.THE- OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY. JULY C. i::0. 11 MEASURES TO ATTRACT VOTERS AT FALL ELECTION Salem. July 2.- A total of 11 measures will demand the attention of Oregon voters at the regular elec tion : next November. A. twelfth measure concerns Voters in- Uma - tills, county. only. '.. -Two of these measures will.be on the ballot by virtue of the action of the 119 legislators in Sf erring them to a vote of the people, one Is up for con sideration due Hot a referendum on an set of the 1919 legislature and eight were initiated through petitions filed ' prior to closing time Thursday, the last . day - for filing, t ' , - . TWO MEA8CRES BKfERRID 5 . 'The two referred masures . are the compulsory voting and - registration amendment. Involving the automatic reg istration of ail qualified voters within the state and the privilege of voting by. mail .in the event ot inability to visit the polls, and a proposed constitutional amendment regulating legislative ses sions and payment of legislators, . This - batter pneasUrs proposes to lengthen the legislative term from 40 to 60 days, with restrictions around the introduction of bins during the last 40 days in order to eliminate the eleventh hour rush experienced ; under the pres ent system. It .also Increase the pay of legislators from .$ to $S a day and the mileage from 10 to IS cents a mile. OLEO B1LI. 18 BEVITED The oleomargarine bill, around which the most bitter battle of the 1919 ses sion was waged. ; has been ; revived 'through the aid 6f the referendum In voked by' the Associated Industries of Oregon. . The measure provides for the regulation and licensing of sales of oleomargarine, nut margarine and simi lar butter substitutes, y . The' initiated measures up for con sideration, their initiators and their purport are as fellows: Single tax constitutional amendment Initiated by Oregon Single Tax league, provides that ail necessary revenues for v the maintenance of state, county, mu nicipal and district government shall .be raised by a tax on the value of land, irrespective of improvements In or on.' It. '.Fixing terms on certain county offi- : cers. initiated by Herbert R. Dewart of Portland and- K. J. Green of Ia Grande, provides for .the election of county clerks, treasurers, sheriffs, coroners and surveyors for a four-year term Instead of-for two years ss at present. : LAW TTOPLD AID FORT . Port of ' Portland dock commission consolidation bill, initiated by commit tee of fifteen, Portland, provides for purchase by port of property from city ?f Portland "for promotion of shipping nterests. also for issuance of bonds not to exceed 6 per : cent of valuation of f port. . ' Anti-compulsory vaccination bill, in- ltiated by - Public School Protective league, 'Portland, provides for the aboli tion of compulsory vaccination in public schools. ' Fixing legal rats of Interest, initiated by J. F. Albright of Oregon City, pro vides for legal rate of interest in Oregon . not to . exceed 4 per cent a year except that a rate of S per cent is permitted through contract. Roosevelt bird refuge measure, initiat ed by Roosevelt Bird Refuge associa tion, provides for ceding of Malheur lake, Harney county, to the federal gov ernment for use as a -bird refuge to be named the Roosevelt 'Bird Refuge in memory of . former President Theodore Roosevelt tOtt DIVIDZD SESSIONS ' Divided legislative session constitu tional amendment initiated by State Taxpayers' league, proposes a session of two periods with a recess between, the first period of 40 days for introduction and consideration of bills and a second period of not to exceed 10 days for final action on measures, no ; amendments to measures being permitted during this session without consent of four fifths of the members of both houses. State market commission act Initiated by State Taxpayers' league, creates state '"'"" commission wiui a state market director at salary of J4500 per year to" astiist In the economical distribution of products at fair prices, to disseminate in formation concerning market conditions, etc. An appropriation of $50,000 for the administration of the act through 1928 Is carried In the measure. The only local measure initiated for a f)lace on the November ballot is a herd aw , up for consideration of the voters of Umatilla county.' i - A Minnesota than has patented a' pro cess for freezing fish in boxes lined with . piled paper so they can be, shipped by , malL - . - - - I t, . MYSTERIOUS MACLE AY PARK CACHE AND FINDER SSSSSWSSSSSS lis ii in m ..tM iiwi m !. i fc - n i n iij mhi -"- " " ' " ''" mmgp ?i. .i .i.j.i-i. Wi " i mil" nun p 1 11 1 JsSSSSSSSSSsaSsSSMSSSl . r. r . I I" . ';' . ! j f -X :j - . ' i I i - I J "V it f , '. ,'- ' ;,?.,,...- .. 5 s, ? v . A " ' " ' ' , , - l'M' y? i 4 i s-lr rinin, r-.jV . . ' " J IM mMMiihih iMnmini vi in n ' """ " ' 1 "r' "-A 'VV N-i-.ii '";.' . y:'"-f tfy'' " " iiin-"""'"" .' '"- mill I li I jf i . o -N , e. , 4: ' 'W; . ' " ' - s , - V s, - A t'-:.:'..::: ? - , ' ' , Mil .. 'v ' J"'y s J ' - 'rt. 1 "V nil. . i - W V , refe ft" x 1 .' ft X '-'v ' -v o J- " " -V V ' -v"5" ieW'' vl Above, at, left Boarded, hole concealed by brush; upper eftd Is -Where stranpe relics were found. At right Ben Beohtel, young druggist, who, stumbled Into mystery, showing bow he f ffll" Into hole. Below Jars - containing effects of Fred N. Br aley, mlsg Barre, Vt banker. LAST TIMES TODAY WM. FAVERSHAM 4THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF"! y ,v .: ,. '.''.V' ' I 'J;xs v". ' ,'"'-'' : y-To-!' -a. Tv'-' .;v'-'-.'.-".'"'4r.r' ! U ''W jmW STARTING ; SATURDAY j ) ANITA 'STEWART j IN THE GREATEST, PHOTODRAMA OF HER ENTIRE CAREER U THE YELLOW TYPHOON" j I , For a necklace and a ring he married one man. For ( I J other things she married other men and they called X V - ! her "The Yellow Typhoon." ...... . " - . ..'.'. 'i -- . . A ' . : - . " .,.''.' t ' - ''".... i .. ' t. ; '!' . yi s, . ; .s . ,.lL . ....:.. -... MAGLEAY PARK HIDES WILL OF MISSING MAN r- " i . ' . '' .s - 1 X IQoPtfaiogJ Tram Tarn Oae. f .' withMimbers. Appcaances indicated this , had .been done iu . the last two years.. The cache was entirely over grown with foliage and firush and so completely concealed that' a random search Would not have revealed it In a hundred years. , The cache. Is approximately. BOO yards from one of the good .trails in the park arid is on the -side of the hill sloping toward the Cornell road. . - - Bechtel, after partially . uncovering the cache, but without discovering the jars, carefully marked . the spot and biased his way out to the trail. Be lieving something mysterious was con nected with t the .- cache, ; Bechtel main tained secrecy, and Mondf night, in company, with Charles Minor, another employe of the drug store, revisited the. scene. v. .i.v .;v,.,.': . . :- placed under gunny sacks. The Jars were not, disturbed t at that time. At S o'clock Thursday morning, after sev eral hours of work in which they mado't complete : excavation, the two men started for the. city with the Jars, each of which ts of half gallon capacity. They had expected to find a ' body in the caches but were unsuccessful. The jars were delivered ' to Attorney George Gearhart, , 600 Henry building, who now has them In his possession. - An Investigation of the -contents was made Thursday afternoon. Soores of business papers ' of . many ' kinds were found, all either bearing Braley's sig natures or addressed to blm. WATCH (IS COSTLT , An open . faced , Hamilton watch of costly, model was found, together with a hunting case of another watch, appa rently of solid gold,,; richly engraved and decorated. This cassmay have been for a woman's watch, as It 1 smalL . Gold - nose glasses with - - skeleton frames; the lenses of unusual cut. In a silver case, were also .found In one of the jars. Attached to the watch chain was', a silver kn if e bearing' the much worn initials G. K. P. Included among thce personal effects was a plain gold band ring, apparently an old fashioned wedding ring, marked IS karat Twelve keys, tied together. with a piece of fish line, were found. On the string were 'two skeleton keys, a. couple of plain door keys and a -number of com bination and spring lock keys, some of them . registered- PAPER HOTS AW AT ' The t Jars at one- timo- : had been wrapped . in newspaper, but . the , wrap- ping had all dropped away as. a result of the weatherings leaving . only small fragments of the paper adhering to the tlass. - - In,the bottom of one of the jars, con tained in a plain brown paper envelope, -as a old dollar, bearing the date 1851, and marks to indicate It had once been on a piece of jewelry. The will, properly attested;, and drawn in Barre. , Vt., was dated . July 24. 1908. It specifies tbat $5000 ; is to go to Braley's housekeeper, and . the bal ance of the estate is left in trust to the Montpelier savings bank, with Instruc tions, that on completion of the trust the property is -to . be divided among Surviving heirs, " none"-' of whom ' are named. , The amount of the "estate is not given, but from an examination of the other papers, it would appear to be .i . V- . .. .... j iviieiucriLuiB. - " -- TBrSTEE 18 DESIGKATEB Another of the papers, dated January JO, 1910. addressed to "whom it may concern," designated the Montpelier (Vermont) Savings Bank & Trust com' pany as executor and trustee of the estate, "accqsding to the v terms of - my wllL;.. This is signed by . Braley. , Still another paper is a receipt, .dated December. 9, 1918, from the 'Lincoln Safe Deposit company, New York, showing that: three i steamer ; trunks had been sealed and stored .there, '"value of con tents unknown." :.-.- . - Braley left Barre early in December, 1918, and it would seem that he went to New , York ; and left the trunks before coming, to the'." West. - On December 16, 1918, Braley made application for employment with the Pollard . Employment - Agency in San Francisco, according to one of the forms found in the jar. On this application bis qualifications are named as - "executive, financial position, banking," and his ad dress was given as the Hotel' Wood stock, r HAD MAKT MIXING SHAKES Braley apparently came to the Pa cific coast with the idea of . making money . quickly, -for stock certificates showing investment in hundreds f shares of oil and mining stock of the "wild cat" variety were found. For most of these shares only SI a share was paid. , -- Attached to the ornate stock certifi cates in several cases are the enthusias tic letters of promoters telling of just how deep the oil well had been bored, or how mining operations had pro gressed, and Invariably winding up with an appeal for more money ju that the venture could be brought to the golden climax desired. ; s ? v , ' . In all the scores of papers there was nothing to indicate that Braley bad re alized a cent in any of these, invest ments. ;' .-'. ; .: i , . '. ' Adding' to the mystery are the many blank sheets of business correspondence paper, at the bottom of which Braley's name had $een signed. Ko other marks appear oirftheBe sheets. There are a number of People's National bank checks bearing bis signature and nothing else. MAT BE FORGERIES V 5 Some of these- signatures Indicate trac ing, some are apparently .crude copies of what appear to be the bona finds sig natures of . Braley such as those on the will, ' the : assignment and several deeds found. This may,, Indicate that Braley was forced to sign some of the papers under duress or the signatures may be forgeries, j Braley apparently had an Intimate friend in B. G. Hite, an oil promoter of Salt Lake City, to whom he Intrusted some' of his money. Some of Braley's letters ask that replies to him be ad dressed In care of Hite at the Salt'Lake address. " '"''','' There ts also a note for S1000. undated. bearing Hite's signature, made payable were sold for Braley In 1918 "at a" pries of $9S4. A check for $300 drawn by Braley on the Bankers Trust company, -ens of the largest financial institutions in the United States, 'does net bear the name of a payee. There were- other undesig nated checks on New York bank total ing ia all 11800. Braley was the owner of 345 shares of capital stock in the iBoston-New Mex ican Mining compaay, according to cer tificate No. 350, dated April 24, 1911, found. ' This certificate was signifi cantly marked in lead pencil "no value" and initialed Jr. N. B. ' Numerous - articles ' of " correspondence Indicate that Attorney William Lamkay of New York, early in 1919, was suing One Alex . Heller to collect ' a judgment of $00 for Braley, - 50TE8 FOB 1AKGE. 80KS More than a dosen notes given by liiDUSTRWilOB WESTWARD, RILEY. FINDS ON TOURS yIn t3iev-Wtt-to- reach ; hand to a hip pocket is a threat;. in the East it may be a promise. . Thus i Frank' Branch Riley, triumph antly returned from his ' latest EasteraJ lecture; tour on behalf of the Pacific Northwest, entertained, the Progressive Braley. all for large sums and stamped Business Men's club, one of the large '.contributors to the expense of his; trip. at the - Benson hotel Thursday after, noon. ? !- as paid, were found. The ' certificates show he was inter ested,- in s the Tucson Arizona Copper t shares, the Kly Consolidated Copper company, South Utah Mines & Smelt ers, ' the Flathead Petroleum company and other ventures. , ' 'i " . He was the Inventor of; a devioecailed an ' oil saver, . for ' which no ' market ley's ' tour ' committee. Rev. ' John" H. Boyd And Winthrop Hammond alii tes tified ita the power of , "Portland"! scenic ambassador" -4n attracting tour htt travel to this part of the- country. But Riley added: -"-'. ' K "Industry also Is marching westward. could be found, according to a letter Tne . men of Eastern Industry Sit from Hits. He owned wae thirty -f ourth i .rounrt shlnv tables these davi. and Of the private water works system of decide I where In the - West they l will - Parkee!Lcomtos .on' V had JLlo the Barre bank so often referred to. vujr - .w usswvex- 5 mo jars, oareiuiiy A small blue print was found showing a plat of.land owned by Braley in Barre. Numerous blank powers of attorney on California forms bearing the signature were ! discovered, together with some quitclaim deeds on Texas pll property. OPERATIONS OF 1918 Dated October 26. 1918, is a receipt for the purchase of 1500 shares of stock in the Crows Nest Oil company of Spokane. Another statement from the A. B. Leach 4k Co., bond house. 62 Cedar street. New York,; shows that 81000 of bonds Rent Your Rooms PHONE MAIN 7173 A "Want" ad in The x Journal r.will bring you a tenant. Barre. V Ha was an organizer and vice presi dent and' director of the national bank locate thelr branch plants. It is some thing for us tobe keenly Interested inr He likewise urged more extensive tried at Sixth and Burk" sIr'teU pro vtj successful.; f- ' it " i -, The j city englnecrlng'-department has had slabs ! tlx ty eight.' Irichfa by two . feet made with Inch-thick glass, and these will be Installed. In a few diys. The slabs will be laid about two feet apart. Tkeir conspicuous coloring will not be effaced, like the painted stripes, py kiddlng automobiles 4 and,- street flushera . "The painted, stripes cost the city- about 4 tents a" "foot 'every few months. The blocks cost 60 cents a foot, installed. The - traffic lines to ' date have caused an accumulated cowt of 90 cents a foot, coverinx' . three years. If. the experiment Is successful, the council will be asked to provide In the 1921 budget for equipment at all inter- f sections. , . t ' ,. - - Jury Fails to Agree At Fishermen's Trial Judymen were unable to airree unon a verdict In the ' case of Jenae Mum bower. Walter Burkhart and V. L.1 O'Conner, charged with illegal, fiehinar upon the Clackamas river, at a trial held at Oregon City Thursday. . The three fishermen were arrested last week . by A. E. Burghduff, state game wardrn.t and F. N. Brown, chief deputy. The caee went over' for a later hearing. he asked, "if when -the people come they find no accommodations ?". ,,..;-y i rr -j Intersections to Be Mark6(J by Glazed Slabs of Concrete U C;-1. '-,;.';' .'.,." : ;;" ' '!-". Permanent- white glased concrete slabs are to be used for marking traf fic safety tones at downtown street intersections, If an experiment to be iiiniiiilii t in Barre until November 30. . 1918. and building of - tourist hotels. 'What - is one of the letters Is a - warm commen- J the ; use Of extending the inviUtion.' dation from C. W. Melcher. president of the bank. - Insurance, papers show he - was ' born December 31, 1870, that he was 5 . feet 10 , Inches tall and weighed 160 pounds. .- i Kvery paper shows the wide -range of his business activities. Numerous '. theories are advanced ; as to his possible fate. Gearhart believes he may have become - discouraged over the unsuccessful 1 business ventures, sealed his property and committed sui cide, or that he may have gone insane. lf-Ot'Ii PLAT StSPECTEP ' ' The presence of the suspected forged signatures may - Indicate that he was compelled to -turn over his papers to men - with designs againet bis wealth and he was . afterward slain. ' The. coroner was' communicated with today, but has no record of the finding of - the body that' would clear up the mystery. The police have had no ; re ports In the last 15 -months of occur rences In which Braley may have fig ured." ... c -- v - He: was of unquestioned .business veracity, according to a message received by The Journal today from the Barre Times. ' a newspaper In Braley's home city. It said: "Fred N.- Braley left Barre December, 1918, with intention to locate In the Far West. All trace of him has been lost since letter of January 21, 1919, written from Chancellor liotel. San Francisco, stating his-intention to .take a boat: for Portland. Repeated attempts to locate him since . then have failed. His record in Barre was clear. He reslgned aa vice president 'of the bank because of plan to locate in the West. He was prom inently connected here, ' but leaves: no relatives nearer than cousins." Gearhart, complying with Oregon law, today is notifying ' the county clerk of the discovery and posting public notices. After a year has expired, If noone claims the property, half will go to the county treasurer and the balance will be divided between the finders. ' Fourth of Jufy At Clatsop Beach The week-end far, 84. B0 for the round trip, plus 8 per cent war tax. will - b In effect for sale of tickets Saturdav and Sunday, limited for return to and, including Monday, to Clatsop beach points Seaside, Gearhart, etc. and to North Beach points via Astoria. Tick-: eta on sale by the Spokane, Portland; i - Seattle railway at" the consolidated ticket office and North Bank station,. Daily trains leave North Bank station,' Tenth and Hoyt streets, 7 ;05 and 8:30. a. m. and :20 p. nw and Haturday1 only 3 p. m. Returning Monday eve ning, trains will leave Seaside 8:45,. 6:05 and 6 .40. and Gearhart, seven min utes later. Adv. iMM!tH,H,,","""",""M,l'""""' ! Hi; i I . ;. . : llllltllUiMllllitiiiiiuiinmiiir. ; THE JULY VICTOR RECORDS ARE HERE Special Trains .to ' Be Sun for Fourtb, ;"0f iTuly Excursions Special electric trains will be oper ated by the Southern Pacific Monday to care for extra crowds of excursion ists. A special electric train will be op erated from Portland to Newberg Mon day evening leaving at 11:25 o'clock Train No. 133 will be extended to Hillsboro leaving 6:05 p. m. and will re turn as tt- special leaving Hillsboro at 8.80 p. ml Train No. : 149 will be held at Hillsboro until 7 p. m. to take care' of the-, visitors returning to- homes on the Tillamook line. Hit's Easier f of Youn ' - '. ." ' ' .' j . . . .... ... -- ; - to choose records at . Bush 8c Lane's. You are more likely to find . what you are looking for We carry both . Victor .and Columbia. ' ; ; Records. " ' Try, BUSH & LANE'S the net time It's convenient t : - v Bl THE JULY COLUMBIA , M ' RECORDS ARE HERE 1 Bish & Lane Piana Co. m Bush & Lane Bldg., Broadway at Alder : 3 llIillOIIIIlIID Be Cool and; Comfortable for the Fourtli V-: vi-SA "S:-:':::: vV-:''v?"f',: ::"';;; :- . :' :'-: Tw-X-'.' ' - - ' - '-'' ' - I - In One of Our . . ' ' HE1MER AIE?p;0-W.EA And Palm Beach Suits For Men and -Young Men - ! . -' ; : r ' ' " Included in Our j Great 20 Per Cent Cut on Everything Sold in Our Store Gool, two-piece suits for warm summer days. . In smart good taste for business," outing or vacation wear. -:' . , ' h ' s . .--. - ". . Single or doiible-breasted. In plain tans, greens, blue mix- ; ; tures overplaids and "iridescehts. 1 20 Suits now $16 $30 Suitnow $24. $25 Suits now $20 $35 Suits now $28 I - $40 Suits, Now $32 20 Cut on All Our Other Suit 7iJS7 7AJA Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrison at Fourth t - S. & H. Green Stamp . Given