TI1D OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGOII TUESDAY, JUL' MAI1V0UIIM AT SALT LAKE FOR N. E A. Salt Lake, Utah, July . Ore goni&ns registered at headquarters of the Oregon delegation room 217, Utah hotel, : for the session of the National Education association, at Bait Lake, are: Agnes' Mattonick; Julia A. Spooner, Miss Moriarity, Grace Gavis,' II. M. Sherwood -and wife, Mrs. Jennie Richardson, Mrs. Mary Ulan, Leona I "Larrabee, Cor nelia J. Spencer, Charles A. Rice, assistant superintendent of . schools: A. C NewllL and wife representing the school board, Grace Foster, Mrs. Ella E. Wilson and husband, Jessie A. Skinner, County Superintendent W.' C. Alderson and wife, and Mrs. George McMath, representing school patrons, all of Portland., Mrs. Clare P. Stone of Athena, Re publican candidate for county school su perintendent of Umatilla county ; R. I. Kirk, The Dalles: E. F. Carleton, as sistant superintendent of schools, Salem, and, Superintendent A. C "Hampton of La- Grande. ' A beautiful slg-n for Oregon headquar . ters. painted in oils by R. Gayser. a Multnomah county teacher, shows Mount Hood and a glimpse of Columbia river scenery. ' The Pnez company Of Salem furnished free loganberry juice to rial tors at head- jP ....... ' """" quarters 'and roses " are ' received dally from loyal grade teachers, of . Portland, At the Monday morning conference on "Teachers' Progress by Collective Or ganization," - Miss Julia Spooner and Miss Leona Larrabee took an active part in the discussion. Monday afternoon E. F. Carleton of Salem gave a paper on "The State's In terest tn School Libraries.". , v At the close of the afternoon session W. a. "Alderson Oregon director of the N. E. A, called a meeting for the Ore gon delegates, of which Miss Julia Spooner of Portland was elected e.S Oregon's new member of the nominating committee for-officers, and A. C. Hamp ton of L Grande was elected Oregon's state director of - the N. E. A. for the American Legion to Elect Delegates to . Astoria Convention " Nominations ' for -"delegates to 'the state convention of the American Le- glon, to be held at Astoria, July .30, 21 and August 'l, will be made at the meeting of Portland post No. 1, to be held Tuesday night in the! assembly room at Central library. The election of delegates: will take place at the meeting yi, be j held Monday, July 19. Portland post, Us entitled to 23 dele gates, one , at I large, and 22 for its membership, one each being allowed for each hundred members. An elaborate entertainment is planned at Astoria for the (siting service men. A special train will leave ; Portland Thursday, July Z9, carrying delegates from all parts of the state who will mobilize here. . .'-- ,:; Marshflcld "Unit Leaves Marshfield,' July 6. Second, company, coast, artillery. Captain Ben S. Fisher in command, entrained Monday evening for DAUGHTER DYOUS WHEN HER 'DAD' GETS NOMINATION By WUUam G. Shepherd ? San Francisco, July 6.-;. (I. N. S.) -At 1;30 this morning Mrs. Dan J. Mahoney sat ', in the convention press stand and saw her father nom inated for; the presidency, keeping tally with the rest of us. '-. - i.".. 3 She is young and pretty, and when the great moment came she was yelling like , everyone else. .A few moments later she was : saving : ."Oh j I'm tired, but this Js heavenly! X am 'glad It Is over. But j we have fjust i started the fight haven't we? We will: not have ears for 'anything' at home now but politics. , If j women get the vote before election and dad is elected, he'll be the '"first woman- suffrage president of tile United States won't he? .We'll be proud of that in our family for genera tions to come." "Where's f my handbag?" she ex claimed to jber smiling husband. "Dan, what did you do with it? Oh, here it is. Well, 1 1 haven't had a decent meal for a week, and you, Dan, , have been running around- so much with politics that I have not had a moment with you. Please take m to a restaurant." Away , they went, and between courses she , danced j with the merrymakers. - Camp Lewis to spend two weeks at the annual encampment of the Oregon Na tional Guard. . Forty members of the company left on the trip, Man Who ;Tried to Keep Order at S. P.. Arrives Exhausted Tes, this Is Mr. Canfleld, or rather what's left of him." George CanXleld of Spokane, Wash.eased himself back into his chair at the Hotel Portland Monday morning "and ten days of couventioning hasn't left, very much," he sighed. "I have been serving as one of the assistant sergeants j at arms in the Democratic .convention at San Francis co and my specialty, has- been conren- on committee work, as well as officiat ing during the actual convening of the delegates. I tried toi preserve order-at most of the big fights down there this year. I was in on the contest of the credentials . committed and acted ' as peacemaker during the . platform com mittee meetings. . i "It: certainly was ia strenuous time. When I got through the session Sunday, Mr. Cummings looked at me, and then told me X had better -go home and, rest. So here X am. X shall probably stay here until the nomination is made. Titled Bookmaker ; Recovers Fortune London, July (U. P.) England's first titled bookmaker. Sir Miles Talbot Stapleton, whose fortune Was, wiped out during the -war, has-made a profit of nearly $100,000 during; the present racing season, according to Jockey club gossip Sir Miles, who .served in the infantry during the war, began! "making, a book" at the beginning of the present season. His success has been phenomenal and he has amassed r enough to regain his beautiful country seat. Greys Court; Hentey-on-Thame, j His wife,.' Lady Doris Stapleton, holds the distinction of being- the first titled Englishwoman to star in a British-made film production. Fired f or 1armgfK : ! Georgette Waist Smaha, Neb, July 6. - (X. N. Sh owing her discharge as elevator op erator In the Union Pacific headquar ters when she came to work --wearing, a georgette crepe waist, whlchr her em ployer ' asserted was "no waist vat all." Miss Tlllie Hoffman appealed toK Mayor Ed Smith in behalf of the working girls of : Omaha : to ' officially sanction the waist as hot. weather garb? -I, .don't want to be- an elevator operator all my life." she -explained. In urging the right of every 'working glrf tojwear a geor gette crepe creation instead of the reg ulation white shirtwaist. The i mayor, after - examining - the waist, issued a statement approving It. ! V ' 1 When FoIIk Quit Coffee because of cost to health or purse, they naturally drink" POTKf "There's a Reason E A rm ! ..inioe teat Ho hi Air in V V . '.CI . . s -Wr" II S!'lv III i. ess, , "it: 1 1, 1 A 'V IS'' A good inner tube is something vastlydiflFetent than a piece of rubber tubing shaped to fit ! a casing it is the studied solution of the prob - lem of inlation. t . - In the manufacture of balloori fabrics we en countered the inflation problem in its most . difficult aspects, for balloon gas is much more elusive than air . i The making of agas-tightbaUobn-wallrequired . the development of- a layerupon-layer con structioh so delicate that 3 2 lay ers are necessary to spread 4 ounces of rubber on a square yard -of fabric. ! This layCT-upbn-layerprinciplof construction, with its freedom from porosity and-imperfec-L ; tions, is embodied in the thick, powerftil and elastic Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes, Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubfes hold air tin failgly ybii can get them, packed in stxirdy s waterproof bags, from your Goodyfear Service Station Dealer. ' i Their initial cost is no more than the price you are asked for ! tubes of less merit whv risk costly casings when such sure protection is available? . ... -. : i: hss jjill!!! . .','" '".I'I7"PTT'"'"' ul''m!!rlTrTmmmmmmmmmmmmm . .ijii .in. in. in. ., iii j. iiiimiS I j '" 1 J m- isMswssrsnsMSsexA--uJ!Ij! Our, Store Opens at 9 A. Af.f SMiifTifrftfvfitif irnnrfimiitiitiiHHtmummtnMiHNiMiiimn IU4iUAsUIMsiIiyiU4MHUUUUlUU4lUIHeW 3 Min orders receive our prompir 5 and. careful attention tbe same day as recelrsd. , "The Store That . ( p- Undersells Because r Cl. n.U 1 Agents foi the Butterjck Tat- as uew wf vo p terns and Delineator. Ail styles and sizes. iow showins. mi J For Wednesday We Announce a , .Sale, gT SiMg M fitZftr With Surprising Savings! j H TWO GREAT UNDERPRIGED . LOTS OF THE MOST BE A UTh M FUL AND THE MOST. FASHION ABLE SILKS OF THE SEASON M. High-Grade Yard-Wide 1 Black Messaline at $1.25 Yard: M Less Than Today's Mill Cost! hs well informed women wUl Immediately recog- nize the 'unusual importance of this sale when we tell you -that the above price is just about 6ne- bat fthe figure at wihch these same silks Sold for f a few weeks back, H They are pure silk black messallnes in a deep, rich, lustrous finish and perfect weave. ; -They tome full 36 inches wide, are of standard quality. The saving is sufficient to induce you to purchase for HH both present and future needs. PriceQI OK fpr this sale, only, yard. ........ iDJL&O Goetz Yard-Wide . r Colored Taffetas . at $2.95 Yard Standard Quality Under priced Without restriction- you have choice from our entire stock of the celebrated Goetz Taffetas at the above sale price. A saving opportunity few women" can well ajftord to miss. ... Goetz Taffetas f are unsurpassed In quality, weave or finish and are famous for their unusual quality.' At this sale you have choice from all staple and new plain colors in 36-lnch width. - The special price reduction for this sale is sure to -create an immediate early. Pay only, yard response. Come Qp Off What Could Be More Important Than This Timeely Sale of Fancy Dress Voiles Before, ihis sale was announced we made duobly sore we had done all in our power to bring the season's most fashionable fabrics before you at a price unequaled for LOWNESS. ; Six Special Tables Here You'll Find Six Spcil Display TsbUs PUJ- to Overflowinc With Fancy Dross VioUs HundroAs ol Tiocos -Evory Desirable Stylo mnd Colorin Many of Them Sold Reularty at Twico 98c a Yard. -We wish you. to particularly understand that patterns and colorings are the best that these Voiles are all new and perfect in both weave ana qusmy., n is cumprcucnsire suuwuig inu CTij luie can ve suueu. Come early and secure first choice from the entire, assortment QQ atwthe yard vOt iBMM W I F J I I m 'If m. w m a m Beautiful, Comfortable, Cool Vanity Fair. Silk' Underwear Selling This Sale at 25 Off! 25 Less Than Onr Regularly Low Selling Prices on Lt Year's Market, Wkich Brings the Savin f to You at This Sale to About One-Half the Price of Today's Quotations. At this sale you have choice from our entire stock of Vanity Fair Glove Silk Union Suits and Chemises at uniform reduc tion. Included are all styles and sizes in white and in flesh. They are comfortable, cool silk undergarments that are ex tremely beautiful, exceedingly durable and easily laundered. The workmanship is careful and tasteful. : At this sale r the value-giving is supreme,- in fact, extraordinary. 25 .OFF the Marked Prices on last year's prices. t. 1 White Voile Waists . at $1.99 HI Low neck, tong , sleeve styles, attractively and neatly trimmed with lace all size 36 to 46. S Priced this sale at SI. 99. - Children's 1 White -Dresses, $3.99, S At this kw price we are closing out a fine lot of Children's Dresses made of standard qualify S white or blue jean. Sizes 6 to 14 years this sale H tt $3.99. " ... - .. Women's 1 WHite Pumps and 4Shoes$2J5;te S A surprising iralue ln-'-Women's' White Footwear In fashionable styles. Both straight cutNand two- strap White Canvas Pumps in turn soles and high, 111 ,or low heels; also White Nu-buck and. Canvas Shoes 3 '-with McKay, Goodyear and turn soles. Broken . lines all sizes in the lot, but not all gO QfT S sizes in each style. Choice this sele at nDUmOO Men's Underwear " . Especially priced offerings in season able; weight garments in all styles and sizes. Make your money do full duty by purchasing here and now - ; . 89c ' Garment for Men's Cotton Mesh Shirts and Drawers In "all sizes $1.25 Suit for Men's Cotton Mesh Union Suits In all sizes short sleeve styles in ankle or knee length $1.50 Suit for Men's Balbriggan Union Suits in styles with .short sleeve and ankle length 98c t Each for Boys' Blouse Waists in assorted stripe patterns. Our Store Now Opens at 9 A.M. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays, at 6 P.M. i i E 3 i 5 r 1 lit' i , .imrnmiinTmiHi"""""-"" -"- rimitm?itfMmrntwtrMntrrnnnnmtwfnF rtttUUUsUI IUMIMIIIWIMIHMMM