mm best prints 3, 4 and s cents each kodak dept. street floor 0 :(K 0 4 . f I ITS) o w at i im n i no i Every Day This Week Will Bring Its Broadsides of Extraordinary Values Watch for Them THC OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1220. 8 i 0 A FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE OF 1000 YARDS OF Q 11 All Marked at Half Price and j 25 i kUUHLS n Sal Monday at Low a Broken lines of Silks from our spring stocks in a splendid assortment such as yard-wide choice pattern Foulards, Sport Silks. Striped Habutai,-Colored Pongee, CrepeT de Chine brurtings, two-toned Gros de Londre, two-toned ulace eiyn ana DiacK ivioire. . i , Assortment at Half Price -Second Floor, Lipmaa, Wolf a Shantung, tan and sand Duvetyn and , . Choose From tire Tomorrow the Lot While Lasts Sc Co. Orlo Sensational Clean-Up r MOST remarkable prices on Gloves of quality figures that we have not published since .before the war will apply Monday on several thousand pairs of Gloves. These prices are set arbitrarily in most instances, we having for our sole and only purpose a value-giving demonstration that will be remem bered with genuine pleasure on the part of those who benefit thereby.' Every woman who carefully analyzes the following offerings will supply her requirements for the future. 25 This remarkable : lot com prises several hundred pairs, of light weight Mllaaese 8Uk Gloves . In white only and to sizes fc to . 144 pairs la this sals Waits Svsdetex Fabric Gloves - f ' The sizes Include 84, and i (U only, and at -Monday's j sale price the lot will sell out I In a hurry. s 50 69 Mors than 1200 pairs ars Included In this wonderful low price lot of v r White and Black Silk Gloves Made in two-clasp length and in sises 6hi to tlA. These are sub-standards, but , the value Is extraordinary. 3)C Here Is a lot splendid for. outing purposes, the cele brated Van Baalts Caamolsetts -. Gloves , The colors ars white, gray, black and mastic. Choice while the lot lasts at 69 pair. 79 95c Exactly 600 pairs of sub standards from a w o r 1 d -, famed maker these ars all rise Milanese Bilk Gloves In two-clasp style In black, white and an assortment ot colors. - Sises 6 to SVs. afc jk 4c ' ' A special offering- of high class Yea Baalts TTovelty Trimmed GIotss , Made in two-clasp style. $1-25 5 Three hundred pairs in this remark able sale ot ... Fine Chamoiiette Gloves Fashioned in the popular slip-on style and in popular colors of gray, brown and Ivory. $1 .50 Included In this lot are 120 pairs ot i The Season's fashionable Silk Gloves 12-button length, in broken sizes and In an assortment of colors ; ' also black. Very specially priced. Street Floor, Lipman, Wolf St Co. Midsummer I Clearance of Girls' Wash Dresses Lot 1 v Specially Priced $1.95 Sixes 6 to 12 . Lot 2 Specially Priced $3.95 Sizes . 6 to 14 Here are dresses that you would find it hard to duplicate at the price if you purchased the materials by the yard and. made them up yourself. As for the styles, they are those ; clever conceits that it is so difficult for anyone but a professional to produce. So save Monday on these very attractive plaid, striped and plain col ored gingham dresses. 1 In this group are dainty white lawn dresses as well as sturdier models of gingham and chambray, and the ginghams, too, are so cleverly made and prettily trimrcvad that they are far more effect ive than many dresses which are not so practical. A splendid group te. choose from Monday at S3. 95. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe A Co. - , The Greatest Shoe Sale Of the iear Begins Monday ! Greatest in Jthe number of lines involved, greatest in Uie reductions on such footwear as Red Cross and Wichert & Gardner. , Come Monday and choose from thousands of pairs of pumps, and oxfords at prices that will save many thousands of dollars to the women of Portland, WOMEN'S PUMPS Of patent, black, brown and bronze kid, black velverX and white poplin, some i made with high tongue effect, also low opera pumps with bow, and other' styles. Baby Louis and high Louis heels, .light turn and medium heavy soles. All sizes from 2 to 8. Widths AA to C. $6.65 POMPS AND OXFORDS Red Cross and Slater shoes com prise this splendid group. Of black and brown kid and calf, welt and turn soles, Cuban and Louis heels. Colonial pumps with heavy soles and straight heels are in cluded. Sizes 2 to 9, widths AAA to C. ucnvy soies ana ,$9.65 $9.65 RED CROSS PUMPS A special group of these famed pumps. Of . black and brown . kid, brown calf, and patent. ' Sbme with high throat, some with high tongue and made buckle to match. Pumps . with high covered Louis heels, broken lines but good selection in sizes 2 to 8, widths AAA to B. ua.iv.ii . x ultima $7,95 PUMPS AND OXFORDS Wichert and Gardner Is the name that stamps this footwear, as being of the very highest grade. Opera pumps, bench turned, and high throat pumps; also oxfords. Louis, Baby Louis and straight Cuban heels, some with welt soles. Patent, black kid and calf and white kid are the mate rials. Sizes 1 Vt . to 8, w dths AAA to CL afc VHVatl ItWVM) DVIUV t$9-95. M&5 I 7.95 "35 RED CROSS OXFORDS T-Also other high-grade oxfords s in black! ancj brown kid" and calf, with wide and medium toes, low and me dium ! Cuban heels, and welt soles. These are the most desired walking shoes, the kind that will give extra service; are staple ; sellers at much higher ' prices. Sizes 2 to 9, widths AAA to D. $8-65 ODDS AND ENDS Several new lines have been grouped to sell at this ; greatly reduced price. Included are pumps, oxfords and one- eye ties forming a large assortment with sizes, choosing widths. :ye ties lorming a large assortment vlth a wide range of a zes, and especially good 02 fL. r f :hoosing In narrow tT,V"' idths. Sizes tH to 9. Second Floor, Lipman, , Wolf & Co. i i ' . - c SKETCHED FROM GARMENTS ON 8AUB Muslin Gowns, Envelope Chemise-and Petticoats ASsile THAT BRINGS ITS FULLt QUOTA OF SAVINGS ALONG WITH THE FINE QUALITY. AND WORKMANSHIP THAT IS EVEN UNUSUAL FOR: THE 'HIGHER PRICES THAT THESE GARMENTS ORIGINALLY. SOLD FOR. CHOICE 95 !iumiliiiiiiiuiuiiiiii:uii-ili Wonderful White Petticoats --Yes. truly wonderful at iuch a price! Lace and embroidery trimmed and tailored styles, hemstitched, scalloped or tucked. Made of longcloth and sateen, some with double pane! fronts in flesh and white. The majority of them are fitted with dust ruffles and soma are lace trimmed. Choice fi.94. Beautiful Envelope Chemise A splendid quality of soft finished longcloth trimmed with dainty laces and fine embroid eries regulation and strap . styles. Many have deep yokes of lace. Back and front combined With insets of embroidery and shir rings also some with tiny bows and beading. Sizes 38 to 44. Choice M.95. Eight Styles in Gowns Tailored an diace trimmed, sleeveless, kimono or long sleeves, high neck., round, square and V necks, finished with 'yokes of lace, combined with insertions' of embroidery and clusters of shirrings or -hemstitching. Choice Jtl. 95. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfs St Co. The Positively Low Prices That Apply in This Hosiery 'A re Bound to H ave the Desired Effect And you may depend that a combination of our efforts and your cooperation will surely tend toward bringing lower Hosiery prices. Of course we canjnot guarantee that such will be the case, tut we have taken the "bull by the horns" and are offering- our stocks on hand at prices, which rnean the biggest sort of savings. Therefore .the gain is yours if you take advantage of the situation. Here "are .un exampled saving opportunities of the very Hosiery you want for Monday. - Women?s Fine Silk Hose extra CI OK SPECiALipL.UU J Medium weight Silk Stockings for women, made with good reinforced heel and toe, lisle tops and mock seam, in black, white, navy, cordovan and gray. Sizes 8 4 to 10. Specially priced at $1.35 pair. WomenU Lisle Hose. Two Pairs for $1.35 , Women's mercerised lisle rtockings with reinforced heels and toss and mads w!tn seam up the -back, in black and white, and in all sixes trom Si to 10. An extraordinary value at 75 or two pairs tor $1.35. Women's Fiber Silk Hose 95c Pair Plain and fancy Fiber Silk Hobs for women, with Usls reinforced heel and toe. la black, whits and cordovan, and In sises from SVa to 10. A savings opportunity at 954.- ;: (if Children's Cotton Stockings, Special 25c -Medium weight Cotton Hose for girls br boys. . few sues in colors. An extra special at 25 - Children's Fancy Sox, Two Pairs for 8Sc Fine mercerised lisle stockings ta white with fancy colored tops, and also In all white. Sises V to H. Extra special 454 or two pairs for 85. ' mt -Ms mmm mm Wnmpn rillc Hntn Extra Special $1.50 Every woman who desires to be well-dressed will delight in these Silk Stockings with fancy colored decks, reinforced heel snd toe, and mock seam, in colors of brown, battleship gray, smoke, bronze, silver, white and black. Sizes tH to 10, and at this excep tional pries, 91.SO pair. Women's Onyx Silk Stockings ; Extra Special $2.69 .The Onyx Hose -ths hose that is wpll known for Its superior workmanship and serviceability. This lot in black onlyfull fashioned with reinforced Hnie top. Sizes t to 10. An extra speoial price at $2,61 a -pair. Women's Black Silk Hose $1.29 Black Silk Hose, full fashioned, but slightly imper fect, with reinforced lisle heel, toe and top. A bargain at 01.29. Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfs & Co. Sises to svs. In black and , . pair. Children's Raster Brown HosefTwo Pairs for 85c Buster Brown, medium weight hose, made with reinforced heel and toe, and in white, cordovan and black. Sises 6 to 10. A aavlng at 45s) or two pairs tor 85 1. r Lot 1. Choice $2.95 -Wonderful pickings for mothers in this lot of Presses : made of crisp organdy, dotted Swiss and printed , flaxona. Many yery attractive styles Now Comes a Sale With EXTREME REDUCTIONS On 200 Most ' Charming Frocks for Little Folks t These great reductions apply for Monday only on these frocks for lit tle ones between tne ages of S an years. The sale will take place In the Little Folks Isle. , GREATLY REDUCED Lot 2. Choice $4.95 Dresses of exceptional beauty are made of organdy, lawn ano dotted Swiss; very attractively trimmed with smocking, pleat- ' lag, tucks. Early choice advised. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolf fc Co. . FOR ONE DAY ONLY We Announce a Most Remarkable Offering in a Sale of 1000 Swinging Stand Frames EXTRA SPECIAL $1.98 Including Class and Back it' iV Pint Vacuum Botdes Monday Only v er i Fited with nickel cup. and I shoulder and removable filler. r , I I - Priced Far Less Than II Today's Wholesale ne to a customer, no C O. D.s, deliv. cries or phone orders. None to dealers. " : Street Floor, Lipmaa, Wolfe & Co. The excess value entailed in this offering is so great that the entire lot of more than one thousand of these Swinging Stand Frames should find bagpy owners before store-closing time Monday. The latest wholesale quotation on identical frames Is quite a lot tn excess of our sale price for Monday. -Tbese beautiful Swinging Stand Frames are In Antique Gold and Toned Effects and in all regular sizes from postcard up to eight by ten inches. Many double frames on base suitable for two pictures are Included, and to make this even more memorable than ever YOUR PICTURE WILL BE FITTED TO TITS FRAJ.IS iii WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE r! . Picture Gallery, Seventh Floor, Lipman, Wolf & Co. THIS STORE USES NO COMPARATIVE PRICES THEY ARE MISLEADING AND OFTEN UNTRUE taf04a9-C90)4S30SXK)4S50e :-"