WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1820. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 AUTOMOBILES A5D ACCESSORIES 44 T - ' ..:,:... . GOOD USED ATJTOifOBILES LOW PRICES FOB QUICK TEBM3 1IT Maxwell, tery fine condition.. -. . . . . $528 1918 Maxwell, very fini condition "$6S0 191 Uunll, very floe condition ...... .1750 1920 Uuwill, look and is lik Dew. ..... $975 1917 Studebaker tout, all in good condition and run fin . .... . .sr ......... . $600 Late modal Libert x a bargain. , 1917 Chalmers, all gone over la the (hop. .' , repainted and has good Urea; ejuality ear at bargain price. .......... $889 HUDSON BARGAINS - . v . - - - ? 1914 Hudson super iz, overhauled and re- painted, alwaye in private hand,, and 1 one that w will give same service and replacements aa factories do on . aizou .1918 Hudson auper ls, overhauled, re painted, looki Jut like a new car ". Many extra; same erviee and re placement aa factories in, on new -autumobilra ....... ....,$1800 1018-1919 eerie Hudson speedster, like Dew ........ ..$1829 ff bare no Uid tar department. These bar gain are on our salesroom door. MAPLEWOOD. acre with fruit, bar- C. I. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington -. Portland. USED FORD BARGAINS .1916 DELIVERY 191T DELIVERY 1918 WORM TRUCK CHASSIS. 1918 - ROAP8TBB" .... 4 , 1 9 1 KOADHTKH . . 1918 CHASSIS. BOSCH MAG... 1916 TOURING ............. $250 285 475 4 50 495 175 265 S50 375 893, 525 1915, TOURING' 1917 TOURING 1918 TOURING. 1919 ' TOURING : 1920 TOURING. T ... .-' WITH STARTER. 650 Many other bargain, to select from. EASY; TERMS Universal ".Car - Exchange Used Fords Exclusively. Grand Ave- and E. Yamhill St. - Open Evening. : USED : CAR; BARGAINS 1 Ford roadster . . fndi 8 . . . Peerless. M -passenger Chevrolet, rvadster . 7 Fords ......... 1 Puerlesa . 1 Studebaker 1 Iitchell , 1 Buick 4 ....... .....,..$825 8760 . . .350 .$380 . . . . . .$825 to 4?0 $100 ....... $150 .$160 $875 LONG & S1LVA. 462 Hawthorn. SCRIPPS-BOOTIi Roadster Must be aold thia week to HiGHESf BIDDER- Perfect condition-ir-4 new tire. ' All axtraa. 6 tubes. 2 tirea. FOR CASH ONLY 1 294 East Salmon. Near 45th St. HER. AUTO SPRING 15.000 carried in stock. " Oar spring told with a written guarantee- We 'gira you service. 3-1 vNorth . fifteenth- street- . 192 Hudson TOURING ' Sun 8000 miles. 5 cord 'tirea, refinished and 1st claas condition; bargain if taken at once. Gabried snubber. 2 spring bumpers, spot tig at. Call Kast 8075. THE FENDER. MAN j J. E. DU1U1AM. who taaee the kink . cut while you wait; alao repairs radiators and bodies. Broadway 8214. 80 N. 11th at., near Burnstdc. - - i 1920 MAXWELL 1920 - A wonderful little car that , is 98 per1 cent new. You can save money buying this. car. Terms. Phone Main 4028. ' Mar. 2766. vrirjR IT TJ 19UU, tmnd new. Never been de V !LiJLUlLi n,ered. Must have cash. Will sell for $19&5 and deliver. P. .O. box 1503. Taroma Wah. HERE IT IS 5 passenger car. good top, tirea, electric starter, electric lights, 2 extras; mns fine; $300; 125 down, balance $20 per month. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 28 11th at. N. MAXWELIA MAXWELL . 1917 Maxwell, private party, in Al condition; $450. terms. Phone Main 4028. - Mar. 276S. FORD chassis with good tires in good running order. Will make a classy bug. A snap at $250. Terms. 30 Grand ava.. North, near Burnsida. MOTORS, a-ean, bearings, wheels, axles; w wreck all makes of cars and sell 'their parts at H prire. Hudea Auto Wrecking Dept. 105- 107 N. 1 ltd st BUICK BUG with top new storage battery, spot light, good rubber, for sale or .trade for tour ing car. tall Woodlawn 4675. U. S. Garage, 817 Williams ava. MODE!. M HupmoMle, in firct-clasa condition, $1000, term-n mult be seen to be appreciated. See owner at Montgomery garage, 368 Front at Marshall 17 79. - ... A DANDY LITTLE CAR. 1918- Maxwell; 5 good tiresj sll mechanical parts in excellent shape; $250 cash will handle. Broadway 1858. ' Mr. Howard. CHALMERS roadster hi A-l condition. New paint, good tares. A classy car. A bargain $77 5 Terms. SO Grand ave.. North, near Rurxtside. . . " - .'' ' g - . . 1920 PAIGE-LARCHMONT ewrt model, run only 1450 miles;- $10O in extras; will sacri fice $700 less than hew price. Mr. -Argo, Broad way 8281. - . -- - ' DOTHiE tnurihg, 1917. good paint, good- tires. Mast sell. A bargain at $R50. Would con aider trade on Ford. 30 Grand ave.. North, near mirnfirte. 1917 FOliD touring, completely overhauled and run and looks Aiie new; guaraateed. Z10 Jefferaon st . . ,.- . - .- . OVERLAND touring 75. -in the bet of condC - tion. goof) tires. A. snap ar$475. Terms. 30 Grsnd sva. North, near Bu reside. ' - Auto Tops Recovering and repairing at reasonable prices, 329 Balmos) at., between nth and Broadway. AMERICAN AUTO TOP CO. Auto tops, curtains snd repair Ing. Kast 364. Union at Pine. tAHH paid for old cars, condition aa obiect: part for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto r-xcnaiise. rianaers. nr. lltb. ' Bdwy. 3503. OVERLAND panel delivery. Just painted. A-l condition. Call and make roe an offer. 463 10th st. Went Side. - Main 3072. MAXWELL I9l6, in good running condition. Good paint snd good tires. A bargsin at a. a Strang ave., wortn, near Burnside. FORD bug. in the best of condition; good tires. A reat bargain at $450. Terms, it desired. 30 Grand are.. North, near Btrrnside- FORD truck, chain drive, platform body, in the best of condition. A snap. $500. 80 Grand ave , North, near Burnside. FORD touring, in first class- condition; good Urea ana some extras. By owner, 381 H N. 17th st - STUDEBAKER coupe, sell or trade for five pas senger; wnas nave yon. vjsb x. salmon st FURD touring; fine condition; good tirea' and extras. 1'tione Tsbor tso. FORD TOURING, 4n good condiUon ; cash or terms. Atlas Woody rd. 327 Front trt. CHEVROLET In first class shape. $425; . best ouy in town, uib xveiiy sr., r ulton. GASOLINE 25 CENTS A GALLON; OILS AND tiKEABtS. FIUMlER PApT CO., 186 18. CADILLAC bug or Heht delivery, $175 48 wm wincnaii st, Kenton. Woodlswn 4708. SIX cylinder auto for aale cheap: good for hire cer. Tsbor 3502. Tabor 6244. . - 1918 BUICK. 3-oa.. in elegant condition Terms. Bdwy.3606. : 1915 FORD touring, in good order,, $375. East 1617. ' .' - .' AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCESSORIES 4 C. Q. BLEASDALE . TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard make. Call aud look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. 5 71K FORD bug e a S 475 500 $ 650 FORD ton ring , PAIGE. 6 cylinder. 7 passenger. MAXWELL touring MAXWELL roadster,.... CHEVROLET. 1918 ". . . . . 't.. : . ' " ! i" -:V " S 650 ... $ 650 . . S 650 S 650 ...... 5-700 .... $ 850 S 850 $ 950 ..... S 900 BUICK Uglst Delivery. MAXWELL '1918 i ... OVERLAND. Model' 90. OVERLAND 85-4 1 '. . . i ; .". OVERLAND, 7 pa as anger. ... OVERLAND Light : B. .... .'. CHALMERS Light j 6 ...... . BUICK Light 6,..t........ OLDS Light Six. 1918..... - t ... i ''' REO, ' 7 passenger. L . .... COLE. 8 cylinder, 7 passenger S 950 $1150 SE250 a w"(nk CHAL51ERS, Ught' 6. . ... .'. . .. "PI J MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENLNC.S . C. G.' BLEASDALE . 880 Alder at ' Beoadway 1852. I LOOK BEFORE YOtJ LEAP Buy your used ear from a house of stability where you are sure of a home for your ear. We have been tn'budness for the past 38 year and our policy la to give our customers square deal. - . ' - J - - - , ' - r i We offer here a few for jronr approral: 1916 Orerland. 5-pass.; 4-cyL j 1915 Mitchell. 5-pass.; 4-cyl. 1916 Mitohell, 1 -pass, j 6-cyL; jcaeA eondl-tlon.- with cord tirea. I 1917 MltcheU. 5-paaa.: 6-cyL ! 1918 Mitchell, 7-pss.; yU -I 1919 Mitchell, 7 -pass.; 6-cyL . I 1919 Mitchell, 5 -pass. 2 8-cyl. . . i ! 1918 Mitchell. 8-pass.; 6-cyL "1918 WUlya-Knlght. 7-pass. ; 4-cyl I Sereral others to select. We orerhaul and repaint our cars when they, need it and you can depend upon whatever we tell you regarding them. i No brokerage charges. We carry all of our own paper. MITCHELL. LEWIS V STAVER COMPANY. Broadway et Everett. ! Phone Bdwy. 4675. " 1 CHEVROLET 1918 TOURING . i . Special offer no brokerage, interest, insur ance or other carrying eharges on this car. It i in A-l shape and will be guaranteed by FIELDS MOTOR CAB CO.. Chevrolet Distributors. 14th and Alder fits. ' Broadway 240. : ' Ask for Grout. Open Sundays and Evenings Until 8 P. M. - CABS FROM $200 TO $500 OVERLAND ROADSTER CHALMERS Bi: MAXWKLL TOUBING . $200 850 850 250 STl DEBAKEU . . BITK'K . . . . i . . FOH1) TOURING FORD ROAD8TER CHEVROLET . . 475 475 475 ' These cars can be handled for small down payment. TERMS ON BALANCE. Must be sold at once. N. W. Cor. E. Wrater and Vamhilf Sts.. Two Blocks South of Morrison St. - Hudson 'Speedster -V 1920 A FINE CAR AT RIGHT PRICE. ALL CORD TIRES AND AN EXTRA; CAN GIVE 90 DAYS' SERVICE AND REPLACEMENTS SAME AS FACTORY GIVES ON NEW CAR. CALL BROADWAY 4825. OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY rOPS THEM ALL 1 4 th and Copch sta. Bdwy. 4408. BARGAIN HUNTERS' BARGAIN ' The old reliable' 1914 Cadillac $475: tirea all extra good, engine excellent condition, air pump, copper jacket, self starter, new battery. sruaranreear original price , gsuu; must aeu. O. P. Barette, 430 Belmont.' 1919 7 PASS. BUICK Only used 8 months by nrivate owner me chanically perfect and looks like new ear: A enrrl "tires, 2 new; over $200 in .extras. Must sell tnis week at sacrifice; $185Qj terms to respon sible psrty. Woodlawn 2111. FOR SALE OR TRADE t Mitchell six. ; 7- passenger aatomohile. ' Sis: nearly new cord tires,, electrically equipped. " Ex cellent nnning condition. Good looking ear. t nee ou or wiu trsoe tor good light car; at 710 N. lvanhoe st, St Johns. Or., for inspection ESSEX touring, 1919. In the best of condition. . Will aaerifiee at $1500 and give terms. Will consider trade on smaller ear. - .30 Grand are.. North, near Bnrnside. , : FOR SALE 6 pass. Beo in good condition; owner leaving for the East: priced low for cash. $450. CaU; at 625 East 9th at N.. before July 23. FORD sedan, 1920 model. AD wire wheels, one extra one. Leaving town; will sacrifice at $975, and give terms. 30 Grand are.. North, near Bnrnside. -. FORD touring. 1916, in the beat of condition. Good paint good tires. Most sell. A snsp at $450. Term, if desired. SO Grand ave.. North, near Burnsme. OAKLAND Six. a late 1018 model. Looks and runs like new. , Used privately. A bargain at $875. Terms. $0 Grand ave.. north, near Burnside. ' BATE 1917 BUICK light six. 5 pass.; win dem onstrste merhanirally with any Buick in Port rand. Price $lO0O for quick sale; terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway . 3281. ; .- 1918PAIGE light "six. a fine car for $TS50" termi; run very little and has been refinished and thoroughly overhauled. Mr. Argo, Broadway 32sl. Stark, Vulcanizing Co. Horse Shoe tires, rebuilt tirea, retreading, work guaranteed. 891 Stark. - Bdwy. 3962. 1918 STUDERAKER touring. 7 passenger, me chanically perfect, $775. Columbia Auto Sale 345 Union ave. East 56. Ak for Senn. FORD SEDAN, will sell cheap for $700; in Al condition; 125 wortn or esjtraa on ear. Go out By bee to 44th st 4439 70th ave. 8. E. CHEVROLET touring. 1918, in the best of con dition. Good tires. Will sacrifice at $575. Terms. 30 Grand ave.. North, near' Burnaide. CHANDLER chummy, fine condition;-refinished and overhauled. $1300; term. Will take a small car in trade. Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. POWERFUL, sneedy bug. or trade for fc. rwsenrer of equal valuer no terms. Phone Main 7257. FOR SALE r trade, Chevrolet, late '16, in the beat of condiUon. 880 37th at. S. E. Private owner. THREE late model Buicka at a reasonable price: good rubber. 449. Burnsida. Broad way 3455. - ' : 1917 FORD for sale, hock absorbers, speed- someter, tire carrier, extra bom, tool . box; snsp. Mam o. - lio Tnnrman. MAXWELL. 1917. m the best of condition, new top, new tires.' Will sell at $675 and give terms. 30 Grand avenue. North, near Bnrnside. OVKRI.AND ton rinx. late 1918 medeL Perfect condition. Wilt sacrifice at $S60 and give terms, au ;rand ave,, isortn, near Bnrnside. MUST sell my Chevrolet 1919 roadster ; no rea sonable caan offer will be refused. Call Wood lawn 1337. TIRES Slightly Tf ed, $3 to $15 each. Expert tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six, 1920 . model; run 2000 miles. 269 1st st A 8TI TZ. good condition, good tires; a real ear tor fPUO; reasonable terms. Main 7304. FORD CHASSIS. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION? BROADWAY 151.- . - - V 1917 FORI roadster, first clsss condition, $425. East Side Feed Co. East 1517. ; FOR BALE or trsde. Chevrolet for good Ford. jaain aan. rs TPurman. 150 for. 111 Cadillac chassis. 196 E - 84th st. .. . blic smth Mt Tsbor rse AUTOMOBILES AITD ACCESSORIES 44 ;:;t:--BH3. CUT PBICB SALE : ? D. C. VTARBEX MOTOR CO. ' " - USED CAR DEPARTMENT Maia 7b0. 58-60 K. 23d St. We are going tb dispose) of this splewdid stock of : good used cars at the very earliest tasible moment, aa we must make room for guire trades on oar new cam, which are cotnlaz fart. - Each of them ears has Iwen put in the-very f Inert conditifm. both mechanically and aa to Hi earn ce. . . , Here are a few of them, listed for your ernideration : Mtiwell toarinz.' 191T ; . . i . ..$ 475 Vazwell toarfng. 1918 ............. 550 Maxwell road -ter, 1918 ........ 725 Overland, 1 91 S, touring, model 90..... 750 Orerland. 1918, ., mode) 85,.. (O0 Overland, 1916, touring, model 78..... 476 OT. rtand, 1018, touring, model 88 . . . . ; .400 Pnick. 1918. touring, 5 cord tires, new paint . . ; . . . . , . 1450 Studcbaker.. 1917, 4-cyL touring...... 600 Stndebaker. 1918. 6-eyt touring...... 1000 Mitchell. 1917, totiring. 6-cyL ........ . 950 heo, 191S, 6-cyl. to'irinf. . . j ..i ; 10W0 OldsmobNe, 1918, 8-eyL touring....... 1234 I sire, 1918, 7-pass. touring, v Vetie. 1917, 5-paaa. touring .i - '800 elie, 1919, 5-pas. touring. . , . . . j. . . . 140U Tcrd roadster, 1917 ............... 450 cUTS-m,' 1917. 5-paM. towing ' 700 Buy your ear from a reeponible dealer if yon expect to get yuur money's worth. Each car ; sold - on easy terms and fully guaranteed... , VRANSO.V8 t'SED 'CAB EXCHANGE ; . Fords, All 1 KindS:tof Ii: Pick' Fromt CMi, 1915 Ford touring, oterhanled ....$ 850 1916 Ford touring, extras ...... 875 1918 Ford touring, overhauled . ... 4 50- .1918 Ford delivery, panel body 450: 1918 Ford- roadster, extras .... 425 1918 Ford sedan, overhauled .... 650 1918 Ford sedan, starter .' , 750 1919 Ford toaring, like new .... 625: 1920 Ford touring, starter, extras : 685 1920 Ford tniek, body and cab. . 850 1916 Ford bug, 213 body ... . v 425 1918 'Overland, panel delivery .... 350 1918 Vim, -ton truck . 450 " 1918 Studebaker 4 touring . . . . . . . 275 - 1917 Studebaker 4 roadster . ... : 690 1918 Stud '. aker, 7 passenger . . . 750 1917 Scripp Booth roadster, extra. B 7 5 ' 1817 MaxweU touring . . 450' 1916 Briscoe touring, overhauled.. 400 1917 Botek 4 roadster . ,...;. 50O 1917 Dode touring, snap ........ 800 1920 Chevrolet touring, like ew.. 775 1918 Sterling roadster ........ 250 -- 1918 Olds 8,. Stuta design ..... , 1600i WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF BODIES ..', Cash, Trade orTerins ; Open Evenings and Sunday ' , i 160 Union a.. BITfl BODIES. 195 UP Bug Bodies, Radiators, Fendeit . Hooda Made and tiepairea 3 BURN ESS AUTO A BODY WORKS : 15th and Alder sts. OVERLAND touting. A-good knock-about car. Good condition. A snap at $200. . Terms. 80 Grand ava., North, near Burnaide. TRUCKS ASV TRACTORS 81 AiSia SH-ton: Jm the thing for V KB US? cord wood, logs or other heavy ; . work; good mechanical condition and pulls like a locomotive ......... r ........ $1850 j worm drive track; used only a rUl.U abort Ume ... . 675 1-ton pneumatie tirea rued but err little, has good stake body. . cab and windshield. . Just the thing to haul ' berriea, milk, etc. ....... . ...... . . 1850 rJlUiSlrrs" lH-ton; pneumatic front, : W InlllLe eoUd rear tires, good body, cab and' windshield, overhauled and in first class condition 1350 !C.,JI J 8 14 -ton.; it would take a; IreOeratt careful second look to teU thia truck from a new one, nothing has: been overlooked to make thia truck an ex cellent investment for the purchaser . . . . 2750 JM 1 1-ton; speedy, reliable iilLVa CllsStaiilUl , and cheap 879 Wentworth Irwin, Inc, . 200 SECOND ST.. COB. TAYLOR. Ask About - Our Free ; Trial on .Trucks We have one of the largest stocks of tued trucks in the state of Oregon. Ther are all overhauled and put in the fin est possible condition. , It will pay you to in vestigate our line SPECIALS THIS WEEK . -ton Republie ....... . . .$ 750 1 -ton Moreland ........ 1 -ton Republic ........ ... 850 ... ; 975 2-ton Republie ........ ... 1850 . .. 2500 8 H -ton Republic . . 2-ton Keo 00 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASYTE RMS ' .NO, BROKERAGE Grannins: & Treece 542 Alder at. cor. 17th. Broadway 1728. ' , PASSENGER BUS On a White chassis. In splendid mechanical condition,- new tires; owner leaving city, instruct ing us to sacrifice for gZl&ll. t t : THE WHITE COMPANY . PARK AND COUCH ' 2 ton - White, overhauled in our shop, new Giant tirea in rear; for a Quick sale will sacrifice $1500 TERMS .-THE WHITE COMPANT Park and Couch sta. : - 1-TON STTTDEBAKEB Excellent condition mechanically, good body. electric ughta and starter, new tirea. , 8ilO . THE WHITE COMPANT - t PARK AND -COUCH ONE 2-ton Federal truck, practically new. One Ford truck, worm drive. One r ord truck, chain drive, all in good condition. Left with us to sell, Terma te responsible" parties. Priced right Oregon Diamond T Truck i o., corner 10th and Flanders sta. Tel Bdwy. 4557. - TTOT" FORD TRUCK. , Make Us aa Offer. THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH STS. , V AND 1-TON BEPUBLIC TBUCKS' Just overhauled ; will aaerifiee. Better aee these bargain.' : " 1 ' . 33 NORTH PARK ST. GABFOBD truck. lH-ton. platform body, al most new solid tirea. A bargain at $976: terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnsida. FORD delivery. 1917. Al condition; owner mnt aeB: bargain. $400; terma. - - 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FORD delivery. $423: terms, aide. panel body; a real bargain. .80 Grand ere. If., near Burn- LARGE capacity United truck, good condition. Will take medium lixed touring car aa part payment, balance liberal. Woodlawn 149 6. ONE 2 V, -ton truck for sale, good cab and electric lights. $1100. Call Woodlawn 2815. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 78 WS PAY CASH FOB LATE MODEL CABS USED CAR EXCHANGE f 127 LOWN8DALE -" Phone Broadway 2698, WILL BUY. sell or trade used ears. . - Have cash buyers looking for bargains. P. a O. Carage, 880 Union ave. N. WANT iight ear. Have one Mt Tabor and 2 Kenton lots. Tabor 2879. WILL pay cash for used car in good condition. 845 Union ave. Telephone East 66. - - WILL trade acreage for good auto. Owners . only. , X-565. Journal. - WILL pay cash for 1919 Dodge ear. Bdwy. 275 . AUTOS FOR HIRE NEW AUTOS" WITHOUT DRIVERS OVKRLANDS : HUDSON'S LO WN SD ALE GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. - 15TH AND WASH. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS -ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR vatv mar a'TWiiw iiwktt A3 AUTOS FOB - HIRE. WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICB. OOrCHMAN GARAGE. 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUB K UMBER, . BDWT.- 86B6. . ATJTOS RENTED-' WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Can lieaaonable Rates . FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE "L32 12th t- between Washington and Alder. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH . OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. l SCLTJVAN FASHION GA RAGE, MAR. 282. 10h at Yarahia A-1286. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 8 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $29 Real axle overhauled ................. - 6 Valves ground, carbon 'removed ......... . 3 Magnetos recharged ..................... 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape beannga, etc. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All wort; gusranteed. . lilARAMtK AUTO KtrAlH tXAi 280 Front at, Cor. Jefferson.; bictcles ss LATE 19iTHarley-Davidson for aale. in first- class condition: tandem, spotlight, full equip ment Woodlawn 4675. . ; U. S. Garage. 817 Williams ave. USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES i EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. -Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. TWIN Barley, in first class condition, tandem. apotligbt. speedometer and two; extra tirea: a bargain. 881 i N17th at. . rVER-JOHNSON .bicycle, little used, like new. with cord tires, $35. Address C-385. Vic toria at ' H. D. MOTORCYCLE, with-side car. tap, speed ometer; jA-t condition. 81r N. lth Btl phone Broadway 1556. ONE twin, 8-apeed Harley-Davidson, with aide , flellvery car, A-l condiUon. Kast 8 B5 7. , EXCELSIOR motorcycle, 1919 model, fine eon dition: cheap. 502 25 N. HU Pane. 1918 EXCEL8I0C fine condiUon, complete equipment bargain st 17S. Sellwood 2029. FOR SALE Two motorcycles. .Call 4202 76th st 8. E., evenings. WANTED A late modtl motorcycle as part payment on a good nsea auto. Bdwy. 36U6. THOR MOTORCYCLE FOB SALE CHEAP. EAST 6885. - - . - READING atandard motorcycle and aide oar. cheap, on ea-y terms. Col. 832. i LAUNCHES AND BOATS 1 FOR SALE or trade, 2 atory houseboat, 77-4x 48 float B6xo a-tt pores on s aides. 2 room furnished houseboat on aoew. 18x36. 1. canoe house. 2Tx&0. racks and Moeken. bnilt-ins; also 9 good floata. 8-293. JournaL FOR -SALE Trawler regal engine, 14 hTp7. fully equipped, terms. Foot of E. Morrison st bridge. Phone East 1781. WILL accept any reasonable offer on .28 foot ' 40 H. P. launch. Inquire of caretaker, Mo- torboat club. Ask to see McCarmack'a boat. HOUSEBOAT for. sale. So. .46 WiUamette ssoorage. -; --- - - - FOB SALE 6 room modern houseboat near shipyards. Marshall 8188. PIANOS, ORO AK S. MUSICAI, ISX'llM'.MEJiTS fl 2 small upright pianoa, cash. $65 and.. $ T5 $300 Uray A Co. upright piano, cash..,, 110 , Kn K7 -1 1 . a i . . . ww u,uoi es ai.te uin,ut piom, caan, ltd 425 Dunham upright piano, cash. . . . 165 m m a i. . . " w ex eon upngnt piano, cesn... zio 475 Franklyn Piano Co. piano., cash. ... 240 860 Mendenbjsll player piano, cash...... 895 -41,, ,av, is, anu.. o Phonographs. $18. "$25. $35. $55 and... 95 Pianoa stored, bought and sold for caeb IAf i. W . ci . i THE SCHWAN PIANO CO OFFERS Thia Week m 1 1 aM ... . . raieinwsy sb Bona upngnt. ......... 6943 600 Kranieh A Bach upright.......... 365 650 Conover oak upright . . . .......... 815 475 Vose A Sons ebony upright........ 235 550 Kimball A Co. upright grand....... 345 475 Mclntyre A Goodaell npright 245 $25 Cash and $7, $8. $10. $12. Monthly 1 loth at. at Washington snd SUrk sta BUT. SELL, BENT OB TRADK Talking iVlachines ' and - Records MUSIC ROLLS; PIANOS. Ne wrnan's : Reco rd Exchange 128 1ST. MAIN 449.., TABOR 6798. PIANO BARGAINS $183 and UB.; Guaranteed STEINWAT. CHICKEBING. CABLE, VICTOR, DECKER SON, HOWARD and others. See them. TERMS GIVES- Seiherling-Lucae Music Co.. 125 4th at., bet Washington and Alder. PIANO .WANTED; -; Pay Cash Get Our Prices r ;' - SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth st ' Main 85 86. STETNWAT nprig'ht, nap ............ $500 CHK'KERING concert grand ........ 600 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO." 125 4th St. Bet. Washington and Alder. PIANOS "'wanted, highest CASH "paid or TRADE FOB NEW VICTROLA and record. Seiber Hng"Lucaa Muaic Co.. 125-127 4th st Main 8686. , . SWAP new cabinet phonographs tor sny thing of value. Call and talk it over. 164 East Broadway. ! . . . - BEAUTIFUL"" Ludwig piano, worth $680; al most new, for $400 rash. Call after 6 p. m. Mrs. Bloomer, Phone Main 941. 168 12th at. . CASH for piano or Vietrola. 217 Washington. Main 6517. TTPEWBTTEttS 77 UNDERWOOD noiselesa Monarch;' also No. 10 and 11 Remington, Regular and wide car riages, perfect condition. D C. Wax 31 N. 6th. Broadway 2739. . .-.:.'. .-;". "... : - , . . ALL MAKES of -typewriters rented, -repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th st. Msin 3668. - - WHAT . will you give for my brand new Oliver typewriter No. 9. Woodlawn 3945. ATJTOS FOR TTIKE BRINGING UP FATHER OlO TOO 'beriO THAT RE THKT I COOKED TO M., AND MR, SiMVTH ? l i WEUL.-D.O I I n I " 0 OFFCE BOf tvMO . THCV eAT 0 HE OIO: J V HI- DOCTOR. PHON0 T XtT? L-' V J HE.VOOLONT CE. OoWl . - '""" T " - - - j y-Sj t nr larrt FaTvw tsawvic. larav ... . - - . - , , -.'..'" ' ?7 GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "sll makes, aold on monthly, payments. send for price li-t The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. retail dept. 821 'Washington st ' BRAND new No. 9 Oliver, $40. Phone Mar. 197. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE $ COAL and Wood Ranges $18.00 up 10.60 up 10. 0O up 9.00 up ' .75 UP . - S.00 wp - Cook n torse . . . Gas Stores Gas Water Hesters Floor Coverings, yard ...... Kitchen Queens . . i ..... . - Kitchen Cabinet . Dining Room Extension Ta bles ....... . ....... . 12.00 UP 7.00 up 1.60 up 4.00 np - 5.00 up 12.00 up 8.00 up 5.00 up I ning Boom Chairs . . . Living Boom Rockers . . Library Tables . . . . . . . Simmons Beds ....... Cotton Felt Mattresses . Steel Springs ... . . . . . Coil Springs ......... .... 8.00 tip 9.00 up liresaers ; PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. - ZOS First St ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES. We have The Veribest-Yet" On with twin tube and adjustable wringer, which does twice the work of an ordi-' nary electric washer, easily worth $200; -special at $150. Another with aingle - ; tub and adjustable wringer for ouly $188, easy terma. ' Jif ISM FBRHIHIM CO. -. t ;': 188-190 First St r . - SAffilFICE, '!- Furniture ef 8 rooms, all or part house for rent $40 per month. Beautiful yard, all kinds of fruit, 5 minutes' -walk from heart of city. Call between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. For information phone Main 8878. ; 634 1st st, corner Ijimoln. No agenta. r- HIGH CLASS dining table and 6 chairs; solid oak. $8 5. You cannot dunlicate for dnuhla r tnu amount rhona East 1108. . Ask for Mr. pome. . . - -" -. .. 1 . . . 7 ICE CREAM tables and .chairs to match. Oxidized ,. wire. legs. One golden oak dining table' with chairs- to match. Bargain. D. G. Wax, 21. N. Fifth st Bdwy. 2789. - CONTINUOUS post bed. steel sDrine ,nA - tress, $25 ; maple Princes dresser and com wle. $27.50,- table, $1.25; xl2 Brussels rug iu none, st.ou. im ia. 28th N. LAROK Vulcan jas range, $35: 5akrocker'. $11; leather chair, $13; bookcase, 1 4 ; 6x9 laiwtry Brussels rug, $17; wa-h tub, boiler, etc 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor 8325. i FOR SALE: Furniture. 6-room bouse. Dresser, ' nigs, beds, springs,- mattresses, couch, tables, stands. 620 Alberta st i . FOR SAJ.E Furniture of 0 room house;' must sell as am leavina town. Call Woodlawn 5 1 1 8s No agents. DOUBLE snrina velvet couch, in rood condition $7; or will trade for cedar chest Woodlawn 1837.. . . . BEDROOM suite for aale. - Fargo st. - No dealers, i 186 FOB SALE MYSCEI,J.A!VEOrS 19 Independent Printers We ate still doing promptly "printing for as" at 11 No. 6th at. Commonwealth bldg. 1. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS' "Typewriters" ana rtousenoia uoods" are separate classifica tions. ' Ail advertisement . of these goods are pnniisnea under tneir respective elassificationa. i LOOK THEM OVER. CHINOOK salmon for canning 17e lb. Heyea - x ru. , iuo xamniu sr.- t - FOR SALE Royal Anne cherries 2o per lb. . ana up. uougias farm, V, mile S. Troutdale. GRAFLEX. 3Hx4. f. 4.5 lens, magazine plate holder, film pack adapter, perfect 'condi tion, a oargain. terms. woodlawn 2073. 500 oiBZt??Ai 1.25 YOU must bring this ad 120 6th st SAFES New and second band; some with burglar' chests, at reasonable p. ices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front st Bdwy. 1988. THIS week at the L. O. L. ranch, peas, new po tatoes, cabbage, .. string beana and lettuce. Drive out and save money. Tabor 7237. FOR, SALE: Cherries: - Royal Annea, , Black Republicans, - Binga, 4 cent on trees. CTele- FOR SALE 2 saddles and 1 pair leather i chaps. Don't ' answer unless iron want real saddles. 848 Mill St. - -: i . CHERRIES 4c, large potatoes 15 lba.,$li Hess, 60th and Killing-worth. T LARGE new gaa range, used only a few months, . cost $ 9Q.SeU $87.50. Phone 318-60. -FOR SALE Black Republican cherries 5c lb. 723 E. 29th st N. Automatic 313-14. C1TERRIE8 8e a lb. Reiublican 5c; Oregon 5e; Boyal Ann 6c 69th' and Division. Tabor 8830. LARGE, strong packing or shipping box. 29x47. Woodlawn 6119. ; ".'-:-- ORDEB your prune trees now. Woodstock Nor- aery. Sellwood 2332. - - -, . i. LATE MODEL Remington typewriter, j 217 Washington st, FOR SALE First elate used 10 by 12 tent 830. Tarior 4322. '"""'" SECOND hand tents and eovers for sale. pacific Tent A Awning, 1 N.: 1st st BLACK leather traveling bag. $7, good icondi tlon. CQHt 814. . C-498 Journal. .- VACUUM cleaners for rent, $1 a day; delivered - anywhere. Wdlwn. 5088, formerly Bdwy. 258. NEW HONEY for sale. 810 E. 76th st south. Tabor 927 8. FOR SALE A steel wood range. In good condi ? tion. Phone East 2455. I - . TJNCALI.ED for tailor-made suits. $12.50 up. Taylor, the Tailor. 289 Bnrnside st i FOR SALE Fruit jars, pints, quarts ana half gallons, half price. 880 37th at S. E. . VACUUM cleaners rented. $1 per dy: deliv ' ered Msin 2010 dsys. Tsbor 5786 eves.'. VACUUM cleaners for rent, $1 a day; delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. CEDAR posts-for sale, large else. Route 3. Box 403, Lenta, Or. H... Goodrich, TYPEWRITERS (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature t ; ) ' Service. Inn.) , WONOEI HCjW they ENJOYtQ IT- J t ' I i i ... 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 We Buy, Sell, Rent or'Trade3;: ELECTBIC FANS. SHOTGT'NS. BIFLES TENTS. SHOWCASES, CASH REGISTERS TYPEWRITERS. TOOLS. HOUSEHOLD . GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRITiF.NTS ' STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES New-man's . Exchan ge k ; 128 1ST. MAIN 4495, TABOU 6798. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM Nsw and 2d hand, sold for leas; no agenta employed. Complete line of pane for all makes. Machine repaired and rented. Main 94 31. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM - 190 Third, naar Taylor st WE SAVE YOU MONEY - House wiring, lighting : fix ture, electrical repairing sup plies. . Third Street Electric Store, 224 H Third street near Salmon. Main 5055. : SINGER -' ELECTBIC 8EWTNO - MACHINES We take your machine la exchange, balance cash of easy payment.. Phone for demonstra tion. Machine rented. Expert repairing, any make. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORK. 882 -Morrison. Marshall 721. Electric Motors . . . Bought sold, rented and repaired, t Walker Electric Work. 41 Barn i side, corner 10th. - Broadway 6674. FOR SALE cheap, or will trade for 'anything aaleable. one rotary gaa bake even. For par ticulars call after o'clock or write A. M. Franklin. Vslley hotel Second and Msin streeta, Portland. . "'HY an everlasting aggravation . by a leaky . roof 7 Why not a permanent and comfort able roof f We repair, rubber-bond and re iuvenate all kinds of leaky roof. Work guar- uieea. r-non aiain BSOO. CHERRIES.- Loganberries; Raspberries. Save. Pick them yourself or we will nick " Kale and cabbage plants. Rabbits. Corner 89th and fcaat otark, Mt, Tabor (MT 88th) ear to end, four bJocka north, one east FURNITURE Vera ire; - upholstered, like new; mattresses remade, mirror resilvered, furni rare bought sold and exchanged at Webster's Furnitqre - Repair Shop. 1105 Hawthorn, Tabor 8323. - - : SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and secondhand. - at rieht ,ri- hn,ht. uU .mi exchanged. ; ... "ORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 1 05 Second at. Phone Main 2045. 11 5 ?(il TEN drophead aewing machines sJUw.S3J'with atuc-hmenta. AH are in very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2359. E. R. Bteen. 152 Grand ave.. pear Belmont LUMBER' tor sale; California rustic, all kinds of ceiling and flooring, frame lumber, brick, doors, windows. See Mr. Whiflock t E, 7th and Hawthorne. Phone East 8479. SUA eiTt 4n ;4e used drophead a? M tr.U' VV SEWING MACHINES Gns ran teed We Bent and Repair 172 "3d st. near Yamhill Main 1845. TRt-1.XC ESrHASRS We exchange ladies' clothing, also sell on commission, 415 Fliedner 'bldg,, 10th and Washington, Tbone Broadway TiO,. v ELECTBIC f ana. drink mixers, new, nsed." ex changed; motors rewound and repaired: wiring and supplies; quick service. Hynson Electric Co., $02 Pine at. at 5th. Broadway 4298. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES ' A few used machines in good mechsnical con dition, at big price reduction, Scott Electric Co.. 8th and Oak ts. " , i AUTOMOBILES, MOTOIUrYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications, A large listing will be found under these different elaasi- ficstions. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal. $7: 40 gaL, $9. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace coils. Gas heaters installed. - Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams t E. K516. Dentistrv V without Pain. Latest Nerve BlocAmg Method. DRY kiln wood and kindling, stove lengin; oraer now, while you can get it Sell. 1 97 lr ; south east deli vi-ry -- . -r. . - ----Jr-- ----- .- BURROGGliB A BOLTON sdding machine, per fect condition : late models; D. C Wax, 31 N. 6th st Bdwy. 2739. ATTRACTIVE style in ladies' alight ly worn coats, .suits, gown, hat and fun. 1047 Tburman st Msin 9567. RANGES and water heater moved; free, sctior made a specislty- Tsboa 3307. PLUMBING, expert, repair ' all plumbing, gaa; very reasonable. McCurdy, East 2512. SAFE. 30x20 Inches; Herring Hall Marvin make; . has inside door, Y-165, Journal B ING" and Lambert cherries for sale. 103 East 76th st. Tayr 8 80, FOB -SALE ADDING MACHINE. $15. 618 CorbetA Bldg. Guaranteed. Marshall 557, SEASONABLE STYLES in Isdiss' nsed wesnng apparel, pries surprisingly low. Tabor 2826. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your borne. 8c a rag - tail East ltoa, - , SEVERAL drafting tables, large sues, less than half price. D. C. Wax, 81 North 6th st FOR SALeT Cash registi etax. safe, adding 1st st. near Ash. chine, show case.' 4 3 CASH REGISTER. FLOOB CASES And other fixtures. 242 Salmon.. Main 842 BEST Copper coil gas water beaters . installed 830. East 4832. I CEMENT laundry tray. Factory 314 E, Wash ington st We ship, rail or water. PLUMBING expert, repair all plumbing, gaa; very reasonable. McCurdy, East 727. ROYAL ANNE and " Kentish pie c harries for sale. Call Tabor. 9162. - f 'j HOOVER ETTE i electric sweeper with complete attachments, $35. 825 Overlook bird. CHERRIES -BoyalAnne. -161 E.47th at. N". 5c per lb, : Montavilla car. -"- - -; BOOT BEEB barrel. 3 compartments, first das .condition; reasonable. .209 Morrison st. PLATE glasa, 62x90 inches, good condition. See - Turner, 202 Failing bldg., cor 3d. and Wash. NEW potatoes for sal. Bishop Bros. Broadway 8163. - . - - - - . ONE 2" II. P. gaa engine for aale. Call Broad- - way 3.139. -' " r "." ' "- , "" " " "" -- KENTISH cherries, fresh picked. 10c per lb.; basket furnished. 1555 fijvision st FOB SALE: Pie cherries. Tabor 1237. By George McManus lLL CALL UP Htf OFrice ais Fno FOR SALE MISCELLA7TEOU8 ' ft Buy, Sell AND EXCHANG B cash registers, ahowcases, rounUina, scales, store fixture. " I. BOXER, Mar. 2438 113 2d st CEMR CHESTS Dirsct . from factory to your home.: Tertne see and Port Orford oedar; solid copper trim mings, latest designs. Writ for catalogue. Factory, 1912-16-18 E. Gliaan. Tbor t0. 20 LATE drophead; all makeaUike new. - $15 to $35. Large variety of good rhaehinea. $8 to $10. All ths latest new Singers, Cash , or payments. - Machines rented. $3 a month. - Singer Store (Moose bldg ), 193 4th st Msin 6833. ELECTRIC irons, spplisnces, door bells, vacuum cleaner, repaired; fixture , rewired ; we call and deliver. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045. FURNITURE WAItTKTJ 74 "FELDSTEIN FCRNITCBi" COr wsnts any quantity of good used fur niture, rugs,, stoves, eta. W also buy furniture stocks. Get oar prices be fore you selL - FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. - v 174 let St ' ff. E. Cor. YsmhHL Main 4633. BE WISE: CALL MAIN 8951 We Want Your Used Furniture We Pay the Price FREEMAN. WOLLF FURNITURE CO. 200 First st. 8. E. Cor. Taylor n SPOT CASH FOB USED FURNITURE Main: 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STOBH 173 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON : We want vour used furniture, stove, carpets NEAR tod pianos; we pay the highest cash price. IBB ana 163 First st Call Marn 4627. WE PAY MORE for need furniture. . 654-4 Thurman st Broadway 3010. us give you an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co., 208-205 2d. Main 7308. SWAPS St WHAT will yon exchange for first class type writing or stenographic work, which will not take up entire time? Give telephone number in answering. A.-OBS, Journal. EQUITY 8-roora hou-e. 8110 BSd ave. southeast, $223; due $620. What bar youf Owner,70 E. Wth st 40x100 lot CANARIES, will swap lor anything I can use. 168 Whittakar. At home morning only. HIGH GRADE CAR to exchange for city lot II Sigsby, .1495 - E. Ash at WASTKB- MISCELLANEOUS 6 . S 12.50 to S25 - vv: :-For . SecondHand SUITS OR OVERCOATS x. ', - METER THE TAILOB Pays more for clothing and shoes. We call day Of erenincs, anywhere in the city. Cil Mir th 11 1229 or 26S Madison it, near Third rt UP TO $35.00 "Z - FOB MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS ' . We Pay Any Price tor Men's Clothes ... OREGON CLEANERS St TAILORS r 117 2d st. N. W. Cor.Wnh. Main 9144 WANTED People of Portland to know that'. pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. . No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER. Phone East 2203. ' 148 Ruasell at $10 TO $23 positively pard for gent'a used suits and overcoats; cau any place; get my offer before you aell ; will call any time and place. - Goldhaura. the Tailor, 167 First at, near Morrison. Main 738. WANTED Safe, small second hand safe, not particular about oondiUoa if fireproof. J. 164, Journal. WILL pay $100 for serviceable piano for eoun try home, or will consider first class Baby Grand if cheap. Address M S 18, Journal WANTED Windmill, tower, tank pnmp, pipe. W hat have you 1 . Thomaasea. T. M. C. A., Portland. . . i WANTED CIDER MILL ON TERMS. TA BOR 8843. - CASH for -electric motors. 217 Washington. Main 6517. , WANTED All kinds second hand furniture and Junk. Call E.t 8923. WILL buy 90 or ll0muio rsU cabinet, ma hogany finish. East 1446. WANTEI Bifles, shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hochfield, 86 Third nt - Phone Main 51. BUTCHERS' and aausagemaker"' tool. What have yoof A-91. JournaL NOTICES 26 UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, WASH- INGTON, D. C, July 6. 1920: Sesled proposals for the purchase of the 8. 8. Iris oa a lump sum basis, aa is and where is, will be received at the above office until 10:90 a. m-, July 26, 1920, when they will be opened. Vessel fa now- located a Army Street wharf. Ban Franeirco, and may be inspected on appli cation to Shipping Board, Washington. V. or district director ef operations, San Francisco. . Certified cheek for lO-per cent of mount of bid must accompany each proposal, which must state terms of payment Description: Built of iron by A. Leslie as Co., at Newcastle, on Tyne, England, In 1885; length, 321 feet; beam. 39 feet; moulded depth. 28 feet 4 H inches; gruee tonnage. 2855 ; net tonnage, 1996; D. W. T., 8600; equipped with one compound engine, cylinders 80 incbea by 70 inches, 48 inch stroke, t double ended Scovh boilers with working pressure, of 120 pounds per squire inch. Boilers reported in good condition. Vessel classed Al, American Bureau of Ship ping. ?' - . : -" : Sealed bids to be addressed to United States Shipping Board, Washington. D. C, and en dorsed SEALED BID FOR STEAMSHIP IBIS. ' The board reserves the right to reject -any and an bids. ; - - UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, WASH INGTON, D. C, July 6. 1920: Sesled proposals for the purchase of the Fer ris' type wooden steamship FORT 8EWABD, of 8688 D. W. T. ' ' Sealed proposals will be received at the above office until 10:30 a. a., July 28, 1820, and then opened, for the purchase of the abov ves sel on a lump aura basia aa i and where is. Cn. til recently thia vessel has been in North Atlantic coal trade and ia now located off 1' rails Island, New York harbor. - Certified check for 10 per cent of the pur chase price must accompany each bid. Terms of payment are to be submitted with proposal. Prospective bidders may Inspect vetnel on ap plication to Shipping Board at Washington, It, C. , Philadelphia or New York. - : -Proposals -should be addressed to UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOA RD. WASHINGTON. D. O., and endorsed SEAf.KD PROPOSALS FOB STEAMSHIP FORT SEWARD. - The board reserve the right to reject any and alt bids. CIRCULAR NO 489 Sealed propcaal will be received ; at -' ofe of General Purchasing Aacnt Alaasan Engineering Commission. 422 Bell 8tret TerminaL Seattle, Wash., not later than 11:00 a. m.. July 26. 1920, fur furnishing lumber, window and window frames, nail, glass, building and roofing paper and. deadening felt, door locks and pull, sash evrd and weights, ce ment Oopi. of tl.ia eireular may be obtained uion appUoation at thia office or from Ateskan Engineering Co-imfessioo, 801 Post Office Build ing, Portland, . Or. C. E. Dole, General pay c basing Agent, ' ' ' ON or after thia date, July 21. 1920, I will no longer be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Myrtle Ranch. Signed L. D. Rsm-li. PERSONAL . ' M FREEDOM from every discordant condition ia yours for the asking. The Psychometa Pby cal Institute, Dr. D K. Zimmerman, Psysoph. director. 810-817 Brnh A Lane bldg. Maid 6761, 10-12 a. m., 2-8 p. m. Evelungs, Baa 3a ys by sppointment :- - $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST, who doesn't hurt! yon, 8 yr. here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg., 1 1 tit and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. GEORGE BUBEN STEIN, the veteran optician." ia an expert eye fitter, and hi charges are eery- reasonable satisfaction guaranteed. 226 Morrison t-, near 2d. : SUPERFLUOUS hair and manicuring, face and calp treatment Apt 616, Boyal Annex bldg. Mar. 1191. BATHS, -massage for rheumatism, constipation, kidneys, stomach. Dr. Etna Soremen, 508 Psnama bldg. Drngle physician. Mara 6086, fcLFERFLUOUS hair, moiea, warts removed-by 10 needle method ; trial free. Joai Finicy, 614 Bnsh A Lane bldg. Main 88oV STUDY" Diaasage. Portland School of Massage. Inc- Phone Main 7786. Office 711 Swet- Und bldg. -. - - : ' . ----' :: . -' "-. .. BAG TIME 11 bason piano, mandolin, guiUr, banjo, fre tnat 1 Eiiert Drag. CONSTIPATION IS MT SPECIALTY' ' 'Dr. Ironside, 308-311 Broadway bldg. PATIENTS to take cabinet baths with or hourly nursing. Tabor 6172.-- A-l MASSAGES, 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. OPEN- SUN, AND EYES. MAIN 8366. BODY MASSAGE, VIOLET BAT. 10 a. m,o daily 450 Morgan bldg.- Mala 7679. JANE SHOP Marcelling, water a ring, mani curing, by appointment Main 5518. Lawyer 512 Selling bldg.. Main 4998. PERSONAL GLASSES at a aaiing. s'hcit your palrotiags on the basia of capable service' Thousands - of satisfied pa trona. Chaa W. Gootlmsn. optometrist. 209 Morrison st Msin 2124. DR. M-MAHON"S asniisry Utba; alwsjs re-,; strsm, showers, plunges, tubs; necessaries tur Biahed; rubdowna and massage when desired; aervtcea and price cannot be beat Soutbwe-t corner 4th and Washington. Tell your friends. eROFESSIORAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY iBitsr gutics LElvTsSTKNGEft Barber Supply OoT OthTnl MorrLon sta. The place to buy barber chairs and supplies Slock of furniture always on band at right price. BlNK iOOK aaanewg - DAVIS A DOLMAN, lNe""1092d t.J bls-k book manjlacturera. A-8183. Mia l. ; BOOKS NEW AND USED " BOOKS.' ALL SLBJLC 248 Main st.. bet. 2d snd 8d. CARPCT OLKANINa Carpet Cleaning Sizing and' ' Refitting Fluff and Rag Runs WOVEN ALL SIZES ' WRITE OB CALL .... - .PORTLAND BUG CO. 1672 B. ITth at SeUwood 8?t. We Make. FLUFF RUGS Front Your Old Carpsts Bag ruga, all sisee. MiO order prompt Bug and carpet (team and dry cleaned. Phone or write for price list Northwest Rug Co. 188 B. Eighth St . - r..,. t a i. Fluff Rugs Front Old " Carpets ' Hit Rum. mTi mi fui. - - " - ' - v i u5 g-gt at rxMnZfvga, i. Send for Booklet , t.l Bu. u2 81.80. 64-68 Union ave. N. Fjst 6818. East 755, , CT rD DOO HOSPITAL BOSK ClfT'ETERiNAgYHOSl ITaL. 4li E- 7th t. cor. Grnt East 1847. B-19H2. CHIROPRACTIC, ,Ura psth, snd msarfx, lCth floorBmadway bldg. MartbaU 8187. L)r. Ijiura E. Downing, DR. McMAHlNriMr7mrop7a7ior. PortiiTj throng pronounce treatment best CI ME NT WORK 1-I- ,.c1 of cement work ; gsrsae a apeT ctalty; Tate, wsonabl-t. Ptxm. 82 1-2. COAL AND WOOD Delivered immwli,t.l. K, I.S, jl . , .... . n , Mseadam. Phone Main 4173. ...GOOD 16 IN. SLABWobl) . e4.BO a load, delivered anywlwr.1 sunly a barsrain. Call m. .ii no GIVE us your orders for cordwood, slsbwood . , ' . . - -v.. w,uwuvu, aisuwooa and coal '- iiHiuii uu.i.i . i , lot Havri Imrne PuelCo. , Eat6 106. 16 INCH SLAB, block and 4 ftco7dVor, u!r"J', Delivered to any part of the city. Bdwy. 2109. , - . - BLOTk andsiab wood mixed, ii.ift tier load in 2 load lots. NATIONAL FUEL CO., East 2041. BLOCK and" sUbwoodrTS.SO a load in2 kaJ lota Oregon Fuel Co.. Woodlawn4102. FOR first growth fir cordwood call Esst 24 Sf M. Heerdt Fuel Co. 967 E. Burnski U Gtt?P M '"1-B0 per cord. Wdln. 8238. - COLAKOTIOW ffETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. " Main 1796! Se collections, no charge. Established 1900. 0ENTI$TS Dentistry fft XiST Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. DUCATIONA1, DANCING THE Dance Studio, 509 Deknm bldg , Washing ton at 8d; strictly private lessons; half hour or hour lessons; course lessons specie 1 ly priced. Daily a 9:80 a. ra. to 9 p. m. Miss Ireland. BERlLE' Dancing, Acarmy. prtTlie,o'n7 day. evening; Utef steps )srx shown.- 129 4th st Main 8318. Mrs. Summers. WUSIO JIOHOOL6 ANO TIA0HIS6 PROFESSOR T.E." LAWSON JO year' . perienre: piano leeaona at your heme. $L. Tabor 7695. Sirs, j.' m. lo v ejo Y7Tn7uc7or' k popular ' ragtime and cla lc. Tabor 815. L, CABROLL DAY, echrof-toici"Dd ulaoaJ . o m as. pnauwiy 9ao. runs BUT XOCB SUMMER FURS AT TH V. i'l tt Kitnp Remodeling, Summer rates, 608 Swctland bldg., 5th at Washington. HAT CtC AN I R8 AND DVSR8 LET US clean. block mnm hat; beat work, reasonable price,, pron serricaj bet equipped hst factory la city. Boyal Hat Works 123 1 mt . WA44TE1) Ladies, know w rsn clean your wmw m . . T:t ami. Vm J tOTIKlOU, Kiwyil DOLL "COCUMBIA STATU ART CoT 366-870 HAWTHORN, AVE. EAST 133. MAg8EUSK una' " a iubvit" tt " r ... v. - - -- - - . . . . i. , nn ruin. Treatments by apointment in private homes or Wed. and Sat at parlor. tu'ervottaness, im paired circulation, rbeumatiam, neariti and yoioU a apecialty. Parlors, 338 E, 46th st aui. Phone Tsbor 138. OPTONHTRI6T6 AND OfTICIAN6 EYES iBCIENTIJriCALltE.stallS , 7 with modrn instrumental sts, , fitted from $2.50 un. aaa-a. A. as. HPKWITZ, Optometrist. 22$ 1st at PAIWTINa, TINTING. PAPCSH ANaiNO afx ..--r"" ' li - I.. CHAS- ttREEDll, , . CHAS. HINMAN ROOF PAINTERS Authorised Agents for .. Webfoot Roof Paint .... RfPairing and Painting Boofs rl '5- .I'bo 9? 7; Res Tabor 714. QFi0iiTimi;ntln' PaVringTtlniing154 , " 1 7 'h st Broad.,, 441 4. Woodis wn 2124. liPJlS' "!" t-g. goodVo,k; " -swaaw-eyg,, WJ SlIU 9 .1 I X . LATENT ITTAiMEvi - jiiim I, , " , wr - aar - HE bar, WceiTly aaiated"wilbiir',";i.mio: r. from the U. 8. pafent office; Mason, tea r4c Lawrenc. .Boo jr St.. Waabme ton. D. C- 220 B.oad.v. New York city; 111 w. Monroe st. .hicao. Hi. AaUbualMd over half s century. -5?iw-e-ter bldgTnkUirT25j3: PtOMSINq AND TEAM $UPtlC . Plumbing Work done quickly and etftoiently at reaaoa able prices: new inat.ll.tion pcisiy Wtw, aaaaship iaraiiteed, Pboo East 1954, 11 Buaseli at HEBKO METAL WORKS PlTSni I O SUPPLIESAT WFIOLESTCI -"E'TAKK i'AV'S CO.. 188 4th 0L THE M U KLINE CO., B4 86 87-7 9 rVonTet PRINTINO, gNOWAViaio, BIMOINO PrintinP BALTE3 A CO J and Oak. Main 164. 611-6 THElRWIN-HODSON COMPANY ' $87 Waabington. Broadway 434, A-I33 TINNERS JACOB LOSLT TIN. SHEET IRON AND ROOF' WORK 810 First at Phone Maia 1424. TRANSFER AND ITORASI - Oregon Transfer Co, Established 1870 Tranrfak and Forwarding- Agents STORAGE FREE TKACKAGS Office and Storaa. 474 Giiaan 18th and GUaea. Broadway 1281. A-1169 . ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUHEHoLa GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing, sinp. picg and moving; bprs and auto vans; specuj rates to all points. - - CO. PICK TRANSFER A STOBAGE Cf. Sd and Pw sta Broadway 96. A-l 996. Storage and Transfer Clay.S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 8470 CUT FREIGHT BATES On bonsehold good shijped east and south. M, Se vang Warehouse A Transfer Co., 9th and LjjtI. Phone Broadway 70$