THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY " 18, 1S20. w TOWN TOPICS ' Traveler to aft Batata of the XSvttat State, or abroad ehooH take ad rental, of experienced ia formatioa en 4 eerrtee offered tbroctb The Ore (on Joaraal Travel Bareaa. is peraonal ebara nf Dimt B. Baulk. - Railroad ticaeta and eteamihip book in a arranged. Fore a enhance ieraad. aafoimatkm air a reeardine paaaporta. COMINO WEHT " Cladatene Chautauqua, (iladaoae. July 1S-2S. -' Stat. Eika aeeociaiioB. Salem. JI JJ-2t Washington State Kedmea, Vaneoarer., Jul 29-28. . American Lcsloo. iitortt, Jttly SO -SI. Waibinfton - Aaepeiatioa et Counlgr ; Qatka, Ttncoatct, Aatut -7. . t . . ; , Bttyera' eeek, Auruit to 14. - American Society of Cirii Lnciaeere powna tfoB. Aacvt 10 to 11. - . ; - Prune Feetieel. Vaneowrer. Wean, aptaaf ber lo-l. - V -' "'' Son of Herman (rand lede. PorUaod. Sep tember 21. ' Pendleton Rftand-Op. Seotembe 2S-3S. " Wa.hmeton Stata W. O. T. D Vaneeorer. September 2S-80. ' - - ' Oregon State Fair. Salem, September 2T fa October 2. - ' Idaho State Fair, Bolae. September 27 to Oo tober 2. - , . . ' ' I'acifto Coaat Caa aaaoeiatio. Portland. Sep .tember. VVa.,hlDrton State Fair. Tektaia, September 20-2S. .' " Maltnomab County Fair. Greaham.. October 4 to Pacific International Liveiiock ajaocUtioa. Portland. November IS to 20. Oreaun l'iahu fr'armer Educational TJnlos of America. Tbe LWliea. December I to I -,- --i-.-thbift f And WAB SAVINGS STAUPB ;'" on Sale at - Baafneee Office. The Joaraal Cblldrea of Pioneer To Flenle The Society o Sons and Daughters of Ore ton Pioneers will hold their first annual picnic at Gladstone Park tChautauqua) Saturday, July 24. This will be Pio neer Day." At 11 a. m.. President Har vey G. Starkweather will speak on the "Aims and Purposes of the Organisa tion." At noon . the picnic dinner will occur. Member are , requested to bring well-filled lunch, baskets, and Include cups and spoons for coffee, which will bo furnished by the society. The fol lowing is the committee ! on entertain ment : Hajrvey G. Starkweather, rs. Mary Barlow Wilklns. Miss Lilian M. Hackleman, Mrs. T. T. Gear. W. B. Crane, M. C. Gt-irge. 'Mrs. A. B. Cros man. J. W. Mlnto. Mrs. S. B. Huston. Milton A. Miller. Mrs. DP. Thompson. Col. Robert A- Miller. Mrs. Harriett B. Killin and Mrs. George A- Harding of Oregon Clty. . ., Crawford KlUd In Accident Byron E. Crawford, former resident of - Port land, was faUlly Injured" In an automo bile accident June 29 at Los Angeles, where he was residing, and died . with out regaining consciousness. Funeral services were heldfJuly 3 and interment was at Forest Lawn Memorial park cemetery. Crawford la survived by his wife and two daughters. Nelba and Mar Jorie, two brothers, Cart Crawford of Los Ajgeles and Marian Crawford of San Francisco. He had several distant relatives In Portland and Oregon Clty. Crawford was born in Corvallls October 81. 1881. . ' ' Helghtf Home Sold The J. M. Had dock home at Montgomery drive and Jtoswell street, Portland Heights. was purchased last week by Robert S,. M. NMcholson of Balfour, Guthrie St Co., con sideration being about J7000. ' Tha prop erty consists of a quarter block amd a modern bungalow., .The grounds are - beautifully Jandscaped and hedges con sist of natise Oregon shrubbery. On ac count of the death f his father. Had dock will return to his old home at Bed ford. Iowa, to assume control of the Haddock Investment company. Who Has Girls' Camp PogT - Lost, strayed or stolen nearly a week ago from the T. W. C A. girls camp on the " Reed " college campus, a German police dog loaned, to the gfrls by a well wisher, has not been returned and they face the possibility of having to' pay its value tp Its owner. The girls believe the dog strayed away and Is -being innocently held by some unidentified persons, to whose good graces they are appealing for its prompt return. The animal is a female of sable hue and wolf -like appearance. City Employes to Climb Mosntaln A mixed party of 35 employes of the city hall, headed by R. J. Kramers of the city engineering bureau, left Port land in automobiles Saturday afternoon to .. climb Larch mountain. The crowd was to assemble at Multnomah Falls at 4 :30 -p. m. and begin the climb. They eipect to reach the upper spring by dark and camp for the' night, leav ing before daylight for the summit to view the sunrise from the pinnacles. Paddles Meet Monday, Monday- even ing the regular meeting f the Daddies club will be held in their hall. ; 129 Fourth . street. -, Matters of vtal - im portance to the membership will be con sidered -and especially such things as have reference to the welfare of the-unfortunate former service men who were returned home physically incapacitated. All members of the club are asked to be . present. : " .. : ' '' ; . ' ' .- ' ' Anto Leaves St. Charles Hotel for 1 Scappoose 6 :50 a. m. ; St. Helens, As toria and Seaside, 10 a. m.. 1:30 p. rr.. Ecappoose and St. Helena, 4 p. m. ; ex tra Saturday and Sunday to Scappoose and St Helens, ll.:15 p.i m. Cascade Locks and Hood River 9:45 a. m.. 2:43 p. m. ; Bridal Veil and Multnomah Falls. 10 a. m., 4 p. m. ; extra ; Saturday.-and Sunday, 11:15 p. rn. to Bridal Veil.- For information call Marshall 4381. Adv. - yame Bepnty Warden'. A. McDanlel of Oak Grove has been appointed deputy fish warden to take charge of patrol work in the district about the mouth of the Rogue river, by Carl D. Shoemaker, ..uiniiv. lwmtaM- nf tha stkte fish com- . mission. McDanlel ; left Saturday for Goldbeactv,. wnere: ne win remain unui the close of the fishings season In October. v "!-"'' Indorsement We are pleased to note that "Block Anethesla" (nerve blocking) is to be given special consideration at the annual meeting of the Oregon State. Den tal" association. This method is indorsed by leading dentists of the world. 'In our office all classes of dental operations are perrormea psimessiy rjy : aia oi nerve blocking, prs. Hartley. 5 Kiesendahl & Marshall, room 307, Journal bldg. Adv. Halt Leaves Forest Service G. W. Hult has resigned from the forest man agement department of the forest service to become associated with' the national park service in game preservation and protection 'work In the Yosemite nation al park. Hult will leave next week for California. , ' ::. V y- -., 'Hons. Heads 37ew : Department Fred H. Hoss has "been retained ' by the Portland Trust company to have charge of a new department specialising . in corporation and - business property man agement, -according - to ! announcement made Saturday by officials of the com pany. r 'H' -' Pyorrhea Can Be Cnred Why suf fer when we can give relief and assure you of e health and happiness? Dr. C Smith Long, dentist, 301 Bush & Lane building. Adv. r Alaska Has Mnch Wood Palp About 100.000.000 cords of timber suitable for the manufacture of paper are available TWO BABY MONKEYS "SEE THE ZOO TODAY p OLUMBIA B E A C H VACATION OR SUMMER SUBSCRIBERS When cotnc awajr for the rammer or on ymr vaeauon. bare The Journal 'follow yon at tha recular rata, or the follovins asaaea UI aupply joo at recular city rates: Barriew, Or. W. A. StppeU. Jr. "i Bar. City. Or. Mra. T. A. GUlan. Cannon Beach Ecola. Or. H. L. Harrla.- raraon. Wtk. Carl B- Smitli. alao bbip- berd'e Srrhiji. - - Garibaldi. Or. D. C. ElUa. Cearhart, Or. W. L Bobinaon. ! Van Beach. 'Veah. Stranhal ' A Oa. Manhatua Beach Mr. G. 1. Hnatoa. -' tfinanita Beach-mil G KardelL Neah-Kab-Nia. Or. A. C Anderson. -, Nehalem, Or. Nebatem Dras Company. ' Netarta. Or. Mra. af. F. Croaa. . Newport, Or. M. 8. Hunt. ' ' Pactfio City O. H. Ward. Ocean Park, Waah. Geo. H. Kramer, s Roeaaway Beach, Or. F. Miller. beaaide. Or. Jaaon McCtsne. Kotb Pros tore. - - - - - .:- Seaefew. Waab. .- Geo. I. Ptttaaaa. , TiHamook. Or. F. C Ebenman. Twin Koeka, Or. D. J. Van Scyoa..-' ? Vilnoit fjyrinsa F. W. McLeraa, in the national forests of Alaska, esti mates made by the forest service show. These ; forests. ! under careful manage ment, can' produce 2,000,000 cords of pulpwood annually or enough to manu facture one-third of the pulp products consumed In the .United States. Within the last ten years the forest service has sold 420,000,000 feet of , timber In the Alaska forests, most of - which ' have been used for piling, sawlogs and shin gle bolts. . - . .:,'.-,,; .; r- . -, GaaiU Band to Give Concert The Multnomah Guard band next Wednes day night will ' give a ; concert And dance at Columbia Beach.. William A. McDougall. conductor of the 6S-piece organisation. Is preparing what he de clares to be one of the best programs yet given. The renditions will Include both popular and classical composi tions, together with some especially ar ranged. The program will be started early In the evening, ' and will be con cluded by dusk.' Bids Opened for Timber The forest service opened bids Frldsy on 14.570,000 feet, of Douglas fir. 3.788,000 feet Port Orford cedar. 429,000 hemlock. 1.266.000 western red cedar and 438,000 white fir. The highest bidder was the Coos Bay Lumber company at $1.75 for the. Doug las fir, $3 , for, the Pprt. Orford cadar, 31.50 for the western red cedar and 50 cents for other species. The timber- is located on Salmon creek in the Siskiyou National forest, . '-.f---" --y-; ' ' - it--. ,T Freedom from every discordant condi tion is -yours for the asking. The Psycho meta Physical Institute; Dr. D. K. Zim merman. Psymph. director. 310-317 Bush Sc Lane bldg. . Main- 6761, ' 10-12 a. m., 2-5 p. m. Evenings, Sundays by appoint ments Adv. ji: i,":." J ' The - Moore Sanltarlnm Which ' Is known favorably - for its specialty.- the Milk and ' Rest Cure, will move Bhortly Into its splendid new building';' where every comfort" can be given the most fastidious patients. Office 908 Selling building. Phone Main 610L Adv. : Artificial Teeth made " by " Dr. Ross man, the plate specialist, are made to eat with. - They t make you look your beat Journal -building. Adv.: , , ' Steamer : Iralda for St,' Helens and Rainier, dally at 2:30 p. rn., foot of Alder street. Sunday,' St. Helens only,' 1 :30 p. m. Adv. W A Devotional Meeting will be held to night at 8 o clock. Theosophical hall. 301 Central bldg.. cor. 10th and Alder All are welcome. Adv. . v .:, , ' . , Edward J Shlnners has moved his law office from room 8.02 to room 214 North western Bank bldg.. Phone Aut. 517-30. AdV.':-; ..,-.. I v .... ; , - ,;-, .. ; Have Ton Headache, dim or blurred vision?--See Dr. Frank Sandifur for re lief. Eyesight specialist, 314 Journal bldg. Swimming every - afternoon, dancing every evening. "Wlndemuth on the Willamette." Adv. - Nlsbeth Sanltarlnm, 16 Lovejoy. ': All medical cases admitted. Phone Broad-, way 3601 or Broadway 51S. Ady. . Safety Boxes, lc. dally. 284 Oak. Adv. Rusarian Band to Give Concert at -Washington: Park The municipal band 1 concert Sunday, afternoon will be given- at -Washington park bandstand at 3 o'clock., - The Rosarian 'band. ,J. B. Ettlnger' con ductor, the official concert organiza tion of the city for tha - summer, will give the following program, which: In cludes two request numbers : - ; First part: Overture. "Ill .Guarany (Gomez) ; grand selectlbn. "Lohen grin" (Wagner) : suite. - "Peer Gynt" (Grieg), (a) "Morning (b) "Asa's Death."' c) "Anitra's Dance." ;(d) "In the Hall of the Mountain King." Ac knowledging a i special request,. - Mr. Driscoll will play "The Rosary" as an extra number. "' ' Second ; part ! ' Selection, "Samson and Delilah" (Saint Saens); religious meditatiqn. "Last Hope" (Gottschalk) ; "Invitation to the - Dance" - (Weber) ; "Fantasia American" (Herbert) ; . "The S tar-Spangled Banner,' MORE BUICKS Howard Antomoblle Company, Distrib utor for Bsleks, Receives - : ' Sew Shipment. ' - Several carloads - of - valve-in-head Buick motor cars have just arrived and are awaiting distribution. There are a few in excess of waiting orders for Im mediate distribution. - , HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. " Adv.) u - . . . Broadway 1130. Corner Fourteenth and Davis.Sts. y.,. t . . ..... . 1 . : , r Cards of Thanks , I desire to express by sincere thanks and gratitude ) for the r sympathy and kindness shown me in - my recent be reavement, also for - the many beautiful flowers, v Edwin P. Wester... ;r .We wish to express our appreciation and sincere thanks for each expression snd act of kindness during the- ttlness and burial of our beloved husband and son," John Ervin Bissener. . Mrs. John Erwln Bissener and Family. Dr. Fred MeUish Now Located , at 108Y2 4th Between Wasblngtoa and Stark H onestl and Conscientious Dentistry ;.:;v. 12 years experience in tjie largest dental offices In Portland. ; r REDUCED PRICES FOR 30 DAYS phoxe MAiar s;t : DROP IN AT WOOSTERS j GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' 488 to 494 Washington Street ' v OPEN EVENINGS : l j Take the car home from Woosf er Reports of Big Fund In Portland Bank for Red Defense Denied Printed reports from Seattle that an t W. W." defense fund of 1125.000 had been raised and deposited In a Portland bank, probably under a fictitious name, are not true, according to federal inves tigators, who were questioned Friday. ," The mayor of Portland has stood be hind his policemen, and has made this city an undesirable place for 'outlaws." one of the men said, "and for this reason I do not believe the L W. W. organiza tion would have the courage to try such a thing in Portland." . r Federal investigators found an office in Seattle where about $17,500 had been stored in a safe. This is amid to have been part of the Centralia defense fund. The name of a land company is said to have been printed on the office door as a rvise. Police and federal officers who make It their business to follow the secret workings of the L W. W. say, that' it is not the general policy of the organiza tion to deposit any money outside of Chicago. Any district needing assistance Is said to draw on the national treas ury. ' - - - - - - - ' The majority of the I. W.i W. funds are collected by 'committees which in some cases are self appointed, on a com mission basis. Following an Indignation meeting a hat ia generally passed. All contributors are given a receipt. :. The "committee" keeps a certain percentafgs of the funds for wages and personal ex penses, and the balance is forwarded to Chicago. v .!-:- The Journal's Lost : And Found Bureau Work Appreciated During- the Shrine convention The Journal maintained a "lost and found" bureau in ' an ' office -' down : Broadway, through which hundreds of articles were returned to their rightful owners. An echo of the work of this bureau and an appreciation is contained In the following letter received from . the Rev. Alfred Rockwood, , rector of the Church of the Redeemer," Pendleton J : 'The ' package of - papers; - including checks, warrants, vouchers, etc.; . picked up on -the streets of Portland aud turned over to you,- and which you- kindly addressed to Mrs. Grace White man, was received this morning. I have been asked -o express the very real appreciation of the Parish Aid ' so ciety for your great kindness! in-returning these papers. ? It is another Indi cation how , thoroughly and completely Portland ;was organized 'to r meet any and every contingency that might arise In connection with the enormous crowds you handled during Shrine week." ; i Increase Is Shown In Freight Handled; . Over S., P. & S. Lines Statistics submitted by W. D. Skinner, traffic manager of the S., P. & S.-lines, show that during June freight handled on these lines was nearly 20 per cent greater In volume than during the cor respondlng month of 1919. Similar In creases are shown for May and the-period., end ing July. 7. : - ?-ff ' r-: ' U- "While it is true . that the carriers have not been able to handle all of the traffic offered them." said Skinner, "the grow ing belief that the transportation sys tems have broken down since their re lease from government control is un founded, i With the. enormous volume of business offered and the many disad vantages under which the railroads are struggling It igS not to, be wondered at that mistakes are made and that delays occur." '..':'- i . ;. k , j The following' figures showing? loaded cars handled on the S.. .P. & S.: lines were submitted' by- Skinner : May. 1920, 10.833 cars; May.. 1919. 8927 cars, an in crease of 1912 cars. June, lazu. iu.suo cars: June. 1919. 9586 cars, an Increase of 1019 cars. . July 1 to 7. 1920. 8125 cars;! for the same period in ibio, a.n Increase of 250 cars, or more than 15 . per cent for the -entire period from May 1 to ' July . 7, Inclusive. ; , Sergeant Enrolls -" In Marine School " Lawrence Howell, a sergeant in the United States marine corps, recruiting In Walla Walla. Wash... is. -taking advan tage of the marine corps' combination of vocational training wiyi , military training. 1 ' l- Sergeant Howell has enrolled for .a correspondence course '- In salesmanship with the institute, Quantico. Va'a iinlmiA school, teachlner marines a wide variety of subjects either in the. class j room, workshop or by mail. Howell has spent elghi years in the corps. . . . : vs. ft H. Green Stamps tor cash. Hol man Fuel Co.. Main 353, 560-21. Adv. Miss Catlin's School :'. FOR OARDINQ AMD DAY PUPILS - Mow eecnpiea Its new bvildinc oa ' WESTOVKB TERRACES Aa Ideal Location Baaketball . and Tennis . Conrta. Prepares cirla for' eastern aa wan aa wtaterw eollesea and achoola. under a faculty of able eastern teaehera. . Kambex of BtadeBta ia each elaaa limited. , ; t - Primary, Interrordlate aad Rich School Da partmenta Boy Accepted - ia Primary Grades. Special and Colleca ! Preparatory Coaraaa. Uiuic,' Art. Pbyaical Training and Science. French Taught Tbrooshoat tbe ScbooL ; , Boarding department Special Fee tare. - CaleJoQue Sent Upon Requeat to Waetoear Tar race, Portland, Oreaon. 'Phone Manhaj) 32S. REGON National Guardsmen at Camp Lewis.- Above 1 Tryouts in rifle pits for membership on teams to represent ar ' "- "a urcgon in. national nrie snoot at camp -erry, umo, au gust 24.- Below, left to right Major W. S. Gilbert, chaplain, holding Sunday service? Lieutenant A. A. Schwarz'of B com pany, Portland, directing competitive rifle shoot. ' S '. . v GAMP LEWIS. July 1. Major W. X Gilbert, camp chaplain; left camp Wednesday for Eugene' to attend - the Presbyterian Synod, in -session there. Major Gilbert Is also scheduled to at tend the Gladstone park Chautauqua Friday evening, when he will speak to a consolidated audience of . Civil war and Spanish war veterans. . The machine ' gun company's quarters have been decorated -by Sergeant Mc Klbben, who has utilized gravel and small pebbles In an artistic depiction of machine guns as company location sym bols. Thei company showed Its appre ciation for the sergeant's efforts by raid ing his portion of the barracks at a late hour and depositing the artistically in clined 'non-com in the company struts, bed and all. The sergeant's remarks were not entered upon company records. ..." .. . e m t ... Company I of Woodburn relieved Sa lem's M . company on guard detail Wednesday at guard mount. Both out Portland . companies are - working hard for tbe Drake trophy. The medical detachment. Fifth "infan try, Oregon Guard, had the honor of en tertaining Governor Olcott Friday night upon the occasion' of his -visit, to Camp . ,snannnnBsBSsB. :( - JS ' f ' - f J' v 5 mm ' ' 1 -.1.1 riss Hazelwopd, Sunday Dinner . ' Served 12:00 to 9:00 P. M; '"- $125 - '.: SAMPLE MENU ; Choice of Soup -''" Cream of Tomato, Corn or Vegetable Soup . . ' ' Ripe Olives. , Radishes - v " '. choice of. " V . ' Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce " , V Spring Chicken, Giblet Saucer . r ' . , . '' Leg of Veal with Dressing ' , ' ' ' Prime Ribs of Beef au Jus . - -' ! v Stewed -Chicken with Noodles" . . .' .; : i i-y Mashed or v Baked Potatoes'- ' ' ' . CHOICE OF -; Fresh Asparagus in' Cream -Stewed Com ' ' New Peas1 , . . J - Fresh Spinach , . ' ...v. . CHOICE OF ' Fruit Salad . Shrimp Salad-' . 1 j Tomato Salad with French Dressing ' , , ( - ;V . CHOICE OF ; -- Ice Cream Pie Pudding or French Pastry : , ' ' 'Tea Coffee Milk . . , - -' " Salted Nuts ' Hazelwood Sunday Plate Dinner, Sample Menu -' ' ' Cream of Chicken, Corn or Vegetable Soup -Baked Salmon, Parsley Sauce, : or Chicken Fricassee with Noodles s r Or Beef Saute Spanish, or Roast Veal' -. Or Beef or Half Roast . , - Spring Chicken . -r Spinach and Egg . ' .' Fresh Asparagus- in Cream -- Mashed ' or Baked Potatoes : " Choice of Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream Coffee or Milk The Hazelwood 388 Washington St. 127 Broadway Music at the Washington St Hizelwood, 6 to 8:309:30 to lt:3o ' i . a . a1 1 M. ' 4 i Lewis, outfit. The - medics are-'a Portland .Working up from position of low score man In the camp rifle shoot, conclud ing here Tuesday, Sergeant John T. Welsh of M company, Salem, finished in No. 6 place with a score of 362. In civil life. Sergeant Welsh is Salem's po lice chief. ; Private Harold T. Stone. : F company.. Portland, led the enlisted .men with the total of 419. ' ,- : ' ' Company F, Fifth regiment Infantry, N. G. O..' is fortunate In placing twa men on the Oregon state rifle team. Pri vate H. R Stone and Sergeant John Kurowski, both ex-service men. made second and third places respectively in the enlisted men's division. Both men have shot for record before, ; Sergeant Kurowski at Texas City. Texas.- and Pri vate Stone at ' Vancouver, Fort Lawton, Wash., and Camp Dodge, Jowa , , j Sergeant Reuben E. Voss. who served with Company F. 162d infantry, the-old Third Oregon, overseas under." Captain Eugene C LSbby, F company' present captain," is back with the old outfit- Ser geant Fred Judy, - who was also with Captain-Libby overseas, has transferred, to this company from H company. Fifth 75c " . v Hazelwood ' 40c,. ..Vegetable Dinner. SAMPLE MENU -Stewed 'Corn Fresh Spinach and Egg Fresh Peas in Cream -Mashed or Baked Potato : Bread and Butter Coffee or Milk . Infantry, K. G. O, In order to be with Captain Libby. and has been appointed to (he position of mess sergeant. -' - - - - -- . - - , "Corporal Reichey knd Private Marino are detailed to get 2500 rounds of ammu nition up tonight." That was the order given by Captain James S. Gay Jr4 commanding Battery B. in the latter part of August.- 1918T when the battery was on the Argon ne front, near Gennes. F.-B. Reichey and R. Marino didn't know where 2500 rounds of ammunition was located, and . neither 'did anybody else. Captain Gay didn't, either, but the ammunition had to be there. The battle had , raged heavily that day and ' by dawn it would start again, and there was but Uttle ammunition In reach. f The rain was pouring down, the roads were almost impassable, , the - enemy was searching .out the rear with powerful shells.- Corporal Reichey and his detail started plunging back along the road, trusting to luck to come up with an am munition dump. After' three miles they were halted by a sentry,- A lieutenant in command of - a squad of . men was guarding the ammunition dump and he knew nothing about the needs of B, and what was more, as he. roughly explained, he, -didn't care. His orders were to hold It for another regiment of field artil lery.. -:v: - , ' :'T am Captain James S. Gay, com manding Sattery B. 148th field artillery." declared Corporal Reichey. "and this ammunition gets tip to my battery to night Get to Hades out of here." The lieutenant was astounded, "surprised, mystified. But he surrendered the am munition and the carts .to push it in and two men to help. By morning there was 1500 rounds of ammunition in place and a larger detail was given to ; bring up as much more. , Corporal Reichey. didn't get the Croix do Guerre for that, but he got the -ammunition and never heard of the lieutenant again. , ; Sergeant D. J. McGiltis, the regimental supply sergeant of the Fifth infantry. Oregon fsat-ionaj Guard, is the best known non-commisnioned officer in . the regiment. He was formerly supply ser geant of Company B. Third Oregon, and Is an experienced army man. Sergeant McGlllis was. a cowboy in early . days and not a movie buccaroo, either, but the kind that made hard and dirty work out of the - real thing. - It is said he knows where every shoe-lace and empty . cart ridge shell in the Fifth regiment is or ought' to be. ' He was " appointed regi mental supply . sergeant in April, r 1919, when there were few Supplies and not much of a regiment, and he has stuck to the job ; and faithfully assisted ' in bringing In recruits, helping out com HEIRLOOM SILVER . ' of Quality - It is essential that the silver used on yfiur table shall be the sort that you will be proud t of in yeas to come. Nothing confers greater prestige npon a home than the correct silver. We can show you 4or selection such distinctive pattern' as the Lansdowne, Mary Chilton, Rheims, and Lady Mary. Baking Dishes ' Vase's Fruit Dishes Comports ' Candlesticks, Flower Baskets New Mantel Clocks We have just' received a fine line of Clocks tn dependable makes, and artistic designs. Mahogany and mahogany finish. ' '. - . . - . - FOUNTAIN PiVS savers of time .andtemper, AU the better makes. EVERSHARP PENCILS -. always ready for their work. Jaeger Bros. '131-133 TTTT iTT n Sixth. Street jewelers Keeping j with the Growihr ojf zx Coming. ..' f -.m Metropolis "Located in the heart of one of the greatest shipping and pro ducing centers of the world, ' Portland and Portland's busi ness ; enterprises have become large factors' in the world's business.- In . facilities and accomplishments the Printing i Department of 'Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. haverkept abreast of -the requirements of business ! and industry. They are -equipped to rendei? every assistance in. planning and executing your printings whatever it may be. Printing Engraving - Seals, Rubber Stamps EVERYTHING Fifth and Oak SU. Mar. 6080; Aut. 565-48 ?(iiiininnnniuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiinni!niiiiiniiiniinininiiiiininiiinuniii:i!iHi7 manders and companies In : difficulties, and making good sometimes It hours a day. He Is employed by1-the Dohrman Commercial company at Olds. Wortman it King's. Labor Notes Tha Carpenters Auxiliary has ar ranged for a, dance on the steamer -Swan" Monday night. '. The Central Labor Council by; resolu tion has called on the U. S. district at torney to Investigate the milk situation tn Portland. --'A ' . -- i , The Bakers, and Confectioners have elected -David Woods president ; Wil liam Doig, recording secretary ; Gust. Johnson, vice president. y 4 . t , s - - . - .'' ; e ' '! :The Meat Cutters have arr attractive program for their annual outing Sunday, July 25, at Crystal Lake Park, i . e e . - ' The Building Trades will elect offi cers Monday evenlngr July 26. i . . , e e e ; . Thorough report concerning the op eration of, the Victory Laundry., a co operatlve establishment, have been mads to the Central . Labor , Council by a special committee. :. Arcady Press Is to Have Its Own Home . A building vrmH was issued Friday afternoon to Reed . Institute for ? the erection of a two-story concrete build ing at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Jefferson streets.' The building will Kninn.f7or int owned: bv the institute at that location arid has been leased for a 10-year period to ins Ar cady Press aa a home for its printing plant. An ld residence which occupied the corner has been wrecked 'and con struction work on . the new building is under way. .::-',-"- ? y ', iv.v;. Hot Lalce Arrivals i Hot Lake. July 17. Arrivals at Hot Lake sanltortum Thursday were: W. R. Sanders, North Powder ; George Jef ferson. Weisen Idaho : Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanPatton, Tillamook; John J. .Conway and-- Henry J. Jewett.. Three Creek, Idaho ; Mrs. H. Leach, Baker, Or. ; Charles Jewett. Three Creek. Idaho j Mra L -V. Vermillion,; Baker ; J, M. Thomp son. Joseph: C O. Noy, Pendleton ; A. J. The, TXT A TnTT7"o"g.0nian Building ilil( kiiriTi,f7Tii7 rs Bookbinding and Marking Devices FOR THE OFFICE" Watros. MatU For - and "Mrs. Li r wood, Fomeroy, Wash. ttxu. 1L , I. Park and Mrs. S. E. Taft, TeRoa. W ash. : W. H. Prntfc. Aberdeen, Wash.; Maud Davis, Boise, Idaho; Mrs. P. L. Oasrden and Mrs. J. C DahL Bear. Wash. Arrivals Wednesclar wers s Mrs. Lin coln HPatns Sr.. Caldwell. Idaho; Sirs. Otto Eckllshy, Cove ; .B. K. HinrickN Omaha. Neb.; J. C. Downing nd J. W. Downing:, Hermlston ; Mrs. J. It. Cherry, Umatilla ; - Alfred Broovesklf f . I,a Grande; Peter Johnson.- Portland ; W. H. ElHs and Loren Buttlcr. Baker ; J. X Bridgewater. Albany; Mr. "and Mrs. M. Zugsr. Waltsburg . Wash. ; J. U. Walls, Dayton, Wash. t ATIYEH'S notable exhibit of exquisite- -is one of the unusual places of interest to which the. Portland citizen takes visitors because no finer display or greater assort ment is shown tn America. Atiyeh Bros. Alder at Tenth Monday Only Broadcloth Silk Jacobs ShirL Co. RalelfB Bldtr.. 327 Washington St. t ESTABLISHED ' -. Since "Heck" was a pup : 1888 Reliable Dentist We guarantee our work for to years. We will examine your teeth free and tell you lust what' they require and what it will cost " I give my personal J , attention to all work. ' DB. H. P. NEWTON, Prop. Open Evening- Until 10 Boston Painless Dentists Between t sad eta oa WaaalBg-toa St. TO KEEP BUSY durlne; the slack summer aeanon we are offering special low prices on Electric Fixtures and Wiring Call Marshall 1150 or come to our v store. No charge tor estimates. Cooper Electric Co. t44 WaihlBa-tos, Bet. td and til St. TYPEWRITERS For Sale and Rent Our stock consists of high class re built machines only. Retail Cepartmest Wholesale Typewriter Co. Mala CS1 ttl Washlsg-toB U it Tea Have TBOTJBLE I If riGCIlES CALCULATOR WILL STOP IX Pries IU Plve.Tear Gsaraotec CALCULATOR CO.. Mar. tS7 its Corbelt Bldir; BAK1 AHJ OnCHKSTBA IJTSTJBU. WESTS mOSOUKArUS All work dons In our own shop ana satiof actios guaranteed. Gold and Bilver platinc. SIEBERLING-LUCAS . MUSIC CO. f FOTJBTH STe PHOIfE WAIT tll Pianos, Talking Machines T :A 1 me; other Mnaleat Inm- Bent fteparre4, Poonhni. m fctc. by ILivrX Wommea. Very lira .enable rnea All Wore tintrntel. CIICDC vow tltUIOjlEW ML1G. Kntranoe SS7 WaanineVea 1 III nBirn , s I I rmnom ana rurw I I J t . f if rioa. frx r... Q j f j I W aaoaata ter ajn Oee. SM l1Wttir-5rrT ' 1 n mm m m r s : TO ORDER A.