8. THE OREGON ; SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1920. BUSIXKM uPPORTtWlTIFil '-PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 614-20 HWETLAND BLDG., Automatic 811-50 or Marshall 3989. f .; " . . Business Opportunities- .-Bakery & Light Grocery . Corner location. If you are baker and can deliver tb goods, why work for wages If If you Iiit not all cash to handle thin, we are in position to help any Tellable party.. Did ' you ever get ahead working for wage? Here V ie a good chance to handle wholeaale. also retail trade. Let ua hear from you. I'rioe 325U0; . 'rent gSU. : Confectionery - '., Choice went side location; receipts $73 and 'abetter: rent $40: 2 living rooms; thu place . was 4200 if taken tlii week, 3SOO takea everything. . Confectionery; .This ia real buy; very "attractive place; nice living room : rent is a birthday present, $22; flaiiy receipts $60- and up;, will invoice, or lump . aifKUu; ll yon are realty in me mirm lor m place, see this before you buy. Confectionery & Lunch' ' Iion't pans tlita up Just the place for man and wife: rent $30; serves light lunch and con fectionery; price $1650. Confectionery Rent $100; price $3000, or invoice: will 7 exchange for car or bouse; receipts (50 and up. Confectionery & Light Grocery "- C. Rent $20: 2 liring rooms; price 91000; receipts $35 and up; this is s neat little place; "M-aa be made a fine business. Drug Store $8500--.'orner location on west side, close-in. residence section; elegant futures: soda foun tain and drug business of $50 to $100 a day, ' ami growing rapidly; this is an exceptional op ' jmrtunity to sec are good paying drug store; terms. . Grocery If you bare any Intention of going into the a-grucea busmen and will let us show you this . place, you, will buy it on sight; stock clean .' and up to date, in a fine location, and a big niwning for confectionery and - cigar business. i You could never go wrong on lliia bona fide . proposition. A straight invoice no good will to huy: doing a fine business: will take about $3ij00 to handle it; party wishes to retire. ' Listen to this, Mr, Buyer: Store and 6 -room flat: rent $35; daily receipts $50 to $75 cash; if you want a desirahle place to lire, also a good business, come in and look this up; $2500; - no delivery. . ;' Grocery. Fruits & Light 4 livina rooms; rent ; apartment honse riitrU,t; daily receipts orer $100; this ia a real j ) and. an exceptionally good buy; price . s ;.(). ; Grocery & Confectionery Corner location: rent $40; 1 5-room mod em living aiwrtment ; fountain ; doing $60 to $U0 a day: tuia is one of the best buys .we hare ever offered for sale; a straight inrentory ininaition no bonus wanted; will invoice fix tures and stork about $-500. Grocery & Confectionery - Kent $18: 2 living rooms: (rood location: dning son a day: price $2100; will take $1000 down, balance on imjmenlt. West Side Grocery Confectionery . Kent $2.1; stock and fixtures S'JJOO; doing fine cash -and -earry business of $45 a day and up. PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., Automatic 511-50 or Marshall 3089. MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT $1(100 will buy half interest in a going busi ness that guarantees good income and high sal ary, books are open for inspection. ; Thia will stand investigation, - CITY GARAGE V Brick bldz., Mcr for Housing B0 ears, fully equipped with all necessary machinery including vulcanizing plant and wash trays. . one of the et locations in the city and all the business that four men can handle; lease at $75 per month. This is the bent in Portland for $4300. RESTAURANT BAHRAIN One of the best locations in Portland, good lse at $150 per month. It is doing a business of $223 per day. This will bear. investigation. CARAGB On state highway, very cheap rent, doing a good business and can be improved, about 30 miles from Portland. Price $2000, including all stock. ' - , SOFT DRINK AND CARD ROOM One of the finerit in Portland; atrictly up-to-date fountain, and good card tables and lunch counter. This is In center of business district, price about $4 5oO, at invoice.' ' . SMALL It EST A URANT First class location, 'rent $76 per month; -well eMahltsbed, business ' of 373 per day. Price $1300. Can give terms is necessary. KIERDON RITTER, LOWE ft CO. 201-3-3-7 Jtoard of Trade bldg. . -'. I HAVE valuable contracts covering . the distribution of essential farm equipment and need a partner and $5000 to $10,000 additional capital. about half -cash, absolutely secured. l'rofits safe nT sure. An unusual op , portunity for a live' wire to interest himself in a permanent paying busi - ness. Address C-604, Journal. , GARAGE BUSINESS GOOD COUNTRY TOWN, ON HIGHWAY " ' Sells gas. all kinds supplies; -repairing, storage alo, agency for a aUrtdard truck, and farm tractor. All goes for 2500, and will take in good truck and pay difference. Call 201 W. - Park, Hedges. ... ATTENTION, INVESTORS .We are offering for ssle a small issue of . stock in a well established business. - Demand for our product is increasing so rapidly ,we lind it necessary to has more capital. We will consider subscriptions from $100 up. This stock will at least double in value in five years, and pay handsome dividends in the meantime, for interview write X-S76, Journal. Restaurant Bargain Combination restaurant, bakery, candy factory and fountain. Best location in suburban town; restaurant seats about 4; fixtures A-l; will in voice or lump at a bargain. Act quickly. C A. KEOPPLE. tth and Main St. Oregon City,. Or. CROCERY. cigars, tobacco and conf. Good clean stock and fixtures ; cheap rent; " fine living rooms with bath and gas; concrete build ing; good location at end of Errol Heights car hue; only grocery in this district. Investigate this if you are looking for good little clesn ;ash business. Open Sunday. Bellwood 3297 ItKST InwitiM,' eaOAA ...... on -5 IVirtland. Restaurant, bakery, confectionery snd cafeteria; doing $5000 a month and up- a teal ouney-uiaker ; don't miaa this. Must sell on account of other business interests. No .agents. Call Automatic 243-32. 1240 East . burnnide. - . ' . RESTAI"BANT FOR SALEVU "estlbliihed laymg restaurant, the only one in fine tittle town near Woodland, is for sale on ae sount of illness of owner. This U a fine paving Klsew for a live, wide awake man. About 3S0O - rvoulred to handle. A ready made business. . fOB SALK Confectionery, pool and card room ,. V "e parlor In good town on Paeilic highway. S pot.1, 1 billiard table. New Red Cross fountain, back bar and all necessary fix ture. Low Punt on lease. Living rooms 2d floor in'wy, mak or "bt party. About $370oi K-rt0. Journal. ORGANIZE business under declaration trust save excess taxes, fees, penalties, report and "'L". 17 l?rm,u- e1 in B Mates. NQ M1 : . , , - MMwc. prospectuses furnish salesmeu and trustee Expert advice nd literature free. Nat'l Organization Co. 1 5a V. Madison Chicago. I HAVE a wholesale distributing agency for i."1? . Need tm" oney to helD landle. ProfiU last year were $44,000. Must ave $10.00tr cash. This proposition will itand rigid investigation. Reference given and required. In answering give phone number if T V. I'll V 1 f t , --- .vumuuuci; hi, nui grocery; nice clean place; very nifty fixtures, living woms; good business. . poor-health reason for Uing. Sell at invoice with or without building, Albert Hiarala 793 H Mississnrpi ave. i HA E a gravel hauling job in Idaho, yearl work. Must buy Sfc-ton truck with dump ody. Yardage ' basis, 13 hours a day. khro number if possible, 0-338, Journal. MOJfET TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 7 CITY LOAN'S NO COMMI8SIOW On improved property, : or ' for improvement purposes. . j . . .,-;'.. The best and easiest method of paying Joan U our monthly payment plan. .... $32.23 per month for 88 months, or . $21.24 per month for 0O months, or , $15.17 per snonthf for 96 months pays loan of $1000 and Interest. - Loans of other amounts In same proportion. Repayment Privilegea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS N. .' 242 SUrk St. Portland. Or. . LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on rest estate. 1st and 2d mortgages. ' contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc , F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8029.- N0 DELAY NO DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND CP . We Loan Our Money on Real Estate. . FL HDESHON, 818 CHAM. OF COM. MONEY TO LOAN fn amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property.: A IL BELL, Rooms 10 and 11. Mulkey bldg. VULCANIZING shop complete to handle all kinds of repair work. Eor sala at invoice. Tabor 8957 or East 7508. $300. S400. $5O0. S7SO. S1000 and up at lowest rates; quick art Um. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 "Chamber of Commerce bldg.' money t6ln Y3T67Tsoo7"$70o7$i5oo", $1500, $2000, on city improved property, at 7 per cent J. L. Wells Co.. 603 Uasco bldg. EXILDI.no loans on city and euburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. i. Beck. 215 and 210 Failing bldg. Main 8407. SEE OREGON INV. Ml m6RTUAGB CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th at Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 and 7. Louis Sol omon tt Co., 408 Selling bldg. ; M0NEYto loan at 8 and 7 per cent on close-in improved property. Phone Main 7808. "- MOKTGAGELOAN S up to $000. 0 and 7 . Fred. S. Williams, 58 Panama bldg. MONET TO lO A TS CHATTELS. MALA HIES 7 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FTTtNITHRE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. MENT8 TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LAR;E. WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOU MORE - MONEY IF NECESSARY,- AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SHALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. f LICENSED) 300-307 DEKUM BLIMi.. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. i- Phone Broadway S10. .- i ' f - - . 894 Stark St.. near 10th. Loans. on diamonds, watches, Victrolss. pianos. kodaks, shotguns. furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. . i - ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER CARRIE MYERS HERMAN, i Manager. SALARY ; IX)ANS CHATTELS WE f lOAN MONEY on - short notice to salaried or working men on tneir own note. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. ; Each transaction strictly confidential. ! - r I " ' . . v ' " NO MORTCJAOB : NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. QUICK money to. salaried people on note with out indorse rs or security. Investigation con- iiaentiai. am Chamjier of Commerce bldg. LI V ESTOCK LOAN S -Ou r own money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs, etc. F. E. Bowman ft Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3020. LOANS WASTED $800 AT 8ft " 1 acre home with ft -mom hnnfralnw nm.,,. pied by owner. Value $3000; a loan we can recommend. . Fred W. Ramun r 7ao of Cora. 1 LOAN wanted frnm private party; $3000 at 7 Per cent bv builder in ht lir House to sell for $0500. See owner, 554 East tn st. north. WANT $2000, 7 per cent, private party, on my new modern home. Portland Hinhts fa- Chamber of Commerce. LOAN of $1000 on 6 room modern bouse. Woodlawn 202. SEE OREGON-INV. ' & MORTGAGE CO232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th at Stark. WANTEIK-Losn of $4000from private Dsrtv": good security. Phone Marshall 5752. WANTED loan of' $5000 on good security. vau si mi t. aiargeu FUTANCIAL fil WE BUY first and second mnrtjiM anil aolUr' enntracta F. E. Bovtn.n A . oin i ber cf Commerce. CASH psid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon, U. R Noble. 816 Lombennens bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 MARE and horse. 5 and 6 years old, weight 8100 lbs., guaranteed sound and good workers; no further use. Will sell cheaD? also 2 first class Jersey cows; bargain if taken at once. Inquire at .vi an in Place, 71st and Powell Valley road.. Hawthorns aTe. car. : TWO HONEST work teams, darmle irrx mare and bay. 5 and 8 veara niri wirri.t e luiui Tbs., with harness $400 and without $375; Team m Diaea o and 8 year-oids. weight 2950 lbs., with harness and wairon. H375. ai fmii cow cheap. Call at 4138 73d st S. E. Mt ScottJ I EOR SALE 4 teams of hearo work hnra. i.hina tinn to 1800 pounds; B to 7 years old. 4 set of heavy work harness; sanitary stables, 363 Union ave. So., corner Stevtms ct 41 ri Willi. . Glass. ' EIGHT bead of cheap horses from 800 pounds ' to 3200 nounds- all maH w...k . . 1 ible camping outfits or farmers; prices from ... m )0. , wagons, nsrnes of all kinds at your own nrice. To be sn ,t x,ii,.si k..v,i.. cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne. Phone East 6106. 7-YEAR-OLD bay horse, weight "about 1200 ; um ngure; good driver and worker; narness and light wagon, separate or all to gether. Price is Very reasonable, if. J. O'NbU. Witch Hazel station, p. o. Beaverton. route 4. A GOOD wort tesm. 3 uT wa con and hamMH must be Sold St onra. : '- AIko tha nrottia pair of small cream colored chunks in city. sinus oi norses, wagons and buggies. ' 802 Front at. i . , l-OK SALE 2800 lb. tekm of black geldings, with harness; also a new potato digger. $20. Must be sold this week. E. 72nd and Harrison. First house north of Division. a GOOD team, 2400, harness, and good farm " wn, good condition; cheap; have no nse for them. Woodstock ear t liatb it kbvii north to 34th ave. Little white house. , FAHM outfit. ftmiU twrn, work single or double otrne, wagon. Dkw harrow. fnlrirator prtiw; wiU wUebetp. AUu Wood yard. 827 ONE Welsh pony. 4. years old; gentle for boy or girl; milch goat, 1 year old; a bargain; 1 block south S. P. depot. MUwaukie. Henry Smith. . . , . 120O-LB. mare., harness and good 3-spring wason. 1.-. n it Ki4 In .. i. . .ox Di... rront. foot Montgomery and Water. . ? iao I-OUND mare. , harness and light farm wairnn 11 'JX a Wi- - ..... . i . - . . . vj. ... ,r. ofita a.e. avuu tat st. Mrs. Cooper. Phong Tabor 9356. GOOD work horses, .weight 1450 lbs. : price $85. 0,""1"1 raucn team, price gia. Call at BT IS. -ivi TWMi-coca car. lt-A.U g.iod. true, acntle work hmxs: wmirht w 2600 lbs., and good harness. Price $1D0. r ninca ave. seilwood 1212 FOR SALE Woodxaw and team. All day' Sun day call at 248 41st.- Week days after 7 p. m. or write asms address. FO-Rr SALE -Big team, wagon and harness. it orai naming onttit. Tabor 406 j?r """tie driving mares for sale. W oodlawn 2712. Pbooe MrrorItf 'r ' "DU ' do,10l ond single. 64 DEAD horsaea taken qu-kly. cows. I "bone Tabor 4203 Cash for dead -io tem ,so several good . .... i . aim r i i : I'm ; m Kii,.n.v . " " '-"d s Canyon farm, dose in; cMnqays. Main 4919. BIsLlTia-.lr,e and wagon cheap; also some worg mares. 887 Water St.. West Side. UE2aI b8!? ' t t right priceT Tabor . ivunig w at IM 1 geveana nrrai -Lin.j?rn"g- A haream, B838 82d sr. S. E. 2 HEAV'Y teams for sale. Phona Tabor SiT. ALaO 3L4jftt LyAIa(T- do kid-' beautiful high grade Togg. doe .,e,T; .7,7;,, 1 kiJ: heavy milking strain. Only $340 for all TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES . seven. K B. Womom. 37th and K.. box 344. WITHOUT SECURITY. IB1 YOUR PAY- I phone 26F25. ncouver. Wash. as AUCTION SALE -At Mickelson Bros. Farm Woodburn 212 Miles N. E. of Camas THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1920 85 head of cattle. . . ; Having decided to quit the dairy businesa because of other work we " will pU our entire herd of choice tuberculin teated dairy cattle, cnnoLsting of 1 ' registered Hul-tetu bull, . Sir Washingtxm Porch No. 257228, 21 months old, who sire. Butterfly Pouch, LL Second. No. 14146a. end dam. Washington Belle of Wayne, 2304O1, are both high -producing Ktock of fine tyie; 14 cows, four 2 -year-bid heifers and lO heifer calves. - tiwa and licifera will be fresh between August 14 and December' 28. Abo 8 cows belonging to N. '. Anderson, to be fresh in early fail. 18 head of hogs. 1 Poland China boar. 1 Chester White sow. four 4 H -manth-cld pig. . ten 8-weeks-old pigs, 8 : horsepower Fairbanks Mr.rse gas engine, good a new; 1 mowing' machine in good running order, 1 manure Fpreader. 2 wagons, one 2 horse John I cere riding cultivator, two 13 inch plows, I V. It. iiejers double acticn spray pomp. 1 U. 8. cream aeimrator, 1 Economy Chief cream sep arator. 1 incubator and . other articles. MICKELSON BROS.. N. C ANDERSON, E :'. .Owners. COL. W. S. WOOD,. . Auctioneer. AUCTION ' aSALE The Willow Bar Ranch On Sauvies" Island T ' miles west of B'trlington ferry. Those go ing by auto cross at Burlington, Tuesday, Aug ust 10, at 11 a. m. 00 milch cows, Holstein. Jersey. Durham, a lot of springers. 8 2-year-old heifers. 15 veal calves, 2 Hol-tein bulls, cattle tubervnlin texted. 7 1000 to 1500 lb. horses. 5 yearling colts, 3 8-muntlis-old colts. Be on hand. Nothing but stock to sell. , ' A. J. BROWNING! Owner. COL. W. 8. WOOD AND SONS, Auctioneers, Vancouver. Wash. It KoTsTETlED Swiss 1 Togg. buck, choice o 1010 buck, crop of most prominent Togg. breeders in Northwest; a sure breeder; regis tered 15-18 Togg., 1-10 Saanen doe, 3 quarts daily; typical yearling Togg. doe, freshened March, 8 quarts full flow, better than 2 now; grade Togg. -Nubian, just year old, . 1 14 quarts daily; mature doe, 2 quarts; fine American A LADY HAS Two cows; no feed; must sell one; one Durham dairy cow, fresh; one large fresh Guernsey-Durham, 2 years: also one fine milch goat, 2 years old. Totfgeubury; one nanny. 12 months old; both bred ; one fine Tog buck, 1 S months old ; very i-licaji. 3310 82d st.. northeast corner of Powell Valley road and 82d; Hawthorne car. GOATS GOATS A splendid opportunity i tcy some very gnod milch goats and doe kids by pure bred Trrggfnburg sire, chesp. Send fot Met. John M. Mann. 802 City Hall, Port lt nd. Or. 1 RJCOISTEKKD Bcrk-hir. sow. 7 shoats, 100 hens. 20O small chickens (White I-eghoms). 2 rnik-h cows. 1 iony and other small articles, including hay and 4 acres in oats. Call Main 5302. Sunday call 130W. Oak Grove., 1X1R SALE t Jersey cow, 5 years old; a good milker. 75; one Dumc pig. 8 months old. $10; 26 White Lechorn hens, l year old. $1.23 each. Apply at first hou-te east of Jennings Lodge station. " - ; GIVING 4 Gal. good, rich milk now Jersey Guernsey: ca'f 3 months old.- Will sell at V-DJI!E?.in.-jLol'i th" Wfefc- Call Main 0671. IpR SALE Toggcnburg does snd doe kids. Also goat rrrllk for sale, fresh daily. 275 Yamhill st NighU and Sundays. 785 Kenil- wcrth ave. . GOOD family cows for sale. Rich milkers and gentle. On the Oatfield road, i miles east of Jennings Ixxlge station on tlie Oregon City carlme. S U Sheppard. Phone Oak Grove 159-M. DUROO hogs, special bargains; bred gilta to farrow July and August; splendid pedigrees, regmtered and crated. $60. You have to hurry. Shadcland Farms, Amity, Or. FOR " SALE 2-year-old trarhamTJiist-f resh, with a fine heifer calf ; also a large Jersey cow 6 years old. jurt fresh, giving 4 gallons. C. A Butcher. Rockwood. Or., on Bise Line rd. FOR SALE Cheap, milch goat "and 2 :' kids" 3 months old, Toggenberg breed, male and fe male. 44 R 37th st. N. . , . t ; FROM the farm, 2 big dairy cows, fresh, at a bargain. See them 1 block south 8. I", depot. Milwaukie. HenrySmith. Oregon City car. FOR SALE One thoroughbred Jersey cow; gives 3 gallons of rich milk a day. . 712 Lib erf yst.. W oodlawn. . ; FOR "sa'LE" orlrade for cows, fin building lot in St. Johns, H block to car. B-i. Webb, Beaverton. R. 1. Bog 26. 20 FRESH cows, large Holxtein. Durham and Jersey; tuberculin tested. Take Vancouver ear tf- Columbia blvd., go 1 block north. 5 OOOD. fresh Holstein, Durham and . Jersey dairy and family cows; 1 big 6 -gallon Jersey. 75 1 E. A-h. . , 8 ' FRESH cows, 3 to 7 gallons. , Large Hol stein and Jersey Durham. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd. ; go 1 block north. " THREE young, frestPcows, wagon and hay cut ter; 3 blocks west from Mt. Scott cemetery. on Johnson's farm. - SIX fine cows, heavy milkers; try them out. $75 up. H. P. Johnson, owner. ? Braden, salesman, 234 Water, foot Main. , YOUR choice of 2 good gentle family cows. $65 each: both for $125. Call at 4122 73d st. S. E. ' - 1 YOUNO. fresh cow, calf beside her. 729 Lib erty st. N. . E. Woodlawn rat to 2 2d. 2 blocks south. FIVE good fresh cows, some Holstein. Durhams and Jersey-Guernsey, 3 to 5 gal. 728 E. 82nd st, eorner Powell st. JERSEY 3 H East 6435. to. 4 gallons rich milk. $95. FRESH milk goats for sale, cheap. J 350 Wil- hnr at bur at FOB RALE -Three fresh dairy cowt. of 70th and Hassaloi Corner FOR SALE Good Jersey cow. 1117 Elavel are. . Take Eautmoreland car. FOR SALE Holstein'bull. 3 years old. $75' CaR Marshall 6509. JERSEY COW, will be 4 in February, van. Hill-dale. Or., Iioseh station. Sulli- FOR SALE One good family cow giving 4 gals, milk. E. Abplanalp, near Lenta Junction. FOR SALE Good family cow cheap. 1834 Chautauqua blvd. Phone Columbia 229. FOR SALE A big fresh Jerxev cow and calf. 232 E. B5th tX. N. Tabor 1606. WILL TRADE Decker Bros, square piano and lot for cows or goats. Tabor 1025. FOR SALE Hornless SenaatPbuck. 4El 7Xtb st. Tabor 8033 WANTED Toting Jersey cow; must be gentle and heavy milker. Phone Milwaukie 33-Y. TOGENBURO milk goat, just freahwirir2"kids. forsale, 850. 1245 Halsey st Tabor 9468. TW O "milch goats, 2 female kid East -5527. POULTRY AJfD RABBITS 87 16 HIMAIAYAN fur bearing rabbits, 18 Flem ' ih Giants. 61 New Zealand Reda. These are all pure bred stock. Call or phone. 4230 58th sve. S. E. Phone Sellwood 2661. THREE doz. 8. C White Leghorn hens, most all laying. $1 each. - Main 5450, Hillsdale, Or. Box 22. i ' FOR- SALE Young laying White Leghorn hens, 1.25 up. 1144 Woodstock ave. Seil- wood 18&6. - f FOR SALE 5-months-old pulleta' from excel lent laying stock, $1.75 each; also year-old hens. C. A. Beyer, Tigard. Or. . DUCKS. Mallard, pair. $5; Indian Runners. 3; pigeons, pair White Fantaila, $2.50: Car- nanx. $1. Phone Tabor- 1697. - . ; FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn cock erela. finest O. -A.s C strain. 8 raos. old. 31 each. Box 894, route A, Gresham. 4 FOR SALE R. I. Bed pulleta, 3 to 4 month said, 75e and $1 each; fin strain, con-setters. Tabor 8552. - , . THREE bantam roovtera at $2.50 each, one at $5. Take Fulton car. Today only at 1505 Corbett st. .- . FOR .SALE The largest pedigreed steel-gray Flemish buck in the citv. 69S3. " n.nott st. last FOR SALE New Zealand red rabbits, choice breeding stock, all ages; perigreea furnished. B. O. Longsdorf . Silverton, Or. 38 IIEN8 and 2 roosters. 1.20 each; 150 feet of fence and coop for $5; big bargain. " 1504 E. 19th st So. Take Sellwood car. KHODE ISLAND RED baby chicks and 1 Mas terIncubstc,r, capacity 240. Woodlawn 685. WHITELEGHORN young hens. Tske 1 or lOOl 1 deliver. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th a. 8. E. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn pul- lets snd hens. Di3 K. 19th st. N. FOR SALE Yearling hens, fin Uyers; also portable houses. Tabor 8062. LAYING young White Leghorn bens. $1.25 each. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon at.-, near E. 24th. THOROUGHBRED New Zealand rabita for gale cheap at once. 86 Stanton st. y FOR SALE Young Flemish Giant rabbits - from registered stock. East 0368. PAIR joT New Zealand rabbits for sale; $2.50. 5705 88th are. 8. E. price EIGHT 1 year old thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens, $10. 1078 E. 25th st. N. FOR SALE White Peklrt duck eggs for iiatch ing. 32 E. 55th st S. Tabor 161)6. FULL blooded N. Z. lied rabbits at a bargain. 1518 Interstate ave., Kenton ear. tlYESTOCK 81 FANCIERS TAKE NOTICE Pacific Coast Pet Stock association has amalgamated with the .'. . Jc t . A., wluch meets zd and 4 th Tuesdays. Story Hour room. Central library. 8 p. ni. Tuesday 27th will be an educational meeting. All liaving rabbits to register bring them and have them passed upon. National standard used. Mary L. Stevens, Secy.. 636 E. 51st Jf. Tabor 7773. CAN rou beat itf Pure bred Tancred eock erela, high in prepotency, from Hoganwed stock, Feb. 7 batch, for spring breeding; 50 fine fellows to pick from, $1.50 to $2 each. Sala closes on August 1. W. Holdpun. 107th t. and 65th ave. 8. K. Lenta. WE WANT RELIABLE PEOPLE TO raise fur bearing - rabbits for us in their back4 yards, spare time. We furnish stock and pay SS.50 to 7.60 each for all rou raises SUNSET FUR CO.. 506-7-8 Lankershim bldg. Ios Angeles. Cl WHITE LEGHORNS BEST LAYING STRAIN V One and 3-year-old bens and 4-montha-old pullets will be laying soon.- If yow want aonae of the bet layfaig strain order at once as they will go fast Phono Tabor 1410. CRACKED WHEAT 1CEJ SCRATCH $4.09 - - rCtU:,MM Beat their game. Cackling mash, chick de veloper. growing food, milk. Woodlawn 4344. PULLETS White Leghorn. 3 montlnrold75e ah; rear old laying herss. sun each. M. J. O'Neil. mile north Witch Hasel statloa, P. O. Beaverton. route 4. - WHITE LEGHORN hen. Barred Rock and R. L Beds. Pullets S months okl. $1.23 gacb. Tabor 6895. 6348 84th st. S. E. 15 IKYING hens. 1 year old. -stock. A. J. I4ng. Msin 3504. thoroughbred DOGS, rtlRIXt, PET", ETC, 4 0EEY00B -KENNELS SENSATION PHOT II at stud. Weight' 11 lbs. A. K. C 260202. Classiest little male Boston Terrier out of CHAMPION STOCK In Portland.- See him. - Small pet stock bosrded.' MRS. WILLIAM J. SMITH, Phone Tabor 8156. 180 East 80th st, 8. near Morrison st. v Rose City Cattery Orange Pendan kittens; also, one Airedale pup,, awful cheap. 1248 East: Morrison st. Tabor 7274. . . .. TWO FLEMISH GLNT DOES 12 months, $6 r express, prepaid.. Send your check and we'U ship them, Elmer M. Golder Babbitry, Portland. It. 8. Box 233 (Harwell ParkK PET toek an-1 suppDes. We are heedauarters in the N. W. for birds and cage, dogs, cats, rabbits, caries, etc. Food, remedies, ete. Can or write. r Pet stuck catalogue on request. Root ledee Seed ft floral Co.. 145 2d st. Portland. PEDIGREED Boston Terriers, kind to children, good watch dogs: males for service. THE BOSTON KENNELS OF PORTLAND. 407 A ins worth ave, . Woolawn 5284, GENUINE St Andreasberg rollers; cabinet trained. Males, $20 up; females, $2.50 up. Mrs. Kessler, GreKhgm. Or. Phone 4X2. GOOD mountain dog, five female puppies, bound and Vt Airedale. $5 each. .743 East 10th. Portland. Sellwood 889. , - WILL be open for boarders on or about the 28th of July. Persian Kat Kennel; new, clean, sanitary. Woodlawn 1750. PADEREWSKI CATTERY r-Studs at service, kite for sale. caU boarded. 536 E. 51st X. Tabor 7773. ' . - ' - ' FOR SALE White Persian cata and kittens; good rxdigreeV' 1140 Minnesota ave. Au tomatic 329-OO.f PORTLAND CAT KENNELS, Tabor 7501. $250 Persian itud; kittens cheap; cats boarded. " - --. WANTED Male pltt bulldog, not under 6 months. Phone East 8223. PUREBRED Llewelljm setter puppies' only a few left. Woodlawn 1750. ST. A NDREWSB UBU singers. $8.00. 7368. Tabor. FOR SALE Young singers. $5; 1 trainer, $10. 447 E. 0th st. ; ' : ; , - ST. ANDREWSBURCJ rollers and i singers for sa-e. 72 East 82nd North. i CANARIES for sale. $3.50 up. 166 Whittaker. At home mornings only. i BEAUTIFUL singers for sale. Call the Studio, Mam 468. . - I PIT BULL nuns for sale, cheap. Sellwood 1775. 661 E. 15th st FOR SAf E Toy Jsrmnese Spaniel male pup pies, $8 5. Tabor 8476. G-393, Journal. FOR SALE 7 females and large cage; also young singers, roller stock. 37 E. 83d N.- FORTsALE 1 Boston male, 4 moss, 394-YanT hill st ; -!' FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston terrier pup. 1326 East Main st Tabor 2028. VERY fine female fox terrier, 4 i months old". 628 Montgomery drive. Phone j Main 5974. HIGH-CLASS Irish .water spaniel .pupa for" sale. P. M. Boose, R. 1. Sherwood, Or. : YOUNG singers for sale. Tabor 8476. ATJTOMOBILES A5I) ACCESSORIES 44 2 FORD chassis, with starters. Tabor 5603. FORD bug. new body; will paint to suit pur chaser. Tabor 5603. i t 1918. FORD delivery, 30x3 U tires ali around! First class running condition. Tabor 5603, Stark Vulcanizing Co7 Horse' Shoe tires, rebnilt tires, retreading, work guaranteed. 391 Stark. Bdwy. 3962. DODGE touring, 1917, good paint, good tires. Must sell. A bargain at $850, Would con aider trade on Ford., 30 Grand ave. North, pear Bnrnnide. - - . . CHALMERS roadster in A-l condition. Nw paint, good tires. A elassy car. Aa bargain. $775. Terms. . 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MITCHELL Little Six, good as new, 1918; 2 new cord tires and extras. Phone 216-28. -5511 Foster road. - - . - ., CAMPING TRAILER, complete with beds, tent. etc., all ready for use. New and at low price. ; Parsons, Broadway and Davis, Bdwy. 321. "' - , FOR QUICK SALE . Sedan 'auto top. fits 7 -pass. 1914 Stude baker car. Can be worked over. Price $25. 7S11 56th ave. S. E. 4 blocks north Wood mere st. Burke's Qarasre - 55th are. and 72d at Tabor 6527.' Maxwell touring, late 18 $575 Dodge tonring car. early 17 $650 3BEGON AUTO TOP COMPANY rOPS THEM ALL 1 4 th and Couch sts. Bdwy 4408. 1920 FORD, run 1400 miles; 5 wire wheels. ovefciJied tires; non-skid: oversized steering wheel;, tlqwer vase, foot accelerator, speedo meter, Hammond shock absorbers, spike lock ; 1 man top with plate glass in rear. Price is right Br-e Mr, Dana, 14th and Alder, Bdwy. 240. 17 Saxon Six Her is the real goods In light six and this one will please you both in the way it runs and look. Has good tires and one extra and we will give you liberal terms and low price and only $250 down, bat monthly. 505 Alder st. Take Ford in trade. ' DODGE. DODGE ONE REAL BUY LATE 1917 HODGE TOURLVG. $750. NO TRADE AS THIS IS NOT A TRADING PRICE. TERMS. PHONE MAIN 4028. . MAR. 276C. Overland Touring. '18 This is the light dependable four and will run and look to please you, - Has been used care fully and you will think it new when you see It -Low price and w will take $275 down, bat easy. 505 Alder St. Red Front Open Sundays. 19117 Chevrolet .Touring Thia is a wonderful buy for $400. K. &.S. Motor Sales Co. : 124 E. 6th at Morrison. 16.00O carried in stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. - We give you service ' 34 North Fifteenth street. ; '17, Dodge Touring ; ' This is a good Dodget and you will agree with me when you call and try it; will paas for new and run aama way. We have low price and will take small payment of (350 down, balance long easy terms thst will please you. Come and have a look at 605 Alder at. Red Front Open Sunday. Cole V8," Touring $650 will buy a 1916 Cole" "8." New paint, good tires, lots of extras, and guaranteed perfect mechanically. 1 mnsi sell this at once, as I am leaving the city. Thia wonderful bargain can" he seen at 128 North Broadway, opposite new - post office. Ask for Dr. Wood. Cash or terms oge balance. - . ... FOCTTMY AKf RABBITS ArTOMOBn,K Ayr accessories 4 FOR a good old Ford, call Woodlawn 57. CHEVROLET In first class shape. $425; best buy In town. f!276 Kelly at. Fulton? SAXON SIX for sale or trade for baby Saxon. Call 1498 Interstate are. FOB HAVE 1915 Ford touring-car, in best of order. 1259 Greeley st W din. FOR SALE Bng body and Flanders , parts. ivfxuawn, 2(12. HAND Klaxomet auto horn, like new, $5. Sell wood 532. FOUR wheel trailer, 1 ton, $60. Woodlawn 257$. 826 Albert at; not Sunday. FOR SALE. 1920 Maxwell, a bargain. - East 8604. Phone BU1CK four. 1917. new tires, just overhauled. Bargain. Msrhall 1 14. - DODGE roadster, perfect condition, $550; cash or terms, . S25 Albert at.; not Sunday. GASOLINE 23 CENTS A GALLON; OILS AND UREASES. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 180 IS. 1917 Bl'ICK. guaranteed A-l condition, 3900; easy terms.' East 92. WILL TRADE panel delivery body for Ford tour- log ear body. ISO Union ave. TIRES Slightly tied, (3 to $1 each. Expert tir? reiwirtng. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six. 1920 model; ran 2000 miles. 269 1st st - WILL THAW: Ford rrditer body for touring body. 1 5t Union ave. - " DORT chummy for sale or trade on house and lot. ; Tabor 8302. - - - - - 4)919 FORD touring car, in fine condition and good tires. $500 cash. Phone Sell. 372. FOR SALE 1914 Ford, private party; looks good. East 3682. ESSEX, 1919. by owner, driven 63O0 miles; cord tires, $1400. Broadway 57 77. v DODGE touring car that don't need overhauling, in perfect condition. Tabor 2549. PAIGE In good condition; wi)t sacrifice, $030. Broadway 2168. A BARGAIN on a 1916 Overland car, $325". Call Broadway 1275. 353 N. 23d at 1920 FORD SEDAN, deniom-trstor. slightly ued; will take 1920 touring. WdJn. 2785. i FORD ROADSTER Needs no repairs, $ 325. . - 42 E 3d st ' 1920FORD sedan; will trade for Ford tourinT; terms on balance. Ea--t 5552. GARAGE Corner of Tenth and Harrison. Call Broadway 4451. 1918 FORD, first class shape. 2162 Halsejr; Tabor 5126, FORD 18, just overhauled, looks and runs like new. Call Wdln.. 6048. 1079 E. 32d st N. FOR SALE or trade 4 fairly good-tires 82x 3 V4. and tubes; Call East 1969 NEW 1920 Ford coupe, lota of extras. , Run 2000. N-265. .Journal. FORD bug, airplane type, most attractive in town. ' Sacrifice price. $200 down. - balance asy. Terminal garage, 6tb and Hoyt ARE YOU wanting a new Ford touring car have it with extras on, ready to run out We EAGLE GAHAOE.'. Lent. WILL xell to highest bidder one 5-nass. Regal, just overhauled; worth $300. 748 E. 11th st. i. -- ' -- . -. OVERllAND touring. A good knock-about car. tiood condition. A snap at $200. Term. 3Q Grand ave. ?rth, near Burnside. MAXWELL. 19 10r"ln good running condition. Good paint and good tires. A bargain at $500. - 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1914 FORDltouring car, good condition ;tires almost newl for cash or as first installment on small home. Phone " Ant 320-39. AitoTbps YTUl Salmon at., between 6th and Broadway. FORD bug, in the best of condition; good tires. A real bargain at $450-. Terms if desired. 30 Grand ave. North, pear Burnside. FOR SALE -1916 Ford touring, $325 terms or. $300 cash.- 825 Mibais&ippi ave. House in rear of Jewler's. WE enlarge pistons 15-1000 in., guarantee them true, free from scale. Independent Welding Shop. East W'ahington and Water st ' CHEVROLET touring, 1918, in the best of con dition; good tires. Will sacrifice at $575. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. WAXTETC Two seco5dhaiid Bii icks. Mustbe in good condition. Call at 307 Washington st, Vaneouve, Wash., any time. - 1818 FOItb SEDAN; demountable rims, 5 tireZ lota of extras; $650 cash or terms. Phone Sellwood 3H.H5. ' v ; MY COLE WILL TAKE YOU THERE 7 passenger, fine condition: good tires; looks nice; $675, terms. Phone rkdlwood 651. WI I TiT EX CH AN GETeau tifuTdia morid weigh-ing-2 15-100 carats, worth $2200, for first class auto. Edgar Brayfield, P. O. box 4. city. SERVICE STATION Now located at Ninth and Everett sts. Broadway 82S7 $495 BUYS 490 Chevrolet, .1917 model, ready to go; small payment down; balance to suit A-l AUTO WORKS ft FTG. CO.. ' 525 Alder E"SSEX touring, 1919, -in the best of condition. Will sacrifice at $1500 and give terms. Will consider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. . WESTCOTT COUPE New and in perfect con dition; -very beautiful car; rides like a Pull man; upholstering in gray; heater; retail price $3600 wiseUor:400ICallEast4438. OAKLAND roadster, just overhauled, fixed up for a real sport car; has 8 tires, special light ing system and bumper; absolutely your price if taken at once. Phone Automatic 212-06. if II O 1920. brand new. Never been da iJU II ILi H.-red. Must have cash. WiU sen for $1985 And deliver. P. O-box 1503. Tacoma, Wash. CHANDLER chummy, fine condition; refin- ished and overhauled, $1300; terms. "Will take a mall car -in trade. ' Mr. Argo, Broad way 3231. ' 1917 BCICK light Six, just overhauled; good rubber, one extra; no reasonable offer refused. A-l AUTO WORKS & "PTG. CO.. 525 Alder FORD sedan, 1920 model. All wire wheels, one extra one. Leaving town ; will sacrifice at $973. and givg terms. 8,0 Grand are. North, near Burnside. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all mskes of cars and sell tbeig parts at 14 price. Hodes- Auto Wrecking Dept. 105 107 N. 11th st : . --- - - - FORD touring. 1916. in the best of condition. Good paint, good tires. Must sell. A snsp at $450.. Terms if desired. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LATE1917Buick light 6, 5 pass.; will demon strate mechanically with any Buick in Port land. Price $1000 for quick sale; term. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. .- PRIVATELY owned Maxwell sedan for sale, or . will trade for improved property; car can be seen at 215 10th st. ; car ha just been over hauled and ia in good condition. N-262, Jour nal. : : ' - '"' - DODGE 1919 ; Onr 1920 Dodge is ready for delivery. Sell ing ofir 1919 car for $075. Buy -direct from owner and aave money ; must be seen to be ap preciated. , Vulcan Machine Works, 250 Glisan. ARE you in the market for a . good economical 4 cylinder cart Just painted; new top and good tires. Fin .. mechanical condition. Low price with terms. Call me up. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. - '""; - -- " 1919 SAXON SIX Haa been overhauled" completely and she sure will demonstrate; price $650, $250 down, bal ance $4t per month. Jake's Used Car Ex change. Broadway 3214. 28 N. 11th st $3S5 BUYS Ford delivery, dandy shape; nice body; just the thing for some bottling works or store ; will give terms. - , , , A-l . AUTO WORKS ft PTG. CO.. ' 525 Alder STUDEBAKER. fl pass. ; good paint, good up holstering, good mechanical condition; starts by hand, but it can't be beat for twice or three times the price asked, $275. - WENTWORTH ft IRWIN, INC.. 200 Second St.. Corner Taylor. 1918 Chevrolet .Touring At low price, and we will take $250 down, bal. monthly. - Car is refinished and will run to please you. Come and try it 505 Alder at Red Front Used Car Co. Yes, I Have LIBERTY SIX THAT IS READY TO GO. $1000. TERMS. YOU CAN T PASS THIS ONE UP. PHONE MAIN 4028. MAR. 2766. ' f - ' . Late Hudson Super Six This car is in A-l condition. Will sac rifice - on reasonable terms or will tase emaHer car' as part payment Call East . 7338. ... ... , "... i. 1920 STEVENS, run only 260 miles,.- wire wheels, 5 cord tires, bumper, new lens, spot light, side -deflectors ; will sacrifice for quick sale. 530 ALDER" ST. ' BDWY. 1852. , BARGAIN I , CASE'CAR :':..' E pass, touring. Just overhauled and fn good running condition. Four cord tires. East 497. 478 Albin are between 8 and 12 today. AUTOMOBILES A?U ACCESSORIES 44 SEW 1920 Ford cheap. CaU Main 4065. 1920 4-flO CHEVROLET at a bargain. , 413 Burnside st . CaR 1919 FORD roadster, in best condition ; new tires and wheels. Tabor 2057. PRIVATE garage for rent.' Union ave.. cor. Gra ham. 1'lione Mrs. LaMond, Broadway 19"4t. MODEL 79 ttverland touring body, tenders and . riinning boards. $1S. Bdwy. 151 after Sunday. FjDUtt cyl. Packard road. tel. East 1 JO 5. tt tirea. Bargain. OLDSMOBII J5 8. dandy buy. Phone Main 1398; terms. 253 6th st 1920 FORD Sedan, eplendid condition and ap- liearance, at 505 E. Broadway. WE put steel taetb on your old ny wbeeL Blsrk. Browdway 24S1. 634 ikkr. SELL set of 32x34 TJ. S. Urea, new; bargain for quick sale. East 1800. - MAXWELL, 1918. good shape. $350., Terms. Will demonstrate. J 12 1 ' E. Oram t. . LATE Psiit-. $1200. 214 E. 19U N. Phona ' Kt 164 9 1016 FOKD wiiH delivery box; late hood and radiator; good crdev"; $800 rah. Main 5150. LATE 8axon six; 5 new tires; rung and looks like new. 1351 K. Yamhill st ' YOUR auto repaired at your home; reliable serv ice. Phone. Tabor 1296.- r i. - 1917 FORD bag. in good condition, cheap if sold at once; cash or terms. Tabor 725. FOKD ROADSTER BODY, four" to pickfrwn. $75 150 Union ave. - - - ' 1917 Bl'ICK 4 in A-l condition; a bargain for cash. Tabor 4273 or 81 E. 53d st N. FOR , SALE Buick bng in good condition, and a snap at - $4 On. 00; 'some term. : Phone Tabor 8400, Sunday. LATE 1918. Dodge touring car, in perfect con dition. Tabor 2549, between 5 and 8 o'clock evening. Bat Main 202$, all day. - -OVERLAND touring, late 1018 model Perfect condition. Will sacrifice at $850 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET, A-l shape ; good"pTtintT"5 good tires. Some terms, from owner. East 7562. " - HAVE a dandy li.bt six,- just overhauled, new top ind paint Fox a good buy call ' Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. s FOR SALE One 7 pass. Ktge car or will trade, i What hare youf See Onslow, 53 N. 23d. Main 7025.. - - " - -. ' ;: -". - 1014. FORD roadster, good runnhig condition, $200. Phone Tabor 3316. 6703 86th st. 8. K. - OVERLAND touring. 75, in the. best of eondi-l tiotr. good tires. A snap at $475. Terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1 DODGE S paas., 191 6,- in A 1 condition; just put $200 on car. $625 cash; no trade. Mar. 2982. 367 Cable st. 1920 ESSEX roatL-ter, in perfect condition: 5 oversize cord tires; 2 bumpers and spotlight; i t eell quick. Tabor 725. mu 1910 DODOE, 8640 miles, very good condition. $875. Webster's Oarage, East 11th and Flanders. Kast 731 2. - 1911 CADILLAC" bug. equipped with, top gnd windshield, first class rondition: ail tires in good shape. Phona East 8102. 867 10th st. E. FOR SALE Ford touring, late 1915; come and make an offer, no reasonable offer refused. 880 37th st. S. E. Private owner. . ' FORD roadster, fine condition. Good tires, good paint A snap t $423. Terms. 80 Grand are. North, near Burnside. 1917 FORD touring, good condition, price $350 cash, or trade for equity in una 11 livable house or as first payment. 11-744, Journal. MY 1915Franklin touring 800Taar"ouy:: fine running order. $300 cash. Main 2428. Bdwy. 1764. . 1918 PAIGE ,iight, 6. a fine car for $1350; terms; run very little and haa been refin ished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. - BABY. GRAND Chevrolet, in good condition"; new battery, new painty might consider Ford in trade. Address N.. P. Hansen. Multnomah. f-Or. Phone Main 3113. - OAKLAND six. a late 1918 model. Looks and rnna like new. Used privately. A bargain at $875. Terms, 30 Grand ave. . North, near Burnside. 1920 PAIGE-LARCHMONT sport model, rnn only 14 50 miles; $100 in extras; will sacri fice for $700 less thtn new price, t Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. FORD and Chevrolet expert will repair your car nights st your own home-, satisfaction guaranteed; references. Phone Sellwood 2189, ask fur Johnson. , HUDSON SUPER SIX Can be seen at 249 6th.: Main 7352, Monday. CLASSY Ford bug.'!'" fieeds new rubber; feifders tools and everything complete: cheap. A-l AUTO WORKS ft PTG. CO.. 523 Alder - LATE 1919 Ford, Al condition: place for self starter. $600; terms. $550 cash. Call after 5 p. ra week days; Sunday before noon. 1041 E. Lincoln st. Bk Used Cars - VrS . NO MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. DORT. 6-pass., good tires, new top, nrw paint; ' looks and-runs like new. Ready for service without extra expense For quick sale, $650; some term. Owner. Bdwy. 1989, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. ' - ; ' DODGE touring. Biggest bargiin in Portland. New stcrage battery. 2 new tires. Engine g.md. $6U0. Don't hesitate. See it Sunday. UmiS 71st ave., near 92d st. Monday. 7 0th st, and Foster. Inspector on street improvement. ' ' SEAL'TIFI'L Cliandler chummy; a reputable car; nice appointment ; worlds of power and class. Can be bought right. CaH U Howard. Bdwy. 1858. Will take a, small car a first payment. - OVERLAND 70 MODEL ? You must see this one: has self-starter, elec tric lights,.6 tires and runs fine. Price $250; $100 down, balance 10 months. Jake's Used t ar Exchange, 28 N. 11th st. FORD tonring ears. Ford , bugs, Chevrolet. Studebakers, Maxwells, Bnicks and many other makes. This stuff must be moved this week. Terms to suit. 34 5 Union ave. N. . (near Broadway). East 86. FORD DELIVERY This is a late 1917 steel panel body, almost new tires. Tlie ' best buy in Portland. Price $375; $125 down, balance $23 month. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 28 N. 11th at. THE FENDER MA1 I. .E DURHAM, who Ukes the kinks cut while you wait; also repairs radiator and bodies. 9 Broadway 8214. SO N. 11th St., near Burnside. WEAVER flRE COMPANY -EDERAL TIRES OREGON VTLCANIZINO CO,' TIRE REPAIRING 333-330 Burnside at Broadwsy DODGE ROADSTER Best offer takeVlmy 1918 Dodge roadster. Can be seen at 249 6tb St. Main 7352. Monday. CHEAP for Quick sale, almost new Ford road ster, first-class condition; haa demountable rims: extra tire tuba and rim; tire carrier, double radius rod.;' 192U license; lots of ToolSj and other extras too numerous to1 mention. Price $400. $10U down, balance 10 month. - Cell BS Alder, . A-l ALTO WORKS A PTC CO., '18-; Chevrolet Roadster Here is the poor man's car, light gas user and small tires; all tlie comfort of all large cars and this one is in the best of condition snd will speak for itself, low price and take $250 down, baL easy. 505 Alder at. Red Front. Open Sundays. - ". - -' 1919v.riudson Speedster This' car has cord tirea and one extra, bump ers back and front, mirror, spotlight, full set tools that came from factory with -it; factory finish, which looks just aa it did tlie day it left the showroom, aid we have low price and easy terms, "with reasonable payment down, bal. easy. Inspection invited. 503 Aider at. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays. Hudson Speedster A QUALITY" CAR THAT IS A WONDER FOR PERFORMANCE- AND ENDURANCE. SAME SERVICE AND REPLACEMENTS AS FACTORY GIVES ON NEW CAR. TERMS. PHONE MAIN 4028. MAR. 2766. WE MUST sell the cars lited below ; Studchaker touring ................ $5 50 1917 Chevrolet tonring .............. $450 1918 Ford touring ; ........ $400 Buick touring ..................... $350 National roadster '.. . . ... .J. .......... . $4 0O Stutx roadster "60 Baby Saxon ...... J, ....... ... $325 1919 Maxwell touring .............. H50 1917 Maxwell touring ... ..$350 Bugs from 350 up to ....... . . ...... $850 These ears can be bought en terms. Columbia Auto Sales. 84 5 Union ave. East 56, 2920 Standard "8. 7Pass. If yon are contemplating buying a good ' ; car it will pay you to investigate this. -Owner will take $700 less thsn price, car lies not ran 1500 miles. Equipped with cord tires and is in perfect mechanical COndltlOll. : -'!.'"' K. s S.: Motor Sales Co. 124 E, 6tJu, at Morrison.' CO A UTOMOBILK S AND ACCESSOR IE9 4 4 1918 5-PASS. Fordbod"y. 843Vaiicouver aVT ftUO for safe. IPSO ltche.t200. Fstg"51 5. car in good shape, cheap for cash. 778 Harold ave. Aut. 225-18. . 1917 FORD tor sale, $373. 607 E. 2d rt S. Sell 1647. - " t " - -- - - SMALL 5 -pas, car, good condition, $430; terms. Tabor 9 168. CLASSY -Ford bng. new paint, 1st class coihU , tion. 843 Vancouver ave. , DEAD storage apace, fireproof garage. Vancouver are. 34 3 1917 FORD touring for sale,, good tires tunur - and rear end recently overhauled. $375. Ta bor 8338 ; ; . - STl'DEBAKER dehveryr in good condition, only $173. W'm. L, Huehson. Co.. tto N. Broad way.: - - - " . 1919 OLDS BEAR CAT roadster, cord tires. extra, other extras. WU1 trade for lourtug, Terms on balance. East 5552. AMERICAN AUTO TOP CO. Auto tops, curtains and repair tng. Ka-t 864. Union at Pin. HERE'S a nap; 1917 Touring Studebakerin fitst-clas condition; new tires. - I'lmrke Wood lawn 3649. . r FORD truck, chain drive', platform body " In Hie best of condition. A snap. $500. SO Orand ave. North, near Burnside. OWNER leaving clty mu-"t 15 1J117 Cirant 6. A-l condition. Price $50. Terms. Ta bor 4296 before s. m. or aiter 6 p. fa. 1917 HUDSON suir six. two new cord-tires. in A-l condition, for $1000. 248 Yamiiiil st, room 200. TeL 567 28. ; FOR SAIJS or trde, i''SivrohTt7dT?!j i6inTha best .of condition. 880 37th" st. S. E'l'rivate owner. - MtiDEL 00 Overland deHvTryrTfine conditionT 5 good Urea. Price .$473. easy terms. Urn'. L. Hnghiion Co., 00 N. Broadwsy - LASH paid for old car, condiUou no tibjict ; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto ucuangc, e-sis r isnqers. nr. 11th Itilay. UMiM HAVE you a real g.Kd truck V7 trade i..r a mi- sai-Ke in ruirnv Town ,n ingliwey" $-500 and will pay cash difference. 201 v, rark. FOR SALENew 1920 Pan-American c:.71 will consider few afres bnish laud on river a part payment. 808 East Salmon st. MAXWELL, 1917, in the best of condition, hew top-, new tires. Will-sell at $075' and give terms. 80 Gry.nd ave. North., near Burnside. ' OVERLAND parte1! delivery, ; Jiu,"tpainted'," Af condition. CaR and make me an otter. 463 10th st. West Side. Main 3072. , 1 FORD " ton truck, 1 drive self Marter; solid tire behind; run 1 OO miles.-like new cheap Corner E. 0th and Hawthorne. National Sta bles. Phone East 6106. - - 1916 FORD, 1920 top, demountable rims, foot exhilarator, 81x4 tire: crown finders; lute style hood; new paint, $350. 387 E. 1st N evenings. ' " DANDY LITTLE HL'PilOBlI.E ' ' Good condition ; good tires, looks and runs fine; need money. WiU sell dirt cheap. Term. Phone Sellwood 651. FOR SALE or tradelTi88tudeTmk 0, wire wheels, 6 good tires, nwtligtit extra?!. Take light roadster. Phoue Woodlawn 901 Terms. " GRANT SIX " Late 1917 model. ' almost - new tires; has a world of ower. See this one. Price $."75: $200 down, balance 10 months. Jake's Used Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th at. OVERLAND 90 touring, seat lays back, make fin bed for camping out; 5 tires. S extra tubes, number extra parts; car in good condi tion; cash or terms. Tabor 7932. 1933 E. Washington st. ; AUTO BARGAIN Newly painted and overhauled, lata Paige, for sale at (1230. Garage. 9th and Couch. DODOE touring, fine condition; just overhauled! new battery; ready to go; nothing to be pa;d out tn. . If you are looking for a bargain call and see this one. -. A-1 AUTO WORKS ft PTG. CO., 525 Alder FOR SALE .1 9 1 9 , Overlsnd 00. best of me chanical condition. Used very carefully by owner only. 2 bumpers, spotlight vase, clock, windshield wiper, cutout and extra tire. Bar gain at $850. 11 14 B. Clay. Tabor 7719, 1019 ESSEX SEDAN. REFINISHEDLIKK NEW; TIRES GOOD, CAR MECHANIC ALLY' PERFECT. ORIGINAL PRICE $2930, WILL SELL FOR $1900: WILL OIVK 10 MONTHS' TIME. IF INTERESTED CALL EAST 6363. ..' Ford -Touring $350 with $150 down, balance long easy terms. The rar has new top, refinished, and will run tn Please you. Come and try it at 003 Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. .: '. AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION GATES " ole TERES - cost half ss much VULCANIZING THERMOID. .... - . TIRES. , . . . .MILLER Hsnen Tire Service. 24TH AND" THURMAN . MAIN 6535 1 92(Q)MAX W ELL-1! 920 THIS CAR IS 98't. NEW, A WONDERFUL BUY; NOT READY FOR THE REPAIR SHOP, BUT IS. READY TO GO. TERMS. PIIONK MAIN 4028. MAR. 2766. FORD SEDAN Latest model starter, demonnt- able rims: car is slightly used. I am leaving city;, must sell at once. Call week days Broad way 1572; evenings and Sunday, Tabor 8100. 1917 Saxon 6 Touring A little dandy. Rig bargain. K. & S. Motor Sales Co. -124 B. th St.. at Muirison. '17 Bujck Touring This car is first class every way and ha nrw non-skid tires all over and one extra mounted double tire rack and full leatlier top, with plate glass In rear, and haa been refinished and you will Eke the way it runs and looks when you see it. Low price and we will take $350.-down. balance monthly; take roadster in trade. Try it at duo Alder St., tted Front. Open Sundays. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. HUDSON 4 PASS., SPORT MODEL. HAS HKBJ UKT WITH MK FOIt A (JUM'K SALE. THIS CAR IS MECHANICALLY PERFECT. HAS SIX TIRES AND TIRE CAR RIER IN- THE REAR. WILL GIVE SAME SERVICE AND REPLACEMENT AS IK IT WAS A NEW CAR. WILL PAINT COLOR DESIRED AND .GIVE REASONABLE TERMS. IF INTERESTED CALL " JACK HERZINGER. HUDSON SALESMAN, EAST 6363. PRICE $1900. - ?J8 Buick Roadster. Light Six This ear has cords -and one brand new, one has not been on; spotlight, plate glass in rear, full set tools, and we have, low price on this and will take $450 down, bal, monthly. Car will readily pass for new, come and try it. 505 Alder st.. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. Open Sunday. 11 911 7 Scripps-Booth Roadster- ( If Jon want Srome-iintr ffoixl for tha road, let n show' you this one. K. & S. Motor Sales Co. 124 E. 6th st. 424 BELMONT- ST. BARGAINS IN LIGHT CABS Chevrolet touring, good shspe . . Ford touring, good tires Ford bug, new ..................... Ford bug, top, shield, fenders ......... Studchaker touring ............. . . Dod.e touring- -enough said .......... Chalmers bug . . .................. $475 4V5 4 50 4 50 850 675 175 800 Oakland pug EASY TERMS LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH. 424 BELMONT EAST 191 BUG BODIES, $95 UP Bug B'idies, Radiators, Fenders Hoods Made and Repaired BURNESS AUTO A BODY WORKS 16th and Alder sts. USED CAR BARGAINS I Ford roadster . . . . Olds 8 ............. Peerless. 7-pasaenger . . Chevrolet, rxadater . . . .. $329 $750 ........$350 sou 7 Fords ........ 4...... $323 to $4AO 1 Peerless. 7. i.. ... .. . . . .$100 1 Studebaker .. . .$160 1 Mitchell .$150 1 Buick 4 ..... , ...... . $373 ' LONG & SILVA 462 Hawthorn a. vt p : AVVy os- AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSOR IIS 4 t MAXWKIX touring. 1 91 ft model; of this car i in good cnmlition snd will uive , thmbaiids Kf nules of service. Price I'llO; - Wni. L. Hughson Co., 60 N. Broad- ay. WILLAMETTE GAS - ENGINE WORKS 1018 BUICK HOAHSTKR. . . 191 CHKVHOI.ET. 8 CYLINDER. 1917 .11 t'P. MOBILE, 111 19 MAXWELI, 18 MAXWKLU 1914 BI'B'K. 1 11 M ITI'HKI f. 10IP S'CRIPPH-BMTII. AND MANY OTHERS. 301 Ea t Bum.lde. At the ea-l approach of tlie BurndUe brtdze Paige 7 Passenger My heattlt coniprN m tcr fio tn frrtilit mt tmr; l,erftor, I nmnt !1 Dy irn(M irnlly nw I.tfev. In prtfrt t.ir!iHnirst! oinl'!ivii; 1.1 4 lit? fir-t jmrtr nuKinu a r(H(timl)! fftr. If you wmvt rar nt A hai, bk It over t US North Hidw,v, opt,? a npw vitoffire. auti ak for Mr. litiur. W ill aci-vj.t term- or rah. TIRE-SECONDS fiooilyosr. General, Mill.r, IHamnnd. Al! in tended to be "Firsts"; same fabric, same rubber, same Workmen. Hut Uie iiiMc-tor fouud a blemish and called tueni "Seconds," and that uiukes ' THE PRICK LOW You mn save screrat "dollars on each tire? WEAVER TIRE CO. , 333-33.") Rtiriiside at llroudnsy. RETiflLT OR OVKIIIl.in.Kn AUTOMtiBILES. WITH THE STUCK OF CARS WE HAVE P,?1.UAXI, AT PRESENT, E CAN SATISFY MOST ANYONE: 1918 Ford hug, very clss'sy ,.$4l' IMS Ford touring, rebuilt througlmiit . . . . 4. Ml 1917 Font touring, runs perfect, cxiras... 4''.- 1916-Ford touring, runs like new 37 3 1920 Ford 1-ton truck, worm drive, stake body . Ron 1919 Ford litrht delivery, just new...... 4,o 1914 Ford Itght d.'livery, runs good 2."i0 1918 Chevrolet, 4 00, looks and runs like new i fil II) Series 18 Kindt-Inker roadster, $100 of t exfras . . ftoo 1019 Scripp-Rooth. 0O ir cent new . . , . 1 imti 1B1II Liberty sir, looks lira ml new ....... l0i 1916 HupiiKibile. motor rebuilt, newly pninted . , , nno 1917 Uuick little six, rebuilt, perfect.... U."iO 1918 Overlaid, model 110, $150 under . price , . 6.00 Several Other flood Ruya.' YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER Our New Location: 511 Rurnxide St. Het. 14 Hi snd 15th St. Phone Rroadway 144. USED QAR SNAPS There are two kind of used, car snaps the kind that are bought because of 'price, without regard tn-condition and the kind that give the buyer such service thst sooner "vt later, tie realises that he bought his car at a snap. The latter are the kind of used cars that we sell. We will not trade in junk. : When the cars need overhauling we overhaul them; when they, need repairing it ia done. You can depend upou what we tell you itt regard to Our used cars. Overland, model 00, -club roadster. 1915 Mitchell; 5 pass.. 4 cyl. 1916 Mitchell, 7 pass.. 6 cyL 1917 Mitchell, 3 pass., 6 ryL ,1918 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyL 1919 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyl 1919 Mitchell, 5 pgss., 6 cyl. 1918 Willys-Knight. 7 pass.. 4 cyl Jordan Sport Marine, ,4 pass., 6 cyL ' Several others to select. No brokerage charges; we carry all of our own 'paper, . , Mitchell, Lewis. & Stave r BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BROADWAY 4673. C. 0. Bleasdale TEHMS--NO BROKERAGE i . i ... u k . i'.ll . iwl lrM,k them over - All wiunai'i si""- - " - and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD touring ear, in excellent con dition. , FORD bug. good tires, fine mechsn- 15 9 icl condition FORp touring in fine shape, good tires, speedometer, snotg ansorncrs tr gndv spotlight 47 PAIGE, 6 cyl. 7 pass.; good tires' r 45 rclinisyss; lor casn - MAXWELL touring, fine niechsnltjal W9 condition, relimehed .......... "v MAXWELL roadnter. iota new top, relipllolMte.f ed, good tires . ...... spotlight. 5 pfli CHEVROLET 1918. fine shape, P pfv . good tires, ref inisiied . . 5 650 BUICK light 4 delivery,. MAXWELL. 1918 touring;' this car fr 'TPffh i like new. . OVERLAND, model 90. motor thor- ongidy overhsnlcd. new top, re- f finisbed . OVERLAND 85-4; refinished; 5 r v 7G0 900 tSres, for OVERLAND 7-rasnger, looks like C. new; Just the car for rental., w OVERLAND light 6, good tires, re- (! finished, new top. t.ontinnt I motur v CHALMERS light C, mechanically r perfect v BUIUK. lisht 6. perfect mechanical (f condition, good tires, refinished OLDS lieht six, 1918. overhauled. 5 fl f? f j:ood . tires, refinished . . " RE'l 7 jwmwntfwr: just the ear for r fl ft f5") renul; 5 go nl tires e u y CfiLE, 8-cylinder. 7-passenger style CHALMERS Jiirtit sir. thoroughly overhsuled, new. special stwetlster type body, new top, with pletfe r rj glass; 5 tire e U 3,iMi' OIALMERS Ught fl, cannot be told Cfl"7P frqra new, for ouuk sale U a Jj) MANY OTHER CARS TO Tiioosr FROM TtKMI Ml ItllOKEK HK OPEN KUNDAVH AND EVENINGS - C.-Q. Bleasdale 530 Alder St. Broailway 1?32.