Till: OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1C:0. AETOrOBILES ASJ ACCESSORIES :fll"T MAXWELL. 5 pass., gooi . Urea... good paint. $5J5. Call Tabor 1S. ''. - lOKli coupe, a fineeaT,-A-l (rendition, at fair pricA, ec owner st King Mr garay, FOR SALE 1912 . Maxwell roadster, $200. h'II after f y. in. 18ta Wilbur t. 1920FORD tonrtiig, wire "wheel, shock absorb- - er, motor driven horn. $700. Call Ta bor 9168. FORD 1918, good condition, extras. 400. idam 8087 Sunday and eveataita. Main 6800 week da va. Ak for Whalcn. ' 1920 FORD touring, nut letts than 2000 mil, to A-l condition; $650 rash. Call apt. 24, 490 Morrlaon at. Mar. 200.. : - - . BtJIKtOTrinirir 4 cylind-r. recently over hauled, good tires and petnt: spotlight and ' bumper. I' net (900. Call Last 8310. A MAXWELL touring ear, A-l condition, new top; a bargain for rah. Cell 2 . Broadway. Sumlay ,or evening after 6:8Q, 250CARHbuy a, 5 pa-. aut in good rendi tion, new tires. 74 E. 11th at. Bel'wood 2616. Worth twice this price. , FOR KALE One deli wry rer. ringed body, 8 new tire. new batteries, 1918 modal. A-l condition. f5&0; term. 424 2d st ft. E.. near 45th aw. . MODEL. 90 OvcrUnd 'deiivery,. 5 oodtire4, A-t ehape. V. L. HUGHSON CO., 60 N. Broadway. Bdwy.-331. FORD pauel delivery, Uoubi nihil i .system, good rubber, fine looking car, perfect condition, '$37. vash; worth j0O; prirste party. 530 E. ttiark after 10 a. m. SEflAN flYERLAND 90 A 1919 model, never bun off the pavement and the pric ja only $1250, and I will give terms. PHONE DUNN. SELLWOOD 1333 FORD boa, eject, light. spotlight, shock b ... soibers and spserfumett-r. SEE BRUCE " AT ROBINSON SMITH CO.. 6th awl Mailwjii, EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS $1350 Imvs a, 1918 Willys-Knight, 8, 7 put., that coat $8165 two years ago. , Maa original finish, revarniabed and looks ' like new. Cord time, bumper and - spot. Owner mu.t -sell quickly end will give term or take light car in trad. Mr. Argo, TMwy. 3381. ' 19l7CHALUERS hot siwt roadster, wire wheels, one extra tire, tube and wheel. French plat glass in aide and rear, full set of side curtains, bumper, spotlight, rainy day and lota of other extras, too numerous to mention. The car is in first-class mechanical condition; will bare to be seenand tried ont to bei appreciated. Priced st $800 below market value. Our price $850, with small payment down, balance to suit. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 625 Alder at. NEARLY" NEW ESSEX We marantee this car to be la excellent con dition throughout. " - 'THR TJSKD CAR EX CHANGS,"" ,15 Lb. end Washington tits. Paige 7 Passenger My health compels me to go to Call forma at onoe; therefore, I niut sell my practically new Paige. In perfect mechanical, condition; to the fmt party making n reaaonsble offer. If yon want a ear at a snap, look it over &t 128 North Hintdwiy, opposite new pwtofficn, and aak for Mr. limgger. Will accept terms or cash. A Few Real Bargains l-V THB FOUAW!Xr. t'AIJS All of which are in A-l oomtitinn: UKAPONABLK TEK JI3 li' UESIRED 1 1st Hudson Super. Sn. 1 late King 8. 1 1IM Sunpps-Booth roadster. 1 '1819 Chevrolet 111(17 Chevrolet. ON K 100. BHAND NEW" STANDARD 8 the K.&S. Motor . Sales Co. 124 K. flth at Morrison. 1018- SCPEIt SIX, 7 pass., finst-elawi condition; cord tires, with cixtra, all nearly new; bumper - and spotlight; will accept small car as part pay ment. Price $1550. ' "- SPECIAL " 1918 CHAXDLEH 'CUUM.VT7 Hewly painted, wire wheels, first-class mechanical conditiun. Price $1275. ' ;.. ..' TWIN STATES MOTOR CAlt CO.. C08-eil Washington tit. Aider at 10th. 1 Main S125. Broadway 494. ! im CARS TO' BE ' ! SOLD AT ONCE ! v ' . Nearly every make of cars comprise this list: Bugs, bug material, roadsters, tour ing cars, tracks, etc . These cars must go. EveVy on who baa bought ia a satisfied outtomer. Pure sound object, We are under strict orders to sell every car at once. If you have ever had the sligntest desire of owning a car now is your chance We are giving liberal terms. Come over and saa for yourself. - Just a few of our cars, l'rice.i: TTupmobile . . . .. Overland roadster Ktudebaker . . . . . . ......$ 725 ........ 200. 725 Msxwells . . .$550, 550 Bulek 6. a dandy 1030 - Fords . . k . . .., . . . . $475, 52 5 , Chalmers bug ........ 250 1 AND MANY, MANY OTHERS EAST YAMHILL AND WATER STS. Just 2 blocks south Morrison Bridge. VRANSON S USED CAR EXCHANGE . Fords, AH Kinds to Pick From .. 1915 Ford touring, overhauled ....$ 850 1016 Ford touring, extras ...i., 75 j191S Ford touring, overhauled ... , 450 1918 Ford delivery, panel bod .. 450 1918 Ford roadster, extras .... 425 1918 Font sedan, overhauled .... 650 ini ft Ford aedsn, starter ...J,... 750 1919 Ford touring, like new .... 62 5 1920 Ford touring, starter, extra 6S5 1920 Ford truck, bedy and cab.... -."0 ' 1916 Ferd bug. 215 body 4 25 1!18 Overland, panel delivery.... 3 ."id 1918 Vim, fe-ton truck 4 50 19t8 Stud-baker 4 touring ....... 275 1917 Studebaker 4 roadster ... . 4M 1918 Stud laker, 7 pawenger .... 750 191T Scvipps Booth roadster, extras., 575 1H17 Maxwell touring .... 450 HMO Briscoe touring, aiverliauled . . 4i)0 1917 Buick 4 roaditer . . . . . 500 VU7 lVd:e totinng, snap 800 1920 Chevrolet touring, like" new. , . 77 5 1)113 Kterhng roadster 250 1918 Oliln 8, Stilts deeiun 1500 WE HAVE ALL KINDiJ OF BODIES . Cash, Trade orTerms twti KreniniM and Sunday - 150 liuou ave- u BIO CUT PRICE SALE D. C. Warren. Motor Co. . CSKD CAK DEPARTMENT Main 7eO. flb-60 N. 23d St.. We ara goins to dUpow of tUU sptendid sUv-X ef good used can at the very earbest posihle moment, as vce must make rooin for more tiv.djs oa our new cars, wlijci J are coming faxt. Each of thew car has been iut in the very f inert condition,, both inechantcaJ!y and as to appearance, and will be Mild for the same price ai you iroold usually pay for a car that has had none of the refmtshinjr and rebuilding work. We can give you a much lietter car for the same money. It will pay you to see tues cars. v Here are' a few "of them listed for your eon-' .siaeration: MaxweU touring, 1917 $ 475 Maxwell touring, 191 .............. 510 -Maxwell roadster. 1918 ............. 725 Overland, 1918, touring, model 90 ... 750 Overland. 1918. tonring fc, model 85 . . 800 Overland,: 1 1 . touring, model 75..,. 475 Overland r916, "tonrrng, model 83.,!. 4ft Bniok. 1918, touring, S cord tires, new paint 14 50 Studebaker. 191 T, -4 . cylinder touring.. 500 . Studebaker.: 1918, 6 cylinder touring. . 1000 Mitchell. 1917. touring, 6 cylinder . . . 950 Hco. 1918. 6 cylinder, touring ...i., 10t0 t'ldamobile. 1918, . cylinder tnuxiiig . . 1250 Iaige, 1918. 7 passenger touring; ...i. Velie. 917. 5 pa-wenBer tmir.ng .... 800 f!ie, li)19, 5 passenger touring . . . . 14O0 Kaxon. 1 9 1 7. - 5 pavenger touring . . . r 7011 Ford roadster. 1917- ............... 430 Buy your car from a responsible dealer il you expect fro get your uioney'a . wurtli. Each car" sokl on eaar terms aud fuUy giur. "eMlteed, ArTOIOBn,ESA5TD ACCESSORIES 41 IXJKD timnng, liili. demouniable nma, ft tires, Hee1cwncter, Vale lock, shock abwrljers, $450 cah, $4T terms. $06 E. 2d St. N. . 1820 F0KD TOCRISG, EKASONABLE. MAIN Milt. POIXiE for sale. $ 50. Newly painted. 07 E. 221 t- KelL 1647: also 8 passenger Ford. 190MAXWEIJ-1920 A wonderful huje car that is 98 per cent new. loo can save money buying this "car. Term. i Phone Main 4028. Mar. 2?6. TWO raal buys! Ko 4 in fine shape, good T tires, a car Uiat wears well, also down ana the balance- in flD monthly psymenti; Overland in dandy shai;' se these cars, the best in town at the low prices asked, Mr.:, liowsrd, Broad way 1B5K. :, . . 11EKK is one or the popular light auee.late inrxlel fJrsnt; 5 tire. likeiew. Starter top nicriu, everything the very bees meenanical eon dition, $200 down, $47. SO per month. No brok erage, insurance or interest to pay. Jake's tUed lar (tirlmnye, as . 1 1 tn. 1918 MAXWELL, almost xww. This ia the beet Maxwell buy in the city, and will guarantee it same as factory guarantee. The price ia low, wuh only a email payment down. A-l ALTO WORKS tt PAINTING CO., 625 Alder St, SAXON SIX This la the late model, and lias been retopped and if finished a dark maroon, with black fenders and maroon wheels, making it very attractive five pasa. car as yoa will see on the streets ; it runs fine, and we have a low price of $650. with I'JSO down, bal ' easy; or take ear in trad.. SOS Alder at.. Red Front Used Car Co. Open Sun- flays. -. J ' King 8 Touring Are yon looking; for a bargain in a high class ear at a price, yon would have to pay for a cheap ear? My King "H." which is almost new, mnt be sold. Has been run lea Uun 5000 miles, and ia guaranteed perfect in every reepeet. 1 left this car with Mr. Wbittaker at 128 North Broadwny, opposite new post office. King "8," nuff sed. , Better harry, as it will be old today. : Term or cash. " We' Are Closing Out OUR USED CAR STOCK 1920 Baby Grand Chevrolet.'. $1400 1919 t bevrolet touring. ........... 079 1 1 9 Chevrolet ? touring 650 110 Chevrolet touring 650 1019 Chevrolet l touring .............. 6 l(Mft Chevrolet , touring . 6T3 1918 Chevrolet i touring ..,.. . 650 LIGHT DELIVERIES 1919 Chevrolet light express. ..$ 75 1919 Chevrolet light express. ........ , 650 1919 1-ton Chevrolet truck 147S FIET.D MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder Mr. Broadway 240. OPEN SUNDATS A WISE'IDEA SAT WITV do; von know that the erocera' nie. nlc will soon be here? THAT'S BIliHT. BILL, but I will not take our bnncb out on a crowded tree tear. I am going to look around and get me- an automobile. well, you do not bare to look terv far. Let me give you a tlD. Co to CONLEY'S CSED CAK CENTER.' 511 BURN- ii'B ii:r-t.r. uie best and mot reliable used car firm "in - the world. You take no chances, at they give yoa a written guarantee and most of therr ears are overhauled or rebuilt and the prices are irom aa to 60 lower than a new one. ana tuey run lust about aa rood. Here ia a last of some of their stock on hand: 1919 Liberty 6, u.t 95 new 1IM9 Hcripps-Bootli. jut like new .,.1200 . ,. 1000 . .. 600 1918 Overland.' model 90 1918 HupmoniJn. model N. motor re re- built, newlv riainMd 900 850 1918 Mitchell. little 6, very good buy. ... i "ifl nevroiet lonnng. .1 i new,.... Buk-k little 6, rebuilt throughout....... 1916 Ford touring, runs like new.;..., 1917 Ford touring, seat cut down, extras 1919 Ford delivery, just about new.... 1920 Ford, l-ton worm drive, stake body 1918 Panliard 1 Vs -ton truck, 90 new Ford light delivery, runs good ........ 600 950 $75 400 460 600 400 250 SEVERAL dTHER GOOD BUYS OPEN SUNDAY GOOD TERMS CONLEY'S CSED CAR CENTER Our New Location 811 Burnside st. between 14th and 1 6th sta. Phone Broadway 1424. , . i 1 W. H. WALI4NGFORD CO. UNDER NEW . : POSITIVELY !. SELLING OUT ALL USED CARS We have about 20 uvrf ears that are going to. move RIOHT NOW. New Lihertrs and are coming in. and liUrally CROWDING I SKI CARS INTO THE STREET WE .IiJo 'JT 1AT STOKAOK ON THESE CARS, but are going to sell them. Regardless of Price or Terms tf buy at this sale. We mean business. Com! in and pick out your car. and we will see that you are satisfied with the price. , Stock comdats of '.: BCICE CHALMERS CHEVROXETS CADTLLAC FORD ; GRANT i : ' v HCPMOBILE HCDSON ' ' ; JEFFERY i LIBERTT MAXWEtX. r OLDSMOBILE , OVERLANDS WINTON " 8TCDEBAEER At prioee that will ' Mtonish you. W. H,' WALTNGFdRI CO. Under New Management 13TH AND WASHINGTON STS i , Phone Broadway 2626. ATJTOMOBIIES ACCESSORIES 44 DIXIE tXTL'S New Dixie flyer (or aale or wTO take email car aa part payment Terms on part. 8e car Sunday before 1 p m. at Hawthorne are. rersffe. 44B Hswtrmrne - eve. OAavLAND DIlLIVEUT. ready for work, only 2t0. 100 cash, bah $26 month. Tea ea: make this track pay for itself in one month. A-l AUTO WORKS aV PAINTING CO.. S8S Alder St HERE'S YftCR OPPORTUNITY t have a swell Chandler chummy, light-bin body with white wheels: look and rang elegant a reputable car with power and speed; you will be proud to own thia ear: priced reasonable cash or Unns: sinali rar aa first payment. Mr. Howard. Broadway 1858. DZ YOB need an ideal dehvery car with enclosed steel paneled body, eauinped with air cusb. tens on rear, speedometer, runs like new and will haul your load ram or ahm. ae this 1917 Fcrd at the unbelievable pric of $450; $200 down. Long tim oa balance ; terms if- desired. Jane s I sed car Exchange. 28 N. 11th. 19119 Chevrolet Touring Here ia th light, dependable four, and this one is in class by itself; has been refini&hed and looks and runs first-class, and we have low pne oi 667o. with $250 down, baX long, easy terma, and w tak car in trade er bonds. $05 Alder St., Ked Front Used Car Co. Cadillac "8," Touring Owing ta th death of' my husband, eirmunstancas aomp! me to sell at one this Cadillao rsr. Perfect ooxuliUon, 1920 lioena and Iota of extra: will accept any reasonable offer. Biggest bargain ever offered. This ear has been ' left with Mr. Woods at 128 N. Broad- ; way. opposite Baw pastoffieet , Terms or . C. Q. Bleasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE ' ' ' Ail standard makes. Call and look them over and cat our propoaiuoa. Make your ova terma. FORD touring car, in excellent dition.'' - FORD bug. good Ores, fin gaachaad cal condition 3 375 FORD touring in fin shape, good tires, speedometer, shock absorbers S sod spotlight ................ PAIGE, 6 cyl. T pasa.; good tires ? rafmishad; for cash.......... P MAXWELL touring, fiaa mechanical sr condition. tf inished .......... ' i . . . ' r MAXWELL roadster, 181$. new top, renpholstered, spotlight. 5 good tires. ef 475 450 500 650 CHEVROLET, 1918. fin ahape. gCefl) good tine, raiinuhed. P U?iV Buiek light 4 delivery "$ 650 MAXWELL. 1918 ton ring; this ea $650 it like new OVERLAND, model 90. motor thor oughly overhauled, new top, re- fg Jfyfo finished OVERLAND 8S4; ref inished; S 3 tires, (or OVERLAND T-passcDger. looks like OFifh new: lust the esr for rental,.' w OVERLAND light 6, good tires, re- fi RfftlfH finished, new too. Continental motor' CHALMERS light . mechanically sT -. ............ BTJICK light S. perfect mechanical 5 CKfTVfT condition, good tires, ref inished . OLDS light six. 1918. overhauled. 5 fl (ThSni good tires, ref inished "u BEO T-psasanger; lost th car for rental; 5 good tires. ......... COLE. 8-cylinder, 7-passenger $ H 250 CHALMERS light 6. cannot be told ffl fl eySfll from new. for Quick sale. ...... " MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSB FROM TERMS NO BROKERAGE - OPEN SUNDAYS A'D EVENINGS C. Q.. Bleasdale 63 0 Aider St. Broadway 1851. Vacation Jime Offering USED CARS - WHICH WB CAN ; RECOMMEND A FINE ASSORTMENT OP ITSED CARS EVERY CAR IS IN TIP TOP SHAPE READY TO GO ANYWHERE. 1.4 OCR PRICES ARE THB LOWEST IN" THE , CITI. '"OS' -v-'. ' ' .- :' r':- ? s-i :-i. 'i :? ?""' Buick $950 TOURING, THOROCOHLY OVEnATJLED, iiuuu iiMta, r. v i. i j-Aiit.iJ. ; .Dodge $695 THIS IS A TOCRTNO CAR IN FINE ME CHANICAL SHAPE. Ford $695 1920 touring, almost new. never had a tmaa- tnre; equipped , with electno starter and . lota oi extras. . Oakland $111150 : . 1920 roadster, run only a few weeks.' This oar ia new and la excellent mechanical condi tion. Owner must raise money at one. . . Overland $595 . 1918 roadster, overhauled and renainted. A mighty fine salesman car. Must be seen to . be appreciated. t . $4600 Apperson $3250 7-naaa. on of th saoat beautiful ears mad. We guarantee thia car to perform aa well aa any new one. It ha been run about 5000 mile and hasn't stretch, on it. Owner ha been called to Canada ami was forced to sacrifice his ear. ... Wa areanr for niimiMi ,ea m ... .f th abov. u desired, , 4S3 AND WAShinATOR AtrTOMOBIlES AJfB ACCESSORrES 44 OVEICLAND roadster by private party, condition guaranteed; a good tires. - wdin. 7 or. 1918 CHEVROLET, fin condition, for quick sal B60. can Tabor lt8 1917 FORD for e. Motor Just overhauled. Tabor 8SS8. - good tire. $375. tutjcxs ah-tj tractors 81 GARFORD truck. 1 -ton, platform body, al most new solid tires. A bargain at $975; terma. 80 Grand av. rv., near JKurssid.' FORD delivery, 1917. Al condition : owner must sell; bargain, $400;. terms. SO Grand are. N., near -Burnside. - $3750 PRACTICALLY new 3V4 ton truck for Bain or trade for good house and lot. Phone w podiawn i 1 U. FORD delivery, panel bedy: a real bargain, $425; terma. $0 Grand av. N.. near Burn side. ' LARGE catweity United truck. ' good condition? Will take medium stsad touring car as part payment, balance liberal. Woodlawn 1496. FOR BALK cheap, one-ton Maxwell truck. Can - be seen at 490 E. 82d aL.N-. between 6 and 8 p. tn. Phone Tabor 5C24-- ' . 2 1-TON" EORDTRTJCKS ' Make Vn an Offer. THE WHITE COMPANY. 7 PARK" AND CODCH STS. - 4 and 1-TON REPUBLIC TRUCES Just overhauled; will sacrifice. Better these bargains. S$ NORTH PARft 8T. - ONE 2-ton Federal truck, practically new. On Ford track, worm drive. On Ford truck, chain drive, all in good condition. Left with us to sell. Terms to responsible parties. Priced right- Oregon Diamond T Truck Co., comer 10th and Ftsnder sta. TtL Bdwy. 4557. 1-TON STTJDEBAKER Excellent condition mechanically, good body, electric lights and starter, new tires. .- $800 THE WHITE COMPANY, - ' PARK AND COUCH " PAR8ENGER BUS On a Whit chassis, in splendid mechanical condition, new tires; owner leaving city, tnatruc ing us to sacrifice for $2150 THE WHITE COMPANY, PARK AND COUCH - DELIVERIES AND EXPRESS We have several express and panne Jed deliveries at exceptionally low prices. Some are rebuilt and have self starters with guaranteed batteries. $100 TO $200 DOWN Win get you a good serviceable delivery. " f Call and Sew WILT.YS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. S.W. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS ST. ' PHONE BROADWAY 8536. TRtiCK BARGAINS tiarford 2 ton, new rubber. .. $1900 Ford. 1 ton, pneumatio tires, stake body, nearly new . ... SOO Ford, 1 ton panel body...... 660 Reo meed wsaxm ........... 850 INTERSTATE VULCANIZING WKS. 3d and Wash sta., Vancouver , Phone 104. . UNUSUAL BARGAINS , . 4 ton G. M. C, excellent shape; run on year; pneumatic tires. .$1000 1 ton Ford delivery, body, esb. ...... . . 625 1 ton Federal, overhauled 4 50 1 ton MaxweU delivery, body, cab. 400 1 tt ton White, pneumatio Urea. ....... 825 2 ton Packard, flat body..: 1200 2 ton International, year old '.....1000 Abov trucks completely overhauled and priced to sell, regard lass of cost. Terms- can be ar ranged. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR, TRUCK CORPORATION : ' r 10th and Davis Sta. Special Truck Bargains 1 ton FEDERAL, chain drtri. A-1 con dition. i 8 ton WHITES, new radiator, hew! chains; special price. . 1 ton ALL AMERICAN., p Uoitn ldy and cap; run very little; like new .' t 1 ton MAXWELL, elevtr4 Iighf. cj, "body; very cheap. - ... - ir: r 2 ton FEDERAL. wor. dri' 2 eompletely overhauled. . r - 1920 8 ton FEDHAF-"tth hydranSc hoist and dump body. rT 0,11 , EASY TBRV,'B l v William L. liuU wii Co. 60 North Broadway . nuwy.. 33l Aulhorixed Ford Dealers It n4iao3. VBi SH-ton; lust th thin for v CliC cordwood. logs or other heavy , i work; good mechanical condition and pulls - bk a locomotive ................... $1850 ....... J , TOnirA vfonn driv truck; used only , irOrCl abort tim V.V.i-.-".. ... 673 . - ... j - Buick ata'pr:.?"...1! ta A1 S50 Federal LILT'S?.. , i.it, swuv ivm it, ibij this truck from .a new one, nothing has been Overlooked to mske this truck an ex cellent investment for th purchaser .... '3750 Moreland.Vd'ch. speedy, relish P 87S Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. , 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR. Ask About Our Free Trial "on Trucks. , Ws have one of the largest stocks of rued trucks in th state of Oregon. They are all overhauled and nut in the fin- sat possible condition. It will pay you to in. vesugaie our line. . 8PECIALS THIS WEEK '- Si -rvtn Tt-niiKHf. ca 1 -ton Moreland ...... ............I SftO 1-ton Republic 975 ?.lfin Heeinhli uca 8 tt -ton Republic ;..,...Iir.irijr' 2500 -ton Iteo 600 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE .Qranninor & Treece 642 Alder at, cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. tTi M C 1-ton pneumatic tires used but "; VBVilW Ttry little, has good stake bodv. csb and winshield. Just the thin to haul berries, milk, etc. .................81850 ex n -ton; pneumatic front, - i : aolid VMV Iifm mriA Iw,. cab and windshield, overhauled and in first class condition , .- 1250 Federal LX0 ZJi - eanlcal condition, large body .......... 1450 tflMf! 1H-Um; has never been off v - " J , lull on pavement. Has always Nsd th of care itsa Dpr, 2-ton ; a second hand truck could xwv not be put in better snap ,.,4. 850 2-ton 4 -wheel trailer, as good as new... T50 Wentworth & IrwinInc. sow SttO.M) ST., COR. TAYLOR. ACTOaiOTHLES tTArTTED 7$ 5-PASS. auto for sale or trade far Ford chassis or roadster: sond rnbber. naint and ink,ni. f 1." nnnn m , . .... n u v. xv. uou ewtrt ave. is. n. WANT light ear. Have on Mt. Tabor and 2 Kenton lota. Tabor S87S. vVANTSDCar, $100 ' to $150 .cash. ' Woodf- lawn oo9. AVTO wiDtd, B-pM,r $750 lot, mnt walka. aw viui.na W jmw sTUXU i'B'ni Wm A ftOr 49 tt 1 If . WANTED Best $700 cash, will buy: Deribe. SS-410, Journal. LOTS in Vancouver, . Wash., for good car? Tabor 3883. EQfltY in T room modem house, east sidel $800 or good car. L-106. JoerfiaLx- WlLL pay "cash for . S rssenrr Buick Six; pri- vat party. F-152, Journal. EQUITY ia 7 room modern liouaa, ttst side. wuh mi ouv x cooa cai. a-2dlla journal. TS WE PAT CASH FDR T.ATE MOBEE, CARS CSED CAR EXCHANGE ; T" 127 IyOW.N6DAI.E- i ' Phone Broadway 2658. WANTED A Dodg or Ford touring ear; good condition. In exchange for good -real estate. fMM Tabor 682. BRING your cars in to sell or trade; we pey cash. Jake's Ued Car Exchange, 28 11th street W. WIIJ. BUY,' aell or trad used can. . Have aaab buyers looking for bargaiaa. F. as O. Garage, 880 Cnion eve. N. EQUITY of $600 in 6 room plastered house. ; eloso in; no Junk, Owner, 780 E. 9th sU w.. city. WANT Lai model Ford. Fay cash. Must be bargain. s Give full description. H-744, Journal. . WILL pay' cash tor 1019 or 1920 Dodge or Bnick touring, from privat owner., Phono 216-79. LOT for sale on Interstate St., just off Lombard, 1 block to school and ear. Would consider trad on small auto. Phon Tabor 1673. GOOD lightweight auto, exchange for two lota. ail improvements m ; pay cash difference. aiamnaii e. HarsliaJl sots LOTS m Woodlawa addiuon and cauh for late model light 6 tonnng. ear. T. E. Luataer, 308 Stark at . WILL pay cash for used car in - good condition. 34S Union are. Telephone East 56.- AUTOS FOR HIRE S AUTOS FOR HIRE. "WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE. OOUCHMAN OARAGE. 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUR NUMBER, BDWY. - 96. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING as RUBNETT CITY GARAGR 182 12th at. between Waablngtoa and Alder. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF BENNETT, Props, AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVBRS. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-12S6. AT7TO REFAffe' SHOPS 83 i FORD OWNERS FORD everhaulad ................... $20 Rear axle overhauled. 6 Valve ground, carbon removed. ........ . a Magneto recharged : S We hand-lap pistons, scrap bearings, etc. which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford part a only used. All work guaranteed, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. - 280 Front St., Comer Jefferson. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES SS s. BICYCLES 1 1917 Henderson.! Presto light outfit, all overhauled and A-l shape. 1 1918 Henderson, equipped with Presto light and tandem, horn, etc A bargain. , 1 1918 Henderson.. 8 amp. A. B. Cv Gen., 2 spot lights, dream tandem, speedometer, mirror, etc This one is as good as new. 1 1917 Indian, sleet, model, with or without sidecar. ...v ... . 1 Used Johnson motor wheel cheap for 'cash. Call and look over th "new" model Johnson motor wbeeL - . : :' BICYCLES : .-v '" !,-' ;:'-.' ----- v 0 . W are agents for the Superior. Dayton and Rambler makes; real high grade bicycles that will outlast three cheap one. DAYTOM CYCLE CO. 39 3RD 8T. BROADWAY 833. UNUSUAL PRICES ON ' - NEW BICYCLES, REPAIRING ' " AND SUPPLIES . We nave a complete stock of new and used bicycles and motorcycles. W sr in th low rent district. we own our own building 1 THIS MEANS YOU CAN BUY CHEAPER AT , THE BIG EAST SIDE BICYCLE SHOP W can save .you from 15 to 20 on any new or used bicycle or motorcycle in oar store, i w can back our statements. Cor. E. Broadway and ; Williams Avenue FOR QUICK 'SALE We have 13 used motorcycles which mnat-he sold st once in order to fcove them. We will iv low tenxuT-and a good pric. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER TERMS TO SUIT '-.-" - .-- i v-v'"". - "t.; "' - ' Indian Motorcycle & ; ' Bicycle, Co. 204 THIRD ST.. MAIN 61a. i ffiarleyDavidson Bicycles It costs no more to ride the best. A Harley Davidson name plat is an Iron clad guaranteed. Just like th Motorcycle. All th nder are satisfiod riders, and list, don't worry about the terms. Make your own terma. Motorcycle Supply Co. r 200 3d d 'cot. Taylor. are" you looking for a " motorcycle f- It so, I bsv. just th one yon wsnt. , A late model Twin Indian, cradle frame, ream tandem, elec trio lights, horn, tools; thia machine is in good running condition and is th best -buy in th city; I, am leaving the state, so must sell im mediately; $270 take it. Phon Tabor 887 or call at 110; E. O Jrant st. LATE 1918 Harley-Davidaon for sale, in first elass condition; tandem, spotlight, full equip ment. .Woodlawn 4673. U. S. Garage. 817 Williama ave. I - - - 1919iNDIAN, side. car and' tandem; electrically equipped; $350 takes; machine almost new; terms. H. F. Kimble,-East 2866 CLEVELAND motorcycle, Al condition: new tires, preMo lamp .and carrier; $90, naff eed. 823 H Willism sve.x TWIN Harley, 2 speed." good condition; aacrifio for cso. ao4.s fcseter St., st. Joans car, TWIN ' Reading-Standard. A-l condition. $50. . ..A. OAK O e. FOR SALE -Henderson motorcycle, $150. , 124 - Knott st. - ;-. ' - , ' INDIAN aid oar . . . . . . . . . $35.00 ' 124 12th at. IV ER JOHNSON "bicycle. Uk. new, cord tires, $35 cash. Call 885 VTetorta at. - 1917 LN'DIaN electrio. lik new ...... $200.00 : - - 12 4 12th st. WANT 20-inch bicycle Irsrav. R-948, Jour. pal. 1916 EXCELSIOR ELEOTSIO.. 124 12th st, .$185.o6 GOOD, strong bicycle, ' new . lire, eta.. cheap. 85Z t,hpmsn, near.aiiu. lOlt lNDIAN AXD SfDE CAR," Oik new.$290 . . 124 12th at. rOR SALE Good Indian motorcycle. $75. East 6549. SMAI.L boys' bicycle, A-l eondiUon, - 852 Chspman near Mill. cheap! WILL trade 1914 Excelsior motorcycle for Ford body. ISO Lnion ave.. TWIN EXCELSIOR motorcycle. . . Will sell cheap. Make an offer. ' 150 Union av. 191$ TWIN Excelsior motorcycle, food ec . dition, $35. labor 8338. AtTTOMOBILES WAJTTRI1 3TOTORCTCXES, BICYCLES S v . IAMLEY-BAYIBSON MOTORCYCLES AM) BICYCLES ( THE ONE YOU WILL EVENTU ALLY BUY. Why not do it nowf Sure,' we can make delivery. Th price is leas and our terras sr right.' Move in on on of our guaranteed" rebuilt Harleys. AH models. Don't be a straphanger all your life. Get ' out in th cool of the great outdoors. 60 to 75 miles to the gallon. Th gas shortage don't scare a HA RLE Y DAVIDSON RIDER. It's your move. Motorcycle & 'Supply Co, 200 Third Street. Corner Taylor. . Motorcycle Bargains 1919 Electric Henderson 1919 Electrio Excelsior . 1910 Cleveland ...... . .$350 soo .. ..; i6o ,1919 Excelsior, 3 speed 160 19-10 Electric Harley ...... .... 800 1915 3 speed Dayton ............ 1 1 5 ALL- MAKES OP USED MOTORS AS WW AS . $40. SEK US BEFORE BUYING. . . ; -': EAST TERMS 4th Taylor Sts. Phone Main 111911.; EXCELSIOR, HENDERSON,' CLEVELAND AGENCIES BICYCLES $5 Down '$2 a Week CSED MOTORCYCLES OK ALL MAKtS EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand sve. Eseelsine. Henderson snd Cleveland Agency. IiATJXCHES ArTD BOATS - ffl MARINE en cine of all types and sizes; also clutches snd boat fittings, ft. E. GORE. 217 Main St, Vancouver, Wash. Several Qood Bargains Left - Tow boats, fish boats, pleasure boats, from $200 up. . See us at foot of E. Morrison st, W. H. ee E. von der Worth. ' 7 II. P. STANDARD MARINE ENGINE IN PERFECT CONDITION AND VERY CHEAP. IA TlV MW1VVX RTTir.n Tfktvnr , m nut r GOOD FOR BARGE OB HOUSEBOAT,' BUULMt OtAl I1IIW111M1, '.sail, XtOVV BOAT, $10. FULTON BOATYARD. F"1T VTKUIViA ST. MARSHALL 200S. f'OR SALE or trade, 4 story houseboat, 77'4x 4$ float, 86x60 6-ft porch on, 3 sides. 2 room furnished houseboat on1 scow, - 18x39. 1 canoe house. 24x50. racks, and loekeea. built-in ; also 5- good floats. 8-293. Journal. FOR SALE Motorboat and boathouse. i cvl fnder engine, 80 ft. length. Price $500. Would consider trede for motorcsr. Call week days Woodlawn 2145. LAUNCH Artisan, 12x50 ft., suitable for p. sengcr service or cruising. phone Sellwood 602. 606 Grand ave. FOR SALE-w-Trawlrr regal engine, 14 h. p., fully equipped, terma. Foot of E Morrison st. Bridge. Phone East 1731. 3 ROOM houseboat, 14x30, porch four sides, sable roof. $200: below St. Johns xhhmrrl or Willard Service Station, St. Johns.' FOR SALE Cabin cruiser hull, 86x9; white cedar, oak ribs, electrio lights; full plumbing. rtee 11 in sup tout of k, Taylor st 26-KT. launch, 14 h. p. engine,' good, order. giou west end, Madison st bridge FINE new boat "Columbia' for sale 35 paaaen- .. Tl T 1 ,,., HOUSEBOAT, for sale. No. 49" Willamette Moorage. - - ....... MODERN houeboat for sale, reasonable; am reaving nfywrmi v,ll. A GOOD Oldtown cano for sal. Sellwood WANTED A canoe, must be cheap; will pay uanii. rj. 1 ooe. ROOM houseboat for sale or trade. Sell-' wood 3502. RACING canoe. Price $401 Call East 2411, ociween o ana 1 p. m., Mowiay. FOR SALEifalioganTdeck ,sc sled. Will uke canoe as part payment. . Sellwood 3592. FOR SALE Small gasoline boat Inquire at root of Dakota st. , - HOUSEBOAT for sale. $175. Call Tabor 2101. PIAKOS, OnCAXM, MUSICAL 13 STIIU.M T.NTS 34 KROEGER piano, slighuy, used but best, of eon dition. only $295. Soul Bros..- 166 10th rt. near Morrison. - SWAP new cabinet phonographs for anything of value. Call and talk it ever. 164 East Itroadway. NEW $35 Victor Victrola; 1 dosen late . records. I4m 470 tak-s both. Call 816 E. Broadway or pnone l'.a."t J3 DECKER BROS, piano,, not new but fin eon dition. $250: terms. Soul Bros.. 166 loth St. nesr Morrison. - . 1 DOZEN pianos, $100-1250; upricht, good standard makes; eaay - term. - 812 Wor- ester bid.; - - :, FOR SALE S3 not plsyer plsno, bench, stooL canine?; ana music; ss3 cn. Tsbor 6560. PER FECTLY, new Singer piano, bargain fox cash. u siorrw tu fnone Kaat u. WANTED Pianos st once. Cash if bargain. marsnau oiuu. ivo aeaiers. WILL bay 90 or 110. musio roll cabinet, ms- no.ny nnign. inore rasx lo BEAI"TIFT'L mahotrany lady'a writing desk, only $3Q. Main 2820. -LUSH i LANE, aiuct new, and bench, less H Price; terms. -312 Worcester bid. WAN'Ti h -Piftno at once, eaaa fur ba rgua. '-MaWhaU 570f . ; ' PIA5TOS. ORGAHSv MrSlCAL IXSTUl'MKITH 21 SECCRITY "STORAGMOTCi SINO 2 small upright pisnos, cash, $63 and. . $ 75 $300 Gray A Co, uprisht piano, cash. 110 450 Hallet ck Dsvia upright piono, cash.. 143 425 Dunham upright piano,: cash,.,..,. 168 475 Davis 4k Son uprisht piano, cash... 215 473 Franklyn It no Co. piano, cash.... 240 650 Kimball Co. uptight piano, rash. . . 263 850 MendenhsII plsyer piano, rh...... 895 Parlor organs, $18, $23. $35, $38 and... 43 Phonographs, $18. $25. $35, $55 and... 9ft Pianos: stored, bought and sold tor cash 108 10th st. corner Stark at TTTE BCHWAN PliNO CO OFFERS This Week $760 Steinway V Sons, upright. ........ .$345 600 Krsnk-h A Bsch upright. . . .. . 363 680 Gonover oak upright ............. 313 475 Yoa A Sons ebony upright. ....... 285 650 Kimball 4k Co. upright grand. ...... 845 475 Mclntyre tt GoodwU upright....... 245 $25 Cash sod $7, $8. $10. $12. Monthly 101 10th st, at Washington aud Stsrk sta, STEINWAY A SONS PIAN 6 " - " In perfect condition ........... i .'. . . $760 LUDWIG CO. PIANO Uk new, in perfect condition ....... KIMRAIJ, PIANO Walnut $!3 HAMPTON PIANO Oak i. .... $393 HAIJJJT A DAVU8 PIANO i,....$295 t'ABLK & SONS .$25 WELLINGTON $260 Every tned piano acrid ey n is a good value at tiie price, and we give with each - on our written exchange agreement ' - -, . Se tu Monday, pr write if yen live out of town. - G. V. JOHNSON PIANO. CO.' 149 Sixth st, Portland. ! . . NEW PHONOGRAPH RECORDS FOR OLD ONES i Bring your record that you nave grown tired of to our place and exchange them for other used records, or turn them in toward new ones by paying the differeiino in Aiali. No use of keeping old records that you are tired of when by using our exchange you -tan get new or used records that yon will snjoy.- Vern L. Wenger The Talking Machine Man 1 42 tt 2d st " Upstairs near Alder. SEE THESE SlTgHTLY; USED fflXOS All are practically new. ' W deliver. We guarantee, Winston, plain mahogany, usid short tim ouly ... ...... . 4. . .$225 Lndwig, plain case. Just like new ........ 423 Wick ($650 value) with bench, American 'walnut . , , .,..., i 4 00 Lexington, apartment size, j walnut, plain ca s . ' 875 Ariun, used several years but fine shape,, 829 FOLEY tt VAH-DYKE. 106 Fifth St. just below Washington. . Records for. the Camp - We have a; large stock of first-class" dUo rec ords. V If-ears snd others, at price ranging -from 20 to 60 per eent of th regular- prices. ' You are welcome to come in and try? them over. Vern L. Wenger - The Talking Machine Man ' RECORD EXCHANGE 142tt 2d st (upalairs) near Alder. BUY, SELL, RENT OR TKADh, Talking; Machines MUSIC HOLIES, PIANOS Newman's); Record 1 Exchange ', 128 1 ST. MAIN 449,1, TABOR 6798. WHAT HAVE YOU ' TO TRADE FOR TUBA. BARITONE, FINE OLD VIOLIN MANDOLIN. GlilTAR. BANJO CONN CORNET. EDISON IHAMOND DIS0 COLUMBIA GKAFONOLA NEWMAN'S 128 1ST MAIN 4 4 9 S i -TABOR 6798 BEAUTIFUL player piano belonging to doctor who is desperate to sell at once; would cost new $950; 64 mils and bench included and will go for almost half. - Will take cash or IJberty bonds or for small -additional eharge will make very easy terms. Be this Monday. . Oregon Kilrrs Mumc House, i'S7 Vk Waan. at, just De- low 6th at PIANO BARGAINS $185 and up. Guaranteed STEINWAY. miCK BRING, CABLE, VICTOR, DECKER & SON, HOWARD and others. See them; TERMS GIVEN. - Seiberlfng-Luee Musio Co.. 125 4th st., bet. Washington and AldeV. : 1 "EXCEPTIONAL . PHONOGRAPH BARGAIN Sample Bymphona" left tor sale, Beautiful fumed oak, massive cabinet gold ,tnn arm and reproducer.! Fin ton and plays ail mske of record. Only used as a sample. - Regular Price $278, but te close out quick - at $195. See this st Foley ft Van; Dyke's., 106 Filth st. between Washington and Stark sta. FOR SALE Plsyer piano, rolls and rsek, $500; worth 1800: ivory bedroom set. 100; otner houxehold article reasonable. It will psy you to investigate. - Phone Marshall 8234 mornings. NEW PERIOD MODELS See the new Period Model in Edison. Bruns wick snd Columbia phonographs.: Prices from 350 to 8750. Bpcetal terms. .. Mystt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder; 1 PLAY B1 PIANO' 'for "less- than upright A rm . strong dull mahogany we took in a trade, ( an sell it for $450. Player section is perfect. Has automatic tracker. metal i tubes, etc. Foley V Vsn Dyke; piano department ' COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA ' BARGAIN Fine Columbia Grafonoia, like new, and $50 worth fine records; cost $175. ' Price $185; $25 down, balance easy. Hyatt Talking. Machine Co., 850 Alder. r . CONN slide trombone, silver plated,, high snd low pitch, complete., in sola leather ess for $35. This new wotfid cost rou ' $85.- Csll main floor of Eiler Music blflsT..- 287 tt Wssh. $75 COLUMBIA Hornless machine,-taken on new Columbia: Ilk npw., -Pric $50: $10 down,, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine (Jo.. 30O Alder. i - WE HAVE a wonderful barg in in a slightly used player piano. Would accent good phono graph or piano as part payment. Souls Bros., 100 IQtti st near Morrison, STEINWAY upright, snap $500 Gli 1CKKRI t) concert grand 600 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIG CO., 125 4th St., Bet Washington and Alder. WE CARRY a complete line of Pathe phono graphs snd phonograph records. - See our phonograph department. 100 Fifth st, Foley c vsn iryxe. - . v - 1 - EXCEPTIONALITY fin toned Richmond plauo. mauogatiy case; cost new about S500. Price 2M5; $25 down, balanc montldv. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder, NICE walnut satin finish Hardmsn pis no; will take less thsn one half if snM at Oregon Eiler Music House, 28 7 tt Wash, st. Just below 5th st. BEAUTIFUL walnut, case Mclliaif iiano. wort.h $60O new: our price onlv 6285. Best: hr. gain In the city. Soul Bros., j 166 10th St. pear Mornaon. ; ' PIANOS wanted, highest CASH paid ocTRADE FOR SEW VICTROLA snd records. Selher. ling-Luces Music Co., 125-127 4th at Main S.1S. $41 EDISON -Hornless machine, taken in on new Edison. Only $25: 810 down. 5 monthly. Hyatt TsUtlne Mscliin. Co., 850 Alder. I--..' PARLOR ORGAN ' Fin Chicairo cuttsee narior. omn- ervf SI no Price $35; "$10 down, i $5 montlily. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.fc 350 Aider. v. $150 NEW Lois IhnTemv75ab'inerlnogrsph, $75; $125 new Lois: llornls type, $70. Kir termj. Hyatt Talkina MacJitne I n a.Mi $ljr CABINET phonograph, mahogany, plays j , , , , Kuimiipm, wiui 2u oranq new records, only, $85. Vern L. Wenger, 142 tt UP-TO-DATJ-1 hornless phonocraph. mahogany finish, with lid. eriir kSO: 13 dnm. h.l s.i pe,r month. Vern L. Wenrer, 142 tt 2d st. OWNER LEAVING CITY 106 5"" Player piano for sale. :mahoa-env case beech to match. 10Q rolt with stand. Mar-hall 2413. $120 MODEL Edison,' wed but' rnori t i !aTTe t condition, only S90. Koule D.. inn Kith near Morriaon. - f $1300 PLAYER PL4JSO, lute 'new. tniio and bench; only $450. terms. 212 WorYwStAt bidg. i :- - t , FOR SALK Vst-tor phonugraph, fine for esmp in or trad for field glaasc or gun. , Phone Tabor 7418. $135 SYMTHOEONE machine. pUys sll recorrls; . msbogany esse, cash. Liberty bond or dia mond. Library lamp, $10. Cot 595. .. $150 MODEL Victor, like new, $180; terms. or will trade tt in 00 piano.: Smile Bros., 160 10th st near Morrison.- kfaln 2S20. $125 BUYS $500 upright piano; teraiv $T2 v.- rti 1 sasir s it fl vj. PIA SO in food coBdiUofi, for tale; fin tone $1350 NEW nprffftit grand plsyer piano; ner-r Ka.ti weaaawt fa t"AA a - tl 1 aB a ae a TYPEWRITERS . 77 UNDERWOOD noiseless Monarch; also No. 10 and 11 Remington. Regular and wide ehsr- rfages, Perfect -condition. ; E, ; D. Wax, 81 5th. Bdwy. 2789. WOULD like to exchange new talking machine and record for first class typewriter. . Hysu Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ALL MAKES of typewriter rented, reoelred nd sold on monthly payment plan, Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Sth st Main 8868. WHAT will you firs for my brand new Oliver typewriter a& , woodlawn 3943. TYPEWRITERS THB XJOANE GUARANTEED 1i . 6ERV1CK All mske evertisuled. Frnert t.--v'-' REPAIR ESTIMATES ON EEyti. . Buy, SeU, Rent snd Excharre. Main 9S97. Supplies. 2SH r GUARANTEED Isctory rebuilt troewr... ... ' make," .old on monthly payment. bee t pric list Th WhoJessle Typewriter Co.. 1 dept.. 821 Wahingtnn st HOTJSEHOLU GOODS FOR SAT Furniture Specials A brand new fnmed oak davenport, upholstered in brown leatherette, in- eluding mattress, for only 145X5 Would cost now regular $60.00 Large six library table, with man- ain pockets $13. 89 PREPARE FOR HOT WEATHER We hav a large selection of used r-r ranges, all sixes. Side ovens, low oves Elevated ovens. Prices range from $12. Sv. - We guarantee entire satisfaction. New Home sewing machine, with attachments .............,,.$'8.63 Several other good sewing mschinee al eery low price, A large selection of ried Oil 3 rurt, Axminster. Brussels snd Wilson. Also car pets in large .room aiaee at low prices. Owl Furniture Co. SELLS FOR LESS 188-193 First St Near Morrison. Overstuffed Davenport Suites at -Wholesale 'Prices IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS NOW IN TRANSIT WB OFFER OUR ENTIRE LINE OF OVER. ' STUFFED SUITES AT WHOLESALE HERE IS AN EXAMPLE MASSIVE OVERSTUFFED SUITE, comprising dsvenport, rocker and arm chair, with Marshall spring comfy cush ions, spring edse, arms snd back, and up holstered in very high-grade two-tone blue velour. Regular price $376, now rut $275, and you at welcome to easy terms. MM Feraltere Co. , 188-190 FIRST STREET. COAL and Wood Rsnges . , , .$18 00 rin tool ntnves Gas Stovea .......... Gaa Water Heaters . .', . Floor Coveringa, yard . Kitchen Queene Kiti-hen Cabinets Dining Room Extension hies D'nlng Room Chairs . . , Living Room Rockers ., Llbrarv Tables ........ 10.00 up 10.00 up 9.0 UD .7 8 an 8.00 mo 13.00 ua" . , , . , , . Ta- T.00 1.60 4 00 B.00 12.00 8.00 6 00 8.00 a oa up ns up up tip up up UP lip Ninimtina Kerls . . CotUiii Felt Mattresses . Steel Springs ......... ('oil Siirings Iresers PORTLAND FT'R.VITUR k excuangl;, i:iia first t EED SrRTNd A.ND MATTRESS FOlTlSSx". Here is the chance of a life tim a; 2-in 's poet tel in white or bronze, guaranteed -spring and 40-iimind guaranteed cotton t mattress; tlila outfit aella every day in th b . uptown atorea for $55.50,' and we will aell a limited number tin's week only, for $35.60; ea t terms; no interest charged. Qevurtz Furniture Co. . C The Big Store ' ALL UNDER ONE BIG ROOF. NQ BRANC - STORES 1185 First St. REMEMBER, 2 DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET Floor Coverings' Save cnnslderable and buy vour Cnn goteum or pnboolln irom ua, for all the week we will aell aT limited number of rolls at sn exceptions! reduction. Com prepared with your measurement $1.15 Congoleuia, how, yard.....85e $1.00 lVbcollii, now, yard ",75a Tli bent selection of pattern in Portland. FeldsteSn- Furniture Co. 174 First st, N. E. Corner Yamlillt CEDAR' CHEST Extra large, beautiful, high grade. In Adam period, finished In Ivory, Can't tell from new. This i wonder ful vain. Our pric. $34, re. $05. Owl Furniture Co. ' BELTS FOR LESS 166-169 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON . Universal COMBINATION RANGE in perfect -condition, $135. The pric of a new one llkAH & ?0LLF ' FDRFJITURE CO. ' 200-203 First St, Corner Taylor, . A QOOD BARGAIN In ivery bedroom aulte composed of bed, drearer, with 16x24 French plat mirror, chiffonier snd dreaaing table tvlt!i 3 mirrors, 8 suit only, will go sb $97,50, See tM Monday morning at Feldsteln Furniture Co. 1 174 First at, N. E. Corner Yamhill. Majestic '"Range With oriainal tln coil. You know how much one tike this weuid- co.t you." Special . , , ,.$39.00 Owl Furniture Co, SEUJI FOR IJS 168-168 First St Near Morriaon New and Used Furniture YOU WILL. SAVE MONEY BUYING AT Peoples Furniture Co. , 285 FIRST. COR. MAl?f OAK IitES8R, with large tiiirrox, p: $12 60. ' Star Furniture Co. " The Store of Bare In. 162 First St. near Morrison. LADIES' oak wriUni desk, slightly used, a, eial. $14 65. - Star Furniture Co. The Store -of Bsrgains. ' 1 6 2 Fl rt St. , tiwr Morrison'. Ft UN IT C'lTE ' and chickens for sale! 94 d ham ave. MAHOGANY grand piano, ha been used. h . still good a. new, can be had for only $4 , eaxh or Liberty bonds. See this at ftj Eiler Music House, 287 tt Wash, st, . . below Sth st. , If" GRAIiK 9x12 seamless Axminster ri... : show a little voir, $25. - v Star Furniture Co. The Store of . Barcafna 162 First Kt, near Morrison, $125 8-8x10-6 FRENCH Wilton v.lr-t r. , 8x5 to match, $55. 9x12 Body Bnisse $50. 9x12 tapestry. 913. 1304 E. 8U1 ... Wootllswn car. - - 7 ICECREAM tables snd chairs to f ; ! Oxidised wire legs. One golden oak cum table with chairs to match. Bargain. D. t. Was. 21 N. Fifth at: Bdwy. 2789.. FOR SAX& tfniverl range, atofe aiae. No. 1 ; Cozy kitchen cabinet; no dealers. 325 . . 11th st S. ; j , ' ; . - 5 ROOMS "furniture, "complete, for sale. 10 il B tith st' N-. Alberta. SOLH oak sideboard with plate gin, rmrf ... , cheap. 681 Eaet Oak. -' sXRNITURE' for "6 rooms for sale. list 1 rent if furniture Is sold. Msln 4246. FOR SALE Cheap, iLiunj room tsL;o, v. Overtun,