THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1920. PORTLAND. OREGON. teeple of ifirst resbyterian Church ijftlay utlined SPith (Electric lights n OF DAW BY LIGHTNING TO BE MADE JOINTLY Consideration is being sriven by the board of trustees of the First Presbyterian church of a plan to outline with electric lights the tall steeple of the church. At the recent meeting ,of the ; board IF. I. Fuller was named as chairman of the committee to call upon electricians and get estimates as to the cost of the work. The idea was suggested some time ago to the board, but at that time it was dropped, owing to the cost of construct ing a scaffold. The cost of the scaffold, it is said, will be more than the cost of installing the lights along the edges of the four corners of the steeple. . i Since the lightning- struck the steeple the idea has been advanced again and apparently in a mors favorable light this time, as the same scaffold erected to re pair the slate roof can be used to install the lights. Originally It was estimated that the cost of installing the: lights i would be around $1200, but If they are Installed at the same time the roof is repaired, the work probably will not cost more than $400. Some officers of the church . say It wlir cost about $2000 to repair the damage done by the lightning, i Sunday morning the First Presbyter- TONIGHT, 7:45 God s Panacea for theWorlds Distress FACTS OF. BIBLK PROPHECY THAT ARK STARTLING, INTEB ESTIG AND COMFORTING Subject for Sasdar Night, Aag. 8 "WHAT CHRIST FORETOLD OF THIS GENERATION" An explanation of the Greatest Prophecy in the Bible will be given, and the - fact made plain that a child may understand where we are today in the stream of time. 1 i tmmmm m, y. : -. :: .- vs ;:'- -i , " t,. ... EVAKUKLIST DICKSON - HEAR ? : EVANGELIST DICKSON '- 1 IN THE , Big Tent Pavilion ! Corner Thirteenth sad Horrlso THE MUSI UNDER THE LEAD ERSHIP OP PROP. I. C. COL. CORD IS A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THESE EVEBT-WIGHT SERVICES. Congregational Slag Every Night A CORDIAL WELCOME TO THE -..:. PUBLIC pen SLtr Service tDo e c 1 (J Sunday Washington ark The open air service of the Portland Church federation will be transferred Sunday to the Washington park.. It will be held at the bandstand near the Park avenue entrance at 3:30 p. m., lasting one hour, Dr. Joshua Stansfield, pastor of the First Methodist church, will preach. The Ztev.j H. H. Grlffis of the First Christian church, and the Rev. Ralph McAfee, executive secretary of the church federation, will ' have a part In the program, i j Walter Jenfclns t will lead the congregational singing, and Thomas Quirk Jr., of Wilbur Methodist church, will play the comet. On August 15 another, service! will be held in the same park. . The two following Sundays, August 82 and 291 the service will Je at the Peninsula nark. : important ; J2ew of Portland s Churcnes and foung i people s Societies The interdenominational camp meeting at East Thirty-third and Mason streets, under -the supervision f the Oregon State Holiness association, will close with Sunday night's sermon. , Three services will be held Sunday at 10 :30 a. m. nd 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. A service will also be conducted Saturday evening. The Rev.vWill II. Huff of Sioux City, Iowa, president of the National Holiness asso ciation, is the principal speaker, Evan- felists C. E. Cornell of Pasadena and Yank Stephens of Los Angeles are as sisting. The Rev. F. E. Blackman di rects the congregational singing and Miss Louise Pennell has charge of, the chil dren's department. 1 Sunday morning and evening at the First Christian church.' While waiting for the completion of the architect's plans and specifications . for their new house of worship, the members of the congrega tion have been busy making good their financial pledges to the building project. Already more than 120,000 in cash has been received on a subscription list of 178,000. In order to start the new build ing there must be on hand 940,000 and it is expected that this amount will be ready by October 1. The new structure will be located on the church's present site at the northeast corner of Park and Columbia. i - .., t Stereapticaa views of London will b shown Sunday nisht at the East Bid Christian church by the Kct. R. H. Sawyer, who returned a week aco from Enaiand,' where he spoke before the APOSTOLIC FAITH Next week will mark the final week j world conference of the Society of British kraeL for. this year's camp meeting of the j The ordinance of baptism: will also be admin- APOSLUIJV Sennit IJIjmsiww h. -pcvwm. i street and Sixty-fifth avenue, southeasL" Jtanday will ba Momr mnvrrainna are resorted bv the .mole school at ile'a ian Church will have a visitor from Can ada In the pulpit, he Rev. John G. Ink sterj pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Victoria,) B. C. He will spend five Sundays in Portland, while Dr. and Mrs. II. E. Bowman are taking a vaca tion In the mountains. Dr. Inkster speht several, weeks in Portland : some- years ago, and will be welcomed back by ' the many friends which he made on that occasion. At 10 :30 a. m. he will preach on "The Great Refusal," using the! life of Jonah to illus trate the sermon. n the evening be will give the first sermon in a series on "Re construction and Rejligion." Sunday night he will deal especially with Bolshevism. An organ recital by J.vMacMlllan Muir will precede the sermon. E. ; Maldwyn Evans will lead the singing and give a baritone solo at eah service. :. The Sunday school is meeting in two sections during . August, with lantern slides for each illustrating the Gospel of Luke. I Miss Riith Slauson will give the talk to the priipary department and James F. Ewlng in .the senior room. - h Swedish' sugar beet growers "will plant nearly 2000 more acres of them, this year- than in any previous year. -"As It Was in the Days of Noah" "The Signs of the Times" WILL BK THE SUBJECTS BY i Evangelist E. K. BAILEY of Seattle 'l SUNDAY. AUQ. P. M. 'J GOSPEL AND PROPHETIC HALL t0 SKCOND ST. Be. Wuh. and Stark. First Presbyterian Church PORTLAND, OREGON A low Street at 12th JOHN INKSTER (Victoria, B . will preach 10:80 A. M. "THE GREAT REFUSAL" OP ' 7:48 P. M.i "THE MENAOE : BOLSHEVISM? ( Pint tn a series addresses . on R, atrvotlcM and Retlslen' & A ) i i -i ; FIRST CONGREGATIONAL v CHURCH PABK 15D MADISOK STREETS DR. WM. T. McELYEEN, PH. D. ' : PASTOR. . L.: j 11 :Oo A. M. "WHATiWE BELIEVE THE PIL GRIM FOREFATHERS DIDN'T" . , I '" " 74S P. m. "THE GOSPEL FOR THIS NEW - AGE" 9:4S A. Ml. CHURCH SCHOOL. :S0 P. St. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR i EATS FREE i NOW GOING ON , SUMMER BIBLE 1 SCHOOL GL-ADSTONE PARK EVERY DAY UNTIL lAUGUST 22 SUNDAY 10:30 A. M , 2:30 P. M., 8 P. M. Dr. W. B. Hinson of Portland, Dr. Geo. Guille of Chicago, Dr. W. P. wjiite of Al bany will preach. .1 NEXT WEEK Dr. Guille: Dr. B. 6. Sutcliffe ana ur. white will lecture three times daily i ADMISSION FREE It's Nov; Going I On! BIG CA M M P E T I NG Talte Woodstock CaV to 1 52d Street S. E CAMP IN PLAIN VIEW Marry conversions are reported by the leaders. The airplane piloted by Ray mond Crawford hi also aaid to be draw ing numbers to the services. - A tract dropped from the plane was blown into the front door of a Portland Heights 'home. The woman of the house Is said to have attended the meetings out or cur iosity and to have joined the flock. While picking cherries another woman is said to have found i a copy 'of the Gospel of St. John in the cherry tree, which had been thrown out of the plane by Crawford. She also has joined the mission. ; - I :. BAPTIST -The fifty-second anniversary of the founding of the Baptist church In Ore gon will be observed September 7 to 10 during the- annual state convention. President Jeff Irish will preside." The first flay win be strictly a miiist-rs' conference. The three remaining days will be a joint meeting of laymen and clergymen. Sunday school and young people's work have prominent parts on the program. The closing night wilt be for young people only. On the afternoon. of September 8 the. eighth annual meet ing of the Oregon Baptist Woman's State Missionary society will be held, with Mrs. O. C. Wright presiding. The Rev. RuawU Horse B rougher, son of I)r. 3. Wbiteome Brougber, will prexch Sunday morning and erenina at tbe Whits Tempi. Sunday at the EaAt Side Baritixt church the state erangelist. Dr. S. J. Boid, will occupy the pulpit. ; v.. : ; CHRISTIAN? The Rev. Harold H. Griffis will preach men's and boys' day in the Kero Perk Christian church. mej will nave complete charge of the school. Ir. 3. P. Uhormlry. pastor, will occupy his pul pit morning and evening, as usual. " ' Wi'.-.'! ! , . CONG'BEGATIOSrl. Dr and Mrs. W. T.' McElveeri have re turned from their vacation. The pastor will occupy his pulpit at the First Con gregational church. Sunday. While Mrs. McElveen remained in Evanston, III., visiting friends. Dr. McElveen journeyed to Boston as a delegate and speaker at the international Congregational council. He preached in Evanston, Boston. New York, Chicago : and. Minneapolis while away. During the evening service he will tell, about the international council. EPISCOPAL ! "Much preaching is done on the Princi ple that the church should be interested chiefly in mending wires," says the Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector of St. 'David's sluo being rrcrired requesting help. A special instruction leaflet will be iaaaed shortly. Addir tionsl information may ! be secured by : calling aiaia .4368.1 An effort is being made to reach . eawrcat peovle on lonely ranches or in camps. - luring hU two weeks' racation John W. Lethaby, finan cial Kcretary, called on a number of such fsmtr lie in the Mount Hoad country. Literature is being distributed for children and adults. I. ' Ien It. T. T. Hicks has returned from the Puget Sound country and will preach Sunday at 11 a. in. Communion will be celebrated at 7:45 a. m. i ' LITHEBAJf . ' "The Christian's Duty to Hold a Good Conscience in All Things" will be the subject of the Rev. J. A. C. Beyer's ser mon for the deaf on Sunday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran church. All deaf are invited. 1 : i : The hoar of : the Sunday morning service at Imraanuel Lutheran cbarch. East 'Kifteenth and Leo strevts, has been chanjed to 10:U a. m.j and the Sunday school hour to 9 :30 a. m. All sermons are in Uerraan except on the last Sunday of each month, when the English service is used. . V' , J !;:; 1 j METHODIST ! The Methodists are making prepara-; tions for a 10-day camp meeting which will begin Thursday night at 8 o'cloek iri the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist; Episcopal church grove. East Fortiettt and Fowll streets. Dr. W. W. Youngsoh will preach and Ralph Speelmon will direct the music. Mrs., Arthur C. Perrin . will be the soloist Sunday' for both services at the First Methodist church. Dr. Joshua Stansfield will preaeh. - The Epworth Methodist church pulpit will gain be occupied by the pastor, the Key. J. Stanford Moore, who has just returned 'from the city pastors' conference at San Jose. Cal. . - . ! UNITED BRETHKEX ! Dr. Byron J. Clark, pastor of the First unucu Drciureu ciiurcii, nits reiurneu service in charge of the Rev. Lyle W il ia, rd ; and ;the evening service by the itev. c f. uates. . ! No Evening Services Sunday evening services have been dis continued for August at Kenilworth Presbyterian church, as the' pastor and his wife are spending the montu at Can non Beach. A supply will fill the pulpit each. Sunday -morning. : -. Journal Editorial Is Theme of Sermon Enlargement upon the editorial "The Owens and Harts," appearing in last Monday's Issue of The Journal, will be made Sunday night at Calvary Baptist church by the Rev. J. E. Thomas. The pastor thoroughly agrees with j the edi torial , which states in. part: . "While Owen and Hart did right, law protected them.i: Society aided them. Trouble was kept from them. When they did violence and 'shed blood they became hunted, harried creatures. Thus every , man finds it. i When he does right every, force of life, of law and ot nature jls with him. ; When he does wrong, lie 'sets everv lorco of life and law and" nature against nun The reaction of his cwn mtsdbeds w ill pursue him until he lis cornovcu aud beaten and captured. Episcopal i church. "It would seem to j from his vacation and will occupy his; be more in accord ' with the mind of Christ in founding the church : that the church's first and chief concern should be the generating of power." This thought -will inspire the rector's sermon Sunday morning. During August he is giving a series of Sunday evening ad pulpit Sunday. lie has spent six weeks; in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. j TTS1TED EVANGELICAL . Tbe closing meeting of the Oregon con-( ference, United Evangelical church campi dresses on "The Christian Bible." The meeung Win oe nem aunaay at me camp weekday services will be omitted for the remainder of August, except as specially announced. r : A prayer circle has been formed at St. Ste phen's Pro-Cathedral, to follow up the healing mission of James : Moore Hickson. letters are reaching the Kpiscopal office now telling of per manent results - of this mission. Others are grounds at Quinaby Park, seven miles north of Salem. The morning sermon: will be delivered by Dr. W. M. Stanford of Harrisburgi Pa. The Sunday school will be in charge of H. Cornell the hil4 dren'B afternoon service in charge of the Rev.. S. 8. Mumey : afternoon sermon by the Rev. F. il. Neff ; Christian Endeavor? Prominent Bible Teachers Present Prominent Bible teachers from other parts of the nation are instructing the daily classes at the Moody Bible insti tute, which is being conducted at the Gladstone Chautauqua, park. Among- fhe teachers are Dr. Lewis 3perry Chafer, Dr. Geoj-ge E. Guille nd Dr. R.l B, Sutcliffe, ; The institute w.ll last to more weeks. Admission s free. The public Is ; invited to the three Sunday services. , i - DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND Rer. R. E. "Behold the Rev. Owen Bf. J. Buffalo" ; . Tenth Sunday After Trinity tTniform Sunday School Lessons "The Kingly Kindness of DaTid." II Sam. 8:1!i: :1-1.t. Golden Text "And IaTid Teigned oer all Israel; and Darid executed judgment and justice unto all his people." II Sam. 8:15. Xoung People's Topics Baptist Union "Problems ; of Reereation : in Our TommnnitT." Rom. 14 13-19 Christian Endeaeor "Problems of Recreation in Our t'ommunity. " Kom. 14:7 13-18. Epworth Ineue "Problems and Possibili ties of Recreation in Our Community." " Rom. 14:7, 13-19. Baptist " First - White Temple, ltth and Taylor. Preaching by Rusael M. Broncher. 11. "The Keys of Hearen"; 8, "Life's Bie 1gbt." East Side E. 2Uth and Saluon. Kce. W. B. Hinson. Key. H. T. Cash. Preaching by Dr. S. J. Reid. 11, "The Optimism" of Christ"; 7:4, "The -Glorious Gospel of the Happy God." Third Vanconirer and Knott. Close. 11, "The Lord's Day"; 8, Bridegroom." Arleta E., 4th and 48th aTe. T. Day. 11. 7 :30. CsiTary K. 8tn ana Grant. TTinmaiL 11. "The Saints at "What About the Journal Kdl torlai 7 " Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Preaching by Ke. J. C Austin. 11, "The Message of Yes terday to the Church of Today"; 7:46, "Three Life Secrete." . . SeUwood Bethany -Bee. W. N. Ferria. II. 7:45. Grace E. 76th and Ash. Ber. r. W. Star ing. 11, 8. , (Jnirersity Park Rer. .8. ; Lawrence Black. 11, 8. Swedish. 15th and Hoyt. Rev. T. G. Sjolan der. 10:80, 7:30. St. Johns Chicago and Leonard 11. 7:80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Bbt. Walter L. Riley. .11, 8. ' i Mt Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Ke. j. W. Anderson. 11. 8. Khm Swedish Mallory and Skidmore Rev. A. G. Sandblom. 2:80, 8:30. Lents 88th sC and 60th are. Rev. E. A. Smith. ll, 8. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Rev. T. Hoffman. 11. 7:30. r Catholle i Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis. ' 6. 7-15, 8:30. f45. 11. St. Peters Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen. 8, 10 :30, 7 :SO. St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rer. J. O. Hnches. 6, 8:30. 10:30. 7:30. St. rraocis E. 12th and 1'ine ReT. J. H. Black. 0, 8, 9, 10:30. 7:30. - Immaculate Heart of Ma ryr Williams and Stanton Key. W. A. Daly. 8, 8. 9. 11. 7:80. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. S. 8. Olson. 6. 7, 8. B. 11, 7:80. St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. 3. O'FarrelL 8. 10 :80. 4. St. Andrews E. 0th and : Alberta Bt. J. Kiernan. 8. 10 .80, 7 :30. The, Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30, 0, 11. Ascension E. 76th and Tambill Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80. - Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blaadeaa Re. F. W. Black. 8. lft-.SO. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoia Iter. O. Baymond. 8. 10:30. 7:80. St. Ignatius 8220 43d st. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30, 8, 10:80. - Bt Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor ReT. War ns A. Waitt. 8, 8:80, 10:80. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and waneon. eer jiTe. Re. William J. Divine. 6. 8, lO :S0. ' St! Phfllip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Key. M. L. Ferry. , ! 7 :S0, 9. 0:80. 7:3U. i St. Clements S. Smith aTe. and Newton Berrit Fathers. 6. 8, 10:80. 7:80. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Her. G. Bob. 8. 10:30, 7:30. ' Bt. Agatha E. 10th and Aliiler Bev.'J. Commisky. 8, 10:80. 7:30. i St. Stanislaus (Polish) If srylsnd and Fail ing ReT. F. Matthew. - 8, 10:30. 7:80. - St. Joseph (German) 16th . and Couch - Be. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:30. 70. St Michael (Italian) 4th aad Kill Bay. M. Balestra. 8:80. 10:30, X.-30. St. Claires Capitol Hill-Slather Aloysius. O. F. M. 7:30. 8:20. oysiue, St. Charles E. 33d and Alberta Bev. J. P O'Flynn. 8. 10:80. AU Saints E. 89th and GUsan Bev. Father William CruniB. 8, 10:80. --- , St. Patricks 19th and Sarler ReT. Charles V. Smith. Masses 6:30. 8. 9:15. 10:80. 7:45. ' Christian ; ' First Park and Columbia, i Bee. Harold H. Griff ia 11, "What Must the Church Member P to Be Sayedf"; 7:45, "Tna Three Captives in the Fiery Furnace." Eaat Side E. 12th and Taylor. ' Bev. H. H. Sawyer. 11. "God Sare the King"; 8. stere opticon views of London. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott. Ban 8. Earl ChUders. 11. 8. . 7Ut i"-". jo-pa o5e.P?k Fi H. Ghormley. 11, "The Uiew" Neoo,t v"Out of the Old Into Tibar-.2f!,0.- AJbta-E. B. St. Johns Central and Oswego. V 11, T:80. Christian Selenca : Treason subject: "Spirit." - ' ' First 19th and Everett. 11. . Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11' Third K. 12th and R.T , f E.U.IthrrJ.llco,,"r and Emmerson. . Fiftb-62d and 4 2d ... n v ,1 Sixth Maaonie tempto. 368 TamhUL 11 a Seventh Smith are. and Kew Xork. IL ' All eharci, Wednesday. 8 p. av Con greeat local ; First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. McJO veen., 11. 'What We Believe the Piucrim Bunnyside E. BZd and Taylor. . Bev SUub. 11. 7:45. . Atkinson Memorial E. 29th , and Everett. Bev. E. E. Flint 11. , . HigbUnd E. 6th and Present t. Rev. Edward Constant. 11. Waverleigh Heights B. 8 2d and Woodward. Bev. Olirer P. Avery- 9:45. 11 " Laoreiwood -lath ave. and 65th at S. E. 11. 3. 3. I Pilirrim Missouri and Shaver. - 11. "Per sonal Evangelism, " by Rev. : Berton F. Rronson. ! CniTersity Park Haven and Lombard. ReT. C H. Jnhnftnn. 10:30. 7:3a i Finnish Mason and Albina. Mi. A. . A. Hariu. 6 and 8 p. m. St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. W. L. Upshiw. 11. 7:80. ! Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner -Bev. Ole Torgescen. 11. 7 :8C. . First German E. 7 th and Stanton Rev. George Zocher. 11. 7:30. ! Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Bev. Hfiry HageiRans. 11. 7:80. Zion German E. 9th and Fremont Rev. J. II Hoop 11. 7:30. '! r Dunkard j : Church of the Brethren Borthwtck and Brat card Rev. George C. CarL 11. 8. : ' ! ' Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr Bt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop: Very Res. R. T, T. Hicks, dean. 7:45,; Holy Communion; II; 6:30, Young People's society. Trinity- 1 9th and Ererett. Bev. A. A. Mor rison. , 8, 11. ' St. DaTids E. 1 2th and Belmont. Rer. Thomas Jenkins. Tector. 7:30. 9:30. 11, "Life Versus Problems"; 8. "Why We Have a Bibie and What It Is." St. Marks 21st and Marshall. Rev. J. G. Hatton. Preaching by Rev. i K. Howard. 1L "Creed and Character." l St. Andrews Hereford st:, Plymouth. Arch deacon Chambers in charge. 9. 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17th and Weidler. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 1 1, i Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham. Rev. John Dawson 11, 8. I St Michael and All Angels -E. 43d and Broadway. Rev. F. T. Bowen. vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior 60th are. and 41st St. S. E. ReT. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital. Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30; St Pauh) Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor, 4. All Saints 25tb and Barter Bev. Frederick Bw Howard. 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. :15th and Harney, Fsllwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Iter. Wj A. M. Breck. vicar. 10. 11. : J''" - Evangelical I First E. 6 th ' and Market Bev. Kara Maurer. 11, 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev.' Jacob Stocker. 10:45, 8. Swedish Tabernacle X. 17th and GUsan. Bev. J. C. Ledin. 11. 7 :30. Frew Methodist First E. 9th and Mill. Bev. W. J. Johnston. 11. 7:45. Central E. 55th and Flanders. Rev. E. I Harrington. 11. 7:30. Alberta E. 30th and Wygant Rev. S. L. Burn 11, 7:45. St J-Ans K. Richmond and Hudson Uev. B. D. Blackman. 11. 7:30. Lents Rev. S. H. Upton, acting pastor ; j , . Friends j-' " :' . . : First E. 85th and Main Bev. Homer L. Cox. II. Second E. 92d and Slat are. Ker. Lurana II Terrell. 11. 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Rev. Carey Jeasupp. 11. 8. Jewish I . Congregation Beth Israel 12vh and Miin Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8. p. m., Saturday 10:30 a. m. Congregation Ahavai 8holom Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abrahamson.; Friday. 8 p. am. ; Satardur. 8:30 a. m. Congregation Novah Zedek Talmud Torah 6th and Hall -Rev: Abraham L Boseneranta. Friday, 8 p. m.; Saturday. D a. m.; Sunday, 10 a. m. Religious school. j. 4 j- tatter Day Salnu Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th and Madiaon Heber C. Iversoa. sission president. 10. 6:30. Reorganized Church E. 76th and Irvuut Rev. C. E. Jones. 11. 7:45. . : : Lutheran:-. St James W. Park and Jefferson Rev. William K. Brinkman. 11. 7:80. i St Paula E. 12th and ' Clinton. Bev. A. Krause.: 10 (English), "Man's Liberty and God'a Law"; 11 (German). "What Gives the Holy Supper this Wonderful Power t" i . Trinity (Missouri Synod) William and Graham Rev. J. A. Rimbach. 9:15. 10 (Ger man). 11:15 (English). i - V i Church for Deaf Williams a?W Graham Rev. J. A. Beyer. . 2:30. "The Christian's Duty to Hold a Good Conscience in All Things." Our Ssvion E. 10th and Grant Bev. M. A. Christenaen. 11 ; (English), "The House of Prayer." . -j . Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davfa Bev. WHhelm Pettersen. 11. 8.1 Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Free) Wy gant and Rodnejr Bev. B. i A. Borrevik. -11. 7:45. i - . Grace (English) E. 24th aad Brdway- Bev. C. H. Bern hard. 11. , - Bethany Danish Evangelical TJnion and If or ris Bev. L. P. Kjoller. il. 7:80. 81 Johns Pemnsala and Kilpetrick Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:45, 7:80. s 8wedisb Augustana Stanton and Bodney Bev. V, G. Ogrsn. 10:45. 7:4. Immanuel- 10th and Irving Bev. A. V. As derson...; 11, 8. ' Portsmouth Lovely and Fertune Bev. S. OL B. Knutsen. 11. 7:80. i Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Bev. H. H. Koppelaunn. 9:15, 10:15. 7:4. . Immanuel Mo. Synod) E. 15th and Lea Rev. H. C. Ebelinc 9:30, 10:30. German. Evangelical Church of the Redeemer lfith an Wygant 10. 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Bev. A. Sajminen. 10; Sunday school 7. St. Marks ( Wisconsin. Synod) Mallory and Skidmore Bev. P. Hinderer. 10:30. mission festival.' :. - KlethedTst Enlteoeel . ' : - Carson Heights Ber. G. B. i Brown. 10. 11, 7. c Centenary E. th and Fine Bev. Frank L. Wemett 11 7:80. - Central Vanoouver and Fargo Bev. A. B. Maclean. -11.-8. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Bev. E. S. Mae. 11, "Knowledge that will Change the World." - Epworth 26U and 8a Tier Rer. J. Stanford Bfoore. 11, "The Cliff" House": 8. "Life's Ob-erratory." . First 12th and Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30, "Waiting-Upon God"; 8. "America First" , j i First Norwegian Danish- 18th and Hoyt, Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11, 8. ! Laurelwood E. 68d and Foster. Bev. A. Oi Brakenbury. 11. 7:30. Lenta 86th and 58th are. sBev. F. Ri1 Sibley. 11.- 7:45. i Lincoln E. 52d and Lincoln. Rev. F. Ai Ginn. 11, 7:30. MonUvilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11, 7:30. j Mt Tabor E. 61st and Start Rev. E. GL Decker. 11, 8. Pat ton Alberta and 'Michigan Bev. Georg H. Bennett II, 7:80. ' - - j Bose City Park E. 68th and Sandy Revi D. Iter Fields. 10:3O, 7:80. i Sell wood E. 15th and Tacoma. Rev. W. 3. Gordon. 11, 8. . . t Sunnyside E: 35th and TamhilL Bev. W. F. Ineraon. 11, "The Way"; 7:45. "Great Preach ers." : . , - j St Johns W. Leavltt and Syracuse Rem. W. E. Kloater. 11, 7:80. i Swedish Beech and Borthwick Bev. Abel Eklund. 11. 8. j University Park Flake and Lombard Be H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7 :80. - i Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish. Skidmore and Vancouver. Rev. A. Christenaen. 11, 8. 1 Wesleyan E. 53d and Ghsan Bav. D. fit JHampa. II. 7:45. , r Westmoreland Milwauki and Midway Rett E. 8. Mace.. 7:80. j Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. E. C Hick man. 10:30, "The Secret of Boccm." j Woodstock- 44th and Woodstock S. E. Be. L. C" Poor. . 11. address by N. F. Coleman; 7:45. service in charge of the Epworth league. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland. Bev. Jt. H. Irvine. 11. j District superintendent Rev. William WaDsee toungson. D. !.. 691 E. 62d st N. Tabor 2790, as. e. (south . First Union and Multnomah. Bev. J. W. Byrd. 11. 8. ( j Nazaren First E. 10th and Weidler Bev. A. M. Bowers. II, 7:45. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane. Bev. J. O. Bringedahl. 11. 7:30. . Brentwood 65th eve. and 67th at Kev. O. V. Fowler. 11, 7 :30. i 1 Highland rpark E. 14tb and Jarrett Ha, W. P. Keebsugb. 11. 8. I Scandinavian 948 Garfield Bev. Daniel Haiistrom. 11. 7:30. j Presbyterian First- 12tn and Alder. Dr. H. L. Bowman. Preaching by Bev. John G. Inkster of . Victoria. B. C. 10:30, "The Great Refusal"; 7:30. "The Menace of Bolshevism." A Westminster East 17th and Schuyler. Rev. Edward E. Pence. 10:30, Sunday school. ; Central B. 18th and Pine. Bev. Walter Harry Nugent 11. j Calvary 11th and Clay. Bev. L. Bowrinc Quick-. 11, preaching by Rev. I. A. Townsend. T Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Benwent Bev.. Ward Maclienry. 11. 8. - Vernon 19th and Wygant. Preaching ' by Rev. William L Campbell of Ossian, Ind. 11.8. Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Bev. J. Francis Morgan. 11. 'j " Fourth First and Gibba. Rev. Monroe ot Everett Preaching by Bev. . F. G. Strange. Kenil worth E. 34th and Gladstone. Bev. L. K. Grimea. 11. Hope 78 th and Everett Bev. H. E. Gilest Bose City Bev. Donald W.i M. MacCluer. 11. 8. , - . i Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Bev. Ward Willis Ijoug. 11. j Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bev. Theo dore P. Smith, ll, 8. - - ..- Anabel Rev. F. H. Missel! 11. 8 J Millard Avenue 65th are. and 70th at f. Marshall Street 17U and Marshall Bev. J. Hanna. 11. Mizpah E. 19 th and Division. Bav. D. A. Thcsnpson. 11. i Unity E. 71st and Sandy.. Bav. S. Wi Seeman. 11. 7:30. j Arbor Lod Bryant and Curtis. Bav. Alex ander R. Evans. 11, 8. ' j Holt Chinese 183 hi First Rev.' Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m. school; 8, 9, young people. Reformed Evangelical 1 First 12 th and Clay Kev. G. Hafnerj 10:45. 8. . Reformed Piesb tsi laii t First Minnesota and Alnawurtb Bev. T. Dj Frazer. 11, 7:80. j Seventh Day Advent lets ! . Note Beguiar services of this denomination ire held on Saturday. 1 Central EL 11th and Everett U X. Dick on, pastor. 10, 11:16. - 4 Tabemscle 6 th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit minister. 10, 11. MonUviUa E. 80th and EvereU J. A, Ger bart 10, 11. J Lenta 94th at and 8th are. W. IX. Hunt-: ington. 10. 11. - ; 8t Johns Central ae. and Charleston A, B. Fnlkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. HJ WenUand. 10. 11. - i Scaedinavian 2d at and 89th eve, Elder a 8. Lee. 10. 11.- . alvatten Army Corps No. 1 248 Ash at Adjutant Henry1 B. Coaena. 11. 8:15, 8. . i Corps No. 4 128 Vk 1st Ensign Jessie Millar- and Envoy Mrs. Upton. 11, 1:86, 3. 6, 8. . UnKarhui Church of Our Father Broadway and' Tarn- f Saint Davids Church CAST 1TH AND BELMONT ' i East Merrlsee Street Cars) ' Service 7:30, 8:80, 11:00 end S:00. 11:0O SKRMON: ' , "LIFE VERSUS PROBLEMS" S.OO SERMON:, "WHY WE NAVE A BIBLE, AND i WHAT IT IS" REV. THOMAS JENKINS, Rector. hill. Kev. W. G. Elliot Jr. 11. "How One Man Kept Faith with Himself Against If eery Odds." 1 United Brethren - I G. E. Me- Confetenee soperintenaent Bev. Donald. - , . r , ! Rev. Ira First E. 15 th and Morrison. Rev. Lr Clark. 11, "od in Human Affairs"; 8, "On Memory's TraiL" j , Second E. 27th and Sumner. Hawley. 11. 7:30. J j Third 7th st. and 32d ava. S. E. Rev, B. llnmkn.J ! e g ,i ' sjuruciu. j . O. Fon rtb--Trembn tl llf 8. i ! i Rev. C. P. Blanchard. Cloverdale 446 Jeasup. Bev. Walter Reyn olds. 10, 6:30, 7:8. j- Untted Evaneellcer I First E. 16th and Poplar, Bev. J. A. Goode. bek'ley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Bev. H. H. Fsrnham. n, 8. St Johds Rev. A. P. Layton. 11. T:30. Uniud Presbyterian i First E. 87th and Hawthorne Bev. H. F. Given. 11. 7 :30. . j Church of the Strangers Grand and Waace. Rev. H. Earl Its Boia 10:30, preaching by KrT. A. ; R. Maclean T Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. George BT. Taylor, l 11. 8. - I I Mlseellansous -j Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay. Bev. John E. Jre 10, 11, 7:30. i Realisation League 148 13th. Rev. Edward Mills. 11. address by Rev. A. C Grier; 8. i Christ adelpbia a 621 K. Washington. 10:80 Church ot God 863 Falling Harry NeaL 11. 7:80. : - . , Gospel Hall' E. 29th and Stark. 11. 7:86 Men'a Resort 4 th and Burnaide Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent 8. '. i Portland Dirine Healing Institute 11th arid Yamhill. ReT. John G. Lake. 8. "Christian iflethodists jto ?w)o!d picnic on-QTuesclay 3fnlaurel kurstJark AH Methodlsu and Oielr friends re-sidlng- in Portland or .Vicinity are In vited to an old-fashioned Methodist plc nlo Tuesday night In LAureihurst bark. The celebration will be In honor "of Bishop and Mrs. W. O. Shepard. Every one attending- Is urged to bring- a basket lunch and be on hand ;by :30 o'clock. Coffee will be served free to those bring ing their own cups. .After the meal a program of games and stunts will be rendered. No set speeches will be heard. Kverythlng is announced as strictly in formal, i ' : ' : i : ; Adventist Meetings Held" in Pavilion The Seventh Day Adventist tent meet ings have opened in the big tent pavilion at Thirteenth - and Morrison streets. Evangelist L. K. Dickson Is preaching each night on Bible prophecy. Tonight he will talk on "God'a i Panacea for the World's Distress." Sunday tilerht's eubject wlM be "What Christ J?oretold of This Generation." Professor I. C. Col cord will direct the congregational sing ing. In8tr imental and vocal solos feature each service. The public Is In vited. Spokane Pastor to D eliver j Address Rev. A. C. Grier pastor of the Church of the Truth, Spokane, j will deliver the principal address at the. dedication of the Realization song boojc, at Ji o'plock on Sunday, at Lincoln high school. George II. Street is In charge of the chorus. Solos will be sung by street, G. Wesley Safford "and II. Edward Mls. The Rev. Mr. Grier will address! the Realization league at. 11 o'clock at the Modern Conservatory of Music. 148 Thir teenth Btreet. He ,will-jalso speak at 8 o'clock In the 'assembly room of the Portland hotel. f i . New Thought Meetings Under the auspices of the various New Thought centers In Portland - a noon meeting is conducted every day, except Sunday,- in the assembly room of the VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PLEASING TO CSill NIT! Portland hotel. Rev. A. C. be the speaker on Monday. Grlerl will Divine Science Portland hotel. T. Minard. i 11. Attitudes"! 8, "The New' Faiths and te Old FaKh." ; : j Pentecostal First : nd Washington Rev I 90th -and Taylor sta. '1 Ultd Tidings t Pentecostal Mission) 346 tit. 2. 3, 7:80. i f Pentecostal 147 H First George Hi. Far row. . . - -f - ; ' - Pentecostal 210 M Yamhill 2 .80. . 7 :86 1 4iW 7 -SO i Christian Assembly E. 20th and Ankeny Pastor, A. W. Bmitn. . il, Z-a. 7:4a. - Volunteers of America 224 Burnaide. Even ings except Monday at 8; Sunday. 8. 8. Portland Ecclesia (Chrtstadelphtan) 1897 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Miasion 2664 Alder. 4. 8; daily. 8. 11. Bev. Church of Christ E. 79th and Gliaani First Epirttnal Science 129 1 4th at. Max Hoffman. 8. s. I International Bible Students W. O. temple. 11th and Aider. 8. 8. . Church of Christ K 8 2d and 60th ava. IV 11. 7:80. - 1 T. M. C A Siath and Taylor. 8. Church of Divine Troth 412 Central Ing. Nettie Taylor KJoh. 11, address by tr I a. . !. (. 1 Church of Uodera Spiritualism 409 8. 7:45. I Tbeoeophical Society 301 Central bids. W. traild Leona Alder. ft. Graduation exercises fors the Mon taVllla -Vacation Bible school were conducted Friday night at the Grace Baptist church, and 148 chiUlrtMi , were! given diplomas. Ah has ben .rue jof all the -Bible schools' held in Portland this summer, the work of this school ranked high. About 200 children registered and the Bthool had a daily average attendance of 120 throughout the four- weeks. Kmphasls was; laid on Bible memory work, and In their work and lay thn children were taught Hible principles of kindness and Iovp. One feature of this school was the large aUendiimie of boys, j This Is attributed to the fact that several men took an interest in the school and made thejhpys' cIhrhoh a success. ' Thei smallpr children played at the sand table and built miniature repllcan of Bible Ktorles,! sueli hm Daniel in the Hons'Tden. The boys had a regular manual training shop and have made all sorts of animals,' doll furniture nnd full sized, wheelbarrows. The latter . will jn-ove useful in the homes. - Thei: older girls 'did pajer work, made flowers, electric light shades.- doll's dresses and memory work books. Thn memory books were beautified with nic tures. Although the children prized them- highly, many have given their books to the church In order that chil dren In hospitals. might be made hgppy. The Church will distribute the '!ooks amongr the sick. i - Residents of j Montavilla displayed a keen interest 1 in the Bchool. Many persons who do not believe in the Chrln tlanfaith sent their children. One man. passing the churrh, stopped out of cu riosity. Before he left he voluntarily gave something toward the support of the school.- Kverythlng; in the school was free to the rhuldren, as the mem- "bers of the church subscribed J200 be fore the school started. I'atns were tak en to equip the church to handle the work. . . TheJ untlrlnR efforts of Itev. r. V. Starring', pastor,: and L. U. Marvin, Sunday school superintendent,, are re sponsible for the. succeHS of the schooK Miss Lillian Wright acted as principal. Qtherj . teachers were:MIs IouiBe Hun derup, John Sutherland, Frank Parent, Darwin" Marvin and the pastor. Women in the neighborhood vol untee'red their services. The schooL had from 8 to 1 4 teachers each day. . - The church picnic will be held next Wednesday afternoon ,and evening at LaurelhursI park. All children attend ing the school are Invited. Unitarian Church Topic Announced ' j - ''4 : " 'How One Man Kept Faith With Him self Against Heavy Odds" will be the subject of the sermon this (Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock, at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Broadway nnd Yamhill, by the pastor, William O. Eliot Jr. Evening ervice Is Intermitted. T" . -1 . .... 11 M NATIONAL Nature's b 1 . r - I . ratory and Uxit-op Paradise FARE" Most Wonderful Labo "V and O.ut-of-Door mmmimmmmmmnmmmmmmtmmmmmimmmmii,mmmmiii I "Yellowstone National Park Is ideal for camping s realize this! It should auickly become the most i national parks. Remember that the Yellowstone I j Franklin K. Lane, forrrier secretary Its Hotels Are Marvels of Superior Service sHitmrnmmrwa out. When people k lived in of all our I is yours.' f of the Interior. THROUGH SLEEPING GAR OAIEY Portland to West Yellowstone ' ! ' J Operated by the j . T !--- Union Pacific System LEAVES PORTLAND 1 5 r00' P. M. Let our representative 'explain the various i tours which enable visitors to! see all of YelloVstone so comfortably and at minimum cost; also Quote fares, prepare your itinerary and make your reservation. L. E. OMER, City Passenger Ajcent, 701 Wells-Faruo Building. - Broadway i 45oo. , . consolidated! ticket office, . Third and Washington Streets, Alain! 3530.. Li MILLER, Ticket Agent, Union Station. Broadway 802. j WM. McMURRAY, General Pass. Agent, Portland. Oregon ! I Mxa. Alios U. Handaaker. 11. 7:30.