WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1S20. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON is PRODU 1 ITS WILL INCREASE ITS WORKING CAPITAL The King's Food Products company of Portland made application at Sa lem this week for permission to In crease Its capital stock from $600, 000 to $3,000,000. Directors of the corporation .announce that $1,000, 000 worth of preferred stock and - $750,000 in common, stock will be issued. - The local company proposes to take over the King's Food Products company of The Dalles, organized in 1914. and the r King's Food Products company of Sa lem, organised in 1917. Each of these corporations .was capitalized at $500,000. ...The DUrOOSe of the consolidation nr-r-iirr1. K 51.Sing to A. E. Clark, vice-president, and .nrm manager I mo concern, IS to " increase efficiency and cut down ojxy . at i rig expenses. . - js' . ; ' ; Besides acquiring " possession of the dehydrating plants at Salem and The Daltes, the greater capitalization will en able the corporation' to increase its working capital to meet the needs of its' growing-, business, ... The King's Food Products company of Portland was or ganized in 1918 and in cooperation with the Salem and The Dalles concerns has succeeded lu making dehydrated Oregon fruits and vegetables popular in the . eastern market. The company has or ders on hand aggregating $1,600,000, ac cording t6 Clark, and the entire output of the three plants for the 1920 season has been contracted for by eastern firms. This year's business is about three times that of 1919. . Boy on Tricycle Is .- Hurt by Automobile Newberg. July 28. .loyd Garrett, 5-year-old son. ol : Mr, and Mrs. Harry Garrett, suffered a fractured ankle when he was thrown- beneath a passing auto mobile in front of his father's bicycle store." His -mother had sent him across the street en his tricycle carrying a loaf of bread. Marriage Licenses - Oregon City. July 28.- Marriage li censes were granted Tuesday to Eva Fielder and Milton H. Moore, both of Portland ; Pearl M. Ross and Carl L. Ryser. both of Willamette. Warrenton Mana "Wed , Chehalls, Wash.. July 28. A. mar riage license was issued here to Andrew Coma of Warrenton, Or., and Ethel Gib son of Vader. . ' ; . TRANSPORTATION S. S; ROSE CITY DEPARTS- 10i00 A. M. Friday, JiJy 30 ; mOM A INS WORTH OOOK WARE INCLUDES BSIITH AND MEALS. CITY TICKET OFFICE. SO AND WA8H. PHONE MAIN 8ESO FREIGHT OFFICS, AIN8WORTH DOCK PHONE BROADWAY aes THE SAN FPANCI8CO PORTLAND S. COMPANY. State Social and Welfare '.Workers Plan Cooperation Representatives of state social and welfare agencies met Tuesday at - the state board - of health offices and dis cussed plans fcjr cooperative work. Dr. David N. Roberg, secretary of the state board, was elected chairman. - Various agenc'ea : are to be listed on placards, together with outlines of their functions and addresses and these cards will be placed where ! the public may readily see them.' i The committee will meet again August 10 at Dr. Roberg's office. i T. . ? - The United States public "health serv ice. Red Cross, state board of health, social hygiene society.' child labor com mission, dairy and food commission, Portland center, ; University of Oregon, tuberculosis assciation. Oregon dairy council, society for' mental hygiene, the state medical association and other agencies were represented at the meet ing Tuesday, -; : STEIGERWALD PUT - . r .. - t 5 UNDER 00 BOND Vancouver, Wash.. July 28. Al vin Steigerwald, Washougal dairy man, and Homer: Maulding, his em ploye, were arrested late Tuesday afternoon by Sheriff George M. Johnson on a charge of assault and battery on 'Dr. Walter Groth, veter inarian of Washouga). Following a preliminary hearing, $500 ball was furnished; by Steigerwald. " A public hearing to decide ' on ' the prosecution of Steigerwald will be held by Justice Thomas, as the sentiment in Washougal is said to be "divided over the arrest of the two men. V That Steigerwald , branded Groth with a hot iron, after severely beating him with a whip, was the testimony -given by several ; witnesses,- - who declared that they watched the proceedings through the cracks in the barn where the brand ing took place. I ',) The branding followed an alleged at tack by Dr. Groth on Steigerwald's wife, during the absence from home of the latter. When told by. his wife, Steiger wald. it is said, seized a. gun and ran to the Groth home, determined to shoot the man. He was persuaded not to do this, however, and instead ordered the veterinarian to come to his barn the next morning, when the alleged attack took place. . i .... Ah effort is being made by the au thorities to locate Dr. , Groth. who dis appeared, j : Marriage licenses Vancouver, Wash., July 28. Marriage licenses were issued . to Hardee E. Jackson. 86, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Bessie Dumas, 27, of Ada, Okla. ; Gus D. Vulgas. 28. and Bethel M. Lewis, 22, Portland ; Alexander Schrbetltn, 22, Gladstone. Or., and Edna Burch, 19, Or egon City; George Collet, 38, Fort Ver million, j Canada, and Mary A. Wylent. 36, Oregon City; Leo H. Harms, 21, and Marion JConsen, 17, Portland ; Herbert Cook, 28. and Frieda Linder, 24. Port land. - . . FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS RAINIER NATIONAL PARK Cull un or Writs Our Special BepresentatlT DOR9EV . SMITH. Manager. Journal Tral ltureao. 180 Broadway Phena Marshall 197S PortlaJid. Oregon , ASTORIA AND WAV POINTS ' Rouno Trip Dally (Escept Friday) LEAVES PORTLAND 7t10 A. M. Aldse-Street Dock. . LEAVES ASTORIA I P. M. FLAVCL DOCK PARE St-SB EACH WAY. Direct Connection far South Baacbaa, lHt oat Dally. S a. m. Cry Day K leapt Sunday a Main 142. B41.2S Astoria Route S. S. "ASTORIAN" 2:30 P. M. DAILY except Thursday FARE 81.6a, Including tax Taylor-St, Ioek Phones Main t 11-4 l Turse Seine Men- v Fined Heavily for r Lack of a License Ilwaeo.' Wash..' July 28. Ten purse seine .fishing boats, operating off the mouth of the Columbia river, were ar rested by Deputy , Fish Commissioner E. H. Campbell and the captains, and crews were brought here, charged with fishing In the Willapa district without a license. They were fined $95 and costs each for the captains and 850 and costs each for the crews. Each crew numbered eight men. : The fishermen "had licenses for fishing in the Columbia river dis trict. The total amount of the fines' paid into the court here was $4875. Wed Again After 27 . Years of Separation Hoquiam, Wash.. July 28. After a separation of 27 years, during which they ifad not seen or heard from each other, Delos Standen and his former wife. Miss Nellia Bush, , were married Monday. :. Standen came west, recently to take a position with i the : Hoquiam Logging company and unexpectedly, met his former wife on the street. A recon ciliation followed,:, and ria Pforthfieach Sfeamer Service OF THE Union Pacific System OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. " a From Portland 'Ptory day except Sunday v , From Astoria eyery day except Saturday Direct connections at Astoria to and from North Beach "Harvest Queen" From Portland Alnsworth Dock, 8 :00 ,P. M. Mondays, Wednes " days and fridays. .. , From Astoria-i-O-W. ' R. , & N. Dock,' 7:00 P. M. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thyrsdays. 1 nassaio From Portland Alnsworth Dock, 8:00 P. M. Tuesdays and Thurs days; 10:00 P. M. Saturdays. From Astoria O-W. R. & N. Dock, 7:00 P. M. Mondays," Wednesdays and Fridays. FARES Between Portland and Astoria $i.6s; ' - War Tax Included North Beach Towns Round-Trip From Portland Week-End : Season $4.50 $5.50 War Tax to Be Added Ticket- at.d Reaerrations, Broadway 268; or Consolidated Ticket Office . Third and Washington Streets Main 3530 Receiving or Delivering Freight, Call Broadway 172 Wm. McMurTay, General Passenger Agent Steel Corporation ; Quarterly Earnings Nets,S43y155f7pO New Tork, July 28. (U. P. The reg ular quarterly dividend of li on com mon stock and 14 on preferred stock Was declared today by the United States Steel corporation. ; - During the quarter which ended June SO. 1920. the net earnings of the cor poration after, the federal tax had been deducted were 143.165.705, against 842. 089,019 for the preceding quarter "and 834.331,301 in the June, 1919, quarter. CABINET AIOE TO REPORT ON STRIKE .Washington, July; $8.TJ. P.)r Secretary of Labor Wilson has been recalled to Washington by Presidents Wilson to take charge of the labor department's work ; In thje Illinois coal strike, it was learned today, i Secretary Wilson is expected Shortly to make a report on the situation to the president. y "Whether the president will take any action In the matter depends on the na ture of the report, it was stated at the White House ; - s FIRST BREAK SEEN WHEN ILLINOIS MIXERS RETURN Danville, ifl.. July 28. tl. N. S.) The first break in the coal strike that has seriously threatened the supply of the central competitive fields since ; last Friday, came today when men employed in 12 Illinois mines returned to work. ? An increase of S2 a day for 'top" men was the basis of the settlement that brought the men back to work. ? Shipping mines are still shut down but it is believed the men returning today will hasten settlement. Ordered to Work : Terre Haute, Ind.. July 28. (U. P.) Coal miners on unauthorized strike In the Indiana fields will be ordered to re turn to work tomorrow pending an ef fort to adjust the wage demands of day workers, it was decided at a meeting of union officials here today. - ; ; Fish Dynamltpr Fined Cottage Grove,- July SS.r-Deputy State Game Warden Harry Hawker ar-f rested Oeorge Carlyle on a charge of dynamiting flan In the Coast Fork near London. He pleaded guilty and was fined $100. : . , , f Trial of Alleged Reds Likened to Dark Age Period Chicago, July 28. L N. S.) The state's . prosecution of . William Broas Lloyd and 19 .other leaders of the com munist labor r party, ? all charged with conspiring to overthrow the government, was likened to the religious persecution of the dark ages by attorneys .for the defense In their ' closings-arguments to day. They declared : that the prosecu tion was an attack on free speech. 5 The closing arguments, it "is believed, will be- completed tomorrow. The case may go to the jury Saturday.- J apanese Fight In Diet; Police r. Guard Buildings Tokio. July 28. (U. P.) Hundreds of police were on guard at the diet build ings as a result of fist fights and a near riot occurring in yesterday's session. - Trouble -was . precipitated when the Seiyukal 'party attempted to force the expulsion of an opposition member, charging that members are using offi cial Information to gamble in stocks. - An-uproar broke out on the floor and many Blows were struck. Menace to Crops ; Removed; Labor . More Plentiful By David M. Church -Washington. , July 28. I. N. S.) Shortage of farm labor is no longer a menace to bumper crops, according to reports ' today to the bureau of farm management of the department ; of agri culture. .1-- . r . r. ',. '; 1 The farm labor situation has been re lieved materially and there will be ade quate labor for the harvesting of the bumper crops, according to "the bureau. It is pointed out that -: the : acreage planted was limited because of a labor shortage. lut that exceptional . crops have offset this. , Astoria Prosecutor 1 Consumes Evidence Astoria, July 28. When a man ar rested as C. Davenport and - cnarged with operating a still, denied at the trial that he was Davenport, saying he was J. C. Davis, Judge Carney dismissed the case. District Attorney Jasper J.- Bar-, rett became excited and ate all , of the raisins which had been offered in evidence.'- ' ' ,;- "S-. Greeks Capture Turk Commander Constantinople, July 28. I. N. S.) Jafatyr.. commander of the Turkish nationalists in Thrace, and his staff were ojtptured by the Greeks when Adrianople was occupied, according to information received by British head quarters today, . Ferry Resumes Operation Albany. Or., July 28. After having been sunk through accident; Monday night, the ferry on the Willamette river near Harrisburg has been repaired and is again in operation. Powdered ..shark hide has been found to be hard enough to - cut diamonds. . MULTNOMAH GUARD BAND TONIGHT COLUMBIA BEACH BLACKBURN HERE . TO INSPECT HAVY - . f RtCKuTinORv Commander J. EL Blackburn, as sistant inspector of navy recruiting stations with headquarters In San Francisco, arrived In Portland Wed nesday afternoon and will Inspect the h local and sub-stations in this section. The Portland station Is In charge of Commander Elder and is rated as one of the finest equipped stations in the United StattT Commander Blackburn Is motoring ! from San Francisco and on leaving. Portland will, proceed to Puget Sound where all sub stations will be Inspected. From Seattle he will proceed to the stations in Montana. ' Prior to the war Commander Black burn was in charge of the naval re cruiting in Portland with headquarters in the Morgan building. He has a large circle of friends in Portland and It was due to his energy and efficient manage ment that a large number of -recruits were sent from this district. On the motor trip from San Francisco. Crater Lake was visited and the party came tin over the eastern Oregon route via The Dalles and the Columbia rivar highway. . : . SEIKE NAMED p6llT CAPTAIN FOR IIANLON DRTOOCK CO. Captain Dick Seike, well known Pa cific coast navigator, has been appointed port captain for theHanlon Dry dock !& Shipbuilding company and will have charge of the wrecking department. The company is equipping the barge Tele phone as a floating ship repair plant for service on any part of the coast. Captain Seike is well known In Port land. For a number of years he was in the service of the San Francisco" and Portland Steamship company between Portland and California ports as chief officer of- both the steamships Beaver and Bear. He left the coastwise service to go with the Pacific Mall company. Notice to Mariners The following affect tha aida to navigation in the Seventeenth IJghthowe district: waabington Willapa Ba WUlapa Bay Out aid ba?1gaa and whistling boo?, found extin guished, waa relighted July 10, 102O. Charta 6100. 618Ji. Light IJat. 1920, No. 378. Buoy Liet. 1920, p. 38. Wanhington WUlapa Bay Elk Spit Gaa fcnoy, i, heretnfora 'reimrtad extiaguiehed. waa re lighted July 20, 1920. - Chartt. 4100. 18. V Light Lfct, 1820, No. 386.. Buoy Ltot, 1020. p. S9. Waahiogton Orays Harbor North channel to Aberdeen Chinntl buoy, S. found out of pcai- tion. waa replaced fn ponition July 20, 1920. Charta. 610O, 8195. Buoy Uat, 1920. p. 4 2. Waahington - Iugat Sound Webster Point light reported extinguished July 24, 1920. will be repaired aa soon at practicable. Charts. 6450, 644T. .... Light list. 1930, No. 466. Buoy Ltat. 1920, p. 49. By order iA uie Burrau of Lighthousea. BOBKUT WARHACK, -Superintendent of tighthouaea. Positions of Vessels Radio reports, from North Head give the positions of the following vessels at 8 p. m. July 27: -Lucas, San Pedro for Vancouver, 350 miles from Vancouver, i - City of Topeka, Portland for Marsh field. 100 milea south Columbia river.. Tug Hercules with drydock pontoon lh tow. 200 miles south of Tatoosh. Klamath, San Francisco for Seattle, 45 miles north - of Columbia river, y Haymon, San Francisco for Puget Sound. 540 Ttriles north of San'Franciaco. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT Bringing capacity freight and a full passenger list from San Francisco, the steamship Rose City arrived up Tuesday morning. . She - will eaii for the South Friday morning at 10 o'clock. The steamship Hakusikai Mara will shift to the Inman, Poulsen mills Thurs day morning. .-- - . . . -.- ..v The motor schooner Astoria, under charter to the Chas. R. McCormlck com pany to load ties for the Atlantic side, is due to arrive at Portland Friday from Sarr Francisco. News of the Port Arrtvala. July 2S Konmari ,Mru. Japanaee etaaraer, from Seat tie. ballaat.' :. . Shaata. American ataamer, from S. K. via Willapa Harbor, .in transit, for Westport. . -:- . 3IAK1SE A1XA5AC , . MrtKhar at Rlyar Wouta . North ? Head. July 28.-Condltlona at the mouth of the river at noon; Wind: Northwest. 12 mile. . Weather cloudy. Sea tmooth. . : Tidea at Attorfa, Thuraday High Water- 1 . Low Water 12:84 p. m. . . .8.9 ft J 6:28 a m.. . .-. ft. .... . I 6:20 p. at... 2.T It. SAILT KIVF.R REXTHSOS - i g a. m.. Pacific Time. ; - STATIONS 3 CM Si Sk .... fare xsva o 3S Wenatchee -.. . . . , Lewis ton UraaUlla -' i The , Oallea.,, . .. , fiugene : .... . . . . Albany v . . Salem . .. . . ...... Oregon ;ity.... , Portland 40 132.6 1-0.8 22 1 1.2 - 0 . 25 114.0,1-0.8 (-) raUing. 40 10 20 20 12 15 21.9 69 r-106 1.7 12.2 0 1-0.1 -0.2 "oToo 6." qo o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 BITER FORECAST ' The Willamette river at Portland will fall alowly daring the next three daya AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Seattle. Wah., Julyft. (I, N. S.)-j-5Ar-rtrad: S. S. Queen, from Taeoma. 8:20 a. ta: M. S. Teto. from British" Columbia porta. 7 a m. Sailed: S. 8. City of Seattle, for 8outh eaetera Alaaka, 10 a m.: Crown of Toledo, for London and Liverpool, via porta, noon. Sailed July 27: 8. S. Fulton, for Vancouver, 9 p. m. ; M. S. Wakens, tor British Columbia porta, VaMeV, July 27. (L N. 8.) Sailed: S. 8. Alameda, weat bound, 1 .20 p. m. " Ketchikan. July 27. (L N. S.) SaUed: 8. - S. t Admiral 1 WaUon. aoutbhoond, a, m. ; Alaska, aouthbound, 8 p. m. . Norfolk, July 26. (L N. 8.) Arrived: S. S. Fort Wayne, from Seattle, via Portland. Hongkong. July 28. (1. N. 8.) Arrived: S. S. Grace Dollar, from Vancouver, via porta. Manila, July 20. (L N. S.) Arrived: 8. 8. Eldridge, from Seattle, via Hongkong. Yokohama. July 20- ll. N. 8.) Arrived: 8. 8. Java Mini, from Seattle and Tacoma. July 15, tailed: Arabia Maru. for Seattle. July 23, aailed: 8. S. Katori Kara, for Seattle. Balboa, July 25. (I. N. S.) Arrived: 8. S. Haitum. from. Seattle and Tacoma: Lake Flynua, front Tacoma and Seattle: Cartons from Seattle. . Honolulu. July 27. (L N. 8.) Sailed: Schooner Alice Cooke, tor Puget Sound porta. ', San Pedro, 'July 27. (L K. S.) Sailed: 8. 8. ElSegundo, for Richmond and Seattle, S p. m. ; Admiral Dewey, . for Seattle, via Ban Franciaoo. Uctoria. July 27. I. N. 8.) Paaaed out: Baiwantine Jane I Stanford, for China, at 9 a. m. ' Vancouver." July 27, (I. N. 8.) Arrived: 8. S. Steltrader. from .New fork, via Balboa Point Wella, July 27. (L N. 8.) Sailed: 8. 8. Dilworth, for San Francisco. Bellingbam. July 28. (L N. 8.) Arrived: B. 8. Argua, from 8 rattle. J Everett, Jury . 28. (L N. 8.) Arrived: Wahkeena, from Seattle. July 27, arrived: 8. S. Miyekaaan Maru, from TJKurien. via Van couver, at 8 p. m. ; .Puget Sound Navy Yard, July 27. (L N. gj) Arrived: U. S. 8. Idaho, from Seattle. . - Tacoma. July 27. (I. N. 8.) Arrived: S. 8. Skagway, from Seattle, 8 p. m. Sailed: S. S. Admiral Sobree. tor Ocean Falla. B. C. 4 p. m. : - Quadra, for Britannia Beach, 4 p. m. Saa Franciaco. July 28. (I N. B.) Ar rived. Chip Chung, Baltimore. 12:40 a. m. : Wilhelmina, Honolulu. 12:50 a m.; Coeuilla, Fort Bragg, 1:80 a. m. ; Quabbin, Loa Angelea, 7:15 a. m. ; Vanguard. Eureka. 8:30 a. m.; Lottie Bennett. Tulazi, F. I., 0 a. m. Arrived, July 27. Melville Dollar, Nanaimo, 10 p. ' m. Sailed, Mayfatr, Eureka. 12:05 a. m. ; Weat- Sirt. Crescent City. 11:50 a m.; Toyooka aru. New York, 8:30 a. m. San Franciaco. July' 28. L N. 8.) Ar rived. July 27, Toyooka Mara, Hongkpng7ll :25 a. m. ; Charlea Chriatenaen, WUlapa Harbor, 1:50 p. m. ; F. H. Buck, Ltnnton, 6:20 p. m. : collier Jaaon. Bremerton.. '6:05 p. m. ; Dutch tteamer - Bengkalia. Balikpapan, 7:05 a. m. Sailed, July 27. Ryder Hanify. WUlapa Harbor, 0 a. m. : Wliittier, Port San Luia. 11 a. ra.; Governor,- Loe Angelea.. 11:25 a. m. : President, Seattle. 11:23 a. m.; M. S. Astoria. Aatoria, 12:10 p. m.; Y. M. Phelpa, Port San Luia. 12:60 p. m.: whaling tug triveler. whaling cruiae. 2:05 p. m. ; Phoenix, Greenwood, 4 p. m.; Caapar, Caaiiar. '4 :40 p.m. ; Arctic. Fort A&,mm'vww.tonM&:ui.v.i.i.4t, - -' TO. LIVE : f i Se s AUTB0mZEt -BY i l -V'THEtlYCIENE'';? ::?" " REFERENCE BO?RD .;; - . LIFE EXTENSION . . INSTITUTBv;INC" yr i' J .N , .--vTSHERANO'FISK ", -, ' ; - f - ' " 4 r i - ' - - i. FREE' FREES V TO JOURNAL "WANT" AD USERS This valuable) book or - Haalth and -' . j, Hygiene is to bo firaii awaj fro. " Each person who comes to The J6urrul' business ; office on either Friday or Saturday, Jujy 30-and 3l?t, and - inserts t want ad in The" Journal to rtin at least three con- : secutlve days and amounttnjf io 96 cents or more, will , receive a copy of this book free. " This offer applies only " to ads paid for at time of insertion. Here, is a wonderful chance to get frotn your advertising and get this valuable book free. Bragg, 5 :l Richmond. Lot Angelea, ft :3 p. m. : daatroyet Ward. Saa rHega. :03 p. m.: Humboldt, Lea Angla. :20 p. m. ; Chehatia. Graya Harbor. 7:10 P- alay Mathe. Columbia river. T:j P- m ' Monica, Eureka, 7:40 p. ra. i art Bragg, Port Bragg. 8:40 P. m.i Johanna Smith, Cooa Bay. Aatiria. July . Arrived at 11 .Wat night and left up midnight: Steamer Shaata, Jttaa San Francieeo, via WUlapa Harbor, for West port; arrived 10 last Bight aad left up 1 a. m.: Japanese steamer Kongoaan Mara, ,ron San Frandaco; arrived at 10:40 a. -m. J 17. 8. crutiwer Birminghant and six destroyers; aailed at :10 a. ra.: Steamer WestKeata. for North China. aailMl at li:4 a. ra.: Steamer AVawa lona, for Hongkong and way powta . San Franciaco. July 27. Arrived at 8 a. m.: Tug Storm King, towing log raft, from Co lumbia river: arrived: Steamer F. H. Buck, from Portland Sailed: .Steamer Daiay - Mat thewa. for Columbia river: aailed at twos, motor shim Astoria, fd Portland.- San Jedro. July 27. Bauea a p. ra.: Steamer Halco, for Coiambia river: arrived at noon: Steamer Flavel. from Columbia rirsr; aailed: Steamer" Ann Hanify. rf61k. Jnly 21$. Arrived: steamer ort Wayne, from Portland. ... " : Commission Halts -L State Road Work -In' Polk County All state road work In Polk, county is to be nusperided for an -Indefinite period. This course has been decided upon by the state highway comrnieaion In view of the Injunction granted by Circuit Judge McCourt ; of Multnomah county Monday restraining- the commission from proceeding with " the construction of the Amity, Hoiraee Gap and Rlckreal Independence aectiona of the Pacific highway. . : : - , The legality "of the authority of the commission' to locate the route of the highway on-these sections having- been raised it has been decided by the com mission that a question might be raised as to the legality of the work on the Salem-Dallas road. . It has therefore been determined to shut down all work in the county in its unfinished stage until the discretionary power of the commission is determined by state supreme court decision. In the ordinary course it will be several weeks before the case can be decided by the supreme court and the practical result will be that no more work will be done In the county this season. - W.M. Reedy, Friend ' Of Authors Passes San Francisco, July 28. (I. N. S.) William Marion Reedy, aged C8 years, publisher of Reedy'e Mirror of St Louis and famous aa the friend of struggling; authors, died here today following an attack of heart trouble. He came here to attend the Democratic convention and remained to visit friends. visiting the Keller boy's aunt at podge, Sunday, were injured by the explosion of a dynamite cap which the boys found in an old milL The Keller boy'a eye was injured and he may lose it. The Bullard boy lost two fingers and a thumb. The boys were taken to St. Vin cent hospital In Portland. . Pet Cock Saves Trio From Drop to River Hoqulanv Wash., July IS. A pet cock on their automobile saved Edgar Swed blom. McKlnley Johnson and Paul Davis, young Hoquiam men, from a drop to the river when it caught on the edge of the flooring, but a few minutes later the three were seriously injured when their car turned turtle' in a ditch. The steering gear wa damaged when the car. crashed through the bridge rail ing. ' - . Young Men-Desert -Stolen Automobile Kalama. Wash., July 88.-While com ing home from a trip to Kelso Mrs. Tay lor, employed in the Warren garage at this place., met two young men with a car stalled by te roadside near the Kalama river bridge. Bhe "offered them a tow but they made excuses and acted suspiciously. Mrs. Taylor reportd the matter tohe officers here. Sheriff Hoggatt found the men had disappeared and left the car, which had been re ported as stolen from Dryad. Lewis county. - Blame Beach Visitors For Train Derailment . Hoquiam, Wash., July 28. Fun loving beach visitors are believed to have been responsible for throwing a switch which caused derailment of two cars on the Copalis Lumber company's line, carry ing about 150 loggers to work. . A score of men were injured.. Two Boys Injured By Dynamite Cap Estacada. July 28. Morria Bullard. son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. -Bullard of Currlnsville, and Melvin Keller, while (f V r i L J Now Is" the Time To Purchase Municipal Bonds Alwa-js an excellent investm4nt, and one esteemed by conservative investors, because tax-secured and also free from federal income tax, Municipal Bonds are today exceptionally good. - . Now the 'purchasing power of the dollar is at the lowest point; at maturity these bonds will be paid in dollars gf ,normal purchasing power. Present interest rates are unusually filgh ; if .this opportunity is -neglected, these rates will probably be unobtainable in a few years. t -Investment now will give the purchase; an excep: tionally high yield extending over a period of years. ' We own and offer several blocks of Municipal Bonds that have been thoroughly investigated. They may be purchased unhesitatingly by those desiring to put some idle 4ollars to profitable use. BOND DEPARTMENT Ladd& Tilton Bank Oldest in the Northwest Washington and Third tut Ms. I SYSIBM. ' a.V til T err 11 'Sisl 'iTf MiiiliaaaaaaSSJeMii .1 , 1 laaaaaajaaahsaei ii lii 1 1 1 '. II?. SA V' , , 1. r-"w w ef ' 65 THE NATIONAL55 Vancouver and Winnipeg MewTiraiim Eveiry Osiy ' To iUhe '.-Esistt CANADIAN NATIONAL RAttWAYS GRAND TRUNIC PACIFIC See the Canadian Rockies from the new route through . the Yellowhead Pass. JLhe most attractive tourist and outing country in America. Circuit Tours may be ar- ncludii ranged, including 700 mile ocean voyage through the "Inside Passage" to Prince Ri ert and the Alaska Coast EAST A&CD WEST EVERT .DAT Lr. Vtncotrver.t J3L::::::: Ar. Saskatoon......... Ax. Winnipeg . .... . . . . ........ &00 night . ..7:30 High . 7J0 morning 6300Dlght ,. IIAQ morning Lv.TTInnlpef.... Ar. Sakatooo... Ar. Edmonton. Ar. Jasper Park.. Ar. Vancouver.. . ........... .1025 ci1it 12:40 nooa XaUSSeisht .... .......92 mot ufng ............ .toCO morning Connections made at Winnipeg with Canadian National trains to 'and from points in Canada . and the United States. NEW EQUIPMENT consisting of observation cars, dining cars, standard sleeping cars, tourist, sleepers and first clas3 coaches. - - - .'.'..-. - For fall information ask for Folder No. TO. Apply at " . : Canadian National Railways . Grand Tronic Pacific t filr-l. Room I, Rainier jB14 Sacond At. mnd Marion Su SaattU, Wash. Cram Trunk Dock Foot of Marion- St, SeattU. Wash. r