THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY IS, 1920. .. . 0 MISS JOAN ROSENDALE, whose engagement was re cently, announced to George Jehlinger. : Mrs. Paul Van Wyk (Sina Norris), a bride of recent date, who was mar ried at the home cf her parents". ' .. r ill i SiL ! Alt' , -. In, 1 1 " ,-, i ' it If A v II ; . . , - - n r i ll - w - ? ' I i " - ' I ! ! i - - ' - - ' J ; Fin M r ft : ' ' t -. ' . ' ' ' . " I I IHlimilL II 1 1 IMUllIUIMUIJlUWM"a" Demonstration In Recreation Will Be Given AN EVENT 6f unusual Interest for tbis week la the first street recrea tional demenstrattyn to be ; given Wednesday evening at 7 .'clock under the ausplcea of the Community service In cooperation with the Neighborhood bouse. .The demonstration will-be riven in the open street, which will be roped off between Woods and Hooter streets on Second. Miss Eva Jurgensohn of Se attle, who i with: the Community service at the Willamette valley Chautauqua this week, will direct the play, which will consist of an 'informal program of games and races, the' performers tn be chosen ;from the children, of the neigh borhood and the spectators to Include all persons Interested in thisv the first affair of its kind ever - given in Port land. , ' - : i. : : -- : : ' S v"' The street play demonstration will be planned ifl anticipation of a more elab orate performance which will ; consist of a pageant to be given later with the as sistance of Miss Ida Nowenburg. head of the Neighborhood house, . , Miss Jurgensohn is physical , director at the. Chautauqua and is loaned' to Port land from the national headquarters f Community service. ,s She conducts three classes each day, at the Chautauqua, in cluding the boys'- indoor league, the girls folk dancing classes and the last day will, be given over to a field meet program. ..- ..-. The street demonstration is aimed to develop Interest in the work of the Com munity service recreational program and will be of interest to all persons of the district. - 1 . . :. .Henry K. French, electrician and club man of Newberg, slipped away Wednes day to Vancouver and. was married to Miss Nora Lu Range, a charm ins and ac complished, girl whose parents reside' in Newberg. ; . The marriage -ceremony was to have taken place at the hdme of the bride's uncle in Portland, buc owing to the provision in the Oregon law which requires the lapse of one day) from the issuance of a marriage lecinse, the young couple went to Vancouver. 1 : ; v ; . . . j A host of the friends of Miss Calanthe Wendlick helped celebrate her eighteenth birthday, anniversary July 7. Through- MRS. FRED D. KRIBS, whose rnarriage was a recent event, Mrs.'Kribs was before her marriage Miss Frances Gor don Haseltine and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haseltine of this city. III ' - - X : - I J f ' v - l II 1 Ji if : :ii!:v:V.; J II " 1 ' : ' I .l'-m-vv-xP-: :-.-' :--:i:-v .v,. -.:.:..: x . s ' ' '"" r f r- - , M I r " " " S ' i t ' " I : - , i y. : !.:i j . If ib'i! ' Aunt's BirtKday Is Inspiration of Mrs. Haley's Tea MRS. HARRY D. HALEY entertained at her home in Irving ton at lunch eon Tuesday in honor ofr the seventy eighth birthday anniversary of her great aunt, Mrs. Mary Jane Lane of Pendle ton. Mrs. Lane is spending the summer in Portland, as has been her custom for many years. Mrs. Lane, : although she has reached this advanced age, is as ac tive as a woman of SO and having all her faculties, keeps abreast of the times and takes an interest in all things about her. Mrs. Lane throughout the day was busy receiving messages of love from her many friends expressed by letters, cards, telegrams and a shower cf floral gifts. .Those Invited'by Mrs. Haley to enjoy a bountiful luncheon withi her aunt were Mrs. T. C. Taylor and Mrs. H. F. John son, both formerly .of Pendleton and life long friends of Mrs. Lane; Mrs. Martha White. Mrs. W. H Wells, Mrs. Sidney B. Vincent, Miss Margaret Wells, Mrs. Flor ence Turner, and V. D. Haley. . The marriage' of Miss Vivian Bright and Lieutenant Richard Lee McAdams of Portland and Seattle was an event of recent date In St. Louis, Mo. The serv ice was read in the 'presence of s- few close friends and relatives by the Rev. D. M. Skllling of the Westminster Pres byterian church, ' There were no attend ants. The young couple will make their home in this city where the bridegroom has many friends. Lieotenant Bright has been stationed near Savannah.. Ga, for some time with the marine aviation corps. He expects to receive his dis charge this month. He was graduated from Jefferson ; high school and was-a student of the University; of .Washing ton where he was captata in the wres tling team, and took an ! active - part in all athletic work. The bride is the daughter of . Mr. and . Mrs. -jj. Ward Bright of St. Louis anU ia a niece of Mrs. Thomas Burrows of Ltttle Rock; Ark. Lieutenant and Mrs- McAdams are expected to arrive in" the city in a short time, :. . . p . , , , .f -;vr i !; ': : ' An event of interest In Portland wm the announcement made last Saturday of the marriage of Miss Frances Hasel tine to Frederick D. Kribs... The young people were quietly married in Hills boro June 29. Mrs. Kribs is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haseltine of this' city and la a member of one of tne pioneer families of Oregsn.1 Mr. Kribs Is also a member of an old family of this city, and both young people have a wide circle of friends here. Mr. Kribs was graduated from Cornell university and is in the lumber business in Port land, associated with his father,' Fred A. Kribs. ' .. " ." Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pratt of New York city were guests cf honor - at a dinner at the home of Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs., Pratt have been visitors at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, -during the past weeK. Additional guests on this : occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Cameron I Squires, .Mrs. .Helen Ladd Corbett. Charles S. Hol brook, "Raymond- B. Wlloox, Mrs. Holt C. Wilson and Dr. Richard" Dilleh'unt. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. O'Reilly and chil dren have returned to thse city after a , Bhort visit at the Hoerlein ranch in the Hood River gorge. They 'went to spend the Fourth of July holidays and re mained much longer than they had planned.. j Mrs. James H. Lynch has taken the Joy cottage at Long Beach, Wash., for 4the season. She is accompanied by her sister, Mi$s. Violet. Grayson. AsSA LAt'TKRBACK T AURIE jAURA ANOFLTj REAUTY ; ; v JjBOADWAY SI SIM lERICE Face and Scalp Treatment Shampooing. Hair .Dressing . " ; Marcelling; ... . . -L . Dyeing and Bleaching Manicuring Open After P. M. by Appointment SSI PIttoek Blk rhone Bdwy. Sid TP A " Georgia Irvine BecomesBrideof Tudor Farretis A BEAUTIFUL marriage ceremony of Monday evening was that of Miss Georgia Irvine ; and .Tudor - Austin Far rens, which was solemnized at the home of Mr. and MrsL : J. P., Irvine,- parents of the bride.' : Dr. Harold H. ' Griff is read the service. ; The ceremony; was per formed under jaivcanopy 'of , feathery greenery intermingled with , pink , and white blossoms. 1 .Before the service Miss Helen, Cowles sang -two selections.' 'The wedding march was flayed by Miss Hazel Bowman f The bride was lovely In, ivory embroidered, , georgette and satin. Her tulle veil was held m place by a coronet of orange blossoms and she carried an arm bouquet of Orpbella roses, white - sweet peas and orchids. Mrs. Herman Frank.: matron of honor.fwore a gown of pink georgette with 'picture hat of pink tulle to .match 'and. carried pink sweet peas. Helen Hembree and Jessie May Irvine, small nieces of the bride, -were dainty- Attendants,' carrying baskets of pink sweet peas Herman O. Frank was best man. After the cere mony Mrs.; Clarence Irvine and. Mrs. Herbert Marx presided at the table- in the dining room.rwhere they were slsted by the Misses Florence Johnson Edithe Brobst and. Emma- Chrisman. Mrs. Walter Miller presided at the punch bowL assisted by Miss Lavelle Irvine. The bride ;was graduated from, the Oregon Agricultural college.- She is the daughter f an old pioneer family. of Oregon. The bridegroom has been in the government service for the past 18 years. - Following the reception Mr, and Mrs. Farrens left for a trip into Canada. Miss Eleanor" Bean, 360 Park street, ac companied by her father. J. E. Bean of Pendleton, left Friday morning for a va cation, at Newport. They wUl be gone about..' month,- out the evening, games and dancing were enjoyed, one of the features being a peanut hunt around the garden, which was lighted with Chinese lanterns. Those who participated in the evening's gaiety were: 'Miss Alice Boyce, Joe Huff smith, Miss Helen Schroeder, George B. Wes ton.' Miss Hazel Boyce." Leonard Huff- smith. Miss Myrtle Wendlick,; Raymond K. Weston. Mr. and Mrs- F. A: Johnson, Miss Ottilia - Young, Jack Manx, Miss Margaret - Osborne, - Miss Wllla" Hurt, Miss Alma Buggies and Archie Wymcre. Before the evening was o.ver a table of refreshments was spread before the guests, the attraction being a huge birthday cake. Mrs. .Wendlick presided at the table. . , - . . . ? . r - - r. f ... f - - . - .Community Service , girls and their friends will leave the headquarters at tne Northwestern Bank building next Sun day at 8 :30 o'clock for Eagle Creek for a day's outing. Each girl is expected to bring her own. lunch and . the day's pro gram will include a hike to the Punch Bowl. All girls expecting to attend the affair are asked to register at the Com munity Service headquarters, in 438 Northwestern Bank building.' so . that provision may be made for transporta tion -fn trucks and private motors. 1 EH A BEAUTY AID FOR EVERY NEED - SHAMPOOINO ' . HAIR DYEING i ' ''"" SPECIAL REST FACIAL JMA8SAQB -i MLKACHINO TREATMENTS MUSCLE STRAPPING AND TONING ELECTROLYSIS ,. SCALP TREATMENTS " f MARINELLO PREPARATIONS " - HAIR GOODS .f Phoae Marshal! S!07 for Avpolatmeat SS- Broadway Balldisg Fresh every day. Morrison st.. Bet.' Margason-Maris Wedding Gomes As Big Surprise MISS BEUNA MARGASON became the bride of W. Homer Marls at the home of Mr. Maris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. . N. C Marls. Monday evening, the Rev. : Oswald W. Taylor of the Grace Memorial Episcopal church . of flciatin?. It was a quiet ceremony and came as a surprise to many of theirs friends, as the date of the wedding -had been set for early falL . Baskets and clusters of pink Canterbury bells, delphinium and trailing ferni against a background of palms . gave a pretty effect. David Campbell , and Randolph Thomas fur nished the wedding' music. The bride was gowned in ivory toned satin, 1 and "she carried . a shower of orchids,' Ophelia roses and white sweet peas.- There were no. attendants. Following the "ceremony, Mrs. Fred J. Laird , 'and Mrs; West presided .- at the table and were - assisted by Mrs.' Owen Marts and the Misses Marguerite Gross. Helen Houghton, Jennie Parellus, Jessie Laird. Katheryii Wilson Lita Kiddle of La Grande, Elvera Anderson and Dorothy Jamieson, s .' . ' Mrs. - Maria - $ - the daughter of - Dr. E. G. Margason of this city and is well known among the younger college ' set. She attended the University of Oregon and was a member of Gamma Phi, Beta sorority. . ' Mr. Maris was graduated from; the University of Oregon, later taking a post-graduate course at Oregon Agri cultural college. He is a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Mr. MariB la supervisor of vocational T education under the federal board . in "Oregon, Washington and Idaho, with headquar ters , in "Seattle, where they will make theh?" home upon their return from Vic toria, B.' C. ' - "' .- : . A ' interesting visitor -in the : city Is Miss Isabel Nichols of Denver, Colo., who Is itxt "nest of the Misses Mabel and SopMe Lawrence at their home in Mont gomery drivel ; A number; of most in formal functions have been planned for the. pleasure of. the young visitor - who f ormerlyj made her home in the city with her- parents before their departure for the - Eastw..Durlng the past week the Misses Lawrence asked a few of the close friends of Miss Nichols mother tn for the tea. hour thatthey might meet her again., . v - i -: ' . - - Mr. ' and Mrs. ' Leo Hartstein left last week for Tellowstone park. They were accompanied on the trip by Miss Dorothy Blue, who will return to this city to be their guest fbr a short time. . Miss Constance Piper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, has returned from New York, where Bhe has been studying during the past year. - Mr. and Mrs. John G. -Walber, son and daughter, of New York, who are tourfng the continent by motor, are spending some time at the Hotel Port land. ,.:., ; y ' The Conscious-: i.--r uess of Being 4 WelUTailored fives one self-possession and poise,1" a feeling of" ' ability to hold one's' own in any gathering. It is worth any effort it may take. See us for tailleurs, sport clothes, ridinftvhibits. GORMAN BRos MEN AND WOMEN NorUiwMUrn Bank kids. Miss Norris Is Married July 7 ToP.VanWy'ck A RECENT wedding of Interest was f that of Miss Slna Norris, V only daughter of Mr., and Mj-a. John M. Nor ris, and Paul Van Wyk, which took place at the home of the bride's parents on the evening of July 7. The rooms were pret tily decorated in green and White with just a touch of pink.. The bride was lovely in her gown of lace over silver cloth and : carried- a:. bouquet - of Bride roses, sweetpeas and orchids. Dr. H. H. Griffis ; of the -First ' Christian 'church read the service. Roy Hunt ; was i best man and Miss Una Da vies as, bridesmaid, gowned in pale blue chiffon and geor gette, carrying a bouquet of pink sweet peas, was a lovely picture. Preceding the, ceremony a' violin solo was played by Miss Katherine Sharkey, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Hunt at the piano, who also played the wedding march. Fol lowing the ceremony refreshments were served to about 30 guests. Mrs. Van Wyk was . graduated. ..frbm- Jefferson high school and ' is an accomplished pianist and a girl of charming personality.-Mr. Van Wyk is a young business roan 'of this city. He Is a son of Mr. andMrs. William Van Wyk of Long Island. N. Y. During, the late war, Mr. Van Wyk served two 'years overseas.- . : Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Taylor were hosts for a reception at their home on Shenan doah .Terrace -.Tuesday evening, , honor ing fMr and Mrs. T.f S. Ingersoll of Win neapolis, who are visitors in the city.; ; '' Mrs. Walter A. Holt '. and. daughter. Nancy," and son. Preston,' have returned to the city from California, j Mrs. Holt went south to attend, the graduation ex ercises at Stanford! university, where Miss Holt was graduated this year., . FURS AND MYSTERY ' By N. M. Ungar At' this time. , when "tempting" prices are being offered here and there 'on "genuine" furs of . many kinds it may be well to reviev a few of the' numerous substitutes previous ly mentioned in this series of ex posures. ; - " To begin with, we found that "Hud son Seal"-is not seal 'at all, but in reality seal-dyed muskrat, nutria or otter. - -i i , Then, too, we learn that muskrat is often not muskrat at all, but merely dyed, rabbit. , . s t Next, we discovered that our busy little muskrat frequently as various kinds- of mink,' and, when sheared, as the tiny mole, - - Then there's raccoon' bringing the price of lynx ; marmot,' mink, fitch and hare as American sable ; Ameri can sable as Russian sable : opossum as marten weasel as ermine-; nu merous inferior species of- fox as black fox ; . nutria as beaver ; rabbit as' ermine and French seal and so on. without end. . ..Now ask yourself one fair question How under the sun can you expect to distinguish the genuine from the imitation when in many oases the salesman who is trying to 'sell you the fur does not know the difference himself? It takes men who - have devoted their lives to the""study-of furs to de tect some of the substitutes that are perpetrated, and it is not unusual for, the average department store buyer to be fooled on what he purchases as completely as bis customers. ' It must therefore be said for the salespeople in such departments that they frequently mislead you unknow--ingly, for they are often told by a buyer -who is not a real furrier that an article is genuine, and so they pass the word on to you, not realiz ing it to be a falsehood. This, however, does not help you In any way- when the fur roes to pieces and you'll therefore find it profitable in the long run to play safe, disregard price "bait," and buy your furs of a reliable furrier, who really knows the fur business. Whether innocent because of not knowing or as a disguise for protec tion when the revelation comes. r Beware-of the : Wolf in1 Sheep's Clothing. . i . " (To Be Continued.) ' Copyright, 1920. , ; Adv.- Silver Wedding Celebra tion Is Enjoyable Event TI.TR- AND SlRS. -L E. SOLOMON fele JLtX brated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their summer - home &t Seaside, Or., Wednesday evening. The house was beautifully decorated with masses of. ferns nd .roses, j and many beautiful gifts . of sliver were received. also messages from many old . friends. At midnight the. guests were seated-at the table to enjoy the delicacies of -the season. Many out-of-town guests were present5 includinr: . Mr. nd Mrs. Her man Wise of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. unaries - kooisoh or Astoria, Mrs. He sie Friedman of - Portland, Mrs. B. Kapstein of Portland. Miss - Lillian Kap- stein of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. S, Wolf or. ortiana ana miss Kose Lindenbaum of Portland. , , t 1 - Mrs. W. W. Cotton of Alexandra Court and her niece. Miss Elsie Colltna-wood. of New- Haven, Conn., expect' to leave Portland Tuesday fon a motor, trip to Mount Rainier and surrounding points of Interest. They , will lie accompanied on", the trip by .Mrs.;, B.. Campbell .and Mrs. Robert Campbell of New York city, who have been stop pi ng for ' a time at the Portland hotel. ...-,'- . Miss Doris Dabney was hostess for an informal-sewing tea Friday at the horns of her parents,- Mr, snd Mrs. R.T.-Dabney, in Iryington. The affair was giv en in honor of Mrs .Clifford Dabney, who, with her t husband-, a brother , of the hostess", is visiting . in "the city from Alberta,' . Canada. - Mrs.- -Dabney Is a daughter' of O. J. Mosler of Alberta, and is a- recent bride. 1 -:- - 'i -.-.r-fcx ?": ,;;,iVH::-':-'1!'..; - Mrs. Lloyd R. Smith was hostess for a smart tea. Thursday afternoon honor ing Mrs. Robert Lacey of Colfax, Wash., who is the guest of Mrs." Preston W. Smith on Portland' Heights. - At the -tea hour. Mrs. J. v Harvey Johnson and Miss Lucy Smith presided at the table. f , , - , . ..a ' -' "lrs. . Frederick C :iKnapp ' and - Miss Florence Knapp have sent out cards for a tea to be given at. their home In Willamette- boulevard Thursday Afternoon, honoring Mrs Knapp's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Addison P.' Knapp (Margaret Mar vin), whose marriage was a recent event in Portland.. 'j. - ri'r yc J i: - i ' '-. , '. "'.:-'. .. iU' j c Mrs. George Mettler entertained . Sun day, at her home' for the pleasure of a group of ex-setvice' men who are under treatment at a local hospital for .tuber culosis patients, The aftemoqn was spent informally with music and a din ner served in the early afternoon. . . . - Among ths ; summer -visitors in Port land are the mother arid sister of Floyd B rower, Mrs. E. A.Srower and Mrs. Arthur I. Harris ofElectron, Cal.. who are the guests of' Mr. and Mra Brower at the MaUory hotel. V. .:'-! '- ' ; '- -:. ."".;.,..'. j Miss Louise Llnthlcum was hostess: for a dancing party Thursday evening at the home of 'her aunt. Missv Wilson, in" Kearney street. About 60 of the younger set were guests for the occasion.' . ! i f Mrs- W. Lair Thompson and son Don ald eft the city' Wednesday for Alaska.; They will spend three weeks making the trio. -.:':.. . . . Miss Elisabeth Torre?, daughter of Mr. and Mra Harry Beal Torrey. is a visitor in Salem at the . home of Mrs. Clark Thompson for a short time. j Mrs. L. C. Hollingshead and ' son. R-. ('n ISS ELSIE COLLINGWOOD of New Haven, Conn., Ivf! who is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Cotton, at Alexandra Court for a short time. been much entertained in Portland. : 'Miss Collingwood has j j : t i i ! l : 1 ! v . , ' 4 " - , s , J . , - - r , I f - ' I 1 4 v ! 1 SV V vOO t i s y :4 " ' ! 'iff ' ' :: , :;. H . " - . - : : fl I I I , . C, Hollingshead of Boise, spent several days at the "Hotel Portland last week and later continued their -trip by motor to Seaside, where they i will spend the summer.- , - ' ( Mrs. Cyrus A. ' Dolph will entertain Monday afternoon at her home in West Park street honoring her; son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.1 Edward Clark III (Razel Dolph), who Tare visitors in Portland from, Philadelphia. . . ; . - ' ! , Mrs Isam Whits and Miss Edith Nanz who left-the eity in January for . a lour of the Orient, have returned to. the city after a visit in Japan. China and Korea. They also spent three weeks in Honolulu on their way home. - ; v : .'.-C' -J'-V .;'-.' ;'-' i- ' ". Mr." and "Mra' Lucius Allen Lewis and daughter, Clementine have left the eity for their summer home at Ecola where they will, spend ths remainder of the season. Mrs Maley Bainbrldge Crist has re turned from a sojourn of two months In the East, where she has been visit ing her son, Balnbridge Crist, composer, at his summer home at Cape Cod, Mass, Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wheelwrlkht were dinner ' hosts Thursday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Clark III of Philadelphia, . who are guests at the home of Mra Clark's mother, Mra Cyrus A. Dolph. " ' ' Mra J. Seen tern has left the city for an extended, trip through the East dur ing which she will visit at the home of her brother, John Brady, in Omaha, Neb. , "Mrs. P. J. Vial and Miss Clarissa Vial of SL Cloud, Minn., ars recent guesU at te Hotel Portland. The Good Work Goes On ! This store is a busy- place' these days ;the remodeling of the front is being rushed so rapidly that 'we hope to have at least a portion , of the neW entrance and windows "completed by next week. However, this work does notnnterfere with your comfort and convenience in shopping, for theinterior is orderly as, usual, and i it is the, reason for the host of prurse-pleasing -reductjons that greet the thrifty shopper on every hand. The clearance of - all !spring-,summer stocks is in full swing get your share of the "bargains'' now. while range; of choice is complete. Extra Special ! Jersey Sports Coats $ 17 V Smart. tuxedo models of superior weight -and snappy styling. Blue, ; brown and black, in plain or heather mixtures. - , - ' H'. - ' ' . - .. Clearance of Silk Dresses Clearance of Suits Dresses selling to $29.50 $14;95 Dresses selling to $45.0O--$26i95 Dresses selling to $59.50-$36.95 Dresses selling to $93.00 $47.95 Clearance of Coats Coats up to $39.50$17.50 : " Coats up to $49.50-$22.50 . Coats up to $59.5D 527.50 ' Coats up to $59.50 $33.50 r . -.y :.y ; Clearance Suits up to $49:50 $22.50 1 Suits up to $65.00$29.50 ' I ! Suits up to $75.0034.50 I; , Suits up to $95.00539.50 - : i; -' . J ' - -.; . . -,.'; . ' - - - r Clearance of Hats Trimmed hats up to $12.50 $4.85 Sports hats selling to $10 3.35 ' Georgette crepe hats, special $9.50 of Blouses Wool blouses selling to $3.45 $2.35 - Silk blouses- selling to. $5.50 $3.35 - Silk blouses 'selling to $7.50 $4.35 s . - ' Silk blouses selling to $10.00 $0.35 ... - . . Silk blouses selling to $21.50 $9.35 Eg ' SUM. UOTESTiVISAIIl . ;: H9LEPRoFl HoiERy ; "A wmw 4 TlHf 'I .1 11 li z- SWETT CO tl 124 12 128 SIXTH ST, JUST OFF WASH1N0TO.M 77 V r,