THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 18, 1920. REAL ESTATE FOR KALE -HOUSE Dekuaii & Jordan ONLT ,55000 - .... -.' A REAL HOME " -' ' ONE OF TUB BBST BCTS W THB CITT Very Urge living room. fireplace, book case, large dining room. beautitul buffet. ; Ininh kitchen, screened-in bank porch, toilet end lavatory on first floor; 3 large licHt bedrooms, belli and toilet on 2d floor. Full cement bwrnnit and furnace. -" Would cost $7500 to build teday. tot 50xlOi, fine Inn, roi and fruit. - Uin t fail to eew this. . Dekum & Jordan ; ' 333-4 Chamber of rommtro Bldg. . 4tb and Htark Sts. : Main 2233. - King's Heights $25,000. On the beautiful Mayweed Irt around King Height, overlooking t) eity, tha baautiful valley, th low rmmblinc lull and roused mmnUiM beyend. seta this beautiful II room home. )ikm an eaglwrperebed on a rliff ready to swoop Into the valley below. The room arc large, light and alsy. A well aiointed arrangement; hardwood floor, white enamel finish; everything in this homa 1 In perfect condition. It u really woivttriul boms in a woncerful location overlooking a wonderful city, valley and mountain. Price 123.000. For eppoint mrnl to see call Auto. 511-j0. Acre and Modern " 6 Room Bungalow . For Sale by Owner Very Reasonable . - Garage, chicken houses and fences; bearing fruit- trees and berries; , block off 65th ave.; fine mar-ailamized mad;, Dear Woodstock car line. 0310 62od L S. E. v' Prices Slashed, Quick Action Saves You $200 Tonr choice of 10 new modern well bufh. bungalows for 3200 leaa than regular price. Buy today and aave thia amount on your home. Lib- , eral terms. n. r. pond realty cn. THK IDEAL home builders 1230 Handy Bird. Tabor 8825 Of f ice open Sunday. Irvinerton Prooer ' Price $5500,- Half Cash A large, substantially built two-atory house cn Est 20th st. N.. m the very hesrt of this fine residential district- T1:is Is a plain, well built home that has been ' newly painted and is in good condition; has a nine lawn. Two blocks from carline. Phone Auto. 511-50 for appointment - to BRIXQ TOUR BLANKETS AND BOMB MONEY S ma bungalow, electrie lights, bath, basement, water heater, living room, kitchen, dining room and one bedroom completely fuminbed, except bedding, new furniture. Some wood and briquets. Immediate poa session. Price 33200, terms. Franklin high district. Ut. Scott car. j. i. oeder en. 4 Grand ave. near E. Ankeny, ' . Phone East 61. ; : "Westmoreland bungalow. 33250 Plus bonded street imp- will probably buy this home, though : out-of-town owner haa been asking more. Make us an offer. Hardwood floor in large ' combination living and r dining room also in one bedroom; arranged so that ; yon can have three bedrooms all bn ,.e floor: fireplace. Dutch . kitchen, , i . 1 garage arage.- sev ana nerr is".. f 'J. A. Wickman Co. ' 234 Stark St, Main 883 and 1094 tisod 7 room house. modern in everyt way; fireplace. furnace, large reception tiau. A ring room, uin ing room, Dutch kitchen. 1 sleeilTil room down r iair, 2 toileta. a bedroom wim large closets npuir; alfo bath. Ix.ts roses and garden, in faot tliis is sn idosl home. 1 block to Rose City ear.; 34750. 31500 cash. . SanK.r a mmn hotlse. 50x100 lot- 313SO. Then I have another 5 room hnuse, full line of - nltimhinn B block to Him CVTT Car. -l", sv terms. See Mir. JENK.S, Btn and bandy I - , Kp. 478 IRVINtiTON 312.500 Thia fine modern home ef . 8 rooms in the beat part of Irvington is one of our best buvs. The windows throughout are plate glass. Beautiful large, airy rooms on the first floor, on tae second Iloor are three sleeping rooms and steeping porcn: ittic has maid's room, trunk room and fine billiard room. This is a magnificent home wit.h fine a rounds, surrounded by the best ' homes in Portland. Lot 75x100. Phone Auto. 511-30.. PIEDMONT'S BEST HOUSE OFFERING T ROOMS MODERN 100x10(1 Corner IT WOrf.D COST 000 t build the boose alone. OWNER LIVES EAST. . She writes as "OITKR UH IMMEDLVTE SALE AT 35750. Here is where you can double your money. Neilan & Parkhill 2 1 Lumbermen bldg.. Bth. and Stark sts. ROSSMERE. 86500 A beautiful home, 0 large rooms, sleeping porcn, hardwood floors, fireplace,: tuiit-m Dunet, and every Uiing else that makes' a complete mod ern home: fine basement and beating plant. Beautiful 50x1 OO lot. expensive shrubbery, fruit, large garage, laived sts. and -sewer; among fine homes; 3 blocks car. Can be handled for 82000 down, for appointmenet, ask for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOOKE CO.. Yeon Bldg. 5 Room Bungalow and Attic ROSE CITY PARK Paved st,. hardwood floors, fireplace, book- I . cases, buffet, laundry trays, full basement, east ! front, look at this and end your bouse nnnt- ing. S4UO": terms. Tabor 4307. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 100x100. 33254 4 years old. neat and clean. S large rooms.! b?ifet,,'Jitcl1 2 bedrooms, large floored attic, fuU cetntnt baaement, dandy 100x100 corner lot, fine garden and shrubbery.. Ports mouth add. rVt. Johns car.. Heua's honest value. Ask for Mr. Msrk. C.EO. T. MOORK CO.. Teem Bldg. 6 ROOM bungalow, 2 blocks to car, 2 blocks to school, for quirk sale, 819O0. Immediate possession. This is in a very dsdrable location; walking distance Jefferson high school; beautiful 50s 10O lot, with, fruit and shrubbery. 81000 . cash will handle. Balance easy payment. , Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. SUNNYSIDE. 33730 Irge substantial well-built home, fireplace, buffet, den. 3 large light airy bedrooms. 2 lava- , tori es, fnll cement basement, laundry trays, fruit and berries; 1 block Sunny side car, west of ., 3. "5th at. Terms, For appointment, ask for ' ' GEO. T. MOORE CO.. "Yeon Whr. " 87300 Bungalow, peninsula, on Berkeley st-, 5 nm. k,V. .t,i,. K..U ... . .i, Place, completely funil iied. fine furni rj. :.i.f-u vT; :;, ;. .,";. ture; lot 100x133; lots of fruit and in best condition. Term. A"k Mr. Schulta. KUTMi, I A WE CO., 20 1-8-3-7 Board of Trade Building t'wXER GOING EAST. MAKE FAIR OFFER vveatmoreland. T rooms, large sleeping . . ia porches. buUt for home: full eement basement furnace, fireplace, eat front, excellent location, mar oar and achooi; cost , $3200 to build. Take $4700; $2500 ca-ih. See It today. alarsnall 1033. ' - -' - 5 BOOM COTTAGE. $2500v " EASY TERMS 50x100 lot. all street improvements paid. 5 ' rooms modern plumbing, basement, close in, easy waismr aistanee, s-oo casnt . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. BIG NEWS. $1750 Z roonlTecrty.yter. . conrtecUuns - Located near Mt Tshor irhv.l lKMt& near Mt Tlr kl big buy. More than your money's worth here. itaa to enow you. a Tor Mr. Sohhttrom. i . Jiooric w., . I eon iiklg. T'lVE room house and furniture, lot 60x100. witb Trait trees. $2000. 85ftO down K. l. n like rent, or will sacrifice for aQ cash, as party " ia leaving town. CaU Sunday and evenings, after $270O TKK31S. 5 room modern hnnealow. pan. eled dining room. Dutch kitchen, furnace and a Noes, from car. aOl2 HHtk t a WL .isoor neisir SMALL, HOUSE, fjil aixe lot. witi, iota, of fruit tree, in high state of cuiiiveUon. in city limits. Price $S50. on terms. fall 13 N. &th at, or phone Tabor 6486 - - , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 I Carey-Savidgpe Company Open Sundays and Evenings. Wi havs gold 18S home since, the first of the year. . To accomplish and keep up this record necessitate that w keep - on hand s carefully eboacn Hat of bouses. Bo- fore you buy spend a few minutes - with us -it la .quite possible that we turn lust what you , want. : i , . . - - -1. .3'". s rv; V ' ' ::!:'. a ; (3500 In the Kenton district, a new S room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, old ivory finish, Imteh kitchen, 2 large bedrooms; fnll lot.- improvement paid; ' block to car; $500 down. , 33150 In Rose City Park.' a beautiful California type bungalow, 4 raims. Urge liring room across front of bouse, okl ivory finish. 1 bedroom and concealed bed in living room; corner lot, improvements paid. . This to very claasy; terms. . . ' - '' " - r ' ' ' m . ' 32600 Corner of Harrison and K. 11th. . modern 5 room bungalow, paved comer, all improvements paid ; ' fireplace. it large - bedrooms, best of plumbing: clone to 3 car line end within walking distance; $500 will handle. .. . 32 300 -Modern double constructed bunga- low. 3 rooms, I block from Slonta I; villa car; '2 large bedrooms; full 50x100 t lot. tmprovements paid, t : This is 4 very attractive bungalow and is one of several that we have in the Montanlla district ; . 3500 down. . 323754 room modern bungalow type cot tage, completely furnished, includ ing 349 piano. 11S oak daven port bed; large living room, white . enamel woodwork, modern plumbing; - lot 37Vaxl37tt: 6 bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries, fine ' large gar.ien filled with every kind of vegetable ready for uae; fine shade trees, flowers and shrubbery; & minutes walk from 5 different car lines; hard surface street, im provements paid; terms. "Sao Irvine-ton Park, modern ' 4 double constructed, freshly painted bungalow; It sleeping rooms, large combination hnnj and dining room, white enamel woodwork, best of (itumbing, -garage; full SOxlOO lot. improvements -paid; 1 block to car; terms. 31750 Substantial 4 room bungalow in Kenton district: large living room with hardwood floors; best of , modern plumbing; full 60x100 lot, with, improvements paid; fruit trees, hemes, fine garden; 3300 will handle. Carey - Savidge Company 211 By. Exchange Bids.. Stark and 3d Sts. Main 7487. s Successors ; to Bihr-Carey Co. Ovn Evenings and Sundays. MAGNIFICENT MUBBTMEAD , HOME EASTERN LAOU ADDITION . One of the homes that stands by itoelf. nothing like it in the city today. room " bungalow type. - baths, bet plumbing in toe city: hot water beat: dandy basement. I will not describe the rooms as you may know they surely are In keeping with the place. - The grounds and shrubbery were laid out by one of the noted landscape gsrdeners. It is the most beautifully laid Tut lot in the district on a corner about 100x200 feet ' An exceptional opportunity to secure a fine home. Phone Auto. 511 60. -Kvenings and Sundays ,2 18-19. Why 'Waste Your Money? PAY RENT TO YOURSELF 6 ROOMS, BIO LOT. 82500 Yon can own -this property and pay rent to yourself for . ZXJLl IrtT nnt now If Ton are responsible we can --- " ..u .h the bsj. like rent i STOP THKOW1NO YOUB MONEY AWAY. LET US SHOW YOU TOUAY - Neilan !& Parkhill 21 LUMBERMEN8 BLDG. "5TH AND 8TARK. - ROSH CITY PARK ' NIFTY BUNGALOW BEST LOCATION ! 30000 Polks, here is a real bungalow. Yon just couldn't ask for a better home than this. Right np to the minute in every wayyou know, one r,l .. 1 nn.M ldlA . wiru 1 mI himmlrMK -j-qu aum:re the big living room extending the entire width of bouse. Every conceivable con- I venience. We just can't overtlescribe it. It will be a real pleasure to show you. See it today. A. O.iTeepe Co. I 370 Stark st.. near 4th'. Main 3092 Branch Oftice 50th and Handy. Open Sunday. . - Furnished : Move InPrice $5000 Jut east of REED COLLEGE on the W. S. car line- we have a . good 7-room borne for sale, completely furnished, in good condition, on hard surfaced street, . 3 blocks of school, good basement, 100x100 lot, with lota of fruit, etc. The owner is very anxious to. sell and is pricing this ' place so as it "will soon move. If intcr tested phone Auto. 511-50. ; PRICE 31950 " INCOME 34240 MtKNTHLT Two S room bouses, located at 736-738 Minnesota ave.. both furnished: 6 bearing fruit trees, street wont all paid tor, 3400 cash, su. monthly. Let us show yqu this property. 9 Re AI.TUH8 732 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 84300 Let us show you this dandy 5 room bungalow with attic, Irving room across ' entre front, Dutch kitchen, buffet, hardwood floor"; full cement basemei,t. . wash trays; 8500 cash will handle. See our photos of the beat buys. Autos at your service. J. A. Wickman Co. , 1 264 Stark St. I Main 583 and 1094. 35500 HOME FOR 44600 Modern 8 room, exceptionally large rooms; - ,. - i . k..j-i i . 1 firepUee, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fuli 1 ..n, 'basement, furnace and wash trays; 4 hsht, airy bedrooms, with large closets; corner hit; all street improvements in snd paid, on Marguerite ave., X , block to car. Price 54000, 310OO cash. - , CI.EVELAND-IIENDEKSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752 ROSE CITY PARK 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch Garage 34350 Splendid little bungalow with hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. etc.; garage; ideally located. Owner moving to larger bouse and must sell, very liberal terms. A. G.iTeepe Co. 270 Stark at., near 4th. Main 3092 rrrancb office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, 5 ROOMBUNGAWW3400 Attractive, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, 2 nice bedrooms, fine bath, floored at tie, full basement, laundry trays, in fine condt 1 l lPvr. is ana I lowers, so 11 i "?' ranw'; ' r-- Richmond district. lvea sta sna sewerr; i Dix. car. Terms, for Mr. Mack. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Yeon Bldg. 83650 WTLL bay you a f room house in ele rant condition: rooms all lane and Heht. This is suitable for 2 families, having a kitchen and pantry both upstairs and down, full base- I wks tianai j truvu Uirtiaui MMXX UVwfl. X UU UaUaW- I ment, fuil lot 50x100. with frurt and shrub bery; 310OO cash will handle. - . JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Blklg. Main 3787. - $1000 4 roooms, neat t kittchen, ' dining and living voooms, x oearoom, city water, electricity. 40x 1U cor. lot. 9 bearine fruit trees, flowees anrl I berries, chicken house, place for cow. A good place to get a start Only $300 down. Let ma snow you. Ask for Mr. Boh 1st rem GEO. T. M(W IKK i-o hij. Z?F .ZJl si. : always on the firing line selling and listing prop erty, giving you every attention and courtesy in a dean sound bnines manner. Ask Mr. Schulta. RITTER, LOWE tc CO.. 201-8-3-7 Board of Trade Building - 1L4WTHORNE. $4300 K,f.l t tT.-."ior7' JI'T001 fk0 room l story, hardwood floors, built-in cement base . f ;i- ffarffon I tion. $1400 will handle. A rood km. GEO. T. MOORE CO. - Yeon Bldg. I1'K R I.UI n,,s, a V, - I .... 1 carline, f,Ul bament ."aVhow; wi" make I garage; . 2 large cherry trees, 2 prune trees. 1 I near 1 in. anine. . .k u i. 1 by owner. Tabor 432. or call at 109 E. 7Gth N. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 MARSHALL Your Credit Is Good. Pay Rent to Yourself. What $300 Will Buy.' . e Jirtt think, only 3300 down. "145 per month, bays this new bungalow. lot 40zl 16r every modern. convenience, plumbing, heating plant, fireplace, cement drive la for gaaage, big storeroom: one block" to car. Price 34)150; taOO cash, balance 34 per month. , - ' $200t00;- Large' 3 room bungalow: Jant the place for newly weds: have every modern convenience; plumbing, fireplace, electric ; light, basement. craent drive in for a garage; price only 33230, 3200 cah, balance 325 per month, ; . .. 5 room nonce on Williams avenue, c)re In ; this lot alone is worth the price. Price 31800, 3250 cash, balance 315 per month. - REALTY DEPARTMENT ' , LAWYERS' TITLE TliLST COMPANY, MARSHALL 188. PRICE 37000. CASH 32000 A beautiful n:-to-the-minut 7-room borne in perfect condition in a very select district, two blocks from the car line. Very large reception ball, living room and beautiful dining room with plate glass built-m buf fet, beamed ceiling and papered in beauti ful tapestry. Very tine fireplace with beveled plate mirror and bookcases id bet of hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen . and enclaned porch for breakfast room. Second floor has three large, hsht bed roim and sleeping porch. Fine bath and large attic ; full cement basement with walls and ceiling plstrred; laundry trays snd . good furnace; good garage. This home is priced far below market price shd -must be seen to be appreciated. Call Mrs. Hnow, Marshall 3080. Evenings Marshall 2846.. - - - . WHY PAY KENT I 8800 Neat, comfortable. fumihed hnweboat, 5 rooms, screened porches; garden lot - near river bank, opposite Oaks Para. Couldn't be built for 81000. 82500 1 Vt aetes, Oregon City car line; bun- pslow. garden, chicken liouie. etc. t rf0 Kunnv(le. G room modern house. 34&OU Irvinoton buns&low. 6 rooms: 2 bed- rooms, sleeping porch, fumsee. 2 fire places; corner lot 50x100, streets paved, eoano Hunealow. 100x100. garage. 87500 -View home site. Mt ilipe Mount ' Tthttf. nreriookinff cltv. , 57th, Pt: i 7 larae rooms, double garage. A real home. ! . CHAS BlNmil tc CO., 22 5 Henry Bldg. " ROSE CITY PARK. . , I5500 Let us show you this dandy 8 rooms ana aen.-. corner - 101, imp. v iwu, ished in white enamel, tapestry paper. with dandy built-ins. fireplace, full ce- ment basement, etc; liberal terms. J. A. Wickman Co. S64 Stark St. Mam 583 and 1094. ' WEST SIDE modern home, fine locaUty. 8 room, sleerung porches, fine new, peewa ful yard. For full data see L. K. Moore, owner, 317 Board of Trade. Can divide ground, making price from 59000 t to 314.000. A small amount of trade would be considered. - t - aennri LAURELHURST 86000 ; T room bungalow and sleeping porch; oak rinnn fiirnsi-e. firenlsee. : buffet, plate glass; near car; good location, only 820OO. balance 140 ner month Inctumng interest. Ail m condition ; paved and paid. By appointment only, Mar. 3352. Sunday. Tabor 80.9Q. . - MODERN Hawthorne home, 5 rooms and con vertible sleeping porch; , oak floors, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, bullet, pavea aueet; evvu 5100 caso. - ' ; JohnsonDodson wo. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HERE it is, bungalow of artistic lines in an exclusive addition, Aiameoa pan. o rooms on one floor: barawooa Iloor. 11 replies, an kinds of built-in features; finished in old ivory, and the price is right, 85400. Terms, Come to Mason st,. between sza ano ienn ave., nun- day, and see it. Main 583. Ask for Mr. Bald. FOR SALE 4 room house, atnetly modern. close to ML Scott carline: full basement, lot 50x100: nice lawn, fruit and berries, Price 81900. 8800 down, balance 820 plus 6 per cent per month. No. of house 5312 74th St. 8. E- Phone Taoor is. LAURELHUBST 7 room bungalow on Ankeny . at elegant plumbing., hardwood floors in air rooms, tile bath, garage, modern ana complete in an re spects. Phone owner and builder, . v. txiuna. Tabor 680. . t AN abstract of title is not a guarantee of your title: it is merely a nistory 01 yoar title. Title Insurance Policy is a guarantee of your title. Therefore, when yon buy property get Title Insurance Policy. No abstract required. Title at Trust company. - - ' " - - NOW VACANT See this fine 6 room bungalow at 285 74th st. N. Just the place if you are looking for home. Price only 33230. Reasonable terms. Owner, phone East tt024, from M a. m. to 6 p. rn. - - - : ;- . ;'' 6 A BARGAIN 5- room house; lot 150x140 feet some fruit, berries, roses and other shrubbery good neighborhood, good location. Plenty - of good garden ground. . Near carline and paved street. Take as part payment 50x1 00-foot lot in good location for home. Phone Tabor 9210, A TITLE Insurance Policy is a guarantee by responsible company that you. will not suffer loss on account of the title to yonr real estate. When you buy real estate get a Title Insurance Policy. No abstract, required. Title ex Trust company. - - 3300 DOWN. MOVE IN 6 room, bath, basement, attic, furnace, trays, gas and electr c fixtures, 2 stories, hard surface, no liens: Vs block south of Alberta car: 33550, easy terms at 7 per cent. 1040 E. 16th street north. Key at 103B. rnone Tabor 3337 36500 ALAMEDA PARK HOME, Strictly modern home of 1 rooms, rec hall and garage; located on 29th et.; has all the mod ern conveniences, , white enamel throughout, all large rooms, in nice condition. Tabor 6441, COZY 3 room cottage, half block to Alberta car. close to union avenue: cement basement, pan try and bath, electricity and gas, 40x100 lot. bearing Trait ana Mowers; easy monuily payments cneap. inmn, wooniawn emit. 31450 THREE BOOMS 81450 , Alberta cottage, one block from car: good buy terms; will take lot up to 8530 first payment. Wdln. zzsiu. FOB SALE r5 room plastered bouse; gas, wa ter and toilet in: tine garden. I' rice 31500 easy terms; less for cash, 9647 59th ave. Mt. Scott car tc- 97th at,, walk 3 hlks. north. 7 ROOM modern noma. 75x100; 500 feet to streetcar, all m good repair, immediate pos session; 3500 cash, monthly paymenta, takes 54500 bargain. Tabor 3335.- . - IRVINGTON 7 room house, furnished or un furnished : . immediate possession. A - real borne at a bargain. My owner, 433 E. 16th st N. Phone feast SloS. FOB 8ALF. By, owner.- a 4-room medern bun galow at Ryan station on Oregon electrie. For further particulars address O. Bomsine, Multno mah, Or. ' - BY OWNER 6 room' modern bouse, full lot; one block to Misrisslppi ave. car, one block to K. S. ear.-chase to achooi. Call Woodlavra 1821.;; ' .-' ' .- - --.--'- j N - - --' FOR SALE OR RENT By owner, nice 4 room house, garage, garden, berries and beariuf frwl trees on lot Price very reaaonable. Open SuJay. 9503 5 6th arc. S. E. SelL 8780. 5 -ROOM bouse. 2 kits. 1 in garden, all kinds of fruit Price $2000; term. 8036 62d ave. S. E. Mt Scott car to 80th. 2 blocks south, 3rd house east Owner. A SACRIFICE ', 6-room cottage, cornet lot, 2 blocks - from school, between 2 carline. Absolutely no agents. Call evenings. Main 4062. - .. , - LOOKING for a bargain 7 Here's one. 4-room house, electric Ushts. toilet, some furniture, lot 50x127. all kinds of fruit ail for $1200. leaa for caah. - 6 70 1 8 0 that. S. E. Tabor 7942, WnEN you get a Title Insurance Policy, you do not need an abstract ef title. One pre- mrara pay for all time. Title A Trust company. HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS. R, C WALTER. 5843 foster Road. Tabor 8397. 6 BOOM bouse. $100; $20 month. Fulton car to Texas, up' steps. Main 4864 e re nins. - ; TITLE Insurance saves time and money because "5ri no abstract ia required. 'Title A Trust com- pany. BY OWNER Modern semi-bungalow, 5 rooms and bath; furnace, wash trays. Imtch kitchen; one block from car; no lien. Call East 8121. GET Title Insurance instead, of an" abstract It is quicaer ana cneaper and you are absolutely protected against error. Title A Trust company. TWO 4 room flats. 337 Sar rsroe nto bet ween Union and William ave. 8330O. QUEEN ANN 9 room house, coat $6000: .. e-tuuu; ter: 498 Commercial st REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES f I " Af.MKrA PRICE 12,SOO On beautiful Stewart Lmve. on a lot 85x240 feet, beautiful grunnds in the' mid-t of fine new horoev This is a reel . California bungalow with T rooms beeuU . fully finished in old ivory." hardwood floors, . lots of builtrins; ' dranenea. shades, gas range and floor covering will all remain in the home. Everybody who esters this -home Temarks about its beauty of finish and arrangement. A home of which anyone , might well be proud. "We will be pleased to ahow you this by aiipuiDtment. l'bone . Auto, fi 11-50. . A 8AFK INVESTMENT : ; FLAT HCilDLMi EAKXIXG 393 l'KR MONTH PRICK J!OW ONLT 380O0 - This will pay better than 12 on the money I invested. Tins flat is on corner luuxiii feet. AH improvements in and paid.- This property 1 is in high class district and in perfect condition. WHY PUT YOLK MONEY IN 4 securi ties when you can make it earn more than 12 71 in properly like thisT SEE OiTEaiNO TODAT Neilan & -Parkhill 1 I.nmbermens bid V . 5th and Stark sts. S3250 WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY -ROOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW Rooms are large and all on, ana floor; has elegant fireplace, built-ins, enamel plumbing, fine basement, electricity, gas. (tOxlOO. fruit, alley, half block car; hens paid, 81500 under value. r FORECLOSED MUST BE SOLD-- , MOST ANY TERMS ; POSSESSION AT ONCE Q. C. Go!denfoerg Abington Bklg. Main 4803. JtOSE CITY PARK ' 6 Itoom Bungalow- Oarage . " .35350 A REAL BARGAIN. Vacant, move right in, Thia beautiful bungalow is located just off Ala-1 meda drive on 5!d street. Yon would nrvrr 1 dream it possible to buy such a home as this fori l Dooacases, Dunct, imtrn xitctien. cement base-1 meni, garage; assts. paia., see ton at once. : - I A A. Q. Teepe Co. stars: St.. near 4tn. Mam sosz1. I Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. A BEAUTY, $700 DOWN Rose City Bungalow 8 room. 3 more room available upstairs- Lovely hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; ce ment basement, laundry trays. paved street.! 4 paid) . This bungalow In absolutely perfect! condition and will surely .please you. Price aeoou i&nouia oe oojvi, ana luu ca ij 1 for it on rent-like terms. Drive out through beautiful Irvington on Tillamook street to 1073, three doors west of 36th st. Aut. S.'4-.D. PRICE $1950. TvroME 12 SU MONTHLT. Two B-room houses, located at 73.6-738 Minnesota avenue, both furnished. 6 bearing fruit tree, street work all paid for, $400 cash. $20 monthly.; .Let us ahow you this property. 732 Chamber f Commerce". ROSE CITY PARK CAR 6 Rooms $4250 VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN Real value here. Hardwood floor, fireplace, exceptionally large living room, very liberal terms. see tins today. - ' . A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark st.. near 4th. Main S092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. -. - SEE THIS - BARGAIN Dandy . $ room bungalow. . in good location. ckoae to car. Move right in. it's vacant. Now. here s a proposition for yon I It is easily worth 3500, but we hare it priced at $3000 and if Isken this raek w. wm allow von 115ft dis- i couHL Te: terms!" too. SeT d Tea,, terms," too. See A. K. HILL, - . 215 Lumbermens Bldg. GO see this today) y far tne best Utile borne I I have listed during the past week; 4 room I bungalow, with bath, lease living room, brigat I ana casrry qming room. - eoDTaueDi. vmco 1 kitchen, good sue bedroom with closet: full plumbing, bath, baaement: located in Kenton. Take Muatsstppl KA car. no. 1610 Minnesota ave. - Owner will gladly show you through. Price- only $1750; $800 cash. For sale by O. A. Pearce, 815 Chamber Commerce. Main Piedmont District Home By Owner Large T: room house, faces east. lot 100x110, alley; white enamel plumbing, elegant electric iixiurce; oeaviuiru nam xreee, rae. ana soruo-1 oery; walnut, bernea, au Kinds 01 iruit trees; mo, cuciea uouse, ksisbt, in laci, a country nome in city. eeoou, terms. 1113 jumn. ave. NON-RESIDENT WILL SACRIFICE SW ISS CHAIJCT BUNGALOW of 7 rooms. sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, hot water heat; grounds nearly H acre, with fine lawn; shrubbery and fruit trees; located on the slope ef'Mt, Tabor with fine view of eity and mountains. IrJUO garage. street improvements all in and paid. Will give you aa unheard-of bargain lor cold casn. Call Snnday between 12 and 2 p. m.,- if job want it Hurry while owner is in town; Auto, ziims. 8600 $600 $600 - - $100 cash. 815 monthly, buvs 1 room aback on lot 43x100, 4 blocks from car; 2 pear trees, apple trees; a good place to get a start , 732 Chamber cf Commerce. Rose City Bungalow ' 35900 - Beautiful new bungalow just being completed, i best of workmanship and material, double con structed.' cement 'porch, hardwood floors and furnace. Street paved and paid. Nice- shade trees.. Best part of Rose, City Park, below the mil. rnone owner, AUTOMATIC 216-86 PORTLAND HEIGHTS -This la one of the ahow places en Vista ave. The view is unsurpassed. Large, ultra modern S room house and garage. Has two east front porches, part of- one glassed in. Two fireplaces, two convertible (inside and outside) beds. Auto matic hot water heating ssytem. Immediate pos session. Call Main 4503. 212 Chamber of Commerce. - $3150 - WALKING DISTANCE On west side. 1 Vt blocks from car. 1 block from Multnomah club; good 6 room cottage. one a lounnation, oaaement. gas. oath, lavatory. An exceptional bargain; terms. " Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank BUdg. Main 3787. WANT PORTLAND HEIGHTS attractive, substantially- built house t it ha 9 rooms, bath, two toilets, living room with beamed ceiling, 17x 28: VIEW'. OF ST. HELENS AND 'MOUNT itaisiiiiti sarce jevet crounos. Tan is. not an oruinary ptace ana r a -Deauttxui quiet spot- lOU W1U, BE PLEASED when you inspect it owner, in a rs nan 041 1. WAVERLElGll:iGHf S" Cozy K room bungalow.: fireplace, bookcase. ! buffet Dutch kitchen, heating system. House commands good view of city. Price $3509; $1400 JohnsonDodson Co. 633 . Vf. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. Eight Room House r - is lorry ton hex! modern, corn, lot 53xlOO-. ea rs ce. fruit, fine view of eity and river; walking dirtanoa; no Better location on the east side, will saerifico for cash. Call at 734 Eist 7th, or pnone senwnna sdi. v $5000 E: Burnride near 20tb, 8 room house. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full . eement basement bargain; must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Schulta , will ... ahow you. - -- . . RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ' - - 201 -8-5-T Board of Trade Buiidina NEW CORNER BUNGALOW tmilt-in kinkew. and bnfft fnll re-.. 1UT m line WTW a irnm WITH IireniSM. ment, witn ime view, on fc. loth, 51500 balance easy. Phone Mar. 829 F- L. BLANCHARD, 519-20, Ry. Ex. Portland - Heights -" 5 rooms and aleeping . porch, electric, gas. beta, laundry trays.; pric sgOO, on very easy terms. Main 6882, Sunday morning; weekdays. aim os j.. ii.j vasco piag. CORNER , $2000 House. T rooms, and lot. North . 8th sr., near JUiiingswortA ave.. Union ave. car. Term. , - ree Mrs Blocomb. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Bdwy. 5173. 634 Henry bldg. i- . .70or r estiudeal quickly throagb .. Tit Insurance. .No abstract required. Title cniiii. . - 6 ROOM house in A-l condition, lot 67xlOO. - Hawthorne addition. - Price $4000; aome cs-n ana easy term. tall Tabor 856. 4 ROOM modern bungalow, nicely famished, lot 50x100; lota of fruit; close to car; $2500; lernui. a.iiiera.up, asier nosei. f $6VOti Irvington -moaern home, harrsin 518 4 . chamber of Couxxterce, Main 4190. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES ft "See These Today boo In first class condition, with bath, gas and electricity ; beautiful level lot 50x100, with abundance of fruit; -.immediate possessioB. Ilsoo, 3vg cua, 1460 Fern avenue. -' Woodlasm car. f " - - - y . -- ----- , : -J - 9 room plastered house, bathroom . (not qaipped; dandy corner lot 97x100, with fruit tree that will bring In 8100 this year. 31SO0. 8200 eeh; 00 Woodlawn carline. 43. ltakunt aVenue. 3 room bouse, in good condition, on good corner lot SOxlOO, witb wonderfully fine . garden ; -. gas and electricity, city water, chicken houxe: 81200. good Urm. St, Johns car,. 147 Dekum ave.. ' - c ' 6 ' room house, bath, gas, city water, street paved, and paid for; cement base merit; walking distance of shipyards and town. 31400. $313 , cash. 1010 Kelly st. 4 room house, in good condition, with gas and city water; lot 80x100. with the finest garden you could wish for and ail in perfect trim: good chicken houe and runs: $1200. good terms. 6520 65th St. S. E. -Woodstock ear. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, bath, elec tric lights,' gas; 6 fruit-trees; lota of ber-. ries; fine corner lot 00x100; cement walk. " $1375; good terms. 4427 62d ave, 6. E. RALPH HARRIS CO. .827 Chamber of Commerce. ' $624. ROSE CITY PARK ; Perfect Bungalow 34875 Compare Oils bungalow with, others yon have I cen at near thi price.! Yon simply conMn't imagine better material used and the onalitv of the workmanship speaks for itself. . This trulv I x n rtirr.rnt . f.m s. t,n,nk. f I fered at tins nrice. Excertionallv lsrre Hvinel" (room extending the entire width of honse- finest 1 nardwood floors; most expensive paper and light iixtum. The kitchen is the very acme of eon venience. : Remember, you have nothing to lose. If yon don't inspect thia von are overlookine a real opportunity, yen can move now. A. Q. Teepe Co.' J'ks Main 3003. Branch puice 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ROSE CITT PARK $200O BELOW VALUE 7 rooms, den. breakfast, diner ind nnc I Z - baths and shower baths, hardwood fidors 1 w---i,..... n - : . . . 1 .Ti .-T" -i5a. TTl Plr .p- pered and old ivory finished, mahoeanv buffet suia piac is complete in every, detail; corner I lot. paved street and aewer in and naidr uric. 1 oruy uuu, iiaiMi caah wUI handle it. J. L. 1 HAKTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of I'nn. mag. stain Z08. i- BEAUTIFUL CAIJFORNIA BUNGALOW ROOMS, 3 BEDROOMS ExoepUonally fine California bungalow of 7 rooms, located in the best part of Laurel-hun-t. about S blocks from the park, nearly 10.000 square feet of ground, with fine lawn and shrubbery. Large garage.- Price $11,500, one-half cash. This is a rial buy and In a lovely neighborhood. Fcf appointment to see thia phone Broadway 3089. - - . . ST. JOHNS BUNGALOW $2350 s rooms, modern. lot .lOiinn 1 u. hi-v ' iruiv ana nut trees, all kinds of-berries. eouu casu, naiance montoiy. A BARGAIN for a carnenter or man band with 1001a. -Jim leaving tne city and must sell a bh oungatow, larwe iront porcn and screened in back porch, full basement, ill plumb- awry ana Bait bungalow, large front porch and ing in. fireplace. 50x100 ft. lot. 4 mom down. stairs, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs. Outside ia practical ry finished and you eaa live in place and take your time finiahing the inside, $1800 cash, 8600 mertarace- 1078 F 32d V Alberta car to 30th, 2 block east bet. Alberta and eemner. $5750 MOUNT TABOR $5750 Overlooking valley, east and north ; an attract! re bungalow ia the firs, containing every convenience one may wish and ia absolutely in the beet condition. . Mt - Rorcn " COE A. McKENNA i CO.. 83 4th St 1 Mala 4522. - MODEBN ALAMEDA. PARK HOME 7 room v and sleenins nnreh A SMimMt I hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace, built-ina In qimng room ana Kitchen, 50x100 lot; garage. 1 about 3 blocks from car and surrounded by I guou nomes. rnCi a I aou, . . UU U cash, balance 1 easy terms. Brown Grant S01-2 Fenton Bldg. tsdwy. 3 '.'2. WOODMERE PARK HOME - 1 LOTS OK WINDOWS 33SOO: TEAMS Clean and in good repair: 6 rooms, dreosinr room, bath, big built-in buffet, window seats. nig eiotnes closets, crockery, laundry tub in. Dutch kitchen, bedrooms in white.- other rooms In bxht oak. fnll sise basement., norehe. tmatairs and down; ground 80x100. lot of fruit. -berriea. grapes, 2 snort d 1 ocas trora car. owner. Tabor 210794 1. an sunoay or evenings. NEW BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL SOUTH MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT Five- rooms, bath, vestibule, basement hard wood floors, mirrored door, built-in-buffet Dutch kitchen, wrote and ivory finish, 3 large foun- tains in Plain "viewr very choice, neat and de - sirable; fa Hawthorne carline at 27th ave.;1no tab, good sink. Total price $1400, between terms; reasonable. Joy owner, Taoor soaz, juu 0002. - ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 Let us show you this wonderful buy; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with fur- . ' nace. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. full cement basement, garage; vacant. move right in: terms. J. A. Wickman Co. 264 Stark SL i Mala 683 and 1094. Modern Bungalow Hawthorne District At . prices ranging from $3000 to $4500. You can t miss it in .these offerings. Neilan & Parkhill 219 Lumbermen bldg. ' 6th and Stark at. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW S rooms strict ly modern; full attic, hardwood floors, furnace. fireplace. enameled ; woodwork, large corner lot; plenty of flowers, trees. snruDoery. Bee owner, AOS it 46th N. cor. utena Drive. aii BAt in rj nome, 1 1 ol uuwaukie at, near I eement basement and attic, sleeping porch, lot I ooxi-o nigniy improva. si - rose Dusnes. . la I enmur. cianoera, tiowera ana snruooery, ail I enoicest varieties, apple. peach, pear, fig trees, bearing; currant raspberry, blackberry bushes; large lawn. inquire owner. fnone SelL 191. Rose City Park 5 -room modern bntieakrw. tiew. near Suiffr. Phone me flunday mominc jVlAin 6882, Main fk 4. .'t A si 8f ri a if wmi sjant Am hrt avuwl WW e. a - - ox oyi Aiutt, moatm .-room lurnuned house on wavw bvauc. au , ., t IlL.lim 17 1 bogany, oak. bird s eye maple, brass and old ivory. Fruit, berries and flowers: real bargain tor casn. ono.1 41t St. 8. K. Fbone Sell 182. $2700 $550 CASH a i : w. t a iaa. chicken honse herriea. T,. 88A ner , xuom vwuMuw. UDnn 1.11 , i, . m vsxuus Term $30 per month. irJcludinaT '6 per. cent Interest : Wdln. 1863. owner at 68 W. Kmerson. 4 ROOM cottage, full cement basement 60s -120. fruit, garden; $l3o. terms. Snap. S room shack. 3 -full lot, fruit; $900, half cash. 6128 52d st, Woodstock car. I s. . y Uhlan TA. tx'.- 1- it- i.. . 1 iillHI Mill . IlIW -A TOOtW MU,M .US htlll,. ins; lot soxioo. Taie Waverly-Woodstock car, off at OOth ave. e. E., 3 blks. West to 1034 E. 3 tit. 'Now vacant Will be there Sunday. ' Kasy terms. Phone Tabor ' 71 90. A TITLE Insurance Policy. ia a guarantee of the title to your nome. When you buy your homa have the true Insured. Better be sate then sorry. iiu. et i rust company: BY OWNER: ROSE CITY DISTRICT Bungalow, corner lot bath, gas, electric lighta. basement chicken run. - fruit trees, garden. i.'ouii; terms. - laoov ssau. REAL bargain, $3200. -$426 cash. $25 per nnnth . t . t 70x100 lot, full basement 14 nice fruit trees! j berries and garden. Phone owner, Wdln. 6134.1 BAVE COMMISSION I Houses for sale, from 4 to 9 Absa,: on easy terror. Phono Wdln. 52T. - I , ., ET- - . , r TV i FOK SALE By owner, 4 room and bstii. riant on axrvisntm. car- line, near . Hhsi.rr s;ivu cun. n-i, journal. r. k .-. o nn-inii a 1.1.. fMm m- .1 . w car, haa ahacK and ontrmudings, - for quick J sale Phone Miller, SelL "1714. evening. FOUR room house, close to O. K. A N. shops, . pnee $1200, $200 caah. balance like tent Owner inquire 49 rTemont. REAL ESTATE FOlt fALK HOUSES il ONLT $1800 for a good 6 room house, modern. with corner lot. The house haa batb. toilet, full cement basement witb concrete walla, and garage; $10O0 cash. ; On the Mt Scott carline. M. J. CL0UESST. ABINGTON BLDG. . ' Only $1700 for a 5 room cottage on. Brook lyn St., on the carline. 830O cash will handle it. M. J. CLOUESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. IN f-AUTlETJirTtST 86750. A eery swell home ia a very swell place on Royal . Court. Here ts modern up to date, very clany. very substantial 7 room house: every equipment in the baaement needed. The boose has hardwood oak floors downstairs, fine fixtures, new lino leum en kitchen and bathroom : expensive shade on the windows; everything goes for the price. The bouse ia now ready to be oeruprea: yon can move ia immediately after paring deposit on the purchase price. There Is no place in .Lan- relburst that 'will ever equal this for the price you can buy H for above stated.; - .The owner has left the city; will not rent it: must be sold right away. ' Take a look at It ir you wtsn. Pto. 11B1 Royal Court.- Laorelhurst. . Z0Ot cash will handle it. ' M. J. CLOHESST. ABINGTON BLDG. . Only $6500. In the center of the city, on the west side, close in; to every one of - the civic buildings, courthouse, city hall, city auditorium. nig a school and a grade school, the largest in tne city, a block away.: .Vow listen to this. Here is 106x100 ft., a corner, paved street, every im provement in ' and 1 paid for. -' On thia corner- I tnere are tonr good bouses, of which at the present rental, aa t his ia the hard time low rental, as the rente have not been" advanced. which is an uncommon thing, of this place to every other place in the city, where they bare bees advanced over and over again. Anyhow, suffice it to say that the rental will stand an increase today and, forever twice what is now I being paid without expression, but the " present tl will net tbe purchaser more than 12 per . j . Z? j . " boUi'' yowrself and forever afterwards from wilier ujwnw : Rcetrai mass Dig aiwiej. I nia is about the price of the lota, to say noth ' lh? hutWing-i. 32300 in cash wilt handle vwouui, snuuiu.l x?i-l- Wn.LAMKTTF! TTirifirrrft stAURTFICE COST $13,000. SAf-E PRICE $0250' Kxoootlonallr fin. K-nmrn eolonisl Insa living room, reception , hall, din ing room and kitchen on the first floor, 3 fine bedroom, sleeping porch and a lovely bath with shower on the second floor. Urge screened in back porch which tan be ued - aa breakfast room. 75xloO ground with fine lawn and shrubbi-ry. I n obstructed view of the eity from every room in the house. On account of death in the family I am off ring thia 3400O below orig inal cart price seven years ago. Today it is just like new inside and out. For appoint ment to see thia call-Broadway 3089. IRVINGTON -8 room "Dutch colonial - lik. new? old ivorr finish, tape.' try walls, large living room, sun room, attractive kitchen, double fireplace, three delightful bedrooms and Bleeping porch, r full basement, fruit -room and eoal bin. nice lawn and- lota of shrubbery; drive by and look it over, 580 JS. 13th st -N. if you like it, make an offer. It is going to be sold. ' C. M. DERU - TOE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St, , Main 4522.. IRVINGTON PARK. $2700 Buys a wonderful home at this price. Newly painted and decorated thnmgh h out. in perfect condition: 5 rooms and bath, with furnace, full basement, wash tray,- buffet, Dutch kitchen. You would never expect to buy this home for so little mosey and we can' sell it with 'a small payment down.- J. A. Wickman Co. 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094 I STRICTLY MODERN PIEDMONT BUNGALOW I 7 rooms and sleeping porcn, Duut-ins in living I room, dining room ana kitchen ; large gas grate I room, oining room ana aiicnen; wrgi I in firepUee la living room; 2 ftirnac, I and the other hot air: large instantaneous gas j water heater and laundry trays; garage, corner 1 lot; both -sts. paved and paid; house 1 in fine condition and the property ia worth the money. trice l.iwu; terms. Brown & Grant 201-2 Fenton Bldg. . Bdwy. 8222 $!300Cottage Furnished - 4 room and bath, electricity, small basement, wood house and store- room, bearing fruit trees. flowers, eement walks, all paid., between Haw- tborae and Ml. Scott lines, on 67th at; 3300 cash, balance easy.- Buy this and help bead off rent profiteering. East 2916 today, or see Rip- I 610 McKay- bldg. HAWTHORNE ' - T Room Bungalow $5000 " . NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. A mien did home. 7 rooms with hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen,- furnace, etc.; real value here. Tou will have to see A his to sd- 1 predate tne real valn. us show you. A. G; Twiepe Co. 270 Stark st, nesr 4th. Main 8092 Branch Office 5001 and Sandy. Open Sunday. 14500 $4500 NEAB laAUTtELITURST PARK - Buys a good 6 room home, full lot. fruit tree.' fine garden; no. It hasn't a furnace, but you will find a good buy and' $1000 cash will handle it Mr. Blisa COE A. McKENNA Y CO., 82 4th St- Main 4522. $100 CASH". $15 MONTHLY- A neat little 3 room iilastered cottage, elec 1 trie light and gas; bathroom with natent toilet at xaoor ana uontavuia can. 732 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3500 Reduced from 84OO0, 5 rooms and bath, with garage, furnace, paved street with $56 to assume; vacant This home is worth $4000. but owner pur chased country home - and must dis pose of this at once. . Let us show you. J. A. Wickman Co. . 264 Stark St Main 583 and 1094. 12 ROOM OUSE WEST SIDE 60x166. corner 4th and Carnthers st.: honse ia furnished and renting for $6 per month; condition very good inside, needs painting out side. Price $6250, half cash, balance an time. Brown & Grant 20 1-3 Fenton Bldg. Bdwy. 8222. $6000 Bungalow in Rose City, : 7 rooms, ,2 Sleeping porches, sewing room, .earn, ' furnace. fireplace, trays. hardwood floors, full cement basement, lawn, shrubbery, near school and carline. Lot 0xlO0." Mr. Shult will show you. HITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building -' Going to France, $35 ' Am selling .this attractive 5-room buncakrw. completely furnished, large tiring room acroa tlie front dining room,, kitchen, pase pantry, 2 large bedrooms, with extra lane -closets, full basement paved street close in. near school and 2 good car line. Manhall 8993. I PC rMnewlAv.' fnMiak trV. 7 J w - avwau m uiiaeisuw . tHiiuBairu. UU. UIU FUIU I water, sink. , full basement, 50xl2O lot trees I n.1 li.nlili.,. K 1 1 1 111 1 .k w , . JohnsonDodson Co. 638' N. W. Bank Bldlg. Main 8787. $460 CASH OCT Then $20 per month.' 6 per cent int, buys f!000 ?.rooms . w.tnent,m Iirst-claas eondl- l . . . . .. . .ion. 50x100 lot. fruit and -flowers, $2500. No agents. owner. ZU33 Hawthorne ave. Auto. 219-14. - - .' ' HAWTHORNE $2700 S - roan bungalow. 5 Ox 1 1 OO lot, fruit trees and berriea, paved at. aewer; house-in good condition ; terms. JonnsonDodson Co. 1 is. W. MM niaig. 1 . -. . . . . Main 8787. REAL ESTATE LOANS Have $1500, $2000. $3000 to loan first mortgage 1. Hee as for your real estate loan. Very reliable service. , A. O. Teepe Co., 270 Stark st near 4th. Ground floor. MY EQUITY in lot 60x100 and 5 room aback. electrie lights and gas : aught consider trade. Call 8unday or evening between and 8 p. tn at 49.0 E. 82d st N. Phone Tabor 5624. NICE .7 room house, lot 7'ixlOo, on Slat and Clinton, lot worth $3500; will take $4500, f"f 2!ii?"2? F?Z TIa? I txOBPSiy Keslty, 43 4th Mar. 3842. mt. FOR SALE 3 room house, lot 60x100. south end N. and S. carline; home Sunday. Mar- shall 2178. Fred Pnrath, 159 Jaiia ave. FOR SALE By owner, one acre, 8 room house. 1 garage, wbodJied. garden, berriea. Come sea. I S70 70th stve.. B. E. PorUarid. FOR SAI Jj by owner- j room - modern bunga low, on easy terms or will trade for a small farm. Address 5544 82d st S. E. I HaHIM. bouse. 50x100 lot. some fruit; good view: a anno at I20OO. onlv 3500 cash. bL $20 per ano. including int Main 6127. $15O0 SHACK. 2 carline. East Sale, close in. Piper. East 979. X OREAL ESTATE FOU SALE HOUSES $1 PACIFIC AGENCY INC. - 614-20 Swetland bldg. ' Automatic 511-50 or Marshall 8989. No. 547 Hawthorne : Price . $4500. Cash $ 1 000 NEW-5 room bungalow, ju-t completed, hard wood floors, old ivory finish, 50x100 lot Hurry if you want to be the first to occupy this. The new 0 room bungalows don't last long. No. 545 ' Ask for This Number FuU front porch. X hirge rooms -with lots of built-in features, one block from carima, 3 from school. Owner ia an elderly gentleman, atl slone, wants te selL A dandy - buy. Price $4200. Cash $1700. - 'j See! $2500Cash $1000 For this 50x130 with lota "of gtHen, fruit and berries and a modern 5 room bungalow. aH at! the sacrifice rrice above mentioned. i nie in cludes a fine gas raiige, U surely a' great bar gain. . , 1 No. 555 Price -$7500Cash '$3000 Lot of ground, 6 room cottage, Idotible eo atrurted. more than an acre of ground; large rooms, lota of cupboard and 'doet;f fine I'uil man kitchen, S large sleeping room on second floor.' Room for a garage, as this hit occupies the entire block. 223x210. Lots of fruit and berries; a fine home, well worth the mooty. No. 554 i What's fSmatterT Pop? "Nathan'"'; Onlv. here Is. a man for someone: 5 rooms, 50x100 lot: everything fine ourjiide; but the house is not plastered: get this and finish It up lire in your own home. Price ajiuu; caso $000. - . - i 'No. 553 Woodstock 1 Price $2500-Cash $1000 B room; bungalow In 70th are. near 4 2d st, blocks to the car line: 50x100 let; 6 years old. Would exchange for acreage with a house near Oregon City.' - I No. 550 . j ; Hawthorne i lrrice,$5500-Cash $ 11 000 8 -room bungalow style, 5 room down and 8 up, bulltins. concrete basement, fireplace, laun dry trayspaved streets; built 4-years. - - .No. 548 V;;! ; pargo Twins! - Price"$4750 and $4500 One 7 rooms and one 6 rooms, in Fargo st Close in property. One block to the car line, hard surface streets and hardwood floors; these are both good bays. 1 No. 539 ! Mallory Heights Price $6300Cash $I500J 6-room bunsalow styl. house, new snd Tnod era, with all bailtin. features, nardwood Iloor and hot-air furnace: close to car line on 50x 100 lot This is a nifty home and will soon be ready for. occupancy. - - j No. 538 i Alberta, $2500 For 3 rooms and a fine sleeping Porch, nearly completely furnished;- located on a good lot in E. 15th st N. just off Alberta st This is surely a snap. No. 542 0 FirSand Price $ 11 30Cash $700 Save your rent; .buy this 4 -room cottage: be your own landlord and live at home. 50x100 lot . No. 541 j' Lents ': -Price $3600Cash '$11000 Nearly 1 acre of ground with 40' fruit trees, some wamuU and shrubbery; 4 -room bungalow and garage; good baaement; vacant: and ready to occupy. ; No. 540 Apartment Property . A 4 2 -room brick apartment on east side: well located; full of tenants; everytldng in good shape and bringing a . good incotnA Price $30,000. i No. 55 - : - Fine Laundry or V Factory Site!" If you are looking for a location for a laun dry or a factory, it would pay you to -investigate thia. Here is a block, corner of 1 6tb snd Hague sts. price $70OO; terms. No. 540 ; Price $4500Cash $750 8-room house bi E. 86th st N. Very good lo cation. 4 block from car line; 73xlnv lot Irvington Sacrifice Corner. 50x100; fine 8-roora modern bouse. fine shrubbery, good garage; located in best part of Irvington. A ; real bargain at the price of fiauo; ooo wm Handle it Hawthorne Special Price $4200, Half Cash We offer tine ' modern 5 room bungalow near Franklin high school and north of Division st Fireplace, furnace. - full basement lot 40x 124. There is also a garage, l'bone for am arpoinimeut to see. ; Fine 7 Room Bungalow 80x fl 00 LotPrice $5500 " 7-room bungalow, lust Ike new; beautiful eastern oak floors,, fine fireplace, French doors between the living room and the dining room, nice outlet, tine lruten Kitchen and an extra toilet on the back porch. Very fine baaement lota ef fruit and berries; beautiful lawn, large garage. Ail goes at the price of $5300; $3000 aown. - No. 528 : Laurelhurst:' Bungalow Price $ti ,500Terms This is aa exceptionally well-built conven iently arranged, splendidly designed boms of the California style; large living room, paneled din ing room, white enamel bath, bedroom.: center hall and reception; hall. Also very fine garage; lot I mi IV. i I No. 439 j Ladd: Addition Fine ft-room modern hsne on an 80x120 lot With thia home goe a ga - range, pool table. tub a one ot tne finest homes In one of Port, uusi .luces iiauicu, I nee a I a.O oil. No. 458 Piedmont - j Price $S S,600 Cash $600.0 Fine 8 room homa In a rest rictl district- plate glass window, heavy French beveled plate mirror buffet, finely finished throughout; modern in every re pert : large front porch with anaasrfva pillars and buttresses of artistic cement block, Ground 100x100. A Very pretentious home a bargain prise. No. 496 1 Wi 1 lamette He! ghts Price $9250 .Halffj Cash This il a fine 6 room Dutch colonial home on A -pen at: excellent hardwood floors, built-in effecu. Ivory finish throughout; in fact; a mod tra, up-to-date home on about a lot and three quarters, - There is a fine view from almost every room in thia home where you can see miles of beautiful Willamette valley and ' the hills and mountains beyond. Owing to certain unavoidable circumstances the owner is very anxious to dispose of this and Is offering It st several thousand .dollars fea than the oriirinal cost. . Foe aa appointment to see phone us, No.;476:-r::,.a'-l " Irvington, $12,500 Beautiful 8 room Irrlngton, corner lot 75x100 in. a very excluore district; wonderful groond with rare ahrubbery and flower. An excellent home in the pink of condition, with every mod ern convenience. ' Three blocks from , two car line. To. see phone for an appointment PACIFIC AGENCY-, INC. . $14-20 SWETLAND BLDG. MARSHALL 398 i ' v:;:-.-' -,r-';" - .- - i REAL ESTATE FOlt SA1.F 1IOUSCH Hawthorne Bungalows 840OO for a Tin. one with music, dining and living room and lutch kitcben. with hardwood floors; baa 4- bedrooms, fireplace, built-in book rases and buffet, panel and beam celling in din ing room, on E. 49th; half caah. $4300 for a fine 6 room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcase. Dutch kitchen, 2 toilets, and on corner of E. 84th. 330OO for a fine 7 room, with exreedlng'y large porches, fireplace, hardwood floor, beam ceiling, bniit-in buffet snd bookcase, fine initio kitchen, furnace and large garage, on Glenn are. Some terms. Phone Mar. 829,- - - F. L. Blanchard . S 1 9-20 Railway F-xrhanae. ' Riverdale THOROUGHLY WELIBllLT BUNGAIX1W. large living room ami dining room, combined with fine fireplace. 2 bedroomaj large chuet with windows, batik room, kitchen and pantries, complete basement with one room finuhed; good furnace: strong spring with automatic prewur. pump provides abundance of water; Bull Kun water l-o available. Lot 100x100; fruit trees; good view ; little stream crosses one corner: fine loratiun; about 3 bheks from Kirerdaie station. For quw-k sale 352SO. AIm 3 view ots with stream running throne h, to be -old tosethcr for 81HOU. Mrs. Helen S. Turner - 1000 Snekitng Hklg. Msin SOU or Main 7 .'71. i Dekum and Jordan - Nv- : $2100': , A Real Snap ", 6 mom eottsee. bath and toilet All newlv painted. Sjilendid lot. all kinds of fmit and berries. Locaud on Eal 30th st, within 2 blocks of Ankeny car bam, .Dekum and Jordan 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldrf. 4th and Htark Sts. . " " - Main 2238. j. JUST A DANDY HOME 6 room cottaCJ tth XiniJied atUN bednwm flr.t flKr; not new. but well cun-triKted and in good condition, wilh ' beautiful grounds. 63xlOO rorncr; neF sr.luwl and on gtmd car Unr; $2750; $500 ci.h, balance monthly , C. M. DKRR COE A. McKENNA Sc CO, S3 4th St Main 4522. EXCKLLKNt'VAtt-ENnplj:iUON 'TIIoU'ft On Cammercial street, 1 Vs hlx-k tiorth of Killingyworth are., 7 room home snd ltXixlOO, with 15-foot alley in rear: good .basement, fur nace, large and well lighted kitchen with built-ins: several bearing fruit trees, some hemes, lot of rose and a besutiful lawn: ideal location and will appeal to the buyer' wanting value received for hi money. Price $800(1. some term. Brown & Grant 201-2 Fen'.on Bklg. Bdwy. 8222. BUY DIRECT FROM Owner Beautiful modern 7 room bungalow snd ga rage, A-l condition, like new; immediate posse, sion. Would coat $7500 to build today, lot with 16-ft alley; paved street, pawl; nesr Wal nut Park, only $5000. Ttrma. owner. Mar-, (hall 24od. "' ST. JOHNS BUSt;Al.OW $2356." 6 rooms, modern, lot 60x100, 1 V blocks te car. 4 fruit and nut trees, all kinds of berries. $800. cash, balance moniuiy. V1 732 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $2o50 -'REASON ABLE DOWN PAYMENT Nice 6 room bungalow, fine location. 80x100 lot; all improvement in and paid; nice bath, full basement elect no lights, gas; newly painted outside; enameled inside, ivory and white, nice tapestry paper. 1540 Greely St., on Ku John carline, off at Buffalo at Key next door. Owner on premises srter 4 p. m. Saturday ana all day Sunday. Call Wdln. 4SI1. A DAXDT house. $2750 $500 cash, rooms snd finished sttic, in good condi tion: 65x100', good lawn and fruit trev; on good carline. $500 cash., balance easy. - C. M. DEKR. COE A. M'KENNA A CO. 82 4th at . Maia 4522. MR. RENT PAYER Why psy rent when you rsn buy from ownet a 6 room house with gas. electric lights, bath, cement walks, paved st, roses, berries; room for garage; 1 block from Fulton and tiswego Ime: 2 blocks to good school. Price $2000; $300 rssb snd $20 per month and iriterest. Located st 78 Idaho at., cor. Macadam. Owner. 107 Idaho st Phone Marshall 4591, evening. Buy Direct From Owner Beautiful modern 7 room bungalow and gar age, A-l condition, like new; immediate imwev sion. Would east $7500 to build today; 1H witb 16 It alley, paved street, paid; nesr Wal nut Park, only (5000. Terms. Owner, Marshal 240. MODERN 6 room house, rec. hall, parlor, din ing room, kitchen on first floor; 3 bedrooms. clothes closets; white enameled bathroom 2d floor; wash trays, gas, W ; nice lawn, cement baaement; price $3800. $900 cash, balance $''5 mo. Would take good car up to $900 aa 1st pay- ment- i in wtuiams ave. owner. Fine View 8 rooms, hath, full basement new brneless furnace, buffet, Dntch kichen, including $200 electric range, lot 72xt2s. fruit, nuts and ber ries. Price $4 500. vSOO cash. It Is st least $1000 under value. 'all o. W. corner 6&th and Couch. Tabor fi34. IN IRVINGTON PARK S room house, . newly papered and painted, completely furnished; beautiful Iswn and shao trees; berries and garden, 60x100 lot. $12oo, $400 cash and $15 per month. 1 b!k. from end of "Alberta csrline. 1274 K. 2th st. N. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ ROSE CITT PARK 100x100 CORNER 1 Work to car, S. W, corner of BOth and Br zee streets; lot on grade with street, some natural fir tree, paved stre-et in and paid. a front; this is a bargain; only reason for atiling. closing an e-tate. 1'rice $2O00. Term ch. f Corner lot slone worth $1250. ) J. U HART MAN COMPANT. 8 Chamber of Cora, bldg, Alain 208. - TERT LARGE SACRIFICE ROSE CITT CAR Very large tr-t (2 acre tracts) ovwrlnoking Conntry rhib, which wis recent ty purchased for park. Think of arrege this close in for about $1350 p-r acre. Pric for tract 250. loca tion N. W. corner 70th st and Hill Crest Drive. J. L. HA RTM AN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. bklg. Main 208. BEAUTIFULLY wooded lota, 50x100, near th beautiful Peninsula park and Jefferson high school. 1 H minutes to Broadway and Washing ton by street car, 3 carline, $500, $30 caAh, $10 monthly. JOHSSOt-TODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. GRAND AVENUE Lot 60x90 on Grand ave., near E- Burn side, some Income, for sale cheap, J 1. OLDER- CO., v Grand ave., near E. Ankeny. FCR , SALE Corner. 100x100, nppo-iiie en ' trance to Columbia park, Winchell and Woot ey sts.; sl-o 50x100- on Hnrst st Term. I-iberty bonds or auto in part payment JL, Campbell, 7033 Makee ave., I.oe Angeles, CaL i ROSE CITT BARGAIN at' Corner of 62d and Brazee. 60x110, $600: terms. I. O. COR BIN CO., 8.05-6-7 -1 liewi. Bldg. Hawthorne District 1 A very nice home, corner lot 50x100. tn perfect condition: 8400O on easy terms. j- - - - If 741. Journal. - "$200 IRVIXGTO-V PARK $200 i Cement walks, curH. city water, electricity, 8 minutes walk to carline, $10 down. $10 per month; big sacrifice; rost owner $4t0. M. E. De Joice Co., 222 Henry BW.Brlwy. 1631. FOR SATE My l"t in Country club dd.Uua. on 61st and Krasee sts., n'ht at door of Portland's new nark; a bargain at $450. Writ E. A telle, Albany. Or. . FOR SALE Lot on E. 434 at., between Knott and Brazee. Improremenu in, clear, $1050. Owner, J. 1L Klffie, H3'J Bowdoin st UCrNER. J 00x100, Shaver aud Mallory; abo lot 50x118. A U me la, park;, traprovtmeots paid. Iist 339. HOU&i' burnexl down, must sU lot, wi'-h cement foundation; cesejx;"!, waiks. etc., 50x100, near 52d t Sacrifice $325. Garland. 201 3d FINE 60sI60-lt lot for salelnfiue re.identTaf Qi-iinci, one oiofra iron na.mora fine, vsu owner, Tsbor 775. (MALL shack, $725. $10 down, (5 per mot- i; . Mt Scott car. AVilgus . Smith, 690 Vt ir bams ave. East 1298. Woodiawn 6o$A.