18 FRIDAY, AUGUST 6.. 1820.. THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON SEAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES ! UHAT do you think" of the, two one lot $l.'0O, the ptncr a 13001 rBa tittl. i'fuin mtlin m ilia 60x100 UH, splendid garden, with lots of potatoes; 3 -. Mocxe to )t Jennecar; izuu; csso. ThU mm slso hi three toomi,'' fall lot : Bock to pavement; 4NWoi-ks to Albert ear; fur SMbed; flAOOi 300 cub. Ask u about the 80x125 lot. witb 3 room " rttage, for $1100; $100 ceb.f AW) shout others to nHoua parti of town, i, Phone. Main RALPH HAKKIS UlJirl, -., .-. 827 Chamber of Commerct Bids'. .. AS EA8TMOUELAND HOME FOB ONLY $6800 ltixijl j changes compel owner to dispose l.fc. ctlnrtiw strietiv Baodern UOme of 9 IIK ehd (ir(e at murk lea than H eonkl be replaced far today. Nearly new, nicely arranged, well constructed: osk lKn, I ire r" are. ttoyai ior ngce ami many other 'coovenences snd refine rdants you miiit are to appreciate. - sightly tut tirtnt west and overlooking Bead college and glf link. Kastwioreland la recognised a the nioat beautiful and exclusive residence district in) P rtlaad. Home . for sJe, are few. Act qtiekly if yow' want this fine little boine for $6300, terms, per cent Interest PHONB OWSEK. -gtliA 19IS. - New. Bungalow it room and attic large enough for 2 rooms, ye hving room and dining room in front, with plate glass windows, hardwood floors.; fire riare and buffet, large handy kitchen with bveskfsst nook, all Ivery enameled; Otl lot; ly 1 minutes, tram the city by auto, bandy to to atreetrara; everything new- and modern. fet6 Uridlcr. between 2Hlh and 2!th. For aepnlntmeni rail owner and builder, Mem 4503, o teat 3 I 3, Mr. Waller. n 1 250 TCASH LAUi RELHl- R8T I.-.2.-.0 A POSITIVE BARGAIN - This handsome room bungalow couldn't ba duplicated for 8) A 2 59. Tliere ara B beautiful rmu on lower floor and 3 mora in attic. Beau tiful betel plate -glass mirrors In 3 bedrooms, f lie grade oak floors, fireplace, handsome built inf buffet, peas ! pantry , large kitchen, big bese-nifnt,- fruit room, furnace heat, unsually nice lot, 2 I blocks to car. Only 11250 cash and immedi ate pmaesiina, .Tliia ij a positive bargain. Don't overlook a good? bay- CoinU & Kolilman, Main 6550. 228 Chamber of t'ommerce bldg. EEaI'TK-'C'I lrinto home, aplendid corner. lO0100; eery , modern conrenience, bt water heating rrxtrm, double garage; except! j , ally ffna basement and laundry, witb extra, large ntw Tbnr washing machine and mangle; extra lift a liiing room, dining room, muiic room and library i elegant; new carpet all orer lower floor and Uir: spirndid kitchen witb new $200 mm- bihation wood amd gaa range; aeeond floor, S or ' 1 bedrooms It tiled bathroom, aleetnng porch: tlaird floor, completely ' fmiled: trench glana d'lora. hot and cold water, beat. Am learins city. Ka'y terma if taken at once, rjellwood V033. IboO W1IX buy nice little cot Uge "on 6 2d let., eonrenieDtly located; , 4900 caali, balanca anlali moatkly payncnta. tAOOO will buy 7 room atrlctJy modern bun galow, hardwood finish, hat and cold water, beam ceiling, garage, full basement, large cor nejr lot ; term, i Will cell completely furnished orj exchange for! amaller house. Call Li A. Baker Biriedway 47' ' 817 Henry Bldg. PRETTY WEST SIDE HOME 15 room cottage, wiuch preaenta an attractire tenor, nice lawn,, beautiful roues, soma fruit trees, -The Interior : ia - artistically rmiabed . in i"ry and ailrer badm. Splendid f ireplatrc, pretty wlpta kitchenette, Tlie street is pared and all aaaeasmenu iwid. The bouse i newly painted anri " in high class condition. Yi walking UiJtance. 2T50; $1000 cash. Main 3824. KAI.I'H liARKlS (UMI'A.I I, . 8 2 T Chamber of Commerce. MODEKM COTTAOE 1200 - ISl!U caah. 325 monthly for thia neat 5 room. well built cottage, concrete foundation, 60x100 lot 2 & block to car. fboto at office. - - - 732 Chamber of Commerced Bids. ONALAMEDA H ILL. 500 Resting among the fin. one of the prettiest coiner lot! in city, cute 0 room bungalow wiui large attic, dressing room - and sleeping porch, cement, basement. not water heat, fireplace, white enamel Lmtch kitchen, sun porch and other attractive features. 37HxlOO lot, large ga f age, house , hiat painted, finished inside in white .and old ivory enamel, tapestry paper. Bee owneri 033 Utenn Ave. N. rb,.ne Aaio. 322-21. BOSE CITT DISTRICT. ' IS room modern bungalow type, absolutely modern, hear time school: nothing needed, only mere in; well worth the StiSOO cut price: everything in lht,-class. Then come to 402 E.j 83d at. N.cor. Hancock, after 4 p. m. Fri- . day and Saturday and all day Sunday, and Osaka i me your offer. . rTT". jTREATrBARGltN ' Ini'a 8- room bcu-e. located at aft. Tabor, just north of park; fall, basement, furnace, laundry trajya. fine til tares; lots of built-ins, lot 50x 13ii: garage) bard surface street. First time ufiered fur aale, J. A. McCarty. 270 H Stork at. Mam iito. . laoor tvai IJtCREl.HCPST BARGAIN e An exctptionsil buy in a 6 room house: hard- womi floors, magnificent buffet, fireplace, fur naaa. beantiful interior finish; fine location; now - vaoaot, no incumbrance. . Price t750tr, S2S00 Jb will bandie. I. A. McCarty. 27U tMark at.T Maiu 17UO, eve. Tabor 8057. HERE IT 18 f?g 'will sell our lovely . horn. ; moderns in e-rrrr respect, sleeping porch,- fine garden, all tads of berries, fruit trees, about 2 dcx. chick ma. 2 store, all far 83200; 81700 cai-h, bat 3L10 per month and interest. Inquire- of owner, Ili54 49th ae. bet, SISth and 39th rt.- A oSAPT Hood room house: lot 100il60: bearing f rait trees, all aorta of berries; electric lights, full cement basement; 8 blocks from WoodlawB ear. Price 82400. Address 1313 K. 14th at. Ni, Portlsnd. Or. , - FOR A1.F LOTS It 33 DOWN, 35 MONTHLY 'I Fine lot 50x100. all clear, rloe to paved aireeia near at-i juons usie Ince sal. ITEI2I2?A H!Sli!dW3 f 731 Chamber of Commerce. KjlCE LOT near Peninsula park, cheap, on easy I terms: will furnish money to buy -lumber. . M"0ln. 387. 1845 llissiatippi are. ALAMEDA PARK, 100x100 8. E. corner 28U- Hryca: 32150: streets paved, paid. - Tabor 81441. ' IJOTS. $300 to $800. DiWsTon St.. near45th; 1 n u - xt..Tig-t a a s a c .veins. . u. aic ju uuii iig auia is, ml. HT OWNER I ncompleted bui'dmg on lot 30x 18, close in, union eve. 0-398, Journal. ACREAGE 37 Only.S 112.50 Per Acre ,r S60 tAcreVi Bargain Sl Vt tnileg from ' Carrolls. - Wash., on count rpad, rural route.- telephone, thickly . settled enmnranity. 20 acres has been cleared, orchard, springs and creek. - Fine soil, considerable fir and cedar timber. , A dandy stock ranch. $900 ; 'A.-W.' Estes 05 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. OVER It acres- in "fine bearing orchard; ' lo acres of apples of best commercial va rieties, fotnas Tache and cherries, all 12 years eld: in finest kind ef shape. Graveled J roao. - vwjm rrnint unuse; gnniy wster system, packing houe. garage, tool hours. Snais water for ' irrigation, v ' Barn and chicken ntma. Tiit ranch on a good pay ing basis,- over 82500 income per year. Clear. Price 87800: still consider Port land home (o full value. Mrtera. with J GUN FERGUSON, GEBJJNGER BLDG. 18 ACRES f fine onion land, west of Fort- s land: Rutea-frnni courthouse : half in- f der vulUv0.n. Over lOOO cord of ash i and ia! Wood on the balance. Atl ran ho I cultivated. . County road, l'rfre ' 8200 per 1 acre. ..me terms I'ervonallv inspected. ' iOHN. FLKGl SON, CERL1NGER BLDG. . ' 4V O-OSE-iN ACREAGE We have stt iUO small places, close to ; Port land- ' Soma on paved roads. eloe to ; electric line. All have . been . Jn peeled, il rhnlja tl office. & JOHN FERGUSON. GERHNGER , BLDG. :p ACRES at Kockwood.. 12 minutes' car ride 1 1 rum Muntanila, 8 minutes- from station on T ivm am u : umauam . jvau : i Hie ' 1W acre , tnacta; good seil; 6 acres clear. This week . oai.v vu ir jacre; easy terms. BeUwood 771 1 FOR SAL: 20 acres of A-l fruit land in th, r. .1 L-Je of Itnes, close to Santa Ke: JO acre are ' :narea. JTice nor quicc k;'ie ium. fuu prtie. issra phone Woodlawn 8386.. 11. F. Kaiae, 1&30 : Barrage st. - ' ... . . i 82 ACRES. 12 LN CULTIVATION--'" -113 miles center Portland, oa good rock road, 1 :xi miles paved highway: cheao from owner $4800; 3860 cash, balance to auit. or will di- . vule. Pbone eimadway 1413 busmexa hours: v- I . THREE .ACRES $850 - Nice, leeei brush land, very easily . cleareil. near - o. a-. - csecinc- ana . juarrs aiatton. Beaverton Wstrvl; 12 mile out; tcruta. Albert Ham la, 3H . Mi-smiiipi ara. - - . orACRES. near Chlmbia7-liigt)way. .10 miirs out: eiet-trx. station at land, lx ft soil, ai-re rleareil. rest fire grove;; a bargain, b vwnet. . UJ8. Journal. , - j SEAL ESTATE ACKEAGE 7 Piling and Logs , 183 acres on north fork of the Lewis river. Clarke, county. Warn. Stumpage will mora than' pay for land, which will make good soma when timber ia removed f small clearing; or chard, sliack of a bouse; good water; on county road; $1000; half cash. -A..W. Este3 - 80S CHAMBKR OF COMMERCE. MAIN 3485 UOMESEKKERS' opportunity 1 to 6 acres, eay cleared, close in; 80 down, $5 par monOi. 834 College St. Call 12 to 8 p. m. RCBTJBBAir HOMES OREGON CITY CAR LINE Strictly modern 7-mora bungalow, basement, furnace, fireplace, water system. Facing on Highway, two blocks to station. Choice acre, abundant fruit. 87000: terms. Tbree-aero home, fine location, good 7 -room bou-e and outbuilding-: plenty fruit, good soil, neari car. , Price : 88250. Acre and bouse; 34300. i i-. . 2 M acre home, 4-roen houe: large hen house; good well; crop. Price $3000, includ ing 100 chickens; 1 ;2.3 acres improved, $400, $no caah, '; i . . 1 H -acre home, facing on Highway. Good 8-room hotue, semi-modern': plenty fruit, good soil, near; station. : Only 33500, $&5tt caah; esvuy terms. - - i' . , Highly improved -8-aerk home; good 8-room hotr i and outbuildings. : Plenty fruit, large spring piped, near station, 84230; reasonable terms. i 1 H-crt home facing on carline. Good plaa teredj , huure ; ontbuildings: plenty fruit, good soil; running wattir; - fine location; . 83500; reasonable terms. - i . i , ' Phone 1 1 3W. , K. APPI.K, OAK GROVE, OB. THIS NICE HOME OF 7 ACRES AT CITT LIMITS ON COLUMBIA BLVD. 7 -room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath ! complete, electrio , lights, city phone: all Mtw dlierv n the house: 75 walnttts. 50 pear. 10 ' pranea. : ; app'les. 3 cberriea all in fuff bearing, big trees; good barn and chicken bouse; the vary best soir; only 6 blocks from streetcar line. Price, 8tO,0OO-fiJ0OO. cash. baL long time jat 6 per cent. '' '- i '- HTEWAHT ae u.;n.. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ) CHOICE SUBt'RBAN HOMES 2 1 acres- of extra nice land in cultivation; fruit.! berries, shrubbery;, everything good; 8 room modern bungalow; 1 gas. E. lights, H. W. floors: near Oregon City car; 12e fare; 80 minnte aervice. 38000. Terms. T hi aerea in cultivation, level land, on paved road, (close in; 8 room iplaatered house, bam and outbuilding : can have i Bull Run water. Price $08010, good terms. 'Thi-i i right. '.-:") H. M GATEWOOD aV CO.. 165 FOURTH ST. 1 ON CAPITOL HIGHWAY ' . One acre, with store building arid ft ' ': living rooms; st station, 2 blocks to school, this tide of Newbcrg; under cultivation; v water piped to bouse, chicken house, etc.; A : a fine place for filling station and general I merchanduia bnsinessi. Price 81850, naif cash. Pernonally Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, ! GEUUNGER BLDG. , t MULTNOMAH BARGAIN , " 6 room house, ' acre in fruit and berries, chicken houses, on good rock road Vi block of Capitol highway and city school; 84000. terms. Choicest " half acre fruit and berries, 4 room modern cottage, on -Capital bighway: 8 1200 cash, balance terms. Wi f a Choicest quarter acrW adjoining' Capitol high way; i $200 cash, bslanee terms. Main 8030. i i MRS. 8COVOLD. NEARLY 4 acres, located on graveled road, 2 miles northeast of Oregon City, 1 mile from Oregon City car at Green Point; 3 acrtss under cultivation, fruit trees, nice S room house, barn, chicken bouse and brooder house, 4 incubators, - furniture and tools. Price for everything, $2000. $500 cah. Inspected by Brooks; photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GEBL1NGER BLDG. NICE new bungalow of 6 ' rooms, bath, sleeping porch and basement, modern chicken hoase, nice barn, young orchard, berries and big garden. on 2 lota 110x160, on good rock road near pavement, 20 minutes'1 drive from courthouse. c fare via Oregon Electric, S minutes walk to school, store and P. O.. sidewalks and all city convenience; bargain at, $3500, cash or terms. Main 5188. 1 ' E. R. BTROMQC1ST, Maplewood. 23 ACRES, 6 miles from Oregon City: good grate led road, all ran be cultivated; fine oil; 'A i mile to - school ; good plastered bungalow, nearly new; 400 cords of wood on place.; - Furniture J too and 4 acres of crops included at $31500, $2500 cash. A Seal bargain. Insiiectted by Ma rsters, with OHN FERGUSON. IGERLINGER BLDG. THIS NICE PLASTERED HOUSE OF 4 BIG KOOMS ON THE ST. CAR LINE, on 1 acre of land, garage, 1 dhicken bouses and park, woodshed, garden, lots, of fruit trees in full bearing.' good water, electric .-ghta: a nice home on paved road all the way to Portland; price it iwou. eoau cash, balance $25 montn. STEWART ft BUCK. 313 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. FINE SUBURBAN HOME Seven rooms and sleeping porch, ivorr finfah. bungalow style. French! floors, fireplace, book cases, window seats, buffet, Dutch kitchen, laun dry trays, furnace, massive porch and beautifu! lawn witb shsde trees and shruba; lot 100X1 0O. U blocks Oregon City oar; one- mile from Port land city limits, on Pacific highway; Bull Bun water. ' Price $7 OOP. Phone SOI-as. i A WONDERFUL COrS'T RT HOME OF 12 ACRES IN ORCHARD AND GARDEN. Beautiful 7 room strictly modern bungalow. hot water heat; 5 room cottage for servants' Quarters ; double garagei and other - buildings, on paved road, excellent car service. Owner' called east, will sacrifice. (Original, cost $60,000; will sell for less than half. H-184, Journal. NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. ' 25 eminutes' ride out the hiehway I am offering- more than '4f i acre with nearly new modem bungalow,- 5 large rooms, electric lights, modern plumbing, full j basement, fireplace, good gs rage, fine fruit and I garden; good reason for offering at $3500. H P. Osburn. 610 McKay bldg. ; . -t I ,. i ..... FOR SALE By owner at Ryan Place, on Ore- goo, Electric, a dandfy modern 4 room bunga low, i For ' further particulars address O. lio- maine, MulUiomah, OrJ .'-. - ' - - - , 1 M ACEES. near car! line, city limits; 5 room house, gsrage, chicken house : fruit trees; all con rt niences ; gas, -water, electricity. By owner. Price $4500. F-130.T Journal. - - e " , 6UBCRBAN . home; coxy, furnished 4 room bungalow; gas, wate, lights, large lot. garden, fruit, berries ; 1 S minutes Portland. SdU cheap. Pbone Main 9414. i FOR SALE FARMS 17 . CARLIHE HOME 3 room hotr-e. ejss, city ws tcr. 14 -acre planted to berries, fni it and garden. On Ore gon City and Portland carline. $1600; terms. . B. O. IUUJIA.V, ' 214 7th at J Oregon City. Or., near S." P. depot AM OLD. READY TO QUIT Do yon want a 65i acre .equipped .farm? . I need acreage noma as first payment. Why not get together now; no commission. Phone Attto mstic 312-06. or 678 E. 74th K. 157 ACRES FOR SALE Fine dairy ranch. stock and crop eoea with it at a bargain at $75 per acre. See owner, j Charles Johnson, at Bev erley apts., 185 Park St. Portland, afternoons and evenings. ! .20 ACRES 8600 $1 fare Portland, good soil; terms. . , - a .; 1 40 Acres. $800 . ' 160 Acres, $1600 Claude Cole. 426t Lombenmen's BIdg. 110 ACRES, all tillable; 13 miles Portland; 85 cleared. 23 easily cleared; old buildings, good orchard: 1500 cords wood; $90 acre. Wood Uwa 2701. ; 409 Killings worth, evenings. -40 ACREsT 11 niilea from Oregon City"; - gravel road, 12 acres cleared; family orchard; good building. Must sell. $2600: terms. Own er, Tabor 225. 1151 E. Lincoln St. , . 1 i ii, ii'ii... i . LITTLE JIMMY . , : r77T- """""X ( " BVJTT tilMMY . V II t t VsHEN iMMy GETS HOME. Ii J ' fJS 1 - .('IT MUST BE "TtRpsBUV HOT FOR THE J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS IJ STOCKED . AND EQUIPPED DITEBSIFH5D , FARM ' i ' - ,. , UNDER VALUE A . 80 acres of rich loam ami, moat all - ; tillable. S3 acres in a high state of . -cultivation and in crops; 8 fine springs - and small vpring on farm: abundance 1 of -timber for domestic use; room ' plastered house; 6 . hole range . st- - taclied ; soma furniture; also 4 room bouse; large dairy barn, equipped with , . hay fork, ropes and ouateys; chicken bouses and perk; good hog-house; 2 - acres fenced with woven wire: large . . i . woodshed; - dairy build icgJ, punted: ... . e lev t ted baUdinf spot, overlooking beautiful prune orchard and small val . ley; 4 acres in" bearing fruit, gome ; Italian prunes; 5 dairy eows, good ' heavy farm team, hogs,- harness. ,. wsgonv mower, rake, harrow, -cream -. separator; 5 doaen eaickens; adjoining prune orchard worth -41000 per acre, llav In barn, grain now being cut. Oa ; good auto road, close, to school, . with : all rural advantages. Only 8 miles : from good town, on Pacific highway. Price $7000. U cash. THOMPSON, SWAN it, LEE - . 3d and Mam Hts. ' ' Vancouver, Wash, ' -' - Dairy Ranch (Equipped) On Pacific Highway :. H mile from Woodland, Wash.": 70 acres, all fenced; 50 acres level bottom land, SO in cul tivation; 5 room howe, bath, and toilet: waver piped-to house; bars 70s(l feet: orchard, out buildings ; registered Jersey bull, 13 milch cows, sow and pigs, chickens, borse, wagon, back, mower, rake, plows, barrow and separator, bay fork, cable, 30 tons hay and other crop. Price $10,509 cash, $4500 balance 10 years at 9 per cent; an exceptionally good bay. : r A. W. Estes ; ' Dps Chamber of Commerce. " CLACKAMAS COUNTY "STOCKED- " AND EQUIPPED ' 87 acres, SO acrea in cultivation and in crop. 15 acrea fir and oak timber, balance crump pas turage, about 50 acres of rich bottom land: full set of buildings, 2.weD and spring. The stork includes 3 horses, 7 mileh cows, 2 bulla. 2 heifers, 1 steer. 2 brood sows, 10 pies, some chickens. Also farm implements, gas wood saw, buggy, etc This is just 3 H miles from Oregon City, on good rock road. Price complete $13,000, $6000 caah; terms on tie" balanca. P kotos at the office. 732 Cham, of Com. : Improved Vashington 53 seres, SO In cultivation, the best of soil. Lots of . spring water, good orchard, . 7 . room house, barn, 80 tons of bay, 7 aerea grain, ; not cut, and other - emtia go with the place. 3 hi miles from Carrolla, ' Waih., on good county road; rural mate and in a thickly settled com munity. Price $4206, $3000 . cash, long; time on balance. . - - A. W.i Estes - 905 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. - FINE HOP RANCH 61 acres, on good road that will be paved, east of Newberg; 10 acres hop bad. 10 acres clover, 40 acres under cultivation; large orchard,; good plastered house with plumbing, water vAystem for noose, and barn; good bui Mings, including hop houses; some, hay, oats and grain -included; also team, cow chickens and complete line of ma chinery and hop equipment. ' The 1019 hop crop on this place sold for $12,000. Of fered at a bargain for short time. No trade considered. JOHN FERGUSON,' GER LINGER BLDG. - SUMMER HOME Forx sale, 1 60 a. patented land and timber in mountains, Del Monte Co., CaL ; smsll bouse and garden, good water, climate, fishing and bunting; ideal spot for health recuperation etc.; good roads and daily mail; timber cruised 8,000, 000 feet. Particulars, price and terms on ap plication. ; - E. F. RAYMOND : WALDO,OR. . For -Sale or.fTrade 4000 acre stock farm in famous Flint Creek Valley, on western slope of Kocky mpuntains; Fhilipsburg. Mont. Modern B room house and complete outtro.ildir.gs. Lots of water. 300 acrea irrigated, free water. Complete farming equip ment, WiU include an or part of 240 bead pnre blood - and registered!- Herefords. - . 11, tutn csted. write for list snd photos. . - v BEVERI.T HILLS STmTt FARM ' ' - - Philips burg, Mont. ' " " 6 room boose, 8 7 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber; watered by well and spring. Price $3700. : -...i: a i '. 8. 0. DILLMAN, : ! ' i 214 Seventh Jgt. Oregon City. Or.. '.' - Near 8. P.j Depot A BARCJAIN FARM "FOR" SALE BT OWNER 40 acres excellent land, under cultivation. 7 room dwelling, good' barn,- : granary, . chicken house, 200 chickens;.: garage,; family fruit, . 6 Jerseys and Implements; hay, eat and root crop; on good rock road, 17 miles out; part caah-and time. See L. KEARNET --i - From 0 to 12 A. M., Hotel Oregon.' ONE OF THE BEST BARGAINS IN" OREGON 52 acres, 1 m lea from Oregon City, 7 -room hnse. bam and outbuildings, on good automo bile toad, 12 acres in cultivation. 15 acres old tiiirp , ,skjr cb-ared. Land ia all level; can be cultivated; good spring water. Price $5000. $1750 caah vHt hnr!le it. i STEWART aV BUCK, -- ' 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES. 12 in cultivation, best of soil; tome 'very nice timber; large stream on place, on Base Line road; 2 miles fnen pavement, in Washington county, 10 minutes walk to electric station, gas, city water and lights available, fair buildings, family orchard, ate;; only $6500. iiegard. with '. ' -: T; : ; COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. 40 ACRES ; '30 in cultivation; ' small house, fair barn. Price 32700., x , S. O. DILLMAN, 214 Seventh St. Oregon City, Or.. Near 8. P. Depot PflTl acres, all enTtivated. Siearlv one 1 acre beaverdam. arrowine onions, imtatoes and cabbage; small house, chicken house and yard; good spring: on county road about 'A mile north of Pacific highway. Aloha, Or.; sellings because of ill health. Call for bargain price. See thia land and be convinced, that, it ia , the, beat. P. J. Fixmnr, Aloha, Or, - ' - - T4 Acre Farm$2700 8 miles of Oregon City; creek, orchard;. 11 acres under s&om; small buildings, good soil; $1800 down. , fc. ANDREW C. BAKER. 4 ' 600 Duane St, Oregon City. u Arista, i iiouu 2S miles Portland, dose town; crop goes with place: : running creek; goon sou: osui Claude' Cole. 426 Lumbermen's Bldg. 5 AN exceptionally good bny, an all around farm, orchard, good buildings, tooia and implements ready to start farming ; neac gooa town; terms. call VI din. 69Q. evenings. r--TTr. dtuteTmust b. sold HilbWo". nearly 4o acrea, 22 nuoisnu, re u tare and timber: stork, implements, crop. This is a bargain. East 4401, owner. 804 E. First IRRIGATED government lands open for settle ment in California, homestead of desert. $33 water right-' F-883, Journal. ! REAL EJTATB FOR SALE FARMS 17 t . Clarke County . j ' Well Improved Ranch ; 110 seres. 4 miles southeast Bidgefield. Wash. 1 H miles to paved highway, half in cultivation, level, fine land. lO acres timber, - balance of land very easy cleared, fenced and cross fenced, wells and creek, good orchard and small fruits. 2 sets of buildings, large barn, 9 room plastered noose with large porches, coat more than $3000; all crops, 16 tons hay in the barn, 25 acres wheat and oats not cut 7 acres potatoes, fiber crops, including lots of fruit stock and equipments ; price . $14,000. half cash. : : , ; I A. W. Estes I 903 "CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. I " .12 1-2 'ACRES - , . Qlen Echo; Station ; 10 acres in cultivation) and tiled.. nice' little 4 " room house, hard finished, porcelain bath, sink, hot and cold water, good new barn, bored well 200 feet deep; water pumped by engine; 10 minutes' -walk from carline. - . Price $6230, $1000 cash, balance $25-per month at 6 per cent or yearly payments. , .. , E. P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th and Main sta.. ' Oregon City, Or. FARM land for sale: buildings, eows: 5 miles west of Kelso. Write J. D. Bush, owner. Kelso. Wash. ; FARMS WASTED- VENT OR SLY 34 , i WANTED FARMS We want to list medium : sized : Willamette valley farms. 15. to 80 acres. We have daily inquiries from bona fide buyers for email farms, also have many inquiries for suburban homes. I ts i acres. If ion want to sell let us bear from you. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 16S 4th st. HAVE client with cash, wanting xo rent smsll farm or. acreage. Near Portland preferred. Win buy the equipment. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLLNGEB BLDG. TIMBER 88 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT . TIM . i BER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington, D. C, July 16. 1920. Notice ia hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the xct of luns 0, 1916 S9 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the secretary of .the interior of September 15, IB 17, the timber on the following lands win be sold September 10. 1920, at 2 p. m.. at publie auction at the United States land office at Lake view, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than tlte appraised value as shown by this notice, sale tr be suPiect to the approval of the. secre tary of the interior. The purchase price. withM an .additional sum of one fifth of 1 per eent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, monify to be returned if ssle is not spproved. otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids win be received from citizens of the United States, associations of sucb citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any stste. territory or district thereof only. Upon , application pf a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be ffered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8., R. 6 E., Sec. 1, N. E. 8. E. 14". pine 860 M.. fir 130 M. ; N. W. 8. E. 14 . pine 400 M.. firSOM. : 8. K. 14 S. E. . 14 . pine 430' M., fir 210 M. ; S. W. 14 8. E. 14. pine 375 M-. fir10O M. ; N. E 14 8. W. 14, pine SOO M.. fir lOO M.; N. W. 14 S. W. 14. pine 205 M.. fir 140 M. ; 8. E. 14 S. W. 14. pine 840 M., fir 190 M.; 8. W. 14 S. W. 14. pine 880 M., fir 120 M. ; none of the pine to be sold for less than $4 per M-. and none of the fir to be sold for less than $1 per M. (Signed.) CLAY TALLMAN. i Commissioner, General Land Office. . :K CORD WOOD 8500 cords.- 114 miles from railroad town on Columbia river, old r growth fir, land UesJ well for cutting; downhill haul ; large old growth, fir; $1 per cord stumpage; will sell all or pert of the above. Small payment, down and balance when wood n sold. A. W. Estes 905 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. GOOD 20-JiH mill and' planer, . contracted log . ging costs $7.50, including stumpage; no car trouble; will consider small home. 714 Couch bldg. i FOR SALE First class old growth piling. 50 to 89 feet Ionic; on board the car or track. For information phone 417, Forest Grove, Or. write John Riley. j i V5 25 ACRES 6 miles. from Vancouver, Wash., on - graveled road. 12 seres partly clesred. Ex change for house. Owner, I 1151 E. Lincoln st Tabor 2225. i EXCHANGE 40 acres timber -for small donkey engine. Value , $1500. John Cfaeldelin, Gresham, Or. - j- 1 - - PILING-WANTED T P. AND IN RIVER. O V GAMBLE Conch bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE , REAL ESTATE a; 40 ACRES of land near Kalama, Wash.; will take good auto in part payment. $2000, 160 acres of fir timber lend, near Hood river; cash $450; part cash, balanca trade, $5000: win take income property for part; 10-room strictly modern residence, two lots, garage, $7000; will trade for small ranch and part cash, or will take good land for all. Write, to or call J. J. Walker, Lsfayette, Or. - $ SALE OR TRADE 14-r. apt, finished ; part cash and property accepted i two view lots. CsU Msm 1790. SALE or trade, 160 acres good timber, cedar poles and ties, on Columbia river and B. R. Mar. 2675. evenings Tabor 8421. j - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. I S14-20 8 WETLAND BI.DvJ. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1265. EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT HAS LAND WANTS ANYTHING OF EQUAL . . VALUE I 1178. Party ownine 160 acres good land in Meed county. South Dakota, worth $3000, will . consider any kind of an exchar:e propo cition of like value. . - MAS ACREAGE WANTS GROCERY ' 1 179. 4 la acres within a mile of Salem, offered in exchange for grocery, stock and fix tures of about the same value as acreage, $2500. HAS I ACREAGE AND CITY LOTS WANTS - i . IRRIGATED FARM 1 180 And 181. Party having 160 acres in Morrow county, value $5000, and two 5lix 100 Portland lots in good location, value $2500. would . exchange both properties for irrigated farm. . HAS 230-ACHE RANCH WANTS IMPROVED r ACREAGE OR TOWN HOME '. - 1 al83. '233 hi acres north of. Cerrallis, on highway, 1.14 mile from school, good or chard, some timber. 7 room houe, 2 barns, etc., $30,000. In exchange owner will consider bou'e with lots In good town and good improved small! acreage np to; $8500. Above price of farm includes stork, equipment, and nearly all this -jeer's crop. - i r i HAS LARGE PORTLAND HOUSE AND LOTS WANTS SMALLER HOUSE OR ACREAGE - 1 1-84. Owner ..of city property. 2 lots 100x100) ; 8 room houe, hardwood - floors, sleeping porch, fireplace, all built-in effects, 1 block from a carline, doable garage, rented for 810 k month; property cost $6000; has $2000 incumbrance. Owner wsiats smaller home or acreage up- to $4000. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. .614-20 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 or Marshall 1263 $1000 EQUITY in 17 -room apartment house . needing some repairs. 515 Vancouver ave.. for real estate anywhere, or Ilgtft auto,- or sell for only $3200, $2000 cash, balance 5 years. 0 per cent Dr. Watson, Pioneer Bldg., Seattle.' 20 ACRES NEAR WHITE SALMON Turn in on houe in Portland : district tnakea few difference: will a'nsne. " PSMITH - WAGON E R CO. STOCK EX. Al.e'Al.r A, APPLES Excellent place. White Ralmon district ; take Portland bouse as pay ment. ! George C. Howard. ' owner, ; 682 E. 4" at-, N. Tsbnr 7884. i - V 14... .ia uigo s ton w nite truck tor houKe or lot either city or suburban. Aut 811-35. . tCopyrlght. - REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL 4SSTATE RIGHT IN TOWN 22 sere tract 2000 ft. from Vancouver city limits; 6 acrea in cultivation, fine creek through place, good barn, 8 room old bouse, some orch ard, on paved road. Price $6300. W'JI ex change for good sized tract of kogged-off land, partially improved, suitable for stock ranch and and west 01 tne mountains to same See Mr. Stephens, value. 732 Chamber of Commerce. CANADIAN farm. - 320 - acres, adjoins town. gram hauled direct to elevator; rich sou. 6 room-house, hip roof, barn 20x28; granaries, machines shed, chicken bouse, etc.: 245 acrea broke; 78 acres fenced for pasture: all level. Steam-plow land, 180 wheat, 40 acres flax. 75 acres oat. Price without crop $60 per acre; wili exchange for city or farm property here. See owner. Claude; Cole, 426 Inmbermena bldg. 20 ACRES timber for sale or trade, $1250: in ; suburb of town of Siteu; north line of prop erty center of Silets river: 2 room house and barn; trade for bouse, lot or piece land; might assume. J. M. Doty, 554 E. Msdiaon at HAVE 2 lots and" $300 cash, want 1 acrewita , 3 or 1 room bungalow, clote to electric... Own ers only. Call Woodlawn 4211. - . 326" SELL or. exchange, timber land and. lota for -horse. 88 14 Grand ave. East 483. TTAJrTEP REAL ESTATE tl ACTION RESULTS. HEAD THIS 665 homes sold since January 1, this year, amounting to over $2,150.000 undisputed na tional record 18 salesmen to work on sale of your house. We will 'personally inspect, photo, graph and appraise same within 24 hours after you list It with us. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and have hundreds of buyers OW. This suierior service eosts you no more, only the standard 5 per sent commitasion. Phone aa your listing. See I Frank McQuire - i -: Sell yoar Home. : ' Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Want is, 6 or 7 Room Houses Hawthorne, Richmond or Waverleigh Heights. Will pay 31000 cash, real estate mortgage 31800 dne in 1923. Douglas county ranch par tially improved." cash value 82400. Must have possession, by the 1 5th of August. - : - A. W. Estes ' ' 905 Chamber of Commerce. ' - AM ' INTERESTED "isjTrurchaslng"home. Must be modern,' complete, and tributary-to Jeffer son or Washington bigb schools. Must have three bed rooms.- Give age, location, complete des cription, terms. ' 8-302, JonrnaL. - WHEN you want to buy or sell a farm, call or , writ s - a. . . . L. A. Baker M-H Phone Broadway 4897. -817 HenryBWa-. WANT to buy a bouse, S. rms. and attic, or 6 rms.; fan plumbing, not over 4 blks. from car. Will pay $259 cash, $25 a mo. inc. 6 rt cent. Give full description, confidential 827, JonrnaL J 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE ' In Richmond or Hawthorne dLttrict Have very desirable lot or commercial stock bearing 8 per cent interest as first payment 8ellwood 651. WILL pay cash for your equity in 4 or 5 room bungalow or exchange painting. Woodlawn 534, evenings. . - WE have buyers for few cheap bouses with small payment down, good monthly "payments, Ecorcmy Realty Co., 243 4th. ROOMING HorSES, APARTMESTS ATfT HOTELS FOR SALE fS IF YOU wani nice; little hotel, furnished from bottom to . tcp, just ready to atep in and make money, take part trade, part cash. Just the place for man and wife. Good business.- Mast be qnick. Write box 27. Yscolt, Wash. IF YOU want to buy a property that will -give yon a place to live and - $40 in rent par month, call Tabor 9338. FURNISHED 8 -room flatTincluding piano. $725. Pbone Main 8103. BUSINESS OI'l'ORTCHITIES S YOUR opportunity to buy storage battery boai- neae at invoice i a good buy for a live wire - . "; " - - who knows- the game; good location, contracts i. ...... for batteries also go with business. If inter ested, write 0-286, Journal. j CORNER. GROCERY i iool business, ideal corner -for caah and carry, doing S250O monthly; established, business; owner compelled to sell; sect, of other matters, mnst sell; stock at invoice: fixtures'only $100; will reduce stock: located on the north east side.- See Albert Harala ' - 793 H Mississippi Ave. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, one of the best i on the coast, located in southwest corner Psl aee feed barn; plenty of business for 2 men: rea son for selling is that my health is broken down. Come and see this snap or write to Mr. Lee Doty, J SB W. Kerry at,, Albany. Or. FOR SALE On account of poor health, only fruit, vegetable, confectionary, cigar, tobacco, toft drink store in lire payroll town, 6000; in voice about. $4000; $150 cash daily; beat loca tion, cheap . rent, long lease. George Lutos. Bend Or.. . . COUNTRY hotel, always full; nice, clean ouild ing, $280V; easy terms.- Lot, building - and fixtures.-" V:" :L. A. Baker. : v Phone Bdwy. 4897. ' 317 Henry Bldg. CIGAR and stationery atore in large well lighted build ng. All new fixtures. Must make quick tale. Will seil cheap. Easy terms. Sideline pays rent, telephone, gas and water. Inquire Camas Waiting Room. 301 Washington street j STOCKofdry goods and fixture., m a splen- ...d" to' V' S000; -B i o V" cent m ui.uu.-e. L. A. Baker Phone, Bdwy. 4897. 317 Henry Bldg. CAPITAL Do you need it Individuals ar cor porations financed. Strictly commission bsj-is. Repay over years from earnings.. No delay. Write full particulars in first letter. B. -Negrescon, 833 8 Dearborn St.. Chicago. - - ' FOR SALE Confectionery and soft . drinkt and pool, table; building and lease on ground for lO years. On Mt Hood road at Sandy Lum ber Co, Mills. Too old for the business. M T Galarnean, Cberryville, Or. FOR SALE -Controlling interest "in good'psy- " ing garage. Agency for two fast-selling cars. Good reasons for selling. Add. J. 1. Bacon, Route A, Box 428, Portland. Or. . WELL established beauty parlors for sale. Good j locality. Will sacrifice on account of health. Investigate. It is worth yoar while, g-3 04, Journal. - altST SELL moving picture show at Arlington, Or., good business, will stand ckvee investiga tion; only show within 40 miles and on Colombia river highway. Write Ben Leghorn. Arlington, Or. MEAT market, witb ice machine, for sale or rent; good place for a cash market: cheap rent Call after fi p. m., O. Norene, 622 Gan tenbein ave. Printing for Less Ryder Pag. Co Main 858s 192 3d at v FOR SALE Good raying restaurant; -with year's lease, for ssle cheap. Call 358 Ysmhin street HAT cleaning and sttoe shine tor sale. Broad way 1447. . FOR SALE BY OWNER -Ericksons WhiU Shield Maternity Home. 798 E. 7 2d st North. MILLINERY, business for sale.. 863 Alder. 1920, by International ' Fee tare Service. Inc. Bl'SIKESS OPPORTUNITIES 16 WANTED A Catholic man. K- of C. pre fered, to connect with larae organization aa district sales ' manager, Portland territory, on permanent progressive proposition.- , Very good opportunity to -man of ability. Must be able to seil and must furnish A-l references. Call 8 to 9:30, 4 :30 to 8. 710 Spalding Bldg. BUkilMESS OPPtiRTCAlTlEs A CtJNFECTIONERY or grocery stock from $800 to $1000; living rooms; must be a real buy for cah T -548. Journal. -; f MONEY. TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for improvement purposes. The beat and easiest method of paying a toex, ta our monthly payment plan. v $82.26 per month for 36 montbs, or . i $21.24 per month for 60 months, or . ; ' 815.17 per monthf for 96 months pays l loan, of $1000 and interest I . Loans of other amounts in same proportion. ! . Repayment Privileges. .. . f. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N. ! 2S SUrk St, Portlsnd. Or. i MONEY TO LOAN i. , We have $12,000 to loan on improved Port land property. ' . i. RALPH HARRIS CO.. ' f " 827 Chamber of Cranmeree. . ' LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money; on real estate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, ootee, automobiles, etc. , F. K Bowman A Co.. 210 Cbsiuber of Commerce. Main 8026. NO DELAY NO DELAY Q $100O $160O $2000 $SOOO AND UP We Loan Our Money "on' Real Estate. F. H. DKSHON. 618 CHAM. OF COAL ! MONEY - TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city -property, i . - i A. H. BELL, Booms 10 and 11, Mulkey bldg. $306T"$4 00. $500. $750V $1000 and mp at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger- man Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ! MONEY TO LOAN $300, 3500, 3700. $1000. $1500 $2000, on city improved property, at T per cent J. L. Wells Co., 603 Gaaco bldg. KARM loans without red tape, delay or puM'8 ity; amounts to suit Willamette Valley Mortgage' Loan company,. Aurora, Or. BUILDING loans on city and auburban property. money advanced as work progresses. - W. U. Beck. 815 and 216 Failing bldg. - Mstn 8407; SEE OREGON INV. eV MORTGAGE CO.. Chamber of Commerce.' 4tb at Stark. ... - MORTGAGE LOANS up to 8800Q. 6 and 7 . Fred 8. Williams. 506 Panama bldg. HOAEI - TO LOAIf CHATTELS, ; ! SALARIES 1 DO YOU NEED MONEY? -' LUANS MADE ON ' ' I I - ;; AUTOMOBILES : ! FtTRNITI'RE. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD GOOD. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEeTC IN YOUR POSSESSION, i ? - a f ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PWiPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE, CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM CP. ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAX US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. i LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY, j BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND I LOAN ' : CO. (LICENSED) i f $06-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D ' AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. -Phone Broadway 10.. 894 SUrk st. near 10th. f ' Loans on diamonds, watches, Victrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instmments and anything of value, j i , ., -: " ESTABLISHED BY' THE PEOPLE OF "- ! PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER i CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. ' - ' .. - .- Manager. .- SALARY ? LOANS CHATTELS , WE LOAN MONET . i on short notice to salaried or working met) on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction, strictly confidential. . NO MORTGAGE NO TNDoftsEB. ABSOLUTELY N SECURITY ! We also loan on honti liold furniture,, pianos, etc.. witliout removaL " " i CALL AND INVKsVTTGATE. j COLUMBIA DISfOUNT CO.., :. - (LICENSED) x 21S FAILING BLDQ. j LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs, etc.- F. E. Is-iwman A Co.; 210 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 8036. LOANS WAlv-TEIf WANTED -My young man In busino for , 8350 to build small bou'e.- Absolutely , Ail references. Reasonable tntere-t Q-348. Journal. SEE OREGOSFTnv. Ac MORTGAGE CO 288 Chamber of Commerce. 4tb at 8tark. WANTED lian of $5000, on good srrnrity Call ti 1117 E. Market. 5 ' j FINANCIAL - 41 WE BUY firat and second uortsages end sellers contracts. F. E. Bowman ax Co.. 210 Cbam- ber cf Commerce. ' J f CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' eontrsrta on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. B. Noble. 818 Lnmbel mens bldg. QUICK money to salaried people on note without indorse rs or secunly; investigation eoniiaentiai. 816 Chamber of Commerce b:dg. - i HonsEs. "EHiri.r.s. etc. ii f ML'?TW Jn ""LJ J?.",!"" i-jnJln Ib.1elrof 8WbmS5V I in 1 V . A 1, I a r tswi n i a. as m uu niiigjn; uuisr., misy j fine saddle mare', one fine combination stallion, none peiier. sinus 01 waguns bihi narnswv. If in the market come and see these, for they mnst be sold. 802 Front at. f - ! TWO teams.'-' weight . over 80OO pounds each age from 5 to 7, bent of workers in every way; 1 gray hore .11 years old, weight 1450 pounds, price $75. Term of small boj--es. 863. Inquire at 990 Powell Valley road, corner f of atn. - Woodstock car. -" GENTLE riding and driving horse, nk-e light top nsea, aoo; line aouoie neck names, f in; single harnc $5 and up: Will exchange for chicken". 1918 E. Stark and 75th st . Mont-v-villa- Stark ear. ; -W . - - , 8 HEAD of mares. 1100 pounds to 14on 'team of mares in foal.- In from country. -Will sell reasonable. Also narnesa 295 17th street, corner Columbia it. room 5. -v- - i .-' $185 1 BUYS blocky team of mares, 2600 lbs,, with good heavy harness and wagon. Take Woodstock ear to 5 2d street, 2 blocks north to 6759.' - v ! - $50 Ti for i Water! AKES horse,' buggy snd harness, suitable camping, also good stock saddle. $$7 west uae. FOR SALE Span mares. - weight 2800 lbs., with or, without harness. Call after 6 p. m. 971 6th at S. E , Woodstock ear. . FOR" S ALE -Big team. 'Atlas Wood Yard, 327 Front at. . - - " - i HORSES for rent, doable, and single. Front. , ' 548 Wdlnl TEAM. 3000 lbs., -harness and wagon.. i 8186. Call evenings. WANTED I want to rent small barn to keep one horse and wagon. : F-161, JonrnaL - I DEAD hore taken quickly, cows,. Phone Tabor 4204. Caah for dead "Jimmyj S r p. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 1 FOR SALE 100 bead of horses. I hsve some good 1000 to-1100 pound horses, young, fine for ranch or delivery; 60 head that I have taken off a grade that will weigh from 1300 to 11700 poonds. These hones are all out of hard work, from 8100 a span up. -1 have a few good saddle horses, 4 good young mule working in f reane every day. Now. as I am closing up any work, will sell or exchange for cattle or other borsea. as there are reta of people that have burses that are not meted. I will exchange for any kind of horse or mole that is healthy.? Have all kinds of grading outfit,, plows 'of all kinds, harrows, fresnce, slips, Kirstin - stumpt pnller, practically new. have just cleared four acres with it i All kinds of harness, r I can sell a man team and harness that will go out and do 4 or4t years' work cheaper than any mam in town. Hive S tt Mitchell wagon, one S 4 . good blacksmith outfit, tents, second hand lumber. logging tongs, log chain. I have light grading plows and heavy. No reasonable offer will be refused, for I amveady to sell. Phil SuetUr. U85 Front st. Crown Stables. '" ' ; - ' j - $75 TAKES mare, weight 1150. with liar ndks and lone bed surinci viron, good con dition. AUo 1130 rpsn of mares, fat and sound, with nsrneso. 3KT Water, west side. LIVESTOCK 8$ AUCTION: iSALE The Willow Bar Ranch On Saisvles jlsland I Seven miles west of Burlington ferry. Those going by auto crwa at Burlington, Tuesday, Augnst 10, at 11 a. m. i Ninety miloh cows, llolstein. Jersey. Durhtm, a hit of springers; eight 2-year-oht heifers. 15 veal calvm. 2 llolstein bulH. cattle tuberculin tested; seven 1 000 to 1 5O0 Hb. Imraes. fi - year ling colts, three 6 -months-old colts. Be on hand. Nothing but stock tn sell. , I A. J. BROWNING. Owner. I COL, W. S. WOODS A SONS. Auctioneers. Vancouver,- W gsh. ; SAANAN doe, fresh. 1 mov. splendid milker. ; and her fine doe kid. both $7. doe $55, ; 4 qaart'Saanan doe and doe kid. 2 yearling Saanan grade does, from 4 fand 5 -cittart does, and splendid young Togg buck. 0 for $175 K ... " -' i "' i - -' I - ' ' - .. s f : ' K nnmr Tan ' An 9 V.afa old. fine animal 8 14 - ouart Togg. doe. 2 years' Id snd her doe kid. and large, hornless young rogg. ,ruca. Fina color and marking, all 4 far $200. Any of above goat a sold ;aparately. Inquire 302 Hamilton ave.. Portland. Or. DCHOC JERSEY . sow. fresh Sept. 1. weight 500; 1 Berkshire sow. 8 i pist 2 weeks old. .i.ht inn o ft tln weiuht lOO each: o Diss. 80 lbs. each. 3 1st and Washington Mil- waukie; inquire for Sellwood't place. FOR RALE Four O.. iT-Cibrood sows, . farrow in about three week 880 each. O. L C. pigs, 8 weeks old.-$8 each. A. bat Oswego, Or. j . : will Five Dire FOR HALF B cows and 1 iV. 8. cream seps- rator. chean if taken at once. 1 mile west snd 1 mils south of Beedvilld. Or. J. D. Am- Nttt, H.-STcrton R. R. 4. Box 100. .... ... - . i GIYING 4 eat rich milW nowi L Jersey-Guernsey in A-l ah.rv.- tna sell 'this week.' Sell iph or without 8-month-old' calf. Bargain. Main 8,871. 3-YEAR-OLD 1400 lb. Hnlstein. fresh week, second calf; gave 8 gala, first 234 foot Main at.- - - ' '- j this calf. ill i-lt 4 111T . n.l ; UiAm- a tnnntha old. i$33. or trade for chickens. 19 IB Hi. nuirs aoa 751b st. M-V Rtark ear. ! 12 LARGE Holsteina. 4 to 6 gallons; 3 Guernsey- Jerseys. Tske Vancouver, car to umtsiiiis ooulevara,. go one blocs nortn,- 8 EXTRA wood dairy cows.) giving between 6 and 7 gallon of milk. Call 1618 NeweU st St Johns. THR EE- extra good' young fssnily cows, must be sold st once, $85 and up. Call at 000 Ppwell Valley road. cor. 34th. 'Woodstock car. j FOR SALE Three 2-year-olil heifers. 1 fresh.' See 4 blocks north of Errol station. , Phone Sellwood 1938. j i ' i SOME fine pigs at reasonable price . if taken quick. .Call .Tabor 1822. for address Royal Zinser, R. F. D. 8,. portlanci. FIXE doe kid from gallon milker; price j$ 15. 859 E. '57th t N GENTLE fi-enily Gnernsey 'cow, fresh, used to arakine- out 887 Wster.j west side. I FIVE big lre.h dairy and family -cows, j 75i East Ash. ' ' " - i t- , - GENTf E family cow, $45. j 8310 82d at 8., ' cor. Powell. ' . FIVE fresh milk cows, all: gentle and heavy milkers, must sell, call at 301 Vancouver; ave. THRKK good, fresh cows, 68 Powrtf''alley road, cor. 82d. Take Woodstock car. ! FOR SALE 2 Sannan milk goats 1 fears snd one 4 years old. . Tabor 8394. FOR SALE 1 good family cow and large tuck. of hay. Tsbor 1287. j -., --' " I ' FRESH Jersey" Holatein eow.j H. Smith, 4315 - Marney ave. r,rrci ia. FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow. gives 15 qnarta per day. from private party. Wdln. 627 . foncOWSntor-sale, cheap, 28th and ifolgate. Burkncr. . - - I - " I WANTETV Beef, veal and hogs. Tabor 7B32. POULTRY A Ten -RABBITS FINE bronze turkeys, torn and 8 liens, . young nM nrr.v hnur harness, for sale, t.eo. Bsslibv. Guisneat road. I UUbert road, Lents Junction.- - - ' GUARANTEED imported nfmalayans, American - Blue. Champagne I Ara wit. . Jliaca ewmiau. 487 Marguerite. Hawthorne icsr. WILL trade White Leghorn liens snd pullets up to 800 for. smo or payment on auto, ion Morgan, Brsverton, Or. - 4 H EXTRA fine young Barred Rok hens, none ;Over 1 year old; laying. A. J. Raney, R. 1, riawego.- Ot.ltMaiii, ; - : ANYTHING, you want in Beds, pullets, cock erels, baby chix or hens. A. J. Ksney. rfain 6504. RonW 1, Oswego, tL- ; H CRACKED WHEAT fj p CJ f SCRATCH 34 Woodlyawn 4344. IT SZICLJI $4.50 FOR SALE 80 W. L. hens, laying, cheap. 4913 5 3d ave. - .-' i J WANTED Any variety of pullets; prefer March and Anri' hatch. 0-4T, Monrnal. BROIIJRS for .ale: cheap iif called for. 4803 7th stK. F, --' ' ' j - WHITE LEOIIORX hens and Agcoaaa. Tabor 6895 -8848 84th st. Si E. "I WHITE "LEGHORN henC $ 1 . 2 5; and we deliver. Tsbor 6893. 6348 E. 84th st BOO. BIRTI8. fETS. ETC. 46 FOR SALE Male Pomeranian Spits puppy 10 weeks old, $20. 1064 Vernon ave., A-if car in 18th -t. ! I PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tsbor 7501, $230 Persian tnd; kittens ehesp; cats bosfded. TE'IRIKU punpies rhean; mother is registered; black and tan. ?. F-163. JopmaL - CANARY sonebltds " for ssle. 840 .Tillamook - rninn - -i - i. . . i . - WANTED A small toy puppy. ' tiive full j par- ',-. ticnlars in first letter. F-162, Journal. WANTED Healthy .dog, foster-mother. Speed way Kennels. Tsbor 6088. FOR SALE Fine singers and bird cage. E. 83d N. ' T7 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 WONDERFUL CAR 1918 ' Paige, cord tires, apotligbt, good top and whirlwind for power. In perfect condition; 8450. down,' long lime on balance; no brokerage fee, 'I Jake's Used! Car Exchange. 28 11th at Nortli. j - WANT late model Ford or ; Chevrolet touring; - will give 1918 Ford touring. 4 new itirea. shocks' and extra; also let. 50x104, Montavilla uiatrir-t. Antomsuc j-t.f CHEAP FOR -CASH Late model touring. leaving city; would take diamond aa payment Tabor 64AS. : - f - - Am psrt CHEVROLET Baby' Grand roadster, wlre'wheel. A nobby little car. Don't mhs this at $430,011. 30 Grand Ave. North, near BarpsKie-ej MUST hsve some money; Will sell my Saxon for 8550: $200 down, $35 nrontn. Call 1498. Interstate ave. ' ; Didrt Even Get Wet" y V"1 ( HY 6SST FOR. AUTOMOBILES ANP ACCESSORIES 4 K ,,,m ' i.i . .i, i.i ii D. C. Aarren Motor C6Y ' - j - USED CAR DEPARTMENT 1 68-60 N. 23d at. . , , Main 786 Come to; our store -and see the .xeenent 0.nmntJi '0' xar emn -hieh , we hsve -conditioned : in -eur own sbori. snd can. therefor, guarantee each car to be in ajood - mechanical condition. Moat of these care have new tope and painted, good tires andV all tools, curtains, jack pump and, in fact, fully equipped snd ws make nit extra charge on that account Be turn ito give us an opportunity to demonstrate one of these esrellent. carl ' before you finally decide on which car. Here are a few for your cnnalderatinn: -Overland, 5 pass. , model M3 $ 406 Ford roadster, 1917. -electric starter. good tires $ 478 v Vrlies. touring cars. 1017 to 1919 I 00 to $1406 Buick big 6 touring, excellent con dition ....Illlt Paige big 6 touring, excellent condi tion, wire wheela and curd lires..$ITM , Feo big 6 touring. 1918: ..$1000 Studebsker big 6 touting. 1 91 8 . . . . $ 1 noil ' Mitchell big 6 touring, 1017......$ OS (I Overland. 1918, mocl.l 00 ...8 7AU Ov.rlands,' 18, mod, 1 85, 6 cyL..$ "00 Maxwell road ter. 1918 $ 6'J8 . Maxwell touring. 1017 ,..$ 4T Saxon touring. 1017 ,.,$ 650 Overland Club roadoter tuo - I 1 I ' ' Every ear guaranteed. ' - - - - "' i - . ! - ' Buy of a responsible deslrr and set fane 7- . - 1 money ! worth. : - l '-! i !. c. oTbleasdale ! TERMS NO BKOKKRAGG All standard mskrs. Call snd look the. m over and get. our proposition, slake your ou - . ' L ' i . I ; . . '- - terms. FORD- Pouring 1: ...i MAXWKIL touring M anr AMI 4 on 475 450 500 FORD touring: . . , , . . j PA I E j 6 cylinder, 7 Mwnitr MAXWELL touring ..... MAXWKLL rosdster. 1918 CHEVROLET; 1(I8. BL'ICK light 4 drlisery . . MAXWELL, 191S touring OVERLAND, model 80.,... OVKRIAND $6-4 .. . J . . . , . . . . . A. HA0 Tiift0 $ nAO $ 750 $ 70O $ J0 $ 0 $ -950 $100 $1250 $1250 $1750 $ CftO OVERLAND 7 pasaenter CHALMERS light 6 ............ OLDS light six. 1918.1 COLE, K cylinder, 7 passenger ttyle CHALMERS light six , ........ .... CI1ALMKRS light six,...;..,... 1920 FORD truck..., MANY OTHER ' CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 TfcRMS Ntl BROKKIIAGK OPEN SUNDAYS AND KVENINC.S C. Qi BLEASDALE 530 Alder St Broadway 1433 FORD DELIVERY' I At a Bargain: - Lost my i'X delivering: will" sell my equity for $23 caah ion a dandy good Ford dellrery body. 1 owe $465 balance, gee. it at 134 N. Broadway, opp. .t Postoffice. YRAN80N(S I USED CAR EXCHANGE 1914 Ford touring . .. ... ...$ 278 1916 Ford touring 865 - 1917 Ford touring, overhauled ... 4AO 1018 Ford touring, repainted.'. . . . 4ftO 1918 Ford roadster, with extras.. : 4.'3 . 1919 Ford touring, extras . . . . i , . M'O ' 1019 Ford roadster, starter type r.. $'-'5 1919 Ford louring, starter ....... 680 191fl,Kord bug, first class shape,,. 425 1917 Saxon jsii, touring 4'.'. 1916 Itriscoe touring . 400 1917 Overland, model 90 ...... 425 1917 Overland touring, model 83.. 6- 1017 Dodge touring, new tires.,..'. TMl 1919 Chevrolet Houring. snsp ... ttttit . l18-atndebaker. 7 tiasa. 7611. - 18 1 7 Veh. touring, privately used.. '-11 on 1917 Hcrippe-Booth ruad.Ur,: W. WT.' 575.' 1917 Buick irosdster little 4 6t 1916 Chalmers, good " vhape , . , t ; ; ' 191 4, Hud on. good order ..... .-.V 450 . 180 UNION AYE.. COR BELMONT. -SC I ,- : : t. Bt?0 B0DIKS. $95 lP .' Bug Budles, I (a ilia tors, Feiulert Hoods Made and Repaired BL'RNESM AUTO A BODY WORKS lftth and Alder ats. BEAUTIFUL Isle' model 8-cyl , 7-pass. flld mobilr,' 5 cord tires; bargain price, $1200, with terms to salt I ' , - - FIELDS MOTOR CAR. CO. : Fourteenth and Alder tit. Rmidwsy 240. Open Evening snd , Sundays. FOR SALE BY OWNKIt 7 -passenger Studrbsker. This car haa been, given the best - possible rare, is In splendid condition and is the biggest buy on the-market today; owner legving city and will tell car, tools and all estrss for 8450. Can be seen st SOW Davis. Phone Bdwy. 825. 3KEt;ox At'TO TOP COMPANY TOPS 1ULM ALL 14(h and Bdwy Coorh sts 4408. . MITCHELL SIX roadKter in excellent con li- ,ticn throughout. 6 wire wheels with cord tires, spoUieht, mirrbri and primer; this is a barm in -snd lM t be seen to be appreciated. Call Wdln. 1814 week days, . IT REfOLYES! -: THE SMITH ROTARY 8RUSFT. Wash your car with it Main 1184. DODGE touring, good tires, look like net; 88000, terms. DTK HARDNICK A CO. - Comer Ej JTsmliill and Water sta. LATK 1918 Ferd touring. Has ' 4 new tires; runs fine, new top; good mechanical ahapa. Price $450, $200 down, balanr. 10 months. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 2 is North lltli st, Z 1918 FORD TOl'ffLNG "" By private owner, tirea and ITinish In 1st cla-s condition, fine running order; a srian for $450. Call at 214 12th st. 'Phone Main 7025. STEPHEN'S 8altent six, looks and runs"like new, at a great discount; can uae a Font or Dodge as part payment; balance terms. Bdwy 3806. I !' . nr-ifR- light sit " conn This car an exceptional buy; in very good slispe, good tires; want quick action. Tabor 90H7. ... 1917 MAXWELL, new top and good ahap. and running order; rao-t be, sold at once for ca-b at a real bargain. 32$ almon at , or plioue evening Ea-t 4549. . 1915 FORD touring, just overhauled: new pis-" ton, etc. Price $330, $125 down, bslanee 10 months. Jake's Used Cat Exchange, 2$ ,V orth -1 1 th st -J' .-.. MAXWELL toiirfng, 19l8, good tires, . will sserifloe at $500.00 and give terms. 80 Grand Ave., North, near Burnside. VaNTED -A light sii Buick aspart par men 1 on Stephens Salient tlx, sport model, almost new, Bdy. 8606. 1920 7 PASSING Lit Buick tourhig., $400 le-s than new price. Columbia Auto bales, 345 Union ave. East 58. Ask tor Hens. DUPLEX ad lost able double tire carrier for rear of Ford cars, used- very lirrlW; also 30x3 tire cover.- 1 195 -E. Grant St. Tabor 4082. NATIONAL roadster,electric starferf j'itbeen overhauled; $J.0. (olomhls Auto Hales La., 845- Union eve. East 56. Ak for Senn MUST sell my model 79 Overland, good con dition, vome and see it ana mate an oner. 126 Florida st. Main 1139. FORD bug, in A-l shspc, $400- Oilamhia Auto Sales Co., 345 tnion ave. xasa io. Asa for Senn. FOR SALE: A Chevrolet, 1917 model, iod running conainon. isu iv jm .. TiREJ Slightly ned, $3 to $15 aacn, - Expert tin reps'ring. U7 moiwi. CADILLAC. g nthunan'a rivaLe ear, splendid c'.TMlition, 80OO. , 8"e H opp 320 Sslmm. FOR SXT.K lhalse light delivery, commercial. ear, $025. 34 1 rrt st . ( Continued on yellowing Paae)