THE .OREGON , SUNDAY. JOURNAL, ; PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1920. eJp: 1 'J .' ROrSFKEFTIKO BOOMS TPRXIHHEP AXD rFTKSlBHEP Jl'HT what Ui working people want, 1 and 2 IL K tmi. lane and airy, bent of eagidition and comfortably f urnislied. Just riifht for single ! tpcnoQi or married couples, ner children. uf - walking diet, 316 and up per mo. Del Monte. J 07 Stoat at., near; 20th and Washington. 84 TO $5,50'WEK,eotnpletery furnished house keeping u!te, absolutely clean, every conven ience hot water all hours, baths free, eava tit fare. The Cadillac, Sd near Jefferson. ; ' OXK Vrge, nicely furnished, airy front room. Absolutely clean; every convenience. Stutr able for 2; walking distance. 6 L3embUlst CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms for adnlfs. 293 Montgomery st or. 5th at. $2 SO WEEK op. one and two room, clean. famished, housekeeping. 645 First. MYnEnNhouekeetfng "rooms and rooms, 88 Mi Orand are. Kant 433. SINOLE housekeeping rooma, suitable for becb- elor; oimoaite Auditorium. 254 Market at. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for one couple only. 509 Milt at. Mar. 2772. " ! HOT'SEKEEPUNG ROOMS : PRITATF, FAMILY 7t ROOM with large closet, kitchenette and run nins water, bath, phone and eleotrie light. 134 N. lflth. Bdwy. 2224. TWO clean, fumUhrd H. K. room; gas. sink, : electricity, water and phone. Clone in. 687 E. Morrison, fall Sunday after 3 p. m. DE-SIRABLE 2 -room apartment, private home, ;, for two or three bachelor. 493 Montgom ery t " .-:'.'''.. ' .' : ?;ooi clean housekeeping rooma mi table for couple; also Bleeping rooma. 818. 298 Vs - Union are., one block 8o. of Hawthorne. f 30 and (20 -4 and 2-roorn furnished house- keeping apartments. 542 E. 27th. Kichmond rr to 27th. 1 ' block south. - LARGE front unfurnished housekeeping room. gaa, tight, water and (.hone, walkiog distance. 81 3 per month. Marshall 824. 78 N 23d. FOR KENT 4 furnished H. K. rooms,-'.: blk. from Pin. school. low 7 Vincent are. Wdln. 2098 '- - A DESIRABLE light housekeeping room. 312 gnonth. 632 Flanders. Broadway 2258. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, man and wife only. 441 E. Touch at. East 1818. T1IKEK furnished H. K. rooms, modern; eery reasonable. Sellwood 9. TW fina housekeeping rooma for nice people. 918 Ev Yamhill. - ' . NEATLY furnished "housekeeping rooms. Eaat 8629. TWO furnished liousekeeping rooms, walking distance, free phone. 592 V, 4th at. NICELY furnished apartment, two rooma in pri vste ; Phone Msin 8051. - CLEAN light basement II. K. room, for 1 or 2 working men; reasonable. 294 Jefferson. SPLENDID large c'-sn front room with kitchen ette, close in. 294 Jefferson. FI RNISHED housekeeping rooms, plasant place, ' c'oe In. 10 it K 11th. NICE lieht and eol room, close in; ni-e aur- roumfings. Call mornings. Eaat 6818. DESIRABLE room, with use of kitchen; girl employed; walking distance. Main 8018. 1 I'. Il l', any housekeeping riMims. 2.4 12th at. FOB REST-HOCSES UBiKI MMSMEil 19 MEIER FRANK'S INFORMATION AND , RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, np to date ltsta of desirable vacant houses, apartments 'and flats with definite infor mation pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau cf great value in helping them get properly and quickly Ideated, s EIGHTH FLOOR MR,' AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER Intend moving this fall, don't put it off. Houses eery scarce. It is hard to tell what peo ple will do this winter. Better make your ar rangement now. "SEE THE YELTOW SIGN" SMITH WAGONER CO.. 8TOCK EXCHANGE. 8TCAGB COMMERCIAL AN.' HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MOVING, PACKING. SHIPPING. Reduced freight rates. For expert eerrtce rail Broadway 703. Manning? Warehouse at Transfer Cb. : -' ' ! i r FaiirnltMre Moving1 Vtra Transfer- and Storage. Uy distance haulinc. 82 Union are. N. Phone Ekst 6484. FOR RENT 7 room modern bungalow, partle furnished : take Oregon City car; i get off . at I-land ftstion, fourth - house nn right ; band aide of Rirer road. -A f CALL BROADWAY 880 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. FOR8ALE or rent. 8 mom house, corner 67x 100, on E. Glieen, Monta Tills. Inquire at 94th and GUsan. - 0-KO0M, boose, gas, electric Ughta.- 833 E. 1st at. N. Inquirs 890 East 1st at N., near Hancook. - ' . 2-ROOM fumWied cotUge; gas: MV depot car, 82d K. to Holladay are., 1 block east. 2103 Holladay are. ' FOR RENT or lease to reliable person modern, clean 7 room house, close, to school and car llne,ingood district; 340. N-526. Journal. WR RENT 4 room house with garage, with ' or without furniture; na children. 756 E. Pth at. ,N. iROOM house, gaa. electricity, furnace, 2 toilets, wash trays, pared street, convenient location; no children. Inq.ulra 60 Kirby nt-i FOR RENTES room modern house, near Kil i lingsworth are.. $20. Wood lawn 3796. FOR BENT 4 room cottage, partly furnished. 553 MrLanghlin are., or. Sellwood 1125. FOR-IJENT Six room house, close In. Adults oniy. t none cast ettdi. FOR RENT 8 room hou, good location, lav quire 1292 Eat Yamhill st lH. RENT Comfortable 8 room hrm-e at Osk GroTo. Trtly nrBihed. Main Hfll4. SEE FRANK U McGCtRE i TO IN3DRE AGAINST FIRE 2-ROOM liousg for rent, SiW Mallory are. HOUSES FOR HTJ5T FTJE5ITUKE FOB RALE 81 5 ROOMS of furniture, also piano; modern bungalow for rent to responsible party. 908 Thurmsn at. Aut. 617-04. FOR SALE furniture of 5 for rent. 423 Taylor st. room house; house FUBXTSHKD HOrSF.S 10 ROOM house, 331 Jefferson St., between 6tb and Broadway, partly furnished. Northwestern steam heat; suitable for housing small organisa tion Will give lease to desirable tenant. Can be seen any time. Ready for immediate occu pancy. Apply University Club, Main 095, 275 Sixth at. ' f- . . BTjIlNlSHEn HOUSE" Cpper floor of private house, 8 modern rooms, gaa, water and electric free; private entrance in rear: rent 826. 1092 K. Harrison st. Haw thorne are; car to E. 87th at. 9-RO0MED bnncalow, partly furnished, with 8 lots and abundance of fruit. For rent. 630 East 28th north, cor. Bra see. 6 ROOM, neetly furnished bouse, 325 Ross st. For particulars inquire Bradley A. Ewera, Chamber of Commerce. I 6 ROOMS, modern flat, furnace, $40. 10 min nutea' walk to Meier Frank a, . 643 6th St., for responsible tenant. ' -: . , NOR RENT Nicely furnished cottage, 3 blocks W from eaat end Broadway bridge, i 294 Crosby -t Adulta only. Eart 7818. ! IOWNSTAIRS 4 rooma, furnished, fireplace; block to car; 325 month; no children. -Phone Sellwood 2 99 7 . i ilOI'SE, i rooms, for rent, furnished, 22.50.. 4 no,, m. sad st. pnone H roadway 4uz. WE8T SIDJ: 15 "min, to P. O., 7 rooms, 8 furnished, no children. 373 Chapman st. 80 ROOMS cottages, apartment?, furnished, unfurnished to leaie or rent. 252 Gibbs. FOR RENT Furnished house, no children. 826 Gantenhein are. FURNISHED modem 5 room bungalow, . piano; gas, electric; 340. Wdln. 4809. ' ' yiAgJTOREyT, UJTFPByiSHEP 13 6 ROOMS, modern flat, fiimaee, 340; 10 min utea' walk to Meier as Frank a. 643 6th at.; tor responsible tenant. "IV E room flat for rent. 390 Cook are, 325 per month. A lIPE'aira,e'-5 1m -nt. end wifa only. 441 E. Conch st. East 1818. FI'RNISHE D FLATS CO 1URNITCKE complrta for 0 room flat, or bun gaiow for sale Fbn for rent .to party buying fnirnitnre. Watong distance. Main 4248, all day Sunday or before 9 a. m. or after 6:20 n. as. week days. . .... , T . BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8 room upper flat . M7a.D?i foT "nting 8 or 4 rooma. , Nob HiU Jtstrlct, 15 min. walk to buMnesa center.- Call aut. 610-48 or 145H N. 21st at. . tTTRACTlVE 5 -room flat, completely furnisbedl All outside rooms. Deairahle west' aide dia- brn'S. " i,. r.-l uio. HOME privilegea, music lessons, piano: aid em. ployed; references; walking distance. Main 3018. ' . 1 ; ' ' - . CLEAN upper and lower, 2, 3 and 4 rooma: trmrmmm l.U Ik Vint ,f Wli . "'COMPLETELY 'furniaked 3 room flat,, very d siraMe preferences. Eaat 4292. NEW 4 -room furnished flat, ouUide-rooms : pri vaU bath; reiiswnaibla couple ouly. Sell. 2412. ft NICELY furnished, 3 or 4 room tlat. 1043 Gantenbein, cor. Alberta, near Jefferson high. FfKNISHKO flat or H. K, rooms. SelL 2898. APART5IE5TS FOR REST 43 ONE OF PORTLAND'S loveUeat. cleanest apart ments, 4 rooma, newly furnished ; all large, light airy . outside . roomr : splendidly attraetivg and eery homelike. EASY WALKING DIS TANCE. The Meda Apta.. 877 Vancouver are., Just aevnw the Broadway bridge; H block north or nrastmr. FURNISHED apartment for nan and wifa, no - children; rent and wages to wife ha exchange for chamber work, man. eaa get work near by easiiyj n-e si, journaL A I .T A UrtVT 1 T5 1 OTUPVTa modem spt. wsHking distance; West Side, Call 2 "OCTSIDE neatly furnished housekeeping near Bdwy. and steel bridge. Phone Eaat 8011. ttA- irosity sr. TWOL',,rnish', rooms and private bath, rent -82!r.5e. including use of phone, water, gsr- awsy. rntma wooaiawq SIl I. THREE unfurnished rooma and private bath, rear S 1 a Kn ni,,in. .... H i . ... aaroaae taaen away, rnone wain. Bill, ON'K 6, one 4, one 3 -room nnfamished ent.1 and one 4 -room furnished apt. for rent cheap. Inquire Apt. 8. 1840 E. Glisan at. DESIRABLE 8 room arwrtment for rent.' furni tore for sale. Call Marshall 6630, after 6 P- nx ' i j THE KERRIGAN One nice ! modern 4 room apt., also a small one. i 62 E. 6th N., cor. I (avis. THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter St, modern - 2 room apt., 322. Mailt 7892. EW YORK apartment. Belmont and 7th. East 23. . . ! ' ' SFJIMEIl RESORTS TENT CITY AT OCEAN TWIT COLl'MBIA BEACH "By the 8ea." ' Completely furn Lined i box tents in beautiful grove. 610 per week; grocery store, restaurant, dancing; just the place to spend yoar vacation, i COLUSIBLk BEACH CO., 243 Stark Street. Main 6429; "TMACLEAN'S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE Cottages . now being rented for. the season ; reached from Oswego ; station on 4th at. Red Electric line. Mar Lean, 614 Lewia bldg. Phonee Main 4272 and Oswego 431. ATTENTION 1 HIKERS AND FISHERMEN I i Wahtum Lake Pack Train Leaves Cascade Locks. : Huckleberries and "Blackberries ripet Phone Glover Broe.'a store. 4-ROOM cottage at Gearhart. For a month from Aucust 15. 340. Phone 216-15. jFOR' REyT MISCELI.Ay EOI'S 33 ENTIRE second floor at a very low rent: suit able for: lodge or : meeting place. 153 Front St. v WAXTED-i-TO REST RELIABLE couple, without children, neat and particular tenants, desire to rent in good res idence district a 6 or 6 -room bunealow: nartlv furnsshed or unfurnished; must have hardwoodJ floors, fireplace and -furnace ; can give hign-c'asa references and 'desire a year's leae or longer. Phone Tabor 8454. WANTED -At once, 3 to 5-room furnished house: beat figvtre. all cash'; close to car. Phene Main 6624. Ralph Harris Co., 827 Chamber of Commerce. TWO experienced dairymen want to buy a going dairy, 2$ cows, within 15 miles of Portlsnd; have 31200 and other securities. John Drews, 205 Columbia bird. Woodlawn 1908. i WANTED TO RENT Modern 4 or 6 room bungalow for reasonable rent. Adulta. Phone Tabor 2514 WANT modern house 4n good neighborhood, furnished or unfurnished; responsible people; will lease. Phone Tabor 9010. WAN.TED A 3 room famished house by young couple for a short time. References. Wdln. 4717. , Wist to rent a 5 or 6 room house, Parkrose, Hewthome are. or Garden Home district. N 267, Journal. 5 TO 7 room modem tarnished house, in first jelass location, on paved street; furnace, dou- rie garage li possiote. r.ast i aou. ELDERLY MAN wanta one or two housekeeping rooms, fully or partially furnished, on east side. E-415, Journal. . WANTED-r-Nice 3 or 4 room untarnished apt for man and wife. Marshall 82, after 1 p. m. WANTED Small home or bungalow with nice yard and shade. Campbell. 351 E. Glisan. 2 tTJRNISHED h.k7rrooms. walking distance, private entrance. 844 E. 2d N. East 1326. FURNISHED 5 to T room modern houe, near high school, by 3 adults. Sell. 3185. WANTED Three or four furnished rooms in University park district or St. Johns. Col. 563. REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 4S FOR SALK. in Seaside; 6 room modern bouse. 2 ie, ; large, woodshed, garage, chicken hoojee. Price 82 500. Owner. P. O Box 223; Seaside. ElfJHT beautiful lot,- Be voces n. . 3800. One. Tiekh-Kah-Nie, $200, or will trade for auto. P-ff3T.; Jonrnal. ' ' EIK-HT h.yintt'ui lot; Bay Ocean. S0O. One, !Neah-Kab-Nie. 8200, or will .trade for auto. P-7 37,! Journal. ' i ' BUSINESS PROPERTY SALE or trade by owner, business building on - main business street of Molalla, Orf i J. R. WOLFF, .419 Henry Bldg. ! TO LEASE 3 HAVE 3 clients wanting to lease farm of about (.150 acres with about 40 to 60 acres nnder cultivation. If you , have place to lease, write atl once. ( ' . -f-i , , -: ' ' F. L EDDY, ' ' ! RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ;201-S-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. ' FOR SALE HOrSES 1 y. r STJNNYSIiDE DISTRICT IFor sale by owner, 7 room house, nice yard, with fruit trees; 3 blocks from school; full plnmbing; gsragn in bssrment; hardwood floors. Price 34750. Tabor 2197. I ; 3500 CASH 32"850 ' 1 This " 5 room home has Just been newly painted and tinted. It is a good buy at 82850. Pay only 4500 down and move in tomor- near union Avenue car. SUNNYSIDE. Vi block to Belmont car. 2500 I will buy very nice clean 6 room house. It is Prieap at 83000. but will let it go at this for this week.- IL H. Staub. 1027 Belmont. Week Tabor 219. $2000 8400 down and 6 per cent interest 6 rooms, partly modern, gas, fnrnace and lights; lot 60x100;;, paved street all paid. 2 Works from Alberta:' car. 966 E. 21st at. N. Tlrtrna for rash. I 82950 EASY terms, 5 room, furnished; aemi i. modern. Priced to sell quick. See at once. 1805 E.. Madison, cor. 45th. Owner at ho"se Sanday afternoon. Appointment, phone Ta bor 5702. M BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME FULTON CAR, SOUTH PORTLAND : This rtlsce needs 'rerjaira: 5 kwhh- llnAA only: 100 cash. X20 per month; 50ilOO lot.- p m 1 1 it- w alius r. tL iu, STOCK EXCH. . 82000, 100X100 ' ' 6 room house: lots of fruit, ears re hnilf on porch, which makes 3 bedrooms; 47th are., 1 block ea-t of 4 2d at See Miss Slncomb, 624 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 5173. Res., Main 4246. II ivTTf .,... i. . u . Tl . . : i u .. . ' - J ' ' tricity. fruit trees, garage, 100x100 lot. 32000. 3500 cash. Stanley station. Sellwood 1723. i Kll'IMOND carhne and Marguerite are. 32500, j 31000 down. Good 5 mom cottage, lot SOx 112. fruit trees. H, 11. Staub. 1027 Belmont. 3 ROOM house for sale: on Thurmsn St., be tween am ana .ota its. ; pnee 81400; 3700 cash; easy payments on the balance. Call at 781 " swung orosqwij oi.J GOOD 6 room bnnae. f nil lot. all clear; paved J "treet:. near I6th and Division: for 8280O. will take good machine as part payment, 1920 Ford preferred. Call at 605 E. 16th St. BUY OF -OWNER I have 2 hou-ea on Mon tana at,. 1 on Cleveland. 1 on Haight St., 2 tearing the city. Call 81 VV. Winchell st. 8310O KERN PARK; 3350 down; 4 room, - modern home. 2 lots, fruits, berriea, lawn, shade tree and hedge. Mt. Scott. Owner, 6804 41st are. S. E. Immediate possession. j I , NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH ', i iS rooms and bath, full basement. 60x100 cor ner; some fruit: 32400, terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCH1 FOR SALE By owner. Bose City Park 8 room modem aemi-bnngalow, convenient for two families; in good .neighborhood, dose to achooL Call Tabor 2766. e IDEAL borne in Piedmont near carline and schools, corner lot lOOxlOO. at. improvements fe and paid, garage, fruit, berriea. era pes. Eng lish walnuts. 36000. . Owner, Wdln. 8669. FOR SALE by owner. 4 . room house, lot 108X 185- fruit and berriea. Sellwood carlina. i. ar,9 south ave. rnone Ken. 1343. S ROOM cottage and garage, 3 blocks of ear and atone. 449 Magnolia at. . Call Monday. 1B. , , . v- www, o ,u jou, jwa ok i ru-fc irees; i i street t iraprovementa all In. ,-, A. good home. See owner. 578 Miller ave. ! BY OWNER, -8 room cottage, furnished : lot KOt 1 tin- tmlt W.. - i 1 . - " . -"... ...... ...... sMuvrn SIIU- IIOW- n; 2 blocks from Woodlawn car. Wdln. 312. li, . snap: : , - o . y ,,"' y""s"'?w- easy terms. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lambermens bldg., Monday. ' BY OWNER "isi. upen an aay Bunaay FINE 5 -room bungalow; price $3000. 8700. vau. tts iieury tuutf. rUBXTSHEP FLATS REAL ESTATE FOR NALK HOI BEn tt A BARGAIN1 i 33100; 7 room house, large Wring room, dining -room, Dutch kitchen, hall and pantry en f tr-t floor: 4 bedrooms, haB sad bath npetaira: fan baeement, with laundry trays and gaa plate : ga race room for 4 machines, 1 Royal Anne cherry, 1 Kentish. 1 Gravenstein apple, grapes, raspberries, currants - and two English walnnt trees in, parkins. 634 E. 12th at, corner Per C. Ti TIMMONS . BARGAINS One fin home, cost 322,500; will take two thirds of cost price. ' One 8 room bouse, on 1 00x100 lot; worth $9000; will Uke fog lot and avow 8750O. i l Very select home, Laurelboxst j very modem; parage, wui me aoost tnis. - . : One 9 room home, lot 68x100, 37000., ' J Fine bungalow. 6 rooma, garage. 'i One 7 room home, garage.- . - ' Splendid 8 room home, garage ; beat locstions. Irvtntfton. East 273. ' MBRPMAJt'f--' -'I ' Portland Heights ! A hoo-e that was built for' a borne, in per fect condition. large living room, dining room, kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, three nice bedrooms, good view. 1 block to car. If you are looking -for a permanent home, thie will surely pleae you. Weekdays, Main 5456, 1 133 Oaseo bldg. t : , . BEAI'TfFUL bungalow style-home, located in good part of Laurelhurst: bouse w eonsasta of 7 rooms, with den, breakfast nook and sleep ing porch; baa all modern appointments. Nice lawn, good garage. Shown by appointment oalf. Price 880OO. Terms. , , . JQHNSON-DODSQN CO. j 638 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ' t nMT.SCOTt CABLlNB"-' ' : - - . 81250. v - . - 1 ' 4 room plastered bnngalow, in good condition, electric lights, city water, etc ; fine lot. 9 bear ing fruit trees; also email fruit; stable for oew; or can be made into garage; $150 down, balance monthly.,: . . , : ,) - Autos at Yon Convenience. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg-. , IRVINfSTON HOME ' CORNER 52x100 I 87000. : Clear. ' . 6 large rooma, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch,-cement basement, fire place, garage.' See Mr. Mast. RITTER. LOWE lc CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. AN exceptional bay in Hawthorne 5-roora bun galow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, large cement basement wjth laundry traya and fnrnace. all rooms ' are large and light; floored attic All street improvements in aufl paid. Price only 34000; 82400 cash JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 3787. 82500 6 room house, electric lights, bath, basement, woodl joist, corner lot 45x100. fruit trees. Street improvements paid. 8. W, comer 11 4 2d and Francis ase. Near car, school and stores. This is one of the best buys on the market. i i J. J. OKDEK 4 Grand ave. N. near K. Ankeny. Eaat 61. BEAUTIFUL WEST 8IDE RESIDENCE. CORNER NEAR MULTNOMAH CLUB 312.-500 CLEAR This is a beautiful modem 9 room residence, especially suitable for, physician or professional people. See Mr. Mast RITTER. LOWE CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 84500 Irvington, 6 r. bungalow, modern, fur nace, fireplace, corner lot. 37500 Mt. Tabor, west slope. 57th at, 7 r. modern home. 39000 Laurelhurst, 9 r. and garage. CHAS. R1NGLER A CO., 225 Henry bldg. ON MASON sr. bet. Union and Williams are-.. 32500, 8500 cah, balance 325 per month, taken I neat 6 room home, i cement ' basement, brth, b use in nice condition: street paved, paid. Call evenings. This is a bargain. Tabor 6441. FOR SALE 6 room house. 3 lots, with bear. ing fruit trees and chicken house; near school. Price 82700. fumiehed complete; 850O cash and Valance $25 a month and 6 per cent See owner. 6684 JlOth st. 8. E. MU Scott car. BARGAIN 83000. 6 rooms and bath, full ce ment basement. 50x100 lot, rfruit trees, paved street. 1 block from Irvington car; 81500 cash, ; balance 815 per month. Phone Owner, 315-03. LOT with two corners on E. 9th, Killingsworth and Brown ave, 110 ft. east front. 47 north and 47 south front; room for 4 houses: aU im provements in and paid for. This week only $ 1 000 ; your terms. Sellwood 771, owner. OWNER, MAR. 1923 PRICE 33300, 8600 CASH. FULL BASEMENT 2 BLOCKS FROM CAR. 20 FRUIT TREES. , ALL FURNISHED Nifty 5-room modern houses all first class fur niture; close in; excellent car service; 83500; tt cash, balance $25 per month, including in terest, r.t BUSS. NEAT, new doable . constructed bungalow. 4 rooma and bath, eement basement, full lot, cor. Simpson and Michigan, near Piedmont car barns. Owner. Further information same ad dress, i CLOSE IN BARGAIN 7" 8 room modern bouse, sleeping porch, garage, corner, walking distance; East Side. Only 34500. J. J. OEDER 4 Grand ave. N. near E. .Ankeny. East. 61. . . 38200 TERMS 6 nicely arranged rooms, house modern ex cept furnace, 3 porches, aewer. gaa, cement sidewalks: Deer car. Owner 1507 E. Pine. Tabor 6734. - i GOOD 7 room, full cement basement, fur nace aewer and street improvements all in and paid, on 100x150; good neighborhood. Will sell at a sacrifice. The Lawrence Co.. 212 Cor bett bldg. s IRVINGTON Furnished or not. immediate pos session, open fire, hardwood floors, garage; most sell. Sea owner. 433 E. 16th st N. Mar. 1881 or East 2153. 82600 A BRAND new - 3 room bnngalow breakfast nook,: full basement, electricity, gas,' 9 bearing fruit trees, lot 60x100 ; terms. Owner. Tabor 9229. i MODERN T ROOMS AND GARAGE In fine condition; corner lot 50x100; base ment, furnace, trays, cement floor, bath. 2 toilets. Price $4500. Owner, 223 Skidraore. BUY from owner. Modern 7 R. house, lot SOx 100, street improvements in and paid for. Cash 'or terms if desired. Take M. A. can, get off at Mason st. 904 Albina ave. 7 ROOMS, modern, 84300 near Ainsworth and Union ave. N. ; large porch, hardwood floors, gas. - electric. - furnace heat, 75x100. Phone Wdln. 62. 1031 Union ave. N. FROM- owner. 6 room modern bouse, first class condition, block to goad ear service; 81000 down, balance easy, terms; 83000 total, j 127: Cook ave., Mississippi ear.i ' i I $2600 3600 cash; 50xlOO"lot; 9 iwrrfhouaa", garafe, electric lights, gaa, bath and toilet con nected with aewer; full bsvement with laundry! trays. S4 W. Prefeott. Wdln. 6106. FOUR room bungalow, bath and screen porch,1 garage, chicken house, and woodshed, i Over tt a. in caraen ana Dernes. Tabor 7412. $3250, tt 6 AND 7 room bouse, paved street, aewer. full aixe basement, screens on all wmdowa. nice lawn, near car. Terms. Owner 609 or 62S Maiden ave. Sellwood car. Call today. ! FOR SALE On account of leaving city. S room house and basement; , 8500 down; 828 OO if taken this week; 15 minutes from trwn. 241 Fargo st WEST SIDE bargain. 2000; 5-room , hnnsri and lot, 100 ft. on Front st; cement sidi walk, full set plumbing- 85UO down. $25 month nui rTont. near i-ennoyer.; Apply 348 College. FOR SALE Modern house, garage and 6 lotaj ImimJ u.a n fmi, - . - ... wen, uCTuen, srapva shrubs and flowers. 6162.43th ave. 8.E. saoor oova. 3-ROOM house, sleeping norch. W. 60x100 bloc r" from St. Johns cariine, light, water, gas. also garage; 81150; terms. 1583 Weatanna st Phone Msin 927. I 3 ROOM hnci'e. furnished: lot 60x270; fruit, berriea, garden in; at Sellwood Gardens, at Estaeada line. $400 cash,: rest easy term. In quire at Red brick house. 7c fare. I FOUR ROOM semi-modern plastered - house! . 81O0 down, 312.60 per month ; also 4 room htaJ.Vul . S.AO J . luuiiuira .... U..V , v u w, nwuu7 psymci hly payments ax. , CE e. close in; siv: boot i o. r. jut.i bcou car. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE For sals by owner: 8 room house diock irom scnooi ana car tine; lot 60X100; rosea and shrubbery; garage. East 2296. LEAVING city; a real bargain, 32300; 3 room house, bath, full basement; lot 85x185; new 17 ssmnuDvo, reaoy to move- in ; Terms, or 3 agents me a casn oner, vrwner. mui Wasco at. BUY where tbey have te seTL not of mmii wanting to sell; 8680O house for 845001 close-in. east aide. Call attorney. Main -8 19 91 BARGAIN by owner. S no., bath, fun basement brick foundation, fruit and berries and garden j nail casn. o iv-QO. CLOSE your real estate deal without aaa details by asing a Title Insurance Policy. . . M aostract Tequireq. nils at xrust company. WHEN you purchase your noma have the til insured. Get s Title Insurance Policy. Title A Trust company. . . - I FOR SAL& 6-room home, all modern conveni ences, located near Brooklyn ear shops. Price 32600. cash and terms. Sellwood BOOS. EASY terms, ft-room modern house and 2 lot on good carline, 82800; 8200 cash, ' balance 14V amnio. - ruuos i-sf : 43250 MOST (ANY TERMS ' 6 r.. Alberta, anap. (foreclosed), fi ouut-ins, euxiow, irmt, si sin 4803. UNDER ACTUAL COST New 6-room modern heme, walking Eavt 562, forenoons; owner. 3325 CASH gets the best value and contract in Portland in a 6 room 6915 Woodstock are. 8. j E. . : . . ireplacei ttistaaei easiest bouse REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 83500 A REAL BUY A 6 room bouae. 2 fireplaces, eement basement, wash traya, floored attic; every- taung In Tine condition; 1 block tv Ankeny -car; 60x121 ft lot; lots of fruit, am shade trees. Price only $3600; $60O down, balance like rent,: 6 per cent, in terest. ; ,..ti..-- "',;,.,, i . 83500 HAWTH0RXE A' 6 room bouse, furnace, fireplace, all , bnilt-iha: in the very best of condition ; : hard surface street and sewer in and paid; 1MMK1UATK possession; elegant loca tion, close in; terms to suit purchaser. , . ; -' $6500 ALAMEDA CORNER A 6 room bouse, furnace, fire place, oak floors, every built-in convenience; aleeping porch; &0xlOO corner, beautiful lawa and: noses; terms reasonable. It will be a pleas-' Ure to show this house. Pbons for sp IMnntmsnt. . ; V-j : ' ' .. 35106 BEAUMONT 85100 A 5 room bnncalow. 1 in the very best: of condition; large glassed-in sleeping porch. ; furnace, fireplace, hardwood .floors, every built-in - feature : city improvements in and paid; east front... It's a Cracker Jack buy 4j 83250 ALAMEDA PARK A T room bungalow, hot water, furnace, enlace, all built-ins. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays, etc ; city improvements in and paid. (Death in fam- y must aeul ; terms, . - , '' I 83500 BEST BUY ROSE CITY - ' A A -A room house, in ! the very beat of Condition, oak floors, furnace, all built-ins.: full cement basement, : wash trays, hard Surface street and aewer in and paid; 3 large cherry trees, Iswn and roses. , terms easy. . - .- j ; ! - : r .: .. , 37000 MT TABOR HOME An S room modern house, full cement men wuh travs. all built-in features. furnace, fireplace, oak floors, 75x100 lot, lnt nf frait hesntifnl view. If you are looking for a real homey HOME, here you are; . terms. ..-if $7000 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS A 1 umi.hnnnlnw ftimaCJI. fir- blace, all built-ins, son porch, glassed-in bleeping: porch, hardwood floors throughout ; all finished in ivory and white enamel; large garage, beautiful view, ., etc; all drapes and linoleum go; terms. 38500 ROSE CITY PARK a., fi HtiMMlnw fnnurs. firenlace. every imaginable built-in feature, oak floors. etc.; full, cement oaaemeni, wasu irj, bed rooms and bathroom down - stairs; 100x100 ground, beautiful lawn, roses and ahade trees; garage. Its a wonderful home and worthy of your investigation. &tRummelf 274 Stark St.- i ALAMEDA I PARK NEW NIFTY BUTttSAIXJW ACTUALj COST -37000 OPES FOR INSPECTION TODAY njiae, nere is one ot we iwwi, L. hn.MiMM in kMutifni ItamMlA Park, one niTth. tt .triotmt residentisl dLstricfat. Five ' splendid rooms and den.i Exceptionally large living room, separated from den with French doors. Hardwood floors,: fireplace, bookcases, massive buffet, complete i Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace; laree citage. You will appreciate the real value when .jrou. ; yourself, have personsily inspected this porperty. Yon would expect to pay $8000. dement porch extending front and side. Really this is so fine a borne, the quality of material and workmanship so nearly perfect, that we Jtist know if we can get you .to see it you will buy.- A mortgage eames due this week which, the builder can't meet. He must sell. This is open for inspection from 1 to 5 today. This is your opportunity probably never again an other one like it Located 840 Dunckley. Take Broadway car to Dunckley and walk 1 tt blocks A. Q. Teepe Co. t ' o orara ru, iiesr :vul aisid w .? Branch Office 60th and Bandy. Open Sunday. APARTMENT HOUSE DWELLERS Why oar excessive rents, when for $300 down gnd $50 monthly, you can buy a practically new newly-wed apt house type of bungalow, splendid bereols entrance. Murphy disappearing bed. pressing room, large living room, with -fireplace and seats, large bedroom. Pullman buffet kitchen and breakfast nook, built-in table and seats. Sightly lot; in paved street and on carline T Out where the air is pure, where the sun shines in every room, end where the kiddies can whoop ail they want. ; Total pnee sauu. g 732 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SUNNYSIDE 340OO A moms with - den. also sleeoinr norch. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with furnace, E. 30th it., between Hawthorne and Sunnyside car lines;' sewer and pavement in and paid; free and clear of incumbrances. $1000 cash will .handle. Can move in at once. ! AUTOS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE GEO. T. MOORE CO. t 1007 Yeon bldg. ROSE CITY PARK For sale by owner, leaving town. New 5 room bnngalow, garage, hardwood floors, furnace, breakfast nook, cement 1 basement, wash trays, good lawn, lighting fixtures, window shades and drapes, inlaid linoleum in kitctren and bathroom; built-in buffet. Occupied by original owner; $4750: terms. Immediate possession. Marshall 702 or Automatic 315-44. - NEW BUNGALOW , ROSE CITY PAKh, $1500 DOWN '! 5 rooma. hardwood floors, built-in buffet, bookcase, etc, fireplsee, ' sleeping porch, gsrage. Price 85400. See Mr. Mast. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade- bldg. I Alberta District A very nice bnngalow for the sum of $2750 on very easy terms, 2 blocks from car. There are three very 'nice bedrooms, kitchen, living and dining room. Very : good plumbing. Phone Sunday morning. Main : 6882; weekdays. Main U456. 1125 Gaseo bldg. 6-ROOM house, fnrnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchen, garage, near two good car lines, on paced streets, good residen tial section. $4000, $1000 cash, $40 monthly. JOIiNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Bunralow Snap Furnished or unfurnished, corner lot 100x100: all kinds of fruit and berries; fine garden, chicken house and -ysrd; close to Rose City ear. $4 700, furnished, or $4000 unfurnished. Terms. Call at 618 Chamber of Commerce bids, and aee picurea. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW . $2600 CASH. BAU TO SHI E. 44th st. S rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, eement basement, whose price $3000. Sea Mr. Mast RITTER. LOWB & CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of jtrade bldg. DANDY little modern borne, living and dining room in one. bedroom, kitchen, disappearing bed. bookcases, buffet, fireplace, full basement; $2150, $600 cash will handle.- JQHNSON-DODSQN CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main -8787; SIX large rooms, large ball, large front and dining room, kitchen, bath, toilet, wash stand sink, gss snd lights; concrete foundation; 80x100 lot; woodshed, and shsde trees. For sppointment call 218-ftS Sundays and 6 to 8 a. m. " liitnn HAnn cash 6 room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, complete kitchen, good basement, nice lawn, some fruit.- on bard surfaced streeC all liens Pld"' JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 683 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787.- SPECIAL WALKING DISTANCE 7 room honee. basement cement floor, lot 88x62. 61 E. 10th at. N. near E. Couch. Price 32850. ' ' ' J. J. OEDER ' 4 Grand ave. N.- near E. Ankeny.- Eaat 61. MOIT.KN BCNGAIXJW WITH GARAGE ' 6 looms, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace. Lot 50x167. Bearing fruit trees and small fruita. A splendid buy at 34150. 6804 42d ave. 8. E Phone Tsbor 54. FOR SALbV Modern bungalow of five rooms and bath, large attic, fireplace and built-ins. Dutch kitchen and full aised basement with fenndry trays and cooler. -. Good chicken boose, fruit tree. Lot 50x114. For particulars in qTiire at 2104 Hagsalo st. , . AN Abstract of title is not a guarantee of yoar title ; it is merely a History of your title. A Title Insurance Poliey : Ja a guarantee of your title. ' Therefore, when you buy property get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title art Trust company. PIEDMONT 5 room new bungaJovt. vacant, hardwood floors, fireplsee, furnace, breakfast room, corner lot, finish old ivory. 1217 Cleveland ave. Wdm. 4173. - i- ' - - - - - FOR 8ALE 6 room bouse, hath, gaa and - electric; lot 60x100: 6 bearing fruit trees and rosea; tt block to car and paved st. Price 32900; terms. Call Woodlawn 5291. WEST SIDE, no ' carfare, 7 " rooms, bath. 2 f ireplaees, electric light, -' gss. cement . base ment; lot 50x100; 85000; half cash. Sea owner evenings, 467 10th st. ' WHEN you get a Title Insurance Policy, you do sot need an abstract sf title. Otis pre aniiua pajb for all time, . XiJJeJfc Trust coinauur. j HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Alatneda Beautiful - Hiotne flSffrg'Tfirffn Real borne, hot water heat, - ipy'SVW .rt paper, fine Ivory . finish throughout. Velour dripe and - beautiful ' curtains; 8150 gas range; water beater; (round perfect; 22 ft. garage. " Irvington Co.onlal Bungalow 7efMTl '31 E 18th st. north: open i?tJJ) today. Bny from owner. large rooms; ivory finish, and bdw. floors throughout; full basement; furnace, laun dering traya. $150 gaa range; beautiful drapes; ail included. Vacant $1500 han dles. '. i.- 1 Irvington View . . - : Home ' v STlThfn Beantifnl throughout: Just tho. j &OAiU)'iJ) home for adulter. rooma lafge; ivory and solid mahogany; terraced grounds; cement garage. -- : McDonell, East 419.. KENTON -6-roem bungalow, 8 bedrooms. : 83150. 4 - room bunsalow, xtew, improved streets ; close to ear. $3900. 5- room house on paved street, 1 block from car. $2600. , ; .New 5-room bungalow, - vacant, 2 blocks to car. $3450. 9-room modern home," $4000; will take some trade; term. J. K. Lowe. 1765 Derby st Anto. 82601. . ON ALAMEDA HILL, 8500. , " Resting among the firs, one of the prettiest corner lots in city, cute 6 room bungalow with large attic, dressing room and aleeping porch, cement basement, hot - water heat, fireplace, white enamel. Dutch kitchen. ran porch and other attractive features. 57ttxlOO lot. large garage, house . just painted, finished inside in white and old ivory ensrael, tapestry paper. See owner. 952 Glenn Ave. N. I'hme Auto. 822-21. 86250 SEE THIS OSE 36250 Country home in the city, grounds 350 feet by 100 feet. 7 room bouse, gas. electricity, full cement baaeraent. wash trays, house painted in side and outside; has beautiful, creek 40 ft. by 100 ft running through center of property, with trout ponds and 3 artificial islands; fruit, berriea and a good garden: must be seen to be appreciated. 81250 will handle. Phone owner, Sellwood 888. i HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $3800 for a fine modern, up-to-date, with hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, eon. basement, wash, trays, H. 8.. streets, ltt block from car. This is a snap. . Owner needs cash. Phone Marshall 839. F. U BLANCHARD, 401-2 Bwetland Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 8 room modern bungalow type, absolutely modern, near fine school ; nothing needed, only move in; well worth the $6500 cut price; everytmng In tnta class. Then come to 4U2 E. 33d st N.. cor. Hsncock. after 4 p. m. Fri day and Saturday and all day Sunday, and make me your offer. ; . C08Ylittle4 room bungalow, cor. E. 25th and' Cora st s.. east of S. P. shops; paved street, sewer, water and gas; has garage and is fur nished, ruga snd: oak furniture, gaa plate and range, all . white enamel. If you act quirk $2800; $40O caah, balance monthly. Hare room bungalow, same location; also furnihed. Call owner. East 8225. FOR SALE ONE BLOCK NORTH OF i PENINSULA PARK. 7 room house, 1428 Mississippi are., com tains large parlor, dining room, white enamel Dutch kitchen and bathroom, 2 bedrooms ua first floor, 2 bedrooms snd lsrge dryroom up stairs, laundry trays and furnace in basement, for $3500;. $500 down and $35 per month. Inquire on premises. . HAWTHORNE RESIDENCE ' $6000 for a fine large 6 room, with aleeping porch, hardwood : floors, furnace, fireplace and built-in conveniences, H. S. streets, 1 blk. from car. This is a fine home, and the price is right. Seen by appointment. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Bwetland Bldg. SIX rooms and sleeping north, only $ 4 500 for tins double constructed home, with - all kinds of built-ins, hardwood floors, full cement basement; block from ear, near high achool; easy terms. jOHNSON-DODSOJf CO. ! 633 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BUNGALOW i T $1000 DON . ' Modern 5 rooms, grounds 65x100. This is s coiner, 1 block from most sightly spot on beautiful Willamette blvd. Price $4000. See Mr.- Mast. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. i 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bid FQpR NEW HOUSES. I 5 rooms an breakfast room, finished in old ivory and white enamel; hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays, shades, electric fixtures, cement walk and 50x100 ft. lot; 1 block from Hawthorne oar, on 74th st, 2 blocks south of Division; no shacks in our tract. Prices from $3850 to $4250; terms. Owner. Tabor 7939. 8-ROOM semi-bungalow, hot air heat, bouae very well built and seven years old. ' Ixit 100x100 with some fine fruit trees, 8 blocks from Reed college and on car line. Price for anick sale to close an estate, $40O0. Half cash. See Mr. Campbell with Frank McCriUia. 324 Henry Bldg. 80UTH PORTLAND PROPERTY Northwest shipyard workers take notice. Cheap for quick sale, one 4 -room modern fnrn. house and one 6-rotan partly furu.. income $35 mo. ; $2500; terms $300 down and mo. and in terest. Inquire owner. 1154 49 tb ave. ii. K. bet. 88th and 89th sts. .. By Owner, $3500, Terms 5 rooms, bsth, sleeping porch, screen porch, full concrete bsaement, concrete gsragav im provements all in and paid. ' ' LOT 49x100. . . 1033 EAST GRANT fW. FOR SALE, by owner, 1 Vk story house, - on corner lot, 6 rooms 1st floor, large unfin ished attic, large basement, built-in garage, fine hot water - heating system, fireplace, white enamel kitchen and bath, screened back porch, good chicken house. 3350O. $1000 caah, $50 monthly. Tabor 4752. WiEST SIDE i 19TH AND NORTHRUP I 6 rooms, modern, with full basement and good lot, within walking distance from busi ness district See E. D. Schomacker, 417 Spald ing btdgi Main 1038. r . ' v : $1900 CASH 8-roonf honse in Laurelhurst district, lot SOx 150, fine' garden, fruit trees, cow snd chicken house, good neighborhood. Montavilla car to 53d st. 3 blocks south to Davis. Owner, 1429 E. Davis st $4200 FOR a fine 5 room, with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases snd bnffet, con. basement, 2 toilets; on corner of E. 34th. Phone Marshall 829. F. Jj. BLANCHARD, . I . -401-2 Bwetland Bldg. f BARGAIN; owner leaving city, 7-room modern bouse with built-ins, Dutch kitchen. full basement, laundry trays; lot 100x100; fruit and berries and garden; chicken bouse; with or with out furniture; J20O0 will handle; 6 blocks from ear. Sellwood 735. $6500 ALAMEDA PARK HOME ! Beautiful, strictly modern home of 7 rooms, reception hall and garage. AU large rooms. Fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf fet, white enameled throughout, double con structed. On 29th. Call evenings,- Tabor 6441. A SNAP. i Good 6 room bouse; lot 100x100; beering fruit trees, sU : sorts of berries; electric lights, full cement bsaement; 5 blocks from Woodlawn csr. Price $2600. Address 1313 E. 14th st N Portlsnd, Or. - - HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $8900 for a fine 5 room, 1 blk. a of cart has furnace, buffet and con. basement and attic; $1400 cash.- Phone Marshall 829. F. BLJLNCHARD. " - 401-2 Bwetland Bldg. - FULTON DISTRICT SNAP T rooms, electricity, gaa, bth, etc. ; newly painted outside and inside, close to carline, good garden space. Priced for a quick sale, $2250; $500 cash, easy terms.' Owner, 434 MiS St. Broadway 1586. t $300 CASH and 820 per month buya a 4 room house, garage and corner lot, 100x100: With some nice fruit trees; 2 blocks from school and streetcar; price $1750. See Mr. Campbell, with rranx aictjruua, zi nenry Diag. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights borne. 6 room. strictly modern; fruit and berries. Owner obliged to sell; no scns. For further 'particu lars, phone Marshall 1948. ATTRACTIVE 5 room modern bungalow; lot 60x100; plenty fruit; car peases door; big bargain for quick sale. Call Tabor 3410. DANDY 6-room house within 6 blocks of city bail, , 3 to Lincoln high school; like arm. Owner.. Main 6233. GET Title Insurance instead of an abstract. It is quicker and cheaper and you are absolutely protected againat error. Title at Trust company. 8 HOUSES; i 875 - income; walking distance; 85500; terms; one-third cash. Place will' pay balance, call it4 Stanton tsj owner. 6 ROOM, house, lots of fruit, also nice chicken - house, one block from Montavilla car; cask or terms. East 8038. FOR SALE 4711 86 Court 8. E-. 48th sve.,, lot 4 5i80; bouse, 2 outbuildings; water sod gas; $460 if sold soon. MODERN 6 room bungalow for sale by owner. - For particulars call Tabor 2S47. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOME IN ROSE CITT PARK. 793 E. 72D ST. NORTH. FOR SALE Modern 8 room bouse; ' lot ! 50x 100; leaving city. 32250. 823 E. 8th st K. FOR SALE 3-roora house, newly shingled. 31050 cash. Owner. Sellwood 3566. FIVE room bungalow. Rose City Park, 82000; easy teems,. Xabur 6Q2L. REAL ESTATE roii sai.k -ii in sr. i Largest Home, Setters on the Pacific Coast. 1 060 Photogrsnfas of Homes for Sale Because 1t H the ORIGINAL. SUPE RIOR. SCIENTIFIC MODERN method of home aelllng. the McGUIKB 8T8TEM baa won an international reputation and es tablished a -national record. The system of real service. We protect your every interest. We eliminate your every" house- t hunting problem and put you in tsnme- j diate touch with the home of your require- , ments. Every one .of our 100O homes is j personally inspected and appraised. Our I 18 autos and courteous, experienced galea- men ooastantly at your aervica. i OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 1 83500 A new LOVELY LACHELHTJRST : that's t never - been occupied ; 8 rooms, low,' sweeping CAU I FORNL4. lines; superior construc tion and material; fireplace, boo cases; massive buffet; - Dutch, kitchen, central hall with- linen clos ets, hardwood floors, ivory finish. K. ! 44th. You can smell the refresh- I ing. fragrant pines of DEI.IGHT- t FUL LAURELHURST PARK. 82200 ADJOINING LAURELHTR8T on r the west, on a CORNER LOT;! paved street, liens paid, is thia : attractive bungalow; very srtis- : ,tio lines; dtsplicate 1 of 4 -room : modern apartment, . TERMS. I $3780 This is an T'NrSTTAL, PIS-' TINCTIYE. TYPICAL CALI- ! FORNIA bungalow, on 100x100 ; i 1 corner; new and modern: massive j columned front porch; living room j . with . fireplace; Dutch kitchen;; 1 . - sunny breakfast nook ; 2 airy bed- i rooms, hardwood floors, cement j basement: abundance of fruit;- - close to car. TERMS. Adjoins ! ' ': LaurelhursC ' v ' ". i . ;- :.- - i $3780 A ROSE CITT BUNGALOW with character; massive concrete . col- I umns support pergola porch; very practical floor plan; fireplace; I hardwood floors; all of th built- . In conveniences; : Just -like new. Below bill. Terms. , - : j 84 200 UNUSUAL ROSE" j CITY -BAR-j GAIN on Wisteria ave.. is this 6 , room practically new, very aU ! tractive modern borne. ; It on- j - tains everything that you hsv. : . - been looking for; fumice, fire-: place, hardwood floors; all . the : built-in conveniences; three airy: .1 f sleeping rooms and sleeping porch. i i i m is tea best buy in uasa City; , - f today. 82750 ROSE CITY BUNOAIIW; con : ., tains 5 rooms, with built-in buffet' snd Dutch kitchen: best white: : ensmel plumbing fixtures, electric lights and gas; one of the bed rooms is a convertible sleeping . porch. Close to Rose City car.: Large lot. Terms. 34500 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 6 rooms snd sleeping porch are contained in this very attractive IBVINO--TON home: artistically, designed fireplace and art glass bookcases i in living Tomn; psneled dining mom ! - with . massive nTVf.t; convent en t . white Dutch kitchen: cozy den; hardwood floors, furl -eement baser ! mcnt, furnace, etc;: naved; city liena paid: garage. TERMS. We i i have over 1000 . homes for sale ' ' and hundreds of bsrgsins. , j' ! 84150 One of HAWTHORNE'S MOST ! , ARTISTIC BUNGALOWS, ultrs- i modern, 6 rooms, maiv. bnilt- i - ins, fireplsee, HARDWOOD I I FlORS. Dutch kitchen, f nil ! ! cement basement, . furnace. Isunf dr tray: 1 blneir to csr East 49th, SPLENDID VALUE. i I ; . : '. j 83230 On the west s1"pe of beautifn! j j ... Mt Tabor is tW, S rrmm modi ! - - em bunga'nw; ideal floor pln; ! white enameel phrmbing; elec : j tricity, gas, full cement basement; i" lots of frnit: paved afreet : A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT AND TT'S YOI'R8. Salmon, corner 51st. THIS BARGAIN DEFIES COMPETITION. : j j 3150 AT BFRTA'S EXCEPTIONAL . BARGAIN I room ATTRAf T , IV E, modern home; paneled din ing room with massive .buffet, mo-t, convenient ' floor : plsn ; SLEEPING PORCH. laundry trays, fruit room: jut. $600 down. E. 82d. SEE it today! . . : . j 8275fJ AN ALBERTA BUNOALOW; 5 rooms, ideal floor plan; prseri- , cslly new, very attractive, modern. 1 and a bargain that Ton could not -1 , , duplicate. On E. 26th near Go- , inc. Terms. This is a better bar gain than any Alberta home you . : have looked st Let. us prove it We'll send one of our machines right over for ,you, snd we have dncens of other- ALBERTA homes that you may Inspect at tb same time. . . : - -, - ' 81800 A banraln in a 8 pw ALBERTA PUNGALOW COTTAGE r white enamel r'nmhing; electricity; gaa. fruit . TEilMS. - .j . 32580 TYPICAL 5 room . modern bnn ' -.- galow, artistic living room, fire place, bookcases, paneled dining room ; buffet, white Dutch kitchen ; 2 , sunniest bedrooms; laundry trays; beat . white- enamel plumb ing; chicken house. E. 7 3d at. , We have 70 Montavilla bargains. i -. i 82300 Attractive 5 room home; mod ern; clever built-ins: UNUSUAL . HOT WATER, HEATING SYS TEM; lights;, all whita enamel plumbing; fine Dutch kitchen: full - lot; p'enty of frnit and berries. E. 80th. M. V. car TOO -i CANT BUY THIS EVERY DAY. ' 82650 HOMES IN THE "JEFFERSON i HIGH DISTRICT are at a PRE- i MIUM. Just Uke new bungalow, I 5 rooms, modern, lsrge front ve- 1 randa, built-ins. splendid eement basement: terms; CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL; Peninsula park. . LIBRARY and earbsrna. This VALUE ; CANNOT OCCUR OFTEN. - ,.- , - 82650 Close to Franklin high school, o E. 51st. on a Urge, lot; is this very substantial modern bunga low ; 5 well planned rooma, very artistic lines; terms; vacant, j 822503200 down: inside property, on E. 10th street, near Caruthera. is this 5 room' suhetantlal bun- . galew cottage; 8200 down, 316 per month; no mortgage or city liens to assume; comfortable borne; ' and an unusual buy. . 81850 $300 down; modern SELLWOOD - bungalow cottage: -5 rooma, larga lot. on paved street; E. 9th near . Halem. . s a$160O Just 3800 down; 6 room modern: substantial home, built-ins. plumb ling, electricity, gaa, ' two blocks' to Mt. Scott car; garage; E. 85th . : street-.-. . , : , j..-r ' - - -"v-.wm. . .iw VTrrr ivuv. photognps of bonus for sale Is the Mecca for all home seekers. If you're looking for a home. It's worth your while to inveeticata our REMARKABLE DISPLAY. . SEE - FRANK L. McQUIRE To Buy Your Home. i Abingtoa bldg. . Main 106S. a ia tm. tvasov ana Btarx. LAUKEIJICRRT "i , ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH I : - - - :. 3630O . i '-!.- . - Folka, we want you to see this beautiful borne.- Ideally Iocs ted. one block from ear Exceptionally large Urine room, extending en tire width of bouse. Finest grade oak floors. Out of town owner forced to sell. The pries is exceptionally low foe such a quality noma, - - - n A. Q. -Teepe Co. i ' S70 Btark 8 1,, Near 4th. Main 8092. r Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. Open Xonday. IRVINGTON HOME FURNISHED 37600 - Corner 37x100, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement See Mr. Mast. RITTER. LOWE at Oil. .. M 501-3-3-7 Board of Trade bldg.- PACKING and crating furniture our specialty; work guaranteed. Pacific Storsge A 1 "hrery Co., 1st and E. Madison sU. at 891.- - REAL FSTATE FOR WALK HOrSE 4 61 Marshall 1898; r OPEN SUNDAY Close In, Sunnyside 8500 DOWN : No. 9 A 6 rooms and a floored attic. 3 good bedrooma. plumbing, laumlry trays, ce ment basement, newly painted inside and out; cement walks, paved streeta iu sndv , paid for. only. 1 blork to Sunnyside csr. Price $3500; $600 caah, balance $39 per month.-j,,: -(J. - ij - ' , . ' " " i. i' :-r . : ' . - $600 Down No. 124 Good 6 room bouse, plumbing, gas and electric lights, screens, shad -a. paved streets, close to school and car line; lot 40x10(1. Price 83300; '$600 cash, balance $22 per month.- : - Hawthorne . -f . 3500 DOW5T ' ' No. 8 A 6 room tJueen'Anne style bouse, - 8 good bedrooms, plumbing, gss, electric lights, cement bsaement, 1 . block to car line, only 5 blocks to tiUih school; vacant, move right in; paved street 'and aewer in and paid for,-- Price $3600; 3600 cash, balance $83 per mouth. i Big' Snap No. 52 5 room cottage, good plumbing, fireplace. -Dutch kitchen, i good bml -ine, large bedrooms and close ts; sightly comer lot 80x101); both streets are ived snl paid for.' Price $3800: $1500 cash, bal ance $40 ier month Remember, this is only one block to car, this aids of 35th. $700 ! Hawthorne borne at Mt.!. Scott prices; a large : 2 story tt room " house, only 10 years old. Price 33700; 8700 cash, bal ance 325 per month Special Notice Call at our office and see the many photos of fine homes we ': are offering in Rose City and Laurelhurst LAWYERS TITLE A TRUST CO.. 285 Stark Street Near 4lh. Marshall 1898. Woodstock' 7-room house on 4 lots;' well built 2-story house, newly painted; fireplace; convenient; all kinds of fruit and berriea: 8 large walnut trees; chicken house with chicken run; all assessments paid; offered at $3000? can arrange terms. Woodstock Here is a little bungalow on the corner of 37th and Mall sts. that you van buy rtgnt; mis was taken in on a foreclosure and the owner will sell for $2800: 6 rooms well arranged, fireplace and built Ins; cement floor basement; sewer and sidewalk in and paid for: it Is a nice place and 8300 down buys it. I' ' .;:-..;:;; Corbett Street Large 9-room house st the top of Corbett st. bill; on csr line, street psvedi lot 50x100; prop erty all dear; here is a very good buy at 40U0; $600 down; glad to show you. -j; :-;Otto & liarkson ; " : . 418 Chamber of Commerce. Main 639$.' THIS LOVELY HOME FOR SALE ON TERMS' BY OWNERS Pretty 'rent twrh with pergnls.Isree living room -with firenlace. bookcases and full mirror dVor t coat room,- euarniinv dinii.g .ruom wiiU -paneled buffet, kitchen rvrdet - with built-ins eakire. ' well ventilated bedroom, risndv bit1- roora with built-in : work, linen closet, walla tinted, light futures, window ahadea, 60x100 lot B. F. POND REALTY CO. . , . THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS MODERN BUNGALOWS 84250 UP 1230 SANDY BLVD. i , TABOtt 8825 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY New Bungalow $5500 6 rooms and attic large enough for 2 rooms, large living - room and dining room in front, with plate glass windows. : hardwood floors, fire plsee and buffet. Urge handy kitchen with breskfsst nook., s 11 ivory enameled: 50x100 lot; bnly 7 minutes from the city by auto, bendy to two streetcars; everything , new and modern. 896 Weidler, between 28th and 29th. For appointment call owner and builder, statu 4503, l Mat - ioio, jnr, ncueii- : a , ALAMEDA PARK ' T-Ri-MlU HOI'RK 86500 PriM h, hwn ndiml from SS&00. This is an exceptionally well built home. Finished in ncn old ivory ana-wmta tnrouanouc i xiam wood floors, fireplace, '-bookcases, buffet, l'ute kitchen, full cement basement, etc. Mtat Ce sold to avoid foreclosure. Someone is going to get a big bargain and It might as well be you, i A. Q. .Teepe Co. h :-'..v 270 Stark St, Near 4Ui. Matn 3092. Branch Offic 50th and Sandy. Oven Sunday. MOUNT SCOTT 1 DISTRICT Strictly modern 8 room bungalow, lot 40x100, fine garden, bath, toilet, cement basement, cement walks, a blocks to oar. . Caq't beat it lor $1700. $500 caah, baL like rent ' - .-. SAME - DISTRICT bungalow. . extra fine cement basement. fine hedge fence in front,' fine garden, plenty fruit, 2 lots 40x100, 5 blocks to car. A anap at 52100. ftt centi, baianee HKa rent. , ' RICHARDS A, REED 308 McKay Building Main 4102 rNIFTTrCLA83Y BUNGALOW $1700 4 rooms, complete plumbing, bniltlns. climb- ins roses, screened porch, lot 50x100, 4 Mucks to csr; casn, iii mouuuy; puoiu ai office. ' j ... E.v-ru mm T32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEAR 20TH AND MAIN STS. i ' : 5-ROOM BCNGAiOW Walking distance); dandy bungalow with a fireuhuM- lot fi(tx7Bti nosaeaaion sleutember li very easy terms. Just 2 blocks from car. This is a real buyj Let us show you. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St., Near 4lh. Main 8092. Branch Office 50th and Hsndy. frpen Hands y, , : j ; ! HOUSE AND LOT ! i $700 CASH . ' : I '' ' ' . - - t - ' ' - 2 room bouse, 58x106 ft. lot. 2 blocks to Woodstock ear, on 35th st, either bouse or lot is worth the price asked for sIL J. I HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of . Commerce. Main 208. ' i . . 44 too CAN aire terms. i Hewthome. 9 rooms. modern except furnace ; and is all piped for that; has hardwood floors. Bookcases, outlet. fireplsee, 1 built-in aucnen, - nstn, on irasoo floor, 4 bedrooma and bathroom up: can be used for two f ami! lea; cement basement, paved street, between two carliaes. : - JOHNSON-DO DSON CO. -. 638 ?. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 3787. ON Rose lawa avenue, i near Walnut Park, walking- distance to Jefferson high snd ' only $4200. for this modern 3 ' room bungalow with sewer, water, light, gas, j paved street, lanndry trays, buffet, fireplace, bniltajn kitchen.; $1060 cash, $33 per month. I r JOHN" SON -DODSON CO. 633 V. W. Bank Bldg, "l1" 787. " 1 mtIajjoIIungaEGw ! ...... 1 ... .35750 60x100 lot, 4) rooms,: sleeping porch, flre placa. hardwood floors, cement basement. See Mr. Mast. ; RITTER. LOWE aV CO. 201-3-5-7 Board, bf Trade bldg. - " : FOUND AT LAST- . ; ' . ' 6 Sroora modern bouse in Very good condHioo, nice 1st 82x100. near school, tt block from Mis; ave. car, near O-W. R. sk N. shops. Pries only 26O0;- terms. Albert Harala, ,798 tt Mississippi ave. ; UPPER ALBINA . 3760 DOWN, $2S PER MONTH ' 8 room bouse, bath, full basement. ' Price $2300, Sea Mr. Mast ! j , 1 RITTER, LOWE A CO.. ' t01-3-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. r . : INEXPENSIVE HOUSE , t. Neat, vacant, liule 8 room house and-large bathroom, fruit, berries, full lot, macadam street ht and paid. Boise street.:: 1 block west of 44 st. Miss Sioeomb. i - : ' . HOME, strictly modern 6 rooms and bath; fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement, ,on carline, 30 minutes from town. - My equity 81000 cash. Call after 4:30 p. m., oa Satur day afUr 12 noon. 2161 East YsmhUL BEHIND every policy of! Title Insurance Is a - deposit with the state of Oregon to protect yow aaainst lose, yet it is cheaper thsa 4be abstract method. Title aV Trust company. - A TITLE Insurance Poiir a a guarantee of the title to your noma. . When you buy your borne have the title insured. Better be safe then sorry. Title A Trust company, " , iWERY purcnaaar of reas' estate should have bis title insured. Better-be aale than sorry. Title A trust eoapeny. - . , - WP 'iss p, '".'reads essmined the title to your fToperty and -cam bsoe you A Title Insurance Ptw Msutuu usay. . tlue aV Trust eompaay. RFAL ESTATE FOR SaTf HOUHEH l Carey-Savidge. Company BIHR-CAREY COMPANY. MAIN 7487 . ' We Reject Houses Wo pay our expert aini raiser a bind some salary lor the rurio'e of rejecting " houses offered to Us for sale. Of eoursei be rejects only those houses which, in Ins opinion, are not, according to the prevail ing market, reasonably worth the prirea -i Skked by tbe owner. To be able to rej'-rt a house without doing injustice to the ' owner requires real expert knuwledg-e of . a multitude of conditions. Ths knowledse . .our appraiaeer possesses to a high degree. Getting for tbe owner a price which his houe is reasonably worth, gives to the - purchaser value received. We have a well, rltneen list- of houses in every part of the city, before you buy a house look at our listings if ybu want something belter for the money. Rose City Park $0250 This" clever bungalow Is up to the min ute In modern completeness; large living room with attractive fireplace leading . through Flench doors to . a lovely diriing room witii a distinctive buffet, both rooms having poliaheed hardwood floors; conven ient Dutch kitchen with more than usual . built-ins, bioluding biiilUn refrigerator; : oozy breakfast nook, two large, airy bed ' rooms with closets: glass Inclosed sleeping porch, ivory woodwork throughout, tupestry wall paper, latost lighting futures; hou-e Is double constructed, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, wonderful garage, ! well kept lawnj abundance of c holes ahrtib . bery and i lowers; excellent surrounuiuv; tt block to car; convenient terms. Rose City; $4 300 On a comer Int. 60x102, paved street, in choice neighborhood, an unusually at tractive buugslow of distinctive arthi tecture, with rarw shrubbery and flowers," one block from car. I-arge living room with 'attractive fireplace, built-in buffet. Ihiti'h kitchen, two large bedrooms: cement bt-e-nisnt with laundry trays: ivory woodwork, llou-e in excellent condlUoo; cunvenieut terms, -Hawthorne $4000 Of distinctive architecture, on a paved Street with sewer, full cement basement slid gsrage, close to two carlmus, a modern 3 ' room bungalow with very well ; arranged rooms, two of them being airy bedruouis. a Dutch kitchen, a living room with at tractive fireplace, dining room with built in buffet; select neigl'hhood, well kept yard with abundance of shrubbery, flowers ,and fruit. Convenient terms. North off Piedmont ' $3650 . One block from car, double eunrtrurled bungalow, on full lot; large llring room with fireplace. built in buffet, Dutch, kitchen, cement basement with laundry' trays; gsrage. One large bedroom down stairs snd three nice ones upstsirs; do.-, to Peninsula Perk snd walking distance of Jeffer?on hinh whoo'. 'I'hi hiins '. is in a restricted district and well worth the nwuey. tt,u.eUKiil uruia. East 80th St. ;- $2500 On full lot, with improvements psid, 1 block from csr. s double constructed 5 room bungalow with built-in buffet, tiutch kitchen, good steed living room, two lurse bedrooms. This bouse is a good buy lor the money, : Easy terms. $2950 ' A very attractive, double constructed bungalow with two bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, full basement and'laundry trays; two blis-ks ' from car. This bungalow is in A-1 con dition. Very easy terms. - . Kenton , $32(10 On full lot. modorn o room bunealow, 8 years old. near car; built in buffet, Initrh . kitchen, cement basement. Tula is an at tractive looking house, very substantially built and is an excellent buy. Only o0U ' down.-. .,: . - , 't : t. Seventy-first St. " $2900 This ' is a very beautiful, double eon atructed bungalow of late design, with Dutch kitctien. built-in buffet, cement bsse- : ment, laundry trays; two very well arranged bedrooms and a fine bring room witli a very attractive fireplsee. This bungalow ,. is in A-l condition and may be had ot very Convenient terms. '' Alberta 84200 - Latest type bungalow, -brand new, cf 1 rooms, 1 block fnwn car. Ihaytu kitchen, built-in buffo, two excellrut belroms downstairs with rorra for two more up. Cement basement, laundry liars, fireplsca, ivory woodwork. Tbia is classy. Only 8800 down, . . . Carey-Savidge Company BIHR-CAREY COMPANY, 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Third and Slsrk sts. - MAIN 7487. Open Evenings snd Sundays. LAUKKIJiURST . NIFTY BU.NUALOW $6950 Here is a -home you will he proud to own. see it compare it with others you hsv. seen at tins price. Thia was built by one -of Port lsnd s best builders. You will appreciate the real, downright honest workmanship and the extreme high quality of the material used. There Just isn't a thing one could add In enhance either the beauty or utility of this splendid bun galow. Xes. there is a garage. Let us show you, A.. G. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St, Wear 4th. Main 8092. Branch Office, -SOtb and Handy. Open Sunday. KOHE CITY-PARK " e-IlOOM BUNOAIXIW UA1UCE , $5600 Here, truly, is a dandy bungalow. Just as modern aa they make 'em hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Imich kitchen, etc. ; finished In ncU old ivory and white throughout bee. it today. It'll be a downright pleaMi re to slww you. 'A. O. Teepe Co. - 270 Stark St, Near 4ih. Main 8002. Branch Offica Mlth and Sandy. iipen Humlsy. - KENTON" DISTRICT 6 -room bungalow, white enamel kitchen, prtoa $8000, $1000 cash, baianee easy. price tn f"des gaa range and healer; cjn buy adjoining i u i .,, i , i e v , JOHNSONDODSON.CO. P3 W. W. Bank Bldg. Mala $787. r V i' V 1 AS. 8 3O0 handles this 4 room bungalow; ba wster, Ulght, gaa, macadam street, good gsrass. large 64x100 lot with good garden and shrub bery. Easy terms on balance. JOHNSON IX1K80X CO. 888 N. W. Bank Bklu. Main 8787. ; A REAL BARGAIN ; Two lot, fruit and ahrobbery; neat 5 room bungalow, good plumbing, cement bsaement" with flrxr, sewer; 2 blocks from Montsvilia car, -S2K00; $.'.0 cash, balance esy. This is bard to best ' 8- P. Osbarn, 610 MrKsy bldg. bNAP One acre, highly cuFuTated gJrdeiT berries, fruit tree; ciierriea swld for tSOO this year. Pear and snilr trees ksded. Thre. chicken houses. Fine 8 room bouse, gss, water, full cement basement, furnace. $7600. 1883. A TITLE Insurance roller s a guarantee by a responsible company that you will not snffsr loss on sccnunt of the title to your real estate. When you buy real estate get a litis Inaursnre Policy. No abstract required. litis A Trust company. $2000 Small down payment. L!rv-c like rent, bnrt this 6 room house with bsth, - gss, electricity, sewer, paved street, on csr line. JOHNSON IMlON CO. 633 -N. W. Bank BIdt. Main 87S7. LAUHEUU.UST BL'NOAlW $2000 cash, bal. $50 montlily 6 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. Price $6500. See Mr. Mast BITTER. WWg A CO.. 201-3-5 -7 Hoard of Trade bldg. Real Snap Rose City 6 room, modern, beautiful home; a real place; plenty frnit, beautiful shrubery. Call for owner. Tabor 6a 19. - TJTI E Insursnce is the modern way: of l,nlni: titles to real estate. Quicker, costs less- snd Oe abstract required. Title at Tnmt eon.psnr. CLOSE your teal estate deal quiikly thrriis Title lusursnce. Sa absuact- required. Iiui A Trmt comisny. FOtv SALE by owner- iuriu-hed bungaiuw. , 1029 a. Broadws.