The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1920, Page 38, Image 38

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Social Events
Of Past Week
Are Vepy Few
Br Helen M. Hetchlson x
SOCIETY'S exodus to mountain and
beach resorts has seriously interfered
with the usual program of social events
U nned for summer months iln the city.
This . year witnesses the arrival of a
larger number than usual of out-of-town
visitors who are here to spend their va
cs tlon days in Portland. i - ,
The past week offered a delightful op
portunity for 'social festivities in con
junction with the Oregon State Tennis
tournament which was held at Multno
mah Amateur Athletic club and Irving
ton club. Motor trips In a&Uttun to the
dally program of teas and luncheons at
the clubhouse added much to the pleas
ure of the guests who were in the city
for the tournament.
The next large event of social im
portance will be the production of the
Forest Children," a fairy operetta writ
ten by Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons'and
set to music by Wirt Denason. which
will be presented in the Wortman gar
dens July 27 for the benefit ' of the
women's buildlng-f the University of
--y-c,;: -1-:' '." . i'i '' V(J '
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett presided at
an informal tea Monday afternoon, hon
oring her sister, Mrs. Frederick B. Pratt
Of New Torkj who is her house guest for
a short time. Mrs. Pratt cams to Port
land with the Rockefeller ! party last
week. Guests for the occasion included
only a fw close friends or .Mrs. trail,
who, before her - marriage, ! was Miss
Caroline A Ladd of this city,. At the
tea hour those who presided! at the tea
table were Mrs. Richard Koehler. Mrs.
Theodore . B. Wilcox. Miss Falling and
Mrs. Henry W. Corbett, j,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holman and
daughter. Grace Elizabeth. who make
their home on a country estate in Polk
county, expect to leave this, month for
abroad. : They will sail on tha SS. Mauri
tania for England, where they will visit
at Mr. Holman's former home in London.
A, A? jsss&v-
Tennis Players
Are Guests at
Many Functions
'" :';'':. .'.':' .V '" '' ; r'-:":'-r
THE past week for "tennis players was
one of especial interest in. Portland.
The Irvington club held open house
along with the tournament sessions and
each afternoon after the weather became
ei:d the women of other clubs In the
city presided at Informal teas for the
pleasure of, the out-of-town players and
their Portland friends. p
Monday afternoon had been planned
as the occasion for the first tea and Mrs.
Uotner D. Angell was toT have been
hostess. Owing to the rain, the m.itches
wre played at another club and the
young women who had planned to as
st Mrs. Angell were not needed. The
tennis players and several local women
were, however, on that day guests at a
bridge luncheon at the homo of Mrs. W.
Jt. Northrup in Irvington. Tuesdav the
astches ,were again played at Multno
sr.ah club and In the evening the visitors
entertained at a dance at the home
of Mrs. Joseph P. Mulder who was
chairman of the general committee on
arrangements for the entertainment of
the guests. Mrs. Charles T. Chamber
Iain acted as hostess at the clubhouse
throughout the week.
Thursday the first tea was given at
the Irvington club planned. Mrs.
Frederick A. NItchy, representing Wav
erley Country club, presided at the tea
hour and was assisted by, a group of
girls of the younger set, among whom
were Miss Isabel Nlchol of Denver, Col.,
who is the guest of the Misses Lawrence
this week; Miss Henrietta Cudlipp of
New Orleans, Miss Edith Marshall. Miss
Mary Helen- Spaulding, Miss Susanna
Piatt. Miss Ruth Bruers and Miss Lois
Nitchy. Thursday evening; Miss Vir
ginia McMurran entertained the visitors
at a dance at her home in Johnson
street. " : . i-' -
Friday afternoon Mrs. Wilson W.
Clark, representing the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic club, was hostess and with
her at the tea hour were:' the Misses
yry olumbia
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MRS. R. B. VON KLEIN SMID, who is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, for a short time. Mrs. Richard
Nunn,. who recently returned after an absence of i five
year abroad with Dr. Nunn, who has been in the British army.
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Sophia Schelk. Helen Cady, Bemtce
Burke, Marie McDowell. Catherine
Lockwood, Adele Jones, who also served
Saturday, assisting Mrs. Everett John
son and Miss Sara Patrick of Irvington
club. The Misses Dorothy and Janet
Ettlnger assisted at the club Sunday.
Friday evening Mrs. Charles. T. Cham
berlain enttf tained the visitors at an In
formal darice at her home in Irvington
and , Saturday evening the tennis ball
was given at the clubhouse as the clos
ing function of the week.
, . . .
Miss Agnes - McBride waf-. hostess
for a charming luncheon at - Wav
erley Country club Friday afternoon,
hrnoring a number of the visiting Ian
nis players who participated last week
I the Oregon state tennis tournament at
Irvir?gton club. Among . ue guesfs for
the occasion were Miss Gertrude Schreln
er ot Seattle. Mrs. J. C. C'jjhin of San
Francisco. Mrs. L. M. ' Van Becker of
San Francisco, Mrs. John R. Norton of
Hood' River and Miss Irene Campbell of
this city.
The Will P.! Dickinson Relief corps No.
30, at its last meeting, was honored by
the presence . of the following depart
ment officers:9 Cora McBride, depart
men president; Mrs. Butler, department
vice president ; Margaret Becker, depart
ment , secretary ; Sarah Hi n kit, depart
ment treasurer; J. T. Butler, department
commander; ? Dan Clark, department
junior vice commander.' Refreshments
were served at the close of the meeting.
'.'.V'-- ii'i;;'-!; ii vf - ,j'. '.?.,".;'' iV-.
Mrs. Arthur Murray Sherwood .was
hostess Wednesday for a tea honoring
Mrs. A. M. Sherwood of New York city,
who is spending the summer here. At
the tea hour Mrs. C. E. S. Wood and
Mrs George Flanders Wilson presided
at the tea table. Miss Louise Linthlcum
assisted about the rooms. The hostess
was assisted in receiving by her sister,
Mrs. -K.ennet.ft peebe.
Mrs. Richard Nunn, who. with her
husband, Dr, Nunn. has recently re
turned to Portfand after an, absence of
live years abroad, was the guest of
nonor at a tea Monday afternoon, or
which Mrs. George S. Whiteside was
hostess at T her horns In Douglas place.
At the tea hour Mrs. Wells Gilbert and
Mrs. Herbert S. Nichols presided at the
tea urns. . : 3 ; . :
' - ' : J,
Mrs. M G. Baker, affectionately known
as "Grandma" Baker, oldest resident of
Columbia county, celebrated her ninety-
third birthday July 10. Mrs. Baker ia
in excellent health and has 5 erand
children and 34 great-grandchildren. She
came to Oregon from Virginia -35 years
ago and nas lived at Warren nearly all
the time.
v. : , V P
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Fairy Operetta
Forest Children'
Soon to Be Given
"A N EVENT of artistic and social Im
xV. port a nee in the social calendar of
the city for the next fortnight is the pre-,
sentation Of "The Forest Children," &
fairy operetta, written by Mable Holmes
Parsons, which will be given in the
Wortman gardens July 27. The play will
be presented to raise money . for the
women's building of the University of
Oregon.-: Some misunderstanding t has
been manifest as to the disposal of the
.funds which will be raised at this time.
Every donor of a sum of $500 or more
to the women's building of the University
of Oregon will receive enduring mention
and credit for his gift in a tablet to hi
placed in the grand stairway of the
A group of the friends of Mies Camilla
Dosch. whose tragic death was'a matter
of deep regret in Portland and through
out the state, has conceived the idea of
raising this fund to secure the necessary
$500 in order that Miss Dosch's name
may be placed upon the tablet as she
was one of thsjt faithful workers for the
cause. during her incumbency at the uni
versity and after her removal to Port
land. While the actual funds will be
turned over to ths women's building.
Miss Dosch will receive credit for the
The pageant will be presented under
the direction of George Natanson, stage
and technical director, . The music, writ
ten by Wirt Denison, has been orches
trated and will be produced under tha
direction of Howard Barlow, conductor.
Mrs. M. Donald Spencer and Mrs. John
Pipes are the executive staff. Mrs.
Harry Beal Torrey will have charge of
The ballet mistreaa and premier dansauxa
will be Miss Imogen? Seton, rvcenlly ' of ' lha
University ot Washington Maak and Quill club,
Accompanist and as&istant conductor, Mlsa
Louiaa Huntley and Mrs .Blanch William Seffera-
Children' chorus, Un. Louis B. Thomas end
Mrs. O. T. Wedemeyer.
Too cast includes: . Dick. Mrs. Eleanor Os
borne Buckley; Beth, Hias Betty Oram; Mary,
Mra. E. Drewery; John, Violet Censter " Blags;
fierce . hunter, George Nathnnson; wild animal.
bears, lions, tigent. dryads. Miss Rutb. BarJow.
Ills Marie Gammie, Mats Elisabeth Kir by, Miaa
Ximena UoUing and Miss Imogens BeatoD.
Butter fly and bee chorus (30 children) : bal
let (sjf children).
-airaneses mciuae: Mrs. William C. AlTocd,
Mi:s Louise Allen. Mrs. Ho Bishop. Miss Mar
garet Biddle, Mia Buth Catlin, Mrs. Henry U
voroett, jura. Charles Curry. Mrs. Vincent Cook,
Mrs., R. L. Donald. Mrs. Sherman T. Kdwardj.
Mrs. George Gerhnger, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger It-.
airs. lee oilman, airs. Henry E. Jones, Mrs.
Fulger Johnson, Mrs. John A. Keating. Mrs. J.
C. Eliot King, Mrs. John K. Kollock. Mrs. A. B.
Kerry; Mrs. Dent Mowrey, Mrs. J. P, O'Brien.
Mrs. Gcorg Kebec, Mrs. Edgar B. Piper, Mrs.
John Peters, Mrs. John M. Pipes. Mrs. Boudinot
Beeley, Mrs. John M. Scott, Mrs. J. N. Teal,
Mra. E. L. Thompson, Mils Geneve Thompson,
Mrj. H. B. Torrey, Mrs. Warren E, Thomas, Mrs,
William D. Wheelwright, Mrs. T. H- Williams,
Mrs. c. IS. 8. Wood, Mrs. J. Frank Watson.
Mrs. Lawrence R. Wueeler. Miss Prances War
ren, Mrs. Lloyd J. Wentworth, Mrs. J, B. B:kler
back, Mrs. K. Lea Barnes. Mrs. Charles F. Berg.
Mrs. O. Downing, Mra. Cyrus A. Dolph, Mrs.
Kigmnnd Prank, Miss Failing, Mrs. Albert Pel
denheimer. Mrs. Solomon Hirch, Mrs. W. V.
Houghton, Mrs. David T. Honeyman. Mrs. Max
weU H. flooscr, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mixse
Marshall, Mrs. A. J. Meier, -Mrs. Warren E. Mc
ord Jfft Msrsh. Mrs. V. 8. McBride,
Mm. WilliaiB T . Muir. Mrs. Samuel 0.- May,
Mrs. G. H. Marsh. Mrs. A. E. Hockey. Mr,
Hubert H. Strung, Mrs. Jesse Stearns, Mrs. Kob
ert -Stanfield, Mrs. Thomas Sharp. Mrs. B. A.
bommer. Mrs. Helen Etun SUrrett. Mrs. H. U.
Von KleUtemid. Mrs. O. T. Wedeawyer.
Miss Jean Wold and Miss Ciara Wold
will leave this week for th East, stop
ping on their way at Eureka Springs.
Ark., where they will visit their sister,
Mrs. R. R. Boyer (Gaeta Wold), and
will also visit their brother. Dr. Irving
Wold, in Connecticut. The Misses Wold
will make their home in New York city
for the coming season. Miss Jean Wold
has been occupied during the past winter
as instructor of physical education at
Lincoln high school and also at the
Y. W. C. A.
The marriage of Miss Helen T. Shurte
and MHo M. Coons of Arlington was an
event of June 29 at the family residence.
The service was read by the Rev, ' Mr.
Forsy the in the presence of relatives.
Both young people have many friends In
tha community. ; Mrs. Coons has been
employed in the telephone company and
Mr. Coonsas a Western Union lineman.
Miss Adelaide Armstrong of St. Paul
wag guest of honor at a luncheon Thurs
day for which Mrs. A. D. ; Norrls was
hostess. Guests for he occasion Included
Mrs. Stanley O. JeM-ett, Mra WlUlam 8.
Knox. Miss Jjoiuse Small, Miss Isabella
Gauld, Miss Lucia Morris,' Mrs. R. T.
Holsapple, Mrs. Willis K. Clark and
Mrs. John Ker,
SS 11
Fair California
Visitors Receive
Mych Attention
A MONO the out-of-town visitors who
haw received an unusual . amount
of social attention during the past tort
night are Miss Winifred DolUrhHe of
LXapa. Cal., and Miss Miriam ''Villiam-
son of ValleJ'j. Cat., both of whom l.ave
been v'sitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Hampson at Riverdale. Miss
Williamson left for her home Thursday
evening, but Miss Dollarhide will doubt
less remain another week In the city,
Tuesday Mrs. Edmund L. Devereaux
was hostess for an Informal bridge
party honoringfjthe visitors at her. home
in Milwaukie street- Wednesday' Mrs.
George McPhenn entertained in a sim
ilar manner for them at her home at
Waverley Country club. Thursday Mrs.
Donald W. Green ' asked a few friends
in "for the afternoon and bridge.
Mrs. Gilbert H- Durham was hostess
for, a luncheeon for Mias Dollarhide at
her home. In Thurman street Friday, and
Saturday evening Mrs. Stanley G; Jew
ett arranged a delightful motor Jaunt
and picnic supper party for the Cali
fornia visitor.
Mlsa Clara Hannestad entertained In
formally at a shower Wednesday for 25
of the girl friends of Miss Charlotte Mac
Donald, who will become the bride of
Karl Glos August 10." During the eve
ning announcement was made of the en
gagement of Miss Ann Keaney to Eu
gene Mclntee, whose wedding .will take
place August 12. - 1 -
Miss Mamie Turner of Kansas City is
a visitor In Portland at the home of
her sister, Mrs. E. H, Miller, 1336 Ala
meda drive. Miss Turner, who came to
Portland wlthyher father, C. F.aTurnef.
is active In high school circles in; hen
home and while In Portland has been the
recipient of a number of social atten
tions.. Mrs. Wilford Keller was a re
cent hostess for the pleasure of 'Miss
Turner at her home in Columbia boule
vard and Mrs. Miller asked a few young
friends In for the tea hour last week
for her sister.. Miss Turner will leave
in a short time for her home, stopping
in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Den
ver on her way home.
- t . .
Lebanon, July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nejius Cox celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary July 10at which time
their seven children were present, j The
couple also have 14 grand children and
one great grandchild.. - They have lived
here continuously for 29 years. : The
children are Mrs. A. Boeler of Walla
Walla, Wash., Mrs. E. B. McGIassen,
Portland : Mrs. W. E. Sharp, Milwaukie ;
Mrs. A, E. Easton. Crabtree, Or.; W, O.
Cox. Mabton. Wash.; Mrs. R. E. Peery.
Scio, Or., and Otto Cox, Lebanon. Eight
grand children were present and Axline
Powell ... of Mabton, Wash., their only
great grandchild.
Mrs. W. W. Winters of Irvington was
hoste for an informal reception July 10
t her home in Irvington honoring C. A.
Culbertson and daughter, Margaret, of
Indianapolis, Ind. : Among the guests
for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs.
M. G. Winters', Mr. and Mrs. M. O.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Peter
son, Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Wintersj Mr.
unu mra. tr. Hi. winters. Miss Jn tt.
kins. Miss Winnie W. Hawkins.
Miss Dorothy Hawkins. John Winters,
Ralph W im t e r s. -trs. R. 1 E. Win
ters and Mrs. J, J. Peterson presided
at the refreshment table. The visitors
left the city Monday evening.
Mrs. WjlUara Pitt Trimbla and her
daughter returned to Seattle last week
and are domiciled at the Hotel Sorrento.
Mr. Trimble and the younger sona are
motoring out from the East. Lieuten
ant Ford Trimble, who Was graduated
this year from West Point, Bailed with 20
other members of his class for Suirope,
to be gone until September. . Before her
departure for the West, Mrs. Trimble
was honor guest with General Perilling
at a dinner given at West Point, for
which General Douglas MacArthur and
his mother, Mrs. MacArthur, were hosts
We take great pleasure in announcing to our patrons, i
the thou"sands of imusic lovers': in Portland i
and throughout Oregon and the Northwest, that
One of America's Greatest Phonographs
Our Musical Floor the
yHE RARE TONE QUALITY of the Sonora stamps it at once as a leader
7" among tone reproducing instruments. We look forward with pleasure
to the privilege of personally- directing your; attention to many other
favored features. ' ;
- - ' - 4 - . ' ; - - , i ' i . - v. - i . J "
Sonoras range in price from $90.00 upwards. ;
.-' , - . . . . , ! - , ' : ' If
, Sold Here on Terms
Without Interest
Miss Montague
Is Married to
Buford B, Payne
THE lovely gardens Surrounding the
home of Mrs. S. S. Montague were
on- Saturday the scene of the roarrlasge
of M4sa Margaret Montague "to Buford
B. Payne of San Francisco, Cal; No In
vitations were Issued for the ceremony
but the service was read In the presence
of an assembly of close friends and rela
tives of the bridal couple at 6 o'clock.
Dr. T.'L. Eliot officiating. I , i
Preceding the ceremony a stringed or
chestra 'played a group of selections and
also played Ute wedding march as the
bridal party appesred. Miss Carol
Montague, younger sister of the' bride,
was her only attendant. -John: Richard
Montague was best man. i-
.The bridal robe was a' lovely model :of
Upusuai aesign, xmuiuing jvorjr ion
satin, georgette crepe and an overdrape
of old rose point lace wmcn nas been
In the family i for many generations. The
wedding veil,! edged with Duchess lsce.
was fashioned with a circlet of orange
blossoms and fell In graceful folds, form
ing a train for the gown. The bouquet
was of orchid' sweet seaa in shower for-
i matlon. i ' I
Miss Carol Montague wore a smart
model of pink organdie with" large chlf
fofi hat to match. Her flowers were pink
sweet peas. :
The bride was given in marriage by
her father.- Richard W. Montague, r-
Following (Lhe ceremony the t wedding
collation was served in the garden.
Mrs. W. J. Fowler and Mrs. John S. Bo
vard presided at thft table,, assisted by
Miss Margaret Russell of Denver, Colo. ;
Miss Dorothy Dempsey of Tacoma;
Wash. ; Miss Genevieve Shaver, Miss
Charlie Fen ton. Miss Genevieve j Butter
field and Miss Elizabeth Torrey. ;
; The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard W. Montague. She was
graduated from Vassar and took her
master's degree at the University f
California this "year. Mr. Payne Isi
member of Beta Theta PI fraternity ff
will now be. found "on
the Class Of 1915 of th TTn(
California and is now-in business in San
Francisco, .where he will take his bride
In lira . . i .
Mayor Baker mil Xt Rit
hosts Wednesday afternoon and evening
ior a trip ana dinner i on the Columbia
river highway for Mr., and Mrs. James
D. McGilray of Sain Francisco, who re
turned to Portland Tuesday from a trip
through Rainier National park, which
trip they took after-the Shrine conven
tion. McOUray is past potentate of
Islam temple. San Francisco,
, Mr. and Mrs. Irwjn Griffith of Kalem
were visitors In Portland at the home of
their daughter. Harriet, before leaving
Saturday for Porittac. Mich., whers they
have large property Interests, They ex
pect to return in the fall to San Diego
for the winter months, Mis Griffith
will- remain In Portland, where he is
studying vocal musio with Mis Evelyn
k-i- , ' -f':-,' ;'. 'c r ) V
Miss Helen Parkhurnt of i New Tork
city was the guest Wednesday of Mra.
C. H. Farrlngton- of Irvington. Miss
Parkhuret is the head of the Child Foun
dation Training school of New York,
and was in charge of Dr. Montessorl's
Observation class at the San Francisco
exposition. . , ,? . . , v .,
- :' - ' " I ' - T j S W r'
Miss Gertrude T3. Morrow, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrow of 1176 Clinton
street, became the bride of John J. Mc
Elroy, son of Mrs. C. E, McElroy, Satur
day, July 10. at the; parsonage of the
Rev, c. C. Curtis, at! Vancouver Wash.
j --;.!
The Illinois Society of Oregon will give
a picnic party at the Oaks next Tuesday.
All former Illinois residents are urged to
take this 'opportunity to renew acquaint
ances and friendships in good old-time
picnic style, t .
Miss Elisabeth Schultz returned last
week from New York city to visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sehulti, in Salem. Miss Schults is sec
retary of the Hood River Apple associa
tion. Frances Howard and Frances Burke
left July 8 for a trip through Yellow
stone park and tha Canadian Rockies,
returning via Vancouver, B, C They
will be at home about July 19.
Eastern Visitors
Honor Guests
At Tea Tuesday
as their houxe Kuita Mr. Kudu's
sister. Miss Ncta ltupp of Saarlnnw.
Mich., and Miss Elinor Sackett of Nw
York city. Tuesday Mrs. Itupo wa
hostess for a tea honoring nor trteti
who Shared honors with Misn Catheiin"
Russell who has recently returned from
Berkeley, Cal.. and 1m, with her mother
making her home at 7f5 Davis apart?"
ments. At the tea hour those' who as
sisted the hoHtesswere Mrs. P.ead M.
Ireland and Mrs. Frank DuMond of w
York, who is the guest of Mrs. Jlonry EL
Jones in Carter Lane,'
Iacomb. July 17. Mr. and Mrs. "Cor
nelius Cox of Lacomb celehi-Htert their
golden wedding anniversary at tliir
pretty farm home on the Lcbjmon-Liv-comb
road. July 10. They were married
In Macomb, II U, July 10, H70, and came
from Nelraska to Oregon Z'i yar ngo
and establiBhed their home In Linn
county, where they have since rentdeil.
Seven children were born to them, all
of whom attended the celebration of the
golden wedding. Seventy. five of their
neighbors contributed lo a gift whlrh
they sent With a letter of greeting. Tha.
children are; Mrs.-- A.' Hoelar of Walln '
Walla. Wash.. Olrs. E. H. Mc-OlitHHon of
Portland, Mrs. W. E. Hhnrp of Mllwmi
kle, Mrs. K. A. of Crabtree. Mrs.
IL E. Peery. of Selo, W. O. Cox of Mab
ton, Wash,, and Otto Cox at home.
White Heather lodpe No. 03, Daugh
ters of Scotia, will hold a b kec piVnto
at Canenmh jiark July 25. Traln'H leave
East Water and Morrison ncrela Mt 10
o'clock. Everyone la invited. Htarts
anil .dancing will be the chief entenam
:ncnut for the ?ay.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Waanerman
have gone to California for a trip. MIhs
Iris Saunders accompanied them on the
trip, which they are making by motor.