Tttlfi OKEUUN - SUNDAY - JOURNAL, FUKT LAND, - SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 5U. SEW TODAY i Sectional Summer Cottage No, 226P 3 room, clWt, bath. Priw.,.U05Jil 3 rounu. Price .w.VV.. ..,-. .$318.65 The - boos pictured above is made fa' four-foot section of ; carefully selected fir. It can be easily erected bj tiro men in one or twu days, according to size. , twr sectional road No.'436-P. 1' 4 rooms, batli and 2 closet. Price $641. HOME BUILT TO SUIT ON TERMS Wwiir famish a. lot and the money with which to purchase -a , Mill-Mad Heady-Cut Hume. - ... Yovt Pay Nothing Down AY MONTHLY PaTmENTS U, have lots to dimxe from in any part of the city of Portland. . " - Sectional Houses SHIPPED ANYWHERE Ask about our Hecial Portable Garage, size 10x10. Price $7.1 Writ cr phon for Catalogue' El wood Wiles & Son i 02 Title Trort Bid. ' On 4th St., Btt. Stark and Oak. Phone Main 4724 DairysFarm 360 ACRES 24 MllKH FROM'TORTl A'D, OS HTA'IE HIGHWAY. ONE-HALF MILK FROM RAIL BOAD STATION' joo acres under cultivation, 40 acres under irrigation without cost.- 33 cows,'! registered' bull. horses, 7a sheep, -40 hogs, large new barn, with cement floor, storage for 200 ' tons of hay. 3 silos, modern dairy for 60 cows, machine ehed, creamery, fully quipped, good 7-room house. Place is completely . equipped with tools ot all kinds. The owiiers- of this ranch wish te retire and will give Immediate pos session. ' . v WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. FOURTH STREET $12,000-Quarter Block on N. E. corner of 'E. Gth and Taylor, in heart of east 'side industrial d i s t r i c t. $,")."00 cash and . assume $T000 mortae. For this 4 and other business and in vestment properties, see 0 ERECTED IN PORTLAND-SHIPPED ANYWHERE IN BUILT 4-a-T. SEC TIONS READY AND EASY TO PUT TO GETHER ; A iiitt-claas bouse or unit direct frots the factory at a GREAT SAVING. You pay no middlemen protit. Writ for cataloeue. REDIMADE BUILDINQ COMPANY ' East Eleventh and Market 2 Blocks South of Hawthorn. Prion Eftkt 6114 Portland, Or eg or SEND US TOUR OLD CARPETS , i (We CaU and Dtlir-0 Old Rugs anf Woolen Cloth! W Make Rtvtnlbla. Hand-Worm FLUFF RUGS Room Six Fluff Rugs Woven it 7.50 . - Raj Rugs Woven All Sizes Clothes Claanlno and Dyeing Dept. Malt Orders , Send for Booklet Mattresses Renovated. Mad Over, Mad to Order Frftiieri Renovated Carpet Cteaclng - n 9st2 Ruov SUamad Cleaned. 91.59 WESTERN FLUFF RliQ CO. -64 Union va. N. . Phone East 6616 WE CALL FOR TOUR OLD - . CARPETS -'Rag and W wotea Clothing FLUFF RUGS AFT Work Turned Out Promptly Ran Hup Wnrrs Alt Sixes f.l Mail rlrrs Send for Book Ut Carpets Cleaned. Laid asu Refitted ' NCIvTHWEST RUG CO. . m EAST EIGHTH STREET PHONE EAST Sis ' mg.ffHD.Li . issswssvj We Call and DeUver Old Carpet and Rags Made lata a ' . RUGS US' Rag Ruga. Carpet Cleaning and Re fitting. Mail orders. Send -for Booklet Oregon Fluff Rug Co. Mi East Stark , : Tabor 7SI! mm i'tWH n Houses vd Gaxlges i- 1 -sS?s' ERECTED IN J ! ' ,BJgTi5?r ; POBTUANO-SMIPPED Jl ' '1?M53 2ll ANYWHERE . J I' iV ! BUILT 4-a-T. 1 3 1 1 1 TIONS READY AND I . W jteSlESir"?- EASY TO PUT TO-y Sff TODAY MB LARGE or SMALL A scrutiny of .the descriptions of the places below must convince you that we are in a position to supply any require ment In the farm and acreage line. We positively have hundreds of select list ings, the majority cf whlqh we : have photographs of, and a call at our office will be appreciated. This will not mean that if we do not happen to have what you 'want thafryour trail' wUl be camped, on for the rest 'of your life., as we posi tively do not do business in this manner. CLACKAMAS COUNTY $2000 , $500 cash, $200 yearly, with" interest at 6 per cent buys 40 acres, almost all till able, 4hi acres Iti cultivation, good creek, als well, 6 room unfinished house, small barn, chicken house, hog house. All buildings are new.- Place is all fenced with barbed wire; 2& miles from small -town, close neighbors and school. . CLACKAMAS COUNTY $3200 $1000 "cash, 5 years at 6 per cent, buys this splendid. 40 acre tract, 10 acres of which are in cultivation balance-timber and brush; all fenced, shack buildings, good spring; 5 miles east of town just off the Abemethy road. A very decided snap. - - POLK C0UNTY-S3250 66 acres, all tillable, with SI acres In cultivation, balance oak brush; 3 wells, 5 acres bearing prunes ; well taken care of : rural -route, rock road. 3V4 miles I from town and railroad, in a thickly set tled -rarmlng district ; $lo00 cash, terms on the balance, i t " -i gi -1i irtf i-rainifi h nrjaWi iiai-in fiinfBi'rr - -arfr -jrn'tti r us n, .ij" ; .Fltr-j , ATP H Ihl i'HS IHMIH STOCKED AND EQUIPPED , . The two photos above will give you some Idea of the lay of this splendid 130 acre stock ranch, located Zhs miles from railroad town in Clarke county. Wash. : 37 acres are in cultivation, 0 acres in timber, balance slashed . and pastured ; 30 acres in oats ; . 3 wells, 2 springs, good trout stream and a very fair country 6" room house.' new barn 60x62. separator house and all f necessary outbuildings : splendid family' orchard of large bearing fruit trees; the - land ' is just rolling enough for perfect drainage. ' Included with this place;, are 25 head of cattle. 4 brood sows, 5 Klioats. 1 wason, 5-year- oid team, 1 buggy horse, 1 saddle horse. 100 hens. 13 geese and 12 ducks, 1 cream separator and small tools and household furniture.: The outrange is unlimited iand this paace is ready to step into and go to work. The price, In our estimation. is ridiculously low, being $S500 as it stands; $6000 a.h, plenty of time on the balance. i YAMHILL COUNTY $12,000 150 acres, all stocked and equipped ; over 100 acres tillable, 50 acres in culti vation, 25 acres very easily cleared ; . 25 acres fir and ' oak ' timber, balance stump pasture; t room house, barn 40x 80, straw barn 1 and goat barn, hog, chicken .and wood houses, family or chard, small ereek, springs and good well ; complete ; set of Implements, wagon, etc. ; 3 chunky mares, 2 colts 3 years old- 6 cows, 3 yearlings. 5 calves, 1 bull, 6 pigs, 100 chickens. $6000 cash. This, is a good paying farm and first time offered fori sale: in the past 25 years; 44 miles from' Portland and .6 miles from good, town and railroad. CLARKE COUNTY $14,000 $6000 cash, long time Ion the balance: splendid 200 acre farm, 100 acres of hardwood swale land, practically level, of which 45 acres are In cultivation and in crop; 100 acres oti xir timber, ap proximately 4.000,000 feet; good famty crchard, 6 room house In good corVUlion. barn 24x60 with - woodshed, granary.- chicken house, cellar, all other outbuild ings, in very good shape; a well at the house, also 2 trout streams through the place. This farm is located in the beau tiful Chelatchie Prairie country, and is on a county road, mile to grade and high , school, 4 miles from small town, and is one of tire best bargains we have on our-Hat. ) ; i -' '- : '-,'. - ' III f if i lw. .... r' t -v . 4-X, 4 I, ll 1 n'TiilniSili--"" IN THE BEAUTIFUL SANTIAM COUNTBY The two photos above wilt give you isome toea oi tne lay oi tne lana or thi sp.encia zau acre dairy rancti; 7 miies irem Lebanon ; 2a0 a'res : are tillable, 140 acres in ,cuitivaticn. balances in sco- ci.d growth fir and oak timber ; sood rich loamy soil ; splendid 7 room house with bath, barn 40x84 with: 140 ton hay loft, good stanchions below: i silos, g: anary. miliv house, woodhouse and straw shed : water piped to buihltngj from .large spring. Price S23.000 : C6aii0 cash. . unlimited time on - the bilan.v. This Is the place you. Mr, Stockman. have l-en looking for. . . ; polk ciquim--i43!9oo 439 acres ; 415 acres tillable, 200 acres in ctuiivation. lao acres gooa oak umber. 24 acres of prunes o years old, gooJ family orchard : 8 room house in trood condition, large barn 36x70, 2 stock Darns, new hoghouse, chicken hou-ae and tool house srood well and 2 ; sorine-a : place Is fenced and ; cross fenced ; land is slightly rolling, best of soil: located on county road 4' i miles from Dallas; 118,900 cash, long time on the balance. Photos at office. FRED rw. GERMAN CO. 732 CHAMBER OF. COMMERCE ' .- Vr, an SiwwJWi SEW TODAY FOR LOFT SPACE TX HEART OF CITY AT VERY REASONABLE ,- RENTAL - SEE "asa Inside Property Sealer 18TH FLOOR TEOX BLDG. : Marshall 898 MEETING SOTICES 41 KIRKPATR1CK council No. 2227, Security Benefit as sociation will give another of its ssual - card parties sod dance at Swiss hall, 3d sad Jefferson sta.. on Friday next commencing cards at 8:30 harp. Everybody ' welcome, A good time for all. - Don't forzet th ' grand reunion picnic at Crystal Lake Park July 5. '- PORTLANi STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN Meeting postponed- Thursday eveninz, July 8, account excursion on boat Swan, Boat leave foot of Jefferson at 8:4-5 p. xa.. returning at 3 1:45 p. in. rickets can be secured at 205 Alisky bide, corner Third, Morrison at, YETTA HAINES. Correspondent Main 6356. A SPECIAL conulava of Wash ington eommandery No. 15, K. T., will be held Tuesday eve ning. July 6, at 7:30 p.. nt., Waxbinaton Masonic ball. Order of th Temple will be conferred by Em. Sir Charles A. Conover, P. E. C, of Jacobs eom mandery No.- 10 of Michigan and general grand secretary of the general grand chapter of the I'. 8. A. A large attendance is desired ou this owaidon. G. V. Eismn. recorder. iANLINi in conjunc tion w it b Forest 'Grov S day 4tU-of July selebration given by the Maxters. ardena and Past Masters' asoociation- Monday Ju!y 5. afternooa and evening. Benefit of home. Good muic. COMMITTEEi I'ICN 1C Cedarville Park. Lineman station, on Powell Valley, road. Monday. July 5, by Swiss feinting Society. Singing, 60 voices, games, races, dancing, afternoon and evening. Toeli 6 piece orchestra. Take Gresbam-Estacada or Bull Bun or jitney at 1st and Aider. . Refresh ments served. EAST GATE LODGE NO. 155, A. F. AND A. M. East 80th ' and Glisan sta., meeta Monday at - 7:30 p. m. Work in M. M. de gree. Vi-ating brethren welcome. By order W. M. CHAS. P. NELSON, Secy. 11. V. A. During July and August Rose City camp will meet ONLY th la&t Monday in each month. ? H. J. WHIPPLE.' Conrui, J. W. SIMMONS, Clerk. ' ' 318 Yeon bidg. THE OREGON ASSEMBLY No. 1, United ariL-i. i i ujirn i,tu yartjr uiu Prizes given at the W. O. W. hill 11th and Washington. Tuesday eve.. July 6. AMERICAN LEGION, Portland post No. 1 Regular meeting Tuesdav evenins. Julv 6. at Central library. Nomination of delegates to state convention.- FRANK S. SEVER, Sec. LOJBLEM JEWELRY a specialty: bum.n. dim ehanaa. Jaer Brc., 131-133 6th st, DEATHS A7D FUNERALS 73 HUMPHREY iu this city. July 3. Minnie Peters Humphrey, azed S4 veara. mother i.f Mrs. J. C. Buchanau of Forest Grove and Harry T. Humphrey of Portland, sister of Mrs. . w. Cleaver, 3Irs. H. H. Delano, Mrs. W. H. Fsyle of Portland, Mrs. S, ti. "Ward of Great FaiU, Mont. Mrs. S. B. Morse and Mrs. A. J- l"reee of San FTanciaco and ; Win field S. Peters of Oakland. The funeral services, will be hold Monday.- July 5. at 11 o'clock a. in., at. the Harry T. Humphrey residence. B59 Han- cuck st. Friends invited. Interment, - Line r it cemetery. Services at grave private. The remains are at Finlyy, Montgomery at Fifth. WHITE In this city, July 2, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann White, age 01 yea, late of 1428 Albin ave.l beloved wife of Harry Whito and mother of Charles and Elof Whitf this cityt Uorge White of Caldwell. Idaho. Remains at Pear son's undertaking parlors. Kueli street ana tnion avenue. NoUc of funeral later.? SCHLKSSER At the Emanuel hospital. July A, j nrH.a iscnieseinger, age 7S years, beloved wife of 'John Sclileaner. mother of G. E. and E. E. arid C. C. Schlesser of this city. . Funerul service will be held Tuesday. July . at 11 a. tu. at the residential funeral narlor of Wil- (on A Wilson. Killingworth ave. and Kerby." CATTLE At Spokane, Wash., July 1, Alfred T Cattle, agl 45 years, husband of Olive May Scott Cattle, father of Clara Francis. Bruce and Catherine Cattle. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. Julv 6. at 2:80 o'elnci n. m. at Finley'a, Montgomery at Fifth. - Friends in vited. Interment. Columbia cemetery. - HENDERSON Th funeral services of the 1st . George H. Henderson, husband of Agnes Hen derson, father of Robert and brother of Mrs. I la Hams of Burwell. Neb., will ba held Tues day. July 6, at ll :SO o'clock a. m., at Finley's, Aionrgomery at rttth. t nenda innted. loter- nifiit. Rose City cemetery. j ADAMS In tiiis city. July 3, Mary Adams seed BO years, mother of John Adam of Portland and Llewelivn Adams of ttrtrfvn I'itv The funeral services wilf be held Tuesday. July B. at 10 o'clock a. m. , at Finley's, Motitgurnery i rum. rneaiu innKa.- xnierment, Lou Fir cemetery. - - : f ALTREE In this city, July 3. at the family residence, 507 Rw Lawn are., Austin Ed ward Altree, aged 60 years, husband of Jennie Altree. Tli remains will be forwarded bv J. P. Ilnley A Son to Toledo Or.,- where services will be held and intemrent. made. MONAHAN Th funeral ; services of tho lata James Monahan. husband of Louis Monahan, will be held Tuesday. July 6, at 1 o'clock p. m. at llnley's, Montgcmery at Fifth. Friends in- virea. interment, liir tew cemetery. JACKSON In this city July 3. Helen Jsckson. age 21 years, beloved dauehter of Mr. A i Jackson and Mrs. Emma -Jackson. Funeral no tice later. Remains are at th residential par lors of Miller A Tracey..' i MANN In this city, July 3, -Clara Mann, aged 14 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Mann of Portland. The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of-funeral hereafter . . BURLEY Funerul services for the late Mrs. Kathcrine E. Hurley were held Saturday atter noon. July 8, at the residential funeral pariors of Wilson A Wilson.. Piedmont undertaker". . CROW i'uneral services or"the'late Lucy E Crow will be held Tuesday. 3ulv 6 t a p. m. Chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment DE MARCO Th fnn?ral services of th lata Frank De Marco Will be held Tuesday. July 6 at 0 a. an. at the chapel of Miller &. Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. t DAVIS! The funeral services of the late Letha ijsvis win oe field Monday, July 5, at m., cnapei ot MUler A Tracey. . , BROOKS Th funeral serve i. ,f tu- i.- Edward Brooks will be held Tueday, July 6 at 2 v ra. Chapel of Miller A Tracey. lnUr ment Multnomah Park cemetery NEILSEN In this city July 3. Nels , Pet Neilsen aged 55 years, beloved husband of Mary Neilsen. Funeral notice later. Arrance ments in case Miller A Tracey. FUJTERAL DIRECTORS S Jo P. FIHLEY SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN 9 MONTGO MERT AT FIFTH A. D. - Ken worthy Co. 6802-5804 2D ST. s. JC.tLEJiTS. Phon labor 5267. Ham Phoa D-Sl. . " CHAMBERS CO.T ; "uneral Uireetors. AU th CunverJiencea of Hon. VVoodl.WTi S306. 24S-2SO Kiilrngsworta F. S. DUNNING, -INC. THE trOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS . 414 E Alder st Phones East 52. B-522S Fast 781 l B B -si Mrs. lreh. B-188H v.-j-' aa. 1 1 La ana Hawthorn. R.T.BYRNES New residence a- tabUsament. a ! Williams ave. Woodlawa 220. i. KILLER A TRACEY. independent funeral direc tors, x-nces as low as 2S. S40. $60 Waahir-gton st Ella. Main 2691. A-7S8 DOWN I.N O A M'NEMAB, successors to WUsoa A Ross, aiultncmah at East 7 th. Irvingtca mistr-ici. cast A L oi OP William. Av Et 10SS. C-108S Breeze&Snook iot'st! U'ENTEE A EILERS. funeral parlors with all Ui privacy of a home. Ifftb and Evereu sta Pbonee. Broadway 2133 Horn A . 2133. , R W. GABLE A CO. Successors to W. H. Hamilton 197S E Ghsaa. , , Phon Tabor 4313." FRfHRAL DIRECTORS Edward Hotmail & Son Funeral Directors TUIBO AND SALMON STREETS Main 507. A-151L -i-Lady Assistant - ' ' . w W A-2321. Cor. Tnira ana uay. BURIAL BOXES Cement Burial Boxes Ask your rjdrtakT about than M call fac tory. Columbia 969. ' " - ------ - MOSUMEST. Portland Marble Works 20 4th rt.. op. City Hatt. New Broa 7?BLALSIhQ GRATtlTE C? Ia7'3PO ST. ArMAQliOrl . FLORISTS Smith's Flower Shop "Portland" Prosreaaite Florist Flowers for AU Occasions, fain T215 T. C. LUKE, Mgr.. 6th ami Alder Ceo. Betz-& Son i.w FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions. 697 Williams an. Just caul Woodlawn 1512. Joseph Bets. Manager. LUBLINER Thv.1 S48 Morrison. W. Bdwy. sod Park. Marsb. 25T S2S Morrison. Portland Hotel, Marshall T3 MARTIN A FORBES CO., florists, S5 Wash- i ingtan. Mam 269, A-J 269. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARK BROS., florists. Morrison st. bet 4th and 5th. Phone Main 7709. Fin flowers end floral dr-nirna. No branch stores. ChappeEFs N. W. Bank bid Uain 6116 331 Morrison St. THB PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 245 Akler st LOST ANp FOUNT 81 LOST Between 511 6tli st , Oregon City, and 501 Jefferson st.. Portland, blue leatbrr hand bag containing man's bill fold with nam and address; $,5 in currency, baggage . checks, nu merous other articles. Lady away from home and badly in need of this' handbag. For liberal reward call Mr. Morris." Main -1157 or ; Mrs. Krwger at Oregon. City, TSj - - - THE following articles were found on cars of th P. R.. L. A P, Co. July purses. key, 7 pr. gloves, kodak, pictures. 3 books, 4 packages. Teddy Bear, 2 suitcases, broom. 3 lunch boxes. 3 umbrellas:. , property at First and Alder Jjwners may obtain sts. IXMT Sterling silver engraved Evershsrp pencil. Initials "A. M. R."- in -script Finder please call Bdwy. 3926. 554 Everett st, cor. 17th. LOST Friday. June 23. at Meier A Frank's ' store, or on Morrison st. a gray fur lined with- gray satin. Call, Marshall 3434. or leave at 270 Park, st -'Reward, f WILL PARTY who found electrician's tool case at 1st and Ash last night please, call Eaot 6903 and receive reward. LOST In or near Willamette river, combin ation coin purse and bill fold containing small change and diamond ring, i .Return to Journal offce. Reward. LOST Bill folder containing Portland Rowing club and Multnomah club membership cards. Please call Main 6244. a&k for J. Kasper. Re wsrd. ---- " 1 - " - - - j ; LOST Black leather traveling bag Frid y morning on Broadway i bridge. I.eave at check room Union "depot of Bohemian restaurant for Mrs. Liebe. Reward, i NEEDY woman with 2 i babies lost $30 in Columbia theatre Thursday evening. July 1. Finder please return to Mrs. A. C. Davis, 109 E. 80th N. East 8787.. j ' LOST Bead bag. Scottish Rite cathedral, June 4. containing money, key. etc 852 Overton st, liberal reward. Main 3241. LOST 310 reward return of dog. brindle and white dog, harness on land Spokane, license 1706. CaJl Sellwood 1212. 1087 Francis ave. BROWN paper envelope with 2 pictures in it ' Finder please notify Frank Campbell. 223 Market Reward. i -- LOST A brown velvet bag with money and V glasses; please return glasses to 1176 Greeley or phone Wdin. 1538. LOST Lady's breast pin ion Mississippi between Beech and Shaver sts. I Reward, O. HUlerud. 69 Skidmore. Wdln. 4667. j LOST Probably on East! Seventh North, near i Broadway, bunch of peys with ovai: Union Safe Deposit tag. Return! to this office, j LOST Between 78 An ken y to 2d-Morrison, silverplated bracelet. 4) blue seta. Address 829 Gladstone ave. - Reward. - i ;j j. LOST 7 keys and tweezers on chain and smau x aie iock. i an teiepnon gin, court house. ' Mar. 5400. Reward. kLOST- On Williams avenue. key on ring. tan r-aKt lirio. WILL party who found pearl pin to be left at Dr. Bruere'a office cajl Tabor 7532? - LOST Waist near 3d ahd Stark; finder kinT ly call Woodlivn 4818. Reward. i FOUND A bicycle. Write, giving description. N-524, Journal.. t LOST In or near City park, green striped silk sash and tassels. Tabor 413. FOUND. Sum of money. j - Phon East 1070. LOST Cameo brooch. Reward. Eaot 4436. HELP WANTED MALK DEPARTMENT of the interior, s Alaskan engi neering commission. Portland. Or. Wanted - Railroad laborers for : Alaska for U. S. j govern ment railroad under . construction from i Seward to t airbanks, Alaska, Extra gang and section men for maintenance of day, board 31.50 per day. way. Wages So -per For sailing dates and further information apply- to public employment bureau. 311 Pin street.! or to J. D. Goodrich, purchasing agent's representative, 301 I'ostoffice mag., fortland. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING store requires th services of an experienced shoe salesman and - an experienced delicatessen man. r Apply superintendent's office. 9 15. to 10:30 e SALESMEN wanted with Ford cars to consider a city or county proposition telling th SAN'f VAPORIZING MANIFOLD. Sold on a money back gusrsnte to burn kerosene, keep out car bop. increas power, and double mileage. Liberal commission. Call for Mr. Mills. Room 934 Chamber of Commerce bidg.. between 9 a. m. and 5 p m. week da vs. f WANTED 35 ex-service men for Company F. fifth regiment N. G. O-. to go to Camp Lewis lor 11 aays -neia training, target practice and a good time. Good pay) and all expenses; July 6 to 20 inclusive. Inquire Company F. Armory, aay or evening, eaturaay; tsunday. Monday. . . - ; ; E, C, LIBBY, CapUln. WANTED At once, people of all types for mnv. ing picture work; can use several neat appear ing men and girls with good looks and pleasing personality. If you are interested in movies call Cotillion hall, 14th and Washington. Honrs 10 to 4 p. m. TeL Broadway 3380. Mr. Swore. WANTED Two good shoe salesmen, year Shoe Co., 149-51 4th. - Good- EX-SERVICE men wanted to go to camp. July 6-20 inclusive; transportation, clothes and board furnished. Pay of your grade. Inquire for Lieutenant Beck, H company. N.i G. O., at Armory, 10th and Couch, Monday. 1 to 9 p. nt ' -,- j "- -j -.-; WANT gardener for private place: mitt be sin gle and bach and not over 55; steady job for man whoi is familiar with the cultivation of flowers; none other heed apply. Wsges. in cluding living. quarters,' $85 month. 235 Stark. WANTED At Seaside.) Or., an experienced washer who can handle flat and finished work. Small plant: good wage; to the risht man. . Ap ply John Tait care Troy Laundry. Astoria,- Or. 3 MEN WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICI TORS PREFERRED CALL, SUNDAY AT TENABLE HOTEL, 10 (TO 2. ASK FOR MR. HCTSON j -- - 1 -- -. - - --- , -- WANTED Second cook. Hotel Raymond. Ray mond. Wash, r fine place to work. Call Mr. Henke. Main 4226. j- -- ' - - . WrANTEb Men to clear land. 1 to 5 acres. 2 miles south of Sandy. Nettie Heacock, R2. Boring. Or..; i - j -0. i AUTOMOBILE mechanic and service man; good 'position for. steady., reliable man. t ; Interstate Vuleanizing Works, Vancouver. BOY 16 oi over,, to learn business; good op portunity for bright mdustruvus boy. 235 Stark at - 1 : - ' WANTED Boy over 18 for apprentice in foun- dry; mitt come recommended. Apply Oregon Bras' Works, i- j WANTED Chef capable of taking full charge of kitchen of ca'eteria feeding 1000 to 1200 pearl per day.- Q-916. Journal - FINISHER with furniture : factory experience. Apply Tuesday morning. Oregon Table Co., Leww and I-oring sts. ; . t j PHOTOGRAPHER wanted, good trade and 'good pay. 71 North 6th st. . : , SHINGLEKS to bid on laying SO. J JO to 40,000 shingles. Tabor 1652. or call 240 E. 86th. WANTED Four first-class carpenters. - , Wdln. 1402. - Phon WANTED A barber, steady work.. 803 Union " ave. N. ' WINDOW tnmrnen Apply at Leavitt'a store, 4th and Washington.. WANTED Man and wife for janitor service. AlLky bidg.. 3d and Morrison. Apply room 210. HELP WASTKD "HALE - MB- EX-SERVlCEMAN Are you hunting a job or seeking a - Have yon diwovered where you fit inf Would you lik to talk over your problem, confidentially,-with a man of .wide experience who 'will take a persona) intarest in youf The T. M. C A. Advisory and Employment Dept- eaa assist you in choosing, and can help yoo find the place for which yon are best fitted. This service is absolutely free t ex-eerric men. See one of th secretaries. Room 307. I ' 7S PER MONTH th year around, the average riming lat year of a number of our talesmen over 45 years. This year will be tn biggest yet No experience necessary; weekly cash advance; outfit furnfchrd. Big aiwortmeat guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. Ten can do what other in experienced men have done. Washington Nur sery Co.; ToppeniJb. W'ssh. HELP WASTE D FEMALE I .WANTED. ; 'Young .Woman for Cashier and Wrapper State ass and experience. Must -be accurate and fast using National easb register. 0-42, Journal. --! . ' . . , WANTED 10 POWER MACHINE OPERAT ORS. 16 TO 25 TEARS OF AGE; EXPE RIENCED JGIBL3 PREFERRED, BDT SOME INEXPERIENCED GIRLS ACCEPTED; " WE PAT WAGES WHILE LEARNING: SATURDAY AFTERNOONS OFF; GOOD WAGES AND BONUS PAID. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NE VILLE BAG CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STS. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KINO STORE re quires the services of thoroughly experienced operators of non-listing machine. Apply super intendent's office.-9:15 to 10:30 a. m. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KLNO STORE re- - quires the services of experienced saleswomen for laces, ribbons and stationery. ; Apply super intendent s office. 8:15 to lO.jSO ;a. ui. THE OLDS. WORTMAN & KING STORE quires tba services of experienced operators for non-Iisung comptometer. Apply superinten dent s office, 9il5 to 1U:3U a. m. WANTED At one, people of all types for mov ing picture stock : can use several neat appear ins men and girls with good looks and pleasing personality. If you are interested in movies eau Cotillion half; 14th and Washington. Hours 10 to 4 p. m. TeL Broadway 3380. Mr. Swore. EXPERIENCED glove saleswomen; permanent position, highest salines paid. , Lennon s, a9 Morrison st. WAITRESSES at Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Pendle- - ton. Pomeroy. Wssh.: at good wages-; 3 wait ressee city, $3; pantry woman, $3; cooks, $70 and S90 mo. Lewes Employment, : - . WOMAN for general housework in family of 4 adults, r Must be -good plain cook. Wages SttU. Apply between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. 235 Stark or phone Mr. O'Brien, 523-63. GIRLS wanted, experience unnecessary. A men can laundry, 14 O u, dra at. K. WANTED Ej high class specialty house. thoroughly competent corset fitter with buy ing experience; one capable ot taking full charge. M-214. Journal. WANTED Raspberry - pickers; good accommo dation, ' cabin, stove and wood free; close to Port laud. Make reservations at 818 Railway Exchange bidg. : '- 1 GIRL, ago 16 to 18, for mother's helper; treated as one of family; small wages.. Address Box 275. long Besch. Wiu-h. WANTED -Young girl to assist with work in upholstering shop. : Open evenings, otiu Hit iMmi ave. . .-'-' ;. " 1 : WANTED Experienced marker and sorter, also inexperienced girls wanted. PtsUonal Laun dry Co.. East 8th and Clay. . A RELIABLE middle aged woman for chamber work. See matron, Y- M. C. A.." Tuesday e:s a. m WANTED r Experienced oiwrators on power machines, mending sacks; good wages. Alaska Bag & Metal Co.. Front and Yamhill. LADY for light dishwashing, about 2 hours each day. Jacobsen Coftee Co.. IBS 4th st. EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicurist Mezzanine floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. EXPERIENCEDfolders foriflat work department Portland hotel laundry dept WANTED- A cook in private boarding house. Box 227. Long Beach, Wash. WANTED A laundress in the Old People Home. 'Ea-t 588. E. 32d and Sandy. HOUSEKEEPER on small ranch, adjoining city no objection to small child. W'oodJawn 599 WANTED Cook in private family, bestTwages. Call 421 Vista ave., fortlana Meignta. GOOD housekeeper-and cook. 205 N. 2 1 st st HELP WASTED -HALE A5D FEMALE WANTED PICKERS For 45 acres of logan berries. This yard was spring trained, has been heavily, fertilized and is the best larse yard in th state this - year. Fin camp grov 1 0 minutes' walk from carlin' at Salem Heights, Free wood and splendid water piped on th ground. - Campers moved out from Salem by auto' truck free, and free return at tba end of tl season. Free daily delivery of groceries on the grounds. Shacks all taken; must furnish own, tents; free straw for bunks. Price of picking is 2 cents for standard cannery ballocks. with cent bonus to those- who stay the entire aeanon Picking , will start, about July 5. Season lasts from : 5 to 6 weeks. 1 : B. CUNN INGHAM JPh on 21 F. 2 : :" Route 3. Box 121, Salem. Or. , WANTED Men and women to learn th barber trade; receive some pay while learning: posi tions secured; Oregon x-serric men, th course I fre to your call or writ for particulars and .catalogue. MOLEU BARBER COLLEGE. 234 Bnrntid at I-' r WANTED Raspberry pickers, about Ju)y wood, water and tents free. Take Greshain car to Linnemann Junction, walk H mile west on Powell Vall-y road. H. G. Harman. Gresham or. inrnis 12AI. ! ; -- , " MEN, WOMEN learn barb-r trade: wages while learning; positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years expori'nee Ores :Brbr College. 233 MsdHon tHIRTLAND Barber College pays you whils learning, gives you set of tools free; positions rnred PR N 21i-t. RASPBERRY . 4703. pickers - wanted. Phono , Tabor H E LP W A N T K D M ISC. 49 ilISS : MATTTNGLY'S t hortliand, tjvewritiu; ecbool; individual in-;tntetion. day, evenin 269 14th near Jefferson. Main-8893. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 90 BUSINESS COLLEGst l Largest in th West , ASSURES EVERY GRADCAT1 ' - .' A POSITION ' Enroll any um of year. DAT SCHOOL i : NIGHT SCHOOL I'hcne. call or writs for live aueos - cataloe. LEARN a trade now arid pay later. Are you mechanically inclined? If so, investigate HEMP HILL'S AUTOMOBILE A GAS TRACiOR SCHOOL at 707 Hthorne ave.. cor. E, ioth where jou czn learu in six weeks to operate and repair all makes ot autos and tractors. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. " CaU 484 Railway Exchange bidg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession. - Fre booklet. Railway Telegraph Insutnta. . - - LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Summer courses bookkeeping, stenography, civil service, secre tarial, special courses. Expert teachers; day and night .nroU now.: Broadway 6US3. STEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek's systetm of ladies tailoring and dressmaking taught; pat terns cut to measure. Phon East 2359. B-330 152 Orsnd v. near Belmont. $150 COURSE in automobile and gas engi : neering can be had for $65.50 in cue of the leading schools in Portland by caljtig Wdln. 2007. EAST .SIDE COMJIEUCLir"SCHOOL Mis Regina Backel's private school; UMtjridaal instruction.. 122 H- Grand av. East 427. EOCKY FOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K.- Welles, former assistant stat supt, man.. N. W. Bank bktg. Phon Mam 827a. WASTED AGENTS AGENTS EAKliE MANUFACTURER , wants acenta to . sell boMerv. ' underwear, chirts. dresses, skirts, wauts, shoes, clothing, etc. flints for frr samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad- way. New York. - - ;-,. - ; ltt.OOO NEW winning comblaUons with . our great free offer sold in on week with the greatest variety of valuable and sueful, eay, r qoicc xcurii ever oxierra- oeai . I rrr, LDAca Soap Works, 77 Park Place. N. Y. J3.S0 -HOURLY, selling electromatic plates at 25c . Decker sold 742 in S days: made 103.42. Send 2c stamp for extraordinary Raits plan and free sample. A, C. A. BOWBEEK. C47 Prdora.,I Angeles. CaL - ' AGENTS! 200 profit, Wonderful litU ar ticle. Something new ; sells like wild nre. Carry right in pocket. ; Writ at one for free sample. , Albert Mills, General Manager, 429 merican bidg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS making $318 monthly.. You can too. we trust you. Prenay oharges. lo a profit Wonderful Dollar Seller to every auto owner. bonder Chemical works, 673 .Madison, Chicago. SEND FOR Free Toilet Soap Sample 'and S10 'cash refund offer. : t J cassia Co., Dept 609, St. Louis, Mo. ' . - - , SALESMEN- WANTED A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO INCREASE TOUR INCOME Wrj WANT ABLE REPRESENTATIVE TO DISTRIBUTE REMARKABLE $25 CALCULATING MACHINE-THAT IS TAKING THE PLACE Ofc' HIGH-PRICED MACHINES. THE "DIRECT SUBTRACTING". FEATURE CAN ONLX BE COMPARED TO THE "$350 MACHINES. UN CONDITIONAL THREE TEAR GUARANTEE. EASY TO DEMONSTRATE. EAST. To SELU SPLENDID PROPOSITION FOR LIVE MAN. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY MOW BEING" AS SIGNED. WRITE IMMEDIATELY FOR DE TAILS. RAY ADDING MACHINE COMPANY. 65 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. ICELESS REFRIGERATOR No ice, no chemicals, no electricity, no cost for operation and the pric is no mors than th -ordinary refrigerator: s Will keep food longer and better. Think what this means to th . home, the farm, the store. Salesmen wanted in every county in every state. If jou are a "live wire" and quali fied, write, wir or call for our proposi tion. This is a wonderful opportunity for our representatives to make big money. ICELESS REFRIGERATOR I'O, 107 N. Broadway, Portland, Ou E EN i' " you a r employed it -will pay you to lok into this. I bar Mvrai openings for met with selling experience to handle a large territorial proposition in placing a staple and necessary article through state and county man agers.- Do not apply unless yon bar had torn experienc in this line, and ar able to financ yoursel for a short Um. Can for Mr. Mills. bnnt Manifold Sales Corporsuon. Boom - 934 Cl-amber of Commerce bidg., between It a, an. atl o p m, week days. SALESMEN .WANTED W have territory in this section, selling Mad-To-Msaure Clothes di rect to wearer. Country-wide reputation. Men wanted who can produce. - Make application for fall - line NOW. References required, P. H. Davis Tailoring Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ; - IF YOU have ever sold anything, you can sell the Sant aoonzina Manifold for Ford cars. Iiberal commission, exclusive territory, no capi tal required. Call at loom 934, Chamber of Commerce bidg., - between 9 a. m. - and 5 p. m. ;kdays. , SALESMEN Attention. We have on- of th oest opportunities in tn country tor real live men, with machines, selling phonographs." Soma men averaging $300 a week. Grand Ave. Pho nograph Co.. 145 Grand are. $500 MONTHLY selling new patented - fuel va Tjorizer. guaranteed to sav up to 50 gaso line; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford. Sold on money-back guarantee: - On sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co.. 366 PCkwana. S. Dak. SALESMAN WANTED to sell a line that is in demand; a money maker for salesmen-and purchaser. Address Capital City Nursery Co-. Salean. Or. - WANTED Salesmen. Gum and peanut vending machines: entirely new; big seller; make 2U per day easily. Shelley-Erickson, 433 San Fer nando bidg., Los Angeles, cat - ; WANTED Men with sufficient confidence to demand all earned, . Big opportunity for big men. No salary or advances, .The Owls, oouiu Bend, lnd. WANTED Salesman for permanent position in ... . i .. .. . ... ; . . 1.. 'I'.i .... 1 . w m.. 1000 Yeon bidg. SITUATIONS MALE ROOF : AlTENTIOIf . ; ; We snecislire on : reshingling and roof work. Woodlawn 8598." ; ' AUTO t MECHANIC 16 years' experience, will overhaul your car t your garage; satisfactory work er no pay. Tabor 741.5. .. - - r " , : - HEY. THERE Let mo paint your hou with lead and oil;, roofs stained, repaired: tinting. Tabor 5212. ' - TbAM work, plowing and excavating. Mr. T. M. Ccncer. 1435 E. ; Haasalo st Phon 'labor 8017. . - " PAINTING, papering, tinting, estimates free; quick service; reasonable. Tabor 1S29, morn ings, evenings. - CEMENT foundations, house raised, basements - enlarged; reasonable. Mr, Landoir, Marshall 18S2. BY EX-SOLDIER Day or night watchman ; age 43: first class references. Car of Moos club. 4th and Taylor sta.. city. GARDNER Single, experienced in flowers, vege tables, etc., waits permanent position. Reliable; references. E-634, Journal. : SEWER CONNECTIONS, cesr-pooh, septic Unas, houses raised ; cement work of all kikds. 'Tabor 8008. ; CEMENT work, all. kinds, of floors, walks, ga rages reasonable. 'labor niiiu. CARPENTER and contractor, jobbing; anything in the building line. East 8601. PAINTING" and tinting by experienced work man. Estimates free- Call East 8824. ROOFS cleaned, repaired and painted; able. Phone Tabor 929. HOUSE painting and tinting very reasonable; guaranteed. Tabor 8077. SCREENS made to order; old. screens repaired. 800 Russell st Aut 817-27. PAINTING. DECORATING, SIGNS. CALCI- MINLNG. BEST WORK. T. TABOR 266. WANTED A hauling contract with 2-ton truck. Tabor 6679. "WANTED Additional job as janitor, small place, $20 o, $25. Z-688. JonrnsL CARPENTERING, REPAIRING AND MODELING. PHONE TABOR 234. RE- 10x12 TENT, 12 ounce, in good -condition; $20. Marshall 2212. READ THIS Walls cleaned, papered or kalso- - mined. I Tabor 5212. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. Tabor 2658. . PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting. Sell. 3636. SITUATION? FE.UAI.F. WANTED Position as housekeeper by capable Scandinavian woman ' with -6-year-old boy; small family preferred. G-912. Journal. WAXTEI Housekeepint, two or three respect able men; convenient house; $5 week; farm towri. G-915. Jonrnal. EXPERIENCED miitlier desires light work at beach wr.h good pay. Trustworthy, ex-teacher, and loves old fieonle. K-663, Journal. I WANT a house by Tuesday, will-give the be-t of references; will leme lor 0 .months or 1 yearj Tshor 8122. EXPERIENCED Cj 11 -ift-r 6 p. .-man would lik day work. 11.. Tabor 4174. GRADUATE piano teacher will teach at your home. : Main 4500. i - GOOD hand laundry and bundle washing. Tabor 4275. : ! ' Phone WOMANh- wahu work by day; . ences. ! Woodlawn 4575. ; - reliable; rcfer- POSITION in roorhing mouse for apartment and small wages. 262 Clay, room 8. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Tabor --9034. . ' - ALL kinds, of curtains and fin lsnndry don; work guaranteed. - CaU Tabor 8643. DRESSHAKINO - 4 FOR expert dressmaking, remodeling, relining, cleaning., pressing, dyeing e the Cabinet Cleaners h. ' Dyers, .4241 Morrifon, near 11th. Main 1825. We call and deliver. . i , -ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' - garments,, reasonable price; work guaranteed. J. Reubin, Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bush A Lane bidg, TAILORING facts, expert designing taiiorTngT: American system.;,- Cut, pattern any fashion, either ex, aatisfact'n gnar.' D. Mashin, 245 DRESSMAKTXG audLadie' Taltoring. Cal - East 8169. FURNISHED ROOMS , -, .- AUDITORIUM HOTEL Near management, atrictly modern, newly fnr nialied. new elevator; $4.50 up; transient, $1 per night 208 H- THIRD ST., NEAR TAYLOR Hotel iBaker A. -i 265 y 5TH ST.. NEAR MADISON $1 DAY UP. $4 PER WEEK UP TH REE vmall f urnishtrd rooms in basement of -the Thorn flats, hot and cold water, gas, elec tric lights. ; Inquire of Janitor in rear. ... 564 Conch st ; '. r ' ' . NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high class fsrrily hotel; rooms en suite or single; with or without board. We gtv you all th comforts of a borne. Reasons! rates. ONE furci'hed sleeiung for rent . 3680.: 923 Easr Everett .East FmiflrtHED ROOMS THE ALTOS HOTF.I 381 YAMHILL Beautifully, clean, light, airy rooms. $4 per week and up, W cater to nice people. This place Iiaa been thoroughly overhauled and much new furniture put tn. Right down town. TRANSIENTS A SPECIALTY Afro Housekeeping Room HOTEL INFORMATION BCRF.AO . 601-2 COUCH BLDG.. MAIN 458T. Reserv your rooms ; now for Slsriners' wk and th carnival. Com early, avoid th rush. Room for sleeping, rooms with board and ncusekrpMit rooms. '-- HOTEL BARR- US N. tb t blocks of dapM $1 par day. $S par wk and as Hot and cold water, steam heat Fre phon and bath - HOTEL ALBANY, modern rooms. 147 H 2d at FAM1LT i Larger Airy Room Tn quiet bom; bath.-phone, and use of piano; E. Ankeny St.. walking distance. "Phon East 2004. - - -- -- -- - FOR RENT 2 very de-imbl bvtlroonu, conveniences; walking distance; alo private garage. Gentlemen Jfroferred." 081 L. Oak at Phon East 7391. ' - A NICE pleat sleeping room . at 166 N. 23rd st Home surroundings and privileges. Main 6963 ' rir call. - - LARGE, well furnished room, connected with veranda. Could be wed as sleeping porch. 574 Rodney ave. Eat 4663. LA4iGE ; front room with alcot nicely fur nished" also -smuil front room .very reason able : nice cool place. ' 4 5 5. Ma rket. cor. 13 111. FURNISHED rooms in private family. very pleasant room tor rent. $12; cgrlin. Phon Uast: 6910. ; -' 4 FURNISHED rooms till August 1st. $30. S unfurnished rooms with gss range, permanent. Call evenings, Woodlawn 5972. - v - LARGE front -room, newly papered and painted: : suitable for 2 employed; 15 min. from 5th snd Wash. East 8852, NICEsJV furnished - front room, suitable for t or 2; use of phon and bath, East 7388. 363 tat IVth st :-'-- ' : - VERY desirable front room in modern horn for gentleman only. Phon War. 8602 or 393 Ilth-st - - MCELY furnished front room in Idds addition. suitable for one or two. Breakfast II desired. 601 Elliott ave. East 851S. - , LAI'GE. nleaisnt roo:n. suitable for 2 em- ' ployed persons : kitchen privileges: no other roomers. Marshall 8440, 2 LARGE, airy sleeping moms. 2 blocks from Irvingtoa car. . East 4068. 4 75 Holladay ave. - . . -. - - - FURNISHED ROOM t in private residence in Ladd's Addition. Call before 2 :30 today. 567 Mulberry street. - 2 ROOM suit for gentleman, ail quotenrenoaa. walking distance. East 7172. YOUNG WOMAN to ahar apartment C. S. preferred. H, K. priv. optional. Mar. 1182 FURNISH EL ROOM for on or two genu; walk ing distance. -Main 1901. NEATLY furnished room, reasonable;. Alkeita Wdln. 402. ' WELL FURNISHED room, modern borne, walk ing distance. Nob HilL 738 Hoyt Main 2064 NICELY furnished, front room for gentleman . home privilege. .968 Hawthorne. Tabor 3016 ROOM for rent to man and wif or 2 ladies. Broadway 4 572; TWO large pleasant front rooms, on west aide. walking distance. . Mam 615.7. NICE front room, private entrance, for on or two men; breakfast if wish. Woodlawn 1205, 2 SLEEPING rooms in private family for women wln work. East 78SO. - FURNISHED single and housekeeping rooms low rent; no children. 821 Thunmsn st NICE front room in modern home, st. Ladd's addition. East 32.V7. 282 Poplar FURNISHED rooms with sleeping porch in residential district, West Side. Main 4 089 ROOMS AND BOARD 1$ .THE MARTHA WASHINGTON - 880 10th rt For bnslnem girls and students raonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOMS ASD BOARD PRIVATE FA5IILY WANTED Little boy. about 7. to spend su mer on farm; boy companion. l'X-572 Journal. ROOM and board for two in a private family - bimines eonpl preferred ; " trvington.. Tele- phon East 2899.' ; BOARD and room for wtdoWer and child. Be: care, private home. 346 Harrison. Main 5533. ROOMS with board, close-in. West Sid. Broad way 3764. - f LARGE front room with board, suitable for 2; home privileges: 161 N. 23d St. Mar. 83 74. WILL riard two littl girls; Marsha II 824. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED $15 A MONTH, two den ii furni-hed house keeping rooms, suitable- for 4; walking dis tance; laundry, hot and cold water. Private porch: Ea-t 6039. 406 Vanrourcrar. TWO front housekeeping rooms, also one single housekeeping room. 400 Clay at Marshall 2014. ' ' 5 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, at 90-Upsh.ur st Phone Tabor 6769. ' UNFURNISHED H- K... reasonable rent 12tb at,, corner Salmon. TWO furnished housekeeping '.. rooms at 221 260 .Chapman st Main 3898. NICE, CLEAN. Sumiy basement room, splendid location, clog-in. suitable for 2. 4 89 Jeffrson. 916 EAST YAMHILL, two fin housekeeping rooms to nice quiet people. - - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FUBXISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 73 ONE NICE H, K- room with kitchenette,-running water, gas and electric, walking distance, first floor, $25 per month. Nobby Cleaners A I wing. Se manager, 355s4 Salmon. Main 4306. ONE housekeeping room with- small kitchenette. $25; also 2 sleeping rooms with bath in con nection. Main 1131. TWO front rooms: also kitchennette and large closet, modern, pleasant 173 Eaat 7th, cor. TamliilL : ! FOR RENT Two partly furnished housekeep ing rooms; large, cool; phon and bath. Phon Wdln. 8274. 355 Willamette bird. : FURNISHED bousekeepinsjooms and kitchen ette, at 186 N. 23d t7 Vacant;-Monday. Phone Main 5968. FOR RENT in private family. 3 nicely" fur nished H. K. rooms. Adult only. 1005 East 24th it N. - - - - - " - FOR responsible adults, 2 rooms. r iartly fur nished housekeeping rooms, private family. 1037 Cleveland ave. . ONE LAK'iE iurnished housekeeping room, bath, lights, gas, . phone Hna. 332 Mill st, cor. BrrMulway. - ' CHEAP RENT, 3 large rooms. furiithed, .run ring water, elrctric light, gas, 2 beds, .first f!or,r. 252 MsrVet St. 2 ROOMS, ''nicely- furniihcd; electricity, gas free. 4 75 Clay st HOUSEKEEPING.- rooms, newly papered -and - painted 150 ouch St. i list !. -ON1C idee slcepTrTg roftu. 332 Mill st, cor. i Broadway. .--. " . T"w fufmshed rErims with cooking pnvileaes. ;arsgtr. - 701 S(ivier it 1 0th st csr. ONE-pleasant H. K. room, every convenience, i walking distance. 466 E. Oak. ONE . or two HK. room, modern and clean, i close" in. East 44S8. - ' LIGHT- Uouiikeeping apartment . Private bath. . Phone and conveniences. 346 Harrison st. CLEAN hou'-ekeepiug room, very close in, gen- tlemen preferred. 8 89 8d t - THREE pleasant clean, furnished housekeeping rooms; . first ' fhvr. Ne children. 620 E. Morri'-on,- crrrner 16th st. - " ' TWO ; nice furnHhed Iron keeping rooms, $15 rer mVmth. SO E. Market. " .- FOB "REST HOUSES I FOU SALE or rent, 4 -room plastered house, all ;funiehef; elect ric. light, full plumbing, enhinet in kitclien,c$800. Pbone 50x1, Greslum, Or. P. .O. Box 55. ' FOR RENT, after July 1 5, good pn furnished .6 room ho se, modern. 1 block from carline', paved vtreet on; East 53d; $35 per. month. Tar bor 3196 after 7 p. m. Rnnday.- CALL BROADWAY 6HO NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET WILL share our horn with congenial couple ; everything furnished. $75;- west side, walk ing distance. Broadway 4425. l0EAST YAMHILL. Will exchange rent of 5 rooms for board, early breakfast and $5.50 per month. ' EIGHT rooms, walking distance, east side; good - condition; desirable neighborhood.. 330 Hal sey. - CLEAN 5-room borne, 964 Water St. near Arthur street. South Portland, $18 a month. FOR RENT, 3 room modernbouae, yard, walk ing distance. 346 1 7th st. - $2U.- $30 a ROOM bH-e; walking distance; garage. Adult. 297 Hancock. SEE FRANK L. McGCIRE TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE C-KOOM house cloia on east side. $36. Wdlp. 715. - - a KlXi.M lower part of nice furnished tioui. nye yard ami flowers. Tabor 1911. HOUSE for rent, 129 East 35th. Zabvr 743. 11 MEIER A FRANK'S INFORMATION AND RENTAL BUREAU Reliable. ns to data ltrts of desirsM vaeant bouw. apartments end flats with uetinit infor mation pertaining to each. j Nwccmere to Portland will find this bureau of great valu in balping them get properly sad quickly located. - -- i. EIGHTH FLOOR' STORAGE COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING. Reduced freight ' rstci. For expert service rail Broadway 703, Manning are bo Us Transfer Co. $3t a ROOM MODERN HOUSE Near Glisan and 50th st., all on on floor. Adults only. See "yellow ien." INFORMATION AT OFFICE ONLY SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCUANGB Furniture Moving Vtm Transfer and Storage. Long di-tsnc banting 82 Union eve N Phone Ea-t MS4 HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE I FOR HALE 5 MODERN 6 room flat, rent $14. furniture for sale rher: on carlin. 10 mui. nde. tslJ Automatic 228-42. ON K cliiids bed, 1 Singer sewing macbiii. ' Phone Sellwood ITS 9. THREE room flat for rent, furmtur for sale. 231 Hall at. HOUSE for 'rent furniture for sale, 717 Rod ney are., between 8 and 2 o clock, Sunday i FUitNisnnu nousrs tt WISSI to less: my" home for oh year. 8 rixim. all-furnished, to ngtit party; must uave oei of references. Close to aC. S. church. Tabor 631, FURNISHED lious. for rent July and August. Portland Heielits: 8 bedrooms. beaulitui porches aud gsiuen.j fully furnished, $75, Call Mar, 850. . -" FURNISHED house to rent, 5 moms, piano sewing machine; adults preferred; , would rather rent for 3 months, $10 per month. Wood lawn Buoa. 1U44 orand ave. FOR RENT, furnished. 4 or 6 m4',!h. home of Westover Terrace, 5 bedrooms, JSsith, J fire places, alt electric conveiiience. Gasco furnace, $150 per month. Marshall 1435. SAVE fare, 15 min. waik to Washington, c)o to S. Portland shipyards. 122; n. room partij furnished house bet Porter aud Woods, at 74 6 4th st. CLEAN, large 3 room furnished fiat, built-lus. garage. "NS" ear to Gibba at. west 1 block. south to 854 h First st '- FOR RENT, fuTniiued-house for two months be ginning July 15. $25. lnauirs at 140 Wcsi Emerson st after Monday. COMPLETELY furnished modern house an) 1, resson. garage from July 15 to Sept. able; adults; references. East 562 4 ROOM furnished house for rent D. E. Ma Noes, 715 Holman street. FURNISHED 4-rooru cottage, lawn, garden. Tabor 8185. sleeping t-onli HEALTHY lower rurnished flat, garage, iaon, bath. 806 Jefferson. Mar. 294 1. Fsrr. 6 ROOM house. . nicely furuislied. lots of fruit chicken hous and barn. Tabor 4691. MODERN, clean, completely furni hed 7 roo house ; 8 bedrooms. 9BI llavttliorne ave. FOR RENT or-fcasa, 8 room furnished-hous rlos to shipysrds. 409 1st st FLATS TO BEST, UNFURNISHED II SIX-ROOM fiat for rent, good and completi outfit of furniture far sal reasonable; on apartment suitable to sublet Good locatiol and walking dl-tance. Can give immdiat possession. L. H. Stuart. 410 Park st I'huut Mstshall 1941. FOR RENT 5 room flat with bstb. 534 Ea-l 21st and Tigard, near Ladds audition, $ i O phon Tsbor -2M83. 3 ROOM modern unfurnished flat walking dU Unce. 71 N. 2 2d st . - 3 ROOM upper Union are., near Russell. AduUi only. East 2195. FURNISHED FLATS so FOR RENT A desirable furnished flat. piano, for July and August; references r quired. 673 E. Washington st. FOR REN T Julyl jTto rpLi''uraTsld'1flt, West Side; references required. Marsh. 8780. 4 GOOD clean rooms for hnust.k-eiing. utiiur ul'hed. $ 20; furnished.- $25. , Wdln. 2 52 - Furnished tut andiLK.j'ooms. jju.jifC APARTMENTS FOR KENT n SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS BROADWAY AND J EFEEKi IN 1 4 rooms strictly modern, very well furnished, within 7 blocks of Washington snd Hrusdwsy. rent $00 per month. Will glv 6 months u 1 year leas to responsible psrty. S. B; t.usLaft, B roadway 4 078 or M a i n 250 rt . $57.50 4 room furni-hed apartment, all oul stde rooms, practically new furniture, wool work, in old ivoy, unusually attractive bom, lik apartment. Th Meda apartments, 877 Van couver ave.. just across the- Broadway bri'lse, half block north of Broadway. Adult. Will only lease for X year. FOLK large, light rooms, piano, parlor, dmiha room, kitchen with linoleum, sink, gas rsns and water, heater, bedroom near bathroom ; as extra large bedroom if want'd; cheap to desir able people; quiet home. 803 East 33rd sL, half block. Hawthorne are. THE JEFfEHY 2 room furnished apts:, $15; rlos ia; cor. Russell and Kerb sta. Last 1504. r ", PALACE apartments. 1101 East Market street 2 rooms, famished, with prirat btth and locker. $29- Call after SomUy. ALBERT APTS. Furnished, steam heat pri vat bath: 84 H Mississippi ave. tH". JEFFRYT2 room tar seisT. $16. tio i V io. Cor. Russell and Kirby. East 1594 3-KOOM furni-bed apartment for rent Phoni Woodlawn 1838. PORTNOMAH, 3 and 4 -rooms, tnce; dulU. 200 E. 13th. walking du r NEW YORK apartuxnl. Belmont and 7tiw Eat 288 SUMMER RESORTS 5$ LONG BEACH-NORTH BEACH INN Directly facing ocean. Surf bathing. Largt shady grounds. Rooms $1 50 dsv -and up. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TENTS $10 week. Marshall 2309 or Bos 101 Long Beach, ' Wash.- . FOR RENT An-Eleal large 4 room cot.tsg. furnished complete, with good view of ocean; will rent for $100 to end of September; at Long Beach, Wash. Phone Columbia 104 3 oi write Mrs. Lneil Cowles. 4o5 Alta St., Portland. M ACnLEAN 'S CAMP. 6sVVEJOLAKB Cottagr now being rented for th season; reached from Oswego -atatlon on 4th at. lied Electric line. MarLean. 514 Lewis bidg. Phones Main4272 snd Oswego 431. TWO room furuished apmt , $25 i?r mouth, $4 0 for season. . 4 room furnished cottsg, with fireplace, $35 per month, $6U for season. Long Beach, Wash. Joy the Tailor, 104 4tU st. Call Tuesday evening. . & BOOMED" furnished house, electric lights, baiii and running water t Beach Onter. for th month of Aug. Also 2 room furnished house for July. Sell. 646. SEAVIEW SEACREST COTTAGES Foumerly Shepherd's. Completely furnished cottages. For information. Box 61, -Seaview, Ws h. - - - CofTAGE at Neaii ksh-nle last two weeks in Ju'y; 4 bedrooms, hath, fireplace; $50. Mr tliall 1435. E'6il RENT At rWside. 4-rm eotiag for r season. Phone E. 44. W. R. Williams Even ng E. 2'ss; . " ; FOR RENT At North Beach for July, com Y pletely furnished house, reasonable; city water and fireplace. Main 4488. OCEAN LAKE H'itie. handy to beach and stores; electric lights and Watef; by month or season. Phon evenings after 7, Main 1S84. AT f RA CT'IT fTK rooro flats" well"- furnished ; clean; excellent location, west side; $U and $6o. East 2578. . RENT summer eottage, all furnished, at lit-- away IJtatb, Or. Sell 2221. CaU bef.jr 12,, noon. COTTAGE for sale or rent for sea-n st &it - Air. Call Tabor 1527 or Tshor 2557. BEDROOM with u-e of kitchen. lx,ug Ueacb. VVVli. Marshall 97. RO'KAWAY 2 room cottage, sleiinir porub, . lectric Hght; until Sept. 6. East 6215. SEASIDE, 4 room fumihe: eotuge, north end of beach. Broadwsy 1762. ' FOR RENT 7-pni fumbhed cottage at eua rt I'.ewefa. ; Pboe ft-t 59 1 1 . OCEAN CRriST APARTMENTS ' -Lhtht housekeeping P.ockswsy Bescb. FOR REXT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 8TOR ES ASP OFFICES 11 OFFICE or desk spec on th ground floor in modern building, telephone, beat snd light in -eluded. Apply 230 Stark st '- WASTED TO REST v. -a 4. room ho-,i must be reasonable, or 8 unfurnished morns; Wslking clisisme. J bOI. JoumsL IWANT to rent ground space . fr a wagon 5x8 ft. (a very nice wagun). Main 2.10O or 4 879. lun-rb CJ WANTEIA by respon-ibl parTjr, a 5 or 6 roc.ia furnished house; iierraanent, X-568, Journsi. WANTED-4no5ojmfiirnisiid liuus or I-t fur man and wife. Woodlawa 2533.