THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1920. THE OREGON J DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON ID AUTOMOBILES AJTD ACCESSORIES 4 good used automobiles "' low prices fob quick Teems 1017 MsJWrVery Cn condition ..... ..$523 1918 Msxwell,' rery fin condition $630 1919 Maxwell, very fins conditio .......1750 1030 Msx well, looks and 1 liks new., . . . .$375 1917 Studebeker four, an In food condition ' : ,. Ml nu tin,........ :.. . .1600 ,UU model Liberty, bargain. 1917 Cbslmers, H run over in lb shop, t . repainted and ha good-tires; quality ! cu it a bargain price, .,.,,.... f 888 HUDSON BARGAINS , ' . 1916 Hudson super tlx, overhauled and re- painted, always in pri.sta bandit, and inr that w. will give lm service -and replacements a -factories do on new cars ,$1250 " ' . ! ' . - -, ' .;' 1018 Hadson taper sir., overhauled, re painted, tooki jwx lik a new car. Many exrraa;: nnt service and re- -placements aa ' factories givs on new automobiles j.. '........' ..,.,,..$1800 1918-1019 serie Hudson speedster, lika new ............ . . .T;..... -.91828 Ws have no used tar department These bar gains art on our salesroom floor.-- . MAPLEWOOD, H acta with fruit; bar C. I, BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. r 616-617 WahingUa at., Portland. ... - ' '- V ' ' USED CAR BARGAINS j Ford roadster ................ 9328 Old S ........ ,.875 Peerless. , 7-Piwenger ............ .93.10 . Chevrolet roadster .8850 7 Fords 1826 to 8450 1 Peerless ....9100 1 Studebeker .9 1 0 1 Mitchell 9180 I Buick 4 v.... 9375 ' LONQ & mLVA 462 Hawthofci. SCRIPPSBOOTH lldtr Must be sold this week to H.QHEST BIDDER Perfect condition 4 new tires. , All extra. 6 tubas. 2 tires. FOR CASH ONLV 1294 East Salmon. Near 45th St. ' Saxon Six Touring ' , Thin car has been refinished dark maroon and lias new top and has been gone over and put in the beti pomible condition and will look and run to pleane you. Call and sea it; low pne and wa will take 9250 down. bat. monthly. Take Ford aa firit payment; terms en bat 605 Alder St Red Front Ued Car Co. 15,000 carried ia stock. Our springs sold with a written guarantee. We give you serrica. 84 North fifteenth street ";: 1920 Hudson TOURING Bun 8000 miles. 5-cord tires, refinished snd 1st class condition; - bargain if .taken at one. Gabned anubben, 2 spring bumpers, spotlight. Call East 8075. 9 Overland H8 Model 'This is fine lifht four snd will - pleaie you Low pries and will take 8225 down,; car is refinished and will look aa new , to you.. Come and try it 503 Aider : st Red Front Used Car Co. ' ' r . YET THIS Low Kent Moderate Kates. Expert radiator repairing, fenders and gas tanks. Tour Ford radiator rebuilt and mad to look like new. AH work guaranteed. Lxcep tlorutl serrica to commercial Ford. II. C Bar. card, 170 E. 7th st.. near Belmont. '18' Dodge .Touring 775 Here Is the cheapest Podge touring in this city fur tlie -r bs in the finest condition a ear could be in and . still ran aa quiet as ymi could wish one to; - looks like, new and wfll pleas, you; term are $330 down, bal. monthly. 605 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. - ' - THE FENDER: MAN- i, E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks out while you wait; abto rrjpaira radiators and bodies., Broadway 8214. SO N. 11th tt. , nrar Burnside. '-... Ford Touring $350 Here ta lute 16 touring, refinished and r topad and will look new tojrou, Kun fine: take $150 down, bat easy. Alder st Bed Front Used Csr Co. 1920 MAXWELL 1920 A wonderful tittle car tltat ift 98 per "cant new. xou can sar money buying this cat. Ttnaa.-. ... rhone Main 402S. Mar. 2766. yni lip 192U, brand new. Never been da JGu-etiC liTered. Mnat bar aasn. Will sell for 819SB and deliver. R, a box 1503. Tsrom, Wah. . - fiKKH it l.H -5 pasitenger car. good top. tires! alectrio starter, electric lights; 2 extras: runs fin; 8300: 8125 down, balance: 820 per month. Jake's Used Csr Exchsng. 28 11th st. N. MOTORS, ear, bearings, . wheels, axles; w wreck all moKet oi cars ami sell their parts at H price, llodea Auto Wrecking tkpt. 103- lOT n. lltn st Bl'IisK BI'1 with top. new storage battery, spat iifiht, good rubber, for sale or trade for tour-: tag car. Call Woodlawa 4675. U. 8. Uarage. 91 T Villiams t, - - . y ; r A DANDT X.ITTI.K CAB. 191S Maxwell. 5 good tires, all mechanical parts in excellent shape: $VS0 cash will handle. Broadway 1853. Mr. Howard. : - - CHALMERS roadster in A-l condition. New paint, good tires. . A classy car. A bargain 8775. Terms, 80- Grand are.. North, near BumMde. DOIiGK touring, 1917, good paint, good tires. Must sell, A bargain at $8SO. , Would con sider trad on Ford. 30 Grand are.. North, near BuriMide. OVERLAND touring. A good knock-about cat. Good condition. A snap at 9200. Terms. 80 Grsnd ate.. North, near Bnrnskla. ARE TOTJ wanting a new Ford touring cart W e hare it with extras on. reaay to run ouu EAGLE GAKAGr,, Lnts. 1017 FORD touring, completely overhauled and runs and looks like new; 'guaranteed. 210 Jefferson St. 5VERLAND touring 75, in the best of condi . tion, good tires. A sosp at $47 5. Term. 80 Grand see.. North, nesr Burnsid. ' A --a. T" Beooeerrng and repairing AUiU H ,( ressonabl pric. 826 Salmon st, between 6th and Bros-tway. AMERICAN ALTO TOP CO. Auto tops, curtains and repair Ing. Kant 384. tmon at Pin. SH paid for old cars, condition no object parts for ail makes of cars. Oregon Auto Cxcftarffce, 44S Flankers, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 85, bV Eft LAND panel delivery. Just painted, A-l ' condition. Call and an offer. 4 63 , lOtn t.. W'ext Bid. Main 8072, atAXWEIX 1916. in good runntna condition. Good paint and good tires, A bargain at 1 5f0. 80 Grand ave.. North, near Baraaid. fORD bug. in the best of condition: good tires. A real bargain at $420. Terms, it Ocired. . 10 Grand, are.. North, nesr H Jrnside t"OKD track, ch'sin drive, platform body, in the ' best of condition. A snap, $500. 80 Grand v , Aortn. neat nurrmme. X)RD touring, in first class condition ; good tirea and som extra. By. owner. 881 ha N. 17th at. - - - r rUDLBAKER coupe, sell or toad for fiv pas senger; -what have you. 035 E. Salmon -st ' FORD taurine; fine condition; good Urea and ertrm. Phone Tbor 880. EhETROLET In Tirit class snap. $438: tMt buy in tew n. 1276 Kelly St.. Fulton. A.SOLINE 25 CENTS A GALLON; OILS ASD tiKKASKS. FIONEEB PAINT CO.. 186 lST. CADtiXAC bng or light delivery. $ 178. 44 p klX cylidr aufo for mI cltp; soo lot iiixd . ) cr. Tabor S503. Tahor 5244. Sal 18 BCirK. 5-ts., in lttnt condition. 5' .rr.M.. n,iss nik v - J (i wg, -a-rvs " J r rs rt T91 5 FORD touring, ia good ordar. $375, ' E 151 7. - TOKO touring; sei cheap. &i 7 FronX at . ATJTOMOBII.ES AT ACCTERSMJR1ES4I r - J. . 'bio CUT PRICE SALE " ' . - tt. O. WARRE7 WOTOR CO; - - - . f SKD CAB DEPABTMKXT - v Main 780. j , : ; 68-60 N. S8d St Wa are .amine ro disnose of this splendid stork of good nseif ear at tha very eaineet possible moment aa w asuet make room ior a.ore trades on our rrw can, which art ccuun fxrt ... i , - -. " Each of lha car ban been put in the very fine condition, bath mechanically and a to airesrarce. . i , - Here ar a ' few: of them, listed for reur erti'idcrstion: t Mtxwcll toorin, 11T i . . . .. V. . . if 47B Vsxwell touring, 118 .... . 65H Slaxwrll msd-er, 1I8 7JS OverUnd, 191M. touring, model 90..... 780 (Terland. 1UIH, toiujng 6. mndd S5... H00 Overland,. 1916,' touring, model 78..... 475 Orerland. 1016. touring, model 83.. ... 400 1'uick, 1918. touring. 5 cord tires, new paint ; ,j. , i. . 1U Studcbaker.- 19IT. f4-cyl. rowing...... 600 Ktndubeker. 1918 6-cy touring ... 1000 Mitchell. 1917. touting. 6-cyL, ....... . 950 Jieo, 1918. U-r.Jl. to-jrina . . . .. Jo Oldrmobile, 1918. 6-cyI. tonring ...... . 1250 J siKe, llH, 7-pa-s, touring. Velie, 1917, S-psj: touring .......... . - 80fl ' eiw. 1919, 3-P. touring ..... 140O Tord, 1917 ..... 450 Kaxnn, 1 91 7, 8-pa-x. tounng. . 700 Buy yonr car - from a responsible dealer if you expect to get your money's worth. Each car nU ' oo easy term and fully guaranteed. USED FORD BARGAINS : J9J6 PKLIVEIIY ...... $250 1917 DELIVEHT 2K5 1.918 WORM TRUCK CHASSIS.... 478 1918 ROADSTER ... i .......... 4 50 1 910- ROAD8TEB 495 .. 1919 CHASSIS. BOSCH MAG..... 175 1916 TOCBINt !..........., 265 1915 TOURLNfl .......... 350 191 TOURIN'l 875 1918 tucking ;. ............... aos 1919 Touring ................ 625 Many other bargains to select from. . EASY TERMS Universal Car Exchange ' Used Fords Exclusively Grand Ave. and K. Yamhill St .Open Evening. CHEOLET ; 7 FJORD OWNERS ; FORD overhauled . .S .................. 1 9 29 Rear axle overhauled ... . ........... ...B Valve ground, carbon removed ..........8 $ Magneto recharged i. ............. .....8 6 Wa hand Up pistons, scrap bearings, eta., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parte only ned, . At! work guars n teed. THE REASON Th Fold engine starts hsrd snd the BxMa are dim is hecan the MAGNETO is weak. Hsve it KE HAItGEu by EXPERTS. " Universal Auto Repair 210 Jeff ernoo at. Main 7644. USED CHEVROLETS Service Reliability - Reputation' FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. , 14th and Alder fits. Broadway S48L. 'flSBuick Roadster ' . - Light Four; . Jj--- ;- Hera is the chu In 11 the four and this one has new top. newly refinished. Pacltard blue cream wheels and black fenders and hood. Haa all th appearance of a new one and runs the same way. Low price and will take 9325 down. dsi. euy. 505 ALDER ST., RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WE HAVE 3 lete model 6 pass. Ford touring ears, all overhauled and in first eUws condition throughout i Sea thera at the ' : USED CAR EXCHANGE 15th and Washington sta. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. nUDSON 4 PASS., SPORT MODEL-. HAS BEEN LEFT' WITH ME " FOR A QI'K'K SALE. THIS CAR IS ' MKtTHANICALLY I PERFECT,-HAS SIX TIRES AND TIKE-CAR-HIKR IN THE REAR. WILL GIVE SAME SERVICE 'AND REPLACEMENT - AS IF IT WAS A NEW CAB. WILL PAINT COLOR DESIRED AND GIVE - REASONABLE TERMS. 'IF INTERESTED CAIX. JACK HERZINOE8. HtTOON SALESMAN, EAST 6863. PRICE 91 QUO. . '18 Chevrolet Roadster. At the low price of 8575, wrth $225 down. bal. monthly'. Car is in first class condition every way ana will speak lor . Jtseil when- you try it ' ' . -- - 605 ALDER ST., RED FR6NT USED CAR CO. 6-CYLINDER, 7-PAS.SENGER TOURING, PER FECT CONDITION. LOOKS LIKE NEW. COST $2600 2 TEARS AGO. OFFERED 8PECIAL TODAY FOR $800. ON TERMS. PHONE MR. GROUT OR MR. BRYAN. 3D W Y. 240. - . .. - . WEAVER. -TIRE COMPACT FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. i TIRE REPAUUNO . 383-885 Bnrn?ide at Broadway - Used Cars V; Stock BIG r70 MISREPRESENTATION Covey Motor Car Co. maxwell Maxwell 1917 Max wt 11. private party, in Al condition; $450. terms. Phone Main 4028. - Msr. 3766. - FORD chant with good tires in good running order. Will mak a classy bug. A snap at $250. Terms. 30 Grand are.. North, near BumMde. CHUMMY ROADSTER. . 1017 Elgin chummy, in perfect . condition, with good tire; this car must be sold at one; easy tarms.409 Stark st Broadway 8961. MODEL M Hupmobile, in first-class condition, $1000, terms; mint be seen to be appreciated, Sea owner at Montgomery, garage, 868 Front at Marshall 1779. -. -- 19Y6 FORD, 1920 top, demountable rims, foot axhilarator, 31x4 tires crown fenders; late style hood; . new paint, $350. 387 E. 1st N.. erenings. " - -. - - -- LATE 1919 Ford, Al condition; place for self starter, $ 600 ; terms, $559 cash. Call after 5 p. m. week daya; Sunday before noon. .1041 K. Lincoln st. 1919 MAXWELLTtouring This car can be bought for 9400 less than new price. Colum bia Auto Sales Co., 345- Union are. East 66. Art for Senn. ' , 1918 OVERLAND 90. like new. for sale cheap.1 A-l Auto Works s Painting Co., 625 Aider. FORD, must be sold;. just overhauled, painted. new top; 4 door, good tirea, Fhon 216-28. 6511 Foster road. 1919- FORD touring, good condition. $100 in extras. $a50. Columbia Autp Sales Co.. S45 Union are. East 56. Ask for Senn. FOR SALE Ford touringTlate 1915:" come and make an offer,-' oo ressonabl offer refused. 8S0 37th st, S. K. Private owner. FORD bug. new body, motor just overhauled. 8525. Columbia Auto Sales Co.,' 345 Union ave. Est 58. Ask for Senn. FORD roadster, fine condition. - Good tires, good paint. A. snap at Mz3. Terms. IV Grand ave-, Nortn. near HnrnsMe, POWERFUL speedy bug, or trad for h psssenger of aqusi value; no term. Phone Main 7257. FOR SALE or trade, Chevrolet, late 'IB, in the best of condition, 380 87th at S. E. Prlvat owner, 1917 FORD for sale, Shocs absorber, speed- ometer. tire carrier, extra horn, tool 'box; snap. Main. 846. 773 Thurman. MAXWELL, 1917, in the best of condition, new top, new tires. Will veil at $678 and give terms. 30 Grand avenne. North, near Burnude. OVERLAND touring, late 181 S modeL Perfect condition. Will sacrific at $850 and give terms. 80 Grand a v.. North, near Bunwide. OW'NER leaving city, must sell 1917 Grant "6," A-l condition. Price $550. Term. Ta bor 4296 before 8 a. m. or after 8 p m. GARAGE Corner of Tenth andHarrion. Call Broadway 4451 FOR SALE or trade. . Chevrolet for good For Main 846. 775 Thurtuaa. FOR SALE Ford' touring " car. run 6 month. a fi iuv r um k xuasx- iotp. - TIRES SlighUy owl, 83 to $15 each. Expert tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six. 1920 modal; run smio miies. sn ist n. . 1917 FQD roadster, demountable rim: b bargain at S3ft. Hayles, 81Q Union ave. N A STCTZ, good condition, good tiros; a real car - - for $900: reasnrisble terms. Main 7304. FORD CHASSIS, FlSST -CLASS CONBITION: BltQADWAY 151. 1917 FORD rosdxter. first class corKiition. $425. . juaac cuae stea. tjo. uit al7. ATTTOMOrflXr: AI ACCESSORTESn - ": USED " CAB SNAP - ' There are two kind of nsed car snaps th kind that are boagnt becaoa of : pries, wrthoot regard to condition and taw kind that aTiva th buyer such sertiea than aooner or later ha realizea that he bought bis car at a snap. The latter are the kind of Used ears that we sell. W wilt not trad ia yanku When th ear need overhauling wa overhaul them; when they Bead repainting It ia dona. - You can depend Bpoo what w tell yon in regard to our need car. -1919 Chevrolet 2 pasa.. 4 evL 1919 Overland. S pa, 4 eyLj 1915 Mitchell, 6 pasa, 4 cyL 1916 Micnetl, T pass., eyl. -1917 MWebelL 8 pas.. S eyl. 1918 Mitchell, 7 Pass.. 6 cyL! . 1919 Mitchell, 70., cyL if iv iiieoeu, m pass o cyi. - i -1918 Mitchell, S pass., CyL ' 1918 Willys-Knight, 7 pas . eyL i. . Jordan Sport Marine, 4 uasa., 6 eyl ' ' Several others to select No brokerage charges; wa carry all of our own paper. . MITCHELL, LEWIS aV STATER COMPAXT. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BROADWAT 4675. VRANSONS USED CAR EXCHANGE Fords, All Kinds to v Pick From 1915 Ford touring, overhauled. . ...8 350 1916 Ford touring, extra ...... 76 1918 Ford touring, overhauled .... 489 1916 Ford delivery, panel bull . . 4 50 1018 Ford roadster, extras .... '428 1918 Ford sedan, overhauled ... 666 1918 Ford sedan, starter ........ 760 1919 Ford touring, like new .... 625 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras 885 1920 Ford truck- body and cab.... 850 1916 Ford bug, 213 body 425 1916 Overland, panel delivery.... 850 1918 Vim, H-ton truck......... 459 1916 Stndebakcr 4 touring . . ... 275 1917 Studebaker 4 roadster'.,.'. 650' 1918 Stud '.aker. 7 passenger .... 750 1917 Scripps Booth roadster, extras. 675 1917 Maxwell tonring .......... 450 1916 Brisro touring, overhauled.. 400 ' 1917 Buick 4 roadster ........ . 600: 1917 Dodge touring, snap 800 1920 Chevrolet touring, like new... 776 1918 Sterling roadster ........ 250 191 Olds ft. Stilts design 1500 WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF BODIES Cash, Trade or Terms Open Evening and Sunday 150 Unto ara. ' '18 Buick Roadster . Light Six The car ia first elass and haa been refinished and will readily pas for new. it haa bad such slight use. Has cord tirea and on brand new one, never been on the ground. - It you are in search of a high-grade car com and see this one. Low price and We will take FOUR HUN DRED AND FIFTY DOWN, BALANCE EASY, OR TAKE CAR IN TRADK AS FIRST PAY MENT. 606 ALDER ST., RED FRONT USED CAR CO. SUCCESSFUL TIRE REPAIRING Require a full knowledge of tire oonatructJon mmt nmner Miilsnnit far eaon repair: wa have both I Bring us that tire or tub and wa will fix it light; prices - reasonable; new ana uscu tire for leas; liberal allowance on old tires. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand, av.. near Pin. Phone Ea-t 489H. . - 1 E THICKS A1H TRACTOHS 88 ValSn 8H-ton: Juat tha thing for v eilV fordwood, logs br ntber heavy work: aood BBecbanical ooaditioa and nulla lik a looomoUv ,.$1890 ww warm drive truck : used only a rOra abort tima , 675 (TtrVBs Hon meumatie tirea uaed bu VliVAW very little, baa good tk body. ; H Aa aniHtahleld. Juat tha thine to haul berries, milk, etc ... 1850 1 H -ton; v pneumatic front, YV ttll V solid rear tire, good body, cab and windshield, overhauled and to first class condition 1290 IreOera eareful second look to tell ' this truck from a new one, nothing haa ' ; been overlooked to mak this truck aa x- - ceUeut invesUiient (or. th purchaser ... . . 2750 nV8Ae.Asea.mv4 T-tonj apeady. reliable HiUl biaiiiU gad cheap .... .. 878 Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR. ,Ask About Our Free Ts-Isul rn TrsiipHt-s W have on td tb irgt stock of uscdaj truck in th utate of Oregon. I They are all ovcrtiauled and put in ut nn ast possible condition. . It will pay yon to in vestigate our line , .- - - v SPECIALS THIS WEEK1 a-ton Renublie ................... 8 780 1-ton Moreland (................... 860 1-ton Remiblie ................ 975 2-ton Republic .................... 1 860 8H-ton Republic .................... 2500 2-ton Rto 600 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE Qranning & Treece 642 Alder St. cor. lTth. - Broadway 1728. C PASSENGERBC8 On a Whfta rhaasia. ia srjlendid mechsnlcal condition, new tire; owner leaving eaty, uutruct' Int ut to sacrific for ' $2150. ' '-' :. , : THE WHITE COMPANT : ' PARK AND OOUCH TTOULINQ WOOD 2 ton Whita. orerhanled In our shop, new Giant urea in rear; J or a antes: sal will aaoruioa TERMS 1 ! THE WHITE COMPANT Park and Couch sts. l.TO STUDEBAKER . Excellent condition mechanically, good body. electric ligbta and starter, new tins. THE .WHITE COMPANT PARK AND CorCH ' " 1-TON FORD TRUCK Make U aa Offer. THE WHITE COMPANT PARK AND COUCH ST8. V AND 1-TON REPUBLIC TRUCKS Just overhauled; will sacrifice. Better sea th bargains, i - GARFORD track, l H-ton. platform body, al most Bw solid tirea A bargain at $976; term. 80 Grand ave. near Burnside, FORD delivery, 1917. Al condition : owner must sell; a bargain, 94oet terms. au Grand ve- N-, near Burnside. FORD delivery, panel body; a real barzain, $426; term. Stt Grasa ave near Bum- atrlA- - III taae auaiam siswa roann car mm part 5NE 3 -ton truck for sale, good cab and electric lights. 91100. Call woodlawn gain. AUTOMOBILES WAHTED 78 CASH'POR CARS I Will pay casta in hand for soma lata model tourins ear or roadstera. Bring yonr. can to me. I will aot ask you to leave them t sail, a I do not handle commission can. but wui pay eaao. 603 Alder St. .-' .. BED FRONT USED CAR CO. WE PAT CAST FOR LATE MODEL CARS - , USED CA1 ISUHJNti i !. tf' 127 LOWNSDALE - Phone Broadway 2666. WILL BUT, cell or trad Usd can. Hsvi cssn Drivers looxong ior oargaiaa. r, a u (Unge. 889 Union av. N. WANT light car. Have on Mt Tabor and 2 Kenton lots, is Dor 2 Si a. WILL pay cash for used car ia gwad aonditioo. 948 vnlon ava. TeiepDon Kast 86. WILL trade acreage for good auto. only - X-665. Journal. Ownrs GAS dragsaw and wood catting outfit "Vadi-for Vrada for wV 276. aatomonite. Lroaa. journal. WILL pay cash for 1919 Dodge car. Bdw. 276. ATJTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR" HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERp. L. BUW.IVAN, FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. S32. lOth tt TamhiU. A-1256 S3 ATJTOS FOR HIRE. WITH OB WTTHOTJT DRIVERS- DAY OR -NIGHT SZRV1CK. -A - COUCHMAN GARAf.K. --a . - . 1 JTH AND COUCH. ' v REMEMBER OCR NUMBER. BDWT. 8696. ACTOS RENTE W1THODT DRIVERS I FEARING aV RUBNETT CITY GARAGE i 132 12th ut. between Washington and Akler. SEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS - u OVERLANPS HUDSON'S I' LOWNSDATE GARAGE - I BROADWAT 2408. 15TH AND WASH. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ABMT GARAGE. SD AND TAYLOR i MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF A BENNETT, .Prop. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 83 FORD: OWNERS ' FORD overhauled . . y. . . . . . . . .. . . .$20 Real axle overhauled. ..... .J. .. .... 16 Valves ground, carbon removed. ......... . 3 Magnetos recharged .................... 6 Wa hand-lap piston, scrap . bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect runninc motor. Genuip rora part only useofc All wore: guars nfr-eo. GUAFA.NTKK ACTU KfcPAlH CO. : ; 280 Front st, Cor. Jefferson. MOTORCTCI.F.S. BirTCLFS 63 TIED MOtOfiCYl5LES OF ALL rfAKES JbASX B1DK MUrUKVIULG GO 44 Grand ave. Excelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Anna. : TWIN-HarleyT"in first class condition, tajidem. potligbt ipeedomeler snd two extra tires: 4 bargain. 881 H J. 17th st. t . IVER-JOHNSON bicycle, little used, lik new. with cord tirea. 885. Address C-885. Vke- tona st. H7r. MOTORCYCLE, with side ear. ton, ipsad o meter; A-l condition. 889 N. 19th at; pnon nroaaway 1990. 1 THREBspeed 1918 lightweight twin Indian. 1920 license. Extras, $90 cash for' quick sale. CaU Woodlawn 4700. ONE twin, S-apeed Harley-Davidson, with side derivery ear. A-l eoKdltion. Msin 94B2. Aik for Walter. - NEW cycle, with motor attachment; fina condi- iwn, rnone Main mag. EXCELSIOR motorcycle, 1919model, fina eon- OUron; etieap. oa 20 Vt N. Papa. . 1918 EXCEIIOR, fine conUiUon, complete equipment, bargain at $176. Sellwood 2929. 'FOR 8ALE Two motoicyclea. Call" 4202 7Btn st. 8. E.; evenings. BICYCLE, medium size;' also small boy's bicycle. doiu a 1, coesp. ao vnapman st. r WANTED A v late modtl motorcycle as part payment on a good used auto. Bdwy. Sri (Ml. THOR MOTORCYCLE ; FOR SALE - CHEAP. READING standard motorrycl and , aid car. cnesp,, on eay terms.1 Col. 882. . ' LArjfCHF. AND BOAT - at FOR SAfTE or trade. 2 story houseboat 17-4x 48, float 38x60, 6 ft. porch on 8 sides; 2 room furnished houseboat on cow. 1NxBB:.i-1 canoe house, 24x50, racks and lockers, bull tins; ano u grwKi iioatas. p-jgj, journal. 1 iifjR SALE Trawler regal engine, 14 h. p fully equipped, terms. Foot of E. Morsison st bridge. Phone East 1781. i WILL accept any reasonable offer on 28 ' foot 40 H- P. launch. : Inquire of caretaker. Mo- torboat club. Ask to ae McCarmack'a bost. LAUNCH, 12 miles; Perfection engine, aood , anapa. ioi; 1 o-amp. iiayton aynamo, $2U T'et end Madison street bridge. - t LAUNCH Colombia for sale; ft. of Ainsworth dock. CaU Broadway 4061. HOUSEBOAT ; for . sale. : No. 46 Willamette Moorage. r PIANOS, ORG A5S. MUSICAL i - INSTRUMENTS ti SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSCtO OUT 2 small UDricht rdanoa. cash. A5 and. . a TS $300 Gray aV Co, upright piano, cash. ... 110 oo Mallet Davia upright piono. cash. . 145 426 Dnnham upright piano, cash. ...... 165 475 Dsvis ac Son upright piano, cash... 215 475 Frsnkhra Piano Co. cisno. cash -S40 550 Kimball. Co. upright piano, cash. ... '263 aienaeanau player piano, csh S96 Parnr organs, 918. 828, 385888 and... 46 toncrapBS, 818. $26, $86. $55 and... 95 i-iaooa atored. bought and sold for caaa , i ivtD sr. corner arsrc sr. h THE 8CHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS This Wek 750 8teinwsy A Son upright. ........ .$348 ouu Kranich as Bach upright.......... 345 650Conover oak upright ............. 815 476 Vom A Son ebony upright. 285 860 Kimball & Co. upright grand....,.-. 846 478McIntyre GoodseU nnrigbt ....... 245 $25 Cash and $7. $8. $10, $12, Afoathlyh 0I 10tb st., at Washington and Stark at.! W 8DY.-8BUi ttKNT UH TRAbb Talking, Machines i and Records -;- 1 MUSIC ROLLS, PIANOS ? Newmraan's Record Exchange, 128 1ST. MAIN 449... TABOR 6798. $185 and no. Guaranteed BTEINWAT. CHICK ERING, CABLE. VICTOR, DECKER A SON, HOWARD and other. See them. TERMS GIVEN. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., bet. Washington and Alder. . " PIANO .WANTED Pay Cah tlet Our "Trier SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC - CO. 128 Fourth st . Msin 8586. BTEINWAT upright, snap .$500 CHICKERINO concert grand ......... 600 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., : 125 4th, St, Bet Washington and Alder. PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICT KOLA and records. . Seiber Hng Lucas Music Co., 125-127 h at' r Msin 8586. - ,-,---r.. t - SWAP new cabinet phonographs for anything of value. . Call and talk Jt over. 164 Kast Broadway. . r . ' BEAUTIFUL Lad wig piano, worth $680; al most new, for 9400 cash. Call after 6 p. xn. Mrs. Bloomer. Phon Msin 941. 163 12th t. CASH tar iiano or Victrola. 217 Washington. . asavnuai7. . ATJTOS FOR HIRE BRINGING UP FATHER ARe -roo -sore. 1 rxovr - THEE.ECC5V J OOOBTLe,,- . HAVE. eEEN J ITOLD TH, . OIL.EO. THftEE C0 TO rrffS I . I 1 FOUf to zDtT r WHAvT TA.K15. THE.M ArvATf AN' PAft a.Vv'ax 1 wt 1 . r ma', 1 k 4 - 1 PLAFTOS, ORfJATfS, MTJSlCAi ; IJfSTltUMENTS tt STEIN WAT A SONS piano la - perfect condition -. ........ $760 LCDWIO A CO. 'piano, hk new, in per fect conditioa ..-..8550 KIM BAT J. piano . . .-- . . ............ $395 HAMPTON piano, oak. . .9395 HALLET A IAVIA piaBO. . ..v. ...,.. 5295 CARLE A SONS piano.. .,..-......-. 92115 WEUJSGTOS piano 9200 Every : used piano sold by ns is a good value at tha price, and -w giva with each oaa our writteA exchange agreement. : - . '. - G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. ' 149 Sixth st, Portland. TTPKTTR1TBBS ; . 77 UNDERWOOD nolaeleaa Monarch: alw No, 10 and 11 Remington. Regular and wide ear riagea, perfect condition. D C Wax, 31 N. 5 th. Broadway 2739. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt . typewriter, . "all makes," told en monthly. tymenrs. Send for prieo list Tha Wholesala Typewriter Co., retail dept., BXi, wasutngtoa st. ALL MAKES -. of typewriters ranted, , repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th St. Msin 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 66 - . COAL and Wood Range. ... 915.00 up . Cook Stovea ............ 10.00 up Gas Stoves .............. 10.00 up !aa Water Heaters ........ , 9.00, up ; Floot- Coverings, yard ...... - .78 np - Kitchen Queens 3.00 up Kitchen Cabinet 12.00 np Dining Boom Extension Ta bles T.00 up : Tning Room Chain ...... . 160 up ' Living Room Rockers 4.00 np Library Table ........... 8.00 up ; Simmons, Beds ............ 12.00 np : Cotton Felt Mattrsasea 8.00 up ; Steal Spring ............ 6. OO up ' CoU Springe ............. 8.00 up . . IHesAen . . 9 00 up ' PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St , CampersAttention' 3 -BURNER WINDSOR. OU atora reduced to $13.75. . - 5old Medal army -cots, reduced , to MISI FUROTTOM COi 188-190 FIRST ST. '-'SACRIFICE . Furtiltur of S rooms, atl or part hous for rent, $ 40 per month. Beau tiful yard,.-all kinds of fruit. 6 min utes' walk from heart of oity. CaU between 0 a. m. and 4 p. m. For in formaUon phone Main 8878. 654 1st st, - corner Lincoln. No agent. New and Used Furniture OU WILL SAVE MONET BITYINQ AT es 'Furniture Co.- 235 FIRST. COR. MAIN HIGH CLASS dining, table and 6 chain, solid oak, $85. . You cannot duplicate for double this amount Pnon East 1108. Ask for Mr. Soul. . ,-.-.. - 7 ICE CREAM tables and chain to match. Oxidized wire legs. One golden oak dining table with chain to match. Bargain, D. O. Wax. 21 N. Fifth st Bdwy. '2789. LARGEVulcan gis range, $35 ; oak rocker. , ll! leather ehair, $13: bookcase. $14; Bx! laiwmtry Brussels rug, $17; wash tub, boiler. , , tu niwunilR. IIDOT sa2il. LIKE new, $35 baby buggy. 812; dresser. $10; iron oea, z; gas water beater, gas range, chain and ether household goods. 7 Grand ave. N. New and Used Furniture YOU WILL SAVE MONET BUTING- AT Peoples, Furniture' Co. - ' S88 FIRST, COR., MAIN FOR 8 A LE-y Furniture, 6-room house. ITeoer. ruga, beds, springs, mattressek, couch, tables, stands. 620 Albert rt. - '- ' FOR SALE Furnitun of 6 room hone; must sell as am leaving town. Call . Woodlawn 8118. "No agents. DOUBLE spring velvet couch, in good condition; 87i oe.wia trade tar eadar ches. . Wnarllawn 1337.'- -':... DRESSERS, beds, mar and swell mahogany far niture for sale. 669 East Washington.': FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 11 FOR SALE 2 saddles and 1 pair leather chaps. : Don't answer anises you want real saddles. 848 Mill st. GASOLINE woodsaw for sale or trade for light car. 1586 K. 17th st, Sellwood ear. Sell- wooa an. FOR SALK 4 chain-pull gas lamps. .75 -ft gaa - pipe. Phone Wain. 8329 or call 753 Van- (wwt tw. -.- . -- .- - - - RES fAU RANT fixtures, cheap: steam table. dishes and silver; tables. 665 E. Taylor. Phone East 80 48. ... . FOR SALE Wall tent 14x16, enual to new; ' also 20 pieces furniture. - E. 4 680, CHERRIES 4c. large potatoes. 15 lbs., 3L Hess. 60th and Killingsworth. - ". : FOR .SALE Black Republican .cherries 6c B. 723 E. ii 9th st N. Automatic 813-14. CHERRIES Be a lb.' Republican 5e; Oregon 6c; Royal Ann 5c. 69th and Division. Tabor 8830. ORDER your prune trees now. Woodstock Nur- sery. Sellwood 2332. LATE MODEL Remington typewriter. ' 217 . Washington st . - - FOR SALE First class used 10 by 12 tent $30. Tabor 4322. . . SECOND hand tents snd coven for sale. Pacific Tent Awning. 1 N. .1st St. '-'' '-v- BLACK leather traveling bag. 97.- good. Obndi tion. cost 914. C-493 Jonrnsl. t VACUUM clesnen for rent, 91 a day; delivered anywhere. Wdlwn. 6088, forraerly Bdwy. 258. CHINOOK salmon for canning X7o lb. Heycs Bros., 205 Yamhill st ' (Copyright. 1920. by International Featur Sornce,: Ino.) , .: :J ;. THE MAO-TER- oex COOKEO . a. 1 ENOUGH? ' ' ' '.:..: "..... A ' .' I - r FOR SALE mSCELCAStOTJB 1 We Buy Sell, Rent or Trade Ft.FfTRIO FANS.' SHOTOl'NS, RTrtFB -TENTS. KHOWCASEH, CASH RKGISTIiltS TYPEWRITERS, TOOLS. HOVSEHOLD , OOODM. MC8ICAL INSTRUMENTS STORE AND OFFICB FIXTURES , . Newman's Exchange 128 1ST. . MAIN 44 8 6, TABOR 6798. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand.' sold for less; bo agent empioyea. Complete One of parts for all anakea. - Machines repaired and rented. Main 9491. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM ' 196 Third, near Taylor at - WBkSAYE TOTJ MONEYS f Sr'v.'.w: ' '".. Rous wiring, ' lighting ftx . tare, electrical repairing sup. ' plies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 H Third street. nr Salmon. Main 6055, W HT aa everlasting aggravatioa by a leaky roof 1 Why not a permanent and comfort able roof f We repair, rubber-bond and ra luvenata all kinds of leaky- roofs. Work guar antee, fnone Main oaoo CHERRIES, Loganberries, Raspberrias. Sara. Pick thera yourself or w will pick. Kale and cabbage plants. Rabbit. Corner 80th and Last Stark. Mt Tabor (MT 88th) car to and, four mucks north, on east S fl T KTTh TET drophead sewing machines r a aw. v with attachments. All are in very good condition. Sewing maehina rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2389. E. K. Stern, 152 Gnnd are'., near Belmont Independent Printers- " W ar atin doing promptly "printing for lees" at 11 No, 6th at, ComraoawaauA bMg. Smith, printers.. Broadway 2986. . - . ,:MU8lCAL INS TR UM EN T S. -Typewriten" and "Household Good" ar sepsrat. classifica tions, i All advertisement of ths good ar published under their rr prctive ciassificatioca. - - UIOK THEM OVER. - LUMBER for ie; California rustic, all kinds of ceiling and flooring, frame lumber, brick, doom, window! Sea Mr. Whitlnck at E. , 7th and Hawthorne Phone E(t 4 79. -' ELECTRIC fans, drink mixers, new, Used. - changed: motors rewound and repaired ; wiring and supplies ; quick service. Hyiuon Electric Co., 302 Pine at. at 6th. Broadway 4298.' ACTOMOLESTIKRCTCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are sepanta classificatione. A ktrga listing will b found under the different clsaai- fuuttnn, - - HOT WATER TANKS 30 gat 37; 40 gL $9. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnac coils. Gas heaten installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st E. 8516. Dentistry hSS Without Pairi. Latest Nerva Blocking Method. DRY kiln wood and kindling, stov length; order : now, while you oaa get it Sett 1671; aouth- east delivery. ' -, EURHOUGHS A DALTON adding ms china, per- feet condiUon; late moaels; It. v. wax, i N. 6th t Bdwy. 2789. ATTRACTIVE styles ia ladies' slightly worn coats. suits, gown, bets sad furs. 1047 Thurmaa at Min 9567 " G It A FLEX, . 8Kx4. L 4.6 lens, magasina plat holder, film pack adapter, perfect eondi tsnn. a bargain, term. Woodlawn 2575. EfTh(ni BUSINESS CARDS ' J -TiR myvW .. , ROSE CITY PRINTSRT. iO You must bring this ad. 120 5th t SAFES New and second hand; aoraf with om wit burglar chests, at reasonable j-ices. Psoiflrj Scale A Rnnply Co., 48 Front at Bdwy. 1966. FOR 8 A -Cherries : Royal Annas. Black Republicans, Dings, 4 cent on tree. Tele-. phone 816-12. FOR SALE Royal Ann cherries He per lb. and up. Douglas Farm, mile 8. Troutdala. NEW HONEY for sale. 810 E. 76 th st sou til. Tabor 9278 FOR 8 ALU A steel wood ritnge. la good eoadi. tion. Phone East 2455. UCAIXEI for Uilor-made suits. 312.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor, 289 H Bornside t - TENT to. sent on Cannon Beach; desirable lo- cation. - CaU - eeliwood lil i 6 GOOD Monarch" range, hot water coils, $15. Automatio 811-08. ' " - - FOR SALE Fruit jars, pints, quarts and half- gallons, hslf price. 880 8Tth sr. S. B. CEDAR pobU for sale, larg six. H. Goodrich, Routs SBoa 408,Len, Or.: GUARANTEED RAT DOPE CETS 'EM till 11th st.: Mde here. Bdy. 4888. ti ANNK. M n. fAmbert cherries for sale, 6c when picking yourself. 41 E. 66th st. PLLMBIN'G expert,, repair all plumbing, gas; very reasonable, atetjuray, east zsia, SAFE. 80x20 inches; Herring Hall Mania make; baa Inside door. T-165. Journal. BrNGand Lambert cherrie" for" !. , 1 03" East 76th at. Tbor 880. fOR SALE ADDING MACHINE, $15. 618 Corbett Bldg. . Guaranteed. , Msnhall 867. 8EASONABLKV-STTLES in ladiea' used wearing apparel, pneo surpruungiy sow, xscor soao, ELECT RIO vacuum cleaning ia yonr bom, 85c a rug. call Bast ibus. SEVERAL drafting tables, large sixes, less than half price, u. u. wii, ai aorta sta sr. FOR BALE Cash register, saf. Adding machine.- show case. 43 1st st. near Ash. ' SILK dresa worn ones, for aaW or axchang for anything. Broadway 199B. VERT fins gnde 9x12 Royal Wilton rug at a bargain; good a new. Marshall 174 5.. CASH- REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixtnrea.' 242 Salmon. Main 842, SE ST cotuier coil gas wster heaters, iruttallsd 830, Esst 4852 ROYAL ANNE and Kentish , pis cherriss for : sale, can Taoor 1. HOOVE RETTE electric sweeper with complete attachments, 886- 826 Ovwriook blvd. CHERRIES Royal Ann. 16107tt"10r. Be per lb. Montsvilla ear. ROOT "BEER barrel. S compartments, fint class , condition r rrssonable. -209 - Morrison st PLATE glsss, 62x90 inches, good condition. Bel Turner, 202 CaiUng Dklg., cor Bd. and wasn. NEW potatoes for sals. Bishop Bros, Broadway Bios ONE 2 H. P. gas engln for sals. CaU Btoad- way 8 ISA. FOR SALE Pi cherries. 'Tabor 121Tr By George MeManus WAVTER' COME HERE rj E-150T WOT ' T FOR SALE MISCELXAytOrs 11 Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGES eash registers. AVensx, fountains, scale, ston fixtures. I. BOXER-' 1 -Msr. 2488 118 2d st CEBAR CIEST: see nd Tort Orford ' cedar" solid copper tnm- mings, . latest d-iicns. .-t-Vi rita tor cauiogu. Factory. 1912-16-18 B. Glisan. Tsbor U0H. 26 LATE dnrphead; aU makes Uik new. - 813 to $35. Larg variety of good machines, 98 to $10. All tha latest new Singers.: Cash on payments. - Machines ' rented. 98 a mosith. Singer - Stora (Moose bldg ), 198 4th st Main 6838. SINGER ELECT RIty SEWING MACHINKa W take your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy payments. Phone for demonatra. uon. atschinea ranted. tprt repairing, any BakV -'-' -'-' t. - V.. :'- ' f MOB R ISO S ST. SINGER STORE. - 382 Morrison. Marshall 7 el. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Bn in side corner Kllh 4lrnatwv &HT4. FLRMTLHE repaired, apholstered, like new; mattresaea reaisde. mirror resilvered. furni tar bought. old and eaohanged at Webster' V Repair Shop, 1105 Hawthorns. Tabor 382 5. SAFES-FYra and burglar-proof safes, new and secondhand. t righ price, bought sold and exchanged. ' A NORBI3 SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. . Phone SMain 2048. HA Cffh 1e tfSED DROPHEAD r a a--r ?r BKW1NG MACHINES Gnsnnteed We Rent and Rrnair 172 3d at, nesr TamhiU Main .1845. itrcLeT:xchange W -exchange ladies' cloUiing, also sell on commission. 415 FUedner bklg.. 10th, snd Washington. Pnon Broadway ,220. -. ELECTRIC irons, appliances, door bella, vaeuare clranrn, repaired; fixture rewired; w.cU and deliver. Woodlawn 1269 or East 44145. FURNITURE WANTED 74 We Buy Used Furniture CALL MARSHALL 1R84 You Will Gat Better Result. - We Psy Top-Notch Prices PEOPLES Fl'RNITURE CO. 235 FIRST ST., COR. MAIN .- j ' ' CALL MARSHALL 1834 FELDSXEIN FURNITURE CO. wants sny quantity of good used fur niture, rugs, stoves, etc, W also buy furniture stocks Get our prices be fore you sell. FELDSTETN FURNITURE CO. . 174 1st St. N. E. Cor. Yamhill. Main 468$. BE WISE; CALL MAIN 8951 , W Want Tour Used-Furniturs . ' W Pay th Price FREEMAN. WOLLF FURNITURE CO, 200 First st. 8. E. Cor. Taylor SPOT CASH FOR .USED FURNITURE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE v 173 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co.Jmorriso W want your used furniture, stove, aarpeta and pianos; we pay the highest - cash prioea. 166 and 168 Fint st Call Main 4627. . LIST us giva you an estimate en your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co., 2O8-205 Jd. Main 7868. SWAPS tl WHAT wUl you exchange for fint class type writing or stenocraidiic work, which will not take np entire timet Give telephone number in answering. X-668, Journal. W ANT firat class Vktrola; will exchange thor oughbred chicken for part, balano cash. Main 6280. - :, 7 - ; . - - ' EQUITY J-toiim" house, 6110 8d ava. southeast, $225; due $620. What hava youf Owner, 70 E. 9tli st 40x100 lot ' CiNARIRS. wllf wap for anything I can us. 188 Whtttaker. At home morning only. WANTED MlSCELXiAHEOTTS $12.5 to$2S ;? ; For SecondEiand r ' -SUITS OR OVERCOATS- MEYER THE TAILOR Pays mar for clething and shoes. We esll day or evenings, anywhere in tha city. Call Mar hU 1229 or 263 Madison St.. nesr Third St. UP TO $35j FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS W Pay Any Price for Men's Clothe OREGON CLEANERS A TATI.OR A 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 9144 WANT K D People of Port a nd to know thaTl pay th highest cash pries for aecond band bousahold good. No amount too Isrga or - too femallk Prompt attention. . N. M. SKATER. ' ' Phon Esst 2208. y 14 RnsseQ t $10 TO $23 positively paid -1 or . gent 'a used suits and overcoats; call any plsoe; get my offer before yon. sell; wiU call any time and Slaca. Goldbeom, tha Tailor. 167 First t, near lorrisoa. Main 788; . WANTED Sale., small, second hand safe, not particular - about oondiUou if fireprooL Tr WANTED Windmill, tower, tank pump plpT w,"t hava you J - Thoatasa, T. M. C. A., Portland. . WASTEDlciDER MILL CN TERMS- TA- BOR 8643. ..... CASH for electric mo ton. 217 Washington. .. - . - WANT ED All kind grecond hand fumitur and nam - 001 f . - z' juns. mn Hast buz 8 WILL buy 90 or 110 music roll cabinet, ma- titi uniai. aaat iiiu WANTED Rifles, shotguns,, leruwik Hochfield. 63 Third st. Phone Msin 86B1. BUTCHERS' and aaussgemaken' tool. What bars yont A-ll, Journal TfOTICEX 18 SEALED PROPOSALS eddrr.ied to' K. if. Duffy.businns manager eg th Stat Agricultaral college, Corvailia, Oregon, will be received , by th Board of Regenta of th Stats Agricultural Col lege, until 2 o'clock p. as., August if, 1920, for th furnishing fl all materisls and th perform ance of all labor r)irad for -the sraction and eompletian of the tint snd second units of tus Girls' doicnitovy building, for th Stat Agri cultnnl college. Corvailia, Oregon. All bid to be endorsed "Proposals for Girl's Dormitory Building." - Said proposals to be opened upon th abora data by th said Board Of Regrets. , . - ... All tha work and materials must conform to tha plans and specification therefor on file at th Bnaineaa office of the College, Oorvellja, Or., and of the architect John V. Brnnes, 1040 Chamber of Com mere building, Portland, Or. - Each proposal must be accompanied by certi fied cheek of 5 per cent of th amount-of th bid a a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into a eon tract according to said plans and speeificationa. Said cheek to be mad. payable to the Stat Agricultural College of Oregon. If for any reason the bidder fails to ex acuta th proper contract and bondr required within 10 days after notification of tha acceptance of hi bid. then certified check win become forfeited to th Stat Agricultural Colisg. of th But of Oregon, - .CIRCULAR NO 4 B 9 Sealed pro pea la will be received st oft ice of General Purchasing Agent. Alaskan Engineering Commission, 422 Bell Street Terminal, Seattle, Wash., not later than 11:00 a. a., July 26, 1920, for furnishing lumber, windows and window frames, nails, glsss. building and roofing paper snd deadening felt door locks and pulls, sash cord and weight, orment. Copies of circular msr be obtained upon applies tion, at this office, or fmta Alesksn Kngineering Commission,: 861 Port Office Build ing. Portland, Or, C E. Dole, Gsasrai Par. cliing Agtnt. ON or efter this date, inly 21, 1920, I will no - longer be responsible for soy debts contracted by my wifs, Myrtl Baoch. Signed U, D. Ranch. - FERHONAL 1 I AM going to Boston by auur would Us to tak 2 paenn (man and wif. prs ferred) ; expeaa of trip will be sbont 950 each; will leav about July 27. Address CharhM F. Hoadlsy. B F. D. No. 1, Hillsdale. Or. il GETS both feet fixed np st Dr. Eaton's ths CHIROPODIST sad ARCH SPECIALIST, whs doesn't bun you. 8 yrs. here. Exam. free. GInb Theatre bldg., 11th. and Wssh. Bdwy. 2824. GEORGE BUBEN8TEIN, the veuran opucUnT i aa expert eye fitter, and his char is ar Very reasonable; sat Ufsctioa guaranteed. 226 Aiorrisoo st.. near 2d. - . - 6TTTDY msssg. ' Portland School of Maasaaa. Inc. Pboa Maia 7786. Offios 711 Swat land bldg. ' RAGTIME 1st lesson piano, mandolin, guitar. ' banjo, frew tnat. sis JUiiers Dmg. mNSTIPATIOM IS MT 8PEC1ALTY Dr. - Ironside. 308-311 feroadwsy hidg. A-l M-isSAtlEs' 4lS BCCKiNAN BLDG. OPEN BUN. AND EVES. MAW 8368,, B5DTMTSSAGE. VlOLET RAY. 10 a. m. to Bp. at, daily 460 Morgan bldg. Maia 7678. JANE SHOP Marcelling, water-waving, Bisni- enring, -by appointment. Msin 6518. I nnraras Consultation FRXC All esse. LtfSAWyCr. aalkng bids. Main 4993. E3 G LA'S S i'.S st a saving. 1 solicit yout patronaife rn the basis of capable prmes. Thousand o4 saufirt pa irons. Chas W. tinmisnn. optmetris, 909 Mornvon st Main 2124. iiiEElXlM from every di-corriant (-tn.ini.-n a yours for th asking. Th Pvyrhomets Physi cal Institute, Dr. I. K. Zimmermsn. Pkympn. director, 810-817 Brno as Lsne bids. Mi 6761. 10-12 a. m., 2-5 p. as. Evenings, bua days by appoint mrnt. DR. M MAHON'S sanitary baths; always r.. .,; steam, showers, plunges, tuba; ner-eaartes tur aisbed; rubdowns and massage when drirei ; asrvtca and prires rsnnot be best Southwest corner 4th snd Wsshlngton. Tell your frienu. mssage for rheumatinm, consiliatMn. kidneys, stomach. Dr. Kin Sormaen, Pnama bklg. Dragle phyvicisn. Msin 60t. BUPERFL'f 6X'J bair7oirs7wsrU rmoVrd""b 1.0 needles method; trial tree. Josie Finlsy, 614 Bush & Laos bklg. Main 883. PEOFESSIOHAi: MB BUSraiSS BIRECTORY - IHIHr SUPPLIES Lewis stenger B.rb7r supply CoTTT6tFst.l Morrlon st. Th tilsc to buy barber cbsirs and snpplie. Stock af furniture always ea baod at right prices. 91AWK BOOK WAtim DAVIS HOLMAN. LC10 9 3d sU, blTk book msnjtscturen A-8188. Msin 'lfJ. BOOKS USED " BOOKS, ALL 8Uaji.Ci . 248 Main st-. bet. 2d snd 8:1 OArtPCT OLKANIfia Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and- Raff Rurs - WOVEN ALL SIZES WHITE Olt CALL - ..PORTLAND RUG CO. 1673 E. 17th t. Sellwood 8 !2. We Make FLUFF RUQS Front Your Old Carpets fl. M1M II -I . . .. ' . " " i nail oraen prompt. Bug and carpet stesra and dry cKaned. 1'buna or write for pne hat 1 T Northwest Rug Co. I!'-jLJ!th.t.' B-V ! Est 8680, Fluff Rugs From Old . - Carpets ' Bas Rags, all sixes .Malt Ordsn Prompt, - Bend for Booklet. tkia Rus &r'ulz ?r. ai.60. 64-68 tTnion ave. N. Kt 6518, .East 7958, . , ,CJ 'WD OOa- HOBPITBt E. 7th st. cor, Grsnt. . Esst 1847. B-19t;a. c h morn a oto sta CHIROPRAtrricrtembsths- tid in..tfs. i 6Tb flnn Hpa-iasHaaii sr KIWsw aj- - . I . 1 1 c m n. TasUrm R " - , thmnm nromum,,. w-a.a a a " " --s urguu n 11 1, utti. COAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered; immediately by FulUm Wood Co.. 12S1 Macadam. - I'hnit. a its Garni 1 A tv c r , b ,.v; 1 1 . ';60 r,,01- dfrlrered sny whs re; sursly g bargain. Can mef Sell 1769 GIVE u youf orden for cordwood. slabwn3 , - , . . . -i"w l on carsasa lots. Hawthorn Kual Co.. Kaat a 10a 16 INCH SLAB, bFock and 4 ft7T:ordi.o.i. firm! sravtJi. - - . , . " eity. Bdwy; 2199 " I"""' " BLOCK snd slab wood mixed, t4.50 per 14 in 2 losd lota. . , . NATIONAL rm, -. on,. BLOCK snd"r3ibwod. iS.BOloiTTrT iEZl lAta fir .ma. 1... . I f .,. . . . . . - FOR first ' growth fir oordw7d call Lat24liir M. Heerdt Fuel Co. 987 E. OOtCKOTIOWB ' NETH A CO.. Worotr"bldg. Msin 1766. "Xi collection, no ebsrga Esblislid 1900. obntistb' Dentistry ffi ..h Without Pin. Ltst Nerve Blocking Method. ONKSBMAKIMa EXPERIENCED diwmskirigT children's ctotiies a specialty. 749 Esst Gtian. Ant 210-7v. DU0ATI0NAL OANOINO THE Dsnca Studio, 609 Dekum bldg., WsiHniirf. ton at Bd; strictly prtvats lessons; hslf hour or hour" laswotu itOoura lssaons specially prised. Daiiy 9 :0 - m. to 9 p. at. Miss irelsnd. BEKKELEY baacing AcsdsrayTpntat lewcri's day, vntng; Utest step )xs shown. Hi 4th sC Main 8818. Mrs, Summers. IWW8IO BOMOOta AHO TBAOHfRB PROFESSOR T. B.- LA W3GN 20 ymW7Z perienrs; piano ssssotis at your hous. L Tsbor T698. HrbTX-isTTjovrfofT" I nut rue tor of pupt,-J ragtime and clasate. Tsbor 8ilB. L CARROLL DAY, teacher-of voice aad vlaaZ 146 13th st Broadway 2555.- fubib ' BUT TOUR SUMMER ITji" AT THE FL'U KHOP Bcmodeling. Summer rate. 606 Bwetlsod bldg., 5th at Wsshlngioa. MAT eUAWIBB AMD OVERS LET L'S'claan. rablarli nTe yV bat; best work, reasonable ":. iimiras service; ces equipped bat factory In eiiy. Royal Hat Works. 223 l.t mi Wis T t:D liJiir k now we 'csxT. relTyour" whit mUaa or crepe hst 625 Division. KKWPIK OOLLB "colVm b iast atUa b yc6T WWL-aiiiiai WtniUani .l , -868-370 HAWTHORN ID AVE. EAST 128. OSTOMITRIsTi awn n,riflt, m EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTi.3 a sBouern instruueuuj glaaaSt asfVrfv rtttf .n .. A. g. HOKW1TZ. Optometrist. 223 1st t fAIWTIBltt, TIWTIWQ, PAPgWMJOIJ) CHAS..a BLEED U. fo CHAS. HI. Nil AN . ROOF PAINTERS . , Authorised A genu for Webfoot Roof Paint ,ai, ,nPalring and Painting Roofs l??.Kjf''"- Tsbor 4W1;Hn Tsbor 76 1 . 3- CLIFTOjfTpiTntirlg. papering, finting"'l5s W. 17th st Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 212a. PATENT B TTOStH y WB5 have recently associated with u 8 mi th U. ft patent office"; Mason, sa T! hmwlT9-JWI"- 600 r " Washing toa. D, C; 220 Brosdwsy, Nw York city; 111 VV. Monro st.. tfolcago, lit Etabliod fr half a eeatury, CgLHG7aoWorot,, bldg.MgnatTS: PtUsSBIWO A WD BTtoiil SUPPUES Plumbing Work don ouickly and efficiently at reasn. sbl prices; aw instalistlons specislty; work. saaaahip guarantaad. Phon. East 1944. ' lal atimssll St. ' MERKO METAL WORKS P L UM B f O UPPLIES ATWlfLTsAT3 I FRICES. 8TAhK-DAVIBCO.. 168 4ih ,t THE M. L7LiNB"CQ.71i4-86 6779Trcmtsx: pmwTiwa. KwoHAvtiia, airnoiNa rintstT w- baltei s car nnung Dd ost Mam ies. 511- n ii 1.1 a j isn j ,m tvil rail X 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A-l 21 TIHNEftB Tacob loslT TIN, SHEET IRON AND ROOF WORK 310 First, t.- " . Pbon Maia 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAOE Oregon Transfer Co, Estsblishad 1870 Trnfer and Forwarding Ages STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE Oifice and Storage, 474 Ulissn lth sad Olissa. Brosdwsy 1 28 L A-l 1 89 ALWAYS PICK THE BEHT BuL'KKHOl.D GOODS SPECIALIST storage, packvng, sbio ping and moving; horse and auto vans; apci rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE '. 26 Bad Pine sta, Broadway 696. A-1 9 u i. Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 15TH AND CLiSAW. BROADWAY 8476 CUT FREIGHT BATE3 On hcmsehold goods shipped east snd souf h. ' niog WatahouM A Transfer Co., 6lh acl . Phoas Broadway 703 PERSONAL if i ii i i