THE UKEUOM. SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, J JULY 18 1S20. REAL F-STATF. FOB SALE FARMS 17 BEAUTIFUL PRUNE RANCH AND SMALL L FARM'. 10 acres rich black loam n In " cultivation, except H acTa of timber, exceptionally veil fenced! and cross fenced, fine water, yournr family er- rhsrd in full bearing, berries and amall -. ' fruita of aU kinds. 4 acres In timothy " and clew, balance In oU. com. pot to, beet and carrots, good 4 -room now.-s, good new barn, new garage, woodshed, chicken house and Jaiki , hoe house. S fine eow, good team, a ho:s. plow, harrow. 2 wamv, a eets harness, cultivator, crosscut aaw aU smell tools too numerous ita mention, only H - mil f rota good town. 2 mile from electric car and 10 mile 1mm Vneonver, on rood auto road, with all rani advantages. Price 84OO0,- half BEACTOTTi SUBURBAN HOME OX PAVED HIGHWAY r 26 acres beat loam soil. o rock or (ravel s'l set to Italian prunes, soms in full beaiini. all kinds of family fruit, amall fruit and berriea; new 7 ruora modem bungalow, with full con crete bs-ement, furnace. fireplace, i built to effects garage, modern chicken bone and park, new bm. equipped with all eonrenieneee. together with . BOO White Leghorn hen, good team, fine ..Jersey eow, wagon. -hemes, disc. -plow, cultivators, and . all neeesssry amall toola to run an upvto-data farm. .Adjoining orchard selling at 81600 an acre; excellent aoil and air drain ace : a beautiful borne, a well aa a mohff maker. -2 mile from Colum bia river, on pared hlgawsy. Price $18,000, terms. -t- J BEAUTTFTJL COCT'TRT HOME ON PAVED HIGHWAY 40 acres, all tillable: 85 acre In hieh (UU of cultivation. :, acre in timber; beat of loam aoil, no Toek or ravel; aU fenced and cross-fenced ; ex cellent water, new bungalow-, large dairy barn, fully equipped with al conveni ences; new alio. 2 chicken houses and park, hog houses and lot; 6 acre In commercial orchard, together with 2 fine dairy cow, large brood eow, chickens,- plow, harrow, cultivator, amall toola, in center of choice i arming dis trict, adjoining highly improved farms, onajieved highway, auto truck line, auto ataee. line and all rural advantages; 2 miles from electric car line, mile to large general store and railroad tat ion, 8 mile from Vancouver, prica $9500, $2500 cash, Iwiance tong time. Aet quickly. Auto waiting for you at our office. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBIA RIVER -, ,f VIEW FARM". '93 acre of the best loam aoil, no rock or gravel. 60 acres In a high state of cultivation, fine spring and. spring stream, 9 acres aet to Italian prunes. mv fl-room bungalow, extra good barn, chicken house and nark, hog houses and lot, a Urge family orchard in full bearing berries and small fruits of all kinds: 5 acres planted to potatoes, 2 'A acre corn, balance) ' oats and clover all fenced and. jBross-fenced, Including riding cultivator two plows. harrows, mower, hay rake, ereara separ ator,, and amall tools of all kinds, com manding a wonderful view of Colum bia river and eurrounding country in a thickly settled and highly Improved district, close to school on main htsrh. ' way. with all rural advantages. This land is exceitionelly adapted to Italian prunes, English walnuts and clover, trice (13.000; half cash.. : . . ' ' STOCKED AND EQClPrED R0 acres, gll tillable. ?5 acre In eiiltivation. rich loam soil, no rock or gravel, fine spring and spring stream in pasture, 8 room, plastered bouse; good tt hole range, attached, some fur niture; also 4 room house, dairy barn, 52x116, fully equipped; two chicken bouses, hog house, dairy, large wood shed, buildings painted, elevated build ing spot, overlooking beautiful little valley; 400 bearing fruit trees,- of which 60 sr Italian prunes; S dairy cows, good team,, harnesa, wagon, back, mower. Iiarrow, separator, tO chickens, and aU amall tools, adjoining crane farms worth tlf00 per acre j in highly Improved district, on main auto .road, only H miles from good town.. I'rke 37000. rULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY , 160 acres, all tillable, rolling enonrh for good drainage, timber for domentio use, best of loam soil, especially adapt ed to prunes, clover, vetch, oata and graseea of all kinds; SO acres in bih state of cultivation and im crop; 20 . a:re more almost ready far the plow; niorft of balance in open seeded down pasture ; well " fenced, mastiy Woven wire ; 1 acre of Italian prunes, Urge family on-hard of assorted fruits in full bearing; large grape arbor and km nil fruits of all kinds; 7 nam house, cement valk and woven ::vnre round houte, dairy with cement floor, garage, granary, large dairy ham, fully equipped, new 100-ton auo, and all other necessary outbids. 12 dairy cows, team, wagon, harnesa, S heifers, mower, rake, disc, harrow, j two plows, cultivator, large DelAval separator, -' 6 pigs, full blood Shorthorn bull, extra horse and sst of harness, alj small tools and crops; fins homejan a money maker; only 4 H miles from good town; on good auto road, with all rural advantages. Price t20.06j0, liberal terms. . 1 - ... ... . . i FIXE nOME WITH PRICE EIGHT 1 9 acres, all In high state- cf cultiva tion; good 7-room bouse, plastered and painted: fine barn, root cellar and . all outbuildings. Personal ! property crmsieta of two cows, three) bead of -brrrces. 2 pigs, dosen chickens, house hold goods, about 20 tons of hay, . plows, barrow, cream separator, cul tivator, and aU small tools. This tract is locsted close to hi eh school, church and store. It. S. D.. and all ru- . ral advantages, on a good rock road. S mile from Vancouver, and is a very fine home; price including everything. So 230. You could not duplicate the buildings for 34000, on half cash. THOMPSON, SWAN LEE. 8d and 2am sts., Vancouver, Wash, 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND S3 acres, located 1 hi miles south of Rideeficid, Washington; 2 acres In crop, over 15 acres caa be cultivajtad. . Place fenced, small creek, well and pump; loam aoil, free -from gravel. S fruit trees) and small fruit. 4 room house 24x24, barn '25x40, chicken bouse. W& tlie plaoa goes 1 horse, 1 cow. 1 heifer; 40 chicken and a line of machinery, household goods and kitchen utensils. County; road, paved, within H mile of place. Over 600 cords of fir wood on the place. Price 32200, 31100 cash. Inspected by Anderson, with JOttN IKUQUSON, UERXOMjUiKB BLIXJ. Si ACRES, 45 acre in culfjivaUOTj: good buiioUna. 6 room house with stone base- : ment, water piped to house and barnyard, good barn; old family rchard; berriee; just east of Portland in Multnomah county, 320:000. 37500 cash, balane long time, at S par cent. A. W. Lambert; 'St-Son Grand are. and K. Aider St. i East 640, 0 ACRES- 15 in cultivation, bottom land; 9 room bouse. srn, woodshed, chicken house: berries fruit. j 'see iu lenoeo. cooa county road. 4k mile from fading point and electric line. Price 32304). v W. F. SCHOOLS V, r ; 612 Main st Oregon City Or. S ACRES. BARGAIN. WEffMfTir la sight highway and red ear. Witch Hazel tat-ioo. 6 miles Beaverton, praotically all tinder nltivation; black soil, weii drained. Acre bear sg orchard, berriea, garden, good 6 room bouse, hick en . house, . barn, garagr 200 White tg. .ems, incubators, brooder, tool, 33000; fan- seUiale poaeeMlon. . ... J. C. CORBIN CO., 140 ACRES at 310 per sere, hear Prineville. . Good soil, over 100 In cultivation; aheap mil dings, spring end creek water, good fences; internment reserve in class A for 400 cattle, fhla- will make a tine stock ranch. This is a are opportunity foe a man to get a start; H ash. balance time. No trade Of not air. Full aformation i . MeCLTJRE A SCHMATJCH CO.. 806 Railway Exchsnge bldg. RIVER; YIEWvBOME : ; i SO acres, with 8 room bouse, bath, bawment. n, wood shed. ' On- highway J. mile from Iregon City. 33500. ,W?, 8. O. DILLMAN. fl4 Tth St., Oregon City, Or.. Neat 8. P. Depot. ; iLACKAMAS county farm, S3 acres crop mud equipment for amall home and cash. Address touts 3, Box 119, Shessvood. Or. , . AKAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS IT Just the" Right Sized - Place" for One Man ' to Farm 68 H neree Ineated a&oit siIIm Mkt nf Lebanon, Oregon, and consisting of about . SB acres 'in, at - present mostly creek bottom land, with i more slashed and rest woodland pasture; house in small an dcotnaina 3 rooms and sleeping porch, with good well water and a stream flowing through part of land ; with barn, sheds and outbuildings, 1 H mile from store, 2 miles from high school; price 34760. vwv ghmi, i?m ib nee long time. LEAVKNOOOD DATI3 Lebanon. Or. 3 ACRES Oregon City: Car Line - All in cult, fin bottom land, all in crop. A fine 6 room bungalow, hardwood t loot), base ment, waab travs. , toilet, city water, - white enameled woodwork, plats glaea look in- class, built-in work. A ennplrt borne; a fine garden: barn, henhouse, fruit, bay for a eow for the winter. This is alt resrljr to more in, make it your noma. A abort distance to the car line, about 3 V blocks. . Price 35500. 33500 down, bal. time. . E. P. ELLIOTT A SO!. ' : . 7th and Main SU.. Oregon City, Or. NEAR BIIXSBOBO, : OREGON 44 acres, located on good road, over 22 acre under cultivation and in crop, good orchard of 40 bearing fruit trees. Woven and barbed wire fences. All the land can be cultivated; balance In heavy timber, about 2000 eorde of wood. 4 room bouse, barn an.JL other buildings. Tele phone and all 'rural convenience. There era a fine chicken houses and large broder house. The place is well stocked and equipped, price 38.100 for everything, in cluding the crop.: 32600 cash, balance for 6 years st 6 per cent JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER ELDO 46 ACRES, locsted on ths main highway in Clackamas county. Oregon. . Good 'clay Inam. 82 acres can -be cultivated. 2JL acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. This road will' be paved thia season. 2 miles from good town. 4 , mile to school, store and poet office. The' crop., is included. Good new 6-room house, ater piped to all the - buildings, from spring, small creek on the place, barn 00x70, garage, rock cellar? chicken bouse. Price 37000) cash., A well' located place, with lots of f roit.' Inspect eby Iavis. with JOHN FERGUSON, tiEIiLDiGEU BLlKi. ' H ERE i IS ; JUST A SMALL RANCH HOME Located at the outskirts of the town of Sweet nome. una county. Oregon, consisting of 10 acres. aU under cultivation with a. 4.nv,m hmu good si r,ed barn and- outbuildings; soil is first ciasa ana win produce splendid crops of any thing planfrd. This little place is sacrificed or i.ju, witn uv caslt payment required. -LEAVENGOOD & DAVIS . Lebanon. Oregon k CONSIDER PORTLAND HOCCE 20 acre, located eart of lreham. 2 blocks from graveled road. - Bight in amall town, close t electric station, all can be cultivated. 17 acres under cultivation, 180O strawberry plants, some other fruit. 4 -room house, some timber for wood. Price 35900; 31000 cash, or consider bouse up to 33500. Personally inspected. Nelson - With ' ' r JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Farm, j Stock and ; ' Equipment 40 teres, near station; all fine, no rock or gravel: good buildings of every kind, en R, F. D. and milk route;, includes 5 milk cows, 2 heifers, big team and all farm tools. Price 37500; a splendid Jittla dairy farm. v Lueddemann : Company 813 CHAMBER OB COMMERCE GOOD REH TtANCH ' 40 acres, located in Marion county. 16 miles southeast of fjilverton, 4 mile to school and po Good 2-room house, barn J2xl8,-"soroe wire fencing. . Spring. Ioggirtg railroad crosses this property and trains make stop there. Over 20 seres can be cultivated, some rock on balance. Small amrnint under cultiva tion, price 3710. 3240 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. :. Cam You. Beat This? You Can't ' ejw, niiH now, 37ra ana crui TTiuainini. cprtntf wtr, lot of mil kinds of fruit, with hnnf. 1 AeV kaaeinsi wss.a 1 11. s. m Lebanon, on good road;. 34000, with but 32000 kmu isuireri. j LEAVENGOOD A DAVIS Lebanon, Or. 350 BEARING PRCNE TREES 42 seres, located 1H miles east of Wood land, Waah.; all fine soil, 35 acres can be eultfvated, 4 acre of standing timber, acre in crop, balance slashed. 20 acres of ' Pasture, wire fencing, 8 room house, shed, bam, small prune dryer. Price 32050; 31950 cash, balance a mortgage on the property at 5. due December. 1022. Inspected by Marsterg, with JOHN FERGUSON, GEHLINGER BLDG. SOUTHWEST pF BEAVERTON SO acres, located on good road, all good land, under cultivation and nearly aU in crop which is included. Good 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, all in fins shape. This is a' fine farm in a. good locality. Price 36900. Equipment and stock on the plsce can be purchased at a sacrifice. Per sonally inspected. . JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ' DAIRY FARM. TOLEDO, OREGON 177 acres, located on Tsquina rivet railroad, very fine up-to-the-minute dairy barn; good house and all outbuildings neces sary; 20 fin cows, horses, hogs, etc Price for everything 316.000. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLET LAND CO. v 203 First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. 40 ACRES 35 in cultivation, 6 room bouse, large barn, other buildings, fruit, ' fenced and cross fenced; macadam road. H mile from aiectria station; crop. Price 37000. W. h SCHOOLET. 612 'Miln fit . Oregon Citv. Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Desirable moun tain home, 60 aeree. 8 44 acrea cleared ; new bouses, splendid soil for walnuts and prunes; magnificent view, 1200 feet elevation; a aum mer and health resort. 6 miles from Columbia highway, south of Scappoose. Writ or call Otto A. MUler, Scappooae, Or., or Edw. Gunderson. 100 ACRES 47 in culUvaUon and in crop, 2 milea from Molalla and H mile from electric lrbe on Silverton road; 4 head of horses, 8 bead cattle, 19 hogs, 60 chickens, oats and wheat in granary, implements nearly new, plenty to run farm; 3125 per acre, or 895 per acre for naked land; 86000 cah, good terms on balance. E. Ft)R SALK arts r oia i ,.; '- tion; 4 miles from Cottage Grove, Or.; good building, daily mail, family orchard, stock and farm machinery, part of crop, Schools close, on main county road. Price 330.000. one-third cash, balance on time at 5 per cent. C. 1L. I'aiker. realty dealer. Cottage strove, or. 490-acre . stock and dairy ranch, 8 miles from town, 40 acrea in crop, 100 acre open land 300 acres, pasture, running ceeek, 9 room bouse, modern, barn and outbuildings, stock, and farm tools, orchard, 4 miles of wire fence; price only 843 per acre, on terms. Reynolds, Rainier.. Or. MOSIER THE' DALLES DISTRICT-"" XV hat is your beat offer? On fine founda tion for chicken ranch, with goat and nogs; 20 acres, vita good buildings, fine well, sur rounding land available. Ask for description. vlmmi.w. . .owfca pw, X'oruana. 40 ACRE fruit and dairy ranch, one mile from station. Drain, Or. All fenced, pleasant house, fine spring Water, lota of barn room, orchard and small fruit. Price 82200; terms to suit JOHN D. PATTEN. DRAIN. OR. 40- ACRES fruit land. 1 mils Oakland; 10 acres improved. 200 bearing fruit trees, acre berriea, 25 grape Tines; bouse, bain, wood, wa ter, cow. Price 33000. Address U. W. Lud wig, owner, Oakland. Or. 10 ACRES, 17 miles Portland. 6 acres ji runes. Tbe crop is heavy and you get it for $2700. Terms, Phone Bdwy, 2877. after 10 e. m. Sundsy. or 8-291, Journal. - . 300 ACRE farm, bay, grain and cattle. 24 acres under free irrigation, near school bouse and five miles from town and railroad. . For sale by owner, C. F. Oallegsn, Dufur, Or. IRRIGATED government lands open for settle ment in California, homestead or desert, $33 water right. . F-885. Journsl. FOR SALE 80 seres. 13 in cultivation: bars. eutbuildings and orchard; in Clackamas court ty Owne Woodlawn 4619. FARM land for sale: buildings, cows; 5 miles west of Kelso, Write J. D. Busk, owner, Kelso. Wash. ; ' . ... REAL ESTATE FOB SALK FARMS CANADIAN PACIFIC BT. LAND Tour last otntamtv In Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park ls4 open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford excellent shelter for stock. Her grain crowing, dairying and livestock raising are being carried on successfully. ' Tbe country is ideal for mired farming. Tbe Cansdisn raeiiie railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands in Uoyd minster and Battleford district. This fertile land will become the bom of thou sand of prosperous farmers. On similar land Heater Wheeler grow the world's -prise wheat Near Uoydminster the world's prize oata have been grown, and batter of tbe highest quality is made. A man can soon become lsdepenoent en a farm in this district. These lands can bought now at prices averaging about 318 an acre. Yon pay down . 10 per cent If land n purchased under .settlement conditions, so far ther payment of principal until end of fourth year; alien 16- annual payments. Interest is 6 per cent. Arse thousands of acres of irrigated tanos in souuiern Alberts at fao per acre, nn which the Company will loan 32000 for im provements to approved purchasers, with 20 year to car for land and loan. Landseskers' ex cursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Al berta, err Saturday, July 24. . Redaeed railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pa cific Railway Co., 208 Railway Exchange bldg.. u. p. morntnn, district representative. 40 ACRES. aljin crop ; beautiful 7 room bun galow, basement, fireplace.swater system, elec- trio lights in all buildings, good barn, stsn- enione for zu cows. 2 si low. all fenced, remily iruit, mue from Independence, walking distance of Oregon State normal; en rock and paved mad; crop goes. Price 314.300: will sell 20 Jersey cows and complete euuipment very reaaonaoie, Andres me or come at once to Ksiem. ur. U. D; Socolofsly, 841 State st. ti i'KA FINE home, 14 acres all in fruit and high state cultiv.Uon. Will net owner good Income. . Just outside ot V'sneouver, mile car line, on auto md. Good house, packing bouse and other building. ; Lena than 11 miles fith and Washington, Portland, pavement all the way. urooa grade school across road. Electric llrhta gnd other conveniences. 316,000. Only avuu easn, oslsnce easy term. ATKINSON & POUTER 112 West 8th St, .Vancouver. Wash. ' eti trom owner, 4u acres, running water, good road, close to Portland, new buildings. 32500 will handJe. Phone Main 1721. FOB BE7TT FARMS 14 WASHINGTON FARM i 60 acres all level. 62 acrea under plow. r fam ily orchard, all fenced and cross fenced, 4 milts from railroad. 12 miles from Vancouver, good road. 2 wcUs, 6 room bouse, large barn, gran ary, milk house, hut house, etc.. lease 5 yesre. 8300 per year. Personal property and cspps for ssie. Binder. mower, rake. . barrow, disc, plow. cultivator, clod masher, eider muL wagon, buggy, gas engine, feed cutter and separator, one extra fine team, a colts, a good milcb cows, l-year-oia steer.' 8-moiiths-old heifer, calf. 10 hoc. 80 hens. 2 tons hay.i S gcres wheat. 12' acre retch. 2 acres winter oata. 8 acre spring oats. Price 32500, 31500 cash, balance terms. KENT . TTJALATTN KIVEtt FARM 215 acres, 104 sent bottom land, 150 sere Under plow, 10 acres bea verdant, near school, soil is Al, all fenced, mostly woven wire. 20 miles from Portland, near school, gravel road. Z wens. good 7 room bouee. bath, toilet,, etc., good dairy bam, stanchions for 40 cows, new silo, zou tons, dairy house, lease for 6 years, 82000 per year. Personal property and crops for sale, 5 horsea. 37 good oows. 1 bull. 4 heifers, calves. All farm' fng implements complete, gae engine, milking machine, cooler, 1 steam boiler, etc. 1 6 acrt corn, 60 acres oats and vetch. - Price 815.000 37000 cash, balance terms. - CLOSE-IN DAIRY FOR RENT 140 seres, nearly all level, 40 acres tinder plow, 13 acres beaverdam, 100 acres fine pas ture, some berries, family orchard, Al soil, all wen lenced. i mile from K. M and school, i spring and creek.. Al graveled road, good Al 9 room house.: dairy barn holds 34 cows,' also horse barn, water piped to all bldirs., 1 silo, ma chine shed, garage, dairy house, etc. 4 Will lease for 0 years, 3135 a month. Personal property for sale, 31 Al cows, 1 registered bull, horses, 1 pig. 7 heifer calves, 8 dosen chickens, mower, disc, rake, 3 wagons, plow, harrow, 3 cultivators, 2 fag engines, milking machine, 1919 Okbraobile track, dairy outfit, boiler, washing vats, oooler, steriliser, etc, 13 acres sunflowers. Price 812, 000; 3000 cash, balance to auit- EASTERN OREGON RANCH . .1 i MORROW COUNTY 480 acres, all fenced, 155 .acres fall wheat, 60 or 70 acres in other crop and 100 acres of rented ground adjoining go with the place, with 60 acrea of rye for pasture, for sale and in cluded with the following personal property: 1 drill, 1 header, 8 foot disc, 3 bot, plow, one 3 bt. 14-lnch plow, 36-foot wooden harrow, one 20-foot steel barrow, 2 wagons, harness for. 8 head of horses, 11 bead of work bones, span 2-year-old mules, 1 yearling Thd one 3-year-old mule, 3 colts, 5 cows, two 2 -year-old heifer. 1 ealf. Price for1 crops, stock- and implements, $8005. Will lease for a term of years for easb ' or shares. ' - -. - v : i DAIRY FARM ISO ACRES 80 acres level, 73 acre under plow, family orchard. A 1 soil, all fenced, 1H miles to It. H. station, mile to school. 82 miles to Port land, spring, creek, good barns, all outbuildings, 1 silo 12x34. rent 3 years, $50 per month. Per sonal property and crops for sale. Some house hold goods, mower, disc, harrowi 2 hone cultiva tor, manure spreader. 2 wagoos, 1 nek, 2 bug gies, rake, cream separator, 2 harrows, combina tion seeder and wheel ioe, set work harness, sin gle harness, 4 plows, fanning mill and small tools, 12 head roiieh cows, Jersey snd Holstsins, S purebred Jersey heifers. 2 grade Jersey heifers. 1 purebred bull. 3 good horses. 1 brood sow with 9 piss, 7, sboats, 1 boar, 60 cliickns. 45 acres of clover. 15 acres of grain, etc Price for all 34500; $3000 cash, balance to suit COLCMBIA RIVER DAIRY This farm does not overflow, 630 acres, 350 acres under plow, fair 6 room house, good dairy barn with stanchions for cows, 2 BO acres fine pas ture, rent 6 years, 8250 -per month. Personal property and crops for sale as follows: 240 acre corn, 80 acre spuds,- 30 acres rye, 50 sores ready for Seeding 109 tons straw, 6 horsea, 1 corn planter. Price 312.600, $6000 cash. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM 230 acres, 100 acres level and 'under plow, 60 acres irrigated and 4n alfalfa, sli kinds fruit, Al soil, sll well fenced, 5 miles f rem R. R. on Rogue river, barn '60x100, no bouse, but owner will build house for rod tenant, 40 ton silo, aril lease for 5 years, 31500 per year, 100 acres crops, 10 cows, 2 hones, some tools for sale cheap. There i a fine bouse across road that can be bad till new bouse is built SMALL. DAIRY IN PORTLAND - 7 H acres close in. all under plow, family or chard, all kinds berries, Al sandy soil, S block from oarline, city water, good 5 room house, 2 barns, all outbuildings, lease 3 years $25 month. Personal property for sale. ; potato digger, 2 horse plow, 2 cultivators, 3 wagons, new Ford delivery ear, milk cooler, steam boiler, washing vat, crates, bottles, etc., incubator and brooder, 10 Al cows, horse and harness, 5 dozen chickens, 4 0 chicks, 23 geese, 9 pig?, 2 sows, 1 boar, 2 fat hogs, 3 pig. 6 months old, 4 acre clover, Vt acre corn, acre wheat, 1 acre kale, 1 acre oats. Price 34000, 82700 OAh. Income now $400 per mo. GRESHAM FARM - 40 acres, 89 acres under plow,' berries and family orchard, A 1 soil, all fenced, Al road, 2 wells, good 5 room' bouse, rood dairy barn with 16 stanchions, lease 3400 per year. .Personal property for aisle; 2 wagons, 3 plows, narrow, disc, roller, potato planter and digger, com plant ar, kale planter, 3 eultivators, weeder.i mower, rake, hsy forte and ropes, spring wagon, buggy and harness, root cutter, ensilage cutter, 12 h. p. engine, silo 10x32, milk cooler, buckets, ma nure carrier, 2 separators, 16 10-gaUon cans, 3 good Jiorses, 2 eet harness, 12 extra fine Hol stein cows, Holstein ball, 2 heifers, 2 calves, household furniture. - Price $6000. $3000 cash. 1 balance terms. . IIAiUI FA KM 10 miles from Portland, 185 acrea, all gentle rolling, 40 acres under plow. 100 acres open a (go tup pasture, on-hard, all Al soil, all fenced. 2 good springs, Al road. 1 well, good 8 room house, 2 bams, 1 dairy and 1 hone barri, all outbuildings; rent 5 years, $500 month. : Per sonal property and crops for sale, 3 plows, har row, cultivator, 2 spring wagons, 1 .farm wagon, separator. 7 A 1 cows, & heifers, sow and 9 pigs, 2 ahoats. 2 horsea, 4 dozen chickens,. 8 acres wheat, 10 acres oats, 18 acres hay, 4 seres spuds. Price 32200. $1200 cash, balance terms. , A. G. BENDER BITTER. LOWE A) CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' 320 Acres for - Rent $75 Per Month Thia is an In cultivation or open pas ture, with the exception of a few acres, some hsy and corn, and silo for sale.. Price $1250. SEB MR. BLAIR WITH '' 1 THOMPSON, SWAN LEE. Sd and Main sta,, Vancouver, Wash. FARM FOR RENT, PERSONAL FOR SALE 4 horses, harness, wagon. 2 dandy good cows, 50 chickens. 2 hogs, all tools and machinery: 1H acres in orchard; 3 acrea. c Wiser; about 12 acres in oats; goods 4 room house, barn, all outbuildings; water piped to buildings from spring; paved road to the place, en mail route and milk route. : The rent on this -20 acrea is 8150.. a, year. Price, including rent to ApriL 1921. 81330. STEWART BT7CK 5 815 Northwestern Bank Blldg. ' k' VK IR SJ.U:-1-11, T.MU. 1 I ftfl r .M .1M. rtli l.m. .lu W... 1 . M timber, poultry layout, 2 dwellings, fruit, horses and equipment. State experience and number in family in reiuying. Box 1051. Raymond, Wash. 90ACRES; 55 acres in cultivation, with, good - building, crop, stock and equipment. 33550. W7ilbnr J. Jouno, Henry bldg. .- : - - 80 ACRES. 80 crrincultivation, near Car. roil'a; good buildings, crop, stock snd equip ment; $4000. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry- bids. 80 ACRES, 30 acres in cultivation, near Craw ford: stock, i crop and equipment; $1500. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bid - EEAL ESTATE FOR RENT FARMS 240 ACRES, rent 3100 per month. 34 - high grade milch cows, 1 registered ItolHtrin bull, 3 bead of good work . horses, barnesesa; wagon, discs, plows, harrows, ensilage cutter and blower. 75 to 109 tons of hay; enough corn in to -fill the silo; all small toola and dairy equipment Price 38500, 34000 cxh. balance good terms. This place - is -a money maker and the personal prop erty is sll the very best. - 8KB MR. 0'AIR WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d and Alain st., Vancouver, Waah. WANTED TO RENT Mr. Farmer, don't wait till the last minut to rent that farm. You wonld be surrised to see Ui amount of good farmers I have appealing to me to rent tliera farms. Send ma description of your place. I can rent it at once. - Don't delay. Borne of them will buy personal property. - . ? A. G. BENDER, RTTTER, IX) WB dt CO., j 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. - GARDEN land to lease, 0 miles from court- . house, on ol. blgfawsy. See Mr. Taylor, , with L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. FARMS WAHTEll- FEST OH Bl.Y S- HIGH CLASS FARM WANTED v We have a .client wanting from 40 to 60 acres, well Improved, with modern bouse of not less than 5 rooms. Property must be on a good road and within 20 mile of Portland, on tbe Oregon aide. W'lil go aa high aa -3 16,000. . Does not nave to be equipped. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG.' "..' ' ' FARMS WANTED We are turning cash buyers for farms and acreaas away from eur office every day "because we cannot supply their wants. Why not let 178 sell YOU1& farm and . acreage for youf WE are tbe oldest and one of the most re liable firms in Portland. See SAM MEWKI, at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Com meree bldg., ground floor. - ------- - - WE WANT" CLOSE-IN FARMS AND ACREAGE If you went to sell it costs nothing to let tts know. - Personal inspection and Individual at tention. - J. O. CORBIN CO., 805-6-T-S Lewis bldg. I WANT to rent or lease a farm 50 or 60 acres, ot ever 20 mile from Portland. Must be good soil and on good road. Possession about October 1. Address It. I. 8, Bog 188. Salem. 6 ANYONE wishing to sell chicken ranch, improved. . some fruit,- shade; describe fully: pnee and household goods; immediate possession. W. H. Skelly,;Alsea, Or. - '- - .- - - - - WAXTEDTO RENT Farm, ebont 100 acre or more; will buy personal property; within 50 miles of Portlsnd, near nigh and grade schools.- 8-292, JoumaL ' TIMBER 28 GOOD country mill, with planer snd horses, cheap stumpage, on S." P.; money maker. Owner. 714 Couch bldg. ; PILING WANTED ABOARD 8." P. "" O. V GAMBLE, Couch bldg.. Portland. FOB SALE OR KXCIIAXCE HEAL: ESTATE 85 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 130 acres of the finest land in Washington, right en psved Pacific highway and near good railroad town. 75 acres cultivated, 60 acres In crop and - 40 acre in fine pasture, some timber, family orchard, black loam soil fenced snd cross fenced, lots of wster, good 8 room house, large barn and other buildings , and all in fine condition; completely stocked and equipped with 2 horses, 1 colt, 7 fine cews, 4 fine (heif ers, chickens, 2 wagons, .binder, mower, , rake, plows, cultivators, disc,, spike, and spring tooth barrows and all small tools to handle the place. This fine farm belongs to : - widow who is not able to handle it properly and therefore will exchange it for a email, well located and improved acreage or a bouse and. lot in Port land ss part payment snd ' give long time on the balance if you have enough cash to sweeten Op tbe deal and you will get all of the personal .' property and crops which are all fin and lust the same as cash in hand, and the price is very low, being just a little over 8100 per acre for everything. Come in and 1st' talk this over and I will put you in right, I also hate 13 acres of fine land within 17 miles of the heart of Portlsnd, with fine bunga low and two barns and other outbuildings, fine family orchard, five Acres cultivated, all fenced, that the. owner wants to trade for a good house and will pay the difference in cash or assume, and this is another bargain at $4000, and cheaper than anything can be bought in the vicinity. The Shriners are gone, now let's get busy and do some business to otir mutual benefit. A. J. PRESTON. 502 Spalding bldg. : -'Portland, Or. Phone Main 87TI8. 80 A3RE8 Near Junction City, good 2 mora house, large barn; 16- acres in cultivation, fine stock proposition; will sell or trade for Portland rrorwrty or ' take car - on payment Marshall 58B2. . - 20 ACRES in 2-year-old prunes; 3H mile from Snt Rosa, Cil. ; good buildings; will exchange for in or near Portland. Harry Ball, 431 Lumber Exchange. Main 1861. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t Wheat Farm for Trade - 2080 acres in Umatilla county, 1700 acre in cultivation, 700 in crop; good buildinga and well; rented for one-third of crop; owner owe $50,000, all payable out of the crop; will take property for his equity. Price $40 per acre. Lueddemann ; Company 918 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEST SIDE, INCOME PROPERTY 6 flats, bringing in big income on invest ment; walking distance from down town; good location. Price only $8000. Will accept some exchange. ' . - . JohnsonDodson Co. f!33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. 154 ACRES in Colorado, price $22.50 per acreT - equity $2000. -Will trade towards small im proved place near Portland, up to $5000 and pay cash difference. Lueddemann Company 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5 Home Wanted s ; I have four 5 -acre tracts near' 82d and Clackamas sts tion. .Will trade for bouse equity. Phone Auto. 219-19, TWO acres, all in cultivation, jut outride city limits on Killingsworth are.; fine soil. 5k II or exchange for house and iols on Mount Scott car o other district; $3000. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. "' 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Blain 6752 Ranch Near; Eugene ' 40 acres good soil, all in cultivation ; house, barn, outbuildings, well, fruit, fenced, good road : no debts. Trade for city or suburban to $4000 or gaooo. J. K. Wolff, 4l Mensr bldg. 1 ACRE, fine crop. 3 room house, city water. cellar, good chicken 'house, 44th and Janet, 1 block north of Killingsworth are., to trade for 5 ot 6 room house. ' R, No. 1, box 3ti0, Fortland, Gre.- FOR SALE or trade: unencumbered residence property located at Woodburn, Or. ; larj house, fine lot, near Southern Pacific and Oregon Electrio raxTways. ' Address 361.Glsin ave., PortlarHl. , - WANTED -Improved city lot or house and lot in exchange for Cole automobile, 1918 mod!; first class condition. Will pay difference. Z-411, Journal. . WILL rade 4 acres and 5 room house 1 on Oregon Electric, 9 miles from city, fare' 9", for smaller place. : What hare youf F-147. Journal. GOOD 6 room bouse, corner lot, garage: $3500. Want improved 6 . acres worth $2000; de scribe fully. Prefer Newberg or Hillaboro dis trict A-96. Journal. - EXCHANGE. - 160 acres splendid Minnesota land. What nave youf Owner, W. Tfcalls, 225 E, 37th st, Portland. t - -. $160O 120 acres. 100 acrea can be farmed; 9 has been farmed ; oU of wood, good soil. Sell or trade for fsrra near Portland; terms. W. H,' Richard, Pilot Rock, Or. WILL EXCHANGE dandy 68 acres at Tigard , for Income property. 353 Yamhill st, tailor snop. ALBERTA land. Improved; plenty range, not in dry belt; $35. What hare you? Spears, ; tioraett sr.. rortsaTyi. 68 ACRES, near Silverton; good buildings. Will take bouse to 300 as first payment, balance to suit. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. WHITE pressed brick 8 room modern home in Boise, Idaho, for sale or trade f or . small house In Portland. 8-294, Journal. WILL trade lot, 50x120. at North Fair Oaks, San Mateo county, CsL. for light auto, piano or lot. a r.. - istn street soma. WILL TRADE Portland property for machinery. atocK ana lease on larm. walls, walla coun try preferred. Wdln. 1310. .... . 1918 HUDSON to trade for or part payment on farm. . Win. Stennett. 90 Ea.t 69th. north. Tabor 8375. GROCERY and city property to trade for ranch to $6000. H-743, Journal. CASH ami city property for. residence or ranch. Tabor -66L - J ; 40 ACRES irrigated land, trade for house, in Portland. Main 6223. PORTLAND property for small fruit tract. Walla WalU valley. .Woodlawn 1810. ' REAL ESTATE" " E-XCHANGK REAL ESTATE Fl If You Wish to Change Climate, Trade for These Good dairy ranch, thickly settled . part of Northeastern Washington, short , distance from Spokane. 160 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, 20 acrea seeded to timothy .end clover, 83. acres bea verdsxu; all extra good aoil; about 60 . acrea bottom land, slightly rolling; good house, bam. other buildings; 10 good cows, crop, stock and machinery. , - If taken at once price 86000.. Only 34000 wit hoot cows. Will trade for : acreage near Vancouver or Vancouver : ; ; property. ATKINSON & PORTER. 112 West 6th at. Vancouver.. Wash. Exchange ' . Hog Ranch Wanted ' Or piece of land close to Portland, that - will do, I have tliree good piecea of land in Washington, some good buildings, some orchard. Will trade one or all of these .. pieces if t can find what I want. Call Rector. Auto. 311-50. - SELL OR TRADE FOR f CITY' PROPERTY 15 H .acres in Washington county, all under cultivation and crop on shares; good bouse, barn, chicken house, pigpen. Thia' place can be bought on easy terms snd bnyer caa have benefit of present crops, rrtce $3500.. '' ' A. W. Estes 909 Chamber of Commerce. Orchard Tract for Trade 9 .Lie. ner jUFsunon, ail in 1 -year-Old apple trees, in fine condition, all irrigated: modern vt iuudi muiKuim, eurae octtito - situ a.iperasus: price 85000. WW trad for property in or near Portland. .-.-; Lueddemann ; Company . 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5 $3500 5 room buneslow. fireolaee. all built-in. complete kitchen, nice lawn, roses, some fruit, on hard surfaced street, all liens paid. Want Close in acreage. Johnson-Dodson Co ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg.? - '-' Main 8787, WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 Over $1,800,000 Worth OP HOMES SOLD Since January 1, 1920, by FRANK L. MC.GUIRE- - LARGEST HOME SELLERS. ON . THE PACIFIO COAST . Ton want results? Try our live, efficient method of home Selling. Our Record: i 86 homes sold .last year. 9 homes sold in one day. 110 homes sold in Msy. SiiXlbnKiM SAbt 1a At thl se Have you a house to sell! It's sold If listed with, us. Well per-onslly inspect, APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH your houte within 24 hours after being listed. The photograph of your' house will be displayed in our large show room, which is continually throMed with live, earnest home buyers. If 'you ean't come down. telephone. We'll gladly call. Our only charges are she standard commission of 8 per cent in the event oi a saiiaiactory sale; is experienced sales men with autoe to work on the sale of your home. see - QFRANK L. McQUIRE , To Sell Your Home ' ' "' Ablngton bldg. Main 1068. Is Your Home for Sale? : Yes; otherwise you would not read this column; we are selling bouses and need vmira. We work hard and advrrtise extensively, promising good service. ui) A lilAMJfi. A. W. Estes . 9.09 Chamber of Comfnerce. Main 8485. HELP WANTED I need your bungalow now. Have two special clients that must have homes st once. On Rose City or Alameda, 6 rmi. and garage up to 86000, mostly cash. One, any good district, 5 rms. up to $5000. $1500 down: must be on paved st - This mean strictly business. What nave youf Ask .for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO., YEON BLDG. Small , Tracts Wanted ,WB SPECIALIZE on mall tracts: if price no uprms are reasortatne, wilt inspect at once. A. W. -Estes 900 Chamber of Commerce. " Main 3485. READ THIS! Have you a lot to sell List with as for results! Now is the time to sell. Ask for V. i niensrason, lot DEPARTMENT, with FRANK L. McQUIRE TO LIST TOUR LOT Abington .Bhlg. Main 1068. , 8rl Street, Between Washington and Stsrfc. : Want . Cheap Acrea sre Have clients for severs! tracts of cheap land. a to au per acre, wasnmgton or uregon, A. W. Estes . 909 Charabef of Commerce. Main 8483. OUR BUSINESS is selling Esst Side prop erty. List your house and lota with us. J. 3. OEDER CO. 4 Grand ave. N. near E. Ankeny. Phone East 61. W'E APPRAISE and photo your home free. List with ua for Immediate results. : We can use your heme now, i, ' ' J,-A. Wickman ; Co. 264 Stark it Main 588 and 1094. Wanted at Once - Shacks and cheap houses oa reasonable terms any part of oltyj buyers .waiting. . - i A. W. Estes ' - o 909 Chamber of Commeroe. Main 8485."' WANTED to buy, few acres of land, near nver on coast in trregon or vvasnington. - Aa ares - , .. , -- - . "W. U VARXEY, Hotel Chamberlain, Portland, Or. PARTY wants up-to-date bungalow in Rose City Park, prefer corner lot; most all cash; I am an agent, but have several good prospects and can sea your property if the price is ? right. i -Oils, journal. - - - YOCIl property farm or city is for sale or exchange. It will pay you to see . A. K. HILL, MS t.tiTnhrmmi ?lMr LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE SERVICE - NOTICE Want 6 room house with 2 or S lot, with fruit; gleoo to 500. Must be good buy. see A. rv. rim, zid i,umoermens tHdg. YELLS 'SIX touring car as first payment' - modern bungalow,-Call Woodlawn 6976. f WANT a bargain in fractional lot, with ot ' without bouse, south . of Mortgomery street. between Ctrl snd 20th ts. H-78, JrmroaL WANTE1 6 room bungalow, have one acre on ''' the Woodstock car line, all cleared, part under cultivation; some easn. stray. 631. -"--.'-.' WILL BUY 15 to 20 acres with improvements must be close to good road and ear line. Jvol more than 15 mtlea to Portland. F-153.- WANTED for cash, about 1 acre close to car Bull Run water, Lcius, Journal. KOOMI50 HOrSES. APARTMENTS AM) HOTELS FOB, SALE 63 HOCSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ' 25 rooms, income $276. rent 873: $2800. 25 rooms, income 3350, rent $112.90 $2800. s - 18 room, income $280, rent $65; $2500. 15 rooms, income $165, rent $60; $4650. 14 rooms, income $150, rent $54); $1500. 12 rooms, tneome S105, rent $40; $900. 10 rooms, income $100, rent 830; $900. '11 rooms, income $115, rent 835; $1100. -TRANSIENT BOOMING HOUSES 10 rooms, rent $30; $850, 12 rooms, rent $30; 1200. ; 15 rooms, rent 885; $1095. 16 rooms, rent $85; $1200. COOVEft A HOLMAN 822-3-4 Failing bldg., 3d and Wash. Open 12 to 8 p. m. today. .Owners Take Notice - When yon get tired havitig, others trying to sell you out list it with toe old reliable J. BRHOE GODDARD, MAIN 4567. No after trouble when he look after it for you. TRANSIENT house, close to Wash. st. JA rooms, on corner, turns away 20 people a day, A1 sold at once $1600; pay $500 down. Peters, of course, 1S T. 5th st. NICE little 10 room house on Broadway, near Harrison, rents 'o: nice nome, witn good tnoome. CaU Marshall fS8,2. '" 14 ROOM room ft g house on 6th and Mail, ' Showing good income. Economy Realty Co., 243 4th st - I AM a newcomer and I want to buy direct from owner a rooming or apartment house; have the cash tq pay for one. Call Sellwood 2552.. BOOMING house, Vf rooms, close in, west side, H. K. suites; strictly clean, well furnished; snap: giiou; easy terms, usnana, -zui a. FOR RESULTS in aelling your zouuung ttuue ot hotel, call Main 8160. B00MIXG HOrSF, AFARTME3CT9 AND HOTELS FOR SALB pacific-Agency,' inc. S12-13-14-15 Swetlsnd Bldg. Portland, Or. , -Apartment - 80 apartments; fine west side location ; 2, 8 and 4 room apartments; fine furnish ings, electric elevator, furnace heat and -telephone included in rent. Rent 6600 per month, with song lease. Terms to re epanaible 'party, . - 'Apartment $17,500"' 49 apartments, east aide loeatten: 2 and 8 room apartments: ml furnace, good oak furniture and modern in every re aped. Net profit better than 8930. Rent $500, with good lease; $8000 will handle. Hotel " $12,600 . " 42 rooms, close to heart of town. All good furniahlngs; 9 'private baths, auto matic elevator. Bent $300. Terms to right. party. : - . - . Hotel 50 rooms, Washington street location; '"all front rooms, furnace heat ; good fur- - nishinga and strictly modern. Rent 8300, with 3 year lease; 8790O will handle. - ' Rooming House ' $3800 Sir 4 room apartments and 14 sleeping rooms, east aide location. Net income $800. -Rent $80 with lease, : Rooming. House. ' v- $2500 . IS rooms, aU good furniture and car pet. Receipts run around 8125. Rent $78; $1628 will handle. - , Rooming House . ". $2000 22 rooms, close in on west aide, clear ing 8170 per month. Rent $90. PACIFHC AGENCY, INC. 612-13-14-18 Swetland Bldg. Portland. Or. ' Get in My " Automobile and I will eomfortyily and quickly shosr you trie real , uujs ODauiaoie. Square Deal Guaranteed 9 pretty rooms: $1000. H cash; medem. clean and new; west side; -this place is worth mere. 11 room, Nobhill district; $930. terms; first time offered; a bargain. 10 rooms; $900, easy terms; .clean and well furnished. m , . ' 12 very beautifully furnished room; $1823 en easy term; this is very sice; central; rent $30; dandy. 11 rooms; whole price $500; rent $20; aide. - . , . - .14 rooms. White Tempi district; $1400; a real money-mker. 21 very elegantly furnished, strictly "moderns Nobhill: never been offered since first furnished; this will suit the very elite. 22 rooms on 1 floor; 9 room on 1 floor; 27 rooms on 1 floor; 23 "rooms on 1 floor. and othsrs of the kind, over stores. 12 rooms near Montgomery Ward'; 19 rooms rear Northwestern Steel; 14 rooms in industrial district. r. ; . 44 rooms; rent $75, leas $3300, clears $250 month; dean, good. 42 rooms; long lease; bgck; clears $260 month; price $4000, terms. B0 modern, west sid rooms; $6000; only takes 82500 to handle this: this place is msk ins $400 month, and ought to sell for $8000, Buy now ymi can slway ell for more in the fall. Rooming bouse business is better now then it has. ever been, and it will be good (or 5 years to come. k . See the Old Reliable " X Bruce Goddard 501-502 COUCH BLDG. BARGAIN HUNTERS 1 It ATE . .- ' BMGAIRS i , . - 23 ROOMS $1050, elt housekeeping, . low rent, terms near Auditorium. . 19 ROOMS $1850, terms, all housekeeping ; i good and clean, big income. 20 BOOMS $2350 cash. You can sell this at profit soon; 8Z0V net every so days. 10 ROOMS ' $1350, terms: neU $60: White, Temple dis trict; osk furniture, jow rent, houseaeepsng ; nice home. . Notice change of offic: J. EUGE.VCX. HEDGES. 201 W. PARK. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS- 27 rooms, brick 1ldg. on VV'ssh. sr., cheap rent. Si years lease, pnee gXB.o; terma, 17 rooma.on corner, heart of city, dandy yard, always fulL' -Price $1200: terms. 1 1 rooms,. White Temple district, on corner, light airy rooms. Price $765; terms. 1 1 rooms in heart of West Side, dean, neat, modem, all for $645. We furnish three-f ourths of : money to buy wnn. jomt) ana see our list, refers, is in. otn. SEE our lists of hotels, rooming and epartment house; erfi prices, an nizea, all locations we can locate Quickly. . You will ' be pleased witnour service. . MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDVj. Bt'SIJf ESS OPPORTr?llTlE. 26 WILL EXCHANGE excellent - oomblnatton oonfectionexy - store. doing fine - business Lproperty, 2 story store building 48 i' K a i jt i. t, -1 . . . . ,, wo. viwipvis usu iwts; a - store room renieu, ouier occupied by business: cement walk: on on of the best interurbsn lines; will exchange for city property or farm land, equipped. Will pay cash difference to 610.000. Ownsr. P.'O. box is a, uregon city, or. DETROIT, the greatest place oa earth -to mak - money. ask lor booklet, which tells you how you can make 60 rer cent on vmi r monn Take your profits weekly or monthly. Absolute security. ' xras will interest, the shrewdest busi. Bess anan. BANKERS FINANCE CO., 83-85-87 State street, Detroit, Mich. FOR EXCHANGE Gilliam county wheat farm or i4vv sores witn good buildings; moat of this fine ranch In eurtl ration. Will sell for cash- or exotiange for Willamette valley stock lira up to ssu.uou ana some cash. Crop, stock and farming implements go with ' this deal. or further informstion .- see - W. - . White cc Co.. 703 H First t., Newberg, Or. FOR SALE Tbe best grocery and feed busi. ness, in best location in Portland; business veraees aawou per month year around; -e tablisned 10 years and only one change in-own ersbip; no competition. This place will only be advertised once, so act quick. . Best of res hons for wasting to sell. . Owner, -624, Jour- HAVE YOU THE, ENERGY. And a little money f , Tnea eome in and let us connect you up with a wood deal- where you caa make soma real money tnta winter. - - - Have excellent chance to show yon, WEST SIDE REALTY CO.. 164 West Park St ' STEAM LAUNDRY ' Modern, with .32 machines insfsDed and In operation. The only laundry hi this little city of 7000 people, with a payroll of $400,000 per ma. Thia laundry la taking in $1000 per mo. isiun wui nanoie tne aeai. 701 Stevens bldg. Msin 8798. HARDWARE store, in Portlsnd, doing a good Dnsineea, tor sale, owing to tne owners sod den death. Msy ; tske improved property in ex change. Loring K. Adams. 730 Chamber of Commerce building. - - " OKLAHOMA Olh INVESTMENT Some individual holding for ssie in A real producing, company. Actual production Dow and valuable holdings, under competent management. tjau East b3 for particular. - - GROCERIES end wUctoT clear profit $225 per month, with a oetter future than any prospect in tne city; rent do. witn o uvrrrg rooms and garage. Investigate tills at once. Call CoL 706 1858 Columtria blvd. SALE or -trade, business building in Molalla fine location- for millinery snd drewmtkinsr. sHne-s. furnishings, etc. J. R.-Wolff. 419 Henry BUircitng. - ---- ' - - DEN TaL practice. Old establuhed practice and eqntrmient for sale: good location. Call be fore 11:30 ja. m. Wdln. 1283. 7SS Kerby at. nrsrESs ofronTCJtmts CITY UARAGK- - i Brick tmlldlns:. space for hawing 50 cars; fullv eaulDoed with all ; necessary machinery. including vulcanising plant and wash trays; of tne pest locations in in city ana au me business) that four meb can handle; Irase st $76 Tier month. Tins is the best in roruauu for $4300. - FOB BALK ' " ' -r. er-. I .l Mnn&n with m.TTt-vo-rr-rlrid. rer- rU wheal. Wurlitaer oraana. side ahiTwa. freak animals, snakes, extra tops and complute parasJ Phemalia, now in operation, unaer ennnrui, management, with booking for future fair dates, etc. Will sell en account of dissolution of partnership.' Price 68000. Would eost more than double to duplicate. !", RESTAURANT BAKOALM, - . One of the beat location in Portland, gojd lease at $150 per month. It 1 doing buainees of $225 per day. This will bear investigation. - - UAKAUH ' - i On st.Ke hlehsrav. verv cbeao 'rent, dol:ig a good business and can be Improved; about SO n-lles from PortlAnd. Price uou. tuciuuuig all stock. - - -"' , SOFT DRINK AND CARD Rt h isi One of the finest In Portland, strictly up to date fountain and good stock, large room In tear with card tables asut lunch ' counter. This i !- renter of business district. Price .about $4500, at invoice. . . SMALL- RESTAURANT -;. Firat ela.o tnrsuon. ront $75 per i montTi ; well established business of $75 per day. Price $1300; can give term if necessary. i .- VNtllv annimwH with modern appliances and iUni mnH kn.ln, three lam. Itsrsees Close bv3 rent onlv 820 per month: $1050 buys everything, including stock. Owner leaving city r. jtii;Ktj., .-. i RITTKR. LOWE A CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Confectionery and Grocery Sifap t.v vervthinet nice tock of gro ceries, confectionery and bakery line; fin bake oven and hie trade: good east aide business. This Place wilt invoke $3500. Call East 2374 for sppuintnient ' . BUSINESS CHANCES RARGAINS Orocery--$900 is whole.1 Jirlce. rent $15; brick building. Bring morn; cash business. Siilcnrlid opportunity to get in at low figure. $2650 Grocery Averaging $100 . cash per dav, rent of store and 6 modern living rooms. 1.12 (isnn Grocery Yarnhfl market. . ssanu; aoea over $200 per day business; wiU invoice or luptP - fimsfVta-iTiifin rirse eiasa. west siue. room fist In connecuon, warenous ana pnt of eeoMnd- rent onlv 840. Doe $100 day. Confectionery Will sacrifice hlgn class piace for quirk sale. $8600; apartment district. - iiiiiA m knonsv maker. wet side; apartment district, - t.srsire -xnuuu; wiu traae lor imiu cresge; (tores 70 ear. (linn In leading soutUtm - uregoa city, $20,000 stork, agency, etc. This it ono of rhA hMit in sll Oeeiron FOR QUICK ACTION AXD A S0TTARE DEAL SEE RICHARD MAST, WITH TtrirCK OODDAltn. 501-2 COUCH HLDO, . BUSINESS OBANCES T )i.n vnUnrlirT THisinms chance in II v Intvn SJiOft nonulstlnn. tisvroll of over 33.00O.- 000 annuaUy.. WiU Uke from $5000 to $40.- 000 cash. These men have all made good, are doing splendid bustfies. wish to retire, ' H 1. 1I1U.MA.1. 214 Tth St. Oregon City, Or., pear 3. P. Depot. GENERAL merchandise store for sal; Folk county, doina about 88000 business per month, with $7000 stock; in good firming and sawmill community: on K. K. ; postoitic in con- nection: private electric uaat plant: win in voice atock and sen buildings snd 4 sere, highly improved land at actual value; good business for ngnt man; am lea ting state, uwner. l'A-i-s Moumal. .- FOR SALE One.third interest in Beidsiu bowling alleys. 8 alleys. 4 rack, etc. All high-grade snd campleta with balls, pins. etc. Now operating, $1 830. ' Also i lsrg - Wurlitxef band organ and 150 pain roller skate. : Perfect condition, stored at Seaside, ( $600. i Donny Brook Fair Amusement Co., 812 Board of Trade QlOg. - - ; GROCERIES FOR SALE No other stor nearer than 6 or 8 block good, dean stock: well supplied with all neces sary fixtures; a living rooms in resr; $16 rent per mo.: doing good business: am foreed u sell going sway, will sell for $1200 eah. Corneas tor yourself. 71st it. on Hawthorn earlloe. BU81NESS CHANCE . FOR SALE 3 room fnrnUhed apartment and second hand store. In the best payroll city in Oregon, St Helens. This Is a genuine bargain at $2300 Mar take part in trade. Apply to Philip A Connor, real estate dealers, St Helens, Or. FOOT TROUBLE ? CORNS, CALLOUS, BUNION. INGROWN NATL, 1 AKC11 HUri'OKTS. - COffSULTATIU.-ll FKKK DR. PHILLIPS. PAINLESS CHIROPODIMT. 9 to 6:80. 816 MORGAN BLDG, MAIN 683 CAPITAL Do you need it Legitimate enter prises financed on strictly commission basis. Money for enlsrsing your business or for cen ttalisfcig a scattered indebtedness; repay con veniently ever long periods from earnings. Writ full particulars, B. Negrascou, 33s S. Dearborn st . Chicago. garage: 80x60 concrete building. 2 years' lease; lathe, sir compressor, power blower, vulcanlaer. wsld ine outfit, battery charger, caa pump, stock of tires and accessories, finest of expansion- ream ers ' and - hand tools; leaving town; a bargain. $2500 cash. F-151, Journal. "BUSINESS SNAP. Garage for sale 'in best town in Eastern Ore gon for inventory, including shop and sales con tract, for standard make light six car. o pi oneering aa agency is welt established. Good I son for aelling. LX-522. Journal. , ',; ' -; FOR SALE A small lunch room, only on at board walk; 2 Ire cream tables, H chairs, a .tvl. mt.l stsnrlsrdH '1 milk shake mi- iiinM vnim elVseware. dishes, refr'arrator and other nceessitiesi $850 takee it. (Joncession to tlctuber 1, 1KB 6. Box 111. Sessldc, Or.. - CAPITAL I snecislize in finsncing meritorious business enUrprisee by selling stock or first mortgage oonas. Binctiy commission oasis. .nn full particular in first letter. John Trier, 1829 Eddy St. Chicago. - lull iis I. K Finest ODUortunltv in garage line, car agencies. Ford service station, on beach mmA ! tmirtst trade. ' bi territory to draw from. Iota cf cars, repair work fine. Will sell at invoice. LX-llfl. Journal. OX ACCOtjlCT of ilfnealth, I will sell my firsii class grocery business in a gnoa iivs town the best store and" trade. - Address bos 71 Kennewick. Wssh. "'; " - MAN with little monev to ioin me in msn-j factarirut a thorouehly " umotistrs.tjd and guaranteed product. Big demand. Big profit Anrwcr; stating qualifications. T-5B2, Journal t'liu jk I .fcV ln rf i urouialui with Canadian motor, completely overhauled, tested out snd newly painted: in strictly irt eises eondiuon, $2000. 813 Board of Trade bldg rfin SALE or trade, thriving retail store an rrroneftv. located at .Interior town In stock country. Mutt dispose of quickly on account of ill health. LX-10.7. JcornaL RY OWNER, a arocery and confectionery, with soda fountain, doing a fine business; must sell on account of sickness. Cheap for cash, or will consider bouse in trade. Call East 7376. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream and candy, right down town, best of location; lease, rent cneap, big business: less than invoice. .Snap, $2700 Garlsnd. 201 8d. ' FOR SALE Pirst class shooting ' gstlery and root beer si snd connected.; 6th St. Doing good business. 2ft N. 6th St. best location on .Call or write to JiTyoO are looking for a good garage busmess it will psy you to investigate; wilt sett a a whole or interest to a good mechanic; stor age pays all overhead. Q-Z83, Journal, STOCK of hardware for sale: doing a good business: it will Invoice about $4500; will ell for $4000 or 10 per cent less than today'; Invoice price. M-7o, journal. sail mv trsnsrer business includina trucks, established 3 years; reason leaving city, 1J 1st st. Printing for Less Ryder Pag. ft. Main BS86 192 84 et WANTED Pa )ner to take interest in $50 O0O wood contract near handle. F-48. Journal. city. $3000 will FOR SALE Second hand furniture store; win - Uke Ford true part payment, an naner tt. Bdwy. 6484. - ' - - - - ; - FOR . SALE Small grocery , stock at invoice, also futures; living morns in eonneeUon, eheso rent Woodlswn 1!60. . MAKE OFFER ' on smsl). well equipped lunch room. A real snap for hustler. Coovr & Hol- men, 322-8-4 Failing bldg.,. 3d and Wash, FKEIGHTnd express Hauling; good bosineaa; bargain; sold en aecount of sickness; must have some cash. Owner, F-I46, Journal. MR. BUTCHER. here is your chance to locate where you can make good, . Low rent. Call Main 7183. ... - .-.'" -" ' - IX) K SALE Grocery store, 3 living rooms, building, stork srxi fixtures. Owner, Wdln. 4619, 24 ROOMS, near center of city; rent $85. Phone owner, Marsnati ozis. GROCER'S" stock tor sale, good corner location. . - 614 Alberta. - . . ; FOR SALE 39 H. K-.apti mu-.t go east.' This is a money-maker. Phone Broadway 3-027. SMALL grocery stock for sale; fine opportunity ' for somecne. Colombia 926. MUST sell on account of sickness, restaurant near shipyard. 835 First street. HEMSTITCHING machine and business for ssie chesp. l-csnr.f city. oa Alberta et. FIRST-CLASS location and 4 chair barber out l it complete. Call 820 Union are. N. HTJRr'fFRq OprriiiTiT:iTir ii PACIFIC AGENCY, INC: 814 20 SwetUnJ Rlilg. ' I'hons Marshall 30! BUSINESS 3t -r Bakery . Tbia is a real tnuiness with the r'.i-lit rrice; in tiie heart of the market. l.r-ng ! and invoice prcooaition. Iteceiiiu over $ii(. About $3000. Confectionery, Clz&rz, Tobacco and Light. Groceries . - -Located on Wt Stile, in the heart of apartment house district. I (nine: 875 every day. $150 on Sundays. This is one of the neatest places on the Wct Sid. Has alway enioyed a big business, guod ail the year around. Two Imnti rcMirrw and stiire room. Price $3!!oa. Rent $10. , ConffectSonery P.ent $100. Price $300o or will Inrpire. Will exehanae for car or house. This is a fme l lace, domg pice clean cash busine- of $50 per dift and over. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco and Groceries Jlent $22.60. Ir(r living rooms, full haement; corner location. loing a fine' biisiiirxa. Has a large rissr ntl tobacco and fountain business. Price $J700. - : Cafeteria Light-Groceries . Cigars and Tobacco " Nice corner lonation in factory district. Big transfer - corner doing nice business. Small bke oven making cwn ps-try, hresd, etc. Rent $85 with lease, Price $1600.- '.Confectionery West Side, Yamhill St. location; esndy making outfit, fully equipped. This is a "nap at $2500. Good lease. Iteasonab; rent. Nuff aaid , Grocery On of the neatest and let located rro eeries, close in on East SUle. To see this place, if you are a grocerymsn, means a buy. for you will not pass Oil kind of a proposition up. Look it over and b con TinoeiL . Invoice proposition. Can t go 'wrong. "Will run about $3500. ; Grocery and . Confectionery... Went $40, 4 living rooms, 2 stors room. Fixture $500 and involre will run approx imately $8200, Doing $30(10 per month. Good location .on carlin ami cros roads. Gom1 fountain, clean tock pf confectionery and groceries. ; Grocery and v "Confectionery. Good West Shis" location. Kent $25; . 2 rooms. Doing a pW cs-h hti-Hnes, rer aging $45 per day cash and carry. Grocery Rent $30. Comer loeslion. Receipts $200 tier dy cash, snme rtlivry. Lump or invoice approximately $7000. This is a real business and If ou are looking for a real grocery business look this over. Grocery and Light Confectionery Bent $40: 4 living rooms; apsrtment house district. Daily receipts $100. Price 805410. ; Grocery TArge room and bssement V Fixtnre $30(1 ana invoice Stock. This is in a fin loca tion, . no competition. Will etchsng for . team of mares er Ford, llent $30. Grocery and v X Confectionery Bent' $18; 2 living rooms and large base ment. I loin it $60 !er day. Price. $2100. Will take $1000 down, balance on pay ment, i Grocery. and -i -Confectionery Bent $30; 2 rooms. 8 room flat np- , , atalrs, also garage. New 2 story ffsui building. Price 250O. Doing $50 to $75 dally cash snd carry. This is an x eeptimially good buys. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 612-13-14-16 Swetland Bldg. Portland, Or. $2000 STEAM T-ArNnRY, FULLY ; EQUIPPED LEASE FOR SALB in a prosperous vriusnietie vny town wnn fine country to draw from, business now psy Ing about $400 per week (no Ubor trouble! , and only laundry in this district. 2 story buii'i lug, all modern machinery, modem 6 room bungalow. Iease 2 years to rm ith oirtinn privilege of setrrsl years more, rental $100 ;x r month, $000 to be returned -when lease eipires, option to purchase cover mschinery, : buiullnK snd 6 room bungsUnr msr-hinery nearly worth price asked. If you .wish to si art in buaine, here I .certainly a golden opportunity. 3, I HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce blrlg. Main 208. CLKANIXO PftKSflNU : DYKING - Complete Imsine, inc. dtwntnwn main office, cleaning pluut, bldg. ground; gverything, Est. f'J yeanj $500 fr week gross: all car!, too. Something tn build biejer. J. EUGENE HRllKS. 201 West Park. Will Give Terms MONEY TO LOAN" REAL ESTATE t7 CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION - On. Improved property, or for improvement purpose. The best and easiest method of paying a loan Is our monthly payment plan. -$83.26 per month for .31 month, or $21.24 per month far Mo months, or ' $10.17 per mnnthf for 96 month pay a loan of $1000 and interest. Loan of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileav. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St., Portlaud, Or. $1500 AND $2000 to kian. 7 per c.nt, quick action ' C. A. Wagner Co. 280 Stark St LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on teat ettat. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc, F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 3028. "'""' W"TELAT '. NO" DELAY : $1000 $1500 $2000 83O00 AND CP We Loan Our Money on Resl Estate. ' F. IL DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. " WSsSntQ TX)ANin amount of "liOOto $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Boom 1 0 snlll, r VUlXANIZlNG shop compete to handle all kinds of repair work. tor sale at invoke. Tabor, 8957 or East 7503. ' T 00. $406700O . $73 07$ YoOfi and up at lowest rates; quick action. Kred W. Jer sasn Co., 732 Chamber of 'ommere. bldg. itfjNEy to i7r. n i so oT r,od."$ 7 ooT$ 1600, $1500, $2000, on eitt improved prrttmrtf: st T per cent. J. L. Well C.. 603 J'JLl!' BL'LDING loans on city snd suburban property, money Advanced a work ,roxresser W. li. Beck, 215 and 210 Fs4lingbP!. Msln 07. HaVK PiaVATEiONET; to "Kb ""on gowt dwellings, d to. M. Reed Co.. Spalding bidg. Marshall 8377, ' - IHAVE $800 snd $f5flr) to lon M able city or close-in farm securities. Uii Clismber of Commerce. - K6nET'"To"XOAN. Geo. M. Heed Co., gpalP tng building. Msr-tmll 3377, y SEE OHfGO'N LHyTixMORTGA.B CO.. 222 f-'hamher tt 4 'ommerfe, 4fh at istsrk. aiTSlffGAGE ixJ.OTC0nT7"5T Louis fiol- wimn ec v., o oeijin um. 3T50O AND . $2000 private- money on rity realty only. G. L. Masten, 800 Panama bid. M01tT'lAGET)ANSuf"to 81000, 6 and"7 7e', I-'red B. Williams, 600 I'nama bMg. MOSEY TO LOAV CHATTELS, SALAniF.H : SALARY IJIANH CflATftLA WE LOAN JiONEY on short notice to alsned or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly psymenls. Eatli transaction strictly confidential. . NO MORTGAOE NO lNDORSER : ABSOLUTELY NO fEllHITY ' W also iosii on household furniture, piaaoa, etc.. without temovsl. , CALL AND INVESTIGATR COLUMBIA TUSfOCNT CU.. -. . LK'K.-KI) , . 218 FAILING BLDG. ;