The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 17, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1920.
"permanent summer
chool directed by iSloody 5nstitute 3s established
A permanent lummer Bible school
under the direction of the Moody
Bible institute of Chicago lias been
established for the Portland' area.
Each year, following the Chautau
qua, the school is to be held at the
Gladstone Chautauqua grounds, ac
cording to anouncements made by
the Rev. William P. White of. Al
bany, who has been appointed re
gional director of institute work on
the coast. J
' The religious speakers for the closing
day of the Chautauqua, July 23, will be
furnished by the Moody institute people,
but the institute will not open officially
until July 26. The main speakeij on this
day will be Evangelist "Billy"! JSunday.
This institution Is supporting Bible
conferences this year at Mount iHermon,
Cal. ; Ashland and Gladstone, Or., and
Vancouver, B. C. These will be held
each summer during the vacation sea
son. "We will have as our teachers the
best In the country." said Dr. White.
"Our work Is undenominational, but like
D. L.. Moody, the founder, it.-is trusted
by all the evangelical denominations. I
have the support, in the Gladstone school
of over 60 Portland pastors, represent
ing five denominations. Wejexpect a
very large attendanje-There Is no
registration-feerTind no tuition fee. We
lepend upon the tree will 'offerings
of the people." II
The' Moody institute at Chicago en
rolled over 2300 students last year. Over
8000 more are in the correspondence de
partment, "i! -1'-:
A few of the prominent speakers and
teachers are : ' Dr. Lewis Sperryj Chafer.
Dr. George E. Guille. Dr. B MB. Sut
cliffe.'Dr. W.. B. Hlnson and Eif. White.
Portland church people are (enthused
over the prospects of having a perman
ent Bible school here each summer, as
In the past they have had to journey
to other states in order to gain jnew in
spiration for their fall work.1 (The in
stitute closes August 22. I f
First Presbyterian Church
Aldar Strast at 12th i
Lhr. Joshua
Preaohes at Momtn and Evenlns Servloee.
. S:00 . m.
: NOW" ym: -
miss ooldic Peterson'
Solotst foe Tnls Day. !
MEETING. AT 7:00 P.. M. U
INVITED. .;. j, - -
11:00 A. M.- Sirrmon i by! Rev.
CHAS. L. KLOSS of Oakland, Calif.
7:45 P. M. Sermon hy Rer.
CHAS. L. KLOSS of OakUnd, Calif.
9:45 A. M. Church School
Come and Hear
Preacher, Author, Bible
Teacher j
'. Rev. HAROLD 1 I g
MAN, D. D.
I will preach both Mi
J services II-'
J 10:SO A. M.s
T:4B Jll.t I
NjA1 U
Accepts pastorate
.... ...
The pastorate of the Rose City Pres
byterian church has been accepted by
the Rev. Donald W. M, MacCluer, B. D..
formerly of Central Presbyterian church
of St. Louis. The new pastor has occu
pied the pulpit two Sundays. The Rev.
Mr. MacCluer's experience in church,
work has been almost worldwide. After
graduating from Washington and Lee
university he and his wife went to North
Slam as missionaries, being placed in
charge of the work in a province. Sick
ness forced him to return to a northern
climate and a pastorate was accepted
at Niagra Fails and from there he went
to the church at Coldwater,. Mich. At
the outbreak of the war, Mr. MacCluer
was' appoints camp pastor at ' Fort
Leavenworth. Desiring to have its Sun
day school work reorganized along mod
ern lines the St.; Louis church called
Mr. MacCluer as assistant pastor at
the close of the war. Remarkable ' in
creases in Sunday school attendance and
church membership were made during
his stay at St. Louts. '
J '
Portland Workers
Will Take Leading
Parts; at Meeting
Three Portland ichurch workers have
been given prominent places for the Sea
beck Missionary Training conference,
which meets at Seabeck, Wash., July
28 to August 1. They are the Rev. Ralph
G. 1 McAfee, secretary of the Portland
Church federation Mrs. S. Earl Du Bois.
elementary division superintendent of
the Oregon Sunday School, association,
and Miss Violet W. Johnson, educational
superintendent of; the, Oregon Sunday
School association."; ;;;;
McAfee is to give a two hour course
oh the principle and methods of con
ducting mission study classes, his main
subject being "The Church and. the
Community." Miss Johnson will have
charge of the primary work and Mrs. i
Du Bois of the junior work, that is, per
sons engaged in these forms of ' Sunday
school work will be instructed, by them.;
The Seabeck conference is growing in
popularity each year and is attracting
increasing numbers of. Portland people.
Additional information may be secured
from Ernest IL Tippett, ; 4030 Arcade
building, Seattle, f
1 9 '
"Individuality" Is Topic
Rev. H. Edward Mills will address the
Realization league at 11 a. m. at the
Modern Conservatory of Music,! 148
Thirteenth street,' on "Individuality."
Children's church at the same hour;
(Methodist Episcopal)
Assembly Hall,1 Multnomah Hotel
Sermon: "The Indwelling Christ"
By E. C. HICKMAN, Pastor
Saint Davids
E. 12th and Btlmont
- 7:19 Holy Commanloa
:S0 Matins and School
11:0 Eaeharlst and Sermon
8:00 Service and Sermon
. Mlnistsr.
11:00 SERMON:
Preaching by Re. H. T. CASH. Ass'te Pastor
By Pastor C. J. HHsBARD.
Sixth at Montgomery
Sunday, July 18, 7:45 P. M.
Muata. Dlraetod by : PROP. L C COLCORD
; firm
V s7 W
ews of Smportance SImong Portland
The Sunday morning Bible school ses
sion at the Gladstone Chautauqua at 10
a. m. will be held under the direction of
the officers of the Oregon Sunday School
association. Ernest W. Peterson, presi
dent of the Multnomah County Sunday
School association, will act as superin
tendent. The devotional service will be
read by Harley K. Hallgren. county vice
president The orchestra of the Mt
Tabor Presbyterian church will be
brought to the park by Ellton Shaw. Mr.
Muir of the same church will direct the
music The adult men's class will be In
charge of R. H. Tate: adult women's
class, Mrs. F. G. Oppenlahder and Mrs,
R. H. Tate; teen-age girls, Mrs. C O.
Kurts ; teen-age boys, Herman F. Oppen
lander; intermediate girls, . Mrs. H.i S.
Anderson ; intermediate boys, H.' S. An
derson ; junior department, Mrs. Gault
of Gladstone ; primary department, Mrs,
Carl Smith of Jennings Lodge. Last
year the school attendance was about
700. On July 25 the school will be direct
ed by Jack Ware, president of the Clack
amas County Sundoy School association.
The Baptist Bible School Superinten
dents and Workers' union will, meet in
Calvarv Bantist church Tuesday. This
society is conducting a course of train
ing for Bible workers ana malting a
study of organization and equipment,
Supper will be served at 6:45 p. m.
The dailr vacation Bible school being con
ducted at Grace Baptist church has had a Terr
successful week. Monday it started with an
attendance of 79. By Thnrsday it had grows
to. ISO. The junior dot department grew
from 16 to 31. John Sullivan has been en
gaged to give the boys instruction la manual
work. Superintendent I R. Marvin and the
workers renew their inriution to all bora and
girls in the vicinity regard ms of church affilia
tion or preferenee. to attend the sobooi. race
church provides all equipment and supplies tree.
Daily school will continue (or three weeks more.
opening at 9 o'clock each morning and closing
at noon. ,
Sunday evening at . Grace church Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Thompson, evangelistic singers, will
conduct a, special song service and furnish spe
cial music.
. Mrs. Adele Case Turn will be -heard Sunday
morning and evening in - special solos at the
White Temple Baptist church.
Wpmtuai Skyscrapers win pe the UDjeet
Sunday morning of the Bev. O. T. Day at the
Arieta Baptist church, when the pastor wilt
divmts character building In a new "and inters
eating way. ; The popular eveniDg servicei will
be Rhortened on account of the warm weatner.
Rnndsy night the minuter says? he "will attack
the shallow Christianity of modern Christians."
The ' annual Bible school picnic of this church
was enjoyed Friday at Kenilworth park by hun
dred of children and their parents. Games and
"eats were learores. -ine Ariel acuooi is out
for a record summer attendance.
The Rev. F. C. Laslette, who has been pas
tor of the Glencoe Baptist church since Decem
ber, 1918, has resigned his pastorate. : Sunday
the pulpit will be occupied by the Rev. E. i L
Martin. Northwest superintendent of the Amer
ican Sunday School union. In the morning -he
will speak on the work of the union and give
a portrayal of rural religious neglect, rural de
generacy and rural regeneration. In the eve
ning, be will give an illustrated lecture on the
life of Christ, using 100 pictures from the
Seventh Sunday After Trinity
Uniform Sunday School Lessons
"David Spares Baal's Life." . I Sarg. 26:5-
12; Matt. 6:48-47. ;
GoUen Text "Love your enemies do good
to them which hate yon." Luke 6:27.
' Young People's Topics i
Baptist Union "Why People Are Unhappy:
the Cure." Ps. S2:10. 11; John 15:9-14.
Christian Endeavor "Why People Are Un
happy: the Cure." Pa 82:10. 11; John
Epworth Leaeue "Why People Are Un
happy: the Cure.'' Pa. 32:10. ll; Jonn
12 tit and Taylor.
11. 8.
East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Bev. W. B.
Hinson. Preaching by Rev. H. T. Cash. 11.
The Rishta ot Jeaua"; 7:45, "Smasriiag laois.
Third Vancouver and Knott Rev. R. - E.
Close. 11, "SuppoalnB": 8. "Knowlede and
Conduct." '
Arieta E. 6 -th land 48th ave. .' Rev. -Owen
T. Day. '11,. "Spiritual Skyscrapers' ; 7:J0,
Hidden Faults.' . :
nalvanr E. 8th and Grant - Bev. J. ' B.
Thomas. ,11. "Being a Friend"; 8. "The Good-
That Forgives." i
v. .ar.tfe. . rH Tvear4iine bv
v. E R. MarMn. 11. "The Challenge oi the
Farm ; 7:46, "Trie Man ot inazarecn.
ReUwood Bethany Bev. W. N. Fenia. 11,
Grace E. 76th and Ash.- Rev. F. "W Star
ing. 11, "Borderers": 8, vGraoe in Genesis."
University Park -Bar. S. Lawrence Black.
11. 8.
Swedish 15th and Hoyt Rev. T. G. 8 jo lan
der. 10:30, 7 iZO. ,.
St. Johns Chicago and Leonart 11. T:80.
Highland E. 6U and Alberta. Rev. Walter
L. Riley. . 11. 8. . ' - i . ,' i - S
Mt. OHvet (colored) Broadway and Everett.
Kev. J. W. Anderson. 11. 8. ;
Elim Swedhtli Mallory and Skidmore Rev.
. Sandblom. ,2:30. 8:30.
Lvnts 88th st and 60th a vs. Bar. E. A.
Smith. 11, 8.. 5
Second (German) Rodney and iiorria. Bey.
T. Hotlman. 11. 7:30. ,
Cathode ' i-'.-:
Pro-Cfcthedral 15th and Davis. S, 7-15,
8:30. 9:45. 11.
Bt. reters udh Bev.
10:80. 7:30. '
Bratcen. ; 8,
St Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev.
Hushes. 6. 8:30. 10:30. 7 :80.
St Francis fc- izta ana put Kev. J. B.
Black. 6, 8, . 10;30, 7:80.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 8, 8. . 11, 7:80.
Holy Rosary K. 3d and Clackamas Rev. IE.
S. Olson. 6, 7. 8, 8, 11, 7:30.
St Rose . 63d and Alameda Rev. i.
O'Farrell. 8. 10-80. 4.
St Andrews K. wtn and Alberta -Rev. I,
Kiernan. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
The Madeleine S. 24th and SiaklyoQ Rev,
George V. Thompson. 7:30, 9. 11. -
Aeeemion K. 76th and XsmhiU Franciscaa
Fathers. 8, 10:30, 7(30.
Blessed Sacrament Marviand and Blaadena
Rev. 9. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:80.
Holv Cross 774 Bowdoin Rev. C Raymond.
8. 10:30, 7 :80.
Bt ignauos izzv 3d sr. o. J estnt
rathers. 8:30, 8. 10:30. K.
St Stephene E. 42d and Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt , 8:30, 10:30. 7:80.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and vanoo
ver eve. Rev. William J. Uinnm. . 8. 1U uSO.
7:80. ' .
Bt FUDp ren tPaunst triers) E. lcth
and Hickory Rev. M. L, ; Ferry. T :80. ,
10:30. 7:30.
St Clements S. Smith a vs. and Newton
Servite Fathers. 6, 8, 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Heart K. 1 lLh and Center Rev. G.
Bob. 8. 10:30, 7 :30. .
8t Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Commisky. 8. 10:80. T-:30.
St StanisUos (Polish) Maryland and rail
ing Bev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7:30.'
St Joseph. (German) 15tb and Couch
Rev. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:30. 7 40.
St Michael f Italian) ttb and Mill Rev.
M. Balestra. 8:30. 10:30. 7:80.
St Claires Capitol Hill Father Aloyatoa,
O. W. M. 7:30. 8:20.
St Charles E. sad and Albert Bev. J.
P O'Flynn. 8. 10:30.
AU Saints . 80th' and Gliaaa Rev. Fatlter
William CroniB 8, 10:30.
St Patricks 10th. and Savier Rev. Charles
aL bauttt. mass as 0:80. 8. 0:16. 10:30. 7:46.
- '-;,.- i Chrlstteit -.
- First Park and Columbia. Re. Harold H.
Griff is. 11, "The Royalty of Our Human Na
ture"; 7:45, "The Science of Christian Living."
East Bid E. 12 th and Taylor. Rev. R. H.
ewvrr. 11, 8.
Rodney A venae Rodney and Kaott. Rev. B.
Earl Childers. II. 8.
i exits ril la E. 76th and GUsan Rev. Cas-
rou C Roberta. 11. 7:30.
Wocdlawn E. 7U and Liberty Bev. Joseph
U. BoTO. 11. B. . -
Rern Park Rev. S. H- Ghormley. 11. The
High Calling of Christ a Ministers''; 8, illus
trated set moo.
Tabernacle K. 2 8th and Alberta, Rev. R.
Tlbbs Maxey. - 11, 7 :30.
bt Johns Central and Oswego. 11, 7;30
Christian Science
i Ijeeaon subject : "Life."
paintings of Alexander Bida. On July 25 the
pulpit will be filled by the Bev. i. S. Seid.
state Baptist evangelist.
The Sunday services at the First Chris
tian church will continue through the
summer. In view of the new building
program - scheduled for . the autumn a
special i effort is being made In : both
church and Sunday school to overcome
as much " as possible to usual summer
slump. The pastor, the Rev. Harold H.
Griffis, plans to occupy his pulpit regu
larly both morning and evening and the
music committee is arranging for help
ful music at each service. The leaders
are of the opinion that much of the
summer -depression in church - work is
more psychological . than real and that
Portland itself is a magnificent summer
resort - , , - -'
' The anniversary of Dr.' J. F Ghonnley's min
istry will be observed Sunday morning at Kern
Park Christian church in a special service. He
wlU speak on the high calling of the ministry.
The evening service will be illustrated by the
.:;: - y j .y: V" -;: - y-
Choice vocal selections will be offered
Sunday morning and evening by the
choir at Sunnyslde '. Congregational
chorch: Ir. J. J. Staub will preach. "
The Rev. Burton F. Branson, executive sec
retary for Oregon' of the Interchurch World
Movement, will preach Sunday morning at Pil
grim Congregational church. Mrs. Jessie O.
Stickle will aing.
Holy, communion will be celebrated
Sunday morning at 7:45 a. m. at St
Stephen's Pro-Cathedral. At 11 a. m.,
the Rev. W. E. , Stockley of Iowa will
preach. The Very Rev. Dean R. T. .T.
Hicks wlll be the celebrant The young
people's society will meet In the parish
house at 6:30 p. m. The evening church
service has been omitted during July and
August ' -'::v
Until September 1 the Sunday night service
at St. David's church will be changed to 8
p. m. The rector, the Kev. Thomas Jenkins,
will preach this Sunday, on "The Miseries of the
Rich," this being -the last sermon in a aeries on
the Epistle-'of ' James. . The Sunday . morning
servicer, and all three of the parish Sunday
schools will be conducted throughout the sum
mer as usual. - i :
The Sunday afternoon service at The
Altenheim (German old folks' home) will
be conducted by the Rev. Jacob Stocker
of the Clay Street Evangelical church.
The pastor will occupy his own pulpit
twice Sunday.
The Rev. H. L. Cox, pastor of the
First Friends church, is home after an
absence from jhis pulpit of five weeks,
and plans to speak both morning and
evening Sunday. At the young people's
meeting Sunday evening at 6 :30 a re
port of the recent Voung Friends -.con
First 19th and Everett 11. 8.
Second E. th and Hoiladay. 11. 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver and Emenon, 11. BV."
. Fifth 62d and 42d ave. 8. E. 11.
Sixth Masonic temple. 368 TamhilL 11. 8.
. Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 11.
All churct- Wednesday, 8 p. m.
First Park and Madison. ' Dr. W. T. MeEl
veen. . 11,7 :45. .
Sunny side E. 3 2d and Taylor. Rev. J. I.
Staub. 11, "The Believer's Perfection in His
Lord"; 7:45, "At Top and Bottom of the Lad
der. . -.-.
Atkinson Memorial E. 20 th and Everett
Rev. K. & Flint. 11, "The True Standard for
the Man of God in the New Age"; 7:43.
Highland E. 8th and Prescott Rev. Edward
Constant 11, "An Eagernesa for Improved
Conditions." -
Waverleigh Heights E. 8 2d and Woodward.
Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11. "In League With
the Eternal"; 8, stereopticon pictureB.
LJiureiwooa tatn ave. and esta at. o. J6.
Mrs. Abe M. Handsaker.r 11. 7:30.
Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. 11. "The
Creed That Christ Commended." by Berton F.
Bronson of Interchurch Movement
university Park Haven and Lombard Rev.
C H. Johnxton. 10:30.-7:30.
Finnish Mason and Albina. stev. Ar A.'
Hanu.' 6 and 8 p. m.
St Johns S. Ivannoe and Biehmood Raw.
W. U Upshaw. 11, 7:80.
Danish-Norwegian E. 23d 'and , Sumner
Bev. Ole Torgessen. 11. 7:80.
First German E. 7tb and Stanton Rev.
George Eocber. 11, 7:30.
" Second German E. 8th and Skldmore Rev.
Henry Hsgelgana. 11. 7:80
Zion German R. Oth and Fremont- Rev. J.
H. Hoop. 11. 7:30.
Church of the Brethren Borthwtek aad Brai-
Eard Rev. George C UarL 11, 8.
v :., . , Eplaoepal
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bubop; Very Rev. R.
T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45, communion; 11, ser
mon, by the Rev. W. K. Stockley of Iowa; 0:30.
young people. '
Trtiuty iota ana jsverett nsv. a. a. Mor
rison. 8, 11.
St Davids E. 12 th and Belmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 0:30, 11, 8,
"The Miseriea of the Rich." .
St Msrks 2 1st and Marshall Rev. J. G.
Hat ton. 7.30. 11, 7.45; daily. 7:30 a. m.
St Andrews Hereford at. Plymouth Area-
Deacon Chambers la charge. 9. 11, 7:30.
Grace Memorial E 1 7th and Weidler Rev.
Osward W. Taylor. 8. 11. J -
Good Shepnerd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8.
St Michael and All Angela E. 43d and
Broadway Re.. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st
at 8. E. Rev. B. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 1L
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:80.
St Pauls Woodmere Rev. Osward W. Tay
lor. 4. . -
AU Bsurts 2tu and Bauer atev. rTeaenca
K Howard... 10. 11.
St Johns Memorial E. 15th and .Harney.
lellwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:80.
St Matthews Corbett and Rancroft Rev.
n. 11L Brock, vicar. 10. 11.
First E. 6th . and Market. Rev. Exra
Maurer. 11, 7 :30.
Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob
Stocker. 10:45. "Who Is My Neighbor?": 8.
"Love Not the World." !
Lenta Rev. F. B. Culver. 11, "The Rem
edy for the World's Need"; 8, "Some Dangers
of Placing Value on Sheep Rather Than on
Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and GUsan i
Rev. J..C. Ledin. 11. 7:30. .
Prwa Methodist
Firt E. 9th and Mill Rev. W. J, Johnston.
11, 7:45.
Oeatral East 85 th and Flanders Rev. Jt L
Harringteo. 11. 7:30. ...
Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Rev. B. L.
Burn-. 11. 7:45. i
St JAns K. Richmond and Hudson Kev.
B. D. Rlaekman. 11, 7:30. v ,
v Lents Rev. B. H. Opton. acting pastor
al0. S:0.
:. Prtands "
First K. 88th and Main Bar. Homer 1
Co. 11. 7:45."
Beeond K. V2d and Slat ave. Kev. Xjurana
M. Terrefl. 11. 7. m
West Piedmont Borttawlek aid Jersey Rev.
Carey Jessupp. 11, 8.
Congregation Beth Issael 12tb and Main
RabM Jonah B. Wiset Reform Synagogna.
Service Friday 8 p. m.. Satarday 10:80 a. m.
Cwgregation Ahavai iSbolom Park and Clay
sta. Rabbi R. Abrahameon. Friday, 8 p. aa,:
Saturday. 8:30 a. m.
- Congregation Nevah Xedeek Talmnd Torah
6th and Hall Bev. Abraham L Hoeeneranta.
Friday, 8 p. as.: Saturday., a. nv; Sunday, IS
a. so. Reydoos sehooL
Latter Day Salnta
Church of Jesus Chrut of Latter Day Salnta
X. 25th and Madison Heber C, Iversoa.
mission president .10. S:30.
St James W. Part and - Jefferson Rev.
William VL Brinkman. 11. 7:80,
ftt Paula B. 12th sal Ulstos Rev. A.
Krause. 10. confession: 10:30. communion and
sermon, "The Institution of the Sacrament of
the Altar." .-
'Trinity (Missoorl Smod) Willi s mi and
Graham Rev. J. A. Rimbactt . 9:30, con
(SLurctes and lourig peoples Societies
ference, which was held at Newport, Or.
The public is invited.
Only German services will be heard
Sunday at Trinity Lutheran church. . Ttie
evening service has also been . discon
tinued. The confessional service will be
conducted at 9:30 a. m., and followed, at
10 a. m. with communion.
Confessional service and holy eommnnioD will
be observed Sunday morning at St. Paul's Lu
theran church. The Rev. A. Krause will preach
a sermon on the sacrament. Special music
has been arranged by the choir,
- r
his Sunday morning- sermon at the
First Methodist church Dr. Joshua
Stanefield will "show that the ; laws of
human life demand that there must be
obedience and sacrifice. "This is fully
true In the lives of individuals, of fami
lies, of races and of nations," he says.
At the evening service J3r. Stansfield
will speak on the time' limit of salva
tion. Miss Goldie Peterson will be the
The Rev. W. S, Gordon, -pastor of gelrwood
Methodist church, will speak Sunday morning
on the power of a child. ' In the evening an
address will be delivered by the Rev. Edward
Laird Mills, D. . D.. who has recently taken
charge of the Pacific Christian Advocate of this
city. ' Prof. F.- Cv 8treyfeller will sing in the
morning and Miss Evelyn Lawrence in the eve
ning, j- A chalk-talk will be given to the Sunday
school by D. 8. Manny, t - All services in this
church will continue during the summer.
The Rev. B. J. Hoadley. a member of Uni
versity Park Methodist church, will preach Sun
day morning and evening at Epworth Methodist
church in the absence of the - pastor, the Rev.
J. Stanford .Moore.
The First Presbyterian church will
have its new pastor. Rev. Harold Bow
man, D. D.. in the pulpit Sunday at both
services, 10:30 a. m. ana v :a p. m.
Mrs.. Virginia Spencer Hutchinson will
sing and Edgar ; Coursen will - give an
organ recital as a prelude to the evening
service. The Sunday school during the
summer months' is meeting in two ses
sion's, each with lantern slides illus
trating the Gospel according to Luke.
The primary and beginners' departments
meet in one room and all the older de
partments in the Sunday school audi
torium. Both services are at 12:15 and
visitors are cordially invited to , attend
these illustrated lectures.
The Rev. Walter Henry Nugent, partor of
Central Presbyterian ehurch.? will preach Sun
day morning from the topic, 'The Old Paths."
There will be no evening service until, the first
Sunday , in September. The music Sunday
morning will be furnished by Mrs. L Binning
hoff and M. L. Peters. Mrs. Binninghoff will
sins, "Is This All" and Mr. Peters. "Hold Thou
My Hand." by Brigs.
Miss Eleanor Cameron and Miss Katherine
Sergeant will represent the young people's so
ciety of Westminster Presbyterian church at
the denomination summer conference ; in , Al
banv during the coming week.
The. Rev. :W. P. Ward of Minneapolis will
occupy the pulpit of , Forbes Presbyterian
church Sunday evening.
The Sunday morning service at Mixpab Pres
byterian church will be in charge of Rev. Wil
liam Sylvester Holt , of Philadelphia. Dr. Holt
was for many years a Chinese missionary, then
fessional service; 10, communion. t '
Church for Deaf Willis ms and Graham
Rev. J. A. Beyer. 2:80.
Our SsVior'e E. 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Chrutenscn. 11 (Norwegian), "Trusting
God in Earthly Things"
Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev.
Wilhelm Petteraen. 11, 8.
Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Free) Wy
gant and Rodney Rev. B. A. Borrevik. 11,
7:45. . -
Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway
Rev, C. H. Bernhard. 11.
Bethany Danish Evangelical Fnlon And Mor
ris Bev. L P.. KjoUer. 11. 7 :80.
St Johns Peninsula and F"r Rev. L.
Lndwig. 10:45, 7:30.
Swedish Augustana Stanton aad Rodney
Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45. 7:45.
Immanuel 19U and Irving fiev. A, V. As
deraon. 11. 8.
Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. S. C.
B. Knutsen. 11. 780.
Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chapman-
and Salmon Rev. H. - H. Koppelmann.
9 ;1 5, lOrl 6, 7:45.
Immanuel (Mo. Synod) E. 15th and Lao
Rev. H. C Kbeling. 10. German; 11:15.
English. 1 ... , ' J .: w
Kvanselical Chnreh of the Redeemer 1 6th
and ,Vjnl 10. 11.
Finnish 178 Fargo. Rev. A. Salminen. . 10;
Bandar school 7.
, St Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Mallory and
Skidmore Rev. P. Hinderer. 10 :30.
Monta villa Mission K. 80th and Everett-
Rev. P. Hinderer. 2:30.
' - MetbodTtt Episcopal
Canon : Heights Rev. G. S. Brown. 10,
11. 7. ...j :, ... ' : . i '..
Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. Frank L
Wemett 11. 7:80. - .
Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev.. A R
Maclean. 11. 8.
Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell- Rev,
EL. S. Mace. 1 1. "The Supreme Question."
Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. J. Stanford
Moore. -' Preaching by Rev. Mr. Hoadley at 11
and 8.
First 12th end Tavlrw Rev. Joanna Stans
field. 10:30. "Obedience and Sacrifice" ; 8,
"The Time Limit in Salvanoo fow."
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt -Bev.
Eliaa GjerdiDg. 11, 8.
Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A C
Brakenbory. 11. 7:30.
Lent 86th and 58th' ave. Rev. F. R.
8ibley. 11, 7:45.
Linccln E. 62d and aUneoln. . Rev. F. A.
Ginn. 11. 7:30.
Monta ril la R. Both and Pine Bev. Hiram
Gould. 11. 7:80.
Mt. Tabor S. 61st and Stark. Rev. K. G.
Decker. 11. 8. , ,
Patton Alberta and Michigan Rev. George
H. Bennett 11, 7:30.
Rose City Park E. 68th and Sandy Rav.
D. Lester Fields. 10:30. 7:80.
- Sellwood E. 15th and Tacome Rev W.
8. Gordon.- 11. "The Power of a Little Child";
8, address bl Rev. Edward L Mills.
Sunnyside E. 85th and Tamiiill Rev. W.
F, Inceon. 11.
St Johns W. Leavitt knd Syracuse Rev.
W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:30.
8wedisli Beech and Borthwick Bev. Abel
Eklund. 11. 8. r
University Park Fiske and Lombard Baiv.
H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:80.
Taneouver Avenue Norwegiao Danish Skid
more and : Tancouve; Rev. A. Chriatensen.
11,. 8. : . : -v : - . U
Wealeyan E. 53d and Gliaan Rev. D. B.
Hampe, 11. 7:45. .. '
- Westmoreland MHwaukie sad Midway Raw. 1
E. 8. Maee. 7:30.
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. E. C Hick-
10:80. "The Indwelling Christ"
Woodstotsk . 44th' and ; Woodstock BeV.
L. C- Poor. 11. 7:30.
Woodlawn E. loth and HigMaml Rev J
H. Irvine. ; 11. "The Millenium"; 8. "Why
People Are -Unhappy: the Cure. '
District superintendent Rev. William Wallace
XoungsoD. D. .. 691 . 62d st N. Tabor 2790.
' . M. E. South
First Union and Multnomah. Rev. J. W. .
Bird. 11, 8.
' : Nazarwn
Firsts E. 10th and Weidler Rev. A M.
Bowes. 11, 7:45.
Sellwood B. 9th and Spokane Rer. J. G.
BringedahL 11. 7:30.
Brentwood 6 5th ave. t and 67th st Rev.
O. U. Fowler. 11, 7 JO.
Highland Park E. 14 th and Jarred Rev.
W. P. Keebaugo. 11. 8.
Scandinavian 948 Garfield Raw. Daniel
UaUatrom.. ; 11. 7:80.
: Praabytartefl .
- First 12th and Alder. Dr. H. la. Bowman.
10:30, "Religion and the Bystander"; 7:45,
"One LigbU a Candle, Called Patience."
Westminster' East 17 th and Schuyler. Rev.
Edward E. Pence. 10:30,
Central K. 18th and -Pine. Rev. Walter
Harry Nugent 11, "The Old Paths."
Calvary 11th and Clay. Rev. L. Bowring
Qnick. 11. 7:45.
Mt Tabor S. 55th and BeeaseaL Rev. Ward
MacHenry. f 11. 8. '
Vernon 19th and Wygant Preaching by
Rev. William I. Campbell of Osaiaa. Ind. II. 8.
Piedmont Cleveland aad Jarrett Rev. J.
Francis Morgan. 11.
Fourth Firat and Gibba, Rev. Monroe G.
Everett ; 11,
Kenilvrartb E. 8 4 th and Gladstone. -. Bev.
L K. Grimes. 11, "What Is It to Be a Chris
tian?"; 8. "God's Mr-'nre of Man.
Hope 78th aad .ITXtt Rev. it BL Giles.
11. 8.:.- '..'' '; ,
Rose' City Rev. Docejd W. M. MacCluec
synodical missionary for Oregon and to . now
secretary of the board of relief and austentaUon
of the denomination. Sunday evening ' Frand
W. Henderson will speak. ; The pastor is absent
is attendance at the meeting of the synod
at Eugene.' , . .
0 '
The pastor of the First United Breth
ren church being in the East his pulpit
win be supplied Sunday morning by the
Rev. G. M. Beeler and in the evening
by Miss Lela M. Luckey, a returned
Mexican missionary.
On aoeount of the illness of the Rev. C. P.
Blanchard the pulpit of the Fourth United
Brethren will be 'supplied Sunday. In the
morning Miss Lela M. Lackey will preach. The
evening service will be evangelistic, .
At the Church of Our Father (Unitar
ian), the Rev. Earl Morse Wilbur, presi
dent of Pacific Unitarian School for the
Ministry, will preach Sunday morning.
The evening service is omitted. .
Change at Piedmont
Because of a sudden change In plans.
the Rev. W. S. Holt of the board of
ministerial relief and sustentatlon - of
New York city will not preach at the
Piedmont Presbyterian church, as pre
viously announced. ' Dr. , Morgan, the
regular, pastor, will preach as usual.
Devotional Meeting:
A devotional meeting will be held at
the Theosophical hall. 301 Central build
ing, Tenth and Alder streets, Sunday
evening at s o clock.
. .. Meets Every Sunday
The Church of the Truth has services
In room 412 Central building every Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock. Nettie Tay
lor is-ion is pastor.
New York Boy Scouts
Coming to Portland
Five Boy Scouts, one from each of
the boroughs of , New York city, ac
companied by a scoutmaster,' will be
in Portland August 5 and 6 on a tour
of the national parks of the Far West
provided for them by the Far Western
Travelers' association. The trip is a
feature of the Americanization work
being done by the association.
School Left $4000
Oregon ' Normal School, Monmouth,
July 17. President Ackerman has been
advised that Rachel Phillips, who died
some time ago, left one third of her
estate, or $4000, to . the Oregon Normal
school. ..; .
11. 8- - -
Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Rev. Ward
Willis Long, 11, "By Rivera of Water"; 8,
preaching by Rev. W. T. Ward of Minneapolis.
Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. 'Rev. Theo
dore P. Smith. 11. 8.
Anabel Rev. F. H. MixselL 11, 8.
. Millard Avenue - 05th ave. and 70th st
11. 8.
Marshall Street 17U- and Marshall Bev. A.
t. Manna. 11.
Mirpah E. 19th and Division. Rev. D. A
Thompson.. 117 preaching by Dr. W. S. Holt of
Philadelphia; 7 :4 5, "The - Apparent Disregard
of the Fact of Christ." by Frank W. Henderson.
Unity E. Tlst and Sandy. Rev. ft. W.
Seeman. -: 11, 7:30.
Arbor Lodge Bryant and Curtis. Rev. Alex
ander R. Evans. 11, 8.
Holt Chinese 133 H First Rev. Gee Sing
Hoy. .7 p. m. arhool; 8, 9, young people.
i- Reformed Evangelical
First 12th . and CUy Rev. G. Hafner.
10:45, 8.
Reformed Praebyterian
Firat 'Minnesota and Amsworth Rev. F. D.
Frsxer. vH. 7:80.
Seventh Day AdvantisU
Note- Regular services of this - denomlaaUon
tre held on Satarday.-
Central E. 11th and Kveretc La. K. Dick
ion, pastor. 10,- 11:16.
Tabemacto 6th and Montgomery O. W.
Pettit minister. 10. 11.-
Monuvilla E80U and Everett J. A. Ger
bart 10, 11. ;
Lents 94th at and 68th are. W. XX Hunt
ington. 10. 11.
St Johns Central are. and Charleston
A R. Foikenberg. 10, 11.
Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H.
Wentiand. 10. 11.
Scandinavian 62d at and 39th ave. Elder
O. a. Lee. 10, 11.
-.Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash at AdJuUnt Henry
R. Uoaens. 11.3:15, 8.
Corps No. 4 128 H 1st Ensign Jessie Millar
and Envoy Mrs. Upton. 11, 1:80, 3, 6, 8. :
. Swedenborvlan
New Church Society 331 Jefferson. Rev.
William H. Reecea, Service discontinued for
the summer. ' ; .
Unitarian - ' '
Church of Our Fsthei Broadway and Tara-
hill. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11. Rev. E. M.
Wilbur. D. D., will prvsch.
United Brethren "V
' Conference superintendent Bev. , G. K. Mo
Don!. First E. 15th and Morrison. Rev. Brron J.
Clark. 11. sermon by Rev. G. M. Beeler;
7:30. service in charge of Miss Lela M. Luckey,
returned Mexican missionary. :
Second E. 27Hi and 8umner. Rev. Ira
Hawley. 11,' "He Loved Our Nation"; 7:80,
"She Is Forgiven."-
Third 67th at and 8 2d ave. S. E. Rev. E. O.
8hephejd.. 11. "The Gentle Life"; 7:30, "Ii
It a Universal Salvation!"
Fourth Tremont Rev. C. P. Blanchard.
11, servtec in charge of Miss Lela M. Luckey.
returned Mexican missionary; 7:30. evangelistic.
Cloverdale 446 Jessup. Rev. Walter Reyn
olds. 10. 6:30. 7:30.
United Evangelical
n-,t K. lttth and Poplar Rev. . A.
Goode. 11. 8. .,
Ockley Green Willamette bird, and Gay
Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 8. ' '
St Johns Rev. A P. Laytoa. 11. 7 :80.
United Presbyterian
First E. 87th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F.
Given. 11. 7:30 -
Churea or to orrangere uraw mm nnuu.
Rev 8. Eart Du Bow. 10:. -
Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. George W.
Taylor. 11, "The World Need No Spectacles";
8. showing of travel pictures.
Miscellaneous .
' Christian and Missionary Alliance K. Sth ;
and CU; Rev. John K. Fee. 10, 11. 7:80.
Kealisation League 148 18th. Rev. Edward
Mills.- 11. "Individuality."
Christadelphjan 921 K. Washington. 10:10.
Church of God 368 Failing Harry NasX
11GoLpef"HaO E. 29th and SUrk. II. T:8fc.
Men'a Resort 4th and Burosnle Rev. Levi
Johnson, superintendent 8.
Divine Science ForUand botel. T. M.
M1pentoeoetal First and Washington Rev
Will C. Trotter. Daily cafcP meeting at K.
90tb and Taylor ata. v
Glad Tidings Pentecostal Mission) 248
1st 2. S. 7:80.
PeatecosUl 147 First -George B. Far-
Pentecostal 210 H TamhiO 2:S0. TS
iCnrirtUn" Assembly E. 2 Oth and Ankeny
Pastor. A. W. Smith. 11. S:45. 7:45.
Volunteers ef America 224 Burnude. Bveav
lags except Monday at SSunday. S, 8. .
Portland Ecelesia (Chnstadeiphiaa) 1S97
Belmont George H. TilUng. secretary. 11.
Peniel Missioo 266 Alder. 4. 8; daily, 8.
Church of Christ E. 7tb aad Guaan. 11.
First Spiritualist E. : 7th and Hassalo. 8.
Tl4Rrat Spiritual Science 129 4th at - Rev.
Max Hoffman. 8. 8. ' .
International " Bible Btodenta W. O. VT.
temple. 11th and Alder. . S. .
cSrch of Chnat Av 2d and SOth ave.
liL cI'a Sixth aad Taylor. .
Church of Divine Truth 41S Central pnfM-
ia Nettie Taylor Klob, -11-
Portland Divine Healing Institate lift and
TamhilL Rev. John G Lake. . Preaching by
Kermeth G, Oisen of Spokane. S. "The Fifty
fin - Psalm" ; 8. "The Frpoe. the
power and the Process of God s Dealing. With
the World." .. . ' ' "
Poland H. JBavis 3s
Elected tv ?Hnion
Roland L. .Davis. formr1v VinxiirlAnt
Of the Seattle' .nhl-intian Rnluwtr nnlnn
waa elected president of the Multnomah
CTiuniy union at: ine congress meeting
held Tuesday evening in the Y. M. C. A.
He succeeds ,Le. Roy. R. Robinson, re
signed. Davis will be presented to 4.he
union formally' during their, rrioonllght
excursion, .July 26. Several years ago
"avis '-was, connected with endeavor
work here. Other nfflpitrv nf th nnlnn
are Violet Hoff. vice president; LUa
rierson, secretary, and-Warde W. Rob
inson, treasurer.;"- ; - -, - -
The retiring president is In charge of
the moonliarht :. excursion m.nA
the young people an excellent - time.
The barge Swan will leave the foot of
jruersgn street at i :4S p. m., returning
at 11 TV m r ntfnihmuila will iv
Tickets may be- secured from society
presiaents or at the ChrisUan Endeavor
neaaquarters in tne Y. M. . C A.
Bible Assembly at
Gladstone Park Is
Set for August 21
Keeping In line with the forward
movement program of other vounr neo-
ple's organisations, the Baptist Young
People's union of Oregon has 'announced
a Bible assembly at Gladstone park,
August 21 to 30. The assembly will be
spiritual, educational and recreational.
It Is forpastora. ChrisUan workers and
young people.
Four ministers, who will deliver the
public addresses, are: Dr. ' W. B. Hin.
son,- Dr. O. C.- Wright, Dr. A,, M. Petty
and Dr W. A. Waldo. The faculty per
sonnel and subjects are: - .
Rev. W. Karle Smith, young" people's
work ; Rev, G. F, Holt, life service ; Rev.
J. S. Reid, fundamentals; Miss Meme
Brockway, children's work i Mrs. C C
Potter, music; Rev. J. C Austin, recre
ation ;4 Rev. W. T. Milliken, Bible study.
; The dean of the faculty is the Rev.
Q. H. Young, director of Baptist young
people's work ; in Oregon. Harley K.
Hallgren, pr-jsident of the state union,
Is supervising the general arrangements.
The total expense for the '-week, includ
ing registration, tent and meals, will be
Of Australian invention for race tracks
is a machine that automatically prints
betting tickets, registers all bets and
indicates the odds against any horse. :
vv ii ii riii
Sundays Big Program
10 :30 A. M. --Sunday school under direction of State
Sunday School Association.
' A 25-piece Sunday school orchestra.
'3 :00 P. M. Service of song. Leader Walter-Jenkins.
2 :30 P. M. Great sermon lecture, Dr. John H. 13oyd.
4:00 P. M. Concert prelude, Royal Philippine sextet.
Lecture, '"The Mother of the Future,"
i Kate Upson Clark, distinguished author
! : - and editor. ' -
7 :30 P.-M. Community song service, Leader Walter
- i ; Jenkins. ,
-. Concert, Royal Philippine sextet.
8 :30 P. M. -Lecture, Senator George A- Chamberlain, .
k. Admission 35c Admits to All Attractions
i 75 Acres of Beautiful Shady Park
i Bring Your Lunch and Spend the Day
Take Oregon City Ccrr direct to park, or drive out
E.'82d street road through Clackamas Station, or
take i the Portland-Milwaukie road to Gladstone.
Paved roads jail the way, Restaurant on the
: i ,-c:t
Many Presbyterians throughout
Oregon will wend their way during
the coming: weefc to their denomina
tional summer conference which
opens Wednesday at Albany. It will
last for six days. : This conference
Is one of the 23 Presbyterian sum
mer conferences for young- people
which will be held this season
throughout the United States.
The object of these summer confer
ences is to instill a new spirit of en
thusiasm In the young- people so that
the work of the coming: year will bo
grasped with more energry. The meet
ings will be in the Chautauqua park at
the junction of the Willamette and Cal
lapooia rivers.' ' ' A
A , day's program follows: Eight
o'clock, morning prayer ; S :0, study
period ; 8 :S0, first period class; 9:5i
second period class; 10.S5, recess; 10:50,
tnira perioa class; .11:40, open parlia
ment; 12:20, dinner; 1:13, rest and
study; 2 :3Q, recreation ; 6. supper; 7.
vespers ; 8, evening address ; 9, social
hour ; 10, taps.
The leader of the conference will ba
the Rev. William Ralph Hall of Phila
delphia. Other speakers are: Rev. J.
A. Smith of La Grande, Kllton Shaw
of Portland, Rev. W. W. Long of Port
land. President A. M. Williams of Al
bany college, Lloyd TCarrick of the Ore-
M. Irwin of th Kenr F.rn mnvnment
Rev. a. II. Clark of Pendleton. Dr. K.
II. Pence of Portland: and Rev, B.
Seeley of the Home Mission board.
Those attending are urged to' bring
tennis rackets, baseball outfits, bathing
and hiking suits. Bo2rd and lodging
will be -provided in tents suitably
equipped at $12 for the conference week.
Freo camping space will be furnished
those who desire it. , The registration
fee will -be $2.50. The Rev. Wa L. Van
Nuys, 21 East Seventieth , street north,
Portland, is registrar.
Hear this elation of soclat. In da atrial
hope-Inspiring message showing the re
lation to tAls ssbject of onlja board mes
sages and spirit common lea Hon general
ly by a. speaker of naUoaal reputation.
llth St. Between Wasnlnfrtoa and Alder
i i ii ii ; i