THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 18, 1S20. TO 1-O.lX CHATTELS, HAL ARIES i 1 7 .DO. YOU NEED MONEY? . , LOANS MADE ON - AUTOMOBILES . h-rmtckb. p1axos, household goods, f .. - ke.u, kstatk, bonds or anything of .ha ivame. security usually left is -Tour possession. i ' " ALSO. SALARY LOANS 5 TO SALARIED -PEOPLE ON THKIR NOTES i WITHOUT SECURITY. IK YOUR FAY. i f MENTS TO (ITIIEH LOAN COMPANIES OK 5 OS FURNITURE OK AUTOMOBILE CON- . r!TH.'T abk too Large. k will pat THBM I" P. ADVANCE YOU WORK MONEY ; JK ECES8ARY, ANI TOP CAN HKPAY US 4 IS SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT ' : Y'H'U COXVIMEM K. ( v- LEGAL RATES. NO DEI.AY. i BIMSKHS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND- LOAN CO. i- - I LICENSED) ' I - 800-307 PKKUM WLDO.. 3D AND WASH. ' , PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. ! ""' Phone Broadway 810, 1 " 334 Stark t., ner ,10th. I I,oan on diamond, watches. .Victrola. piano. kodaks, alioticunx. furniture, uiu;al instrument J""nii anything of -value. ' '..I' ll ESTABLISHED RY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER i CARRIE MYERS HERMAN, ( '.' Manager. - - Ul'R'K money to salaried peopla on note with out indorser or security. Investigation con y fidetitiaL 810 Chamber cfCoinmercblde. LlVEsf T,.K"LTASa6ur own muney loaned on rattle, sheep, bogs, etc., F; E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce Main 3020. tOAJTS WASTED r WANT $1400 on modern 5 room tmnealow tin 50x105 kit. at Kant 20th street. '.. nr Broadway. Sewer and walks paid. Will ay 7 per cent, semi-annually. JOHN FERGUSON, GKitLINGER BLDG. Alain 6329. ..LOAN of $1800 wanted on furniture m 2? room apt. house, showing good income. Will pay $60 lr mo. and 8 per cent. Deal .with principal. Mar, 3842. V ' Y E WANT-J ioTOOO'lind will sSm $17'odse- t-urity at 6 per rent. 'Call East. 7083, or write K-Gft.'i, Journal. - 8EEUEGoVlNV.'"4,"MTiRtyAE CO. 232 Chamber of Commerce, 4th at, Stark. FINANCIAL 51 W K iU'Y firat Mid second mortgages and seller' . contracts. F. K. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham 'ber cf Commerre. -.CASH iaid foriaJnortuage and sellers' contracts f on real estate in Washington of Oregon. H. B, Nnhle, S10 Lumbermen bids. . HORSES, T EniCLES. ETC. I ,FnR SALE Team chunky built Perrheroiu. Well mated, in fine condition; ready to work; welching about 2700 lbs. Good ..a 4 -inch. ; 'breecldng harnm: through work, hae no use for them. Take Woodstock cur to East 3(Sth and '-;iai.-ton are., walk 2 block weat to 1087 Frances ate. Tel. Sellwood 12ia. , .TKAM ot luarvrs, 7 and O year old, rbiinky built and fat, well matched: would make , gorxi orchard team, about H5 or 1100 lbs. "each, new harness and light farm wagon. 1S". N. K corner of 62d rt. and Powell Valley road, " llawrtionie car. fu-r TWO. HONEST wcfTk teams, dapple pray mare t :' and bay. f and 8 years old,' weight orer S00O Jhs., with harness $400 ami without $375. ,!.' Team of black 0 ami 8-year-old, weight 2900 " lbs., with harness and wagon, $375. At-o a family cow, cheap. Call at 413S "3rd at. S. E. "-- Mt. Mcott Jar. 2800 POUND team, 7 and 9 years old, har . nchs and farm wagon. $215. Will sell sep : a rate. Take Mt.-Scott car to Tremont atation, 4 blocks south to 03tb are.. 1 block west to 71st. JTabor 035fi. jY yo)l- sound work-mare. llOO lbs., $35"; fine double and single harnesa, nice .light back for jumping; lOO"tnrrs, inie rigs $- up. 1918 t x.asi ntara ana itii t. .TEAM weighing 2400, harness and farm wagon, all in good condition, $17S. Almost new po--tato -digger, $25. Woodstock cir to 94th t., B blocks north to first bouse on 54 th are. FOrt SALK TnTaot geldings weighing-3300 with beary. harness and wagon, also a good llolstrin cow and 1 Jersey cow. Joe Bambnno, U. aHox 61, IJcaverton, Or. i FOR RALE Team liorsesT" harness andnlirery Son: weight about 1000 gn4 1200. Uughea Rros., 41st and llolgat sts. Phone Sell. 872. Woodstock car. ,' FOR. SALE 1 milk wagon team, weight 2100 V lbs. haro no ue for tbrm ; on :Kstacada carline . between Hell and Luther station, on the dairy , place. ONE apan mares, weighing 24)0, heary rTa'r- nesa, wide tire 3 tarru wagnn without bed. $150. 887 Water St.. west side, foot Mont- goraery. ALL kinds of horses, buggies.' wagons and har ness, Also good pair of farm mulea arid two good saddle horses. 302 Front st. GOOD work horse,, weight 1450 ,KiiniU. Price $S3. Small ranch team, price $75. Call at vita r. si in nt. Woodstock car. ALL KINDS of horseK, wagons, buggies and har . nesa cheap or exchange; also 2 fine aaddle horae. 30a Front TRAVELINO and camping outfit cheap. Also some cheap work marcs. Blue Front, foot of ' Montgomery and Water. WE HAVE only four more of our transfer horses left that we care to aril. Come quirk tif you want snaix. 1020 E. Yamhill. "LARGE 5 yr. old Durhmfre"-iH cow." with-calf. - Inquire Fred FriU, KUughter. Houe, tJectJon Line road. flKAVV t,,m At riy)it '11.. t uV . - ' , ...Ul anu erenings. DEAD borsuro taken qu-kty. rows, 1'bonr Tsbor 4 203. Cksb -for dead riOHSKS for rent, double and single. Front. 548 . FA8TCRA;E l-add's Canyon farm, doe in; no busineia Sundsys. Mam 4S19. TTlREE good farm wagons and 4 cheap horses! Atlas Wood Yard, 827 Front at. ILL KINDS of waons,Lr stock sa'ddlel Blue iwtioiniiomrry ana water -ONE family hoi-ae, 3 sian work horses. Must - be sold at oner. 27 Front st, HWO good aadlle ponies; will rll good team. '. llori. for rent, o Fnnt st. LIVESTOCK z: OOATS iOATH A splemlid opportunity ; to buy aonie rery-good milrh goats and due kids by pure bred Toggenbnrg rite, cheap. Send for Iwl, John M. Manu, 3U2 City hall, Portland Oregon. U FOR .BALK Toggenburg dots: and doe kids. Also goat milk for sale, fmili daily. 275 Yamhill st. Nights and Sundays, 78j Kenil si'ttli are. NII'K gentle 2V--rr-oli cow. giving 3 Vs gal- , Inns of good milk; ala a large Durham cow. ' So!'!" i5, "U,I wm 8011 wth,r nf ttan. HAU S-'d N. E. corner of Powell Valley. TWO cows, frmh, ..bargain; 1 ;. mUkoat; no reasonable offer refused: 1 WeKh pony, gentle for boy or girl, (iojng to leare. -One block south B. P. depot. Milwaiikie. Henry Smith. COWS for iie, giting" frm-i4-"tT"45- lbs. cf milk a day. 234 Frunt st:: Tabor 1448. Mrs. M. E. Johnson, owner. U. Hi Broder. sales- tnn. , I OR SALE Two good fresh Jersey .family cows, giring 4H and 5 gallon-, miik d'ailv; alio 2 fresh tlolstem dairy cows. Fxl Bauuiann, Clce land sf?e.-Pow;ll rd., ;resham, Or: 5 PK.!i S morThT"o!d2 T'rgs weeks old, sell .cheap if sold soon. Sellwood 3600, 4100 6Sth are and 41st st. S. E. ' F-lIt SALE 1 Hvrk-hire brood wvw with 10 e weeks. : Sell all or seimrate. 0S-J, jii ii iTRiin irr. GOO D Jtrsey cow for sale at bargain. HTS 3 -Willow at. iiouUrilla car to t!4th, 4 blocks north. F 1 V E-YEA R I -I tiuemsey; giring 3 gjUsT of ery rich milk per diy. Very gentle. Price 8JS. Call at 30 10 60th st. Sv E. FRESH 4 - Vt gaL cow and one- heary springer" sell for cash or. trade for good; team of horses." Wd:n. 8tJ7. T . TWO large fresh Durliams with calves; also 4 Vmin fnull fan.ilw .... . . . tri i". . v", jery reasonaOJc. 751 K. , Ai. -, 1 lllOD family cow lot sale; rich milk 61 V. LARtiE. young., gentle family caw; good milker' - must sell, . Main S302. ;. ' CSrOE Durham cow7"giVing 6 V4 galjons per day" 1818 Newell at. St Johns car. . COW, 2 heifers, steer and some poultry. cfriffLs ' Oladstnne. Or, Phone Oregon City 447-M." FAMILY and dairy cows for'aaleTlslso"-bullfo , BROOD SOW for sale, Buckley are. between It a ul i & ...1 , . "T "" r.. r.. Am-tiger, i'OH KALE Fine young Totigtiibtrg bucks and 2 splendid does. 171)2 Dwiglit. Col. 20. MIUK OOATS for sale. 1 doe and 1 buck. laoor ssiaj. k. 7tl St. "FOR SALE- Two city lots of retch and oat hay" Tabor E933. 04 E. 78th st. J GOOD grade goat, freshen August 2. Also 1(1-months-oM doe kid. 2H33 71at st.. H. A car ' Jt'OR SAIJi a Saanon. for serrire, buck goat milk for sale. 499 Kirby at. It. A. Worley. COWS for sale. 302 Front street. r LIVESTOCK- ADCnON SALE 75 Registered and High Grade Holstein 'Cattle . At the Kilraore Lake farm,' on Willamette, slough, ,3 miles east of gcappoose. Or., Tuesday, July -20. 11 a. ni. : 5 registered rows, 4 bulls. $4 extra high grade cows, lot fresh, some short springers, 7 past 2 year old heifers, 6 past year ling heifers,- 10 heifers, 8 to 12 months old, 7 from 4 weeks to 5 month old beifers; as good a grade herd as there is in the atata. 1W. t. V. Mack, chief dairy and milk inspector of Port land, says it ia the best , herd of grade Uolstein cows he has erer tested. Three horses, 4 and 8 years old, 1350 to 1600 pounds; pony, mower, rake, disc, harrow, wagon, plows, milk eart, pulverizer, wheelbarrow, 25 milk cans, harness, buggy, etc Auto and truck road to place. Lease expiring, must selL Write or phone for bUW. .-. ' CARL TRACK8EL, Owner. COX. W. S. WOOD &. SONS, Auctioneers. VancoBTer, Wash. ; 10 COWS, fresh $nd coining, fresh; soma large dairy cows; some good Jerseys, heary, rich milkers, $7 5 and : up. Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1 1 2H Ma adam at.. South Portland car to end of line. 1 block mouth, 1 block east. -' - t : .- - - MUST be sold at once, 2 extra good gentle family cows, prion $63 and $!5. One 1 4-moiitiis-old heifer calf, going to make splendid cow. Irice $50. Call at 4122 73rd st. S. E. Ml. Scott car. ' 1 . 1 ' . '.''' b IUK.HH cows, 1 10 7 gallons. Large Hol stein and. Jersey Durham. Take Vancou-er rar to Columbia bird.; go 1 block north. POI'LT IIY A XI) HA B ITS r.7 VE WANT R EI J ABLE PEOPLE TO raise fur bearing rsbttts for us in their back yards, epsrfl time. ve furnish stock and pay $3.50 to $7.50 each for all you raise. - SUNSET FUR CO.. Soq-7-'8 Lankershim bldg. Is Angeles, Cal. . PCLlETS C " PULLETS 1 1000 R. I. ReAv White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, White Wyandotte,: 10 weeks to 4 months: varieties of pigeons: bantams; rabbibi. See Matt. Portland Heed Co. O. A. C. Iarred Reck chicks, 1 to 0 weeks bid, 25c- to 60e eaeh. Brown and White Leghorn", 4 wei-ka old, 35c each. 200 R. I. Red chicks July 27, 2ftc each.. 1. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon st. . EaAi 1805. i STOP. IAHi and listen. 10 thoroughbred . K. I. K. laying hens ami 1 cock bird, all for the price 1 was offered for the cock before breed ing season. This is the Mahood strain. ,W. V. Loom is, 1023 Multnomah. Phone Tabor 3197. DUYTNOVBeautifurbwdiB next season; j-monthH-old roosters from the spe cial ien of Hanson's H. C. W. Leghorns, $1.23 a piece. A. T. Johnson, 90 W. Sumner at. Phone Wdln. 2488. ' C'K.? FEED sAf Beat their game. Cackling mash, chick de- eloiier, growing food, milk. Woodlawn 4344. FOR SALE Nice puUeti" about 3 months old, Rarred Rocks, R. I. Reds. White Lrghorm. 1.132 Knapp are., corner 37th st. Errol Heights car,. - c .v . .. . WANTED to buy 24 Whit I-eghorn 1 year old laying hens. Must .be Tsncred or o A. C. strain, Hogamced stocks Phone Tabor 74 73, or write 1872 Hawthorne. run RABJHTS. Registered Black Siberians for sale or on shares at 7405 63d are. S. E. Tabor S302. ' RKIAIAN ha.res sule, full grown 25c lb., also young frjs, 30o lb. Phone Hart. 221-37 Automatic,- or call 2913 51st st. S. K. FOR SALE 20O 1 -year-old White Leghorn laying hen, Tanered strain, $1 to $1.25 eaci'. Ifi45 Mbatxainpi t. liA n li 1 TS Ii ig fclluua! 2 doe $5. 75. 1 buck $3, express paid, Elmer M. Colder Rabbitry, Route 8. Box 233, Portland (Barwell Park). S. C. BEDS. 3 choice yearling cocks and 5 hens, for sale at a bargain. T. Willbanks, 0403 00th st.. Lent. Ore. ; 2 HENS with 33 White Rock chicks, week old. 20c each; also yearlings cheap, 5033 62nd avenue. INTERSTATE RAHI1ITRY Flemish and New Zealand lted rabbits for sale. 1S1H IntersUte are. WHITE LKtiHUH.V hens and young stock for sale or trade for auto up to $1000. Tom Morgan, Beaverton,' Or. 1'Olt SALK Kino bruilers. Buckley are., be tween Baseline and. Sectionlina road. E. E. Amt,ieer. ! FOIl SALK 2 thoroughNred' WliiLe Leghorn hens, $1 each. Tabor 03:27. 20 MALLARD duck.s, 6 geese and chickens, for sale cheap. . Y-622. Journal. SiI FEED $4. Woodlawn $4.50 FLEMISH (ii ANT rabbit for sale cheaji. Tabor 4 inf. 4,"o K2nd s. LATINO young White I-esliorn hens. $1.25 each. J. H. Mazuirg. 7?)7 Oregon st-, near K. 24th. WANTEI Weanling pigs, good grade stock. iwonerrson, Jul vv. JianK Dldg. FOR HALE Yearling hens, fine layers. Also MOW",. JHIHIf niJUi, FOR SALE White I'ekin duck eacs for hatch ing. 232 E. 55th st. N. Tabor 1600. WHITE Leehorn liens and Barred Bock pullets. Tabor 6S95. 6348 (S4th st. H. E. DOGS, JlimiH, PETS, .ETC. 4$ ROSEOTY CATTERY Two ; beautiful , white ilea and 3 beautiful "F?'7? silrer male kittens for iarwT immexliate delivery. You will have to hurry. 1248 E. Morrison. Tabor 7274. KERNELS SENSATION PHOT II at atari. "' -Weight II Jhs. A. K. C. 260292. Classiest little male Boston Terrier out of CHAMPION STOCK in Portland. See hita. Small pet stock boarded. ' -MRS WILLIAM J. SMITH. Phone Tabor 3150. 130 'East 80th st. S. near Morrison st - PfcT stock anl Mitippes. We are headquarters in the N. W. fiir birds and cagm. dogs, cat, rabbit", caries, etc. Food, remedies, etc. Call or write. Pet tk catalogue on request. Ront ledge Seyd k Flora i Co., 143 2d st.. Portland. BOSTON terrier, full grown, good watchdog-, kind to children, house and machine broke The Boston Kenr.rle of Portland. 407 Ainsworth are. Wriln. 5284,: . FOR SALE 2 young hounds age 1 year old. run good, male and female. Walker breed. W. H. (talis, Irnnab, Ore. 1 ENiiUSH tter puppies for sale cheap. Addram Captain Harkctt, 1210 Mallory are. . Pbone Wooillawu 1889. ' PUREBRED Llewellyn setter puppies for sale"! cheap. 1423 Lenore st. cor. Relleview t in Woodlawn. GEM INE St. , Andreasberg rollers; cabinet trained. Males. $20 up; females, $2 50 up, Mrs. Kessler, ;re.-liam. Or. Phone 4X2. ONE FEMALE Airedale pup for sale from reg- isteren ami pedigreed stock, very reasonable. 1248 East Mnrrma. Tabor 7247. FOR SALE 2 young hounds,-age 1 year old: runs good: male and female: Walker hrtt W. S. .Gates. Iicomb, Or. FOR SALK The' best cat for catching mir and rats. Used to baby chicks. Col. 811. PERS'lAN kittens for aalel Tabor 7028TS27 - E. 48th st. . BEACTIFl-L singers for sale. Call the Studio, Main 4 68. PANAMA I'ARROT, good talker. 528 Kerby St., corner Ruseell. Tlfdl!OlGHRREi7per4un kitten, amoke coi- - ',. ire-.'innf. 'J aoor M31I4 Xi ,?AI-E One Bitn terrTcr male. 143 1 1 th st. Brosdway1201. PAIR St. Andreasberg fgood singer, $12750". - Tabor 7368. ' THOR O l-G H BHEI toiuter pup, 6 months old. Owner. Tabor 6009. . HIGH-CLASS Iiish water spaniel pupa for aale. - -" '"'f', n. 1, anerwoort. Ore. FLEMISH ;IANT rabbiU. 5 ds, 1 with young. A1" English pinkeyes. 2833 71st, H. A. car. ROLLER canaries, young birds, yellow, none bet irosunaoie. r.ast 4029. FOR SALE -3 nixie Airedale pups, $20-$25,1 months old. pedigreed. 795 Kenilwonl, in BOSTON puppies, Airedale puppies. Fox Terrier kmitict. .-u'eeoway tvennels. Tabor 5088. ' WHITE P8iankittensjror sale. Mairr"635"8. A SIN'CTER and cage for sale. -CaTrTabori83T' AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 14 BARGAIN HCNTERS' BAROAIN, - The old reliable 1914 Cadillac. $4 75: tires all extra, good, engine excelleut ctniltltin air pump, copper jackets, self atarter. new battery, guaranteed. ortKmal price $tO0; must selL s-., ati JiiMmont. THE FENDER MAN -,J- Fi DURHAM, who takes the kinks 1 wmle wait; also repairs radiator and boaies. Bdwy. 8214. SO N. Eleventi. t. near Hitmside. TRAILERS bed'tent6 etc"' completi3 equipped .with - : " - -.fA- : -' : 5! . . ' 1 e. ' r Lumber trnilor i.u . .,.1 1 h,-, . , T "' T,1)I o" iKjiwer. - -rme er cau o jj. Broadway. UTTO M OB I LESAS P ACCESSOBIE S 4 FRDSf;-oT THkFBEST IN TOWN. ; WH J. GOOrnrafhTolidUr, JjftJL lr7OAKI.VND car, cTve&p. Tabor 620H. PRIVATE garsge. $5 per month. 691 E. Oak. I. M. C. i-ton truck, "e bargain. 212 8. Jersey. Col- .. FORI TUCITC, WORM DRIVK B50 MYERS -AC TO CO.. 188 HtAND A VK. ll18 MAXWELL, by owner, 1st claas condi tion; paint, S tires; a bargain, -tenor TTR ES Slightly oaeoL $3 to $16 each. Expert tire repairing 207 Madison. 1920 CHEVROLET, like new. . 212 8. Jersey, 'ol. 050. . ' FORlTTOURrVO. GOOD SHAPE. . . . .$373 ilTKHS ACTO (X) 18 GRAND AVE. for 1011 Cadillac chaasit 1"E," 84th st. 8.. 2 blocks south Mt. Tahor car. 181 X I ODGE touring cheap if taken at once. S3 East 4th St.- North. . -..- ' "WEimt steel Teeth eb your 01a fly wheel. tC It. Klaok. Broadway 2Hl. 634 Aldtr. ;A1ILI-AC bug for cale. in ' good condition, cheap, temwi 833 1st at. ' 1 , CADILLAC bug or light delirery, $175. 48 Wnt Winchell st.. Kenton. Woodlawn 4706. FORD COITK . ...$475 MYERS AUTO CO.; 188 GRAND AVE. Wn.L"jjay s:t caah for bargain' in"l0I-1820 Ford. 241 Chalmjin at., cor. Main. : FOR iSAI,EAl1818 fherrolet roadster, 3175 Haasalo at., cor. 88th. CHEVROLET In firnt claaa shape. $425; best buy in town. 1276 Kelly at., Fnltou. ; "- ' SAXON Six for sale or take Baby Saxon in trade. Call Sunday. 1408 Interstate are. rXrf:E-TOURINO. model 1817: in good "condi tion; good tires. See owner, 468 E. Mill at. NEW Ford bug body for sale at a bargain. C00 Union are. -s- lUlit liODOE-delivery, $850; nnt sell; well worth $110O, Phone Tabor 00O2. OASPl.l.NE 25 CENTS A OALLOX ; OILS AND iRKASES PIONEER PAINT CO.. 188 1ST. FORD ROADSTER ........... .' $425 MYKRS AUTO CO., I8 GRAND AYE. FOR SALE -Stntz racer, first class condition; a bargain. Call Woodlawn 4285. BL'ICK. 0 roadster. ('an be seen -at 363 Stark st. Best buy m ciry for $1100. - FORD-bugfoTsaie. Al condition. , 775 ; Thur man st. Main 840. 2 FORD touring cars in good condition; caab or 1 terms. Atlas Woodyard. 827 Front st. FOR SALE New Ford roadster, run BOO miles. 195 Union are. N. Phone - Kaxt 2.S32. OVERLAND motor st.d chassis In running or det. Price will interest you. 1277 E. 10th N. DODGE ROADSTER . ' MYERS AUTO CO., $650 188 GRAND AVE. , 1917 MITCHELL, in good shaiw. $550. Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 2S60. 7 IT CLASSY bug. cheap, with 4 new Firestone tires and tubes. Phone Msin 657. 1 1919 DOIXE roadster M50. Fohman. Broad way 321. car W. L. Uughson Co., Broadway and Iiavta. MAXWELL, 1017. in the best of condition, new ton, new tires. Will sell at $675 and give terms-. 30 Grand avenue, North, near Bumside. 1917 MAXWELL, new battery, just overhauled, fine phane all over; cheap at $425 easy terms. Terminal Garage, Fifth and Hoyt. - FOR SALE :.Vvr trailer, auto camp bed, auto toolbox, spot light, 3 tire tubes, 1 pair ceil ing hooks. 8-ln opening. ' 515 AJder gt. OVERLAND tfiTirigT"late: 1918 model. Perfect condition. Will sacrifice at$S5( end give terms. 30 Crand ave.. North, near Rurn.-dde. CLASSIEST Ford bug in town, reasonable ;"m tor in A-l condition. Jimmy's Tire Shop, E. 11th and Division at. - OLDSMOBILE 8 All cord tires, late model, mnst sell today Make mej offer. Phone Wdln. 901. WILL exchange beautiful diamond weighing - 2.15 , carats, worth $2200, for first class auto. Edgar Bray field, P. O. Box 4, city. ' OVERIANI. model 79, ,$195; engine and tire in good shape; self starter and electric lights. i-none Hroaoway 4t5. PAIGE 5 mus. touring, new cord tires, has had wonderful rare, a, bargain at $lO0o. A. H. McCoy. 215 Wash. St.. Vancouver.- Phone 104. DANDY BUG.; top. windshield and fenders, newly painted. A-l condition. See this at 63 M. 23rd. Main 7025. . , IF YOG want a good bug, look at this one; only $450; can use touring ear in trade. 270 E. 43d sL L AUTO for sale; good bug material; new tires; need some work: $123 cash. 1160 Willamette. blvd.. cor. Killingsworth. MAXWELL 116 in good running condition, tiood paint and good tires. A bargain at $5O0. 80 ;rand are.. North, near Burn-side. FORD bug, most attractive in Portland. If you want a buy see us ; speed and class, easy terms. Terminal Garage, Fifth and Hoyt sta. FORD bug, in the best of condition; good-tiresT A real bargain at $450. Terms if desired. 30- Orsnd ave., North, near Bnrnside. FOR SALE Mitchell bug. Bring" $65 and take it this a. m.. between 8 and 12. 483 Glenn are. N., near Thompson. East 2475. FOR"8ALF Fordtouring cir7"CalfSunday'. July 18, between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m., 152V Russell st., room 6 ; Mississippi ave- car. ""101 5 FORD touring car; thoroughly . over hauled; 3 coats of paint and lots of extras, $400 for cash.- Call Sellwood 874. FORD roadster, fine condition. Good tires, good paint. A snap at $425. Terms. SO Grand are., North, near Burmide. - FOR SALE, by owner. Country Club roadster, 1st class condition, 4 new tires and extras; $800 and terms. 344 E. 7th N. East 7358. WILL sacrifice my 1920 Chevrolet, run only 1400 miles: lots of extras. 751' Grand ave. North. - BABY Grand Chevrolet, in good condition: new battery; new paint. N.' P. Hansen 1 Mult nomah are. Phone Main 3118. OVERLAND 85 B, tourina car; good Urea, newly patnteti; is as good as new. Army Oarage, 250 Taylor at. FORD, , 1917, delivery, panel body; tires and engine in good condition. Phone owner. Tabor 6991. ' ' FORD truck, chain drive, platform body, in the best of condition. A snap. $500.- 30 Orand are.'. North, near Bnrnside. . 1919 OLDS. Bear Cat, 6 cord tires; other ex tras; will trade for touring. Prion - East R552. 'i ' - : .., LIBERTY ,0. 1919. looks like new, perfect con dition, good tires, new iare tire. Must sell. Good terms: $1330. Private owner, E. 4919. CLASSY bug, electric lights and starter; will consider motorcycle part payment. ; Call 8 to 12 Sunday. 4 29 Sarramento st. CHEVROLET 490 touring. Model 1918; tires nrartirallv new: car in heat condition thrmiirh. 'out; $600 cash. Private owner. Main 4602. ESSEX touring. 1919. in the best of condition. Will sacrifice at $1500 and give, terms. Will consider trade on smaller car. 80 Orand ave.. North, near Bumside. FORD sedan. 1920 model. All wire wheels, one extra one. Leaving town; will sacrifice at $975, and gira terms. 30 Grand are.. North, neat Bnrnside. MAXWELL MAXWELL 1917 Maxwell, private party, in Al condition: $450, terms Phone Main 4028. - Mar. 2766. 1917. MODEL1 5. brand new Ajax tires, never been used: 1 new battery; thoroughly over hauled License and starter. Guaranteed in first-class shape. $3,10. 414 Glisan st FOR HALE Fine car for stair run, 7 paacnger, 6 cylinder car and tires,- in good condition. Owner gone East and car must be sold. $325, Call Main 7025. 53 N. 23rd. FORD chassis with good tires in good running order. Will make a classy bug. A snap at $250. Terms. 30 Grand are.. North, 'near Bumside. MOTORS, geara, beanmrs, wheels, eakea; we wreck al makes of ears and sell their parts st V4 pree. Ilodes Anto Wrecking Dept.. 10 5 107 V 11th rt. TWO Goodrich casings, new fabric, oversize for 33x4. Will aell $25 each, or trade for 32x4 size. Sea at 201 West Park, or Main 2590-4 S7. CHALMERS roadster in A-l condition. ' New paint, good tires. A classy car. A bargain $775. v Terms, 30 Grand are. North, near Bornside. WILL- sell 5000 shares extra eood-tocksYow paying 2 per cent monthly dividend, at $1.50. Will accept good car up to $1000; or will divide to suit for all cash. J. A. Mills, 426 Alder st. Broadway 2441. HUDSON SPEEDSTER A big bargain in a. quality car. Current model, came service and replacements as fac tory gives on new car. Phone Main 4028. '' Mar 276J ' MY LATE 1917 HUP, mechanically perfect: 1 pantasote top, new paint, tires nearly new; car looks and runs like new; ca-sh and soma terms, or will take smaller car in trade. Phone Mcln tyre. Tabor 1923, 1139 E. Taylor st. LIBERTY SIX LIBERTY" '- m Here b a fine 6 cylinder car that is a per former. ... Let me demonstrate it for you. Will sell at a bargain and give terms Phone Mam 4028. Mar 2760 1916 BUICK 6. good shape, Goodyear cord tires all around and 2 extra tires Price only $750 for this Boick ahat is ready to go any -place; easy terms ..:.. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. bt.lA.ksB Ui. 1:UE KEPAIRINU Requires a full knowledge of tire const rnctloa and proper equipment lor each repair; w hare both I Bring as that tir or tuba and we will fit it right; nricee reasonable; new atrfi nsed tire for lass: liberal allowanew n, i-u Vulcan Tire Sbop. 41 GtanJ ave., corner flaa. I AUTOMOBILES ATT T ACCESSORIES 44 WAN TEJJ -To trade Ford roadstmr body for totiring body. 150 Union ve. HUJWiON SUPER KIX, IN FINE KHAPE.$140U MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. 191 FORD, NEW TIRES, $250. 432 HAW THOItXE. - UH K VH O IJCT ROADSTER. . . . . . . ; . . . . 55"0 MYEKS ACTO. CO., 188 UBANI) AVE. STUDE1SAKEH coupe, sell r trade for five pas senger; what have you. 635 E. Salmon st. 1919 CHEVROLET delivery, rebuilt like hew. Col. 65, 212 S. Jersey. LATE FORD touring; fine condition; good tires and extras. Phone Tabor tSO. 1917 DODOE. 5 pasnrncerr firt class condition, $0(. 307 Table. Mar. 2982. 1818 CHEVROLET touring good mechanical condition. 531 E. 31st. Sellwood 2392 MAXWELL ROADSTEB7IJKE NKW475 MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GUAM) AVE. . SACRIFICE my equity in best five passenger Mitchell 4 in' town if taken today. Call Wdln. 4292. WILL pay part cah and fine new tajkiiig ma chine outfit, for fir t clam Ford. Hyatt Talk- Hna; Machine Co., 350 Alder. FORD, 1910, like new; lUuctianicalTy O. K. ; equipped for htartc: extras; $550 caih. - Phone Tabor 1203 between 9-12 a. m., 0-W p. m. LATE Velio touring, left in storage; run , only 7000 miles; $1050. Inquire 281 Front at., corner Jefferson. Main 1423. 1917 DODGE roadster, $525. Good UreTTrid mechanical condition; owner going east, 340 Hancock, at. Tel. Kast 1925. - , 1918 STIEBAKER'trtarmeTT", passenger, me- chanically iwrfect, $775. Columbia Anto Sales 84 5 Union are. East 50. Ask for Senn. $675 BUICK SIX 5 passenger; really a good car; nice appearance. Ton can't do better. Terms Sellwood 651. Tb 1 7 FORD, lota of extrasr Alcondition; best buy in the city, $425. ' 775 Tburinan at. Main 846. .- MUST-BESOLI 1 3 chasis, "1 Tlwiiy, Just overhauled and painted; new toji; good tires; I"373. Phone 216-28. 5511 Foster road. FORD bug, motor just overhauled, worth $650, tomorrow $525. Columbia Auto Sales Cn., 845 Union av'e. East 50th. Ask for Senn. SOME BUY 1918 Ford, in excellent condition; only $460; terms. $440 cah. Uet busy. Phone East 1550. - FOR SALE A 1918 Ford touring car, well equijiped and In good condition. Call Sun day. 8439 Foster rd. SOME BUY Oakland 6. just painted, run less than' H00 miles. Phone Tabor 5681. 563 K. 4 lt N. . LIGHT Hudson 4. Delco starting and lighting. $225 cash; must be sold by Wednesday. Ta bor 1089. ; I OR SALE By owner, 1917 Paige; newly painted, good tires, mechanically in first class condition; $075. Phone Woodlawn-822; . OVERLAND touring 75, in the best "of cond ' tion, good tires A snap at $475. Terms 80 Orand ave.. North, near Bumside. MODEL 75 Overland,- in goodcondition, $550. Columbia Auto Sales Co., 345 Union' are. East 66. Ask for Senn. AflBthfl TiriKe,;OTenng n- repairing J-IUH.s., 1 -sejpS at reasonable prices 825 Salmon st.. between 6th and Broadway. se s AMERICAN AUXO TOP CO. v. Vx5lJ Auto toP- curtarefs and repair. . - Mfaw inf. East 364. Union st Pin 1917 HUDSON Super Six in A-l MndlfionT - rims cord tires, for $1000. 248 YamhiU tt. Call for Hick. "iSnS0?1-"00- Th"'-"""- like new i $600 lees than new price. 345 Union ave. East 66. Ask for Senn. . 1916 Eon) $275. i92o Ford. new. lots of extras, $700. Cash or terms 380 Union tee. East 4461. - - : . CASH paid for old cars, condition no object: psrts for sU mskes of cars Oregon Atrto Exchange. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8503. 1"AXWELL $283; Ford roadter7"$275. This snap for today, only. 270 43d, half block from Hawthorne. STUDEftAKER Six, driven by private party". .-, guaranteed to be in 1st clsss condition, cash 1T. rm' or wU1 trade for real estate. Main r . BtKVHJfi STATION V Joonted at Ninth 1 ana r.verett sts Broadway 8287. " FORDS FOR SALE 7 One 1915 touring car and one 1914 road ster., both ia goad condition. . Call Sunday. 8415 Foster rd. - - : $185 :: ( ... ,. ,: .. LOOK ' 8 CYLINDER CHASSIS Will make cood speedy bug; she runs; tires good and everything0. K.210 Jefferson. ' "NINETY" OVERLAND $695"- " This is the best looking little Overland in Portland, only $195 cash and the balance on easy terms. -$) PHONE DUNN, SELLWOOD 1393 -.J5?1;?' OIi TAKE FORD TOURING "lN TRADE. 424 BELMONT. 1915 STUDEBAKER TOIRING. - SEIF . STARTER, EI,ECTRIO LIGHTS, IN liUN MNG ORDER. $28fi. 424 BELMONT ST AvA TIRE SHOP-" fVC KB7 Willi.. , Sectional work, retreading, half -soling, expert tire repairing. Work guaranteed. Open 7 '30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. East 7772. AN ACCIDENT tore the transmission from my car and I cannot afford to get it fixed; $50 will put it in first claw running order. Cail and make me an offer. Tabor 5032 or write J E . 725 East 6Sth st. N. s OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY TOPS 'HEM at.r, 14th and Conch sts Bdwy: 4408 SALE OR TRADE Mitchell six. 7 -passenger, electric equipped; good running condition; six nearly new cord tires: 1920 license. Price $600. or will trade for good light car. : Car at 710 N. Ivanhoe at.. St. Johns . Automobile :ior I want to trade a first class Maxwell auto mobile for some good d'smond. I have one car more than I can use. Bee me at 502 Conch bdg. ' .1 92 HUDSON TOURING Bnn 8000 miles, 5 cord tires, refiniahed and 1st class condition; bargain if taken at once. East 3075. ' 1 8 Dodge Roadster, This roadster ia just new and lias six tires and tubes and new top and will surprise you the wsy it runs and looks. . If you are looking- for a bargain, see this Dodge at $875. with $275 down, bal. monthly. 503 Alder St., Bed Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays. HIGH GRADE CAR8. ' Late model Steams-Knight e-cylinder chummy type roadster. This car tn perfect condition throughout. . FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. .. ;" ' . '.s 1 ." ; ''.' 1920 Maxwell Touring A BARGAIN IN AN ' UP-TO-DATE - LITTLE CAR;, HUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A REAL BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. CALL BROADWAY 4825. 1920 FORD SEDAN, wire wheels. bought new May 5. With extras this car cost $1285. Will aacrifice for $875.. 217 Main St., Vancouver, Waal. . HUDSON SPEEDSTER -1920 ' A FINE CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE. ALL CORD TIRES AND AN EXTRA: CAN GIVE 00 DATS' SERVICE AND REPLACEMENTS SAME AS FACTORY GIVES ON NEW CAR. CALL BROADWAY 4825. 18.O00 carried to stock. Our springs sold rtth a written ru ran tea. Wa aiv. you servica 84 North Fitteenth Street. 1919 HOT SPOT ' CHALMERS - A CAR THAT WILL GIVE YOU A WORLD OF SERVICE AND CANNOT BE TOLD FROM A NEW CAR; HAS BEEN DRIVEN PRI VATELY AND IS IN TIP-TOP SHAPE. THIS CAR MUST BR SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. CALL EAST 8075. -. Leece -" and Rowland &Ug BodiestSlGO'Uo SEATS CUT DOWN. FOR CAMP BKEftV liaiiiaion ajuti a4.-uuvxa Mni situ ii.- uit. S34 Ev BurnsKla East 7249. AUTOMOBILES Ayr ACCESSOR IES 4s LATE 1918 'Maxwell. Owner nitbt sell.; Can be seen at Bnrke's garage. Tabor 6527. VEt.IE . Six touring ear. Terms, $1000. Wdln. 5976. lb 19 lokl. tuie cundUkoa, low price, .. :.: Ihh. .. nr. a 2-12 S. 1910 CHEVROLET TOUR IN 1.SS00 MTEBg AUTO tXJ., 188 GRAND AVE. UKaI'ONOLA E-2 and $50 worth fine .records cost $175. Price $135, $25 down, balance aasy. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. OVERLAND Umruig. A gotid knock-about car. Good condition. A snap at $2O0. Terms. SOjGrand ave North-syear Hurnside. 1918 FORDtouring. " been overhauled, $475. Columbia Auto bales Co.. 845 Union. East 56. Ask lor Senn. DOIN.E tourinc. 1920, brand new, immediate delivery. Ladd Addition garage, E. 13ih and Hawthotne. ' ' v aTiIateTdoi hj e By owner needing rah; looks like new. Call Sunday.S2 East 63d St.- N. WlSHilHrtyflUNrr" NEW TIRES, IN EXCEI I ENT RUNNING CONDITION, $423. 424 JiELMONT. - 1918 FORD for sale, good running cider. Price $475 cash. Call at 602 E. 18th su S., near Powell..';. . : : ... .. ,., FORD SEDAN, will sell clieao- for $700; in Al condition; $123 worth of 'extras tin car. Go cut 44th st. 4439 70th ave. S. E. WANTED TO TRADE 4 acre at Durham sta. : for Dodge or Bunk, 5 -pass car. Mar. 3842. Call for Freeman. - -' - - - --- FOR SALE 1 9 IS Dodge touring car. all new tires and in good condition. Phone Sellwood 372. BABY GRAND Chevrolet in Al condition for sale, cheap. Call Mr, Edson, Bdwy. 1572, weekdaya, CUEVIIOLET touring, 1918, in the best of con dition.; Good tires. Will sacrifice at $575. Tercns 30 Grand ave.. North, near Bnrnside. VELIIE S brand new. Never been de- vered. Must have cash. Will sell for 81983 and deliver. P. U, boa 1503, Tacoma. Wash. ....-- 19l7 PAIGE light six, 5 passenger, owned by an auto mechanic: first-class mechanical con dition and. newly painted - A snap at $1000; some terras. Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281, 1918 PAIGE. 5 pass., light ti. Al condition every way. Have any mechanic examine it. Must sell quickly. . First $1100 takes it. Main '5638.. -.-' :'' - -''. ' . !.': CHEVROLET 10"l9 490 touring. Must sell my car thia week. Just completely over hauled by Chevrolet dealers Call East 2538 after' 6 p. ni. 1918 PAIGE lirrlit six; a fine car for $1350: f terms) run very little, and has been refinishrd anu morougniy orernauica. air. Argo, uroauway 3281.- - i - .'. - : '; ." :'. -: j ., '. " ! "' FORD bug. best of running shape and all good tires, only $305; terms . ' A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., : ; 523 Alder St. DODGE touring, ' 1917, good paint, good tires. -Must selL A bargain - at $830. : Would con sider trade on Fotd. 30 Grand ave.. North, near Bnrnside. 198 BUICK touring, in beautiful condition; 3 cord tires: good top; new paint and fully guaranteed. Everything complete. Calli Mr. Fluhart. Sellwood 2909. ! . OAKLAND Six. a late 1918 model. Looks and runs like new. . Used privately. A bargain at $875. Terms 30 Grand ave., north, 1 near Btfrnside. ' FORD' touring, 1916, in . the best of condition. Good paint, good tires. ' Must sell. A snsp at $450. Terms if desired. 30 Grand ave.. North, near Burnside. ; Stark Vulcanizing Co. . Horse - Shoe tires, rebuilt tires retreading, work guaranteed 391 Stark. Bdwy. 8962. BRING $400 cash and take away my roomy Studebaker touring; looka fine; 3 new tires. Bal. $300, make your terms. Phone Automatic 6504. DODGE : ,. SEE my Dodgs for $575. 249 6tb ts .Phone Main 7352. I'OH SALE OR TRADE Maxwell touring; good condition, good tires; will demonstrate con sider trade on home. : 398 Summer tt., neaTr Vivian. . "' ' PlRST cUj-s American "30" for sale; just over hauled and painted; will sell for $400 rash or $450 and give terms. Address J imes Andersen, Washington hotel, Linnton. Phone Col. C52. v MODEL 00 Overland County Club roadster, re cently overhauled; five wire wheels, five good tires Snap at $650. -Arrange to have me call and demonstrate at once. HX-738, Journal. OVERLAND 1020 One of the famous model fours, new tires put on last week, and the price is only $950, and the terms easy. - - PHONE DTJXJ. SELLWOOD 1393 1919 FORD roadster, absolutely in first-claw! condition, new tires and 1020 license. . Thia car is owned by a tourist, who is leaving town Mon day and will sacrifice for $450 cash. Can be seen at Globe Garage. 30 N: 20th at. 1 l KO MISREPRESENTATION V Covey Motor Car Co. $700 TAKES my 1918 Willys -8, finit -1st condition, new top and gynsx, curtain. East 2866. li. F. Kimble. W - -:..:. FOR. SALE 1917Maxwell, in first class run ning order, electric ligliU and speedometer, also new Willard battery, price $350; will leave for Victoria B. C, Monday, July 19. 461 Baldwin at., St. John car to Waahburn st. - Phone Woodlawn 4920. . . DODGE J Will setl my Dodge at a bargain for rash, $375; would take Ford as part payment, r Mam 7352 bet. 8 a. m. and fl p. m. WEAVER, TIRE COMPACT FEDERAL TIRES ) OREGON VULCANIZING CO, TIRE REPAIRING 888-835 Burns! da at Broadway 1 91 9 ESSEX TOURING $1550 CASH OR TERMS WILL BUY THIS DANDY LITTLE CAR WITH 4 BRAND NEW TIRES. CALL EAST 3075. Buick Touring 'US And the price is $1050, with $350 dowrt. bal. n-.ontlily. 1 This car has been refinished and looks and runs as good as a car could, and we will take light car in trade if you wish ; has some extras 505 Aider St., Red Front Used Car Co. TUB FOLLOWING cars at a bargain. It will pay you to call and see these before buying : Model 83 Overjaud. , 1918 Maxwell, good top, tires and peiiit, - 1916 Chevrolet. i 1917 Studebaker. 7 passenger, !. BEAVER GARAGE, INC 209 Union ave. N. East 304. 1920 STEPHENS, practicaUy new. wire wheels 5 cord tires. bumier, spotlight, - . wind de flectors; mnst be sold this week. 630 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1852. '11 7 Dodge Touring - At tha low price of $773, with $275 down, bal. easy, and ihe car will speak for itself, as it i-i first-class in every . way. You can try it at 505 Alder Re Front Used Car Co. Open Sundays.; 90OverIandTouring flS This ear ha some extras and has been re Tamished and looks fine: runs better. You can save a lot of money if you like this brand, and we will take the small sum of 1250 down, bal. easy; or take Ford in trade. See car at 505 Alder St., Red Front Used Car Co. H. &-B. .Sudden Service PAT AND NIGHT. Night, after East 6840 Day. East 891. - Repairs on all -makes of cars, overhanling a specialty. Let ns give you an estimate; tow ing. 462 Hawthorne. - A. D. HINES. - R. ' M. BRACE. CARS FOR SALE. BUG BODIES. $95 CP Bog Bodies radiators, fenders, : bouds made and repaired BURNES3 ACTO aV BODY WORKS 1 - 15tb aad Aider Sts USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Ford roadster ... ;', Old 8 ; . ...... j ,. , Peerless, 7-passenger i, Chevrolet, rxadster .... 7 Fords ........... 1 Peerless 1 1 Studebaker . . . . ; , . 1 -Mi;cheil ....i..., 1 Buick 4 . . ... . $32Ji .$750 $350 . . . . . . . .$350 ,$323 to $450 ........ $100 ...... . ,ltf . . . . . . . ..CISO . .a. . $375 : LONG & SILVA 482 Hawtbornc. AUTOMOBILES A I ACCESSORIES 44 PASS. Maxwell, good condilioa, cheap, easy terms Tabor 8168. 8400 " BUYS my good 7 passenger Studebaker. laittmotleL K. 4050. WHITE "SOTToadster, $175 cash drirea it away. 1495 E, Ash st. STl'PEBAKKB bua for sate. Good battery and tiree. ITivate party, 2Q5 11th at. - MA .V WELL TO URING , . . .$375 MYERS AUTO CO., 188 GRAND AVE. CHEVROLET. TOURIXtFTN tlOOl SHAPE, $475. WILL TAKE FORD ROADSTER IN TRADE. 424 BELMONT. CHANDLER chummy, fine condition, refiniahed. $1300; terms Will take small car in trade. Mr. Argd, lid wy. 82S1. GOOD 1918 BUICK If you bar been watting for a Buick. here's yoor chance if you hurry up. Mr. Howard, Broadway 18-18. - FORD delivery, good ahape throughout. $4 50; $100 down,, balance monthly. . A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING' CO. 623 Alder St. CHANDLER. 7 pass., fine condition, newly painted and .overhauled; will take small car In trade; terms on balance. Price $1400. ' Mr. Argo, Broadway S281. ' ,;" -- '' ''';. DOIXJE touring car." "late model. Am leaving city this week and must stlL Will sacrifice for quick sale'; in excellent condition: will take first reasonable offer. Call Sellwood 2009. Ar it-.U cskiniung, seil cheap. 4 eyliiukr .Cadillac roadster, fully equipped, fine condition. Roach mag., Shefler carb., Willurd battery. . Erery thing n ear. chains, tools, rope, $223. Also shelter tent $3, cot $2, fishpole 2. Call Sun day at 675 K. 71st N. near Msndy blvd. HAVE a good light C that Is inexpensive to operate and has just been newly painted : has new top and curtains; new battery; we have just overhauled this car and it is -in excellent shape with lota of pep and power; $200 cash will handle it. Mr. Howard, Broadway 1858. . OAKLAND-.TOURING7 CAR Owing to recent illness I am farced to sell my 1915 Oakland at once. Car in perfect me chanical condition, with license and fully equipped; $550 will buy this car. Look same over at 694 E. 16th st. 8. crfcT THIS Low Rent Moderate Rates Expert radiator repairing, fenders and . gas tanks. Your Ford radiator rebuilt and made to look like new. All work guaranteed. . Excep tional service to commercial Fords - 1L C. Bar nard, 170 E. 7th St., near Belmont.. AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION , GATES TIRES . . cost half as much-" . 5 - VULC4NIZING THERMOID. . . if . . TIRES. , .MILLER - Hansen Tire Service. 24TH AND THUHMAN ' MAIN 6585 S625 BUYS A STUDEBAKER 7 PASS., WITH ALL CORD TIRES. REPAINTED: A REAL BARGAIN. CALL UP FOR DEMONSTRATION. PHONE MAIN 6758. M.B.FISCH Radiators fenders Bodies, bonds, tanks repaired and rsmodelest Anto. abeet metal work a - spe cialty. 60S Burnside street. . hnea Broadway 2288- FORD BUG THIS IS NOT A REAL NAME FOB THIS CAR, . BUT YOU COULD CALL IT A HIGH GRADE LIGHT ROADSTER As it has lots of class and haa windshield and other extras that go with high-grade . car; re f imstfed bright red and white wheels, and . hat speed to burn. Call and see it. 505 Alder St., Red Front. Open Sundays. - - '-' - TOURING CARS FOR SALE ' Fire passenger Studebaker-Flanders, good tires good top, good upholstering and in good me chanical condition. $250: $100 down. We are not in the touring car business: don't want to start, so are selling this cheaper than dirt. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, INC. 200 Second st., - corner Taylor CTIALMER3- SEDAN T BOUGHT THE LATEST MODEL CHAL MERS 5 PA 88. SEDAN FOR MY WIFE TO DRIVK.- SHE IS ILL AND PROBABLY WILL NKVKIt BK ABI.K TO DHIVK IT AliAl.i; C1ST $32)0 NEW. THIS CAR HAS NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE CITY. IS IN, PERFECT CN1ITUN. TIKES ALL tiMM ASII UAH AN EXTRA TIRE AND BUMPER. LOOKS AND IS AS GOOD AS NEW. ' HAVE TWO CARS OF MY OWN AND WILL SELL THIS SEDAN FOR $1850. IF THIS IS THE KIND OF A CAR YOU WANT YOU CANNOT DO BETTER. PHONE EAST 8695. used; chevrolets Service i Reliability Reputation FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder Sta. Broadway 240. CHEVROLET FORD OWNERS' FORD overhauled .$20 Rear axle overhauled ..................$ 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged $ 6 We band-lap - pistons, scrspa bearings, etc, which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used, aii work guaranteed. - THE REASON The Ford engine, starts hard and the lights are dim is because. the MAGNETO is weak. Have it RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair 210 Jefferson L Main 7644. 8-CYLl Oldsmobtle -club roadster.... $12BO 1230 1100 730 700 1450 000 550 850 700 930 1000 1 000 OldsmobUe roadster Oldsmobile 8-cj l, ................ . . Oldxmobile 8-cyli . . ..... . . ...... . . . Oldsmobir 8-cyli . . . ...... Oldsmobile 6-cyl.; roadsteg, 5 wire wheels, new tires Buick 5 -pass, 6 good tires ........... Orerlsnd 5-pass.j good buy Maxwell, new tires ........... .. .... Maxwell, new paint ........... .1. ... . Oakland tedsn .................. . Elgin 6, good, condition ............. Humobile, 5 cord tires ,.......,. Iexington sedan 1 .......... Chevrolet, 5 new ti:es, spotlight,' bumper. 1850 750 OLDSMOBILE CO.. Broadway at Couch.. GOOD USEI A UTOMOBILES LOW PRICES FOR QUICK TERMS 1917 Maxwell,' very fine condition .. ... . .-.$523 1918 MazwelL very fine condition .,.....$650 1919, 51 ax well, very fine condition . . . . .$750 1920 Maxwell, looks snd is like new. .$975 1917 Studebaker four, all in good condition and runs fine ,. . . ............ . .$600 Late model Liberty, a bargain. ' 1917 Chalmers, all gone over in the- shop, reiwinted and has good tires; quality -car at a bargain price. .......... .$885 HUDSON BARGAINS 1916 Hudson super six, overhauled and re- painted, always in private hands, and one that we will give same service and replacements as factories do on new cars ..... ' ..$1250 t s 1918 Hudson super rix, overhauled, re painted, looks ju t like a new car. Many extras; same service and re placements as factories give on pew automobiles: . . . .'. . . . $1800 1918-1019 series lludon siieedster, like - . new .,..'. ;-.,- : , . ,. .81825 V-'---"' i';is rs :'- -.y .:;--u."'--o.y.';.'v":p" ;- '- ;. - We have nouted car department. These bar gains are on ottr ealesroom floor. .,-.'. MAi'LEWOOD. H acre with frnit, ber- I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. . : 6 1 3-0 1 7 Wa hingtn ., . Portland. AUTOMOBILES Ay T ACCESSORIES 44 A LATE DODGE By owner needing cash; look like new. ; Call Sunday. 03 East 03d st N. A MAXWELL touring car In A-l condition; new top; at a bargain for cash. Call 288 East Broadway Sunday or evenings after 6:80. FOR SALK 1920 Pan-American touring rar in Al shape, will sell at about H price. Owner leaving city. Call Monday, 3QH K. Salmon st. 1820 PAIGE-LAnCIIMONTsport model, run only 1450 mile; $100 in extras; Will Sacri fice $500 leas than new price. ' Mr. Argo, Broad way 8281. DODGE TOURING CAR Real nny, in excellent condition, all good tires, spot Hght, bumper, other extras; 1919 mode!; ran onb 7000 miles. Phone Woodlswn 801. LIGHT 6. 1918 read ier, run less than BOO - miles, for sale at a bargain. East 2860. H. F. Kimble. . , ' S185 . ' Light 6 Touring She runs good, tires good, ' look good, he. i your chance- to get a good ear for siwedy nig ot delivery car. Biggest bargain you ever liearJ of. Act quick. 210 Jefferson st. - IXIRT, 5 passenger; good running order; good tires, new top, new rear end, motor over hauled, , hew paint. This is no junk, but good car read for SFrviisr without, extra ex lense. Price $700, some terms Phone owner, Sunday. 0 to 3. Bdwy, 1989. Cole "8," Touring $050 will by a 1916 Cole "8." New paint, good tires, lot of extra, and guaranteed perfect mechanically. I must sell this at once, as 1 am leaving he eity. This wonderful bargain csn I ; be aeen at 128 North Broadway, opposite new pastoffica, Aiik' for Dr. Wotxls Used Car, Bargains . 2 Cadillac 8. real bargain. 2 Twin-6 Packard. 1 Nash 7-passenger. ' i ., 1 Rtilrk, 1918. I 1 Liberty tf, 1919. ! ' j , 1 I'arkard, 1912, 7-passenger. ; :" ". 1 Packard bug. . . -'- r Portland Motor Car Co. , ' Tenth and Burnside sts WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT JULY BARGAINS 1016 FOR n touring. 118 FORD touring. ' ' 1919 FORD roadster. i 1917 MAXWELL touring. . 1918 MAXWELL touring. 1918 CHEVROLET r. model- 490 touring. 1917 OVERLAND roadster, 1917 OVERLANI touring. 1018 OV Kit LAND touring. - 1019 OV Kit LAND touring. 102O OV KB LAND roadster 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT 7 passenger. ,$125 TO $300 FIRST PAYMENT V BALANCE MONTHLY ACCOUNT Some are rebuilt and repainted. . Here's your opportunity to get a good, small standsrd made car at tha price you want to pay. You are assured of fair dealing. . WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO., S. W. COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS ST. PHONE BROADWAY 3535. LOOEC BEFORE YOU-LEAP Buy your used ear from a hoUe of stability where you are sure of a home for yonr car. We hare been in business for "the past 38 years snd our policy is to give our customers a square dtaL W.. offer here a few for yonr approval: 1916 Overland, 5 pass. 4 cyl $ 300 1915 Mitchell, 5 pass.. 4 cyl.. 500 1916 Mitchell, 7 pass., 6 cyl., : good con dition with cord tires, 1911 Mitchell, 5 pa's.. 8 cyL. ....... , . ln"0 1018 Alftchell. 7 psss., 6 cyl.,... 1200 1910 Mitchell. 7 pa-. 6 ryl 16O0 191A Mitchell, 5 pass, 8 eyt .......... 1 500 1018 Mitchtll 3 ies.. 0 cyl.. ....r.... 1200 1918 WUlys-Knigbt, 7 pass, 4 cyL 1230 Several others to select. We overhaul and re paint otfr can when they need it and you ran depend upon whatever wa tell you regarding tnem. No brokerage charges Ws carry all eur own paper. . .. MITCHELL, LEWIS Sc STAYER CO. Broadway at Ererett. Phone Broadway 4675. BIG CUT PRICE SALE D. C. Warren Motor Co. USED CAR DEPARTMENT Main -780. 68-60 N. 23d St , We ar going to dispose of this sp'endid rtock of rood used car at tha very earliest possible mo ment, as we must make room for more trades on our new cars, which eare coming fast. Each of these car has been put in the very finest condition, both mechanically snd as to ap pearance, and will be sold for the same price as you would usually pay for a car tnat baa bad none of the refinixbing and rebuilding work We can civ you a much better car ftr the same money. It will pay you to aest the, cars Hera are a few of them listed for your con sideration: ' ' ,..-.-''. v . - ''-.' May-sell touring. 191 7 ............. .1 475 Maxwell touring, 191 8 .............. B50 Maxwell roadster, I JlS ............ . 725 Overland, 1918, touring, model HO. . . . .. 750 Overland, 19L8, touring 6, model 65., 80O Overland. 1916. touring. model 75..,.. 473 .Overland, 1916. touring, model 88. .... . 400 ituick, 1 Bl 8 touring, B corrf tires new paint I4w Studebaker, ltil7. 4 ryiinler tearing. . j, , . nOO Studebaker, 1918. 6 cylinder toonng.,.; 1000 Mitchell, 1917, touring, 6 cylinder..... 050 Reo, 1918 S cylinder touring .... ..b. 1000 Oldsmobile, 1018. 8 cylii.dc-r touring..,. 1250. Paige. 1918, 7 passenger touring ! . Velie, 1917, 5 passenger touring ...... 800 Velie, 1919, 6 passenger, touring...... 140(1 Saxon, 1017, 5 passenger touring TOO Buy your car from a responsible dealer if you expec to get yon money worth. Each car sold on easy terms and fully guar anteed. . j- - .'i USEB.B0)E1 BARGAINS- 1918 1918 1917 1916 1914 1919 1018 1917 1914 1918 1017 1917 1917 1919 1916 191t - 191 1917 I91V1 1918 119 1917 1918 ROADSTER ROADSTER DELIVEHY DELIVERY CHASSIS . . .$450 : 4 60 . 4 50 8S0 175 TOURING .... TOURING .... TOURING . , .. DELIVERY ... .. SEDAN ...... TOURING .... DELIVERY ... DELIVERY . , TOURING DELIVERY it, . , ROADSTER . . . WORM TRUCK. ROADSTER ., CHASSIS . WORM TRUCK CHASSIS . .... ROADSTER COUPE ...... . . . . 563 ' , ... 495 , . I , 490 .... 330 .... 760 .... 485 .... 23 .... 230 . ... 625 ... 273 . . . 493 . . 600 , . .. 325 ... 195 .... 475 .... 435 ... 873 ... 675 - other bargains - We aim have numerous which might interest you. EASY MIS ' Universal Car Exchange USED FORDS' .EXCLUSIVELY- GRAND AVE. AND E. YAMHILL ST. OPEN SUNDAY. . OPEN EVENINGS. AJTTOMORII.F.S AM) A CCFWSO RI ES 4 1 LATK 191TBriCK'Hght six, 5 pass; wiU'deni onstrate mechanically with any Hun k In Port land. Price $1000 f ir quick sale; terms Mr. Argo, Broadway 8281. A REAL AUTO fi,r$230; don't tliinktT!u this is junk because of prue; ..A iveenger, real leather. nod top. pstnl and tires; fine family orjierrice car. Sell. 1101. 19i8 OVERLAND, roodeiM). ' GoodTea'r non- skid tire ail rouiul. prai-tirally new; only $550. small payment down, balsnre nvntlily. A-l AUTO WORKS ft PAINTING CO., !i23 Alder St. K ESSEX fi S LATH MODEL ESSEX. 4 NEW TinEK S H A WONDERFUL LITTLE. CAR AT S K BARGAIN. TERMS, PHONE . M-VIN K X402. MARSHALL 27ll. X 1 917 "CHEVROLET ,"' 5-1i"s.7"ax elfent me lian-- I'-al condition, all new tires; a genuine bar gain at $403; terms, $150 down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 625 Alder St. A GOOD. iu-rxiKiisite car, a lute elie, g.iod tires and, toji, newly- painted ; tit finished overhauling the motor, and it looks and runs Ilka new; Jrade ill your -Ford or Chevrolet as first payment. Mr. Howard, with A. M. Braver Motor Co., Aider at 12th. Broadway lKr. 19 fl"8 ChevroleT Roadster Here i the .class in the light fotirs, aud this one is fine looking and better rumtiug, and the low prire of $575, with $22.1 down, bill, month ly, will let you drive this Brand rar home. Oivti Sundays. 303 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Co. Buick Roadster Light 4 Here is the class, and there is not aunt her one like it in this lier today, I have had this one refiniahed and full leather top put on and it is as new, and we will allow you the best light four you ever rode in; low price, and we will take the small sum of $325 down, bal. easy. Corue and look a regular roie over. Open Huridiy. 503 Alder at,. Red Front Used Car Co. . YOt'R . OPPORTUNITY TO ACOUIRF. i OVERHAULED OR RERUILT CHANDLER AT A VERY REASON , ABLE PRICE AN 1018 1017 Chandler. 7 pass., rebuilt and guar- ' anleed, good tires $1 500 Chandler chummy, 4 pass., rebuilt and guaranteed, ovcrsixo cord Ores, nearly new .................. 1 550 1917 Chandler. 7 pass.. In find, class con dition, newly painted, new lop; a real snap 1100 1919 Chandler dispatrli. wire wheals, cord tires, luu of extras; iwrlsct condition ... . 1800 1918 lodge touring car, new top: car overhauled, everything in good shape . 950 SPECIAL Chandler, snort model, 2-pass., -specially built body, rat-y linos, wire wheel, cord tires, mechanically perfect; guaranteed 1500 We will take small rar in trade on any rar in above list and make ery easy terms. 1917 1916 1018 Velie, 5 -pass., touring, overhauled, repainted, good tires 1000 Saxon, 6-cyl., overhauled, new top, good Urea 450 Oakland touring, first rlsss condi tion throughout, oversize tires with extra , . .: . 850 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 003-611 Washington St. Alder at lfith St. Main 5125, Brosdway 404. A GOOD SELECTION AT LOW PRICES Michigan roadster $-2."il Reo 4 400 ' Hudson 4 Maxwell . ... . . . 5H0 Maxwell 550 Reo 4 7io Keo 4 ...... 7,V Beo 9 1000 Buick, big 6 . . . . I 100 Cole 8 ......... .... 1400 rslgs- 1200 TRUCKS Ford delivery . .... r .......... . 375 Republic, 94 -ton .............. 450 Denby '. 000 NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder at 18th. AT THE . . -COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT If you hara ever contemplated the mirrhasa of a used car, now 1 the time to tnik. your choice. The . situation at the present time la such that we bare been able tn buy these cars st a much lower figure than former prires, and you may secure a rar, in perfect condition, re built and refinished, for a grsat deal less than ever before. Dodge Brothers cars, for which wa are 1orI dealers, have become so popular, and unfor tunately, bare been ao hard to obtain that we here of necessity become a little more rigid in our appraisal on the tued ears to be, turned tn. Our selling price, based on cost plus re building, and refiniahfng charges, we believe Is a great deal less than the same quality of car can be purchased elsewhere. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS 1918 Touring , . , . . . . . ... $ 795 1917 -ferdfins ., . t $ 1916 Touring ......,.,..,.,.,,.,. 730 1916 Roaustar . . ............ . ... . 750 1919 Cbsus 650 Truck, 2 'tor, new attachment. Cadi Use motor, danJr, only 1400 1914 OVERLAND ', . . . 850 1917 MAXWELL 4ellvery. ..,....... . " 430 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good Urea.. 825 1920 FORD sedan, practically new, wire wheels, extra Ure, and other, ae- tessories, cost over $1300, for sale by owner. ......... 1100 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter ...... ' 775 1916 FORD roadster, good shspa ...... 850 1917 FORD . touring ,.. 425 1918 OVERLAND 90, a remsrkable boy 700 1920 MAXWELL touring,- just like new, bl snap 875 1917 MAXWELL touring 475 1817 REO roadster, good snap ....... . 800 1914 REO touring 600 1910 I'lERCE-ARKOW, would toska a ' ... wonderful bug.. 400 1918 CADILLAC, good sen ice car ..... 400 1917 BUICK touring, rebuilt........ 1050 1918 CHANDLER touring- . 1400 1020 CHANDLER DISPATCH, wira wheels, nearly new. . 2850 1918 COLE 8, a beauty............. 1109 1916 HUDSON , 6 wira wheels, cord tires, new paint............. .650 1918 STUDEBAKER 6, good shape, new top. new paint.............. 100r) 1819 PEERLESS, 4 passenger, a beauty. 2300 ; CADILLACS Tha greatest ear bag been taken to proa-a tha utmost in quality, service, appearance an value, whera onr used Cadillac are . concerned, If you would lik. a heavier car than the one you sr driving possibly wa can arntBga to ao ceot it as part payment on on of Wesa excea lent Cadillacs, Ws Are Open Sonaay , COVET KOTdH CAB CCrpATT Washington at, at 21sU laj, CII