S blocks from station ;. 4 room plaster board house; chicken house; garage. Seme tools and equipment- Price $2000, , $800 cash. Or consider small boos or city .- lor. v JOHS FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. FINE "SUBURBAN HOME Seven room and sleeping porch, ivory finish, bungalow style, French . doors, fireplsce. book ease, .window Beats, buffet, Dutch kitchen, laun dry tray", furnace, massive porch and beautiful lawn with shade trees and' shrubs; lot 100X100, 2 blocks Oregon City car: one mile fr-m Port land city limits, on Pacific highway,- Bull Baa water. Price $7000. Phone 201-28. - 5-ACRE BARGAIN 9 -room doable constructed 2 -etory house with fnrnsee. fireplace, hot and cold water; beautiful view; a bargain at $6000; abund ance of fmit and berries ; east of th city limits; ideal soil. Marsters, with JOILS FEBGUSONVgERLINGEB BLDG. NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. . : 23 -minute ride out the highway I am of fering -more than tt acre with nearly new modem bungalow, S larg rooms, electric lights, mfxiern plumbing, fall bssement firepmee, good gsrsge, fine fmit and garden; good reason for offering at $8500. 8. P. Osbura, 810 McKay bldg. 2tt A. IN FULL bearing orchard, fine improve nar.ta. sau tiaraen Homa. S8750: S185A cash, bat to suit Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 2 A. IN cultivation, new bid., close In, good road, crop ana law cntcsen. gisuu; UI essh. baL to suit Wilbur F. Jouno, Haary bklg. HEAL; EST ATE ftr-B URBAN HOMES 1 tt ACRES, near car Sine, city limits; 6 room house, garage, chicken house; fruit trees: all onvtniences: gas. wtr. lectriattj. BJ 0wr. Prio $4500. r-169. Journal, - rOR SALE FARMS If . Powell Valley Farm Near City .lilmits 78 acre and th crops. Implement Snd stock BOW on faren gees with it , 2 O acre of clover. S ace potatoes. 2 acre corn, 88 sores oats and vetch; balance open pasture.' Ideal bouse, eement basement fireplace, i built-in, private pressure , water system, water piped to house and barn. Large bara with silo. Fsmtly orchard. This farm, practically la Portland, ean be purchased for $400 per acre. W can arrang the best possible terms; 0 per cent interest - Immediate possession. A distinctly farm and tb price is right. pr: ; Oregon City; Farm - I- Thi farm of .110 acres Is located Just 8 HOes from Oregon City. About 60 acres culti vated. .A good producing soil.: 2 aesea orchard. Roomy house; large bara. Close to school. This farm is selling at a figure below that asked for other fans in thia locality. Th price ia $14,000. $4000 will handle. A very com fortable income can be made from thi farnt. If you. are looking for a good farm at tu right price come in and talk it ovr with us. . rb- '-. Co rval fits 452 acres 10 miles from Corvallis, tt .mil Mom Wren. Or. An ideal Uairv farm. 200 acre cultivated, balance open pasture. Marys river southern boundary. Large house, two large barns, other necessary buildings. Spring watef piped to bouse and barn, Thia farm tt mile from B. II. station and so close to tV vsllis make it on of tb best dairy propositions you will find. This place to be sold for $25,000. We oaa give practically any terms you dasire. OTTO A HARK8ON, " . ' 418 Chamber of Commerce - Alfalfa Ranch 160 acre oa Washington, Oregon, California highway; on railroad, tt mile to school, about 60 acres of the richest genuine bottom land on Willow creek. Free water from Ute to irri gate. Owner say alfalfa grows from S to 10 tons per acre, ' Fin for raia- ving corn on account of very low alti tude. Thia bottom land will raise a big crop of anything you can. raise in Ore gon. - 6 room house, cheap but com- -fortable. Very good 'bam; very good fence; excellent drinking water.. Com pletely equipped with horses, cows, puis and machinery goes with place. . Owner of place has been ill for the last four months. . That is the reason for e ' selling. Price $11,000. j Must be at least half cash balance 0 per cent. W : bar. personally inspected tills place snd will be glsd to give ail ; the inform- i .' . tion to anyone who is interested. McCBure & Schmauch Co, .; S06 Railway Exchange Bldg. CHANCK OF A LIFETIME i 40 acres. 12 acres clear, 4 room: bouse, good barn, outbuilding, 80 as sorted fmit trees. 2 cow, 1 yearling. 1 horse, wagon and tools, SO chickens, tt - mile to sawmill, work year round. 20 miles frnm Vancouver, i.Waah. Price $1900. $800 cash. j 80 acres acre clear, 5,000,000 ft. of logs down. 40 fmit; trees, 6 room ; ' house, good barn, plenty of water and range. Prio $1100. $500 rash, bal. to uit 20 mile from Vancouver. ' f 160 acres. T acre clear. 40 fruit; trees, small house and barn, plenty of outrange, spring water. Price $1800. Terms to suit - - ; 'A. W. Lambert & Son 120 Grand ate. . -East 640. , .1 i ' FARMS i ! 45 acre, 20 acre cleared, balance pasture; lays good;-on good road, close to Boring, Or. Good 0 room house, good barn, chicken house, corrals, orchard good team. ) wagons, harness, mower, rake. disk, plows, barrows, cultivators, separator, 4 cows. Everything goes, including crops. 37000. $2000 d wn balance oa long tim at 6. ' - , . 20 acres. 8 acre cleared, balance easy clear ing. Good 6 room house, smsll bsrn, chicken house, orchard. This is a-snap 1 $1600. 800 dean. ; - 1 . I . sroan barn, woodshed. $1200, $600 down. I have some best buys going in big nd little farms. On reasonable terms. Absolutely Ire from rocg. uess 01 "'' i-1- 1 itu 00 ns.Tiu . WRITE GEO. BEERS, SANDY, OR. Marion County Farm -nan ' l.Ul XI.' Mtl. n4 B T SI.H, fn 1 jag scm wiiuiu 'M .1. . w v, - . , good rod--e0 acre in crop, 75 seres more very easily put in, oaiance uiiimcis:, fm, 1 buildings, consuung 01 moaera nouse wan he ths snd4" 2 fteplsee, big modem brn. other buildings; these buildings could not be built tor x 10. out.; spring water pipeu. iu uv"imv prwe $8I.000: good terms. 1 i Lueddemann - Company 918 Chsmher of Commerce. i TILLaAMOOK IDAIRY. , RANCH FORi SALE ! ON "COAST - ; iOO HCrSBl, I ., sk (SSI ,uw mmw, wwu.u f 23 cows, snd the best location on coast for camp ground. - 80 many opportunities to tnske t . . K . . . 1 mJ money suukj navv 10 si 1 w ww . - Ola age reason ior sauing. - .- JOHN WHALfN . HAND LAKE. ORE. - .; 108 ACRES 116 ia cultivation, more easily .cHred, aom timber, BVUance pasture; urge . z atory s room honse, good barn, 2 chicken houses: all fenoed; schnol . tnila 9 A ahaen. ' 4 cattle. 1 horse. farm Implements. Price $8500. Will trad for farm oi tv to ss acres. . K E TKKPT.Tfi 20 5 7th St. Orsgon City T Or- j Phone 838-W. FOU SALE 40 aer alfalfa ranch. 34 acrea water right all peia up, in. acre ia aiiaii. A-l, standing: 2 -acre in ipcUtuea. Good woven wire fence ground the : place, -coyer cis tern, good ; cave, small buildings. 8 tt mile from Bend, "4 mil from school snd chureh, dally mail rout. Hav to sell on account of too much work. Priee, including crop, 83750; $1750 cash; will give good, terms on balance. Everything clear from all encumbrance. Owner, B'i I, Bog 3.1, liena, ore. - . TWO TfOUSES ONE ! RANCH " Half mile from electric line, 8 miles from Oregon City, on good graveled road. 1 mile - from school. 17 acre: 1 i can be cuMJ- - vated: 11 under cultivation; some- fmit trees r Weil and spring.' room and 4 room house, chicken house and . lota of ether buildinga. Wire fencing. , .Price $4 100. $1600 cash. 1 - JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDO. ... . , .1 . e I I " 84 ACRES BOR.NO 20 acre bottom land. 23 acre under plow. about' 500 cords of wood, berries of all kinds, 100 fruit trees assorted, "4 mile to' tetion, 2 room bungalow, barn 50i50. farming tools, shout 23 ton of hay In barn, team, 2 cow. 1 50 chickena, 15 acre crop. Price ynly $8300. $8500 cash, j T. Tj. KDDY.i i BITTER. LOWE . CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trad bldg. , STOCK RANCH ! FOR 5 1250 1 01 acre, t mile from Mclfensi highway, ta Ian Co.. tt mil frvm P O. 20 cre H an - -- - mm nutsrs.i balaitce timoar. spring water, all good tillable land, small bouse. Ksm sKhmlls mtrsnia 8. P. Osbura, 610 ham, nnbmited outrange. McKay bwg ' 87 ACRES About 60 in cnltivatioo: 9 room bouse, hot and cold wster, water piped to bona, good bam and outBuiklings. good crop, stock and ma chinery. Oa good road- Price $16,000. Terms, j B. O. D1LLMAN . 214 7th Bt. Oregon Ctiy. Or., near B. P. Depot MS ACRES of fin ordoB bind, wesT of Portland. S miles from eowthouse. Half under cultivatioB. Over lOOOj cords of ash and oak wood on the balanJ All I n be eultivated. Couaty road. Prk. $200- per , acre. Some term. Persona 1 1 yiupclil. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. VANroUTEB7"'WAWEl'GTON. 160 acrea level land. 40 acrea tn erop, balance .. . . a 1.1 mm a rM, m i in. h miles from 'Vancouver, paved roaa to place; i . . , ,. hsl, Mh . hslasM a n. , price - - cent This Is an extra good bargain. R. M. OITEW WU W,. 1 00 tt 4ta t- Loganberry Land "20 acres finest loganberry land all in culti vation, fenced, road, at station oa electric Una, 39 miles np valley; $12$ per aero gets it 1 Term. ' - 1 J. it WOIXY. 419 Bear Bldg. - REAL ESTATE FOn HALE FARMS T7 $ .000 Clark county. Wh.; 120-aer , ; Improved farm tt ' mile to town,.fl good district and' roads; $3S0 cash, long time oa balance. '$ 8.800 Clarke county. Wash.; 137tt acre improved farm 1 M miles to . town and railroad; $4000 caah, term on th balance. $18,000 Yamhill county. Or.; ISO-acre Improved, 6 miles from R.R.; all stock and equipment; $0000 casta. $18,000 Claekama county, Or.; 87 acre, Stt miles from Oregon City; - stocked and equipped; $604)0 $14000-"ClaTke county. Wash.; 200 acre improved. 4 miles to town, -bast of aoilj $6000 cash. $19,690 Yamhill county. Or.: 208 acre highly improve"), west ot Mo Minnvill; $6000 cash, long tim oa bat . - $20.200 Lincoln county. Or.; 404 aorea improved, stocked snd eiulpied; mile to K.K. ; $12,000 cash. $23,000 Linn county. Or.J 290 acre highly improved, 7 mile to 1 $6500 cash, terms on baL $28.000 Multnomah county. Or.; 80 arras highly improved, east of ireabam; $15,000 cash, bat terms. ItS.DOO Polk county. Or! 439 acrei ' hlKhly improved, 24 acres prunes; thickly settled district;. $18.90( caali. , These places hsv an been personally In spected by us; we hsv photos snd complete descriptions of them at our office; w have ante at your disiKwal. and will show the farms at any tim. pc n una 732 Cb&mber of Connpero Bldg, HERE IS YOUR CHANCS 48 "acres, .8 mile from Woodland, on good main county road, near school, daily mail, near country store, large neighborhood , hall on plsce, fair 5 room house, about 6 acres cleared, fine lot piling ott place. Vise located on Lewis river; piling easy to get into river. This is a splendid clianc for someon with smsll amount of money. Price of place only $200. Term $700 cash, balance 3 years LEWIS RIVER IUJCD COMPANY. Woodland, Wash. Farm Buyers .Take Notice. 81 acres: 80 in eultivstion, 80 acres In wheat cats and vetch, 12 acre ia summer fallow. 1 acre" potatoes, fine garden, large orchard, 9 roora home, large bara, 2 good wells and creek, good team young horses, weigh about 8100 lbs. ; 1 cow, wagon, barne-w, plows cultivators, harrow and other small tools; less than 2 blocks from school, church and i store, on ftn road; will b paved U th way from Portland soon. 8 mile from Electric line, and 29 miles from . Portland. Price $14,500, $6000 cash, balance to 6 years at 6 per cent 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH SO- cres, 1 tt niilns from good town. 28 mile frrm Prlrtland, on a lacked Ml that will be paved, 25 acre ci; oe cul tivated, it. acre undtr caltl'slfcrt, 1 '-re bearing orchard, over an s-vre tt berries set. out last spring; 4 room house, bam 20x40, 8 larg poultry i-iu-.i. 1 lnrter bouse, gsrage, other baJd nnv W ill the plao giwa 1400 white Leghorn chirkens, cow, boras, complete line of machinery, furniture, poultry equipment and crops Price $7500. for everything, i Lrg eb payment Photo a office, Liapecteil by Ms -stem, wiu. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BUXJ. 25 ACRES Stocked and 'Equipped, All . under culUvstlAi excepting 3 sere ta rture. Smsll stresm running throngli place, room bouse, barn and other outbuildings: blacksmith, shop with tools; zti acres in oeenng orchard, casr. sooles. prune, berries; 8 acre in wheat 1 H in spuds, 4 seres in com, etc. Personal: One good young team, a cows, heifer. 1 ealf. 73 chickens." 1 cresm seprstor; wsgon, buggy. 1 sow, 8 plg, plow, harrows. dsn, 2 cultivators, locstea 19 nines imuiwwi of Portland, in l lacxamas county. -nce ior au. . 84800; about 82400 cash. See owner, 814 Falling st Phone Wdln. 2785. 1W ACRES'ON BEAR -CREEK BOTTOM - On county road, 1 mil from school, 4 0 seres bottom, creek mile through bottom, balance " ben oh land, fin for grass, 1 .000,000 ft. saw timber, balance brush. No bidgs., 2 tons gra-s Lay. 4 tons oats hay. Cattle, etork market price. Price for land 83000. Sawmill, boiler 85 b, p. aise, engine 16 b. p., planar 24 in.; new belts, 2 years. Complete in running order, priee $2000. Will aU together or separate. Adores all letters to FRANK MINSKY I Rose Ixidge, Ore. FINE HOP RANCH 61 seres, on gcxxi road thst will be psved. east of Newherg. 10 acres hop land, 10 acre clover; 40 acres under eulUratiorw larg orchard. Good plastered bous ith plumbing, water system for bouse snd bsrn. Good buildinga. Including hop houses. Home bay, oats and grain Included ; also team, cow. chickena and complete line of machinery and hop equipment -The 1919 hop cn.p on thi place sold for $12.000.. Offered st bsrrain for short time. No trade considered. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BiJXJ. FORCED sXTK . 197 ACRE-S CIACKAMA! CO. Hera is a frm of 187 acre with bont 90 acre nnder cultivation, and all In crop. lieaiii in family causes llck sale. It is completely stocked with 4 extra good horse, li head of cattle, binder, mower, rake nd sll other farm implements, all nearly new. 10 seres corn, bsl. wheat and oats, new 100 ton silo, large bsrn and 7 room house. Call st office for further particulars. Price $16.0o. -Good terms. V. I- KIOY. S1TTPR' lIWE A CO. 201-8-6-7 Bosrd of Trsd bldg Yamhill County Farm '200 sens rich productive fsrm land, 6 mile from CsrlSn, 135 under plow .balance good Und and partly cleared; snd sll rolls sufficiently for good dring; well t eral good springs, very fair farm bmldinir with ster piped to tbem- school '"Tich will Price only $0 an acr $3000 cash wiu bsndle. ' Lueddemann Company 913 Chamber "t Crmaierce rtARP.AIN 0 se'res shout 27 miles from oriland, S mile from VVoodlsnd . W.-U Good Und. good 8 room house, bara. chh-1 a -,n,nary orchard, 80 acre in crop, bal-aS-ein pastur. 6 cows, heifer, bull. 4 0 cl.ick-.rTers-m tpsrator. all for $7500 13000 cash, balance terms. Apply to E. J. Johnson Kute 2. La Center, Wash., or to 607 Lumbermen - bldg. city. - ' - "74 Af'RrTTTjtND GOOD BUILDINGS All for HHOO 20 srres in crops. 40 more can be cultivated; about 600 cords of wood on . . , . . ...n. V. , .... Ksen ffnoH srirltitf and running wster; 1 8 miles from Oregon City, 21 miles from Portland on e:ombn. road. $2500 cash. baL to' suit. at 6 per cent. caw, r. 'r. 3 n ,,.' filbHAUl S .818 North we-tem hank Bldg, " SHERWOOD FARM jfltj aBTOT, W . .. ... " -" -. - ' v rolling land, extra good soil; 45 eres in erops, balance pasture and timber; lots of wood, nn " orchard and berries; good . running water;; 8 . V. ..... kira . t f1 itHthnililtnn. ns. scbooL Price $9000, snd worth it It. M. Uitsnuuu st. w., issn ia si. 4 Acres, 56750 1 8 miles from Portland. 80 rods from f'n- tnmbia highway, on rock road, fair hou-e. bsrn, 15 acres in cul. : all kinds fruit and berries: (in spring and creek; Al toll; land lies fine; $20i cash, balance to suit 618 Chamber of - Com merce. 6 ACRES, good bam, chicken huse arid welt, some fruit trees and berries, street car. paved road, schools, church snd ster elo by, $2300 eawh. Home evenings, Hsttirday " afternoon snd Sunday. CaU at Knights store. Oreherdv. Wash. 25 ACT1E farm,' all "clear; good land: gool buildings: fenced: water: P. it. station 1 V miles, Salem 11 miles, $26UO; timu. 85 or 40 acre if desired. 741 East Plna-t,PortlaniL FARU land Tor asi: buildings, cows; 5 miles - west of - Kelao. Write ' J. i-l. Bush, owner, Kelso. W h. . FOR SALE 8 acra near IXilwauki. 3-tm'f bunsslow, ail elesired; or will xchang for city property. Cll Main 5 O 8 ft . FOR BALK 160 acre, including small ranch; for $1260, in Liuoum Co. Cba. Lewi. Fisher, Or.