. - - ft 4 1 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1. 1920. 5 'Man Is Accused of Murdering His Wife i - San Fanctac, July 31. JtmM Single ton, divorced huabanii of ... Elizabeth Slng-Ietan. who died at her home her last Monday from. strychnine . poison mixed -ln headache rnedlcifre, was this afternoon charged' with the murder ot his former wife. The warrant for his arrest was issued on complaint' of Mrs. John Moore, mother of the dead woman. Sinpletoin was questioned all day re- sardinst the woman's death- .lie ts Being- held without hail. Grays Harbor Elks . To Travel in State Hoqulam. Wash., July 81. -A special train of Pullman cars, elaborately dec - orated, will convey the Hoqulam and Ahertn TCIkai tn Vftficonver for the state convention. It is expected fully ISOjWfU make the trip from the harbor. Upon arrival In , aVneouver Thursday momlriKA August r. trie train win d parked. One .of the coaches will be lode, which will play en route to the -convention city - , . r ' ", Hotels ! Short of Help . Spokane, Wash., July 31. Small-town hotels, summer resorts and other similar ' places outside of Spokane are severely handicapped because of their inability to secure cooks and waitresses, "according to Miss Phoebe Roberts, head of . the - women's employment departmentat.the city hall. Miss Roberts is placlns be tween 400 and 600 women a month in positions, the majority being out , of ' 'town. : :. :- J ! WEETfXG KOTICES 41 ... Portland Star :. Homestead No. . 42 " - - . Brotherhood" off , ' American Yeomen : MEETING for Aug. 4th postponed . and picnic St the Oaks Instead. Bring J"00 basket lunch and he at SOS Allsky bldg.. at T P. m. sharp. Also remember- Sunday, - . - t iAugiast: IB - V."-- ALL DAT EXCURSION AND PICNIC ON 1 ' The Blue Bird Finest excursion and dancing boat west of the Mississippi. Tickets can be secured at 208 All-ray bid. For further information phone Main 6356. Yetta Hain, correspondent. MEMBKR8 of Anchor Coun - cil No. 746, Security Ben efit association hare every possible candidate for initia tion Tuesday night. Be at nail at ' 1 :45 s short business meeting, ' program ' and re-, freshments to celebrate con solidation of Portland "with Anchor council; start with s large initiation. BIO free open meeting En - reka council No. 204, Se curity Benefit association, Monday evening. Aug. 2. East side W. O. W. hall. East 6th and Aider. : Cards. 600 and banquet; good prize; fine union muds; all welcome. A large, well Ten uis ted hall. Com for a rood time KrRKPATRICK council No. i 2227, Security Benefit as sociation, will meet in regular closed seasioo In its- council chambers . t 8 o'clock next Friday evening. In the Bwiss haU sd and Jefferson its. Members ell get acquainted with the new campaign .Just started. . MOOSE band aud degree team PICNIC at Crystal Lake Park, on Sunday, . August 15. inere wui be races, games, swimming, bowling, boating, concert by the Moose band and ... ". miMw orcnesxra; Something good every minute. Everybody invited. y"S t W, A. -Oregon Fir camp win 47 L- i& hoH ataar social at its. regular Pr Z meeting Friday eve., Aug. 8. 114 H . J Grand are. -.., National Lecturer Duf- --. r fy will be present, : All modern Woodmen with friends, invited. Program 'and refreshments. F. 8HEKWOOD, Clerk. M. W. A. During July and August Boss City tamo will meet ONLY f;i',J3 the last 'Monday in each month. iv. j . - m n irrLt, uonsui. -1. W. 6IMMN8, Clerk. . 813 leon bldg. B-ilBLEil JEWELKTTl specialty; buttons, pins, h- charm. Jseaer Bro., 131-133 th st. y ' DEATHS AND FimEBAW 7i ' FINNIC AN At the sfi'wsv--af3 HM -vac i wsw : auii'i sn, . street. July 29, Isabell Fujnigan, aged 74 years, belored mother of Louis, Emma and Joneth Finnic n. all of this city; William Finni can of Laurel. Or. : slater of Mrs. Josephine - Beienberf of this city and Mrs. Loois Dearsux . " " of Missouri. Funeral oortiegs will leare the , chapel of Miller st Tracey tomorrow (Monday), - August 2 at :80 a. m.. thence to St. Mary church, - WUliama avenue and Stanton street. . , Requiem mass win be offered st 8 a. ta. la- torment Mount Olive cemeterr at LsureL Or. . ?i GEE In this city. July SI, Frank IX Gee, aged S 4 years, 2 months, 24 days, beloved son of Elisabeth and D. L. Gee, brothsr of Fred It. Gee sad Maud X. TJlrteh of this city. . Funeral serrtoes - will be held from the Coo- serratory chapel of the East Side Funeral 1H , - rectors, 414 East Alder street, tomorrow (Mon- day), August 2, at 2 p, m.' Interment Lous Fir ' i cementery. Friends invited. Deceased was a ' . f "ntL cmP T7. W. O. W. - ; tEWET July 38. Ephraim Dewey, aged 80 ' ' years, belored. father of Mrs. Maggie TJlm ,-y-of Uresham. Or,i James- Dewey of Glendale. Or.; ;'i.'H Klum. of Weiaer. Idaho; K. D. Dewey . v and Mm. Annie Fenny, both of this city, brother i, of Phillip Dewey of New Biehmond. IndUna, :. : . Funeral services will be Conducted . tomorrow (Monday), August-2, at 2 p. m.. from Pearson's ' undertaking parlors. Busaell and Union. Friends mvited. Interment Lone .Fir cemetery. f: ilODGDON At the fsnuly residence, 419 -r B,r?? ,uly 80 Margaret L. Hodrdoa, aged 4S years, wife of Chester F. Hodgdon. Lter of Mrs, Carolina Bates and F. W. Torgler ' ef Fortland, and John H. Torgler of Baker. Or. -. Tbs funeral services -will be held tomorrow (Mon .' day), August 2, at 2:30 o'clock p. m , at Fin t, Montgomery at Fifth. - Friends invited. , . Inrmcration, Portland crematorium. . - ' . NM'?AllT7ADt 6tnl7.sttion. jlily 81, Krnpn- T7 th . st. N., mother of James F., . Donald D . and Herbert E, McBae ot Portland. The funeral services wul be held - tomorrow . (Monday). T August . at 10:80 o'clock a. m., t 'Flntey'a. V-.--.- Moutgomery at Fifth. Friends invited, lntsr ; ment, Hiver Tiew cemetery, PAPPENFUS .t the residence, 6363 Eighth second street southeast. July 29, Eula Pappen Tus. aged 2 yean, beloved, wife of J.-T.,Pap-prnfus of Bsymond. Mont.., mother of Dorothy Pappenfus. Remains are at the new residential funeral parlors ot Dunainr eV McEntee, Mor-ri-Kin. at Twelfth street. Funeral notice later. XiOLTGIiEVE Funeral services for. Mrs. Bopbla Holtgrevs, lata of 1068 E. ISth st north, wiU be held Tuesday, Aug, 8. at 2 p. m.. from B, T. Byrnes' rroidentj.l parlors, 0 1 WUliinu are,, at Mason st. Frtenda invited to attend. Interment at Roee- City cemetery. AiAKUMOTO At Astoria, Or, July 80, Katsus Matumoto, aged !3 ytm. Funeral services will be held at the Japanese Buddhist church to day (Sunday), at 2 p. m. Friends invited. In cineration at the Portland crematorium. . "Ay. wmnwnW in ears cf Punning A McEntee.' JOHNSON la UjU city. July 29,, Emil John" son. Funeral notice latr. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller 4b Tracey. Be stUe, Va.h.. papers please copy. - . - FTJJf FRAL DIRECTORS R.T.BYRNES- Kew residencs es-7 tablishmsnt. . Sot wunams sve. woooiawn iw..-,.:1 fa" I NT E 3 & f;iLES3. funeral parlors with ail toe privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sta. Phones, Bro(twy 2 1 S 3. Horns A-2183. jin.l.f.it Ac lIUkCEXTmdependent funeral direo tors. Prices aa low as . 80, $40, 880. yaahington at El. a. Main 2681. A-T888. B.W. GA" L.E"sV CO. . Snr-reesora to- W. H. Ramiltoa 1ST T5. .i?n. Phone Tabor 4tS IjO V M.(j 4k M NEMAii successors to Vii-oo - Ross. Multnomah t Last 7th. Irrinstoa ' d'Ktnrt .t 5. AP) 7r. ;1 fn 693 - Williams Ava .,yA.U.. VO. joss, c-1088. FtTTTERAL DIKECTOBS Dunning & McEntee FCNEBAL) dikectors Wow Inrs'ted in their aew rasidentisl funeral boms. Morrison at 12th, West Bids. ( Phoa Biroertwy 43. Atrtom(ic 818-8S. ituc FtJNEHAlTHOME of refiwbmeht AND DISTINCTIVE? SKKVIC ! , IS ore We have no branches nor any eonaeetJoaa whstever with- any other undertaking firm. Edward 'Hoiman Son J Funeral Directors ( ' THIRD AHD BAXMOIv STREETS', Mais 607. A-lfilL. " ' Lsdy - Assistant. - J. P. EDOETrft SON FUNERAL" DIRECTORS MAIN 9. MONTGOMEBT AT FIFTH CHAMBERS CO. ' - Funeral Directors. ' AB tbs Couveniebces of Roma WootBawa 30. .549-250 KUlingsworth ava 0iV.Si1o1AIUT- 1258. B-2349 Lei iv,a,'.JHWi: 104T Belmont F- S. DUNNING, IN ttjts not.nng btttj! ; nNnrnTj 414 K. AJ(Vr st. Phones East 82. B-6225. A D.t Kenworthy : & i Co. U80f-B804 820 ST. S. EL, LENTS phone Tabor 5287. Home Fbone P-81. fV P.L.Lerch UNP-BTAKERS. ' R lift sna Hawthorns Sp, rNDKRTAKINO CO. Main 4153 Third and Clay. 1 MOKUMEHTS , . 1 PprtBafbd Marble Works ' 888 4th st., op. City Haft. -Wen Bros. ! BLAt:SINQ GRAfDTE Cp FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop Portlsnd's Progreasivs Florist' Flowers for All Occasions. ' Main 7215. T. O. LPKE. Mgr., 8th and Aider. Oeo. Betz & Son Blocs ' " 1885 " FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions, 697 Williams sve. Just call Woodlawn 4812. Joseph Beta. Manager. LUBLINER :Sf$L. 848 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. and Park. Msreh. 257 828 Morrison. Portland Hotel. MsnhsU 753 CLARK BROS., florists. Morrison st., bet. 4th and 8th, Phone Msin 7T08. Fins flowers and - floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CXX, 28T Wsshington St., ost. 4th snd Ota. Mala ! LOST AND rOTNU St TBS foUowing articles were found on cars- of ' the P. R., L s F. Co. July SO: .4 purses, check bonk, goggles, teaspoon. 2 pr. gloves, court papers, blueprint, bucket, pr. .trousers, saw. bag. 10 packages. 4 luncn " boxes, 4 suitcsses, nnei ease, 2 umbrellas. Owners may obtain prop erty at First and Alder sta. t , BUG LOST RCO . 7 WHl party who found 9x12 Wilton mg near bridge on Hawthorn, ave. Monday evening, July 28. kindly call East 6184 or A. B, Palmer, cars M. SELLER eV CO. i - r - REWARD i did" your neighbor get a newdog recently f Look . it ever. Stolen,, male Pit Bull terrier, ears eraf, whits with brindls marks, 8 on head. 2 on body; Very active, 8 H t months old. phone Woodlawn 4571. 1188 E. 28th N. Reward for informa tion. Confidential. 1 LOST A wallet containing money and motor-cycle- club cards last Thursday, whtla leav ing on motorcycle run. . Reward if returned to owner.' Wells Bennett, at 8 trine Circle Co.. Fourth and Taylor sts. ' LOST -Friday between 4 and 5 p. nx., be- tween Roberts Bros. snd 1st snd Morrison or Sunnyside car, grayeoin purse containing 820 bill, small change, stamps and key. Re- wera. cot 07 00. LOST- Tanned leather satchel. containing money, checks, bankbook and letters, belong ing to J. H, Hanson. 'Finder pleas, notify J. L Hanson, Cornelius. Or,, Box 44. AT or near Union depot Monday evening lady's wrist watch, octacon-ahsned. aros a rain ribbon wrist chain, m Finder, retnrn to Mr. McCarron. 121 E. 28th N, East 7405 or East 79. Reward. LOST Gold locket, engraved A "A. G., contain -ins; two -photos, oa Oak at.,' between 1st and 7th, Wednesday noon. July 28. Valued as a keepsaka Phone 584-62. FOUND Thursday afternoon at Bradley and KueseU St.. about 4:30. a book containing eurreBcy. Owner can have same b describing property. 1188 Denver ave., Woodlawn 5239. LOST Automobile tire and rim, 35i4 . be tween n Sta are. and 71st at. and 8. P. deoot. East 4481. - . '; ' - LOST 2 smaU blk. and tan dogs on Tillamook near Williams. Finder pie call Main 2055 and receive reward. LOST A wrist watch, Thursday, evening, be tween 7th and Davis sad Broadway. .Reward. Eaxt 1948. - . - LOST Suitcase, Wednesday evening, between t-'anby ana Aurora. Finder c lease call Tabor 183U. L&STVPurse, money. raOroaS ticket, ; Masonic card and fishing Heense. . Ieave with secretary Elks' club and receive reward. LOST A jewelled Ksppa Sigma pin. between Sd and 5th. on (Jo lies, au - jnuder pleas, call Main 8089. Reward. LOST Boston Bull female pup, brown with White tace and neck. BZS ilrycs ave. Ala meda Park. Wdln. 4885. L08T Caff link, gold." eyes set with rubies. small diamond in mouth, r Call : Marshall 44B8. q to 7 p. m. Reward. LOST A pair of dark trousers, between Wal nut Park and Ross Friend apt. , Rgward. East 8158. - - ' . ; i .. LOST Purple silf scarf - reward ta finder. Ro- lurn to a4 Vista ave. LOST Racoon neckpiece oa west aide. . Ca3 East 8057. LOST 3 key rings attached together and car- LOST Canary bird. East 1042. 812 E. Pin. at. Kewaro. FOUND On Francis- ava, Thursday morning. a taqy s silver watcn. 'none sell. 04O ANYONE that fiiids an open faced watch in iirown leather case call Uol. 861-- ' 7 HELP "WAIT TED MALE MAN to work on' apple ranch, 885 per month, small one-room boose, wood, mattress and springs, stare, table and chair furnished. Writs Ri D. No.- 1, Hood River, Or. WHOLESALE house ope rating" branch house in . prosperous section 'desires services of office assistant: good future for man with ability. Pleas , state experience fully and giv. , refer ence 11S7, journaL PLANING mill men wanted for aa odd factory. i a. , - i j , . . r .v . v . ,h - ma uiKiwnwiHii vuiue. . Apply Saturday and . Monday,, room - 520 Cornelius- UUVBli UVJLWSICU A V ssVUU A A sV waa HRn SB, SMS WANTEDr-Mi-B -nd witw. no objection to tujavii wig , iui tcuciai ituiB WOIT. Help mUKl wfU f titrith higa. wvifTIr mv4.. . j st i. . " ssesaiassaa aVUS - trull . 885 per month, i 8, D. 'Hutchinson,, cars Str, sag, M. VI h mi ssjij, v a WANTED High school boy, ,lo to 18 years,' for work, at summer resort OT) Mt Hood. Kara ohool attended . and , give - references. , OX-48. MAN or woman with experience to keen books r.., Pi..,,! 1 i , i ; . ' v us ,,w my near romsiia. Good: opportunity for advancement. Call Tabor THE Oregon Law school offers a 8 year law - Mim, Writ Mil m,. .! AlLskV bide. Snenisl inrinMmnfrA . ex-service men. . .FKV uicn wsnted for steady work .br Port iand Gas A Coke Co.. at plant on finatoa road. Take free bus at 33d and Savier stL. at 7 :1 5 a m. LOG-HAULING contract, 32.5d 'per i'666". J T ClmnH , : c , , , WOOD cutters wanted. 83 per cord, second growth: cams in woods, tenia fnrauhwl Biggs, Troutdaie. Or. 1 . UNMARRIED-man for city residence" and grounds; local refereneea reauired, A-106. JournaL ... , , YVANIhD A competent shea salesman; state 1XI,rienee; relernc and salary wanted. K- WANTED Two ' experienced janiton,' 1 days . i aighut good saiariae.- a S Aids gt, i Phui CdumhU OtCOl jV " '-y' v- - - i-".; " -; ...... 'ti?vrnWifirAtrer dwood .within oty hmita. Apply corner 80th and E. Stark. 2 Jrues to dig twa wells. I028208dmst. Pting trade. . Apply Warrjk.; WSt Oregon BVliiu7r-Co 8AYam',il4lA,liJia ,MMk'l. 4U and aisey Jnted' Consolidated laundry, 154 w.i HUP vVA?rTET MALJS SOUTHERN PACIFIC - . COMPANY; : ' CAN PLACE NUMBER EXPERI ENCED SWITCHMEN AND FREIGHT PRAKEMEN ON VARIOUS DITI BIONS. CALIFORNIA, NEVADA AND ; VJXB' - . .-"''' Increased rates of pat effec- V:J ' TTVE FOR PARTICULAR S '. CALL - i ' Room II, ' . i UNION STATION 85000 A TEAR SALESMEN WANTED .; FRANK U McQUIRE LARGEST . HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST - i We are going to sell 1200 homes this year. W. will furnish 1000 homes and hundreds of livs prospects. TOU MUST FURNISH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: it 1 Not over S3 years of age;, s i. 2 Hrut have best references, i 8 Must know the city well. , : 4 Must own your own i siito. t B Must have personality PLUSf i 8 Must have determination: optimism. 7 Most have a sense nf Bumor. 8 ABOVE ALL; Must BE WILLING TO WOK5v i i FRANK li. McQUI RE Abingtonbldg. : f, 106V4 3d St. i DID TOTT EVER HEAR OF ANYTHING LIKE ITf : CLEAN, EFFICIENT. SMOKELESS. ODOB TES8. ECONOMICAI OASi BURNING," PIPE LESS FUBNaCK. We hav. it snd an offering $50 reward for th. best name sncgested. "AVinner to be announced as soon after September 1st as possible, when name is to be decided on. . Phone, write or call for pamphlet giving sug gestions aa to th. kind of a name desired. EDWARDS COMPANY. i Fifth and Oak Sts. i LINOTYPE l ; OPERATOR WANTED We want a young man who can keep a low base No. 5 producing. A splendid chance for the. right man. This is a steady job; condi tions th. best. If you are a two thirder let us hear; from you. A good chance to learn floor work. . e Address CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL, PRINEYILLE, OREGON. ; MR. EXERViCEMANd Are vou hunting a job or seeking a career f Havel you discovered where you fit int Woii you , like to Ulk over your problem, confidentially. with a man i of wide experience wn will take a personal interest in youf The Y. ML T A. iirir. ..j Dept. can assist you in choosing, and can help jot iiou un pmce ror wmcn you are best fitted. iiua aerTic. h aoaoiuteiy tree to ex -service men. See one of the secretaries. Room 807.i I j PEK MUNTH the ysas around, th. average rarnings last year of a number of our salesmen over 45 years. , This rear will ba the biscmt t ho expsrience necessary: weekly cash sdrsnea: outfit furnished. Big assortment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. You can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington 1 Nur- sery co.. Toppenisn, Wash. SENIOR ACCOUNTANTS Finn of certified public accountants with i large practice de sires services of two or 'more ' senior account ants. Exceptional opportunity for capable man with pnblio accounting experience aa seniors in full charge and control of audits and Who are of gooq cnaracter. Apply 1-634, Journal. ( - v WANT LIVH. HALRSMAV ; Ta sail houses, must know the business, have own auto and bo thoroughly fm'sr with Port- ooa vaijtea. RTTTER. LOWH Jk Of.;-'l. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED At " ones, purchaser ot interest In 8 14 ton truck and universal trailer, mt n- manent log hauling job; 4 mil. haul, 82 per xuuu icvi; 9ivvv wui panaie. ;all Monday morning. Service Truck Co. 227 Salmon st. WAN TED First-class open shop pattern fore enan; must have had wide experience in job bing and manufacturing work. In reply state all experience and salary expected, i Address L-537. Journal. ; HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Girls -i ; . r For Power Machine ; Operators- . i ' - :i i j-i ;l I : THE WORK IS EAST TO LEARN, PLEAS ANT, WITH GOOD WAGES; ALSO A LABCE BONUS PAID WEEKLY. j EXPERIENCED GIRLS PREFERRED, BUT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED. . GIRLS MUST NOT BE 'OVER 25 OR UN DER IS TEARS OF.AGE.-- v IKI MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE FACTORY, WITH SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. APPLY AXES -HARRIS-NEVILLE BAO CO.. 15TH AND HOTT STS.. BETWEEN T AO AND 8:80 AM. WANTED. A lady to - cook at a small sawmill; good wages and a permanent job if suited. For fur ther information writs to A. F. Hgynes. Dufur, Wasco Co., Or. No objection to children. WANTED Experienced woman for cooking snd uimngroom wore , on rsncn; ; - women with children need not apply, i Wages 170. Call Tabor 2702. V . -f ' ;-- WANTED Three girls in flat work department, one girl oa body press and ens dampener, ex perience not necessary. . Crystal Landry. East pim j. . none viiy car. MAN or woman with experience to keep books Good opportunity for advancement. OaR Tabor v jv 1 cli jnieuigent, energetis stenographer, . willing to learn. On. with soma knowledge of Insurance preferred. Apply to Mrs. Hard. 827 Chamber of Commerce. t LADIES WANTED to solicit and demonstrate Secret of Beauty, for the complexion; good commission; good seller. Tel Woodlawn SttOI for appointment. ' , t . ; - - , :: GHU. to care tor baby while : mother works, w t,feworki. ,or lou. board and amsE EXPKKIENCED makers' snd trimmers for city RETJART.li! . LLl r- . , , v, uuuMtnucr on -- rsncn. near Portland. All modern COTveniencei: 3 men. Wages 40. M-821. Journal. (X f i,6??11 hote': also man for general WILL fivafirl over 16 good borne! and some rmr Usui, wbi I Qfn, 403. GlRL for general housework f referenesw Marl S208. 1773 DERBY st Girl wsnfcul mm w.i Hotel Rose. Phone Wdln 85. I wantkd-a" . ..u.. . -. ' ' in dining room airL. . Call . Wdhv 2788. " sin ror cooking. lrt floor work: no Uundrv. Main 1 A i U TOS .SrJW iot rucy work W -TEPTAft'JL Au-, J- f" cooking". ..w ""'mi J. SISIB ltYS MlTS1i- J?" "chn8i ff fsnevwork. Laundry . n u. auuu OI719' j . HKLF ' WASTED FEMALE ' . t : AOTEB - BRIGHT T0DRQyV0MEN ' " EARN THE FIRST lONTIi V :TOE FIRST YEAR REGULAR INCREASES 1 RAPID ADVANCEMENT ' LUNCH ROOMS WITH , MEALS AT COST APPLY AT Room 601, 6th Floor TELEPHONE BLDG., PARK AND OAK STS. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY DID TOTT EVER HEAR OF . ; , ANYTHING LIKE ITf CLEAN. EFFICIENT SMO&ELE8S, ODOR LESS, ECONOMICAL GAS BURNING. PIPE I.ESS FURNACE. Wo have it and are offering S50 reward for the beet name suggested. Winner to be announced as soon after September 1st as possible, when name is to be decided on. Phone, write or call for pamphlet giving sug getjUons as to the kind of a name desired. EDWARDS COMPANY. Fifth and Oak Sts. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR NECKWEAR AND VEILING DEPARTMENT JEWELRY DEPARTMENT APPLY EMPIjOTMEST BUREAU BEFORE 10:30. LIP MAN, WOLFE CO. WANTED In country town, modern house, good home, by widower with four children, 3 boys, agei 18. 14 and 7, and 1 girl, 10; s re fined middle-aged lady as housekeeper. Give references and state wages wanted first letter. V. O. Box 304 Carlfcra, Or. RELIABLE woman to take charge of house and , 2 children during summer mouths. L-530, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE WANTED 1000 hop pickers; we again have the largest hop ranch in Oregon 600 acres la hops alt old planting except 70 acres; bigh trellis, no weeds? beautiful camps. 2 stores with town prices, butcher shop; free wood and pure water: dance ball 00x100 feet. jAYrite and register at once for hop picking our oia pickers especially wanted. CLEMENS HOR3T CO., independence, or. ' EVERT HOME owner Jv a prospect for the sale ' of a gaa pipe lea tS nace, new invention. Pull a chain and the fire starts. Costs from 2 to 6 cents an hour to operate. -Agents wanted m every neighborhood. Utuixe your spare tune. Do your friends a favor. ; See Mr. Wayne Harper, Sales ; Mgr. at ED- WAKDS r'UHMTUHE CO:, Fifth and Oak. WANTED GOOD AMATEUR PHOTOG-BAPHER.- i i With some capital. Will sell ; portrait busi- ness snd studio st bargain, i M-918. JournaL WANTED Lady or gentleman . to run lunch wagon, fully equipped, good location. Will sell hall interest. Good terms or trade for lot. automobile or livestock. W din. 4755. WANTED An experienced teacher. , August Hiunm. ttotr, or.. Houte 1. - BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 80 BUSINESS COLLEGE Lsrgest in the West. ASSURES EVERY GRADUATE t A POSITION. - Enroll any time of year. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Phone, call or write . for tree success estslog. v ; A Position for Each Grsdusts. ALISKY BUILDING. '! WANTED Mea and women to leant the barber trade; receive some pay while learning; posi tions secured: Oregon ex-eerrica men, the course is free to you;' call or write for particulars and catalogue. , MOLE a JAKBKK COLLEGE, 284 Burnside St. LSARN a trade now and pay later. Are von mechanically inclined f ; If so,' investigate HEMPHILL'S : AUTOMOBILB ok GAB TRAC TOR SCHOOL at 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 20th, where you can learn in six weeks to op erate snd repair ail mates of sutos snd tractors LEARN TELEGRAPHY' Young men and women wanted: ' call 434 Railway Exchange bldg. ; - splendid opportunity to learn a 'well paid profession.1 Railway Tele graph institute. O'MALLEY dancing school teaches yon cor- recuy ana auicxiy au the latest ballroom aancea, stage dancing; day sad night rlatnmv Private lessons daily. Studio 610 Eilexa bldg. hoi waaningron at. i . LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Summer courses bookkeeping, stenography, civil service, secretarial, special courses. Expert teachers, day and night. Enroll how. Broadway 6083. STEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek'a systetm of ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measUTw. Phone East 2868B-S30?. 12 Grand nnr Ttelmnnt - f EAST SIDE (VllKUEPrill. arnmx. Miss fiegins Buekel's private school; individual instruction, izih urand ave. East 427 MEN, WOMEN barn barber trade; wages who. learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College. 288 Madison. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former assistant state sunt-. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Phone Main 8276. PORTLAND Barber College -eys you while learning, gives you set of tools free positions secured, 38 N. 2d st STUDY massage, v Portland School of Massage (incorporated), 711 BweUaud hide Main 7788 snd Sellwood 2349. WANTED AGENTS GARTS IDE'S Iron Rust Soap Co., 4054 Len easter ave., Phils., Fa, mfra of the only original Iron rust soap, wsnts agents.. Trade mark, print and copyright registered in U. 8. patent office. This soap removes Iron rust, ink and unwashabl. stains from clothing, marble. etc. tine magic goo tunc., nig profits. AGENTS $100 WEEBfT, automobile owner . everywhere wild with enthusiasm. Marvelous invention doubles power, mieage efficiency. Saves its cost first dsy. Sensational sales- everywhere. Territory going like wildfire; 826 sample outfit and Ford ear free. . Write Quick. Owe Co.. lJept. U76. Lovrlavine, Ky. AGENTS with experience sell oar famous 829 and - S.25.&0 made-ta-neaaiirwanita . rwl e.e. costs; big moneymaker. Big selling outfits fur-j nisneu tree, auaisna l saiors, pepu Zlt, sla $3.80 HOURLY selling electromatie plates at 25c. Decker sold . 742 in 5 days; made $163.42. Send 2c stamp for extraordinary sales plan and free sample. A G. A, BOWBEEK. vc r eaora. us angeies, uai. LAliIES - earn mo. incom. making working clotii glove for local stores snd neighbors. TTse discarded material on home machine. Com plete instruction end 'Outfit.- 2 Be. Pattern uiove, ' zao ursmte block, Spokane, WkIl SEND - for Free Toilet Soap Sample end $10 cash refund offer. Lacassia Co.. riant- 609. St. Louis. V , .. ... .., ... ... . '.. "WATfTEI AGENTS AGENTS WANTED W. seed a few mora substantial, reliable salesmen to represent i as tn certain desirable portions of this state, with or without ears. Liberal oomsaissioa contract. Trees are in great demand snd a eapsbla man can make big money. For particulars address OBEGON NUBSERT CO. - - Oreneo. Oregon. -I THS auto owner has the money; we have what be needs. The MULTI-MIXER has startled great mechanical engineers: vaporises every particle of gasoline before - entering motor; re moves oaibon; increases mileage up to l per cent; sold on money-back guarantee.. Dept. 67, Hudson Products Co., 1531 Grand sve.. Port Isrtd. Or. - AGENTS LARGE MANUFACTURER wsnts sgents to sell hosiery, underwear, ' shirts, drsssss. ixtrU, waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Write for free samples. Madison MiUa, 508 Broad way. New York.- "-; ; " : ' ' AGENTS coin money selling Brussels Fiber i Broema Triple value corn broom. Sample postpaid. 81.17. Also Cramer Sanitary Brusbsa Cramer Mfg. Co.. Wichita. Kan. - -- SALESMEN WANTED 88 WANTED 3 Catholia men as salesmen oa T- fined outdoor proposition. If inexperienced ws train you. City or road territory. Highest wsces paid: permanent position.. Rapid advance ment if you possess ability. A-l references re quired. Can 8:30-10. 4-6. 719 Spalding bid. HAVE an A-l aide line for country solicitors. Also attractive, proposition for city salesmen ; ideal for evening solicitation. - Call oa M. B. Belden, ,494 E. 43d st, N.. bet, (V a, as, and 4 p. m.,-.' 'I -- - ' - SIDE LINE SALESMEN Ws havs attractive line of premium assortments for live salesmen. Commission from 85 to 820 per order. If you want an up-to-data line, write today. CAN FIELD MFG. CO., 4003 Broadway. Chicago, SALESMEN 'snd ' DEMONSTRA TORS' wanted; experience not' required. . Call at room 14. Hotetl Auditorium. Movette. t SALESMAN wanted; woneymaket Vr the right man. Ask for' Miller at 421 B. Clay st. 8ITTJATIOXS M ALE ? JAY THE JOBBER , Plastering, brick. tile, ston. and eemrnt work, remodeling snd repairing; no job too small to re ceive our personal , attention. Get jjour fire places and chimney fixed) now. ' . 611 Morrison st. Phone Bdwy. 1848. - . - BOY. 18 years old. with good knowledge ' of auto mechanics, desires work in battery house or aa helper in auto shop or will accept work in auto' acceseory or electric department. C. D. Herse, 881 Sarier st Telephone Mar. 1080. ; EMPLOYED stenographer with spare time daily would like regular monthly outside work to do In own of flee. U-841, Journal. WANTED Position by two men on dairy ranch; expert milkers: stetsdy, cspsbls and experienced. John Drewss, 255 Cohimbia blvd.. FortUnd, cargi Jutcelaof dairy. rnona v uw lwn i aa t AOTO'MECHANIC 1 n vetra eiDerienca. will overhaol roar car at your earase. Satisfactory work or no pay. Tabor 7415. -: WAVTEIl work h miffdle sued man in bakery or laundry; Mason ; strictly temperate and can give first class references; Aara worser. Address J-888, Journal. - POSITION wanted with reliable automobile con cern ms superintendent of shop and service work, capable of meeting the pnbUo ana nsnuung jwen. liest reterence, H-aii, journal. ELDERLY man wants steady place as watch man, janitor, gardener or chickens; can give reference; - state terms in first letter J "city or country. Z-42U, Journal. WINDOW trimmer snd sd. man has 2 open evenings each week for wrndow trimming; ex tra time for. advertising. laoor ozi. SEWER connections, septic tanks, cesspools, houses raised; cement work of all kinds. Tsbor 8008. ill ri IV 1 1 . i ' man .inrnw hbu, wn,wj.u.... v .7 - experience in collecting and soliciting . fire insurance. aiar, mza. MEAT CUTTEU Ycung married msn, neat sp- peanng ana not suaiu oi - position in country town. Z-421. Journal. p. m. until midnight- Address K-o-vu. Journal. SHADE TREES trimmed and treated. J. Kerr. Prices reasonable, i Kaet 3a PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. Tabor 2658, 109 E. 48th st- "cia PAINTING, tinting. , Prices roaaonable. Work guaranteed. Tabor butt. CARPENTERING, REPAIRING AND RE- MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. r HOUSE painting, papering, kalsominlng, da.y or contract au won guarantee!. in SH1NGLER8 When! you want reshingling done c&ii wooaiawn o-oo. s CARPENTER wants; work, day or contract. Tabor 612, DEPENDABLE bou.se painting, tinting, paper hanging. Tsbor 5217. PAINTING, papering, tinting. Reasonable. Main 7070. PAINTING. L XHaTTNO. SIGNS. CALCI- MINING. BEST 'WORK. TABOR 266. HARDWOOD Doors, sold. laid, finished . coa- plete. by experts. Z83 Bd. Main 44441 CEMENT walls, basements, mdt walks, garages and runways on cortract.- Tabor H081 PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging. - Phpna East 8B32. - POINTING and tinting; reasonabla Do. my ewn wcrk. and clean. Woodlawn 3826. ALL kinds of cement work done at reasonable price. Tabor 6888. ' i POSITION by- electric welder, ex-sereic man. year experience m snip-yro.; yrqin. .ov. CARPENTER-JOINER, . repairing, remodeling. etc., reliable mechanic). Broadway 2487. ROOFS cleaned. . repaired and painted ; all work guaranteed; reasonable. -Tabor 929, CEMENT work, floors, walks, garages snd drive ways reasonable, fall Tabor 6070 CARPENTER and contractor. Jobbing; a: anything in the building line. East 86J6. CEMENT drives, floors, walks, fteps, nouses raised; work guaranteed. Marshall 1882 CARPENTERING, REPAIRING AND MODELING. PHONE TABOR 284. RE PARTY with Ford touring ear open for en- gagement. H-508, Journal. CARPENTER and contractor, jobbing; anything in the building line, jsast 8036. , PAINTING and tinting by experienced I work- man. Ksamstea tree. ceu.Kast 6624. CALL Tsbor 6W40, pain tin g . day or contract. PAINTING, paperbanging. tinting. Sell. 3836. . SITUATION FEM ALE I MIDDLE-AGED widow would like a position as . housekeeper in some reitoea widower j noma. 1101 E. 28th st. N. MIDDLE aged widow wants to keep house for one or two; dependable; home-maker. A-1U0, journal. WANTED A respectable place as housekeeper. city or country, , by widow with boy 15, Woodlawn 8262. i WANTED, by a lady .of 45, position ia widow- ers bouse; win leave city. ssli. 3653. 881 JS. zotn st. B. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer, wants work in or out of ' city. Phone Mar. 2298. GRADUATE pmno teacher will teach at your ftome. Jessons , oe. Main 4bU6. ' NEAT. refined widow wishes - housekeeping. Brosdwsy 4441 or E-645, JournaL GIRL, IS, wants place to work, caring for small ctild preferred. Main 6800: DRESSMATTNt 46 DYEING, cleaning, i pressing. dressmaking. modeling, relining,. alterations, pleating, reason- sole prices, xne ;wnei gleaners as AJyers, nomwn near iilij. aimm ioio ALTERATIONS, refitting end making of Mdies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. JT. Reubin. Ladies' Tsilor. 408 Bush aV Lane bldg. TIME to make school clothes. Girls' skirts. blouses and ureases reasonable:- small chil dren s dresses. Tabor 8170. TAILORING facta. - expert designing, tailoring! American system. Cut, pattern, any faahion. el trier sex; sausraeaon guar. v. Maanin, 24 oth. FIRST claae dressmaking, tailored suits, street dresses, fancy silk snd voiles. Mrs. Kelly, 752 Vancouver ave. peone 816-ou. SEWING done at your home, several unengaged days in August; eaa give references, $4 per usy; evenings. "jaoor zov WAN TED Sewing, hats, coata; or dresses; win go out- Phone Tabor 9428. FrBWISHETJ ROOMS HOTEL; BARR 113 N. Sixth 8 bloeks of depot $1 per day, 86 per week and up Hot end cold water, steam heat. : Free phone and bstha ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. See our accommodations. NEW PERKINS HO TEL, Fifth and Washington. - Hotel Medf ord 120 N. 5th. cor. Gllsan. Steam hat. bet and cold water, 2 blocks from Union depot. Privets baths. Pvnm 7fte en. 14 week wo.. H0TEI M CHESSEY, 418 N. Jersey st ; not and cola water tt every room, no extra charge for use of bath, - Rates reasonable. Phone Columbia 44." , NORTON IA HOTELTFortlsnd's downtowa bisb claas family hotel;- lounva en suite os eingie; with or witannt board. We give you all the comforts of a home, i Reasonable rates. . "DAYTON HOTEL V 190 H First st, Corner Taylor. Nicely f nrnubed rooms, hot and cold water and steam heat in each T009U Rates $3 week up. TTTRiriSWED ROOMS HOTEL RAKER 285H FTFTH ST.. NEAR CITT HALL ' ROOMS 31 DAY: UP; 84 WEEK AND UP. FUBM8HED rooms. 31.60 week op. 224 Clay. HOTEL ALBANY, modern rooms. liTlTTSd st. jrVB-SISHED ROOMS PSITATB ' - - - FAMILY T TWO employed persons can have alaeping coom with housekeeping privilege, 64 per week ; with garage, 35. 717 Commercial st. Wdhu Z23B EXTRA nice large front roots, strictly modern. with home privileges for 1 or 3 gentlemen; closa to ear and public garage; breakfast if de- aireu. - aui. o.aiu LABOR, airy front room, for rent, with all the privileges ev a none,' , sts aesv diwuii. ngar 28th. East os4. rkk this ; Very convenient room, privet family; doss la, west side. It s pipe, soa aisraeu BEAUTIFULLY furnished room.) IV min. waft business oentor. Clean. Nob Hill . district. 145 N. 21st St. Auto. 510-4S. BRIGHT . and airy room in congenial - private family. 818; also sew garage. 37 monthly. Tabor 6788. - - SLEEPING room, $3 week. Walking diaUnce. Marshall 1218. ' - ' ' - LARGE front room, suitable for two- gentle men. Walking distance. 472 i E. Oak. East 1192. FURNISHED rooms, PrivaU family. East side. 11 E. 14th N. : - - LARGE front bedroom, nicely furnished. Irving- ton dWrict. 487 E. PU1 st. W. r.asr njvn. IARGB well furnished room."- suitable for two men. 221 10th. Main 8678. NICE furnished room, close in, for 1 or 2 ladies. 4 hone East 7580. NICELY furnished room tor S refined men, 314: private borne: ear semci pen, imt NICELY furnished room, west side, walking dis tance. ' Ption. Bdwy. gscu. B4 r. aisi n. FOR RENT Outside sleeping room, .38 per month. 410 8d st." i - - ; MODERN well furnished room, walking distance. Phone East 4007. 981 Hassalo sv FURNI8HED deeping room; lady preferred, li E 10th st. B. East 1188. ' ELEGANT outside room with kitchenetU, right down towtt. 844 Salmon St. . ' t7NFtfn7?IHED TtOfTMS 10 $18 THREE unfurnished rooms, lower floor; gas, lights and plats, water; adults. 184 E. 83d. corner Morrison. I 2l " THKEB rooms oa 2d floor; toilet, gas and eleo . tridty, . $12.50 month; at Portsmouth, two blocks to St. Johns ear. 853 Oberlin at. ; BOOMS A"?TD BOARD ' ' THE MARTHA""wASHTNOTOir It 80 10th st. For business girls and stu dents; reasonable ratea Marshall 1231. LARGE, light, airy "oom. private res., weeing distance business district, gentleman preferred. 654 Everett street. Call after Sunday. ROOMS AND BOARD PR1TATE FAMILY i 7S BEAUTIFUT.LY FURNISHED.' NEW ANO ClaEAN. HOT AND COLD WATER IN ALL ROOMS, LARGE ROOMS. FOR MAN AND WIFt:, OR 2 GENTLEMEN. OR INDIES. ALSO SINGLE ROOMS. EXCELLENT TABLE LOART. SPECIAL CHICKEN AND CREAM DINNERS ON SUNDAYS. I BEAUTIFUL I'ORCHES AND LAWNS. CALI BROAD WAY 6450 MORNINGS AND EVENINGS, i ROOM and board near W. P. shop, includina bath and telephone, $35 per month. Call 603 Haig st Sellwood 8465. PLEASANT room for two adults; breakfast and dinner with private family ia Alameda, Woodlawn 5729. PLEASANT room,, good board, home privileges; near B. P. ahops. Automatic 210-13. ROOM, board one or two gentlemen: private home. 076 Ladd ave. East -4n3f ROOM and board in private family, home privi leges; close in, west side. 273 14th St. S. 2 PLEASANT rooms with board, close to car - line and public garage. East 8360, INVALIDS CARED FOR , PHONE MAIN 2529. ' "IN MY i HOME NICELY furniahebd room and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call Woodlawn 49H7, ROOM and board, close in. West Side; modern conveniences. Phone Broadway 87 6 4 A LADY will give, best of care and'board, one or two little boys and girl. Mar. 8028. ONE or two amah children to board: mother's care, end references.' Sellwood 8581 WILL BOARD and room babies, 1 to 5 years; 818 a month. 312 East 85th. Tabor 8887. MOTHERLY lady will board a little boy or girt Msrshsll 824. 75 N. 2 2d. TTAn'TEP 'ROOMS ATSTi BOARD tt WORKTNGMAN 'with . boy 8 years old wants- room and board in Drirata family- A-l 07. JournaL , - ! HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS - 9 FURNPSHED AND UsrVllSlSHEB $7 A MONTH FurnLshed housekeeping room, walking distance, steam beat, electric, lights. laundry, not and eoia water. . Pbone!Aast 6048 406 Vancouver ave. ; TWO newly remodeled bouaekeepina rooms. completely furnished. Private bath. gaa range, laundry, ins Ktiermsn st. Mar. S9na. ONE and two-room apartments, $2 up; no objection to children, large yard. - 887! 1st. i none Main zze. -j TWO. furnished housekeeping rooms, 1717 Porta- mourn ave. - xaav ou ouoi car. FURNISHED honsekeepijig rooms for renti"wslk- . ing distsnce. 872 hi Hawthorne. $2.50 WEEK up, clean, furnished H. K. rocrosT 2i mui, comer rvrsv LARGE front room - snd kitchenette, , single rooms, alaeping porch. 655 Flanders. 8 FUR. ROOMS FOB LIGHT H. K. WDLN. BlOl. TWO .single housekeeping rooms, also two sleeping rooms. Gall 65D Washington. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $8 month. lis Hall near etn. $2.50 WEEK up, one and two rooms, clean, furnished, housekeeping.. 845 H First, FOR RENT Three . furnished rooms. ' Phone Tabor 914Z. - HOUSEKEEFINO ROOMS FTTRSI8HED A1fli UNFURNISHED i PRIVATE FAMILY 73 ONE -furnished - housekeeping room and one sleeping room on front, reasonable. 244 Montgomery st, - -.- i 8 EXTRA large light rooms, ground floor. 812.50. j Will furnish for more: garage. C9 Apply ' corner 89th and E. Stark, Mt, Tabor (MT-88THI ear to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. TWO H. K. rooms oa 2d floor, also 1 H. K. .room on first floor; rooms large and wen furnished ; convenient and close tn. 68 N. 20 to. LARGE front nnrnrniahed bousekeeDine room. gaa, light, water end t,hotie, walking distanee, Iia per month. Marshall sz. 7b . zsd. THREE nicely tarnished light housekeeping rooms, one single1 room sad garage, trees in yard and scenery. 821 8th at, N. East 2619. EXCEPTIONALLY tight, airy room or suite of ' rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Suitable fog ngnt nousegeeping. abio. oi-is ligui upuwKgyins.' w. pirn. ! $20, '330, 2 and: 4 room furnished apt a. 843 East 27th, Richmond ear to 27(h. 1 block south. . - - , un iwvr V JmLij 1.. mi, "'L.u, i . .j . - ra, .. . in,, i, , . ... v. a . , also cottages, apartmenta, furnished, anfuz- msneu; reasonable; zas or zsz uioos sr. PXEA8XNT front room, furnished complete, for light housekeeping - or sleeping; price right lor gentleman. Soil otn street souta. FOR RENT Four, unfundshed housekeeping rtraana, upwMirs. iiv- xnw . ssunxua, i wster street. THREE unfurnished rooms for . very handy housekeeping; rent $15 per month. Call corner bakery. E. 39th and Lincoln streets. TWO completely famished booseteepina rooms. close in. Main B07W. TWO fumiahed H. X. rooms at 131 Russell st. East 8248. 1 FURNISHED H. K. room with kitcheneue; , ; also l furnished sleeping room. . 408 4th . FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, all furnished. ligttt. water, pnone rurnisnea. Taoor 498T, $162 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, separsto en trance, walking distance, aio 1st at, KEATLY fumiahed hotieakefplng renins for rent. osz wuiutras sve. $ UNFURNISHED housekeeping front rooms. private ismuy. 147U c ouaaa, corner opto. CLEAN 2 room furnished Eonsekeeping suitet 431 E. Ash, near E. 7th. Phone East 2801, DESIRABLE room for young lady employed. home privileges; reti-rence. Slain oi TWO large front rooms, clean and light. 5i North 28d street. Main 4722. ' ' ITRNISHED liouaekeepiac ruoma for rent, 80S East Market. LARGE nicely furnished room, west side. 805 11th street. Msin 7SZO.- TOK RENT HOUSES IS FURNISHED oottage lot rest during August to reavHvnsible parties, pnone East IOW6. 6 ROOM bungalow. A reoaalowec flat for rent. Tabor 426. - 2 ROOMS partly furnished, ligbto. gas snd wster; very reaaottaoie. tjau wooaiawn 8112. SEE FRANK L McGUIRB TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE ROOM partly furnished beosa, . Call at 885 Powell. Woodstock ear.' 7-ROOM house, west aide. $30. Mala- 4093, 19 ' MKDtR ek FRAftK'S i IN FORMATION IaNTI ! RENTAL BUREAU .1 . . j ..;.'. -.-' ReliahW. wn Vn Amm lfsfa tit I MirafclA nvnnt .houses, apartments and fists with definite infor mation pertaining to each. I I Newcomers to Portland will find, this bureau oC great value ta helping these get properly and quickly located. . j , . . i i ... . EIGHTH FLOOR NICE 8 room bouse and era race, beauti ful .yard. 564 1st, corner Lincoln. Phone Main 8878, Inquire i Monday. i;.hK. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER ! If you intend moving this i fall, don't put H off, houses are scarce, It ia hard to tell what people will do this winter, j Better make your arrangements now. ' ! i - ! "SEE THE YELLOW I SIGN!" SMITH-WAGONER CO.. BT(CK EXCHANGE I ; - . r" STORAGE-! " " COMMERCIAL AND . HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING, t Seduced freight rates. . For expert service cell Brosdwsy 70S. Manning Warehouse A Trensfer Co. -' I - : ' : Furniture , Moving1 fc Tim "Transfer end" Storage.! ; Long distance hauling. 82 Union sve. N. i Phone East 6484. A, BEAUTIFUL new modern 5 room house. built-in effect, ivory finish,1 hardwood floors, yard end -emit; lea, adultAi 18i0 E. Taylor. CALL BBOADWAY 686 NORTHWESTERN ELECT RIO COMPANY. XVAfUTINCflON AT TENTH STREETt LARGE tent house, barn, chicken house, berrlesi I ee 1 25il Bo a-round soace: rent 812 mo, or wiU sell cheap. Tabor 710." HOME on Westover- Terrace, until December I !i ; I all conveniences, fiasco furnace, 3 bat hi Marshall 1435. ' I . 'It " : " FOR RENT 5 room bungalow, 1088 Stark I between 36th and S7th streets. Pboue Wood lawn 2975. X Rent $25. ' FIVE room liowa. ; hot . modern : 7 room house. Is, electricity, :; furnace, yard, "Knott, near a n r u . iintrm. inquire now pciuj, $!i5 5 -ROOM cottage, 05 IX- 10th at, corner of K. Washington. House Wa eunuay forenoon. WELL funiislied 7 room house, . 3 bedrooms, (.responsible party only; references, Tsbor 2840 morning. FOR RENT One good 6 .room houde, near carl! ne. SeBwood 21Z8 6 ROOM furnUhed house. 4 S 9, Market street, i Msin 1022. H . -- TO LEASE for 6 mo., 5 room furnished bun I galow; reference required;' adults preferred; possession Sept. 15. 1014 Tibbetts at- Sell wood 870. . J i . FDR RENT 6 room f urnislird house, 2 blocks. from Franklin H. S. : $40 per month. 8118 54th st S. E. Mt. Scott est. StROOM cottage. 2 beds, electricity, gas snd wood stove. Mount Scott cr, A r lets station. 4 721 64 th st, opposite Baptist church. 5 ROOM house, garage; seen by appoint ment. Phone Kaat (H)'J ! . 6BOOM modern house, 74 Ellis .avenue. Sellwood 8173. ' V SIX room modern furnis&ed house. ', 9G0 Esst I 27th at. North. 1 iFLATS TO HENT. TTWEU RNISHED 18 ft 6 room flat, 32 19th. i T rooms, 591 H -IVashington. Msrshsll 3483. UNr URNISHED 4 room flat, close in. "Cal Bdwy.4811 bet. 12 and 1 o'otock. FURNISHED VI. ATS 0 FURNITURE complete for 0 -room flat for sale, flat for rent to party buying furniture: very cosily- furnished: walking distance. Main-4240 before 9 a. m. or after 6 :20 , p. m. weekdays or afl day Sunday. - H ' FIVE ROOM.- NICELY FURNISHED FLAT' (ALL OUTSIDE ROMS, fOIERN, HANDY TO THREE CARLINES; RENT $40 TO RE SPONSIBLE TENANT. 205 STANTON ST CPRNER COMMERCIAL. J . SrROOM modern ' furnished-'flat, light ' water, j heat furnished, 2 bedrooms.', 107 E, 87th st, nesr Wsshington. . ! ' - 4 i ROOM furnished fist Imulre St Allen Apt., j 148 E.' 80th -St. Modern, " til.V twin furniHlte.1 flat, 775 J oltiuun. West Bide. Main 2112. fall Bunday. . NjlCELY furnished. Urge" oToom" flat. 280 Al I berta, cor. Gantepbein, near, Jeff ersuiy 'high. KEV4 room furni&tied flat, outside rooms; prP rate bath; responsible couple cnly. Sell. 241. FURNISHED clean rooms, including a mod ern kitchen; adults only. J Tabor 8618. MUSIC TEACHER wants girl to share flat and study music. Main 301 . FUR. CIJEUN, 2 "and 3 room, sleeping porch ana asrak, o4 si. rjouui. 'ROOM niodern-flat, mostly furnished. 68 V4 80th stj MooUvilla car;$22. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 43 ONE OF Portland's loveliest, cleanest apert- menta. 4 rooms, newly furnished: sll-.larKe. light, airy, outside rooms; splendidly attractive end very homelike. Easy! walking distance. The Meda apt., if 7 7 Vancouver ave.. just across the Broadway bridge; W block north of road way. AI.TA.MONT- APARTMENTS I' One 3 and one 4 .room beautifully furnished modern apt.; walking distance: Wast Side, Call Main 837 S. 4-i;OOM spsrtment. nicely fumifhed in quit Place. 5 minutes' walk! from Hawthorne bridge, 834 East 3d St., near Mill. Phone East lf49. The jeffekY 2 room furnished apts. 318; Essf i close in; eor. . Uusseli and Kerby- sts. 1594. r. ' DESIRABLE . 3 or 4 room fur. apts.. with aleeoing oorcb: SflO: also ground floor apt. r private entrance and porch 550. Main I55J TWO room apartment, witn kitcnenette, gaa ana light furnished: slso pleasant ' front ateepmg room. 07 Trinity place. LIVING room, kitchen and large sleeping porch. j 827.50; light, water, phone and bed laundry tneluded. 602 K. oth H. 1 . , IXRNISHED 2 room aptj 1717 Portsmouth Take St. Johns car. A NICELY furnished 5 room apt., piano, walk ing distance. - si sin zsu ROOM apts. and housekeeping rooms, newly tinted, reasonable. 530 Couch at. TOR RENT Complete furnished 4 room apart ment; gangs. Call Wdia. 2i THE STANFIELD. 204 Porter St., modern 2 room apt, furnished; 1111.50. Msin 78Z NEW YORK apartment. Belmont sad 7th. Ess) 288. - StTTWMER RESORTS ( TENT 'CITY AT OCEAN TISIT COLUMBIA BEACH ."By the Sea." Completely furnished bog tents in beautiful grove,. 810 per week; grocery store, restaurant. I gaming; just tne piece to spena your vacation. r-i roTcubri nviru ft 848 Stark St. ' ! Main 8428. ' MAC! LEAN'S CAMP. OSWEGO LAKE- Cottages now betng rented for the sesson: reached from Oswego ststien on 4th st. Red Elect rio Una, MacLeaa,' 814 Lewis bldg. Phone sain 4ZTZ and Oswego 431, " AT 8EASIDE Last two" weeks In August, seven modern house with bath, nice yard ene block - from ocean, three from Broadway. Write Mrs. O. B. Ilarriman. Seaside. jrVANT fumiahed cottage at Seaside about Aug. 10: 2 beds.. J. ft. Brown 690 E. 28tb at. r SelL 2218. ?. --, I -j - FOR' RENT Right on the beacb, furnished cottage, tents, well water, 810 to $20, a eek. J. H. A L.' Edwards. Msin 7292. sEASiDETbR- Kew furnished 2 room houses.' suitable for 8 r 4 people. L. F. McNeil,) 100 1st sve. Weeer OUT of" acre, with ws rehouse, on railroad track; must be sold to close estate. Admin- retort Pboue Marshall 488. ft RENT SeasidV 4 room ottsge rum Aug. 15. Bdwy. 1782. ;- . ipol bouse. ' ' ' ClBflos MPLEHELY furnished Beach. Particulars eall Broadway 2409. STORES AND OFFICFS II pi Ta E8E BOOM WANTED" by publishers' proof reader, in clean, quiet office. llsnlai must reasonable, with telephone service. Phone abor 8243. i I. ... WAITED TP RENT IGAR and gfationery store in large wen lighted building. All new fixtures. Must make quick Sale. Will sell ' cheap. Easy terms. Sideline pays tent, telephone, gas sod water. Iixjulre Camas.-Waiting Boom. 301 i Washing ton street, Vsnoottver, Wash. - - ANTED With email private family, room on Heiehta: sleeving porch or norto exposure; very reasonable to good tenant (business man). 2-424. JournaL ; ' i f - - : - - . ANTED 1250 to 2500i sousre feat, floor soaee suitable for a society, close irr' crwAhe west side: will lease for terra of years. Migut eonsider residence. T-545,1 Journal. - r ANTED By last week ia August, furnished flat or b Ting-alow ia vicinity of Frankiia high school. - Will lease. T-544j Journal. WANTED--Three unfurnished rooms near . or within city-limits. Address M. Becker, P. C. eollege, Yamhill snd Park its. WANT to rent S room bungalow in good neigh- borhood. Campbell, Bdwy. 437V FOR RE-NT nOTTSES UNFtTRNISHKD -REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPER TY 49 EIGHT beautiful Jots, bargain S00. One, Neah-Kah Nie, $200, or will trade for auto. P-787, Jonrnsl SALE, in Seaside; 6 room modern house, 2 Bts, large woodxhed. garage, eliirken boue. Price $2ftU0!--j. Owner. P. O. Box 2 2 3. Seaside. BUSINESS FROFEBTT 6$ LIGHT MANUFACTURING .A splendid building. lBx70;- living rooms in connection, cue 10 lmmcitower (J. E. motor. '& r rencu uutt nuns, 2.aeU of roUers, belts, shirt ers. etc.- located in South Portland. This Is completely -equipped for cereal mill work. Will take, out Eclimery, leaving mttr, snd sell f'r , $2000. or I will sell plant ermtplete, grt uiMi. building and machinery, fur $25UO, and r rauge terms.j . y . ;; Ta Chsmher of ( WEST- Sidet water front. ' trrKea'nd in red street. Owner, 1424 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALECHOUSES $1 DEKUM '& JORDAN "I West Side t JLodern 'Iiou5c A wry attractive bouse. In high claw dis trict, unsurpassed viw. living and dimng " rooms are cheerful, bright and sunny. Hani Wood flnirs; four attractive bedrooms, on second floor, and one on third floor. rimall amount of cult, balance In monthly Installment. DEKUM :& JORDAN . 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Uld. 4 in ami mark Sta,, Main 233. . T "U ' my 5 ro" bungalow, alt modem. full cement baiH-ment, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bocasea and buffet, Uundrv trays can-nt and linoleum, window shades and curtains all go. 8 nice rooms ran be -finished upstairs which really makes Uiia an 8 room house. . , , 2 lota, 150x100 vach, cement sidewalk. 0 choice 7-year-old fruit trees loaded wish fruit, berry vine, chicken house. I bought the lum ber snd hired carpenters by the rlsy. Was bulli for my own home. 1 block from Wood Is wn car. Take Woodlawn car get offat 13t.li st. walk 1 block sooth, block eat Family troubles cause of selling. CsH Sunday, Aug. 1, bet. 1 a. in. and 4 p. m. Price.s:i0oo. House not 8 years old yet. You oan't nf J seeing this. : A, W. h.Wks, I "585 Junior st.. . r - - ROOM BrOAT.f) ROSE CITY PARK 8350 DOWN $30 MONTH $5150-r Paved street, sewer in, all paid, corner lo(, 6 rooms, new, all floors hardwood, ivory finish, buffet, fireplace, breakfast nook, big attic, floored, will make another good room ; fixtures, shades, furnace, cement basement, laundry trays. Say, this Is sure a snap and Uiink of the terms A mighty rare opportunity to stop paying rent, J. I HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber ot Com. bldg. Main 208. . i - 4-ROOM BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK $4500 " - - Near Alameda Drive, 50100 ft. "lot. paved streets, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, fire place. Icement basement. This is ideal for e small family; tlOOo cash, halnnce arranged J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chmber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. v---i.. - " NEAR HAWTHORNE CAR 1 0 iROOM bcn;ai.ow -Oo one of the best improved 80100 lots that we have pn our list. There are 1 a hear ing fruit trees, loads, of grapes and berries, lx a garage. x anyone wanting s coinfurtshli place to -liv. where there is room for the ehil- dns without going into the street, this pla w ui aii-wi t 10 (li in. i urn lull price vt etiiu. If yott have, $1000 we can arrsnue easy pay ments, on the rest.) Another chance to beat the landlord. 1 - -i See Mr. Soblstrom GEO. MOORE tiy lrillT Tmn Ttldg IttfrTwiToN District ot j IWantifHl Homes. Near E. r-Ulst at.. 3xl00 lot. with bearlni fruit trees, fins shrubbery, paved at., 3 1-lui aj from Ilenadwsv rsr. i The limiiv hss , room bath and 'i, tnileU, 4 beautiful light bedrooms 2 fireplaces, full cement basement with high- grade furnace, fine garage. We have this j.lmi listed for a short time at a price nf $7000 you pay $300(f cash, we can arrange Uie 1x1 aace easy terms. . ; .1 MR. MACK GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Twin Klda PEAT'TIFtlL IrvinaUm lmine, su'leiulld corner lOOaltfO; every i modern convenience, h..t water besting system, double garage; eiceptiotv ally fine basement and laundry, with extra, largi new Thnr washing machine and mangle; etr . Is rue living room, dining room, mujic roro n; library; elegant new,- carpet all over e-wer flii and stairs; splendid kitchen with ik $100 com b. nation wood and gas range; second floor, 5 in 8 bedrooms, 2 tiled bathrooms, sleeping porch third floury completely finished: French glaj doors, hot and cold water, hear. Am leaving city Kaiy term If taken st oiica Sellwood a'133. " . . I ; -,- j THE - I GEO. T. MOOBE CO. '-Have a list of homes from the eoty little cottage to ! those besntifirl mansions in Irving ton and other good districts. They sre modem In every respect. Abstract snd title guaranteed to be perflrct. Toi you people who are tired of looking ifor a house we invite inspection ol our 4isa. 'Our an tot are at your service. - Oui phone is Main 02. i : - GEO. MOOUB CO., 1007 Teon Bldg; IW5Nr)EKFUtrOUNTRTll6ME OF 11 ACHES j IN ORCTtAliD . AND -GARDEN Beautiful 7-room I strictly modern bungslow hot water heaC 8-room cottage for servants', nnsr -ten, double garage and other buildings, os pave road, exoellent car service. Owner called Last, will aaorifrce, Original cost $80,000; will, set for lw than half, H-l 64, Journal. ROSE CITY DISTRICT . 8 roomj bungslow, snbthrr Urge mora, si screened in, fireplace, built-in bookcase to match cement basement, pretty vine covered porch nice yard.; fruit, flowers and lawn," garage $2000, terms. Nloe little home and you cai buy it furbished or! unfurnished. Tabor 717 or inquire! BH2 East 75th North. HOUSES THAT OUGHT TO BELL ' Six rooms eaqb, modern. Eat 17th between Benson I Tech and Wadungtoa High; $3250. Haas. Main 6127. Last : ' 1864. T - - FULTON JilSTRICT, SNAP. , Seven rooms, electricity, gas, bath,- etc I newly painted outside and Inside, close to cal . line, good garden space. Priced for a aunt sale, 82250; $500i cash, a.v terms Owner, 434 Millet. Brosdwsy IBftft. $300 CASlI; DUPLEX, HOI'SE Good bouse, rentf for-$03. Live in one aidij liave income from Uie other: vicinity of Po?'1 f ne.r 1 ear inea, aouou. m Mtmm cue comb. Bdwy. 6 1 7 3 , jte Henry bldg. $7.'H S-liUOUS - N.at " Ilitle place ready to move in. New bath, electricity, gas. full lot. fruit, chlckes rlt imnWHiMliU in and pain, nai ear good neigiihoriiaod ftee Miss-Slocomb, 624 Henry bldgJJWvTI8: L f'ORCED k sell on account PlfTKNES'.S, tw corner hits, new b'jisn, 57 chiefcens. garden. $800 of pew fumfteVe. . Price $100. Ar tesian reservoir park, sotid street,. t ajj ionii Obroik. t 7 1st St.. comer 40th ave, 8. E. DKEVE PASTNO. 483 GOING 8T. Corner 1 0th. Improved streets, 75x100; b1 fruit trees. 7 rooms, fireplace, not a buriralow, but an ideal home for $4180; terms.. Apt. 23, 270 Lincoln si. Main 1877. N ROOM moduro bouse. Lot 60sfO0. On Jlorth. wirk rt., near- lieecn. rnrt isiuu. -'x erros Albert lUraU, 783 "4 Miaaisaipi ave. Phoru Woodlawn 201. - '- 8 OR 7 room house, fine lawn, fruit and ber-" ries. full size basement, wash trays, screens ot 3I vindava back oorch screened irtj 1'w S f ro-r ear paved street, sewer. Terms, owner 523 or SOS LMalden ave. Sellwood ear. $2600 A: BRAND new 3 room Hungaios breakfast nook, fun basement, electricity, gas 9 bearing fruit trees, lot 50x100: tttmi Owner. Tabor i2J9.: - SIX rooms' and bath, full basement, some fmli and berries, chicken bouse, lot 40x225. $30 csh, terms,! $22. 4292.76th st C-KOOM house, garage, 4 blocks from car, bran Ing fruit trees. Lot 80x100. 621 Lumber- mens Bldg.: TsboY 2051. EAMY terms, 3 room, modem hnius snd 1 lota, on e-ood earline. i'MIO. 200 caah. bal anoe 320 month. phone 212-43. SNAP 3-room bouse and lot, $450; $10Q down, balance easy payments; 1 block from ML Scoil ear. Inquire 6102 85th L H. E. MODERN o-room corner houae on Mason st. bard surface streets, paved. Great barzaia. price $3800. Phone Wdin. 8313. - ni-ORBALE BY OWNER T--aore. bouse, carfcae. woodshed, garden, fruit. 8705 7l)ih eve. S. .., Portland. 10 ROOM boue for sale, furnished for 4 famines. nice corner lot, furnace, cloce in .on snl side; good Income. East 1668. iJY OWNEK 43x10?, Ainswortb nesr fnion; OOxlItt.i AUmU Park. 22d and MSoua; improvements paid. I East 339-