i FHIDAY, JUL.Y SO, 1SU. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND OREGON it t I f AUTOMOBILES AND ACCFSKORtFS 44 SAVESM ON A USED CHEVROLE I We are going to sell every used Chevro let on hand at a siW'Biscorai Every car is in good meclhah ical -condition, with good tires, top and finish. Fill 14TH AND ALDER STS. Broadway Chevrolet Distributors Open Sunday. USED CHEVROLETS Service Reliability Reputation FTELT8 MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agent. 14ta Md Alte Sts. Snwlnj 346. Saturday . Specials'" . Maxwell Trrarim $450 Overland Touring ...r. ............... $450 t 1K.B t pasa tbeM up. THE r USED. CAR EXCHANGE v 15ih and Washington -'18 BUICK FOUR TOURING Ton don't often see on of thai popular an lor nil ana turn on is xii-st-cl every way snd we oat low nnee and will take S3UO down. bsl. ay. Ton can try it at SOS Alder at. Red Front. Open Sn ndsy. 1918 CHALMERS. NEW PAINT, GOOD TIRES. THIS CAR, WILL GIVE TOO SEE VICE. TRICK WILL INTEREST YOU. LIGHT SIX CHUMMY ROADSTER AT BARGAIN. CALL ME FOB APPOINTMENT, AS economical lour: u earefare; boy a good ugni car; in Maxwell: u rood tire, to fin shape mechanically: also 1918 Briscoe, new tire and" paint. See theae, both priced low. mall cash payment, lone terms. Mr. Howard. xroawy jboo. - -. IT REVOLVES! THE SMITH ROTART BRUSH. Wsh your car with It Main 1184. 1918 TIM H ton track body and cab. ISO Union are., cor. Belmont. M ITCH ELL r5 passenger 1918 model: ood paint, A-l cond.. new tirr; mutt sell this week. Vi iUard way station No, 3. Phone East use.. tMi inn ana isumside. Stark Vulcanizing Co. Horo Shoo Ures, ' rebuilt tire. - retreading, work guaranteed.' 891 Stark. Bdwy. 8962. 1920 FORD truck, like new.. body and cab, 8850, 150 Union ave.. cor. Belmont. MAXWELL touring car, good running order; - new top. vfor asl rliesprfnr cash, by private ewner. Call .week days S25 Salmon St.. or ' evening 288 E. Broadway. i AM LEAVING rtate. $lRdtaYe nyET"M. - X . - pasoehger -Studebaker. good running omer, two. rrmna new tires. 6384 between 6 and 8 p. m. Call Woodlawn $225 CHALMERS BUG Motor )ut overhauled, good rubber. 82x8 tires, powerful and speedy. Main 7267. V ESSEX, 1919. RT OWNER Driven 6S00 miles; cord tires; $1400. Broad way 6777. Bl ICK.! Al condition, to trade for Ford de livery or touring. , Address P. O. Box 804, 8t. Helena. Or. - -- . , 1914 HUPfor sale or trade: will consider raotor eyele. Inquire 367 Weidler St.. or call East 8030. . , ,, ,. .., . , FORD, . 5 passenger, excellent mechanical con dition. Tclephono East 6986;: term cash. 8375. . ; ' , 1916 OTJS Bearcat roadxter, cord tire. 2 ex , traa: will trad .for touring; term on balance. F-aat 6552. - - WANTEl-.Two second hand BuickT Must be is good condition. Call at 607 Washington St., Vsnconver, Wash., any time. FOB SALK Dodge touring car, beet buy in rtown. Multnomah Auto Top Co.. 17th and Uer. .Broadway 1617. - -fsTONS enTlveged. 15-1000, guaranteed true, ree from scale, -Independent Welding Shop, .automatic 21406. . -- fniES Slightly used, $3 to $15 each. ' Expert tir.. repairing. 2U7 Madison. IOLR auto repaired at your home; re liable aerv- fco. Phono Tabor 1296. v HCPMOBILE By owner, cheap, for quick sale m CIV' I 1919 SCHIPPS-BtlOTHoinfcawey. must sea I .. 8-i0. . Phone Broadway 1424. lat'isT sell my Dodge ear at once, lea ring city' Call between 6 and. 8; a anao Tabor 2549. AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCESSORIES 44 AT THE COVET MOTOR CAR COM PANT 'PLANT The overhauling, rebuilding and refinlshing of a xisea car at only a cood as U determination of the dealer to mki it sn. It baa been said that w do too much to oar Used car to insure reasonable profit, but wa are content in the knowledge that after looking around the buyer usually returns for some thing h baa aeen and tried out at the Covey Motor Car Company plant. After all, we are in the used car business only to aid la the sal of new cars. LODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS.' 1918 Tonrinf 1917 Tearing,.,... 19I Touring ..... ....... .i $ 975 025 ................ ,T 50 70 a. ...... 850 l Roadster .... 919 Cnaaau Track, 2 ton, new atUchraent, Cadillac motor, s dandy, only .............. 1400 1914 OVERLAND delivery .......... 850 vi i ma.xwkll delivery . .......... 4ao 918 FORD roadster .... . . . . 400 J 9 20 FORD sedan, practically near, wire wneeis, extra are ana other accessories, emit over 61800. for sale by owner. - 1100 iiu rinu sedu, electric starter,...,. li 1 9 1 6 FORD roadster. ood shape. ...... 8SO 4 as 700 475 800 J 1T tVMO touring 1918 OVERLAND 90, remarkable buy. 1917 MAXWELL touring . .. .... .-. . 1917 RKO roadster. - good shape ....... 1914 HEO touring ................. 1910 PIERCE ARROW." would make a wonderful boa ......... .......... 500 400 1912 CADILLAC, good terries ear ...''.- 400 j his if i it n., rebuilt .... 1918 BCICK 4. fin shape ......... 1VOV . 1250 1918 CHANDLER touring ........... 1400 1920 CHANDLER DISPATCH, wire wheels, nearly new ............... 2850 191 COIJ& 8, a beanty 1100 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. good shape, new top, new paint l " 1919 PEERLESS, 4 passenger, a beauty. 2S00 1919 HAYN'KS 6 touring, is perfect shape, a beaauful car and priced at only 1800 CADILLACS The remarkahla condition n which you find th used, rebuilt and refinisbed Cadillac wa are offering at this time ran be traced to the year of experience we hare acquired in trying to outdo each former effort. tWe Are Open Sunday.' COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Washington St.. at 21 at- Main 6244. QUALrrr counts In awl car as in other thinsa. onality counts. W hav tuvata car of quality, many of them over hs tiled and repainted, all of them having thou sands of miles of satisfactory service still in them. Co mil re ont cam and our prices with other and you will sea the wisdom of trading with US.;. - . 1 OVERLAND, model 90 club msdotcr. with wire wheels, wind deflectors, 2 bumpers, pot light, ppare tire; all ready for the road: pickup at i. .8700 1917 HCPMOBILE, 8 pa-senger, 4 cylinder. I via MilVHKU, A neanenger. cylinder. i 1910 MITCHELL. 7 passenger. 6 cylinder., 1917 MITCHELL, S passenger. cylinder. 1918 MITCHELL, 8 passenger, cylinder. jwm Min rtKi.it t passenger, n cynnaer. : 1919 MITCHELL, 5 passenger,' cylinder. 1919 M ITCH El. U 7 pa-eenger. cylinder, 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT. 7 us.. 4 cyl. JORDAN SPORT MARINE. 4 psa. 0 cyL JORDAN SUBURBAN. 7 pass.. 8 cyL Many others, botji largo and small. Prices ouu and up. No brokerage charge We carry our own not. MITCHELL, LEWIS A 6TAVER COMPANT BROADWAT AND EVERETT Phone "Broadway 4075 DO TOU KNOW THE PACIBTO ATJTO CO.. LOCATED AT 828 ALDER ST.. IS 8ELLING MORE USED CARS THAN ANT OTHER DEALER IN PORTLAND? - - : , I 1 .-; - ': :' THERE IS A REASON. BODIES. 895 UP - Bug Bodies,' Radiators. Fender Hoods Made and Repaired BURN ESS AUTO A BODX WORKS 15th and Alder sts. LARGE STOCK ' OP CARS GOING AT SACRIFICE PRICES. BUG8, BUG MATERIAL, TOURING . CARS. ROAD STER. EAStT WATER AND TAMHUX, ,. ' SCPPLE'S DOCK SUCCESSFUL TIRE REPAIRING Requires a full knowledge of tire construction and proper equipment for -each repair; we have both I Bring us that tiro or tube and wo will fix it right; prices" reasonable; new and used tires for lees; liberal allowance on old tire. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand eve., near Pine, Phone East 4 896. ' : AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION GATES 'sole TIRES " : - - cost half as much VULCANIZING THajRMOID. .... . t IRES ........ .MILLER Hansen Tiro Service. 24TH AMD THUBMAN MAIN 5535 ':'rr Yes, I Have It IjIBERTT SIX THAT IS READY TO GO. $1000. TERMS. YOU CAN'T PASS THIS ONE UP. PHONE MAIN 4028, MAR. 2760. - v V - ,. ' . 90 OVERLAND TOURING '18 This is the light dependable four and will run and look to please you. Has been used care fully and you will think it new when you see it. Low price and we will take-8275 down. bal. easy. 505 Alder tL Red Front. Open Sunday.- . . OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY rOPS THEM ALL 14th and Couch t. Rdwy 4408T "CHANDLER chummt In beautiful condition : motor runs smooth .as clock; top, and upholstering good as new: 5 good tires, bumper, 2 spotlights; a real buy. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. CHALMERS for sale reasonable in good condi - tion with all extras : party leaving for East. Call 8 to 12 av m. Sunday at 884 N. 2 1st near ThurmaB. . r ; ., .. L- PAIGE 5 passenger touring car, good running order. 4 -good cord tires; would make a dandy service car, $475 cash. 478 Albina ave. Eaat 497. ;-- - - - -. all light six, just overhauled, painted' and new top and good battery: she' a beaut; 8200 down; terms on the balance. Call Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858.. - Ae4n T Rocoveitng and repairing MW luipa ,t reaaonabl price. a. . A2A Daimon at., between Otn and Broodway. BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, hi good condition new-battery, new paint. $630. . Call N. P. Hansen. , Multnomah, Or., or Phone Main 3113. FORD bug, submarine type; . clsy looker-and . some stepper; easy terms. Terminal Garage, 5th and Hoyu - t - - '. HAVE"twn""I917 Grant Six touring' cars, must sell one; good condition throughout. $650. will cnn.Hier lerinn. ' laoor 0 4 0, FOR SALE- 1916 "Ford touring. $328 terms or $300 cash. 825 Mi&siminui ... Hons in sear of Jewler's. KINC roadster. aJL new tires.' aome anap ' at H $450..eaya terma. . Terminal Garage, 6th and DODGE. A-l condition, all new Urea 206 Union aveT- East 1949. $600. FORD del. Pan. body. $350 'trade for Ford touring. 10a4 Macadam. Main 3828. FOR SALE by owner, 1920Hudson Super-Sixt CaU Woodlawn 1626. - , 192) MAXWELL demonstrator. CaU Marshall 67. or Marshall 2 7 HQ. Ask for Reimann. put tecTteetIl on year old "fly wnooL BI B, Black, Broadway tittgl. 834 AWr. mm" BUO e " AUTOMOBILES ASH ACCESSORIES 4 C. Q. BLEASDALE -i TERMS NO FROKEKAGB AH standard make. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make four own terms, FORD bug '....;.....'... 878 FORD touring ......... ......... 8 478 PAIGE. cylinder, T paaaenger ..9.450 MAXWELL touring .......8 800 haxweUj roadster .............. v CHEVROLET. 1918 .............. ..8 650 BUCK Light 4 Delivery oaw 8 750 8 TOO 8 700 8 850 8 850 8 950 9 900 81050 81150 MAXWELL, .1918 .... OVERLAND, Modal 90 OVERLAND 85-4 OVERLAND, T lausenger ... OVERLAND Light ....... CHALMERS Light BCICK Light 6 ......... .f OLDS Light 6. 1918 ...... kku. 7 passenger COLE. 8 cylinder, T passenger. ........ 81 2 60 CHALMERS. Light $1850 MANX OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE " OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS ; C. Q. BLEASDALE - 830 AMer at. - BroaAwsy 1858. , o ," 1 1 TRUCKS A HP TBACTOB8 : St Rebuilt Truck Bargains 1 -ton Federal, worm drive; carries same guar- an.M ..new fenrk ' fine XHmdftion: 82400. I hi -ton Federal, 1915 model, chain drive, good condition; 98511. . : 1-ton Federal, chain drive; fast and aervicesbl; '800. ' 1-ton All-Ameriran; electric lights, good body and cab; used very little; cheap; snap at l.tnn rienhv. avwwt pah and body. Price 81100. 8 -ton Federal, with hydraulic hoist; 8 -yard dump body; used less than one ear; line anapc; , special price. . 1-ton Maxwell, cab and body, electric light; 8479. ... Seasonable: Term. , i William L. liughson Co, 60 N. Broadway at Dart. Broadway bzi.: FEDERAL TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. ; AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Salsa and Service Sine 1903. FORD, worm drive. . . . .8575 WHITE. 1H ton, pneumatio front tire. solid rear $1250 FEDERAL 1 V ton.'new tire. . . ."$1450 O, M. C, 1 ton, pneumatic tire $175 TELTE. S M ton; the thing for cord wood or other extra heavy work. .$1850 FEDERAL, 8 V4 ton, overhauled, re painted .$2750 WENT WORTH A IRWIN. INC.. 200 Second St.. corner Taylor. - HAULING WOOD ; 9 ton White, overhauled In our shop, n Giant Urea in rear; for a quick alo will sacrifice TERMS THE WHITE COMPANT Park and Couch ta. , .. . ' PASSENGER BUS On a Whit chassis, in rplendid mechanical condition, new tires; ownar leaving city, toaUuct- tag us to aaerilico for . - , $2150. 1 ; ' ir ' i THE WHITE COMPANT PARK AND COUCH s- - ONE 2 -ton Federal truck ; one 1 H -ton Diamond T truck. Both practically new. One worm drive 1-ton Ford truck, in A-l .condition; and. one chain drive 1-tnn Ford truck, in good con dition. Will give term to responsible parties. Oregon Diamond T Truck Co., cor. 10th and Flanders sts. Phono Bdwy. 4557. 1-TON 8TCDEBAKER Excellent condition mechanically, good body, electric lightheand starter, new tires. ' 3800 THE WHITE COMPANT PARK AND COUCH 1-TON FORD TRUCK Make U an Offer. ? THE WHITE COMPANT ; " PARK AND COUCH STS. 1 : 4 AND 1 TON REPUBLIC TRUCKS 7 Just overhauled; will sacrifice. Better see these bargain. 83 NORTH PARK 8T. 1-TON : 1919 CHEVROLET TRUCK 1819 CORD TIRES ALL ROUND. Phrme Tabor -8373 Can Arrange Terms. FOR SALE 1-ton truck. Overland, in good -condition; electric lights and starter; some terms 981 Hawthorne. Tabor 6288. FOR SALE $460. Ford 1 ton truck, thor- oughly overhauled, repainted. G.-od bed. In quire 745 Milwaukie St. Phone Sell. 8181. FOR SALE OR TRADE A 2-ton truck; good -condition.' Tabor 4780. " - A 3-TON track, A-l condition, for sale cheap or trade for Ford roadster. Call Tabor 7470. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 WE PAT CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS USED CAR EXCHANGE 127 LOWNSDAI.E V i - Phone Broadway 2656. ' "- ; WILL sell or trade on Ford car and pay dif ference, ' almost new .vulcanising outfit with complete instructions bow to operate. . 2040 K. Couch. AUTO Flrst-clase condition, exchsnge for 2 improved lota; pay cash difference. Mar hall 6045. WAITED A light auto in exchange for piano with aelf playing attachments. Call 402 Zumbro Court. 20th and Wash. Mar. 2760. WE ARE in the market for used car. Drive . them -fMM and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder sc. WANTED4-5-pasenger 1912 or" 13 Franklin car for 7 acres near Columbia river and town. G-920. Journal. HAVE A480 contract on house payable- $26 monthly I will trade for a Ford. 325 Rail way. Exchange. - . - . ; WANTED Good light auto for 88 acres, on paved highway. Owner. E-646. Journal. WANTED New or slightly used Ford touring body. Tabor 4115. WANTED Ford touring car body. WiU pay cash. 150 Union ave. - - ONE tight delivery for bakery. State best terms. o-UHS, Journal. . W ANTlvIJ t ord tnunng, roadster. bug or chassis, not over $250. TsUbr 1007. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 83 FORD : OWNERS : FORD overhauled .............. t. . . . .$20 Real axle overhauled .................. .6 Valves ground, carbon removed 8 .Magnetos recharged. . .................. 8 wo nana-up pinions, scrip Bearings, etc, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 2b0 Front St.. Cor. Jefferson. ATJTOS FOR HIRE 63 AUTOS FOR HIRE, WITH OR WITHOUT J DRIVERS- DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE. : COUCHMAN GARAGE. 4 19TH AND COUCH. ' i REMEMBER OUR NUMBER. BDWY. $696. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1B20 Model Cs Reasonable -Rale FEARING A KOBNETT CITY GARAGE 133 12th ft between Washington and Alder. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS '-.. OVERLAND8 HUDSONS LOWNSDAXJB GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. . J. HOUSTON. 90 BROADWAT. Highway auto service. Bdwy. 884, Main 224. Pierce-Arrows. Packard. Wintona. Cars by hour, day, nmnth. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE, 8D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF A BENNETT. Props. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH 0RWITH0CT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN, FASHION GA BAQE. MAR. 282. 10th at Tamhilb A-1236. "OTORrTCI.K BICTeiES 68 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MXKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO- . aa ? ' Excehnor. 'Henderson and Cleveland Ageney. ONE 1917 Indian electric, in first class condi Uon; cash ox terma Call after 5:30 n. go. 198 Chapman at Taylor. FOUR lota. 3 mile this aid Oregon City, for 1920 Harley or Indian make. Apiihr after 6 : act quick. Boom 26. 19QH 8d et EXCELSIOR, in fine snap, with tandem, 'ex--tra tire. . Presto tank, tools: newly painted: license. Call Tabor 6815. . TWIN Harley, two speed, good condition; sao rif ice for cash. Call. CoL 1233. L.Al'yCIIK ASH BOt 6 oAi.c.-r-invitr regal engine, 14 n. p., fully equipped, terms. Foot of K. Morriaoo st bridge. Phono East 173L. 8 ROOM fnrnished houseboat for sale. CaU East 4540. . g. g. Mohler N8T R EverwH 1 Several Good Bargains Left Tow boat, fish, boats, pleasure boats, from $300 up. Sao us t foot of E. Morrison sU W. IL a E. von der Worth. East 1731. FOR SALE 1 cabin pleasure boat. 2a5 ft.. I in. p. engine, alia, one launcn Douse, pic 10x38 ft-. 8100. One boathouse and work house on one float. 44x80 ft.. 81300. HinUey Marin Machine Khoo. 1006 Macadam. Portland. Main 7930. - - FOR SALE or trade, 2 atory bouseboat. 17.4x43 float, 30x60. 0-ft. orcb on 3 aides, . 2 room furnished houseboat on scow, 18x36. 1 csnue honae. 24x80. racks and lockers, built- in; also & good float. 8-293. Journal. PIAXOS. OROATfS. IrTCSICAf ISSTBTJMKJTTS ECURITT 8 TO RAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 2 (mall upright pianoa. cash, 865 and.,8 78 $800 Gray A Co. upright piano, cash...., 110 450Hallt A Davis upright piono, cash. . 145 42 S Dunham upright piano, cash. ...... 165 478 Daris & Son upright piano, cash... 218 iiiioitfii moo piano, caia,,.. v ' IXA Vwk.ll i W. . k. VAX 850 Meodenhall player piano, cash...... 898 Parlor organ. $18. $25, $35,. $38 and... 45 Pbonographa, 818. 825, $85, $56 and. . . 95 . ' Pianoa stored, bought and sold for cash , 108 10th t. corner 8trk L THE 8CHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS This Week $750 Steinway As Son uprieht. ........ .$345 600 Kranich aV Bach nprigot. ....... 865 660 Conover oak upright ............. 815 478 Voa Jr. Son ebony upright ."w, ... . 285 650 Kimball V Co. upright grand....... 845 476 Mclntyr ft Good? ell upright. ...... 245 $25 Cash and $7. $8. $10. $12. Monthly 101 10th St., at Washington and Stark at. PIANO BARGAINS You should see our good buy in used piano ana player pianos, $185 and up. We offer a Steinway,. Decker, Cable, Victor, Howard, Bailey, Harvard, and many others. Terms. Seiberling Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th, at. between Washing ton nd Alder. .. Wanted, Cabinet . Talking Machine Main 4405, Tabor 6798,-128 Fir PIANO WANTED Psy Cah Get Our Prices SEIBERLLNG- LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth t Main 8586. PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADE" ' FOB NEW V1CTROLA and records. Seiber- ling Lucas Music Co.. 125-127 4th at. Main 8586. . - ' SNAP By private owner, piano, with self-play ing attachments and 3) pieces classic music. 402 Zumbro Cjmrt. 20th and , Washington. Marshall 2766. CARVED Brunswick phenograph for sale, first- clais condition, including BO records. . Call Woodlawn 5445. . SWAP new cabinet pbonographa for anything of value. Call and talk it over. 164 East Broadwsy. FOR SALE Andrew Kohler piano and duet bench: in good condition; cheap lor easn. Address 167 Jessnp at. CARVED Brunswick phonograph for sale, first . class condition, including ou records. wooa lawn 5445. - GOOD upright piano to rade for cows, chickens or farm implements. 1732 E- 8th st. WE PAT CASH for piano, pbonographa, rec ords. 254 Market st. Music store. PAT cash for good piano if bargain; no dealer. Tabor 7548. NEW piano for sale. $300. 686 Minnesota av. TYPEWRITERS 77 BARGAINS. Oliver typewriter, N 5. and stand. $25; Remington typewriter. No. 10. 350; plain kuitvimd table, whatever it is worth, sbout 0 ft. br IK. Call Main"824 or 311 Abingtou bldg. Office of Richards A Richards, lawyer. GUARANTEED rebuilt typewriter, all makea. Sold and rented. Easy terms. Bend lor prices. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington at. Main 5681. - ; v. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold an monthly payment clan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 th st. Main 3668. LAUTfCHES A5D BOATS - HOUSFHOLD GOODS FOB BALE 68 COAL, and Wood Ranges. '.. .$15.00 up Cook Stoves ........... 10 00 up Gsa Stoves 10.00 up Gaa Water Heater ........ 8.00 up Floor Coverings, yard ...... .7 5 up Kitchen Queens 8.00 up . : Kitchen Cabinets .12.00 up Dining Boom Extension Ta ble . . 7.00 no - Ining Room Chairs ....... 1.50 up Living Room Rocker ...... 4.00 up Library Table 5.00 up 8imraons Beds ........... 12.00 up Cotton Felt Mattresses . . . .. 8.00 up Steel Springs ............ 6.00 up , Coil Springs ............. 8.00 up . Dresser ................. 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I will sell the furniture of xhe lets Marion Otis: One range., one heating stove, bedding. dishes, carpenter's toote, on Saturday, July 81, at 2 p. m., at hi late residence, 792 E. 3 2d st . ROBERT ANDREWS. Administrator. FURNITURE for. sale, leaving town; 6 hole -rango and coil, gas piste, 2 rockers, com mode, center table, breakfast table,. 7 chairs, kitchen queen and cupboard, 8 dozen fruit jars. all for 3Q. 760 E. 70th st N. SINGER sewing machine $5, hardwood exten sion dining table $5.50. mattresses $2, Reli able gas range $7.60, iron wheelbarrow $3.50, toot chest $3; delivered; quitting business. 288 N. 16th st. FOR SALE Iron bed and spring; Wood and coal range; canvas for sleeping porch. . 386 Sacramento st- . . EeAYING the city, must sell at once, at a sacri- fice, 9th and Schuyler sts,. Apt 8. Phono east oisi. , 8x10 Axminster carpet, 1112; 6 yards Aimin ster stair carpet. $3; good lawn mower. $3. 1304 E.8tb N.. Woodlawn car. ONE 7 large beautifully carved solid oak bejL insures ana springs. lor sale. reasonable. Belt 4 94. - FOR SALE Good steel wood or coal range and - gas plate. 2040 E. Couch. ' FURNITURE for sale. 389 Grand ave. N. at OOOO. BRINGING UP FATHER wyrr oott voo o to THE CLOQ AND E-T ACQUAINTED WITH tiOME or the e, men there: , r if " r' ' . f HE"5 MADE NILUONb I M AM U FACTO R4r4i J RMi lrstr. -Oiimn? Juart 1 ? that i rrKpKk . jfTi-r HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB, SALE 65 A Grand Opportunity, . - to buy uribordered congoleum art ear- S'ts for one-third lea than the regu r pricoa. . This 1 a belated shipment bought a 5 year agoi at prices much lower than . present prion, therefore we are offer ing you the following tile at these remarkably low figures : . " 6 X .. feet . . $ 6 00 7 X 0 feet ... T.80 x 9 feet 9.O0 9 xlOH feet ........ lO.SO .0 xl2 feet ........... 12.00 9 113 14 feet ........... 13. SO 9x15 feet ........... 15.00 J5ISI FURfflTURE CO. 1 ' l 188-190 FIRST ST. OAK muie cabinet $13.60,- bookcase $12.50. f 6x9 tapestry BrusRels rug 816. la hair mat tes. $18, large Vnlcan gaa range $35. com bination bookcase-writing desk $17.60. Dn-foM davenport $25, odd stands, chain, tuba, bciler, wood range $8. Tabor 8828. LEAVING city, will sell aU the furniture and household goods, stoves. beds. mattrosse. springs, tables, chairs, garden tools and my 5 mom house rn Woodlawn. , Call afternoon. 384 rst w asnmgton. LARGE bed davenport.- nearly new. $75; win sell at once for S3 5. Phone be I wood 2005. FOB SALiE MISCELLAKEOUS It AUTOMOBILES.) MOTORCTCEES, ' LAUNCHES or bosts are separate classifications. A -large hating will bo found under these different classi fication. NEW 8TSTEM NEW OFFICE . Honest, conscientious dentistry. DR. FRED M ELLIS H 108 Fourth between Washington and Alder. Miscellaneous article for sale. An kinds of. lumber, doora. windows, pipes and sinks; Buck range. AIo a ton truck for hire. Phono Main 7296. 888 1st ELECTRIC fan, drink mixers, new, used, ex- changed; motors rewound and repaired; wiring and supplies; quiek service. Hynaon Electric Co.. 802 Pine -at., at 6th. Broadway-423. . FRESH EVERY DAY, 8ALMCTjtLU.IBUf, CRABS AND OTHER FISH. WE8TEHN FISH CO., ' 126 "FIRST, NEAR ALDER. MAR. 8189. MOVING PICTURE machine. Edison. Imder writer. model, type B. in first-class condition. $76. See J. 8. Hogs., 5040 82nd' ava. S. E. Tabor 8649. FOR SALE Furniture, chicken, garden tools, 1019 Ford roadster: aU first class condition. L. W. Hogett, 720 J. Q. Adsma at., Oregon City. Or. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal $7 : 10 gaL $9. Tested and guaranteed store and furnace colls. Gas heater insulled. Expert plumbing repairing East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adam at. E 8316. ALL office equipment from Col. River Ship Bldg. Corp., including adding machine, comp tometers and typewriters. D. C. Wax. 81 N. 5th. Broadway 2739. USED electric vacuum cleaners, in first class mechanical condition, at a big saving. A few nana vasunra cleaner $1.00 each. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO., 81 5th t. GASOLINE woodsaw for asle or trad -for light car. 1586 E. 17th at.. Sellwood car. Bell- wood 3117. Dentistry whS V Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. ATTRACTIVE styles in ladies" sightly worn costs, - suits, gowns, hats and fura. .1047 Tburmaa at.. Main 9567. SlfMu BC8INESS CARDS fffl 7E SvUI ROSE CITT PRINTERT 9 '5 You most bring this ad. 120 8th at. BUNDT . Simplex time clocks, including card racks, at less than half price. D. C Wax. SI N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. ELECTRIC iron, appliances, door bells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixture rewired; we call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. SAFES New ..and second hand; some with burglar chests, at reaaonabl J. .cr. Pacific Scala Supply Co.. 48 Front at- Bdwy. 1966. FOR SAI.E Massive antique bureau of solid black walnut 9th and. Schuyler, Apt 8. Phone East 6131. ' FOR SALE 5 plate gl- floor esses, three 8 ft long, two 9 ft long. Call 1327 V Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 4123, -- NEXvHONET for sale. 810EC76th st south. Tabor 9278. WOOD SAW, 385 ; Ford .atUcIiment. Phono ntomatic. 61140. 749 First st - CSED electric wssliing machines; some bargain. SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 81 6th st BIG load box , wood. $5.50. Woodlawn 6904. 1183 Montana ave. -FOR SALE Cash , register, safe, adding ma- chlne, show, case. 43 1st at, near Ash. . pash regisTerT'floor cases "' And other fixtures. " 242 Salmon. Msin 842. NEW tatoes for sale. Bishop Bros. Broadway 316 VACUUM cleaners for rent 81 a day; delivered anywhere. ' Wdln. 3495, formerly Bdwy. 258. UNCALLED' for tailor-made suits, $12.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 hi Burnside st SlnOn.AOK fox fur, practically new, for $75. 011 Ha-ight ave. Phone Woodlawn 2494. FRENCH PRUNES Overstocked : must unload; 10O lbs. $12 for quick sale. 188 d st VACUUM cleaners rented, $1 per dsy. delivered. Main 201U days. Tabor 5786 evenings. FOR SALE Two H.i P. gss engine, in perfect condition, lor sal. ins urant ave. East 538 CEDAR posts for sale, large size. H, Goodrich. Route 8, Box 403, Lents, Or. GUARANTEED HAT DOPE GETS 'EM 131 11th st Made here. Bdy. 4388. FOR SALE ADDING MACHINE. $15. 618 Corbett Bldg. Guaranteed. Mara hall 867. - SEASONABLE STYLES in ladies' used wearing apparel, price surprisingly low. "Tabor 2325 ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your 85c a rug. Call East 1608. BUTCHER'S ice box, blocks and other meat fixtures. 'Call SelL 2208. GLASS, 20x24-inch sash, suitable for partitions, etc Broadway 5157. I ROYAL ANNES on tree. 5c: other varieties, 2 and 3c. Douglass Farm.- hi mile . Troutdale, GAS PLATE, 62. born- ave. Sellwood 1114." 596 cu- JELLT glasses 10c per doz. 328 Water at (Copyright, 1920. by International Feature i Service. Inc.) WHO'Id THAT ( , UX? J. ENOUGH here:: I I 6. V ' ZJ L IrK - J I i -or '1W r-m s . - , y I Hi j ( VOOLU FHSD VOOR MAN f ' II I I OVER IN THE CORNER! Ul ' FOB AI.R.MISCEI,LAyEOr8 18 Fresh Salmon WHOLE FISH ONLT. Western Fishu-Co. 126 FIRST ST.. NEAR ALDER- Mar. 8189. Buy, Sell AND EXCUANUS cash registers, showeaaea, fountains, anles. store fixtures. I. BOXER. Mar. 2438 113 5d t. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, told for less; bo agents employed. Complete line of part for aU makes. Machines renaired and rented. Mam 8431. SEW SnG MACHINE EMPORIUM 1 Tnirq. w' -". CEDAR? CHESTS- Direct from fctory to 7OT'J see and Port Orford cedar; oiid eopper trtm mingsTutert design. VVrita for caulogu. Factory. 1912.16-16 B. Gib n. Tabor .B. 20 LATE dropheads; an makes :lik; new. $15 to $35. Large variety of good machines. IS to $10. AU the latest new ai... c.h r vjavmenta. Machines t . sennth. Sineer Store Moos bldg. ) . 1 93 4th afc Min 68d3. SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING i.M.Mi.ta W take your macnm m ".r rash or easy payments.', Phone tor uemonaira- tion. Machine rentwl. j upon ..ua. mat vuk. . 1 m.. MORRISON ST.. SI.-sUX.ri o'". 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. "WE SAVE X0U MONET . House wiring, lighting fix ture, electrical repairing aup nli Third Street Electric Store. 224 H 'Third street, near Salmon. Alain 0000. rHrnRtra loranherriea. rasoberries. Sav lick them yourself or we will pick. Extra flna atrinulaia beans: new notatoea, cabbage and kale plants.- Rabbits. Comer 89ttl and East Stark. . Mt. Tabor (M-T 88th) ear to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east. ' -' - - - ' Electric: Motors RanchL sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wort. 413 Burn- side, corner 10th. Broadwsy 0074. SAFES-Pire and burglar-proof safea, new and secondhand, at right prices, bought, told and exchanged. Kaoy terms if desiriKl. NOR R 13 SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. - Phona Main 2048. h"? Efn TEN drophead, sewing machine y a4wj"UF , with attachments. All are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented t 88 per month. Phono East 2950. it. Steen. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. Independent Printers We are still doing promptly "printing for leas'' at 11 No, 6th at. Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printers. Broadway ZSO. - WHY aa everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof f Wbv not a nermanent and comfort able roof? Wo repair, rubber-bond and re juvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guar anteed Phone Main 066O. FURNITURE repaired, upholstered, like new; mattresses remade, mirrors reailvered. furni ture bought, .sold and exchanged at Webster's Furniture Repair fcbop, 1106 . rtavthor Tabor 8325. . "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are sen rate classifica tions. AU advertisement of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. to $215 811 Guaranteed Wo Rent and Repair 172 8d st. near YamlriU Main J84S. FOR SALE Chickens: fruit lrs; some oar- nenter tools; few pieces of furniture. 649 E. Ivombard. Take Woodlawn car. FOR SALE Galvinaud tank, in good shape, 2 ftx6-9. CaU East 1897. ; ilFANT'S layette, completo for $25. J-866, Journal. SAFES One . large and one gmalL "67: Journal. ..-,-v ORDER your prune trees now. Woodstock Nur sery, sellwood 2332 SECOND hand tents and cover for sale. Pacific Tent Awning, 1 N. 1st st - FURNITURE TTAW TED 74 FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO. wants any quantity of good used fur niture, rug, stoves, etc. W also buy fumitors stocks. Get -our price be fore you sell. FELDSTErw FURNITURE CO. 174 1st St N. E. Cor. Tamhill. Main 4638. SPOT CASH FOR USED. FURNITURE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE 178 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co. moIrison We want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianoa; wo py - the highest cash prices. lea ana lf8 First st Call Main 4BZ7. WANT furniture and household good to ship out of city; highest price paid, (..all or write 884 East Washington. WE BUT used furniture. For beat results phono Automatic 217-71, or East 2406. LET us give you an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co., 203-205 2d. Main 7308. SWAPS ss 1917 FORD tourina. good condition: 8350 cah or' 8450 in trade for noose equity or other what hav you. Call East 2470 between 5 and 8 P. m. -. : FOR 8 ALE or trade. 4 -room tent honaee. gaa , for lights, also for cooking, partly furnished water in sink, telephone and new garage. Aut 511-49. ...... TO EXCHANGE Three piece of acreage prop erty, close to good town in Benton Co., Or. See owner st St Pnl hotel Friday or Sat AN OPPORTUNITY What have you to exchange for music course f Main 3018. By George McManus THAT'ts MR.VsOOO THE. ftOL.Uth,l-Pns ll V"' vVAirTEDMISCB-lASrEOTJS $120 to S2S . For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pays tooro for .clothing and shoes. Wa can day or eveningv anywhere in the city. Call Mar shall 1229 or 268 Madison at., near Third at TOOLS WAHTEB ' ' PAY. CASS MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. 128 FIRST. UP TO 35. FOR MEN '8 8UIT8 AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men' Clothes OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d s' K.-Vf. Cor. Wash. Main 9144 WANTED People ofHPortUnd to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount too large or too roxupt attention. N. M. SKATER. Phono East 2203, 148 TfumaTt rt $10 TO $25 Positively Paid for cent' nsed suits and overcoats: call a n v daca'. set an offer before you sell; will call any Urn and r'sco. Goldbsum, the Tailor. 167 First t. near wmrapB. aiain iso. WANTED To "buy secondhand T sowing machine. Reuairina. cleanine all tn.kaa rh aw 1 1. WANTED Used cork csrnet and linoleum, WOODAKD, CLARKE k CO. Woodlark bldg. WANTED Safe, small second hand safe, not parucum aoou condition u lireprool. x 164, Journal. WANTEli 16 gsuga shotgun. 20-2 1 rifle: must be iu good condiUoa. L. S. Arnold, 211, Wheeldon Annex. WANTED Foot power, jig or baud saw. Phono i aoor in. ... .. . W AN'!'l-l7rAI1 kind eoond band furniture and Junk. Call Fiat Aft-ill . THREE hunter wanted So Join duck club on wen s-nown reserve. W-82. Journal. - WANTEI Riflts. shotamns. caraersa. lenses. Hochfleld. 85 Third st Pbone Msin 85H1. KOTTCES NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. 7 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. j. .. United 8tatea Land Office r Hoseburg. Oregon. July 22. 1920. Notieie is h.rK. .i..n K. . Tk. , n Lumber company. Syndicate HuiMm. , i.ti.n. Alameda county. California, has filed in this of- c wieir sppiicanon to select under the pro- " Act oi i;pnirj, approved Alay ai iota , . o u . -. . i , . . .... -, - . -" .tfroj. sua uic regtuauona J,,I.U fr nProT1 17, 1918. icircuiar v. t . mr loituwins tanas: KEV. SIU. N'KU NWU uu. vu ku Sec. Ii. ,u 0 a, ,U Sec. jl. MH, W'H 6K H. BV Bee. 83. T. 80 S., K. 9 W. W BW See. 8, 8WK NEH 8c 5t S SShi. See. 18, HVfhk 8EH Sea. 16. KM. SE BW hi 7 21. SW hi SE. SB M - SW Sec 23, " nn, oai i c K, , ok s eh. '4 oec 2o. 2T. ,W H Nt H , SB 4 NE . . E hi SE hi Sec. 29. Lota 1 2. 8. 4. 6, 7, SE hi , 8 ifi.f J1' "E,- Ev NW4. SH Sec 83 NWVt NE4,8H Ntv, 8EK, NU SW. HE hi HWfc 8eo- 85. T. 80 8., R. 10W. NE4 8E Sec 8. Lot 4 8ec. 7. NW SWH Bee f.i' BK i", B HVfhi Sec. 27. NW hi BWhi Mac 20. N VtTSE Sec. 81. T. 80 8 . R. 11 W.. NEK NE hi . 8H NK H , NU 6E4. BW SEa. See. 11 1SP.J 8WH NE14, KW Sec 18. HW hi NJC hi , NWS RE W N'H SW hi Sec 25, T. 80 R. 12 W.. NW hi NE hi , SE 14 ?5e hi . 8E hi J ''ot . y . o, 0 hi NEH. Khi NW4. Lot 1 Sec 7. all See. 9, NE14. NH NW14, BE hi NW . NH SE hi , 8H 8W1 Sec. 17, T. 81, R. 9 W., BE 14 NW. NE 14 BE 14. 81 KE 14 Sec. 1. LoU 1. 2. NH SE14. SE14 8E14 Sec 8. SE hi SW 14 Sec. 6. Lots 1, 2, 8. 4; 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 12, NE4. W'4 BE 14 Sec 7..SE14 NE14. NE14 8K14 Sec 9. SE14 NE4. WH SK 14 . 8 hi HW14 Bee 18. SE4 SW A Sec 17. Lota 4, 5, 7, 8. 9 Sec 19, NW14 NE14, NE14.NW14. 8W14 8W14, NE14 SK14. 8H SE14 Bee 21. NH NB14.SE14 NE14. E,NW14 8ec 23. NH NK14. WH NWH. SW 14 BE14, NW H 8W14 Sec 25. EH NE14. SE14. NE14 SW 14 , on on a oec 21, s i r. x nee. zv. 1 ot 8, 11 Sec. 81, EH.' N' H fW14, SWH NWH. NWH SWH. SH 8W14 Sec. 83. EH NE 14 , SE hi, NWH SWH. BH SWH. Sec. 35, T. 31 8. R. 10 W., SWH NEH. WH See. 1, NH NW H . SE H NW H Sec 8. SWH NE 14 . E Vi NWH. NWH SEH, NE H BW H 8ejT, aU Secll. NH NH Sec 18, NEH, N8VaxC5?VH. NEH SE14, 8 hi SH Sec. 15, NW H SEH, SH SEH Sec 19, 8H NEH. SEH NWH, 8H BH 8ec.21. NWH NEH, 8H NEH, NWH, SH Sec. 23, NWH NEH. NWH. NWH SWH Bee. 25. SE H NW H , NE H SWH. 8 H 8W H Bee 27. NEH NE H . 8 H NEH. NWH,. WH SEH, 8EH SWH Sao 29, NEH. N H NWH, SW H NWH, S H Sec. S3, NEH' NEH, WH SWH Sec. 85. T. 81 8., R. 11 W.. Lots 2, 3. Sec 11, SEH NEH, Lots 16, 17. 18, 19 Sec 13, Lot 8. NEH NWH, WH SKH, EH 8WH, Sec 19. Lot 12 Sec 26. SEH NWH, NWH SEH, 8H SEH. EH SWH Sec 29, N H NK H, NEH NWH Sec. 83, N H NE H SEH NEH, WH NWH. SH 8EH. NH SWH. 8KH SWH Sec $5. T. 81 8., R. 12 W., Lota 1, 2. 8, 4. SEH Sec 1, N H NEH, SWH NEH, See. 11, NEH NEH, SWH NWH,-NEH SEH. SH HE 14. NWH SWH. HE H SWH Sec 18 W H NEH. NWH, SEH, NEH SWH, SH SWH Sec. 28. 8WH SEH. SH SW H Sec. 26. T. 81 8., H. 18 W.'. Lot 1, 2. 8. 10. NWH SEH, SWH Sec 1. Lots 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 15. 16, SEH, NE H SW H Sec 8. SEH NEH, NWH NWH, NEH SEH, SWH SEH Sec. 11. EH. NEH NWH. SH NW14. NEH SWH Sec 15, T-32 8., R. 11 W. Wilt Mer. Any and - all person claiming adversely the lands described or desiring to object beesuso- of the mineral character of the land or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicants, should file their affidavits of protest in this of tie without delay. - W. H, CANON, Register. First day of publication; July 29. 1920. Taut day of publication. September 1, 1920. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to E. mT Duffy, business manager og the State "Agricultural college. Corvalli. Oregon, will be received by the Board of Regent of the State Agricultural Col lege, until 2 o'clock p. m., August 2, 1920. for the furnishing of all materials and the perform ance of all labor required for the erection and completion of the first and second unite of the Girls' dormitory building, for tit State Agri cultural college, Corvallia, Oregon. - All bids to be endorsed "Proposal for Girl's Dormitory Building." Said propuaal to be ofsrned Upon the above date by the said Board of Regents. Alt the work and materials must conform to the plana and specifications therefor on file at the Business office of the College, Corvalli, Or., and of the architect, John V. Bennes, 1040 Chamber of Commerce- building. Portland. Or. Each proposal must be accompanied by certi fied check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid aa a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a contract according to aaid plans and specifications. Raid check to be made payable to the State Agricultural College of Oregon. If for any reason the bidder fails to execute the proper contract and bond required within 10 days after notification of the acceptance of hi bid, then certified check will become forfeited to the State Agricultural College, at the State of Oregon. IN THE Circuit Court of the Btete of Oregon for Multnomah County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mathilda' Thomas, deceased Notice of Administrator's Sale. . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, will tetl st private sal for cash the following de scribed real property belonging to said estate, en and after to 18th day of August, 1920, to-wit: The north one-half (N H ) of the southeast quarter (SEH) of the northeast quarter O'Ela) of section aeven (7). township nine (9) south, range ten (10) west of the Wil lamette meridian, containing twenty (20) Seres more or less, in Lincoln County, Htate of Oregon. Kids will be received for aaid property by said administrator at the office of Harry L. Raf fety, 803 Title and Trust Building, Portland Oregon, and said, property will bo sold by aid sriminiatrsivM on or alter aaki data. - The. admin istrator reserve the right to reject any and all bids'. The 'tend above neaerined Is timber una. The dst of the first publication of thia no tice k tli 16th day of July. 1920,- and the ds'e of tb last publication thereof will bo the 13th day of August, 1920. v WM. i: THOMAS. Administrator. Hrry L. Raffety, Attorney. , NOTICE OfTfINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of Sophn P. Hansen, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator ha filed hi final account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Mult nomah County, and that Tuesday the 17th day of August, 1920, at the hour of 9:80 p. m. on said day, and tho courtroom of Hon. Georg taawell. Multnomah County courthouse. Port, land. Oregon, baa been set aa the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final ac count and the sett lament thereof. . The dst of tho first publication la July- 10, 1B20. The dato of tho last publication is Aucnst 18. 1920. 1 GEO. HANSEN, Administrator. HARRTSLu RAFFETT, Attorney. NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Haven ha purchased an interest of B. F. Billisn. of tho business known ss the California Plating Works, 214 2nd At, Portland. Or. Any persona hav ing claims i againat the said B. F. Billisn wilt present same to the undersigned within five day from data hereof. Albert Ha we, owner of the California. Plating Works, 214 2nd st. Port Is nd. Or. - - " 1 - SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method ; trial free. Jou Finley, 614 Bush A Lone bldg. Main 6368. EATHS. massage. Dr. Etna Soreasen. t08 ranm ttldg Itsln 8086 PAIIKNTS to tats cabinet baths with massag . or noorllr nnrlng. Phone Tnov 17?. PERROTT At. tiOsSKS at a aarins. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thousands of Mtnfied pa tron. Cbas W. Goodman. optometrist. 209 Morrison t Main 2124. CEDARTflXE p.rit csmp uteetiiig at Linne" man junction wtu feature Kev, r.dward rv. Karle. famous slst writer, ach Wednesday and Sundsy at 8 p. tn. Take Eatacsda, -Greshsm. Troutdale or Bull Run cars. DR. M 'MA HON '8 Mnitary bthsslwayiredy, steam, shower, plunge, tubs; necesssrie fur Biahed; rubdowna and masaaga when desired; services and price cannot be belt Sou thwart corner 4th and Washington Tell your friends. CEDARYILLE F!k"campmeetingholdservieee every day and venmg. Many well known lecturers and message - bearers will be heard there. Take Eatscsds. (imham. Troutdale of Bull Run cars. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST, who doesn't hurt you. 8 yrs. here. Exam free. Globe Thesfr bldg.. 11th ndWsh! Bdwy2s24. GEORGE RUBEN8TEIN. the veteran optician, an expert eye fitter, and his charge ar very reasonable; satiataetion urntevd. 2.4 Morrison st. near 2d. WANTED Horn for 1 month-old bsby. $0, milk and clothing .turniahcl : must be close in; references and experienceA G-927. JmirnsL BODY MASSAGE, VIOI.ET HAY. loT'm. ta 8 p. m. daily. 4 50 Morgan bldg. Main 7 59. I m vvrvtrotv Coawiultatioa FREE. AU cases. MilWyCI 012 Selling bldg. Main 4991 PROFESSIOHAL 'AND BOSESS WRECTORy tfARBCRS' 8UPLIKS LEW IS STENGER Barber Supply Co., lOthTnl MorrLoo st. The place to buy barber chair nd aunplte. Stock of furniture always on hand at ng'H pr LAWK BOOK WIAKEW6 Davis "a holman, ing. "169 2J st. blank book manufacturers. A-8183. Main le. OOK9 NEW . AND USED BOOKS. ALL SCBJECSi , JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 248 Mam at., bet 2d and t j CARPET ClKAlr1 Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RliU CO. 1 17th t BeUwood 88 2 X We Make FLUFF RUOS From Your Old Carpets Rag ' run. all u.n . , Hug and carpets steam and dry cleaned. Phono or write for price hat Northwest Rug Co. Fluff Rugs From Old ' Carpets - Rag Bugs, an vises Mai! Orders Prompt, Send for Booklet. 9x12 Bugs. Steem or Dry Cleaned. 81.66. a . rL,vvr rug co. 84-68 Union ave. N. Ksst 6516, East 7638. CAT AND OOO H06PIT6L ROSE CITT VETERINARY IIOSTpITaXT-iT5 E. 7th . cor. Grant. East 1847. B-ieoj 0KMENT WORK ALL classes cement work, geners) huildina and repair work. Halo reasonable. I'hune 821-2 9. OMIWOPW A OTOWI CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mawag 10th Ooor Broadway bldg. Marshall 8187. Dr. Laura B. I 'owning. iR. MeMAUON. 100 VThlropTsVSorT Portiand throng pronounce treatment bet ' - COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co., 1161 Macadam. Phono Msin4178. GOOD 16- IN. SLAB WOOD 84.60 a load, delivered anrwhore; rarely svii . roe, pen, if on iSlSiTH 8fABbh5ck"iTd 4 ft "eord'ooTa: first growth. Delivered to anv nsrt. of ti,. city. Bdwy. 2109. BLOCK and slab wood mixed. $5.60 per load m 2 load lots. National Fuel Co. K. 2ftl. BLOCK and" slabwood. $5.60"1anfoaonTToa3 lot. Oregon Fuel Co., Woodlwn 4102. FOR first growth fir cord wood e U East" 2 4 6 IT s. neerot mel Oo. 087 K. Uurrmid.. - OOLLIOTION NETH 4 CO.. Worcester" bldg. Main 1794 " Ko collections, no feharga. Kstablisnad 1 900. OCNTI6TS Dentistry witnont rain. Lstt Nerve Blocking l!etha4. EDUCATIONAL OANOINO THE Dane Studio, 609 Dekum bldg.. Wsshln ton at 8d; strictly private lesaona ; balf hour or our lesaona; sours lessons specially priced. Daily 9:30 a. m. to 6 p m. Miss Ireland. BERKELEY Dancing Acamj, pmau kioaons day, evening; Uteat tep iaxs shown. Is9 4th st Main 3316. Mrs. Summers. WU8IO 6QHOOL6 AWO T8A0MIW6 PROFESSOR T. E.LA'WSON 20 y airs' ex. perience; piano season at your noma. 61. Tabor 7695. MRS. J. M. LOYEJOI, Instructor of. popu ragtime snd oUssic Tabor 8815. L,' CARROLL DAY."7erhef nfvcMke snd pia41 148 13th at Broadway 2566. ? ORINOINO ED BYER Nstiona,l Grinder . I sharpened 7104 pairs of scissor gnd ro paired sewing mgchlnea free for tho Bed Cross. Residence, 26 Union are.- MAT CLSANKRS AND DVKR9 LET TJSrcUstt, nblock your bat; beat work, reaaonabl prices, pro mast services boat equipped hat factory tn city. Royal Hat Work. 223 1st st WaTjT ED tea. know we ean clean your white ml I an or crepe ht. 625 Diristoa. KEWPIS DOLLS COLUMBIA STATUAHY" CO" 868-870 HAWTHORNE AVE EAST 12$. OPTOMKTWI0TS AND OPTICIANS EYES 8CIENTlFICAIXYTaifK . with modern instrumental glasses Sfc Hted from 82.60 up. - E. HPRWITZ. Optometrist. 228 1st et iPfNTINO.JTjNTIIiPAPMNMANaiNO &ti WP'rinirTVintini-Tsl N. 17th t Broads-ay 4414. Woodlawn 2136. , 7I67 4TTQ8Wirt 2JiKL'laUS: Msin 25ug PLUWINO AND 6TEAM SUPPLIES irlunitjing .Work don quickly snd atficit!y t .v. . o.w installation speclslty; work. svm iravuiceu. -aons luaat 1W64. 161 sassu ex. MERKO METAL wnRtrn PL U M B "fN G"8UPPLIE8AT WHOLEHAT PRICES STARK-DAVIS CO., 188 4thst Tut u. l, in 'co.. issrr PBINTINO. ENOWAVINO. BINDINO intinir f.- LTEf? nd Oak. Main 166. All-sa. THE IHWIN-HODSON COMPANY 7" 667 Washington. Broadway 44, A-126 TINNERS v. JACOB LOSLI TIN, SHEET IRON AND ROOF WORK 810 First st Pboos Msin 1424. TrtANSES) ANO 6TORAOE Oregon Transfer Co. Et(bsbd 1870 Trnfer and Forwarding Agent STORAGE FREE TRACRAGS Office and Storage. 474 Oksan ; 18th and GUsan. Broadway 1281. A-1168 ALWAt S PICK THE BEST OC8EUoT3 GOODS 8k EClALldT eiturage, packing, ship, ping and too Ting; burse and auto vans; apooiaj rate to all point. CO. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pin ate. Broadway 696. A-lo. .Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLI8AN. BROADWAT 8476 CUT FREICHT RATES " On bousehold good shipped oast and south sting Warchouae A Transfer Co., 9tb and Lj Phona Broadwsy 703 UPHOL6TERINO " RESIDENCE SERVICE LnfO'LSTjt t " We do ail kinds of furniture and carpet wcr. Just pbone East 7515. - WELDINO WACHINERr ITOR BALE Complete weiding ouUit iut U East 2571. . .