THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1. 1920. V jPTOMOIULr AND ACCESSORIES 44 . ESSEX touring, 191 . in the bet,o condition. Will sacrifice at $1501 and (in term. Will eorakUt trad on entailer car. SO Grand ave. north, nwt BnrtMSde. """19 1 9 BUICK ROADSTER H.VAP . Privately owned ear in excellent mechanical eoediuon. 3 iness Urea, wlndhkeld wings, spot light and other extra, equipment Owner- Wrini eity and will sacrifice for cull. -Terras if de Ired. Kant 7875. , ,'18 Dodge Touring At the low prlca of $776. with $300 bal. cany:- co-ara and look this just new Dodge ovr: ha some extra and will run to please; need nothing; h ready to go. Open Ktmdaj at 606 Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. Chevrolet Roadster - This Hght roadster run and look fin. Will do 20 mile on gal, U and use. the name tiro aa Ford. Low upkeep and lota of service. A ear you an aell over night when yrm get ready and wo low price on tbia ooo and only $250 down, bal. eaay. Come and try it, 505 Alder st Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sunday. - OAKLAND 5 passenger touring ear. I must hare the money. Car la In splen did condition; spotlight and mirror, bumper " almost new, also mototneter. Will take almost new, also taotormeter. Will take 9600 for qniok sle. First who eotnes can have . it.-, Term if deaired. Call Bell wood ' . 300. I . : ' -' 424 BELMONT ST. 1 ' BARGAINS IN LIGHT CARS Chevrolet touring, good ahape ......... $475 Ford touring, good Urea ................ 435 Ford bug, new .... . . . . ... . . . i 425 Ford bus. top. abield, feadera ......... 450 Ktndebaker taurine- ................. 850 - Dodge touring enough said .......... 875 ChaJmera bug ...................... 150 Oakland bus . . . ... 300 , . - - EASY ' TERMS ; UBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 424 BELMONT. EAST 191. usEi mm 114 Chaaaia, with Bosch 191$ Chaaaia, late motor 1917 Light delivery .... 1914 Touring ......... 191 Light delivery . . 1918 RonTster ........ 1915 Touring ........ 1918 Worm drive truck.. .$175 . 175 ,275 r 250 . 275 . 450 , 850 . 375 , 895 . S75 . 380 .775 . 485 , 8125 . 435 650 1IIS Touring , 3 616 Roadster deliver 1914 Light delivery ... 1918 Sedan, with starter 1917 Touring 1918 Redan, a tarter, wire 3 919 Touring ......... "1919 Worm drive truck. wheel. Many other bargain to select from. .'EASY. TEEMS. Universal Car Exchange USED FORDS .' . EXCLUSIVELY I Grand are.- and B. Yamhill at. ... ' Open Sunday. Open Kveninga, , LARGE STOCK GENUINE FORD 1ARTS TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. 1020 CHANDLER DISPATCH. Jiko new. new overaiae cord tirea, 1 brand new ' extra, bumper, motometer, Gabriel annb i bera. perfect mechanical condition; guar aranteed aama aa new car; price. ..... $2000 X919 CHANDLER 7-paaa.. rebuilt through- . out, newly painted, good Urea with ex tra; we give new car guarantee on thia , - car; price $1500 1918 CHANDLER CHCMMT. ' 4-pan, roadster, rebuilt throughout, overaiae-." eord tirea, nearly new, guaranteed aama aa new car; price ................. $1500 1918 CHANDLER DI8PATCH. newly . painted, fint-claaa mechanical condition, wire wheela. cord Urea with extra; guar - anteed earn aa new car; price. . . ... $1800 V i SPECIAL ' ; 1918 CHANDLER CHTMMT. 4-paaa. -roedater, good mechanical condition, wire ' wheela; very good tirea, with extra: price ........ ............ $lf 191T - CTIANDLEB, T-pasa., fine me chanical condition, wire wheela, cord Urea, newly painted; a reaj anap; price. $1400 1917 VELTE, 6 -pane., good mechanical oocdrtion, repainted; good Urea; price. , 900 1918 OAKLAND, B-paa.,' good condition v excellent Urea; price $ 00 1918 HTJDSON SUPER SIX. T-paa. touring, overhauled and la A-l eondi Uon, cord tires with extra. ......... $1800 l18 OVERLAND 4-90 club roedater. MtmA mm haw i.l eAnrlitJnn wire vrheela. good tirea. repainted; price ........$ T60 SOME MORE GOOD BOTS. - COME IN AND SEE THE St. Tbeaa cant will all be fonnd as represented and very reasonable terms can be arranged. 60S WASHINGTON BTREET. V- ! B14 ALDER STREET. ' TWJX STATES M0T0H CAB CO. C. O..Bleasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE . AH standard makes. Call and look them over and cat our proposition. Make your own terms. FORd touring in fins shape, good Urea; speedometer, shock absorbers C l"7E and spotlight t PAIGE. 6 cyL T pass.: good tirea 45 refuiubed; 'for caah.V. . ...... MAXWELL touring, fist mechanical f-Art eondiUon. refinlshed . iJ MAXWELL readater ' 1918. new " ' . top. reupboistered, apotlight. 5 CHEVROLET, 1918. fin shape, CeTTl good tires, refinlshed V : UU' BCICK light 4 delivery. . . ......$".650 MAXWELL, 1918 touring; this car 4 OVERLAND, model 90, motor thor- aidT..,..."!?:.:? $ 700 oyfi?r rrii.f 5 700 OVERLAND T-pasaangeT. looks like g Orni new; just the car for rental, i ? OiV OVERLAND light . good tires, re. fmuhed, new top, Continnt'l motor $-850 CHALMERS light , meehanlcaHy r 5g(Qj OLDS light six. 1918. overhauled. B good tires, refinjahed. . . . . .. REO T-paaaenger; Just the car for rental; S good tires. ........ $SS50 COLE. 8-eylinder. 7-passenger $1250 j, aijie . . . CHALMERS light six. thoroughly ' ' M overhauled, new special speedster S::,Turr':.w!., Silso CHALMERS light 6. cannot 'be told " t! awejiOi from new. for oukk sals...... H)LjD15 STEPHENS salient . 1920. prac ticalljLJiew: ft wire wheels, apot- Iigbt. bumper and other extras. (T W4 below cost 3 500 MANT OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE - OPEN bl NDATS AND EVENINGS CJu. tSIeasdale : 830 ' Alder St. Broadway 1852. ATJTOMOBILBS AKX ACCESSORIES 44 Dixie Flyer One of. tfcoaa atnrdy built, always ready to co car. Priced . right. ' - v . THE USED CAR EXCHANGE , 15 th and Washington. - .'20 Chandler Dispatch - Here la be afandard of America, and a ear you will alwaya be proud to own and use. One that will take yon there and brine to beck, no mat ter where yen want to go. One that yon don't bare to depend cn a, battery 'aa thia on baa fine magneto aynteut, making you independent at all time. Giew you twio the pick op and power and speed, t Thai ear has oversize Cord Urea, one extra wire wheel, snubbers all around, hamper, pot light, mirror, fall aet factory tools, complete in every way.- low price, and w will take $1000 down, bal. 10 month. Taka ear in trade. 500 Alder t. Red Front. i QUAIJITT COTTNTS Is ned ears as in other things, quality cod ITU. We bare used cars of quality, many of tbem overhauled and re painted, an of them ha ring thousands of miles of satisfactory aervico still- in them. Compare our ears and our price with others and you will sea the wisdom of trading with us. -i;r. u i-'- :v-' y. Owdand, model 90. club roadatar, with wins wheel wind de flee ton. 2 jumper. apoUigbt, siar tires all reedy for the road; a pickup ax ......-.....-.......--- $700 1 1917 HupmofcUe, 5 paa,, 4 cyt " 1915 Mitcheu. S pass., 4 eyL 1014 MitcbeD, 7 paaa.. 6 cyt 1917 MitobelL 5 pass,. eyL , 1913 Mitchell, 5 paav, 9 cyL 1918 Mitche 7 paaa., eyL I - 1919 Mttobetl, 8 paaa., eyL , 1919 Mitcholl, 7 psas., eyL 1918 WlUjs-Knight, -7 paaa., 4 eyL Jordan Sport Marine. 4. paav, 6 eyL -Jordan Suburban, 7 pass.. 6 ctL Msny others, both large and srnau. Prices $500 and up. No brokerage charges Wa carry our own nrteax Mi tche.l.l Lewis & Staver Co. h mad way and Everett. Phone Broadway 4675. BRING THIS AD WITH TO0 COOK dt GILL CO.. ' ' Paige Datributorv OFFER THB FOLI-OWINO HIGH-GRADE USED CARS. EVERT CAR IS EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED AND THE PRICE LOW EST COMMENSURATE WITH ITS AGE AND MODEL. - Note Values cannot be Judged by eompar ina Itrices in advertisements. Car - must be seen and tried out. You win learn that our prices are the lowest to be found. THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY AND 1 ARE PRICED ACCORDINGLY Late model Chevrolet j B paaa., new battery, new coil, good rubber; $525, terms $175 down; MPv -i ! i . v--.;" . 1920 Larchmont 8 port model Paige, run lea than 1500 miles, $100 in extra, car. a good as new, new price ore $3000; snap at $2450 1919- Light ! 6 Paic, looks like new. ', runx the same; new price $2175; grab this at. . . ... ............. 1525 1918 Light 6 Paige; you can't match , , this at ... 1150 Chandler Chummy, a beauty ... 1300 7-paaa, Chandler touring, a fine car.... 1400 1917 Buick Light 6 see thia 1100 1918 Willys Knight 8: coat $3185: extra special deal on this at............ 1880 These can are guaranteed to be in Al eon diUon and will give - the puiebaaere the same sauaiacUon aa new- can. oonaidering the uii ferenoa in price. Every one haa been given a high grade paint job, and thorougby over hauled. . LIGHT CARS TAKEN IN TRADE - I . EASY; TERMS. . USED CAR DEPT. dPEN SUNDAY . ASK FOR MR. ARGO. COOK 4k GILL CO.. PAIGE DISTRIBUTORS. 11TH AND BURN8IDE. EQQS The humble a beautiful shell, that. very much like the motor ear, houses its mys terious contents. Your dealer may buy only uni form lares sise eggs from a systematic Drodueer. he msy oarefully test each for Quality, and offer you only the best. He ia a reaponaibl dealer and yon (are well at his hands. His competitor, .however, may buy where be can for the least possible money, sis and quality are not a part of his standard of value. Uninformed through the limitation of yonr vision, you have no way of knowing the possible secrets existing beyond the symmetrical contour of an attractive exterior, and he smilingly ahadea the price and delivers you, kind reader, inferior eggs. Beware of such an , irresponsible dealer, whether ha sell eggs or motor ears. The shells covering the sterling qualitiea f our used cars, we are proud to say. are reiuuanea to present tn neat possible ap pearance. Within tho shells wa have inaneeted. teated and rebailt the contents so that you may select any ear that may please you with the utmost conifeueaece aa to its standard ox value. DODGE BR0TBEB3 MOTOR CARS. " 1918 Touriae 7K 1917 Touring ................... i, . 825 lvlB Touring ..................... 750 1910 Roadstef 750 1919 Chassia 8B0 Truck. 2 ton. new attachment. Cedilla ! motor, a dandy, only .............. 1400 850 450 1914 OVERLAND denverr .......... 1917 MAXWELL dellvecy-s. 1920 FORD sedan, practically new, wire wheela,. extra tire and ether accessories, cost over $1800. for sale by owner. . . . 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter...... 1918 FORD roadster . . .............. 1917 FORD touring 110O 775 400 425 700 478 800 K1918 OVERLAND 90, remarkable buy. ilT uaswkUi touring .i ,1, .. 1917 REO roadster, good ahape. ...... 19(4 REO tourinc i....... 1910 PIERCE-ARROW. would snake a wonderful bog ................... 1912 CADILLAC, good service car 1918 BUICK touring, rebuilt ........ 1918 BUICK 4, fine ahape........... 1918 CHANDLER touring 1920 CHANDLER , DISPATCH, wire wheels, nearly new ............... 1918 COLE 8, a beauty .....,.. . 1918 STUDEBAKEB 6, good shape, new top, new paint .................. 1919 PEERLESS. 4 passenger, a beauty. 1919HAYNES touring, in perfect SOO "400 400 1050 1250 1400 2850 1100 1000 2300 I- ahape. a beautiful car and paced at only ...... . 1500 . 1 CADILLACS The remarkable eondiUon in which you find th used, rebailt and refiniahed Cadillacs wa sr : offerine at thh) time can be traced to th years of experience we have acquired in trying to outdo each former effort. , I : ' i ' ' . ,. . (We Are Open Sunday. V COVEY MOTOR CAB COMPANY. Washington St., at 21sU Main. 4244. AtTTOMOBILKS ATfTt ACCESSOBIZ8 44 FORD touring, new tires, good condition. $390; terms, Q-297, Journal. . r FORD bug with new body and wiadsbiekL Call Monday. Tabor 6408. - - I - 1918 FORD delivery, newly painted car, in good merbanVal condition. Call Mon. Tabor 58a. OVERLAND tourinc. late eoxL A bargain, Will trade for Ford. 150 Union. - ; FORD touring, 1918. fine condition, eaay terms. Phono 818-93. - CHALMERS rar, run 8000 miies, -11250. Phone Eaat 6181. - . 5-PA&SENGER" car, good running order; 3 new Urea. Cash or term. Marshall 8410. FORD FOB. BALK. 1917 model. $450 own. Call Tabor 6774. or apply 1585 Fremont t. AMERICAN AUTO TOP CO. v- Aato rnrUins and repair Auto tops, curtains and repair ing. East 864. Union at Floe. FORD COUPE, EXCEEElNt" CONDITION. EXTRAS. OWNER MUST SACRIF1CB iMMBUUTglil. Jr'MUWBi KABT 1470 BIG ft-eyl, ear for aale, $350 cash; leaving town? Busch. Tabor 6244. or Tabor 8502. &. let and Stark. . DODGE; look a good, runs good. $750. caShT 20 E. 9th st. 8. Home Sunday. S. V. car- to. Beacon 8. -W. '.- ' ' f. WANTED To- trade Buick 9 roadster for good 'tarda rd Passenger ear. t Call East 2111 efter p. . . - , T 191 Ford. S paaaenger, excellent mechanical eon2"- : Telephona aat 6988; terms CMU, ffD IV 1918 VKUE Snap. First class eondiUon, 6 o iVm,n,w ' ror Quick sate $1100. 81L 1289.- , A tl4-r Tnna Recovering and repairing a b.m.v a xrfsr t reasonable 825 Salmon at,, between Oth and Broadway, 1917 VKLD3 touring, privately used, new top, snap. $1150. Will take Font in trade. 180 Union ave. cor. Belmont.' $7 1 Carterear hi first class eondiUon. Good tirea. Just that thina- for a. ham. Kmn at S75. Kast 2949. FORD bug, submarine type; jelaasy looker and wamm axepper; easy lerma. I Terminal garage, 6th and Hoyt. - f , . BABY GRAND CHEVROLET1, In gocdTonorUon new battrv. new naint tRSO r. II N" P Hansen, Mnltnomah. Or., or Phone Main 3143. 1918 SUPER SIX HUDSON, can hardlybetold - from - new : want smaller in .Trhins. Call owner. East 349. f 1918 BRISCOE touring. Good Urea. $800, terms. A. B.. McCoy. 21$ Washington t. Vancouver, wash, phone 104. KING roadster, all new Urea; some anap at B450. cur l.rm. Timiml nn Kth ana xioyt. 1918 FORD touring, hy owner, exoellent con dition. Hauler shock absorbers and other extras; cheap for cash. 44 E. Morrison at. IVRD Sedan, 1920 model. ATI wire wheels. vin extra one. Leaving town; will sacrifice at $075 and give terms. : 80 Grand ave. north. near uurnaae, 1910 STUDEBAKER 6 'in Urabeat kind of - shape, all practically new tires and car re-finished- like new. A big fine buy at $475. with small payment down. t A-l AUTO WORKS AV PAINTING CO., . 525 Alder efc National roadster ................... $375 1918 ord touring ....... f . 875 1917 Elgin 0 600 1815 Ford touring ...... .......... 310 Late model Chevrolet 400 Come in and see oar burs. $350 and Bp. COLUMBIA MOTOR SALES. 345 Union are. N. -.. t - East 58. 0VERLAT?D78TUDEBAKF.R. OVERLAND HERF,S YOUR CHANCE Overland touring model S3, electric HgbU and starter, well worth $550; eur price for quick sale, $875. Light 5-pass. Stndebaker, electric lighta and starter, $295. Don't fail to see these cars before you buy, for they are exceptionally bi values. i FRANCIS MOTOR CAB CO.. Hawthorne ave. at Grand. - East 8770, 1918 CHUMMY Chandler. 6 good new Urea: cannot be duplicated under $1600, will sell for $1275 terms. i 1919 Buick. guaranteed perfect eondiUon, 5 new Urea, yours for $1800. t 1920 Old, cord Urea, cost' $1900; your for $1475. i j A new Templar roadster, 4000 mi lea, fully equipped, borne car; cost $3400; yours .for $2800. ; i - i Better hurry, these won't last long. TWBAY MOTOR CAR CO., 84 11th St. N. ; Broadway 3247. THESE VALUES ARE,, f 1 SUPER BARGAINS Beo 4 . Hudson Maxwell ..8 400 .. 450 BOO 650 .. 650 . . 700 ... 780 Dort Roadster Maxwell . ... Reo 4. Dort Touring ............ Reo 4 ...... ... Beo t1.,......, 750 ... 1000 , .. 1100 I Buick Big Six . . . Cole 8 ........ Paige j. ....... . Cadillae Roadster . J .............. ....... 1400 1200 2760 ' TRUCKS Ford Delivery . . , RejAiblig, 4-ton. .$ 875 ......... 450 800 Deoby .... NORTHWEsV AUTO CO.. Alder at 18th at. D. C. Warren Motor Co. ! tSED CAR DEPARTMENT 88-60 N. 23d st Vain 780 " Cem to our store and aee the exoellent assortment of used ears which we have conditioned in our own shops and can, therefore, guarantee each ear to be in good mechanical eondiUon. Most of these ears bare new tope and painted, good Urea and all tools, curtains, jack pump and. in fact, fully equipped, and we snake no extra charge on that account. . . Be sure to giro us an opportunity to demonstrate one of these excellent ears before you finally decide on which car. Hera are a few for your consideration: Velles, touring cars, . 181? to 1919 ........... $800 to $1400 Buick big . 6 touring, excellent con- -dition ... ............, . $1450 Paige big 8 touring, excellent condi tion, wire wheels and cord tires.. $1750 Reo big 6 touring, 1918. ... .....$1000 Stndebaker big 4) touring. 1918. ... $1000 Mitchell big 6 touring. 1917. $ 950 Overlanda. 1918, model 99,...'.....$ 750 Overland. 1918. model 85, 6 cyL..8 800 Maxwell roadster. 1818. .......... 8 625 Maxwell touring. 1 17 ........... $ 475 Saxon touring, 1817 ............. $ 650 Oakland touring ...............,$ 600 i Every ear guaranteed. : Buy of a responsible dealer and get yqnr money's worth. ) AUTOMOBILES A1TD ACCSSSOBICS 4 DODGE touring. 1917. good paint, good tires. Must sell. A buxaia at' $850.. 'Would con sider trade on Ford. 80 Grand are.- St., near xfurnsuie. OREGON Assembly So. 1, Cnited Artisans, will give a card party and dance at W. O. W. hall. 128 1 lrh at., Tuesday evening. August 8. ' Ad mission Jt3 enta. H. C. Couater, chairman em v USED AUTOMOBILES.' PRICED : DOWN TO MAKE SALES. v Wa do not have a Used Car Department bargains are on oor salesroom floor. 1917 Maxwell, all overhauled and repainted; fine little car .....$550 1918 Maxwell automobile, all fat fine condi tion $660 1920 Maxwell, like new .......... ..$976 Dodge, a bargain ................ .$575 1918 Liberty, aS gone over and la fine con dition . . .. ........................ $10OO ; 1917 Chalmers light aix. bargain. . . . . .$990 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Hudson super-six. overhauled j and repainted, with' the same service to you aa on a new car, $1250 ' ' .:.: 1918-1919 Be rtra Hudson speedster, over hauled, looks Just like a new car and we give you the same service aa goes with a, new auto mobile . '. ........$1825 1 . , 1918 Hudson super-six, 7 passenger, all like new : .$1800 Latest Hudson super-six. C L.! BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 616-417 Washington St. A Question and An Answer Why have we so many satiafied customers? ANSWER: . Because we deliver to them - lust what Ww promise, and out promise is. that we overhaul or rebuild them, and give you a written guar antee that every car we sell yon will be as represented, if not bring it bsck and wa will make it satisfactory. What morn can you ask: ; ;.; i V''--. Our ears are from $50 to $100 lower than others, as per model and same make of cars. Our assortment will please you. Open" Sunday and Evening, 1918 Ford bug. $100 under price.-" " 1918 Ford touring, $75 under market price. 1917 Ford louring, $50 under market price. 191 Fordroster, 100 ucdtr MAvrkt pnea. 1919 FOra delivery, $200 under market price. 1920 Ford. 1-ton truck. $300 under market price. 1918 Chevrolet touring, $100 under market priee. 1917 Buick 6, touring. $200 under market price. . 1919 Scripps Booth 6, $400 under ' market price. 1916 Hapmobile touring, $30$ under market pnee. 1918 Ford touring, $75 underejiaarket price. Pierce-Arrow, newly rebuilt. $300 under mar ket price. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD , The firm that is known an over th Northwest for fair dealing. ) . ' CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 811 Burnside at, between 14th and 15th Cooley and Arbuckle, Props. : v -i 1-hone Bdwy. 1424. TRUCKS AW1 TRACTORS 82 1H-TO.N White truck, chaaaia. just overhauled ana in good shape. Can Tabor 6608. GARFORD truck, 1H ton. platform body, al- most new solid Urea. A bargain at $975; terms. 30 Grand ave., near Burnside. EQUITY in 8 H ton truck. Nearly new and in good eondiUon. Bargain for quick sale. Owner. Phone East 602, room 312. A-101. Journal. FOR SALE! One 3 -ton truck and $7500 gravel, and sand contract; can make $75 per- day. Price $3000; cash, balance in 10 months. Call Hofer. 227 Salmon. Main 8164. Open Sunday till noon. 1-TON FORD" TRUCK Make Us an Offer. THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH 8TS. WANTED At once, purchaser of hi interest in 3 hi ton truck and universal trailer, on per manent log. hauling job; hi mile haul. $2 per 10OO feet: $1000 will handle. Call Monday morning. Service Truck Co., 227 Salmon at. GRAVEL TRUCK, thoroughly overhauled ;' work in Portland, make $30 to $35 per day: must sell a I cannot operate this trucks myself account other interest; will give liberal terms. See owner, CampbeU. Bdwy. 4379. 10th and Kverett .sts. WE HAVE taken on a debt one new Rainier 1 ton truck (never used) and one used Buick truck; we can use a late model light touring car oi motorcycle aa first payment, and very liberal terms on the balance, . Both trucks a bargain. No. H-513, Journal. 1-TON STUDEBAKER Excellent condition mechanically, good body, electric lighta and starter, new tirea. - - $800 THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH ONE 2-ton Federal truck; one lH-ton Diamond T truck. Both practically new. One worm drive 1-ton Ford truck, in , A-l condition; and one chain drive 1-ton Ford truck, in good eon diUon. Will give-term to responsible parties. Oregon Diamond T Truck Co., cer. 10th and Flanders its. Phone Bdwy. 4657.. . r.. PASSENGER BUS ; On a White chaaaia, in splendid mechanical condition, new tirea; owner leaving city, instruct ing us to sacrifice for $2150. ' THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH ' USED TRUCKS . 1-ton Panhtrt ,.........$ 700 1- ton Denby, overhauled, guaranteed 1200 2- ton Nssh 140O 2-ton Federal .................. 1500 SVi-ton GMU ................. 2900 4-ton Denby, 1919 8700 - PORTLAND DENBY CO.. Bdwy 8848. 10th and Davis sta. . i MAULINQ .WOOD 2 ton Wbjtav ovtrbanled to. cur (hop, new Giant tire in rear; for a quick sale will sacrifice $1500 - TERMS THB WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch sts. QM w 1-ton, pneumaUe 35x5 Urea; IVJLaV'. has aeeu less than 3 montha' service; was traded in for larger ' truck; thia truck cost new, with body. about $2260; special. .......... $1850 (ft TAt f 4-ton, overhauled, repaint- 00 Moreland lutuTlf:.n!i 875 P(r!rr?s H-5 trnek that ha rCUCraiiinr toe; overhauled, re painted and guaranteed .......... 1450 "Wlfosf f lH-ton: is. with body,, YV tflite cab and windshield. $1100; overhauled 1250 & WS C lVk-top, on pneumatic tires; HJaiya.. has had the best of car. . 17B0 fTJ JMt C 2-top; overhauled- repaint VAeiVAeWe ad; excellent buy . . 250 TC?firsl 1l4ton to" Ha new ' Jreaerai truck: win pay for itself in the wheat fields this fall. . . . 2750 -lSA tH-ton, chain drive; one of y CISC those big, husky brutes they made before the war- that will carry all you can stack on and pull it up any kind of a grade without a hitch. 1850 Wentworth Irwin, Inc. : 200 Second St., Corner Taylor " TRTJCKS A JTP TH.ACTOBS 83 FOR SALE OR TRADE A 2-ton truck; "good eondiUon. Tabe 4 Tot). FORD delivery, panel, body; a real bargain. 3425: tonna. $0 fsrand ave. N.. near Bumatde. UMt-HAlUXG contract, $2.60 per 1000. - $8. BO per hour for loading;: 2 month' Job. 227 Salmon at Main 8154. REO apeed wagon, almost new. good Urea, new tira on rack. . Muat aell at once. 316-84. 634 Wygant at. TRAILER 4 wheel 2 ton, nearly new, excellent rig for freight, wheat or cord wood, equipped with t rakes. .$775. Weittworta sV Irwin. Inc.. 20O 2d at., cor. Taylor. ; - - " '; - . - i-ton - 1919 chevrolet truck 1919., cord tires au. round. Phone Tabor 2373 -Can Arrange Term. FORD delivery, 1917. A-l condition; owner must sell; a bargain, $400; term, so Grand ave. N-, near Burnside. i AND 1 TON REPUBLIC TRUCKS Just overhauled: wfll aecrifiea. Better see these bargain.: 83 NORTH PARK ST. UNUSUAL BARGAINS 1 ton Federal, overhauled. ...... j-.,. . .$ 450 1 ton Maxwell delivery, body, eab ...... 400 1 Vi ton White, pnenmaUe : tares. . . ...... 1 500 1M ton Repubho. .................. 1240 2 ton Mack, wirm drive, special long lum ber truck ...... $250 Above truck completely overhauled and priced to sell, regardless of cost. Terms can. be ar ranged. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION 10th and Davis fits. ' FORD worm drive truck, nearly new , .... ..$575 Buick . -ton, " j overhauled. new Urea; just the! truck where speed is a consideration. ........... 850 White light delivery, express oody, coo.ll be made into wonderful bug 850 Reo light delivery, solid rear tires, pneumatic fronta v. t- ... ....... 275 Stndebaker 1 -ton with panel bakery body, electric lighta and starter; $50O undarpriced ............. 675 Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 Second St., Corner Taylor Ask About .Our Free Trial on Trucks We have one of the largest stock of used truck In the state of Oregon. - They are all overhauled and put in the finest possible condition. It will pay you to investigate our line. ! SPECIALS "THIS WEEK. j 1-Ton Ford. Stake body. . . ..... . .$ 600 - K -Ton Republic, guaranteed ........ 750 Oldwaobile speed wagonX .......... 1275 1- Ton M Ireland, body and cab..... 850 2- Ton Reo 6O0 1-Ton Republic, guaranteed ..... . 075 MANT OTHERS TO SELECT FROM, j EAST TERMS. " NO BROKERAGE). 1 Oranning & Treece 642 Alder it., cor. Tth, Broadway 1723. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 TO EXCHANGE 3 acre of good land, partly cleared, no encumbrance. Prioe $600. and will xtar $100 cash for auto: must be in good shape and mt model. Land close to Golf grounds and Electric station. A-lua,' journal, WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS USED CAR EX CHANGS 127 LOWN8DALE Phone Broadway 2656. WILL sell or trade on Ford ear and pay dif ference, almost new vulcanizing outfit with complete instructions how to . operate. 2U4U E. Couch. ! AUTO For aale or trade. 5 rmssenxer. good rubber and paint; mechanically O. K. Want right truck or Ford enseals. 7U3U -tout ave. S. E. AUTO First-elssa condition, exchange , for 2 imnroved lota: nav cash difference. Mar- lahall 045. WANTEDA light auto in exchange for piano with celt playing attachments. Cau 40a Zumbro Court. 20th and Wash. Mar. 2766. HAVE new patented invention, will trade for late model car or truck. Address Box 10, The JJaliea. or. WE ARE in th. market for used cat. Drin them in and waik away with the money, Pacific Auto Co.. 623 Alder at. WANTED S-paenger 11912 err IS Franklin car lor T acrea near Columbia river and town. G-B20, Journal. LOT . in Rose City Park, will trade for auto or sell on easy term. H-oon, Journal. WANTED Good light auto for 36 acres, on paved highway. Owner. E-646. Journal. WANTED Ford touring body. Will pay caan. loo Linlon ave. TRADE '40 acre land for small car. C. S. - Richardson. General, Delivery. - - AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 83 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ....... i ............ $20 Real axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed ......... 3 Magnetos recharged .................... 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearing, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford psrts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CU. 260 Front St., Cor. Jefferson. AUTOS FOR' HIRE 63 AUTOS FOR HIRE. WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAT OR NIGHT SERVICE. - COUCHMAN GARAGE. -' 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUR NUMBER, BDWY. 8696. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS i New 1920 Model Cr llea.cnable Rateei FEARING at ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th rt. between Ws.hmgton and Alder. NEW AUT08 WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS , HUDSON'S LOWNSDALE GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. J. HOUSTON. 90 BSOADWAT" Highway auto service. Bdwy. 834. ' Main 224. .'Pieree-Arrowe, Packard. Winton. Car Dy nonr. oay, month. CARS rOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TATI.OH MAIN 1687. AI.THOFF at BENNETT. Prop.. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT . DRIVERS. I SUI.l-lVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 282. loth at Yamhill A-I23U. MOTORtTTCI.r,:,, rsifVf'I.F.H ' U REAL BARGAINS One Cleveland, good shape $ 75 One Light Indian, good shape,. . . ...... ... lOO One 1016 Indian, good ?hape. . 130 One 1918 Indian, good haie,. ........ . 185 On 1917 Indian, good shape. . i ....... . 100 One 1918 Indian , Electric. ............. 250 One 1919 Indian, Electric ......... i . ... 3H One 1918 Exeelaior Electric...... 200 Many Others, $50 Up. L, Indian Motorcycle : & Bicycle Co. r 204 3d St. 1919 HARLKY DAVIDSON. 3 spotlights, gen erator and sidecar. Brand new. Muat sell at once. Call Aut 529-31. FOR SALE Harley-Dsvld-on motorcycle ia -good condition, mw tire; saerifiee at $66. Call Sunday. 36 hi Kiningsworth, Apt. D4 1918 INDIAN and sidecar, look aa good "Tie - new, $290. - '.-iffi - -if. : " - 124 12th et ! ' ! - WE HAVE Indians, Harleys and Excelaiors ' that we will disnote of cheap and giv. term to suit. Bdwy. 3. 1918 INDIAN Fowerplus, new tires, look like 1 new, $36. : . v ; - i. , 124 12th st. ' 1919 INDIAN smotorcyelev sidecar and tandem, electrically . equipped. Thia machine is a bargain. East 2886. H. F. Kimble. i . MUST sell late : ExerlMor, fully equipped; new tires; good shape; 3180. Phone East 6804, GIRL'S bicycle, also small boy's bicycle, both, in - good condition, cheap. - 852 Chapman. ' 1918 CLEVELAND, new tires, A-l ahape. $125. 124 12th at. ' - TWIN Hariey. two speed, good condition; eee- rifice for cash. Call Cot 1233. MOTORCYCLE ; and sidecar cheap. . 270 W. t ' Winehell St.- Kenton car.' . ' - FOR-SALE Indian bicycle. East 4660. MOTORCYCLES, BICTCTZS U - l I . . . . HARLfcY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles TT COSTS NO MORE TO RIDE THB BEST. WF. HA vK ALT, MODELS OF REBUILT HARLET8 THAT ARE GUARANTEED I.IKE NEW. THE8K MACHINES AKK ISUT Mt:Kr LY OVERHAULED, - BUT- EVERT WORN PART IS TAKEN OFF AND REPLACED WITH NEW BY THE BEST HARLEX DAV1DS0N MECHANICS: IN THE W EST. WE GIVE TERMS , Prices Range From .-. $175 Up WE ROT.TCIT TOITR OVERnACLTN'O AND CAN REBUILD YOUR OLD HARLKY LIKE NEW. - NO LONG . WAITS. - V ". .. 1 , Motorcycle Supply Company, Inc. HARLE Y-DAVXDSON SERVICE CENTER" 200 3rd St., Cor. Taylor. 1c Special Prices on USED : MOTORCYCLES WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD USED MO TORCYCLES WHICH WB WILL BELL AT A MUCH - REDUCED PRICK. Those ready for delivery are in first-class condition and read to nae. . . 1919 Henderson, with battery, speedom eter, and two snotluihta. nod u . - - new ... ..... . ..... ..,.. $850 1919 Henderson electric. " with speedom eter, horn and lamp. .......... .$825 1919 Reading ' Standard. ABO generator. spotlight and speedometer. ..... 4 .. $225 1917 2-sneed -. Dayton, tandem, sneedoraa- ter , and Presto equipment. ....... $140 1919 8 -speed .Excelsior, electric A-l eon diUon ......$300 1919 Cleveland, newly painted, fine eon- dition - . . .$130 1914 Barley Davidson. 2-sped. . . . . J. .$100 Also many - other machines, which would take too much apace to describe. Prices from 7K no tin. We have five expert mechanics in our shop. Bring us your repair work. 4th and Taylor Sts. Phone Main 1191 ';. 'motoecycles m bicycles;'-- 1 1917 Henderson. - Presto light outfit, all overhauled and A-l abspe, 1 1918 Henderson, equipped with Presto light and tandem, born, etc A bargain. t 1 1918 Henderson, 8 amp. A, It. CT Gen.. 2 spot lights, dream tandem, speedometer, mirror, etc This one ia as rood as new. 1 1917 Indian, elect, model, with or without iiuecar. Call and look over the "new" model Johnson motor wheeL . , . BICYCLES ;5 .- ." . - .:-W U'6.,r' We are scents for the Superior.' Dayton and Rambler makes; real high gtade bicycles that will outlast three rheap ones. I BAYTON CYCLE CO.5 86 3RD 8T. BROADWAY 832 TtSED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES j EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO,. !' . 44- Grand ave. - - ! Excelsior, Henderaon and Cleveland Agency. ONE 1917 Indian electric, in firvt class condi tioo; cah or tevn. . Call after 1:111 p. m. 193 Chapman at Tsjlor. -" FOri lot,. S miles thia ieOreon dity. for (1920 Hariey or Indian make. Apply after 6;act quick. Room 23, 190 Bd st. A-"l l'nlS irENDERSON-far sal Liahta, lceKmeter Mild lrt-km tauilem- Phone. Wdln. 47. - INDIAN Twin two iced, kick trter, runs , good, 376. . - - . ' - ; t It . 12th st EXCELSIOR, in fine shape, with tandem, ex tra tire.- Presto tank, tool; newly painted; licensee. . Call Tabor ems. . - l,Al'Kt)ir BOlTej 4 I.KAVIXti city; sacrificing ' modern 4-rocra i houseboat, bath and sleeping porch: aU the woodwork tape-try panel effect; furafauMrd in fmn.-d n-ik and.lvoev: abo new 2-room hcuee- bost naarly finished; alao income property for S2O0. irtcome $45 rrr month, to sell with house boat if dadred: old town eanos' for sale; good rendition. Sell-wood 24. ' Several Good Bargains Left Tow boats, fish boats, pleasure boats, from $200 up. See us at foot of E, Mornaoss St. W. H. E. von der Worth. East 1T31. SMK'P yacht ' Virginia'' can be bought for lea than sail cost 6 year ago; one of tho best asilboata . ever built on Willamette river. ' Main 2142 for particulars. MOTORBOAT eneine and transmission. 20.25 . H. P. Call Kraoase, at O. W. and L Air- plsne Flew. $To. FOR SALE Trawler reaal engine. 14 h. rx. fully equipped, terms. Foot of E. Atorrlaoa n bridge. Phone ast 1731. CLASSY motorboet. Buick "4" engine: speedy, m good shape. See Osfieid at lmbenoa A Reed' or -eU-Main S322. ' HOl'SEBOATISG It's the life; we haw. just what you want; your own terms in reason; for sale or trad,-. Sell wood 8503. - r C0-H.P. 6-cylinder medium duty marine motor; 4 -h. p. stationary feel oil Deisel motor. . East 1703 or 404 hi .. slorrison sc. X ROOM furnished houseboat for aale. Call , East 4540. 8. 8. Mohler. 637 E. Everett F5R8ALE $12T2-room boaUumae. loot of Vermont St.- Fulton ear. . - 18-FOOT launch, 4 -horsepower engin. with re verse gear. $10O, or trade-. East 1703. CANOE for sale, Sellwood 2622. MA CHINE RT 81 'FOR SALE 'Half horsepower. 110 volt, A. C motor, cau tvoooiawn alter v. m. 81 (Machinery, Bargains t100 H.' P. boiler and fitting. 100 ! - lba. insured, each $1100, 1100 U. P. boiler and fitting. 110 I The, Insured, each $1450. 1 410 H. P. boiler, fireboxj A. S. M. E 125 lba. insured, new. i 2 66 H. P. boilers. Dutch oven, A, S. I M. E.. 125 lbs, insurad. new. a-6 6 -tech screw head blocks, cheap. 1 3 -block mill. 18 to 26 1 M. eapacity. 3 2-block miUa. 12 to 15 M.- capacity. 1 Berlin double plaaer cheap. , . j Wood 10x24 planer cheap. 1 California No. 2 planer cheap. 2 No. 6 Brownlee stesm reeds, new. ;. 2- No. B Soule steam feed, -new. 1 No. $ Soule steam feeds, , new. i 1 New 45 H. P. ; Jlolt eaterpiUar, j '35000. ' ' 1 1 - 1 Used 75 H. P. Holt eaterpiUar. 1 ' 84500. i Used IJ E ; P. Beat Tracklayer. j '85000. . i 2 i5 H. P. Best - Tracklayer cheap. 2 20-85 "Trandaer" Traetore eksip, 1 SO H. P, Wallia. Cub hauling tractor, j $2850. 11 - 1 Double hoiat 5x7-lnco. pracUeally i 1 -; . 1 1 I New and used strain -il aenarutnm in .stock. Save you aleamea'S profit. Western Fa rquhafVi MachinerytCo. Cor. E. Salmon . and Wster Kt. -Portland. Oregon. -Phons 1 East 18S6. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTHl'M.ENTS 81 SECURITY STORAGE COTLOSINO OUT" 8790 Stetnway A Sons, oprightj fin.; $290 cash $495 Howard, walnut ' upright). .... $265 'Cano $330 Gray A Co. -natural rosewood Upright .k . . , .$110 rash Two amall upright piano.. 05 and $75 eaab $880 Mendenhaii player piano,! nearly . ' new .-- . $465 cash $1750 Berryweod Orchestrion.' now $495 cash $100 'Crito. splendid tone, with bow. . $65 cash $175- Kimball, large. 6 octave rgan..$6S cash $135 - Needbara. high top organ. .... $28 esslt - Pianos stored 730 monthly) Pianea bought and sold for cash. 106 TenUs st, near Waab lngtnn. . I SCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORK $9Q0 Steinway A Sons, mahogany. . . . . . $435 $575 llobart M. Cable, fancy mahogany. , $803 $650 Automatic Music Co.. upright. $163 $530 Eberable, plain mahogany, ......... $363 $1000 Singer, player piano, oak... 35 $900 Thompson player piano, .mahogany , . $ 585 $850 MendenhalT player piano.i mahogany . $493 $900 Thompson player piano, t mahogany . $4 95 Terma $15 to $50 cash, $6!to $15 monthly. $120 Brunswick and Victtnla Phono., each $U3 $120 Domestic and New Musikland Phono., each .-... i . aaa $50 Victrola, $35. $35 Lakeside. ..... .$18 Terma. $10 cash. 83 to aH 01 Tenth St. at Washington and Stark. Ihnn aroilnd. then u. nn," . I nl... hartrains. Best to be had, Terms "given. STEINWAY, good ss -new. Ji.. $500 KINGSBURY, oak case. , rJ. ...... $825 CABLE, real map , jj. ..... . $1 85 HARVARD, mahogany esse;;. ,$273 - DECKER A SON. oak case. 1 . $275 FISHER A SON. banein.A. ..I1B5 BAILEY, mahogany case. '.1 $225 roller man, oak ...... ;.... ...$250 L a. I seibeklino-lucas music co.." ang otoers. !. 1, a w. . 1. 1 ... . " . i-t, o w . gt.- wo. Aiavr DIB. OUR used piano are priced for quick-!.. All Kimball, walnut (fin. tone).' .....$S25 Ludwig, like new .... rT ...... ; $425 naxeiton, pain mahogany. . . i . .$475 Weiser -Bros., walnut ..I...... 8823 Winston, plain' esse $275 piayer piano. .... i ........ 40Q veu'!,II new. Hobirt iL' CabieVstashbe'r ,-and "".oi uisu inn, jnanoa. .- . . FOLEY it VAN DYKR- X hKAXJTlTVL "model xhib.t.0B JCTmbftll, ilk J-w in richiMet tmtgiaibl mhocnj cut. Th 9625 modal nd now not iitAd at vU on iRtlMini: tfwf arrtajvna, 'Vl lavV mxsm Ta .1 . &.a VVa . AV ICaUmwf n I ir I Mlh n f .Kasawrw rmnrla . .an. nwllll' A. ... , - i w- vs. asn , Willis , VJ IW1 -weUAtllgl tV ffJ4r7 lifie a clean 200. Will Mtid on iriil ta -l'wtuw ym.i i, una Bjiwge VJmF IOT JUL.T piirCtlaUe pno, but miist'diiipoauf ot instrument first thing this wtakaaar Bga fmmm t41. U i. If m '- 1 - ... waawwa awsivigs- gaatu nzv 1 irilaW, a noon oTota to mu-jo and inuMciAna. co trance aetil ,1 i hi 1 i ItOf a ww, t . . A" iOr.r aM.4wl asrlwi. t m wiT-- - 4I-":W V ' 'V ' li g,-ww, -vvwaa an i WSIl. k. lUUNi h. VAIIlCi oornet, oomplete with caae. the kind that costs $1$0, not to be told from new; will throw off oner third if necessary to quick buyer. Owner .nntnatll te... . ' , . . , . - -w vrmiv vi.wm. ! .t guarantee tnts instrument. See it first thing j Monday. Main fUt 17":i. us 1 a. - . Vfivii xir u"lc i"4i- ana eivratora. 87H Waahington U - - Pfi ONOG RAPiiS ANfe RECORDS FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS ! MAIN 4496. TABOR 6798. 128 kWRST YOUNG married lady, recently from the Eaat - " 1 'mi.v .."j win -it. very fine Manephane with 1 8 . beautiful double faced .wym, .wui-un iDiiniBrait coat, ail Of S4vll k lAdnao, ssecn., i montns ago. call Fhono- grapn iwpt, -vregon JMJers Music House. 2S7 hi Whington St. - .- i STEINWAY BABY GRAND Due to transfer win aell at 8200 below rjraa- eat prfce my Steinway grand 4n satin, English brewn mahogany; bad it 6 montha in home but never used it: ahan hi aama. aa uw. rfmirmi ! i NEW PERIOD MODELS t - See the new period models in Edison. Bruns wick and Columbia: priced from $8.'.0 to $760; aperial terma. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 360 AMer, f 1 - I VILL sell almost like new kZ - Sonera with 40 selections latest records for $100 cash. If you want select machine see this 4174 or phone Mat, -i rm I'URIl r.mmvnt I ammra Fine Columbia grafonola, like new., and $50 WnVvK: ftiM. . m.. lift. J . , . . . a r, . d,n'.biM,c easy. HyaU .Talking sXachine T Of Columbia like new) .... . . . .$ US. 00 J!3-S2Branwick nlto uateK,..., 'liJO.OO If..?0,?,nunonnt Mal marlrineli . . 140.00 . wnjiraa insi ss i uir I KSfTEPTMVltt.y r- J!xi:.i j- " " ....w.,. p. r , , oa xamniu ot .ww iMm i iMi;uniunii yiariu, T.ginr e"; O't new about $300; price ?Civt:i 5,26w',OWr?" j"00 monthly. .Hyatt I MTTIVWAr, a, eViv" ir.nn This Upright Is as Good ft KswW mnrf m Ifnal S'.i -:.-T.ef? . SEIBKRLINO-LUCAS "v us ax.. Pet. 'Wean, and Alder KDISON Amberola,- taken in on larger Edison selL Tnr a 4 ? ih4m a a -i . . i a - . moriUily. Hjatt Talking Macbin Co., 860 PUNTiS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADS rus stn iiKot-A and records. Briber ling-Lucas afusie Co.. 123-127 4th ax. Mala SAP By private owner, piano, with sal.nU'i .iT sttachments and 80 nieces classic music tP a. "SbrJ- '"tf 20t SBd- Waahington. BtStTrt vnnr "i'.lkiJ- - J " ' . J ' - - nwuinv. a save a r eleerrie motor that I j will sell cheap. SWAP new cabinet phonograph for anythi - - ' . - . .u..,,. i .yum iv, anjuinig of rania. Call and talk it ii v-... UELAR " the latest Victor and Pathe records Foley sj mm. CARVED Brunswick phonograph for sale, first class condition, including 60 record. Wood- awn -W -z - (. -a - . j. BEAUTIFUL mahogany table Graf one la, shsivd eaa. iwi.17 taoie; coax new tiZTt; price 81!i0: term. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder! WANTED Piano to store for the use of same enwareu; protect witn snsurance. ; Tabor ooi,- - 1 - ASSUME my contract for purtrluue of Welling ton standard piano' and aav $150. Address E-448 - Jonmal. - -;l - - WHJ exchange new talk In machine for man- AoIib banjo. Hyatt Talking Macbin Co., 35Q AMer. ; - - : . j VICTR6LA, iS5;ThfR N - T jP1ne rtor camping. SEIBEBLING-LUCAS 1LA,AU MWMU VU., 129 tth St. K5J ti HorpU-m Csbinet Phonocraf.h Wi imu uornjea rype 7; easy term. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. WOULD like to 'exchange new talking machine t and records for first-clam typewriter. liratt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder at. $50 COLUMBIA ' hornless, taken as part pay ' ment on new - Cotarabia; . only $35; easy terras. riTirt laiaing siacnm. tjo., B50 AMer. WIIX exchenge new phonograph for prinun BEAUTIFUL mbony piano, with duo beoca f . l.t.Bt SI. ELECTUiC orcbertra piano, fine ahape, for aale. - jisrart st. jnusig store. tOR BENT Upright piano to respomubla peo- FINE mahogany piano, brand new, at hi price. -247 6th st - ' WILL pay cash for good piano if bargain; no aem-iers. 1 h iwrr ion MANDOLIN and ease,, like , new, for $10. Woodlawn 2184. . - WE PAY CASH for pianos, phonographs, ree- oTua, o. asarsex st. at ujlo stor. NEW $150 Brunswick and tod worth of Xec . prds for $15. 1605 AHin are. MACmirERT riAjfos. ORMAMM, urcsicAi. - - INSTRUMENTS II W E offer at aierial I'rice a number oftio- grapua w nave tnsued in on more exuenaite machines: $150 Paths, good condition, now... .$ 900 $75 Columbia (with cabinet ) , now , . . . $ 8,Vf"t $f0 Columbia, now .. l ............ S.'i.O $200 Cremona fme tone), now. ... $150.00 $133 Pathe (golden oak), like new..$ 85.011 - . tTJi-M a va.i I'iKr; 106 Fifth ST.,-jnt below Wasiiinctnn. 1'NIK)UBTEDlY" the very most for the moti.i; latest model ohonosrranh ' with supers collec tion of record and all accessories, now only $129.70 guaranteed equsl in tone quality tr any instrument costing $2 SO; j.lsin, though well finished case, Oregon Eilers Mimic linu.w; 7 floors devoted to snnsie and muairiana. enlraucs and elevators, 287 hi Washington t. A .-VERY heaiitiful oak grafonola to be sol J f r owner called abroad, instrument iut like new. No reasonable offer refused. Pay liberty booi and. balance easy pavmenta. . oS latest and choice Victrola and Columbia records inclmieii. 4 air Monday j morning, Oregon Euers Musio House, entrance 287 h Wsahiiicton at., or ution Main 1123. i ) - . EXPERT rlayer-piano l tuning, r.jiairin', tttt- ouun. y. ivremar, zo Market st. fJoLUMBIA phonogrsiiu" with cabinet sort l. t of" records ; good condition. Phone Auto. 8IS-K7. TTPKWRITHns 71 Guaranteed rtbuiitT tnewnter, ,i srk.C Sold and rented. Easx terms. . r--nd lor nneeat. Wholesale Typewriter Co., $Jl Waalungtoa w Main 6881. WILL exchange new, Talking Machine 1 record for Typewriter Hyatt Tsikmg a ehino Co., 850 Akler. FINE Underwood Typewriter No. 6, Uk , only $80; $13 down,' $10 monthly. liia-t Talking Mscliln Co., 350 Alder. ALL WAKES of tnwwrUara. ranteii," r.t-ir.1 and sold on montlily payment Plsn. Orcgua Typewriter Co.. 94 5th: st. Main 8668. OLIVER typewriter. A-l condition, $20 ca. aiajn inni. i HOT SFHOLD GOODS TOR SALR 41 QtJcen. ' Anne Breakfast Suite Jt --Antique -I Mahogany Finish'" . A . lovely nit Lei! eonstrocted snd finely finished, 21x42 inch table with drop lesves, 4 chairs and 50 inch side table; " all pieces are-perfectly matched ane daintily decorated ; a (SOO 'suite for $,187.60 and-only vary alighUy -used. Terms. -MISI'FURIIHOEECO. , ; 1S8-190 First Street , ' FOR MOMMY ONLY We offer a handsome oak dining mora set consisting of on 4 8-inch top tab la, S chairs and carver;, and buffet. A real rains . .j i .$67.kO FREEMAH & WOIXF ' .'FDfflTORECO. 200-202 First; St. Cor. Taylor COAL and Wood Range. ; . . $1 8.00 rr Uoo stnvea ........... 10. oo up Gss Stoves 10.00 up Gaa Water Heater. ........ 9.00 up Floor Covering, yard .,,.. .76 tin Kitchen Queena .,.,..,.. 8.00 up Kitchen Cabinets , 12.00 up - Dining Room Extension Ta bles ........ .... -7.00 vr Dining Boom Chair ....... 1.60 dp Living Room Rock.ra ...... 4 up Library Table- ,. f ....... 8.0-1 up . Simmons Beds , .k..,., ... 12.00 up t Cotton Felt Mattresses ..... 8.00 op Steel Spring ,,.L, 6.00 up Coil Spring ......,,.... 8.00 up Drssarr ..,.;.'....,,,.. 4 4)0 tip ' PORTLAND FTRNTTUUE EICHAAO i 203 First St. r ' 1 Dressers and Chiffoniers We have on hsnjl few new hsrdwood d renters and chiffoniers to niatrh. For this week we offer at special fire, each j ......... .$27.60 vFIEEHMJ & WOLLE . FURKITORE CO . " 200-202 First St, Cor. Tsylof OVERSTUFFED fJA Vt NP rthT'. - " t" HOL8TEKED IN UOOD TAPESTRY. ' Toil is a $96 davenport, I brand new but slight y shop soiled, for $87.60. Hr term. o in terest, j j Gevurtz Furniture Co. The Bjg Store ALL UNDER ONE ! IuOF NO BRANCH STORES 185 First St. REMEMBER, TWO DOORS FROM YaMHILL PUBLIC MARKET- BEDS, SPRINGS !AND MATTRFr. W have on hand a small lot of it -in, post beds, in ivory snd ores fini.h oniv. The regular price f the beds Was t'Z2, snd you take it at'..- :...$12.f0 Spring Y. Y. with Supported coil, 6.50 40-lb. cotton felt 'mattresse. , . . 13.93 See this Monday morning sure to get the benefit of these price. Feldstein Furniture Co. . " 174 First St. N. E. Cor. YsmbiU. Dp You Need a ' New Mattress? . Her is a special offsr, why p "The . Freeman-Wollf Special' o-lt. cotton felt, roll edge, art ticking. Our Price ...$12.60 FREEMAN &:?0LLF FURNITURE CO. 200-202; First St, Cor. Taylor 1 .... THREE burner gas stove, with oven for $10, as; good as new. x Portland Furniture .- J Exchange 208-210 FIRST ST. New and Used Furniture tOU Wfl.L SAVE MONEY ' ! i BUYING AT . ' Peopled Furniture Co. 285 j FIRST. CQB.A I N ' ALCAZAR gas and wood combination range 1 perfect shape and condition, iik new; t l bargain, $97.50. i . ' HiA. '& SJ Gevurts' i : 005-207 FIRST ST. ONE large beautiful fumed oak sideboari. $150, will sell for $73: !o baby's (.ite lr -1 bed with mattress and tprtng. 647 Last 4-4 t N. j FOR SALE One White enamel ' f r. ' with upriglit oven, used only 'sSrart t Woodiawn 8Sf)g. 1241 Mallory aefiie. FL'KNITL'KE 0 8 roon.s and kiichene' . eia; good home and inc.-nt.. Vii.y. xy rent and ear fare. No. 83 ltb.. LEAVING th cdy.-mui't seil at our, st a i fice.--41th sad ScLujier st.. Apt. 6. I ' East 6181. , DINING room ULie k. 1 a tiir. r..r. i .rugs, mattress snd otur hii-tiiol(l sruc.e.' Call at llfc liswti.Trie are. Tshor el. iHiFYAi5.imi,T I umViure "f to-h-- for aale cheap, sal lionie fuf rent. 7i- .1 t -- Marshall 1?2. - . NEARLY H" 6 1. . A-l condition, if 1 233 Missou A ate. V-BED spring, fine rug, old fashion- i ror. 2 94 E. B i st. SALE at privaU . bonsehold funi"!"' Tel. Woodlawsi 2t7H r Targe, iiai 1 I CD i. , m 6 ..1 nnf. i . ,, l. 0 E. AX.MUv.STKi: din . 621 Division GAS RANGE. eo."i c . .,1. $16. man st; take St John car to