4 - REAL ESTATE HV:iC:tl PROPERTY 8 AIRPLANE MESSAGE FOR BEACH HOME i isEEKERS raerhart's beat locution for sales non-resident owner offer at rare bargain st r ic t- modern, completely furnished cottage; 6 bad' room,' 2 be the. Heparan lavatory With running hot and mid water in each bedroom;' an annex, suit a hi for servants or otlir purposes, also com pletely furnished; eontaina S xlr bvdroo and essehr with separate lavatory in each bed room; glass enclosed porch, overlooking be sen. open off of dining, room: large living room, with firer.'sce. overlooks beach: this b th choicest sit at Gearlurt, being the highest point on ridga at eean end of th St., which paved, and kade direct to depot and connect, with pavement on Colombia, river highway; 75 feel of eeean frontage, witfi unobstructed via of ocean from Tillamook Head to month of Columbia river; now oriea for inspection rnd read for tmmediat - .pency; terms if de aired: D. C. Wilson. 85 Fourth at. Broadway 20 SO; evenings. MajrhallB1 5. ' ' . " SEASIDE IX5TS I"OR SALE tn lota in Griffin & Raeds addition to Ocean Grove, between H., P. B. iro4 fnd county mad and between Avenue "O d I. city water and sewerage, electric lights, cement sidewalks to block, and 1 block from upper Ne ea nice ra bridge, connecting with lltmi iwrk. Lota $260 each, terma one fifth cash, each year, M- Bmitb, 818 7th at. Heaaidc. Or. ' ' " ' .. . " " I' SKA VI fcW. WASH. For rent or for Mle a complete 6-mom fur nished cottage, running water, patent toilet, electric light. Call 600 Pekum Bldg,. 11 to 1. 2 IX1TS at Rockaway Brack, chess, lor cao, owner, gome Eat 0-6K2. Journal. BTJ8ISf.SS PROPERTY lr T6ti" hate'moxet tolwest look ' THIS OVElt . 100x100 comer, cioaa in, on wl aide la going to be sold at great sacrifice to aettl as te. Ifaoid at once $0600 will buy this beautiful corner: $450O will handle. Sea owner. 163 H 4th t Room 84. or . iirnciDT A- TtCCIC 813 Northwestern Bank bids. Gil. INVESTOR. FIREPROOF BlUCb. RLO h. Excellent condition, best suburb of Portland. Owner leaving, worth $50,000. take 30.000. and reasonable term. Inveetigat Tuesday. , T. WEST SIDE water front with trackage and pared street: bargain. Owner. 1421 North wentern Bank bldg. ' , : TO LEASE 3 WILL I.liXSK to respowible party 4 4 -room modern fief, good location, cioae en on eut aide: rent 20 each, includintT water. phono Broadway 184. " . ' GENERAL REAL ESTATE R CtSELaiAX AND KUKASKI Dealer in real aetata and city property. Any. one wiKhtng amall or larga homeSi alaa 300 faraaa tor aala. Call n. SCIO. OB. fSlipaj Acreage and Iota. Addrese owner, 7ff3 Arrtia bldg., Seattle. Washington. FOR SALE HOUSES SOSE CJTY PARK MFTT BUNOALOW A REAL HOME C AKAliK 15000 Too neeer ne'ef would expect to buy ao fine- a home aa this om for o littie money. Tom couldn't Imagine . a home built any better. The hardwood floors are the eery beet. the quality of light fixtures, paper, etc, suggest the Inherent goodness in thia superior "bungalow. Just give as an op portunity i to show you you certainly will b rinin,i-edi We neglected- to mention! that thit placa I complete with hardwood floors, fire lilace, buffet. Lhltch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. A. ii. TEEPK CO. : - I - 370 Stark (St.. near 4th. Main 9003. Branch .Office. othand Sandy. Open Sunday. $500 DOWN i . BALANCE LIKE RENT i CALL. 1283 SANDt 'bLVD. $5100 ROSE CITT PARK. B room bungalow, hardwood floors in all rooms, finished Jin okl ivory and white enamel, Dutch kitchen, fnrnac-e, fireplace, built-in buffet ajjd bookcases; lot .fet? Inches aboee street! parement and sewer in and paidi This is one of the niftiest litUe homes m the park. Call at 1283 Sandy bird., tor. 4.1th. A JULT BARGAIN:; 8-J.-.00 H room house, about 8 years old. electric lighla, . bath, full basement. - corner lot 4.il00. atreet paying and sewer paid. Fruit trees and rosea, near car and school. H 4 2d and Francis are. 1. i. OKliKR . 4 Grand are. N., near E. Ankcny. SEE -HE FOR .1IOMK SACRIMCH NEW MOOF.RN W'EIJ RUILT RTNGALOW - Bl'XGAIiW PRICK RIASilEU FOR -QUICK SALE PHONK TOPAT ' TABOR aa 68 2-3a!)0 ON corner, pared ctreet, good alley, flue garden, 3 rooms, sleeping porch, pantry, Iat toilft. g", electric., sink,, chicken hout and yard, gsrag 12x18; price $1500, terms. - - 62 HxlSWH. eaat front, 2, moras, garage, ber riee, H block to ear, near school and ktnre; rented for $8 per month: improved street: price $700: terms. Owner, 1500 Fiske t. UniTera Ity park, 1 block' south of Lombard si. IRTINOTOS. $4500" ' " EAST TERMS : - Nice corner lot with 6 room modern bongs low, 11 bloetca to Broadway carline, now vacant, -house iu flue condition; fireplace, furnace:, let ua fctiow jrotii ltlTTKB, I1WB A CO..-20V-3 8-7 Boanl of Trade bids'; 5-K0OM bungalow style home in gooddistnrt, fireplar. bookcasea, beautiful buffet, full ce. mrnt batmunt, furnace; on hard surfaced strwtr; all lienv puW: 3 room np stairs now: rant for $30 JW month; $41)0. terms, . .: . Jotirason-Dodsojii Co. 3S. W. Bank Bldg. jliin 8787. STOP PAT INC RENT For small payment down yon can bay a mod ern S-rnom .house, close in; fine residence tlis tnct. Receition hall, cement basementi furnace, fireplace, tube, all built-in features, 3 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, Paving paid 7 cement i retaimns wall; lawn, rwesv en K9 agents. Owner. 61 Marguerite ave. I $3200 i $500 eash, balance like rent, buys tliia ' 7-rnom double coostnieted bungalow with 1 built-in kitchen, full basement, laundry trsysj 50x100 east front lot on paved street, block Ito oar. JohnsonDodson Co. B33N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. BYOWNKttroom housa, pavedatreet, in cludes furfiiituM and piano: modern) and con venient; one block from car line inlSellwood district. 50x100 lot. garden and berries; first class rsbbitry on premises. Price I-9J0, $!50 cash. bJls nee, like rent, OaU SeU.. U7S for appointment. -" I - WALKING DISTANCE ' Brooklyn ll.igbui, tt room house, A 1 condi tion; built -ins, concrete basement, etationary tubs, . new shades . and linoleum, fine garage, cement floor and runway, corner lot larga fruit and shada trees, lawn, flower. $3500; terms. (53 ' East 8th st 8. ; : 1 itlt'HMu.VU DISTRICT, $3750; $300 CASH cash. 6 rooms, impowing arearance, ab solutely perfect vxmitition i new ynpeJese furnace, fuU iMieement, laundry trays, paved street, sewer In and everything paid. You will roxiiively be surptivtd to find such a home for $3750. 1040 Arnuld St., near 84th, Tabor 6804. Hose ciTtpark' ' Rnngahrw, 5 rooms, breakfast nook, bathroom, hardwood floors, fireplace large clothe, closet, attic, full sise basement, furnace, garage; OOx 100 lot;r H block south of Sandy.: facea eat. 3 K. 03d at. N. --' Hy owner, i Ffjlt SALE-- By owner75 room- house, lot 80"x 100; bath. gas. hot and erild water, etc.; basement, good wrche, some fruit, nice lawn, chicken bouses. 7016 4 2d ave,, S. E. ilt. Scott car. - -.- - . : ""500 cash. $2T"fku moTth." ISiT.' '7Ci T room brniw, 70x100 lot. 14 nice fruit trees, bcrrte and garden. Total price 8330O. 2 blocks Piedmont earbam, H bhwk off Killingsworth. CaB owner. Wood lawn 8134. IRTrNlTTo.V'TXRK" rtt'NViALOW ' Vacant today. See it, 1229 East 81st at. north..- Six rooms, fireplace; sleeping porch. furnace, gsraae. Price $3no. Will consider renung. Main Ueaideoce Main 1377. -ROOM modern "bunsalow, hardwood lloor, . laundry trays, firepisce, built-ms, one blork ear. good disirict; $2700; $575 down. $23 month if tdken this wsek; immediate possession. 21S2 E. Morrison. 1 iLlVTHbRN"rSbuiuialow. close in. 5 rooms. beautiful builtina, fine heating system, fine district, lovely lawn, ruses and shrubbery snap at $4000, and terma at that. Marshall 8003 SIX room houee. E. Salmon St.; lot 7 .".si 00; prica $1700, easy term: poeeseion given at once : in good reiairv Canoe, 410 Chamber of Commerce. - -- . . - ' HAWTHORNE '. ' B-roon Imngalow, alt on 1 floor, cement base. mrnt, earaae. total prica $3000, liberal terms, Marahnla 89 3. 'o w xer"offe ksiTa rg E"lfof seTn ear KANDY VERY CHEAP. IF TAKEN NOW. RUNGALOW STYLE. RATH DOWNSTAIRS. EXTRA WKLLBClLTv jMAlX 270. FOB SAI.B by" owner, strictly modern-T room buuiluK, ea-y teira-.. 5V9 Uniktilla ave., 1 blocVfrnra Sellwood ear. : " Voli 's aCe'b T 0 WN E R Six room mixltru buntali.w. furnbhetl, 1029 E. Broadway. .. COy.Yroom home; Aooilitifk '; jllOOO ; Uriua. Mar. 24KS or c II wood SU52. NEW TODAY FOB SALE HOUSES T ' '. LARGEST HOMB 8EU.KBS CX THE PACIFIC COAST Orer 1000 Photograph, of Home FOB SALE . i i i i i i hj i . er lOOf) Photographs of personally i APPRAISE! AND LXSPECTED tomes ehoeen from every district' in the city. Erery kind of home. PRICES TOU CA.V PAY. If necemary, we will help you make your down payment. 18 An. toe at Tour Service. - Open Evenings and Sundays. . 50Roe City Honfes50 $5780 DISTINCT IV B MASSIVE PIL IJHKl) KOSE CITI. One of thia popular district'a most artietie . bungaiuws; firepiaeei, built-in book cases, maaeive buffet. Imtch kitch en with SUNNY BREAKFAST NOOK, beautiful light fixtures, HARDWOOD FLOORS, splendid crment basement. Term. K. 62d near Broadway. 8KB THIS TODAYI We have 80 Uos City Homea. i . $3750 In the heart of Boa City Park. close to car, is this 10 room - f substantial attractive heme on a full let: full width concrete porch. This can ea.liy be converted into flats at a profit. Only $5o0 down; THIS lit A KKAL BAUUALN. E. ,. 87tn at. ... 75 Holladay-Irvingtoiri : Homes - $4980 RIGHT OS E. BROADWAY, on a full lot with all atreet liens paid. it thia 8 room very distinctive tj-pe . , home; living room with fireplace. : dining room with built-in buffet, 3 light, airy bedrooms; SLEEPING porutr; white enamel, plumbing, ; electricity, gas, fall cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays: PRACTICALLY YOUR OWN TERMS. Where can you Dl'WJ- CATS SUCH VALUE f TO SETTLE AN ESTATE $3650 '-HERE IS A WONDERFUL BAR GAIN WITH ONLY $500 down and BALANCE LESS THAN RENT! West of Laurelhnrst, on E, Flanders, is ; this very at i tractive , 7 room,- moderns snb . atantially bnilt home; be whit . " : enamel pinrobing, electricity, gas, paved street lieru paid; 1 bkick to car. THIS MUST BE SOLO! YOU CAN'T FIND BETTER VALUE i ANYWHERE L THE Cll 1 1 HO. $4150 This la one of Hawthorne's most I arti-tic bungalows, ultra modern, ft j rooms; massive buitt-ins. fireplace, , hardwood fixkohs. Dutch ! ' kitchen, full cement basement, fur- v : nace, laundry trays; 1 block to car. K. 49th, near Hawthorne." $2750 HERE IS REAL WORTH TOCR INTEREST VALUE! 5 room at- tractive - rooftern HAWTHORNE ( NOAUiVV; whit enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. E. , 37th 'jut south of Hawthorne. . TERMS CAN BB AURANOED. ARRANOE TO BEB THIS TO . DAY! Wa hava 140 Sunnyside .. Ha wtliorae homea of real, merit. 80ssASberta Homes8C) $2880 Artistic 6 room bungalow; buffet! Dutch kitchen, large family sleep ing porch, cement basement, laun Jfy trays, white enamel plumbing, electricity. gas, beautiful trees, shrubs, -etc. E. 27th. TERMS. You. shook! sea) thus. IT'S REAL ! VALUE. .... -1 i ' $2800 ADJOININH! JEFFERSN high school, on Brown sLerfar Killings worth, is this very attractive 7 , , room substantial home; very eon- ' venient floor plan; white enamel ' , plumbing, electricity, gas; j block " to car; VACANT. IMMEDIATE ; POSSESSION. THIS HOME IS $1000 under VALUE! WAVERLT-RICHMOND 838j0 Tou'H be pleased with tills attrse- ' tiv WAVKRLY bungalow. 8 most comfortable rooms; model Dutch .it- ..n bLI.. , . 1 - . ... , .nits nnjn piumoina, electricity, gas. full basement with laundry trays; 1 block to car. K. 2 7 th near Francis. Terms can be : rranced.! Wa have 80 homes iu Waverly-Rlchmond. $o.,ARI5?TIC KENTON BUNOALOW --30 lever lines has thia white KEN TON BUNGALOW; new! DOU BLF3 CONSTRUCTED. Linng room. combination dining and kitclten; light, airy bedroom; sleep ing porch; white enamel plumbing, ? rvrl'.?:,!"?1 OAS KA"E AND LI.NOLEtJl included in price. E. Terry rt. Terms. W have 28 Kenton homes, MontaviSBa Homes $2700 MONTAVILI'S clever sl.liu.-led i" 1?J?t ro,'rn ronnts: PART-" I.Y FUR.Vl.,HED; cheery fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen; abundance of fruit. Cloee, t0 xV car on E. Alder at.; TERMS, $2750 Montavllia'a typical 18 mom Call- . forma bungalow, very practical floor plaa ; cheery fireplaoe. book 0 cases, white Dutch kitchen, full' . fe' with laundry trays. Only $500 down. E. 71st near Jlalsey. l-onAAPT.oS,XTT' HOMES $2000 itnl, . $500 down, room aCtrsr tivo bungalow heme; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas- OAR. AGE; 100x100, , ftoth avk S. K. close to Mount Scott car. This is real value. ; : On rT-.?;l!.0EASr TEEMS Un Clevelsnd avenue, aAr Going i5 this e LTJ1? eMTni' Phimbing. electricity. Sdiy! "" ,or" 6e "' sdvV.lt,rtoWV.,1, hoB1" fci snvsiaaa to visit "ur great difplay rrHm graihaTl 7'" U' 10 Phot grapha f homes for sale. , fmr extensive icoUon than you can fiml anywhere W give SATISFYI.NU SERVICE. IB TO vjitw vn.M , . ... ... ' v u v ouair., lOrttt. ti""". Bid''" Main 106S. 106 Third st., bet. Washington and Stark. WAVKRLY HEBTHTl m..M 34000 To.u Z"1 VU ma home in this fine residence section.- reception hall erv Hvin room. Ianeled dining room, f ine k?iii.e a fortable. bedrooms, "fm, bmenf a furne. laundry trays, beautiful tfaSn." abunjlanee offine flowers and snruhbJry bV. tree, berries. b,t ylrd for ahte'hom. "donrr1", m ' TuesdayTo thi."' " sppointment ;ko. T. MOOBK C)., 1007 yeon bldg, . WAVERLr:i;H HElGIrWis" l.nt ,L 'T!!'.,.''"?"":"- commanding excel- ? T.- , " city, fireplaoe. aU built-ine com Lrt:crtre.t?U,,l,0Ht,Stera,0f hirt JoSi!isonDodson Co. n-8. W. Rank Bid,. - 'Main 7M SEK J S?03 "ARtlAINS. HOTELS .PART. ;Udt HP - xit Results s . T. fAKaw LOOK ATTHIS . tlnen .11 c t'1""' Zilvn,T Tabor 2001 MODERN, 6 room banaT loTT.,T;r ' ' ' . . - 10-ko )( hooia for aai fiiriii" Tn.r77TJ iv; goyd iueoiae. . Lett 10s. .Vet Hawthornes 1 40 , REAL ESTATE FOK SAl.F HOt'Sl'.S IT NOTICE! For the convenience of onr clients, we will keep onr great display room OPEN SUNDAYS, EVENINGS , " AND HOLIDAYS We arc displaying over 1000 pho ' tograpbs of personally LVSPECTED A.N D APPRAISED HOMES FOR : RAIE. Every district, every tyre- , EASY TERMS. Within a few min ute, you ran find many homes that will meet with, yon r requirements, and -. one ; of our machinea will take you -rieht oat. See 1 FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. ABTNafON BLIK. MAIN. 1068. 106 hi 3d si bet. Wash, and Stark. LAURELHURST This new bungalow is strictly modern, includ ing hardwood floors in every . room, largo plat glass windows, indirect lifhtine fittnrea French doors, tapestry wall paper, solid braas hard ware, cut glaea kaoba, large beveled mirror, foil Dutch kitchen, pretty breakfast nook, tiled bath, pedeatal lavatory, lower tub, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, cement porch, large attic,, garage, S coats paint outside,; 5 eoata inside woodwork. Her is a bom that you can well he nronrf of. Call today. $3000 cash, balance on mortgage. 1164 Laurerhurst ave. near 89tb at. Buy direct from owner and builder. - L.INNTON DISTRICT. ATTENTION Here's truly a snap: "7 room bom and arranged for two families, if de sired ; modern, excel furnace; .lie bom and good condition: full lot and ample trees; baa th mast wonderful Ttew of mile and anile around. Just above th highway; avmer instructs ma to sell Quick and asking only $2500. Come and get it. - See Quin, at 814 Swetlaod bldg. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH ..... 6 ROOMS $3850 Dandy 6-room Queen Anne, in fine nendlHon vacant and ready to more into, no painting or cleaning te b done; every room light and airv, whit enamel kitchen. 3 bedrooms, fin bath.' full cement basement, tubs; located within 4 blacks franklin nigh on paved street, all improvement! paid; 60x100. east front lot; 2 blocks to car; thia dandy bom can be handled on very aasy terma; let us show jou thia splendid opportunity Tuesday. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. . . . , j - r -, '' IRTLNGTON j Dutch colonial 8 room,s, not new, bnt in pink of condition. Old ivory down and white up. First floor oak tapestry wall, large living room with sun room, divided by French doors; 2 fireplaces, full baaa 1 ment. I want to show you thii. .. Open for -inspection today. 686 E. 12th st N. C. M. DKRR. Sales Mgr. COE A. McKENNA Sc CO., 82 4th st. Main" 4522. Forced Sale Owner left tie stats and writes ua to dispose of his 7 room housa; $3200; $500 down;, on Woodstock carline; paved at,, everything paid; 4 large rooms down, 8 .roomsend fine screen-in sleeping porch dear across house; piped for furnace; pretty yard surrounded by natural fir trees. This housa could not b built for $4000 today. . CareySavidge Company 811 Railway Exchange bldg.- Main 7487. - Leaving City., Owner wishitut to sell before July 10, has 4 mom entfaew n 3 1 f t K n car; lot 70x100 ft. fruit, berries and nuts; seae lor eaari. . juafrsnall 3332. J. B. Rock Co.; 1 ROSE CITY PARK " NEW BUNGALOW $5500 $750 WHJj HANDLE - - . v. , v.cs oib aptenaia bungalow has an exceptionally large living room extending th entire width of house. Beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. This is located on 42d at. near i owner ia wining , to accept $7o0 cash, balance monthly, Ict us show you. A. ti. TEEPK CO. 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 80f2.' Branch Office. SOth and Sandy. Open Sunday, $2900. $1000 CASH, $40 monthly: (Troom hor, furnace, fireplace, full plumbing. 82x 100 lot, beautiful roses; near Alberta or Irv ington car; ia vacant. , JohnsonDodsoni Co.' 833 i. W. Bank Bldg. i Main 3787. : v ; WORTH $2500 : , 19 rooms, Whit Tempi district; clearing $1.0 besides 2 room ajmrtment for self; rent $50. Call Tnesdsy. - S J. EUGENE JUDGES. 1T1 W. PARK FINE investment as well aa a home. 1 4 acres close in, 260 feet frontage on railway, fine Industrial site. All in fine garden and fruit; o-rocm bungalow, several good outbuilding; short distance fn.-m car; rentrally located in St. Johns; only $4200, $270t cash, balance $1500 mortgage te assume. Phone Col. 81, SMALL niirccv i mu - iIK)CATKD AT BELL STATION A cre and 3 room plastered Jiouse ; elec tric water, over half acre; 2 seVs of good chicken houses ; 1 0 cent carfare. $200 rnsb balance $20 per month. Total price $1950 SM'TAOON ER CO. , STOCK EXCH ROSE CITY PARK New bungalow, 5 rooms and breakfast room; modern In every way: would like to sell this mm m if imMlM. U.Ik r , n ,. . , . mm (1Mb. . aaam U9BZ Sunday morning. BEATJTlFtJI, LOCATION i ; Modern S room hous at Tropical bill: good road. 2 eteetrjuj carUnes. 15 nhi. rid. from center of city. Terma caan. Phon Mae. 4098. IKVINGTON HOME. ! " fl-room houae. ia first-class condition : lot 50 x 1 00, garage, gas and electricity, rones and a'im 7" on8 bl'Tk irom cr hool. Trice BEAUTIFUL 4 room and. sleeping porch bunga i low; completely f urn.; city water, gas and elec. lights; 15 mm. on S. P. west side; elsc HCTiCriT"- IJtrl' station. Cheap, for cash. . . ..pmrn. . OFiryion, Or. NOW VACANT Uf'iVK nrVTun "tx- ' 1 ROSE CITY PARK - $2350 EASY TERMS Nifty, y. modern 4 room bungalow, hk. new; full plumbing, electricity, gas. basement. r, v... rid.lfln In. . , . : ... . ...... .r.r , myr .i . bii.i. mmr OD00. Hawthorne District' , .,oeT?1 roora l,mu. slmost finished,- fat 5x 120: frnit trees; S30OA; terms. Main 5458. Sunday morning Main 8882. MODERN 7 -room tioiise-a"nd garage in ' fine condition, corner lot 50x100; basement,' fur V,aTyl ,'toor, bath, 2 toUeU. price '. t " -fixiumore st.1 ,iS.?,cm!,,r800,' condition, close in. block Sellwood car. near shojw. Immediate posseseion. some terms. Sellwood 2700. 5 BOOSI modern, near" Union ave. ; ' must be sold; 27 (Hi; easy terms. " 5 room modern, fine location, near car: hard surface. st.$320O. $J50(, ch Wdln . 334 4-ROOM on 76x1 Fit. lot; fruititsT'beTrier; f0Wnlr 1"2TLnJLJ:,tJ,! S "'ritteing; $300; Ic4 for cash. 8 blocks to Broadway car. Mar 8332 or Tabor- 3080. " , " . INilEITANCE PROPERTY 1X)R SALE " 4 room modern hou-e. full lot. $25o- S room modern house, fu'l lot, $2800. . Call aun day or evenings. 571 Beech at. i SANDY blvd. and OStlT-!,. 7 room modern home, all conveniences. 6.57 E. 5th at. N Immetjiat possesaion. Price $6500. -$16.10, terms, nice 3-room cottage East 30th, ' sjfftricity, bath, gas, phone. Speer. Tabor 383 or 386. v " . . EQUITY small 8 -room house (8110 C8d ave' southewtl. $225; due $20. Owner. 70 Oth st 401100 lot, i, h6m Es"73NTEXsirr7ATME.s"rs- R C, WALTER. M43 Foster Road, Tabor 397 ; f4200 chea for eayh, room, partly furnished home; garage, fmit, i roaes. Sellwood blvd. wwnfr, .-M.ijwotxl Zotfo. v . . . -ntJi, I 1 1 V . Six room modern bungalow, furnished. 1229 E.Broadway. $3200 WALKING distance, save carfare1 and Sf??-,,-6 roinns. modern. W ilgua D. Smith, 6TI0 Williams ave. East 1208; Woodlawn 5l, FOR SALg By. owner, o-room Uack iT large lot; clieapi. Call Tabor 5099. i?-i S-Al-E One good; 4" roonf'liouse; 180 ROSE CITTPARK audern bungalow, with 7 ROOM modem ho. we, close in, east aiiie: $3HQ; f xon. or good csr. U-910. Journal. BUil.i NOW WHY? ' 210 Stock Exchange, Mar. 2310. FOR SALE FINE MODERN HOMfc L OSE t ITY l'Allk. "1T. 8ia-7!. TWO 7-rtiim " houses In Oregon Citv. 38S0O leteplwue East 439 . REAE ESTATE FOR 8ArLE HOClsES 61 BEAt'TIFULi frvingtoa hotr.e. apjendid corner 100x100. Erery modern convenience. Hot water bearing system, double garage, Exccp tkmany fine basement and laundry with extra targe new - Tnnr washing machine and mangle. Extra large living room, dining room, mu-ie room and library. Elegant new carpet all .over lower floor, and stairs. (.Splendid kitchen with new S20& combination f wood and gas range. Second floor, 8 or 6 bed rooms, two tiled bath rooms, sleeping porch. ! Third floor completely finished; French glass doors, not and cold water, beat. Am leaving city. Easy terras ii taken at tfnee. Phon Sellwood 2083. ' " SCNNY31DE $3750 - "A eur winner; large, subatantial 6-room resi dence near E. S5th and Morrison ata.; den, fir plac. bailtin buffet, handy kitchen, 8 extra large bedrooms, fin bath. Z lavatories, abundance of closet room, full cement basement, laundry room, trays and gas, inclosed fruit room, beautiful lot, bearing fruit trees,- nice lawn and flowers; a dandy bom conveniently situated, close in, 1 block Sunnysid car and: shopping district; this is a an re-fire bargain. Call Main 802 Tuesday; we will be glad to show; you. ' GEO. T-. MOORE CO.,! 1007 .TEON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK f SWELL BUNGALOW $5350 A READ GEM Here, folks. a real home. We lust can't overd escribe the real beauties of this splendid bungalow. It has an exceptionally large living room extendinar tiie entire width .of houae. fire place, bookcases, massive i buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, fuU cement basement. Gaaco furnace, instantaneous water heater, etc. Sea thia and be convinced. A. . TKKPS CO. , 270 Stark Et-.-near 4th. Main 30a. Branch Office, Stall and Sandy. Open Sunday. - THUBMAN, NEAR 28TH Safe investment and fine horn of 8 rooms, large business lot, fruit trees, berries, etc ; near Montgomery-Ward bldg. : Going out tb highway look this place over; it's 842 Thurman. and then make me an ' offer; will give terms, if desired. Be 4guin at 6 14 Swetland bldg. i I si M.t. "Scott District B rooms, pantry, electric light, gas, water, S Tots. 13 bearing trees, larze barn and auto shed. 2 cows, $2300. $500 cash. 4 rooms furnished, 1 lot. $1100. $250 cash. 8 rooms, plastered, 1 lot, $1200. $100 cash. WILLIAMS REALTY 'CO.. Tabor 4934. FORECLOSURE Mt Tabor Horn To bead off mortcag foreclosure w are authorized to sell for J650O this beautiful 8-roora modern ' residence with grounds over la: lott, profus with fruit tree and shrubbery. This fine house has 4 bedrooms, bardwooa lioors, large living room with fireplace ; it's a dandy and you will say so when you see it. HITTER. LOWE CO.. Ol-J-S-T Board of Trade bidg. ; Hawthorne Snap 8 room bungalow type home on 50x100 paved comer lot, very heart of Hawthorne district. This home requires a tittle i interior retinting and fixing up, but ' is wonderful value at ta-iOOV Will accept $500 down. j . ' Carey-Savidge Company 211 Railway Exchange .bldg. Main 7487. ' I HAWTHORNE 6 room bungalow, fireplace, and all of the usual built-ina., full basement, 50-fu lot. Close to scliool and car. The bun galow is class and tb price of $4200 is right. Possession sT onoe. COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 : 4th st. Main 4522. . . " ROSE CITY bl1n;alow T" FROM OWNER If you are in the market for a bungalow snd wsot to pick up one of the bet buys on the market, drive out to 424 IE. 40tii st. or phone Art to. 82-438 and ask about 5 room bon es low. fireplace, all bttilt-ins, H. W. floors, Gssco furnace, garage and driveway and best of shrubbery. Price $5700. $31UO cash. baL terms. r ONLY $350 CASH Really a bargain is thia close in east side borne of 6 rooms and bath. The house u old but ia very fair condition; lot is fractional but atreet and sewer all paid. Full size base ment, 3 nice bedrooms with ''closets. This ia 7 minutes' walk from bridge,! Balance $2000 at $25 monthly. Sidney G. Lathrnp. 516 Abing ton bldg, (Sign of the horseshoe.) " ' ALBERTA. " : " For $2250 we can give you a good well-built double - constructed bungalow of 4 rooms with fireplace, built-in kitchen, good bath, full base ment, laundry trays, two- blocks to car and you can handle this with a amall payment down. JoIinsonDodson Co. r 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. t Main 3787. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE tfOR SALE San Francisco owner desirous of selling a ' t room residence at 38S 12th st, near Montgom ery, will consider terms. Owner at premises Tuesday, July 0 from 12 la 4. WE will erect the portable houae next to the Y. M. C A. on 6th street on any of our lots. You can pay for sam on th installment Plan. Will add additional rooms if desired. Sea us the first thing Tuesday morning, aa it must be moved. JOKN.SON-DODSON CO.. i 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Five rooms and sleeping porch, in a -very nice location: fir trees near by; $2800, on very easy terms; mast selL Main 545G. Main 6SS2 Sunday morning;' Main 6456 week days. 1125 Gaaco bids. - i .. . SAVE YOUR RENT $750 houseboat. 5 rooms furnished, on garden lot near river opposite Oaka park, foot of Nevada at.; neat comfortable home, city water and lights. t CHARLES RINGLER CXj.. 22S Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Not a shanty; but a nice little bungalow. 2 larga rooms, another building on tit back. Here's your chance to buy a home cheap that you will not be ahauied of; $1150. easy terms. Phone 818-32. 683 K. 75th st, N. $ 29 50 SUNNYSIDK room modem. $3100 WoodUwn 7 room house; 75x123 lot, " fruit trees, garden.! j 84 3O0 -East Alder si., 7 room modern. i $25001 acre, garden, chickens, furniture. CHARLES RlNGLElt St COL. 325 H-nry Bldg. EIGHT room bouse, nicely finished, modern, cor. lot 53xlOO. garage, fruit, fine view of city and rjver; walking distance; no better loca tion on the east side; wjl sacrifice for cash. Call at 734 East 7tu, or phone Sellwood 661. 11-5 ACRES 240 feet frontag oii O-W. 15. A N. ; 6-room home; fruit, ben leu. garden, cow and chickens; furniture if desired; cheap living; property with a future. 1708 Midway ave., E. St. Johns. - i - . . . .- GOOD 6 -roora bouse on (ileveland ave., full cement basement, all Impri.vcinenU paid; price $8750. $300 -cash, baL $25 per month: would take good ear for first payment. 770 Wili&ms ave. Wdwlrt. '230. : . i- - ' .. ' , , . WESTMORELAND B"lTuTIr''UL"'! " I ' . "' WESTMORELAND ! Modern, 7 rooms, 2 sleeping porcheS, fire place, full cement basement, furnace, garage, east front: ideal rocatknf. Sellwood 2706. ; 81650 ONLY ' 4l!0 CASIf Four room bungalow an E. 63d. lias elecirie light", gae, fall basement; fine lot, close to car and hard surface, newly painted. i - SMrTH-WA;ONER CO., iSTOCK EXCH. FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY BONDS KKAL ESTATE BONDS INSURANCE )F EVERY KIND , SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK KXCtt. V 7-ltCHlM modern house, Fultxn uittk-t; newly papered and painted. Price $24O0; small cash payment , down, balance like rent. Call Bdwy. 1 R8il. j - ' - v BY ilU'NKR 8-roora modern hou-, yon va cant; full lot: range, gas heater, linoleum; $1000 down, $50 month, r West Farragut, near Lierbyv -- East 8747. j. - T LOVELY S-room residence. $500 ca'h: big lot: fruit, nuts, berries, $4 500; wonderful view mountains. Corner 65th and Couch. . Tabor 854.- ' -' " ; ; j - - - ' $2600 NEW, modern bungalow, with fireplace, cement basement and sidewalk; 2 blocks from car and school; $500 cash,! balance 'easy pgy mcnts. This" is a snap. 81 lit 57th a ve. 8. E. BEAUTIFUXi hew Rose City) bungalow, colonial ntylei fine bnil tin features, fireplace, book cases, maseiv buffet, Imtch kitchen. Price $5400; 8 20QO down.- Ca U n46 East 5 2dst. . fTROOJjr nouae and furniture, lot 50x100. fruit". berries, lawn; on Woodlawa car, near . 13th; $2000; $500 cash, balance like rent. 4 84 Claremont av. i ' . .. ... SUNNTSIDE 5"-room burgalow. large floored attic, full ce ment basement, full 50x100 lot, paved atreet. 2 blocks to car. near school Marshall 39"3. PIEDMONT Strictly modern y mora Best; very exclusive district. bonse, hot wster Wdln. 187. i 10 ROOM house for sale, furniahed for 4 fami lies, r.Me corner lot, furnace, cloe in ca wot side. Call 604 Front st.. corner stead. ,' 1 - SACIHFICE-sale. Owner teavrng state ; 5 room houae. modern conveniences; lot COxlOO; fruit, berries. 9s0 JL'Bion r. -K. j - : ; - .... . FOR SAtaS-room house, lot 100x160. E. . 17th, t- near Ainaworth ave, $1500; terma. l'hone Woodlawn 5106. rtiR S AIJC Cheap, new hem -e. jiartly finulied. owner batvins ci'. Call Tabor 2ii9. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOXSES 1 ONLY $6700 In Laurelhurst, m very swell home, modern and up to dat to the last letter, on a very ewcll drive ju very swell location.- This beautiful residence is complete front basement to garret. - Everything yoet leant or are looking for, including the hardwood oak floors, i A very pretty lot .with charming rur roundincs. Nothing mor can be said about -hjx place only to get the money. It will rvquira) $4200 in order to poiiseaa yourself of this beau- tiful borne. i" M J. CIiOHESST,; ABINGTONBLDG. ONLY $6500 In the center of the city on th west aide, close in to every one of the civic buildings, eonrt f house, city hall, city anAitorium, high school and a grade school, th largest, in the city, a block away. Now listen to. thia, her is 106x100 feet, -a corner, paved Ktreet, every Improvement in and paid for. ! On tlii corner there are 4 good house of which at the present rental- apd this is the .hard times low .rental, a the rent have not been ad vanced, w hich is an uncommon thing, of this plae to every other place in the. city where they have been advanced over and over again; any how, suffice it to xay that the rents will tt an increase today and forever twice what is now being paid without oppression, but the present rental will- net the purchaser nor tkan 12 per cent net on thia investment. . You ean occupy one "house yourself -and forever after wards from the-other income received make big money. This ia about the price of th lota, to say nothing of th boildimei. $2500 in cash will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY, ! ABINGTON , BLDG. L " ONLY $3850 In the Ros City Park district. on East 53d at, practically new 6-room bun galow, witjh room in th attio for three mors good sized rooms. This bnngahnv ia modem, up to dat and very classy; has fireplace, a fsil basement with eoncret walls, cement sidewailfs, full lot, with shrubbery, flowers, fruit and in a fin district,' This is the best buy in the Rose City Park district M. J. CLOUESSY, ABINOTON BLDG. ONLY $1700 buys and pays in full for a wry neat 8 room cottace, close In on Brooklyn St.. . on on car line and -one block from another; $300 cash and tin balance at $25 per mouth. M. J. CLOHE83Y, ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $480f On East 45th St., new 7 roora bungalow, basement, double constructed, fur nace, hardwood oak floors, fireplace, interior finished in whins enamel, paved streets, cement sidewalks all in and paid for; $60 worth of wood in - basement, brand new linoleum on kitchen, pantry and bathroom. Everything goes for tb price of $4800, half cash will handl it. M. J. CLOUESSY, ABING'i'ON BLDt. ,. ONLY $1800 buys and pays in full for thia; a good It-room bouse with basement, eoncret walls, city water, gas, electric lights,- bath, toilet, garam snd a corner lot. $1000 cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTOH BLDG. ' Shrine Model For Sale Shrine model Redernad Sectional house (see illustration in New Today column ) . Used on "month, as sutomobile headquarters by the Shriners. First-class shape. . Can easily be '' taken down and moved. . House is otvn. , See it at SIXTH AND YAMHILL STREETS , PHONE EAST 5114 RED1MADE BUILDING CO. HERE IS A KNAP SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR $3000 4 large rooms and toilet down, and 3 large rooms and bath, bowl and toilet upstairs; lots of pwd closet room, builtin kitchen, full basement, fireproof roof, large lot 80X.100, 'good garden and several kinds of fruit, some berries, chicken house and run, in 65th near 4 8th ave.; think of it this' house and 2 lots; owner baa bought a farm and will sell and give terms at 7; not a crack or leak in the house, double constructed. STEWART! A BUCK. i i 315 Northwestern . Bank bldg. JENNINGS LODGE ; ONE ACRE HOME COMPLETE Beautiful fir grove, garden, berries; mod ern 7 room bungalow type, with all mod ern conveniences,. 2 i blocks to car, one block off th highway, ua. bard surface street $6250. See plmtos st office. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. i. t2 4th st JMaia 4522. THIS 4-ROO.M HOME AND BATH 1 ON 2 L LOTS Just papered and painted inside and out, white Dutch kitchen, closet, . etc. ; front porch, all asiarasinenta paid, chicken house and yard, woodshed.: strawberries, all for $2000; $330 cash, balance $25 a mrfnth and interest.- We spent $300 on this house recently to make it modern, j I J STEWARTi BUCK. - 315 Northwestern Bank bids. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW NEAR PARK tONLY $051)0 Situated jpr the best part of Leurellmmt This bungalow is s real pickup; it has larga living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, din ing room. kitchen on lt floor, 2 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; garage, easy terms.- ; ' RITTER, LOWE & CO.. ' 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $200 CASH takes this ! 4 rnmderrr"5ungar low; combination living and dining room. Dutch 'kitchen: 2 - large light bedrooms, whJ;. enamel bath and toilet,! cement basement, very nifty attractive home: fruit trees and ahrubherv. Special sacrifice price of $1800 for on week only. '- j .;. -j. - . CareySavidge Company 211 Railway Kxchsngej bldg. Main 7487. 1XR SAtE Mut b Kold tliia week, a good 5 room oottage,- woodshed, chicken house and pen, fruiti and shade trees. ; Sidewalks and curbs, fine corner 100x100. ifine soil. 1264 East 3!ith street southeast: 300 feet off of Wood stock ' ave., in Eastmrarelajnd district, close to Keen college. - uood homes on all aides. If looking-for a home, see it; then see me, 263 14 Salmon st J. J. Rant a. FULTON $2550 Now vacant; attractive 5-room bungalow, large living room, beam ceilings. 2 bedrooms, good bath, laundry tubs; 60x125 lot facing river; un obstructed view of mountains; on paved atreet and Fulton car; a nice htOs borne in the coolest part of town; your own terms in reason. No. 1619 Virginia st U - GEO. T. MOORE CO-i 1007 YEON BLDG. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT" 6 ' room bungalow. east front, all fmnrove- pneota in . and paid, dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, furnace.- fireplace, all in first class con flit ion; can giro j possession at once. Price only $4500. I - HOWARD M. KIMBALL 814 Henry bldg. i Phone Rdwy. 3RC4. $2700. ; - 5 -room bungalow with fireplace, bonkcahes, buffet built-m kitchen, good balli, full base ment, laundry trays, $860 down, balance $20 per mouth. . JohnsonDodson Co. v 638 N.. W." Bank' Bids. I Main 8787. - . ONLY tlTOO futs you in thitt good little 5 room home on E. 8 2d st, 2 blocks isouth of carline. WuH.4 are tight ceiled and papered, haa elitric list's ami plumbing. A real! . bargain, ' for . tli hard surface is paid. Room) for garage. Go look, then see -SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 516 Abingten Mflg. (aigu of the hqrsei'lioe. JJ MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Fine 7-rooio. 2 -story i bouse in fine condition, ready to move into; 1 bioc's to carline. . Price 84300; with terras. - See owner who will be at the place from S) a, ra. to 1 p. m.. Suiiflay. This place can not be dnplicated for $050. All improvements in ndj paid. You will have to hurry to get this bargain. 1116 Denver ave. I AM going away, must sell my 8 room plas- ti-rcd house; everything in good condition. Price 150(l. Small yrnent down; reasonable terms. Call at 0G4 7 50tli ave. Take M-S car to 97th St., walk 8 blocks! north. - - F)R SALE. $3200 " Gool 0 room lnutj cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, electricity, gas, irel st, near Jefferson hut)-.; convenimit to 4 earlmes. Phone Woodlawn 1 232. WErfT Sll'K i ro.iiu r homt, thoroughly mod em ; wonderful view 1 of city and mountains. Will niak attractive price for cash or will give some trmn to j renvonMble party, phone owner. Mam 8666. 1 -. - ' 1031s MALIiORY AVE., NEAR ALBEUTX 6 ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE, $3750; HALF 'AIf. OWNER, WOODl.AVVjr SS20. $r.0Q BY OWNER - -GRAND AMI BROADWAY 6 room, modern home, 844 tirand ave. N. East 4297, $3000. Easy term. .' CLOS&IN BUNGALOW ' ; Easy Walking distaoce. claesy 5-room bunga low, cement basemen i. strset improvements paid good district Marshall 3993. FOR SALE Bungalow, 8 nice rooms, kit ' 30x - 100; Rose City park: ' $12 per month. - Buy from owner. Tabor 8125, . $800 WANTED, 7 per cent. 6 room ' bxue, bath, electric lights, .paved street fccwer. 502 Ross St.. t block youth of Rltwell. FOR SALE S-rom bouo i ba r.l wood fktra. plate glass windows;! modern in every way. Beautiful view. 8800O. Q-6l', Jonreai.' FOR SALE Earrain, Urge 6 rioia Wueeti Anne buncx!.w, clo- in. Eat 7170.- FOR SALE 5 rorra house, gas, electric lights: lot WfltlUU. Call at 6451 22d st. FOR SALE Modern 5 room btingalow. 2 lata; mahogany fmiali; a beauty. Wdln. 6030. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MOUSES $1 PACIFIC; AGENCY IRC 514-20 Swetland B!dg. Phone. Marshall .3989 408- ., L - . Rose City Park, TJnasuallr attractive 6 room bungalow, large living room 16x32, Dutch kitchen 3 large, light airy bedrooms, fuUl basement, furnace. Radiant fireplace. Shown by appointment only.' No agents. Only $700 down. Phon Marshall 8089. , - Ask for: Rector. 401 Hyde 'Park Price $711 00$2S00 Cash Thia Is th most desirable bom w have had on eur list in a long time. All the necessaries you would want in a real modern home are . here. 50x100 lot: dandy garage and driveway; ; 1 room, 8 bedrooms. Ask for Mrs. Suow. s PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc. -. Marsb.au 3980. v 494 -Irvington 80000 for this fine 8 room home, well lo cated in this splendid district Many built-ins. iiardwood floors, white enamel finish, fin base ment and heating system, good garsge, good street 50xl0O lot; a good buy. V PACIFIC AGENCY. Inc. i 814-20 Swetland Bldg. . . 5U Price $4S50Cash $2000 This b a 5 room bungalow on North Kirhy t near Blendena St. This is new. well con structed and in a good location. Has hardwood floors, on carline, - all nodera conveniences ex cept furnace. '- 433 Holladay Addition Price $4250Cash $1T000 SOME BEY. IT SAY. This is an 11 room house, close in on Weidler n't. on a 78x100 lot; full basement hot air furnace, 2 fireplaces, ga rage, 3 blocks from' Broadway carline. 4 blocks from lrvington school. N L FF faA ID. 458 - Walnut Park This is an 8 room house on 100x100 lot; lsrga front porch with massive - cement . bloca pillars and bu.uresses. Fully modern.' hardwood floors. 1 block from good carline, everything in good condition. This is one of the best parts of the cay and, well located. ? ! 5im; ' -I Richmond Price $3250Cash 750 6 room cottage on East 30th at near Glad stone are.. blwk from cartme. on a 4sx 100 lot Six years old. Some fruit and ahsMb bery. . ;- . ;? .. - ;.:' .. ... . ' -. 5J3 . Richmond Now VacantcMove In 1 " ; - -; . ; ...... I . -. ijood 7 room house on paved street. Full ce ment basement laundry trays, lot of fruit, only 5 years old. Recently gone over and cleaned up and put in first class shape. Price $45O0. $1500 Uown, balance on terms. . . ' - - 503 -1 ' ASameda Price ' $5500Cash $2000 ..-.' .!... , 6 room bungalow on East 26th st N. Two blncka to car. 2 blocks to school; 50x100 lot; paved street : " : 505 Price $3200Cash $11200 5 room well built bungalow, 3 years old. Will consider a lot on or near pared street, not ls than 50x100 ft, as part payment ; . 508 ' Alberta. ; Good 4 room cottage on Eact 21st st N. Price $1700.; Only SS00 cash. : - 507 . ' x Waverleigh Heights . ' '" : ; . . ' . ' ' ' : i ' ' $1350 down. Price $3800. On Marguerite are. near Iftviaion is this 5 room bungalow, fin ished in gray. ! floorol attic, gas furnsce. Place 3 years old and ui good condition. On, yes, it has beamed ceiling, finished in old ivory. 'ji' . ; i -. ; . . j.' - , 5011 ' Sunnyside :. : Price $350f). Cash $700, for this 6 room howe cn hard surface atreet' near Belmont and a 'nil.. .... .'.,:.., . i . v?S: I 506 :v ':.:::;.' .'f : :;i Hawthorne Price S570O. i'ash ' $2500. Thw is a gowi buy ua 6 room house. . Large hmtots, white enamel fcitclMn. screened porcii. - lull basement, prjeie4 furnace, hard surface, street; convenient to school and carline. -T.,' . i Business Property In th heart of the downtown district w have a gotid business projicrty for saia at a price thai will pay yon a good dividerHi on the chji.uI invested. I 'resent net income is about $10,500 per annum. It you are looking for a busine-a investment call at our office and let a show you tbi property. We also have other good Imti ness properties for sale. PACinC AGENCY. Inc. 514-20 Swje.iaiid Bid::. Columhia- River Resort - Near th famous Rooster Rock on -the Co lumbia river we have a splendid mle for a sum mer resort, eonsisting- of nearly luO acres. In a location that cannot be excelled. Beautiful natnral snrrwunding and scenery. W are t fcring thia for scle at a very low figure. ' I'ric $25,000. Call into our office and we will show you the possibilities of this properly. , PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 51420 Swetland Bldg. ir aayaiic n-Atnn uuaii u j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 TermsS3250.Terms . alIserta bungalow 1034 EAST 25TH N. Foreclosed, Worth $5250 6 room, 3 bed chambers, reception hall. j best enamel pitimbing. concrete bat't built-ins, cnoite electric fixturee. pas. shade. : . v , FIREPLACE. 80x1100 LOT - Lawn, i fruit trees, garden on which you csn raise all : your vegetables; just H blk. car, 3 blks. school? near stores, church, etc. This is your opportunity and - should be grabbed up auickly. Among refined people and beautiful homes. Lien paid in fuH. MUST BE SOLD TO SATISFY DEBTS -ONLY $12 PER MONTH AND INTEREST GO DIRECT TO HOUSE ' ALBERTA CAR TO 25TH ST. THEN JUST H lLO'K SOUTH t034 EAST 25TH N. FORM:u OWNER 1N PREMISES ,. Q. C. QOLDENBERQ ABLNGTON BLDO. MAIN' 4803. "85 YEARS IN PORTLAND.' 4- LAT'RKI.HURST 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH ' - S830O . A REAL "BARGAIN, Out-of-town owner vrriree for ns to sell at tiita low price in order to more thia quickly. Thia .beautiful home is ideally located 1 block from car. central en trance hail, with exceptionally large living room extending entire width, of bouse. The arrange ment and vonstruction re superior. Everytbins one would naturally expect to find - in a real fexxwrudve home .aud th. price is ao moderate for so expensive -a home- You will find th hardwood floors, fireplace, nutlet imicn aircnen, furnace, etc., etc., you would naturally expect. Someone will get real bargain and. IT MAY AS WELL BE YOU. ' . A. G. TEEPE CO. . ---V" 270V!:ark St., near 4th. Main 093. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. HIGH CLASS STRICTLY MODERN ; " 4 ROOM BUNGA1XIW T'nique and attractive home; larr:e. light rooms. Especially desicned for small ; family. Iarco rustic porch, firejilace, furnace,' floored attic, delightful hving rootn fhiished in rich old Ivory. Jsuiluna, - easily furniahed, conve niently arrenjed, easy to care Jor. - Full con crete basement- Clioice comer grounds, prl streets, desirable cloae in location. Close beau tiful Laurelhurst. Park, convenient to best car service, Suutiyside car. - If yore want a bargain in something choice, don't dday. Call owner .Tuesday. Broadway 421: evenin. Tabor ftlfJO.' No agente.- FOn SALE BY OWNER Will vacrific my fine seven room hrm and fnrnitur for $1000 less than real value, for rash, if sold quick. Owner here from Cali fornia and must have money. Hous . now rent ing for $85 per month. Mortgage of $1000 to run 2 H years. Can borrow - $2500 on house without furniture. Will take $3600 for my eordty- Furniture nearly new. Cannot be duplicated for $ 1 000. consisting of mahocany. oak, bird's-eye cuaple, brass and old ivory. Eight big rockers, three bedroom suites. Good carpets and rugs. In Woodstock Addition, 100x100 corner, on car line. Good' soiL Fruit and berries enough to keep family the year around. Flowers of sll kinds. See owner, room 5 GO Multnomah hotel, Mr. Walker. 6 ROOM BUNOALOW , ROSE CITT PARK .... $7000 This is new. Built for a eomfort able and durable burnt; all large rooms,, self control regulating furnace, nothing snared in construction. Place is clear of sll Incumbrances, so will ba able to secure a loan for tli pur chaser. - J. L. IIARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. lrvington - - At 838 K. SOtlt at.; north we have a nice home in s fine location, people hsve moved to California, snd yon csn hsve immediate posse.-sion. This bom ia in f me condition ant sll complete with gsrag. Price $7500, oue-half cash. Call at office for key. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. ' .... 8 Fourth St HOME BARGAINS $1500 lrvington bungalow, corner lot;' ira Mirovements paid;- furnace, 2 fireplaces, : i idecping porch; newly . painted, enamel fini .h. Big snap. CfinOO Bungalow. Roee City; 100x100. $0750 vtOUi near Broadway, 7 room modern. $6000-! E. Slorriscn comer, 8 rwjnj bouse. S 4 501- JIad.!ton ave., a room modern bun galow. $2800 72d Bt bungalow; 100x100. $3700 Sunnyv-ide 7 room modern home. CHARLES KINGI.Elt A' t:i., 225 Henry Bldg. BLOCK from "MA" carline. and ber . ia. a neat home of 5 rooms, all fully modern, except furnace; dandy Dutch kitchen and full cement basement, all jilaxttred. nice terrace and garden spot and pretty home. Will consider good taurine car as part initial payment See Uuln at 514 Swetland bldg. Furnished Bungalow Completely furnished, very - attractive newly built 3 room bungalow, with large ' veranda; hn:lt-in features. This little ' houi. would do riKUce to a $5000 ultra-modern home, rtiiecial sule pri- f SSS0U. - $600 down. CasySavidge Company 211. Railway Exchange: bldg. Msin 74H7. i GO LOK $500 CASH! Noitlifng swell, but a good 7 rourn linnit (5 below.- 2 .above). Houae ia not new "and will need slight repair, but it has good plurobine. large ba-sf men. 50xt00-,lot spleudid location, 50 feet from Mount Tabor car and hard surface paid. Balance $2700 at fas'! month. 163 K. r.Otb st. Go lock, see me Tuelay, SIDNEY . LATHPOf", 516 Abington bldg. (Sign of tile horiieshoe,) -. FINE VIEW. $500 TtOWN Lovely 8 -room fine home, lot 172x123, ahond anre of f-iit. nuts snd berries: double concrete garaj;; house is finiabed in ivory; large buffet, Dutch kitchen with $2.00 electric range; also piIeti'SS furna-e. This place is vosilively worth it. IcaNt sioou more than the price w. are auk ir.g- $4500. This house is very attractive m aiH'eanxnce Call southwest comer 55th and Couch. 4 Mockt soulft M-V csr. Tabor tS4 " CLASSY BUNGALOW COJfl'.ETELY FURNISHED BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. 135X100 Thu place is a Utile haven of rest; th hon?e is modern and furniture good; there vt an a rus tic auiliinsr honse aurmuttded by fruit trees of all varieties. Price $80OO. - You Will like it wile if you se t. BITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-a 5-7 Board of Trdebldg. J 5 Clio HIGH trtASS iRVlXUTON'Xlfii" -BCNGAIX1W Thia is an unutuaJiv attractive home and will peKk for itself, in conslnictim. claw awl distinc tion, 5 room. irictly modern, hardwood fbKirs, firplse, -elaborate built-in buffet, liuteh kitchen vulh breakfast nook, old' ivory fitu-.li. spl-ndid lusnsce, all iu excellent condition. This Is an A 1 h'-roe and you will say so when' yon -&ee it Hard surface street, . ideal location: term. .Owner, 1243 E. Both St. N. l'hone W'oocUa tin 10i. ' ' $2500 '-;--. $1 250 ' ca0, btilaBce li rent.' 4-room. and bath, built-m kitchen, cement basemnit, garage, tots of fruit and shrubbery; close to Irvincum or .Alberta ears, :. .' ' . Jolinsbn-0odso'n ' Co: " )S8 N. W. iiik Rldg".rj; Main 37H7. FOR SALE By owner, new modern double com structui kmiMlow, 4 room, bath and break fast nook; Dutch kitchen in white with kits of builtins; fins pise snd cement basement; lot of fruit rd berries; located st 7I2i 4 I. it are. be tween 70'.h snd 72d S. E. ; price $2i00. $1000 rash, balance to ruit Jlain 686 after 6 p. m. Ask for Sir, Harper. - - , - $3orobu'"thi dandy 5-room niwle-n bnngalow lt 5tlal0.0, beantiful yard lrwded with r-w and slirnbb'iry, on Hvight arc; $1000 down. , . . AUSO . - R-room mndera hous, furnace, small Ut, price $3200, on Skidmore . ALBERT HA It A UA , 7U3 a xii,iHjpi are T" "2250. $3.r0 handler thia A-ruoin house with bath, butfet, basement." t fruit r trees, pared street ; on car lino, ture block, to' scliool; sawer in aud ail liens paid. - JohnsonDodsoh Co. 633 N. W. Bnk Bids. ' Main 377. ROOM house on 52d St. Hawthorne district in good condition. SOxlOO lot., atreet Tm prorcmauts in snd paid. Re4y tn move Into at-mite. This is a bargain price, $3000, good terms. I HO WARS. M, KIMBALL ' "bldg. , l'hone Mi 514 Hnnry "'!d(f. Bdwy. 3HSJS, BORE CITY bungalow aacrifice, 5 rooms, all th boiltios. fireplace. iMtch kitchen full of builtins, 2 large bedroom, floored sttic, cement b&sement, wonderfully well constructed, garatte. large inf. nar clicl. east fmnt; lcvinj city, murt sell : only $4000. Marshall 3003. KOR rtAT.K LOT 16 LOT 40x1201 Byth avenue and 84th street at WoodatiK;k,$40O. Sell. 2088. REAL ESTATE FOR s O.e t o rs" I $3011: :ti CASH, d iiinnihlv. Inn- lot con venient to Went Hide, anccuver, Kfiiton. St John1?, ia near Feniiwula Park, no building re strictions. " ; , - 'S.-.Johnson-Dodscn Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. - iti8" 7. aiEAL'TlFt'L wuoded l"ts. none smaller Than 50x100, near the Jeffercon high. i00, $30 cash, $ 1 0 monthly. Johft'son-Dodson Co. ' 638 N. W. Bank WMt. - Min g7S7. " INVITATION TO DEALfXlS St Johns, 2 lots leOxlOO, small new fmune, city water, .lee lights, convenient to mnuipal terminal, woolen mills, aawuiiils, etc. f lTilhl cash, terms or trade for Sonthern Oregon- scre sge. ; Owner. 043 No. Hudson. : BARGAIN. West Hula lot, no building rMno tions, $500," $0 cah, $10 monthly; street hnpeovements. 1'aid. ; iJohnson-Dodson'Co.' JL-i.N' W. Ba ilk HM;, Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL level lots at one half former i price: walking distance; all kinds of wwtk; $825 each: terms. x JOHN FERGUSON. GEliLlNGEU BLDG. ' -: - . WOODSTOCK. Lot 40x120. right on the car Una on W..N1-stock- avenue; sioewalks in and paid for; $;-t7; a bargain, terms. Owner 5U32 Woodstock ave. corner 501 h st v FOiFSALE, lxt 1, 'block 11 and lot lblocli 12. tlillia, Multnomah county. Or The rn lots contain about V V acres. Price $1000. D. D. Socolof.ky, Sale in. Or. LOTS-B7 7 , blk 21 0 6x1 0yTk rsj 1 Park. 73d and Skldmore. 3 blks to It. C. car. cleared, sidewalks iu. $500 'cash if sold thia week-. 6U21 7th, ave. S. E. $ll'0O 10 luti. ,(lxT7lU f'et't each, ad ra cul 'tivation and level. 1 block north of Itos Cityl I'ark and" city boundary. llwni 14, 24.-t Washington st. Will PAY iyiNTf Build your own home. 25x100 lots in Sit Tabor district.' $75 to $100 each; near carline. Tabor 24(16. BEAUTIFUL comer bnUding lot OSrlOO. re stricted district. Williams, ave. and Portland boulevard. $1300. Iimuir owner, 443 Emerson. bEE J. S. uTLLMOKE for indu7triai71iu4ness and other property on Peninaula. ilS Jer-ey St. Col. SI. : ' ; . FIN E lOOxlOO in business district at -Nf Johns.' Only $25QO. : Terus.v l'hone Cilumbia Jivl. LOTS All improremenis paid; imturul park. Also timber land an dliou, F.sst 433. FOUSALEA hl 00x100 on irliue7ery reasonable. Fl2 10. Jtnirnal, ACREAGE 87 Only $ 22.50 Per Acre . 1160 Acre Bargain l. " SU miles from ICarruls Wash., on good county road; rural route, telephone, thickly 'set tied community; 20 acres has been, elearM; .or chard, springs and creek. Fine sou, considerable fir and cedar timber. A dandy stock ranch. $000 cash. 1- - A. W. Estes 908 Chamber of Commerce AMITY RANCH 20 acres, all in cultivation, spring, fenced woven wire, close to school, county road, tins view.i $2000; $1000 down, bal. 6 per cent. 23 acre, chwo to Amity, Yamhill Co., about 10.. acres, in cultivation, fenced, .county road, fists i view, rich; sou, $'J00(J; $500 down, bal. 6 per cent. 1714 acres, rinse to" Amity, running walr. fenced, some fine timber, county road, fine soil, $1600; $5uo down. bal. H per cent 8KACIIRL.HT aROS. i ' 226 f'hamber of Commerce. 20 Acres $250 Cash Good terms on balance, at 35 er acre. 3 H niilcs to railroad, ..town and t'oluiuhia ricr; g.Ki' riiail; thickly settled community, fine mh; mori than half has been in cultivation but. has eroa up to brush and is very easily cleared and con siderable can bo 'plowed. Without any work wint erer. Bearius orchard; tvrjngs and cruki. W ifl make a real liotn. A. W. Estes- ; 009 Ctimler of Commerce j ONLY $600 DOWN . 5 arrp n?r llilljs.fcf.ro, jrnil Orrann Kl--trii-. Tbw is fine land, U in rtili.it a: ion, f t ?i orchjird; rhirkra botis4. jom!" htrn siifi safHjfs. j-room bungiikiw, iuU-h lrittrhtn. butit m. at 6 pr rrit. RICHARDS REED 308 McKay hlld. .Main 4192. 1, 5 Acres,-$50 Cash . Kay payments on the balance. Half mile of Kalaina. Wah.. timber will nearly pay foe Isnd t a home, raie imit vegetable and chicdMia Plenty- work at Kahuna uiilla; good wages. I'ru a $75 ler acre. ' A. W. Estes 900 Chainlier tf Conint.r'ei I SMALL PATMBNT 1XIWS 10 acres, h-atntl clone to Red Electric station, all under cultivation, lnrj;e or chard, good road, 1 ronnt plastered liouie, other buildings, Ofiored at a bargain fur a short lime. JOHN FERGUSON, GE RUNG Ell BLDG. !TiqarSTbai as'n- 8 acres, Vt to bearing orchard. 25 minnt-s from Portland via paved highway ai! electric rar; ouf-of-town owner hei to dose out holdings; must be sold this week; only $20Q; emy terms; cum uuick. !- W. IL ROSS, - I 1100 Northweilcrn Bank bldg 1 &I1LE FROM CLATSKANIE Jt '.rr,; loiul on county road, good il, 2 ' well. 8 i acres -tinder rtiHiration. all can 1 cultivated. f room cxtinu". cow barn, chicken house. Phtcs well fen-Nl. Price $ 1 lir.rt, - 7'M rash. Anderson. Willi JOHN FERGUSON, GLRLINGtll PLUG. 4FT7TurTu'NC-ii7Ti7r.o. near crown. POINT AND OOLUMHLA. HIGHWAY Ifouse. barn, chicken hu-ef family orchard, berries, 7 acres in cultivation, 6 acres peAi-nrr. balance timber. Watered by creek and well ; on It V. V. See SAM HKWtT, at J. U HA III -MAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg., ground floor ; . FOR SALE Aercag. and fsrm land, improved arid unimproved; in Uimmiii county, close to Rainier; 20 acres to 300 acres; some nice tracj on peved highway; price $50 ti $150 per acre. After Tnesdsv inquire st 10S0 11 2h st. N. tphnne "Woodlawn 35431, or writ John L Mc Intyte, Rainier. Or. ASure Aoney Maker 40 acres good lev! land, 12 a. slashed, enough fine cord wood timber to more than pav for the land; paved r'd. no hilla; miles from Vancouver. $75 per acre takes it ( J. R. WOLFF. 410 Henry bMg. - - i WALNUT ORCHARD v 30 acru lOyear-old walnuts wilh cherry fi11rs; g'od cot:iit"ion ; bargain at 3.'itl per' acre, hair toll, 2f cr acre cadi. We hae mariT other fin fruit properties for sale. Aiao plant ing 6-acre tracts lo lerncs and tdbert. ' PEAlM Y BROS. Isairm. Or. '1-3 ACRE, near lioach. 7let of soil, lota -of frnit. garden in; m-odfrn H room hml ; garage. Jnt off iavcrn.nl. I'nce $40U0 V cash, Hengaid. witil Coe A. iie Keuna A. Co., HZ 4 III t YO !."- i'Ul Nh Oif.'liAltl) JO a. In S year-o'd iivinc in Dundee difriit, red elirjt iiraxj, t l road, 2 miles from tn. VtbM oniy 44)i -iicr . Terms. Laura M. William. 1st snd Blaine stSJf .New lierg, Or. Plin- R d 181. . ' $f500 TftN acres. near Coi tie'.iun, ir ; 8 acres under cultivsiron ; 3-rm house.- 2 small barms; tartns $H00 cash. Ilsnce 3 -years st 71 per cent j in MEN & GUAfELLK. S,07 sl2?rst" Wrilaw!i 202. , ONE aT'RE. 7 room modern lioiise. barn. cbSckcn run, etc.: yonmr orchard, ss-var-old bearing; bcrrica; ahmlbry; city water, ira. phone. J. F. Cawsvly, ti5th ave. and ttith at S. E, 71 ACRES, unimproved, 2 miles from Win lock, VV'ash., creek. Bond . soil, $2o00, sT' lerm. W'iil take nrntll csr in Irad't Owner, i. G. Vn Doct.er. 83 3 j"'-,,JT',. 323-1J. ON ACCOUNT, of alcaiieaa, lnu.1 acil my im proved acre, five-rfj'vm plastered hon.e and outbuilrlinvs. . One and cuv-half hlocks from Crystal Ijtse park. Mrs. Curnntt. Milwaukie. or 1 ACRE or more, Bae Lina road; g. t off at East, Wood, fifth houe right hand sMe: can have g or electric ligijt, Stran'jn, route A. box 20, PurtlaiKLjlr FOR HALE -By owner. 1 acre, alHktnds frwit berries, good liouse. perass, woollied: coin. see. 8705 70th ve.H.E.. 1'frtlarid. Or. 120""ACliKS in Clarke county; siriO road. rre, scboot, timber; 80 crs can be plowed; $25 per acre; terms. I53f Eajit Talr. Ta. fij21. $ ACftKH for sale. 1?" tnilea"'utr eJT.lwlui frouT Witch Hazel iib Fourth at line, half cleared. Bcx .",. it. Ii, HiliMlale. Ots M.in 7710. 2 ACUEeJ for suie, all. in culliation. a-ll rcu .ti . able; near Rcrfha statbm. on Hiphwav. Joe Omtemann, 167 's 1st sf., Pnrl htnd. Or. 82300 ON TEIiM.4 Nearly i"acrc. fruit. ..tit. house. fetM:d, 5 room hoiuw. Mclillan. Maplewood. Ore. ' 10 "ACHES on a ;tokI p.v.1 m l, r:";r tm,.a. tag. Orcliard ad fenced. Tehcr 6122.